
"Yes, White Men Built America. It's A Fact"
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, July 14, 2019 - All Rights Reserved
For obvious reasons, we purposely preface this article with the following statement: "In our articles, we don't pull any punches and never will. We write what many others are afraid to write. We say what others don't have the courage to say, in a climate of fear that has made "politically correct" a retreat for cowards. In the end, it is up to the reader to determine for him or herself whether we have the best interests of a free America and the individual rights of all Americans, at heart. Each reader of what we write has the option to accept or reject our arguments, premises, or opinions. It is their right to make that judgment but it is not up to us to care one way or another, which way they decide. Because, in a free society, it is the fearless expression of ideas, whether benign or controversial, that stirs the pot of free thought and gives it life, as well as advancing the principles of liberty. If the reader is offended by what we write, it is their issue to resolve, not ours."
The Renaissance was a period of enlightenment in Europe's rise out of the stagnant dark ages. It occurred from the 14th through the 17th Centuries and was punctuated by (mostly white) European men of vision, insight and intellect in the fields of classical philosophy, science, literature and art. Great statesmen, thinkers, scientists and artists built upon the accomplishments of those that went before, with thoughts, ideas, discoveries, inventions and new techniques, each one building upon the last. Isaac Newton's genius, or so he said, was enhanced by his being able to stand on the shoulders of the giants that preceded him.
Out of the Renaissance came the subject of humanism that prescribed certain natural rights to every individual. John Locke, English philosopher and physician, (1632 - 1704) was regarded as one of the most revered Enlightenment thinkers of the time on the subject of natural human rights and freedom. The all-White Founding Fathers were influenced and guided by many of Locke's writings that gave birth to the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution.
During the Renaissance, global exploration exploded across the lands and the seas separating the seven continents. In the 15th Century mostly White men like Columbus, Magellan, De Gama, Drake, Raleigh, Cortes and Cabot sailed to the new worlds around the globe and opened up trading routes throughout the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. In the process they discovered new, untapped wilderness, with protected seaports, rich in timber, minerals, water and fertile fields to grow crops and raise livestock.
The pathways these fearless sailors explored opened the door to mass migration from Europe to America, some fleeing religious persecution and stodgy, rigid kings, others pursuing the promise of true freedom and free land for the taking. These White men and women of the new America, that designed and delivered to the masses human freedom out of human bondage, were born from the fertile loins of the White European Renaissance.
The pillars of this new freedom came from the basic human concepts and truisms contained in the great Catholic, Protestant and Jewish religions. Contrary to the consummate apologist, former President Barack Obama, at no time were the tenets of Islam ever considered in the formation of the American free society.
For 10,000 years American Indian tribes roamed North America and did not bring one ounce of civilization to the land between the two great oceans. They lived off the land in a nomadic lifestyle, warring with neighboring tribes. The Blacks, Asians and Latinos did not bring civilization to America. The fact is, European White men and women brought civilization to America and divided the nation into 50 somewhat autonomous free states having a Republican form of government, a process to govern humans based on the inviolate principles of God-given freedom and unalienable rights.
But European civilization was well over a thousand years old before the beginning of migration to America. However, Native Indians and Black Americans were products of a tribal culture on the African and North American continents. The introduction to European civilization and American freedom were troubling to them and difficult to comprehend, in contrast to their previous aborigine lifestyle. They have been slow to adapt.
Nevertheless, this new freedom was the creation of mostly (if not entirely) White men of European descent. There were no Blacks, Latinos, Asians, or American Indians sitting in on the Constitutional Convention (1787 - 1789). All of the 74 delegates to the Convention were chosen by the thirteen state legislatures, state legislatures also wholly occupied by White men. Most, if not all, of the men fighting the Revolutionary War under General Washington that won your freedom by force and at great sacrifice, were white.
By the mid 1800's a good portion of the Atlantic seaboard had been settled by White Europeans. To escape the overcrowding of the big cities, the people looked west into the untamed lands of the Great Plains, the magnificent Rocky Mountains, the Southwestern deserts and on to the shores of the Pacific Ocean.
White men designed, funded and built the railroads and telegraph lines (telegraph - invented by Samuel Morse, a White man) that provided freedom of movement and communication corridors to open up the new land. Much of the labor to build the railroads came from White settlers. Yes, some blacks and Asians were part of the railroad workforce.
The cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney, and revolutionized the harvesting of cotton. Whitney was a White man.
The steel to build the railroads was smelted in the crucibles created, designed and funded by White men (Carnegie). White men gave us electricity (Tesla) to power our machines and the light bulb (Edison) to light our homes.
A White man (Col Edwin Drake) drilled the first successful oil well in Pennsylvania. John D. Rockefeller, a White man, exploded the refining of crude oil into gasoline for our cars and hundreds of other products that have given Americans a standard of living unequaled in even the civilized world.
None of this was possible without money. J. P. Morgan, a White man, not only developed the banking industry but was a power player in the railroad industry and ultimately the distribution of electricity to homes, businesses and factories. (General Electric - founded in 1889)
All of our Presidents, up until Obama, were White men. It was a testament to the individual freedom designed and created by White men that allowed Obama to be elected president. It was a majority of White men and women that voted Obama into office. Without the white vote, Obama would have lost miserably.
To sum it up, we are tired of hearing about White privilege. We're tired of being called racists just because we are White. We're tired of hearing about certain ethnic groups being victims of White dominance. We are incensed about government mandating affirmative action and considering reparations for black Americans. The civil war was over 150 years ago. The playfield is now even and ethnic races should quit making excuses about their inability to compete with other races, such that government has to step in and "make them equal" by force of law, or taxpayer extortion.
When will Blacks stop blaming contemporary White Americans for the sins of White ancestors? When will Blacks stop trying to erase American history because White European descendants dominated that history? When will Blacks quit whining about how bad they have it and adopt the characteristics and attributes that allowed White men and women to build the most powerful, productive and generous nation on earth.
Blacks and their acolytes are forcing the removal of historical statues and art with the goal of erasing all of American White history. Who gave them that right? The current year is 2019 not 1865.
The civil war is over. But that doesn't seem to make any difference. Anything of White America that offends a Black person in any manner, including a mural of George Washington in a San Francisco high school, must be blotted out and erased from memory, aided and abetted by a pandering liberal government.
No, White men and women aren't perfect. The freedom created by the Founding Fathers was not perfect, since perfect can never be defined. Yes, many of the things that White men did in the building of America were blatantly wrong. Slavery was and is wrong. Reconstruction was wrong. The Supreme Court decision of "equal but separate" was wrong. But justice over time has righted these wrongs.
The abusive treatment and the breaking of treaties with Native Americans were wrong. The "Trail of Tears" was wrong. The incarceration of Japanese Americans in internment camps during World War II was wrong. So too is allowing an illegal invasion of America by millions of non-English speaking foreign nationals. Providing welfare and health care to illegal aliens, paid for by legal Americans, is wrong as well.
But then the Black race, or any race for that matter, is far from perfect. The Black inner cities are a picture in fatherless violence, chaos, anarchy and government dependence. The Black Lives Matter group is a group that preaches anarchy, but even worse, is funded with millions of dollars from wealthy liberals. Why can't the Black race get their act together and come out of the ancient shadows of government-manufactured victim-hood? When will they finally learn that they can compete, even in a White world? Many well-known Black people rose above White discrimination and became successful in their own right. Must we name names?
Discrimination is a fact of life on every continent, except maybe Antarctica. You want to see discrimination in action, visit Japan, Korea, Vietnam, or China. Looking out across the crowd you will be hard pressed to find a blond, blue-eyed Caucasian, much less an African-American. The heads are all adorned with black hair and they take great exception to the mixing of the races.
Keep in mind that you hardly ever hear a peep out of Asian Americans and yet they were also horribly mistreated and exploited during the building of the railroads and were eventually banned from entering America by the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. Even today Asians suffer significant discrimination but they remain quiet. In contrast to a large majority of the Black race, Asian families are strong and disciplined. Education is paramount. They listen, learn, compete and produce, mostly in silence.
All races in America, in a multi-cultural society, owe their very freedom to the insights, intellect and courage of the first White men and women that braved the high seas to settle in a new and wild land. By main strength and awkwardness, they carved out an existence in a hostile environment and tamed the wilderness. This does not mean that Whites are superior to any other race. They have just accomplished more because there were more of them.
Some ordinary White men, with vision and the wisdom of age and experience in a time of turmoil and confusion, gathered together on the distant shores of a new land and laid down a "blue print" for free men and women with common purpose and resolve to live out their lives and govern their individual and collective affairs by adhering to that "blue print." The guidance of that "blue print", through 240 years of significant change, allowed a free society to pioneer, grow and prosper into the strongest nation in all of recorded human history.
But now that "blue print" is in serious danger of dissolving. Evil men and women, in their relentless pursuit of power, many of them white, have set about to divide our multi-cultural population over race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and the wealth gap. Instead of being Americans united in a common purpose, we fight with each other while the government exploits our differences for their own ends.
Hopefully, in the very near future, for the sake of freedom, we will learn that the domestic enemies of our freedom are those that allegedly "represent" (or is it rule) us. Our once free Constitutional Republic has now morphed into a mob-rule Democracy and "we the people" let it happen. It could be a bloody fight of significant magnitude to reclaim freedom again. Nevertheless, there is still time to "Save the USA", but are there any Americans up to the task?
What we have presented here are indisputable facts, not opinion. Nor are they to be construed as politically motivated. The content is based on objective observations and historical perspectives of past and current events. How many of you have wanted to share these same thoughts, but we're afraid to utter them for fear of reprisal? We've said them for you.
Relevant article: "We Grow Tired and Angry With The Constant White Bashing"
Read more powerful articles like this one HERE.
The Renaissance was a period of enlightenment in Europe's rise out of the stagnant dark ages. It occurred from the 14th through the 17th Centuries and was punctuated by (mostly white) European men of vision, insight and intellect in the fields of classical philosophy, science, literature and art. Great statesmen, thinkers, scientists and artists built upon the accomplishments of those that went before, with thoughts, ideas, discoveries, inventions and new techniques, each one building upon the last. Isaac Newton's genius, or so he said, was enhanced by his being able to stand on the shoulders of the giants that preceded him.
Out of the Renaissance came the subject of humanism that prescribed certain natural rights to every individual. John Locke, English philosopher and physician, (1632 - 1704) was regarded as one of the most revered Enlightenment thinkers of the time on the subject of natural human rights and freedom. The all-White Founding Fathers were influenced and guided by many of Locke's writings that gave birth to the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution.
During the Renaissance, global exploration exploded across the lands and the seas separating the seven continents. In the 15th Century mostly White men like Columbus, Magellan, De Gama, Drake, Raleigh, Cortes and Cabot sailed to the new worlds around the globe and opened up trading routes throughout the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. In the process they discovered new, untapped wilderness, with protected seaports, rich in timber, minerals, water and fertile fields to grow crops and raise livestock.
The pathways these fearless sailors explored opened the door to mass migration from Europe to America, some fleeing religious persecution and stodgy, rigid kings, others pursuing the promise of true freedom and free land for the taking. These White men and women of the new America, that designed and delivered to the masses human freedom out of human bondage, were born from the fertile loins of the White European Renaissance.
The pillars of this new freedom came from the basic human concepts and truisms contained in the great Catholic, Protestant and Jewish religions. Contrary to the consummate apologist, former President Barack Obama, at no time were the tenets of Islam ever considered in the formation of the American free society.
For 10,000 years American Indian tribes roamed North America and did not bring one ounce of civilization to the land between the two great oceans. They lived off the land in a nomadic lifestyle, warring with neighboring tribes. The Blacks, Asians and Latinos did not bring civilization to America. The fact is, European White men and women brought civilization to America and divided the nation into 50 somewhat autonomous free states having a Republican form of government, a process to govern humans based on the inviolate principles of God-given freedom and unalienable rights.
But European civilization was well over a thousand years old before the beginning of migration to America. However, Native Indians and Black Americans were products of a tribal culture on the African and North American continents. The introduction to European civilization and American freedom were troubling to them and difficult to comprehend, in contrast to their previous aborigine lifestyle. They have been slow to adapt.
Nevertheless, this new freedom was the creation of mostly (if not entirely) White men of European descent. There were no Blacks, Latinos, Asians, or American Indians sitting in on the Constitutional Convention (1787 - 1789). All of the 74 delegates to the Convention were chosen by the thirteen state legislatures, state legislatures also wholly occupied by White men. Most, if not all, of the men fighting the Revolutionary War under General Washington that won your freedom by force and at great sacrifice, were white.
By the mid 1800's a good portion of the Atlantic seaboard had been settled by White Europeans. To escape the overcrowding of the big cities, the people looked west into the untamed lands of the Great Plains, the magnificent Rocky Mountains, the Southwestern deserts and on to the shores of the Pacific Ocean.
White men designed, funded and built the railroads and telegraph lines (telegraph - invented by Samuel Morse, a White man) that provided freedom of movement and communication corridors to open up the new land. Much of the labor to build the railroads came from White settlers. Yes, some blacks and Asians were part of the railroad workforce.
The cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney, and revolutionized the harvesting of cotton. Whitney was a White man.
The steel to build the railroads was smelted in the crucibles created, designed and funded by White men (Carnegie). White men gave us electricity (Tesla) to power our machines and the light bulb (Edison) to light our homes.
A White man (Col Edwin Drake) drilled the first successful oil well in Pennsylvania. John D. Rockefeller, a White man, exploded the refining of crude oil into gasoline for our cars and hundreds of other products that have given Americans a standard of living unequaled in even the civilized world.
None of this was possible without money. J. P. Morgan, a White man, not only developed the banking industry but was a power player in the railroad industry and ultimately the distribution of electricity to homes, businesses and factories. (General Electric - founded in 1889)
All of our Presidents, up until Obama, were White men. It was a testament to the individual freedom designed and created by White men that allowed Obama to be elected president. It was a majority of White men and women that voted Obama into office. Without the white vote, Obama would have lost miserably.
To sum it up, we are tired of hearing about White privilege. We're tired of being called racists just because we are White. We're tired of hearing about certain ethnic groups being victims of White dominance. We are incensed about government mandating affirmative action and considering reparations for black Americans. The civil war was over 150 years ago. The playfield is now even and ethnic races should quit making excuses about their inability to compete with other races, such that government has to step in and "make them equal" by force of law, or taxpayer extortion.
When will Blacks stop blaming contemporary White Americans for the sins of White ancestors? When will Blacks stop trying to erase American history because White European descendants dominated that history? When will Blacks quit whining about how bad they have it and adopt the characteristics and attributes that allowed White men and women to build the most powerful, productive and generous nation on earth.
Blacks and their acolytes are forcing the removal of historical statues and art with the goal of erasing all of American White history. Who gave them that right? The current year is 2019 not 1865.
The civil war is over. But that doesn't seem to make any difference. Anything of White America that offends a Black person in any manner, including a mural of George Washington in a San Francisco high school, must be blotted out and erased from memory, aided and abetted by a pandering liberal government.
No, White men and women aren't perfect. The freedom created by the Founding Fathers was not perfect, since perfect can never be defined. Yes, many of the things that White men did in the building of America were blatantly wrong. Slavery was and is wrong. Reconstruction was wrong. The Supreme Court decision of "equal but separate" was wrong. But justice over time has righted these wrongs.
The abusive treatment and the breaking of treaties with Native Americans were wrong. The "Trail of Tears" was wrong. The incarceration of Japanese Americans in internment camps during World War II was wrong. So too is allowing an illegal invasion of America by millions of non-English speaking foreign nationals. Providing welfare and health care to illegal aliens, paid for by legal Americans, is wrong as well.
But then the Black race, or any race for that matter, is far from perfect. The Black inner cities are a picture in fatherless violence, chaos, anarchy and government dependence. The Black Lives Matter group is a group that preaches anarchy, but even worse, is funded with millions of dollars from wealthy liberals. Why can't the Black race get their act together and come out of the ancient shadows of government-manufactured victim-hood? When will they finally learn that they can compete, even in a White world? Many well-known Black people rose above White discrimination and became successful in their own right. Must we name names?
Discrimination is a fact of life on every continent, except maybe Antarctica. You want to see discrimination in action, visit Japan, Korea, Vietnam, or China. Looking out across the crowd you will be hard pressed to find a blond, blue-eyed Caucasian, much less an African-American. The heads are all adorned with black hair and they take great exception to the mixing of the races.
Keep in mind that you hardly ever hear a peep out of Asian Americans and yet they were also horribly mistreated and exploited during the building of the railroads and were eventually banned from entering America by the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. Even today Asians suffer significant discrimination but they remain quiet. In contrast to a large majority of the Black race, Asian families are strong and disciplined. Education is paramount. They listen, learn, compete and produce, mostly in silence.
All races in America, in a multi-cultural society, owe their very freedom to the insights, intellect and courage of the first White men and women that braved the high seas to settle in a new and wild land. By main strength and awkwardness, they carved out an existence in a hostile environment and tamed the wilderness. This does not mean that Whites are superior to any other race. They have just accomplished more because there were more of them.
Some ordinary White men, with vision and the wisdom of age and experience in a time of turmoil and confusion, gathered together on the distant shores of a new land and laid down a "blue print" for free men and women with common purpose and resolve to live out their lives and govern their individual and collective affairs by adhering to that "blue print." The guidance of that "blue print", through 240 years of significant change, allowed a free society to pioneer, grow and prosper into the strongest nation in all of recorded human history.
But now that "blue print" is in serious danger of dissolving. Evil men and women, in their relentless pursuit of power, many of them white, have set about to divide our multi-cultural population over race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and the wealth gap. Instead of being Americans united in a common purpose, we fight with each other while the government exploits our differences for their own ends.
Hopefully, in the very near future, for the sake of freedom, we will learn that the domestic enemies of our freedom are those that allegedly "represent" (or is it rule) us. Our once free Constitutional Republic has now morphed into a mob-rule Democracy and "we the people" let it happen. It could be a bloody fight of significant magnitude to reclaim freedom again. Nevertheless, there is still time to "Save the USA", but are there any Americans up to the task?
What we have presented here are indisputable facts, not opinion. Nor are they to be construed as politically motivated. The content is based on objective observations and historical perspectives of past and current events. How many of you have wanted to share these same thoughts, but we're afraid to utter them for fear of reprisal? We've said them for you.
Relevant article: "We Grow Tired and Angry With The Constant White Bashing"
Read more powerful articles like this one HERE.
"Oh What Fools We Mortals Be When We Practice Stupidity"
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, July 7, 2019 - All Rights Reserved
"There is no nonsense so gross that society will not, at some time, make a doctrine of it and defend it with every weapon of communal stupidity." Robertson Davies - Canadian novelist - journalist (1913 - 1995)
There is no way to explain the insanity that is taking place in America today. There must be some poison in the water or the air that makes people, especially politicians, act in a fashion so bazaar as to defy credulity.
On what planet were green new deals, Medicare for all, free college, $1,000 for every man, woman and child, abortion after birth, free health care for illegal aliens, 70% tax rates and wealth taxes hatched?
How do open borders, which every Democrat seems to approve, help American culture, security, economy, language, or assimilation? Anyone with the slightest intellect knows that the deplorable conditions at the southern border were and are caused by Democrats that have refused to protect and defend American sovereignty. The fact is, every Democrat politician and every voter that voted Democrat have blood on their hands for the massive invasion of America by illegal alien peasants that have brought us nothing but pain, suffering and rising debt.
Even worse than that, how is it that tens of millions of Americans subscribe to these policies and vote for the promoters?
Why is it that those in the media have not forced answers from the presidential candidates promoting these irresponsible policies, on how much all this social lunacy is going to cost?
How do these insane policies square with the Founding Fathers' blue print for liberty, the Constitution, individual freedom and unalienable rights?
What would the implementation of these demented policies do to our sovereignty, security, economy and standard of living, not to mention our freedom and liberty?
If the answers to the above questions are not abundantly obvious, then the reader is a card-carrying member of the insane. (Democrats)
But the most astounding question of all is why those millions of Americans, that know or should know better, haven't raised up in unison and quashed, by whatever means, the socialist craziness being uttered by irrational Democrats that have been infected by a mind-numbing social bacterium, or mental disorder, that has no cure? The disease has so far infected the majority of the people who call themselves Americans but are Americans in name only.
The reason behind this massive infection is simple, three to four generations of Progressive socialist brainwashing in all of our public schools, colleges and other government institutions. There is no "education" anymore, just social, environmental and one-world indoctrination, with the three "R's" thrown in as an after thought. Garbage in - Garbage out! Parents are no help. They aren't countering the indoctrination. They are just as brainwashed as the previous generation.
In contrast to the apathy and disinterest of those who should know better and won't lift a finger to save their own damn freedom, we offer the following message to every existing, new, or future politician, Democrats, Republicans and Independents alike:
"We finally get it! For a growing number of us, it is now crystal clear what you are trying to do and have been doing for far too long. You think we are ignorant, stupid, naive and apathetic. Some of us are. But many more have their 'eyes' open. It took eighty to one hundreds years of us looking the other way, while you pretty much did whatever you wanted to do. But those days are over. The pendulum swings slowly, but it swings nevertheless and it now swings towards freedom."
"We are watching and we are learning and we are telling others to watch and learn as well. Your free hand to strip us of our individual rights, our property and our pride and tear down our institutions of freedom and liberty that made America one of the greatest, most prosperous and most generous nations on Earth, is finally over. Oh you may have a few more years yet to chip away at our freedom and our sovereignty, but nothing lasts forever and we are waking up to the dawn of what you have created and what we let happen. We are finally able to see through the clouds you have used to shroud the light of our Sun, as well as our liberty. The proud people of other new-world countries, like Canada, Australia and New Zealand, are waking up to what their governments are and have been doing as well. Their voices are now being heard and added to ours."
"Sure, you have been successful in buying off a large segment of the American population and they won't bite the hand that feeds them, but there are those among us, who have pierced the veil of your deceit and are now on a path to return you to the limited powers strictly authorized by our Constitution. Because of our in-attention, you have become corrupt and filled with your own power. Your egos have been blown out of proportion by years upon years of no resistance to your chicanery."
"Because you see Oh arrogant politician, there are those among us who remember what it was like before our government began to become seriously intrusive into our private lives, our property, our income and ultimately our freedom."
"There are those among us who have an indelible memory of the principles upon which this great land was founded and have been witness to the irresponsible and unconscionable erosion of those principles."
"There are those among us that realize our freedom is directly related to the level of our involvement in the process that maintains those freedoms, but have lost our voice in screaming our concerns to the multitudes and the politicians, that have rejected our message."
"There are those among us that are acutely aware of the inescapable fact that the “Price of Freedom and Liberty is truly Eternal Vigilance”. We give homage and sincere honor to those brave souls that have been wounded or died to maintain that freedom."
"There are those among us that know we have allowed our government to buy our vote in return for compensation that had no relation to our labors or our investments. For nothing comes without a price and the price has been the loss of pride, dignity, honor, self respect and most important, our individual freedom. We have been seduced, undressed, lined up and given our marching orders without a shot being fired."
"There are those among us who still remember the sweet smell of individual accomplishment and achievement and the rewards we received for our hard work".
"There are those among us who still set high moral and ethical standards for ourselves and those around us."
"There are those among us that have watched in silence for way too many years as you increased your power by creating law, after law and then created bloated bureaucracies to pass even more law, without your oversight, as is your constitutional duty as legislators. You have wrapped the people of America in a tangled web of laws that overlap, contradict and conflict with each other, allowing the vultures of our society, lawyers and the courts, to straighten out the mess you created. But the lawyers and courts don't straighten out the mess, they make it even more complicated, all the while filling their own bank accounts at the expense of the naive and ignorant."
"There are those among us that have watched as U. S., and state Supreme Courts and lower level courts, twist and turn our constitution and the law and legislation you pass, into travesties of injustice and betrayal. We have watched as courts uphold laws in order to bolster the power of the legislative and executive branches of government, all the while thumbing their collective noses at the CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED and the Supreme Law of the Land."
"But we are done watching. We have awakened from our long sleep and we are awakening others. The days of you raising your right hand and swearing on oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and then do just the opposite, are coming to an end. There is a price for lying, deceit, propaganda and corruption and that price will catch up to you. For the natural law states that eventually, no bad deed goes un-punished."
"The job of the politician is to uphold the Constitution and preserve individual liberty, upon which they swear upon solemn oath to do. The job of the politician is to protect the American people from all enemies, foreign or domestic, even if the domestic enemy is advocating laws that violate our constitutions, as do most social and environmental laws. The job of the politician is to vigorously defend the individual freedoms, as granted to the American people by their creator and codified into law in our constitution. You have failed miserably in that job."
"The job of the politician is not to micro-manage every individual's life to some set of unreasonable standards that were created by some commission staffed with over-educated idiots, or a bureaucrat, or politician that have the arrogance to think they know better how to manage our individual lives than we do. In short, Mr. and Mrs. politician and bureaucrat, you don't own our land, you don't pay our taxes or our mortgages, you don't own our lives and you do not know what is best for us. Mr. or Mrs. politician, live up to your sworn oath and constitutional duties, stay within your constitutional limits, protect us from all enemies foreign and domestic and get out of our individual lives. We don't need you and we don't want you. We can take care of our selves and each other. That is what true freedom is all about and that is exactly what we intend to defend. We, "THE CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED" will re-assert our power over the government and stop you cold from morphing this once proud and great land into the mind-numbing mediocrity of European-style socialism."
The Democrats have purposely, for the sake of power alone, created a "nonsense so gross that ignorant, brainwashed Americans have made a doctrine out of it and are defending that nonsense with every weapon of communal stupidity."
The condition is reversible, but only if millions of sane, intelligent and knowledgeable Americans will stand up and defend, at whatever cost, the principles that set them free. If Americans are afraid to exert a little effort, get their hands dirty, or spend some of their own money in the defense of freedom, then they are aiding and abetting those that would steal their freedom, just as much as if they opened their doors to robbers and thieves and let them plunder the owner's privacy, their possessions and their lives. Now that is stupid!
We are standing up and defending freedom. We are getting our hands dirty and we are spending lots of our time and our own money on a massive effort to "Save the USA." What are you doing?
Conservatives or independents, when are you going to finally "Declare Your Independence" from a tyrannical, abusive government and the socialist Democrat mob?
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
There is no way to explain the insanity that is taking place in America today. There must be some poison in the water or the air that makes people, especially politicians, act in a fashion so bazaar as to defy credulity.
On what planet were green new deals, Medicare for all, free college, $1,000 for every man, woman and child, abortion after birth, free health care for illegal aliens, 70% tax rates and wealth taxes hatched?
How do open borders, which every Democrat seems to approve, help American culture, security, economy, language, or assimilation? Anyone with the slightest intellect knows that the deplorable conditions at the southern border were and are caused by Democrats that have refused to protect and defend American sovereignty. The fact is, every Democrat politician and every voter that voted Democrat have blood on their hands for the massive invasion of America by illegal alien peasants that have brought us nothing but pain, suffering and rising debt.
Even worse than that, how is it that tens of millions of Americans subscribe to these policies and vote for the promoters?
Why is it that those in the media have not forced answers from the presidential candidates promoting these irresponsible policies, on how much all this social lunacy is going to cost?
How do these insane policies square with the Founding Fathers' blue print for liberty, the Constitution, individual freedom and unalienable rights?
What would the implementation of these demented policies do to our sovereignty, security, economy and standard of living, not to mention our freedom and liberty?
If the answers to the above questions are not abundantly obvious, then the reader is a card-carrying member of the insane. (Democrats)
But the most astounding question of all is why those millions of Americans, that know or should know better, haven't raised up in unison and quashed, by whatever means, the socialist craziness being uttered by irrational Democrats that have been infected by a mind-numbing social bacterium, or mental disorder, that has no cure? The disease has so far infected the majority of the people who call themselves Americans but are Americans in name only.
The reason behind this massive infection is simple, three to four generations of Progressive socialist brainwashing in all of our public schools, colleges and other government institutions. There is no "education" anymore, just social, environmental and one-world indoctrination, with the three "R's" thrown in as an after thought. Garbage in - Garbage out! Parents are no help. They aren't countering the indoctrination. They are just as brainwashed as the previous generation.
In contrast to the apathy and disinterest of those who should know better and won't lift a finger to save their own damn freedom, we offer the following message to every existing, new, or future politician, Democrats, Republicans and Independents alike:
"We finally get it! For a growing number of us, it is now crystal clear what you are trying to do and have been doing for far too long. You think we are ignorant, stupid, naive and apathetic. Some of us are. But many more have their 'eyes' open. It took eighty to one hundreds years of us looking the other way, while you pretty much did whatever you wanted to do. But those days are over. The pendulum swings slowly, but it swings nevertheless and it now swings towards freedom."
"We are watching and we are learning and we are telling others to watch and learn as well. Your free hand to strip us of our individual rights, our property and our pride and tear down our institutions of freedom and liberty that made America one of the greatest, most prosperous and most generous nations on Earth, is finally over. Oh you may have a few more years yet to chip away at our freedom and our sovereignty, but nothing lasts forever and we are waking up to the dawn of what you have created and what we let happen. We are finally able to see through the clouds you have used to shroud the light of our Sun, as well as our liberty. The proud people of other new-world countries, like Canada, Australia and New Zealand, are waking up to what their governments are and have been doing as well. Their voices are now being heard and added to ours."
"Sure, you have been successful in buying off a large segment of the American population and they won't bite the hand that feeds them, but there are those among us, who have pierced the veil of your deceit and are now on a path to return you to the limited powers strictly authorized by our Constitution. Because of our in-attention, you have become corrupt and filled with your own power. Your egos have been blown out of proportion by years upon years of no resistance to your chicanery."
"Because you see Oh arrogant politician, there are those among us who remember what it was like before our government began to become seriously intrusive into our private lives, our property, our income and ultimately our freedom."
"There are those among us who have an indelible memory of the principles upon which this great land was founded and have been witness to the irresponsible and unconscionable erosion of those principles."
"There are those among us that realize our freedom is directly related to the level of our involvement in the process that maintains those freedoms, but have lost our voice in screaming our concerns to the multitudes and the politicians, that have rejected our message."
"There are those among us that are acutely aware of the inescapable fact that the “Price of Freedom and Liberty is truly Eternal Vigilance”. We give homage and sincere honor to those brave souls that have been wounded or died to maintain that freedom."
"There are those among us that know we have allowed our government to buy our vote in return for compensation that had no relation to our labors or our investments. For nothing comes without a price and the price has been the loss of pride, dignity, honor, self respect and most important, our individual freedom. We have been seduced, undressed, lined up and given our marching orders without a shot being fired."
"There are those among us who still remember the sweet smell of individual accomplishment and achievement and the rewards we received for our hard work".
"There are those among us who still set high moral and ethical standards for ourselves and those around us."
"There are those among us that have watched in silence for way too many years as you increased your power by creating law, after law and then created bloated bureaucracies to pass even more law, without your oversight, as is your constitutional duty as legislators. You have wrapped the people of America in a tangled web of laws that overlap, contradict and conflict with each other, allowing the vultures of our society, lawyers and the courts, to straighten out the mess you created. But the lawyers and courts don't straighten out the mess, they make it even more complicated, all the while filling their own bank accounts at the expense of the naive and ignorant."
"There are those among us that have watched as U. S., and state Supreme Courts and lower level courts, twist and turn our constitution and the law and legislation you pass, into travesties of injustice and betrayal. We have watched as courts uphold laws in order to bolster the power of the legislative and executive branches of government, all the while thumbing their collective noses at the CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED and the Supreme Law of the Land."
"But we are done watching. We have awakened from our long sleep and we are awakening others. The days of you raising your right hand and swearing on oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and then do just the opposite, are coming to an end. There is a price for lying, deceit, propaganda and corruption and that price will catch up to you. For the natural law states that eventually, no bad deed goes un-punished."
"The job of the politician is to uphold the Constitution and preserve individual liberty, upon which they swear upon solemn oath to do. The job of the politician is to protect the American people from all enemies, foreign or domestic, even if the domestic enemy is advocating laws that violate our constitutions, as do most social and environmental laws. The job of the politician is to vigorously defend the individual freedoms, as granted to the American people by their creator and codified into law in our constitution. You have failed miserably in that job."
"The job of the politician is not to micro-manage every individual's life to some set of unreasonable standards that were created by some commission staffed with over-educated idiots, or a bureaucrat, or politician that have the arrogance to think they know better how to manage our individual lives than we do. In short, Mr. and Mrs. politician and bureaucrat, you don't own our land, you don't pay our taxes or our mortgages, you don't own our lives and you do not know what is best for us. Mr. or Mrs. politician, live up to your sworn oath and constitutional duties, stay within your constitutional limits, protect us from all enemies foreign and domestic and get out of our individual lives. We don't need you and we don't want you. We can take care of our selves and each other. That is what true freedom is all about and that is exactly what we intend to defend. We, "THE CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED" will re-assert our power over the government and stop you cold from morphing this once proud and great land into the mind-numbing mediocrity of European-style socialism."
The Democrats have purposely, for the sake of power alone, created a "nonsense so gross that ignorant, brainwashed Americans have made a doctrine out of it and are defending that nonsense with every weapon of communal stupidity."
The condition is reversible, but only if millions of sane, intelligent and knowledgeable Americans will stand up and defend, at whatever cost, the principles that set them free. If Americans are afraid to exert a little effort, get their hands dirty, or spend some of their own money in the defense of freedom, then they are aiding and abetting those that would steal their freedom, just as much as if they opened their doors to robbers and thieves and let them plunder the owner's privacy, their possessions and their lives. Now that is stupid!
We are standing up and defending freedom. We are getting our hands dirty and we are spending lots of our time and our own money on a massive effort to "Save the USA." What are you doing?
Conservatives or independents, when are you going to finally "Declare Your Independence" from a tyrannical, abusive government and the socialist Democrat mob?
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Overwhelmed By A Clear and Present Danger!"
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
- Copyright Sunday, May 26, 2019 - All Rights Reserved
Last week in our article entitled, "Done In By Our Own Irrational Compassion", we covered some of the generalities of illegal immigration. We received a response to the article from a Floridian that tells the story in stark human terms. This gentleman wrote:
"As a native of a large Florida city I have lived thru wave after wave of economic migrants, drug smugglers, malcontents and evacuees. First the Cubans, then Jamaicans, Puerto Ricans, Hondurans, Nicaraguans and loads of Mexicans came. This city is now only about 4% White Americans. The Jews dominate some neighborhoods. I guess they are considered white so when you take them out of the average there are less than 1% whites left. Even the once thriving colored community has mostly moved north. The Cubans cling to political offices and dominate local government jobs. There is incredible corruption."
"I moved to another county 25 years ago. We have been overrun and now are 45% white remaining. The newcomers are not Americans and behave like where they came from. My local Home Depot only broadcasts announcements in Spanish. The Venezuelans have taken over the community just North of me. Like the Cubans, they have no intention of assimilation. They hook up to every government handout they can get and there are agencies that help them. My property taxes have increased disproportionately and I cannot afford retirement in my current home. Our local sales tax was just raised 1% to give them more."
"In Florida we have Democrat/communists in all elected positions. I am planning on moving to North Florida soon. As a kid, this place was a paradise. Now it is hell. If I were to send you a 30-minute local news cycle, you would simply think it was just another third-world country. The carnage, crime and absolute chaos of life living around them."
"When the dollar collapses and the treasury goes dry, the major communist areas will self correct. I think 50% will be dead in the first week. As life becomes impossible for them I hope they will self deport."
To add to this Floridian's nightmare, Senator Marco Rubio just tweeted out: "Unlawful arrivals are overwhelming our system. I have just been informed by the Palm Beach Sheriff that starting next week Border Patrol will begin transporting 1,000 migrants a month from the Southern border to Broward & Palm Beach Counties and releasing them, pending an asylum hearing." (Releasing them to whom?)
1,000 illegal immigrants add up to 12,000 illegal immigrants in a year, in just one small area of Florida. Cities and towns in New Mexico, Texas, Arizona and California, and all around America, are being flooded with illegal aliens by the tens of thousands. The illegal aliens have no money, so who supports them? You do! You pay for their food, their rent, their education, their health care and more. It is estimated that each illegal alien will cost the American taxpayer $82,000 over the alien's lifetime. (Source: Fox News) Do the math! Whether it is 10,000,000 illegals or 30,000,000, the cost is staggering. At $30 million illegals, the cost is $2.46 Trillion.
California is a prime example of illegal immigration going off the rails. The poverty rate is higher than the national average. The taxes to support illegal aliens has gone far beyond taxation without representation. Homelessness is rising at an accelerated rated and their cities are unconscionably filthy. God knows why responsible Californians put up with it.
Many of the illegal aliens are sent to live with illegal alien relatives in America. Just to make sure that these illegal alien relatives can't be deported, the Democrats slipped in a little known paragraph in the last appropriations bill:
SEC. 224. HYPERLINK "https://alipac.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a5af36e36edcab4a5e133d21d&id=488ac4f0bd&e=da2a393e24"(a) reads ...
"None of the funds provided by this Act or any other Act, or provided from any accounts in the Treasury of the United States derived by the collection of fees available to the components funded by this Act, may be used by the Secretary of Homeland Security to place in detention, remove, refer for a decision whether to initiate removal proceedings, or initiate removal proceedings against a sponsor, potential sponsor, or member of a household of a sponsor or potential sponsor of an unaccompanied alien child (as defined in section 462(g) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002"
Once they are here, the illegal-alien new arrivals and the relatives they are living with, are shielded from deportation. We certainly don't want to deport any future voters for the Democrat Party, now do we?
Every time there is a reasonable proposal to "fix" the illegal immigration crisis, the Democrats throw in a ringer, complicating the problem even more and making it impossible to fix.
With over a million illegal aliens crashing our borders every year and released into the general population by the flawed "catch and release" policy, and the 20 to 30 million illegal aliens already living in America in the shadows, (no one believes the 11 million figure any more) the impact on the economy and the culture has been and is, not only unsustainable but economically draining. Even worse, that government would allow it to happen is criminally negligent.
The so-called current fixes to the problem are no fixes at all and only exacerbate and complicate the problem. Senator Lindsey Graham's proposal addresses the asylum issue, it nevertheless is leaning closer and closer to AMNESTY for the Dreamers. AMNESTY for the Dreamers will only add to the magnets that have created the illegal alien invasion in the first place.
The "Merit" proposal for legal immigration, just recently put forth by President Trump, is a start but doesn't address the worst magnet of all ..... the misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment that allows any baby born in America to become an American citizen.
The sides are so far a part there is no hope, either in the short or long term, of the government ever passing "common sense" immigration reform legislation. If the government won't fix it, which is their duty to do so, then whose job is it? If the people won't step up to the plate, then do we just let the problem persist in perpetuity until we, as a nation and as a people, are totally OVERWHELMED, CULTURALLY DILUTED ..... and broke?
Rational, non-politician Democrats, can't be any happier with an out-of-control immigration crisis than are rational Republicans. But then who knows, rational may be a contradiction of terms. Are there any rational human beings any more, or just ideological ones? In contrast, are there any courageous living patriots today that will pick up the "sword" when they are threatened? Is there any American that cannot "see" that we are being OVERWHELMED BY A CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER TO OUR SAFETY, OUR SOVEREIGNTY AND OUR SECURITY?
Why is it that the American people, en masse, gloss over or ignore the fact that every single foreign national that gains illegal entry into the United States, is breaking the law and committing a criminal act? In a country of laws, if one segment of society can break the law and then get rewarded for it, but all the rest have to obey the law, then a "nation of laws" is meaningless and will collapse in the long run. If a "nation of laws" is meaningless, corruption and chaos reign.
Even though government tries to convince the American people that they are in control of the situation, the government is lying through its teeth. If they aren't in control, then once again, corruption and chaos reign. In fact, corruption and chaos are America's reality. Only the "people" can restore order and turn corruption and chaos into a government that operates constitutionally, efficiently, effectively and with honor. It is those "people" we address with the rest of this article.
In our last article we wrote: "Just how bad do you want to stop illegal immigration? You moan, groan and complain about it but do nothing. The hard truth is, it is abundantly obvious that your government won't stop it. Even so, all is not hopeless. Enough legal and united Americans from either party can stop it, if they are of a mind."
The Founding Fathers gave us the legal tools to solve a problem, if government refuses, or is unwilling to solve it. One legal tool is the "Citizen, Common Law Grand Jury." (CCLGJ) The CCLGJ has been upheld by the U. S. Supreme Court. "In a stunning 6 to 3 decision on May 4, 1992, Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority, confirmed that the American grand jury is neither part of the judicial, executive, nor legislative branches of government, but instead belongs to the people. It is in effect a fourth branch of government "governed" and administered to, directly by and on behalf of the American people, and its authority emanates from the Bill of Rights."
The CCLGJ "Fourth Branch of Government" (BY THE PEOPLE) is just one of the solutions to taking back our government and our country, person by person, city by city, county by county, state by state ..... and returning the federal government to its constitutional limits! (The only other solution is for the American people, en masse, to turn against all illegal aliens, push them out of the shadows and force them to self-deport.)
We discuss that "by-the-people" solution on our new web page in our never-ending effort to reclaim our sovereign, individual rights and put a stop to illegal immigration using the CCLGJ and do the job that government seems powerless to do. Which of you will step up to the plate and actually do something for your country? We are!
Memorial Day: Sometimes in the heat of battle over domestic issues, we tend to forget the extreme sacrifices made by those who keep us safe and defend our freedom on foreign shores. We therefore take this opportunity to pay a sincere tribute and profound gratitude to all service men and women and their families, living or deceased, on this Memorial Day in 2019.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"As a native of a large Florida city I have lived thru wave after wave of economic migrants, drug smugglers, malcontents and evacuees. First the Cubans, then Jamaicans, Puerto Ricans, Hondurans, Nicaraguans and loads of Mexicans came. This city is now only about 4% White Americans. The Jews dominate some neighborhoods. I guess they are considered white so when you take them out of the average there are less than 1% whites left. Even the once thriving colored community has mostly moved north. The Cubans cling to political offices and dominate local government jobs. There is incredible corruption."
"I moved to another county 25 years ago. We have been overrun and now are 45% white remaining. The newcomers are not Americans and behave like where they came from. My local Home Depot only broadcasts announcements in Spanish. The Venezuelans have taken over the community just North of me. Like the Cubans, they have no intention of assimilation. They hook up to every government handout they can get and there are agencies that help them. My property taxes have increased disproportionately and I cannot afford retirement in my current home. Our local sales tax was just raised 1% to give them more."
"In Florida we have Democrat/communists in all elected positions. I am planning on moving to North Florida soon. As a kid, this place was a paradise. Now it is hell. If I were to send you a 30-minute local news cycle, you would simply think it was just another third-world country. The carnage, crime and absolute chaos of life living around them."
"When the dollar collapses and the treasury goes dry, the major communist areas will self correct. I think 50% will be dead in the first week. As life becomes impossible for them I hope they will self deport."
To add to this Floridian's nightmare, Senator Marco Rubio just tweeted out: "Unlawful arrivals are overwhelming our system. I have just been informed by the Palm Beach Sheriff that starting next week Border Patrol will begin transporting 1,000 migrants a month from the Southern border to Broward & Palm Beach Counties and releasing them, pending an asylum hearing." (Releasing them to whom?)
1,000 illegal immigrants add up to 12,000 illegal immigrants in a year, in just one small area of Florida. Cities and towns in New Mexico, Texas, Arizona and California, and all around America, are being flooded with illegal aliens by the tens of thousands. The illegal aliens have no money, so who supports them? You do! You pay for their food, their rent, their education, their health care and more. It is estimated that each illegal alien will cost the American taxpayer $82,000 over the alien's lifetime. (Source: Fox News) Do the math! Whether it is 10,000,000 illegals or 30,000,000, the cost is staggering. At $30 million illegals, the cost is $2.46 Trillion.
California is a prime example of illegal immigration going off the rails. The poverty rate is higher than the national average. The taxes to support illegal aliens has gone far beyond taxation without representation. Homelessness is rising at an accelerated rated and their cities are unconscionably filthy. God knows why responsible Californians put up with it.
Many of the illegal aliens are sent to live with illegal alien relatives in America. Just to make sure that these illegal alien relatives can't be deported, the Democrats slipped in a little known paragraph in the last appropriations bill:
SEC. 224. HYPERLINK "https://alipac.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a5af36e36edcab4a5e133d21d&id=488ac4f0bd&e=da2a393e24"(a) reads ...
"None of the funds provided by this Act or any other Act, or provided from any accounts in the Treasury of the United States derived by the collection of fees available to the components funded by this Act, may be used by the Secretary of Homeland Security to place in detention, remove, refer for a decision whether to initiate removal proceedings, or initiate removal proceedings against a sponsor, potential sponsor, or member of a household of a sponsor or potential sponsor of an unaccompanied alien child (as defined in section 462(g) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002"
Once they are here, the illegal-alien new arrivals and the relatives they are living with, are shielded from deportation. We certainly don't want to deport any future voters for the Democrat Party, now do we?
Every time there is a reasonable proposal to "fix" the illegal immigration crisis, the Democrats throw in a ringer, complicating the problem even more and making it impossible to fix.
With over a million illegal aliens crashing our borders every year and released into the general population by the flawed "catch and release" policy, and the 20 to 30 million illegal aliens already living in America in the shadows, (no one believes the 11 million figure any more) the impact on the economy and the culture has been and is, not only unsustainable but economically draining. Even worse, that government would allow it to happen is criminally negligent.
The so-called current fixes to the problem are no fixes at all and only exacerbate and complicate the problem. Senator Lindsey Graham's proposal addresses the asylum issue, it nevertheless is leaning closer and closer to AMNESTY for the Dreamers. AMNESTY for the Dreamers will only add to the magnets that have created the illegal alien invasion in the first place.
The "Merit" proposal for legal immigration, just recently put forth by President Trump, is a start but doesn't address the worst magnet of all ..... the misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment that allows any baby born in America to become an American citizen.
The sides are so far a part there is no hope, either in the short or long term, of the government ever passing "common sense" immigration reform legislation. If the government won't fix it, which is their duty to do so, then whose job is it? If the people won't step up to the plate, then do we just let the problem persist in perpetuity until we, as a nation and as a people, are totally OVERWHELMED, CULTURALLY DILUTED ..... and broke?
Rational, non-politician Democrats, can't be any happier with an out-of-control immigration crisis than are rational Republicans. But then who knows, rational may be a contradiction of terms. Are there any rational human beings any more, or just ideological ones? In contrast, are there any courageous living patriots today that will pick up the "sword" when they are threatened? Is there any American that cannot "see" that we are being OVERWHELMED BY A CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER TO OUR SAFETY, OUR SOVEREIGNTY AND OUR SECURITY?
Why is it that the American people, en masse, gloss over or ignore the fact that every single foreign national that gains illegal entry into the United States, is breaking the law and committing a criminal act? In a country of laws, if one segment of society can break the law and then get rewarded for it, but all the rest have to obey the law, then a "nation of laws" is meaningless and will collapse in the long run. If a "nation of laws" is meaningless, corruption and chaos reign.
Even though government tries to convince the American people that they are in control of the situation, the government is lying through its teeth. If they aren't in control, then once again, corruption and chaos reign. In fact, corruption and chaos are America's reality. Only the "people" can restore order and turn corruption and chaos into a government that operates constitutionally, efficiently, effectively and with honor. It is those "people" we address with the rest of this article.
In our last article we wrote: "Just how bad do you want to stop illegal immigration? You moan, groan and complain about it but do nothing. The hard truth is, it is abundantly obvious that your government won't stop it. Even so, all is not hopeless. Enough legal and united Americans from either party can stop it, if they are of a mind."
The Founding Fathers gave us the legal tools to solve a problem, if government refuses, or is unwilling to solve it. One legal tool is the "Citizen, Common Law Grand Jury." (CCLGJ) The CCLGJ has been upheld by the U. S. Supreme Court. "In a stunning 6 to 3 decision on May 4, 1992, Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority, confirmed that the American grand jury is neither part of the judicial, executive, nor legislative branches of government, but instead belongs to the people. It is in effect a fourth branch of government "governed" and administered to, directly by and on behalf of the American people, and its authority emanates from the Bill of Rights."
The CCLGJ "Fourth Branch of Government" (BY THE PEOPLE) is just one of the solutions to taking back our government and our country, person by person, city by city, county by county, state by state ..... and returning the federal government to its constitutional limits! (The only other solution is for the American people, en masse, to turn against all illegal aliens, push them out of the shadows and force them to self-deport.)
We discuss that "by-the-people" solution on our new web page in our never-ending effort to reclaim our sovereign, individual rights and put a stop to illegal immigration using the CCLGJ and do the job that government seems powerless to do. Which of you will step up to the plate and actually do something for your country? We are!
Memorial Day: Sometimes in the heat of battle over domestic issues, we tend to forget the extreme sacrifices made by those who keep us safe and defend our freedom on foreign shores. We therefore take this opportunity to pay a sincere tribute and profound gratitude to all service men and women and their families, living or deceased, on this Memorial Day in 2019.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Done In By Our Own Irrational Compassion"
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, May 19, 2019 - All Rights Reserved
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, May 19, 2019 - All Rights Reserved
"Hospitals are closing across the country due to the burden of illegal immigration, college students find that summer jobs have dried up due to illegal immigration, and wages across the board are depressed by the overwhelming influx of cheap and illegal labor." Elton Gallegly
"Illegal immigration is a crisis for our country. It is an open door for drugs, criminals, and potential terrorists to enter our country. It is straining our economy, adding costs to our judicial, health-care, and education systems." Timothy Murphy
But then you know all this, don't you?
There is no question! By simple logic, illegal immigration has been and continues to be a deadly invasion of guns, drugs, humans carrying diseases, taking American jobs, soaking up "free" welfare, housing, education and health care benefits and adding to America's crime rate.
Why do they come here? That's simple. They are leaving hopelessly crime-ridden, socialist countries where poverty, hunger and corruption infect their daily existence. Consequently, when they come here, their mindset is already socialist and they are looking for free handouts from government because they believe that government owes them, not unlike the "Occupy Wall Street" crowd who want GOVERNMENT to do a better job of redistributing the wealth ..... to them.
Why aren't these illegal aliens stopped at the borders? Because laws have been purposely passed, court decisions rendered and immigration settlement agreements (Flores) signed to encourage illegal immigration.
Nevertheless, we applaud the heroics of overwhelmed border patrol agents that do a thankless job with way too few resources. Unfortunately, some of these brave border agents have been incarcerated for treating these illegal alien invaders as the criminals they are. Democrats go nuts about a couple of young kids dying while in border patrol custody, but ignore the brutal gauntlet that immigrants must go through to get here. They further ignore the disease, drugs, guns and human trafficking and lost jobs to legal Americans that illegal aliens bring.
Why are violent and brutal Mexican drug cartels shipping drugs across the borders? Because way to many Americans are hooked on drugs and living a decadent and irresponsible lifestyle.
What economic magnets draw these illegal alien invaders across our borders? Very generous safety net benefits; free housing; free, bi-lingual education; free health care and a Federal Government that does not adequately enforce current laws against hiring illegal aliens. Added to this gross negligence by the Federal Government, are cities, counties, states and churches that set up sanctuary policies, giving a free pass to illegal aliens, or a place to hide.
Who pays through the nose for this government-sanctioned illegal alien invasion? The legal American taxpayer!
This is hardly new news, is it?
This illegal alien invasion is comprised of un-educated, low skilled humans that feed off the enforced generosity of legal Americans. This rag tag bunch of socialist peasants have no intention of assimilating into the American culture and adopting the English language. They boast of their rights under American law, when in fact they have no, or should have no rights as illegal aliens. They spit in American faces and tell us they are going to take back "their" country.
They have babies in America, which then become American citizens under the misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment. They are reproducing at a rate that is almost twice the reproduction rate of non-illegal aliens. Numerous immigration advocacy groups support the illegal aliens and entice them to come to America. These groups use unconscionable American law to provide aid, comfort and legal advice to the illegal aliens.
In point of fact, there is no price for an illegal alien to pay by chancing the border crossing, except maybe his life if he chooses the wrong place to cross. The desert can be very unforgiving. Yes, they might be caught by the Border Patrol and sent back to Mexico, but they will just keep trying until they cross the border successfully and find themselves a place to hide in America. Or, under America's "catch and release" policy they get a free ride into the interior of America. Once they have been here for awhile, they will then look for a job at ridiculously low wages and make application for welfare benefits to supplement their income, or enter into a life of crime to support themselves, or their illegal drug habits they picked up south of the border.
If an armed invasion came across our borders, we would instantly defend those borders with American troops and the full force and fury of the American military might. Right now our southern border is a tragic human war zone by any definition. So why would the federal government not treat this illegal alien invasion at our southern border with an equal military force, with orders to shoot to warn first and shoot to kill if the illegal alien refuses to turn back? If this policy were adopted, the illegal alien invasion would stop, literally overnight. Harsh? You bet. But so is an illegal invasion of America.
The claim that America is a country of immigrants and was built by immigrants, as a way to rationalize this illegal alien invasion, is specious. The lion's share of the immigrants that built this country came here legally and there was no safety net benefits, free housing, free education, or free health care. They had to have a sponsor. They had to learn English, the Constitution and American history in order to become a naturalized citizen. They had to swear allegiance to the Constitution of the United States. They took classes and attended meetings for five years before they could take the test and recite the pledge. These people who became naturalized American citizens were and are eternally grateful for the opportunity to enter the land of the free and fully intend to assimilate into American culture as best they can.
This isn't something you haven't heard before, is it?
What does the illegal alien do when they get here? They hide in the shadows. They get sympathetic charity groups or churches to shield them, or to defend their non-right to stay here. They get criminal employers that employ them. If they have a visa, they over-stay their visa and embed themselves in illegal enclaves. Many who are caught by authorities are given a free pass. Many commit crimes, end up in our courts and jails and the American taxpayer gets to fund their court costs and 3 meals a day, television, free health, dental and eye care, exercise facilities, a library and other benefits while they are in jail. Legal Americans must pay to receive these benefits and must also pay to support the jailed alien.
In a raid, ICE used 2,000 agents to round up 3,000 illegal aliens who have committed serious crimes and deported them, from a list of over 500,000 known illegal alien criminals that are purported to be in America. 500,000 known criminals mind you! Many of those deported will be back in America within a few weeks or months because they have learned how to avoid the CBP and ICE and to use our system for their own gain.
Illegal aliens end up in our schools where the school district has to hire bi-lingual teachers and tutors to attend to their special needs. They get free meals in school. If they stay in America long enough, some states (California and Texas) give them in-state tuition rates to attend college.
The liberal politicians are forever trying to give them amnesty, or a path to amnesty, which is amnesty by any other name. Why do the liberal politicians want to grant them amnesty? For the same reason they have bought off millions of Americans with money from the public treasury .... in exchange for more Democrat votes!
The illegal aliens end up in hospital emergency rooms without insurance and because of an ill-advised American law, the hospitals have to attend to their injuries or other health issues, at a cost that must be born by the legal American taxpayer. Many hospitals are going broke or shutting down because of it. One hospital in Florida, after spending over a $1.5 million on health care for just one illegal alien, chartered a plane and flew him back to the country from which he came, at an additional cost of $30,000. An administrator for that hospital testified before Congress on the exorbitant costs to treat illegal aliens, in not only her hospital but all of Florida as well. It's outrageous and unconscionable!
If an American breaks a law there is a price to pay. If an illegal alien breaks the law, in way too many cases they get a pass, or are rewarded with free benefits and cash. If it became law that every Democrat household had to support an illegal alien family, the illegal invasion would stop overnight.
The result of this massive invasion of illegal aliens will be an America that no longer resembles a Constitutional Republic, where individual rights were sacrosanct and where life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness were sacred gifts from our creator. In its place will be a country of whiners, complainers and free loader miscreants that will riot in the streets if they don't get what they want from government. Taxes and regulations will increase exponentially and the entrepreneurs that built this country may just find another country to build, in a re-play of Ayn Rand's book, "Atlas Shrugged."
But then you know all this, don't you?
We predict that if America's Constitutional Republic dies, we'll end up just like the European Union where productive countries will be forced to bailout profligate ones, where the debt of grossly negligent countries will be forgiven (Greece) and the productive ones (Germany) forced to take up the slack in order to keep the Union together. Because of planet-wide failed socialist policies, negligence, corruption and bad behavior are rewarded and achievement and production are penalized, all based on the flawed emotion of irrational compassion ..... for votes. This is an upside-down, Alice-in-Wonderland world that is doomed to fail, with drastic consequences.
As a result of pervasive illegal immigration, the entire world of countries will be brought down to the lowest common denominator and mediocrity, corruption and daily riots will become a way of life. This will lead to war and maybe the final war that could set a civilized planet back to the medieval, dark ages, where the twin evils of hopelessness and despair reside.
So America had better get a handle on the illegal alien invasion now, or suffer the irreversible consequences. But like so many other problems that America and Americans must endure, government lets the problems go beyond the point at which they can be corrected. So we are not holding our breath that the government will do anything about the illegal alien invasion other than, in the end, grant all of them amnesty.
And the world's governments and the people go round and round in an infinite number of circles, just like the stupid dog that is trying to bite its own tail .... with the same results. The dog finally gives up, but governments never give up going in circles, in a continuous, never-ending repeat of all that is insane.
By our own hand, apathy and indifference, we are being "Done In By Our Own Irrational Compassion."
But then you know all this, don't you? The question is, what are you going to do about it?
Just how bad do you want to stop illegal immigration? You moan, groan and complain about it. The hard truth is, your government won't stop it, but enough legal Americans can. Our next article will provide a path to a "We the People" solution and we'll see just how bad the American people want to stop illegal immigration. Americans talk a big game, but they are short on follow through.
Nevertheless, "We Will Not Surrender to a Democrat Aristocracy."
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Illegal immigration is a crisis for our country. It is an open door for drugs, criminals, and potential terrorists to enter our country. It is straining our economy, adding costs to our judicial, health-care, and education systems." Timothy Murphy
But then you know all this, don't you?
There is no question! By simple logic, illegal immigration has been and continues to be a deadly invasion of guns, drugs, humans carrying diseases, taking American jobs, soaking up "free" welfare, housing, education and health care benefits and adding to America's crime rate.
Why do they come here? That's simple. They are leaving hopelessly crime-ridden, socialist countries where poverty, hunger and corruption infect their daily existence. Consequently, when they come here, their mindset is already socialist and they are looking for free handouts from government because they believe that government owes them, not unlike the "Occupy Wall Street" crowd who want GOVERNMENT to do a better job of redistributing the wealth ..... to them.
Why aren't these illegal aliens stopped at the borders? Because laws have been purposely passed, court decisions rendered and immigration settlement agreements (Flores) signed to encourage illegal immigration.
Nevertheless, we applaud the heroics of overwhelmed border patrol agents that do a thankless job with way too few resources. Unfortunately, some of these brave border agents have been incarcerated for treating these illegal alien invaders as the criminals they are. Democrats go nuts about a couple of young kids dying while in border patrol custody, but ignore the brutal gauntlet that immigrants must go through to get here. They further ignore the disease, drugs, guns and human trafficking and lost jobs to legal Americans that illegal aliens bring.
Why are violent and brutal Mexican drug cartels shipping drugs across the borders? Because way to many Americans are hooked on drugs and living a decadent and irresponsible lifestyle.
What economic magnets draw these illegal alien invaders across our borders? Very generous safety net benefits; free housing; free, bi-lingual education; free health care and a Federal Government that does not adequately enforce current laws against hiring illegal aliens. Added to this gross negligence by the Federal Government, are cities, counties, states and churches that set up sanctuary policies, giving a free pass to illegal aliens, or a place to hide.
Who pays through the nose for this government-sanctioned illegal alien invasion? The legal American taxpayer!
This is hardly new news, is it?
This illegal alien invasion is comprised of un-educated, low skilled humans that feed off the enforced generosity of legal Americans. This rag tag bunch of socialist peasants have no intention of assimilating into the American culture and adopting the English language. They boast of their rights under American law, when in fact they have no, or should have no rights as illegal aliens. They spit in American faces and tell us they are going to take back "their" country.
They have babies in America, which then become American citizens under the misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment. They are reproducing at a rate that is almost twice the reproduction rate of non-illegal aliens. Numerous immigration advocacy groups support the illegal aliens and entice them to come to America. These groups use unconscionable American law to provide aid, comfort and legal advice to the illegal aliens.
In point of fact, there is no price for an illegal alien to pay by chancing the border crossing, except maybe his life if he chooses the wrong place to cross. The desert can be very unforgiving. Yes, they might be caught by the Border Patrol and sent back to Mexico, but they will just keep trying until they cross the border successfully and find themselves a place to hide in America. Or, under America's "catch and release" policy they get a free ride into the interior of America. Once they have been here for awhile, they will then look for a job at ridiculously low wages and make application for welfare benefits to supplement their income, or enter into a life of crime to support themselves, or their illegal drug habits they picked up south of the border.
If an armed invasion came across our borders, we would instantly defend those borders with American troops and the full force and fury of the American military might. Right now our southern border is a tragic human war zone by any definition. So why would the federal government not treat this illegal alien invasion at our southern border with an equal military force, with orders to shoot to warn first and shoot to kill if the illegal alien refuses to turn back? If this policy were adopted, the illegal alien invasion would stop, literally overnight. Harsh? You bet. But so is an illegal invasion of America.
The claim that America is a country of immigrants and was built by immigrants, as a way to rationalize this illegal alien invasion, is specious. The lion's share of the immigrants that built this country came here legally and there was no safety net benefits, free housing, free education, or free health care. They had to have a sponsor. They had to learn English, the Constitution and American history in order to become a naturalized citizen. They had to swear allegiance to the Constitution of the United States. They took classes and attended meetings for five years before they could take the test and recite the pledge. These people who became naturalized American citizens were and are eternally grateful for the opportunity to enter the land of the free and fully intend to assimilate into American culture as best they can.
This isn't something you haven't heard before, is it?
What does the illegal alien do when they get here? They hide in the shadows. They get sympathetic charity groups or churches to shield them, or to defend their non-right to stay here. They get criminal employers that employ them. If they have a visa, they over-stay their visa and embed themselves in illegal enclaves. Many who are caught by authorities are given a free pass. Many commit crimes, end up in our courts and jails and the American taxpayer gets to fund their court costs and 3 meals a day, television, free health, dental and eye care, exercise facilities, a library and other benefits while they are in jail. Legal Americans must pay to receive these benefits and must also pay to support the jailed alien.
In a raid, ICE used 2,000 agents to round up 3,000 illegal aliens who have committed serious crimes and deported them, from a list of over 500,000 known illegal alien criminals that are purported to be in America. 500,000 known criminals mind you! Many of those deported will be back in America within a few weeks or months because they have learned how to avoid the CBP and ICE and to use our system for their own gain.
Illegal aliens end up in our schools where the school district has to hire bi-lingual teachers and tutors to attend to their special needs. They get free meals in school. If they stay in America long enough, some states (California and Texas) give them in-state tuition rates to attend college.
The liberal politicians are forever trying to give them amnesty, or a path to amnesty, which is amnesty by any other name. Why do the liberal politicians want to grant them amnesty? For the same reason they have bought off millions of Americans with money from the public treasury .... in exchange for more Democrat votes!
The illegal aliens end up in hospital emergency rooms without insurance and because of an ill-advised American law, the hospitals have to attend to their injuries or other health issues, at a cost that must be born by the legal American taxpayer. Many hospitals are going broke or shutting down because of it. One hospital in Florida, after spending over a $1.5 million on health care for just one illegal alien, chartered a plane and flew him back to the country from which he came, at an additional cost of $30,000. An administrator for that hospital testified before Congress on the exorbitant costs to treat illegal aliens, in not only her hospital but all of Florida as well. It's outrageous and unconscionable!
If an American breaks a law there is a price to pay. If an illegal alien breaks the law, in way too many cases they get a pass, or are rewarded with free benefits and cash. If it became law that every Democrat household had to support an illegal alien family, the illegal invasion would stop overnight.
The result of this massive invasion of illegal aliens will be an America that no longer resembles a Constitutional Republic, where individual rights were sacrosanct and where life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness were sacred gifts from our creator. In its place will be a country of whiners, complainers and free loader miscreants that will riot in the streets if they don't get what they want from government. Taxes and regulations will increase exponentially and the entrepreneurs that built this country may just find another country to build, in a re-play of Ayn Rand's book, "Atlas Shrugged."
But then you know all this, don't you?
We predict that if America's Constitutional Republic dies, we'll end up just like the European Union where productive countries will be forced to bailout profligate ones, where the debt of grossly negligent countries will be forgiven (Greece) and the productive ones (Germany) forced to take up the slack in order to keep the Union together. Because of planet-wide failed socialist policies, negligence, corruption and bad behavior are rewarded and achievement and production are penalized, all based on the flawed emotion of irrational compassion ..... for votes. This is an upside-down, Alice-in-Wonderland world that is doomed to fail, with drastic consequences.
As a result of pervasive illegal immigration, the entire world of countries will be brought down to the lowest common denominator and mediocrity, corruption and daily riots will become a way of life. This will lead to war and maybe the final war that could set a civilized planet back to the medieval, dark ages, where the twin evils of hopelessness and despair reside.
So America had better get a handle on the illegal alien invasion now, or suffer the irreversible consequences. But like so many other problems that America and Americans must endure, government lets the problems go beyond the point at which they can be corrected. So we are not holding our breath that the government will do anything about the illegal alien invasion other than, in the end, grant all of them amnesty.
And the world's governments and the people go round and round in an infinite number of circles, just like the stupid dog that is trying to bite its own tail .... with the same results. The dog finally gives up, but governments never give up going in circles, in a continuous, never-ending repeat of all that is insane.
By our own hand, apathy and indifference, we are being "Done In By Our Own Irrational Compassion."
But then you know all this, don't you? The question is, what are you going to do about it?
Just how bad do you want to stop illegal immigration? You moan, groan and complain about it. The hard truth is, your government won't stop it, but enough legal Americans can. Our next article will provide a path to a "We the People" solution and we'll see just how bad the American people want to stop illegal immigration. Americans talk a big game, but they are short on follow through.
Nevertheless, "We Will Not Surrender to a Democrat Aristocracy."
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Lest We Forget The Heroes of America's Silent Revolution"
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
- Copyright Sunday, May 5, 2019 - All Rights Reserved
"The Framers of the Constitution knew that free speech is the friend of change and revolution. But they also knew that it is always the deadliest enemy of tyranny." Hugo Black - Former U. S. Senator and Associate Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court (1937 - 1971)
History, like a bubbling brook, flows forever from the past, to the present and finally into the future, twisting and turning, taking numerous detours, but slowly fading into a ghostly oblivion that will be mostly forgotten by the masses. It moves in fits and starts, with moments of interminable boredom and every now and then, punctuated by cataclysmic events.
Human memory floats from event to event, flushing out past events and replacing old ones with the new ones. We constantly are reminded of Hitler's Holocaust because it was so horrific that it requires pushing and prodding almost daily, so that such an event never occurs again, even though smaller Holocausts, or ethnic cleansing, are happening all over the planet at this very minute.
But some of the little events in history deserve to be re-visited often so that we remember why the event happened and a collective pledge to see that it isn't repeated.
All news is history, since it has already happened. Current history is a sound bite and video clip on a TV screen, or an utterance on a radio station, or words in a daily newspaper that are forgotten by the next day, unless of course the history is kept alive because of its global importance ..... or for a political agenda.
How many of you are tired of hearing about the Mueller Report on collusion and the political aftermath? It is incessantly kept alive by a 24 hourly barrage of seemingly never-ending meaningless drivel from a politician, or some news anchor with a wild-eyed opinion, bereft of fact but oozing with political bias.
As history flows by it isn't readily apparent to the masses that a silent revolution is now inexorably moving along under the surface where its effects aren't felt (yet!) on a national, or even a regional scale. Across the board, people are angry and that anger leads to action, both peaceful and violent. The peaceful actions receive short shrift, while the violent ones reach the national news and appear on nightly newscasts. Millions of Americans are angry for all the wrong reasons, while millions more are angry over the loss of freedom and the insane policies and legislation being put forth by hollow politicians, trolling for votes. You know who they are!
Some of those millions bemoaning the loss of their freedoms are taking action. Clueless critics call their actions misguided, or even illegal. Such is the case of those who dare to challenge government authority and pay a huge price for so doing. Some have paid the ultimate price, like Lavoy Finicum shot dead (executed) by state or federal agents, on a lonely, snow-covered stretch of a southern Oregon highway. His crime was occupying the Oregon Malheur Nature Wildlife Preserve with Ammon Bundy and some other cowboys and girls that have grown tired and weary of government overreach and outright tyranny. They were there protesting the incarceration of fellow Oregon ranchers Dwight Hammond and his son, for the made-up federal crime of terrorist arson. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) was mad at the Hammonds for not turning their property over to the government and found a way to get even. Some have said that there was Uranium on the Hammonds land and the government wanted it, even if they had to throw the Hammonds in jail to get it. Fortunately, President Trump pardoned them.
The only way Filicum, Bundy and the others could bring attention to their protest was to make the national news. The only way to make the national news was to commit an act of open and notorious resistance to a government that has lost all allegiance to the U. S. Constitution. For that, government agents shot down Lavoy, leaving a widow, a bunch of children and a ranch without a male head of household.
To many Westerners, Lavoy Finicum was a hero, not a villain, or a criminal. Of course Lavoy wasn't perfect and he had a lot of flaws. But then no one is. Nevertheless, knowing full well that his actions could bring harm to himself and embarrass his family, he took the risk anyway. The risk he took for freedom and resisting government abuse was the loss of his life. How dare he have the audacity to challenge all-mighty government! But the truth is, government wouldn't have so much power if more people, on a large enough scale, challenged government every day.
All across America little acts of resistance to the loss of freedoms are playing themselves out in state after state, county after county and city after city. Most resistance never even makes the local news, much less the national news.
Hardest hit are those who choose to make their living off the land. For the alleged environmental "crime" of tilling the soil, or raising livestock, government is crushing them with regulations, fines, penalties and sometimes incarceration.
In response to our article entitled, "Is the Great Western Rural Lifestyle Dying", one farmer expressed his frustration and disdain:
"Our government is of the opinion that our environment and the species that inhabit it need to be protected. Increasing buffer widths, over reaching and over lapping regulator agencies, and political agendas prevents one from doing the right thing when it comes to being a responsible steward."
"Ten years ago, a three page hydraulic permit from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife at no cost, could be obtained in about six weeks to remove or replace a collapsed culvert within a fish stream. Today, that same project will require permits from about six different agencies, cost thousands of dollars and take over two years to receive, if obtainable at all. Government is more into the money flow to the bureaucracy than resolving an issue."
"Fish numbers within our waterways are not increasing despite billions of dollars being spent on fish recovery. As long as the money continues to flow without accountability, there will be no incentives to resolve the crisis."
"The system is broken, the general public is clueless and unconcerned, and there is no desire to fix it."
This farmer, dead on with his assessment of life in America and mad as Hell, is a silent hero, sewing the seeds of what could be the next revolution.
The socialist Democrats in America and their ignorant followers are doing everything in their power to tear down and abolish those institutions of freedom that were given birth from our Founding. In their wake of destruction, millions of Americans are feeling the pinch. They are frustrated and angry.
How quickly we forget the fight of those few that choose to preserve, protect and maintain those freedoms. All over America, those Vanguards of Freedom are risking everything, but none more so than America's rural landowner.
The seeds of freedom were planted for us over 240 years ago on a new continent, full of promise and opportunity for those who were willing to pay the price. The price to sow those seeds of freedom was steep indeed. But the roots of those seeds still lie in each one of us today, whether we know they are there or not. The courage that it took to plant those seeds of freedom is an integral part of our roots. That is what separates us from peoples of all other countries on earth. We have known true, individual freedom and once known, it will always seek higher ground, no matter the attempts by evildoers to contain or destroy it.
Unfortunately, that promise of freedom and the opportunities to prosper from it have in part become our undoing. Our success has left us soft, blind, apathetic and vulnerable to the enemies of freedom. We would rather unknowingly lose our freedom slowly, bit-by-bit, and seek security, than take the harsh road of defending that freedom, even though we know that, in the end, we make the wrong choice. It is each generation's solemn duty and obligation to defend that freedom, for their children and grand children. We abdicate that duty and obligation to mindless apathy, fear, or the lust for "free" stuff from government.
So we ask each and every one of you to look in the mirror. You know what is happening and yet you look the other way. You know that our foreign and domestic enemies lurk in the shadows, ready to pounce, but you stick your head in the sand and pray that it won't happen. But just ask Roger Stone if it can happen. You know that a fight is looming on the horizon, but you refuse to prepare for it.
Illegal aliens are overrunning our borders by the millions, at an unsustainable cost to legal Americans and a breakdown in the rule of law. Our health care system is a dismal failure and pricing millions of Americans out of the system, while millions of the poor get their health care for free. Our kids are being brainwashed by socialism and radical environmentalism in our schools. Our roads, bridges and utilities are crumbling. We let foreign powers run all over us in trade, that is until President Trump came along. With all this staring Americans in the face and more, they just shrug it off and do nothing. It's way past time to do "something."
Deep in your heart and mind are the roots of freedom and the courage to defend it. Like a tree that gains sustenance for survival through its roots, we too can gain sustenance and courage from our roots in which resides the indelible memory of our hard-won freedom over two centuries ago.
Let us not forget the few heroes engaged in today's silent revolution, heroes that have put everything on the line in the defense of freedom. Let us never surrender to tyranny no matter what the cost. Take one small step for freedom and display it for all to see. Swear that "You Will Never Give In to Socialism and Government Tyranny, Or The One World Order."
Through free speech, that is so far still free, and in the profound words of Associate Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black, we intend to be the undeterred enemy of tyranny. Hopefully, we won't be forced to do it ALONE where martyrdom becomes our enduring legacy?
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
History, like a bubbling brook, flows forever from the past, to the present and finally into the future, twisting and turning, taking numerous detours, but slowly fading into a ghostly oblivion that will be mostly forgotten by the masses. It moves in fits and starts, with moments of interminable boredom and every now and then, punctuated by cataclysmic events.
Human memory floats from event to event, flushing out past events and replacing old ones with the new ones. We constantly are reminded of Hitler's Holocaust because it was so horrific that it requires pushing and prodding almost daily, so that such an event never occurs again, even though smaller Holocausts, or ethnic cleansing, are happening all over the planet at this very minute.
But some of the little events in history deserve to be re-visited often so that we remember why the event happened and a collective pledge to see that it isn't repeated.
All news is history, since it has already happened. Current history is a sound bite and video clip on a TV screen, or an utterance on a radio station, or words in a daily newspaper that are forgotten by the next day, unless of course the history is kept alive because of its global importance ..... or for a political agenda.
How many of you are tired of hearing about the Mueller Report on collusion and the political aftermath? It is incessantly kept alive by a 24 hourly barrage of seemingly never-ending meaningless drivel from a politician, or some news anchor with a wild-eyed opinion, bereft of fact but oozing with political bias.
As history flows by it isn't readily apparent to the masses that a silent revolution is now inexorably moving along under the surface where its effects aren't felt (yet!) on a national, or even a regional scale. Across the board, people are angry and that anger leads to action, both peaceful and violent. The peaceful actions receive short shrift, while the violent ones reach the national news and appear on nightly newscasts. Millions of Americans are angry for all the wrong reasons, while millions more are angry over the loss of freedom and the insane policies and legislation being put forth by hollow politicians, trolling for votes. You know who they are!
Some of those millions bemoaning the loss of their freedoms are taking action. Clueless critics call their actions misguided, or even illegal. Such is the case of those who dare to challenge government authority and pay a huge price for so doing. Some have paid the ultimate price, like Lavoy Finicum shot dead (executed) by state or federal agents, on a lonely, snow-covered stretch of a southern Oregon highway. His crime was occupying the Oregon Malheur Nature Wildlife Preserve with Ammon Bundy and some other cowboys and girls that have grown tired and weary of government overreach and outright tyranny. They were there protesting the incarceration of fellow Oregon ranchers Dwight Hammond and his son, for the made-up federal crime of terrorist arson. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) was mad at the Hammonds for not turning their property over to the government and found a way to get even. Some have said that there was Uranium on the Hammonds land and the government wanted it, even if they had to throw the Hammonds in jail to get it. Fortunately, President Trump pardoned them.
The only way Filicum, Bundy and the others could bring attention to their protest was to make the national news. The only way to make the national news was to commit an act of open and notorious resistance to a government that has lost all allegiance to the U. S. Constitution. For that, government agents shot down Lavoy, leaving a widow, a bunch of children and a ranch without a male head of household.
To many Westerners, Lavoy Finicum was a hero, not a villain, or a criminal. Of course Lavoy wasn't perfect and he had a lot of flaws. But then no one is. Nevertheless, knowing full well that his actions could bring harm to himself and embarrass his family, he took the risk anyway. The risk he took for freedom and resisting government abuse was the loss of his life. How dare he have the audacity to challenge all-mighty government! But the truth is, government wouldn't have so much power if more people, on a large enough scale, challenged government every day.
All across America little acts of resistance to the loss of freedoms are playing themselves out in state after state, county after county and city after city. Most resistance never even makes the local news, much less the national news.
Hardest hit are those who choose to make their living off the land. For the alleged environmental "crime" of tilling the soil, or raising livestock, government is crushing them with regulations, fines, penalties and sometimes incarceration.
In response to our article entitled, "Is the Great Western Rural Lifestyle Dying", one farmer expressed his frustration and disdain:
"Our government is of the opinion that our environment and the species that inhabit it need to be protected. Increasing buffer widths, over reaching and over lapping regulator agencies, and political agendas prevents one from doing the right thing when it comes to being a responsible steward."
"Ten years ago, a three page hydraulic permit from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife at no cost, could be obtained in about six weeks to remove or replace a collapsed culvert within a fish stream. Today, that same project will require permits from about six different agencies, cost thousands of dollars and take over two years to receive, if obtainable at all. Government is more into the money flow to the bureaucracy than resolving an issue."
"Fish numbers within our waterways are not increasing despite billions of dollars being spent on fish recovery. As long as the money continues to flow without accountability, there will be no incentives to resolve the crisis."
"The system is broken, the general public is clueless and unconcerned, and there is no desire to fix it."
This farmer, dead on with his assessment of life in America and mad as Hell, is a silent hero, sewing the seeds of what could be the next revolution.
The socialist Democrats in America and their ignorant followers are doing everything in their power to tear down and abolish those institutions of freedom that were given birth from our Founding. In their wake of destruction, millions of Americans are feeling the pinch. They are frustrated and angry.
How quickly we forget the fight of those few that choose to preserve, protect and maintain those freedoms. All over America, those Vanguards of Freedom are risking everything, but none more so than America's rural landowner.
The seeds of freedom were planted for us over 240 years ago on a new continent, full of promise and opportunity for those who were willing to pay the price. The price to sow those seeds of freedom was steep indeed. But the roots of those seeds still lie in each one of us today, whether we know they are there or not. The courage that it took to plant those seeds of freedom is an integral part of our roots. That is what separates us from peoples of all other countries on earth. We have known true, individual freedom and once known, it will always seek higher ground, no matter the attempts by evildoers to contain or destroy it.
Unfortunately, that promise of freedom and the opportunities to prosper from it have in part become our undoing. Our success has left us soft, blind, apathetic and vulnerable to the enemies of freedom. We would rather unknowingly lose our freedom slowly, bit-by-bit, and seek security, than take the harsh road of defending that freedom, even though we know that, in the end, we make the wrong choice. It is each generation's solemn duty and obligation to defend that freedom, for their children and grand children. We abdicate that duty and obligation to mindless apathy, fear, or the lust for "free" stuff from government.
So we ask each and every one of you to look in the mirror. You know what is happening and yet you look the other way. You know that our foreign and domestic enemies lurk in the shadows, ready to pounce, but you stick your head in the sand and pray that it won't happen. But just ask Roger Stone if it can happen. You know that a fight is looming on the horizon, but you refuse to prepare for it.
Illegal aliens are overrunning our borders by the millions, at an unsustainable cost to legal Americans and a breakdown in the rule of law. Our health care system is a dismal failure and pricing millions of Americans out of the system, while millions of the poor get their health care for free. Our kids are being brainwashed by socialism and radical environmentalism in our schools. Our roads, bridges and utilities are crumbling. We let foreign powers run all over us in trade, that is until President Trump came along. With all this staring Americans in the face and more, they just shrug it off and do nothing. It's way past time to do "something."
Deep in your heart and mind are the roots of freedom and the courage to defend it. Like a tree that gains sustenance for survival through its roots, we too can gain sustenance and courage from our roots in which resides the indelible memory of our hard-won freedom over two centuries ago.
Let us not forget the few heroes engaged in today's silent revolution, heroes that have put everything on the line in the defense of freedom. Let us never surrender to tyranny no matter what the cost. Take one small step for freedom and display it for all to see. Swear that "You Will Never Give In to Socialism and Government Tyranny, Or The One World Order."
Through free speech, that is so far still free, and in the profound words of Associate Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black, we intend to be the undeterred enemy of tyranny. Hopefully, we won't be forced to do it ALONE where martyrdom becomes our enduring legacy?
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"We Will Not Surrender To A Democrat Aristocracy!"
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
- Copyright Sunday, April 28, 2019 - All Rights Reserved
"All compromise is based on give and take, but there can be no give and take on fundamentals. Any compromise on mere fundamentals is a surrender. For it is all give and no take." Mahatma Ghandi
Maybe a large percentage of Americans are buying it, but we're not. We're not buying the Democrat's insane Green New Deal, open borders, or its Medicare-for-all, or its abolishing ICE and the Electoral College. We're not falling for allowing the prisoners in our prisons to vote. We're totally opposed to so many taxes being levied upon the rich that they will take their money and spend it elsewhere, where tax-and-spend leftists like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Shumer, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and AOC, aren't in power.
We're aghast at Democrats not only allowing homelessness all over our cities and condoning it, but throwing more money at it, thereby making it even worse. We're disgusted with what the Democrats have done to our cities that are now infested with crime, drug addicts and mental health derelicts.
Our women and children aren't safe any more and law abiding citizens can't walk down the street without running into muggers, bullets whizzing by, murders, burglary, lone-wolf terrorist attacks, drug deals going down, thousands of needles laying on the sidewalks and in the gutters, and the dredges of society using city streets for bathrooms. Don't believe us? Watch the local TV news channel every night. It wasn't like this in the 50's and 60's.
We're not buying amnesty, voting rights, bilingual education, rent subsidies, health care and safety net benefits for illegal aliens that break our laws. We're not buying radical environmental laws that render constitutionally protected property rights non-existent, or locking up millions of acres of land from public access, at the expense of all Americans but mostly private landowners.
We're not buying national health care (Obama Care) that has seriously deteriorated medical treatment in America and has added greatly to our national debt.
We're not buying proposed or ratified treaties that dilute, diminish, or extinguish our sovereignty and we are certainly not buying the words of the traitors (Democrats) who promote the one-world-order, over American sovereignty.
We're also not buying the premeditated brainwashing and indoctrination of our children in public schools and colleges. We're not buying never-ending entitlement programs so that liberals can remain in power by buying votes with our tax money from dumbed-down urban Americans; entitlement programs that will, in due time, without any doubt, bankrupt this country. It's not "if", it's just "when" and the "when" is alarmingly soon, especially if the Democrats take control again. Social Security and Medicare are already on the brink of bankruptcy and the Social Security lock box is filled with government IOU's that may never be paid back.
In fact, we are sick to death over the power struggle between the parties, without the application of principle, or what is good for the American people as a whole, like securing our borders from invasion. We are sick to death of law, after law, after law that restricts our freedom of choice, our freedom of movement, our freedom of what to buy, our freedom of what to eat, our freedom of what to wear, our freedom of where to live, our freedom of where to work, our freedom of what to drive, our freedom to live on and use our property without draconian government restrictions, and our freedom to roam freely throughout America without having to go through check points and body searches.
We are sick to death of the social and environmental propaganda being taught to our kids in public schools. We are sick to death of open borders and illegal immigrants coming into this country and feeding at the government "pig trough." We are sick to death of politicians that keep adding "feed" to that "pig trough" with our money, in exchange for future votes.
We are sick to death of politicians making law from the wish lists of narrow-focus lobby groups (socialists, environmentalists, corporations, unions, elitists, globalists, etc.) that violate our Federal and State Constitutions. We are sick to death of environmentalists who have taken over every level of government and lobby their radical agenda on the party of Democrats that aids and abets the lobbyist's every whim. We are sick to death of radical environmental protection, SMART GROWTH and SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT policies under UN's Agenda 21, without due process, much less compensation for the affected. There isn't a wetland (no matter how small) that government won't protect, at the expense of increased taxes, increasing regulation, erosion of property rights and the loss of our individual freedom. We are sick to death of land use laws that show a reckless disregard of our very foundation of property rights, freedoms and liberties, that were paid for by the blood and treasure of all of our brave men and women in uniform, who are even fighting today for our freedoms. One could ask, are they fighting for freedoms that now don't exist?
We are sick to death of irresponsible citizens (free loaders) and illegal aliens who's only interest in Government is what they can take from it, not what they can give back to society by being a productive member. We are sick to death of government bureaucracies that waste billions of our tax dollars. We are sick to death of corrupt and arrogant politicians and the constant violation of their oath of office. We are sick to death of government spending our tax dollars to engage in the fight against the fraud that is man-caused global warming, while the question of man being the cause is still in serious doubt. If man is not the cause, then why would they do this? The answer is obvious; central control of money, land, water, air, food, health care and energy. If you control these, you control the people.
We are sick to death of some citizens of this land denigrating our war on terror, while our brave men and women in uniform are in harms way and losing their lives, limbs and minds defending our freedoms. We are sick to death on how the VA shabbily treats our wounded veterans.
We are sick to death of the unmitigated "bull" coming out Hollywood's radical left wing and we are sick to death of politicians, ignorant individuals and the media who tear down our country, or fabricate crises for political gain.
Legislators think they know what is best for us, but in almost every case they are wrong, or blatantly self serving. They constantly violate their oath of office to preserve, protect and defend both the federal and state Constitutions, in passing laws, "for our so-called own good". The fact is, we are sick to death of government at all levels, as it is run-amok and out of control. Government steals our money, it steals our land, it steals our freedom and sells our sovereignty to the moneychangers and the world elite. Government is only about WHO WIELDS POWER, not what is constitutionally right for its citizens. Politicians, justices, judges and bureaucrats, (in either party) must revert back to the supreme law of the land, (our Constitutions) or you can kiss what is left of our liberty, goodbye!
We are sick to death of the whole mess that government has created and that Americans have allowed. We are sick to death of Government's out-of-control waste, fraud, abuse and corruption. Yes, President Trump and his devoted followers are making a difference. But the DEEP STATE and the Democrats may get him anyway.
To register our disgust with where America stands today, we are making available to the public our "We Will Not Surrender to a Democrat Aristocracy" Button. (shown in the above image) Click on the link to get your button.
In the end, others may be fooled, but we are one group of Americans that WILL NOT SURRENDER to the inevitability of socialism, radical environmentalism and the one world order. We will fight until there is no fight left in us. This is a one-of-a-kind, great country and its freedom is worth fighting for. Would there be man (or woman) among you that will JOIN us in that fight?
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Maybe a large percentage of Americans are buying it, but we're not. We're not buying the Democrat's insane Green New Deal, open borders, or its Medicare-for-all, or its abolishing ICE and the Electoral College. We're not falling for allowing the prisoners in our prisons to vote. We're totally opposed to so many taxes being levied upon the rich that they will take their money and spend it elsewhere, where tax-and-spend leftists like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Shumer, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and AOC, aren't in power.
We're aghast at Democrats not only allowing homelessness all over our cities and condoning it, but throwing more money at it, thereby making it even worse. We're disgusted with what the Democrats have done to our cities that are now infested with crime, drug addicts and mental health derelicts.
Our women and children aren't safe any more and law abiding citizens can't walk down the street without running into muggers, bullets whizzing by, murders, burglary, lone-wolf terrorist attacks, drug deals going down, thousands of needles laying on the sidewalks and in the gutters, and the dredges of society using city streets for bathrooms. Don't believe us? Watch the local TV news channel every night. It wasn't like this in the 50's and 60's.
We're not buying amnesty, voting rights, bilingual education, rent subsidies, health care and safety net benefits for illegal aliens that break our laws. We're not buying radical environmental laws that render constitutionally protected property rights non-existent, or locking up millions of acres of land from public access, at the expense of all Americans but mostly private landowners.
We're not buying national health care (Obama Care) that has seriously deteriorated medical treatment in America and has added greatly to our national debt.
We're not buying proposed or ratified treaties that dilute, diminish, or extinguish our sovereignty and we are certainly not buying the words of the traitors (Democrats) who promote the one-world-order, over American sovereignty.
We're also not buying the premeditated brainwashing and indoctrination of our children in public schools and colleges. We're not buying never-ending entitlement programs so that liberals can remain in power by buying votes with our tax money from dumbed-down urban Americans; entitlement programs that will, in due time, without any doubt, bankrupt this country. It's not "if", it's just "when" and the "when" is alarmingly soon, especially if the Democrats take control again. Social Security and Medicare are already on the brink of bankruptcy and the Social Security lock box is filled with government IOU's that may never be paid back.
In fact, we are sick to death over the power struggle between the parties, without the application of principle, or what is good for the American people as a whole, like securing our borders from invasion. We are sick to death of law, after law, after law that restricts our freedom of choice, our freedom of movement, our freedom of what to buy, our freedom of what to eat, our freedom of what to wear, our freedom of where to live, our freedom of where to work, our freedom of what to drive, our freedom to live on and use our property without draconian government restrictions, and our freedom to roam freely throughout America without having to go through check points and body searches.
We are sick to death of the social and environmental propaganda being taught to our kids in public schools. We are sick to death of open borders and illegal immigrants coming into this country and feeding at the government "pig trough." We are sick to death of politicians that keep adding "feed" to that "pig trough" with our money, in exchange for future votes.
We are sick to death of politicians making law from the wish lists of narrow-focus lobby groups (socialists, environmentalists, corporations, unions, elitists, globalists, etc.) that violate our Federal and State Constitutions. We are sick to death of environmentalists who have taken over every level of government and lobby their radical agenda on the party of Democrats that aids and abets the lobbyist's every whim. We are sick to death of radical environmental protection, SMART GROWTH and SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT policies under UN's Agenda 21, without due process, much less compensation for the affected. There isn't a wetland (no matter how small) that government won't protect, at the expense of increased taxes, increasing regulation, erosion of property rights and the loss of our individual freedom. We are sick to death of land use laws that show a reckless disregard of our very foundation of property rights, freedoms and liberties, that were paid for by the blood and treasure of all of our brave men and women in uniform, who are even fighting today for our freedoms. One could ask, are they fighting for freedoms that now don't exist?
We are sick to death of irresponsible citizens (free loaders) and illegal aliens who's only interest in Government is what they can take from it, not what they can give back to society by being a productive member. We are sick to death of government bureaucracies that waste billions of our tax dollars. We are sick to death of corrupt and arrogant politicians and the constant violation of their oath of office. We are sick to death of government spending our tax dollars to engage in the fight against the fraud that is man-caused global warming, while the question of man being the cause is still in serious doubt. If man is not the cause, then why would they do this? The answer is obvious; central control of money, land, water, air, food, health care and energy. If you control these, you control the people.
We are sick to death of some citizens of this land denigrating our war on terror, while our brave men and women in uniform are in harms way and losing their lives, limbs and minds defending our freedoms. We are sick to death on how the VA shabbily treats our wounded veterans.
We are sick to death of the unmitigated "bull" coming out Hollywood's radical left wing and we are sick to death of politicians, ignorant individuals and the media who tear down our country, or fabricate crises for political gain.
Legislators think they know what is best for us, but in almost every case they are wrong, or blatantly self serving. They constantly violate their oath of office to preserve, protect and defend both the federal and state Constitutions, in passing laws, "for our so-called own good". The fact is, we are sick to death of government at all levels, as it is run-amok and out of control. Government steals our money, it steals our land, it steals our freedom and sells our sovereignty to the moneychangers and the world elite. Government is only about WHO WIELDS POWER, not what is constitutionally right for its citizens. Politicians, justices, judges and bureaucrats, (in either party) must revert back to the supreme law of the land, (our Constitutions) or you can kiss what is left of our liberty, goodbye!
We are sick to death of the whole mess that government has created and that Americans have allowed. We are sick to death of Government's out-of-control waste, fraud, abuse and corruption. Yes, President Trump and his devoted followers are making a difference. But the DEEP STATE and the Democrats may get him anyway.
To register our disgust with where America stands today, we are making available to the public our "We Will Not Surrender to a Democrat Aristocracy" Button. (shown in the above image) Click on the link to get your button.
In the end, others may be fooled, but we are one group of Americans that WILL NOT SURRENDER to the inevitability of socialism, radical environmentalism and the one world order. We will fight until there is no fight left in us. This is a one-of-a-kind, great country and its freedom is worth fighting for. Would there be man (or woman) among you that will JOIN us in that fight?
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Nothing Will Change Until the PEOPLE Act"
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
- Copyright Sunday, April 21, 2019 - All Rights Reserved
"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”- Theodore Roosevelt
Just shy of thirty years ago, on June 5, 1989, in the incident in Tiananmen Square, China, a lone and very brave, if not somewhat foolish man, stood out in front of a row of battle tanks, using his body as a symbol of protest against dictatorial authority. This nameless man managed to stop the advance of the tanks by moving in front of the first tank, every time it positioned to go around him. Later, the man jumped up on the tank and had a conversation with the driver. On-lookers managed to pull him off of the tank and he was absorbed into the watching crowd. One eyewitness to the event believes that the man was hauled away by secret police, tortured and then executed, as the man never appeared in public again and the Chinese government could not, or would not, produce him. Although many accounts purport to know what happened to him, the "tank" man's name or his final fate, to our knowledge, has never been verified.
But what is most important in this story is not what the man did and the courage it took to do it, but how his courageous actions affected others. Because you see, courage is infectious. One man, in act of selfless bravery, with no regard for his own safety, by stopping those tanks, even briefly, started the germination of a seed of freedom in the minds of hundreds of thousands of people, held in bondage, but longing to be free, all around the world. Out of those hundreds of thousands another individual will stand up, and then another and then another, because you see, courage is infectious.
In April of 2014 hundreds of armed civilians from around the country challenged the authority of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to round up Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy's cattle. The BLM stood down and released the rounded up cattle back to the rancher. When the people stand up in large groups and punctuate their demands with a show of force, government has no choice but to stand down, or initiate a blood bath like Waco and Ruby Ridge. Where are the civilians that will emulate the hundreds of brave men and women that came to the Bundy ranch to challenge the government and stand up for freedom and property rights?
Landowners along the Jarbidge River near Elko, Nevada drove the federal government agents out of town fearing for their lives, for actions by the government and environmental groups against the locals' livelihood, rural roads, recreation, forests and rivers. The rural Elko landowners formed what they called the "Jarbidge Shovel Brigade" to take on the federal and local authorities. They openly defied the federal authorities with action and the show of force.
In northern California and southern Oregon along the Klamath River, the local landowners formed the Klamath Bucket Brigade to fight against removal of four dams. Sadly, the Indians and the environmentalists won in order to save a two-inch fish.
Now, Governor Jay Inslee wants to spend $1.1 Billion of the taxpayer's money to save 75 Killer Whales in Puget Sound, Washington State. That works out to $14,666,667 per Killer Whale. The environmentalists and Governor Inslee are Hell bent to save the salmon in Puget Sound as well, but one Killer Whale eats 200 pounds of salmon every single day. That works out to 5,475,000 pounds of salmon Killer Whales consume every year. If each salmon weighed 5 pounds, that means that Killer Whales devour over 1,000,000 salmon each year.
The environmentalists and tree huggers want to have it both ways. They want to save the Killer Whale and the salmon at the same time ..... no matter what it costs the taxpayer. Where are the Americans that will bring sanity to an insane environmental world?
Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy started a forest fire with one match. He ignited the flame of freedom in the hearts and minds of millions of Americans, some of whom decided to put their money and their lives where their mouths were. They voted with their feet in positive action and some of them were willing to vote with their guns if it became necessary. They rose up and the government backed down. It is not an unfamiliar scene. We have personally witnessed government backing down locally as well, when the people rose up in large numbers. The people have the power if they will only choose to exercise it with courage.
Yes, there are millions of Americans itching to lock and load. We hear from them almost daily. But why? Because government and especially the federal government, has pushed, abused, harassed, cheated, lied, cajoled and intimidated too many people for far too long and the hair on the backs of the necks of some Americans itching for a fight, is rising. The outcome at the Bundy ranch was fully predictable to anyone with any knowledge of the true American spirit. Let freedom ring, or we will punctuate our strongly held beliefs of liberty with guns. Why did the government back down? Because they were surrounded by a superior force where a fight could have ignited a much wider, but politically devastating war with the potential of the dead bodies of American men and women pasted all over our TV screens.
Out of fear of losing ones' life or possessions, most people prefer to remain obscure, not wanting to draw attention to themselves, especially if that attention should come from agents of a tyrannical government. Tyrannical governments torture and kill people, or put them in concentration camps for extended periods. Some unjust governments, in order to maintain strong-arm control of the masses, will pass tens of thousands (or millions) of laws and then fine, penalize, or incarcerate individuals or groups that won't "bend under the will of the almighty law". (Tell that to the illegal aliens that thumb their noses at our laws and sponge off of our generosity.) Who but the very courageous would put themselves at that kind of risk? Patriots do every day!
But a strange thing happens when one man (or woman) stands out amongst the rest and demonstrates exceptional bravery. He, or she, affects some of the observers in a very positive way, in which some of those observers want to mirror that bravery.
In a meeting where the leader will ask for volunteers for a difficult task, one hand will go up, then a pause, then another hand will go up, then all at once a bunch of hands go up, all because one man or woman catalyzed the rest by having the courage to be the first to volunteer.
On the battlefield, one man, risking everything, motivated by emotions of unbridled anger, or rage over something that happened to one of his buddies, will attack the enemy single handedly, from whence heroes are born. In many cases, that single act of courage incites others to follow him, from whence wars are won.
Today, all across America, individuals who have had enough, are showing exceptional bravery. That was demonstrated in a sudden and inspirational movement to organize tea parties in hundreds of cities throughout the country ..... an idea triggered by someone named Santelli on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, on TV. Santelli finally had enough of government nationalizing industries, bank and business bailouts, zillion dollar stimulus packages and other unconstitutional insanity coming out of Washington DC and the then White House and decided to "stand up". So one act of courage started a whole bunch of single acts of courage, from thousands of citizens all over the United States. Courage was and is infectious. But what has happened to the Tea Party. You don't hear much about them any more. Did they give up, or run out of money?
America needs you. If any of you are really angry about what has happened to this great land and you are perched on the brink of "standing up", we encourage you to find the courage to do so. Because your one act of courage will influence others to follow you and from hence our Republic will be reborn in an unquenchable and unstoppable cry for liberty. We have given you that opportunity to make a difference HERE. Five brave souls already have. With just 10,000 Americans taking one peaceful, legal, successful action in defense of their country could be enough to trigger ten million Americans to follow suit. Civil war then would never be necessary.
After 100 years of moving away from freedom, we are truly at a crossroads and the fate of our cherished America could go either way. But "just one act of courage" by just one person, might very well make the difference between freedom and perpetual enslavement to socialism, or communism, or worse. If you stand up, you could be the "butterfly" that "flaps its wings" in Arizona and starts an uprising in Michigan. The seeds of freedom have already been sewn by many single acts of courage and the "butterflies" are poised to take wing. Others, less courageous and sitting on the sidelines, are waiting for you to make the first move. Will you?
A million authors can write a zillion articles on what ails America. Well meaning patriots can hold thousands of conferences on freedom. Half the people in a country can talk and debate until they are blue in the face, but it won't change anything. Because "NOTHING WILL CHANGE UNTIL THE PEOPLE ACT, EN MASSE!" The other side is winning because they have captured the hearts and minds of millions of clueless, brainwashed Americans. The question is, are you going to let them win? We can stop the other side with action, but will we?
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE."It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”- Theodore Roosevelt
Just shy of thirty years ago, on June 5, 1989, in the incident in Tiananmen Square, China, a lone and very brave, if not somewhat foolish man, stood out in front of a row of battle tanks, using his body as a symbol of protest against dictatorial authority. This nameless man managed to stop the advance of the tanks by moving in front of the first tank, every time it positioned to go around him. Later, the man jumped up on the tank and had a conversation with the driver. On-lookers managed to pull him off of the tank and he was absorbed into the watching crowd. One eyewitness to the event believes that the man was hauled away by secret police, tortured and then executed, as the man never appeared in public again and the Chinese government could not, or would not, produce him. Although many accounts purport to know what happened to him, the "tank" man's name or his final fate, to our knowledge, has never been verified.
But what is most important in this story is not what the man did and the courage it took to do it, but how his courageous actions affected others. Because you see, courage is infectious. One man, in act of selfless bravery, with no regard for his own safety, by stopping those tanks, even briefly, started the germination of a seed of freedom in the minds of hundreds of thousands of people, held in bondage, but longing to be free, all around the world. Out of those hundreds of thousands another individual will stand up, and then another and then another, because you see, courage is infectious.
In April of 2014 hundreds of armed civilians from around the country challenged the authority of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to round up Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy's cattle. The BLM stood down and released the rounded up cattle back to the rancher. When the people stand up in large groups and punctuate their demands with a show of force, government has no choice but to stand down, or initiate a blood bath like Waco and Ruby Ridge. Where are the civilians that will emulate the hundreds of brave men and women that came to the Bundy ranch to challenge the government and stand up for freedom and property rights?
Landowners along the Jarbidge River near Elko, Nevada drove the federal government agents out of town fearing for their lives, for actions by the government and environmental groups against the locals' livelihood, rural roads, recreation, forests and rivers. The rural Elko landowners formed what they called the "Jarbidge Shovel Brigade" to take on the federal and local authorities. They openly defied the federal authorities with action and the show of force.
In northern California and southern Oregon along the Klamath River, the local landowners formed the Klamath Bucket Brigade to fight against removal of four dams. Sadly, the Indians and the environmentalists won in order to save a two-inch fish.
Now, Governor Jay Inslee wants to spend $1.1 Billion of the taxpayer's money to save 75 Killer Whales in Puget Sound, Washington State. That works out to $14,666,667 per Killer Whale. The environmentalists and Governor Inslee are Hell bent to save the salmon in Puget Sound as well, but one Killer Whale eats 200 pounds of salmon every single day. That works out to 5,475,000 pounds of salmon Killer Whales consume every year. If each salmon weighed 5 pounds, that means that Killer Whales devour over 1,000,000 salmon each year.
The environmentalists and tree huggers want to have it both ways. They want to save the Killer Whale and the salmon at the same time ..... no matter what it costs the taxpayer. Where are the Americans that will bring sanity to an insane environmental world?
Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy started a forest fire with one match. He ignited the flame of freedom in the hearts and minds of millions of Americans, some of whom decided to put their money and their lives where their mouths were. They voted with their feet in positive action and some of them were willing to vote with their guns if it became necessary. They rose up and the government backed down. It is not an unfamiliar scene. We have personally witnessed government backing down locally as well, when the people rose up in large numbers. The people have the power if they will only choose to exercise it with courage.
Yes, there are millions of Americans itching to lock and load. We hear from them almost daily. But why? Because government and especially the federal government, has pushed, abused, harassed, cheated, lied, cajoled and intimidated too many people for far too long and the hair on the backs of the necks of some Americans itching for a fight, is rising. The outcome at the Bundy ranch was fully predictable to anyone with any knowledge of the true American spirit. Let freedom ring, or we will punctuate our strongly held beliefs of liberty with guns. Why did the government back down? Because they were surrounded by a superior force where a fight could have ignited a much wider, but politically devastating war with the potential of the dead bodies of American men and women pasted all over our TV screens.
Out of fear of losing ones' life or possessions, most people prefer to remain obscure, not wanting to draw attention to themselves, especially if that attention should come from agents of a tyrannical government. Tyrannical governments torture and kill people, or put them in concentration camps for extended periods. Some unjust governments, in order to maintain strong-arm control of the masses, will pass tens of thousands (or millions) of laws and then fine, penalize, or incarcerate individuals or groups that won't "bend under the will of the almighty law". (Tell that to the illegal aliens that thumb their noses at our laws and sponge off of our generosity.) Who but the very courageous would put themselves at that kind of risk? Patriots do every day!
But a strange thing happens when one man (or woman) stands out amongst the rest and demonstrates exceptional bravery. He, or she, affects some of the observers in a very positive way, in which some of those observers want to mirror that bravery.
In a meeting where the leader will ask for volunteers for a difficult task, one hand will go up, then a pause, then another hand will go up, then all at once a bunch of hands go up, all because one man or woman catalyzed the rest by having the courage to be the first to volunteer.
On the battlefield, one man, risking everything, motivated by emotions of unbridled anger, or rage over something that happened to one of his buddies, will attack the enemy single handedly, from whence heroes are born. In many cases, that single act of courage incites others to follow him, from whence wars are won.
Today, all across America, individuals who have had enough, are showing exceptional bravery. That was demonstrated in a sudden and inspirational movement to organize tea parties in hundreds of cities throughout the country ..... an idea triggered by someone named Santelli on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, on TV. Santelli finally had enough of government nationalizing industries, bank and business bailouts, zillion dollar stimulus packages and other unconstitutional insanity coming out of Washington DC and the then White House and decided to "stand up". So one act of courage started a whole bunch of single acts of courage, from thousands of citizens all over the United States. Courage was and is infectious. But what has happened to the Tea Party. You don't hear much about them any more. Did they give up, or run out of money?
America needs you. If any of you are really angry about what has happened to this great land and you are perched on the brink of "standing up", we encourage you to find the courage to do so. Because your one act of courage will influence others to follow you and from hence our Republic will be reborn in an unquenchable and unstoppable cry for liberty. We have given you that opportunity to make a difference HERE. Five brave souls already have. With just 10,000 Americans taking one peaceful, legal, successful action in defense of their country could be enough to trigger ten million Americans to follow suit. Civil war then would never be necessary.
After 100 years of moving away from freedom, we are truly at a crossroads and the fate of our cherished America could go either way. But "just one act of courage" by just one person, might very well make the difference between freedom and perpetual enslavement to socialism, or communism, or worse. If you stand up, you could be the "butterfly" that "flaps its wings" in Arizona and starts an uprising in Michigan. The seeds of freedom have already been sewn by many single acts of courage and the "butterflies" are poised to take wing. Others, less courageous and sitting on the sidelines, are waiting for you to make the first move. Will you?
A million authors can write a zillion articles on what ails America. Well meaning patriots can hold thousands of conferences on freedom. Half the people in a country can talk and debate until they are blue in the face, but it won't change anything. Because "NOTHING WILL CHANGE UNTIL THE PEOPLE ACT, EN MASSE!" The other side is winning because they have captured the hearts and minds of millions of clueless, brainwashed Americans. The question is, are you going to let them win? We can stop the other side with action, but will we?
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Just shy of thirty years ago, on June 5, 1989, in the incident in Tiananmen Square, China, a lone and very brave, if not somewhat foolish man, stood out in front of a row of battle tanks, using his body as a symbol of protest against dictatorial authority. This nameless man managed to stop the advance of the tanks by moving in front of the first tank, every time it positioned to go around him. Later, the man jumped up on the tank and had a conversation with the driver. On-lookers managed to pull him off of the tank and he was absorbed into the watching crowd. One eyewitness to the event believes that the man was hauled away by secret police, tortured and then executed, as the man never appeared in public again and the Chinese government could not, or would not, produce him. Although many accounts purport to know what happened to him, the "tank" man's name or his final fate, to our knowledge, has never been verified.
But what is most important in this story is not what the man did and the courage it took to do it, but how his courageous actions affected others. Because you see, courage is infectious. One man, in act of selfless bravery, with no regard for his own safety, by stopping those tanks, even briefly, started the germination of a seed of freedom in the minds of hundreds of thousands of people, held in bondage, but longing to be free, all around the world. Out of those hundreds of thousands another individual will stand up, and then another and then another, because you see, courage is infectious.
In April of 2014 hundreds of armed civilians from around the country challenged the authority of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to round up Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy's cattle. The BLM stood down and released the rounded up cattle back to the rancher. When the people stand up in large groups and punctuate their demands with a show of force, government has no choice but to stand down, or initiate a blood bath like Waco and Ruby Ridge. Where are the civilians that will emulate the hundreds of brave men and women that came to the Bundy ranch to challenge the government and stand up for freedom and property rights?
Landowners along the Jarbidge River near Elko, Nevada drove the federal government agents out of town fearing for their lives, for actions by the government and environmental groups against the locals' livelihood, rural roads, recreation, forests and rivers. The rural Elko landowners formed what they called the "Jarbidge Shovel Brigade" to take on the federal and local authorities. They openly defied the federal authorities with action and the show of force.
In northern California and southern Oregon along the Klamath River, the local landowners formed the Klamath Bucket Brigade to fight against removal of four dams. Sadly, the Indians and the environmentalists won in order to save a two-inch fish.
Now, Governor Jay Inslee wants to spend $1.1 Billion of the taxpayer's money to save 75 Killer Whales in Puget Sound, Washington State. That works out to $14,666,667 per Killer Whale. The environmentalists and Governor Inslee are Hell bent to save the salmon in Puget Sound as well, but one Killer Whale eats 200 pounds of salmon every single day. That works out to 5,475,000 pounds of salmon Killer Whales consume every year. If each salmon weighed 5 pounds, that means that Killer Whales devour over 1,000,000 salmon each year.
The environmentalists and tree huggers want to have it both ways. They want to save the Killer Whale and the salmon at the same time ..... no matter what it costs the taxpayer. Where are the Americans that will bring sanity to an insane environmental world?
Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy started a forest fire with one match. He ignited the flame of freedom in the hearts and minds of millions of Americans, some of whom decided to put their money and their lives where their mouths were. They voted with their feet in positive action and some of them were willing to vote with their guns if it became necessary. They rose up and the government backed down. It is not an unfamiliar scene. We have personally witnessed government backing down locally as well, when the people rose up in large numbers. The people have the power if they will only choose to exercise it with courage.
Yes, there are millions of Americans itching to lock and load. We hear from them almost daily. But why? Because government and especially the federal government, has pushed, abused, harassed, cheated, lied, cajoled and intimidated too many people for far too long and the hair on the backs of the necks of some Americans itching for a fight, is rising. The outcome at the Bundy ranch was fully predictable to anyone with any knowledge of the true American spirit. Let freedom ring, or we will punctuate our strongly held beliefs of liberty with guns. Why did the government back down? Because they were surrounded by a superior force where a fight could have ignited a much wider, but politically devastating war with the potential of the dead bodies of American men and women pasted all over our TV screens.
Out of fear of losing ones' life or possessions, most people prefer to remain obscure, not wanting to draw attention to themselves, especially if that attention should come from agents of a tyrannical government. Tyrannical governments torture and kill people, or put them in concentration camps for extended periods. Some unjust governments, in order to maintain strong-arm control of the masses, will pass tens of thousands (or millions) of laws and then fine, penalize, or incarcerate individuals or groups that won't "bend under the will of the almighty law". (Tell that to the illegal aliens that thumb their noses at our laws and sponge off of our generosity.) Who but the very courageous would put themselves at that kind of risk? Patriots do every day!
But a strange thing happens when one man (or woman) stands out amongst the rest and demonstrates exceptional bravery. He, or she, affects some of the observers in a very positive way, in which some of those observers want to mirror that bravery.
In a meeting where the leader will ask for volunteers for a difficult task, one hand will go up, then a pause, then another hand will go up, then all at once a bunch of hands go up, all because one man or woman catalyzed the rest by having the courage to be the first to volunteer.
On the battlefield, one man, risking everything, motivated by emotions of unbridled anger, or rage over something that happened to one of his buddies, will attack the enemy single handedly, from whence heroes are born. In many cases, that single act of courage incites others to follow him, from whence wars are won.
Today, all across America, individuals who have had enough, are showing exceptional bravery. That was demonstrated in a sudden and inspirational movement to organize tea parties in hundreds of cities throughout the country ..... an idea triggered by someone named Santelli on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, on TV. Santelli finally had enough of government nationalizing industries, bank and business bailouts, zillion dollar stimulus packages and other unconstitutional insanity coming out of Washington DC and the then White House and decided to "stand up". So one act of courage started a whole bunch of single acts of courage, from thousands of citizens all over the United States. Courage was and is infectious. But what has happened to the Tea Party. You don't hear much about them any more. Did they give up, or run out of money?
America needs you. If any of you are really angry about what has happened to this great land and you are perched on the brink of "standing up", we encourage you to find the courage to do so. Because your one act of courage will influence others to follow you and from hence our Republic will be reborn in an unquenchable and unstoppable cry for liberty. We have given you that opportunity to make a difference HERE. Five brave souls already have. With just 10,000 Americans taking one peaceful, legal, successful action in defense of their country could be enough to trigger ten million Americans to follow suit. Civil war then would never be necessary.
After 100 years of moving away from freedom, we are truly at a crossroads and the fate of our cherished America could go either way. But "just one act of courage" by just one person, might very well make the difference between freedom and perpetual enslavement to socialism, or communism, or worse. If you stand up, you could be the "butterfly" that "flaps its wings" in Arizona and starts an uprising in Michigan. The seeds of freedom have already been sewn by many single acts of courage and the "butterflies" are poised to take wing. Others, less courageous and sitting on the sidelines, are waiting for you to make the first move. Will you?
A million authors can write a zillion articles on what ails America. Well meaning patriots can hold thousands of conferences on freedom. Half the people in a country can talk and debate until they are blue in the face, but it won't change anything. Because "NOTHING WILL CHANGE UNTIL THE PEOPLE ACT, EN MASSE!" The other side is winning because they have captured the hearts and minds of millions of clueless, brainwashed Americans. The question is, are you going to let them win? We can stop the other side with action, but will we?
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE."It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”- Theodore Roosevelt
Just shy of thirty years ago, on June 5, 1989, in the incident in Tiananmen Square, China, a lone and very brave, if not somewhat foolish man, stood out in front of a row of battle tanks, using his body as a symbol of protest against dictatorial authority. This nameless man managed to stop the advance of the tanks by moving in front of the first tank, every time it positioned to go around him. Later, the man jumped up on the tank and had a conversation with the driver. On-lookers managed to pull him off of the tank and he was absorbed into the watching crowd. One eyewitness to the event believes that the man was hauled away by secret police, tortured and then executed, as the man never appeared in public again and the Chinese government could not, or would not, produce him. Although many accounts purport to know what happened to him, the "tank" man's name or his final fate, to our knowledge, has never been verified.
But what is most important in this story is not what the man did and the courage it took to do it, but how his courageous actions affected others. Because you see, courage is infectious. One man, in act of selfless bravery, with no regard for his own safety, by stopping those tanks, even briefly, started the germination of a seed of freedom in the minds of hundreds of thousands of people, held in bondage, but longing to be free, all around the world. Out of those hundreds of thousands another individual will stand up, and then another and then another, because you see, courage is infectious.
In April of 2014 hundreds of armed civilians from around the country challenged the authority of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to round up Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy's cattle. The BLM stood down and released the rounded up cattle back to the rancher. When the people stand up in large groups and punctuate their demands with a show of force, government has no choice but to stand down, or initiate a blood bath like Waco and Ruby Ridge. Where are the civilians that will emulate the hundreds of brave men and women that came to the Bundy ranch to challenge the government and stand up for freedom and property rights?
Landowners along the Jarbidge River near Elko, Nevada drove the federal government agents out of town fearing for their lives, for actions by the government and environmental groups against the locals' livelihood, rural roads, recreation, forests and rivers. The rural Elko landowners formed what they called the "Jarbidge Shovel Brigade" to take on the federal and local authorities. They openly defied the federal authorities with action and the show of force.
In northern California and southern Oregon along the Klamath River, the local landowners formed the Klamath Bucket Brigade to fight against removal of four dams. Sadly, the Indians and the environmentalists won in order to save a two-inch fish.
Now, Governor Jay Inslee wants to spend $1.1 Billion of the taxpayer's money to save 75 Killer Whales in Puget Sound, Washington State. That works out to $14,666,667 per Killer Whale. The environmentalists and Governor Inslee are Hell bent to save the salmon in Puget Sound as well, but one Killer Whale eats 200 pounds of salmon every single day. That works out to 5,475,000 pounds of salmon Killer Whales consume every year. If each salmon weighed 5 pounds, that means that Killer Whales devour over 1,000,000 salmon each year.
The environmentalists and tree huggers want to have it both ways. They want to save the Killer Whale and the salmon at the same time ..... no matter what it costs the taxpayer. Where are the Americans that will bring sanity to an insane environmental world?
Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy started a forest fire with one match. He ignited the flame of freedom in the hearts and minds of millions of Americans, some of whom decided to put their money and their lives where their mouths were. They voted with their feet in positive action and some of them were willing to vote with their guns if it became necessary. They rose up and the government backed down. It is not an unfamiliar scene. We have personally witnessed government backing down locally as well, when the people rose up in large numbers. The people have the power if they will only choose to exercise it with courage.
Yes, there are millions of Americans itching to lock and load. We hear from them almost daily. But why? Because government and especially the federal government, has pushed, abused, harassed, cheated, lied, cajoled and intimidated too many people for far too long and the hair on the backs of the necks of some Americans itching for a fight, is rising. The outcome at the Bundy ranch was fully predictable to anyone with any knowledge of the true American spirit. Let freedom ring, or we will punctuate our strongly held beliefs of liberty with guns. Why did the government back down? Because they were surrounded by a superior force where a fight could have ignited a much wider, but politically devastating war with the potential of the dead bodies of American men and women pasted all over our TV screens.
Out of fear of losing ones' life or possessions, most people prefer to remain obscure, not wanting to draw attention to themselves, especially if that attention should come from agents of a tyrannical government. Tyrannical governments torture and kill people, or put them in concentration camps for extended periods. Some unjust governments, in order to maintain strong-arm control of the masses, will pass tens of thousands (or millions) of laws and then fine, penalize, or incarcerate individuals or groups that won't "bend under the will of the almighty law". (Tell that to the illegal aliens that thumb their noses at our laws and sponge off of our generosity.) Who but the very courageous would put themselves at that kind of risk? Patriots do every day!
But a strange thing happens when one man (or woman) stands out amongst the rest and demonstrates exceptional bravery. He, or she, affects some of the observers in a very positive way, in which some of those observers want to mirror that bravery.
In a meeting where the leader will ask for volunteers for a difficult task, one hand will go up, then a pause, then another hand will go up, then all at once a bunch of hands go up, all because one man or woman catalyzed the rest by having the courage to be the first to volunteer.
On the battlefield, one man, risking everything, motivated by emotions of unbridled anger, or rage over something that happened to one of his buddies, will attack the enemy single handedly, from whence heroes are born. In many cases, that single act of courage incites others to follow him, from whence wars are won.
Today, all across America, individuals who have had enough, are showing exceptional bravery. That was demonstrated in a sudden and inspirational movement to organize tea parties in hundreds of cities throughout the country ..... an idea triggered by someone named Santelli on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, on TV. Santelli finally had enough of government nationalizing industries, bank and business bailouts, zillion dollar stimulus packages and other unconstitutional insanity coming out of Washington DC and the then White House and decided to "stand up". So one act of courage started a whole bunch of single acts of courage, from thousands of citizens all over the United States. Courage was and is infectious. But what has happened to the Tea Party. You don't hear much about them any more. Did they give up, or run out of money?
America needs you. If any of you are really angry about what has happened to this great land and you are perched on the brink of "standing up", we encourage you to find the courage to do so. Because your one act of courage will influence others to follow you and from hence our Republic will be reborn in an unquenchable and unstoppable cry for liberty. We have given you that opportunity to make a difference HERE. Five brave souls already have. With just 10,000 Americans taking one peaceful, legal, successful action in defense of their country could be enough to trigger ten million Americans to follow suit. Civil war then would never be necessary.
After 100 years of moving away from freedom, we are truly at a crossroads and the fate of our cherished America could go either way. But "just one act of courage" by just one person, might very well make the difference between freedom and perpetual enslavement to socialism, or communism, or worse. If you stand up, you could be the "butterfly" that "flaps its wings" in Arizona and starts an uprising in Michigan. The seeds of freedom have already been sewn by many single acts of courage and the "butterflies" are poised to take wing. Others, less courageous and sitting on the sidelines, are waiting for you to make the first move. Will you?
A million authors can write a zillion articles on what ails America. Well meaning patriots can hold thousands of conferences on freedom. Half the people in a country can talk and debate until they are blue in the face, but it won't change anything. Because "NOTHING WILL CHANGE UNTIL THE PEOPLE ACT, EN MASSE!" The other side is winning because they have captured the hearts and minds of millions of clueless, brainwashed Americans. The question is, are you going to let them win? We can stop the other side with action, but will we?
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Is The Great Western Rural Lifestyle Dying?”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, April 14, 2019 - All Rights Reserved
"The Great Western rural landowner epitomizes the raw courage, self-reliance and fierce independence of Western America's past. He (or she) must not only face what nature and the markets can throw at him, he must suffer and endure the ravages of government regulation and interference. The Great Western rural landowner is a testament to fortitude, endurance and self-determination, those characteristics necessary to preserve and maintain liberty." Ron Ewart
In an article we wrote back in late 2009 entitled: "Do Only Real Americans Live In Wyoming?" we began with:
"Dawn was breaking over the Circle P in Western Wyoming. The Sun had not yet broken above the East horizon but the growing light cast an eerie orange glow on last night's fresh snow that had put an ermine blanket on the Tetons. A few puffy clouds lingered at the top of the peaks but would soon disappear from the Sun's rising heat. The sky was not yet blue. The trees on the hillside had already turned to several shades of yellow and orange but appeared in dark, grey tones because of the low light. Winter was just around the corner."
"The valley below the ranch house was still shrouded in a low ground fog. A horse's rump without any legs and a hundred fence-post tops in a row appeared above the fog, like a pastel picture only half painted."
"John Portal stretched his arms into the air as he drank in the morning scene from the picture window of their ranch house. As he slowly lowered his arms, Jenny, John's wife, still in her robe, snuggled under one of his arms in a sideways hug and shared the beauty of the new day that was just now presenting itself to the Portal's of Wyoming. John and Jenny could but linger for a short while in the rapture of the moment. There was much work to be done before the Sun would set again on the Circle P. Jenny broke away from their hug to wake up their two children and then headed for the kitchen. John started towards the bathroom to shave and get dressed."
"John and Jenny were both fifth generation ranchers. John had inherited their thousand-acre spread from a long-line of independent, self-reliant, tough pioneer stock Portals, born and bred from the days of the adversity of the old West. John and Jenny met in high school and a bond between them was forged almost instantly. Jenny was the daughter of another fifth generation Wyoming rancher. Both were the product of the American free spirit, who daily stared adversity directly in the face and pressed forward, no matter what was in their way."
The story of John and Jenny went on to tell about all of the problems facing American livestock producers today from the perspective of one family rancher, mostly from being strangled by government regulation. The reality of this massive intrusion into the "Great Western Lifestyle" by government was recently portrayed in a short Youtube video entitled: "Mother Nature vs. Government."
We ended the story with:
"They thought they could live their lives without interference from their government, as the Constitution promises, but they were wrong. They must now face the enemy who will not leave them alone. Should the Great Western ranchers and farmers collectively turn their attention away from the weather and the land for awhile, and towards the government that now haunts them, the government would be wise to put their ears to the ground and listen for the hoof beats of an angry four horsemen. That is of course, unless the American rancher and farmer have not been bought off by the government, like so many other segments of our once-free nation, who have similarly been bought off. We can only hope not."
The question lingers in the minds of many landowners, is the Great Western Rural Lifestyle dying or dead? Sadly, many demographic and geopolitical indicators, as well as massive environmental regulations, point to a dying trend for the small to medium sized family farm and ranch.
Here is a quote from a mid-western diary farmer:
"As dairy farmers we did everything right, I even earned awards for quality milk. But we had no control over rising fuel costs, feed and hay prices, plus the supplies, hauling, veterinary services, and everything else needed to produce milk, all of which has gone up at alarmingly high rates. Everyone else could raise their prices, but not the farmer."
"The roller coaster price system is destructive. The farmer's paycheck is what's left over after everyone else profits or takes their costs first. The farmer gets very little from those inflated prices in the grocery stores that consumers pay."
"Now we are desperately struggling to keep our beautiful cows and preserve our farm that has been in the family nearing 100 years."
But this only tells half the story. In an article by Alan Greenblatt, he wrote that: Rural areas have not kept up with anything like the population growth in cities and suburbs. There’s nothing new about this -- the number of rural legislative seats has been in decline for decades. Still, there will be notably fewer legislators from rural areas taking Congressional seats as sessions get under way in January, even in farm states such as Indiana, Minnesota and Wisconsin. [He failed to mention the 17 Western states] With fewer state lawmakers representing rural districts, issues important to rural areas may go unheard."
"That means rural areas that traditionally dominated many chambers will now struggle even to be heard. 'It will be difficult for the rural areas to predominate on certain issues,' says former state Rep. Roger Lane, who oversaw the recent round of redistricting in Georgia, in which the metro Atlanta area took a majority of state House seats for the first time."
But it gets worse. A New York Times article from December 2018, laments that: "Rural America is Getting Old."
The median age is 43, seven years older than city dwellers. Its productivity, defined as output per worker, is lower than urban America’s. Its families have lower incomes. And its share of the population is shrinking: the United States has grown by 75 million people since 1990, but this has mostly occurred in cities and suburbs. Rural areas have lost some 3 million people. Since the 1990s, problems such as crime and opioid abuse, once associated with urban areas, are increasingly rural phenomena.
Rural communities once captured a greater share of the nation’s prosperity. Jobs and wages in small town America played catch-up with big cities until the mid 1980s. During the economic recovery of 1992 to 1996, 135,000 new businesses were started in small counties, a third of the nation’s total. Employment in small counties shot up by 2.5 million, or 16 percent, twice the pace experienced in counties with million-plus populations.
These days, economic growth bypasses rural economies. In the first four years of the recovery after the 2008 recession, counties with fewer than 100,000 people lost 17,500 businesses, according to the Economic Innovation Group. By contrast, counties with more than 1 million residents added, altogether, 99,000 firms. By 2017, the largest metropolitan areas had almost 10 percent more jobs than they did at the start of the financial crisis. Rural areas still had fewer.
Mechanization for large food producers leads to economies of scale and lower prices. Small and mid-sized family farms and ranches are not able to compete with the large producers, forcing many of them out of business. Also, large producers are gobbling up small and mid-sized farms, adding to their land holdings. Losing farmers and ranchers are eager to sell.
Because of the difficulties for small and mid-sized food producers, suicide is becoming more common due to rising debt and insurmountable difficulties. The Guardian recently wrote: "Last year, a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that people working in agriculture – including farmers, farm laborers, ranchers, fishers, and lumber harvesters – take their lives at a rate higher than any other occupation. The data suggested that the suicide rate for agricultural workers in 17 states was nearly five times higher compared with that in the general population."
Government is trying to help through Senator Tim Scott's (R-SC) Opportunity Zones initiative, providing significant long-term tax credits for investing in rural areas. But the initiative may not be able to overcome the demographic and geopolitical factors that are exacerbating the rural areas decline.
Family farmers and ranchers are a hearty breed and they are trained from birth to never give up, no matter how difficult the task may be. But if they don't organize on a grand scale, they have no chance to survive. The fact is, "Rural Landowners Are Prisoners On Their Own Land." Unfortunately, they may find themselves in a "David vs. Goliath" situation where there is simply not enough ammunition for their slingshots. They may eventually have to face the unforgiving law of rapidly diminishing returns due to market and government forces.
That's not as easy as it may sound. Occupations that deal with working the land and self-employment are permanently ingrained in the soul. The mindset of farmers, ranchers, independent truck drivers and loggers is totally different from their urban brethren. You can't train a man that has worked most of his life on the land, or his own boss in an 18-wheeler, to write computer code, or stuff parts in printed circuit boards. He'll go start raving crazy.
So what does the future hold for America's rural landowner, in a land where over 80% of the people now live in high dense urban cities? The thought processes of a city dweller are far removed from that of farmer, rancher, trucker and logger, or even the entrepreneur. The city dweller thinks in terms of a job, or what government can do for them. The city dweller is, unknowingly, a slave to government. In contrast, independent individuals think in terms of what he or she can do for themselves, by themselves, without government help .... and hopefully without government interference. That characteristic is the "American" way.
Rural landowners may one day find themselves in the dilemma faced by the rancher in our story: "I Must Keep Running." Insane regulations caught up with this mythical rancher and he was forced to run from authorities.
Ladies and gentlemen, by the sheer magnitude of their numbers, the city dwellers (and the illegal aliens that will eventually be granted amnesty) will own the political arena and dictate to everyone else, from an urban socialist perspective. The American conservative, the landowner and the independent entrepreneur will become less and less relevant, with declining political influence. They may have to start another country where the freedom bell rings loud and clear and where the icon of the "Great Western Rural Lifestyle" will live again. Or, the seventeen Western States, excluding California, Washington and Oregon, will have to secede from the Union.
But for the time being, while the environmentalists and the government continue to circle around the rural landowner like vultures on the wind, the landowner needs to avail themselves of our powerful, legally intimidating Constitutional No Trespassing signs HERE and HERE, for as long as trespass law exists.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
In an article we wrote back in late 2009 entitled: "Do Only Real Americans Live In Wyoming?" we began with:
"Dawn was breaking over the Circle P in Western Wyoming. The Sun had not yet broken above the East horizon but the growing light cast an eerie orange glow on last night's fresh snow that had put an ermine blanket on the Tetons. A few puffy clouds lingered at the top of the peaks but would soon disappear from the Sun's rising heat. The sky was not yet blue. The trees on the hillside had already turned to several shades of yellow and orange but appeared in dark, grey tones because of the low light. Winter was just around the corner."
"The valley below the ranch house was still shrouded in a low ground fog. A horse's rump without any legs and a hundred fence-post tops in a row appeared above the fog, like a pastel picture only half painted."
"John Portal stretched his arms into the air as he drank in the morning scene from the picture window of their ranch house. As he slowly lowered his arms, Jenny, John's wife, still in her robe, snuggled under one of his arms in a sideways hug and shared the beauty of the new day that was just now presenting itself to the Portal's of Wyoming. John and Jenny could but linger for a short while in the rapture of the moment. There was much work to be done before the Sun would set again on the Circle P. Jenny broke away from their hug to wake up their two children and then headed for the kitchen. John started towards the bathroom to shave and get dressed."
"John and Jenny were both fifth generation ranchers. John had inherited their thousand-acre spread from a long-line of independent, self-reliant, tough pioneer stock Portals, born and bred from the days of the adversity of the old West. John and Jenny met in high school and a bond between them was forged almost instantly. Jenny was the daughter of another fifth generation Wyoming rancher. Both were the product of the American free spirit, who daily stared adversity directly in the face and pressed forward, no matter what was in their way."
The story of John and Jenny went on to tell about all of the problems facing American livestock producers today from the perspective of one family rancher, mostly from being strangled by government regulation. The reality of this massive intrusion into the "Great Western Lifestyle" by government was recently portrayed in a short Youtube video entitled: "Mother Nature vs. Government."
We ended the story with:
"They thought they could live their lives without interference from their government, as the Constitution promises, but they were wrong. They must now face the enemy who will not leave them alone. Should the Great Western ranchers and farmers collectively turn their attention away from the weather and the land for awhile, and towards the government that now haunts them, the government would be wise to put their ears to the ground and listen for the hoof beats of an angry four horsemen. That is of course, unless the American rancher and farmer have not been bought off by the government, like so many other segments of our once-free nation, who have similarly been bought off. We can only hope not."
The question lingers in the minds of many landowners, is the Great Western Rural Lifestyle dying or dead? Sadly, many demographic and geopolitical indicators, as well as massive environmental regulations, point to a dying trend for the small to medium sized family farm and ranch.
Here is a quote from a mid-western diary farmer:
"As dairy farmers we did everything right, I even earned awards for quality milk. But we had no control over rising fuel costs, feed and hay prices, plus the supplies, hauling, veterinary services, and everything else needed to produce milk, all of which has gone up at alarmingly high rates. Everyone else could raise their prices, but not the farmer."
"The roller coaster price system is destructive. The farmer's paycheck is what's left over after everyone else profits or takes their costs first. The farmer gets very little from those inflated prices in the grocery stores that consumers pay."
"Now we are desperately struggling to keep our beautiful cows and preserve our farm that has been in the family nearing 100 years."
But this only tells half the story. In an article by Alan Greenblatt, he wrote that: Rural areas have not kept up with anything like the population growth in cities and suburbs. There’s nothing new about this -- the number of rural legislative seats has been in decline for decades. Still, there will be notably fewer legislators from rural areas taking Congressional seats as sessions get under way in January, even in farm states such as Indiana, Minnesota and Wisconsin. [He failed to mention the 17 Western states] With fewer state lawmakers representing rural districts, issues important to rural areas may go unheard."
"That means rural areas that traditionally dominated many chambers will now struggle even to be heard. 'It will be difficult for the rural areas to predominate on certain issues,' says former state Rep. Roger Lane, who oversaw the recent round of redistricting in Georgia, in which the metro Atlanta area took a majority of state House seats for the first time."
But it gets worse. A New York Times article from December 2018, laments that: "Rural America is Getting Old."
The median age is 43, seven years older than city dwellers. Its productivity, defined as output per worker, is lower than urban America’s. Its families have lower incomes. And its share of the population is shrinking: the United States has grown by 75 million people since 1990, but this has mostly occurred in cities and suburbs. Rural areas have lost some 3 million people. Since the 1990s, problems such as crime and opioid abuse, once associated with urban areas, are increasingly rural phenomena.
Rural communities once captured a greater share of the nation’s prosperity. Jobs and wages in small town America played catch-up with big cities until the mid 1980s. During the economic recovery of 1992 to 1996, 135,000 new businesses were started in small counties, a third of the nation’s total. Employment in small counties shot up by 2.5 million, or 16 percent, twice the pace experienced in counties with million-plus populations.
These days, economic growth bypasses rural economies. In the first four years of the recovery after the 2008 recession, counties with fewer than 100,000 people lost 17,500 businesses, according to the Economic Innovation Group. By contrast, counties with more than 1 million residents added, altogether, 99,000 firms. By 2017, the largest metropolitan areas had almost 10 percent more jobs than they did at the start of the financial crisis. Rural areas still had fewer.
Mechanization for large food producers leads to economies of scale and lower prices. Small and mid-sized family farms and ranches are not able to compete with the large producers, forcing many of them out of business. Also, large producers are gobbling up small and mid-sized farms, adding to their land holdings. Losing farmers and ranchers are eager to sell.
Because of the difficulties for small and mid-sized food producers, suicide is becoming more common due to rising debt and insurmountable difficulties. The Guardian recently wrote: "Last year, a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that people working in agriculture – including farmers, farm laborers, ranchers, fishers, and lumber harvesters – take their lives at a rate higher than any other occupation. The data suggested that the suicide rate for agricultural workers in 17 states was nearly five times higher compared with that in the general population."
Government is trying to help through Senator Tim Scott's (R-SC) Opportunity Zones initiative, providing significant long-term tax credits for investing in rural areas. But the initiative may not be able to overcome the demographic and geopolitical factors that are exacerbating the rural areas decline.
Family farmers and ranchers are a hearty breed and they are trained from birth to never give up, no matter how difficult the task may be. But if they don't organize on a grand scale, they have no chance to survive. The fact is, "Rural Landowners Are Prisoners On Their Own Land." Unfortunately, they may find themselves in a "David vs. Goliath" situation where there is simply not enough ammunition for their slingshots. They may eventually have to face the unforgiving law of rapidly diminishing returns due to market and government forces.
That's not as easy as it may sound. Occupations that deal with working the land and self-employment are permanently ingrained in the soul. The mindset of farmers, ranchers, independent truck drivers and loggers is totally different from their urban brethren. You can't train a man that has worked most of his life on the land, or his own boss in an 18-wheeler, to write computer code, or stuff parts in printed circuit boards. He'll go start raving crazy.
So what does the future hold for America's rural landowner, in a land where over 80% of the people now live in high dense urban cities? The thought processes of a city dweller are far removed from that of farmer, rancher, trucker and logger, or even the entrepreneur. The city dweller thinks in terms of a job, or what government can do for them. The city dweller is, unknowingly, a slave to government. In contrast, independent individuals think in terms of what he or she can do for themselves, by themselves, without government help .... and hopefully without government interference. That characteristic is the "American" way.
Rural landowners may one day find themselves in the dilemma faced by the rancher in our story: "I Must Keep Running." Insane regulations caught up with this mythical rancher and he was forced to run from authorities.
Ladies and gentlemen, by the sheer magnitude of their numbers, the city dwellers (and the illegal aliens that will eventually be granted amnesty) will own the political arena and dictate to everyone else, from an urban socialist perspective. The American conservative, the landowner and the independent entrepreneur will become less and less relevant, with declining political influence. They may have to start another country where the freedom bell rings loud and clear and where the icon of the "Great Western Rural Lifestyle" will live again. Or, the seventeen Western States, excluding California, Washington and Oregon, will have to secede from the Union.
But for the time being, while the environmentalists and the government continue to circle around the rural landowner like vultures on the wind, the landowner needs to avail themselves of our powerful, legally intimidating Constitutional No Trespassing signs HERE and HERE, for as long as trespass law exists.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Your Single-Family Home Uses Way Too Much Energy!”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, April 7, 2019 - All Rights Reservehere to edit.
FACT: The Green New Deal (GND) is driven by the fraud that is man-caused global warming, AKA Climate Change. (Read the Socialist-Democrat sponsored GND. It should scare the living crap out of you!)
FACT: Man-caused global warming is unsettled science and is driven by in-accurate computer climate models, producing predictions that have been unable to even mirror actual climate conditions.
FACT: Man-caused global warming is an environmental fraud that is driven by two elite agendas, one-world-order control by the ruling class under the United Nations and a massive transfer of wealth from rich nations to poor nations. All the planet-wide propaganda about climate change is a lie, with the goal to herd the masses into tight, little, sterile cattle cages. Believe at your own peril!
The Green New Deal is based on a false premise (climate change) that has been ginned up by collusion between the radical environmental community and the one-world-order crowd to subjugate the masses of the world! It (the GND) would effectively kill American sovereignty; destroy our Constitutional Republic; repeal individual, unalienable rights and free choice; pull the rug out from under the American economy and bankrupt the nation; significantly reduce each American's standard of living; raise unemployment into middle double digits; permanently wipe out property rights; force Americans to live in crowded high-rise apartment buildings and kick them out of their single-family homes; do away with our major source of protein, cows; phase out fossil fuels and finally, reduce each American's freedom of movement by eliminating cars and airplanes. Under the GND, every American becomes a servant (slave) to the ruling class who will live under no such restrictions. All this damage will be inflicted upon the people of America (and the world) based on a climate lie!
Europe is moving forward on its own version of the Green New Deal. What it wants to implement is not only humanly impractical, but flat out insane. Here are two examples:
“New single family home construction, except trailers, prohibited. New buildings must be exclusively condos with a maximum per capita living area of 320 square feet.” (No single-family homes? That WAS the American dream)
What elitist, educated idiot, nut case planner came up with 320 sq. ft. per person?
Check your freedom and your wallet ....
"When Environmentalists Plan"
“For short trips less than 3 miles, the standard should be ‘soft transport’ (bicycles)… Mandatory fixed working hours in order to simplify the implementation of public transport and carpooling.”
Mandatory? Public Transportation? Car Pooling? This is what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, (a clueless puppet) along with her GND acolytes, are planning for you by forcing you to live in high dense, over crowded urban cities! All this is based on the unverifiable theory and endless government propaganda of climate change. You are being conned on a worldwide scale.
If you are not totally bereft of logic, it should be apparent to you that you cannot understand climate change until you can visualize the vast history of climate on planet earth. To that end we wrote a guest editorial that was published in the Seattle Times in December of 2005. We have been asked several times by our readers to republish the article and we do so here.
"The Farce of Global Warming"
by Ron Ewart
This was OUR title to the article.
The Seattle Times changed the title to:
"Warmed Over Environmentalism"
To see anything clearly, you must have a sufficiently broad perspective, accompanied by hard data, repeatable long-term observations and verifiable facts. If you are standing and looking at the ground, your perspective and your field of view are quite limited. If however, you are standing on the top of a mountain, your perspective broadens exponentially. And thus it is with the subject of global warming. Without a broader view, it is almost impossible to know whom or what to believe. So a short history of the Earth is in order.
The Earth has endured sunspots, coronal mass ejections, reversing poles, shifting magnetic fields, drifting continents, asteroid and comet bombardments, and ice ages in its 4.5 billion-year history. It has experienced the wondrous 165 million-year dinosaur experiment. Six hundred million years ago, the "Cambrian explosion" occurred, when life almost magically erupted, emerged and evolved at a pace never before seen.
Over its lifetime, the Earth spun, tilted, heaved, shifted, rose and shrunk, drastically changed, expelled gases and molten lava, grew hot and then cold. Continents drifted first toward each other (Pangea) and then away. Polar ice caps and glaciers melted and sea levels rose and then lowered.
About 12,000 years ago, one-third of the Earth's surface was covered in a layer of ice more than one mile thick. During that ice age, which lasted longer than civilized man has lived on Earth, there were no animals, plants, insects or habitat that could survive in this harsh environment. But life on Earth still survived in other places less hostile. The ultimate thaw and the rushing torrent carved deep gouges and massive channels in the Earth's surface. It created riverbeds and dry falls and lakes and inland seas and other features in the Earth's crust, not there before. Now that was global warming on a grand scale.
Whole forests grew and then died out. Mountains rose out of the bowels of the Earth, pushed up by continents in collision and then flattened back into the crust. Rivers changed direction. Monster lakes were formed. Giant meteors struck the Earth at galactic speeds, carving massive holes in the crust and sending continent-size clouds of sunlight-dimming dust into the atmosphere. The atmosphere became opaque and cut off the life-giving sunlight, rendering lifeless enormous parts of the planet. Millions of species of plants and animals evolved, survived, reproduced and then died out, to be replaced by entirely different species of plants and animals.
However, major changes seldom occurred in cataclysmic events. They almost always took place agonizingly slowly, over eons of time, through the tedious, grinding, random, chaotic, disorganized process of natural evolution. The variables were almost infinite and still are.
And today, those same agonizingly slow processes are at work. We are an integral part of those processes but we will have little or no effect on any final outcome. We will but only tickle the grander elements such as the sun, the moon and the Earth itself, none of which is predictable, much less measurable to the degree necessary for accurate predictions.
A few spewing volcanoes or an episode of sunspots can totally invalidate any computer models. Just look at weather predictions. Any prediction is good for about two hours and that is why the environmentalists' models were predicting an ice age 20 years ago and now they are predicting global warming. It's an insult to true science.
The universe, our solar system and even our Earth are violent, dangerous places to humans and other life forms and always have been. Just ask the dinosaurs. So far, we have just been lucky. A close-by (in galactic terms) supernova in the spiral arm of the Milky Way in which our solar system resides, could flood the sun and planets with massive amounts of deadly radiation and render Earth lifeless and barren. If the sun changed its energy output by a significant fraction, all life on Earth could cease. An errant asteroid or comet could cross the Earth's orbit and the resulting collision could dramatically change the pattern of life, or terminate it altogether.
Environmentalists cry "wolf" on very little data and way-too-short time periods to come up with meaningful predictions, as they have with global warming. Unfortunately, environmentalism has become a cult of mindless followers with a distorted vision of how humans and the Earth should relate to each other. Earth gets the highest priorities — over people — in spite of true science. In reality, humans are but a part of the evolutionary and natural processes of Earth and those processes, not environmentalists or governments, will determine the final outcome. This is why their global-warming theory is an unmitigated farce.
Hopefully, this article will broaden your perspective on the earth and climate.
Yes, man is having an effect on mother earth, but 'ole mother earth could heal itself in a thousand years, if man suddenly went extinct, which is quite within the realm of possibility. A thousand years is nothing when compared to Earth's total lifespan.
The following is a graph of climate changes that have occurred for 500 thousand years, taken from ice cores. Notice the major temperature swings about every 100,000 years or so. Then take notice of the temperature peak that occurred right around the same time of the industrial revolution. This begs the question, is the temperature rise in contemporary times caused from human-induced CO2 emissions, or is it a natural upward cyclical swing in the temperature that has no connection whatsoever with the level of CO2 in the atmosphere, natural or man caused? With such a giant question looming out there, why on earth would we rip fossil fuels from our existence, given that fossil fuels directly correlate to our rise in our unprecedented standard of living?
FACT: Man-caused global warming is unsettled science and is driven by in-accurate computer climate models, producing predictions that have been unable to even mirror actual climate conditions.
FACT: Man-caused global warming is an environmental fraud that is driven by two elite agendas, one-world-order control by the ruling class under the United Nations and a massive transfer of wealth from rich nations to poor nations. All the planet-wide propaganda about climate change is a lie, with the goal to herd the masses into tight, little, sterile cattle cages. Believe at your own peril!
The Green New Deal is based on a false premise (climate change) that has been ginned up by collusion between the radical environmental community and the one-world-order crowd to subjugate the masses of the world! It (the GND) would effectively kill American sovereignty; destroy our Constitutional Republic; repeal individual, unalienable rights and free choice; pull the rug out from under the American economy and bankrupt the nation; significantly reduce each American's standard of living; raise unemployment into middle double digits; permanently wipe out property rights; force Americans to live in crowded high-rise apartment buildings and kick them out of their single-family homes; do away with our major source of protein, cows; phase out fossil fuels and finally, reduce each American's freedom of movement by eliminating cars and airplanes. Under the GND, every American becomes a servant (slave) to the ruling class who will live under no such restrictions. All this damage will be inflicted upon the people of America (and the world) based on a climate lie!
Europe is moving forward on its own version of the Green New Deal. What it wants to implement is not only humanly impractical, but flat out insane. Here are two examples:
“New single family home construction, except trailers, prohibited. New buildings must be exclusively condos with a maximum per capita living area of 320 square feet.” (No single-family homes? That WAS the American dream)
What elitist, educated idiot, nut case planner came up with 320 sq. ft. per person?
Check your freedom and your wallet ....
"When Environmentalists Plan"
“For short trips less than 3 miles, the standard should be ‘soft transport’ (bicycles)… Mandatory fixed working hours in order to simplify the implementation of public transport and carpooling.”
Mandatory? Public Transportation? Car Pooling? This is what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, (a clueless puppet) along with her GND acolytes, are planning for you by forcing you to live in high dense, over crowded urban cities! All this is based on the unverifiable theory and endless government propaganda of climate change. You are being conned on a worldwide scale.
If you are not totally bereft of logic, it should be apparent to you that you cannot understand climate change until you can visualize the vast history of climate on planet earth. To that end we wrote a guest editorial that was published in the Seattle Times in December of 2005. We have been asked several times by our readers to republish the article and we do so here.
"The Farce of Global Warming"
by Ron Ewart
This was OUR title to the article.
The Seattle Times changed the title to:
"Warmed Over Environmentalism"
To see anything clearly, you must have a sufficiently broad perspective, accompanied by hard data, repeatable long-term observations and verifiable facts. If you are standing and looking at the ground, your perspective and your field of view are quite limited. If however, you are standing on the top of a mountain, your perspective broadens exponentially. And thus it is with the subject of global warming. Without a broader view, it is almost impossible to know whom or what to believe. So a short history of the Earth is in order.
The Earth has endured sunspots, coronal mass ejections, reversing poles, shifting magnetic fields, drifting continents, asteroid and comet bombardments, and ice ages in its 4.5 billion-year history. It has experienced the wondrous 165 million-year dinosaur experiment. Six hundred million years ago, the "Cambrian explosion" occurred, when life almost magically erupted, emerged and evolved at a pace never before seen.
Over its lifetime, the Earth spun, tilted, heaved, shifted, rose and shrunk, drastically changed, expelled gases and molten lava, grew hot and then cold. Continents drifted first toward each other (Pangea) and then away. Polar ice caps and glaciers melted and sea levels rose and then lowered.
About 12,000 years ago, one-third of the Earth's surface was covered in a layer of ice more than one mile thick. During that ice age, which lasted longer than civilized man has lived on Earth, there were no animals, plants, insects or habitat that could survive in this harsh environment. But life on Earth still survived in other places less hostile. The ultimate thaw and the rushing torrent carved deep gouges and massive channels in the Earth's surface. It created riverbeds and dry falls and lakes and inland seas and other features in the Earth's crust, not there before. Now that was global warming on a grand scale.
Whole forests grew and then died out. Mountains rose out of the bowels of the Earth, pushed up by continents in collision and then flattened back into the crust. Rivers changed direction. Monster lakes were formed. Giant meteors struck the Earth at galactic speeds, carving massive holes in the crust and sending continent-size clouds of sunlight-dimming dust into the atmosphere. The atmosphere became opaque and cut off the life-giving sunlight, rendering lifeless enormous parts of the planet. Millions of species of plants and animals evolved, survived, reproduced and then died out, to be replaced by entirely different species of plants and animals.
However, major changes seldom occurred in cataclysmic events. They almost always took place agonizingly slowly, over eons of time, through the tedious, grinding, random, chaotic, disorganized process of natural evolution. The variables were almost infinite and still are.
And today, those same agonizingly slow processes are at work. We are an integral part of those processes but we will have little or no effect on any final outcome. We will but only tickle the grander elements such as the sun, the moon and the Earth itself, none of which is predictable, much less measurable to the degree necessary for accurate predictions.
A few spewing volcanoes or an episode of sunspots can totally invalidate any computer models. Just look at weather predictions. Any prediction is good for about two hours and that is why the environmentalists' models were predicting an ice age 20 years ago and now they are predicting global warming. It's an insult to true science.
The universe, our solar system and even our Earth are violent, dangerous places to humans and other life forms and always have been. Just ask the dinosaurs. So far, we have just been lucky. A close-by (in galactic terms) supernova in the spiral arm of the Milky Way in which our solar system resides, could flood the sun and planets with massive amounts of deadly radiation and render Earth lifeless and barren. If the sun changed its energy output by a significant fraction, all life on Earth could cease. An errant asteroid or comet could cross the Earth's orbit and the resulting collision could dramatically change the pattern of life, or terminate it altogether.
Environmentalists cry "wolf" on very little data and way-too-short time periods to come up with meaningful predictions, as they have with global warming. Unfortunately, environmentalism has become a cult of mindless followers with a distorted vision of how humans and the Earth should relate to each other. Earth gets the highest priorities — over people — in spite of true science. In reality, humans are but a part of the evolutionary and natural processes of Earth and those processes, not environmentalists or governments, will determine the final outcome. This is why their global-warming theory is an unmitigated farce.
Hopefully, this article will broaden your perspective on the earth and climate.
Yes, man is having an effect on mother earth, but 'ole mother earth could heal itself in a thousand years, if man suddenly went extinct, which is quite within the realm of possibility. A thousand years is nothing when compared to Earth's total lifespan.
The following is a graph of climate changes that have occurred for 500 thousand years, taken from ice cores. Notice the major temperature swings about every 100,000 years or so. Then take notice of the temperature peak that occurred right around the same time of the industrial revolution. This begs the question, is the temperature rise in contemporary times caused from human-induced CO2 emissions, or is it a natural upward cyclical swing in the temperature that has no connection whatsoever with the level of CO2 in the atmosphere, natural or man caused? With such a giant question looming out there, why on earth would we rip fossil fuels from our existence, given that fossil fuels directly correlate to our rise in our unprecedented standard of living?
Critical thinkers know and understand that science is not a conservative or a liberal exercise. True science is self-correcting and is open to constant debate and pain-staking analysis, requiring repeatable and verifiable experiments and observations until the shadow of doubt has been removed. Science is not supposed to be a political football that can be manipulated for a political agenda. Unfortunately, that is what climate science has become, to the detriment of the people that have allowed themselves to buy into the climate hoax to the point of driving each of you out of your single-family homes!
We have taken a considerable amount of time to amass a list of articles and essays from credible sources rebutting the climate alarmists. We have created a web page on our website with links to the articles HERE. You owe it to yourself to become better informed about this issue. If you will take the time to read these articles, you will begin to see the flaws in the climate alarmist's science, based solely on computer models. We have also listed several climate alarmist websites for children that perpetuate the climate change myth. These websites are paid for with your tax dollars and shows the length to which the government and the environmentalists will go to drive their version of climate change alarmism down our collective throats .... by brainwashing our vulnerable children.
Ladies and gentlemen, much of what is occurring in our government today results directly from institutionalized political corruption. Corruption is why government and the environmentalists are pushing climate change. It is why our health care is dysfunctional and way too expensive. It is why our borders are not secure and millions of illegal aliens are flooding into our country. It is why our children are being brainwashed in our schools and colleges. It is why our roads, bridges and other infrastructure are in a bad state of repair. Corruption is why Hillary Clinton runs around free as a bird and why black-gay actor, Jussie Smollet got off with no charges filed against him. It is why representative government is dead or dying. If you are interested in learning more about corruption and helping to reduce it, click HERE.
After 13 years, we finally broke down and established a NARLO Facebook page HERE. "LIKE" us if you LIKE us.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
We have taken a considerable amount of time to amass a list of articles and essays from credible sources rebutting the climate alarmists. We have created a web page on our website with links to the articles HERE. You owe it to yourself to become better informed about this issue. If you will take the time to read these articles, you will begin to see the flaws in the climate alarmist's science, based solely on computer models. We have also listed several climate alarmist websites for children that perpetuate the climate change myth. These websites are paid for with your tax dollars and shows the length to which the government and the environmentalists will go to drive their version of climate change alarmism down our collective throats .... by brainwashing our vulnerable children.
Ladies and gentlemen, much of what is occurring in our government today results directly from institutionalized political corruption. Corruption is why government and the environmentalists are pushing climate change. It is why our health care is dysfunctional and way too expensive. It is why our borders are not secure and millions of illegal aliens are flooding into our country. It is why our children are being brainwashed in our schools and colleges. It is why our roads, bridges and other infrastructure are in a bad state of repair. Corruption is why Hillary Clinton runs around free as a bird and why black-gay actor, Jussie Smollet got off with no charges filed against him. It is why representative government is dead or dying. If you are interested in learning more about corruption and helping to reduce it, click HERE.
After 13 years, we finally broke down and established a NARLO Facebook page HERE. "LIKE" us if you LIKE us.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Let's Face It, Can
American Freedom Be Saved ..... Peacefully?”
from "In
Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association
of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on
freedom and property rights issues
Sunday, March 31, 2019 - All Rights Reserved
In 1861 it was state's rights and slavery that brought two American factions (north vs. south) to the boiling point that resulted in open warfare. Over 600,000 people died in that war and untold soldiers and civilians were injured and scarred for life. There were a little over 30,000,000 people in the U. S. at that time, according to the Census Bureau. Today, the estimates are over 327,000,000 people, or 10 times the 1860 population.
Now in 2019, Americans are hopelessly divided and brought to the brink of war, even as unspeakable as that eventuality would be. But the war has been brewing for well over 100 years with the rise of Progressivism in the late 1800's.
Many detrimental events led up to where we are today. Progressives gave us the 16th Amendment, which spawned the Federal Reserve, which is a private organization and is neither federal nor a reserve. They gave us the Internal Revenue Service, which violated three sections of the U. S. Constitution about taxes being apportioned not directly applied to income. This made every American a debt servant to the government. Today, every single American, man, woman and child, now owes over $67,000 to the federal government .... and rising. Government did this to YOU! Why aren't you MAD!
FDR added a whole bunch of other Progressive violations of the Constitution with Social Security and the New Deal legislation. The New Deal brought with it the WPA relief program, which made the federal government the largest single employer in America (paid for by taxpayers) and several farm subsidy programs that still exist today. FDR's Social Security and the New Deal would set America on a socialism train that cannot be stopped until it derails on the impossible steep curve of "no more money."
It didn't stop with Democrat FDR. Then came Democrat President Johnson's Great Society in 1964-65 with its main goal being the elimination of poverty and racial injustice. It did neither. Although the poverty rate has remained fairly steady at around 15%, it is costing American taxpayers enormous percentages of the Gross Domestic Product (GPD). In fiscal year 2016, total welfare payments amounted to $3.9 Trillion, or 21% of America's GDP. Has racial injustice improved? That depends on to whom you are talking.
In the late 1960's along came the vise grip of environmental protection that has so squeezed the American rural landowner, farming, ranching and owning land of any kind have become so restricted as to render property rights all but extinct. It has also raised the cost of every product in America by significant percentages. The massive rise in environmental protection then spawned the most evilly conceived planet-wide con game under the guise of man-caused global warming (M-C/GW), a plan to institute a socialist one world order and the most deceitful wealth transfer scheme ever invented by man. We aggressively challenge M-C/GW HERE and how they are brainwashing our children.
Then in 2010 came President Obama's (and the Democrats in Congress) nationalization of America's health care system under the ill-conceived and hopelessly flawed "unaffordable" Health Care Act (AKA Obama Care). Millions of Americans lost their health care plan and their doctors and saw their health insurance premiums double in some cases, the direct opposite of what Americans were told. In an unprecedented and unconstitutional Congressional edict, Americans were forced by law to buy health insurance, surprisingly upheld by the U. S. Supreme Court.
We haven't even mentioned Medicare and Medicaid.
That leads us to today where all of the 2020 Democrat candidates for president are advocating the most openly astounding socialist platform that ever came out of the Democratic Party since it was hatched. Their Green New Deal is impossible to implement without sending us back to the Stone Age and their Medicare-for-all could double or triple the national debt. If that wasn't bad enough, they are proposing to abolish the Electoral College, giving 16-year olds the right to vote, packing the Supreme Court and allowing illegal aliens to not only vote in presidential elections, but get driver's licenses and make them eligible for free health care and social security benefits.
And that isn't the half of it. Democrats want and advocate for open borders, tearing down the border walls and abolishing Immigrations and Custom Enforcement (ICE), thus allowing even more illegal aliens (future Democrat Voters) to flood into America by the millions with no impediments.
Socialist Democrats even want to hand out reparations (our money) to the black population for past racial injustices to the black race, which begs the questions, why now, who would get the money and who would have to pay? This is just another socialist Democrat scheme to "buy" black votes?
It doesn't end there. It turns out there are two forms of justice in America. Justice for Democrats that can literally get away with murder and other "high crimes and misdemeanors" (Clinton, Comey, McCabe, Ohr, Page, Strzok, etc.) and no justice for Republicans who are vilified, demeaned and silenced by socialist Democrats in all of our institutions. We have a deep state of government employees and the political establishment (Democrats and Republicans) that have every intention of preserving "the status quo and their cushy way of life" to the detriment of all others and the trashing of the U. S. Constitution, even if they have to break every law on the books.
And lest we forget, the product of our public and higher education systems have been so brainwashed and corrupted by generations of socialist and environmental indoctrination, they have managed to pump out millions of children that have no concept or understanding of why America was so successful in its beginnings in spite of its inherent flaws. Sadly, those millions now hunger for "free" everything from government and they will bust their little fannies to get to the poles and vote for the Democrats that promise the "free" everything.
Finally, the socialist Democrat Progressives have been so successful, the majority of the population now subscribes to every new socialist proposal that comes out of Democrats, trolling for votes and lusting for power. Democrats intend to dismantle every institution of American liberty and apathetic Americans are going to watch them do it. This very likely could lead to civil war!
So what has happened is a once-free country, governed by the rule of law and not of men, has become a country under the rule of "men", with so many laws (many of them unconstitutional) that government uses those laws against the people to enslave them. Corruption is rampant and individual liberty has become meaningless. Free choice is slowly eroded under the onslaught of too many laws.
It begs the question, how in the devil are the people going to unravel the corruption and the millions of rules and laws that have morphed America into what can only be described as an emerging socialist Absolute Democrat Monarchy? Which laws are you going to unravel? Which bureaucracies are you going to eliminate? Which government programs are you going to repeal? Who is going to be fired? How will you reform the public school system from one of social and environmental indoctrination, to one of meaningful, truthful and objective education? How are you going to stop crony capitalism? And how are you going to do it when tens of millions of Americans are "hooked" on those government welfare programs and will vote out any politician that even suggests repealing them. It is way past time to employ "Project Roll Back".
Who is going to reform government? Government certainly isn’t going to do it, as is evidenced by the current scandals where no one is held accountable and no meaningful policies ever get passed. That only leaves the people, but do they have the will and the courage it will take to do it? So far there is no evidence that they do in large enough numbers.
Talk isn’t going to change anything. Articles aren’t going to change anything. Freedom conferences aren’t going to change anything. The only sign that something was about to change was when hundreds of "armed civilians" showed up at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada of April of 2014 to oppose 200 fully militarized Bureau of Land Management (BLM) agents in SWAT team gear. As a response to the people’s armed resistance and in front of the TV cameras, the BLM stood down, as well they should. We know that determined resistance works so why aren’t freedom-loving Americans using it more often?
However, the way that government is behaving, from the scandals of the Fast and Furious gun running by government agents, the Benghazi blatant cover up, IRS arrogance and flaunting of the law, the Clinton collusion and criminal scandals, a whole host of out of control government bureaucracies and programs like medical care and welfare, NSA spying on every American, open borders bringing us an illegal alien invasion and the move to one world order, skirmishes like the Bundy ranch and others will begin to show up in little pockets of resistance all over America, until they erupt into full fledged armed conflicts on their way to outright armed insurrection or civil war. If the size of armed insurrection isn't large enough, they will be put down post haste by a militarized and powerful central government that has no intentions of losing dictatorial control over the people. Texans say, "remember the Alamo." Freedom fighters say, "never forget Waco, Ruby Ridge and the Bundy Ranch."
What catalyst will trigger an uprising? What action by government will send the people into the streets by the millions saying, "we aren’t going to take it any more?" (It should have happened years ago) What charismatic leader will come along and coalesce the people into a unified force for freedom? These questions have yet to be answered as the government grows more powerful each day and America becomes just like all the other socialist Banana Republics in Central and South America, only much bigger, much more powerful and much more deadly, especially if the Democrats get control.
We have a workable peaceful solution, but are there any courageous takers that will sign on? If something isn't done, the unthinkable will happen WHERE AMERICA CAN'T BE SAVED ..... peacefully! Why do you suppose that government is trying to take your weapons and large ammunition clips away? School shootings aren't the reason. They know what's coming. They don't want you firing back at them with militarized weapons when the SHTF. The proposed HR 7 "Red Flag" gun confiscation law is just the beginning and astonishingly Republicans, Democrats and the President have agreed to sign it.
You can watch as the only true experiment for freedom goes up in flames. However, being a patriot you may find yourself in the hottest part of the fire ..... or in a FEMA internment camp.
OR, you can cloister your family on five acres in the deep woods somewhere, install our constitutional, legally intimidating No Trespassing signs and hope that government never finds you. But that won't stop rising government tyranny, especially if the Democrats take control again ..... and war becomes the only solution.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Now in 2019, Americans are hopelessly divided and brought to the brink of war, even as unspeakable as that eventuality would be. But the war has been brewing for well over 100 years with the rise of Progressivism in the late 1800's.
Many detrimental events led up to where we are today. Progressives gave us the 16th Amendment, which spawned the Federal Reserve, which is a private organization and is neither federal nor a reserve. They gave us the Internal Revenue Service, which violated three sections of the U. S. Constitution about taxes being apportioned not directly applied to income. This made every American a debt servant to the government. Today, every single American, man, woman and child, now owes over $67,000 to the federal government .... and rising. Government did this to YOU! Why aren't you MAD!
FDR added a whole bunch of other Progressive violations of the Constitution with Social Security and the New Deal legislation. The New Deal brought with it the WPA relief program, which made the federal government the largest single employer in America (paid for by taxpayers) and several farm subsidy programs that still exist today. FDR's Social Security and the New Deal would set America on a socialism train that cannot be stopped until it derails on the impossible steep curve of "no more money."
It didn't stop with Democrat FDR. Then came Democrat President Johnson's Great Society in 1964-65 with its main goal being the elimination of poverty and racial injustice. It did neither. Although the poverty rate has remained fairly steady at around 15%, it is costing American taxpayers enormous percentages of the Gross Domestic Product (GPD). In fiscal year 2016, total welfare payments amounted to $3.9 Trillion, or 21% of America's GDP. Has racial injustice improved? That depends on to whom you are talking.
In the late 1960's along came the vise grip of environmental protection that has so squeezed the American rural landowner, farming, ranching and owning land of any kind have become so restricted as to render property rights all but extinct. It has also raised the cost of every product in America by significant percentages. The massive rise in environmental protection then spawned the most evilly conceived planet-wide con game under the guise of man-caused global warming (M-C/GW), a plan to institute a socialist one world order and the most deceitful wealth transfer scheme ever invented by man. We aggressively challenge M-C/GW HERE and how they are brainwashing our children.
Then in 2010 came President Obama's (and the Democrats in Congress) nationalization of America's health care system under the ill-conceived and hopelessly flawed "unaffordable" Health Care Act (AKA Obama Care). Millions of Americans lost their health care plan and their doctors and saw their health insurance premiums double in some cases, the direct opposite of what Americans were told. In an unprecedented and unconstitutional Congressional edict, Americans were forced by law to buy health insurance, surprisingly upheld by the U. S. Supreme Court.
We haven't even mentioned Medicare and Medicaid.
That leads us to today where all of the 2020 Democrat candidates for president are advocating the most openly astounding socialist platform that ever came out of the Democratic Party since it was hatched. Their Green New Deal is impossible to implement without sending us back to the Stone Age and their Medicare-for-all could double or triple the national debt. If that wasn't bad enough, they are proposing to abolish the Electoral College, giving 16-year olds the right to vote, packing the Supreme Court and allowing illegal aliens to not only vote in presidential elections, but get driver's licenses and make them eligible for free health care and social security benefits.
And that isn't the half of it. Democrats want and advocate for open borders, tearing down the border walls and abolishing Immigrations and Custom Enforcement (ICE), thus allowing even more illegal aliens (future Democrat Voters) to flood into America by the millions with no impediments.
Socialist Democrats even want to hand out reparations (our money) to the black population for past racial injustices to the black race, which begs the questions, why now, who would get the money and who would have to pay? This is just another socialist Democrat scheme to "buy" black votes?
It doesn't end there. It turns out there are two forms of justice in America. Justice for Democrats that can literally get away with murder and other "high crimes and misdemeanors" (Clinton, Comey, McCabe, Ohr, Page, Strzok, etc.) and no justice for Republicans who are vilified, demeaned and silenced by socialist Democrats in all of our institutions. We have a deep state of government employees and the political establishment (Democrats and Republicans) that have every intention of preserving "the status quo and their cushy way of life" to the detriment of all others and the trashing of the U. S. Constitution, even if they have to break every law on the books.
And lest we forget, the product of our public and higher education systems have been so brainwashed and corrupted by generations of socialist and environmental indoctrination, they have managed to pump out millions of children that have no concept or understanding of why America was so successful in its beginnings in spite of its inherent flaws. Sadly, those millions now hunger for "free" everything from government and they will bust their little fannies to get to the poles and vote for the Democrats that promise the "free" everything.
Finally, the socialist Democrat Progressives have been so successful, the majority of the population now subscribes to every new socialist proposal that comes out of Democrats, trolling for votes and lusting for power. Democrats intend to dismantle every institution of American liberty and apathetic Americans are going to watch them do it. This very likely could lead to civil war!
So what has happened is a once-free country, governed by the rule of law and not of men, has become a country under the rule of "men", with so many laws (many of them unconstitutional) that government uses those laws against the people to enslave them. Corruption is rampant and individual liberty has become meaningless. Free choice is slowly eroded under the onslaught of too many laws.
It begs the question, how in the devil are the people going to unravel the corruption and the millions of rules and laws that have morphed America into what can only be described as an emerging socialist Absolute Democrat Monarchy? Which laws are you going to unravel? Which bureaucracies are you going to eliminate? Which government programs are you going to repeal? Who is going to be fired? How will you reform the public school system from one of social and environmental indoctrination, to one of meaningful, truthful and objective education? How are you going to stop crony capitalism? And how are you going to do it when tens of millions of Americans are "hooked" on those government welfare programs and will vote out any politician that even suggests repealing them. It is way past time to employ "Project Roll Back".
Who is going to reform government? Government certainly isn’t going to do it, as is evidenced by the current scandals where no one is held accountable and no meaningful policies ever get passed. That only leaves the people, but do they have the will and the courage it will take to do it? So far there is no evidence that they do in large enough numbers.
Talk isn’t going to change anything. Articles aren’t going to change anything. Freedom conferences aren’t going to change anything. The only sign that something was about to change was when hundreds of "armed civilians" showed up at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada of April of 2014 to oppose 200 fully militarized Bureau of Land Management (BLM) agents in SWAT team gear. As a response to the people’s armed resistance and in front of the TV cameras, the BLM stood down, as well they should. We know that determined resistance works so why aren’t freedom-loving Americans using it more often?
However, the way that government is behaving, from the scandals of the Fast and Furious gun running by government agents, the Benghazi blatant cover up, IRS arrogance and flaunting of the law, the Clinton collusion and criminal scandals, a whole host of out of control government bureaucracies and programs like medical care and welfare, NSA spying on every American, open borders bringing us an illegal alien invasion and the move to one world order, skirmishes like the Bundy ranch and others will begin to show up in little pockets of resistance all over America, until they erupt into full fledged armed conflicts on their way to outright armed insurrection or civil war. If the size of armed insurrection isn't large enough, they will be put down post haste by a militarized and powerful central government that has no intentions of losing dictatorial control over the people. Texans say, "remember the Alamo." Freedom fighters say, "never forget Waco, Ruby Ridge and the Bundy Ranch."
What catalyst will trigger an uprising? What action by government will send the people into the streets by the millions saying, "we aren’t going to take it any more?" (It should have happened years ago) What charismatic leader will come along and coalesce the people into a unified force for freedom? These questions have yet to be answered as the government grows more powerful each day and America becomes just like all the other socialist Banana Republics in Central and South America, only much bigger, much more powerful and much more deadly, especially if the Democrats get control.
We have a workable peaceful solution, but are there any courageous takers that will sign on? If something isn't done, the unthinkable will happen WHERE AMERICA CAN'T BE SAVED ..... peacefully! Why do you suppose that government is trying to take your weapons and large ammunition clips away? School shootings aren't the reason. They know what's coming. They don't want you firing back at them with militarized weapons when the SHTF. The proposed HR 7 "Red Flag" gun confiscation law is just the beginning and astonishingly Republicans, Democrats and the President have agreed to sign it.
You can watch as the only true experiment for freedom goes up in flames. However, being a patriot you may find yourself in the hottest part of the fire ..... or in a FEMA internment camp.
OR, you can cloister your family on five acres in the deep woods somewhere, install our constitutional, legally intimidating No Trespassing signs and hope that government never finds you. But that won't stop rising government tyranny, especially if the Democrats take control again ..... and war becomes the only solution.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Almost Every Politician, Judge and Bureaucrat Is Corrupt”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, March 17, 2019 - All Rights Reserved
"I weep for the liberty of my country when I see at this early day of its successful experiment that corruption has been imputed to many members of the House of Representatives, and the rights of the people have been bartered for promises of office." President Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson served two terms as president from 1829 to 1837. He was a polarizing figure and there were many controversies throughout his presidency, not unlike President Trump. One of the worst of Jackson's controversies was the "trail of tears" which forcibly removed, at gunpoint, about 20,000 Cherokee Indians to Oklahoma where nearly a quarter of them died along the way.
Nevertheless, during Jackson's campaign he promised to clean up corruption in government and restore the nation's finances. He managed to replace about 10% of government officers, which he called the "principle of rotation in office." Later, others would call it the "spoils system"." Like today, he was unable to expose and root out systemic corruption that comes with any form of government, especially in the bureaucracy.
President Trump has tried to "drain the swamp" but the swamp is so huge and has been in place for so long, draining it is probably impossible. With nearly 3,000,000 government employees occupying our bureaucracies and most of them graduates of our liberal colleges that openly repudiate and resist America's founding principles, the task to drain the swamp is generational. How do you de-program 3,000,000 bureaucrats?
There is no way to deny that Progressivism has infected the swamp so effectively, only a replacement of at least 70% of the occupants of the swamp would sufficiently change its character. Unfortunately, this one-sided Progressive - socialist make up of the swamp leads to corruption and abuse of power, as we discovered when acting FBI Director Andy McCabe and his two conspirators, Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, set out to cover up a crime (Hillary Clinton) and overturn a presidential election, (Donald Trump) using the extreme powers of the DOJ and the FBI.
It seems many politicians promise to clean up corruption during their campaigns, but corruption is so insidious in government and even business, it has become a never-ending battle that we lose every year. In government and large businesses and other organizations, corruption has become institutionalized.
The Department of Justice and the FBI recently unveiled a prime example of that corruption in the people. It seems that wealthy individuals hatched a scheme to "buy" and "cheat" their children's way into prestigious colleges. This involved bribery, fraud, cheating on tests, falsifying records, photo-shopping and other criminal activity, in what can only be described as collusion and racketeering for personal gain.
Much of corruption becomes an integral part of a "system" because there is little to no oversight. Congressional oversight is akin to the fox guarding the henhouse. Patronage, cronyism, nepotism, spoils, bribery, double-dealing and other negative human characteristics drive the "system." Very few are watching the players of the "system" and accountability is slim to none. The mainstream press and the people are supposed to be watchdogs of the "system", but sadly, the press and the people have become embroiled in and are a part of the "system." Mostly, the people simply don't care, except when their welfare checks are reduced or taken away. Thus, the corrupt "system" is allowed to survive and grow, usually exponentially.
It therefore cannot be denied that almost every politician, judge and bureaucrat is corrupt because the "system" itself is corrupt.
The inescapable slide of America in the direction of all past countries, societies and cultures cannot be ignored. What usually precipitates the destruction comes on the heels of three specific growing conditions. The first condition is societal apathy, the second moral decay and the third, solidification of inflexible "systems", leading to rapidly increasing regulations and rising government power.
Law also drives the "system" and as laws increase, the "system" becomes more inflexible, expensive and grossly inefficient. Eventually, these metastasizing maladies of millions of laws, inflexibility, rising costs, inefficiency and resistance to change, drive the "system" into corruption. The "system" becomes so powerful that it becomes virtually impossible to change without an extraordinary effort. Sometimes violence is the only way to change the "system".
The "system" is an intertwined entanglement of interlocking national and international interests of commerce, finance and trade, accompanied by government enablers of the "system" in the executive, judicial and legislative branches of government. The tentacles of one interest are inextricably interwoven into the tentacles of all the other interests. The "system" exists because of citizen apathy and survives, thrives and grows on the people's money and the demands of special interests.
The collusion between corporations, unions, bankers, socialists, environmentalists and the broad category of government, at every level, are the glue that holds the corrupt "system" together.
Corruption and indoctrination have even entered public and higher education with the insidious infusion of psychoanalytical babble through Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Competency-Based Education (CEB) and Common Core State Standards (CCSS) where the curriculum focuses on attributes, mindsets, values and behavior instead of academic achievement. Who told them they could mess with our kid's developing minds this way? Why have we let them?
Attorneys, judges, court clerks and tens of thousands of state and federal rules, drive the judicial "system", such that if objective justice ever finds a court, it will have become a worldwide miracle.
Corrupt politicians whose only priority is to get elected or re-elected, drive the legislative branch of government and are part of the "system." Even the good politicians, if that is not a contradiction of terms, will eventually be sucked into the "system."
The "system" gave us the 16th Amendment, the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service. The "system" brought Americans the suspension of the Gold Standard. The "system" gave us worthless money that is an instrument of debt, backed by nothing. American currency is valueless, backed up by a government-created mirage. The "system" gave us 80 overlapping welfare programs that waste our tax money like water over Niagara Falls.
The "system" gave us a news media that is devoid of objectivity and now personifies a wholly liberal "system" bias, with few exceptions. The "system" gave us liberal colleges that now only espouse one liberal viewpoint and silences any other. The "system" gave us radical environmentalism that tells man he is a virus on the earth and must be heavily regulated and freedoms denied. The "system" gave us social justice, a liberal ideology that promotes and supports only the collective, never the individual, or individual rights. Under these conditions the U. S. Constitution has become virtually meaningless and has been replaced by patronage, collusion, corruption and socialism.
Government bureaucracies are prime examples of entrenched "systems" that resist every attempt to make them more efficient, or dismantle them altogether. As we wrote in a recent article, "since most government programs are a deep cesspool of waste, fraud, abuse and corruption, the cost versus the benefits for any government program are in all likelihood, in the toilet."
Who runs the "system"? The "system" is run by millions of compliant flunkies who haven't the slightest clue that they are part of a powerful, fire-breathing dragon that consumes nations, crushes individual freedom and squashes dissent.
Everyone knows that the IRS is totally corrupt, dysfunctional and in many cases, unlawful and yet it lives on. Why hasn't Congress fixed it? Because millions of jobs in accounting and the legal arena would go away if the IRS were dismantled, or re-structured to be less complicated. Those jobs have a powerful lobby in Washington DC (the "System") and will never let Congress do away with those jobs.
As we previously said, the "system" is supported primarily by special interests. The special interests can be money, socialism, environmentalism, welfare, land use, racism, immigration, health care, climate change, corporations, unions and even animal rights groups. In America there are special interests for every occasion and they all have their lobbyists in Washington DC and in every state legislature, to pound on the table and demand that their pet project must be funded by YOUR money. Our alleged representatives give in almost every time ..... for votes.
In September of 2018 your government went on an end-of-the-fiscal-year, "use-it-or-lose-it" spending spree to the tune of over $96 billion dollars for things like a $9,241 chair, China table ware at $53,004, alcohol at $308,994, golf carts at $673,471, lobster tail and crab at $4.6 million, Iphones and Ipads at $7.7 million and workout and recreation equipment for $9.8 million. Ladies and gentlemen, this is your money they are spending and what they are doing is thumbing their collective noses at you. They live high off the hog on your money while you sweat blood and tears to pay the taxes. This is corruption and arrogance at the highest level.
Once again, it cannot be denied that almost every politician, judge and bureaucrat is corrupt because the "system" itself is corrupt.
If you are one of those that think Trump and his followers are the answer, you believe in mirages. There is no way he or they can clean up the "system" alone. He needs highly skilled and well-connected advisers and the majority of the people behind him to overcome the "system." And even that is not enough. America needs something else.
The "system" and the institutionalized corruption within can be defeated peacefully, just not all at once. It has to be taken apart in small chunks. A small group of dedicated individuals could start investigating politicians, judges and bureaucrats to uncover and expose the institutionalized corruption everyone knows is there. But these citizen investigators and groups need a structure around which citizen investigations can take place. We have developed such a structure, along with the organization, necessary information, instructions, processes and monetary incentives to get people motivated to do what is right so save America ..... legally! We call this structure ORDCA and anyone with normal intelligence can do it.
When the corrupt politician, judge, or bureaucrat knows you are on the hunt for them, they will be looking over their shoulder. When one of them falls to the “sword” of your relentless pursuit of accountability, the rest will become nervous, knowing that you are dogging their trail and digging deep into their lives and activities.
Now think of the havoc we could unleash if there were 10,000 citizen investigators exposing political corruption. Finally, politicians would begin to fear the people once again and liberty could be just around the corner.
As we have said many times before, freedom and liberty cannot exist if the people and politicians have no honor and corruption is the norm, not the exception. We either expose corruption or in the end it will destroy us. We can do it peacefully and legally, or we could be forced to go to war to preserve liberty.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Andrew Jackson served two terms as president from 1829 to 1837. He was a polarizing figure and there were many controversies throughout his presidency, not unlike President Trump. One of the worst of Jackson's controversies was the "trail of tears" which forcibly removed, at gunpoint, about 20,000 Cherokee Indians to Oklahoma where nearly a quarter of them died along the way.
Nevertheless, during Jackson's campaign he promised to clean up corruption in government and restore the nation's finances. He managed to replace about 10% of government officers, which he called the "principle of rotation in office." Later, others would call it the "spoils system"." Like today, he was unable to expose and root out systemic corruption that comes with any form of government, especially in the bureaucracy.
President Trump has tried to "drain the swamp" but the swamp is so huge and has been in place for so long, draining it is probably impossible. With nearly 3,000,000 government employees occupying our bureaucracies and most of them graduates of our liberal colleges that openly repudiate and resist America's founding principles, the task to drain the swamp is generational. How do you de-program 3,000,000 bureaucrats?
There is no way to deny that Progressivism has infected the swamp so effectively, only a replacement of at least 70% of the occupants of the swamp would sufficiently change its character. Unfortunately, this one-sided Progressive - socialist make up of the swamp leads to corruption and abuse of power, as we discovered when acting FBI Director Andy McCabe and his two conspirators, Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, set out to cover up a crime (Hillary Clinton) and overturn a presidential election, (Donald Trump) using the extreme powers of the DOJ and the FBI.
It seems many politicians promise to clean up corruption during their campaigns, but corruption is so insidious in government and even business, it has become a never-ending battle that we lose every year. In government and large businesses and other organizations, corruption has become institutionalized.
The Department of Justice and the FBI recently unveiled a prime example of that corruption in the people. It seems that wealthy individuals hatched a scheme to "buy" and "cheat" their children's way into prestigious colleges. This involved bribery, fraud, cheating on tests, falsifying records, photo-shopping and other criminal activity, in what can only be described as collusion and racketeering for personal gain.
Much of corruption becomes an integral part of a "system" because there is little to no oversight. Congressional oversight is akin to the fox guarding the henhouse. Patronage, cronyism, nepotism, spoils, bribery, double-dealing and other negative human characteristics drive the "system." Very few are watching the players of the "system" and accountability is slim to none. The mainstream press and the people are supposed to be watchdogs of the "system", but sadly, the press and the people have become embroiled in and are a part of the "system." Mostly, the people simply don't care, except when their welfare checks are reduced or taken away. Thus, the corrupt "system" is allowed to survive and grow, usually exponentially.
It therefore cannot be denied that almost every politician, judge and bureaucrat is corrupt because the "system" itself is corrupt.
The inescapable slide of America in the direction of all past countries, societies and cultures cannot be ignored. What usually precipitates the destruction comes on the heels of three specific growing conditions. The first condition is societal apathy, the second moral decay and the third, solidification of inflexible "systems", leading to rapidly increasing regulations and rising government power.
Law also drives the "system" and as laws increase, the "system" becomes more inflexible, expensive and grossly inefficient. Eventually, these metastasizing maladies of millions of laws, inflexibility, rising costs, inefficiency and resistance to change, drive the "system" into corruption. The "system" becomes so powerful that it becomes virtually impossible to change without an extraordinary effort. Sometimes violence is the only way to change the "system".
The "system" is an intertwined entanglement of interlocking national and international interests of commerce, finance and trade, accompanied by government enablers of the "system" in the executive, judicial and legislative branches of government. The tentacles of one interest are inextricably interwoven into the tentacles of all the other interests. The "system" exists because of citizen apathy and survives, thrives and grows on the people's money and the demands of special interests.
The collusion between corporations, unions, bankers, socialists, environmentalists and the broad category of government, at every level, are the glue that holds the corrupt "system" together.
Corruption and indoctrination have even entered public and higher education with the insidious infusion of psychoanalytical babble through Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Competency-Based Education (CEB) and Common Core State Standards (CCSS) where the curriculum focuses on attributes, mindsets, values and behavior instead of academic achievement. Who told them they could mess with our kid's developing minds this way? Why have we let them?
Attorneys, judges, court clerks and tens of thousands of state and federal rules, drive the judicial "system", such that if objective justice ever finds a court, it will have become a worldwide miracle.
Corrupt politicians whose only priority is to get elected or re-elected, drive the legislative branch of government and are part of the "system." Even the good politicians, if that is not a contradiction of terms, will eventually be sucked into the "system."
The "system" gave us the 16th Amendment, the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service. The "system" brought Americans the suspension of the Gold Standard. The "system" gave us worthless money that is an instrument of debt, backed by nothing. American currency is valueless, backed up by a government-created mirage. The "system" gave us 80 overlapping welfare programs that waste our tax money like water over Niagara Falls.
The "system" gave us a news media that is devoid of objectivity and now personifies a wholly liberal "system" bias, with few exceptions. The "system" gave us liberal colleges that now only espouse one liberal viewpoint and silences any other. The "system" gave us radical environmentalism that tells man he is a virus on the earth and must be heavily regulated and freedoms denied. The "system" gave us social justice, a liberal ideology that promotes and supports only the collective, never the individual, or individual rights. Under these conditions the U. S. Constitution has become virtually meaningless and has been replaced by patronage, collusion, corruption and socialism.
Government bureaucracies are prime examples of entrenched "systems" that resist every attempt to make them more efficient, or dismantle them altogether. As we wrote in a recent article, "since most government programs are a deep cesspool of waste, fraud, abuse and corruption, the cost versus the benefits for any government program are in all likelihood, in the toilet."
Who runs the "system"? The "system" is run by millions of compliant flunkies who haven't the slightest clue that they are part of a powerful, fire-breathing dragon that consumes nations, crushes individual freedom and squashes dissent.
Everyone knows that the IRS is totally corrupt, dysfunctional and in many cases, unlawful and yet it lives on. Why hasn't Congress fixed it? Because millions of jobs in accounting and the legal arena would go away if the IRS were dismantled, or re-structured to be less complicated. Those jobs have a powerful lobby in Washington DC (the "System") and will never let Congress do away with those jobs.
As we previously said, the "system" is supported primarily by special interests. The special interests can be money, socialism, environmentalism, welfare, land use, racism, immigration, health care, climate change, corporations, unions and even animal rights groups. In America there are special interests for every occasion and they all have their lobbyists in Washington DC and in every state legislature, to pound on the table and demand that their pet project must be funded by YOUR money. Our alleged representatives give in almost every time ..... for votes.
In September of 2018 your government went on an end-of-the-fiscal-year, "use-it-or-lose-it" spending spree to the tune of over $96 billion dollars for things like a $9,241 chair, China table ware at $53,004, alcohol at $308,994, golf carts at $673,471, lobster tail and crab at $4.6 million, Iphones and Ipads at $7.7 million and workout and recreation equipment for $9.8 million. Ladies and gentlemen, this is your money they are spending and what they are doing is thumbing their collective noses at you. They live high off the hog on your money while you sweat blood and tears to pay the taxes. This is corruption and arrogance at the highest level.
Once again, it cannot be denied that almost every politician, judge and bureaucrat is corrupt because the "system" itself is corrupt.
If you are one of those that think Trump and his followers are the answer, you believe in mirages. There is no way he or they can clean up the "system" alone. He needs highly skilled and well-connected advisers and the majority of the people behind him to overcome the "system." And even that is not enough. America needs something else.
The "system" and the institutionalized corruption within can be defeated peacefully, just not all at once. It has to be taken apart in small chunks. A small group of dedicated individuals could start investigating politicians, judges and bureaucrats to uncover and expose the institutionalized corruption everyone knows is there. But these citizen investigators and groups need a structure around which citizen investigations can take place. We have developed such a structure, along with the organization, necessary information, instructions, processes and monetary incentives to get people motivated to do what is right so save America ..... legally! We call this structure ORDCA and anyone with normal intelligence can do it.
When the corrupt politician, judge, or bureaucrat knows you are on the hunt for them, they will be looking over their shoulder. When one of them falls to the “sword” of your relentless pursuit of accountability, the rest will become nervous, knowing that you are dogging their trail and digging deep into their lives and activities.
Now think of the havoc we could unleash if there were 10,000 citizen investigators exposing political corruption. Finally, politicians would begin to fear the people once again and liberty could be just around the corner.
As we have said many times before, freedom and liberty cannot exist if the people and politicians have no honor and corruption is the norm, not the exception. We either expose corruption or in the end it will destroy us. We can do it peacefully and legally, or we could be forced to go to war to preserve liberty.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"If You Let Them Win,
War Is Inevitable”
from "In
Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association
of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on
freedom and property rights issues
Sunday, March 10, 2019 - All Rights Reserved
“Here I stand on the brink of
war again, a citizen of no place, no time, no country but my own . . . and that
a land lapped by no sea but blood, bordered only by the outlines of a face
Diana Gabaldon, contemporary author - Outlander Series
Not very often in America's history have the two sides been so far a part and growing farther a part with each passing day. Backs are arching, anger is rising and the hair is standing up on the back of our collective necks. America is seething, the rhetoric is growing more course, the temperature is increasing, the pot is boiling and the acrid smell of war is in the air ...... again! Numerous credible pundits are predicting civil war in America. Even the Great One, Mark Levin, is hinting at the possibility of civil war in a one-half hour broadcast. He does not do so lightly.
A man giving recent testimony before Congress about gun control legislation, is also suggesting the possibility of civil war: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpRQhd3TGX0 He says he's tired of the double dealing, the lying, the cover up, the corruption, the cronyism, the usurpation of our unalienable rights and the trashing of our Constitution. This man speaks for millions of Americans.
But the coming war is not a war between nations fighting over geography, resources, territories, or religion. It is a war of opposing ideologies and which ideology will hold political power within our own nation. We have been here before but we have always stepped back from the brink, with one horrific exception in 1861. The question is, can we step back this time?
The scars of war live in many of us today. Still alive are fewer and fewer members of the "greatest generation." Even today, memories of that war well up into tears as they re-live again the horrors that torment their minds, from a war fought some 75 years ago. Those that fought in the Korean and Vietnam wars remember the lost lives of buddies and the death and destruction. Vietnam veterans remember being spit on when they came home. And now we must fight wars in strange foreign lands against an ideology that knows no nation, but an ideology that lives on pure hatred for every other human on earth that doesn't believe in radical Islam.
Most combat soldiers are changed forever from the events of war. Many never live a normal life thereafter. Inside their minds a silent war rages as they drift between memories of the insanity and bloody carnage of war and the alleged sanity of a normal life in peace. Many lose the battle and end up in divorce, engage in crime, or become homeless. Such is the ugly face of war and it should be avoided at all costs, unless we find ourselves one day "..... fighting when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." (Churchill)
What separates us is fundamental and irreconcilable. The gap between liberals and conservatives today is as wide as the gap between the Israelis and the Palestinians, a gap that may never be closed. As a nation, a people and a culture, we have a choice to choose between the principles of liberty, or raw, unchecked, top down political power. Compromise between the two sides is a dead end game that will eventually lead to war. There can be no compromise between freedom and slavery and the Progressive-socialism-globalism being seriously proposed by the left, as a path for the future, is abject slavery. Their "Green New Deal" (GND) is the brainchild of the criminally insane. Medicare-for-all is just a subset of the GND, hatched by idiots whose ONLY mission is absolute power by collecting a majority of votes from the ignorant, brainwashed masses looking for "free" stuff.
As a nation and as a people, we must choose between the unalienable rights of the people and limited powers of those that govern us, as codified into law by the U. S. Constitution, or we may be forced to choose government and the ruling class holding all of the power. Should we choose the latter, a significant portion of the country will be forced to go to war to preserve liberty and that portion owns most of the guns. But war is not the answer. It will only lead to chaos, anarchy, death, and possibly even a dictatorship.
The young ones (millennials) who now embrace socialism, have been molded that way by our public and higher education systems and the constant din of progressive messages that permeate business, the family, the airways, social media and sometimes the church pulpit? By design, Progressivism has slowly infiltrated all of our institutions over the last 100 years like a Trojan horse and there is hardly a person alive today that has not been infected in some way by the Progressive virus.
But those over 65 are wise to the deception. They have the wisdom of age, logic, intellect and history to see through the veil of deceit offered up by the con game that is Progressivism, socialism, globalism and man-caused global warming. Sadly, those over 65 don't have the strength any more to take on the battle that looms ever more present in our future. In the past, any battle is passed on to the young ones that possess the energy, courage and drive to prosecute a war. But those very same young ones today see no reason to go to war and in fact are fully supportive of the Progressive - socialist government frame work that consists of "free" everything without regard to those that must pay for the "free" everything.
Is there an answer to this dilemma of generational Progressive brainwashing? How can we avoid war when we are so far apart? One side wants to strip us of our freedom and the other side has no intention of capitulating. War, being politics by other means, could be the final arbiter.
When winning seems impossible, the smart generals look for the Achilles heel of their enemy and the other side has several Achilles heels. They don't and won't play by the rules because their only goal is absolute power by any means, in the absence of principle, or the law. Progressivism and socialism lead to elitism, arrogance, cronyism and corruption and the elitism, arrogance, cronyism and corruption on the Progressive side is legendary. They are arrogant because they think that their way is the only way. They have become corrupt because the people have allowed them to get away with it. There is no compromising with them and if the truth be known, we have been compromising with them for far too long.
Knowing that a shooting war is the last viable alternative, how do we defeat them? There is one way and that is to expose their arrogance, cronyism and corruption, local, state and federal, on a grand scale. As exposure grows and grows, those supporting the other side will find themselves in a quandary. Do they support power for power's sake, or will they finally support constitutional principles and decide that freedom is better than slavery.
But you say, how do we go about exposing their arrogance, cronyism and corruption? You do it by investigating one judge, politician and bureaucrat at a time with citizen investigating teams from every city, county and state in America. We don't have to go to war. We just have to investigate and expose.
Out of our large reading audience it is very likely that one or more of you know of a politician, judge, or bureaucrat that you think (or know) is corrupt? Who knows, maybe all of them are corrupt. It turns out that the longer the judge, politician, or bureaucrat has been in office, the greater the likelihood they will become corrupt.
From mostly the privacy of your own home with a computer and an Internet connection, you can investigate a politician, judge, or bureaucrat for malfeasance, misfeasance, corruption, crimes, infidelity, or violation of Oath of Office and then expose them to the general public. Nothing roots out corruption faster than a highly focused beam of sunlight of truth.
We’ll show you how to do it by using your own computer the Internet and some investigating techniques. We have developed a method to verify the evidence of wrongdoing, provide affidavits to declare the evidence in writing and conduits to where the best places to supply that evidence that does the most good. We provide sample freedom of information act requests and other documents to obtain harder to find evidence.
We don't need 10,000,000 citizen patriots to do the job. Can you imagine the havoc we could unleash if we just had 10,000 or more citizen investigators, digging deep into every Democrat judge, politician, or bureaucrat?
Yes, there are probably just as many corrupt Republican politicians as there are Democrat politicians and each would be fair game for investigation. Freedom cannot co-exist in the toxic soup of corruption. Corruption, cronyism, the lack of integrity, honor and honesty are the killers of a Constitutional Republic. If liberty is to survive, corruption must be significantly diminished or eliminated. The only way to eliminate it is to expose it and the other side will be shaking in their boots knowing that thousands of American citizens are "coming for them" ..... legally!
Young, middle aged, or old, this is something just about everyone can do without exerting a lot of effort, or spending a lot of money. All you need is a desire to research and find that one piece of evidence that will drum a politician, judge, or bureaucrat out of office in disgrace, or refer him or her for criminal prosecution. And there is a bonus! If the person you investigate is ousted, resigns, is impeached, or is recalled as a result of your incriminating investigative efforts, you could be entitled to a significant monetary award. To learn more click HERE.
What have you got to lose? Just your freedom if you let the other side win!
Americans have three choices. 1) Openly capitulate to the Progressives, 2) do nothing, which is the same as capitulating, or 3) fight back.
If the Democrats take full control again, taxes and regulations will rise dramatically, highly restrictive gun control legislation will be passed, hundreds of thousands of jobs could be lost and they will no doubt pass their Green New Deal and Medicare-for-all, just like they passed Obama Care. If they do take control, America will become just another third world, bankrupt, socialist, banana republic and war will be inevitable.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Not very often in America's history have the two sides been so far a part and growing farther a part with each passing day. Backs are arching, anger is rising and the hair is standing up on the back of our collective necks. America is seething, the rhetoric is growing more course, the temperature is increasing, the pot is boiling and the acrid smell of war is in the air ...... again! Numerous credible pundits are predicting civil war in America. Even the Great One, Mark Levin, is hinting at the possibility of civil war in a one-half hour broadcast. He does not do so lightly.
A man giving recent testimony before Congress about gun control legislation, is also suggesting the possibility of civil war: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpRQhd3TGX0 He says he's tired of the double dealing, the lying, the cover up, the corruption, the cronyism, the usurpation of our unalienable rights and the trashing of our Constitution. This man speaks for millions of Americans.
But the coming war is not a war between nations fighting over geography, resources, territories, or religion. It is a war of opposing ideologies and which ideology will hold political power within our own nation. We have been here before but we have always stepped back from the brink, with one horrific exception in 1861. The question is, can we step back this time?
The scars of war live in many of us today. Still alive are fewer and fewer members of the "greatest generation." Even today, memories of that war well up into tears as they re-live again the horrors that torment their minds, from a war fought some 75 years ago. Those that fought in the Korean and Vietnam wars remember the lost lives of buddies and the death and destruction. Vietnam veterans remember being spit on when they came home. And now we must fight wars in strange foreign lands against an ideology that knows no nation, but an ideology that lives on pure hatred for every other human on earth that doesn't believe in radical Islam.
Most combat soldiers are changed forever from the events of war. Many never live a normal life thereafter. Inside their minds a silent war rages as they drift between memories of the insanity and bloody carnage of war and the alleged sanity of a normal life in peace. Many lose the battle and end up in divorce, engage in crime, or become homeless. Such is the ugly face of war and it should be avoided at all costs, unless we find ourselves one day "..... fighting when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." (Churchill)
What separates us is fundamental and irreconcilable. The gap between liberals and conservatives today is as wide as the gap between the Israelis and the Palestinians, a gap that may never be closed. As a nation, a people and a culture, we have a choice to choose between the principles of liberty, or raw, unchecked, top down political power. Compromise between the two sides is a dead end game that will eventually lead to war. There can be no compromise between freedom and slavery and the Progressive-socialism-globalism being seriously proposed by the left, as a path for the future, is abject slavery. Their "Green New Deal" (GND) is the brainchild of the criminally insane. Medicare-for-all is just a subset of the GND, hatched by idiots whose ONLY mission is absolute power by collecting a majority of votes from the ignorant, brainwashed masses looking for "free" stuff.
As a nation and as a people, we must choose between the unalienable rights of the people and limited powers of those that govern us, as codified into law by the U. S. Constitution, or we may be forced to choose government and the ruling class holding all of the power. Should we choose the latter, a significant portion of the country will be forced to go to war to preserve liberty and that portion owns most of the guns. But war is not the answer. It will only lead to chaos, anarchy, death, and possibly even a dictatorship.
The young ones (millennials) who now embrace socialism, have been molded that way by our public and higher education systems and the constant din of progressive messages that permeate business, the family, the airways, social media and sometimes the church pulpit? By design, Progressivism has slowly infiltrated all of our institutions over the last 100 years like a Trojan horse and there is hardly a person alive today that has not been infected in some way by the Progressive virus.
But those over 65 are wise to the deception. They have the wisdom of age, logic, intellect and history to see through the veil of deceit offered up by the con game that is Progressivism, socialism, globalism and man-caused global warming. Sadly, those over 65 don't have the strength any more to take on the battle that looms ever more present in our future. In the past, any battle is passed on to the young ones that possess the energy, courage and drive to prosecute a war. But those very same young ones today see no reason to go to war and in fact are fully supportive of the Progressive - socialist government frame work that consists of "free" everything without regard to those that must pay for the "free" everything.
Is there an answer to this dilemma of generational Progressive brainwashing? How can we avoid war when we are so far apart? One side wants to strip us of our freedom and the other side has no intention of capitulating. War, being politics by other means, could be the final arbiter.
When winning seems impossible, the smart generals look for the Achilles heel of their enemy and the other side has several Achilles heels. They don't and won't play by the rules because their only goal is absolute power by any means, in the absence of principle, or the law. Progressivism and socialism lead to elitism, arrogance, cronyism and corruption and the elitism, arrogance, cronyism and corruption on the Progressive side is legendary. They are arrogant because they think that their way is the only way. They have become corrupt because the people have allowed them to get away with it. There is no compromising with them and if the truth be known, we have been compromising with them for far too long.
Knowing that a shooting war is the last viable alternative, how do we defeat them? There is one way and that is to expose their arrogance, cronyism and corruption, local, state and federal, on a grand scale. As exposure grows and grows, those supporting the other side will find themselves in a quandary. Do they support power for power's sake, or will they finally support constitutional principles and decide that freedom is better than slavery.
But you say, how do we go about exposing their arrogance, cronyism and corruption? You do it by investigating one judge, politician and bureaucrat at a time with citizen investigating teams from every city, county and state in America. We don't have to go to war. We just have to investigate and expose.
Out of our large reading audience it is very likely that one or more of you know of a politician, judge, or bureaucrat that you think (or know) is corrupt? Who knows, maybe all of them are corrupt. It turns out that the longer the judge, politician, or bureaucrat has been in office, the greater the likelihood they will become corrupt.
From mostly the privacy of your own home with a computer and an Internet connection, you can investigate a politician, judge, or bureaucrat for malfeasance, misfeasance, corruption, crimes, infidelity, or violation of Oath of Office and then expose them to the general public. Nothing roots out corruption faster than a highly focused beam of sunlight of truth.
We’ll show you how to do it by using your own computer the Internet and some investigating techniques. We have developed a method to verify the evidence of wrongdoing, provide affidavits to declare the evidence in writing and conduits to where the best places to supply that evidence that does the most good. We provide sample freedom of information act requests and other documents to obtain harder to find evidence.
We don't need 10,000,000 citizen patriots to do the job. Can you imagine the havoc we could unleash if we just had 10,000 or more citizen investigators, digging deep into every Democrat judge, politician, or bureaucrat?
Yes, there are probably just as many corrupt Republican politicians as there are Democrat politicians and each would be fair game for investigation. Freedom cannot co-exist in the toxic soup of corruption. Corruption, cronyism, the lack of integrity, honor and honesty are the killers of a Constitutional Republic. If liberty is to survive, corruption must be significantly diminished or eliminated. The only way to eliminate it is to expose it and the other side will be shaking in their boots knowing that thousands of American citizens are "coming for them" ..... legally!
Young, middle aged, or old, this is something just about everyone can do without exerting a lot of effort, or spending a lot of money. All you need is a desire to research and find that one piece of evidence that will drum a politician, judge, or bureaucrat out of office in disgrace, or refer him or her for criminal prosecution. And there is a bonus! If the person you investigate is ousted, resigns, is impeached, or is recalled as a result of your incriminating investigative efforts, you could be entitled to a significant monetary award. To learn more click HERE.
What have you got to lose? Just your freedom if you let the other side win!
Americans have three choices. 1) Openly capitulate to the Progressives, 2) do nothing, which is the same as capitulating, or 3) fight back.
If the Democrats take full control again, taxes and regulations will rise dramatically, highly restrictive gun control legislation will be passed, hundreds of thousands of jobs could be lost and they will no doubt pass their Green New Deal and Medicare-for-all, just like they passed Obama Care. If they do take control, America will become just another third world, bankrupt, socialist, banana republic and war will be inevitable.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Raw Meat In A Forest”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, March 3, 2019 - All Rights Reserved

"It's more complex than just slapping up a wall. We have got to take a look at all the complexities in terms of eliminating the incentives ("magnets") for illegal immigration." Ron Johnson - Wisconsin U. S. Senator
Many years ago four of us went fishing in central British Columbia. We hiked back in with day-trip packs to a remote lake where a couple of rowboats had been stashed. With two in each rowboat we set out towards the middle of the lake to fish for a while before lunch. The fishing was good because not many people wanted to make the long hike into the lake. The lake hadn't been fished for most of the season.
After catching quite a few fish, we headed back into camp to have lunch. The menu that day was baloney and other meat sandwiches, bananas, apples and of course the obligatory smooth Canadian whiskey. After downing our sandwiches and fruit, sipping the Whiskey and discussing the catch of the morning, one of the boats with two men headed back out into the lake to fish some more. The other two fishermen held back for awhile to clean up the camp and hang the packs on a few trees before they too headed out into the lake.
The first rowboat was well out into the middle of the lake when they heard yelling from the men in the second rowboat. But the men in the first rowboat couldn't understand what they were yelling about. They were too far away. The second boat finally caught up with the first boat and the two guys in the second boat started gushing about a very large bear walking down the side of the lake towards our camp. There was still leftover food in our packs and we figured the packs would be torn to shreds by the time we rowed back to camp. We weren't wrong.
It took about fifteen minutes to row back to the camp and by the time we got there the bear had torn the packs off the trees, ripped out the food and was devouring the contents. Safely floating out in the lake, we yelled at the bear to shoo. He came down to the edge of the water and started to wade in as if to challenge us. This was a BIG bear and not wishing an encounter with the bear in the water, both boats hastily rowed back into the middle of the lake. Fortunately, the bear didn't follow.
After fishing well into the afternoon, we headed back to shore to assess the damage to our gear. Sure enough, the packs were lying on the ground and the contents were scattered all over. Most of the food had been eaten but thankfully the bear was gone, or so we hoped.
On reaching camp, we beached the rowboats and started putting our gear back together. We then headed down the four-mile trail, back to where our car was parked. Nevertheless, we were quite concerned that we could run into the bear again so we divided the fish up into two gunnysacks. We were not equipped with bear spray. The guy in front had one gunnysack of fish and the guy in the back had the other gunnysack. The instructions were that if the bear approached us from the front, we would throw the gunnysack full of fish at the bear and retreat in the opposite direction. If the bear approached us from the rear, the same would apply. Fortunately, we never saw the bear again and breathed a sigh of relief when we reached the car.
So what is the moral of this story? Don't leave raw meat in a forest. It turns out that bears have a sense of smell that is estimated to be 2,100 times that of a human. They can smell meat or prey from miles away. But the other moral is, that if you put out raw meat in a forest all the predators, from wolves, raptors and insects will come for miles in search of a free meal.
The same is true of humans. If you put out "magnets" (meat) they will be attracted to the magnets and will come from thousands of miles away for a free meal, welfare recipients or illegal aliens. They will come by foot, or by car, bus, truck, or train. They can smell a "free meal" all the away from Costa Rica. They will take only what they can personally carry on their long journey to the promised land, hoping that they will be re-stocked when they reach their destination, the generous United States of America, where jobs, government "pig troughs" and unimaginable "riches" await them.
Now most campers and fishermen are fully aware of these facts and take precautions to not attract predators, or arm themselves with weapons to protect them from the predators.
Unfortunately, government takes no such precautions and Congressional Democrats seem inclined to purposely entice illegal aliens (magnets) to pour into America by the millions, now estimated at around 22 million. The American taxpayer is subsidizing most of those 22 million to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars a year. We could repair most of America's infrastructure in a few years from what we are paying for illegal aliens.
Democrats want open borders. They won't eliminate the magnets (meat) and they fight the Republicans to maintain them. They seem almost euphoric when a couple of thousand peasants from foreign lands illegally breach our borders every day in the hopes of benefiting from those magnets that legal Americans are forced to pay. Democrats don't see these hapless foreigners as enemies, or as drags on our economy. They don't care about the diseases the illegal aliens bring with them, diseases America eradicated decades ago. They don't take into account the lost jobs and lower wages. They don't see the hordes of uneducated aliens as a humanitarian or security crisis. They only see them as future votes.
But like all things, decisions, policies and laws have consequences. You lay out raw meat in a forest and the predators and carrion eaters will come from miles around, for a free meal.
Take California for example. In a Real Clear Politics article the effects of illegal immigration are laid bare for all to see.
"The health, educational and legal costs associated with massive illegal immigration are squeezing the budget. About a third of the California budget goes to the state's Medicare program, Medi-Cal. Half the state's births are funded by Medi-Cal, and in nearly a third of those state-funded births, the mother is an undocumented immigrant." (Each one of those babies born to an illegal alien mother become an American citizen and become just one more "magnet" to draw more illegal aliens to California.)
"California's progressive government [Democrats] seems clueless on how to deal with these issues, given that solutions such as low-cost housing, strict enforcement of health codes, or [illegal immigration enforcement], are seen as either too expensive or politically incorrect."
"In sum, California has no margin for error."
"Spiraling entitlements, unwieldy pension costs, money wasted on high-speed rail, inadequate water storage and delivery, and lax immigration policies were formerly tolerable only because about 150,000 Californians paid huge but federally deductible state income taxes." (Under the 2017 tax reduction act, now only $10,000 of state income taxes are deductible. In 2017 138,000 people moved out of California to states like Nevada, Arizona and Texas.)
"No more. Californians may have once derided the state's 1 percent as selfish rich people. Now, they are praying that these heavily burdened taxpayers stay put and are willing to pay far more than what they had paid before." (Why should they?)
The illegal immigrant and homeless population drive much of California's money woes. The best estimates suggest that in 2014, the year of the most recent data available, California was home to between 2.35 and 2.6 million undocumented immigrants. The homeless population is about 134,000 on any given night. Nearly a quarter of the nation’s undocumented immigrants reside in California, where they constitute more than 6% of the state’s population. Over twenty five percent (25%) of America's prison population is made up of illegal aliens. California's lack of immigration enforcement and the state sanctuary policy are the magnets (meat) that draw the illegal population to California. They also draw thousands of illegal alien criminals, like the one that shot and killed Newman Police Officer Ronil Singh, a legal immigrant, or the one that killed Kate Steinle, an innocent legal American bystander on a San Francisco pier.
But ladies and gentlemen, if you have been paying attention, you have heard all this before. There is nothing new here. It's been going on for decades and it's getting worse. The damage may be so bad by now that it is irreversible. America' culture may be altered forever.
No one seems willing to stop the hordes of illegal aliens pouring into America. The politicians won't stop it. They are too busy fighting among themselves for political power. The border patrol can't stop it. There is just too much border to patrol. Walls would help but walls are not the total answer. The military could stop it by making an illegal border crossing extremely painful, if not deadly. The people could stop it, but they won't. The people are all sitting on their hands waiting for the government to stop it. After all, it is the government's job, isn't it? Everyone is waiting for the other "guy" to stop it, but meanwhile no one is stopping it.
Now you won't like what we are about to say. You will say it is barbaric and inhumane. However, if illegal immigration started spreading a disease throughout the population and it couldn't be stopped, government would have no choice but to quarantine the sick, legal and illegal alike. Some illegal aliens would have to be sacrificed to protect the general population from the epidemic. Border patrol agents would be ordered to shoot to warn and then shoot to kill all illegal aliens attempting to cross the border.
There are three other scenarios. What if the illegal alien population was infiltrated with terrorists, terrorists that kill people? (True!) What if the illegal alien population was infiltrated with drug smugglers, drugs that kill people? (True!) What if the illegal alien population was infiltrated with gangs, gangs that kill people? (True!) How are these three scenarios any different than illegal aliens infecting legal Americans with an incurable disease? All of these scenarios kill people. Each of them represents an existential threat to property, life and liberty and requires drastic measures to counter.
We're sick of people making this an emotional or a compassionate issue. It is a life or death issue. If there is no price to pay for illegal aliens to come to America, and there isn't, massive illegal immigration will never stop until America becomes a third-world bankrupt country where America's sovereignty and culture will be destroyed and run-away inflation will become the norm, not the exception. America cannot take in all of the world's poor, or even a small fraction of them without destroying herself.
If the government won't do it, then legal Americans will be forced to stop illegal immigration with two specific actions. First, on a massive scale, make all illegal aliens in America feel so uncomfortable to the point they will self-deport. Second, convince the government to employ drastic, if not lethal measures at the border. Eliminate the magnets.
If government won't remove the magnets (raw meat in the forest) and stop the illegal entries, then it is up to the American people to do the job that government refuses to do, or suffer the irreversible consequences.
And that ladies and gentlemen, is just one side of the STATE OF THE UNION!
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Many years ago four of us went fishing in central British Columbia. We hiked back in with day-trip packs to a remote lake where a couple of rowboats had been stashed. With two in each rowboat we set out towards the middle of the lake to fish for a while before lunch. The fishing was good because not many people wanted to make the long hike into the lake. The lake hadn't been fished for most of the season.
After catching quite a few fish, we headed back into camp to have lunch. The menu that day was baloney and other meat sandwiches, bananas, apples and of course the obligatory smooth Canadian whiskey. After downing our sandwiches and fruit, sipping the Whiskey and discussing the catch of the morning, one of the boats with two men headed back out into the lake to fish some more. The other two fishermen held back for awhile to clean up the camp and hang the packs on a few trees before they too headed out into the lake.
The first rowboat was well out into the middle of the lake when they heard yelling from the men in the second rowboat. But the men in the first rowboat couldn't understand what they were yelling about. They were too far away. The second boat finally caught up with the first boat and the two guys in the second boat started gushing about a very large bear walking down the side of the lake towards our camp. There was still leftover food in our packs and we figured the packs would be torn to shreds by the time we rowed back to camp. We weren't wrong.
It took about fifteen minutes to row back to the camp and by the time we got there the bear had torn the packs off the trees, ripped out the food and was devouring the contents. Safely floating out in the lake, we yelled at the bear to shoo. He came down to the edge of the water and started to wade in as if to challenge us. This was a BIG bear and not wishing an encounter with the bear in the water, both boats hastily rowed back into the middle of the lake. Fortunately, the bear didn't follow.
After fishing well into the afternoon, we headed back to shore to assess the damage to our gear. Sure enough, the packs were lying on the ground and the contents were scattered all over. Most of the food had been eaten but thankfully the bear was gone, or so we hoped.
On reaching camp, we beached the rowboats and started putting our gear back together. We then headed down the four-mile trail, back to where our car was parked. Nevertheless, we were quite concerned that we could run into the bear again so we divided the fish up into two gunnysacks. We were not equipped with bear spray. The guy in front had one gunnysack of fish and the guy in the back had the other gunnysack. The instructions were that if the bear approached us from the front, we would throw the gunnysack full of fish at the bear and retreat in the opposite direction. If the bear approached us from the rear, the same would apply. Fortunately, we never saw the bear again and breathed a sigh of relief when we reached the car.
So what is the moral of this story? Don't leave raw meat in a forest. It turns out that bears have a sense of smell that is estimated to be 2,100 times that of a human. They can smell meat or prey from miles away. But the other moral is, that if you put out raw meat in a forest all the predators, from wolves, raptors and insects will come for miles in search of a free meal.
The same is true of humans. If you put out "magnets" (meat) they will be attracted to the magnets and will come from thousands of miles away for a free meal, welfare recipients or illegal aliens. They will come by foot, or by car, bus, truck, or train. They can smell a "free meal" all the away from Costa Rica. They will take only what they can personally carry on their long journey to the promised land, hoping that they will be re-stocked when they reach their destination, the generous United States of America, where jobs, government "pig troughs" and unimaginable "riches" await them.
Now most campers and fishermen are fully aware of these facts and take precautions to not attract predators, or arm themselves with weapons to protect them from the predators.
Unfortunately, government takes no such precautions and Congressional Democrats seem inclined to purposely entice illegal aliens (magnets) to pour into America by the millions, now estimated at around 22 million. The American taxpayer is subsidizing most of those 22 million to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars a year. We could repair most of America's infrastructure in a few years from what we are paying for illegal aliens.
Democrats want open borders. They won't eliminate the magnets (meat) and they fight the Republicans to maintain them. They seem almost euphoric when a couple of thousand peasants from foreign lands illegally breach our borders every day in the hopes of benefiting from those magnets that legal Americans are forced to pay. Democrats don't see these hapless foreigners as enemies, or as drags on our economy. They don't care about the diseases the illegal aliens bring with them, diseases America eradicated decades ago. They don't take into account the lost jobs and lower wages. They don't see the hordes of uneducated aliens as a humanitarian or security crisis. They only see them as future votes.
But like all things, decisions, policies and laws have consequences. You lay out raw meat in a forest and the predators and carrion eaters will come from miles around, for a free meal.
Take California for example. In a Real Clear Politics article the effects of illegal immigration are laid bare for all to see.
"The health, educational and legal costs associated with massive illegal immigration are squeezing the budget. About a third of the California budget goes to the state's Medicare program, Medi-Cal. Half the state's births are funded by Medi-Cal, and in nearly a third of those state-funded births, the mother is an undocumented immigrant." (Each one of those babies born to an illegal alien mother become an American citizen and become just one more "magnet" to draw more illegal aliens to California.)
"California's progressive government [Democrats] seems clueless on how to deal with these issues, given that solutions such as low-cost housing, strict enforcement of health codes, or [illegal immigration enforcement], are seen as either too expensive or politically incorrect."
"In sum, California has no margin for error."
"Spiraling entitlements, unwieldy pension costs, money wasted on high-speed rail, inadequate water storage and delivery, and lax immigration policies were formerly tolerable only because about 150,000 Californians paid huge but federally deductible state income taxes." (Under the 2017 tax reduction act, now only $10,000 of state income taxes are deductible. In 2017 138,000 people moved out of California to states like Nevada, Arizona and Texas.)
"No more. Californians may have once derided the state's 1 percent as selfish rich people. Now, they are praying that these heavily burdened taxpayers stay put and are willing to pay far more than what they had paid before." (Why should they?)
The illegal immigrant and homeless population drive much of California's money woes. The best estimates suggest that in 2014, the year of the most recent data available, California was home to between 2.35 and 2.6 million undocumented immigrants. The homeless population is about 134,000 on any given night. Nearly a quarter of the nation’s undocumented immigrants reside in California, where they constitute more than 6% of the state’s population. Over twenty five percent (25%) of America's prison population is made up of illegal aliens. California's lack of immigration enforcement and the state sanctuary policy are the magnets (meat) that draw the illegal population to California. They also draw thousands of illegal alien criminals, like the one that shot and killed Newman Police Officer Ronil Singh, a legal immigrant, or the one that killed Kate Steinle, an innocent legal American bystander on a San Francisco pier.
But ladies and gentlemen, if you have been paying attention, you have heard all this before. There is nothing new here. It's been going on for decades and it's getting worse. The damage may be so bad by now that it is irreversible. America' culture may be altered forever.
No one seems willing to stop the hordes of illegal aliens pouring into America. The politicians won't stop it. They are too busy fighting among themselves for political power. The border patrol can't stop it. There is just too much border to patrol. Walls would help but walls are not the total answer. The military could stop it by making an illegal border crossing extremely painful, if not deadly. The people could stop it, but they won't. The people are all sitting on their hands waiting for the government to stop it. After all, it is the government's job, isn't it? Everyone is waiting for the other "guy" to stop it, but meanwhile no one is stopping it.
Now you won't like what we are about to say. You will say it is barbaric and inhumane. However, if illegal immigration started spreading a disease throughout the population and it couldn't be stopped, government would have no choice but to quarantine the sick, legal and illegal alike. Some illegal aliens would have to be sacrificed to protect the general population from the epidemic. Border patrol agents would be ordered to shoot to warn and then shoot to kill all illegal aliens attempting to cross the border.
There are three other scenarios. What if the illegal alien population was infiltrated with terrorists, terrorists that kill people? (True!) What if the illegal alien population was infiltrated with drug smugglers, drugs that kill people? (True!) What if the illegal alien population was infiltrated with gangs, gangs that kill people? (True!) How are these three scenarios any different than illegal aliens infecting legal Americans with an incurable disease? All of these scenarios kill people. Each of them represents an existential threat to property, life and liberty and requires drastic measures to counter.
We're sick of people making this an emotional or a compassionate issue. It is a life or death issue. If there is no price to pay for illegal aliens to come to America, and there isn't, massive illegal immigration will never stop until America becomes a third-world bankrupt country where America's sovereignty and culture will be destroyed and run-away inflation will become the norm, not the exception. America cannot take in all of the world's poor, or even a small fraction of them without destroying herself.
If the government won't do it, then legal Americans will be forced to stop illegal immigration with two specific actions. First, on a massive scale, make all illegal aliens in America feel so uncomfortable to the point they will self-deport. Second, convince the government to employ drastic, if not lethal measures at the border. Eliminate the magnets.
If government won't remove the magnets (raw meat in the forest) and stop the illegal entries, then it is up to the American people to do the job that government refuses to do, or suffer the irreversible consequences.
And that ladies and gentlemen, is just one side of the STATE OF THE UNION!
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Liberals Fully Intend To Bury Conservatives”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, February 24, 2019 - All Rights Reserved
"We live in a fantasy world, a world of illusion. The great task in life is to find reality." Iris Murdoch - Irish-born British novelist and philosopher (1919 to 1999)
If you have any doubts about the intentions of the socialist Democrats, you haven't followed history and are purposely ignoring the facts. Liberals intend to bury conservatives under a pile of manure so deep they won't be able to walk, talk, or breath. They are bent on making conservatives irrelevant and impotent. They have almost succeeded. The only thing that stands in their way is an incalcitrant President and tens of millions of his ardent followers. If the President and his ardent followers succumb to the onslaught of this mindless, liberal horde, America as a free nation will be no more. That is what is at stake, nothing less.
The battle you see playing out against Trump and conservatives, by the liberals, the establishment, the courts, the Congress, the deep state, state governors, state legislatures, the news media, academia, public school teachers, corporations, unions, internationalists and central bankers, is not about policy, it is all about who wields political power. To the liberals, the Constitution, fundamental liberties, individual freedom, unalienable rights, capitalism, free markets, border security and sovereignty are all convenient buzzwords with no meaning. Protecting the environment and man-caused global warming are however, their Gods and just more tools (and laws) for them to control the masses. Their goal is absolute, perpetual political power by any means. You are just a pawn, a serf, an indentured debt servant and a slave. If you get in their way, they will mow you down without remorse.
Response from a reader: "You blithering idiot! It's THE REPUBLICANS in Washington, especially our illegitimately and fraudulently elected, phony "president" Trump and his crime syndicate, masquerading as an administration, who should be impeached and thrown out of office!"
This cabal of a false ideology with no foundation in liberty, that has consumed the body politic for several generations, is now backed up by the votes of a brainwashed urban majority. Liberals don't intend to compromise with conservatives, they intend to shove this false ideology down the throats of all that don't believe as they do, in a pattern not unlike radical Islam. If conservatives don't capitulate, liberals will hammer them, beat them down, call them dirty names and violently attack them. They will discredit them, demean them and vilify them and they will do it with the help of the establishment, the courts, the Congress, the deep state, state governors, state legislatures, the news media, academia, public school teachers, corporations, unions, internationalists and central bankers.
The American news media is directly and openly complicit in the effort by liberals to silence conservatives. So are the large tech giants like Google, Facebook and Twitter that contribute to liberals in super percentages. Academia is an integral part of the effort to squelch all conservative principles and ideology. In fact, these three powerhouses of political and educational influence are aiding and abetting the overthrow of our Constitutional Republic and by their actions, are guilty of treason. They, by their word and deed, are exercising a silent coup against liberty itself. They are the enemy of freedom!
If you don't think so, ask yourself why do Democrats want to repeal the Electoral College? Votes! Why do they sue states over voter ID laws? Votes! Why do they always push for more social programs and higher taxes? Votes! Why do they always fight to stop or resist all efforts to secure our borders? Votes!
Then ask yourself why are they suing the government over a single question on the 2020 census? That single question just asks if the person is a citizen of the United States. Seems logical doesn't it? But the Democrats fear that illegal aliens won't answer the question or fill out the form and therefore will not be counted. If they are not counted, Democrats stand to lose billions from federal tax apportionments to Democrat or sanctuary states and diminish their representation in Congress. If they lose representation in Congress, they lose power and losing power is totally unacceptable to the Democrats. Why do you suppose they are fighting Trump tooth and nail by any means, legal or illegal? They are afraid he might be successful and reduce their power over the people even more. They are afraid that they might finally be exposed for what they are all about ..... power above principle!
It is a battle of wills and votes and anyone who thinks that this battle will somehow evolve into a spirit of human kindness, cooperation, compromise and empathy, are misreading the tealeaves. This is a battle for the very heart and soul of a nation.
In response from a reader who took exception to our most recent article, he wrote this:
"After reading your article and now your response to my letter I see a big label reading, “burned out”. May I suggest at least six months on a sunny beach sipping preferred liquid refreshments, listening to simple music and smiling at the girls. The world will still be here when you come back. I seriously do not want to read any more articles by you for at least six months. You need to recharge your batteries. Just consider this as advice from a friendly reader."
Like millions of Americans and this reader, somehow they think that the John Birch Society, or a John Galt (from "Atlas Shrugged"), or the Heritage Foundation, or some other savior will come along and make things all better again. Some believe in the fantasy that only God can help and wait for a sign from the heavens. Too many think that if they could just vote for and elect the "right" person, all will be well. They erroneously think that there has to be a simple fix to all of our problems and it won't cost anything. They won't have to get their hands dirty, or spend any money and they can do it right from their own living room watching TV. Or, all they have to do is right a letter to the editor, or call their congressperson, senator, or state legislator with a gripe. They then can tell themselves they did their part ..... for freedom.
We don't write these articles to tell you what you want to hear. We write them to expose the truth and the inescapable realities. It is our hope that eventually enough people will accept these realities and act upon them, in great numbers.
We don't need to be re-charged as the above reader admonished. We're not "burned out", we're charged up and ready for a fight. The lives of our children and grandchildren hang in the balance. If we-the-living will not fight, then we condemn our children and grandchildren to a steadily degrading standard of living and less and less freedom. Besides shared misery, that is what socialism delivers. That is what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's "Green New Deal" is all about, top-down control by a few and less and less freedom for the masses.
We deal in realities, not wish lists, or biblical phrases. The realities are staring us all in the face but many of us refuse to face the facts. Tens of millions of Americans are content with believing that the "STATE OF THE UNION" is what a President tells us every February. If they do believe, they live in a fantasy world.
It is all a matter of votes and when push comes to shove, the socialist side has more votes than the conservative side, especially if they all voted. Most of those votes come out of the urban areas where over 80% of the people live, people that are highly dependent on government and highly susceptible to socialist policies. It is that simple. Unless you can change the mindset of tens of millions of urban people to believe in the principles of our founding, nothing will change and only get worse! Socialism IS a fait accompli without intervention.
What we have to overcome is daunting and formidable. It is even greater than what the Colonials had to face from the King of England in 1776. Unfortunately, the price to overcome today's "enemy" will be much higher. The forces mounted against us do not attack us from across the wide expanse of an ocean. Those forces that would destroy us live among us and they are like mindless zombies, or the walking dead, that march to the drumbeats of a socialist puppet master. Nothing is going to change until reasonable people have had enough and re-act, either intelligently and lawfully, or in open civil disobedience, or violently ..... en masse.
Sure, we could tell you that everything is great in America, but we would be doing a disservice to our readers ..... and we would be lying. Those who refuse to face reality are destined to become victims of that reality.
Many times we are criticized for laying out all the problems but never offering any solutions. On the contrary, we have offered many solutions in over 500 articles, but there have been few takers. The evil forces we need to overcome will take a corresponding equal or greater force. With a population of 325,000,000 people and over 80% of those people living in high dense urban areas prone to socialism, that equal or greater force will have to exceed 10,000,000 (3%) united people of common determination and purpose. Three percent of Americans defeated the British in 1776.
However, no such organization exists in America today. There is no leader to lead such a force. There is no money to fund such a force. Nevertheless, if such a force, operating as a single entity as "all-for-one-in-the-defense-of-liberty" existed, no matter what the cost, it would be unstoppable. They could bring government and special interests to their knees. They could overwhelm the tendencies of Presidents, Congress and state governors and legislators from violating their respective constitutions. They could stop the un-elected bureaucracy in its tracks. They could withhold their taxes in protest. Can you imagine the hue and cry if 10,000,000 united Americans swamped Congress with a single message? Can you imagine the consequences if 10,000,000 people engaged in in-your-face civil disobedience? Can you imagine what would happen if 10,000,000 taxpayers decided to stop paying their taxes? All Hell would break loose and you can bet that those 10,000,000 would wield immense political power to influence public policy. Government could not put them all in jail and would have to listen.
So there are solutions, but those solutions are of such a magnitude that most people dismiss them as being a hill too steep to climb. That's not our fault. The hard truth is, you can't stop a supertanker with an outboard motor. It follows then that you can't stop or even slow down the giant behemoth that is the U. S. Government with an ineffective organization with too few people and too little money. All these little freedom organizations that dot the American landscape (God bless them) are but a minor irritant to the politicians, the establishment, the deep state, the giant corporations, unions, internationalists and central bankers. Government does not fear these small, fragmented freedom organizations and in many cases does everything in its power, by weaponizing the IRS, the EPA, or other agencies, to impede or eliminate the freedom organization's power and influence.
Ladies and gentlemen, this IS your reality. Progressives, liberals and socialist Democrats, with the help of the urban population, the news media and academia, intend to bury you unless you find a way to stop them. Ignore the threat at your own peril.
In reality, as an author, we're just one of many small outboard motors that don't have the power to stop anything, unless we can combine the power of all those other small outboard motors into one giant force for freedom.
All we can do, with our little outboard motor, is to help RURAL LANDOWNERS in their constant struggle against government and the environmentalists.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
If you have any doubts about the intentions of the socialist Democrats, you haven't followed history and are purposely ignoring the facts. Liberals intend to bury conservatives under a pile of manure so deep they won't be able to walk, talk, or breath. They are bent on making conservatives irrelevant and impotent. They have almost succeeded. The only thing that stands in their way is an incalcitrant President and tens of millions of his ardent followers. If the President and his ardent followers succumb to the onslaught of this mindless, liberal horde, America as a free nation will be no more. That is what is at stake, nothing less.
The battle you see playing out against Trump and conservatives, by the liberals, the establishment, the courts, the Congress, the deep state, state governors, state legislatures, the news media, academia, public school teachers, corporations, unions, internationalists and central bankers, is not about policy, it is all about who wields political power. To the liberals, the Constitution, fundamental liberties, individual freedom, unalienable rights, capitalism, free markets, border security and sovereignty are all convenient buzzwords with no meaning. Protecting the environment and man-caused global warming are however, their Gods and just more tools (and laws) for them to control the masses. Their goal is absolute, perpetual political power by any means. You are just a pawn, a serf, an indentured debt servant and a slave. If you get in their way, they will mow you down without remorse.
Response from a reader: "You blithering idiot! It's THE REPUBLICANS in Washington, especially our illegitimately and fraudulently elected, phony "president" Trump and his crime syndicate, masquerading as an administration, who should be impeached and thrown out of office!"
This cabal of a false ideology with no foundation in liberty, that has consumed the body politic for several generations, is now backed up by the votes of a brainwashed urban majority. Liberals don't intend to compromise with conservatives, they intend to shove this false ideology down the throats of all that don't believe as they do, in a pattern not unlike radical Islam. If conservatives don't capitulate, liberals will hammer them, beat them down, call them dirty names and violently attack them. They will discredit them, demean them and vilify them and they will do it with the help of the establishment, the courts, the Congress, the deep state, state governors, state legislatures, the news media, academia, public school teachers, corporations, unions, internationalists and central bankers.
The American news media is directly and openly complicit in the effort by liberals to silence conservatives. So are the large tech giants like Google, Facebook and Twitter that contribute to liberals in super percentages. Academia is an integral part of the effort to squelch all conservative principles and ideology. In fact, these three powerhouses of political and educational influence are aiding and abetting the overthrow of our Constitutional Republic and by their actions, are guilty of treason. They, by their word and deed, are exercising a silent coup against liberty itself. They are the enemy of freedom!
If you don't think so, ask yourself why do Democrats want to repeal the Electoral College? Votes! Why do they sue states over voter ID laws? Votes! Why do they always push for more social programs and higher taxes? Votes! Why do they always fight to stop or resist all efforts to secure our borders? Votes!
Then ask yourself why are they suing the government over a single question on the 2020 census? That single question just asks if the person is a citizen of the United States. Seems logical doesn't it? But the Democrats fear that illegal aliens won't answer the question or fill out the form and therefore will not be counted. If they are not counted, Democrats stand to lose billions from federal tax apportionments to Democrat or sanctuary states and diminish their representation in Congress. If they lose representation in Congress, they lose power and losing power is totally unacceptable to the Democrats. Why do you suppose they are fighting Trump tooth and nail by any means, legal or illegal? They are afraid he might be successful and reduce their power over the people even more. They are afraid that they might finally be exposed for what they are all about ..... power above principle!
It is a battle of wills and votes and anyone who thinks that this battle will somehow evolve into a spirit of human kindness, cooperation, compromise and empathy, are misreading the tealeaves. This is a battle for the very heart and soul of a nation.
In response from a reader who took exception to our most recent article, he wrote this:
"After reading your article and now your response to my letter I see a big label reading, “burned out”. May I suggest at least six months on a sunny beach sipping preferred liquid refreshments, listening to simple music and smiling at the girls. The world will still be here when you come back. I seriously do not want to read any more articles by you for at least six months. You need to recharge your batteries. Just consider this as advice from a friendly reader."
Like millions of Americans and this reader, somehow they think that the John Birch Society, or a John Galt (from "Atlas Shrugged"), or the Heritage Foundation, or some other savior will come along and make things all better again. Some believe in the fantasy that only God can help and wait for a sign from the heavens. Too many think that if they could just vote for and elect the "right" person, all will be well. They erroneously think that there has to be a simple fix to all of our problems and it won't cost anything. They won't have to get their hands dirty, or spend any money and they can do it right from their own living room watching TV. Or, all they have to do is right a letter to the editor, or call their congressperson, senator, or state legislator with a gripe. They then can tell themselves they did their part ..... for freedom.
We don't write these articles to tell you what you want to hear. We write them to expose the truth and the inescapable realities. It is our hope that eventually enough people will accept these realities and act upon them, in great numbers.
We don't need to be re-charged as the above reader admonished. We're not "burned out", we're charged up and ready for a fight. The lives of our children and grandchildren hang in the balance. If we-the-living will not fight, then we condemn our children and grandchildren to a steadily degrading standard of living and less and less freedom. Besides shared misery, that is what socialism delivers. That is what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's "Green New Deal" is all about, top-down control by a few and less and less freedom for the masses.
We deal in realities, not wish lists, or biblical phrases. The realities are staring us all in the face but many of us refuse to face the facts. Tens of millions of Americans are content with believing that the "STATE OF THE UNION" is what a President tells us every February. If they do believe, they live in a fantasy world.
It is all a matter of votes and when push comes to shove, the socialist side has more votes than the conservative side, especially if they all voted. Most of those votes come out of the urban areas where over 80% of the people live, people that are highly dependent on government and highly susceptible to socialist policies. It is that simple. Unless you can change the mindset of tens of millions of urban people to believe in the principles of our founding, nothing will change and only get worse! Socialism IS a fait accompli without intervention.
What we have to overcome is daunting and formidable. It is even greater than what the Colonials had to face from the King of England in 1776. Unfortunately, the price to overcome today's "enemy" will be much higher. The forces mounted against us do not attack us from across the wide expanse of an ocean. Those forces that would destroy us live among us and they are like mindless zombies, or the walking dead, that march to the drumbeats of a socialist puppet master. Nothing is going to change until reasonable people have had enough and re-act, either intelligently and lawfully, or in open civil disobedience, or violently ..... en masse.
Sure, we could tell you that everything is great in America, but we would be doing a disservice to our readers ..... and we would be lying. Those who refuse to face reality are destined to become victims of that reality.
Many times we are criticized for laying out all the problems but never offering any solutions. On the contrary, we have offered many solutions in over 500 articles, but there have been few takers. The evil forces we need to overcome will take a corresponding equal or greater force. With a population of 325,000,000 people and over 80% of those people living in high dense urban areas prone to socialism, that equal or greater force will have to exceed 10,000,000 (3%) united people of common determination and purpose. Three percent of Americans defeated the British in 1776.
However, no such organization exists in America today. There is no leader to lead such a force. There is no money to fund such a force. Nevertheless, if such a force, operating as a single entity as "all-for-one-in-the-defense-of-liberty" existed, no matter what the cost, it would be unstoppable. They could bring government and special interests to their knees. They could overwhelm the tendencies of Presidents, Congress and state governors and legislators from violating their respective constitutions. They could stop the un-elected bureaucracy in its tracks. They could withhold their taxes in protest. Can you imagine the hue and cry if 10,000,000 united Americans swamped Congress with a single message? Can you imagine the consequences if 10,000,000 people engaged in in-your-face civil disobedience? Can you imagine what would happen if 10,000,000 taxpayers decided to stop paying their taxes? All Hell would break loose and you can bet that those 10,000,000 would wield immense political power to influence public policy. Government could not put them all in jail and would have to listen.
So there are solutions, but those solutions are of such a magnitude that most people dismiss them as being a hill too steep to climb. That's not our fault. The hard truth is, you can't stop a supertanker with an outboard motor. It follows then that you can't stop or even slow down the giant behemoth that is the U. S. Government with an ineffective organization with too few people and too little money. All these little freedom organizations that dot the American landscape (God bless them) are but a minor irritant to the politicians, the establishment, the deep state, the giant corporations, unions, internationalists and central bankers. Government does not fear these small, fragmented freedom organizations and in many cases does everything in its power, by weaponizing the IRS, the EPA, or other agencies, to impede or eliminate the freedom organization's power and influence.
Ladies and gentlemen, this IS your reality. Progressives, liberals and socialist Democrats, with the help of the urban population, the news media and academia, intend to bury you unless you find a way to stop them. Ignore the threat at your own peril.
In reality, as an author, we're just one of many small outboard motors that don't have the power to stop anything, unless we can combine the power of all those other small outboard motors into one giant force for freedom.
All we can do, with our little outboard motor, is to help RURAL LANDOWNERS in their constant struggle against government and the environmentalists.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Everything Has Turned Upside Down and Stark Raving Crazy”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, February 17, 2019 - All Rights Reserved
"Cities and governments tolerate crazy people. Companies don't!" Geoffrey West
God knows how anyone can watch the news any more. Each day one or more crazy things happen that defy logic, intellect and common sense. For example, why are 70,000 people a year dying of a drug overdose? That doesn't include the hundreds of thousands (or is it millions) that are "hooked" on drugs. Remember, there would be no drugs crossing our southern border if millions of stupid Americans weren't consuming the drugs!!!
Why is every 2020 Democrat candidate for president coming out with socialist policies that would play well in Communist China, but hardly in the United States of America? Where were these people born? There is no way they could have been sired by American parents. Or, has Progressive brainwashing been so successful that socialism is now in the main stream?
Why do we let millions of illegal aliens cross our borders and not do everything in our power to stop it, even if that means building fences across the 2,000 plus miles from San Diego to Brownsville? We are the only nation on earth that does not adequately protect its borders. But worse, we are a nation that provides huge incentives for every person in the Western Hemisphere to break down our doors and then demand we pay for them when they enter illegally. Why do legal Americans put up with it? They should fire every politician that supports open borders and refuses to fund the necessary defenses.
Why do we let local, county and state politicians pass sanctuary policies for illegal aliens, thus allowing the illegal criminals to rob, scam, run is down with their cars and kill us?
Why do we give these illegal aliens driver's licenses and allow them to register to vote, when it is illegal for them to vote?
Why in the Hell did we-the-people let Congress destroy one of the best health care systems on the planet by passing Obama Care? It is now politically unfixable and we did it to ourselves because we didn't make a loud enough noise against it. We literally sat there and did nothing, while those elite, can-do-no-wrong politicians (all Democrats) screwed us. Why? Because Obama Care was just another ploy by the Democrats to buy votes from those tens of millions of Americans that have allowed themselves to become dependent on government. The cost be damned.
Why did we let the state of New York, or any other state for that matter, pass an abortion law that is outright infanticide and allows the fetus to be killed after birth? What's next, euthanasia for our seniors? Remember the 1973 movie "Soylent Green" where they turned the remains of euthanized old people into cookies? Could fiction become fact?
Why have we authorized the federal government to establish a Department of Education, (DoED) when education is a state responsibility? Why did we let the DoED nationalize the education of America's children and establish a curriculum better suited for the children of Russia? American education has become socialist indoctrination. Hitler must be smiling in his grave.
Why did we let the federal government pass so many environmental laws that have effectively repealed the fifth amendment and rendered property ownership a barren right? The American landowner has become an indentured slave to almighty government and the environmentalists. Today, under current environmental law, we could not build the nation's freeway system. Further, every building project requires a very expensive environmental impact statement that does nothing but force the builder, or the taxpayer, to pay for the weapon that will shoot him in the foot.
And why have we found it necessary to protect every wetland in America to save the planet, when 12,000 years ago over one third of the earth's surface was covered by an ice sheet over one mile thick? There were no wetlands under the ice sheet. How DID the earth and its plants and animals survive without all those wetlands? What happened to reason, logic and common sense?
Why is it we have allowed government and the environmentalists to perpetrate one of the world's greatest con games ever devised on the people under the guise of alleged man-caused global warming? Why are the people allowing government to burn up their tax money by the trillions for an alleged disaster that hasn't happened and has little to no basis in science?
Why are college kids dying under barbaric initiation rituals? What makes a college kid think that it is a good idea to force another college kid to drink a gallon of 180-proof alcohol until he's dead? We know that high school and college kids tend to leave their common sense at home when they arrive at college, but outright murder when you know better, isn't just criminal, it's crazy.
Why are urban ethnic groups robbing and killing each other at unprecedented rates? Why are their cultures breaking down? Why has the tried, true and tested family unit of father, mother and child become out of style or passé, a family unit that was and still is a culture's answer to cultural stability?
Why have we allowed our standards of decency to descend into the gutter? Why have we allowed debauchery, swearing, violence and gratuitous sex in movies and TV to become commonplace? If we go see the movies or watch TV and accept these lower standards without any outcry, we effectively condone them.
Why is it that high-level officers at the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation found it perfectly OK to break the law and stage a silent coup against a sitting president, by opening an investigation against him in search of a crime? If we can't trust the top law enforcement agencies of our country to play by the rules and the rule of law, a little thing like a constitution won't make any difference. Everyone knows that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Is that the Alice-in-Wonderland rabbit hole Americans have decided to go down ..... at their own peril?
Why is it that the DOJ or FBI decided that a heavily-armed, overwhelming S.W.A.T team was necessary to take Roger Stone into custody for a process crime, while other politicians, guilty of the same offense, are wondering around free as a bird? Shall we name names? How about Hillary Clinton who lied to Congress and destroyed evidence that was under a Congressional subpoena. How about Huma Abedin, advisor to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, ex-wife of sex pervert Anthony Weiner, who also lied to Congress. How about Assistant FBI director Andrew McCabe who not only lied to Congress and other agencies, but whose wife received huge sums of money from Democrats for her political campaign, a huge conflict of interest for her husband Andrew, who was investigating both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump? And why isn't former FBI director under investigation for taking classified information out of his office when he was fired by Trump? Why hasn't an FBI S.W.A.T team descended on their homes at the break of day with guns drawn to take them into custody? The list of perpetrators goes on and on but accountability is nowhere to be found.
But our lives are a mysterious contradiction. On the one hand we constantly observe idiotic events that make no sense at all, like the ones we have just described. But on the other hand we observe man's humanity to man in so many different ways. If we are in trouble, others come to our rescue, sometimes at great risk to themselves. First responders and citizens pull people out of burning houses, or cars, or rescue them from drowning in frozen ponds. During national disasters, we come together as if we were all related by blood. If we are truly bad in heart and soul, then why do we reach out a helping hand to people we don't even know? As a culture we are one of the most generous on the planet. We share our good fortune with others in ways too numerous to describe.
So how can these two sides co-exist? It is as if we live on a schizophrenic teeter-totter with one side weighing down the other side and then the opposite side reversing the process, in a delicate balance of alleged sanity. But what if the bad side, the crazy side, the debauchery side, overwhelms the sane, reasonable and commonsense side? The delicate balance is gone forever and our culture collapses, which is the direction we are headed.
Just recently we heard President Trump give the State of the Union address. Sadly, the "State of the Union" as proffered by the President, only tells a small portion of the real "State of the Union." What we describe in the first paragraphs of this article and in our short VIDEO, appears to be the giant share of that "state", but not addressed by the President. In contrast, the other side of the "State of the Union" is that we are a people of fairness, empathy and generosity.
Nevertheless, truth and history tells us that if we give up on honesty, integrity, honor and morality, if we strangle ourselves in a morass of millions of laws, rules and regulations, if we abandon economic principles, if we forsake decency standards, if we give up on the foundation of our freedom and liberty, as codified into law under the U. S. Constitution, we have no hope to remain as "We the People" governing ourselves under a Constitutional Republic and in pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. We will become just another third-world socialist country in a bleak life of shared misery. The Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Shumer crowd and the current crop of crazy socialist presidential candidates will have won.
If that is what you want, you are not far from receiving it. If that ISN'T what you want, you better be prepared for a long, protracted and maybe even bloody, fight. The crazies among us are only going to get crazier and our once-balanced teeter-totter life will be resting on the ground on the crazy side.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
God knows how anyone can watch the news any more. Each day one or more crazy things happen that defy logic, intellect and common sense. For example, why are 70,000 people a year dying of a drug overdose? That doesn't include the hundreds of thousands (or is it millions) that are "hooked" on drugs. Remember, there would be no drugs crossing our southern border if millions of stupid Americans weren't consuming the drugs!!!
Why is every 2020 Democrat candidate for president coming out with socialist policies that would play well in Communist China, but hardly in the United States of America? Where were these people born? There is no way they could have been sired by American parents. Or, has Progressive brainwashing been so successful that socialism is now in the main stream?
Why do we let millions of illegal aliens cross our borders and not do everything in our power to stop it, even if that means building fences across the 2,000 plus miles from San Diego to Brownsville? We are the only nation on earth that does not adequately protect its borders. But worse, we are a nation that provides huge incentives for every person in the Western Hemisphere to break down our doors and then demand we pay for them when they enter illegally. Why do legal Americans put up with it? They should fire every politician that supports open borders and refuses to fund the necessary defenses.
Why do we let local, county and state politicians pass sanctuary policies for illegal aliens, thus allowing the illegal criminals to rob, scam, run is down with their cars and kill us?
Why do we give these illegal aliens driver's licenses and allow them to register to vote, when it is illegal for them to vote?
Why in the Hell did we-the-people let Congress destroy one of the best health care systems on the planet by passing Obama Care? It is now politically unfixable and we did it to ourselves because we didn't make a loud enough noise against it. We literally sat there and did nothing, while those elite, can-do-no-wrong politicians (all Democrats) screwed us. Why? Because Obama Care was just another ploy by the Democrats to buy votes from those tens of millions of Americans that have allowed themselves to become dependent on government. The cost be damned.
Why did we let the state of New York, or any other state for that matter, pass an abortion law that is outright infanticide and allows the fetus to be killed after birth? What's next, euthanasia for our seniors? Remember the 1973 movie "Soylent Green" where they turned the remains of euthanized old people into cookies? Could fiction become fact?
Why have we authorized the federal government to establish a Department of Education, (DoED) when education is a state responsibility? Why did we let the DoED nationalize the education of America's children and establish a curriculum better suited for the children of Russia? American education has become socialist indoctrination. Hitler must be smiling in his grave.
Why did we let the federal government pass so many environmental laws that have effectively repealed the fifth amendment and rendered property ownership a barren right? The American landowner has become an indentured slave to almighty government and the environmentalists. Today, under current environmental law, we could not build the nation's freeway system. Further, every building project requires a very expensive environmental impact statement that does nothing but force the builder, or the taxpayer, to pay for the weapon that will shoot him in the foot.
And why have we found it necessary to protect every wetland in America to save the planet, when 12,000 years ago over one third of the earth's surface was covered by an ice sheet over one mile thick? There were no wetlands under the ice sheet. How DID the earth and its plants and animals survive without all those wetlands? What happened to reason, logic and common sense?
Why is it we have allowed government and the environmentalists to perpetrate one of the world's greatest con games ever devised on the people under the guise of alleged man-caused global warming? Why are the people allowing government to burn up their tax money by the trillions for an alleged disaster that hasn't happened and has little to no basis in science?
Why are college kids dying under barbaric initiation rituals? What makes a college kid think that it is a good idea to force another college kid to drink a gallon of 180-proof alcohol until he's dead? We know that high school and college kids tend to leave their common sense at home when they arrive at college, but outright murder when you know better, isn't just criminal, it's crazy.
Why are urban ethnic groups robbing and killing each other at unprecedented rates? Why are their cultures breaking down? Why has the tried, true and tested family unit of father, mother and child become out of style or passé, a family unit that was and still is a culture's answer to cultural stability?
Why have we allowed our standards of decency to descend into the gutter? Why have we allowed debauchery, swearing, violence and gratuitous sex in movies and TV to become commonplace? If we go see the movies or watch TV and accept these lower standards without any outcry, we effectively condone them.
Why is it that high-level officers at the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation found it perfectly OK to break the law and stage a silent coup against a sitting president, by opening an investigation against him in search of a crime? If we can't trust the top law enforcement agencies of our country to play by the rules and the rule of law, a little thing like a constitution won't make any difference. Everyone knows that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Is that the Alice-in-Wonderland rabbit hole Americans have decided to go down ..... at their own peril?
Why is it that the DOJ or FBI decided that a heavily-armed, overwhelming S.W.A.T team was necessary to take Roger Stone into custody for a process crime, while other politicians, guilty of the same offense, are wondering around free as a bird? Shall we name names? How about Hillary Clinton who lied to Congress and destroyed evidence that was under a Congressional subpoena. How about Huma Abedin, advisor to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, ex-wife of sex pervert Anthony Weiner, who also lied to Congress. How about Assistant FBI director Andrew McCabe who not only lied to Congress and other agencies, but whose wife received huge sums of money from Democrats for her political campaign, a huge conflict of interest for her husband Andrew, who was investigating both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump? And why isn't former FBI director under investigation for taking classified information out of his office when he was fired by Trump? Why hasn't an FBI S.W.A.T team descended on their homes at the break of day with guns drawn to take them into custody? The list of perpetrators goes on and on but accountability is nowhere to be found.
But our lives are a mysterious contradiction. On the one hand we constantly observe idiotic events that make no sense at all, like the ones we have just described. But on the other hand we observe man's humanity to man in so many different ways. If we are in trouble, others come to our rescue, sometimes at great risk to themselves. First responders and citizens pull people out of burning houses, or cars, or rescue them from drowning in frozen ponds. During national disasters, we come together as if we were all related by blood. If we are truly bad in heart and soul, then why do we reach out a helping hand to people we don't even know? As a culture we are one of the most generous on the planet. We share our good fortune with others in ways too numerous to describe.
So how can these two sides co-exist? It is as if we live on a schizophrenic teeter-totter with one side weighing down the other side and then the opposite side reversing the process, in a delicate balance of alleged sanity. But what if the bad side, the crazy side, the debauchery side, overwhelms the sane, reasonable and commonsense side? The delicate balance is gone forever and our culture collapses, which is the direction we are headed.
Just recently we heard President Trump give the State of the Union address. Sadly, the "State of the Union" as proffered by the President, only tells a small portion of the real "State of the Union." What we describe in the first paragraphs of this article and in our short VIDEO, appears to be the giant share of that "state", but not addressed by the President. In contrast, the other side of the "State of the Union" is that we are a people of fairness, empathy and generosity.
Nevertheless, truth and history tells us that if we give up on honesty, integrity, honor and morality, if we strangle ourselves in a morass of millions of laws, rules and regulations, if we abandon economic principles, if we forsake decency standards, if we give up on the foundation of our freedom and liberty, as codified into law under the U. S. Constitution, we have no hope to remain as "We the People" governing ourselves under a Constitutional Republic and in pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. We will become just another third-world socialist country in a bleak life of shared misery. The Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Shumer crowd and the current crop of crazy socialist presidential candidates will have won.
If that is what you want, you are not far from receiving it. If that ISN'T what you want, you better be prepared for a long, protracted and maybe even bloody, fight. The crazies among us are only going to get crazier and our once-balanced teeter-totter life will be resting on the ground on the crazy side.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"It's Not the Politicians We Fear, It's the People”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, February 17, 2019 - All Rights Reserved

"Fear not the politician for he or she is but an identical reflection in the mirror of the people in the majority." Ron Ewart
THE STATE OF THE UNION: This article is offered for free because it has no value. It won't reach enough people to motivate them to solve the serious problems facing our once-free Constitutional Republic that has morphed into a mob-ruled Democracy, eager to embrace socialism. Your government (mostly socialist/Democrats) has gone stark raving mad with an impossible-to-implement-and-fund, insane "Green New Deal." They are lobbying for higher taxes and massive regulations, after the Trump Administration and Congress lowered taxes and reduced regulation. The truth is, the politicians won't save you. Both parties intend to enslave you in one way or another. They will take your money in whatever quantity they want. They will pass regulations to restrict every aspect of human activity. And you are letting them do it!
America's borders are wide open and you are being invaded by hordes of mostly ignorant illegal alien, diseased peasants, while you pay for their keep, education and medical care ..... by force of law. Your "elected" politicians refuse to "fix" it. Why aren't you screaming? Those very same politicians that the "people" elected, have corrupted health care, public education, welfare and more. Radical environmentalism has usurped most of our freedoms and property rights and your politicians let it happen when it was their sworn duty to see that it didn't happen. The effort to "fix" alleged climate change will break the bank, lead us straight into third-world chaos and send us back to pioneer days, without sufficient energy to light and heat our homes, or drive our cars. The ignorant socialists that live in big cities are clamoring for it. As we said, "it's not the politicians we fear, it's the uninformed people that elected the politicians."
The "people" keep electing the same dolts every election cycle. As an example, Michigan Democrat representative John Dingle just died a few days ago after serving almost 60 years (1955 to 2015) in the House of Representatives. John's father served two decades before him. Nepotism is alive and well. Dingle, the longest serving representative, was behind the passage of Medicare, Medicaid and Obama Care, all socialist programs. His life-long dream was Medicare-for-all. Does that sound familiar?
West Virginia Democrat Senator Robert Byrd served in the U. S. House and then the U. S. Senate. He became the longest serving Senator in U. S. History. Robert Byrd was a recruiter for the Klu Klux Klan while in his 20s and 30s, rising to the title of Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops of his local chapter. After leaving the group, Byrd spoke in favor of the Klan during his early political career. Though he claimed to have left the organization in 1943, Byrd wrote a letter in 1946 to the group's Imperial Wizard stating "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia." (source: Wikipedia) For 51 years, the people of West Virginia kept voting for this loyal and devoted KKK member. Now they want to fire anyone who ever did "black face." (How did Al Jolson ever survive?)
SIDE BAR: Six Confederate veterans (Democrats) formed the violent, paramilitary "secret society" of the KKK in December of 1865. Its foundation was based on white racial superiority and its members were mostly Southern Democrats. The history of the KKK was written in blood and the Democrats have those bloodstains all over their hands. Did the KKK die? Hardly. There are least 42 different KKK groups alive and well in 22 states.
The above stories are only two examples. There are hundreds more, on both sides of the aisle. We only have the voting public to blame.
The sad reality today is, America has somehow managed to raise millions of soft, weak, wholly ignorant, spoiled brats in big cities that want everything they can get for free and politicians that can't wait to give it to them, for their votes, stealing your money to do it. But eventually government will run out of your money!!!!! Then watch what happens. The free loaders will riot in the streets, burn down cities and kill those that deprived them of their "free" largess. Roving gangs, armed to the teeth, will steal, rob, pillage, destroy and kill everything in their path. That is always the final chapter of socialism when the money dries up.
Every one of you reading this column is in the USS America lifeboat and the lifeboat has serious holes in its hull. When you plug one hole, another hole appears somewhere else. You are trying to keep your boat afloat but you are losing the battle because you aren't doing enough. You lifeboat is sinking and from our perspective you are going to watch your lifeboat sink into the briny deep with you in it and do very little to stop it.
The Unstoppable Force of 10,000,000 United Americans, Speaking With One Voice:
There is only one thing that will save America from socialism, or worse. That is at least 10,000,000 or more united-in-freedom Americans drawing a line in the sand and telling government, special interests and the free loaders to back off ..... or else! 10,000,000 Americans need to tell the politicians to "fix" illegal immigration, or the people will do it themselves, with force if necessary. 10,000,000 Americans need to tell the politicians to get their hands off of health care and let the free markets do their job. 10,000,000 Americans should be screaming loud and long to get government out of the climate change business before they break us. Here's how! 10,000,000 Americans need to tell the feds to get out of public education and return it to local control. 10,000,000 Americans need to tell local, state and the federal government to roll back tens of thousands of land use and environmental regulations and return property rights to the people, as intended by the framers. 10,000,000 Americans need to tell the FEDS to unravel the welfare mess, or 10,000,000 producing Americans will stop paying their income taxes. (How long are the people going to put up with being forced to pay for the irresponsibility of dead beats, free loaders, drug addicts and the hordes of illegal aliens?)
Ladies and gentlemen, the government would have to yield to the force of 10,000,000 united-in-freedom Americans. Most of those 10,000,000 own the means of production, or are part of those means. They produce a good deal of the money and most of them own guns. But it will take 10,000,000 Americans or more, SPEAKING WITH ONE VOICE, to get the point across to the government and to the tens of millions of "soft, weak, spoiled brats in big cities that want everything they can get for free and politicians that can't wait to give it to them, for their votes, stealing your money to do it."
But alas, who is going to organize 10,000,000 or more united-in-freedom Americans that will speak loudly, with one voice and back it up with force if necessary? No one!
Once more we re-iterate:
"YOUR MONEY IS GOVERNMENT'S MAJOR POWER OVER YOU: The first power that government has over you is YOUR perception that YOUR money is their money, in whatever amounts they want to take from you. The second power that government has over you is by using the money they take from you by force of law, against you. The third power that government has over you is that you will voluntarily and religiously obey all of their laws."
"Only when the people realize that their tax money is being used to environmentally enslave them; only when the people realize that their tax money is being used to "feed" a growing population of other people dipping their bills in the government "pig trough" and those "takers" voting for those very same politicians that take our tax money by force to keep the "trough" full; only when the people realize that gun control is not about guns but about disarming the population so that they will no longer have the lethal means to resist tyranny; only when the people realize that their tax money is being spent to brainwash and indoctrinate their school and college-age children in the ways of socialism, multi-culturalism, radical environmentalism, collectivism and one-world-government; only when the people realize that their government is using their tax money to merge America into the one-world-order; only when the people realize that the only way to stop this attempted conquest of American freedom and sovereignty is to resist government, en masse, in every legal way possible, by the tens of millions. Only then will we reclaim our freedom .... or unless all peaceful means are exhausted and we are left with only one remaining alternative. When you know all this, freedom might be in your grasp." Ron Ewart
NOTE: After observing Americans for 81 years, most of the people still don't get it and seem quite content to be slaves, pawns, or wards of the government!
You need not fear the politicians, only the millions of people (the mob) who elect those politicians that then act against freedom. Representative government is dead and the people killed it because most of the people are "soft, weak, wholly ignorant and spoiled brats that live in big cities that want everything they can get for free."
It all stacks up to be that those alleged united-in-freedom Americans aren't going to do anything to fix what the politicians refuse to fix and they will pay a huge price for not intervening. Sure, there are and will be a few ongoing attempts by well-meaning individuals to make a difference, but in the end their efforts will be futile, as are ours. We couldn't even get anyone to sign a petition to force the fraud of climate change into court.
History has shown that all these freedom-loving Americans will wait until there is no other alternative but to go to war and a thousand well-written articles a day won't get the people off their butts to prevent that war.
So you'd better keep your head low, obey all the rules and laws, not make any waves and always live in fear of your government that can send 29 heavily armed S.W.A.T officers to your home to arrest you any time they want, as they did to Roger Stone. You can hide, but we can't. It isn't in our family's DNA. We came from a long line of ready-for-a-fight pioneers.
Now, if you really want to know the "State of the Union", click HERE.
The information, suggestions and sage advice in this article were free. So if you read the article, you've gotten what you paid for. Nevertheless, we thank all those that have directly contributed to our efforts over the last 13 years.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
THE STATE OF THE UNION: This article is offered for free because it has no value. It won't reach enough people to motivate them to solve the serious problems facing our once-free Constitutional Republic that has morphed into a mob-ruled Democracy, eager to embrace socialism. Your government (mostly socialist/Democrats) has gone stark raving mad with an impossible-to-implement-and-fund, insane "Green New Deal." They are lobbying for higher taxes and massive regulations, after the Trump Administration and Congress lowered taxes and reduced regulation. The truth is, the politicians won't save you. Both parties intend to enslave you in one way or another. They will take your money in whatever quantity they want. They will pass regulations to restrict every aspect of human activity. And you are letting them do it!
America's borders are wide open and you are being invaded by hordes of mostly ignorant illegal alien, diseased peasants, while you pay for their keep, education and medical care ..... by force of law. Your "elected" politicians refuse to "fix" it. Why aren't you screaming? Those very same politicians that the "people" elected, have corrupted health care, public education, welfare and more. Radical environmentalism has usurped most of our freedoms and property rights and your politicians let it happen when it was their sworn duty to see that it didn't happen. The effort to "fix" alleged climate change will break the bank, lead us straight into third-world chaos and send us back to pioneer days, without sufficient energy to light and heat our homes, or drive our cars. The ignorant socialists that live in big cities are clamoring for it. As we said, "it's not the politicians we fear, it's the uninformed people that elected the politicians."
The "people" keep electing the same dolts every election cycle. As an example, Michigan Democrat representative John Dingle just died a few days ago after serving almost 60 years (1955 to 2015) in the House of Representatives. John's father served two decades before him. Nepotism is alive and well. Dingle, the longest serving representative, was behind the passage of Medicare, Medicaid and Obama Care, all socialist programs. His life-long dream was Medicare-for-all. Does that sound familiar?
West Virginia Democrat Senator Robert Byrd served in the U. S. House and then the U. S. Senate. He became the longest serving Senator in U. S. History. Robert Byrd was a recruiter for the Klu Klux Klan while in his 20s and 30s, rising to the title of Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops of his local chapter. After leaving the group, Byrd spoke in favor of the Klan during his early political career. Though he claimed to have left the organization in 1943, Byrd wrote a letter in 1946 to the group's Imperial Wizard stating "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia." (source: Wikipedia) For 51 years, the people of West Virginia kept voting for this loyal and devoted KKK member. Now they want to fire anyone who ever did "black face." (How did Al Jolson ever survive?)
SIDE BAR: Six Confederate veterans (Democrats) formed the violent, paramilitary "secret society" of the KKK in December of 1865. Its foundation was based on white racial superiority and its members were mostly Southern Democrats. The history of the KKK was written in blood and the Democrats have those bloodstains all over their hands. Did the KKK die? Hardly. There are least 42 different KKK groups alive and well in 22 states.
The above stories are only two examples. There are hundreds more, on both sides of the aisle. We only have the voting public to blame.
The sad reality today is, America has somehow managed to raise millions of soft, weak, wholly ignorant, spoiled brats in big cities that want everything they can get for free and politicians that can't wait to give it to them, for their votes, stealing your money to do it. But eventually government will run out of your money!!!!! Then watch what happens. The free loaders will riot in the streets, burn down cities and kill those that deprived them of their "free" largess. Roving gangs, armed to the teeth, will steal, rob, pillage, destroy and kill everything in their path. That is always the final chapter of socialism when the money dries up.
Every one of you reading this column is in the USS America lifeboat and the lifeboat has serious holes in its hull. When you plug one hole, another hole appears somewhere else. You are trying to keep your boat afloat but you are losing the battle because you aren't doing enough. You lifeboat is sinking and from our perspective you are going to watch your lifeboat sink into the briny deep with you in it and do very little to stop it.
The Unstoppable Force of 10,000,000 United Americans, Speaking With One Voice:
There is only one thing that will save America from socialism, or worse. That is at least 10,000,000 or more united-in-freedom Americans drawing a line in the sand and telling government, special interests and the free loaders to back off ..... or else! 10,000,000 Americans need to tell the politicians to "fix" illegal immigration, or the people will do it themselves, with force if necessary. 10,000,000 Americans need to tell the politicians to get their hands off of health care and let the free markets do their job. 10,000,000 Americans should be screaming loud and long to get government out of the climate change business before they break us. Here's how! 10,000,000 Americans need to tell the feds to get out of public education and return it to local control. 10,000,000 Americans need to tell local, state and the federal government to roll back tens of thousands of land use and environmental regulations and return property rights to the people, as intended by the framers. 10,000,000 Americans need to tell the FEDS to unravel the welfare mess, or 10,000,000 producing Americans will stop paying their income taxes. (How long are the people going to put up with being forced to pay for the irresponsibility of dead beats, free loaders, drug addicts and the hordes of illegal aliens?)
Ladies and gentlemen, the government would have to yield to the force of 10,000,000 united-in-freedom Americans. Most of those 10,000,000 own the means of production, or are part of those means. They produce a good deal of the money and most of them own guns. But it will take 10,000,000 Americans or more, SPEAKING WITH ONE VOICE, to get the point across to the government and to the tens of millions of "soft, weak, spoiled brats in big cities that want everything they can get for free and politicians that can't wait to give it to them, for their votes, stealing your money to do it."
But alas, who is going to organize 10,000,000 or more united-in-freedom Americans that will speak loudly, with one voice and back it up with force if necessary? No one!
Once more we re-iterate:
"YOUR MONEY IS GOVERNMENT'S MAJOR POWER OVER YOU: The first power that government has over you is YOUR perception that YOUR money is their money, in whatever amounts they want to take from you. The second power that government has over you is by using the money they take from you by force of law, against you. The third power that government has over you is that you will voluntarily and religiously obey all of their laws."
"Only when the people realize that their tax money is being used to environmentally enslave them; only when the people realize that their tax money is being used to "feed" a growing population of other people dipping their bills in the government "pig trough" and those "takers" voting for those very same politicians that take our tax money by force to keep the "trough" full; only when the people realize that gun control is not about guns but about disarming the population so that they will no longer have the lethal means to resist tyranny; only when the people realize that their tax money is being spent to brainwash and indoctrinate their school and college-age children in the ways of socialism, multi-culturalism, radical environmentalism, collectivism and one-world-government; only when the people realize that their government is using their tax money to merge America into the one-world-order; only when the people realize that the only way to stop this attempted conquest of American freedom and sovereignty is to resist government, en masse, in every legal way possible, by the tens of millions. Only then will we reclaim our freedom .... or unless all peaceful means are exhausted and we are left with only one remaining alternative. When you know all this, freedom might be in your grasp." Ron Ewart
NOTE: After observing Americans for 81 years, most of the people still don't get it and seem quite content to be slaves, pawns, or wards of the government!
You need not fear the politicians, only the millions of people (the mob) who elect those politicians that then act against freedom. Representative government is dead and the people killed it because most of the people are "soft, weak, wholly ignorant and spoiled brats that live in big cities that want everything they can get for free."
It all stacks up to be that those alleged united-in-freedom Americans aren't going to do anything to fix what the politicians refuse to fix and they will pay a huge price for not intervening. Sure, there are and will be a few ongoing attempts by well-meaning individuals to make a difference, but in the end their efforts will be futile, as are ours. We couldn't even get anyone to sign a petition to force the fraud of climate change into court.
History has shown that all these freedom-loving Americans will wait until there is no other alternative but to go to war and a thousand well-written articles a day won't get the people off their butts to prevent that war.
So you'd better keep your head low, obey all the rules and laws, not make any waves and always live in fear of your government that can send 29 heavily armed S.W.A.T officers to your home to arrest you any time they want, as they did to Roger Stone. You can hide, but we can't. It isn't in our family's DNA. We came from a long line of ready-for-a-fight pioneers.
Now, if you really want to know the "State of the Union", click HERE.
The information, suggestions and sage advice in this article were free. So if you read the article, you've gotten what you paid for. Nevertheless, we thank all those that have directly contributed to our efforts over the last 13 years.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Science Is Too Valuable To Be Hijacked By Politics”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, February 10, 2019 - All Rights Reserved
"Science is beautiful when it makes simple explanations of phenomena, or connections between different observations. Examples include the double helix in biology and the fundamental equations of physics."
Stephen Hawking
NOTE: This article is about the hijacking of science by bad actors in the contentious man-caused global warming debate.
Man engaged in science even before the development of writing systems and language. Ancient civilizations charted the positions of planets and stars. The ancient Mesopotamians used rational science almost interchangeably with magic. They had extensive knowledge about the chemical properties of clay, sand, metal ores, bitumen, stone and other natural materials that they used in the manufacture of pottery.
It wasn't until the Renaissance, in what has been called the scientific revolution, (1450 - 1630) that science almost exploded into the areas of geography, astronomy, chemistry, physics, mathematics, manufacturing, human anatomy and engineering. During this time the "scientific method" became much more refined with rigorous disciplines on developing theories, processes, experiments and repeatable observations. Science became the door to believable, substantiated truth of the natural world.
Scientist Isaac Newton once said: "If I have seen farther than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Newton did not make all previous scientific discoveries all by himself that he used for his own discoveries. It is the accumulation of scientific knowledge by thousands of other scientists that came before him, that allowed Newton to be one of the premier scientists of his time.
Science includes a phenomenon, a theory of why the phenomenon exists, and repeatable, verifiable experiments and observations before the theory can become accepted fact. Pure science, if properly exercised, is self-correcting. An event, an explanation of the event and the proof of the event through experiment and observation, are then submitted to the scientific community for peer review. Other scientists then try to replicate the original experiments to see if they can obtain the same observations and come to the same conclusions. If they can't, the original science is discarded until further proof is forthcoming.
Sadly, science has been corrupted for political purposes and hidden agendas. Charlatans, on a worldwide scale, have hijacked science to dupe, scare and manipulate the masses, for reasons that have more to do with global government and wealth re-distribution than any pure goal of advancing knowledge. The worst of those planet- wide charlatans are those that promote, advocate for and propagandize the fraud of man-caused global warming, AKA Climate Change. That includes most Western governments and virtually all of the environmentalists.
But please consider. All the noise, chatter and propaganda about future rising earth temperatures are solely based on computer models. Although the climate scientists tell us that the computer model science is sound, they are lying through their teeth. The reason we know they are lying is because in 2007 the IPCC Working Group 1 (WG1) assessing the physical scientific aspects of the climate system said, in their own words, “we should recognize that we are dealing with a coupled nonlinear chaotic system, and therefore that the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.” The reader should focus on the part of the statement where it reads, "not possible."
A coupled nonlinear chaotic system, by its very nature, is unpredictable because it is extremely sensitive to initial conditions. Since initial conditions change constantly, predicting a future outcome becomes extremely problematic. This gave rise to the "butterfly effect" where a "butterfly" flapping its wings somewhere in Brazil could theoretically bring about a Polar Vortex in Chicago, where the recent morning temperature just dipped to 24 degrees below zero. That's not a phenomenon or something unusual in Chicago. It's been that cold before. It gets hot in Chicago as well. That's climate change.
The number of variables that effect long-range climate predictions are so many, with some variables so wide that scientists can only make guesses about the "value" of a particular variable at any given time. The scientists then plug these "guesses" into the computer in the hopes of predicting what will happen to the climate sometime in the future. The future the climate scientists are talking about range from decades to centuries.
Some of those variables, like the Sun and volcano eruptions, cannot be predicted with much accuracy. There is some science right now that predicts a global cooling trend because of low sunspot activity. Take your pick but guesses aren't science.
Yes, the output of the Sun is fairly steady over time, with the exception of sunspots and coronal mass ejections, but predicting when major volcanoes will erupt is virtually impossible. Volcano eruptions can yield massive impacts on climate and pyroclastic clouds and ejecta from some eruptions in the last 200 years or so, have dimmed the sunlight to the point that New York had a year without a summer in 1816. One massive volcano eruption, anywhere on the planet, can render the output of their climate computer models pure gibberish. There are an average of at least 50 volcano eruptions that happen every year.
But then there are other variables like cloud cover, cosmic rays, El Nino ocean events, ocean temperature, oscillations and currents, wind, water cycles, water vapor, earth orbit variations, earth wobble precession, vegetation and greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2) and more. Most of these variables scientists still do not fully understand and are forced to make educated guesses about their values before they plug them into a computer for analysis. Yes, they can measure CO2 in the atmosphere with considerable accuracy, but they can't tell with certainty whether rising temperatures follow rising levels of CO2, or the other way around.
The brainwashing of the masses is so complete we have high school kids suing the Trump Administration for not doing enough on climate change. Why have cities suing fossil fuel companies for alleged damages to their citizens. Those types of suits have been or should be tossed out of court by reasonable judges as being frivolous and without merit.
Even worse, we have state governors and legislatures levying taxes on industrial CO2 emitters. But like all taxes, they always filter down to the consumer as an indirect tax. And even if all 50 states passed taxes on industrial CO2 emitters and used the money for alternative energy, it wouldn't have any affect whatsoever on CO2 in the atmosphere. That is because China and India are continuing to build coal-fired power plants in huge numbers and every knowledgeable person knows that coal-fired power plants emit significant quantities of CO2. But then so do volcanoes and devastating forest fires.
These environmental nut cases want to go even farther to limit our food choices. They want everyone to become vegetarians so that we can quit raising cattle. Cattle, as you know, emit flatulent, chemically known as methane gas. Methane gas is also a known greenhouse gas. But humans emit methane gas too. Should we quit raising humans as well? We can abort babies at birth now, you know, like murder.
Governments and environmentalists want us out of our cars. Cars emit CO2. So they herd us like cattle and cram us into large cities where we are forced to walk, ride our bicycle, or take mass transit to work. Cars are severely limited in these "rat-in-a-cage" cities.
They have convinced the masses that the masses are guilty as sin for polluting our atmosphere with carbon dioxide and the masses must "pay" for their sins in usurious taxes on everything. But worse, Americans must give trillions of dollars to third world countries because we have sinned against those countries as well ..... for being smart and successful.
Coming out of the ignorant mouths of some Democrat presidential candidates are talk of some nebulous "green new deal" where somehow, as if by magic, we will wean America off of fossil fuels in 12 years ..... to save the planet! So far the scientists haven't invented an airplane that flies through the sky on solar power. That's OK. This "green new deal" calls for getting rid of airplanes. You'll have to swim to Europe, or Hawaii.
Ladies and gentlemen allegedly, all this is necessary because some scientists, the ruling class and environmentalists tell us that their climate computer models are reliable and accurate in predicting future climate conditions and according to these computer models, future climate conditions will be "HOT" and life threatening on a global scale. How is that for a nightmare scenario? Our poor young children are trembling with fear.
But wait a minute! There are mounds of credible sources stating that government and environmental climate computer models are anything but accurate, simply because, "we are dealing with a coupled nonlinear chaotic system, and therefore that the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.” This statement comes from the IPCC Working Group. Those words did not come from Standard Oil, Exxon, BP, or Shell Oil Companies.
We have two opposing positions on the issue of man-caused global warming. One of those opposing positions has overwhelmed the other, to the point that the pro man-caused global warming position and all of its proponents (government, the media, academia, environmentalists and the brainwashed masses) are doing everything in their power, politically, academically, financially and personally to silence the other position no matter how credible is the evidence. Many public schools have now introduced man-caused global warming "science" into their curriculums and will not allow any reliable evidence from the other side.
If government is successful with this scam, they can make you do anything ..... and will ..... and have!
If two Appellate courts come up with two opposing decisions on a given issue, that issue usually ends up before the U. S. Supreme Court for final adjudication. We have two opposing global warming opinions. The only way to settle the differences in the debate, because so much is at stake, is to put the issue into the court system in a bench trial with reliable expert testimony being given from both sides. But those supporting man-caused global warming will do everything in their power to stop this lawsuit, because they will not be able to withstand the bright sunlight of scientific truth. Such a legal challenge could become the Scope Trial of the 21st Century.
Nevertheless and to that end, we have drafted a "Citizen's Petition in Support of Legal Action Against the U. S. Government and Five Environmental Groups, To Settle, Once and For All, the Scientific Validity of Man-Caused Global Warming, AKA Climate Change." You can review the petition HERE. There is a link on the web page to request a printable copy of the Petition by e-mail.
Everyone is waiting for the "other guy" to make the first move. We have made that first move. Now it's up to you.
Once again, unless petition signatures reach a very large number, the Petition will have no effect. It is our hope that it will reach at least 100,000 signatures so that we can submit it to the White House. We will be contacting influential and well-heeled interested parties to help fund the lawsuit. If you would like to donate to our effort you can do so HERE.
If science is ever to be believed in the future, the issue of man-caused global warming must be settled now, to make sure that science will never be hijacked again for political purposes.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Stephen Hawking
NOTE: This article is about the hijacking of science by bad actors in the contentious man-caused global warming debate.
Man engaged in science even before the development of writing systems and language. Ancient civilizations charted the positions of planets and stars. The ancient Mesopotamians used rational science almost interchangeably with magic. They had extensive knowledge about the chemical properties of clay, sand, metal ores, bitumen, stone and other natural materials that they used in the manufacture of pottery.
It wasn't until the Renaissance, in what has been called the scientific revolution, (1450 - 1630) that science almost exploded into the areas of geography, astronomy, chemistry, physics, mathematics, manufacturing, human anatomy and engineering. During this time the "scientific method" became much more refined with rigorous disciplines on developing theories, processes, experiments and repeatable observations. Science became the door to believable, substantiated truth of the natural world.
Scientist Isaac Newton once said: "If I have seen farther than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Newton did not make all previous scientific discoveries all by himself that he used for his own discoveries. It is the accumulation of scientific knowledge by thousands of other scientists that came before him, that allowed Newton to be one of the premier scientists of his time.
Science includes a phenomenon, a theory of why the phenomenon exists, and repeatable, verifiable experiments and observations before the theory can become accepted fact. Pure science, if properly exercised, is self-correcting. An event, an explanation of the event and the proof of the event through experiment and observation, are then submitted to the scientific community for peer review. Other scientists then try to replicate the original experiments to see if they can obtain the same observations and come to the same conclusions. If they can't, the original science is discarded until further proof is forthcoming.
Sadly, science has been corrupted for political purposes and hidden agendas. Charlatans, on a worldwide scale, have hijacked science to dupe, scare and manipulate the masses, for reasons that have more to do with global government and wealth re-distribution than any pure goal of advancing knowledge. The worst of those planet- wide charlatans are those that promote, advocate for and propagandize the fraud of man-caused global warming, AKA Climate Change. That includes most Western governments and virtually all of the environmentalists.
But please consider. All the noise, chatter and propaganda about future rising earth temperatures are solely based on computer models. Although the climate scientists tell us that the computer model science is sound, they are lying through their teeth. The reason we know they are lying is because in 2007 the IPCC Working Group 1 (WG1) assessing the physical scientific aspects of the climate system said, in their own words, “we should recognize that we are dealing with a coupled nonlinear chaotic system, and therefore that the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.” The reader should focus on the part of the statement where it reads, "not possible."
A coupled nonlinear chaotic system, by its very nature, is unpredictable because it is extremely sensitive to initial conditions. Since initial conditions change constantly, predicting a future outcome becomes extremely problematic. This gave rise to the "butterfly effect" where a "butterfly" flapping its wings somewhere in Brazil could theoretically bring about a Polar Vortex in Chicago, where the recent morning temperature just dipped to 24 degrees below zero. That's not a phenomenon or something unusual in Chicago. It's been that cold before. It gets hot in Chicago as well. That's climate change.
The number of variables that effect long-range climate predictions are so many, with some variables so wide that scientists can only make guesses about the "value" of a particular variable at any given time. The scientists then plug these "guesses" into the computer in the hopes of predicting what will happen to the climate sometime in the future. The future the climate scientists are talking about range from decades to centuries.
Some of those variables, like the Sun and volcano eruptions, cannot be predicted with much accuracy. There is some science right now that predicts a global cooling trend because of low sunspot activity. Take your pick but guesses aren't science.
Yes, the output of the Sun is fairly steady over time, with the exception of sunspots and coronal mass ejections, but predicting when major volcanoes will erupt is virtually impossible. Volcano eruptions can yield massive impacts on climate and pyroclastic clouds and ejecta from some eruptions in the last 200 years or so, have dimmed the sunlight to the point that New York had a year without a summer in 1816. One massive volcano eruption, anywhere on the planet, can render the output of their climate computer models pure gibberish. There are an average of at least 50 volcano eruptions that happen every year.
But then there are other variables like cloud cover, cosmic rays, El Nino ocean events, ocean temperature, oscillations and currents, wind, water cycles, water vapor, earth orbit variations, earth wobble precession, vegetation and greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2) and more. Most of these variables scientists still do not fully understand and are forced to make educated guesses about their values before they plug them into a computer for analysis. Yes, they can measure CO2 in the atmosphere with considerable accuracy, but they can't tell with certainty whether rising temperatures follow rising levels of CO2, or the other way around.
The brainwashing of the masses is so complete we have high school kids suing the Trump Administration for not doing enough on climate change. Why have cities suing fossil fuel companies for alleged damages to their citizens. Those types of suits have been or should be tossed out of court by reasonable judges as being frivolous and without merit.
Even worse, we have state governors and legislatures levying taxes on industrial CO2 emitters. But like all taxes, they always filter down to the consumer as an indirect tax. And even if all 50 states passed taxes on industrial CO2 emitters and used the money for alternative energy, it wouldn't have any affect whatsoever on CO2 in the atmosphere. That is because China and India are continuing to build coal-fired power plants in huge numbers and every knowledgeable person knows that coal-fired power plants emit significant quantities of CO2. But then so do volcanoes and devastating forest fires.
These environmental nut cases want to go even farther to limit our food choices. They want everyone to become vegetarians so that we can quit raising cattle. Cattle, as you know, emit flatulent, chemically known as methane gas. Methane gas is also a known greenhouse gas. But humans emit methane gas too. Should we quit raising humans as well? We can abort babies at birth now, you know, like murder.
Governments and environmentalists want us out of our cars. Cars emit CO2. So they herd us like cattle and cram us into large cities where we are forced to walk, ride our bicycle, or take mass transit to work. Cars are severely limited in these "rat-in-a-cage" cities.
They have convinced the masses that the masses are guilty as sin for polluting our atmosphere with carbon dioxide and the masses must "pay" for their sins in usurious taxes on everything. But worse, Americans must give trillions of dollars to third world countries because we have sinned against those countries as well ..... for being smart and successful.
Coming out of the ignorant mouths of some Democrat presidential candidates are talk of some nebulous "green new deal" where somehow, as if by magic, we will wean America off of fossil fuels in 12 years ..... to save the planet! So far the scientists haven't invented an airplane that flies through the sky on solar power. That's OK. This "green new deal" calls for getting rid of airplanes. You'll have to swim to Europe, or Hawaii.
Ladies and gentlemen allegedly, all this is necessary because some scientists, the ruling class and environmentalists tell us that their climate computer models are reliable and accurate in predicting future climate conditions and according to these computer models, future climate conditions will be "HOT" and life threatening on a global scale. How is that for a nightmare scenario? Our poor young children are trembling with fear.
But wait a minute! There are mounds of credible sources stating that government and environmental climate computer models are anything but accurate, simply because, "we are dealing with a coupled nonlinear chaotic system, and therefore that the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.” This statement comes from the IPCC Working Group. Those words did not come from Standard Oil, Exxon, BP, or Shell Oil Companies.
We have two opposing positions on the issue of man-caused global warming. One of those opposing positions has overwhelmed the other, to the point that the pro man-caused global warming position and all of its proponents (government, the media, academia, environmentalists and the brainwashed masses) are doing everything in their power, politically, academically, financially and personally to silence the other position no matter how credible is the evidence. Many public schools have now introduced man-caused global warming "science" into their curriculums and will not allow any reliable evidence from the other side.
If government is successful with this scam, they can make you do anything ..... and will ..... and have!
If two Appellate courts come up with two opposing decisions on a given issue, that issue usually ends up before the U. S. Supreme Court for final adjudication. We have two opposing global warming opinions. The only way to settle the differences in the debate, because so much is at stake, is to put the issue into the court system in a bench trial with reliable expert testimony being given from both sides. But those supporting man-caused global warming will do everything in their power to stop this lawsuit, because they will not be able to withstand the bright sunlight of scientific truth. Such a legal challenge could become the Scope Trial of the 21st Century.
Nevertheless and to that end, we have drafted a "Citizen's Petition in Support of Legal Action Against the U. S. Government and Five Environmental Groups, To Settle, Once and For All, the Scientific Validity of Man-Caused Global Warming, AKA Climate Change." You can review the petition HERE. There is a link on the web page to request a printable copy of the Petition by e-mail.
Everyone is waiting for the "other guy" to make the first move. We have made that first move. Now it's up to you.
Once again, unless petition signatures reach a very large number, the Petition will have no effect. It is our hope that it will reach at least 100,000 signatures so that we can submit it to the White House. We will be contacting influential and well-heeled interested parties to help fund the lawsuit. If you would like to donate to our effort you can do so HERE.
If science is ever to be believed in the future, the issue of man-caused global warming must be settled now, to make sure that science will never be hijacked again for political purposes.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Socialism Caused The Paris and Caracas Riots!”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, February 3, 2019 - All Rights Reserved
”No one should suffer from the great delusion that any form of communism or socialism, which promotes the dictatorship of the few instead of the initiative of the millions, can produce a happier or more prosperous society." Charles E. Wilson, Secretary of Defense Under President Eisenhower.
The recent "Yellow-Vest" riots in Paris, France and the on-going riots taking place in Caracas, Venezuela, are no accidents and have the same four causes; government over-regulation, institutionalized socialism, the lust for political power and accompanying promises to buy votes to obtain that power. It is also no accident that government purposely divides up the masses so that they take their anger out on each other while taking their eyes off of government. In Venezuela, the people's eyes are now firmly fixed on the government and violence is their response to what government is doing to, or against them.
There is no question that large populations require significant regulations to control. But there is a fine line between reasonably controlling the masses and preserving individual liberty. Government always errs on the side of over regulation and oppression and continues to do so until the masses rise up in outbreaks of civil disobedience. Civil disobedience then increases in severity until it reaches the violent stage and eventually open warfare, or revolution. It's not if a war will happen, only when.
Government will also use a "manufactured crisis" coupled with guilt to control the masses. One of government's favorite "manufactured crisis" today, is climate change. They convince the masses that they are responsible for the crisis (guilt) and then talk's them into, with massive propaganda, paying for what they are causing and pay through the nose. If the cost to the masses is too high, violence is triggered, as in the Paris riots.
It is the Progressives, the liberals, the Democrats, the socialists and the Marxists (identical "Quintuplets") that err on the side of over-regulation, control, manipulation, cajoling, herding and taxing those over which they have political power. These "Quintuplets" buy off large segments of the masses with promises from the public treasury and then turn them against those that must, by force of law, fill the public treasury. To rile up the bought-off masses, they vilify and demean those forced to pay, creating an irrational, irreconcilable divide between rich and poor. Sadly, the masses are too stupid to know they are being duped, being blinded by the beneficiaries of government largess.
But that is not all these corrupt "Quintuplets" have done. Since before the turn of the Twentieth Century, they have systematically torn down the foundation of liberty that was established, at great cost, by the Founding Fathers. They have, in essence, planned a premeditated murder of American freedom, all for the sake of political power, a murder for which they should pay the price of traitors.
Besides buying off the masses for votes to secure perpetual political power, they have eaten away, dissolved, distorted, misinterpreted, repealed, or abolished almost all of the Bill of Rights. They then replaced the Bill of Rights they just destroyed, with un-constitutional rights, by telling the masses they are entitled to "free stuff" (for votes) that are unabashed, shameless, open and blatant violations of the Constitution. The list of their socialist attacks on freedom would cover volumes but we will only list the more egregious ones in this column.
The "Quintuplets" have, with malice, ripped up the ......
1. Declaration of Independence. The Declaration gave us the right to replace our governors, with force if necessary, but it is now against the law to even talk about or advocate for the overthrow of government.
2. The Free Press. The free press has been co-opted by one or more of the "Quintuplets".
3. The Right of Redress. The right of redress is a myth and a fantasy. It doesn't exist, unless of course you are wealthy, or a protected class.
4. Property Rights. Property Rights have been eroded to the point of being unrecognizable and have been all but abolished by environmental extremism and eminent domain abuse.
5. Fourth Amendment. The U. S. Supreme Court, in multiple decisions, has watered down 4th Amendment protections against Search and Seizure.
6. Right to Privacy. The Right to Privacy no longer exists. The government has a complete file on every American, from birth to death and is collecting more private information every day.
7. Immigration laws. Immigration laws are ineffective and instead create magnets for illegal immigration. Those magnets have created a giant open door on the American southern border, much to the delight of the "Quintuplets." They need more voters to stay in power and illegal aliens will add to their existing voter base when they grant them amnesty.
8. States Rights. States Rights have been usurped by federal edicts and federal blackmail.
9. The U. S. Constitution. The U. S. Constitution has been torn to shreds and is a shadow of its former self. It lies dismembered and bleeding on the cold floor from multiple wounds, wounds inflicted by the "Quintuplets."
10. These "Quintuplets" have bastardized the right to life and now full-term babies can be aborted in New York State. That's not abortion it's government-sanctioned murder!
12. They have put organized religion under the control of the IRS.
13. They are trying to water down and then repeal the 2nd Amendment.
14. They have bought off a large segment of the American population and made them dependent on government. That segment will now vote for the "Quintuplets" in any form and have lost their self-respect and dignity as Americans. They, by their own hand, have succumbed to government-instituted slavery.
15. The "Quintuplets" want open borders with no fences or obstructions, allowing hordes of un-assimilating illegal aliens and potential terrorists to invade America, at a huge cost to legal Americans and an irretrievable dilution of our culture.
16. They want to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
17. They have created sanctuaries for illegal alien criminals even though heinous crimes by illegal aliens against legal Americans continues to grow. 26% of all inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens but only represent an estimated 7% of the total population.
18. They have nationalized health insurance under Obama Care and made it far worse than the free-market system it was. Premiums, deductibles and co-pays are higher and medical choices severely limited, even though the "Quintuplets" promised otherwise. They lied, on purpose.
19. They have brainwashed our kids for at least three generations in socialism and radical environmentalism. Those kids come out of school spouting the virtues of socialism and radical environmentalism, by rote.
20 They are attempting to pull fossil fuel energy production (80% of all energy) out of the electrical grid and replace it with in-efficient, expensive alternative energy (wind and solar) that can't exist without taxpayer-funded subsidies, alternative energy that takes fossil fuels to produce. Ludicrous!
21. They are responsible for increasing the national debt through massive entitlements such that it is un-payable by the taxpayers. This un-payable debt increases by the day at the hands and socialist legislation passed by the "Quintuplets."
22. They have complicated law to the point of absurdity and made a mockery out of that law. Now only high-paid attorneys can interpret the law, making each American an indentured servant to legislators and lawyers.
23. They have made the courts bastions of liberal cronyism where equal treatment under the law is a national joke. Murders, rapists and politicians get favorable sentences, or no jail time at all.
24. They want to replace capitalism and free markets with government-controlled socialism.
25. But far worse, the "Quintuplets" have taken over the news media and now spew only one side of any story, the "Quintuplets" side with truth being the first casualty.
The "Quintuplets" have turned the original purpose of government on its head. The American Government was instituted among men to preserve, protect and defend the individual rights of its citizens, under the Constitution. But if government abolishes those rights, which for the most part it has as we have described above, it then turns to preserving, protecting and defending government's existence ..... by any means, which the "Quintuplets" have been doing for over 100 years. Eventually, that "protection of its existence", turns to a police state, as in Venezuela. Finally, a free people will turn to violence as they seek redress from government oppression. The cycle repeats itself in multiple countries, century after century.
To reverse the damage that the "Quintuplets" have inflicted upon a once-free nation would require re-educating the masses. If we started today, even if that were possible, and because of our "Little Black Box Theory", it could take several generations to complete that re-education. Because the "Quintuplets" have a strangled hold on the ignorant masses, there is no incentive to start that re-education.
Consequently, it can only be deduced that civil war or revolution is our one and only future. If there are viable alternatives to war, they have not presented themselves. The gap between the two sides is so wide as to prevent any peaceful compromise. The gap grows incessantly wider by the day, egged on by government, politicians and special interests.
As our titles states, "Socialism caused the Paris and Caracas riots." These same types of riots are coming to a city near you for the same reasons and you won't be able to stop them. As we unravel as a society, we become vulnerable to a foreign power that could very easily take advantage of our weakness and division, if they haven't already.
That ultimate reality is, your "one remaining defense" against the "Quintuplets" is your property line. There is still viable law that allows you that defense. Government has removed most other defenses. You can find that "one remaining defense" HERE, whether you live in a big city, or out in the wide-open spaces of America.
We encourage the reader to study the image that accompanies this article. Look for the images of the Founding Fathers as they fade into the background and nothingness. Look for the bullet holes in the Constitution. What the image reveals is true and very unsettling.
The Constitution now lays in ICU, bleeding internally and on life support. Its breath is shallow and its heartbeat faint. It is doubtful that there is a cure for the intractable socialist disease that racks its body. There is an antidote for the disease, but the antidote is in short supply and comes with an astronomical cost. It remains to be seen if freedom-loving Americans are willing to pay that cost. They did once before, but do they have the courage to do it again? The task is much tougher now because they have failed to use the antidote when it would have been more effective and the damage wasn't so great.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
The recent "Yellow-Vest" riots in Paris, France and the on-going riots taking place in Caracas, Venezuela, are no accidents and have the same four causes; government over-regulation, institutionalized socialism, the lust for political power and accompanying promises to buy votes to obtain that power. It is also no accident that government purposely divides up the masses so that they take their anger out on each other while taking their eyes off of government. In Venezuela, the people's eyes are now firmly fixed on the government and violence is their response to what government is doing to, or against them.
There is no question that large populations require significant regulations to control. But there is a fine line between reasonably controlling the masses and preserving individual liberty. Government always errs on the side of over regulation and oppression and continues to do so until the masses rise up in outbreaks of civil disobedience. Civil disobedience then increases in severity until it reaches the violent stage and eventually open warfare, or revolution. It's not if a war will happen, only when.
Government will also use a "manufactured crisis" coupled with guilt to control the masses. One of government's favorite "manufactured crisis" today, is climate change. They convince the masses that they are responsible for the crisis (guilt) and then talk's them into, with massive propaganda, paying for what they are causing and pay through the nose. If the cost to the masses is too high, violence is triggered, as in the Paris riots.
It is the Progressives, the liberals, the Democrats, the socialists and the Marxists (identical "Quintuplets") that err on the side of over-regulation, control, manipulation, cajoling, herding and taxing those over which they have political power. These "Quintuplets" buy off large segments of the masses with promises from the public treasury and then turn them against those that must, by force of law, fill the public treasury. To rile up the bought-off masses, they vilify and demean those forced to pay, creating an irrational, irreconcilable divide between rich and poor. Sadly, the masses are too stupid to know they are being duped, being blinded by the beneficiaries of government largess.
But that is not all these corrupt "Quintuplets" have done. Since before the turn of the Twentieth Century, they have systematically torn down the foundation of liberty that was established, at great cost, by the Founding Fathers. They have, in essence, planned a premeditated murder of American freedom, all for the sake of political power, a murder for which they should pay the price of traitors.
Besides buying off the masses for votes to secure perpetual political power, they have eaten away, dissolved, distorted, misinterpreted, repealed, or abolished almost all of the Bill of Rights. They then replaced the Bill of Rights they just destroyed, with un-constitutional rights, by telling the masses they are entitled to "free stuff" (for votes) that are unabashed, shameless, open and blatant violations of the Constitution. The list of their socialist attacks on freedom would cover volumes but we will only list the more egregious ones in this column.
The "Quintuplets" have, with malice, ripped up the ......
1. Declaration of Independence. The Declaration gave us the right to replace our governors, with force if necessary, but it is now against the law to even talk about or advocate for the overthrow of government.
2. The Free Press. The free press has been co-opted by one or more of the "Quintuplets".
3. The Right of Redress. The right of redress is a myth and a fantasy. It doesn't exist, unless of course you are wealthy, or a protected class.
4. Property Rights. Property Rights have been eroded to the point of being unrecognizable and have been all but abolished by environmental extremism and eminent domain abuse.
5. Fourth Amendment. The U. S. Supreme Court, in multiple decisions, has watered down 4th Amendment protections against Search and Seizure.
6. Right to Privacy. The Right to Privacy no longer exists. The government has a complete file on every American, from birth to death and is collecting more private information every day.
7. Immigration laws. Immigration laws are ineffective and instead create magnets for illegal immigration. Those magnets have created a giant open door on the American southern border, much to the delight of the "Quintuplets." They need more voters to stay in power and illegal aliens will add to their existing voter base when they grant them amnesty.
8. States Rights. States Rights have been usurped by federal edicts and federal blackmail.
9. The U. S. Constitution. The U. S. Constitution has been torn to shreds and is a shadow of its former self. It lies dismembered and bleeding on the cold floor from multiple wounds, wounds inflicted by the "Quintuplets."
10. These "Quintuplets" have bastardized the right to life and now full-term babies can be aborted in New York State. That's not abortion it's government-sanctioned murder!
12. They have put organized religion under the control of the IRS.
13. They are trying to water down and then repeal the 2nd Amendment.
14. They have bought off a large segment of the American population and made them dependent on government. That segment will now vote for the "Quintuplets" in any form and have lost their self-respect and dignity as Americans. They, by their own hand, have succumbed to government-instituted slavery.
15. The "Quintuplets" want open borders with no fences or obstructions, allowing hordes of un-assimilating illegal aliens and potential terrorists to invade America, at a huge cost to legal Americans and an irretrievable dilution of our culture.
16. They want to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
17. They have created sanctuaries for illegal alien criminals even though heinous crimes by illegal aliens against legal Americans continues to grow. 26% of all inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens but only represent an estimated 7% of the total population.
18. They have nationalized health insurance under Obama Care and made it far worse than the free-market system it was. Premiums, deductibles and co-pays are higher and medical choices severely limited, even though the "Quintuplets" promised otherwise. They lied, on purpose.
19. They have brainwashed our kids for at least three generations in socialism and radical environmentalism. Those kids come out of school spouting the virtues of socialism and radical environmentalism, by rote.
20 They are attempting to pull fossil fuel energy production (80% of all energy) out of the electrical grid and replace it with in-efficient, expensive alternative energy (wind and solar) that can't exist without taxpayer-funded subsidies, alternative energy that takes fossil fuels to produce. Ludicrous!
21. They are responsible for increasing the national debt through massive entitlements such that it is un-payable by the taxpayers. This un-payable debt increases by the day at the hands and socialist legislation passed by the "Quintuplets."
22. They have complicated law to the point of absurdity and made a mockery out of that law. Now only high-paid attorneys can interpret the law, making each American an indentured servant to legislators and lawyers.
23. They have made the courts bastions of liberal cronyism where equal treatment under the law is a national joke. Murders, rapists and politicians get favorable sentences, or no jail time at all.
24. They want to replace capitalism and free markets with government-controlled socialism.
25. But far worse, the "Quintuplets" have taken over the news media and now spew only one side of any story, the "Quintuplets" side with truth being the first casualty.
The "Quintuplets" have turned the original purpose of government on its head. The American Government was instituted among men to preserve, protect and defend the individual rights of its citizens, under the Constitution. But if government abolishes those rights, which for the most part it has as we have described above, it then turns to preserving, protecting and defending government's existence ..... by any means, which the "Quintuplets" have been doing for over 100 years. Eventually, that "protection of its existence", turns to a police state, as in Venezuela. Finally, a free people will turn to violence as they seek redress from government oppression. The cycle repeats itself in multiple countries, century after century.
To reverse the damage that the "Quintuplets" have inflicted upon a once-free nation would require re-educating the masses. If we started today, even if that were possible, and because of our "Little Black Box Theory", it could take several generations to complete that re-education. Because the "Quintuplets" have a strangled hold on the ignorant masses, there is no incentive to start that re-education.
Consequently, it can only be deduced that civil war or revolution is our one and only future. If there are viable alternatives to war, they have not presented themselves. The gap between the two sides is so wide as to prevent any peaceful compromise. The gap grows incessantly wider by the day, egged on by government, politicians and special interests.
As our titles states, "Socialism caused the Paris and Caracas riots." These same types of riots are coming to a city near you for the same reasons and you won't be able to stop them. As we unravel as a society, we become vulnerable to a foreign power that could very easily take advantage of our weakness and division, if they haven't already.
That ultimate reality is, your "one remaining defense" against the "Quintuplets" is your property line. There is still viable law that allows you that defense. Government has removed most other defenses. You can find that "one remaining defense" HERE, whether you live in a big city, or out in the wide-open spaces of America.
We encourage the reader to study the image that accompanies this article. Look for the images of the Founding Fathers as they fade into the background and nothingness. Look for the bullet holes in the Constitution. What the image reveals is true and very unsettling.
The Constitution now lays in ICU, bleeding internally and on life support. Its breath is shallow and its heartbeat faint. It is doubtful that there is a cure for the intractable socialist disease that racks its body. There is an antidote for the disease, but the antidote is in short supply and comes with an astronomical cost. It remains to be seen if freedom-loving Americans are willing to pay that cost. They did once before, but do they have the courage to do it again? The task is much tougher now because they have failed to use the antidote when it would have been more effective and the damage wasn't so great.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"America's Trajectory Is Europe And You Can't Stop It!”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, January 20, 2019 - All Rights Reserved
"To me, what socialism means is to guarantee a basic level of dignity. It's asserting the value of saying that the America we want and the America that we are proud of is one in which all children can access a dignified education. It's one in which no person is too poor to have the medicines they need to live."
"When we talk about the word 'socialism,' I think what it really means is just democratic participation in our economic dignity and our economic, social, and racial dignity. It is about direct representation and people actually having power and stake over their economic and social wellness, at the end of the day."
Both quotes by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, U. S. Representative 14th Congressional District for less than a month
Suddenly, a 29-year old, in-experienced, Hispanic, bartender-waitress, community organizer, nobody woman wins a U. S. Congressional seat in a largely Democrat district and out of nowhere she is elevated to superstar status by the Democrats and the mainstream media. (Sound familiar) Even CBS's 60-minutes gave her a segment on their show. Out of 149,000 votes cast, she won over 110,000 votes, or 78% of the total, which was hardly a surprise in urban New York City. She is a died-in-the-wool socialist and a doting protégé of 77-year old Socialist Vermont Senator, Bernie Sanders. She is hardly a superstar. Some of us old timers would say she is just an ignorant, inexperienced, wild-eyed kid, wet behind the ears and doesn't know anything.
But then most of you know all this by now since her face is on the national news almost every night. The question is, is she worthy of the attention she is getting? Does she represent the NEW FACE OF AMERICA? The mainstream media and the Democrats would have us think so.
As her above quotes suggest, she talks in generalities, mostly without substance, not untypical of an accomplished politician. For instance, what is "dignified education", or "economic dignity?" We learned about emotionally appealing "glittering generalities" in journalism class in high school and their ability to sway public opinion, especially if delivered by a charismatic speaker. Cortez must have taken that class twice.
If anyone was paying attention, they should know what she means by "direct representation." She means "mob" rule, or democratic socialism. You know, that is where the government owns all the property, determines economic, social and racial dignity, brainwashes our kids and re-distributes the wealth. In other words she means pure socialism and just like most of the leaders and bureaucrats in Europe, she is an avowed socialist, a nut case and a fruitcake. Her kind is responsible for the violent uprising by Parisians over high gas prices in response to alleged "climate change." The Parisians are saying enough is enough and only violence will convince the ruling class otherwise. That violence is coming to America, in spades.
Unfortunately, the real tragedy is the preponderance of Americans are buying into this pile of rotting cow dung, including the man-caused global warming fraud. After over 100 years of Progressive brainwashing and indoctrination, the masses have become blind socialists and environmentalists because the masses are generally dumb and weak and are easily bought off by corrupt government miscreants, spewing propaganda and trolling for votes. The ones that are more easily duped live in big cities, like New York, Chicago and Los Angeles and big cities represent over 80% of the total American population. Why do you suppose they want to abolish the Electoral College? Fly-over country is irrelevant in their twisted minds.
Thomas Jefferson was well aware of what happens to countries when their population becomes concentrated in big cities. He wrote prophetically over 200 years ago: "When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe."
It must be remembered that Europe spawned two world wars in one century, with many nation participants to blame, including England, France, Italy, Austria, Serbia, Germany and Russia. Those wars resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans who were sucked into the wars to prevent world domination by a deranged European dictator. If America had not prevailed in those wars, who knows what language we would be speaking today?
European socialism is hardly a secret. Neither is Australian, New Zealand, India, Japan, South Korea, or Canadian socialism. These countries, including America, represent most of Western Civilization. Yet each of these countries has slowly morphed into some form of socialism, on their way to communism, or even fascism.
Most of the world remembers what happened when Germany morphed into Nazism? This socialist morphing that is occurring in Western Civilization is a direct result of power-hungry politicians using government coffers to buy off the ignorant masses for their votes, or to intimidate them with guns. Once the masses have been ensnared in the spider web of government promises, or military-style intimidation, government dependency and thus socialism closely follows ..... along with institutional slavery.
As far as American socialism is concerned, that ship has sailed and the only way to stop it is to remove the fuel from its engines (money) ..... or torpedo its hull. The big cities now have the votes and the big cities by their very nature are dependent on government services. Dependency on government services can lead nowhere else but to socialism and mob rule. Once it starts and gets a foothold on the body politic, it progresses like falling dominoes.
It is not IF America will go totally socialist, or join one-world government, only when. The powers forcing socialism and one-world government are more powerful than the forces supporting individual freedom and liberty. And that socialism-driven "power" owns the law, most of the money and the big guns.
The reason is, freedom is hard and socialism is easy because someone else (government and special interests) is making decisions for you. All you have to do is to comply with their decisions and obey their commands. You don't have any rights except those rights government grants you. That makes you a virtual slave. Strangely, there are millions of Americans quite content to be slaves, just so long as there is enough government-supplied slop in the government-run pig troughs.
But you can't buy off all the American people with this "pig trough" mentality. There are millions of Americans that still like to fill their own "trough" with the sweat of their own brow and the intellect of their own minds. They will not go quietly into the night with this false promise of a government-created socialist utopia. These freedom-loving upstart patriots own guns and they will eventually fight. So American socialism may have a short lifespan .... all the way up to REVOLUTION! History will once again be forced to repeat itself because people can't seem to handle self-government without becoming wards of government. Sadly, the masses are weak, self-absorbed, dumb and apathetic. Tragically, this quivering mass of ignorant humanity, get to vote.
There is only one way to stop the onslaught of socialism, the plurality of socialist votes and the ruling class. Apparently there are no peaceful means anymore to accomplish this task. Nevertheless, freedom-loving Americans don't want to invoke the Declaration of Independence wherein it states: "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." They want to convince government to return to the limits placed upon government by the Constitution and get government to stay true to its oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. The question is, can it be done peacefully?
It is without a doubt that government, aided and abetted by the plurality of the socialist vote and the ruling class, has become "destructive of these ends." But conservatives can't do one damn thing about it because they don't have the votes.
Case in point! Consider a proposed new law in Oregon by Democrat Governor Kate Brown. Apparently, a bunch of socialist Oregon Democrats believe that parents don't have the necessary skills to raise their newborns any more and the state must step in and mandate in-home visits by licensed health care providers of every family with a newborn baby. These socialist Democrats have the audacity to call the "problem" a public emergency and under the "Public Health and Welfare" doctrine, new legislation is required immediately. It doesn't end in Oregon. The Democrat governor of Washington State, one Jay Inslee, (running for president) is also considering a similar proposal and has put it into his 2019-2021 budget.
The rationale behind these twin proposals is that only the all-wise "state" has the knowledge, experience and capability of raising children and that parents are now irrelevant and must be controlled, monitored, coached and tutored on how to raise their own children. 120 years ago, this thinking and any legislation would have triggered a revolution in America. Today, it should trigger at the very least, massive civil disobedience, if not a revolution.
The first response by most clear-thinking individuals is that these Oregon and Washington laws must be a joke. No government would do this to a free people, would they? But these kinds of totally unconstitutional legislation are being proposed and passed in record numbers across America, at the federal and state levels, by mostly Democrats. This is socialism on steroids and that is why America's trajectory is Europe and there isn't one thing you can do about it. As we wrote in a recent article on property rights, "the masses are mostly ignorant of their rights and short on courage, so they just capitulate to government overreach until they become slaves!" BUT THEN AMERICANS ARE ALREADY SLAVES! They are just too dumb to know it.
So we ask you? Would you or will you let a licensed government health care provider into your own home, without a 4th Amendment warrant signed by a judge stating probable cause, to inspect your newborn baby to see if the baby is OK and your parenting skills are up to snuff? If you would, you are not a free American, only a slave residing in America. If you wouldn't, then you had better prepare yourself for a bloody fight, because government isn't going to back down and they have the money (your money), the weapons of war and the law to back them up. Democrats are coming after your children, your guns and your freedom! If you let this stand, you are aiding and abetting your own demise.
In defense of these unconstitutional laws, every American household should be equipped with our powerful "Revocation of Implied License" and "Right to Exclude" No Trespass sign to keep state-mandated healthcare providers and other government agents from trespassing on your property, whether you live in the city, or in the sticks. The language on the sign is fully supported by precedent and statute law.
Ladies and gentlemen, if there is no intervention by the people to stop the socialists, there will be no stopping America from becoming a mirror image of Europe ..... or maybe even worse. A war is brewing and we can smell the gunpowder.
If you want us to convey these powerful thoughts and ideas in a speech to your group, click HERE.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"When we talk about the word 'socialism,' I think what it really means is just democratic participation in our economic dignity and our economic, social, and racial dignity. It is about direct representation and people actually having power and stake over their economic and social wellness, at the end of the day."
Both quotes by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, U. S. Representative 14th Congressional District for less than a month
Suddenly, a 29-year old, in-experienced, Hispanic, bartender-waitress, community organizer, nobody woman wins a U. S. Congressional seat in a largely Democrat district and out of nowhere she is elevated to superstar status by the Democrats and the mainstream media. (Sound familiar) Even CBS's 60-minutes gave her a segment on their show. Out of 149,000 votes cast, she won over 110,000 votes, or 78% of the total, which was hardly a surprise in urban New York City. She is a died-in-the-wool socialist and a doting protégé of 77-year old Socialist Vermont Senator, Bernie Sanders. She is hardly a superstar. Some of us old timers would say she is just an ignorant, inexperienced, wild-eyed kid, wet behind the ears and doesn't know anything.
But then most of you know all this by now since her face is on the national news almost every night. The question is, is she worthy of the attention she is getting? Does she represent the NEW FACE OF AMERICA? The mainstream media and the Democrats would have us think so.
As her above quotes suggest, she talks in generalities, mostly without substance, not untypical of an accomplished politician. For instance, what is "dignified education", or "economic dignity?" We learned about emotionally appealing "glittering generalities" in journalism class in high school and their ability to sway public opinion, especially if delivered by a charismatic speaker. Cortez must have taken that class twice.
If anyone was paying attention, they should know what she means by "direct representation." She means "mob" rule, or democratic socialism. You know, that is where the government owns all the property, determines economic, social and racial dignity, brainwashes our kids and re-distributes the wealth. In other words she means pure socialism and just like most of the leaders and bureaucrats in Europe, she is an avowed socialist, a nut case and a fruitcake. Her kind is responsible for the violent uprising by Parisians over high gas prices in response to alleged "climate change." The Parisians are saying enough is enough and only violence will convince the ruling class otherwise. That violence is coming to America, in spades.
Unfortunately, the real tragedy is the preponderance of Americans are buying into this pile of rotting cow dung, including the man-caused global warming fraud. After over 100 years of Progressive brainwashing and indoctrination, the masses have become blind socialists and environmentalists because the masses are generally dumb and weak and are easily bought off by corrupt government miscreants, spewing propaganda and trolling for votes. The ones that are more easily duped live in big cities, like New York, Chicago and Los Angeles and big cities represent over 80% of the total American population. Why do you suppose they want to abolish the Electoral College? Fly-over country is irrelevant in their twisted minds.
Thomas Jefferson was well aware of what happens to countries when their population becomes concentrated in big cities. He wrote prophetically over 200 years ago: "When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe."
It must be remembered that Europe spawned two world wars in one century, with many nation participants to blame, including England, France, Italy, Austria, Serbia, Germany and Russia. Those wars resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans who were sucked into the wars to prevent world domination by a deranged European dictator. If America had not prevailed in those wars, who knows what language we would be speaking today?
European socialism is hardly a secret. Neither is Australian, New Zealand, India, Japan, South Korea, or Canadian socialism. These countries, including America, represent most of Western Civilization. Yet each of these countries has slowly morphed into some form of socialism, on their way to communism, or even fascism.
Most of the world remembers what happened when Germany morphed into Nazism? This socialist morphing that is occurring in Western Civilization is a direct result of power-hungry politicians using government coffers to buy off the ignorant masses for their votes, or to intimidate them with guns. Once the masses have been ensnared in the spider web of government promises, or military-style intimidation, government dependency and thus socialism closely follows ..... along with institutional slavery.
As far as American socialism is concerned, that ship has sailed and the only way to stop it is to remove the fuel from its engines (money) ..... or torpedo its hull. The big cities now have the votes and the big cities by their very nature are dependent on government services. Dependency on government services can lead nowhere else but to socialism and mob rule. Once it starts and gets a foothold on the body politic, it progresses like falling dominoes.
It is not IF America will go totally socialist, or join one-world government, only when. The powers forcing socialism and one-world government are more powerful than the forces supporting individual freedom and liberty. And that socialism-driven "power" owns the law, most of the money and the big guns.
The reason is, freedom is hard and socialism is easy because someone else (government and special interests) is making decisions for you. All you have to do is to comply with their decisions and obey their commands. You don't have any rights except those rights government grants you. That makes you a virtual slave. Strangely, there are millions of Americans quite content to be slaves, just so long as there is enough government-supplied slop in the government-run pig troughs.
But you can't buy off all the American people with this "pig trough" mentality. There are millions of Americans that still like to fill their own "trough" with the sweat of their own brow and the intellect of their own minds. They will not go quietly into the night with this false promise of a government-created socialist utopia. These freedom-loving upstart patriots own guns and they will eventually fight. So American socialism may have a short lifespan .... all the way up to REVOLUTION! History will once again be forced to repeat itself because people can't seem to handle self-government without becoming wards of government. Sadly, the masses are weak, self-absorbed, dumb and apathetic. Tragically, this quivering mass of ignorant humanity, get to vote.
There is only one way to stop the onslaught of socialism, the plurality of socialist votes and the ruling class. Apparently there are no peaceful means anymore to accomplish this task. Nevertheless, freedom-loving Americans don't want to invoke the Declaration of Independence wherein it states: "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." They want to convince government to return to the limits placed upon government by the Constitution and get government to stay true to its oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. The question is, can it be done peacefully?
It is without a doubt that government, aided and abetted by the plurality of the socialist vote and the ruling class, has become "destructive of these ends." But conservatives can't do one damn thing about it because they don't have the votes.
Case in point! Consider a proposed new law in Oregon by Democrat Governor Kate Brown. Apparently, a bunch of socialist Oregon Democrats believe that parents don't have the necessary skills to raise their newborns any more and the state must step in and mandate in-home visits by licensed health care providers of every family with a newborn baby. These socialist Democrats have the audacity to call the "problem" a public emergency and under the "Public Health and Welfare" doctrine, new legislation is required immediately. It doesn't end in Oregon. The Democrat governor of Washington State, one Jay Inslee, (running for president) is also considering a similar proposal and has put it into his 2019-2021 budget.
The rationale behind these twin proposals is that only the all-wise "state" has the knowledge, experience and capability of raising children and that parents are now irrelevant and must be controlled, monitored, coached and tutored on how to raise their own children. 120 years ago, this thinking and any legislation would have triggered a revolution in America. Today, it should trigger at the very least, massive civil disobedience, if not a revolution.
The first response by most clear-thinking individuals is that these Oregon and Washington laws must be a joke. No government would do this to a free people, would they? But these kinds of totally unconstitutional legislation are being proposed and passed in record numbers across America, at the federal and state levels, by mostly Democrats. This is socialism on steroids and that is why America's trajectory is Europe and there isn't one thing you can do about it. As we wrote in a recent article on property rights, "the masses are mostly ignorant of their rights and short on courage, so they just capitulate to government overreach until they become slaves!" BUT THEN AMERICANS ARE ALREADY SLAVES! They are just too dumb to know it.
So we ask you? Would you or will you let a licensed government health care provider into your own home, without a 4th Amendment warrant signed by a judge stating probable cause, to inspect your newborn baby to see if the baby is OK and your parenting skills are up to snuff? If you would, you are not a free American, only a slave residing in America. If you wouldn't, then you had better prepare yourself for a bloody fight, because government isn't going to back down and they have the money (your money), the weapons of war and the law to back them up. Democrats are coming after your children, your guns and your freedom! If you let this stand, you are aiding and abetting your own demise.
In defense of these unconstitutional laws, every American household should be equipped with our powerful "Revocation of Implied License" and "Right to Exclude" No Trespass sign to keep state-mandated healthcare providers and other government agents from trespassing on your property, whether you live in the city, or in the sticks. The language on the sign is fully supported by precedent and statute law.
Ladies and gentlemen, if there is no intervention by the people to stop the socialists, there will be no stopping America from becoming a mirror image of Europe ..... or maybe even worse. A war is brewing and we can smell the gunpowder.
If you want us to convey these powerful thoughts and ideas in a speech to your group, click HERE.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"This Is The Dysfunctional Government We The People Elected”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, January 13, 2019 - All Rights Reserved
"The People's Choice"
By Ron Ewart
Never have so "few" upset so many.
Divided, angry and frustrated are we.
Sadly, the "few" aren't worth a halfpenny.
But still we bow down to them on bended knee.
Those "few" we call dysfunctional and corrupt politicians.
They keep throwing us curve, after curve, after curve.
But we elected them and gave them the ammunition.
So in the end, we the people ..... get what we deserve.
- - - - - -
Dysfunctional, corrupt, lust, greedy, racketeers, negligent, inefficient, slovenly, collusion and conspiracy are just a few words that describe the political and bureaucratic scene, not only in Washington DC, but in many capitols around the world. Each one of these words plays out daily in all levels of the American government, federal, state and local ..... because we the people have allowed this bad behavior to exist for a very long time. If there is anyone to blame, it is the "People's Choice."
It has been said that the American system of government and justice is the best system on the planet. But after many years of observing the antics of the nutcases in the political, bureaucratic and judicial asylum, by an octogenarian, that ain't saying anything special. If what exists today is the best we can do, then America, its people and freedom are in real trouble.
We have often said that freedom cannot exist when the government and the people are without honor, and fail to adhere to the principles upon which this nation was founded. The truth to that statement is born out by the past events of the last 100 years and the current events of today.
The current government shut down is a testament to the dysfunctional nature of today's government. The politicians, who should know better, act more like petulant little children than intelligent adults. They would rather score points with their blind party constituents than do what is right for the country. Nevertheless, a secure border is an absolute necessity if national sovereignty is to be preserved. A wall (or barrier) is an integral part of that secure border and the politicians know it.
In our recent article entitled, "The Ugly Truth About Property Rights" we describe how government and special interests (environmentalists and socialists) have eroded natural property rights beyond any recognition of the Founder's original intent.
"The right to procure property and to use it for one's own enjoyment is essential to the freedom of every person, and our other rights would mean little without these rights of property ownership." Thomas Jefferson
"Property in a thing consists not merely in its ownership and possession, but in the UNRESTRICTED right of use, enjoyment, and disposal. Anything which destroys any of the elements of property, to that extent, destroys the property itself. The substantial value of property lies in its use. If the right of use be denied, the value of the property is annihilated and ownership is rendered a barren right." Washington State Supreme Court Justice Richard B. Sanders.
When government can regulate a persons land, buildings and personal property such that all of the use of that land and personal property is stolen or repealed by such regulation and no "just compensation" is given, there are no God-given or natural property rights. Only government has rights and freedom loses!
Any sane person intuitively knows that the culture, the law, the stability and the economics of a nation are endangered by massive illegal immigration, especially if that immigration is comprised of a culture that is inherently in opposition to the existing culture. Any normal, reasonable and prudent person instinctively knows that if the make-up of those illegally immigrating to another nation are culturally poor in income levels, job skills, education and hygiene, the cost to the existing legal population will be a huge, growing and dangerous burden. To allow massive illegal immigration to continue without stopping or impeding it, is an affront to the living legal population and makes a mockery out of the rule of law. To establish sanctuaries for illegal aliens, whether by government or religious organizations, openly and blatantly violates the rights of legal citizens. Those political or religious leader's who are proponents of massive illegal immigration, open borders and illegal alien sanctuaries, are traitors to the nation and its people and should be summarily fired.
"Oh what tangled webs we weave, when first we practice to deceive." And such was the case of Obama Care passed by the Democrats in 2010 and signed with glee by President Obama. The Democrats were so obsessed with leading America into a single-payer health care system, they devised a plan that was so flawed they had to engage in a group lie to the American people about its attributes. And lie they did, through their collective teeth. Not only did millions of Americans lose their health care plan, they lost their doctor as well and the hole in their pocket for the health care premiums grew larger and larger, along with the co-pays and deductibles. The taxpayer was forced to fork over $2 billion just to set up the website and other Obama Care systems. Some estimates conclude that the national debt could rise to $33 Trillion in the next 10 years due to run-away Obama Care spending. Some newly elected socialist/Democrats want to go to a Medicare-for-all system, which could balloon the national debt another $32 Trillion. This isn't just bad policy, it is the work of the insane.
In 2012, the Heritage Foundation reported that there were 79 overlapping welfare programs spending $927 Billion per year for means tested welfare. Roughly 40% of that $927 Billion went to cash, housing and food. At that time the welfare cost represented $19,082 for each poor American as defined by the Census Bureau, covering over 40,000,000 people. Six years later, that annual number is well over $1 Trillion, literally one fourth of the entire annual budget. It is further estimated that in the next 10 years the government will spend upwards of $12.7 Trillion on means tested welfare. Trump Administration policies have slowed the cost some with income tax and regulation reductions, resulting in a booming economy and higher tax revenues. Nevertheless, the proposed deficit for Fiscal 2019 is just shy of a Trillion dollars, while the national debt continues to grow.
Why are there so many poor and homeless in America, the richest country on the planet? Because government bought them off and robbed them of their dignity and self-respect ..... for their votes. By so doing, the culture, based on cohesive families, started breaking down and only made the situation worse and the people more dependent on government. Because people are generally weak, they let government do it to us.
The environmental movement, national and international, has become so politically and financially powerful it has convinced (brainwashed) an entire planet of a climate falsehood and further convinced them they must pay Trillions of Dollars to resolve that falsehood. It is the biggest international con game ever perpetrated on the masses in the history of civilization. Even worse, it is all about one-world control and wealth re-distribution, not about climate.
For over 100 years Conservatives have been giving in to the Progressives on so many issues because the Progressives have been so successful at buying off a steadily growing ignorant population who vote not to preserve freedom, but vote to preserve their piece of the government money tree. Where that has gotten us is self-evident and was easy to predict. We're broke and our culture fractured!
Because conservatives keep "giving in" we have thrown ourselves into the tiger's mouth and we are about to be devoured, if we haven't been already. Because freedom doesn't sell well to the morally weak, bought-off masses, we have lost our peaceful negotiating power to defend it, where are only recourse and leverage are a government shut down ..... or revolution. We have believed the other side when they say that they agree in principle with American constitutional mandates without acknowledging that they haven't the slightest intention of putting those mandates into practice. In effect, they lie and conservatives fall for it every time. Those, for whom the lies serve, will never vote against the liars and in most cases they are too uninformed to recognize the lies in the first place.
The only logical conclusion we can come to is that Progressives are intentionally trying to destroy America for the sole purpose of remaining in perpetual political power. That makes Progressives enemies of America and enemies of the people. Sadly, more than half the people just don't know it, or refuse to acknowledge it, because they are blinded by the bright light of "free" stuff.
Sure, there is a solution, but nowhere near enough Americans on a large enough scale are willing to step up to the plate and pay the "fine" for letting freedom slip through their fingers. The "fine" is footing the bill (that's putting up the money and lots of it) and conducting the hard work of preserving our birthright. (that's getting their hands dirty when sometimes the dirt won't wash off) They think they can do it on the cheap. They think they can duck under the radar and avoid rising tyranny. They think that all they have to do is vote every two years and hope that fortunes turn their way. As we can see from the Trump presidency and the massive effort to destroy him, just voting is not the answer to preserving liberty.
Frankly, what has our vote got us? Has our timid approach to defending freedom increased our freedom? The Progressives have pushed our line in the sand so far back that we now have our backs to the wall with no where else to go but into the jaws of slavery.
Every day conservatives write millions of words about freedom and liberty, while the Progressives continue to buy more votes with your money. Big money follows the Progressives but tends to shun Conservatives. Unless tens of millions of individual Conservative Americans put their money where their mouths are and rise up in unison against the tyranny, conservative authors will only be able to continue to write words about freedom and liberty, while our Conservative politicians will be forced to capitulate to the Progressives, as some of them are doing right now.
The fact is, the American government has become totally dysfunctional on all of the important issues facing Americans today and nothing is going to change that condition without intervention by the people.
One of the major battle lines is property rights. If we can't preserve property rights, then, as Thomas Jefferson said, there is no hope for preserving any other rights. We must come to the inescapable conclusion that government regulations have gone too far, in so many areas, but especially in the area of property rights. Whether urban or rural, won't you please join with us in the fight to preserve property rights at the "American Constitutional Property Rights Protection Federation."
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
By Ron Ewart
Never have so "few" upset so many.
Divided, angry and frustrated are we.
Sadly, the "few" aren't worth a halfpenny.
But still we bow down to them on bended knee.
Those "few" we call dysfunctional and corrupt politicians.
They keep throwing us curve, after curve, after curve.
But we elected them and gave them the ammunition.
So in the end, we the people ..... get what we deserve.
- - - - - -
Dysfunctional, corrupt, lust, greedy, racketeers, negligent, inefficient, slovenly, collusion and conspiracy are just a few words that describe the political and bureaucratic scene, not only in Washington DC, but in many capitols around the world. Each one of these words plays out daily in all levels of the American government, federal, state and local ..... because we the people have allowed this bad behavior to exist for a very long time. If there is anyone to blame, it is the "People's Choice."
It has been said that the American system of government and justice is the best system on the planet. But after many years of observing the antics of the nutcases in the political, bureaucratic and judicial asylum, by an octogenarian, that ain't saying anything special. If what exists today is the best we can do, then America, its people and freedom are in real trouble.
We have often said that freedom cannot exist when the government and the people are without honor, and fail to adhere to the principles upon which this nation was founded. The truth to that statement is born out by the past events of the last 100 years and the current events of today.
The current government shut down is a testament to the dysfunctional nature of today's government. The politicians, who should know better, act more like petulant little children than intelligent adults. They would rather score points with their blind party constituents than do what is right for the country. Nevertheless, a secure border is an absolute necessity if national sovereignty is to be preserved. A wall (or barrier) is an integral part of that secure border and the politicians know it.
In our recent article entitled, "The Ugly Truth About Property Rights" we describe how government and special interests (environmentalists and socialists) have eroded natural property rights beyond any recognition of the Founder's original intent.
"The right to procure property and to use it for one's own enjoyment is essential to the freedom of every person, and our other rights would mean little without these rights of property ownership." Thomas Jefferson
"Property in a thing consists not merely in its ownership and possession, but in the UNRESTRICTED right of use, enjoyment, and disposal. Anything which destroys any of the elements of property, to that extent, destroys the property itself. The substantial value of property lies in its use. If the right of use be denied, the value of the property is annihilated and ownership is rendered a barren right." Washington State Supreme Court Justice Richard B. Sanders.
When government can regulate a persons land, buildings and personal property such that all of the use of that land and personal property is stolen or repealed by such regulation and no "just compensation" is given, there are no God-given or natural property rights. Only government has rights and freedom loses!
Any sane person intuitively knows that the culture, the law, the stability and the economics of a nation are endangered by massive illegal immigration, especially if that immigration is comprised of a culture that is inherently in opposition to the existing culture. Any normal, reasonable and prudent person instinctively knows that if the make-up of those illegally immigrating to another nation are culturally poor in income levels, job skills, education and hygiene, the cost to the existing legal population will be a huge, growing and dangerous burden. To allow massive illegal immigration to continue without stopping or impeding it, is an affront to the living legal population and makes a mockery out of the rule of law. To establish sanctuaries for illegal aliens, whether by government or religious organizations, openly and blatantly violates the rights of legal citizens. Those political or religious leader's who are proponents of massive illegal immigration, open borders and illegal alien sanctuaries, are traitors to the nation and its people and should be summarily fired.
"Oh what tangled webs we weave, when first we practice to deceive." And such was the case of Obama Care passed by the Democrats in 2010 and signed with glee by President Obama. The Democrats were so obsessed with leading America into a single-payer health care system, they devised a plan that was so flawed they had to engage in a group lie to the American people about its attributes. And lie they did, through their collective teeth. Not only did millions of Americans lose their health care plan, they lost their doctor as well and the hole in their pocket for the health care premiums grew larger and larger, along with the co-pays and deductibles. The taxpayer was forced to fork over $2 billion just to set up the website and other Obama Care systems. Some estimates conclude that the national debt could rise to $33 Trillion in the next 10 years due to run-away Obama Care spending. Some newly elected socialist/Democrats want to go to a Medicare-for-all system, which could balloon the national debt another $32 Trillion. This isn't just bad policy, it is the work of the insane.
In 2012, the Heritage Foundation reported that there were 79 overlapping welfare programs spending $927 Billion per year for means tested welfare. Roughly 40% of that $927 Billion went to cash, housing and food. At that time the welfare cost represented $19,082 for each poor American as defined by the Census Bureau, covering over 40,000,000 people. Six years later, that annual number is well over $1 Trillion, literally one fourth of the entire annual budget. It is further estimated that in the next 10 years the government will spend upwards of $12.7 Trillion on means tested welfare. Trump Administration policies have slowed the cost some with income tax and regulation reductions, resulting in a booming economy and higher tax revenues. Nevertheless, the proposed deficit for Fiscal 2019 is just shy of a Trillion dollars, while the national debt continues to grow.
Why are there so many poor and homeless in America, the richest country on the planet? Because government bought them off and robbed them of their dignity and self-respect ..... for their votes. By so doing, the culture, based on cohesive families, started breaking down and only made the situation worse and the people more dependent on government. Because people are generally weak, they let government do it to us.
The environmental movement, national and international, has become so politically and financially powerful it has convinced (brainwashed) an entire planet of a climate falsehood and further convinced them they must pay Trillions of Dollars to resolve that falsehood. It is the biggest international con game ever perpetrated on the masses in the history of civilization. Even worse, it is all about one-world control and wealth re-distribution, not about climate.
For over 100 years Conservatives have been giving in to the Progressives on so many issues because the Progressives have been so successful at buying off a steadily growing ignorant population who vote not to preserve freedom, but vote to preserve their piece of the government money tree. Where that has gotten us is self-evident and was easy to predict. We're broke and our culture fractured!
Because conservatives keep "giving in" we have thrown ourselves into the tiger's mouth and we are about to be devoured, if we haven't been already. Because freedom doesn't sell well to the morally weak, bought-off masses, we have lost our peaceful negotiating power to defend it, where are only recourse and leverage are a government shut down ..... or revolution. We have believed the other side when they say that they agree in principle with American constitutional mandates without acknowledging that they haven't the slightest intention of putting those mandates into practice. In effect, they lie and conservatives fall for it every time. Those, for whom the lies serve, will never vote against the liars and in most cases they are too uninformed to recognize the lies in the first place.
The only logical conclusion we can come to is that Progressives are intentionally trying to destroy America for the sole purpose of remaining in perpetual political power. That makes Progressives enemies of America and enemies of the people. Sadly, more than half the people just don't know it, or refuse to acknowledge it, because they are blinded by the bright light of "free" stuff.
Sure, there is a solution, but nowhere near enough Americans on a large enough scale are willing to step up to the plate and pay the "fine" for letting freedom slip through their fingers. The "fine" is footing the bill (that's putting up the money and lots of it) and conducting the hard work of preserving our birthright. (that's getting their hands dirty when sometimes the dirt won't wash off) They think they can do it on the cheap. They think they can duck under the radar and avoid rising tyranny. They think that all they have to do is vote every two years and hope that fortunes turn their way. As we can see from the Trump presidency and the massive effort to destroy him, just voting is not the answer to preserving liberty.
Frankly, what has our vote got us? Has our timid approach to defending freedom increased our freedom? The Progressives have pushed our line in the sand so far back that we now have our backs to the wall with no where else to go but into the jaws of slavery.
Every day conservatives write millions of words about freedom and liberty, while the Progressives continue to buy more votes with your money. Big money follows the Progressives but tends to shun Conservatives. Unless tens of millions of individual Conservative Americans put their money where their mouths are and rise up in unison against the tyranny, conservative authors will only be able to continue to write words about freedom and liberty, while our Conservative politicians will be forced to capitulate to the Progressives, as some of them are doing right now.
The fact is, the American government has become totally dysfunctional on all of the important issues facing Americans today and nothing is going to change that condition without intervention by the people.
One of the major battle lines is property rights. If we can't preserve property rights, then, as Thomas Jefferson said, there is no hope for preserving any other rights. We must come to the inescapable conclusion that government regulations have gone too far, in so many areas, but especially in the area of property rights. Whether urban or rural, won't you please join with us in the fight to preserve property rights at the "American Constitutional Property Rights Protection Federation."
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"The Ugly Truth About Property Rights”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, January 6, 2019 - All Rights Reserved
"Oh what fools we mortals be,
When we think we have rights to property.
They were taken away when we turned our heads,
By the U. S. Supreme Court and those other traitors
We call ..... the FEDS." Ron Ewart
God-given, or natural rights are a dream, a mirage, a fantasy. God-given, or natural rights were a concept of the Founding Fathers that made it into early law but were later repealed.
So do you think you have the right of free speech? Hardly! Free speech is what government allows, when and where. Left leaning social media (Google, Facebook, Twitter) makes sure that conservative free speech is censored.
Is the right to practice your religion a God-given right? Think again. Organized religion falls under the authority of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that grants the organized church an exemption from taxes, just so long as the church abides by strict IRS rules. That's LIMITED free speech, controlled by government.
Let's take the right of redress under the First Amendment. How is the right of redress working out for you? When you contact your congressman or senator with a gripe and a request for redress of your gripe, what do you get? You get a ready-made canned letter that sits in a government computer somewhere, ready to be sent out to the naive' constituent on a specific issue, at a moments notice, at the press of a button but doesn't say anything. Are you really being heard? Not likely!
Perhaps you think that you are secure in your person, your home, your papers and other effects as the Fourth Amendment implies. Were you aware that government agents and law enforcement can lawfully come up on your porch (trespass) and knock on your door so that they can talk to you? That's right. It's called the "knock and talk" provision handed down in two U. S. Supreme Court decision that grants government agents and law enforcement an "implied license" to talk to you whether you grant them permission or not. No, they can't search your home without a search warrant, (maybe) but that is no solace when two armed law enforcement officers suddenly show up on your doorstep demanding to talk to you, as what happened to us in response to an article we had written. One of those officers knocked on our door and the other officer stood about 12 feet away with his hand on his gun. Yes, we WERE intimidated!
Now the Second Amendment is under attack from the left and several states have passed laws allowing them to confiscate your guns, if government, a relative, friend, enemy, or neighbor alleges "you might be a threat" to society, or you are "off your rocker" ..... maybe! There is no facing your accuser. Government just takes your guns away by force, with or without solid evidence that you were, or are a threat. You have to prove in court that you are not "off your rocker." So much for the Second Amendment and innocent until proven guilty. Is total gun confiscation next?
God-given, natural rights are a myth. As the image that accompanies this article says, "your rights are what government says they are." The dirty little secret is, in the beginning you used to have God-given, natural rights, but the government, through the legislative and judicial processes, took those rights away, year-by-year, under the false flag of Progressivism.
But this article is supposed to be about property rights, rights you just THINK you have. Here is one definition of property rights by State Supreme Court Justice Richard B. Sanders:
"Property "is defined by (Washington) state law. Board of Regents v. Roth, 408 U.S. 564, 92 S. Ct. 2701, 2709, 33 L. Ed. 2d 548 (1972). Our state, and most other states, define property in an extremely broad sense."
"Property in a thing consists not merely in its ownership and possession, but in the UNRESTRICTED right of use, enjoyment, and disposal. Anything which destroys any of the elements of property, to that extent, destroys the property itself. The substantial value of property lies in its use. If the right of use be denied, the value of the property is annihilated and ownership is rendered a barren right."
Ackerman v. Port of Seattle, 55 Wn.2d 400, 409, 348 P.2d 664 (1960) (quoting from Spann v. City of Dallas, 111 Tex. 350, 355, 235 S.W. 513, 19 A.L.R. 1387 (1921)).
And further, Justice Sanders writes:
"While it is up to each state to define property for itself, the right to use one's property has been universally understood to be a fundamental attribute of real property ownership. Compare Eaton v. Boston, C. and M.R.R., 51 N.H. 504, 511-512 (1872) ("the framers of the Constitution intended to protect property rights which are worth protecting; not mere empty titles . . . among those elements is, fundamentally, the right of use . . . ") and Lord Coke: "to deprive one of the use of his land is depriving him of his land. What is the land but the profits thereof?" See also John M. Groen and Richard M. Stephens, Takings Law, Lucas, and the Growth Management Act, 16 U. Puget Sound L. Rev. 1259, at 1266, 1295 (Spring 1993)."
Unfortunately, this definition of property rights has no basis in the application of the law. It was repealed by several U. S. Supreme Court decisions and by hundreds, if not thousands, of land use and environmental laws, federal, state and local.
Many in the property rights movement have the mistaken belief that if government regulation reduces the right of use of their property, that reduction demands "just compensation" under the Fifth Amendment. Sadly, this is not true. It's only true if government TAKES ALL OF YOUR USE. U. S. Supreme Court decisions have all but eliminated "just compensation" except in the case of a complete taking of the use of the property. In Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council, 505 U.S. 1003 (1992), the Court held that where regulations completely deprive an owner of "all economically beneficial use" of his or her property, the government must pay just compensation. But what is "just compensation." The government will use its immense power to pay you as little as possible. That's "just compensation."
Georgetown dean and liberal law professor William Michael Treanor writes: "Despite all the controversy about its meaning, the language of the Takings Clause, "nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation", is perfectly straightforward. Compensation is necessary only when property is 'taken.' In other words, the only time when government must compensate the property owner is when it physically seizes property. The text does not require compensation when regulations diminish the value of property. Indeed, the clause does not even mention regulations." (They didn't have land use regulations then.)
What Professor Treanor is saying here is that you really don't have any property rights. Only government has rights to regulate and that makes you nothing more than a feudal serf to a government King. Your land and you personally are nothing more than collateral for the national debt.
The good professor refuses to acknowledge what happens when government "goes too far" and he doesn't care. Treanor has written that, "..... constitutional doctrine is irrelevant when it comes to environmental policy and law."
The High Court has tried to address the issue of "going too far" but has left the law murky and subject to a wide range of interpretation, forcing landowners into court every time the issue of "going too far" comes up. Most landowners don't have the resources to take these issues to court and are left stuck, without recourse. Even if they have the resources, they run into the roadblocks of "standing", "ripeness" and "jurisdiction", not to mention the not-ratified UN Agenda 21 policy.
The courts have also injected two doctrines into the mix that work against the landowner and further complicate property rights law. The first is the "Substantive Due Process" clause and the second is "Substantially Advances A Legitimate State Interest" clause. Who gets to decide the constitutional validity of an alleged "legitimate" state interest? The state and the courts get to decide of course. What if the "state" decided to take control over all land in America, in the interest of protecting the environment? You would need a permit just to drive a nail, dig a posthole, or fill a mud puddle. That could be construed and probably would be, a "legitimate" state interest. Don't you get it? That is exactly what government has done.
Sadly, any government will "push" the envelope as far as it can until the people revolt openly in civil disobedience, civil war, or outright revolution. In that the masses are mostly ignorant of their rights and short on courage, they just capitulate to government overreach until they are slaves!
Nevertheless, one of the "Bundle of Property Rights" NOT described in the above legal definition, still has teeth in it. Yes, the "right of use" is predominantly important, but what if the most important right of property turned out to be the "right to exclude?" If the "right to exclude" is as far reaching as the law appears to be, then every property owner, urban or rural, could exclude all government agents and law enforcement, thereby precluding trespass by these agencies to charge you with a crime, or impose fines and penalties for land use and environmental code violations. If the government agent or law enforcement violates the "right to exclude", (in other words trespasses) that trespass violation could possibly be used in court as a defense to nullify any fines or penalties for code violations. The only exception would be if the landowner contracts with government for a building or other permits, thus allowing access to the property by government for permit-authorized inspections.
Most rural landowners and urban dwellers are unaware that they can revoke the "implied license" that government agents and law enforcement have to come on your property under the "knock and talk" provisions of the two U. S. Supreme Court decisions. As we mentioned in a previous article, in 2016 a 10th Circuit Court of Appeals decision left the door open for the individual property owner, urban or rural, to "revoke" that "implied license" with open and notorious signage. NARLO took up on the 10th Circuit Court decision and created a powerful, copyrighted, 12" x 18" No Trespass sign that not only incorporates the "right to exclude" clause, but also incorporates the "revocation of implied license" that government agents and law enforcement have under the Supreme Court "knock and talk" provision. Our sign works equally well on your home in a big city, just as it does in the most rural areas of America. To keep government agents and law enforcement from exercising their "implied license" to trespass on your property, urban or rural, click HERE.
For the last 13 years we have been advocates for the urban and rural landowner and we have had significant success. We are well known throughout the American rural community. In the year 2019 we intend to take our advocacy one step farther into the realm of preserving, protecting and defending property rights for both urban and rural property owners in the hopes of bringing clarity to the issue. To accomplish this task we have created the "American Constitutional Property Rights Protection Federation" with a new website and specific actions. Much of what we have discussed in this article about property rights law is further expanded on our website HERE. We encourage those interested in property rights to visit our new website and peruse its vital information. Landowners, urban or rural, are in a battle for their livelihood, freedom and survival. They either fight to preserve their property rights or become a feudal serf to an all-powerful government.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
When we think we have rights to property.
They were taken away when we turned our heads,
By the U. S. Supreme Court and those other traitors
We call ..... the FEDS." Ron Ewart
God-given, or natural rights are a dream, a mirage, a fantasy. God-given, or natural rights were a concept of the Founding Fathers that made it into early law but were later repealed.
So do you think you have the right of free speech? Hardly! Free speech is what government allows, when and where. Left leaning social media (Google, Facebook, Twitter) makes sure that conservative free speech is censored.
Is the right to practice your religion a God-given right? Think again. Organized religion falls under the authority of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that grants the organized church an exemption from taxes, just so long as the church abides by strict IRS rules. That's LIMITED free speech, controlled by government.
Let's take the right of redress under the First Amendment. How is the right of redress working out for you? When you contact your congressman or senator with a gripe and a request for redress of your gripe, what do you get? You get a ready-made canned letter that sits in a government computer somewhere, ready to be sent out to the naive' constituent on a specific issue, at a moments notice, at the press of a button but doesn't say anything. Are you really being heard? Not likely!
Perhaps you think that you are secure in your person, your home, your papers and other effects as the Fourth Amendment implies. Were you aware that government agents and law enforcement can lawfully come up on your porch (trespass) and knock on your door so that they can talk to you? That's right. It's called the "knock and talk" provision handed down in two U. S. Supreme Court decision that grants government agents and law enforcement an "implied license" to talk to you whether you grant them permission or not. No, they can't search your home without a search warrant, (maybe) but that is no solace when two armed law enforcement officers suddenly show up on your doorstep demanding to talk to you, as what happened to us in response to an article we had written. One of those officers knocked on our door and the other officer stood about 12 feet away with his hand on his gun. Yes, we WERE intimidated!
Now the Second Amendment is under attack from the left and several states have passed laws allowing them to confiscate your guns, if government, a relative, friend, enemy, or neighbor alleges "you might be a threat" to society, or you are "off your rocker" ..... maybe! There is no facing your accuser. Government just takes your guns away by force, with or without solid evidence that you were, or are a threat. You have to prove in court that you are not "off your rocker." So much for the Second Amendment and innocent until proven guilty. Is total gun confiscation next?
God-given, natural rights are a myth. As the image that accompanies this article says, "your rights are what government says they are." The dirty little secret is, in the beginning you used to have God-given, natural rights, but the government, through the legislative and judicial processes, took those rights away, year-by-year, under the false flag of Progressivism.
But this article is supposed to be about property rights, rights you just THINK you have. Here is one definition of property rights by State Supreme Court Justice Richard B. Sanders:
"Property "is defined by (Washington) state law. Board of Regents v. Roth, 408 U.S. 564, 92 S. Ct. 2701, 2709, 33 L. Ed. 2d 548 (1972). Our state, and most other states, define property in an extremely broad sense."
"Property in a thing consists not merely in its ownership and possession, but in the UNRESTRICTED right of use, enjoyment, and disposal. Anything which destroys any of the elements of property, to that extent, destroys the property itself. The substantial value of property lies in its use. If the right of use be denied, the value of the property is annihilated and ownership is rendered a barren right."
Ackerman v. Port of Seattle, 55 Wn.2d 400, 409, 348 P.2d 664 (1960) (quoting from Spann v. City of Dallas, 111 Tex. 350, 355, 235 S.W. 513, 19 A.L.R. 1387 (1921)).
And further, Justice Sanders writes:
"While it is up to each state to define property for itself, the right to use one's property has been universally understood to be a fundamental attribute of real property ownership. Compare Eaton v. Boston, C. and M.R.R., 51 N.H. 504, 511-512 (1872) ("the framers of the Constitution intended to protect property rights which are worth protecting; not mere empty titles . . . among those elements is, fundamentally, the right of use . . . ") and Lord Coke: "to deprive one of the use of his land is depriving him of his land. What is the land but the profits thereof?" See also John M. Groen and Richard M. Stephens, Takings Law, Lucas, and the Growth Management Act, 16 U. Puget Sound L. Rev. 1259, at 1266, 1295 (Spring 1993)."
Unfortunately, this definition of property rights has no basis in the application of the law. It was repealed by several U. S. Supreme Court decisions and by hundreds, if not thousands, of land use and environmental laws, federal, state and local.
Many in the property rights movement have the mistaken belief that if government regulation reduces the right of use of their property, that reduction demands "just compensation" under the Fifth Amendment. Sadly, this is not true. It's only true if government TAKES ALL OF YOUR USE. U. S. Supreme Court decisions have all but eliminated "just compensation" except in the case of a complete taking of the use of the property. In Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council, 505 U.S. 1003 (1992), the Court held that where regulations completely deprive an owner of "all economically beneficial use" of his or her property, the government must pay just compensation. But what is "just compensation." The government will use its immense power to pay you as little as possible. That's "just compensation."
Georgetown dean and liberal law professor William Michael Treanor writes: "Despite all the controversy about its meaning, the language of the Takings Clause, "nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation", is perfectly straightforward. Compensation is necessary only when property is 'taken.' In other words, the only time when government must compensate the property owner is when it physically seizes property. The text does not require compensation when regulations diminish the value of property. Indeed, the clause does not even mention regulations." (They didn't have land use regulations then.)
What Professor Treanor is saying here is that you really don't have any property rights. Only government has rights to regulate and that makes you nothing more than a feudal serf to a government King. Your land and you personally are nothing more than collateral for the national debt.
The good professor refuses to acknowledge what happens when government "goes too far" and he doesn't care. Treanor has written that, "..... constitutional doctrine is irrelevant when it comes to environmental policy and law."
The High Court has tried to address the issue of "going too far" but has left the law murky and subject to a wide range of interpretation, forcing landowners into court every time the issue of "going too far" comes up. Most landowners don't have the resources to take these issues to court and are left stuck, without recourse. Even if they have the resources, they run into the roadblocks of "standing", "ripeness" and "jurisdiction", not to mention the not-ratified UN Agenda 21 policy.
The courts have also injected two doctrines into the mix that work against the landowner and further complicate property rights law. The first is the "Substantive Due Process" clause and the second is "Substantially Advances A Legitimate State Interest" clause. Who gets to decide the constitutional validity of an alleged "legitimate" state interest? The state and the courts get to decide of course. What if the "state" decided to take control over all land in America, in the interest of protecting the environment? You would need a permit just to drive a nail, dig a posthole, or fill a mud puddle. That could be construed and probably would be, a "legitimate" state interest. Don't you get it? That is exactly what government has done.
Sadly, any government will "push" the envelope as far as it can until the people revolt openly in civil disobedience, civil war, or outright revolution. In that the masses are mostly ignorant of their rights and short on courage, they just capitulate to government overreach until they are slaves!
Nevertheless, one of the "Bundle of Property Rights" NOT described in the above legal definition, still has teeth in it. Yes, the "right of use" is predominantly important, but what if the most important right of property turned out to be the "right to exclude?" If the "right to exclude" is as far reaching as the law appears to be, then every property owner, urban or rural, could exclude all government agents and law enforcement, thereby precluding trespass by these agencies to charge you with a crime, or impose fines and penalties for land use and environmental code violations. If the government agent or law enforcement violates the "right to exclude", (in other words trespasses) that trespass violation could possibly be used in court as a defense to nullify any fines or penalties for code violations. The only exception would be if the landowner contracts with government for a building or other permits, thus allowing access to the property by government for permit-authorized inspections.
Most rural landowners and urban dwellers are unaware that they can revoke the "implied license" that government agents and law enforcement have to come on your property under the "knock and talk" provisions of the two U. S. Supreme Court decisions. As we mentioned in a previous article, in 2016 a 10th Circuit Court of Appeals decision left the door open for the individual property owner, urban or rural, to "revoke" that "implied license" with open and notorious signage. NARLO took up on the 10th Circuit Court decision and created a powerful, copyrighted, 12" x 18" No Trespass sign that not only incorporates the "right to exclude" clause, but also incorporates the "revocation of implied license" that government agents and law enforcement have under the Supreme Court "knock and talk" provision. Our sign works equally well on your home in a big city, just as it does in the most rural areas of America. To keep government agents and law enforcement from exercising their "implied license" to trespass on your property, urban or rural, click HERE.
For the last 13 years we have been advocates for the urban and rural landowner and we have had significant success. We are well known throughout the American rural community. In the year 2019 we intend to take our advocacy one step farther into the realm of preserving, protecting and defending property rights for both urban and rural property owners in the hopes of bringing clarity to the issue. To accomplish this task we have created the "American Constitutional Property Rights Protection Federation" with a new website and specific actions. Much of what we have discussed in this article about property rights law is further expanded on our website HERE. We encourage those interested in property rights to visit our new website and peruse its vital information. Landowners, urban or rural, are in a battle for their livelihood, freedom and survival. They either fight to preserve their property rights or become a feudal serf to an all-powerful government.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Are Americans Condemning Their Children To Slavery?”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, December 23, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
"Paris Riots - Ayn Rand's Prophecy Coming True”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, December 9, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
"The further society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it." George Orwell
"The only safeguard to protect the American people from government's control over the money and the guns is the U. S. Constitution. The only protection the Constitution has from government corruption or perversion, is the people demanding that the government adhere to the principles of the constitution or face the consequences of armed revolution." Ron Ewart
The Paris riots are and were as predictable as sex producing babies and Paris today is only a precursor to what can happen in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, or Seattle tomorrow if we allow Zealots and Lunatics to run America into the ground for political agendas that fly in the face of individual freedom and liberty. Trillions for climate change is one of those lunatic fringe agendas that has nothing to do with climate and everything to do with the elite's control of the world's masses and wealth redistribution from developed countries to un-developed countries where the world's elite controls the flow of the money.
Somehow we avoid the "truth" that if you squeeze a tomato hard enough, eventually it will ooze out between your fingers. Paris is oozing right now because of the strangling power of the moneylenders and the zealots and lunatics in government and radical fringe organizations! And let's not forget that Parisians don't have the right to bear arms. Americans do!
America's thirteen colonies had devised a medium of exchange which they called script. They only printed enough of the script to keep commerce and the exchange of goods and services within the colonies, in balance. When King George and the Bank of England heard of this, they quickly passed legislation in the House of Commons to require that all taxes to the crown would be paid in gold and silver. Then in further retaliation the British government increased the taxes on the colonies in the form of the Stamp Act and taxes on Tea. This act by the British quickly depleted the gold and silver of the colonies and led to a virtual depression. The only outcome of this was to force the colonials between a rock and a hard place, leading them to revolt against the King. In response to the revolt of the New World colonials, the King sent in the troops and the guns and a revolution was born. If you don't think that history will repeat itself, you will find that the artificial bubble you are living in is a mirage.
Since the dawn of human civilization, the masses have been and still are, in a constant struggle against the ever- increasing power of centralized government. Whether it be kings, despots, dictators, or even democracies, centralized power grows and grows, like a black hole sucking up everything in its vicinity, until that power envelops and consumes all those who would attempt to break it up, or destroy it. Even though the Founding Fathers went to great pains to inhibit the rise of the federal government by limiting its powers in the U. S. Constitution, every succeeding executive, legislative and judicial branch of government since George Washington, has wriggled and finagled around its constitutional restraints into ever-increasing political power. The jaws of absolute power are open wide and lie there in our not too distant future, if the people don't take it upon themselves to break up that centralized power and restore it to the states and to the people, as it was intended by those who gave birth to freedom over two centuries ago, at great sacrifice.
Throughout history, when centralized power is broken up or destroyed, it usually comes from the people violently rising up, en masse and restoring political power in the people and dividing all such power into smaller jurisdictions. This was one of the core principles of the U. S. Constitution. It was the states that created the federal government, not the other way around. It is the states and the people that are supposed to have the supreme power under our Constitutional Republic, not the federal government.
Everything we see happening today in our own country and around the world, mirror's the prophecies of Ayn Rand, in her novels and other writings. Her whole premise was based on the sanctity of the individual, wherein she wrote, "the smallest minority is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities." The whole concept of the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution was built on the principle of unalienable individual rights, a gift from nature or God. Today, the Progressive ideology is, political power must be held by the collective (in other words the mob), not the individual.
Well over 30 years ago, Ms. Rand wrote: "We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force." If you will look in the mirror and be true to yourself, you will have no choice but to acknowledge that we exist in this dark period today. Everything else you hear about America from the normal sources, is propaganda and an illusion. The stark reality is, you are a government debt slave. You just don't know it yet.
People wondered, how could Ayn Rand have foreseen all this? Was she a prophet? No, she answered. She had simply identified the basic cause of why the country was bouncing from one crisis to another. The collusion between government and special interest groups started taking America down a path that will eventually spell her demise, all based on the lust for power and money. The cliff she approaches draws ever closer.
In Rand's Atlas Shrugged she wrote:
“You have cried that man’s sins are destroying the world and you have cursed human nature for its unwillingness to practice the virtues you demanded. Since virtue, to you, consists of sacrifice, you have demanded more sacrifices at every successive disaster." (Sacrifice equals taxes and regulations)
"You have sacrificed justice to mercy. (irrational compassion) You have sacrificed reason to faith. You have sacrificed wealth to need. (Karl Marx) You have sacrificed self-esteem to self-denial. (Obama's apology tour) You have sacrificed happiness to duty. The result? Why do you shrink in horror from the sight of the world around you? That world is not the product of your sins. It is the product and the image of your virtues. It is your moral ideal brought into reality.”
The "moral ideal" that Ayn Rand describes is manifested in the multiple insanities of:
We could name many more of the false "moral ideals" Ayn Rand describes, that have brought us to today's reality, where riots and burning cities will become the norm, not the exception.
Sadly, rather than bringing control out of political chaos, the people will wait until their cities are burning and the only alternative left for the righteous to gain the high ground will be civil war or revolution. The people will watch as our international borders evaporate and are overrun. National sovereignty will melt in the crucibles of one-world-order. The people will sigh when we finally run out of other people's money to pay for a society that has grown weak, lazy, apathetic and decadent. They will moan and groan when their government declares martial law and implements a police state. Then they will say, after the bullets fly, the bombs go off and the FEMA camps fill up, "well what could we have done to prevent it anyway?" What indeed! That's what the German people said twice in the Twentieth Century and 70,000,000 to 100,000,000 had to die because the people failed to rein in the insane ambitions of their government leaders and special interest groups.
So it begs the question of why we, or anyone else for that matter, should write articles forewarning their readers what the future holds, when, in the end, history tells us that the people, who live in a constant state of fear, aren't going to do anything about it anyway, that is until they have to "fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves?" (Winston Churchill)
In conclusion, Ayn Rand wrote:
"Man is free to evade reality, he is free to un-focus his mind and stumble blindly down any road he pleases, but he is not free to avoid the abyss he refuses to see."
Ladies and gentlemen, the Paris riots have shown us a glimpse of the abyss we approach, in a world controlled by a massive government apparatus bent on absolute power, the money brokers determined to make the people debt slaves and radical special interest groups who force their ideology down our collective throats using government and law as the lever. But if we are too blind to see it, we are doomed to the Hell that awaits us there at the bottom of the abyss, where individual freedom and liberty do not exist and where war becomes the only viable alternative to escape the horrors of abject slavery.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"The only safeguard to protect the American people from government's control over the money and the guns is the U. S. Constitution. The only protection the Constitution has from government corruption or perversion, is the people demanding that the government adhere to the principles of the constitution or face the consequences of armed revolution." Ron Ewart
The Paris riots are and were as predictable as sex producing babies and Paris today is only a precursor to what can happen in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, or Seattle tomorrow if we allow Zealots and Lunatics to run America into the ground for political agendas that fly in the face of individual freedom and liberty. Trillions for climate change is one of those lunatic fringe agendas that has nothing to do with climate and everything to do with the elite's control of the world's masses and wealth redistribution from developed countries to un-developed countries where the world's elite controls the flow of the money.
Somehow we avoid the "truth" that if you squeeze a tomato hard enough, eventually it will ooze out between your fingers. Paris is oozing right now because of the strangling power of the moneylenders and the zealots and lunatics in government and radical fringe organizations! And let's not forget that Parisians don't have the right to bear arms. Americans do!
America's thirteen colonies had devised a medium of exchange which they called script. They only printed enough of the script to keep commerce and the exchange of goods and services within the colonies, in balance. When King George and the Bank of England heard of this, they quickly passed legislation in the House of Commons to require that all taxes to the crown would be paid in gold and silver. Then in further retaliation the British government increased the taxes on the colonies in the form of the Stamp Act and taxes on Tea. This act by the British quickly depleted the gold and silver of the colonies and led to a virtual depression. The only outcome of this was to force the colonials between a rock and a hard place, leading them to revolt against the King. In response to the revolt of the New World colonials, the King sent in the troops and the guns and a revolution was born. If you don't think that history will repeat itself, you will find that the artificial bubble you are living in is a mirage.
Since the dawn of human civilization, the masses have been and still are, in a constant struggle against the ever- increasing power of centralized government. Whether it be kings, despots, dictators, or even democracies, centralized power grows and grows, like a black hole sucking up everything in its vicinity, until that power envelops and consumes all those who would attempt to break it up, or destroy it. Even though the Founding Fathers went to great pains to inhibit the rise of the federal government by limiting its powers in the U. S. Constitution, every succeeding executive, legislative and judicial branch of government since George Washington, has wriggled and finagled around its constitutional restraints into ever-increasing political power. The jaws of absolute power are open wide and lie there in our not too distant future, if the people don't take it upon themselves to break up that centralized power and restore it to the states and to the people, as it was intended by those who gave birth to freedom over two centuries ago, at great sacrifice.
Throughout history, when centralized power is broken up or destroyed, it usually comes from the people violently rising up, en masse and restoring political power in the people and dividing all such power into smaller jurisdictions. This was one of the core principles of the U. S. Constitution. It was the states that created the federal government, not the other way around. It is the states and the people that are supposed to have the supreme power under our Constitutional Republic, not the federal government.
Everything we see happening today in our own country and around the world, mirror's the prophecies of Ayn Rand, in her novels and other writings. Her whole premise was based on the sanctity of the individual, wherein she wrote, "the smallest minority is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities." The whole concept of the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution was built on the principle of unalienable individual rights, a gift from nature or God. Today, the Progressive ideology is, political power must be held by the collective (in other words the mob), not the individual.
Well over 30 years ago, Ms. Rand wrote: "We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force." If you will look in the mirror and be true to yourself, you will have no choice but to acknowledge that we exist in this dark period today. Everything else you hear about America from the normal sources, is propaganda and an illusion. The stark reality is, you are a government debt slave. You just don't know it yet.
People wondered, how could Ayn Rand have foreseen all this? Was she a prophet? No, she answered. She had simply identified the basic cause of why the country was bouncing from one crisis to another. The collusion between government and special interest groups started taking America down a path that will eventually spell her demise, all based on the lust for power and money. The cliff she approaches draws ever closer.
In Rand's Atlas Shrugged she wrote:
“You have cried that man’s sins are destroying the world and you have cursed human nature for its unwillingness to practice the virtues you demanded. Since virtue, to you, consists of sacrifice, you have demanded more sacrifices at every successive disaster." (Sacrifice equals taxes and regulations)
"You have sacrificed justice to mercy. (irrational compassion) You have sacrificed reason to faith. You have sacrificed wealth to need. (Karl Marx) You have sacrificed self-esteem to self-denial. (Obama's apology tour) You have sacrificed happiness to duty. The result? Why do you shrink in horror from the sight of the world around you? That world is not the product of your sins. It is the product and the image of your virtues. It is your moral ideal brought into reality.”
The "moral ideal" that Ayn Rand describes is manifested in the multiple insanities of:
- "Let 'Em All In" open borders
- Sanctuary cities
- Negligently inefficient government-run health care and other social programs
- Unsustainable welfare
- Irrational compassion implemented for the sole purpose of gaining votes
- Political correctness run amok
- Institutional socialist brainwashing of the next generation
- Repealing constitutional property rights, replaced by radical environmentalism
- The systematic destruction of the Constitution
- The politicalization of top federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies (i.e. DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, etc.)
- The rise of violent anarchist organizations like Black Lives Matter and Antifa
- War zone cities like Chicago, Baltimore and Saint Louis, etc.
- Degradation of human decency standards and increasing decadent lifestyles (drugs and alcohol)
- Way too lenient sentencing guide lines for sexual predators
- Common sense and logic thrown under the bus
- Hijacking science for political agendas, like climate change
- Attempts by the left to repeal the electoral college
- Local, state and federal taxes that approach if not exceed usury and slavery by taxation
- An un-payable national debt
- The illegal and unconstitutional practice of buying votes with taxpayer money
- Gays and trans-genders in military combat units
- Appeasement of our friends and enemies, reversed by Trump
- Wars that are never won
- Unaccountable bureaucracies that pass unconstitutional "rules" to destroy personal freedom and property rights
We could name many more of the false "moral ideals" Ayn Rand describes, that have brought us to today's reality, where riots and burning cities will become the norm, not the exception.
Sadly, rather than bringing control out of political chaos, the people will wait until their cities are burning and the only alternative left for the righteous to gain the high ground will be civil war or revolution. The people will watch as our international borders evaporate and are overrun. National sovereignty will melt in the crucibles of one-world-order. The people will sigh when we finally run out of other people's money to pay for a society that has grown weak, lazy, apathetic and decadent. They will moan and groan when their government declares martial law and implements a police state. Then they will say, after the bullets fly, the bombs go off and the FEMA camps fill up, "well what could we have done to prevent it anyway?" What indeed! That's what the German people said twice in the Twentieth Century and 70,000,000 to 100,000,000 had to die because the people failed to rein in the insane ambitions of their government leaders and special interest groups.
So it begs the question of why we, or anyone else for that matter, should write articles forewarning their readers what the future holds, when, in the end, history tells us that the people, who live in a constant state of fear, aren't going to do anything about it anyway, that is until they have to "fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves?" (Winston Churchill)
In conclusion, Ayn Rand wrote:
"Man is free to evade reality, he is free to un-focus his mind and stumble blindly down any road he pleases, but he is not free to avoid the abyss he refuses to see."
Ladies and gentlemen, the Paris riots have shown us a glimpse of the abyss we approach, in a world controlled by a massive government apparatus bent on absolute power, the money brokers determined to make the people debt slaves and radical special interest groups who force their ideology down our collective throats using government and law as the lever. But if we are too blind to see it, we are doomed to the Hell that awaits us there at the bottom of the abyss, where individual freedom and liberty do not exist and where war becomes the only viable alternative to escape the horrors of abject slavery.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Your Family Just Paid $1,636 For Illegal Aliens”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, December 2, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
Hospitals are closing across the country due to the burden of illegal immigration, college students find that summer jobs have dried up due to illegal immigration, and wages across the board are depressed by the overwhelming influx of cheap and illegal labor. Elton Gallegly former U. S. Congressman, California
There should not be a question of legal or illegal immigration. People came and immigrated to this country from the time of the Indians. No one's illegal. They should just be able to come.
Linda Ronstadt, contemporary American singer
The contrast between the above two quotes represents the wide gap in opinions about illegal immigration. Gallegly, a former California U. S. Congressman, is much closer to the issue than is Linda Ronstadt, a naive' singer who may sing well but she's ten cards short of a full deck when it comes to math. Her "let 'em all in" philosophy ignores the fact that there are roughly seven billion souls on planet earth. Of those seven billion, over five billion are desperately poor.
The estimated annual cost to the American taxpayer for each and every existing illegal alien in America is about $6,000 per year. If we "let all 5 Billion poor people in" as Linda suggests, the cost would be in the neighborhood of $30,000,000,000,000 (that's trillion folks) per year, on a current Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of around $19,000,000,000,000. (And you think our current national debt is bad.) But then of course we would all be living like sardines in a can (or rats in a cage) ruled by a brutal dictator, in a state of constant fear, chaos and war. We describe such a scenario in our article entitled: "Back To the Future, the Obama Legacy."
This is what it would be like in a Linda Rondstadt world of "Let "Em All In":
"Food would be in short supply, wholesale starvation would be ubiquitous and inflation would be so rampant from government over-spending and borrowing it would lead to something worse than hyper-inflation ..... anarchy. It could take over $1,000,000 to buy a loaf of bread. Banks would go under, forcing Americans into the barter system. Gold would shoot up to over $25,000 an ounce, but it couldn't be found, as most gold would have been bought up years ago and horded. Crime would accelerate to unbelievable levels as hungry bellies resorted to stealing, just to stay alive. Murder would be an every-day occurrence as fear, anger, resentment, frustration and jealousy overwhelmed the minds of most Americans, because government-authorized illegal immigration had broken us and destroyed the fabric of our culture. In the once-great cities of America, dead bodies would litter the streets because there would be no one to dispose of them. The stench from decaying bodies and rotting garbage would be unbearable, if not deadly."
"Heavily armed, roving gangs would run wild in the streets, day and night and they would kill, pillage, plunder and rob whomever, or whatever they wanted. The nights would be the worst and would be nothing short of outright war. The days would be just slightly better, but going out on the street at any time, could bring an end to your life in a fraction of a second. Police would be nowhere to be found because the danger would be too great and the government would have no money to pay them."
"The American people would be broke. The government would be broke and would be forced to trade American soil in exchange for defaulted loans to foreign countries, who by then would have called in the loans. Much of American land would be exchanged for that debt. Sovereignty, individual rights and the constitution would have died long ago, as the influx of billions of poor people from foreign lands would have overwhelmed all institutions of government."
"Health care would be non-existent in a Linda Ronstadt world, as hospitals closed down, doctors leave the profession and vital medicines no longer manufactured. Only the very rich would find sparsely available health care, paid for in gold."
"Electric power would go off as generating plants shut down. Factories would be shuttered, un-employment levels could reach 50% or more, and water and sewer services would be un-available. Grocery shelves would empty and prices for food would go through the roof. Disease could rise to raging epidemics. Transportation would grind to a halt and the price of a horse would skyrocket. For all intents and purposes Americans could be driven back to the dark ages."
"But worse, one of the other super powers would find the timing ripe to conquer America and they'd win."
Do you have any idea of what "swamping a life boat" means? It means a drowning death for the occupants of the lifeboat and death to those swamping the lifeboat. That's what will happen in a Linda Ronstadt "Let 'Em All In" scenario.
But let's get back to reality. Estimates for the cost of current illegal immigration range from around $100 Billion to over $150 Billion, depending on who is providing the estimate. The cost may very well be around $135 Billion. If the actual cost is $135 Billion, then in 2018 your family of four legal Americans just contributed $1,636 in taxes to that cost, or $409 for every man, woman and child in America.
Why are you paying those taxes to reward foreigners that blatantly disobey our laws? Because your government won't adequately secure American borders. Because of irreconcilable political differences, neither will your government neutralize the magnets that draw illegal aliens here in the first place. This in no way is a criticism of the gallant border patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents that do what they can to bring order to border crossings and illegal alien crime, out of the chaos caused by arcane immigration laws and the insane interpretation of the 14th Amendment.
Ladies and gentlemen, our anger over the recent images being displayed on our television screens showing the arrogance of those illegal aliens in the Central American caravans grows by the day. Somehow, these illegal aliens have gotten it in their minds that America owes them asylum, or a job, or America's generous welfare benefits, or an education, or health care, or food, clothing, housing and transportation. If you are seeking asylum, or a job, you don't throw rocks and bottles at border patrol agents, or cross our international borders illegally.
Yes, we know that some of them are just poor peasants seeking a better and more secure life. But the desire to come to America for whatever reason, does not give them an absolute, irrevocable right to illegally cross our borders, or encumber legal American citizens for their care. We have enough poor people of our own.
Most of illegal immigration consists of un-educated, low-skilled poor people and angry young males, with very little desire to learn our language and assimilate into the American culture. They bring diseases with them, they ignore our laws, they hide in the shadows and come here only for the jobs, or the welfare .... or to commit crimes against legal Americans. Illegal immigration makes a mockery out of legal immigration.
It is not the American taxpayer's fault that Central American countries are not safe places to live. It is not the American taxpayer's obligation to pay for their care, simply because they are poor.
We know the government isn't going to fix the problem and any legislative fix would be a useless compromise that would leave the problem unresolved. Consequently, we channeled our anger into action and created an emotionally powerful 1.5 minute Youtube video entitled: "Stopping Illegal Immigration by Forcing Self-Deportation" describing what unfettered illegal immigration is doing to America's neighborhoods, the economy, jobs and our culture. The video points to our revised "Save the USA" website, which further describes the damage being done and putting forth a plan of action to force illegal aliens to self-deport. If enough Americans will engage in this plan of action, we could start to see self-deportation begin in several months and illegal border crossings reduced significantly. Our soldiers could come home and our borders could resume to facilitating growing cross-border commerce.
If the government will not act, it is then up to the people to bring stability to the rule of law in America by forcing illegal aliens to self-deport back to their own countries where they will feel more at home and not feel like they are unwanted strangers in a foreign land.
This action has nothing to do with racism, or hate for illegal aliens. It has everything to do with the RULE OF LAW!
How many murders of legal Americans by illegal aliens will it take for people to get angry and then take action? How many low-skilled jobs have to be lost and how low do wages have to get due to illegal immigration before people take the law into their own hands because government isn't protecting the American people from all enemies, foreign or domestic? How large does the cost of illegal immigration have to get before legal Americans say enough is enough? How many Democrat socialist policies, policies that have bankrupted most cities and states run by Democrats, will it take before the people realize that Democrats are selling America down the river for the sake of raw political power alone and vote accordingly?
What this author doesn't get is why there isn't a national outrage over these socialist Democrat issues, including illegal immigration, to the point that they force government to act against those policies, or the people act against them en masse?
We encourage the reader to watch the video or log onto the "Save the USA" website and join with us in a simple, peaceful, lawful plan to force illegal aliens to self-deport. Legal discouragement is the best deterrent of all. If the American people don't act, we will all be living in the Linda Ronstadt world described above and maybe sooner than you think.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
There should not be a question of legal or illegal immigration. People came and immigrated to this country from the time of the Indians. No one's illegal. They should just be able to come.
Linda Ronstadt, contemporary American singer
The contrast between the above two quotes represents the wide gap in opinions about illegal immigration. Gallegly, a former California U. S. Congressman, is much closer to the issue than is Linda Ronstadt, a naive' singer who may sing well but she's ten cards short of a full deck when it comes to math. Her "let 'em all in" philosophy ignores the fact that there are roughly seven billion souls on planet earth. Of those seven billion, over five billion are desperately poor.
The estimated annual cost to the American taxpayer for each and every existing illegal alien in America is about $6,000 per year. If we "let all 5 Billion poor people in" as Linda suggests, the cost would be in the neighborhood of $30,000,000,000,000 (that's trillion folks) per year, on a current Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of around $19,000,000,000,000. (And you think our current national debt is bad.) But then of course we would all be living like sardines in a can (or rats in a cage) ruled by a brutal dictator, in a state of constant fear, chaos and war. We describe such a scenario in our article entitled: "Back To the Future, the Obama Legacy."
This is what it would be like in a Linda Rondstadt world of "Let "Em All In":
"Food would be in short supply, wholesale starvation would be ubiquitous and inflation would be so rampant from government over-spending and borrowing it would lead to something worse than hyper-inflation ..... anarchy. It could take over $1,000,000 to buy a loaf of bread. Banks would go under, forcing Americans into the barter system. Gold would shoot up to over $25,000 an ounce, but it couldn't be found, as most gold would have been bought up years ago and horded. Crime would accelerate to unbelievable levels as hungry bellies resorted to stealing, just to stay alive. Murder would be an every-day occurrence as fear, anger, resentment, frustration and jealousy overwhelmed the minds of most Americans, because government-authorized illegal immigration had broken us and destroyed the fabric of our culture. In the once-great cities of America, dead bodies would litter the streets because there would be no one to dispose of them. The stench from decaying bodies and rotting garbage would be unbearable, if not deadly."
"Heavily armed, roving gangs would run wild in the streets, day and night and they would kill, pillage, plunder and rob whomever, or whatever they wanted. The nights would be the worst and would be nothing short of outright war. The days would be just slightly better, but going out on the street at any time, could bring an end to your life in a fraction of a second. Police would be nowhere to be found because the danger would be too great and the government would have no money to pay them."
"The American people would be broke. The government would be broke and would be forced to trade American soil in exchange for defaulted loans to foreign countries, who by then would have called in the loans. Much of American land would be exchanged for that debt. Sovereignty, individual rights and the constitution would have died long ago, as the influx of billions of poor people from foreign lands would have overwhelmed all institutions of government."
"Health care would be non-existent in a Linda Ronstadt world, as hospitals closed down, doctors leave the profession and vital medicines no longer manufactured. Only the very rich would find sparsely available health care, paid for in gold."
"Electric power would go off as generating plants shut down. Factories would be shuttered, un-employment levels could reach 50% or more, and water and sewer services would be un-available. Grocery shelves would empty and prices for food would go through the roof. Disease could rise to raging epidemics. Transportation would grind to a halt and the price of a horse would skyrocket. For all intents and purposes Americans could be driven back to the dark ages."
"But worse, one of the other super powers would find the timing ripe to conquer America and they'd win."
Do you have any idea of what "swamping a life boat" means? It means a drowning death for the occupants of the lifeboat and death to those swamping the lifeboat. That's what will happen in a Linda Ronstadt "Let 'Em All In" scenario.
But let's get back to reality. Estimates for the cost of current illegal immigration range from around $100 Billion to over $150 Billion, depending on who is providing the estimate. The cost may very well be around $135 Billion. If the actual cost is $135 Billion, then in 2018 your family of four legal Americans just contributed $1,636 in taxes to that cost, or $409 for every man, woman and child in America.
Why are you paying those taxes to reward foreigners that blatantly disobey our laws? Because your government won't adequately secure American borders. Because of irreconcilable political differences, neither will your government neutralize the magnets that draw illegal aliens here in the first place. This in no way is a criticism of the gallant border patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents that do what they can to bring order to border crossings and illegal alien crime, out of the chaos caused by arcane immigration laws and the insane interpretation of the 14th Amendment.
Ladies and gentlemen, our anger over the recent images being displayed on our television screens showing the arrogance of those illegal aliens in the Central American caravans grows by the day. Somehow, these illegal aliens have gotten it in their minds that America owes them asylum, or a job, or America's generous welfare benefits, or an education, or health care, or food, clothing, housing and transportation. If you are seeking asylum, or a job, you don't throw rocks and bottles at border patrol agents, or cross our international borders illegally.
Yes, we know that some of them are just poor peasants seeking a better and more secure life. But the desire to come to America for whatever reason, does not give them an absolute, irrevocable right to illegally cross our borders, or encumber legal American citizens for their care. We have enough poor people of our own.
Most of illegal immigration consists of un-educated, low-skilled poor people and angry young males, with very little desire to learn our language and assimilate into the American culture. They bring diseases with them, they ignore our laws, they hide in the shadows and come here only for the jobs, or the welfare .... or to commit crimes against legal Americans. Illegal immigration makes a mockery out of legal immigration.
It is not the American taxpayer's fault that Central American countries are not safe places to live. It is not the American taxpayer's obligation to pay for their care, simply because they are poor.
We know the government isn't going to fix the problem and any legislative fix would be a useless compromise that would leave the problem unresolved. Consequently, we channeled our anger into action and created an emotionally powerful 1.5 minute Youtube video entitled: "Stopping Illegal Immigration by Forcing Self-Deportation" describing what unfettered illegal immigration is doing to America's neighborhoods, the economy, jobs and our culture. The video points to our revised "Save the USA" website, which further describes the damage being done and putting forth a plan of action to force illegal aliens to self-deport. If enough Americans will engage in this plan of action, we could start to see self-deportation begin in several months and illegal border crossings reduced significantly. Our soldiers could come home and our borders could resume to facilitating growing cross-border commerce.
If the government will not act, it is then up to the people to bring stability to the rule of law in America by forcing illegal aliens to self-deport back to their own countries where they will feel more at home and not feel like they are unwanted strangers in a foreign land.
This action has nothing to do with racism, or hate for illegal aliens. It has everything to do with the RULE OF LAW!
How many murders of legal Americans by illegal aliens will it take for people to get angry and then take action? How many low-skilled jobs have to be lost and how low do wages have to get due to illegal immigration before people take the law into their own hands because government isn't protecting the American people from all enemies, foreign or domestic? How large does the cost of illegal immigration have to get before legal Americans say enough is enough? How many Democrat socialist policies, policies that have bankrupted most cities and states run by Democrats, will it take before the people realize that Democrats are selling America down the river for the sake of raw political power alone and vote accordingly?
What this author doesn't get is why there isn't a national outrage over these socialist Democrat issues, including illegal immigration, to the point that they force government to act against those policies, or the people act against them en masse?
We encourage the reader to watch the video or log onto the "Save the USA" website and join with us in a simple, peaceful, lawful plan to force illegal aliens to self-deport. Legal discouragement is the best deterrent of all. If the American people don't act, we will all be living in the Linda Ronstadt world described above and maybe sooner than you think.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"We Now Live In A Land Of Zealots and Lunatics”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, November 25, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
"I just had this New York thing. When I got there, I felt so at home. I said, 'This is where the crazy people go.' It's OK to be yourself in New York." Lori Petty, contemporary actress and director
FROM THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH: In a 1962 edition of Scientific American, the ecologist John B. Calhoun presented the results of a macabre series of experiments conducted at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). He had placed several rats in a laboratory in a converted barn where – protected from disease and predation and supplied with food, water and bedding – they bred rapidly. The one thing they were lacking was space, a fact that became increasingly problematic as what he liked to describe as his “rat city” and “rodent utopia” teemed with animals. Unwanted social contact occurred with increasing frequency, leading to increased stress and aggression. Following the work of the physiologist, Hans Selye, it seemed that the adrenal system offered the standard binary solution: fight or flight. But in the sealed enclosure, flight was impossible. Violence quickly spiraled out of control. Cannibalism and infanticide followed. Males became hypersexual, pansexual and, an increasing proportion, homosexual. Calhoun called this vortex “a behavioral sink”. Their numbers fell into terminal decline and the population tailed off to extinction. At the experiments’ end, the only animals still alive had survived at an immense psychological cost: asexual and utterly withdrawn, they clustered in a vacant huddled mass. Even when reintroduced to normal rodent communities, these “socially autistic” animals remained isolated until death. In the words of one of Calhoun’s collaborators, rodent “utopia” had descended into “hell”.
In the 1950's, we were still fairly well spread out in America. Suburbia became the escape from the high densities of big cities. We had large lots where the kids could play in their own yards. Suburban areas spread like wildfire all over America. We built schools, churches, wide roads and parks. We then added businesses, industry and commerce to the suburban lifestyle where we didn't have to travel long distances to work in our cars. Friendly neighborhoods popped up and people began to talk to each other again, relieved of the high densities, stress, crime and pressures of big cities. Suburbia allowed us to stretch out a little, with more space for outdoor activities, and play. Kids didn't have to play in the streets, or in the hallways of large apartment buildings any more.
But all that changed in the late 1960's when radical environmentalism raised its ugly head. Environmentalists demanded that we save the suburban and rural areas for the trees, the animals, the birds and the insects. Government started passing more laws to restrict growth and reduce lot sizes in the surrounding areas of big cities. Environmental groups, like the Sierra Club, started doing studies on what were the optimum densities for big cities and came up with plans for high dense urban areas containing 50,000 people per square mile. There are very few cities on the planet that contain 50,000 people per square mile.
To accomplish this insane goal, hundreds of 25-story apartment buildings would have to be built in big cities. Each apartment would have businesses, retail and parking on the first floors so people could walk or take their bicycle to work. The apartment buildings would be connected by mass transit. Cars would be discouraged. This was all part of a grand plan called sustainable development created in a 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro under the UN policy known as Agenda 21. But in fact the policy is little more than "rack 'em and stack 'em", like rats in a cage. We are now mentally and physically crippling our children from the negative impacts of high-density living.
Just like the rats in the National Institute for Health studies, people react negatively to high dense urban living. "Violence increases. (Chicago, New York, Baltimore, Ferguson, LA) Males and females became hypersexual, pansexual and, an increasing proportion, homosexual. Anti-social behavior grows.”
Corruption in government also grows and politicians pander to the high dense urban populations (the mobs) for their votes by giving away "free" stuff, with the "free" stuff being stolen from taxpayers by unconstitutional law. Cities, almost wholly dependent on government for survival, started moving left towards socialism. Normal populations started giving sway to the growing demands of zealots, lunatics and fringe communities. Common sense, logic and intellect were and are being replaced by liberal propaganda and political correctness to the point that the entire American population was and is being systematically brainwashed. After eight years of Obama's fundamental transformation, by 2018 the normal fringe elements (zealots and lunatics) of the bell shaped curve had more than doubled in size from 1955. Our society was and is manufacturing birdbrains and criminals at greater frequencies.
FROM THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH: In a 1962 edition of Scientific American, the ecologist John B. Calhoun presented the results of a macabre series of experiments conducted at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). He had placed several rats in a laboratory in a converted barn where – protected from disease and predation and supplied with food, water and bedding – they bred rapidly. The one thing they were lacking was space, a fact that became increasingly problematic as what he liked to describe as his “rat city” and “rodent utopia” teemed with animals. Unwanted social contact occurred with increasing frequency, leading to increased stress and aggression. Following the work of the physiologist, Hans Selye, it seemed that the adrenal system offered the standard binary solution: fight or flight. But in the sealed enclosure, flight was impossible. Violence quickly spiraled out of control. Cannibalism and infanticide followed. Males became hypersexual, pansexual and, an increasing proportion, homosexual. Calhoun called this vortex “a behavioral sink”. Their numbers fell into terminal decline and the population tailed off to extinction. At the experiments’ end, the only animals still alive had survived at an immense psychological cost: asexual and utterly withdrawn, they clustered in a vacant huddled mass. Even when reintroduced to normal rodent communities, these “socially autistic” animals remained isolated until death. In the words of one of Calhoun’s collaborators, rodent “utopia” had descended into “hell”.
In the 1950's, we were still fairly well spread out in America. Suburbia became the escape from the high densities of big cities. We had large lots where the kids could play in their own yards. Suburban areas spread like wildfire all over America. We built schools, churches, wide roads and parks. We then added businesses, industry and commerce to the suburban lifestyle where we didn't have to travel long distances to work in our cars. Friendly neighborhoods popped up and people began to talk to each other again, relieved of the high densities, stress, crime and pressures of big cities. Suburbia allowed us to stretch out a little, with more space for outdoor activities, and play. Kids didn't have to play in the streets, or in the hallways of large apartment buildings any more.
But all that changed in the late 1960's when radical environmentalism raised its ugly head. Environmentalists demanded that we save the suburban and rural areas for the trees, the animals, the birds and the insects. Government started passing more laws to restrict growth and reduce lot sizes in the surrounding areas of big cities. Environmental groups, like the Sierra Club, started doing studies on what were the optimum densities for big cities and came up with plans for high dense urban areas containing 50,000 people per square mile. There are very few cities on the planet that contain 50,000 people per square mile.
To accomplish this insane goal, hundreds of 25-story apartment buildings would have to be built in big cities. Each apartment would have businesses, retail and parking on the first floors so people could walk or take their bicycle to work. The apartment buildings would be connected by mass transit. Cars would be discouraged. This was all part of a grand plan called sustainable development created in a 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro under the UN policy known as Agenda 21. But in fact the policy is little more than "rack 'em and stack 'em", like rats in a cage. We are now mentally and physically crippling our children from the negative impacts of high-density living.
Just like the rats in the National Institute for Health studies, people react negatively to high dense urban living. "Violence increases. (Chicago, New York, Baltimore, Ferguson, LA) Males and females became hypersexual, pansexual and, an increasing proportion, homosexual. Anti-social behavior grows.”
Corruption in government also grows and politicians pander to the high dense urban populations (the mobs) for their votes by giving away "free" stuff, with the "free" stuff being stolen from taxpayers by unconstitutional law. Cities, almost wholly dependent on government for survival, started moving left towards socialism. Normal populations started giving sway to the growing demands of zealots, lunatics and fringe communities. Common sense, logic and intellect were and are being replaced by liberal propaganda and political correctness to the point that the entire American population was and is being systematically brainwashed. After eight years of Obama's fundamental transformation, by 2018 the normal fringe elements (zealots and lunatics) of the bell shaped curve had more than doubled in size from 1955. Our society was and is manufacturing birdbrains and criminals at greater frequencies.
Today we have the mayor of New York openly and blatantly moving the city towards socialism. Meanwhile, management of city services has declined in deference to social services ..... for votes. We have Democrat politicians openly promoting socialism as a federal policy in the land of the free and the brave. We have colleges telling the students that they can't clap, or use ALL CAPS in their writings and essays. It might offend some people. We have students carrying the American flag on a high school campus expelled because they offended the illegal aliens attending the school who were flying a Mexican flag. Government is offering free health care, free college tuition and jobs without regard to the cost. We have government squelching strongly held religious beliefs with respect to the gay lifestyle and gay marriage, by threats, fines and incarceration. We have cities passing laws forcing artists that they "must" depict the gay lifestyle in their art even though it goes against their religions beliefs, much less their freedom of choice.
Because of very liberal immigration policies, we have illegal aliens believing they have every right to come into America and they have been crossing our borders illegally by the millions for decades, while the American taxpayer picks up the tab for their food, clothing, rent, health care and education. States and cities are adding to the chaos by creating safe zones for illegal aliens under a "sanctuary city" policy. Illegal immigration has now become an un-resolvable problem because the two parties will not come together on a reasonable, common sense compromise that favors the interests of legal Americans.
Zealots and lunatics occupy the halls of Congress and state legislatures, where compromise to solve pressing problems is blocked by political intransigence. One such lunatic Congressman, Eric Swalwell, threatened legal Americans with nukes if they didn't hand over their guns when requested by government.
Environmental lunacy, promoted by zealot Democrats, with the help of the U. S. Congress and the U. S. Supreme Court, has gained so much power in politics that they have been successful in literally repealing Fifth Amendment property rights and shredding large parts of the Constitution. Worse than that, they are trying to force man-caused global warming down our throats, extract trillions more in taxes from us to solve this alleged human-caused problem, with the rational for such actions based on flawed science and made-as-instructed computer models. Read articles from credible sources that debunk climate change HERE.
Gun control zealots (mostly Democrats) keep demanding more gun restrictions, even though restrictions by themselves will not stop mass shootings and they know it. They just want more control and their ultimate goal is gun confiscation of the general population, just like England and Australia. United Nation policies actually call for planet-wide gun confiscation of all citizens.
Again zealot Democrats gave us Obama Care, without a single Republican vote, and nationalized one sixth of the American economy. Chief Justice John Roberts, an alleged conservative justice, voted with the liberals on the Court and sanctioned what was blatantly unconstitutional legislation. In so doing, he alone tore a giant blood-gushing hole in the American health care system and aided and abetted rapidly increasing health care costs and a reduction in health care services. The problem is now so acute that it can't be resolved because of irreconcilable party divisions.
All this socialist and liberal lunacy and zealotry have given us a rising and un-payable national debt. Mostly Democrats are responsible for the rising debt and have no compunction about raising the debt even more in order to buy off increasing numbers of dumb city voters ..... or illegal aliens. Their goal is perpetual political power and they are well on their way to getting it.
Common sense, logic and intellect are rapidly being replaced by increasing lunacy and zealotry in America that is a direct result of high dense urban cities, dependency on government by urban populations and the rapid move towards socialism. The deleterious effects of high dense urban living are mirroring the rat studies mentioned at the beginning of this article. The cause of our cultural breakdown stems from the insatiable desire of large segments of the urban population to increase their mental "highs" from drugs, alcohol and human-degrading entertainment. These addicted nut cases create the demand and their demand is supplied by the savage Mexican drug cartels.
Movies and television are two of the root causes of violence in our society and the break down of cultural norms. The news media, movies, television and violent computer games combined are the "carriers" of the violence disease.
Many of our readers have asked us, what can we do about all of the financial, economic, immigration, health care, crime, violence and cultural disintegration we are experiencing? We reply with:
"Sadly, we're being done in by the zealot and lunatic mob majority. The majority, mostly residing in big cities, has bought into the 'mother government' mantra and they want it to continue and they have the votes to make it continue. People are generally weak and they fall for the Democrat 'free' stuff all the time. That is how they are conquered, either by a party, a city, a state, a nation, or by one-world-government."
"We are at a similar point as were the Colonials in 1776. Many were quite happy with King George and didn't want anything to change. But about a third of the population had enough and decided to go to war. Ironically, less than 3% actually took up sword, musket and cannon to take on the British."
"Because big cities are almost virtually dependent on government and 80% of the population resides in big cities, we're not sure that anything can restore constitutional freedom short of war."
"It is said that he who has the most money, or the most votes, or the biggest guns wins. Right now, the common sense side of the population is in the minority. They may have the money and the guns, but they don't have the votes."
Evidently, most of the American people are perfectly content to be debt slaves and rats in a cage, dancing to the tune of a lunatic mob drummer. Until we once again seek freedom with the same savagery and determination as we did in the Revolutionary War, debt slaves and rats in a cage we will be. Soon we will be just like Europe, or worse, Venezuela and we will all stand by and watch it happen without so much as a whimper or a moan.
For the last 13 years and writing well over 500 articles on freedom, liberty and property rights, we have been trying to get people involved in saving their nation. After making at least seven different attempts, at great time and expense on our part, to get people involved, we have decided to take the gifts of patriotism, capitalism and freedom on the road instead. We will share those gifts with groups of 50 or more. If you are tired of being pushed around by government, or a debt slave, or a rat in a cage, click HERE.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Because of very liberal immigration policies, we have illegal aliens believing they have every right to come into America and they have been crossing our borders illegally by the millions for decades, while the American taxpayer picks up the tab for their food, clothing, rent, health care and education. States and cities are adding to the chaos by creating safe zones for illegal aliens under a "sanctuary city" policy. Illegal immigration has now become an un-resolvable problem because the two parties will not come together on a reasonable, common sense compromise that favors the interests of legal Americans.
Zealots and lunatics occupy the halls of Congress and state legislatures, where compromise to solve pressing problems is blocked by political intransigence. One such lunatic Congressman, Eric Swalwell, threatened legal Americans with nukes if they didn't hand over their guns when requested by government.
Environmental lunacy, promoted by zealot Democrats, with the help of the U. S. Congress and the U. S. Supreme Court, has gained so much power in politics that they have been successful in literally repealing Fifth Amendment property rights and shredding large parts of the Constitution. Worse than that, they are trying to force man-caused global warming down our throats, extract trillions more in taxes from us to solve this alleged human-caused problem, with the rational for such actions based on flawed science and made-as-instructed computer models. Read articles from credible sources that debunk climate change HERE.
Gun control zealots (mostly Democrats) keep demanding more gun restrictions, even though restrictions by themselves will not stop mass shootings and they know it. They just want more control and their ultimate goal is gun confiscation of the general population, just like England and Australia. United Nation policies actually call for planet-wide gun confiscation of all citizens.
Again zealot Democrats gave us Obama Care, without a single Republican vote, and nationalized one sixth of the American economy. Chief Justice John Roberts, an alleged conservative justice, voted with the liberals on the Court and sanctioned what was blatantly unconstitutional legislation. In so doing, he alone tore a giant blood-gushing hole in the American health care system and aided and abetted rapidly increasing health care costs and a reduction in health care services. The problem is now so acute that it can't be resolved because of irreconcilable party divisions.
All this socialist and liberal lunacy and zealotry have given us a rising and un-payable national debt. Mostly Democrats are responsible for the rising debt and have no compunction about raising the debt even more in order to buy off increasing numbers of dumb city voters ..... or illegal aliens. Their goal is perpetual political power and they are well on their way to getting it.
Common sense, logic and intellect are rapidly being replaced by increasing lunacy and zealotry in America that is a direct result of high dense urban cities, dependency on government by urban populations and the rapid move towards socialism. The deleterious effects of high dense urban living are mirroring the rat studies mentioned at the beginning of this article. The cause of our cultural breakdown stems from the insatiable desire of large segments of the urban population to increase their mental "highs" from drugs, alcohol and human-degrading entertainment. These addicted nut cases create the demand and their demand is supplied by the savage Mexican drug cartels.
Movies and television are two of the root causes of violence in our society and the break down of cultural norms. The news media, movies, television and violent computer games combined are the "carriers" of the violence disease.
Many of our readers have asked us, what can we do about all of the financial, economic, immigration, health care, crime, violence and cultural disintegration we are experiencing? We reply with:
"Sadly, we're being done in by the zealot and lunatic mob majority. The majority, mostly residing in big cities, has bought into the 'mother government' mantra and they want it to continue and they have the votes to make it continue. People are generally weak and they fall for the Democrat 'free' stuff all the time. That is how they are conquered, either by a party, a city, a state, a nation, or by one-world-government."
"We are at a similar point as were the Colonials in 1776. Many were quite happy with King George and didn't want anything to change. But about a third of the population had enough and decided to go to war. Ironically, less than 3% actually took up sword, musket and cannon to take on the British."
"Because big cities are almost virtually dependent on government and 80% of the population resides in big cities, we're not sure that anything can restore constitutional freedom short of war."
"It is said that he who has the most money, or the most votes, or the biggest guns wins. Right now, the common sense side of the population is in the minority. They may have the money and the guns, but they don't have the votes."
Evidently, most of the American people are perfectly content to be debt slaves and rats in a cage, dancing to the tune of a lunatic mob drummer. Until we once again seek freedom with the same savagery and determination as we did in the Revolutionary War, debt slaves and rats in a cage we will be. Soon we will be just like Europe, or worse, Venezuela and we will all stand by and watch it happen without so much as a whimper or a moan.
For the last 13 years and writing well over 500 articles on freedom, liberty and property rights, we have been trying to get people involved in saving their nation. After making at least seven different attempts, at great time and expense on our part, to get people involved, we have decided to take the gifts of patriotism, capitalism and freedom on the road instead. We will share those gifts with groups of 50 or more. If you are tired of being pushed around by government, or a debt slave, or a rat in a cage, click HERE.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Here is a novel Idea from NARLO. National Association of Rural Land Owners.
Link to website; www.wtusa.us
NARLO Main Website; http://www.narlo.org
"Out of Tyranny Freedom Was Born”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, November 18, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
They came and they kept coming. The British came. The Dutch came. The Swedes came. The Germans came. The French came. The Spaniards came. The Italians came and the Greeks came. Individuals and families came because they were being religiously and economically persecuted in what had become tyrannical old Europe. They left their homes of a thousand years to settle in this new land called America. The risked everything to come for freedom. Some would never reach the shores of America and died on the voyage.
They found a pristine land and began to tame it. They carved out the forests to grow their crops and build their homes. They built churches to practice their faith. They opened businesses to ply their trades. They built public schools and colleges to bring education to the masses. They built huge seaports to accommodate the great sailing vessels from all round the world.
These pilgrims, hardened by adversity, first toyed with communism but found capitalism and land ownership more productive and profitable. Great thinkers, like Franklin, Adams and Jefferson began to wrestle with the elements of freedom and how to craft documents of a representative government. From those documents came the Articles of Confederation, the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution. But it took a war with England before true freedom would be born from the minds of long dead philosophers and new world statesmen.
After the Revolutionary War, with their collective foots planted firmly on the Eastern shores of America, they looked west to the vast forests, mountains and open plains of an unsettled land. They bought huge swaths of the West from France, Spain and England to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. They forged steel and turned it into locomotives and railroads.
Once again a massive migration began westward across the mountains, the plains, the deserts and the forests. Americans were on the move again for that insatiable desire to own land and be free. They traveled by horseback and they came by covered wagon and they came by foot. They faced unspeakable obstacles in their path. From unmerciful weather, to steep mountains, deserts and rushing rivers to cross, to hostile Indians, to dust, to locus, they just kept coming. Many made it all the way to the Pacific and started a new life in the Sun. Many died along the way.
They built small towns and large cities as they moved west. They connected the cities with the stagecoach, the pony express, the telegraph and finally the railroad. To welcome in the new world of motorcars they built tens of thousands of miles of roads and bridges between the towns and cities.
To feed a hungry and growing nation they planted millions of acres in grain. They raised cattle, horses and sheep on the wide-open spaces to supplement the grain and ushered in the infamous cattleman and cowboy, which became an indelible icon of the west that still lives today.
These undaunted pioneers built factories to forge the steel. They built steam engines to drive our machines and power our industries. They extracted oil from the ground to refine gasoline for our cars. They discovered rubber to build the tires for those cars. They invented electricity to light and heat our homes. We no longer had to live in the dark at night.
They invented new fabrics to make our clothes, fabrics that were created from the dredges of oil refining. They built skyscrapers with the steel to house our great engines of commerce.
They created, invented and forged a nation of strong individuals, born of adversity, who found they could do anything to which they set their minds. They were proud, self-reliant and fiercely independent. They gave no quarter and asked for none. These were the pioneers that built America.
The blood of those pioneers courses through the veins and arteries of today's American. Yes, we've grown soft and weak to some degree, but the principles of freedom and liberty are still part of our DNA. Those embedded principles can be re-ignited by the adversity of the conflicts and divisions that divide us. Because out of adversity comes strength, stamina and resolve. On this day of Thanksgiving, let us resolve to never let those principles die out of neglect, apathy, or fear.
In all of life's creatures, nothing is as awesome as the goodness, beauty, strength, power, creativity, spontaneous generosity and spirit of the human individual, man, woman, or child. That beauty, strength, power, creativity, generosity and spirit is manifested best, when they are allowed to flourish under the umbrella of freedom. It is that individual freedom that allowed Americans to do what no other nation has done since the beginning of civilization.
Individuals, working either individually or collectively with other individuals, have been, are and always will be the movers and molders of a society. They are ultimately the decision makers and the risk takers, whether those decisions and risks be of the small variety covering our daily lives, or the ultimately large decisions and risks that set the direction of cultures, countries, or hemispheres.
Most positive human achievement comes as a result of efforts of and by an individual, not a society, or a culture ..... or a mob. Scientific discoveries, improvement in the human condition, or positive advances of government, come about from individuals working either by themselves or with a few others. A collective or a community didn't invent the light bulb. Thomas Edison, an individual, did.
Individualism is the engine that keeps the wheels of a free economy turning. Individuals, running their own businesses, create sixty to seventy percent of all United States jobs. What a country we live in. What a tribute to its resilient peoples. We are people of guts, courage, intellect, enterprise, fortitude and compassion. We are individuals in a sea of individuals and there is no strength on Earth that can match ours, in spite of our perceived troubles. That strength and power is a direct result of individuals and individual expression, living free.
If we must emulate someone, let us emulate the individual achievers. If we must follow, then let us follow in the footsteps of those that pioneer and forge ahead no matter what the odds or what peril lays in front of them. Intelligent, wise men and woman of vision forged the constitution of the United States. Courageous, individual pioneers settled the West against all odds. Now today, the individual spirit of thousands of entrepreneurs start new businesses every day, risking their relationships with each other and their personal fortunes, no matter how large or small. They put up with every conceivable obstacle thrown in their path, not only from market forces but also by government regulation and edict.
That individual strength and power still lives today in millions of Americans. But an evil socialist force, in the form of a political party, is trying to strip that power from us by calling us names, demeaning our character and attacking our principles.
To counter that evil force millions of free Americans must bind them selves together by rallying around a Manifesto of Irrevocable Constitutional Principles and agree to preserve, protect and defend those principles at whatever cost. A few of those Principles from the Manifesto are shown below. There are 20 more principles covering a wide range of vital constitutional issues.
Principle No. 14 - LOBBYING: Restrict, by legislation, the access of narrow-focus lobby groups in Washington DC and State legislatures, including the all-powerful environmental lobby. We should be a government of the "people", not special interest groups.
Principle No. 15 - TERM LIMITS. No public official shall be allowed to remain in one political office for more than two terms, forever. Entrenchment is an enemy of a good and just government, where remaining in office becomes a greater priority than service to country.
Principle No. 16 - SUBSIDIES: No group, business, agriculture, or otherwise [including Amazon] should be subsidized by the taxpayers. If a business cannot stand on its own based on sound business practices, then it should fail. Stronger, better managed, businesses should take their place.
We encourage each of our readers to take the time to review our Manifesto by clicking HERE.
A Canadian saw our Manifesto and couldn't wait to get a copy. We wrote to him and asked him why a Canadian would be interested in an American Manifesto. He wrote back to us and said:
"To answer your question as to why a Canadian such as myself show interest in the irrevocable conservative manifesto. Well let me tell you I am a Canadian Patriot, I believe in Libertarian and Conservative ideals. The problem with Canada is that it is presently ruled by a hostile Liberal government led by Justin Trudeau who in my humble opinion is a rabid globalist who is selling out our country day by day, little by little to the globalists. I see my country progressively being "Islamified" and those Muslims being given special rights and privileges. Their stipend just for showing up on our shores is about 50K a year while many of our veterans are languishing in homeless shelters. Obviously there is a problem, and I want to be part of the solution. I am amazed on how your constitution is God given and was entrusted to your Founding Fathers to bring it forward. This is why I ordered your constitutional manifesto because it might act as a guideline for someone such as myself to become more politically active."
Must it take a Canadian to make us finally wake up to the solid, God-given, unalienable rights of America's beginning?
We have few choices left to preserve constitutional freedom in America. We either confront this evil force by peaceful means, or by war, or return to the global tyranny from which we escaped four long centuries ago. There is no other place on the planet to seek freedom. There are no more wild frontiers to conquer. There is no more free land to work. There is only freedom to preserve.
Our lives are easy and we have grown soft and accustomed to being pushed around by government. We hesitate to get involved out of fear, so we keep our heads low and out of sight. When one of our neighbors goes down to government abuse, we hide in the shadows and thank God it wasn't us, just as the German people did in the first half of the 20th Century.
242 years ago, government was the enemy and the Founders knew it. So they crafted a document to hold government in check. But government has broken its constitutional bonds and is now free to tax us, herd us, corral us, abuse us and enslave us. Government is still the enemy today and to our detriment we let it out of its constitutional cage.
As an example, California Democrat Congressman Eric Swalwell just threatened American gun owners with nukes if they didn't comply with gun confiscation. That's how arrogant government has become. The next step is absolute power and ultimately enslavement.
Ladies and gentlemen, millions of Americans are still proud, self-reliant and fiercely independent. But if those millions of proud Americans do nothing, that globalism/socialist evil force will win and all Americans will become nothing more than indentured servants to government, or worse, international debt slaves to the one-world-order. Thanksgiving will cease to have any meaning whatsoever.
Our culture is hopelessly divided and in tatters. Our southern border is being overrun because of flawed immigration law. Most of the 13 colonies that gave birth to freedom are now socialist strongholds. Our national sovereignty is up for grabs. Our debt is in the stratosphere and our constitution is on the ropes. Our Republic is but a distorted image of its former self.
It is an undeniable truth. Those with the most money, or the most votes, or the biggest guns always win unless the people rise up and overwhelm those advantages with the power of the many. After what happened in the mid-term election of 2018, there's not much time left to stop the socialist-one-world train. It's on the tracks and picking up speed. But then which one of you is going to join with us to STOP IT?
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE
They found a pristine land and began to tame it. They carved out the forests to grow their crops and build their homes. They built churches to practice their faith. They opened businesses to ply their trades. They built public schools and colleges to bring education to the masses. They built huge seaports to accommodate the great sailing vessels from all round the world.
These pilgrims, hardened by adversity, first toyed with communism but found capitalism and land ownership more productive and profitable. Great thinkers, like Franklin, Adams and Jefferson began to wrestle with the elements of freedom and how to craft documents of a representative government. From those documents came the Articles of Confederation, the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution. But it took a war with England before true freedom would be born from the minds of long dead philosophers and new world statesmen.
After the Revolutionary War, with their collective foots planted firmly on the Eastern shores of America, they looked west to the vast forests, mountains and open plains of an unsettled land. They bought huge swaths of the West from France, Spain and England to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. They forged steel and turned it into locomotives and railroads.
Once again a massive migration began westward across the mountains, the plains, the deserts and the forests. Americans were on the move again for that insatiable desire to own land and be free. They traveled by horseback and they came by covered wagon and they came by foot. They faced unspeakable obstacles in their path. From unmerciful weather, to steep mountains, deserts and rushing rivers to cross, to hostile Indians, to dust, to locus, they just kept coming. Many made it all the way to the Pacific and started a new life in the Sun. Many died along the way.
They built small towns and large cities as they moved west. They connected the cities with the stagecoach, the pony express, the telegraph and finally the railroad. To welcome in the new world of motorcars they built tens of thousands of miles of roads and bridges between the towns and cities.
To feed a hungry and growing nation they planted millions of acres in grain. They raised cattle, horses and sheep on the wide-open spaces to supplement the grain and ushered in the infamous cattleman and cowboy, which became an indelible icon of the west that still lives today.
These undaunted pioneers built factories to forge the steel. They built steam engines to drive our machines and power our industries. They extracted oil from the ground to refine gasoline for our cars. They discovered rubber to build the tires for those cars. They invented electricity to light and heat our homes. We no longer had to live in the dark at night.
They invented new fabrics to make our clothes, fabrics that were created from the dredges of oil refining. They built skyscrapers with the steel to house our great engines of commerce.
They created, invented and forged a nation of strong individuals, born of adversity, who found they could do anything to which they set their minds. They were proud, self-reliant and fiercely independent. They gave no quarter and asked for none. These were the pioneers that built America.
The blood of those pioneers courses through the veins and arteries of today's American. Yes, we've grown soft and weak to some degree, but the principles of freedom and liberty are still part of our DNA. Those embedded principles can be re-ignited by the adversity of the conflicts and divisions that divide us. Because out of adversity comes strength, stamina and resolve. On this day of Thanksgiving, let us resolve to never let those principles die out of neglect, apathy, or fear.
In all of life's creatures, nothing is as awesome as the goodness, beauty, strength, power, creativity, spontaneous generosity and spirit of the human individual, man, woman, or child. That beauty, strength, power, creativity, generosity and spirit is manifested best, when they are allowed to flourish under the umbrella of freedom. It is that individual freedom that allowed Americans to do what no other nation has done since the beginning of civilization.
Individuals, working either individually or collectively with other individuals, have been, are and always will be the movers and molders of a society. They are ultimately the decision makers and the risk takers, whether those decisions and risks be of the small variety covering our daily lives, or the ultimately large decisions and risks that set the direction of cultures, countries, or hemispheres.
Most positive human achievement comes as a result of efforts of and by an individual, not a society, or a culture ..... or a mob. Scientific discoveries, improvement in the human condition, or positive advances of government, come about from individuals working either by themselves or with a few others. A collective or a community didn't invent the light bulb. Thomas Edison, an individual, did.
Individualism is the engine that keeps the wheels of a free economy turning. Individuals, running their own businesses, create sixty to seventy percent of all United States jobs. What a country we live in. What a tribute to its resilient peoples. We are people of guts, courage, intellect, enterprise, fortitude and compassion. We are individuals in a sea of individuals and there is no strength on Earth that can match ours, in spite of our perceived troubles. That strength and power is a direct result of individuals and individual expression, living free.
If we must emulate someone, let us emulate the individual achievers. If we must follow, then let us follow in the footsteps of those that pioneer and forge ahead no matter what the odds or what peril lays in front of them. Intelligent, wise men and woman of vision forged the constitution of the United States. Courageous, individual pioneers settled the West against all odds. Now today, the individual spirit of thousands of entrepreneurs start new businesses every day, risking their relationships with each other and their personal fortunes, no matter how large or small. They put up with every conceivable obstacle thrown in their path, not only from market forces but also by government regulation and edict.
That individual strength and power still lives today in millions of Americans. But an evil socialist force, in the form of a political party, is trying to strip that power from us by calling us names, demeaning our character and attacking our principles.
To counter that evil force millions of free Americans must bind them selves together by rallying around a Manifesto of Irrevocable Constitutional Principles and agree to preserve, protect and defend those principles at whatever cost. A few of those Principles from the Manifesto are shown below. There are 20 more principles covering a wide range of vital constitutional issues.
Principle No. 14 - LOBBYING: Restrict, by legislation, the access of narrow-focus lobby groups in Washington DC and State legislatures, including the all-powerful environmental lobby. We should be a government of the "people", not special interest groups.
Principle No. 15 - TERM LIMITS. No public official shall be allowed to remain in one political office for more than two terms, forever. Entrenchment is an enemy of a good and just government, where remaining in office becomes a greater priority than service to country.
Principle No. 16 - SUBSIDIES: No group, business, agriculture, or otherwise [including Amazon] should be subsidized by the taxpayers. If a business cannot stand on its own based on sound business practices, then it should fail. Stronger, better managed, businesses should take their place.
We encourage each of our readers to take the time to review our Manifesto by clicking HERE.
A Canadian saw our Manifesto and couldn't wait to get a copy. We wrote to him and asked him why a Canadian would be interested in an American Manifesto. He wrote back to us and said:
"To answer your question as to why a Canadian such as myself show interest in the irrevocable conservative manifesto. Well let me tell you I am a Canadian Patriot, I believe in Libertarian and Conservative ideals. The problem with Canada is that it is presently ruled by a hostile Liberal government led by Justin Trudeau who in my humble opinion is a rabid globalist who is selling out our country day by day, little by little to the globalists. I see my country progressively being "Islamified" and those Muslims being given special rights and privileges. Their stipend just for showing up on our shores is about 50K a year while many of our veterans are languishing in homeless shelters. Obviously there is a problem, and I want to be part of the solution. I am amazed on how your constitution is God given and was entrusted to your Founding Fathers to bring it forward. This is why I ordered your constitutional manifesto because it might act as a guideline for someone such as myself to become more politically active."
Must it take a Canadian to make us finally wake up to the solid, God-given, unalienable rights of America's beginning?
We have few choices left to preserve constitutional freedom in America. We either confront this evil force by peaceful means, or by war, or return to the global tyranny from which we escaped four long centuries ago. There is no other place on the planet to seek freedom. There are no more wild frontiers to conquer. There is no more free land to work. There is only freedom to preserve.
Our lives are easy and we have grown soft and accustomed to being pushed around by government. We hesitate to get involved out of fear, so we keep our heads low and out of sight. When one of our neighbors goes down to government abuse, we hide in the shadows and thank God it wasn't us, just as the German people did in the first half of the 20th Century.
242 years ago, government was the enemy and the Founders knew it. So they crafted a document to hold government in check. But government has broken its constitutional bonds and is now free to tax us, herd us, corral us, abuse us and enslave us. Government is still the enemy today and to our detriment we let it out of its constitutional cage.
As an example, California Democrat Congressman Eric Swalwell just threatened American gun owners with nukes if they didn't comply with gun confiscation. That's how arrogant government has become. The next step is absolute power and ultimately enslavement.
Ladies and gentlemen, millions of Americans are still proud, self-reliant and fiercely independent. But if those millions of proud Americans do nothing, that globalism/socialist evil force will win and all Americans will become nothing more than indentured servants to government, or worse, international debt slaves to the one-world-order. Thanksgiving will cease to have any meaning whatsoever.
Our culture is hopelessly divided and in tatters. Our southern border is being overrun because of flawed immigration law. Most of the 13 colonies that gave birth to freedom are now socialist strongholds. Our national sovereignty is up for grabs. Our debt is in the stratosphere and our constitution is on the ropes. Our Republic is but a distorted image of its former self.
It is an undeniable truth. Those with the most money, or the most votes, or the biggest guns always win unless the people rise up and overwhelm those advantages with the power of the many. After what happened in the mid-term election of 2018, there's not much time left to stop the socialist-one-world train. It's on the tracks and picking up speed. But then which one of you is going to join with us to STOP IT?
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE
"We Just Sit There and Watch While Our Home Burns”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, November 11, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
"When a 'forest fire' is lit, there is no telling which way it will go. It depends on the 'wind', the 'fuel load' and the 'humidity'. The 'wind' is about to blow real hard, the "fuel load" is huge and the humidity is dropping rapidly. It just takes the right 'match', a lightning strike, or spontaneous combustion to set the 'fire' in motion. The question is, what (or who) will set it off? Could it be health care, an illegal alien invasion, the one-world-order, radical environmentalism, man-caused global warming, the brainwashing of our kids, or trashing the Constitution by politicians and special interest groups? Was Jefferson right? Does a society need a revolution every hundred years? Messy, but could it be necessary if freedom is to be defended and preserved? If he's right, we're long overdue." Ron Ewart
Why in the world do we allow the news media and the Democrats to openly destroy a sitting President by any means, legal or illegal, thereby attempting to repeal everything he has done FOR America? How many Rush Limbaugh's, or Sean Hannity's, or thousands of conservative authors will it take to light the fire of freedom in America? How bad does government corruption have to get before the people will get angry enough to act in a decisive way? How many millions of Central and South Americans and terrorists will we let cross our borders illegally before we say enough is enough? How is it that two high-dense urban counties in Florida can manipulate the vote so that only Democrats win? Why did we let the Democrats destroy the American Health Care system and do nothing? How long are we going to sit by and watch the socialist Democrats turn America into a bankrupt Banana Republic before we tell them where to get off in no uncertain terms ..... and mean it, with force if necessary?
That’s right! We are civilized and we have been trained to be nice, polite and civil. But how is that working out for us? Has it stopped the onslaught of a flurry of local, state and federal laws and taxes that continue to “eat” away at our freedom, our liberty, our property rights and our wallet? Have we reined in government corruption with pleasantries and soft words? Have DC politicians, the Deep State, or your liberal-controlled state houses, or your city or county councils changed course because conservatives are being civil? Has being nice changed one liberal-progressive-socialist mind? Not likely.
Virtually every Conservative knows it. Their home of the free and the brave is on fire and burning down! We are engaged in a 10-alarm fire but so few seem to care, or don't know what to do. Unexplainably, Conservatives haven't even employed their first line of defense in a fire and that is to engage fully committed "fire fiighters." Sure there are token efforts to fight Progressivism going on all across the country, but the token efforts are too small, mostly rudderless and hopelessly underfunded. Only a massive, nation wide effort has any chance to peacefully undo what Progressives have done to this country while the rest of us watched. Is our only alternative to peace and freedom, war?
Progressives have been able to fundamentally change America and convert (brainwash) Americans into believing that Progressive/Socialism is the only right way, in spite of Conservative's somewhat limp opposition to that fundamental change. It is readily apparent that Conservatives do not have academia and they certainly don’t have the news media in their pockets. What they might have is enough people to oppose the liberal-progressive agenda, if America is truly a center-right country, as so many have claimed. However, if those "enough people" cannot come together on their values and principles and vigorously defend them, the liberal-progressive agenda has won.
The depth of anyone's commitment to change is directly related to their conviction that what they stand for, is right. The more intransigent is your opponent, the more force you will have to bring to defeat that opponent. As you increase your force, being nice becomes less and less effective, as history has taught us. Neville Chamberlain did not stop the Nazis by being nice and Obama didn't stop Iran or North Korea by being nice, either. Only the threat of overwhelming force and devastating sanctions have brought Iran and North Korea to the negotiating table. President Trump has done that, not wishy-washy Obama or the Democrats.
Unless conservative Americans increase their force against the opposition and cease being nice, the other side will not get the message. Unless conservative Americans realize that they are not going to win by donating pennies to those who are fighting for their freedom on their behalf, the force that freedom groups are able to apply to the problem can only be “limp” at best. Because not only does the opposition have a large segment of the people, academia and the news media in their pockets, they have billions of our tax dollars to push back against Conservatives, at the executive level, the legislative level and at the judicial level, be it local, state, or federal.
In a war and we are in a war of ideas, ideology and philosophy, when the other side holds most of the “aces”, (and the votes) and they do, the opposing side had better resort to the winning tactics of generals who are out numbered, out gunned and out spent. Being nice is not one of those tactics.
General Washington changed the field of battle by employing guerilla warfare. The British moaned and groaned that he wasn’t fighting fair. Tough! As he was out numbered, he turned to the messages of passion and patriotism to motivate his men. When he was out spent, he enlisted the help of the enemy of his enemies, France. Conservative Americans are not in a shooting war ….. yet, but if they do not start resorting to the strategy of winning and cease being nice, they will most certainly lose and so will freedom and liberty.
To that end, what is needed is a powerful statement of principles that all Conservatives can rally around. We strongly suggest that the statement of principles should be embodied in a "Conservative Irrevocable Manifesto." The Manifesto must contain a set of basic principles that are non-negotiable, along with an un-dying commitment to preserve, protect and defend those principles. Anything less is appeasement.
Three of those principles in the Manifesto are listed here.
1. Close the borders to illegal immigration, slow down legal immigration to 250,000 per year, significantly tighten the rules for asylum seekers, stop chain migration and end the visa lottery. Grant only legal status to DACA immigrants, but not amnesty. They should live out their lives in citizenship limbo. Aggressively, and we mean aggressively, deport ALL criminal illegal aliens, no matter what the crime, misdemeanor, or felony. If other non-criminal illegal aliens get caught up in the criminal illegal alien round up, so be it. They aren't supposed to be here in the first place. Stop all government benefits for ALL illegal aliens, including welfare, health care, education and housing. Perhaps then they will self-deport. Harsh you say? Tough?
As we mentioned in a previous article: If an unwanted guest invaded your home and the unwanted guest demanded that you pay for the unwanted guest's room, board, education and health care, you could very easily be motivated to expel that invader with violence. These illegal invaders from Central America and other places around the globe, have invaded our HOME and have demanded we pay for them. They should be expelled without question, or national sovereignty is meaningless!
2. Seriously restrict the rules for welfare, merge all current and overlapping federal welfare programs into one federal program. Make all able-bodied welfare recipients subject to drug testing and every recipient must be working diligently to seek gainful employment. If the welfare recipient fails the drug or work test, cut off the welfare ..... period. If you make welfare easy, you will condemn countless more Americans to a life of perpetual poverty and degrading indignity.
3. Demand that the Congress immediately set about to balance the federal budget. The only exception would be during a state of war declared by Congress. If that means cutting back entitlements then that is the price Americans will have to pay to ensure America's economic and financial health.
These are just three of the principles contained in the "Conservative Irrevocable Manifesto." We have listed many more basic, rock solid principles in our Manifesto Petition. If you agreed with the first three principles, we're sure you are likely to agree with the rest. A copy of the "Conservative Manifesto" Petition can be obtained by clicking HERE.
This powerful Manifesto would be employed as a set of demands if we ever have to implement "The Encirclement."
If we don't PRESERVE our freedom ladies and gentlemen, our HOUSE WILL burn down. It's on fire now and the "fire fighters" are drinking coffee and watching television in the firehouse. On this 100th anniversary celebrating the end of World War 1, think about it. If we don't put out the fire soon, all the sacrifices of our men in uniform to preserve "Constitutional Freedom" will have been for naught and European Socialism for America will have won.
It is big American cities that are driving this move towards national socialism for all. Over 200 years ago Thomas Jefferson wrote that, "When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe." Jefferson was unknowingly prophetic and his prophecy is about to come true ..... unless?
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Why in the world do we allow the news media and the Democrats to openly destroy a sitting President by any means, legal or illegal, thereby attempting to repeal everything he has done FOR America? How many Rush Limbaugh's, or Sean Hannity's, or thousands of conservative authors will it take to light the fire of freedom in America? How bad does government corruption have to get before the people will get angry enough to act in a decisive way? How many millions of Central and South Americans and terrorists will we let cross our borders illegally before we say enough is enough? How is it that two high-dense urban counties in Florida can manipulate the vote so that only Democrats win? Why did we let the Democrats destroy the American Health Care system and do nothing? How long are we going to sit by and watch the socialist Democrats turn America into a bankrupt Banana Republic before we tell them where to get off in no uncertain terms ..... and mean it, with force if necessary?
That’s right! We are civilized and we have been trained to be nice, polite and civil. But how is that working out for us? Has it stopped the onslaught of a flurry of local, state and federal laws and taxes that continue to “eat” away at our freedom, our liberty, our property rights and our wallet? Have we reined in government corruption with pleasantries and soft words? Have DC politicians, the Deep State, or your liberal-controlled state houses, or your city or county councils changed course because conservatives are being civil? Has being nice changed one liberal-progressive-socialist mind? Not likely.
Virtually every Conservative knows it. Their home of the free and the brave is on fire and burning down! We are engaged in a 10-alarm fire but so few seem to care, or don't know what to do. Unexplainably, Conservatives haven't even employed their first line of defense in a fire and that is to engage fully committed "fire fiighters." Sure there are token efforts to fight Progressivism going on all across the country, but the token efforts are too small, mostly rudderless and hopelessly underfunded. Only a massive, nation wide effort has any chance to peacefully undo what Progressives have done to this country while the rest of us watched. Is our only alternative to peace and freedom, war?
Progressives have been able to fundamentally change America and convert (brainwash) Americans into believing that Progressive/Socialism is the only right way, in spite of Conservative's somewhat limp opposition to that fundamental change. It is readily apparent that Conservatives do not have academia and they certainly don’t have the news media in their pockets. What they might have is enough people to oppose the liberal-progressive agenda, if America is truly a center-right country, as so many have claimed. However, if those "enough people" cannot come together on their values and principles and vigorously defend them, the liberal-progressive agenda has won.
The depth of anyone's commitment to change is directly related to their conviction that what they stand for, is right. The more intransigent is your opponent, the more force you will have to bring to defeat that opponent. As you increase your force, being nice becomes less and less effective, as history has taught us. Neville Chamberlain did not stop the Nazis by being nice and Obama didn't stop Iran or North Korea by being nice, either. Only the threat of overwhelming force and devastating sanctions have brought Iran and North Korea to the negotiating table. President Trump has done that, not wishy-washy Obama or the Democrats.
Unless conservative Americans increase their force against the opposition and cease being nice, the other side will not get the message. Unless conservative Americans realize that they are not going to win by donating pennies to those who are fighting for their freedom on their behalf, the force that freedom groups are able to apply to the problem can only be “limp” at best. Because not only does the opposition have a large segment of the people, academia and the news media in their pockets, they have billions of our tax dollars to push back against Conservatives, at the executive level, the legislative level and at the judicial level, be it local, state, or federal.
In a war and we are in a war of ideas, ideology and philosophy, when the other side holds most of the “aces”, (and the votes) and they do, the opposing side had better resort to the winning tactics of generals who are out numbered, out gunned and out spent. Being nice is not one of those tactics.
General Washington changed the field of battle by employing guerilla warfare. The British moaned and groaned that he wasn’t fighting fair. Tough! As he was out numbered, he turned to the messages of passion and patriotism to motivate his men. When he was out spent, he enlisted the help of the enemy of his enemies, France. Conservative Americans are not in a shooting war ….. yet, but if they do not start resorting to the strategy of winning and cease being nice, they will most certainly lose and so will freedom and liberty.
To that end, what is needed is a powerful statement of principles that all Conservatives can rally around. We strongly suggest that the statement of principles should be embodied in a "Conservative Irrevocable Manifesto." The Manifesto must contain a set of basic principles that are non-negotiable, along with an un-dying commitment to preserve, protect and defend those principles. Anything less is appeasement.
Three of those principles in the Manifesto are listed here.
1. Close the borders to illegal immigration, slow down legal immigration to 250,000 per year, significantly tighten the rules for asylum seekers, stop chain migration and end the visa lottery. Grant only legal status to DACA immigrants, but not amnesty. They should live out their lives in citizenship limbo. Aggressively, and we mean aggressively, deport ALL criminal illegal aliens, no matter what the crime, misdemeanor, or felony. If other non-criminal illegal aliens get caught up in the criminal illegal alien round up, so be it. They aren't supposed to be here in the first place. Stop all government benefits for ALL illegal aliens, including welfare, health care, education and housing. Perhaps then they will self-deport. Harsh you say? Tough?
As we mentioned in a previous article: If an unwanted guest invaded your home and the unwanted guest demanded that you pay for the unwanted guest's room, board, education and health care, you could very easily be motivated to expel that invader with violence. These illegal invaders from Central America and other places around the globe, have invaded our HOME and have demanded we pay for them. They should be expelled without question, or national sovereignty is meaningless!
2. Seriously restrict the rules for welfare, merge all current and overlapping federal welfare programs into one federal program. Make all able-bodied welfare recipients subject to drug testing and every recipient must be working diligently to seek gainful employment. If the welfare recipient fails the drug or work test, cut off the welfare ..... period. If you make welfare easy, you will condemn countless more Americans to a life of perpetual poverty and degrading indignity.
3. Demand that the Congress immediately set about to balance the federal budget. The only exception would be during a state of war declared by Congress. If that means cutting back entitlements then that is the price Americans will have to pay to ensure America's economic and financial health.
These are just three of the principles contained in the "Conservative Irrevocable Manifesto." We have listed many more basic, rock solid principles in our Manifesto Petition. If you agreed with the first three principles, we're sure you are likely to agree with the rest. A copy of the "Conservative Manifesto" Petition can be obtained by clicking HERE.
This powerful Manifesto would be employed as a set of demands if we ever have to implement "The Encirclement."
If we don't PRESERVE our freedom ladies and gentlemen, our HOUSE WILL burn down. It's on fire now and the "fire fighters" are drinking coffee and watching television in the firehouse. On this 100th anniversary celebrating the end of World War 1, think about it. If we don't put out the fire soon, all the sacrifices of our men in uniform to preserve "Constitutional Freedom" will have been for naught and European Socialism for America will have won.
It is big American cities that are driving this move towards national socialism for all. Over 200 years ago Thomas Jefferson wrote that, "When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe." Jefferson was unknowingly prophetic and his prophecy is about to come true ..... unless?
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
“The politicians of your country will always try to encircle you with the high walls of lies! You must know that the truth is beyond the walls and without meeting the truth you cannot meet the freedom!”
― Mehmet Murat ildan - Turkish Playright, Novelist and Thinker
Sometimes it's deceivingly subtle. Sometimes it's blatant and in your face. Sometimes the lies are camouflaged in soft images of family and hidden behind the innocent utterances of young children. The cons are ubiquitous and are issued forth from every form of communication. Politicians lie, advertisers lie, corporations lie, unions lie and insurance companies lie. Lying has become so common we lie to each other. Even Supreme Courts have issued decisions decreeing that political ads can lie during election cycles. We cheat on tests and lie to our insurance companies for claims for damages that weren't the cause of the current claim. (Did you just feel a twinge of guilt upon reading the last statement?)
Lying in advertising has become a professional art form. Car commercials are the worst. They lie by omission. Their ads say, "you save $8,719 off MSRP." Millions of Americans have no idea what MSRP stands for. The prices on cars have become so high, they are afraid to put the price in the commercial for fear of scaring potential customers away. Now if a wary customer applied logic to these ads, they would soon discern that they aren't really "saving" anything. The price is the price no matter what subterfuge the advertiser uses in trying to lure you into the showroom.
Another way TV car advertisers lie is to put the disclaimer information in such small print you can't read it. But even if it was in larger print, you couldn't read it anyway because the disclaimer only appears on the screen for a few seconds. Obviously, the advertiser puts up the disclaimer on the screen to comply with the law. But what good is a disclaimer if you can't read it?
Drug advertisers do somewhat the same thing when they put up the side effects of the drug. Once again, the print is so small and it is on the screen for such a short period of time, it also can't be read.
Sadly, we are living through another political season for the 2018 mid-term elections. We are barraged with endless TV ads explaining why this or that candidate is unfit for office, or whose policies are antithetical to ours. The ads for or against some initiative are the most deceiving. It is impossible to know whom to believe without exhaustive research. Most of the advertisers lie through their teeth, or so bend the truth it is unrecognizable.
While writing this article we watched former president Obama lecture us on how badly the Republicans lie..... over health care. He, the master liar and hypocrite, should hardly be the one to expose lies by the Republicans. His 2009 and 2010 speeches on Obama Care about how you can "keep your doctor" and you can "keep your health plan" were lies to get people to think just how great Obama Care was going to be. As usual all his lies led to a federal health care boondoggle that has not only cost millions of people their doctor and their health care, but the people have seen their premiums skyrocket.
The truth is, if lying was a criminal offense, most of Washington DC would be in jail.
Lying, deception and conning the American people are not a new phenomenon. Back in the late 1920's President Hoover retained Harvard University and the University of Illinois to undertake a study on how to manipulate the people through their subconscious minds. The Rockefeller Foundation funded the study. Many of the results of that study found their way into administrative policy and federal legislation.
Government lies, deception and cons, are without a doubt the most ubiquitous. Since the ink was dry on the Constitution, government has been lying, deceiving and conning the American people for a fare-thee-well. The passage of the 16th Amendment that gave birth to the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service may be one of the biggest cons perpetrated on the American people in the country's then 137-year history. It was the brainchild of the bankers and politicians looking for a way to control the money supply and providing irrevocable collateral (the people as debt slaves) for all loans made to the government by the Federal Reserve.
The next big con by the federal government, under a 1933 declared state of emergency, was FDR's New Deal and Social Security, which started the long slide into socialism. Government subsidies of individuals and businesses grew exponentially as government drew down the Public Treasury. Millions of Americans became the unwitting pawns of a power-hungry government.
From there the government (mostly Democrats) became obsessed with power and helping ANY American in need, for their votes. They devised plan after plan to accomplish that goal, beginning the upward climb to an un-payable national debt that now stands in excess of $20 Trillion.
President Johnson gave the American people the "Great Society" wherein the federal government expanded welfare to millions of Americans to the point there are now at least 80 over lapping means-tested welfare programs administered by the federal government. Federal and state means-tested welfare now approach $1 Trillion per year. Given that most welfare programs are rife with waste, fraud, abuse and corruption, 20% of that $1 Trillion is wasted or frittered away. The waste could be as high as $200 Billion per year of your taxes.
But government wasn't done with welfare or many other government programs for the "good of the people". Each time the government invented and then funded a new social program, or an environmental edict, billions more taxpayer funds would be needed and the freedoms, that the people had come to expect, were slowly withering away.
Each federal and state program for the "good of the people" were passed into law, while the politicians assured the people, through lies and deception, that it was all necessary and needed.
Then came the big environmental lie. In the late 1960's Congress passed the National Environmental Policy Act. (NEPA) NEPA spawned the Environmental Protection Agency, (EPA) the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and the Clean Water Act (CWA). From these policies came countless other environmental legislation that tightened a legislative noose around every landowner in America and added huge costs to the family budget. The government told us that all these laws were necessary to protect the environment but what they didn't tell us (they lied by omission) that these laws would gut Constitutionally protected property rights and the 5th Amendment requiring just compensation for government TAKINGS. Government could take up to 95% of the use of your property "for the environment" and wouldn't pay you a dime.
From this environmental legislative insanity came man-caused global warming. According to their propaganda, man was destroying the planet and he must be regulated in all forms of human activity that MIGHT damage the environment, which is just about everything that man does. Just some 40 years ago the same environmentalist scientists were sounding the alarm of global cooling, backed up by "unquestionable" science. They lied then and they are lying now and the American people continue to believe the lies.
Government and the environmentalists cooked up a plot to increase regulation and extract trillions more taxes out of Western nations by lying to the public about "climate change." International accords were drafted and approved by member states that included the Kyoto Protocol, the Copenhagen conference and the Paris Climate accord. Thankfully, America didn't sign the Kyoto Protocol, or the Copenhagen conference and withdrew from the Paris Climate Accord. China and India just ignored the first two international agreements and their participation in the Paris Climate Accord is a not-so-funny joke.
Without substantial scientific proof, government and the environmentalists, both national and international, pursued one of the biggest, planet-wide con games ever perpetrated on the human species. They lied to the public by telling them that man's contribution to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was sending the world headlong into a run-away warming spell that would doom humans to extinction, if the government didn't act and act now, no matter how much it cost.
With stealth and more lies they planted the alleged dire consequences of "climate change" into every American institution from the public schools, to the colleges, to the corporations, to the Unions and to a wide array of environmental special interest groups. They dummied up the science to get the desired result. They even bought off the American news media that continue to propagate the fraud. Government and the environmentalists are now so invested in the LIE, they concoct more lies to prop up the main lie.
We have devoted an entire web page on the NARLO website to article after article that refutes every aspect of "climate change." Since we posted that page, many more articles have surfaced further debunking this environmental myth, disguised as irrefutable truth.
One of the more egregious examples of political deception, lies and perjury occurred during the recent Kavanaugh Supreme Court nominee confirmation hearings. The attempts by the Democrats to derail the confirmation will go down in history as the most raucous display of raw, naked political power without conscience, ever seen in the Senate. And yet the voters may reward the Democrats anyhow and give them back the House of Representatives.
It is said that no one can take advantage of you unless you let them. But that assumes that you are aware that someone is trying to take advantage of you. When you are asleep, you are vulnerable to attack by stealth. A thief can sneak up on you in the night without your knowledge, do you physical harm, take your possessions, or burn down your house. A thief is at least honest about being a thief. But a government that does the same thing with stealth, or lies, or deception, when it has no authority to do so under our constitution, is worse than a thief. To violate the trust of the people, when you hold the power over their lives, their possessions and their property in your hands, as government does, is treason. While the people slept, government's greed, avarice and the lust for plenary (absolute) power filled the vacuum we left by our inattention and apathy.
The Founding Fathers crafted an excellent blue print for freedom, but they could not craft a defense against those with evil intent and a lust for power, that would dare to break the bonds of the Constitution, if the people refused to hold those in power, accountable. The Founders could also not prevent the weakness of the people who would sell their souls, their freedom and their liberty for security and a few pieces of silver, dolled out by politicians with their dirty little fingers opening the lock to the public treasury, all the while thirsting for votes to remain in power. It would appear that after 242 years and hundreds of thousands of men and women who were maimed or gave their lives to defend our freedom, we successfully became independent from a foreign power, England, only to become hopelessly dependent on our own government because we listened to and believed the LIES.
By now the mid-term elections are over and most of the election results are known. We did not know those results when we submitted this article for publication. The outcome of the election will give us an idea the direction America is headed. Are we headed for peace among our people, continual prosperity, financial security and secure borders, or are we headed for open borders, bankruptcy, endless strife, conflict and eventually civil war where all the LIES will be exposed in the history books but at great human cost?
Hopefully, we won't have to implement our plan of "The Encirclement."
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
― Mehmet Murat ildan - Turkish Playright, Novelist and Thinker
Sometimes it's deceivingly subtle. Sometimes it's blatant and in your face. Sometimes the lies are camouflaged in soft images of family and hidden behind the innocent utterances of young children. The cons are ubiquitous and are issued forth from every form of communication. Politicians lie, advertisers lie, corporations lie, unions lie and insurance companies lie. Lying has become so common we lie to each other. Even Supreme Courts have issued decisions decreeing that political ads can lie during election cycles. We cheat on tests and lie to our insurance companies for claims for damages that weren't the cause of the current claim. (Did you just feel a twinge of guilt upon reading the last statement?)
Lying in advertising has become a professional art form. Car commercials are the worst. They lie by omission. Their ads say, "you save $8,719 off MSRP." Millions of Americans have no idea what MSRP stands for. The prices on cars have become so high, they are afraid to put the price in the commercial for fear of scaring potential customers away. Now if a wary customer applied logic to these ads, they would soon discern that they aren't really "saving" anything. The price is the price no matter what subterfuge the advertiser uses in trying to lure you into the showroom.
Another way TV car advertisers lie is to put the disclaimer information in such small print you can't read it. But even if it was in larger print, you couldn't read it anyway because the disclaimer only appears on the screen for a few seconds. Obviously, the advertiser puts up the disclaimer on the screen to comply with the law. But what good is a disclaimer if you can't read it?
Drug advertisers do somewhat the same thing when they put up the side effects of the drug. Once again, the print is so small and it is on the screen for such a short period of time, it also can't be read.
Sadly, we are living through another political season for the 2018 mid-term elections. We are barraged with endless TV ads explaining why this or that candidate is unfit for office, or whose policies are antithetical to ours. The ads for or against some initiative are the most deceiving. It is impossible to know whom to believe without exhaustive research. Most of the advertisers lie through their teeth, or so bend the truth it is unrecognizable.
While writing this article we watched former president Obama lecture us on how badly the Republicans lie..... over health care. He, the master liar and hypocrite, should hardly be the one to expose lies by the Republicans. His 2009 and 2010 speeches on Obama Care about how you can "keep your doctor" and you can "keep your health plan" were lies to get people to think just how great Obama Care was going to be. As usual all his lies led to a federal health care boondoggle that has not only cost millions of people their doctor and their health care, but the people have seen their premiums skyrocket.
The truth is, if lying was a criminal offense, most of Washington DC would be in jail.
Lying, deception and conning the American people are not a new phenomenon. Back in the late 1920's President Hoover retained Harvard University and the University of Illinois to undertake a study on how to manipulate the people through their subconscious minds. The Rockefeller Foundation funded the study. Many of the results of that study found their way into administrative policy and federal legislation.
Government lies, deception and cons, are without a doubt the most ubiquitous. Since the ink was dry on the Constitution, government has been lying, deceiving and conning the American people for a fare-thee-well. The passage of the 16th Amendment that gave birth to the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service may be one of the biggest cons perpetrated on the American people in the country's then 137-year history. It was the brainchild of the bankers and politicians looking for a way to control the money supply and providing irrevocable collateral (the people as debt slaves) for all loans made to the government by the Federal Reserve.
The next big con by the federal government, under a 1933 declared state of emergency, was FDR's New Deal and Social Security, which started the long slide into socialism. Government subsidies of individuals and businesses grew exponentially as government drew down the Public Treasury. Millions of Americans became the unwitting pawns of a power-hungry government.
From there the government (mostly Democrats) became obsessed with power and helping ANY American in need, for their votes. They devised plan after plan to accomplish that goal, beginning the upward climb to an un-payable national debt that now stands in excess of $20 Trillion.
President Johnson gave the American people the "Great Society" wherein the federal government expanded welfare to millions of Americans to the point there are now at least 80 over lapping means-tested welfare programs administered by the federal government. Federal and state means-tested welfare now approach $1 Trillion per year. Given that most welfare programs are rife with waste, fraud, abuse and corruption, 20% of that $1 Trillion is wasted or frittered away. The waste could be as high as $200 Billion per year of your taxes.
But government wasn't done with welfare or many other government programs for the "good of the people". Each time the government invented and then funded a new social program, or an environmental edict, billions more taxpayer funds would be needed and the freedoms, that the people had come to expect, were slowly withering away.
Each federal and state program for the "good of the people" were passed into law, while the politicians assured the people, through lies and deception, that it was all necessary and needed.
Then came the big environmental lie. In the late 1960's Congress passed the National Environmental Policy Act. (NEPA) NEPA spawned the Environmental Protection Agency, (EPA) the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and the Clean Water Act (CWA). From these policies came countless other environmental legislation that tightened a legislative noose around every landowner in America and added huge costs to the family budget. The government told us that all these laws were necessary to protect the environment but what they didn't tell us (they lied by omission) that these laws would gut Constitutionally protected property rights and the 5th Amendment requiring just compensation for government TAKINGS. Government could take up to 95% of the use of your property "for the environment" and wouldn't pay you a dime.
From this environmental legislative insanity came man-caused global warming. According to their propaganda, man was destroying the planet and he must be regulated in all forms of human activity that MIGHT damage the environment, which is just about everything that man does. Just some 40 years ago the same environmentalist scientists were sounding the alarm of global cooling, backed up by "unquestionable" science. They lied then and they are lying now and the American people continue to believe the lies.
Government and the environmentalists cooked up a plot to increase regulation and extract trillions more taxes out of Western nations by lying to the public about "climate change." International accords were drafted and approved by member states that included the Kyoto Protocol, the Copenhagen conference and the Paris Climate accord. Thankfully, America didn't sign the Kyoto Protocol, or the Copenhagen conference and withdrew from the Paris Climate Accord. China and India just ignored the first two international agreements and their participation in the Paris Climate Accord is a not-so-funny joke.
Without substantial scientific proof, government and the environmentalists, both national and international, pursued one of the biggest, planet-wide con games ever perpetrated on the human species. They lied to the public by telling them that man's contribution to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was sending the world headlong into a run-away warming spell that would doom humans to extinction, if the government didn't act and act now, no matter how much it cost.
With stealth and more lies they planted the alleged dire consequences of "climate change" into every American institution from the public schools, to the colleges, to the corporations, to the Unions and to a wide array of environmental special interest groups. They dummied up the science to get the desired result. They even bought off the American news media that continue to propagate the fraud. Government and the environmentalists are now so invested in the LIE, they concoct more lies to prop up the main lie.
We have devoted an entire web page on the NARLO website to article after article that refutes every aspect of "climate change." Since we posted that page, many more articles have surfaced further debunking this environmental myth, disguised as irrefutable truth.
One of the more egregious examples of political deception, lies and perjury occurred during the recent Kavanaugh Supreme Court nominee confirmation hearings. The attempts by the Democrats to derail the confirmation will go down in history as the most raucous display of raw, naked political power without conscience, ever seen in the Senate. And yet the voters may reward the Democrats anyhow and give them back the House of Representatives.
It is said that no one can take advantage of you unless you let them. But that assumes that you are aware that someone is trying to take advantage of you. When you are asleep, you are vulnerable to attack by stealth. A thief can sneak up on you in the night without your knowledge, do you physical harm, take your possessions, or burn down your house. A thief is at least honest about being a thief. But a government that does the same thing with stealth, or lies, or deception, when it has no authority to do so under our constitution, is worse than a thief. To violate the trust of the people, when you hold the power over their lives, their possessions and their property in your hands, as government does, is treason. While the people slept, government's greed, avarice and the lust for plenary (absolute) power filled the vacuum we left by our inattention and apathy.
The Founding Fathers crafted an excellent blue print for freedom, but they could not craft a defense against those with evil intent and a lust for power, that would dare to break the bonds of the Constitution, if the people refused to hold those in power, accountable. The Founders could also not prevent the weakness of the people who would sell their souls, their freedom and their liberty for security and a few pieces of silver, dolled out by politicians with their dirty little fingers opening the lock to the public treasury, all the while thirsting for votes to remain in power. It would appear that after 242 years and hundreds of thousands of men and women who were maimed or gave their lives to defend our freedom, we successfully became independent from a foreign power, England, only to become hopelessly dependent on our own government because we listened to and believed the LIES.
By now the mid-term elections are over and most of the election results are known. We did not know those results when we submitted this article for publication. The outcome of the election will give us an idea the direction America is headed. Are we headed for peace among our people, continual prosperity, financial security and secure borders, or are we headed for open borders, bankruptcy, endless strife, conflict and eventually civil war where all the LIES will be exposed in the history books but at great human cost?
Hopefully, we won't have to implement our plan of "The Encirclement."
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Violence Can Be The Manifestation Of Societal Turmoil”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, November 4, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
Much violence is in the news these days. From school shootings, to cop killings, to rape, to burglary, to kidnappings, to terrorist attacks, to waves of illegal immigrants crossing our borders, to attempted assassinations of politicians by guns or bombs, violence continues to grow in America. Some of the violence is isolated to single individuals, like the recent pipe bomb perpetrator targeting high profile Democrat politicians, or the anti-Semite shooter in Pittsburg.
But more violence and threats of violence can also be the domain of large constituency groups, much like what the Socialist Democrats are exhibiting now. These 2018 mob attacks on Republican politicians by Democrat acolytes are not accidents. The attacks are not only preplanned they are encouraged by many Democrats, like Maxine Waters. Some of those people in the attack mobs are receiving payments from wealthy agitators.
The forces of evil have pitted us against each other and our growing differences have no other outlet than violence. Civil debate is breaking down and yelling and vitriol are taking its place.
Socialists, environmentalists, ethnic groups white, black and brown, gays and lesbians, transgenders, the homeless, men and women, illegal immigrants and rich and poor are all in conflict with each other and their conflicts are growing each day, egged on by government and special interest groups, or individuals like Democrat billionaires George Soros and Tom Steyer.
Now violence has always been with us since the dawn of time. But in a 24-hour news cycle, violence is brought to us in living color on our TV screens almost every waking hour, day and night, fiction and non-fiction. Turn on your local TV newscast and you will see what we mean. The local news consists of murders, rapes, burglaries, fights, gang wars, arson, building fires, car crashes and other mayhem.
TV programs, movies and other forms of entertainment, perpetuate the violence. We won't admit it, but the news media and "Hollywierd" are the carriers of the violence disease. Is it any wonder that our society has become more violent?
Also, the move towards socialism in America is on a fast track, perpetrated by a radical ideologically-driven Progressive politicians and mobs that mostly live in large cities. Violent Antifa, Black Lives Matter and White Supremacy groups and meaningless protests are loading fuel on the fire.
If it hasn't become apparent to the masses yet, there is no common ground between freedom and socialism. The outcome of this crash of ideologies can only end in violence.
Violence is the opposite of peace and civility. It has its sources and its reasons. The reasons are usually hate, irreconcilable conflicts and differences between man-to-man, or group-to-group. But rising government tyranny can also trigger violence.
Local, state and federal government politicians mistakenly believe that if they pass law after law against the citizens of America, especially if those laws fall outside of the expected freedoms most Americans believe are their unalienable rights, they are somehow immune from some of those Americans striking back with violence. Much of today's societal violence is the direct result of two opposing ideologies that are diabolically opposed to each other. They are in fact oil and water. Freedom cannot coexist with socialism!
Incidents of violence will continue to grow. First, it will be isolated events like the man near Denver, mad at local authorities over zoning issues, outfitted his large bulldozer with steel plates and small holes to see through, brought it to the planning department's office building and leveled the building before the police finally killed him, or he committed suicide.
Then there is the case of a man somewhere in Arizona that couldn't trim his own hedges himself and had to have it done by the contracted landscaper of the gated community he lived in, at his cost of course. He sued the Homeowners Association and lost. His next action was violence. He took a shotgun to the community meeting and killed two of the commissioners. He will be in jail for the rest of his life.
In another incident, a disgruntled contractor in Kirkwood, MO, just south of St. Louis, with a history of acrimony against civic leaders, stormed City Hall during a council meeting, yelled "Shoot the mayor!" and opened fire, killing two police officers and three city officials before law enforcement fatally shot him. It seems that the man was frequently at odds with the zoning commission. He ran a contracting business from his home and was often cited for storing materials that didn’t meet code.
Violence between rural landowner and government is also growing. The standoff between heavily armed Bureau of Land Management (BLM) agents and the Cliven Bundy family at their Nevada ranch in April of 2014 is one example. Only by the grace of God was a civilian blood bath averted.
The BLM-Bundy standoff led to the armed occupation of the Malheur nature preserve in Oregon, almost two years later. The armed occupation of the Preserve by the Bundy clan was triggered by the unjustified incarceration of fellow ranchers Dwight and Steve Hammond by the BLM. That occupation led to the unnecessary and violent murder of Lavoy Finicum and the wounding of other occupiers by state or federal authorities, on a lonely Oregon county road. Yes, government agents do shoot innocent Americans.
America is broke and deep in debt with no means of repayment of that debt. Unexplainably and negligently, government keeps adding trillions more to that debt. Gee! Why should we be angry?
Illegal alien peasants are crossing over the border in record numbers in direct defiance of our laws. These invaders are carrying diseases America eradicated years ago. The cost of this illegal invasion has exceeded $134 Billion annually. But think about it. If an unwanted guest invaded your home and the unwanted guest demanded that you pay for the unwanted guest's room, board, education and health care, you could very easily be motivated to expel that invader with violence. These illegal invaders from Central America have invaded our HOME and have demanded we pay for them. They should be expelled!
Millions of Americans find it necessary to live in a perpetual "high" on drugs and alcohol, resulting in tens of thousands of deaths each year by overdose. Death by drug or alcohol overdose is a violent act.
The turmoil in our families and communities is so great that kids are growing up in a state of daily anxiety, slowing their emotional development and rendering some of them unstable and unfit for life as an adult. Our culture and our families are fractured and breaking down, all a recipe for more violence. South Chicago is a glaring example.
Obama Care turned a working health care system into a nightmare of chaos, confusion and rising costs, brought to you by Socialist Democrats. Now those same Democrats, in their incessant drive towards socialism, want to replace Obama Care with an insanely costly Medicare program for every American that would send America into third-world status and rampant inflation. It would also destroy health care in America forever. This one drastic change alone could lead to violence.
Just today we received an e-mail from a landowner in Santa Rosa County, California asking what he can do to fight a proposed ordinance by County commissioners. The proposed ordinance was designed to "clean up" the rural areas of the county where the cost of the clean up was to be borne by the landowner. The landowner sounded frustrated and angry. Frustration and anger can lead to violence.
As law after law is added to the already voluminous law books, law breaking will become the norm. Violence will then follow the law breaking as government exerts more police power to enforce the growing number of insane and unenforceable laws. As government tyranny and enforcement rises and politicians and bureaucrats, at every level of government, continue to squeeze Americans with new and more draconian laws, violence will be the final arbiter, that is unless WE THE FREE PEOPLE OF AMERICA rise up en masse and peaceably take control of our government and bring it back to the principles of constitutional law that the Founding Fathers created for us, at great cost.
What we have now is a government run amok by national and international special interests and politicians only too eager to pander to those special interests for the money and political influence they will need to win the next election. On the other side we have an electorate that is oblivious to the corruption that goes on at every level of government and doesn't seem to care one whit. That same electorate has no concept of cost versus benefit when it comes to government welfare and give-away programs. To make matters worse, we have a news media that has become the arm of the Democrat Party, aiding and abetting the slide towards socialism.
A growing number of citizens that are frustrated with the unreasonable and in some cases treasonable actions of government, will resort to violence to relieve their pent up anger and frustration and to regain their freedom.
WE DO NOT CONDONE VIOLENCE AND HAVE WORKED DILIGENTLY TOWARDS PEACEFUL RESOLUTIONS OF AMERICA'S PROBLEMS. But we have been largely ignored. Nevertheless, if we are pushed once, we will politely ask why. If we are pushed twice, as government is doing to the free people of America, we will have no choice but to meet aggression with aggression. Many Americans wear the same stripes that we do and will push back when pushed. Pushing back can lead to violence.
Pundits on both sides say we must tone down the rhetoric, but they don't offer solutions to the vexing problems that divide us. Serious, unresolved problems lead to violence.
Socialist Democrats are pushing hard on free Americans to take America in a direction it will not go. We know there are reasonable Democrats out there that aren't buying into the socialist ideology. If those reasonable Democrats do not reject the socialist movement in their party, violence can be the only outcome.
Once again, socialism and freedom cannot co-exist with each other, resulting in growing societal turmoil. Violence is and will be the manifestation of that societal turmoil.
We close with this admonition. America is not Europe, or Russia, or China. Millions of Americans have tasted real freedom and they aren't about to let it slip through their fingers without a fight, or give it up to a bunch of pampered city folk who can't seem to make it on their own without government help.
This is not hyperbole or a far off Nostradamus prediction. This is fact. Ignore it at your own peril. Most of you will.
Next Tuesday or Wednesday Americans will know which way the political wind is blowing. It almost wholly depends on which party turns out in greater numbers. If America goes left in large numbers, our prediction will most certainly come true in time.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
But more violence and threats of violence can also be the domain of large constituency groups, much like what the Socialist Democrats are exhibiting now. These 2018 mob attacks on Republican politicians by Democrat acolytes are not accidents. The attacks are not only preplanned they are encouraged by many Democrats, like Maxine Waters. Some of those people in the attack mobs are receiving payments from wealthy agitators.
The forces of evil have pitted us against each other and our growing differences have no other outlet than violence. Civil debate is breaking down and yelling and vitriol are taking its place.
Socialists, environmentalists, ethnic groups white, black and brown, gays and lesbians, transgenders, the homeless, men and women, illegal immigrants and rich and poor are all in conflict with each other and their conflicts are growing each day, egged on by government and special interest groups, or individuals like Democrat billionaires George Soros and Tom Steyer.
Now violence has always been with us since the dawn of time. But in a 24-hour news cycle, violence is brought to us in living color on our TV screens almost every waking hour, day and night, fiction and non-fiction. Turn on your local TV newscast and you will see what we mean. The local news consists of murders, rapes, burglaries, fights, gang wars, arson, building fires, car crashes and other mayhem.
TV programs, movies and other forms of entertainment, perpetuate the violence. We won't admit it, but the news media and "Hollywierd" are the carriers of the violence disease. Is it any wonder that our society has become more violent?
Also, the move towards socialism in America is on a fast track, perpetrated by a radical ideologically-driven Progressive politicians and mobs that mostly live in large cities. Violent Antifa, Black Lives Matter and White Supremacy groups and meaningless protests are loading fuel on the fire.
If it hasn't become apparent to the masses yet, there is no common ground between freedom and socialism. The outcome of this crash of ideologies can only end in violence.
Violence is the opposite of peace and civility. It has its sources and its reasons. The reasons are usually hate, irreconcilable conflicts and differences between man-to-man, or group-to-group. But rising government tyranny can also trigger violence.
Local, state and federal government politicians mistakenly believe that if they pass law after law against the citizens of America, especially if those laws fall outside of the expected freedoms most Americans believe are their unalienable rights, they are somehow immune from some of those Americans striking back with violence. Much of today's societal violence is the direct result of two opposing ideologies that are diabolically opposed to each other. They are in fact oil and water. Freedom cannot coexist with socialism!
Incidents of violence will continue to grow. First, it will be isolated events like the man near Denver, mad at local authorities over zoning issues, outfitted his large bulldozer with steel plates and small holes to see through, brought it to the planning department's office building and leveled the building before the police finally killed him, or he committed suicide.
Then there is the case of a man somewhere in Arizona that couldn't trim his own hedges himself and had to have it done by the contracted landscaper of the gated community he lived in, at his cost of course. He sued the Homeowners Association and lost. His next action was violence. He took a shotgun to the community meeting and killed two of the commissioners. He will be in jail for the rest of his life.
In another incident, a disgruntled contractor in Kirkwood, MO, just south of St. Louis, with a history of acrimony against civic leaders, stormed City Hall during a council meeting, yelled "Shoot the mayor!" and opened fire, killing two police officers and three city officials before law enforcement fatally shot him. It seems that the man was frequently at odds with the zoning commission. He ran a contracting business from his home and was often cited for storing materials that didn’t meet code.
Violence between rural landowner and government is also growing. The standoff between heavily armed Bureau of Land Management (BLM) agents and the Cliven Bundy family at their Nevada ranch in April of 2014 is one example. Only by the grace of God was a civilian blood bath averted.
The BLM-Bundy standoff led to the armed occupation of the Malheur nature preserve in Oregon, almost two years later. The armed occupation of the Preserve by the Bundy clan was triggered by the unjustified incarceration of fellow ranchers Dwight and Steve Hammond by the BLM. That occupation led to the unnecessary and violent murder of Lavoy Finicum and the wounding of other occupiers by state or federal authorities, on a lonely Oregon county road. Yes, government agents do shoot innocent Americans.
America is broke and deep in debt with no means of repayment of that debt. Unexplainably and negligently, government keeps adding trillions more to that debt. Gee! Why should we be angry?
Illegal alien peasants are crossing over the border in record numbers in direct defiance of our laws. These invaders are carrying diseases America eradicated years ago. The cost of this illegal invasion has exceeded $134 Billion annually. But think about it. If an unwanted guest invaded your home and the unwanted guest demanded that you pay for the unwanted guest's room, board, education and health care, you could very easily be motivated to expel that invader with violence. These illegal invaders from Central America have invaded our HOME and have demanded we pay for them. They should be expelled!
Millions of Americans find it necessary to live in a perpetual "high" on drugs and alcohol, resulting in tens of thousands of deaths each year by overdose. Death by drug or alcohol overdose is a violent act.
The turmoil in our families and communities is so great that kids are growing up in a state of daily anxiety, slowing their emotional development and rendering some of them unstable and unfit for life as an adult. Our culture and our families are fractured and breaking down, all a recipe for more violence. South Chicago is a glaring example.
Obama Care turned a working health care system into a nightmare of chaos, confusion and rising costs, brought to you by Socialist Democrats. Now those same Democrats, in their incessant drive towards socialism, want to replace Obama Care with an insanely costly Medicare program for every American that would send America into third-world status and rampant inflation. It would also destroy health care in America forever. This one drastic change alone could lead to violence.
Just today we received an e-mail from a landowner in Santa Rosa County, California asking what he can do to fight a proposed ordinance by County commissioners. The proposed ordinance was designed to "clean up" the rural areas of the county where the cost of the clean up was to be borne by the landowner. The landowner sounded frustrated and angry. Frustration and anger can lead to violence.
As law after law is added to the already voluminous law books, law breaking will become the norm. Violence will then follow the law breaking as government exerts more police power to enforce the growing number of insane and unenforceable laws. As government tyranny and enforcement rises and politicians and bureaucrats, at every level of government, continue to squeeze Americans with new and more draconian laws, violence will be the final arbiter, that is unless WE THE FREE PEOPLE OF AMERICA rise up en masse and peaceably take control of our government and bring it back to the principles of constitutional law that the Founding Fathers created for us, at great cost.
What we have now is a government run amok by national and international special interests and politicians only too eager to pander to those special interests for the money and political influence they will need to win the next election. On the other side we have an electorate that is oblivious to the corruption that goes on at every level of government and doesn't seem to care one whit. That same electorate has no concept of cost versus benefit when it comes to government welfare and give-away programs. To make matters worse, we have a news media that has become the arm of the Democrat Party, aiding and abetting the slide towards socialism.
A growing number of citizens that are frustrated with the unreasonable and in some cases treasonable actions of government, will resort to violence to relieve their pent up anger and frustration and to regain their freedom.
WE DO NOT CONDONE VIOLENCE AND HAVE WORKED DILIGENTLY TOWARDS PEACEFUL RESOLUTIONS OF AMERICA'S PROBLEMS. But we have been largely ignored. Nevertheless, if we are pushed once, we will politely ask why. If we are pushed twice, as government is doing to the free people of America, we will have no choice but to meet aggression with aggression. Many Americans wear the same stripes that we do and will push back when pushed. Pushing back can lead to violence.
Pundits on both sides say we must tone down the rhetoric, but they don't offer solutions to the vexing problems that divide us. Serious, unresolved problems lead to violence.
Socialist Democrats are pushing hard on free Americans to take America in a direction it will not go. We know there are reasonable Democrats out there that aren't buying into the socialist ideology. If those reasonable Democrats do not reject the socialist movement in their party, violence can be the only outcome.
Once again, socialism and freedom cannot co-exist with each other, resulting in growing societal turmoil. Violence is and will be the manifestation of that societal turmoil.
We close with this admonition. America is not Europe, or Russia, or China. Millions of Americans have tasted real freedom and they aren't about to let it slip through their fingers without a fight, or give it up to a bunch of pampered city folk who can't seem to make it on their own without government help.
This is not hyperbole or a far off Nostradamus prediction. This is fact. Ignore it at your own peril. Most of you will.
Next Tuesday or Wednesday Americans will know which way the political wind is blowing. It almost wholly depends on which party turns out in greater numbers. If America goes left in large numbers, our prediction will most certainly come true in time.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Only The Righteous Hear The Truth”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, October 21, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
"Where there is righteousness in the heart, there is beauty in the character. When there is beauty in the character, there is harmony in the home. When there is harmony in the home, there is order in the nation. When there is order in the nation, there is peace in the world." A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, scientist and president of India 2002 - 2007
In almost all human endeavor, the goodness in man almost always triumphs over evil in the heart. However, we spend so much time focusing on evil we tend to overlook the power of our goodness, both individually and collectively. The artificial glimpse of the world we are forced to absorb through our eyes and ears when we watch TV, listen to the radio, or read a newspaper, is far removed from the day-to-day reality of our lives. Fortunately, the glue of family and the love between man, woman and child, manage to hold us together in spite of the distorted window through which we perceive the rest of the world, local, national, or international.
Throughout history the power of man's goodness has prevailed time and time again in our daily lives and in national and international conflict. Many righteous wars have been fought, at great human cost, to right the wrongs of evil men and brutal dictators. Goodness has prevailed in those conflicts.
Christianity and Judaism arose out of the darkness of antiquity and changed the world forever. Other religions that focused on the goodness in man were spawned in Asia.
But the goodness in man is much more basic and much less complicated than what some of our more learned academics would have us believe. That goodness lies at the center of the natural family and the love that binds families together. It is both biological and spiritual at the same time. Some will say that this special kind of family "glue" is a gift from our creator. Others will say that it is natural, as coming from nature. Both may be saying the same thing.
But while we are fed a daily gruel of shootings, stabbings, murders, rapes, robberies, arson, terrorism, injustices and human conflict, we lose sight of that great goodness that is in each one of us, even though a small percentage of us are consumed with evil due to mental illness, addictions and other afflictions.
The goodness in Americans, individually and collectively, in 242 years has accomplished what no other nation on earth has accomplished. We lead the world in innovation, creativity, food production, technology, military power, standard of living ..... and freedom. America is the envy of every human on earth and that is why so many want to come here. Very few people are trying to escape the United States. When people from other nations see the American flag flying proudly in the wind, they either shudder in fear or are overcome with a longing to be here.
We've written so much about what is wrong with America we thought it was time to write about what is right about America.
Nothing epitomizes what we are capable of as individuals and as a nation more than the sight of a large commercial jet liner (say a Boeing 747) lifting off from a long airport runway with a roar of immense power and speed, defying the force of gravity and arcing, bullet like, towards an unknown destination in but a relative instant of time.
Just a mere 160 years ago, a blink of time in the life of our planet, we were crossing the new land with wagons, horses, mules, or oxen. It wasn't until 1869 that the cross continent railway was completed. It is hard to imagine the spirit, determination and guts that it took for those frail people to cross the wilderness with unspeakable injuries, illness and suffering awaiting them. What took the pioneers three to five months or more to do, we now traverse in 3 to 5 hours. From the days of Wilbur and Orville Wright at the infamous Kitty Hawk, we have pole-vaulted the technology of flight to unimaginable speeds and heights. With our rockets we have gone to the moon and are exploring other planets.
Yes. We are a people full of flaws and yes we tend to get in our own way from time to time like we are now. But look at what we have done.
Think of the dams and the great power generating plants that we have built to provide power for our cities and towns. Think of the buildings we have built to house our people, our businesses and our factories and to continue one of the most awesome commercial and economic engines that ever occurred on the face of the earth.
Just think of the wide range of scientific research going on right now in the areas of energy. Cleaner sources will be developed and they will deliver energy several factors greater than current sources.
Look at the progress we have made in the world of medicine, even with all of its problems of costs, malpractice and hospital-transmitted diseases and the bickering and fighting that goes on between boards of hospitals, nurses, doctors ..... and yes, the government. But look what we take for granted for medical care in this country? We provide medical services in the United States that can only be gotten here.
Look at the machinery and prescription drugs that have been developed for the world of medicine. Magnetic Imaging Machines, breathing machines, heart-lung machines, blood monitoring machines, CAT scanners, X-ray machines and more. We don't know all of them because we are not in the world of medicine. All we know is that if something goes wrong you have a place to go where people care for the most part to see that your medical problem is resolved the best way they can. No, it's not perfect but it works better than it did 118 years ago when the life expectancy was 47 years old and is now 77 years.
Let's take a little closer look at technology over the last 10 or 20 years and what the computer has done in providing a continuous flow of information so that people can learn more and do things quicker. Some of you may remember the old mechanical Underwood typewriters or the IBM Selectric. We've come a long way baby!
Watch how fascinated a child is as he or she makes keystrokes on a keyboard of a computer and sees the response on the computer screen. They absorb it like a giant sponge and love every minute of it.
There is no crisis here. There are just problems to solve and challenges to meet. Challenges are met and problems resolved by enterprising individuals working together with other individuals.
Folks. We are going to the stars one day and nothing anybody says or does will stop that. No amount of fear of the unknown, or nay saying about financing will stop our advance into the Cosmos. We will find the technology and the money. Ever since man first burned himself with fire and realized he could use it to his advantage, or transported some object by rolling a log and converted that idea to the wheel, he has been forever driven towards more knowledge, more understanding and a wider, larger, broader world in which he can explore. In this quest he has been driven to go faster and faster, as his mind reaches farther and farther into the known Universe.
Some day in the not to distant future, we are going to develop power sources that will literally boggle the mind. Our vision is that each home, each office, each business or building will have its own centralized power unit. And in that power unit will have the source of power to purify our drinking water, destroy our raw sewage and gray water, heat and cool our homes and offices and provide the electrical power for our lights and appliances. One small unit in our homes, office buildings, or factories will provide all these uses.
Think of it. Those in your twenties watch how our planet will shrink in your lifetime. In ten or twenty years there will be airplanes that will leave the United States, sail up to the stratosphere or higher, glide at two to five times the speed of sound and land in Russia or China in a few hours. At 3,000 MPH we can go halfway around the world in 4 hours. In stark contrast, it took almost two months to cross the Atlantic Ocean in a sailing ship when freedom was born.
One of the most commendable of all human traits is the desire by some to give of themselves in service to others, either as a conscious effort, such as those people who donate their time to hospitals, churches, associations, charities and other causes in the name of helping those less fortunate than themselves, or as an unconscious and spontaneous reaching out at times of natural disasters or emergencies, small scale or large. It is our understanding that volunteerism in America, as a percentage of its population, is higher than in all of the other countries in the world.
The problem in this country is not poverty. No matter what others will tell you, it is not the disparity between poverty and wealth. It is not pestilence, or flood, famine, earthquake, or any of these things. What it is, is pandemic ignorance and too many people lacking the true knowledge needed to make intelligent decisions in life. For those who are willing to seek, the knowledge is there.
The answer to many of our problems is in the depth of our "point of reference". A broader knowledge increases our "point of reference". The answer is to always seek the truth and always leave your mind open to new information that might alter your perception of the truth. But only the righteous seek the truth.
In the end, we also must never lose sight of the fact that, the reason we as Americans are productive, creative, ingenuous, imaginative, reasonably happy and oh so generous, is because we are FREE. That freedom opens the door to our goodness and righteousness. And the reason we are FREE is because we have laid down a system of government where individuals have un-alienable, natural and God-given rights and where the government swears on solemn oath to preserve, protect and defend those rights. But it is the people's duty to hold the government to their oath so that freedom never flies away in the night, on the wings of apathy and indifference. It is the people's duty to reject all ideologies that conflict with individual, unalienable rights. It is the people's duty to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States by whatever means necessary.
Americans are a righteous people who are imbued with the love of each other and of the natural family. As righteous people we can hear and know the truth, if we will just open up our minds to the great goodness in each one of us. That goodness, allowed to flourish under freedom, is our salvation as well as the preservation of our individual liberty.
Government and special interests are trying to divide us. We must not let them succeed. We must reach out our hands to each other, no matter the depth of our differences, and turn to the power of the goodness within us. When we dwell upon our goodness and righteousness, our differences will melt away. We have forgotten that we are not each other's enemy. Our enemy is the evil forces that are trying to divide us.
Have faith in the realization that those who have taken the wrong path will one day see the light. Hopefully, it will be sooner rather than later. Even if it is later, goodness will, in the end, prevail.
Remember! Each one of you that is free in body, mind and spirit, will ALWAYS HOLD THE HIGH GROUND!
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
In almost all human endeavor, the goodness in man almost always triumphs over evil in the heart. However, we spend so much time focusing on evil we tend to overlook the power of our goodness, both individually and collectively. The artificial glimpse of the world we are forced to absorb through our eyes and ears when we watch TV, listen to the radio, or read a newspaper, is far removed from the day-to-day reality of our lives. Fortunately, the glue of family and the love between man, woman and child, manage to hold us together in spite of the distorted window through which we perceive the rest of the world, local, national, or international.
Throughout history the power of man's goodness has prevailed time and time again in our daily lives and in national and international conflict. Many righteous wars have been fought, at great human cost, to right the wrongs of evil men and brutal dictators. Goodness has prevailed in those conflicts.
Christianity and Judaism arose out of the darkness of antiquity and changed the world forever. Other religions that focused on the goodness in man were spawned in Asia.
But the goodness in man is much more basic and much less complicated than what some of our more learned academics would have us believe. That goodness lies at the center of the natural family and the love that binds families together. It is both biological and spiritual at the same time. Some will say that this special kind of family "glue" is a gift from our creator. Others will say that it is natural, as coming from nature. Both may be saying the same thing.
But while we are fed a daily gruel of shootings, stabbings, murders, rapes, robberies, arson, terrorism, injustices and human conflict, we lose sight of that great goodness that is in each one of us, even though a small percentage of us are consumed with evil due to mental illness, addictions and other afflictions.
The goodness in Americans, individually and collectively, in 242 years has accomplished what no other nation on earth has accomplished. We lead the world in innovation, creativity, food production, technology, military power, standard of living ..... and freedom. America is the envy of every human on earth and that is why so many want to come here. Very few people are trying to escape the United States. When people from other nations see the American flag flying proudly in the wind, they either shudder in fear or are overcome with a longing to be here.
We've written so much about what is wrong with America we thought it was time to write about what is right about America.
Nothing epitomizes what we are capable of as individuals and as a nation more than the sight of a large commercial jet liner (say a Boeing 747) lifting off from a long airport runway with a roar of immense power and speed, defying the force of gravity and arcing, bullet like, towards an unknown destination in but a relative instant of time.
Just a mere 160 years ago, a blink of time in the life of our planet, we were crossing the new land with wagons, horses, mules, or oxen. It wasn't until 1869 that the cross continent railway was completed. It is hard to imagine the spirit, determination and guts that it took for those frail people to cross the wilderness with unspeakable injuries, illness and suffering awaiting them. What took the pioneers three to five months or more to do, we now traverse in 3 to 5 hours. From the days of Wilbur and Orville Wright at the infamous Kitty Hawk, we have pole-vaulted the technology of flight to unimaginable speeds and heights. With our rockets we have gone to the moon and are exploring other planets.
Yes. We are a people full of flaws and yes we tend to get in our own way from time to time like we are now. But look at what we have done.
Think of the dams and the great power generating plants that we have built to provide power for our cities and towns. Think of the buildings we have built to house our people, our businesses and our factories and to continue one of the most awesome commercial and economic engines that ever occurred on the face of the earth.
Just think of the wide range of scientific research going on right now in the areas of energy. Cleaner sources will be developed and they will deliver energy several factors greater than current sources.
Look at the progress we have made in the world of medicine, even with all of its problems of costs, malpractice and hospital-transmitted diseases and the bickering and fighting that goes on between boards of hospitals, nurses, doctors ..... and yes, the government. But look what we take for granted for medical care in this country? We provide medical services in the United States that can only be gotten here.
Look at the machinery and prescription drugs that have been developed for the world of medicine. Magnetic Imaging Machines, breathing machines, heart-lung machines, blood monitoring machines, CAT scanners, X-ray machines and more. We don't know all of them because we are not in the world of medicine. All we know is that if something goes wrong you have a place to go where people care for the most part to see that your medical problem is resolved the best way they can. No, it's not perfect but it works better than it did 118 years ago when the life expectancy was 47 years old and is now 77 years.
Let's take a little closer look at technology over the last 10 or 20 years and what the computer has done in providing a continuous flow of information so that people can learn more and do things quicker. Some of you may remember the old mechanical Underwood typewriters or the IBM Selectric. We've come a long way baby!
Watch how fascinated a child is as he or she makes keystrokes on a keyboard of a computer and sees the response on the computer screen. They absorb it like a giant sponge and love every minute of it.
There is no crisis here. There are just problems to solve and challenges to meet. Challenges are met and problems resolved by enterprising individuals working together with other individuals.
Folks. We are going to the stars one day and nothing anybody says or does will stop that. No amount of fear of the unknown, or nay saying about financing will stop our advance into the Cosmos. We will find the technology and the money. Ever since man first burned himself with fire and realized he could use it to his advantage, or transported some object by rolling a log and converted that idea to the wheel, he has been forever driven towards more knowledge, more understanding and a wider, larger, broader world in which he can explore. In this quest he has been driven to go faster and faster, as his mind reaches farther and farther into the known Universe.
Some day in the not to distant future, we are going to develop power sources that will literally boggle the mind. Our vision is that each home, each office, each business or building will have its own centralized power unit. And in that power unit will have the source of power to purify our drinking water, destroy our raw sewage and gray water, heat and cool our homes and offices and provide the electrical power for our lights and appliances. One small unit in our homes, office buildings, or factories will provide all these uses.
Think of it. Those in your twenties watch how our planet will shrink in your lifetime. In ten or twenty years there will be airplanes that will leave the United States, sail up to the stratosphere or higher, glide at two to five times the speed of sound and land in Russia or China in a few hours. At 3,000 MPH we can go halfway around the world in 4 hours. In stark contrast, it took almost two months to cross the Atlantic Ocean in a sailing ship when freedom was born.
One of the most commendable of all human traits is the desire by some to give of themselves in service to others, either as a conscious effort, such as those people who donate their time to hospitals, churches, associations, charities and other causes in the name of helping those less fortunate than themselves, or as an unconscious and spontaneous reaching out at times of natural disasters or emergencies, small scale or large. It is our understanding that volunteerism in America, as a percentage of its population, is higher than in all of the other countries in the world.
The problem in this country is not poverty. No matter what others will tell you, it is not the disparity between poverty and wealth. It is not pestilence, or flood, famine, earthquake, or any of these things. What it is, is pandemic ignorance and too many people lacking the true knowledge needed to make intelligent decisions in life. For those who are willing to seek, the knowledge is there.
The answer to many of our problems is in the depth of our "point of reference". A broader knowledge increases our "point of reference". The answer is to always seek the truth and always leave your mind open to new information that might alter your perception of the truth. But only the righteous seek the truth.
In the end, we also must never lose sight of the fact that, the reason we as Americans are productive, creative, ingenuous, imaginative, reasonably happy and oh so generous, is because we are FREE. That freedom opens the door to our goodness and righteousness. And the reason we are FREE is because we have laid down a system of government where individuals have un-alienable, natural and God-given rights and where the government swears on solemn oath to preserve, protect and defend those rights. But it is the people's duty to hold the government to their oath so that freedom never flies away in the night, on the wings of apathy and indifference. It is the people's duty to reject all ideologies that conflict with individual, unalienable rights. It is the people's duty to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States by whatever means necessary.
Americans are a righteous people who are imbued with the love of each other and of the natural family. As righteous people we can hear and know the truth, if we will just open up our minds to the great goodness in each one of us. That goodness, allowed to flourish under freedom, is our salvation as well as the preservation of our individual liberty.
Government and special interests are trying to divide us. We must not let them succeed. We must reach out our hands to each other, no matter the depth of our differences, and turn to the power of the goodness within us. When we dwell upon our goodness and righteousness, our differences will melt away. We have forgotten that we are not each other's enemy. Our enemy is the evil forces that are trying to divide us.
Have faith in the realization that those who have taken the wrong path will one day see the light. Hopefully, it will be sooner rather than later. Even if it is later, goodness will, in the end, prevail.
Remember! Each one of you that is free in body, mind and spirit, will ALWAYS HOLD THE HIGH GROUND!
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Only The Righteous Hear The Truth" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"To Implement Socialism Just Brainwash The Kids”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, October 14, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
"Surrender unto me the Little Children" emanates from biblical sources surrounding the life of Jesus, but what we mean here is far removed from any biblical connotations. Children are like clay, you can mold them into anything you want; good, just men and women, or murders, killers, thieves and brutal dictators, provided you start early enough in their life, like at birth, or in their formative years in the elementary, middle and high school grades. As many of you know, Hitler was very aware of this fact and established what was called "Hitler's Youth".
The Hitler Youth was a logical extension of Hitler's belief that the future of Nazi Germany was its children. The Hitler Youth was seen as being as important to a child, as school was. Nazi education schemes partly fitted in with this but Hitler wanted to occupy the minds of the young in Nazi Germany even more. Movements for youngsters were part of German culture and the Hitler Youth had been created in the 1920's. By 1933 its membership stood at 100,000. After Hitler came to power, all other youth movements were abolished and as a result the Hitler Youth grew quickly. In 1936, the figure stood at 4 million members. In 1936, it became all but compulsory to join the Hitler Youth. Youths could avoid doing any active service if they paid their subscription, but this became all but impossible after 1939 because of the war.
Most Americans are unaware what the Federal Government has done and is doing to America's youth, is tantamount to what Hitler did during his rise to power, only on a lesser scale. You can decide if the motives of the American government are evil or benign.
Quite by accident we researched a Washington State House Bill (HB 2579 - 2005 legislative session) that mandated the teaching to children of 5th through 8th grades, the U. S. Constitution and how the U. S. Government works, purportedly as lessons in civics. We investigated further. In the legislation, two textbooks were mentioned as being required for study. The first was "WE THE PEOPLE" and the second was "PROJECT CITIZEN".
Upon a brief review of the subjects we found that the texts and supporting literature kept mentioning the term "Constitutional Democracy" and yet anyone familiar with our American History knows full well that America was created as a "Constitutional Republic". You won't find any mention in the textbooks of a Constitutional Republic. But the distinctions are significant to American freedom and liberty. A Democracy gives the majority absolute power and creates what has been called an "Absolute Democratic Monarchy", very similar to what American government has evolved into today. But a Constitutional Republic protects the minority from the tyranny of the majority, the well-defined design of the Founding Fathers.
At first we thought these were textbooks created for the state of Washington. But to our surprise it turns out they are published by the Center for Civic Education (CCE), a non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO), that is almost wholly funded by the United States Government.
Here is a truncated history of CCE:
1969 The Center became affiliated with the State Bar of California.
1969-74 The Center was funded by the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration of the U.S. Department of Justice and the California Council on Criminal Justice to develop and implement the Law in a Free Society professional development program in ten major school districts in California. The program was based on concepts fundamental to an understanding of politics and government. It was conducted under the auspices of the Extension Division of the University of California at Los Angeles.
1974 The Center became a program of the State Bar of California.
1979 The Center became part of a consortium implementing civic education programs throughout the nation funded by the U.S. Department of Education under the Law Related Education Act. Other members included the Constitutional Rights Foundations of Los Angeles and Chicago, Street Law, and the Special Committee on Youth Education for Citizenship of the American Bar Association.
1982 With funding from the U.S. Department of Justice, the Center began the Youth for Justice program in conjunction with the Constitutional Rights Foundation, Street Law, the American Bar Association, and Phi Alpha Delta. The Center promoted the implementation of its Foundations of Democracy program through this funding.
1994 The Center published the National Standards for Civics and Government, developed in conjunction with more than two thousand scholars, educators, and members of the general public. The National Standards have been widely used as a model for state curricular frameworks and standards throughout the country and in a number of other nations describing what students should know and be able to do in the field of civics and government at the end of grades 4, 8, and 12.
1996 The Center started the Campaign to Promote Civic Education, a fifty-state effort to encourage states and school districts to devote systematic attention to civic education from kindergarten through twelfth grade.
2007 The Center published Elements of Democracy, a resource for high school, college-level, and adult audiences that consists of the range of ideas that make up the vocabulary of democracy.
As we said, throughout CCE documentation a Constitutional Republic is never mentioned. They instead refer to government in America as a "Representative Democracy."
"Representative Democracy in America: Voices of the People is a national project designed to reinvigorate and educate Americans on the critical relationship between government and the people it serves. The project introduces citizens, particularly young people, to the representatives, institutions, and processes that serve to realize the goal of a government of, by, and for the people."
"The project is implemented by the Alliance for Representative Democracy, a collaborative effort of the Center for Civic Education, the Center on Congress at Indiana University, and the National Conference of State Legislatures. Representative Democracy in America: Voices of the People provides innovative educational materials for K-12 classrooms, conducts the Campaign to Promote Civic Education, and informs the general public about representative democracy through a variety of media. To learn more, visit the program’s website or download the RDA brochure." (the links are "hot")
The total influence of CCE on the educational process in America and internationally cannot be understated. They are the bible, the dictionary and Black's law all rolled up into one neat giant Progressive organization funded by your tax dollars. Most of you never heard of CCE.
The federal government took control of the curriculum in our schools in 1994, with the passage of three bills. The "Goals 2000 Educate America Act", the "School-to-Work (STW) Opportunities Act", and the "ESEA reauthorization Bill" (the infamous H. R. 6). The people who designed the 1994 laws knew exactly what they were doing. They put part of the package in one law, part of it in another law, and the remainder in the third law. The language in Goals 2000 states about 20 times that everything is "voluntary." But H.R. 6 says that, if a state doesn't comply, it will lose all its federal education money. These bills and laws are deliberately deceptive.
Like so many federal laws in today's government, they filter down to state and local levels because of the leverage the federal government has over the purse strings. Comply or lose federal dollars is hardly a voluntary program. None of the states are independent enough to resist federal blackmail.
This brings us back to the Center for Civic Education (CCE). CCE has been authorized by federal law to determine the federal curriculum in civics and government. Under H. R. 6, CCE is being funded with our tax money. There were no public bids for publishing these textbooks. So one company, whose board of directors and advisors lean heavily towards the left's agenda, is determining what is being taught to our children in public schools about how our government works, mandated by federal law and then followed up by enabling state law, as the State of Washington has done. The curriculum is further implemented by tailoring testing to the new paradigm.
Every day, as we search deeper and deeper into the bowels of the operations of our government, at every level, we find a premeditated effort by government to dismantle American constitutional law, American culture, American sovereignty, American freedom, American liberty and American property rights. As we connect the dots with the accumulation of more information, we can come to no other conclusion that this is being done with malice aforethought and a specific one-world-order agenda by an elite cadre of international and national individuals who have designs on manipulating all of the humans on this planet, by controlling the law, the money, the food, the water, the energy and mineral resources, and the land.
America cannot survive as a sovereign, free nation with this continuous and draconian assault on our sacred institutions of liberty, by our own government, while the "Consent of the Governed" stands idly by and does nothing. Unless the people wake up to what is being done to them by stealth and by traitors to the American experiment with freedom, that experiment will disappear into the opaque dust of history, as have all other such experiments since the dawn of human civilization. The people will one day awake to the chains that have been wrapped around their feet, their ankles, their necks and their very way of life, and they will be the "property" of the government, if they aren't already.
It is the explicit goal of the National Association of Rural Landowners to awaken the masses and encourage them to take action, before it is too late. We will be conducting further research into these programs and textbooks that are being published by CCE, as mandated by federal and state law. We intend to get to the bottom of this government conspiracy to control and mold our children by brainwashing and indoctrination to a mindset that is without question, un-American.
"Surrender unto me the little children, for they will be the leverage and the means to enslave their parents and all future generations." Ron Ewart
Creating socialism is easy. Just indoctrinate the kids through several generations. Why do you suppose that millions of millennials went for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 primary election? They've been brainwashed and most of their parents have been brainwashed after over three generations of socialist Democrat indoctrination!
But that's OK. No one is going to do anything about it anyway until someone finds a way to re-educate three lost generations. The task to re-educate that many people is so formidable that sadly, it may take a civil war to undo what government and special interests have done to what once was a Constitutional Republic.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Old Timers Resisting High Tech" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
The Hitler Youth was a logical extension of Hitler's belief that the future of Nazi Germany was its children. The Hitler Youth was seen as being as important to a child, as school was. Nazi education schemes partly fitted in with this but Hitler wanted to occupy the minds of the young in Nazi Germany even more. Movements for youngsters were part of German culture and the Hitler Youth had been created in the 1920's. By 1933 its membership stood at 100,000. After Hitler came to power, all other youth movements were abolished and as a result the Hitler Youth grew quickly. In 1936, the figure stood at 4 million members. In 1936, it became all but compulsory to join the Hitler Youth. Youths could avoid doing any active service if they paid their subscription, but this became all but impossible after 1939 because of the war.
Most Americans are unaware what the Federal Government has done and is doing to America's youth, is tantamount to what Hitler did during his rise to power, only on a lesser scale. You can decide if the motives of the American government are evil or benign.
Quite by accident we researched a Washington State House Bill (HB 2579 - 2005 legislative session) that mandated the teaching to children of 5th through 8th grades, the U. S. Constitution and how the U. S. Government works, purportedly as lessons in civics. We investigated further. In the legislation, two textbooks were mentioned as being required for study. The first was "WE THE PEOPLE" and the second was "PROJECT CITIZEN".
Upon a brief review of the subjects we found that the texts and supporting literature kept mentioning the term "Constitutional Democracy" and yet anyone familiar with our American History knows full well that America was created as a "Constitutional Republic". You won't find any mention in the textbooks of a Constitutional Republic. But the distinctions are significant to American freedom and liberty. A Democracy gives the majority absolute power and creates what has been called an "Absolute Democratic Monarchy", very similar to what American government has evolved into today. But a Constitutional Republic protects the minority from the tyranny of the majority, the well-defined design of the Founding Fathers.
At first we thought these were textbooks created for the state of Washington. But to our surprise it turns out they are published by the Center for Civic Education (CCE), a non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO), that is almost wholly funded by the United States Government.
Here is a truncated history of CCE:
1969 The Center became affiliated with the State Bar of California.
1969-74 The Center was funded by the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration of the U.S. Department of Justice and the California Council on Criminal Justice to develop and implement the Law in a Free Society professional development program in ten major school districts in California. The program was based on concepts fundamental to an understanding of politics and government. It was conducted under the auspices of the Extension Division of the University of California at Los Angeles.
1974 The Center became a program of the State Bar of California.
1979 The Center became part of a consortium implementing civic education programs throughout the nation funded by the U.S. Department of Education under the Law Related Education Act. Other members included the Constitutional Rights Foundations of Los Angeles and Chicago, Street Law, and the Special Committee on Youth Education for Citizenship of the American Bar Association.
1982 With funding from the U.S. Department of Justice, the Center began the Youth for Justice program in conjunction with the Constitutional Rights Foundation, Street Law, the American Bar Association, and Phi Alpha Delta. The Center promoted the implementation of its Foundations of Democracy program through this funding.
1994 The Center published the National Standards for Civics and Government, developed in conjunction with more than two thousand scholars, educators, and members of the general public. The National Standards have been widely used as a model for state curricular frameworks and standards throughout the country and in a number of other nations describing what students should know and be able to do in the field of civics and government at the end of grades 4, 8, and 12.
1996 The Center started the Campaign to Promote Civic Education, a fifty-state effort to encourage states and school districts to devote systematic attention to civic education from kindergarten through twelfth grade.
2007 The Center published Elements of Democracy, a resource for high school, college-level, and adult audiences that consists of the range of ideas that make up the vocabulary of democracy.
As we said, throughout CCE documentation a Constitutional Republic is never mentioned. They instead refer to government in America as a "Representative Democracy."
"Representative Democracy in America: Voices of the People is a national project designed to reinvigorate and educate Americans on the critical relationship between government and the people it serves. The project introduces citizens, particularly young people, to the representatives, institutions, and processes that serve to realize the goal of a government of, by, and for the people."
"The project is implemented by the Alliance for Representative Democracy, a collaborative effort of the Center for Civic Education, the Center on Congress at Indiana University, and the National Conference of State Legislatures. Representative Democracy in America: Voices of the People provides innovative educational materials for K-12 classrooms, conducts the Campaign to Promote Civic Education, and informs the general public about representative democracy through a variety of media. To learn more, visit the program’s website or download the RDA brochure." (the links are "hot")
The total influence of CCE on the educational process in America and internationally cannot be understated. They are the bible, the dictionary and Black's law all rolled up into one neat giant Progressive organization funded by your tax dollars. Most of you never heard of CCE.
The federal government took control of the curriculum in our schools in 1994, with the passage of three bills. The "Goals 2000 Educate America Act", the "School-to-Work (STW) Opportunities Act", and the "ESEA reauthorization Bill" (the infamous H. R. 6). The people who designed the 1994 laws knew exactly what they were doing. They put part of the package in one law, part of it in another law, and the remainder in the third law. The language in Goals 2000 states about 20 times that everything is "voluntary." But H.R. 6 says that, if a state doesn't comply, it will lose all its federal education money. These bills and laws are deliberately deceptive.
Like so many federal laws in today's government, they filter down to state and local levels because of the leverage the federal government has over the purse strings. Comply or lose federal dollars is hardly a voluntary program. None of the states are independent enough to resist federal blackmail.
This brings us back to the Center for Civic Education (CCE). CCE has been authorized by federal law to determine the federal curriculum in civics and government. Under H. R. 6, CCE is being funded with our tax money. There were no public bids for publishing these textbooks. So one company, whose board of directors and advisors lean heavily towards the left's agenda, is determining what is being taught to our children in public schools about how our government works, mandated by federal law and then followed up by enabling state law, as the State of Washington has done. The curriculum is further implemented by tailoring testing to the new paradigm.
Every day, as we search deeper and deeper into the bowels of the operations of our government, at every level, we find a premeditated effort by government to dismantle American constitutional law, American culture, American sovereignty, American freedom, American liberty and American property rights. As we connect the dots with the accumulation of more information, we can come to no other conclusion that this is being done with malice aforethought and a specific one-world-order agenda by an elite cadre of international and national individuals who have designs on manipulating all of the humans on this planet, by controlling the law, the money, the food, the water, the energy and mineral resources, and the land.
America cannot survive as a sovereign, free nation with this continuous and draconian assault on our sacred institutions of liberty, by our own government, while the "Consent of the Governed" stands idly by and does nothing. Unless the people wake up to what is being done to them by stealth and by traitors to the American experiment with freedom, that experiment will disappear into the opaque dust of history, as have all other such experiments since the dawn of human civilization. The people will one day awake to the chains that have been wrapped around their feet, their ankles, their necks and their very way of life, and they will be the "property" of the government, if they aren't already.
It is the explicit goal of the National Association of Rural Landowners to awaken the masses and encourage them to take action, before it is too late. We will be conducting further research into these programs and textbooks that are being published by CCE, as mandated by federal and state law. We intend to get to the bottom of this government conspiracy to control and mold our children by brainwashing and indoctrination to a mindset that is without question, un-American.
"Surrender unto me the little children, for they will be the leverage and the means to enslave their parents and all future generations." Ron Ewart
Creating socialism is easy. Just indoctrinate the kids through several generations. Why do you suppose that millions of millennials went for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 primary election? They've been brainwashed and most of their parents have been brainwashed after over three generations of socialist Democrat indoctrination!
But that's OK. No one is going to do anything about it anyway until someone finds a way to re-educate three lost generations. The task to re-educate that many people is so formidable that sadly, it may take a civil war to undo what government and special interests have done to what once was a Constitutional Republic.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Old Timers Resisting High Tech" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"There Are No Grand Solutions Without Grand Participation”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, September 23, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
During the Revolutionary War of 1776 there were around 2,500,000 inhabitants of the 13 Colonies. At the height of the war around 80,000 militia and Continental Army soldiers actually fought the war against the British that had around 86,000 soldiers. The 80,000 American soldiers represented just 3.2% of the total population. Hundreds of thousands of Americans escaped into Canada. At least one third were loyal to the British. The rest of the population tried to ignore or avoid the war without any affiliation or participation.
What is abundantly obvious from all these statistics is that 80,000 Americans sacrificed their lives, their limbs and their minds to give birth to freedom for the other 2,420,000 ignorant, apathetic, or disinterested Americans who went along for the ride with little sacrifice.
In the intervening years since the first Revolution, America has grown in population from 2,500,000 to somewhere between 320,000,000 and 330,000,000, over a 100 fold increase. Over half of that population is now dependent on government and leaning heavily towards socialism. That dependent segment of the population appears to be un-apologetic about their desire for Big Brother government and in fact relish the prospects. Most of these government-dependent people reside in large urban centers. According to the U. S. Census Bureau urban inhabitants now represents 80.7% of the total population. The trend on which way America is headed should be crystal clear.
But in what could be a violent contrast, millions of Americans still believe in personal freedom and further believe that the U. S. Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land, a Supreme Law that mentions nothing about socialism, much less government dependency. Just the opposite is true. These millions of freedom-loving Americans believe strongly in natural, God Given, unalienable rights, individual freedom, self-reliance and personal responsibility. The contrast between these two groups of Americans is so stark that compromise or co-existence becomes not just problematic, but virtually impossible. They are in fact oil and water that never mix. Those that represent the people in government (politicians) are a direct reflection of the American mindset. Thus, this stark contrast in mindset is why the U. S. Congress has become an impotent legislative body and an impediment to good government under the Constitution.
If this condition is allowed to proceed much longer without intervention, a violent war between the two sides is inevitable.
Of course many on both sides are aware of the conflict, but seem powerless to stop it. Those dependent on government, or longing for growing socialism, want to see the status quo continue and expanded in their favor with more government handouts and benefits, without regard to where the money is coming from to pay for it all. Those opposed to the status quo want drastic change and a return to American founding principles. As the condition worsens this second group of Americans is approaching a violent solution. Civil war could not just be an inaccurate prediction but the coming reality.
Those Americans that want to see a return to a Constitutional Republic are falling all over themselves with solution, after solution. But each solution is doomed to failure because one, they are too small and fractured and two, they haven't lined up the three vital components necessary to be successful.
The first component is a large enough group of people totally united and committed to the solution. If 80,000 soldiers fought for and won freedom for 2,500,000 other Americans, that 80,000 represented 3.2% of the total population in 1776. At the very least an equal percentage of the current population must be enlisted to fight for the return to a Constitutional Republic. 3.2% of the current population represents just over 10,000,000 people. The difference between 1776 and 2018 is that those 10,000,000 united and committed people of 2018 can do the job without resorting to violence.
The second component of a successful solution is a means of communication. In today's world of 24-hour television and massive social media capabilities, communication of the solution is a sure thing, albeit expensive.
The third component of a successful and peaceful solution to restore the Republic is money and lots of it. But money is a much more preferred ingredient to violence and the huge loss of life and property that would come from a civil war.
America is so wealthy, the amount of money necessary for a solution to be successful amounts to nothing more than providing a powerful, believable message and communicating that message to millions of Americans. The powerful message is easy and the means to communicate the message is readily available everywhere. But to communicate the powerful message takes money ..... and lots of it. If just one tenth (1/10th) of those 63,000,000 voters that voted for Donald Trump contributed just a miniscule fraction of their annual earnings, the money to fund a successful solution and a return to America's founding principles would pour in like water over a waterfall.
The hard fact is, we are being horribly outspent by the other side and they are winning simply because they found a significant money source. Don't be fooled. The winning of this war is largely about money.
As we mentioned in our last article entitled: "Is the Future of America An Avalanche of Socialism", we wrote:
"Until there is a massive mindset shift towards conservative principles, America has no hope as a free nation. That mindset shift can only come from an emotionally powerful visual, audio and print message repeated over and over again. Such an emotionally powerful message has the capability to overcome the generational brainwashing of millennials and middle aged Americans. The fact is, you can't change public policy unless you change the mindset of the masses, or those that represent them! Short of this, all other mechanisms for change will eventually fail."
That mindset shift can only be achieved by adopting the three components of a successful solution described in this article. Anything less will not work. The brainwashing and indoctrination of the American people towards socialism and collectivism by evil forces (Progressives, socialist Democrats) extends over at least three generations. It is impossible to undo that indoctrination using American institutions that have already been infected. Fractured efforts by well meaning patriots with too few people, poor access to communication and feeble amounts of money, are doomed to failure. The only peaceful solution to restoring America to the vision of its Founders in as short a period of time as possible, (2 election cycles or less) must be BOLD and external to corrupted American institutions. The effort has to be emotionally powerful, meaningful, massive, overwhelming and repetitive.
Ladies and gentlemen, why would Americans sacrifice billions of dollars, massive military weapon build-ups and millions of men to free Europe in two world wars, but are not willing to sacrifice ANYTHING! to save America from committing national suicide by becoming a socialist, third-world nation? Take that unexplainable quandary to bed with you tonight!
We're starting a peaceful war here in America. Do you have the courage to join us? If you do, check out the three components to our peaceful war HERE and why they will be successful.
But as the title to this article implies, "There Are No Grand Solutions Without Grand Participation."
Once again, without your participation, our BOLD and GRAND solution will be relegated to the scrap heap of long forgotten freedom movements dating back to the beginning of human civilization. Many civilizations have tried, but most fail. They fail because the masses are cowards, weak, broke and unorganized. They would rather capitulate to power and tyranny rather than confront it with force. Those brave souls that challenge power and tyranny are too few to win. You cannot win a war (and we are in a war) without the three "M's" ..... Men, Materials and Money. Our solution provides the three "M's."
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (!), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Old Timers Resisting High Tech" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE
What is abundantly obvious from all these statistics is that 80,000 Americans sacrificed their lives, their limbs and their minds to give birth to freedom for the other 2,420,000 ignorant, apathetic, or disinterested Americans who went along for the ride with little sacrifice.
In the intervening years since the first Revolution, America has grown in population from 2,500,000 to somewhere between 320,000,000 and 330,000,000, over a 100 fold increase. Over half of that population is now dependent on government and leaning heavily towards socialism. That dependent segment of the population appears to be un-apologetic about their desire for Big Brother government and in fact relish the prospects. Most of these government-dependent people reside in large urban centers. According to the U. S. Census Bureau urban inhabitants now represents 80.7% of the total population. The trend on which way America is headed should be crystal clear.
But in what could be a violent contrast, millions of Americans still believe in personal freedom and further believe that the U. S. Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land, a Supreme Law that mentions nothing about socialism, much less government dependency. Just the opposite is true. These millions of freedom-loving Americans believe strongly in natural, God Given, unalienable rights, individual freedom, self-reliance and personal responsibility. The contrast between these two groups of Americans is so stark that compromise or co-existence becomes not just problematic, but virtually impossible. They are in fact oil and water that never mix. Those that represent the people in government (politicians) are a direct reflection of the American mindset. Thus, this stark contrast in mindset is why the U. S. Congress has become an impotent legislative body and an impediment to good government under the Constitution.
If this condition is allowed to proceed much longer without intervention, a violent war between the two sides is inevitable.
Of course many on both sides are aware of the conflict, but seem powerless to stop it. Those dependent on government, or longing for growing socialism, want to see the status quo continue and expanded in their favor with more government handouts and benefits, without regard to where the money is coming from to pay for it all. Those opposed to the status quo want drastic change and a return to American founding principles. As the condition worsens this second group of Americans is approaching a violent solution. Civil war could not just be an inaccurate prediction but the coming reality.
Those Americans that want to see a return to a Constitutional Republic are falling all over themselves with solution, after solution. But each solution is doomed to failure because one, they are too small and fractured and two, they haven't lined up the three vital components necessary to be successful.
The first component is a large enough group of people totally united and committed to the solution. If 80,000 soldiers fought for and won freedom for 2,500,000 other Americans, that 80,000 represented 3.2% of the total population in 1776. At the very least an equal percentage of the current population must be enlisted to fight for the return to a Constitutional Republic. 3.2% of the current population represents just over 10,000,000 people. The difference between 1776 and 2018 is that those 10,000,000 united and committed people of 2018 can do the job without resorting to violence.
The second component of a successful solution is a means of communication. In today's world of 24-hour television and massive social media capabilities, communication of the solution is a sure thing, albeit expensive.
The third component of a successful and peaceful solution to restore the Republic is money and lots of it. But money is a much more preferred ingredient to violence and the huge loss of life and property that would come from a civil war.
America is so wealthy, the amount of money necessary for a solution to be successful amounts to nothing more than providing a powerful, believable message and communicating that message to millions of Americans. The powerful message is easy and the means to communicate the message is readily available everywhere. But to communicate the powerful message takes money ..... and lots of it. If just one tenth (1/10th) of those 63,000,000 voters that voted for Donald Trump contributed just a miniscule fraction of their annual earnings, the money to fund a successful solution and a return to America's founding principles would pour in like water over a waterfall.
The hard fact is, we are being horribly outspent by the other side and they are winning simply because they found a significant money source. Don't be fooled. The winning of this war is largely about money.
As we mentioned in our last article entitled: "Is the Future of America An Avalanche of Socialism", we wrote:
"Until there is a massive mindset shift towards conservative principles, America has no hope as a free nation. That mindset shift can only come from an emotionally powerful visual, audio and print message repeated over and over again. Such an emotionally powerful message has the capability to overcome the generational brainwashing of millennials and middle aged Americans. The fact is, you can't change public policy unless you change the mindset of the masses, or those that represent them! Short of this, all other mechanisms for change will eventually fail."
That mindset shift can only be achieved by adopting the three components of a successful solution described in this article. Anything less will not work. The brainwashing and indoctrination of the American people towards socialism and collectivism by evil forces (Progressives, socialist Democrats) extends over at least three generations. It is impossible to undo that indoctrination using American institutions that have already been infected. Fractured efforts by well meaning patriots with too few people, poor access to communication and feeble amounts of money, are doomed to failure. The only peaceful solution to restoring America to the vision of its Founders in as short a period of time as possible, (2 election cycles or less) must be BOLD and external to corrupted American institutions. The effort has to be emotionally powerful, meaningful, massive, overwhelming and repetitive.
Ladies and gentlemen, why would Americans sacrifice billions of dollars, massive military weapon build-ups and millions of men to free Europe in two world wars, but are not willing to sacrifice ANYTHING! to save America from committing national suicide by becoming a socialist, third-world nation? Take that unexplainable quandary to bed with you tonight!
We're starting a peaceful war here in America. Do you have the courage to join us? If you do, check out the three components to our peaceful war HERE and why they will be successful.
But as the title to this article implies, "There Are No Grand Solutions Without Grand Participation."
Once again, without your participation, our BOLD and GRAND solution will be relegated to the scrap heap of long forgotten freedom movements dating back to the beginning of human civilization. Many civilizations have tried, but most fail. They fail because the masses are cowards, weak, broke and unorganized. They would rather capitulate to power and tyranny rather than confront it with force. Those brave souls that challenge power and tyranny are too few to win. You cannot win a war (and we are in a war) without the three "M's" ..... Men, Materials and Money. Our solution provides the three "M's."
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (!), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Old Timers Resisting High Tech" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE
"Is The Future of America An Avalanche of Socialism?”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, September 16, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
"Oh what fools we mortals be,
As we drown in our own stupidity.
Oh what dunces we have become,
Giving in to the Democrat's gooey dung.
For now we are deeply mired
In the socialist's sticky muck
And beaten down 'til we're tired,
Like a cracked and broken hockey puck.
Oh what fools we mortals be,
When we willingly give up our liberty."
Ron Ewart
America is an avalanche heading down hill and picking up speed. Millions of millennials (dumb, brainwashed kids) deadbeats, bloodsuckers and blind socialists are in that avalanche. The question is, can we stop it before it takes us all to Hell?
Every time you turn around today, a new socialist politician rises up out of a subterranean, guano littered cavern to announce that socialism is the only right way for America. In primary elections the new socialist is beating long-term, well-known politicians, at least on the Democrat side. They are winning in some isolated cases because the new socialist makes big promises (with our money) just as the Democrats have, to their dumbed-down, socialist indoctrinated, usually big-city constituents.
Socialism to the socialist and the mindless voter, of course, means free food, clothing, rent, health care and cash to the lazy able bodied and the fried brain deadbeats of society that have been brainwashed into believing that everything they get is "free." The cost of all the hundreds of federal, state and local socialist programs is irrelevant to them just so long as the government keeps their checks coming every month.
Socialism means "let-'em-all-in" open borders and no ICE to deport those that cross illegally. Socialism means sanctuary cities for murderers, rapists, robbers, drug dealers, scam artists, the diseased and other dredges of society.
Socialism means radical environmental protection and a belief in man-caused global warming as a mandatory requirement for being a good socialist (or is it brain dead puppet).
Socialism means the repeal of individual property rights. Socialism means the confiscation of the means of production and is in irreconcilable conflict with free markets and capitalism.
Socialism means dependency on government. It is contrary to freedom, unalienable rights, self-reliance and individual responsibility.
Socialism means that individual rights are subordinate to the collective, in direct violation of the Constitution. Multi-culturalism, a failed government model, is a main tenet of Socialism.
Socialism means that only collectivist thought is allowed and all other individual thought or actions are to be vilified and demeaned as mean spirited, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynist, or racist.
The U. S. Constitution is an impediment to socialism and must be radically altered to allow the "principles" of socialism to enter the main stream.
Socialism is the unconscionable, burdensome, usury taxation to pay for over-budget social programs.
Socialism means endless regulations against any and all human activity. The masses are dumb and un-educated, can't think for themselves and must have "Big Brother" government make decisions for them using law. That's why socialist Democrats like the illegal alien uneducated peasants coming across our borders from Central and South America.
Americans must be saved from themselves by the all-wise, all-knowing, all-seeing MOTHER government.
For at least 100 years once free Americans have either willingly or unknowingly, given the power of the chains of slavery to the socialists in our midst. And those chains come in the form of millions of laws, regulations, restrictions and ordinances. Most of those laws have no Constitutional foundation.
As government was using the money from our public treasury to buy votes with the promise of "free" everything to the naive and ignorant among us, the rest of us had our heads stuck in the sand and were oblivious to the hidden treachery lurking in the diabolical minds of those in power, that were using every liberal trick in the book to remain in power. They still are.
From Teddy Roosevelt (and maybe even Lincoln) all the way up to Obama, government has been working at cross-purposes to American freedom and sovereignty. Government socialists have bought off the masses and special interest groups with money, benefits and special favors and now those masses and special interest groups vie for the slop that is poured into government pig troughs every day. Like birds at a bird feeder, they jockey for position to make sure they get their "fair" share. Like a pride of lions over a kill, they snarl at each other for a piece of the decaying flesh. Government and the Socialist Democrats have turned the American people into beasts, acting against each other, to the point that we now stand as a nation hopelessly divided.
Predictably we find ourselves in a quicksand of our own making, having forgotten that the foundation of liberty must always be preserved by the eternal vigilance of those that will settle for nothing less than freedom. Although our ultimate destination still remains dire, there is a chance that freedom can be preserved and we will be pulled mercifully from the quicksand we created by our own in-attention to the winged evils that were circling menacingly overhead. As Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 to 43 BC) stated:
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” (We'll let you decided who is the "enemy at the gate.")
But not everyone is buying socialism and social Democrats. In fact, millions of Americans are openly hostile and opposed to socialism and "Big Brother" government and that is why they voted for Donald Trump for president in large numbers, even though "The Donald" has a lot of warts.
Those that voted for Trump are angry and they are spoiling for a fight. If he resigns, is driven from office, or is impeached, there very well could by a civil war. After all, Donald Trump voters have most of the guns and hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of those Trump voters are ready to rumble. All they need is a little push, or a "trigger." If Republicans lose the House, or the Senate, or both, Trump will be impotent to accomplish anything else, except to veto any legislation the Democrats want to pass. Could that be the "trigger" to a civil war?
Yes, we can stop the socialism avalanche. Even though we have not heeded the warnings that were all around us, we still have an opportunity to save our Republic this November and continue the work of conservatives. It may be our last opportunity. And the opportunity did not arise from our own intellect and our own desire to preserve freedom, but was thrust upon us by the enemies of freedom that exist in the false ideology of irrational liberalism and mind-numbing socialism.
As if delivered by providence at a precarious time, Donald Trump came among us, woke up the silent majority and at the same time poured gasoline on a flawed ideology that was and is the antithesis of freedom and liberty. In so doing he has stirred up a killer bees nest of globalists, liberal journalists, establishment politicians and deep state bureaucrats.
But President Trump has delivered the antidote and the anti-venom to the scourge of rising socialism, provided he is not forced to resign or impeached by the globalists, the socialists, the establishment and the deep state. The attempts by the media, the left and the socialist Democrats to undermine him and his agenda are unprecedented in modern history. Yes, Trump does give them a reason for negative reporting.
But our vote for Conservatives in 2018 and even the re-election of Trump in 2020 is not enough to stop the avalanche of socialism that is sure to come if further action is not taken. The temporary continuation of the Trump agenda cannot last forever. Socialism will raise its ugly head again and again. The propaganda power of the public schools and colleges, over several generations, is overwhelming. As it stands right now, that socialist, collectivist mindset has been set in stone in a very large percentage of the American population, especially those who live in big cities. Until there is a massive mindset shift towards conservative principles, America has no hope as a free nation. That mindset shift can only come from an emotionally powerful visual, audio and print message repeated over and over again. Such an emotionally powerful message has the capability to overcome the generational brainwashing of millennials and middle aged Americans. The fact is, you can't change public policy unless you change the mindset of the masses! Short of this, all other mechanisms for change will eventually fail.
In search of that emotionally powerful, visual, audio and print message we have developed "THE Save the USA PLAN." Our Plan could only be successful in this age of television and social media. The Plan should appeal to those millions of Conservatives that have had ENOUGH of the last 100 years of socialist Democrat swill.
Ladies and gentlemen, if we don't go BOLD NOW, short of civil war or revolution, a free America has little chance of survival. The socialists and government tyranny will win if we don't stop them! We pray that civil war or revolution won't become the only and final solution to complete the task.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Old Timers Resisting High Tech" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
As we drown in our own stupidity.
Oh what dunces we have become,
Giving in to the Democrat's gooey dung.
For now we are deeply mired
In the socialist's sticky muck
And beaten down 'til we're tired,
Like a cracked and broken hockey puck.
Oh what fools we mortals be,
When we willingly give up our liberty."
Ron Ewart
America is an avalanche heading down hill and picking up speed. Millions of millennials (dumb, brainwashed kids) deadbeats, bloodsuckers and blind socialists are in that avalanche. The question is, can we stop it before it takes us all to Hell?
Every time you turn around today, a new socialist politician rises up out of a subterranean, guano littered cavern to announce that socialism is the only right way for America. In primary elections the new socialist is beating long-term, well-known politicians, at least on the Democrat side. They are winning in some isolated cases because the new socialist makes big promises (with our money) just as the Democrats have, to their dumbed-down, socialist indoctrinated, usually big-city constituents.
Socialism to the socialist and the mindless voter, of course, means free food, clothing, rent, health care and cash to the lazy able bodied and the fried brain deadbeats of society that have been brainwashed into believing that everything they get is "free." The cost of all the hundreds of federal, state and local socialist programs is irrelevant to them just so long as the government keeps their checks coming every month.
Socialism means "let-'em-all-in" open borders and no ICE to deport those that cross illegally. Socialism means sanctuary cities for murderers, rapists, robbers, drug dealers, scam artists, the diseased and other dredges of society.
Socialism means radical environmental protection and a belief in man-caused global warming as a mandatory requirement for being a good socialist (or is it brain dead puppet).
Socialism means the repeal of individual property rights. Socialism means the confiscation of the means of production and is in irreconcilable conflict with free markets and capitalism.
Socialism means dependency on government. It is contrary to freedom, unalienable rights, self-reliance and individual responsibility.
Socialism means that individual rights are subordinate to the collective, in direct violation of the Constitution. Multi-culturalism, a failed government model, is a main tenet of Socialism.
Socialism means that only collectivist thought is allowed and all other individual thought or actions are to be vilified and demeaned as mean spirited, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynist, or racist.
The U. S. Constitution is an impediment to socialism and must be radically altered to allow the "principles" of socialism to enter the main stream.
Socialism is the unconscionable, burdensome, usury taxation to pay for over-budget social programs.
Socialism means endless regulations against any and all human activity. The masses are dumb and un-educated, can't think for themselves and must have "Big Brother" government make decisions for them using law. That's why socialist Democrats like the illegal alien uneducated peasants coming across our borders from Central and South America.
Americans must be saved from themselves by the all-wise, all-knowing, all-seeing MOTHER government.
For at least 100 years once free Americans have either willingly or unknowingly, given the power of the chains of slavery to the socialists in our midst. And those chains come in the form of millions of laws, regulations, restrictions and ordinances. Most of those laws have no Constitutional foundation.
As government was using the money from our public treasury to buy votes with the promise of "free" everything to the naive and ignorant among us, the rest of us had our heads stuck in the sand and were oblivious to the hidden treachery lurking in the diabolical minds of those in power, that were using every liberal trick in the book to remain in power. They still are.
From Teddy Roosevelt (and maybe even Lincoln) all the way up to Obama, government has been working at cross-purposes to American freedom and sovereignty. Government socialists have bought off the masses and special interest groups with money, benefits and special favors and now those masses and special interest groups vie for the slop that is poured into government pig troughs every day. Like birds at a bird feeder, they jockey for position to make sure they get their "fair" share. Like a pride of lions over a kill, they snarl at each other for a piece of the decaying flesh. Government and the Socialist Democrats have turned the American people into beasts, acting against each other, to the point that we now stand as a nation hopelessly divided.
Predictably we find ourselves in a quicksand of our own making, having forgotten that the foundation of liberty must always be preserved by the eternal vigilance of those that will settle for nothing less than freedom. Although our ultimate destination still remains dire, there is a chance that freedom can be preserved and we will be pulled mercifully from the quicksand we created by our own in-attention to the winged evils that were circling menacingly overhead. As Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 to 43 BC) stated:
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” (We'll let you decided who is the "enemy at the gate.")
But not everyone is buying socialism and social Democrats. In fact, millions of Americans are openly hostile and opposed to socialism and "Big Brother" government and that is why they voted for Donald Trump for president in large numbers, even though "The Donald" has a lot of warts.
Those that voted for Trump are angry and they are spoiling for a fight. If he resigns, is driven from office, or is impeached, there very well could by a civil war. After all, Donald Trump voters have most of the guns and hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of those Trump voters are ready to rumble. All they need is a little push, or a "trigger." If Republicans lose the House, or the Senate, or both, Trump will be impotent to accomplish anything else, except to veto any legislation the Democrats want to pass. Could that be the "trigger" to a civil war?
Yes, we can stop the socialism avalanche. Even though we have not heeded the warnings that were all around us, we still have an opportunity to save our Republic this November and continue the work of conservatives. It may be our last opportunity. And the opportunity did not arise from our own intellect and our own desire to preserve freedom, but was thrust upon us by the enemies of freedom that exist in the false ideology of irrational liberalism and mind-numbing socialism.
As if delivered by providence at a precarious time, Donald Trump came among us, woke up the silent majority and at the same time poured gasoline on a flawed ideology that was and is the antithesis of freedom and liberty. In so doing he has stirred up a killer bees nest of globalists, liberal journalists, establishment politicians and deep state bureaucrats.
But President Trump has delivered the antidote and the anti-venom to the scourge of rising socialism, provided he is not forced to resign or impeached by the globalists, the socialists, the establishment and the deep state. The attempts by the media, the left and the socialist Democrats to undermine him and his agenda are unprecedented in modern history. Yes, Trump does give them a reason for negative reporting.
But our vote for Conservatives in 2018 and even the re-election of Trump in 2020 is not enough to stop the avalanche of socialism that is sure to come if further action is not taken. The temporary continuation of the Trump agenda cannot last forever. Socialism will raise its ugly head again and again. The propaganda power of the public schools and colleges, over several generations, is overwhelming. As it stands right now, that socialist, collectivist mindset has been set in stone in a very large percentage of the American population, especially those who live in big cities. Until there is a massive mindset shift towards conservative principles, America has no hope as a free nation. That mindset shift can only come from an emotionally powerful visual, audio and print message repeated over and over again. Such an emotionally powerful message has the capability to overcome the generational brainwashing of millennials and middle aged Americans. The fact is, you can't change public policy unless you change the mindset of the masses! Short of this, all other mechanisms for change will eventually fail.
In search of that emotionally powerful, visual, audio and print message we have developed "THE Save the USA PLAN." Our Plan could only be successful in this age of television and social media. The Plan should appeal to those millions of Conservatives that have had ENOUGH of the last 100 years of socialist Democrat swill.
Ladies and gentlemen, if we don't go BOLD NOW, short of civil war or revolution, a free America has little chance of survival. The socialists and government tyranny will win if we don't stop them! We pray that civil war or revolution won't become the only and final solution to complete the task.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Old Timers Resisting High Tech" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Responsible American Taxpayers Are Just A Bunch of Dumb Suckers!”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, September 2, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
"Taking care of those who are TRULY in need is an act of human compassion and is worthy of our values. But where is it written that responsible, productive and self-reliant, tax-paying Americans must pay for those people that are negligently and grossly irresponsible ..... or illegal?" Ron Ewart
America has become infected with the disease of irrational compassion, enforced at the point of a gun. There appears to be no cure for the disease. It seems that the government and Socialist Democrats have convinced us that we must take care of every Tom, Dick and Mary who can't get control of their lives, no matter what affliction besets them. And of course we must take care of the millions of those poor, hapless souls that "drift" across our border (illegally) with little to no education, can't speak English, carrying with them diseases we have eliminated years ago, bearing the scars of poverty, with no intention of assimilating into American culture.
But that's not all! How do you like paying for the food, clothing, shelter, cell phones and plasma TV for millions of women who give birth to millions of fatherless babies, women that don't have the resources to support the children they bear? According to the National Center for Fathering, over 20,000,000 children live in fatherless homes in America. Over 70% of Black women give birth to fatherless children they can't afford, increasing the poverty, crime and chaos in their communities.
The Kids Count Data Center has chronicled the number of fatherless children by race in 2017.
American Indian: 290,000
Asian, Pacific Islander 490,000
African American 6,273,000
Hispanic 5,266,000
Non-Hispanic, white 9,208,000
Two or more races 1,208,000
The responsible, productive and self-reliant, tax-paying American is paying for the support of the lion's share of all these fatherless children. In a report put out by the Fatherless Children Initiative, they estimate that the cost to the taxpayer for fatherless children is $99,800,000,000 (that's billion). As a responsible taxpayer, why should you have to pay for irresponsible men and women that sire and bear fatherless children they can't support? Because government says we are obligated to do it and if we don't, we go to jail. And we call that freedom?
But the egregious draw on the American taxpayer hardly ends with fatherless children. What is the cost of irresponsible drug and alcohol abuse on the taxpayer? The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse pegs the annual cost to the public of drug and alcohol addition at an estimated $500,000,000,000. That works out to over $1,500 for every man, woman and child in America. But since not every man, woman and child in America pays taxes, the burden on the taxpayer is much higher. The IRS reports that there are 139,600,000 taxpayers that file taxes every year and they pay around $1,370,000,000,000 in taxes. If you divide the cost of drug and alcohol addiction on existing individual taxpayers, the amount comes to $3,582 per taxpayer. Once again, why are you responsible to take care of and pay for irresponsible people that have no personal self-control? Because government says we are obligated to do it and if we don't, we go to jail. And we call that freedom?
Let's take a look at welfare spending. The "usgovernmentspending.com" website pegs total welfare spending at $1,137,000,000,000 (that's trillion) with $688 Billion in Medicaid and $449 Billion in other welfare. Obviously, these costs overlap into the cost of fatherless children and other society ills. Nevertheless, welfare spending is one fourth (1/4th) of the total annual U. S. budget of $4.1 Trillion. One might ask, are there really that many poor people in America that can't make enough money to live on? And if so, how can that be in the richest country on the planet? It is a direct sign of the self-destruction of the human culture and society as a whole, institutionalized by government's and Social Democrat's policy of irrational compassion. But under the government doctrine of irrational compassion, we have to do it.
Of course it doesn't end with fatherless children, drug and alcohol addiction and welfare, does it? We have people illegally gushing across our southern border by the tens of thousands per month because our irresponsible and incompetent government can't seem to get control of the situation. If government can't secure our borders, why are we paying them? Because government says we are obligated to pay them and if we don't, we go to jail. And we call that freedom?
The Federation For American Immigration Reform (FAIR) states:
"A continually growing population of illegal aliens, along with the federal government’s ineffective efforts to secure our borders, present significant national security and public safety threats to the United States. They also have a severely negative impact on the nation’s taxpayers at the local, state, and national levels. Illegal immigration costs Americans billions of dollars each year. Illegal aliens are net consumers of taxpayer-funded services and the limited taxes paid by some segments of the illegal alien population are, in no way, significant enough to offset the growing financial burdens imposed on U.S. taxpayers by massive numbers of uninvited guests."
"At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens. That amounts to a tax burden of approximately $8,075 per illegal alien family member and a total of $115,894,597,664. The total cost of illegal immigration to U.S. taxpayers is both staggering and crippling. In 2013, FAIR estimated the total cost to be approximately $113 billion. So, in under four years, the cost has risen nearly $3 billion. This is a disturbing and unsustainable trend."
It's not just "disturbing", it's nuts!
As an American taxpayer, why on God's Green Earth should you have to pay for illegal aliens who break our laws to come here and then jump on America's compassion (taxes you are forced to pay) to the tune of billions of dollars every year ..... and growing? Every one of them should be deported now, even if it hurts them and us, if we are to ever bring stability and predictability to our laws. Otherwise, our nation of laws is a fantasy. Why should legal Americans have to obey the law, but non-citizens can ignore the law? Because government says we are obligated to do it and if we don't, we go to jail. And we call that freedom? This lawless government policy is insane and hardly equal treatment under the law!
The current estimate of the world's population is 7.6 billion. Of that 7.6 billion, nearly one half — over 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day. 1 billion children worldwide are living in poverty. Exacerbating the poverty are huge populations living under vicious dictators, or are the victims of brutal wars. At only 4.3% of the total world population, America can't be the safe haven for half the world's population who are poor, or are victims of poverty, famine and war. IN SPITE OF WHAT THE SOCIALIST DEMOCRATS ARE TELLING US, WE CAN'T LET THEM ALL IN WITHOUT SINKING OUR OWN SHIP ..... NOR SHOULD WE!
We haven't even begun to talk about the waste, fraud, abuse and corruption in government. We haven't talked about the bureaucratic deep state that has more power to affect public policy than the legislators or the voters. We haven't even approached the "establishment" of well-connected politicians, bankers and bureaucrats that somehow have found a way to control our education, our land, our food, our water, our health care ..... and our money and turned the American people into nothing more than mindless puppets on a string.
Meanwhile, while you are being forced to pay high taxes to support all these tens of millions of irresponsible people, politicians, their spouses and off spring are profiting big time. Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, is a case in point. His dad, while being Vice President, had some of the responsibility for Ukraine and China foreign policy. Joe made many trips to both countries, with Hunter in tow. Somehow, as if by magic, huge sums of money (millions) started pouring into Hunter Biden's bank account.
Of course you all know by now that DOJ Deputy Assistant Attorney General Bruce Ohr's wife worked at Fusion GPS and was taking home a huge salary while preparing the discredited Trump dossier that was used for a FISA warrant against Carter Page, a Trump campaign assistant. The end of that story is yet to come. Hopefully, he and she will go to jail, but don't count on it.
Then again, maybe you haven't heard about former FBI director James Comey? It is estimated that his net worth is around $14,000,000. Just how do you amass $14,000,000 from being a U. S. District Attorney and FBI Director? It seems that when he left the Department of Justice, he went to work for Lockheed Martin. As senior vice president and general counsel he earned more than $6,000,000 in compensation in his last year. What made James Comey worth $6,000,000 to Lockheed Martin? GOVERNMENT ACCESS! And James Comey's fingerprints are all over the DOJ's failure to prosecute Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. What was that worth to the Clintons?
Politicians come to Washington DC with barely enough income to support their families (some of them anyway) and they end up walking away from politics with millions in net worth. Just how does that happen? The words are "access to money", billions of money ..... your money.
Ladies and gentlemen, we submit that the much-talked-about coming civil war should not be a civil war at all. It should be a taxpayer revolt of epic proportions. Because if there is not a taxpayer revolt, then the "Responsible Taxpaying Americans Are Just a Bunch of Dumb Suckers" dancing to the evil music of the national and international money brokers, corporate industrialists, the Socialist Democrats, the "Establishment" and the Deep State. Now that really IS dumb!
Americans either stiffen their backs to government tyranny and corruption, or find themselves bent over, wearing the chains of slavery. They are half bent over now, with their jailor just a few steps behind.
It's pointless to put out these articles every week when the masses wear the cloak of cowardice and are quite satisfied with being compliant, dumb, taxpaying government puppets. From our perspective it's resoundingly disgusting!
We are so disgusted we've decided to do something about it! We're tired of waiting around for someone to start a major NATIONAL effort towards restoring American freedom in the vision of our Founders. The fact is, we can save America from committing suicide in just one, or possibly two, election cycles with just two specific, but intense, major actions, implemented on a grand scale. It would take just a small group of honorable men (or women) to direct a perfectly legal program, along with the willingness of millions of conservative Americans to give up a miniscule portion of their annual earnings. Putting the powerful concept of "liberty" in the minds of millions of Americans will force the politicians to follow. If you want to learn about or become part of these two actions, log onto our web page HERE. Otherwise, enjoy being "A Responsible Taxpaying American Sucker, supporting the irresponsible."
Meanwhile, while you are being forced to pay high taxes to support all these tens of millions of irresponsible people, politicians, their spouses and off spring are profiting big time. Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, is a case in point. His dad, while being Vice President, had some of the responsibility for Ukraine and China foreign policy. Joe made many trips to both countries, with Hunter in tow. Somehow, as if by magic, huge sums of money (millions) started pouring into Hunter Biden's bank account.
Of course you all know by now that DOJ Deputy Assistant Attorney General Bruce Ohr's wife worked at Fusion GPS and was taking home a huge salary while preparing the discredited Trump dossier that was used for a FISA warrant against Carter Page, a Trump campaign assistant. The end of that story is yet to come. Hopefully, he and she will go to jail, but don't count on it.
Then again, maybe you haven't heard about former FBI director James Comey? It is estimated that his net worth is around $14,000,000. Just how do you amass $14,000,000 from being a U. S. District Attorney and FBI Director? It seems that when he left the Department of Justice, he went to work for Lockheed Martin. As senior vice president and general counsel he earned more than $6,000,000 in compensation in his last year. What made James Comey worth $6,000,000 to Lockheed Martin? GOVERNMENT ACCESS! And James Comey's fingerprints are all over the DOJ's failure to prosecute Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. What was that worth to the Clintons?
Politicians come to Washington DC with barely enough income to support their families (some of them anyway) and they end up walking away from politics with millions in net worth. Just how does that happen? The words are "access to money", billions of money ..... your money.
Ladies and gentlemen, we submit that the much-talked-about coming civil war should not be a civil war at all. It should be a taxpayer revolt of epic proportions. Because if there is not a taxpayer revolt, then the "Responsible Taxpaying Americans Are Just a Bunch of Dumb Suckers" dancing to the evil music of the national and international money brokers, corporate industrialists, the Socialist Democrats, the "Establishment" and the Deep State. Now that really IS dumb!
Americans either stiffen their backs to government tyranny and corruption, or find themselves bent over, wearing the chains of slavery. They are half bent over now, with their jailor just a few steps behind.
It's pointless to put out these articles every week when the masses wear the cloak of cowardice and are quite satisfied with being compliant, dumb, taxpaying government puppets. From our perspective it's resoundingly disgusting!
We are so disgusted we've decided to do something about it! We're tired of waiting around for someone to start a major NATIONAL effort towards restoring American freedom in the vision of our Founders. The fact is, we can save America from committing suicide in just one, or possibly two, election cycles with just two specific, but intense, major actions, implemented on a grand scale. It would take just a small group of honorable men (or women) to direct a perfectly legal program, along with the willingness of millions of conservative Americans to give up a miniscule portion of their annual earnings. Putting the powerful concept of "liberty" in the minds of millions of Americans will force the politicians to follow. If you want to learn about or become part of these two actions, log onto our web page HERE. Otherwise, enjoy being "A Responsible Taxpaying American Sucker, supporting the irresponsible."
"Here Are The Unimpeachable, Irrevocable Realities!”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, September 2, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." Winston Churchill
Is "Here Lies Bold Free America, Murdered by Socialist Democrats in 2018" going to be read on America's tombstone on November 7, 2018, a day after the mid-term elections? If the Socialist Democrats take control of the House or the Senate, or both, Trump will be rendered impotent and ineffective and the graveyard diggers will begin to dig America's grave. The vision and dream of the Founding Fathers will be relegated to the very large scrap heap of failed Republics. There will be no turning back. The Socialist Democrats will have won.
It makes no difference whether Trump survives the onslaught against him by the mainstream media, Socialist Democrats, prosecuting attorneys, special counsels, or the courts. Trump is not perfect and may have many skeletons in his closet that could be exposed in the near term. After many years in an international cutthroat business, he is bound to have cut some corners and may have strayed over the line of legality. Nevertheless, if he is forced to resign or is impeached, a Republican President will still be in the White House for another two years. It is imperative, for the sake of a "bold and free America", that Republicans retain control of the House and Senate and carry on the principles of liberty, as defined in the Constitution. If they don't, the opportunity for an American course correction in 2018 could be lost forever.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Politically, the first reality is that America has drifted down hill towards socialism for the last 80 to 100 years. The reason it has is because way too many people are lazy in mind and body and it is always easier to believe in fairy tales and "free" lunches (promises from politicians) than it is in the irrefutable and natural principles of liberty. Freedom and liberty are hard and they were won at great sacrifice. It takes courage, self-reliance, independence and personal responsibility to live in freedom and defend it. In contrast, socialism, communism and collectivism are easy. All you have to do is to capitulate and hand over your free will, your life and your possessions to the collective (Socialist Democrats). Some people do it because they figure the world owes them something. Others do it because they are weak and find freedom too hard. Still others do it because they have a legitimate need.
Yes, a compassionate society should take care of someone with a legitimate need. But what if America has too many people who are sick, un-employed, disabled, lazy, deadbeat, or addicted to drugs or alcohol? How many illegal aliens can our economy support? How many millions of non-producers can the producers in our society carry on their backs? There is a limit you know which the Socialist Democrats in America refuse to acknowledge.
The second reality, that frustrates Americans constantly, is that we are a deeply divided country. We have a large segment of our society (mostly urban dwellers) that has taken the easy path to government dependence, aided and abetted by a government (Socialist Democrats) that is all too willing to be of assistance, in return for a vote, a donation, or a favor. We have a smaller, but significant segment of Americans, who cling to the unalienable right to individual freedom and liberty, and believe that the U. S. Constitution contains the bedrock principles and the inviolate guarantee of that freedom. We have the producers of society that are forced, by law, to foot the bill for those who have taken the easy path to government dependence.
These are two of the hard and fast, unimpeachable, irrevocable realities, no matter through which political prism you view them.
So is there a right or a wrong reality? Is socialism more right than the unalienable, individual, natural rights that are the supreme gift from our creator? Do those who produce something, or provide a service with their labor, or invent something, or invest in something, owe an unimpeachable debt to those who are in need? And what authority, ruler, dictator, body of men, or despot, mandates that said producers owe such a debt to those in need; a debt that is to be collected at the point of a gun and distributed by an allegedly all-wise, all-knowing and benevolent government? Is the statement by Karl Marx; "..... from those with the greatest capability, to those with the greatest need" an irrevocable, inflexible, political reality? Or is it slavery by any other name? Your answer determines whether you are a free man ..... or slave.
From the perspective of the individual in need, he or she would naturally agree that someone else is responsible to provide for them a safety net, in the name of compassion, so that each is not reduced to abject poverty, especially if the safety net is offered for "free" and without strings. From the perspective of the producer, they are being punished for being successful, self-reliant and responsible. To the constitutionalists, every person is essentially on his or her own. Any charity to those in need will be by the free choice of each individual, not mandated by government in a law. (You will note that there is nothing mentioned in the U. S. Constitution about charity, or the power of government to invoke enforced charity. Government has just illegally assumed that power and has enslaved the people by perverting the phrase in the pre-amble of the Constitution wherein it states, "........ and promote the general welfare.")
To the Socialist Democrat, it is the duty of the producer to support the needy because they live in a country that allowed them to be successful. It makes no difference how much that support costs, even if it sends our government reeling into national bankruptcy, just so long as the Socialist Democrat gets the vote to stay in power. The Socialist Democrat uses propaganda to invoke a guilty conscience for being successful so that the producer will be motivated to willingly give up a portion of his or her earnings as charity, thinking that it is an act of compassion, not realizing he or she has been unwillingly coerced by the threat of incarceration to GIVE! In other words, the Socialist Democrat believes in "spreading the wealth" by force, without regard to Constitutional principles ..... much less the cost.
But then who decides who gets to be the "spreador" of the wealth and who gets to be the "spreadee"? Do the politicians decide, who are always scrambling for votes? Or do the academics decide who study everything to death using government money. Or do the bankers decide, who controls the money? Or instead, do we follow the hard and fast mandates of our U. S. Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land? If we don't follow the Constitution, without a doubt, the politicians, the academics and the bankers win while freedom loses.
One more thing! How much of a stretch is it for the "National Socialist American Democrat Party" to drift inexorably into the "National Socialist American Worker's (Nazi) Party?" Just a hair's breathe folks. When the drift is complete, then the government guns come out to violently enforce the law. Then the SS is formed to make sure that the violent enforcement is clandestinely carried out and insurgents and belligerents are whisked away to who knows where. What is unfathomable and inexplicable in a free country is that the masses will eventually demand the violent enforcement to catch the cheaters of mandatory charity, not unlike George Orwell's 1984 dystopia State of Oceania. In our 2018 future Big Brother world, you either GIVE (or comply) or you disappear into a concentration camp, never to be heard from again. They are doing that in Russia and China right now! What's to stop it from happening here? Nothing if the Socialist Democrats win in 2018.
Which leads us to the third reality. If you are a member of that smaller, but significant segment of Americans, who cling to the unalienable right to individual freedom and liberty and believe that the U. S. Constitution contains the bedrock principles and the inviolate guarantee of that freedom, you have no choice but to fight to preserve, protect and defend that freedom. The first element of that fight is to vote for candidates that will uncompromisingly represent and fight for constitutional guarantees. Should you choose otherwise, then you will be forced to join that segment of our society that has taken the easy path to government dependence, aided and abetted by Socialist Democrats that are all too willing to steal the money from the public treasury, or pass a law to benefit the recipient, in return for a vote, a donation, or a favor.
But worse, if you choose this path, not only do you lose your freedom and liberty, you get to pay for this socialist insanity as well. You also get to endure the waste, fraud, abuse and corruption of an inefficient, out-of-control government, who is telling you that compassion is your duty and then putting a gun to your head (taxes) to make sure you agree.
If you will not fight the Socialist Democrat version of socialism, then you will be branded with the name, "coward" and the courageous must carry you on their backs. If you will fight, you must be willing to pledge your life, your fortune and your sacred honor, as did a small group of brave men who gave birth to YOUR freedom 242 years ago.
The right choices and defending freedom are never easy. There are millions of misguided national and international individuals and groups that work very hard, all the time, to take freedom away from you and they have been very successful. The American Socialist Democrat Party and all of its Progressive off shoots, like Media Matters and the Center for American Progress, are just a few of those groups.
But then, you can always stick your head in the sand and just ignore the realities all together, hoping they will go away. The question you must ask, are you willing to capitulate and hand over your free will, your life and your possessions to the collective (Socialist Democrats) without a fight?
On Tuesday, November 6th, you can do one thing that will not cost you your life, or your fortune, or your sacred honor. You can vote for the congressman or senator that will at least continue existing liberties, what little is left of them. Then you can begin the long, probably generational, process, with others, to restore our Republic. If the Socialist Democrats win in November 2018, it will be because the "REPUBLICANS" failed to get out the vote. It's that simple.
To that end we have created a short, unprofessional but informative video entitled, "Don't Let This Happen To Our Beloved America". You can view the video at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEaFm8dI-3c&feature=youtu.be. The video delivers a powerful message of what happens if the Socialist Democrats win in November. Share it with others on your list, if you deem it worthy.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Old Timers Resisting High Tech" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Is "Here Lies Bold Free America, Murdered by Socialist Democrats in 2018" going to be read on America's tombstone on November 7, 2018, a day after the mid-term elections? If the Socialist Democrats take control of the House or the Senate, or both, Trump will be rendered impotent and ineffective and the graveyard diggers will begin to dig America's grave. The vision and dream of the Founding Fathers will be relegated to the very large scrap heap of failed Republics. There will be no turning back. The Socialist Democrats will have won.
It makes no difference whether Trump survives the onslaught against him by the mainstream media, Socialist Democrats, prosecuting attorneys, special counsels, or the courts. Trump is not perfect and may have many skeletons in his closet that could be exposed in the near term. After many years in an international cutthroat business, he is bound to have cut some corners and may have strayed over the line of legality. Nevertheless, if he is forced to resign or is impeached, a Republican President will still be in the White House for another two years. It is imperative, for the sake of a "bold and free America", that Republicans retain control of the House and Senate and carry on the principles of liberty, as defined in the Constitution. If they don't, the opportunity for an American course correction in 2018 could be lost forever.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Politically, the first reality is that America has drifted down hill towards socialism for the last 80 to 100 years. The reason it has is because way too many people are lazy in mind and body and it is always easier to believe in fairy tales and "free" lunches (promises from politicians) than it is in the irrefutable and natural principles of liberty. Freedom and liberty are hard and they were won at great sacrifice. It takes courage, self-reliance, independence and personal responsibility to live in freedom and defend it. In contrast, socialism, communism and collectivism are easy. All you have to do is to capitulate and hand over your free will, your life and your possessions to the collective (Socialist Democrats). Some people do it because they figure the world owes them something. Others do it because they are weak and find freedom too hard. Still others do it because they have a legitimate need.
Yes, a compassionate society should take care of someone with a legitimate need. But what if America has too many people who are sick, un-employed, disabled, lazy, deadbeat, or addicted to drugs or alcohol? How many illegal aliens can our economy support? How many millions of non-producers can the producers in our society carry on their backs? There is a limit you know which the Socialist Democrats in America refuse to acknowledge.
The second reality, that frustrates Americans constantly, is that we are a deeply divided country. We have a large segment of our society (mostly urban dwellers) that has taken the easy path to government dependence, aided and abetted by a government (Socialist Democrats) that is all too willing to be of assistance, in return for a vote, a donation, or a favor. We have a smaller, but significant segment of Americans, who cling to the unalienable right to individual freedom and liberty, and believe that the U. S. Constitution contains the bedrock principles and the inviolate guarantee of that freedom. We have the producers of society that are forced, by law, to foot the bill for those who have taken the easy path to government dependence.
These are two of the hard and fast, unimpeachable, irrevocable realities, no matter through which political prism you view them.
So is there a right or a wrong reality? Is socialism more right than the unalienable, individual, natural rights that are the supreme gift from our creator? Do those who produce something, or provide a service with their labor, or invent something, or invest in something, owe an unimpeachable debt to those who are in need? And what authority, ruler, dictator, body of men, or despot, mandates that said producers owe such a debt to those in need; a debt that is to be collected at the point of a gun and distributed by an allegedly all-wise, all-knowing and benevolent government? Is the statement by Karl Marx; "..... from those with the greatest capability, to those with the greatest need" an irrevocable, inflexible, political reality? Or is it slavery by any other name? Your answer determines whether you are a free man ..... or slave.
From the perspective of the individual in need, he or she would naturally agree that someone else is responsible to provide for them a safety net, in the name of compassion, so that each is not reduced to abject poverty, especially if the safety net is offered for "free" and without strings. From the perspective of the producer, they are being punished for being successful, self-reliant and responsible. To the constitutionalists, every person is essentially on his or her own. Any charity to those in need will be by the free choice of each individual, not mandated by government in a law. (You will note that there is nothing mentioned in the U. S. Constitution about charity, or the power of government to invoke enforced charity. Government has just illegally assumed that power and has enslaved the people by perverting the phrase in the pre-amble of the Constitution wherein it states, "........ and promote the general welfare.")
To the Socialist Democrat, it is the duty of the producer to support the needy because they live in a country that allowed them to be successful. It makes no difference how much that support costs, even if it sends our government reeling into national bankruptcy, just so long as the Socialist Democrat gets the vote to stay in power. The Socialist Democrat uses propaganda to invoke a guilty conscience for being successful so that the producer will be motivated to willingly give up a portion of his or her earnings as charity, thinking that it is an act of compassion, not realizing he or she has been unwillingly coerced by the threat of incarceration to GIVE! In other words, the Socialist Democrat believes in "spreading the wealth" by force, without regard to Constitutional principles ..... much less the cost.
But then who decides who gets to be the "spreador" of the wealth and who gets to be the "spreadee"? Do the politicians decide, who are always scrambling for votes? Or do the academics decide who study everything to death using government money. Or do the bankers decide, who controls the money? Or instead, do we follow the hard and fast mandates of our U. S. Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land? If we don't follow the Constitution, without a doubt, the politicians, the academics and the bankers win while freedom loses.
One more thing! How much of a stretch is it for the "National Socialist American Democrat Party" to drift inexorably into the "National Socialist American Worker's (Nazi) Party?" Just a hair's breathe folks. When the drift is complete, then the government guns come out to violently enforce the law. Then the SS is formed to make sure that the violent enforcement is clandestinely carried out and insurgents and belligerents are whisked away to who knows where. What is unfathomable and inexplicable in a free country is that the masses will eventually demand the violent enforcement to catch the cheaters of mandatory charity, not unlike George Orwell's 1984 dystopia State of Oceania. In our 2018 future Big Brother world, you either GIVE (or comply) or you disappear into a concentration camp, never to be heard from again. They are doing that in Russia and China right now! What's to stop it from happening here? Nothing if the Socialist Democrats win in 2018.
Which leads us to the third reality. If you are a member of that smaller, but significant segment of Americans, who cling to the unalienable right to individual freedom and liberty and believe that the U. S. Constitution contains the bedrock principles and the inviolate guarantee of that freedom, you have no choice but to fight to preserve, protect and defend that freedom. The first element of that fight is to vote for candidates that will uncompromisingly represent and fight for constitutional guarantees. Should you choose otherwise, then you will be forced to join that segment of our society that has taken the easy path to government dependence, aided and abetted by Socialist Democrats that are all too willing to steal the money from the public treasury, or pass a law to benefit the recipient, in return for a vote, a donation, or a favor.
But worse, if you choose this path, not only do you lose your freedom and liberty, you get to pay for this socialist insanity as well. You also get to endure the waste, fraud, abuse and corruption of an inefficient, out-of-control government, who is telling you that compassion is your duty and then putting a gun to your head (taxes) to make sure you agree.
If you will not fight the Socialist Democrat version of socialism, then you will be branded with the name, "coward" and the courageous must carry you on their backs. If you will fight, you must be willing to pledge your life, your fortune and your sacred honor, as did a small group of brave men who gave birth to YOUR freedom 242 years ago.
The right choices and defending freedom are never easy. There are millions of misguided national and international individuals and groups that work very hard, all the time, to take freedom away from you and they have been very successful. The American Socialist Democrat Party and all of its Progressive off shoots, like Media Matters and the Center for American Progress, are just a few of those groups.
But then, you can always stick your head in the sand and just ignore the realities all together, hoping they will go away. The question you must ask, are you willing to capitulate and hand over your free will, your life and your possessions to the collective (Socialist Democrats) without a fight?
On Tuesday, November 6th, you can do one thing that will not cost you your life, or your fortune, or your sacred honor. You can vote for the congressman or senator that will at least continue existing liberties, what little is left of them. Then you can begin the long, probably generational, process, with others, to restore our Republic. If the Socialist Democrats win in November 2018, it will be because the "REPUBLICANS" failed to get out the vote. It's that simple.
To that end we have created a short, unprofessional but informative video entitled, "Don't Let This Happen To Our Beloved America". You can view the video at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEaFm8dI-3c&feature=youtu.be. The video delivers a powerful message of what happens if the Socialist Democrats win in November. Share it with others on your list, if you deem it worthy.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Old Timers Resisting High Tech" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"What On Earth Can the Left and Right Compromise?”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, August 26, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
"The 'morality of compromise' sounds contradictory. Compromise is usually a sign of weakness, or an admission of defeat. Strong men don't compromise, it is said, and principles should never be compromised."
Andrew Carnegie
For well over 100 years Conservatives have been compromising with Liberals and Republicans with Democrats. That is why we are where we are today. Conservatives compromised on the 16th Amendment, which spawned the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service. Conservatives compromised with FDR on the New Deal and Social Security and a whole bunch of government subsidies for a whole host of American special interests, including individual Americans, farmers, ranchers and industry. That criminal "compromise" ended up institutionalizing socialism in America and started the rise of spending more on expenses than annual revenues. There was and is absolutely nothing in the Constitution that allowed the Liberals (Democrats) the right to do what they did and in fact just the opposite is true. The Constitution began to crumble. (see: "The Davy Crockett Story")
Then came President Johnson's Great Society and later Medicaid, Medicare, to be followed by Obama Care. Socialism was now fully embedded in the body politic and the votes continued to pour in for Democrats because Conservatives compromised on their principles and allowed it to happen.
In the late 1960's, environmentalism raised its ugly head in America with powerful legislation to implement environmental goals. Once environmentalism was legislatively triggered, national and international interests radicalized it. Radical environmentalism was and is now fully indoctrinated into the American psyche, taught in our public schools and colleges and propagandized by national and international governments, environmental groups and corporations. Environmentalism is not a science it is in fact a cult.
For the last 80 years the Conservatives have been compromising on all kinds of Liberal causes, from welfare, to finances, to immigration, to health care and the environment. As a result the American population has become ignorant and grown weak and hopelessly dependent on government, believing everything they are told and acting more like puppets instead of proud, independent and self-reliant, free Americans. Millions of Americans are hooked on drugs, alcohol, low-grade entertainment, swearing and debauchery. The "F" word has become ubiquitous and part of every day language.
But you say, "Conservatives didn't have a choice, because the Democrats were in control." That's right! And how did the Democrats get in control of the government? They got in control with a diabolical, unconstitutional scheme of promising federal dollars and benefits (your money) to the general population and special interests ..... for votes? If you want something from a Democrat government, they will give it to you by stealing it from someone else under the color of law, and give it to you for free, in exchange for your vote. WE, THE DUMB PEOPLE THAT WE ARE, fell for the Democrat scheme hook, line and sinker.
The Democrats, for over 100 years, have violated every principle of freedom, liberty, unalienable rights, individual responsibility and self-reliance that existed under the umbrella of our Constitution. That is why they want the Constitution to be a fluid document instead of the Supreme Law of the Land based on the intent of the Framers. Their goal was and is to manipulate the Constitution for their own political ends to remain in perpetual political power. That is why they are so deathly afraid of a conservative leaning U. S. Supreme Court and will vigorously obstruct any conservative justice nominee.
Once Conservatives started "compromising" their principles of individual freedom and less government in favor of the Progressive's collective ideology, the end of America's free Republic became preordained. The division between the Conservative and Liberal ideologies is now so far apart compromise between the two sides has become a distant mirage. Now, the only "compromise", which is no compromise at all, arrives by virtue of who holds a majority of political power in Congress and the Whitehouse. All the minority party can do is to obstruct the majority party using Congressional procedural rules.
With all this in mind, how on earth can the left and right ever come together on issues that are good for America, not just good for the party who holds political power? Are there any national issues where the parties can come together and pass legislation that will benefit the nation as a whole? Only one issue comes to mind and that is the nation's infrastructure. But "Business Insider" estimates that to repair our roads, bridges, railroads and our seaports will take $3.2 Trillion, with $1 Trillion needed immediately. Where is the money going to come from, even with a vibrant and growing economy? America is flat broke and deep in debt because politicians refuse to compromise for the benefit of the nation. Why, because way too much of the available tax money is being and has been used for entitlements to buy votes? Now it can't be undone because the "people" have been bought off and will vote to maintain their "free stuff."
The American government (that's your Congressional representatives) has committed one of the most unforgivable management sins. It engaged in "deferred maintenance" of our infrastructure and we are now paying the price. Except government politicians and bureaucrats never pay the price. Only the American taxpayer pays the price for government mismanagement, corruption and over regulation.
So what are the issues that the left and right are unable to find a compromise? There are many. The two sides are deadlocked on immigration and border security. The Conservatives want a wall, repeal or limitations on family-based immigration and elimination of the diversity visa lottery. Inexplicably, Conservatives want amnesty for 1.8 million Dreamer (DACA) immigrants. But more amnesty will only encourage more illegal immigration. President Reagan already did this and the results have been and are open borders and the unstoppable flow of illegal aliens, including terrorists.
But since the Liberal policy is one of open borders (for future votes) they are against almost everything the Conservatives want. Liberals certainly want amnesty for the Dreamers but aren't willing to "compromise" on the rest. Is their room for compromise? You're kidding of course!
Conservatives want to repeal and replace Obama Care, but even the Conservatives can't get together on how to do it. Good 'Ole Senator (RINO) McCain, dashed the hopes of an Obama Care repeal and replace with his one NO vote.
The Liberals want to keep Obama Care (they created it without a single Republican vote) because it buys them more votes, even if Obama Care is hopelessly flawed, criminally expensive and is increasing the national debt. Who are the losers in this battle of wits, power and the failure to compromise, the American taxpayer?
Liberals want to expand Medicaid and Medicare (for votes), further increasing the national debt. Some socialist Liberals are calling for all citizens falling under either Medicare or Medicaid without regard to the cost. Conservatives want to hold back on socialist spending because they know what happens when expenses are greater than revenues. Conservatives have been calling for a balanced budget Amendment. Liberals are opposing it. Will the two sides ever come together? Not likely!
Liberals and Conservatives can't even come together on the national debt or deficit. There it is, passing through $20 Trillion on its way to who knows where with no signs of it slowing down. Thirty-eight years ago (1980) William E. Simon, Treasury Secretary under Ronald Reagan, warned us that the national debt would end up sinking the good ship USS America, but the Conservatives and Liberals keep kicking the "can" down the road and spending more for social programs, thereby increasing the national debt. The national debt was under $1 Trillion in 1980.
The government is now forced to "print" the money or borrow if from the Federal Reserve and/or foreign countries, like China. The indifference and refusal to act on this crisis by both sides is not just criminal negligence, it borders on high crimes and misdemeanors. Liberals want higher taxes to pay for promises they have made to constituents for their votes and Conservatives want lower taxes for logical imperatives. But compromise? Not on your life!
Then there is the environment. The liberals want to make almost every human activity illegal under environmental law. They want to repeal fossil fuels and replace them with alternative energy. Insane! They have become obsessive on the subject of man-caused global warming, even though the science is unsettled. They would deprive us of the greatest source of energy ever discovered by man, based on flawed and inaccurate computer models blaming man for global warming, condemning third-world countries to perpetual poverty. Liberals believe they can replace fossil fuels with wind and solar power, a pipe dream at best and a fraud on the American taxpayer at worst.
The Conservatives on the other hand, vehemently oppose these Liberal environmental policies as a means of wealth redistribution, more control over the people and the destruction of property rights. They maintain that these policies are so restrictive and expensive they will put the brakes on the economy, lower our standard of living and could send us reeling into a depression. Is there room for compromise? Hardly!
On foreign policy, Liberals are weak and believe in being nice and appeasement, ala Neville Chamberlain. Liberals compromise with our foreign friends and adversaries to the detriment of American interests. Liberals apologize to the rest of the world for America's success. They make give-a-way trade deals, enter into ludicrous agreements and fork over billions of cash to our enemies without extracting concessions, even though those agreements and cash recklessly endanger American national security.
Conservatives, instead, play the peace-through-strength card and our friends and enemies respect us. Conservatives build up our military strength and readiness. Conservatives are tougher on trade, call the enemy's bluff and place military assets around the globe to detour overt aggression by foreign empires. There is peace on earth, without world war, because of America's military might.
Sadly, most Conservative politicians aren't conservatives any more (RINO'S) and Liberal politicians aren't the old liberals they were back in the 40's and 50's (they are now avowed socialists). Both groups have moved to the left as the Progressives dragged America farther and farther left over the last 8 to 10 decades. As the two sides drift farther apart, compromise becomes not only unlikely, but virtually impossible. Fist fights will eventually break out in the halls of Congress, to be followed by a national civil war. There are millions of Americans who still have the freedom gene buried deep in their DNA and will not sit back and let the socialists win without a fight and fight they will.
Meanwhile, older Americans, which we wrote about in our last article entitled "Who Speaks for the Forgotten and Ignored Generation", are fully aware of the two sides failure to compromise. They have had a front row seat for over 60 years. They mourn for their children and grandchildren and what they will face in the coming decades as America sinks deeper into a totally preventable socialist abyss and third-world status ..... Venezuela style.
If you are an older American, sickened by what you see happening to your country because your representatives won't do what is good for America and at the same time having difficulty with rapidly advancing technology, perhaps you can find some solace HERE.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Old Timers Resisting High Tech" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Andrew Carnegie
For well over 100 years Conservatives have been compromising with Liberals and Republicans with Democrats. That is why we are where we are today. Conservatives compromised on the 16th Amendment, which spawned the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service. Conservatives compromised with FDR on the New Deal and Social Security and a whole bunch of government subsidies for a whole host of American special interests, including individual Americans, farmers, ranchers and industry. That criminal "compromise" ended up institutionalizing socialism in America and started the rise of spending more on expenses than annual revenues. There was and is absolutely nothing in the Constitution that allowed the Liberals (Democrats) the right to do what they did and in fact just the opposite is true. The Constitution began to crumble. (see: "The Davy Crockett Story")
Then came President Johnson's Great Society and later Medicaid, Medicare, to be followed by Obama Care. Socialism was now fully embedded in the body politic and the votes continued to pour in for Democrats because Conservatives compromised on their principles and allowed it to happen.
In the late 1960's, environmentalism raised its ugly head in America with powerful legislation to implement environmental goals. Once environmentalism was legislatively triggered, national and international interests radicalized it. Radical environmentalism was and is now fully indoctrinated into the American psyche, taught in our public schools and colleges and propagandized by national and international governments, environmental groups and corporations. Environmentalism is not a science it is in fact a cult.
For the last 80 years the Conservatives have been compromising on all kinds of Liberal causes, from welfare, to finances, to immigration, to health care and the environment. As a result the American population has become ignorant and grown weak and hopelessly dependent on government, believing everything they are told and acting more like puppets instead of proud, independent and self-reliant, free Americans. Millions of Americans are hooked on drugs, alcohol, low-grade entertainment, swearing and debauchery. The "F" word has become ubiquitous and part of every day language.
But you say, "Conservatives didn't have a choice, because the Democrats were in control." That's right! And how did the Democrats get in control of the government? They got in control with a diabolical, unconstitutional scheme of promising federal dollars and benefits (your money) to the general population and special interests ..... for votes? If you want something from a Democrat government, they will give it to you by stealing it from someone else under the color of law, and give it to you for free, in exchange for your vote. WE, THE DUMB PEOPLE THAT WE ARE, fell for the Democrat scheme hook, line and sinker.
The Democrats, for over 100 years, have violated every principle of freedom, liberty, unalienable rights, individual responsibility and self-reliance that existed under the umbrella of our Constitution. That is why they want the Constitution to be a fluid document instead of the Supreme Law of the Land based on the intent of the Framers. Their goal was and is to manipulate the Constitution for their own political ends to remain in perpetual political power. That is why they are so deathly afraid of a conservative leaning U. S. Supreme Court and will vigorously obstruct any conservative justice nominee.
Once Conservatives started "compromising" their principles of individual freedom and less government in favor of the Progressive's collective ideology, the end of America's free Republic became preordained. The division between the Conservative and Liberal ideologies is now so far apart compromise between the two sides has become a distant mirage. Now, the only "compromise", which is no compromise at all, arrives by virtue of who holds a majority of political power in Congress and the Whitehouse. All the minority party can do is to obstruct the majority party using Congressional procedural rules.
With all this in mind, how on earth can the left and right ever come together on issues that are good for America, not just good for the party who holds political power? Are there any national issues where the parties can come together and pass legislation that will benefit the nation as a whole? Only one issue comes to mind and that is the nation's infrastructure. But "Business Insider" estimates that to repair our roads, bridges, railroads and our seaports will take $3.2 Trillion, with $1 Trillion needed immediately. Where is the money going to come from, even with a vibrant and growing economy? America is flat broke and deep in debt because politicians refuse to compromise for the benefit of the nation. Why, because way too much of the available tax money is being and has been used for entitlements to buy votes? Now it can't be undone because the "people" have been bought off and will vote to maintain their "free stuff."
The American government (that's your Congressional representatives) has committed one of the most unforgivable management sins. It engaged in "deferred maintenance" of our infrastructure and we are now paying the price. Except government politicians and bureaucrats never pay the price. Only the American taxpayer pays the price for government mismanagement, corruption and over regulation.
So what are the issues that the left and right are unable to find a compromise? There are many. The two sides are deadlocked on immigration and border security. The Conservatives want a wall, repeal or limitations on family-based immigration and elimination of the diversity visa lottery. Inexplicably, Conservatives want amnesty for 1.8 million Dreamer (DACA) immigrants. But more amnesty will only encourage more illegal immigration. President Reagan already did this and the results have been and are open borders and the unstoppable flow of illegal aliens, including terrorists.
But since the Liberal policy is one of open borders (for future votes) they are against almost everything the Conservatives want. Liberals certainly want amnesty for the Dreamers but aren't willing to "compromise" on the rest. Is their room for compromise? You're kidding of course!
Conservatives want to repeal and replace Obama Care, but even the Conservatives can't get together on how to do it. Good 'Ole Senator (RINO) McCain, dashed the hopes of an Obama Care repeal and replace with his one NO vote.
The Liberals want to keep Obama Care (they created it without a single Republican vote) because it buys them more votes, even if Obama Care is hopelessly flawed, criminally expensive and is increasing the national debt. Who are the losers in this battle of wits, power and the failure to compromise, the American taxpayer?
Liberals want to expand Medicaid and Medicare (for votes), further increasing the national debt. Some socialist Liberals are calling for all citizens falling under either Medicare or Medicaid without regard to the cost. Conservatives want to hold back on socialist spending because they know what happens when expenses are greater than revenues. Conservatives have been calling for a balanced budget Amendment. Liberals are opposing it. Will the two sides ever come together? Not likely!
Liberals and Conservatives can't even come together on the national debt or deficit. There it is, passing through $20 Trillion on its way to who knows where with no signs of it slowing down. Thirty-eight years ago (1980) William E. Simon, Treasury Secretary under Ronald Reagan, warned us that the national debt would end up sinking the good ship USS America, but the Conservatives and Liberals keep kicking the "can" down the road and spending more for social programs, thereby increasing the national debt. The national debt was under $1 Trillion in 1980.
The government is now forced to "print" the money or borrow if from the Federal Reserve and/or foreign countries, like China. The indifference and refusal to act on this crisis by both sides is not just criminal negligence, it borders on high crimes and misdemeanors. Liberals want higher taxes to pay for promises they have made to constituents for their votes and Conservatives want lower taxes for logical imperatives. But compromise? Not on your life!
Then there is the environment. The liberals want to make almost every human activity illegal under environmental law. They want to repeal fossil fuels and replace them with alternative energy. Insane! They have become obsessive on the subject of man-caused global warming, even though the science is unsettled. They would deprive us of the greatest source of energy ever discovered by man, based on flawed and inaccurate computer models blaming man for global warming, condemning third-world countries to perpetual poverty. Liberals believe they can replace fossil fuels with wind and solar power, a pipe dream at best and a fraud on the American taxpayer at worst.
The Conservatives on the other hand, vehemently oppose these Liberal environmental policies as a means of wealth redistribution, more control over the people and the destruction of property rights. They maintain that these policies are so restrictive and expensive they will put the brakes on the economy, lower our standard of living and could send us reeling into a depression. Is there room for compromise? Hardly!
On foreign policy, Liberals are weak and believe in being nice and appeasement, ala Neville Chamberlain. Liberals compromise with our foreign friends and adversaries to the detriment of American interests. Liberals apologize to the rest of the world for America's success. They make give-a-way trade deals, enter into ludicrous agreements and fork over billions of cash to our enemies without extracting concessions, even though those agreements and cash recklessly endanger American national security.
Conservatives, instead, play the peace-through-strength card and our friends and enemies respect us. Conservatives build up our military strength and readiness. Conservatives are tougher on trade, call the enemy's bluff and place military assets around the globe to detour overt aggression by foreign empires. There is peace on earth, without world war, because of America's military might.
Sadly, most Conservative politicians aren't conservatives any more (RINO'S) and Liberal politicians aren't the old liberals they were back in the 40's and 50's (they are now avowed socialists). Both groups have moved to the left as the Progressives dragged America farther and farther left over the last 8 to 10 decades. As the two sides drift farther apart, compromise becomes not only unlikely, but virtually impossible. Fist fights will eventually break out in the halls of Congress, to be followed by a national civil war. There are millions of Americans who still have the freedom gene buried deep in their DNA and will not sit back and let the socialists win without a fight and fight they will.
Meanwhile, older Americans, which we wrote about in our last article entitled "Who Speaks for the Forgotten and Ignored Generation", are fully aware of the two sides failure to compromise. They have had a front row seat for over 60 years. They mourn for their children and grandchildren and what they will face in the coming decades as America sinks deeper into a totally preventable socialist abyss and third-world status ..... Venezuela style.
If you are an older American, sickened by what you see happening to your country because your representatives won't do what is good for America and at the same time having difficulty with rapidly advancing technology, perhaps you can find some solace HERE.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Old Timers Resisting High Tech" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Who Speaks For the Forgotten and Ignored Generation?”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, August 12, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
“We live in a youth-obsessed culture that is constantly trying to tell us that if we are not young, and we’re not glowing, and we’re not hot, that we don’t matter. I refuse to let a system or a culture or a distorted view of reality tell me that I don’t matter. I know that only by owning who and what you are can you start to step into the fullness of life. Every year should be teaching us all something valuable. Whether you get the lesson is really up to you.” Oprah Winfrey
Back in September of 2013, we penned an article entitled, "What Happens When the Wise Ones Are Gone?" In the article we wrote:
"After decades of government handouts and the brainwashing and indoctrination of our children in the public school system, the younger generation does not possess the same point of reference on the principles of liberty as do those of us in our 60’s, 70’s and 80's. There are only a few tens of thousands who remember the trials of the Great Depression and many of us were young children or infants during the Second World War. Still, the nanny state had not yet intruded into our daily lives, as it has recently."
"Every single human being develops beliefs and opinions based on their accumulated experiences and knowledge and other influences from a variety of sources, gleaned over the years of their lifetime. Sometimes those beliefs and opinions evolve into new beliefs as they accumulate new information. Sometimes the beliefs become firm and fixed no matter what new information comes their way. As a general rule, our political beliefs are heavily influenced by what our parents believe and the actions they took, or are now taking, in furtherance of those beliefs." As the population ages and the older generation begins to die off, the general beliefs and opinions of that generation die off with them and those general beliefs and opinions of that generation are replaced by the emerging generation. That is why President Reagan said: 'Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.'"
The question is, ".... who will be the soldiers to save America, the young, or the old?" Right now it is the older ones with wisdom that "see" the true realities and have a broad point of reference from which their wisdom springs. The younger ones aren't there yet and may never get there at the current rate of government indoctrination, brainwashing, propaganda and "free" handouts.
If you are under 60, most of the following will have no meaning for you. If you are 65 or older, you will know exactly what we are talking about.
America's aging population remembers a different kind of freedom than the younger generation believes in today. But that older generation is dying off. And as they pass on, they take with them the wisdom of those many years they have lived. If they have not passed that wisdom onto their children and grandchildren, it is lost forever, except maybe as a footnote in some obscure, yellowing-paged history book, or a personal diary that few ever see. Who speaks for them? Who carries on their experiences, knowledge and wisdom?
Sadly, before they pass on, they face the trials of an aging body and mind and it's no picnic. The plumbing doesn't work as good any more. Their stomachs can't take a wide variety of foods as they used to. The ligaments that separate the bones at their joints are almost gone. Arthritis settles into their bones and joints and they ache, or are extremely sensitive to the touch. They are now more susceptible to the diseases of aging, such as cancer and heart, lung, bone, blood and nerve disorders. They have to take more pills to stay alive. More visits to the doctor or the hospital become a requirement. Health costs go up. Social Security and Medicare are on their lips almost every day. Their bodies slow down, muscle mass turns to fat and they tire easily. Naps are not a luxury any more they are a necessity. Mental capacity becomes a factor and memory recall is more difficult. Kids and grandkids don't come around as much any more and friends and older relatives are leaving this earth behind. Spouses die, leaving the surviving spouse lonely, anxious, despondent and many times with declining income. Instead of going to dances, the older generation is going to funerals. Life gets more complicated and new technology becomes more of a challenge.
Older Americans wish for the simple days after World War 2 when the clarity of issues was more distinct and less controversial. There were only two genders. Marriage was between a man and woman. Abortions were an abomination to nature and God. Movies came without swearing, or excessive sex and violence. Children respected their elders and discipline was an integral part of parenting.
Teachers taught reading, writing and arithmetic, not all this psychological mumbo-gumbo being offered today that confuses children, creates gender identification difficulties and brings them unnecessary anxiety. Teachers also took no guff from the kids and reasonable discipline was part of teaching. We remember a shop teacher that kept a wooden paddle with holes in it at his desk. It was designed for those kids who thought they had more authority than the teacher. Now, if he paddled a student, he'd go to jail.
During those earlier times, there was no question that freedom, liberty and unalienable rights were defined and codified into law by the U. S. Constitution. There were three branches of government that were supposed to help keep political corruption from rising. The bureaucracy new its place and was not an un-elected fourth branch of government with political influence greater than the legislators, or voters.
The news media attempted to be objective when reporting political news. Academia had yet to become a one size fits all politically correct, ultra-liberal higher education. Thousands weren't dying from opioid overdoses and illegal immigrants weren't streaming across our borders by the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, every year. There was no terror threat in our cities and there were no TSA inspectors at our airports. We didn't even lock our doors. Many times we left the keys in the car. Our young girls were safe on the streets. No one was protesting in the streets to repeal ICE. Conservatives still had a voice in the main stream. And just about everyone could understand the words in popular music from crooners like Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Perry Como, Bing Crosby, Andy Williams, Tony Bennett, Nat King Cole and Pat Boone.
Is it any wonder that millions of senior citizens are frustrated and fear for their country, a country that has turned away from the principles of freedom, independence and self-reliance and is now headed for cultural and financial destruction at the evil hands of socialism?
Nevertheless, some seniors face advancing age and our deteriorating political climate with as much grace and dignity that they can muster. They try to eat more healthy foods and exercise as much as they can. They stay in contact with old friends and work to make new friends. They get involved with groups and stay mentally and physically active. In contrast, still others find aging and America's fast moving pace and rapidly advancing technology a real chore. Many more fall behind and don't care.
Older American's future has been shortened by advancing years and it's difficult for them to look ahead. So instead, they tend to sustain themselves and their sanity by looking back at memories of children and grandchildren. They focus on the good times, not the bad.
Those older memories are the substance of their wisdom and give them a wide variety of issues for conversations with those of the same age. The worst nightmare senior's face is a devastating house fire that erases all the evidence of those memories, as is happening in the wildfires all over the West this year.
Unfortunately, new technology is giving millions of seniors a perpetual headache. They want to be part of the high tech scene and stay in touch with their friends and relatives with photographs, e-mail and "texting," but slowly reducing mental capacity and unfamiliarity with high tech terms and processes holds them back and raises their anxiety and embarrassment. Many seniors simply shrug it off and say, "it's not for me. Who needs it anyway?"
But what if older Americans had a resource they could go to that would help them not only with high tech, but would allow them to share and preserve those older memories, through pictures and stories? What if there was a venue to which "Old Timers" could find information on aging, end of life, self-healing, medical miracles, social security and Medicare? What if there was a place they could post a story of a lost loved one? What if older American veterans could share their experiences they had in war, or even special peacetime stories? What if seniors could receive a monthly newsletter filled with information that is 100% relevant to those over 65 .....without all the advertising that comes in some senior magazines?
Who speaks for our senior citizens? Who carries on their experiences, memories, knowledge and wisdom? We do in a simple to use, easy to read, large-print website entitled, "Old Timer's Resisting High Tech." (click on the link) If you are an "Old Timer" that has had difficulty adapting to all the new electronic devices, or just wants to share those memories and photographs of your life, we encourage you to log onto our website. It was created by an "octogenarian" (over 80) with you in mind by someone who knows and has experienced what you are going through. This is your website to use for your own enrichment, even if you ARE a senior wiz at high tech. If you like it, share it with your older friends and relatives. If you are under 65, share our website with your parents or grandparents. They will be glad you did.
It is often said that life is short but when you are over 65, life is even shorter. Fill it with as much positive information, experiences, education and good memories that you can. In your case, time is truly of the essence.
If you are over 65, or 75, or 85, let us know what you THINK.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Old Timers Resisting High Tech" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Back in September of 2013, we penned an article entitled, "What Happens When the Wise Ones Are Gone?" In the article we wrote:
"After decades of government handouts and the brainwashing and indoctrination of our children in the public school system, the younger generation does not possess the same point of reference on the principles of liberty as do those of us in our 60’s, 70’s and 80's. There are only a few tens of thousands who remember the trials of the Great Depression and many of us were young children or infants during the Second World War. Still, the nanny state had not yet intruded into our daily lives, as it has recently."
"Every single human being develops beliefs and opinions based on their accumulated experiences and knowledge and other influences from a variety of sources, gleaned over the years of their lifetime. Sometimes those beliefs and opinions evolve into new beliefs as they accumulate new information. Sometimes the beliefs become firm and fixed no matter what new information comes their way. As a general rule, our political beliefs are heavily influenced by what our parents believe and the actions they took, or are now taking, in furtherance of those beliefs." As the population ages and the older generation begins to die off, the general beliefs and opinions of that generation die off with them and those general beliefs and opinions of that generation are replaced by the emerging generation. That is why President Reagan said: 'Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.'"
The question is, ".... who will be the soldiers to save America, the young, or the old?" Right now it is the older ones with wisdom that "see" the true realities and have a broad point of reference from which their wisdom springs. The younger ones aren't there yet and may never get there at the current rate of government indoctrination, brainwashing, propaganda and "free" handouts.
If you are under 60, most of the following will have no meaning for you. If you are 65 or older, you will know exactly what we are talking about.
America's aging population remembers a different kind of freedom than the younger generation believes in today. But that older generation is dying off. And as they pass on, they take with them the wisdom of those many years they have lived. If they have not passed that wisdom onto their children and grandchildren, it is lost forever, except maybe as a footnote in some obscure, yellowing-paged history book, or a personal diary that few ever see. Who speaks for them? Who carries on their experiences, knowledge and wisdom?
Sadly, before they pass on, they face the trials of an aging body and mind and it's no picnic. The plumbing doesn't work as good any more. Their stomachs can't take a wide variety of foods as they used to. The ligaments that separate the bones at their joints are almost gone. Arthritis settles into their bones and joints and they ache, or are extremely sensitive to the touch. They are now more susceptible to the diseases of aging, such as cancer and heart, lung, bone, blood and nerve disorders. They have to take more pills to stay alive. More visits to the doctor or the hospital become a requirement. Health costs go up. Social Security and Medicare are on their lips almost every day. Their bodies slow down, muscle mass turns to fat and they tire easily. Naps are not a luxury any more they are a necessity. Mental capacity becomes a factor and memory recall is more difficult. Kids and grandkids don't come around as much any more and friends and older relatives are leaving this earth behind. Spouses die, leaving the surviving spouse lonely, anxious, despondent and many times with declining income. Instead of going to dances, the older generation is going to funerals. Life gets more complicated and new technology becomes more of a challenge.
Older Americans wish for the simple days after World War 2 when the clarity of issues was more distinct and less controversial. There were only two genders. Marriage was between a man and woman. Abortions were an abomination to nature and God. Movies came without swearing, or excessive sex and violence. Children respected their elders and discipline was an integral part of parenting.
Teachers taught reading, writing and arithmetic, not all this psychological mumbo-gumbo being offered today that confuses children, creates gender identification difficulties and brings them unnecessary anxiety. Teachers also took no guff from the kids and reasonable discipline was part of teaching. We remember a shop teacher that kept a wooden paddle with holes in it at his desk. It was designed for those kids who thought they had more authority than the teacher. Now, if he paddled a student, he'd go to jail.
During those earlier times, there was no question that freedom, liberty and unalienable rights were defined and codified into law by the U. S. Constitution. There were three branches of government that were supposed to help keep political corruption from rising. The bureaucracy new its place and was not an un-elected fourth branch of government with political influence greater than the legislators, or voters.
The news media attempted to be objective when reporting political news. Academia had yet to become a one size fits all politically correct, ultra-liberal higher education. Thousands weren't dying from opioid overdoses and illegal immigrants weren't streaming across our borders by the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, every year. There was no terror threat in our cities and there were no TSA inspectors at our airports. We didn't even lock our doors. Many times we left the keys in the car. Our young girls were safe on the streets. No one was protesting in the streets to repeal ICE. Conservatives still had a voice in the main stream. And just about everyone could understand the words in popular music from crooners like Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Perry Como, Bing Crosby, Andy Williams, Tony Bennett, Nat King Cole and Pat Boone.
Is it any wonder that millions of senior citizens are frustrated and fear for their country, a country that has turned away from the principles of freedom, independence and self-reliance and is now headed for cultural and financial destruction at the evil hands of socialism?
Nevertheless, some seniors face advancing age and our deteriorating political climate with as much grace and dignity that they can muster. They try to eat more healthy foods and exercise as much as they can. They stay in contact with old friends and work to make new friends. They get involved with groups and stay mentally and physically active. In contrast, still others find aging and America's fast moving pace and rapidly advancing technology a real chore. Many more fall behind and don't care.
Older American's future has been shortened by advancing years and it's difficult for them to look ahead. So instead, they tend to sustain themselves and their sanity by looking back at memories of children and grandchildren. They focus on the good times, not the bad.
Those older memories are the substance of their wisdom and give them a wide variety of issues for conversations with those of the same age. The worst nightmare senior's face is a devastating house fire that erases all the evidence of those memories, as is happening in the wildfires all over the West this year.
Unfortunately, new technology is giving millions of seniors a perpetual headache. They want to be part of the high tech scene and stay in touch with their friends and relatives with photographs, e-mail and "texting," but slowly reducing mental capacity and unfamiliarity with high tech terms and processes holds them back and raises their anxiety and embarrassment. Many seniors simply shrug it off and say, "it's not for me. Who needs it anyway?"
But what if older Americans had a resource they could go to that would help them not only with high tech, but would allow them to share and preserve those older memories, through pictures and stories? What if there was a venue to which "Old Timers" could find information on aging, end of life, self-healing, medical miracles, social security and Medicare? What if there was a place they could post a story of a lost loved one? What if older American veterans could share their experiences they had in war, or even special peacetime stories? What if seniors could receive a monthly newsletter filled with information that is 100% relevant to those over 65 .....without all the advertising that comes in some senior magazines?
Who speaks for our senior citizens? Who carries on their experiences, memories, knowledge and wisdom? We do in a simple to use, easy to read, large-print website entitled, "Old Timer's Resisting High Tech." (click on the link) If you are an "Old Timer" that has had difficulty adapting to all the new electronic devices, or just wants to share those memories and photographs of your life, we encourage you to log onto our website. It was created by an "octogenarian" (over 80) with you in mind by someone who knows and has experienced what you are going through. This is your website to use for your own enrichment, even if you ARE a senior wiz at high tech. If you like it, share it with your older friends and relatives. If you are under 65, share our website with your parents or grandparents. They will be glad you did.
It is often said that life is short but when you are over 65, life is even shorter. Fill it with as much positive information, experiences, education and good memories that you can. In your case, time is truly of the essence.
If you are over 65, or 75, or 85, let us know what you THINK.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. An affiliated NARLO website is "Old Timers Resisting High Tech" (http://www.otrht.com). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"It Would Appear That Representative Government Is Dead”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Ó Copyright Sunday, August 12, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
"Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny." Thomas Jefferson
While trying to come up with a subject for our weekly column, America's immigration dilemma started doing ever-tightening circles in our mind. It is a dilemma that has been coming at legal Americans like a slow-moving freight train for several decades and it now may have reached the point where it cannot be fixed politically. The illegal immigration freight train has become a run-away!
Because of this situation, and out of building frustration and outright anger, we began a title to our next article with: "If Government Won't Deport Illegals, Then Legal Americans Must." But of course if we followed through with that title and wrote an article around it, we would be guilty of advocating violence or vigilantism. That's how far our frustration went until logic and reason took over and we realized why illegal immigration can't be fixed under the current system. It's because representative government is hopelessly divided and most likely, forever broken without massive intervention by the people.
Americans, well at least some Americans, cling to representative government and a Constitutional Republic out of a perception that the vision of our Founding Fathers will be forever enshrined in the annals of politics and the halls of government. That would be true except for the human failings of greed, lust and power that build up over time when left unattended. The Founding Fathers warned us that government could eventually evolve into political favors, bribery, pay offs, double dealing, corruption, collusion, conspiracy and racketeering ..... if the people let it. The sad reality is, we have. Some of the people are trying to undo the government cabal, while millions of other Americans like it just the way it is, because they are freely profiting from our increasingly corrupt, unconstitutional system.
Representative government has failed on all accounts, mostly due to two observable conditions. The first condition is the apathy of the American people and the second condition is the ever-widening gap between two vastly different and opposing ideologies. One ideology is fixed on the idea that society slowly evolves away from individual independence, constitutional unalienable rights and self-reliance due to rising human densities, to a culture that is heavily dependent on government and government services. The other ideology is the direct opposite of the former. A compromise, or co-existence, between the two ideologies has most likely evaporated into thin air because too many Americans have been bought off with promises of "free" stuff by one of those ideologies.
Since the people aren't paying much attention to what the government representatives are doing, as respects their freedom and natural rights, those representatives are free to do pretty much whatever they want to do. The representatives can enrich themselves at the expense of the masses. They can buy more votes with your money. They can join the world elite in establishing world government. They can open the flood gates to illegal immigration for ulterior motives ..... you know, like votes. And they can increase their power over the American people by passing highly restrictive laws for a million different reasons, all of which are supposed to benefit the masses (or the planet), but don't.
The fixes to the problems of representative government require the approval and ratification of the representatives themselves, equivalent to the proverbial fox guarding the henhouse. Term limits would go a long way towards fixing the vexing problems of representative government, but the representatives are quite reluctant to deny themselves of the extreme benefits of seemingly perpetual political power, benefits not offered or available to the masses.
All common sense political fixes to the problems facing Americans never materialize in America's representative government. The divisions between the two parties (ideologies), produces either no legislation, or partisan legislation that contains meaningless compromises that lead to conflicts and loopholes over which lawyers can argue over for decades and that is if they can even come to a compromise.
Alarmingly, our representative government (RG) "system" has morphed into an intertwined entanglement of a corrupt, interlocking national and international interests of commerce, finance, trade and labor, accompanied by government enablers of the RG "system" in the executive, judicial and legislative branches. The tentacles of one interest are inextricably interwoven into the tentacles of all the other interests. Finding out what drives one, leads to a complex maze of closed doors, backrooms, and secret meetings. All the sources are purposely hidden and camouflaged. Traces to find the truth go down dead end paths, or are blocked by impenetrable obstacles. Sources of the RG "system's" power are elusive and they are anything but constitutional. The RG "system" exists because of citizen apathy and survives, thrives and grows on the people's money, driven by the special interest elite.
Special interests, including internationalists, corporations, unions, socialists and environmentalists, drive federal, state and local governments. They are a viral infection in the RG "system." Corrupt politicians whose only priority is to get elected or re-elected, drive the legislative branch of government and are part of the RG "system." Even the "good" representatives, if that is not a contradiction of terms, will eventually be sucked into the RG "system".
The RG "system" has produced the likes of international mobsters Bill and Hillary Clinton. It has spawned corruption that was recently exposed in the Department of Justice and the FBI under the leaderships of James Comey, Robert Mueller, Andrew McCabe, Bruce Ohr, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and many more.
The RG "system" gave us a ridiculously expensive judicial system that is far removed from the common law of the people and constitutional protections. The RG "system" repealed our citizen grand jury mechanism for holding government accountable by the people.
The RG "system" gave us the 16th Amendment, the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service. The RG "system" brought Americans the suspension of the Gold Standard. The RG "system" gave us worthless money that is an instrument of debt, backed by nothing.
The RG "system" gave us a news media that is devoid of objectivity and now personifies a wholly liberal "system" bias. The RG "system" gave us liberal colleges that now espouse only a liberal viewpoint and silences any other.
The RG "system" gave us radical environmentalism that tells man he is a virus on the earth and must be heavily taxed and regulated and freedoms denied. The RG "system" gave us social justice, a liberal ideology that promotes and supports only the collective, never the individual or individual rights. Under these conditions the U. S. Constitution has become virtually meaningless.
Our representative government "system" gave us the entrenched establishment and the deep state. The RG "system" gave us an insane immigration policy that directly benefits one of the two opposing ideologies and is a huge financial drag on the rest of us.
The RG "system" gave us a government-run health care bureaucracy that is expensive, inefficient, cumbersome and generally corrupt. The people never really benefit from the new policies and are only more taxed by them, while they continue to lose more of their freedoms.
The people's representatives, under our representative form of government, have let the people down and instead the representatives have turned inward towards their own self-interests, at the people's expense.
But then we aren't telling you anything new. For twelve years now we, along with many other patriots, have pointed out the flaws in our representative form of government and we get positive responses rewarding our efforts and telling us to keep up the "good work." But then, when we mention possible "fixes" to those flaws, we hear a deafening silence. The "fixes" evade us because instinctively we know that those "fixes" will upset our status quo to which we have all adapted. We have effectively adapted to government tyranny knowing full well that to override government tyranny will take immense sacrifices, sacrifices we are not willing to make. The German people "adapted" to the rising tyranny of Hitler and the Third Reich.
Many have been duped into believing that the rise of a Donald Trump presidency will save our Republic. But all the Trump Administration and Congress did was to "so benevolently" give us some of our own money back, open up some more jobs, reduce some regulations and put more food on our tables. The People didn't do it. The government did it. We the People OWE the government for our prosperity. That "ain't" freedom folks.
The government knows full well that a full belly stops all kinds of complaints and gripes about government tyranny and adds up to votes for the providers. Keep 'em fat, dumb and happy and the masses will be less likely to jump on the government's case.
"Oh what fools we mortals be, when we believe that government cares for you and me."
For four thousand years or more, the people have been adapting to slowly evolving tyranny. When it explodes in their faces and the chains wrap around their wrists and ankles and the jail door slams shut, or before a noose snaps their neck, they then yell, "give me freedom." But alas, by then, it is too late.
We close with this admonition. Some citizens that are frustrated with the unreasonable and in some cases treasonable actions of government will resort to violence to relieve their pent up anger and frustration. No matter how much the politicians shield themselves with a huge police presence at government meetings and conferences, or when they are alone out in the community, some Americans will resort to violence against those they think are responsible for their grief and frustration and will find a way to deliver that violence. Incidences of violence will grow as the noose of tyranny tightens. NEVERTHLESS, IN NO WAY ARE WE CONDONING THIS TYPE OF VIOLENCE.
If you squeeze a ripe tomato too hard, it will ooze out between your fingers. If you squeeze Americans too hard, unintended and sometimes violent consequences will be the result. It is an inescapable fact which way too many of us ignore.
Thomas Jefferson wrote: “What more is necessary to make us a happy and a prosperous people?...a wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.”
Anyone who is paying attention knows for sure that the government described by Jefferson is not the government that exists today. Our representative form of government is essentially dead but we just can't wrap our heads around it! We now live in an "Establishment run" oligarchy that robs us blind ..... for our own "good."
To the victor goes the spoils and WE THE PEOPLE are not the victors.
So you see ladies and gentlemen, the first title to this article may have been more right than the second.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
While trying to come up with a subject for our weekly column, America's immigration dilemma started doing ever-tightening circles in our mind. It is a dilemma that has been coming at legal Americans like a slow-moving freight train for several decades and it now may have reached the point where it cannot be fixed politically. The illegal immigration freight train has become a run-away!
Because of this situation, and out of building frustration and outright anger, we began a title to our next article with: "If Government Won't Deport Illegals, Then Legal Americans Must." But of course if we followed through with that title and wrote an article around it, we would be guilty of advocating violence or vigilantism. That's how far our frustration went until logic and reason took over and we realized why illegal immigration can't be fixed under the current system. It's because representative government is hopelessly divided and most likely, forever broken without massive intervention by the people.
Americans, well at least some Americans, cling to representative government and a Constitutional Republic out of a perception that the vision of our Founding Fathers will be forever enshrined in the annals of politics and the halls of government. That would be true except for the human failings of greed, lust and power that build up over time when left unattended. The Founding Fathers warned us that government could eventually evolve into political favors, bribery, pay offs, double dealing, corruption, collusion, conspiracy and racketeering ..... if the people let it. The sad reality is, we have. Some of the people are trying to undo the government cabal, while millions of other Americans like it just the way it is, because they are freely profiting from our increasingly corrupt, unconstitutional system.
Representative government has failed on all accounts, mostly due to two observable conditions. The first condition is the apathy of the American people and the second condition is the ever-widening gap between two vastly different and opposing ideologies. One ideology is fixed on the idea that society slowly evolves away from individual independence, constitutional unalienable rights and self-reliance due to rising human densities, to a culture that is heavily dependent on government and government services. The other ideology is the direct opposite of the former. A compromise, or co-existence, between the two ideologies has most likely evaporated into thin air because too many Americans have been bought off with promises of "free" stuff by one of those ideologies.
Since the people aren't paying much attention to what the government representatives are doing, as respects their freedom and natural rights, those representatives are free to do pretty much whatever they want to do. The representatives can enrich themselves at the expense of the masses. They can buy more votes with your money. They can join the world elite in establishing world government. They can open the flood gates to illegal immigration for ulterior motives ..... you know, like votes. And they can increase their power over the American people by passing highly restrictive laws for a million different reasons, all of which are supposed to benefit the masses (or the planet), but don't.
The fixes to the problems of representative government require the approval and ratification of the representatives themselves, equivalent to the proverbial fox guarding the henhouse. Term limits would go a long way towards fixing the vexing problems of representative government, but the representatives are quite reluctant to deny themselves of the extreme benefits of seemingly perpetual political power, benefits not offered or available to the masses.
All common sense political fixes to the problems facing Americans never materialize in America's representative government. The divisions between the two parties (ideologies), produces either no legislation, or partisan legislation that contains meaningless compromises that lead to conflicts and loopholes over which lawyers can argue over for decades and that is if they can even come to a compromise.
Alarmingly, our representative government (RG) "system" has morphed into an intertwined entanglement of a corrupt, interlocking national and international interests of commerce, finance, trade and labor, accompanied by government enablers of the RG "system" in the executive, judicial and legislative branches. The tentacles of one interest are inextricably interwoven into the tentacles of all the other interests. Finding out what drives one, leads to a complex maze of closed doors, backrooms, and secret meetings. All the sources are purposely hidden and camouflaged. Traces to find the truth go down dead end paths, or are blocked by impenetrable obstacles. Sources of the RG "system's" power are elusive and they are anything but constitutional. The RG "system" exists because of citizen apathy and survives, thrives and grows on the people's money, driven by the special interest elite.
Special interests, including internationalists, corporations, unions, socialists and environmentalists, drive federal, state and local governments. They are a viral infection in the RG "system." Corrupt politicians whose only priority is to get elected or re-elected, drive the legislative branch of government and are part of the RG "system." Even the "good" representatives, if that is not a contradiction of terms, will eventually be sucked into the RG "system".
The RG "system" has produced the likes of international mobsters Bill and Hillary Clinton. It has spawned corruption that was recently exposed in the Department of Justice and the FBI under the leaderships of James Comey, Robert Mueller, Andrew McCabe, Bruce Ohr, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and many more.
The RG "system" gave us a ridiculously expensive judicial system that is far removed from the common law of the people and constitutional protections. The RG "system" repealed our citizen grand jury mechanism for holding government accountable by the people.
The RG "system" gave us the 16th Amendment, the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service. The RG "system" brought Americans the suspension of the Gold Standard. The RG "system" gave us worthless money that is an instrument of debt, backed by nothing.
The RG "system" gave us a news media that is devoid of objectivity and now personifies a wholly liberal "system" bias. The RG "system" gave us liberal colleges that now espouse only a liberal viewpoint and silences any other.
The RG "system" gave us radical environmentalism that tells man he is a virus on the earth and must be heavily taxed and regulated and freedoms denied. The RG "system" gave us social justice, a liberal ideology that promotes and supports only the collective, never the individual or individual rights. Under these conditions the U. S. Constitution has become virtually meaningless.
Our representative government "system" gave us the entrenched establishment and the deep state. The RG "system" gave us an insane immigration policy that directly benefits one of the two opposing ideologies and is a huge financial drag on the rest of us.
The RG "system" gave us a government-run health care bureaucracy that is expensive, inefficient, cumbersome and generally corrupt. The people never really benefit from the new policies and are only more taxed by them, while they continue to lose more of their freedoms.
The people's representatives, under our representative form of government, have let the people down and instead the representatives have turned inward towards their own self-interests, at the people's expense.
But then we aren't telling you anything new. For twelve years now we, along with many other patriots, have pointed out the flaws in our representative form of government and we get positive responses rewarding our efforts and telling us to keep up the "good work." But then, when we mention possible "fixes" to those flaws, we hear a deafening silence. The "fixes" evade us because instinctively we know that those "fixes" will upset our status quo to which we have all adapted. We have effectively adapted to government tyranny knowing full well that to override government tyranny will take immense sacrifices, sacrifices we are not willing to make. The German people "adapted" to the rising tyranny of Hitler and the Third Reich.
Many have been duped into believing that the rise of a Donald Trump presidency will save our Republic. But all the Trump Administration and Congress did was to "so benevolently" give us some of our own money back, open up some more jobs, reduce some regulations and put more food on our tables. The People didn't do it. The government did it. We the People OWE the government for our prosperity. That "ain't" freedom folks.
The government knows full well that a full belly stops all kinds of complaints and gripes about government tyranny and adds up to votes for the providers. Keep 'em fat, dumb and happy and the masses will be less likely to jump on the government's case.
"Oh what fools we mortals be, when we believe that government cares for you and me."
For four thousand years or more, the people have been adapting to slowly evolving tyranny. When it explodes in their faces and the chains wrap around their wrists and ankles and the jail door slams shut, or before a noose snaps their neck, they then yell, "give me freedom." But alas, by then, it is too late.
We close with this admonition. Some citizens that are frustrated with the unreasonable and in some cases treasonable actions of government will resort to violence to relieve their pent up anger and frustration. No matter how much the politicians shield themselves with a huge police presence at government meetings and conferences, or when they are alone out in the community, some Americans will resort to violence against those they think are responsible for their grief and frustration and will find a way to deliver that violence. Incidences of violence will grow as the noose of tyranny tightens. NEVERTHLESS, IN NO WAY ARE WE CONDONING THIS TYPE OF VIOLENCE.
If you squeeze a ripe tomato too hard, it will ooze out between your fingers. If you squeeze Americans too hard, unintended and sometimes violent consequences will be the result. It is an inescapable fact which way too many of us ignore.
Thomas Jefferson wrote: “What more is necessary to make us a happy and a prosperous people?...a wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.”
Anyone who is paying attention knows for sure that the government described by Jefferson is not the government that exists today. Our representative form of government is essentially dead but we just can't wrap our heads around it! We now live in an "Establishment run" oligarchy that robs us blind ..... for our own "good."
To the victor goes the spoils and WE THE PEOPLE are not the victors.
So you see ladies and gentlemen, the first title to this article may have been more right than the second.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"The Incestuous Cesspool in a Democratic DC Marsh”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, August 5, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
To our frequent readers:
Sometimes a different literary form does a better job of getting the message across. Let's see if you agree.
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"The Incestuous Cesspool in a Democratic DC Marsh"
Poem by Ron Ewart
© Copyright Thursday July 26, 2018
- All Rights Reserved -
The names keep floating by in intertwined tangles,
From Comey, to Mueller, to Rosenstein, to Strzok.
Little tidbits of information are hanging there in dangles
As the TV blares at us like an oncoming truck.
Then there's Baker, Page, McCabe and Ohr
But lets not forget the GPS at Fusion.
Each is involved in lying and are corrupt to the core,
And even their wives contribute to the collusion.
Hillary paid Fusion who hired Steele.
They were all involved in a shady little deal,
To get the goods on candidate Trump
So he'd never get elected and instead get dumped.
But the corruption gets worse as we dig into the din.
There is Comey and Mueller, friends for many years.
From the evidence it's no doubt they are guilty as sin
But it is highly unlikely they have any fears ......
Of ever being prosecuted or spend time in jail.
Because they are looking out for each other.
And it's not likely that they will fail
As they protect each other like brother protects brother.
Now we can't forget good 'ole Andy McCabe
Assistant FBI Director under corrupt James Comey.
McCabe had meetings with Strzok and Page
And the content of those meetings wasn't very funny.
You see they were planning sort of a coup,
An insurance policy to stop Donald Trump.
They were promoting Hillary and her entourage too
To make sure Donald was ceremoniously dumped.
But McCabe had much more dirt in his biased little mouth
When he failed to recuse himself from investigating Clinton,
After it was discovered that Democrat Terry McCauliffe
Was putting thousands of dollars in McCabe' wife's mittens.
Now the corruption gets worse as we peel back the onion.
Bruce Ohr, was associate deputy attorney general at the DOJ.
Ohr's wife at the time worked for GPS Fusion,
While Bruce met with Steele and thought it OK.
Ohr was taking the Steele Trump dirt to the FBI
And out of all this dirt came the infamous dossier.
None of it was verified and most was a lie
But they used it to get a FISA warrant ..... anyway.
Now there was FBI Peter Strzok, a real piece of work
As he colluded during an affair with FBI Attorney Lisa Page.
From all the evidence Peter turned out to be a real jerk
When he was finally exposed on the critical world stage.
50,000 texts flew back and forth between the two,
As they plotted to undo Trump in the presidential election.
Their efforts had all the elements of a warless coup
But they got caught up in a Congressional investigation.
In all this furor between Page and Strzok
We might have forgotten that Strzok had a wife.
Sadly she too is one of the swamp's ducks
As she leads a federal government bureaucracy life.
Melissa Hodgman, Strzok's wife, just happens to be
Associate Director, Enforcement Division at the SEC.
Somehow she was involved in the Clinton Foundation
And it's been rumored that she nixed the entire investigation.
It's too bad that so many have forgotten that in 2002
That sweet little child, you know Joan Comey's son,
Became the lead investigator in the Clinton Foundation
But once again, like so many times before, the Clintons won.
In 2016 Comey get a second chance to go after Hillary
And what happened then was a 2002 playbook.
On July the 5th, 2016, like a 50-caliber artillery
Comey did it again and let Clinton off the hook.
But this incestuous swamp gets dirtier by the day,
When looking at the history of Comey, Mueller and Rosenstein.
You've all heard of Clinton's Uranium One deal and pay for play.
Mueller was FBI Director and Rosenstein the investigator at the time.
Now Bill Clinton gets a $500,000 Moscow speaking fee,
And the Clinton Foundation bank account jumps to $145 million.
It seems that the Clinton's have found an international money tree
On their way to a billion, or a trillion, or is it a gazillion.
Rod Rosentein, Deputy Attorney General at the DOJ
Is married to a sweet little girl named Lisa Barsoomian.
Now many might think that it is perfectly OK
That she is a U. S. DC District Attorney and a foreign Armenian.
But Barsoomian is not just a little innocent spouse
Of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
When you dig a little deeper she's really a louse
As she blocks FOIA requests most of the time.
Mueller's which-hunt investigation won't come to a conclusion,
As he digs into the "evidence" and goes far a field.
He could spend years investigating and not find collusion,
Even if the entire "onion" was eventually peeled.
We would be derelict if we didn't mention today
A few other politicians involved in the fray.
There's Obama, Holder, Lynch and Lew,
And Rice, Brennan and Clapper too.
In their hate for the Donald, they bent the rules.
Just for the Hell of it, they unmasked some Republican fools.
Without their knowledge of course and definitely against the law
They thumbed their noses at the victims and rubbed their faces raw.
The political establishment, the bureaucracy and the insidious deep state
Have the American people tied up in invisible chains.
So few are aware of our dilemma and our eventual fate.
It would appear that WE THE PEOPLE have run out of brains.
Freedom and liberty don't seem to matter any more.
Unalienable rights have been left on the cutting room floor.
Our cherished constitution has been cut to shreds
As way too many of us have become dolts or hopeless crackheads.
Millions of millenials are screaming for a socialist politician,
Like Bernie Sanders or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Both candidates are as hot as nuclear fission
And not much different than Che Guevara or Hugo Chavez.
It's possible you believe that it's just politicians who are bad
But it really goes much, much deeper than that.
It extends to the media and academia and that's really sad
When it turns out they too have corruption down pat.
Case in point is the great Chuck Todd of Meet the Press fame.
It seems his wife was receiving millions of loot
From the socialist Bernie Sanders Presidential Campaign.
But during the Sanders' interviews Chuck thought a disclosure was moot.
It's doubtful that the perpetrators will ever be exposed,
As they hide behind executive privilege or sovereign immunity.
For some strange reason all their cases get closed
As they ride the establishment horse of legal impunity.
None of these criminals gets convicted or goes to jail.
They just float around in a protected bubble of their own.
Any attempts to get them seem to always fail
And all the rest of us can do is cry, complain and moan.
The whole sordid situation is just about as bad as it can get.
The collusion, corruption and racketeering are everywhere.
The perpetrators' antics have left America deep in debt.
If we think we can save her, we may not have a prayer.
For the last 100 years, plus or minus a decade or so,
And we don't want to seem like were being too harsh,
But the people are stupid, lined up like ducks in a row
And they have allowed America to become an
"Incestuous Cesspool in a Democratic DC Marsh."
* * * * * * * * * * *
The moral of this story, that's if you want to hear,
Our Republic is on the brink of achieving its own demise.
There is much to be concerned about and very much to fear.
If we let this destruction happen, we can't be very wise.
We've given you fair warning and relayed all the facts.
It's time for the people to wake up and finally begin to act.
Liberty is on the chopping block and freedom's not far behind.
If something isn't done soon, freedom's death warrant we have signed.
Did you LIKE the poem? Let us know what you think.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Sometimes a different literary form does a better job of getting the message across. Let's see if you agree.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"The Incestuous Cesspool in a Democratic DC Marsh"
Poem by Ron Ewart
© Copyright Thursday July 26, 2018
- All Rights Reserved -
The names keep floating by in intertwined tangles,
From Comey, to Mueller, to Rosenstein, to Strzok.
Little tidbits of information are hanging there in dangles
As the TV blares at us like an oncoming truck.
Then there's Baker, Page, McCabe and Ohr
But lets not forget the GPS at Fusion.
Each is involved in lying and are corrupt to the core,
And even their wives contribute to the collusion.
Hillary paid Fusion who hired Steele.
They were all involved in a shady little deal,
To get the goods on candidate Trump
So he'd never get elected and instead get dumped.
But the corruption gets worse as we dig into the din.
There is Comey and Mueller, friends for many years.
From the evidence it's no doubt they are guilty as sin
But it is highly unlikely they have any fears ......
Of ever being prosecuted or spend time in jail.
Because they are looking out for each other.
And it's not likely that they will fail
As they protect each other like brother protects brother.
Now we can't forget good 'ole Andy McCabe
Assistant FBI Director under corrupt James Comey.
McCabe had meetings with Strzok and Page
And the content of those meetings wasn't very funny.
You see they were planning sort of a coup,
An insurance policy to stop Donald Trump.
They were promoting Hillary and her entourage too
To make sure Donald was ceremoniously dumped.
But McCabe had much more dirt in his biased little mouth
When he failed to recuse himself from investigating Clinton,
After it was discovered that Democrat Terry McCauliffe
Was putting thousands of dollars in McCabe' wife's mittens.
Now the corruption gets worse as we peel back the onion.
Bruce Ohr, was associate deputy attorney general at the DOJ.
Ohr's wife at the time worked for GPS Fusion,
While Bruce met with Steele and thought it OK.
Ohr was taking the Steele Trump dirt to the FBI
And out of all this dirt came the infamous dossier.
None of it was verified and most was a lie
But they used it to get a FISA warrant ..... anyway.
Now there was FBI Peter Strzok, a real piece of work
As he colluded during an affair with FBI Attorney Lisa Page.
From all the evidence Peter turned out to be a real jerk
When he was finally exposed on the critical world stage.
50,000 texts flew back and forth between the two,
As they plotted to undo Trump in the presidential election.
Their efforts had all the elements of a warless coup
But they got caught up in a Congressional investigation.
In all this furor between Page and Strzok
We might have forgotten that Strzok had a wife.
Sadly she too is one of the swamp's ducks
As she leads a federal government bureaucracy life.
Melissa Hodgman, Strzok's wife, just happens to be
Associate Director, Enforcement Division at the SEC.
Somehow she was involved in the Clinton Foundation
And it's been rumored that she nixed the entire investigation.
It's too bad that so many have forgotten that in 2002
That sweet little child, you know Joan Comey's son,
Became the lead investigator in the Clinton Foundation
But once again, like so many times before, the Clintons won.
In 2016 Comey get a second chance to go after Hillary
And what happened then was a 2002 playbook.
On July the 5th, 2016, like a 50-caliber artillery
Comey did it again and let Clinton off the hook.
But this incestuous swamp gets dirtier by the day,
When looking at the history of Comey, Mueller and Rosenstein.
You've all heard of Clinton's Uranium One deal and pay for play.
Mueller was FBI Director and Rosenstein the investigator at the time.
Now Bill Clinton gets a $500,000 Moscow speaking fee,
And the Clinton Foundation bank account jumps to $145 million.
It seems that the Clinton's have found an international money tree
On their way to a billion, or a trillion, or is it a gazillion.
Rod Rosentein, Deputy Attorney General at the DOJ
Is married to a sweet little girl named Lisa Barsoomian.
Now many might think that it is perfectly OK
That she is a U. S. DC District Attorney and a foreign Armenian.
But Barsoomian is not just a little innocent spouse
Of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
When you dig a little deeper she's really a louse
As she blocks FOIA requests most of the time.
Mueller's which-hunt investigation won't come to a conclusion,
As he digs into the "evidence" and goes far a field.
He could spend years investigating and not find collusion,
Even if the entire "onion" was eventually peeled.
We would be derelict if we didn't mention today
A few other politicians involved in the fray.
There's Obama, Holder, Lynch and Lew,
And Rice, Brennan and Clapper too.
In their hate for the Donald, they bent the rules.
Just for the Hell of it, they unmasked some Republican fools.
Without their knowledge of course and definitely against the law
They thumbed their noses at the victims and rubbed their faces raw.
The political establishment, the bureaucracy and the insidious deep state
Have the American people tied up in invisible chains.
So few are aware of our dilemma and our eventual fate.
It would appear that WE THE PEOPLE have run out of brains.
Freedom and liberty don't seem to matter any more.
Unalienable rights have been left on the cutting room floor.
Our cherished constitution has been cut to shreds
As way too many of us have become dolts or hopeless crackheads.
Millions of millenials are screaming for a socialist politician,
Like Bernie Sanders or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Both candidates are as hot as nuclear fission
And not much different than Che Guevara or Hugo Chavez.
It's possible you believe that it's just politicians who are bad
But it really goes much, much deeper than that.
It extends to the media and academia and that's really sad
When it turns out they too have corruption down pat.
Case in point is the great Chuck Todd of Meet the Press fame.
It seems his wife was receiving millions of loot
From the socialist Bernie Sanders Presidential Campaign.
But during the Sanders' interviews Chuck thought a disclosure was moot.
It's doubtful that the perpetrators will ever be exposed,
As they hide behind executive privilege or sovereign immunity.
For some strange reason all their cases get closed
As they ride the establishment horse of legal impunity.
None of these criminals gets convicted or goes to jail.
They just float around in a protected bubble of their own.
Any attempts to get them seem to always fail
And all the rest of us can do is cry, complain and moan.
The whole sordid situation is just about as bad as it can get.
The collusion, corruption and racketeering are everywhere.
The perpetrators' antics have left America deep in debt.
If we think we can save her, we may not have a prayer.
For the last 100 years, plus or minus a decade or so,
And we don't want to seem like were being too harsh,
But the people are stupid, lined up like ducks in a row
And they have allowed America to become an
"Incestuous Cesspool in a Democratic DC Marsh."
* * * * * * * * * * *
The moral of this story, that's if you want to hear,
Our Republic is on the brink of achieving its own demise.
There is much to be concerned about and very much to fear.
If we let this destruction happen, we can't be very wise.
We've given you fair warning and relayed all the facts.
It's time for the people to wake up and finally begin to act.
Liberty is on the chopping block and freedom's not far behind.
If something isn't done soon, freedom's death warrant we have signed.
Did you LIKE the poem? Let us know what you think.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Trump Threw A Stick of Dynamite Into The Establishment”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, July 18, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
"One of the remarkable things about Donald Trump is that he didn't just beat the Progressive establishment - he also beat the Conservative establishment. Two political tribes that have dominated Washington for half a century were defeated in the space of one election campaign." Milo Yiannopoulos, Contemporary British political commentator, public speaker and writer.
He's brash, uncouth, and prone to irrational and inaccurate statements. He's braggadocious, arrogant and narcissistic. He's a bull in a China shop and seems to enjoy pushing people around, whether its White House staff, senators, congressmen and woman, or world leaders. He is not presidential, nor diplomatic, by any definition. He is crafty, premeditated and un-predictable. Married three times, he's a philanderer and a flirt. He's ruffled foreign and domestic feathers like few other presidents. He's a silver spoon that turned his father's fortune into a pot of international gold. He's the living fly, buzzing around in your soup. He's the sand in your toothpaste. He's like fingernails on a chalkboard. He's made millions of people mad at him or outright hate him. Donald Trump will never be a candidate for Sainthood.
He is all of these things but nevertheless, he came to Washington armed with 63,000,000 charged up Republican votes with a mandate to disrupt the establishment and dismantle the deep state. He dipped a hot poker into their elite enclaves, while ripping to shreds their socialist platform. He began to expose the DC political machine for what it was on day one and went after the dishonest media with a vengeance. In a breath of individual liberty fresh air, he has resurrected some American foundational principles and is attempting to make America great again in the image of our Founders .....in spite of the massive efforts to stop him.
The minute he threw his hat into the Presidential ring, the attacks were on and the incessant leaks erupted like a volcano. He has taken flak and criticism from every quarter, some of it deserved, some of it made up out of whole cloth. The all-powerful deep state set out to undermine him. A special prosecutor was appointed to take him down, or dig up dirt for Articles of Impeachment. Academia despises him. The electronic and print media were and are relentless in their pursuit of his demise, even if they have to make up stories to do it. But then of course this is common fare for a Republican president. The media was almost as hard on George W. Bush, but then swooned over Obama.
Trump's background is legendary. In 2003, Trump and his siblings sold their father's (Fred Trump) real estate holdings to a group of investors that included Bain Capital, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts and the LamboNuni Bank for around $600 Million. Trump used his $200 Million share to finance "Trump Casino and Resorts". From there Trump expanded out into a variety of other businesses including finance, residential leasing, ice cream parlors, men's wear, chocolate, golf, home furnishings, television production, women's perfume, fashion, beauty pageants, jewelry, and the list goes on from there. He is smart, cunning and ruthless.
Trump's accomplishments in business, real estate and rapid rise to national stardom are profound, in spite of the losses and bankruptcy of his casinos in Atlantic City. His alleged net worth is around $10 Billion.
But the world of business and the world of politics and diplomacy are two different worlds entirely. Success in one does not automatically predict success in the other. Did his experience in cutthroat businesses give him the qualifications to be president of the United States? After a year and a half in office, it would seem so. He was certainly more qualified than a black indistinguishable attorney-slash-community organizer from Chicago.
Trump has shown his ability to adapt. He started out with some ill-conceived policies that backfired, such as the first roll out of the immigration ban from Muslim Countries that created chaos at ports of entry and around the world and led to court challenges. His attempt to get the Congress to repeal and replace Obama Care failed miserably. But that wasn't his fault. Unfortunately, there are too many RINO's (Republicans in Name Only) in the Senate that bowed to the political pressure from the left. If Republicans were unified and a little larger in number, much of Trump's agenda would have sailed through the House and Senate in the first 100 days of his presidency. As a result of a very narrow Senate Republican majority, Trump's needed changes to immigration policy, including the WALL, has been thwarted by the Democrats who are doing everything in their power to derail anything Trump attempts.
Still, he finally got a big win with the passage of the Tax Cut and capital repatriation legislation and the economy is booming because of it. He got another big win with Senate confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the U. S. Supreme Court. Trump may get another win if Brett Kavanaugh is also confirmed to the Supreme Court, which seems likely, even though Kavanaugh is more of a middle of the road jurist, not a true conservative.
Trump told the participants to the worthless Paris Climate Accord to take a hike and withdrew American participation, saving American taxpayers billions of dollars on a trumped up climate change boondoggle. He nominated a climate-change denier to run the Environmental Protection Agency. Unfortunately, the nominee had to resign because he got caught with his fingers in the taxpayer's pie. But by the time Scott Pruitt resigned, he had implemented deep cuts in the EPA budget and rolled back hundreds of onerous regulations.
President Trump thumbed his nose at Iran and cancelled the ill-conceived and grossly negligent Obama/Kerry nuclear deal that wasn't worth the paper on which it was written. After Iran got the $150,000,000,000 out of the deal it went back to its old tricks of international terror, proxy wars in Syria and Yemen, military challenges to Israel through Hamas and Hezbollah and immediately violated the nuclear-deal with missile tests.
On the international front, Trump's foreign demeanor is not much different from his domestic. Without compunction, in-trepidation, or fear, and a bit of shock and awe, he waded into the foreign establishment on every middle latitude continent with a fuselage of political bullets and insults, aimed at shaking the very timbers of the status quo loose from their moorings. Whether it's "Europeans aren't paying their fare share of NATO defense", or Canada and China are guilty of predatory trade practices, he fires one bold challenge after another. He seems immune to their criticism and threats of retaliation.
On the NATO front his boldness seems to have paid off. European nations have agreed to up their contributions to NATO defense.
Trump managed to get North Korea's dictator to the negotiating table, a feat that defied the last three presidents. It remains to be seen whether anything comes of that effort, as any deal is only worth the utmost good faith of the parties. North Korean dictators have not shown much of a hint of good faith in past negotiations, if the history books are telling the straight story.
Like a lion charging his prey, President Trump is blustering his way into better trade deals with our enemies and friends alike. Once again, his bullying posture has yet to yield positive results on this score and could backfire on him (and us) in a full-scale trade war. As he is found of saying, "We'll see."
Trump is a winner who doesn't accept losing with grace. He is intolerant of slackers and unmerciful when telling them they are "fired." Sometimes he doesn't tell them at all and let's them find out from a news report.
By the time this article is published, Trump will have met with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki. A lot was riding on this meeting and the outcome. Did he get Putin to pull out of Crimea and the Ukraine, resolve the Syrian civil war and stop meddling in our elections, or will Trump be "played" by the wily Putin? As it stands right now, it appears Trump got "played" by Putin. It was a high stakes poker game where the fate of nations hung in the balance. Unfortunately, in the space of a short Helsinki news conference Trump managed to cast a shadow on all of the good things he has done for America by siding with Putin on Russian meddling.
But Trump did something else that mostly fell under the radar. He corrected a terrible miscarriage of justice in the West by pardoning Oregon ranchers Dwight and Steve Hammond. They were thrown in jail for over five years on an Obama Administration - Bureau of Land Management (BLM) manufactured criminal charge of Arsenal Terrorism. (This led to the occupation of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in South Central Oregon by the Cliven Bundy siblings and friends. It also led to the assassination of Lavoy Finicum by federal or state agents. All occupiers and the Bundy family were later acquitted in multiple federal court trials.) The Hammond's incarceration was part of a nationwide attempt by federal government agencies to punish ranchers who challenge BLM edicts over legal grazing rights on public land, all driven by the radical environmental element occupying the deep state. To read the Hammond story click HERE.
Love him or hate him, Trump may not go down in history as the best president. However, he may go down in history for violently blowing all those elite "suits" out of their cushy expensive chairs and ivory towers and dumping them un-ceremoniously on the floor. It was and is long overdue. However he does it, with or without the dynamite, America will be the better and freer for it. Whenever his term ends he will have reversed course in America, a needed course correction that has been coming for at least 100 years. It remains to be seen whether there is sufficient electoral power to keep his course correction on track.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
He's brash, uncouth, and prone to irrational and inaccurate statements. He's braggadocious, arrogant and narcissistic. He's a bull in a China shop and seems to enjoy pushing people around, whether its White House staff, senators, congressmen and woman, or world leaders. He is not presidential, nor diplomatic, by any definition. He is crafty, premeditated and un-predictable. Married three times, he's a philanderer and a flirt. He's ruffled foreign and domestic feathers like few other presidents. He's a silver spoon that turned his father's fortune into a pot of international gold. He's the living fly, buzzing around in your soup. He's the sand in your toothpaste. He's like fingernails on a chalkboard. He's made millions of people mad at him or outright hate him. Donald Trump will never be a candidate for Sainthood.
He is all of these things but nevertheless, he came to Washington armed with 63,000,000 charged up Republican votes with a mandate to disrupt the establishment and dismantle the deep state. He dipped a hot poker into their elite enclaves, while ripping to shreds their socialist platform. He began to expose the DC political machine for what it was on day one and went after the dishonest media with a vengeance. In a breath of individual liberty fresh air, he has resurrected some American foundational principles and is attempting to make America great again in the image of our Founders .....in spite of the massive efforts to stop him.
The minute he threw his hat into the Presidential ring, the attacks were on and the incessant leaks erupted like a volcano. He has taken flak and criticism from every quarter, some of it deserved, some of it made up out of whole cloth. The all-powerful deep state set out to undermine him. A special prosecutor was appointed to take him down, or dig up dirt for Articles of Impeachment. Academia despises him. The electronic and print media were and are relentless in their pursuit of his demise, even if they have to make up stories to do it. But then of course this is common fare for a Republican president. The media was almost as hard on George W. Bush, but then swooned over Obama.
Trump's background is legendary. In 2003, Trump and his siblings sold their father's (Fred Trump) real estate holdings to a group of investors that included Bain Capital, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts and the LamboNuni Bank for around $600 Million. Trump used his $200 Million share to finance "Trump Casino and Resorts". From there Trump expanded out into a variety of other businesses including finance, residential leasing, ice cream parlors, men's wear, chocolate, golf, home furnishings, television production, women's perfume, fashion, beauty pageants, jewelry, and the list goes on from there. He is smart, cunning and ruthless.
Trump's accomplishments in business, real estate and rapid rise to national stardom are profound, in spite of the losses and bankruptcy of his casinos in Atlantic City. His alleged net worth is around $10 Billion.
But the world of business and the world of politics and diplomacy are two different worlds entirely. Success in one does not automatically predict success in the other. Did his experience in cutthroat businesses give him the qualifications to be president of the United States? After a year and a half in office, it would seem so. He was certainly more qualified than a black indistinguishable attorney-slash-community organizer from Chicago.
Trump has shown his ability to adapt. He started out with some ill-conceived policies that backfired, such as the first roll out of the immigration ban from Muslim Countries that created chaos at ports of entry and around the world and led to court challenges. His attempt to get the Congress to repeal and replace Obama Care failed miserably. But that wasn't his fault. Unfortunately, there are too many RINO's (Republicans in Name Only) in the Senate that bowed to the political pressure from the left. If Republicans were unified and a little larger in number, much of Trump's agenda would have sailed through the House and Senate in the first 100 days of his presidency. As a result of a very narrow Senate Republican majority, Trump's needed changes to immigration policy, including the WALL, has been thwarted by the Democrats who are doing everything in their power to derail anything Trump attempts.
Still, he finally got a big win with the passage of the Tax Cut and capital repatriation legislation and the economy is booming because of it. He got another big win with Senate confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the U. S. Supreme Court. Trump may get another win if Brett Kavanaugh is also confirmed to the Supreme Court, which seems likely, even though Kavanaugh is more of a middle of the road jurist, not a true conservative.
Trump told the participants to the worthless Paris Climate Accord to take a hike and withdrew American participation, saving American taxpayers billions of dollars on a trumped up climate change boondoggle. He nominated a climate-change denier to run the Environmental Protection Agency. Unfortunately, the nominee had to resign because he got caught with his fingers in the taxpayer's pie. But by the time Scott Pruitt resigned, he had implemented deep cuts in the EPA budget and rolled back hundreds of onerous regulations.
President Trump thumbed his nose at Iran and cancelled the ill-conceived and grossly negligent Obama/Kerry nuclear deal that wasn't worth the paper on which it was written. After Iran got the $150,000,000,000 out of the deal it went back to its old tricks of international terror, proxy wars in Syria and Yemen, military challenges to Israel through Hamas and Hezbollah and immediately violated the nuclear-deal with missile tests.
On the international front, Trump's foreign demeanor is not much different from his domestic. Without compunction, in-trepidation, or fear, and a bit of shock and awe, he waded into the foreign establishment on every middle latitude continent with a fuselage of political bullets and insults, aimed at shaking the very timbers of the status quo loose from their moorings. Whether it's "Europeans aren't paying their fare share of NATO defense", or Canada and China are guilty of predatory trade practices, he fires one bold challenge after another. He seems immune to their criticism and threats of retaliation.
On the NATO front his boldness seems to have paid off. European nations have agreed to up their contributions to NATO defense.
Trump managed to get North Korea's dictator to the negotiating table, a feat that defied the last three presidents. It remains to be seen whether anything comes of that effort, as any deal is only worth the utmost good faith of the parties. North Korean dictators have not shown much of a hint of good faith in past negotiations, if the history books are telling the straight story.
Like a lion charging his prey, President Trump is blustering his way into better trade deals with our enemies and friends alike. Once again, his bullying posture has yet to yield positive results on this score and could backfire on him (and us) in a full-scale trade war. As he is found of saying, "We'll see."
Trump is a winner who doesn't accept losing with grace. He is intolerant of slackers and unmerciful when telling them they are "fired." Sometimes he doesn't tell them at all and let's them find out from a news report.
By the time this article is published, Trump will have met with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki. A lot was riding on this meeting and the outcome. Did he get Putin to pull out of Crimea and the Ukraine, resolve the Syrian civil war and stop meddling in our elections, or will Trump be "played" by the wily Putin? As it stands right now, it appears Trump got "played" by Putin. It was a high stakes poker game where the fate of nations hung in the balance. Unfortunately, in the space of a short Helsinki news conference Trump managed to cast a shadow on all of the good things he has done for America by siding with Putin on Russian meddling.
But Trump did something else that mostly fell under the radar. He corrected a terrible miscarriage of justice in the West by pardoning Oregon ranchers Dwight and Steve Hammond. They were thrown in jail for over five years on an Obama Administration - Bureau of Land Management (BLM) manufactured criminal charge of Arsenal Terrorism. (This led to the occupation of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in South Central Oregon by the Cliven Bundy siblings and friends. It also led to the assassination of Lavoy Finicum by federal or state agents. All occupiers and the Bundy family were later acquitted in multiple federal court trials.) The Hammond's incarceration was part of a nationwide attempt by federal government agencies to punish ranchers who challenge BLM edicts over legal grazing rights on public land, all driven by the radical environmental element occupying the deep state. To read the Hammond story click HERE.
Love him or hate him, Trump may not go down in history as the best president. However, he may go down in history for violently blowing all those elite "suits" out of their cushy expensive chairs and ivory towers and dumping them un-ceremoniously on the floor. It was and is long overdue. However he does it, with or without the dynamite, America will be the better and freer for it. Whenever his term ends he will have reversed course in America, a needed course correction that has been coming for at least 100 years. It remains to be seen whether there is sufficient electoral power to keep his course correction on track.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"We Live In A Lying, Lustful, Larcenous Fantasy World of Illusion”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, July 15, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
"We live in a fantasy world, a world of illusion. The great task in life is to find reality."
Jean Iris Murdoch, British Novelist, 1919 - 1999
Just about every piece of human information we receive in our lives, whether written, verbal, or visual, comes with a hint, or a blatant blast of bias, or an unvarnished lie. What we think we see and hear is as Jean Iris Murdoch says, is a "fantasy world of illusion."
The news is not the truth, it is a perversion of the truth, or an outright fabrication wrapped around some kernel of the truth. In most cases the news comes not only with a hidden bias but a not-so-hidden agenda, usually a political one.
History is not the truth. History is some person or group of persons' perception of the truth, colored by individual biases and life experiences and usually based on too little information. Much of history is so lacking in detail as to render its depiction as nothing more than an outright distortion, or half-truth. Nevertheless, we accept it as truth and pass it on to others verbally or in writing, even though the conclusions drawn there from are most likely inaccurate at best and maybe totally false at worst.
Take for example three witnesses to a traffic accident. They will get on the stand in court and swear on oath that their version of the truth is the only "true" one, despite the testimony of two other witnesses that tell a totally different account of the accident. The "truth" might be pieced together by fragments in each of the three testimonies, and then again, maybe not. Therefore, it can only be concluded that history is an individual perception, or observation of events, not necessarily a factual representation.
Unfortunately, most of us rely on information we obtain from television, radio, newspapers, social media and Internet articles, like this one. This is supposed to give us an overall picture of what is happening in our local world, our state world, our national world and our international world. However, all of the rules of individual biases and political agendas apply to each of these sources. Sifting through the rubble for the truth can be a daunting task, and maybe even an impossible one.
What if a political party, or people with a bias, or an agenda, takes over and controls all sources of information? The truth we hope to gain then is permanently tainted by that bias or agenda. Truth becomes the first casualty. The purpose of the controllers is to manipulate the behavior of the people through the biased information they provide, to lead the people in a direction the controllers desire, not unlike puppets on a string.
Let's say the controllers want to drum up an issue that sheds a negative light on a political target, perhaps a President. If the controllers control all the sources of information, the job of manipulating human behavior and thought becomes extremely easy.
But instead let's say that the controllers want to project a political ideology to the consumers of the information they control and that political ideology is portrayed in all of the information sources, day, after day, after day, month in and month out and year in and year out, for decades. The outcome is that every piece of information is permanently tainted by that ideology and influences generation, after generation, after generation. An entire nation can be swayed one way or another with this much control over information sources. For over 100 years America has been "swayed" to accept the Progressive ideology by constant repetition of the Progressive message. The Progressives must have had fits of euphoria when the Internet and social media came along that expanded their disinformation venues.
Such is our dilemma today. The Progressive ideology has been so ingrained in our daily lives and all of our institutions that we cannot think that any other ideology is viable. Thus, we have the Progressive ideology so embedded in the masses' way of thinking that the masses resist any other way of thinking and do so vehemently and sometimes violently. Examples of Progressive oppression and violence abound.
As it stands right now and has been for several generations, the Progressive ideology (Socialism) has so colored our reality, it has become the only "true" reality to millions of Americans, in spite of that alleged "true" reality being hopelessly lop sided and in direct conflict with the principles of individual liberty, self-reliance and constitutional unalienable rights. The Progressive ideology has been institutionalized, infused and forever lodged into the very fabric of our existence. It could take generations of re-training to alter the belief in the ideology, or a natural or man-made cataclysmic event.
The preponderance of the population (mostly urban dwellers) now perceive the Progressive reality to be the only truth and all other realities can therefore not be true. Those that believe in this way are so convinced they are right and all others are wrong, that they will go to extremes, including lying, cheating, stealing, oppression and violence to convince others. Maintaining their political power, by any means, is paramount and that includes packing the Supreme Court with Progressives, (when they can) electing socialists to political office, or opening the floodgates to massive illegal immigration for votes. They've said as much.
To give you an idea on just how powerful they are, they (the Progressives that control almost all of your sources of information) took a non-issue of illegal alien children being separated from their parents at the border as one of the greatest emotional injustices of all times, even though the practice had been going on under previous administrations. Through their incessant broadcasting of doctored images and imaginary torture of these poor little "innocent" children, they were able to whip a huge segment of the population into a feeding frenzy to the point of losing all semblance of common sense or rational thought. This led to massive protests and herds of the non-thinking to call for the elimination of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Democrats across America, probably to their political detriment, have championed the idea.
Not once did these irrational ignoramuses, heavily influenced by a dishonest media, give any thought that it is illegal to enter the United States by crossing our borders at other than ports of entry, with or without children. Evidently their prevailing thought is "to let them all in", their hope being that maybe one day, when all illegal aliens are given amnesty, they will vote Progressive in large numbers. They are right of course.
Not once did they consider the cost to legal American taxpayers to feed, house, educate and medically care for these tens of thousands (now millions) of illegal aliens (adults and children) that have broken our laws by sneaking into America.
Not once did they give any thought to the lost jobs for legal Americans, the dampening of wages and the diseases and drugs these un-educated aliens bring with them.
Not once have these "let them all in" miscreants ever thought what is happening to American culture by the infusion of millions of non-English speaking, non-assimilating, uneducated peasants with little to no skills and little way to support themselves, other than by very low wage work, government welfare, or by crime.
So what information sources do the Progressives control? They control the three major networks ABC, CBS and NBC. They control CNN and MSNBC. The Progressives control most of social media including Google, Facebook, Youtube and possibly Twitter. They control public education textbooks. They control most of the major newspapers as well, including the New York Times and the Washington Post. And they get a huge boost from "Hollyweird" liberals with moral and financial support. But we can't leave out the radical left Southern Poverty Law Center that feeds the Progressives with lists of alleged Progressive hate groups and screens Youtube videos for hate speech.
What is even worse, these controllers of your information (Progressives) camouflage their emotionally charged broadcasts and newsprint with lies, distortions and massive propaganda, or the omission of competing or contrary information. Try to find an opposition article to man-caused global warming in the mainstream media. You won't. Dissent is demonized.
It doesn't matter which pet Progressive issue they are promoting at any given time. Whether it is man-caused global warming, illegal immigration, health care, education, the economy, wages, trade, commerce, abortion, gay rights, or any other social or environmental issue they champion, it is all dressed up in gloom, doom, disaster and devastation if we don't all act in concert with their agenda and support their mandated actions. To not comply with them is tantamount to subversion and insurrection, or even treason. Facts are irrelevant and only their agenda matters. Alarmingly, their actions and behavior are disturbingly reminiscent of the three major planks of the Nazi Party:
I. The State
The state is born out of the necessity of ORDERING the community of the Volk (people) in accordance with certain laws. Its characteristic attribute is power over every branch of the community. The state has the right to demand of every racial comrade [Volksgenosse] that he live according to the law. Whoever violates the laws of the state will be punished. The state has officials to execute its laws and regulations. The constitution of the state is the basis for its legislation. The state embodies power! In the state men of different opinions and different outlook can live beside each other. The state cannot demand that all men be of the same opinion. It can, however, demand that all men observe its laws. (whether constitutional or not)
II. The Party
In contrast to the state, the party is the community of men of like opinion. It is born out of the struggle for an ideology. In order to survive this struggle, it gathered together all men who were prepared to fight for this ideology. The ideology is the basis of the order in accordance with which men live within the party. While in the state laws are considered as pressure, obstacles, and difficulties by many citizens, the laws of the party are no burden but rather signify the will of the community. In the state the characteristic is the must; in the party, "the I will."
III. The Functions of the Party and the State
(a) It is conceivable that party and state are one and the same thing. This is the case when all racial comrades are converted to the ideology of the party and the laws of the state are the clear expression of the will of the ideology. Then the state becomes the great community of men of like opinion. (Lemmings - Robots!) This ideal situation will only seldom be attained in history. It is, in fact, only conceivable if this ideology is the only basis for the inner attitude and takes complete possession of the people....
The words "Progressive", "liberal", "left", or "Democrat" have now become indistinguishable from the word Socialist. Socialism is incompatible with free thought, free choice, or individual rights and is a political system that dies violently when it runs out of the money a socialist government extorts by force from those people that produce goods, services and the wealth of a country.
It is this intransigent constitutionally blind Progressive collectivist disease (the "SYSTEM"), taken from a violent European past and void of free, individual thought and free choice, that has caused Americans to now "Live In A Lying, Lustful, Larcenous Fantasy World of Illusion." Either kill the disease, or become compliant robots to their dictatorial, all-enslaving, unconstitutional power.
So what are CONSERVATIVES going to do about it? Or is it already too late?
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Jean Iris Murdoch, British Novelist, 1919 - 1999
Just about every piece of human information we receive in our lives, whether written, verbal, or visual, comes with a hint, or a blatant blast of bias, or an unvarnished lie. What we think we see and hear is as Jean Iris Murdoch says, is a "fantasy world of illusion."
The news is not the truth, it is a perversion of the truth, or an outright fabrication wrapped around some kernel of the truth. In most cases the news comes not only with a hidden bias but a not-so-hidden agenda, usually a political one.
History is not the truth. History is some person or group of persons' perception of the truth, colored by individual biases and life experiences and usually based on too little information. Much of history is so lacking in detail as to render its depiction as nothing more than an outright distortion, or half-truth. Nevertheless, we accept it as truth and pass it on to others verbally or in writing, even though the conclusions drawn there from are most likely inaccurate at best and maybe totally false at worst.
Take for example three witnesses to a traffic accident. They will get on the stand in court and swear on oath that their version of the truth is the only "true" one, despite the testimony of two other witnesses that tell a totally different account of the accident. The "truth" might be pieced together by fragments in each of the three testimonies, and then again, maybe not. Therefore, it can only be concluded that history is an individual perception, or observation of events, not necessarily a factual representation.
Unfortunately, most of us rely on information we obtain from television, radio, newspapers, social media and Internet articles, like this one. This is supposed to give us an overall picture of what is happening in our local world, our state world, our national world and our international world. However, all of the rules of individual biases and political agendas apply to each of these sources. Sifting through the rubble for the truth can be a daunting task, and maybe even an impossible one.
What if a political party, or people with a bias, or an agenda, takes over and controls all sources of information? The truth we hope to gain then is permanently tainted by that bias or agenda. Truth becomes the first casualty. The purpose of the controllers is to manipulate the behavior of the people through the biased information they provide, to lead the people in a direction the controllers desire, not unlike puppets on a string.
Let's say the controllers want to drum up an issue that sheds a negative light on a political target, perhaps a President. If the controllers control all the sources of information, the job of manipulating human behavior and thought becomes extremely easy.
But instead let's say that the controllers want to project a political ideology to the consumers of the information they control and that political ideology is portrayed in all of the information sources, day, after day, after day, month in and month out and year in and year out, for decades. The outcome is that every piece of information is permanently tainted by that ideology and influences generation, after generation, after generation. An entire nation can be swayed one way or another with this much control over information sources. For over 100 years America has been "swayed" to accept the Progressive ideology by constant repetition of the Progressive message. The Progressives must have had fits of euphoria when the Internet and social media came along that expanded their disinformation venues.
Such is our dilemma today. The Progressive ideology has been so ingrained in our daily lives and all of our institutions that we cannot think that any other ideology is viable. Thus, we have the Progressive ideology so embedded in the masses' way of thinking that the masses resist any other way of thinking and do so vehemently and sometimes violently. Examples of Progressive oppression and violence abound.
As it stands right now and has been for several generations, the Progressive ideology (Socialism) has so colored our reality, it has become the only "true" reality to millions of Americans, in spite of that alleged "true" reality being hopelessly lop sided and in direct conflict with the principles of individual liberty, self-reliance and constitutional unalienable rights. The Progressive ideology has been institutionalized, infused and forever lodged into the very fabric of our existence. It could take generations of re-training to alter the belief in the ideology, or a natural or man-made cataclysmic event.
The preponderance of the population (mostly urban dwellers) now perceive the Progressive reality to be the only truth and all other realities can therefore not be true. Those that believe in this way are so convinced they are right and all others are wrong, that they will go to extremes, including lying, cheating, stealing, oppression and violence to convince others. Maintaining their political power, by any means, is paramount and that includes packing the Supreme Court with Progressives, (when they can) electing socialists to political office, or opening the floodgates to massive illegal immigration for votes. They've said as much.
To give you an idea on just how powerful they are, they (the Progressives that control almost all of your sources of information) took a non-issue of illegal alien children being separated from their parents at the border as one of the greatest emotional injustices of all times, even though the practice had been going on under previous administrations. Through their incessant broadcasting of doctored images and imaginary torture of these poor little "innocent" children, they were able to whip a huge segment of the population into a feeding frenzy to the point of losing all semblance of common sense or rational thought. This led to massive protests and herds of the non-thinking to call for the elimination of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Democrats across America, probably to their political detriment, have championed the idea.
Not once did these irrational ignoramuses, heavily influenced by a dishonest media, give any thought that it is illegal to enter the United States by crossing our borders at other than ports of entry, with or without children. Evidently their prevailing thought is "to let them all in", their hope being that maybe one day, when all illegal aliens are given amnesty, they will vote Progressive in large numbers. They are right of course.
Not once did they consider the cost to legal American taxpayers to feed, house, educate and medically care for these tens of thousands (now millions) of illegal aliens (adults and children) that have broken our laws by sneaking into America.
Not once did they give any thought to the lost jobs for legal Americans, the dampening of wages and the diseases and drugs these un-educated aliens bring with them.
Not once have these "let them all in" miscreants ever thought what is happening to American culture by the infusion of millions of non-English speaking, non-assimilating, uneducated peasants with little to no skills and little way to support themselves, other than by very low wage work, government welfare, or by crime.
So what information sources do the Progressives control? They control the three major networks ABC, CBS and NBC. They control CNN and MSNBC. The Progressives control most of social media including Google, Facebook, Youtube and possibly Twitter. They control public education textbooks. They control most of the major newspapers as well, including the New York Times and the Washington Post. And they get a huge boost from "Hollyweird" liberals with moral and financial support. But we can't leave out the radical left Southern Poverty Law Center that feeds the Progressives with lists of alleged Progressive hate groups and screens Youtube videos for hate speech.
What is even worse, these controllers of your information (Progressives) camouflage their emotionally charged broadcasts and newsprint with lies, distortions and massive propaganda, or the omission of competing or contrary information. Try to find an opposition article to man-caused global warming in the mainstream media. You won't. Dissent is demonized.
It doesn't matter which pet Progressive issue they are promoting at any given time. Whether it is man-caused global warming, illegal immigration, health care, education, the economy, wages, trade, commerce, abortion, gay rights, or any other social or environmental issue they champion, it is all dressed up in gloom, doom, disaster and devastation if we don't all act in concert with their agenda and support their mandated actions. To not comply with them is tantamount to subversion and insurrection, or even treason. Facts are irrelevant and only their agenda matters. Alarmingly, their actions and behavior are disturbingly reminiscent of the three major planks of the Nazi Party:
I. The State
The state is born out of the necessity of ORDERING the community of the Volk (people) in accordance with certain laws. Its characteristic attribute is power over every branch of the community. The state has the right to demand of every racial comrade [Volksgenosse] that he live according to the law. Whoever violates the laws of the state will be punished. The state has officials to execute its laws and regulations. The constitution of the state is the basis for its legislation. The state embodies power! In the state men of different opinions and different outlook can live beside each other. The state cannot demand that all men be of the same opinion. It can, however, demand that all men observe its laws. (whether constitutional or not)
II. The Party
In contrast to the state, the party is the community of men of like opinion. It is born out of the struggle for an ideology. In order to survive this struggle, it gathered together all men who were prepared to fight for this ideology. The ideology is the basis of the order in accordance with which men live within the party. While in the state laws are considered as pressure, obstacles, and difficulties by many citizens, the laws of the party are no burden but rather signify the will of the community. In the state the characteristic is the must; in the party, "the I will."
III. The Functions of the Party and the State
(a) It is conceivable that party and state are one and the same thing. This is the case when all racial comrades are converted to the ideology of the party and the laws of the state are the clear expression of the will of the ideology. Then the state becomes the great community of men of like opinion. (Lemmings - Robots!) This ideal situation will only seldom be attained in history. It is, in fact, only conceivable if this ideology is the only basis for the inner attitude and takes complete possession of the people....
The words "Progressive", "liberal", "left", or "Democrat" have now become indistinguishable from the word Socialist. Socialism is incompatible with free thought, free choice, or individual rights and is a political system that dies violently when it runs out of the money a socialist government extorts by force from those people that produce goods, services and the wealth of a country.
It is this intransigent constitutionally blind Progressive collectivist disease (the "SYSTEM"), taken from a violent European past and void of free, individual thought and free choice, that has caused Americans to now "Live In A Lying, Lustful, Larcenous Fantasy World of Illusion." Either kill the disease, or become compliant robots to their dictatorial, all-enslaving, unconstitutional power.
So what are CONSERVATIVES going to do about it? Or is it already too late?
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"If America Goes Socialist Is Civil War Inevitable?”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Ó Copyright Sunday, July 4, 2018 - All Rights Reserve
"In the middle of the nineteenth century, the United States embarked on a new relationship with death, entering into a civil war that proved bloodier than any other conflict in American history, a war that would presage the slaughter of World War 1's Western Front and the global carnage of the twentieth century."
Drew Gilpin Faust, Contemporary historian
The warning from Mr. Faust should tell us that embarking on a civil war, no matter how wide is the gap between us, should be avoided at all costs. Those that are calling or yearning for a civil war and oiling up their guns have conveniently forgotten our bloody and savage history. But what is the answer when are differences slowly but surely evolve into animus and rising violence, as they are now?
Democrats are vehemently opposed to anything conservative and are employing all the dirty tricks they can invent to stop a conservative movement under Trump. Some Democrats are calling for open violence against conservatives, or impeachment of President Trump even though the President has done nothing that would warrant impeachment.
Republicans take opposition with anything that falls under the Progressive banner.
Blacks and Latinos take aim at Whites. Whites aren't very fond of Black and Latino intransigence, or the Black Lives Matter movement.
Mention the words abortion or gay rights, or gay marriage and the battle lines form quickly.
Nominate a conservative Supreme Court justice and liberal fear mongers fill the airways.
Oppose open borders and illegal immigration and you are called a racist. Follow immigration law by the border patrol and ICE, then detain and deport illegal aliens and the human rats come out from behind the garbage dump to protest a legal government policy, not because they care about illegal aliens, but because they want to tear down President Trump.
Implement a travel ban on immigrants from Muslim countries for national security reasons and Democrats become apoplectic and go straight to U. S. District Court to challenge it, even though the President has constitutional authority to impose such a travel band, no matter who is president.
Democrats want to repeal the Electoral College thereby turning America into mob city rule. If they are successful the 15 most populated states will rule America from a socialist platform.
Attack union's cozy relationship with Democrats and government and some folks get shot in the back of the head assassin style and then dumped in the river with cement boots.
Rural America is up in arms over the massive rise in environmental regulations that make farming and ranching a dangerous financial gamble and a painful chore, rather than a fulfilling and rewarding profession. Farmers and ranchers blame city folk for electing environmental zealots to political office that pass very restrictive agricultural and environmental legislation. Democrats blame ranchers and farmers for damage to the environment and want to drive all the rural folk into high dense urban cities. The want us to live in 25-story apartment houses and take buses, mass transit, or our bicycles to work. Farmers and ranchers find that they are disenfranchised from the political process because of the big city vote majority. They no longer have a voice in politics and are forced to "eat" whatever the big city environmental fruitcakes hand them.
Property, sales and income taxes are going through the roof, but we should bow down to the federal government for giving some of our money back to us in a tax cut. How benevolent of them. Every government jurisdiction keeps wanting more and more and more taxes from the people to pay for the wish lists of powerful social, environmental, corporate, union and international lobbyists.
The national debt is at record highs and showing no signs of going down. Many are angry about that and wonder why it can't be fixed. America is broke and should be in bankruptcy court.
The producers and hard workers in our society grow weary of having to pay for all the free loaders and illegal aliens. Current government estimates put over 161,000,000 people on government assistance of some kind or another. There are more Americans on government assistance than there are people paying for that assistance. Other estimates put the cost of illegal aliens to taxpayers around $113,000,000,000 per year. (That's billions)
Today, they are 2.9 workers paying for each Social Security (SS) recipient. By 2030 that number will drop to 2 workers per SS recipient. SS ceased being stable when it dropped below 3 workers per SS recipient.
Government, at all levels, is becoming increasingly corrupt. The recent exposures of DOJ and FBI corruption over the 2016 presidential candidates and Russian meddling are witness to that fact.
The power of the federal, state and local bureaucracies have so exceeded constitutional authority the constitution might just as well be used as toilet paper. The EPA has become a separate branch of government. They make environmental law based on flawed science, or no science at all, while thumbing their collective noses at the Congress and the American people. A sympathetic Congress does little to rein them in.
Drug, alcohol abuse and suicides are on the rise. Mental health nut cases are shooting up our schools, or other soft targets. The cost to society for this wanton violence and self-induced malaise is in the multi-billions of dollars every year, not to mention the needless loss of life.
Crime in our cities is becoming epidemic, in spite of what statistics show. Turn on the local news and all you will hear are stories of shootings, stabbings, murder, rape, robbery, arson and car crashes, especially if you live near or in a big city. Stepping back from afar and viewing all this carnage perpetrated on our selves by each other, can only be construed as a society eating its own flesh.
On top of all this internal strife, we have two super powers trying to compete with us and drive us into the dust. Russia, China and the United States are now going for military forces in space. Where will that lead when the first missile is launched from space towards a city? Armageddon! Then there are Iran and North Korea threatening peace in the world with nuclear and weapons of mass destruction.
Is it any wonder that Americans are so divided and are on the brink of going to war with each other?
But long before some earthly catastrophe or a space rock sends us into extinction, we will destroy ourselves.
The only thing that stands between a planet in perpetual world war or human annihilation is American freedom.
Maybe the rise of American freedom in 1776 was providence at work, maybe not. But if we succumb to the siren call of socialism, which seems to be the direction we are heading, civil war is our future and the promise of providence will have been denied.
We say civil war because there are millions of Americans who will not lie down and play dead for the rise of socialism. Those millions are heavily armed and if you push them too far, like the "shot heard round the world", war will break out between those that cling to socialism and government dependence and those that cling to freedom, their bible ..... or their guns.
Given all this, on this 4th of July let us not forget who we are. We are Americans for God's sake. The blood of heroes and patriots courses through our veins. Each of us is the descendant of those whose spine was stiffened by courage when his or her country called, or evil raised its ugly head. We are the direct lineage of the men and women whose intellect and fortitude carried them to new heights and made America the greatest, proudest, industrious, creative, wealthiest, productive and most generous nation on Earth. We share our chromosomes with those pioneers that settled the west, tamed a wild country with roads, bridges and towns and brought law and order to the homeland. We are the sons, daughters, grandsons and grand daughters of those who stood up to tyranny, no matter what the cost. The genes of creators, inventors, hard workers, the educated, the warriors and those in service to others, are an integral part of our DNA.
Real Americans are not whiners or losers they are doers and winners. They build and invent things. They excel at their chosen professions. Americans are the givers and preservers of life, not the takers. Americans believe that life is precious and a gift from God and its preservation is paramount.
Americans are the light to the rest of the world, not because we are better than anyone else, but because we live under the bright light of liberty that frees us to climb the highest mountains, or jump off this once giant planet into the vastness of space, where only the brave dare tread, in search of the secrets of our island Universe.
Heed not the doomsayers that warn us we are no longer an exceptional people or a country. Pay no attention to those who say we are destroying the planet and that we must conserve and cut back. The planet is big enough to handle us. If man went extinct today the earth would heal itself in a thousand years or less. A thousand years is nothing in comparison to the eons the earth has orbited the Sun.
Sure there are things we can do to lessen our impact on the earth but we don't have to return to the dark ages to do it, nor do we have to replace fossil fuels with ineffective, inefficient, government subsidized and highly expensive wind and solar power on the trumped up charge of man-caused global warming. That's not just stupid, it's insane.
We have no choice but to find a way to right the situation peacefully, or we are in for a very long, protracted and bloody civil war, where the outcome is totally unpredictable and freedom may not be what we win in the end. Let us not, once again, fall into the trap where we find that war, carnage, brutality and violence are the only way to regain our freedom.
Let us remember when brave Americans stood up against tyranny with their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor over two centuries ago. In their memory and sacrifice can present-day Americans do no less? We call on all constitutional Americans to openly reject Progressivism, political correctness, collectivism, multi-culturalism, radical environmentalism and the one-world government and reject these things with all your heart and soul, or watch America succumb to the fatal disease of world socialism and planet-wide slavery. The fate of liberty is in our hands. If we fail, freedom fails.
We have set this powerful message of hope and freedom in a video entitled: "Is Civil War Inevitable on this 4th of July 2018?" including fireworks. We do not believe it is inevitable, but it will take the combined, unified and courageous effort of all those Americans who still cherish freedom and are willing to defend it ..... by any means. An American civil war today will be a lost cause and only invite the two other super powers to intervene and take us down. And a civil war or a revolution, do not always end up in the birth or re-birth of freedom. The history of revolutions tells a far different story. (See "Revolutions")
The question is, are these words just so much confetti in the wind that will be swept up from the streets tomorrow and thrown in the trash, or will this message ripple across the land like a wind driven grass fire and light the fire of freedom in the hearts and minds of millions of Americans. If not, then this effort isn't worth one grain of sand on a never-ending sandy beach.
On this 4th of July:
Which of you will forward this message onto others so that it goes viral across the land?
Which of you will sign our "Declaration of Individual Independence and a Reaffirmation of American Constitutional Sovereignty"?
The article includes a link to our new video entitled: "Is Civil War Inevitable On This 4th of July 2018"
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Drew Gilpin Faust, Contemporary historian
The warning from Mr. Faust should tell us that embarking on a civil war, no matter how wide is the gap between us, should be avoided at all costs. Those that are calling or yearning for a civil war and oiling up their guns have conveniently forgotten our bloody and savage history. But what is the answer when are differences slowly but surely evolve into animus and rising violence, as they are now?
Democrats are vehemently opposed to anything conservative and are employing all the dirty tricks they can invent to stop a conservative movement under Trump. Some Democrats are calling for open violence against conservatives, or impeachment of President Trump even though the President has done nothing that would warrant impeachment.
Republicans take opposition with anything that falls under the Progressive banner.
Blacks and Latinos take aim at Whites. Whites aren't very fond of Black and Latino intransigence, or the Black Lives Matter movement.
Mention the words abortion or gay rights, or gay marriage and the battle lines form quickly.
Nominate a conservative Supreme Court justice and liberal fear mongers fill the airways.
Oppose open borders and illegal immigration and you are called a racist. Follow immigration law by the border patrol and ICE, then detain and deport illegal aliens and the human rats come out from behind the garbage dump to protest a legal government policy, not because they care about illegal aliens, but because they want to tear down President Trump.
Implement a travel ban on immigrants from Muslim countries for national security reasons and Democrats become apoplectic and go straight to U. S. District Court to challenge it, even though the President has constitutional authority to impose such a travel band, no matter who is president.
Democrats want to repeal the Electoral College thereby turning America into mob city rule. If they are successful the 15 most populated states will rule America from a socialist platform.
Attack union's cozy relationship with Democrats and government and some folks get shot in the back of the head assassin style and then dumped in the river with cement boots.
Rural America is up in arms over the massive rise in environmental regulations that make farming and ranching a dangerous financial gamble and a painful chore, rather than a fulfilling and rewarding profession. Farmers and ranchers blame city folk for electing environmental zealots to political office that pass very restrictive agricultural and environmental legislation. Democrats blame ranchers and farmers for damage to the environment and want to drive all the rural folk into high dense urban cities. The want us to live in 25-story apartment houses and take buses, mass transit, or our bicycles to work. Farmers and ranchers find that they are disenfranchised from the political process because of the big city vote majority. They no longer have a voice in politics and are forced to "eat" whatever the big city environmental fruitcakes hand them.
Property, sales and income taxes are going through the roof, but we should bow down to the federal government for giving some of our money back to us in a tax cut. How benevolent of them. Every government jurisdiction keeps wanting more and more and more taxes from the people to pay for the wish lists of powerful social, environmental, corporate, union and international lobbyists.
The national debt is at record highs and showing no signs of going down. Many are angry about that and wonder why it can't be fixed. America is broke and should be in bankruptcy court.
The producers and hard workers in our society grow weary of having to pay for all the free loaders and illegal aliens. Current government estimates put over 161,000,000 people on government assistance of some kind or another. There are more Americans on government assistance than there are people paying for that assistance. Other estimates put the cost of illegal aliens to taxpayers around $113,000,000,000 per year. (That's billions)
Today, they are 2.9 workers paying for each Social Security (SS) recipient. By 2030 that number will drop to 2 workers per SS recipient. SS ceased being stable when it dropped below 3 workers per SS recipient.
Government, at all levels, is becoming increasingly corrupt. The recent exposures of DOJ and FBI corruption over the 2016 presidential candidates and Russian meddling are witness to that fact.
The power of the federal, state and local bureaucracies have so exceeded constitutional authority the constitution might just as well be used as toilet paper. The EPA has become a separate branch of government. They make environmental law based on flawed science, or no science at all, while thumbing their collective noses at the Congress and the American people. A sympathetic Congress does little to rein them in.
Drug, alcohol abuse and suicides are on the rise. Mental health nut cases are shooting up our schools, or other soft targets. The cost to society for this wanton violence and self-induced malaise is in the multi-billions of dollars every year, not to mention the needless loss of life.
Crime in our cities is becoming epidemic, in spite of what statistics show. Turn on the local news and all you will hear are stories of shootings, stabbings, murder, rape, robbery, arson and car crashes, especially if you live near or in a big city. Stepping back from afar and viewing all this carnage perpetrated on our selves by each other, can only be construed as a society eating its own flesh.
On top of all this internal strife, we have two super powers trying to compete with us and drive us into the dust. Russia, China and the United States are now going for military forces in space. Where will that lead when the first missile is launched from space towards a city? Armageddon! Then there are Iran and North Korea threatening peace in the world with nuclear and weapons of mass destruction.
Is it any wonder that Americans are so divided and are on the brink of going to war with each other?
But long before some earthly catastrophe or a space rock sends us into extinction, we will destroy ourselves.
The only thing that stands between a planet in perpetual world war or human annihilation is American freedom.
Maybe the rise of American freedom in 1776 was providence at work, maybe not. But if we succumb to the siren call of socialism, which seems to be the direction we are heading, civil war is our future and the promise of providence will have been denied.
We say civil war because there are millions of Americans who will not lie down and play dead for the rise of socialism. Those millions are heavily armed and if you push them too far, like the "shot heard round the world", war will break out between those that cling to socialism and government dependence and those that cling to freedom, their bible ..... or their guns.
Given all this, on this 4th of July let us not forget who we are. We are Americans for God's sake. The blood of heroes and patriots courses through our veins. Each of us is the descendant of those whose spine was stiffened by courage when his or her country called, or evil raised its ugly head. We are the direct lineage of the men and women whose intellect and fortitude carried them to new heights and made America the greatest, proudest, industrious, creative, wealthiest, productive and most generous nation on Earth. We share our chromosomes with those pioneers that settled the west, tamed a wild country with roads, bridges and towns and brought law and order to the homeland. We are the sons, daughters, grandsons and grand daughters of those who stood up to tyranny, no matter what the cost. The genes of creators, inventors, hard workers, the educated, the warriors and those in service to others, are an integral part of our DNA.
Real Americans are not whiners or losers they are doers and winners. They build and invent things. They excel at their chosen professions. Americans are the givers and preservers of life, not the takers. Americans believe that life is precious and a gift from God and its preservation is paramount.
Americans are the light to the rest of the world, not because we are better than anyone else, but because we live under the bright light of liberty that frees us to climb the highest mountains, or jump off this once giant planet into the vastness of space, where only the brave dare tread, in search of the secrets of our island Universe.
Heed not the doomsayers that warn us we are no longer an exceptional people or a country. Pay no attention to those who say we are destroying the planet and that we must conserve and cut back. The planet is big enough to handle us. If man went extinct today the earth would heal itself in a thousand years or less. A thousand years is nothing in comparison to the eons the earth has orbited the Sun.
Sure there are things we can do to lessen our impact on the earth but we don't have to return to the dark ages to do it, nor do we have to replace fossil fuels with ineffective, inefficient, government subsidized and highly expensive wind and solar power on the trumped up charge of man-caused global warming. That's not just stupid, it's insane.
We have no choice but to find a way to right the situation peacefully, or we are in for a very long, protracted and bloody civil war, where the outcome is totally unpredictable and freedom may not be what we win in the end. Let us not, once again, fall into the trap where we find that war, carnage, brutality and violence are the only way to regain our freedom.
Let us remember when brave Americans stood up against tyranny with their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor over two centuries ago. In their memory and sacrifice can present-day Americans do no less? We call on all constitutional Americans to openly reject Progressivism, political correctness, collectivism, multi-culturalism, radical environmentalism and the one-world government and reject these things with all your heart and soul, or watch America succumb to the fatal disease of world socialism and planet-wide slavery. The fate of liberty is in our hands. If we fail, freedom fails.
We have set this powerful message of hope and freedom in a video entitled: "Is Civil War Inevitable on this 4th of July 2018?" including fireworks. We do not believe it is inevitable, but it will take the combined, unified and courageous effort of all those Americans who still cherish freedom and are willing to defend it ..... by any means. An American civil war today will be a lost cause and only invite the two other super powers to intervene and take us down. And a civil war or a revolution, do not always end up in the birth or re-birth of freedom. The history of revolutions tells a far different story. (See "Revolutions")
The question is, are these words just so much confetti in the wind that will be swept up from the streets tomorrow and thrown in the trash, or will this message ripple across the land like a wind driven grass fire and light the fire of freedom in the hearts and minds of millions of Americans. If not, then this effort isn't worth one grain of sand on a never-ending sandy beach.
On this 4th of July:
Which of you will forward this message onto others so that it goes viral across the land?
Which of you will sign our "Declaration of Individual Independence and a Reaffirmation of American Constitutional Sovereignty"?
The article includes a link to our new video entitled: "Is Civil War Inevitable On This 4th of July 2018"
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Thousands of Small Internet Businesses Could Be Forced To Close”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, July 1, 2018 - All Rights Reserve
On Thursday, June 21st, 2018, the U. S. Supreme Court delivered what could be a knockout blow to tens of thousands of small on-line sole proprietor retailers in America. The implications of this ruling could have far reaching consequences. (see High Court opinion: https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/17pdf/17-494_j4el.pdf)
The High Court overturned their own 1992 decision in Quill vs. North Dakota that allowed on-line retailers to be exempt from state sales taxes as long as they did not have a physical presence in a particular state. Under the current decision, that exemption has been removed. Now, all on-line retailers, big and small, are subject to state taxes for sales within any state in America that levies state sales taxes.
It is not clear from the decision, at this point, that there are any sales threshold amounts that would exempt small on-line retail businesses from state sales taxes, with one exception. South Dakota, after the High Court ruling, did pass legislation that would exempt any business doing less than $100,000 in annual sales from the state sales taxes. Will other states follow? No one knows, leaving tens of thousands of small, sole proprietor businesses in a legal jeopardy. It's bad enough having to deal with one state and their sales taxes. But to deal with 44 other states is tantamount to administrative purgatory.
If you are running your own on-line retail business and are forced to deal with at least 44 states that have state sales taxes, the time necessary to fill out each state form and write a check and mail to each state would literally overwhelm a sole proprietor. Larger companies will be forced to hire one or more administrative personnel to manage the forms and taxes for each state.
Also, it is not just a matter of filling out a tax form and mailing in a check. The sales and business and occupation (B & O) tax regulations for the state of Washington are so voluminous as to make compliance almost impossible for a small business. Here is an example:
Sellers must post a conspicuous notice on the marketplace (platform, website, catalog, or any other similar medium) that informs Washington purchasers that:
Sellers must provide a notice at the time of sale prominently displayed on the invoice/order form and on the receipt or similar document provided to the purchaser, whether in paper or electronic form. The notice must include:
Sellers must provide a report no later than February 28, 2019, and each following year to each purchaser for whom the seller was required to provide the invoice/receipt notice. The report must provide:
The burden on the on-line retailer to comply with this government-generated nonsense could be almost impossible without hiring additional staff. In most cases sole proprietors don't make enough revenue to afford hiring more people. They run on low overhead and their profit is mostly in their labor. They keep their administrative costs down by doing it themselves, usually late at night or on weekends. Many of them work 60 to 80 hours per week to keep their businesses going.
But what of the consumer/purchaser? Does he or she have an obligation to state taxes on purchases they make? You bet! Under Washington State law, as shown above, there is also a burden on the purchaser of which he or she knows absolutely nothing.
On an invoice in a recent purchase we found this notice:
"The Vermont Country Store is not required to and does not collect sales tax in Colorado, Kentucky, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Dakota, or Washington. Your purchase for delivery to these states is subject to sales or use tax unless the purchase is specifically exempt. Please note that there is no exemption from state sales or use tax based merely on the fact that a purchase is made over the Internet, by catalog, or by other remote means. The laws of these states require that a consumer's sales or use tax be paid annually on the appropriate tax forms."
When a customer purchases a product, they assume that the taxes are taken care of by the seller, so why would they study the law to see if they had a state tax liability? Even if they received the above notice, they wouldn't file a Use Tax form with the state, or pay the taxes. The above notice would just be ignored. The statute is essentially unenforceable.
Many small on-line retailers use Paypal to accept credit card payments. The Purchase Order from Paypal provides only the product, the purchase amount, shipping and handling and a sales tax if applicable. There are no provisions to put a notice, like the one shown above, on the Paypal Purchase Order, and the small retailer may not even put a paid invoice in with the product. As long as the customer receives the product they don't care if an invoice came with it.
Now multiply Washington State regulations by 44 other states that have state sales tax statutes similar to Washington's. It's not just overwhelming, it could be a deathblow to a small business.
Current estimates are that there are over 100,000 on-line retailers in America making over $12,000 per year in annual sales. The lion's share of those 100,000 on-line retailers, are small, one or two person businesses selling arts, crafts, antiques, hand made items and a variety of other products. Companies like Amazon and Ebay have the skill, capacity, staff, technical knowledge and funds to comply with these state regulations. Small businesses don't!
For over 30 years we developed raw land into acreage building lots. Each year, from the day we started, the regulations grew larger and more onerous. The cost of those regulations, the time required to finish a project and devastating market fluctuations grew exponentially until finally we were forced out of the business. We were not alone. Small developers and builders have slowly disappeared from the scene due to regulations and the cost of those regulations. Now, only the most well heeled and politically connected developers and builders can profit in this environment.
For 12 years we have operated a small business known as the "National Association of Rural Landowners." We are advocates for and sell useful products to rural landowners all over America on our website. The requirement to deal with at least 44 states, their sales tax forms and their endless bureaucracies, gives us a headache that won't go away. The new burden placed upon us by the new state tax rules just approved by the U. S. Supreme Court decision, will probably force us to raise our prices, which could drive away customers.
According to the U. S. Census Bureau, in 2010 there were 27.9 million small businesses in America. Only 18,500 firms (0.0663%) had 500 employees or more. Sole proprietors make up 73% of that 27.9 million. Home-based businesses represent 52% of that 27.9 million. Small businesses make up 99.7 percent of U.S. employer firms; 64 percent of net new private-sector jobs; 49.2 percent of private-sector employment; 42.9 percent of private-sector payroll; 46 percent of private-sector output; 43 percent of high-tech employment; 98 percent of firms exporting goods; and 33 percent of exporting value.
(source: https://www.sba.gov/sites/default/files/FAQ_Sept_2012.pdf)
Small businesses, run by entrepreneurs, are the backbone of commerce and employment in America and they will continue to be unless we kill them off with too many regulations.
But each year government, local, state and federal, pile more and costly regulations on small business, in spite of what the Trump Administration is trying to do by lowering taxes and rolling back regulations. Nevertheless, the regulation compliance obligations for small business, still grows, virtually by the day. Most small businesses are unaware of current law, proposed law, or new laws just passed by state legislatures.
The current ruling by the U. S. Supreme Court, to place all on-line retailers subject to state sales taxes from at least 45 states, could drive many small businesses out of business. Congress must act to exempt small businesses from this terrible decision, or the consequences could significantly affect our current economic growth.
Ranches and farms are small businesses too. They are also being hit hard by local, state and federal land use and environmental regulations to the point of driving many small farms and ranches out of business. Who is fighting for the farmer and rancher? We are. (NARLO). If you are a farmer or rancher, it would be in your best interest to check out the products and services we provide rural landowners to help them fight government ordinances and abuse, and without a lawyer. We have powerful, legally intimidating, constitutional "no trespassing signs", a "rural landowner handbook" and an "Empowerment Package" that provides the history and foundation of our liberty, freedom and property rights and much more.
The farmer and the rancher feed us. We can ill afford to drive them out of business. They need all the help we can give them.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
The High Court overturned their own 1992 decision in Quill vs. North Dakota that allowed on-line retailers to be exempt from state sales taxes as long as they did not have a physical presence in a particular state. Under the current decision, that exemption has been removed. Now, all on-line retailers, big and small, are subject to state taxes for sales within any state in America that levies state sales taxes.
It is not clear from the decision, at this point, that there are any sales threshold amounts that would exempt small on-line retail businesses from state sales taxes, with one exception. South Dakota, after the High Court ruling, did pass legislation that would exempt any business doing less than $100,000 in annual sales from the state sales taxes. Will other states follow? No one knows, leaving tens of thousands of small, sole proprietor businesses in a legal jeopardy. It's bad enough having to deal with one state and their sales taxes. But to deal with 44 other states is tantamount to administrative purgatory.
If you are running your own on-line retail business and are forced to deal with at least 44 states that have state sales taxes, the time necessary to fill out each state form and write a check and mail to each state would literally overwhelm a sole proprietor. Larger companies will be forced to hire one or more administrative personnel to manage the forms and taxes for each state.
Also, it is not just a matter of filling out a tax form and mailing in a check. The sales and business and occupation (B & O) tax regulations for the state of Washington are so voluminous as to make compliance almost impossible for a small business. Here is an example:
Sellers must post a conspicuous notice on the marketplace (platform, website, catalog, or any other similar medium) that informs Washington purchasers that:
- Sales or use tax is due on certain purchases.
- Washington requires the purchaser to file a use tax return.
- The notice is required under RCW 82.13.020(2)(a)(i).
Sellers must provide a notice at the time of sale prominently displayed on the invoice/order form and on the receipt or similar document provided to the purchaser, whether in paper or electronic form. The notice must include:
- A statement that neither sales or use tax is being collected or remitted upon the sale.
- A statement that the Washington purchasers may be required to remit sales or use tax directly to the Department of Revenue.
- Instructions for obtaining additional information from the Department of Revenue regarding whether and how to remit the sales or use tax to the Department.
Sellers must provide a report no later than February 28, 2019, and each following year to each purchaser for whom the seller was required to provide the invoice/receipt notice. The report must provide:
- A statement that the seller did not collect sales or use tax on the purchaser's transactions with the seller, and that they may be required to remit tax directly to the Department of Revenue.
- A list, by date, generally indicating the type of product purchased or leased during the immediately preceding calendar year by the purchaser from the seller, sourced to Washington, and the price of each product.
- Instructions for obtaining additional information from the Department regarding whether and how to remit the sales or use tax to the Department.
- A statement that the seller is required to submit a report to the Department stating the total dollar amount of the purchaser's purchases from the seller.
- Any additional information that the Department requires.
The burden on the on-line retailer to comply with this government-generated nonsense could be almost impossible without hiring additional staff. In most cases sole proprietors don't make enough revenue to afford hiring more people. They run on low overhead and their profit is mostly in their labor. They keep their administrative costs down by doing it themselves, usually late at night or on weekends. Many of them work 60 to 80 hours per week to keep their businesses going.
But what of the consumer/purchaser? Does he or she have an obligation to state taxes on purchases they make? You bet! Under Washington State law, as shown above, there is also a burden on the purchaser of which he or she knows absolutely nothing.
On an invoice in a recent purchase we found this notice:
"The Vermont Country Store is not required to and does not collect sales tax in Colorado, Kentucky, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Dakota, or Washington. Your purchase for delivery to these states is subject to sales or use tax unless the purchase is specifically exempt. Please note that there is no exemption from state sales or use tax based merely on the fact that a purchase is made over the Internet, by catalog, or by other remote means. The laws of these states require that a consumer's sales or use tax be paid annually on the appropriate tax forms."
When a customer purchases a product, they assume that the taxes are taken care of by the seller, so why would they study the law to see if they had a state tax liability? Even if they received the above notice, they wouldn't file a Use Tax form with the state, or pay the taxes. The above notice would just be ignored. The statute is essentially unenforceable.
Many small on-line retailers use Paypal to accept credit card payments. The Purchase Order from Paypal provides only the product, the purchase amount, shipping and handling and a sales tax if applicable. There are no provisions to put a notice, like the one shown above, on the Paypal Purchase Order, and the small retailer may not even put a paid invoice in with the product. As long as the customer receives the product they don't care if an invoice came with it.
Now multiply Washington State regulations by 44 other states that have state sales tax statutes similar to Washington's. It's not just overwhelming, it could be a deathblow to a small business.
Current estimates are that there are over 100,000 on-line retailers in America making over $12,000 per year in annual sales. The lion's share of those 100,000 on-line retailers, are small, one or two person businesses selling arts, crafts, antiques, hand made items and a variety of other products. Companies like Amazon and Ebay have the skill, capacity, staff, technical knowledge and funds to comply with these state regulations. Small businesses don't!
For over 30 years we developed raw land into acreage building lots. Each year, from the day we started, the regulations grew larger and more onerous. The cost of those regulations, the time required to finish a project and devastating market fluctuations grew exponentially until finally we were forced out of the business. We were not alone. Small developers and builders have slowly disappeared from the scene due to regulations and the cost of those regulations. Now, only the most well heeled and politically connected developers and builders can profit in this environment.
For 12 years we have operated a small business known as the "National Association of Rural Landowners." We are advocates for and sell useful products to rural landowners all over America on our website. The requirement to deal with at least 44 states, their sales tax forms and their endless bureaucracies, gives us a headache that won't go away. The new burden placed upon us by the new state tax rules just approved by the U. S. Supreme Court decision, will probably force us to raise our prices, which could drive away customers.
According to the U. S. Census Bureau, in 2010 there were 27.9 million small businesses in America. Only 18,500 firms (0.0663%) had 500 employees or more. Sole proprietors make up 73% of that 27.9 million. Home-based businesses represent 52% of that 27.9 million. Small businesses make up 99.7 percent of U.S. employer firms; 64 percent of net new private-sector jobs; 49.2 percent of private-sector employment; 42.9 percent of private-sector payroll; 46 percent of private-sector output; 43 percent of high-tech employment; 98 percent of firms exporting goods; and 33 percent of exporting value.
(source: https://www.sba.gov/sites/default/files/FAQ_Sept_2012.pdf)
Small businesses, run by entrepreneurs, are the backbone of commerce and employment in America and they will continue to be unless we kill them off with too many regulations.
But each year government, local, state and federal, pile more and costly regulations on small business, in spite of what the Trump Administration is trying to do by lowering taxes and rolling back regulations. Nevertheless, the regulation compliance obligations for small business, still grows, virtually by the day. Most small businesses are unaware of current law, proposed law, or new laws just passed by state legislatures.
The current ruling by the U. S. Supreme Court, to place all on-line retailers subject to state sales taxes from at least 45 states, could drive many small businesses out of business. Congress must act to exempt small businesses from this terrible decision, or the consequences could significantly affect our current economic growth.
Ranches and farms are small businesses too. They are also being hit hard by local, state and federal land use and environmental regulations to the point of driving many small farms and ranches out of business. Who is fighting for the farmer and rancher? We are. (NARLO). If you are a farmer or rancher, it would be in your best interest to check out the products and services we provide rural landowners to help them fight government ordinances and abuse, and without a lawyer. We have powerful, legally intimidating, constitutional "no trespassing signs", a "rural landowner handbook" and an "Empowerment Package" that provides the history and foundation of our liberty, freedom and property rights and much more.
The farmer and the rancher feed us. We can ill afford to drive them out of business. They need all the help we can give them.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"How Can 3.4% x 3.62% x 2% Equal Global Warming?”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Ó Copyright Sunday, June 24, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
"It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming is a scam. Some dastardly scientists, with environmental and political motives, manipulated long term scientific data to create an illusion of rapid global warming." John Coleman, TV Weatherman
The last thing we wanted to do was to write another man-caused global warming article. But the evidence was so glaring it became an imperative.
Just how dumb do these climate alarmists think we are? Perhaps if 2 + 2 = 4 is complicated math for someone, then maybe a simple; 2 times, 2 times, 4 are beyond their reach as well.
As the above image shows, the total greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere is just 2% and the climate scientists tell us it is increases in greenhouse gases that cause rising temperatures. The scientists also tell us that CO2 is the major culprit in forcing the temperature increase. But of that 2% of greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide (CO2) is only 3.62% of that 2%. Man's contribution to GHG is 3.4%, of that 3.62%, of that 2%, or 0.00246%. Even if CO2 in the atmosphere is the great forcer of climate change, as climate scientists would have us believe, man's contribution to that force is so miniscule as to be well within the statistical measurement error rate.
There seems to be ample evidence that the climate is warming. The pole ice caps seem to be shrinking and land glaciers are retreating. Allegedly, sea levels are rising. But those who can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt and with absolute certainty that man is causing these events are living in a deep mine where the Sun doesn't shine.
There are so many variables causing atmospheric temperatures to rise and fall, it is virtually impossible, even with the most powerful computers, to model all of the variables affecting the planet's climate. Besides the Sun, greenhouse gases and the effects of man, there is the cloud cover, water vapor, ocean currents, volcanic eruptions, forest fires, variations in heat absorption of the land and sea masses, ocean absorption of CO2, CO2 absorption by tree and plant life, nocturnal radiation to space, the earth's orbit around the Sun and polar wobble, earth's ice changing weight load at the poles, earth's internal core changes, extra terrestrial radiation, shifting gravity and magnetic fields and a whole host of other influences that defy computer modeling. The Earth's climate is a non-linear dynamic system, being acted upon by wide ranges of many variables. It makes long-range predictions of climate patterns with computer models wild guesses at best.
Let's take forest fires. From an article in Live Science we learn:
Large wildfires in the western United States can pump as much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in just a few weeks as cars do in those areas in an entire year, a new study suggests.
As forest fires devour trees and other plants, they release the carbon stored in the vegetation into the atmosphere.
Scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and the University of California used satellite observations of fires and a computer model to estimate just how much carbon dioxide is released based on the amount of vegetation that is burned."
Overall, the study estimated that fires in the contiguous United States and Alaska release about 290 million metric tons of carbon dioxide a year, which is about 4 to 6 percent of the amount of the greenhouse gas that the nation releases through fossil fuel burning.
These fires can contribute a larger proportion of the carbon dioxide released in several western and southeastern states, including Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Washington, Arkansas, Mississippi and Arizona.
After devastating wildfires in southern California, the NCAR study's author, Christine Wiedinmyer, analyzed the emissions with the model. She estimated that the fires emitted 7.9 million metric tons of carbon dioxide in one recent fire from Oct. 19 through Oct. 26, the equivalent of about 25 percent of the average monthly emissions from all fossil fuel burning in the entire state of California.
"Enormous fires like this pump a large amount of carbon dioxide quickly into the atmosphere," Wiedinmyer says. "This can complicate efforts to understand our carbon budget and ultimately fight global warming."
Exactly what the impacts of fire emissions on climate change are unclear, as vegetation tends to grow back over the scorched area and may absorb as much carbon dioxide as was released during the blaze.
Once again, the uncertainties in modeling wildfire contributions to overall CO2 emissions are mathematically significant.
Then there are volcano eruptions that spew massive quantities of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere along with other gases like sulfur dioxide and methane. There is no way to predict the volume of CO2 emissions from a single volcanic eruption, nor is their a way to predict how many eruptions there will be in any given period.
The earth's path around the Sun is not circular and is in fact an ellipse. Small changes in the earth's orbit due to gravitational influences can have significant effects on climate. Man has no effect on the earth's orbit whatsoever.
The earth wobbles around its axis. It's called polar or axial precession. Because of the gravitational influences of the Sun and the Moon, the axis of the earth points into the stars and wobbles in a circular motion in an approximate 25,700-year cycle. Where the axis of the earth points to the heavens has a direct effect on how much land surface is exposed to the Sun receiving solar radiation. Once again, man has nothing to do with axial precession.
Water vapor and cloud cover have a significant effect on nocturnal radiation back into space. The earth's atmosphere is made up of 95% water vapor. Predicting the total amount of water vapor and cloud cover as it relates to solar heating and night cooling can yield, at best, a guess.
Then there are all the other variables that can have a profound effect on the earth's climate. Yes, there appears to be evidence of global warming, but the question is, is man's miniscule contribution to CO2 in the atmosphere the cause. Based on the uncertainties in climate science, the question appears to be up for grabs.
All of this could very well be a natural cycle driven by a variety of elements that defy computer modeling and all evidence of man-caused global warming comes from questionable computer models.
Because of the many variables of climate dynamics, definitive statements about the climate are in fact estimated guesses at best. Definitive statements describing man as the cause are wild assed guesses at worst.
And what about how the effects of a warming climate have on food production? Global warming enhances food production. It's hard to grow things at temperatures below 50 degrees. The longer the growing season the greater the yield. Our worst enemy will be global cooling.
But that's not the whole story. The rest of the story is what man is doing about a condition wherein the science is unsettled, under the pretense of the Precautionary Principle. (See "Precautionary Principle")
In an article in the Daily Signal, their concern revolves around what man is spending to solve a problem that may have human component:
Perhaps the most alarming part is the price tag associated with attempting to reduce such a small part of the atmosphere and something we really cannot control. Our analysis shows the cumulative GDP losses for 2010 to 2029 approach $7 trillion. Single-year losses exceed $600 billion in 2029, more than $5,000 per household. Job losses are expected to exceed 800,000 in some years, and exceed at least 500,000 from 2015 through 2026. It is important to note that these are net job losses, after any jobs created by compliance with the regulations–so-called green jobs–are taken into account. In total, the “climate revenue” (read: energy tax) could approach two trillion over eight years. Keep in mind, this is all for negligible environmental benefits.
The science behind global warming is anything but conclusive. Many leading climatologists conclude that climate models aren’t incredibly accurate and even have different opinions (for instance whether it is the sun or oceanic changes) as to what the dominant causes are of global warming and cooling.
Nevertheless, it’s easy to pretend the science on global warming is conclusive when environmentalist extremists suppress dissenting opinions.
Economist Walter Williams provides a few examples and draws an interesting parallel:
There’s a much more important issue that poses an even greater danger to mankind. That’s the effort by environmentalists to suppress disagreement with their view. According to a March 11 article in London’s Sunday Telegraph, Timothy Ball, a former climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg in Canada, has received five death threats since he started questioning whether man was affecting climate change. Richard Lindzen, professor of Atmospheric Science at MIT, said, “Scientists who dissent from the alarmism have seen their funds disappear, their work derided, and themselves labeled as industry stooges.” Nigel Calder, a former editor of New Scientist, said, “Governments are trying to achieve unanimity by stifling any scientist who disagrees. Einstein could not have got funding under the present system.”
Suppressing dissent is nothing new. Italian cosmologist Giordano Bruno taught that stars were at different distances from each other surrounded by limitless territory. He was imprisoned in 1592, and eight years later he was tried as a heretic and burned at the stake. Because he disagreed that the Earth was the center of the universe, Galileo was ordered to stand trial on suspicion of heresy in 1633. Under the threat of torture, he recanted and was placed under house arrest for the rest of his life.”
"That was 1592. After 400 and some odd years, one would think it’d be a little different."
The Paris Climate Accord (PCA) is a monumental joke and it was a wise decision by President Trump to drop out of the accord. American citizens would have endured the largest share of the cost. China and India, the worst polluters, would have gotten off almost scot-free. If any of the predictions from the PCA are even remotely accurate, which is in grave doubt, the total benefit, if all nations participated, would be to keep the temperature rise within 1.5o Centigrade.
Now we are not rocket scientists but we have read over 100 science books covering several different disciplines, including mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy, quantum theory, string theory and chaos theory and related subjects. We can easily solve the equation of 0.034 times, 0.0362 times, 0.02 that equals man's contribution to greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The answer is 0.000024616. We'll give you an idea of how small that number is. The Empire State Building is 1,250 feet from street level to roof. 0.0000246 of 1,250 feet is 3/8ths of an inch. The ants on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, where the Empire State building resides, are almost that high.
So those poor saps that have difficulty with simple math are supposed to believe that man's 0.0024616% contribution to the Earth's greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere are the direct cause of run-away global warming. Perhaps if we were teaching common sense, logic and critical thinking in our schools, the masses wouldn't be so quick to believe all the politically-driven environmental propaganda that is being shoved down their throats every day.
We have many ARTICLES on our website debunking the man-caused global warming myth, articles you will never see in the mainstream media, or in public schools, or on college campuses, because they are being censored by American Marxists, socialists, communists and Democrats.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
The last thing we wanted to do was to write another man-caused global warming article. But the evidence was so glaring it became an imperative.
Just how dumb do these climate alarmists think we are? Perhaps if 2 + 2 = 4 is complicated math for someone, then maybe a simple; 2 times, 2 times, 4 are beyond their reach as well.
As the above image shows, the total greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere is just 2% and the climate scientists tell us it is increases in greenhouse gases that cause rising temperatures. The scientists also tell us that CO2 is the major culprit in forcing the temperature increase. But of that 2% of greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide (CO2) is only 3.62% of that 2%. Man's contribution to GHG is 3.4%, of that 3.62%, of that 2%, or 0.00246%. Even if CO2 in the atmosphere is the great forcer of climate change, as climate scientists would have us believe, man's contribution to that force is so miniscule as to be well within the statistical measurement error rate.
There seems to be ample evidence that the climate is warming. The pole ice caps seem to be shrinking and land glaciers are retreating. Allegedly, sea levels are rising. But those who can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt and with absolute certainty that man is causing these events are living in a deep mine where the Sun doesn't shine.
There are so many variables causing atmospheric temperatures to rise and fall, it is virtually impossible, even with the most powerful computers, to model all of the variables affecting the planet's climate. Besides the Sun, greenhouse gases and the effects of man, there is the cloud cover, water vapor, ocean currents, volcanic eruptions, forest fires, variations in heat absorption of the land and sea masses, ocean absorption of CO2, CO2 absorption by tree and plant life, nocturnal radiation to space, the earth's orbit around the Sun and polar wobble, earth's ice changing weight load at the poles, earth's internal core changes, extra terrestrial radiation, shifting gravity and magnetic fields and a whole host of other influences that defy computer modeling. The Earth's climate is a non-linear dynamic system, being acted upon by wide ranges of many variables. It makes long-range predictions of climate patterns with computer models wild guesses at best.
Let's take forest fires. From an article in Live Science we learn:
Large wildfires in the western United States can pump as much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in just a few weeks as cars do in those areas in an entire year, a new study suggests.
As forest fires devour trees and other plants, they release the carbon stored in the vegetation into the atmosphere.
Scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and the University of California used satellite observations of fires and a computer model to estimate just how much carbon dioxide is released based on the amount of vegetation that is burned."
Overall, the study estimated that fires in the contiguous United States and Alaska release about 290 million metric tons of carbon dioxide a year, which is about 4 to 6 percent of the amount of the greenhouse gas that the nation releases through fossil fuel burning.
These fires can contribute a larger proportion of the carbon dioxide released in several western and southeastern states, including Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Washington, Arkansas, Mississippi and Arizona.
After devastating wildfires in southern California, the NCAR study's author, Christine Wiedinmyer, analyzed the emissions with the model. She estimated that the fires emitted 7.9 million metric tons of carbon dioxide in one recent fire from Oct. 19 through Oct. 26, the equivalent of about 25 percent of the average monthly emissions from all fossil fuel burning in the entire state of California.
"Enormous fires like this pump a large amount of carbon dioxide quickly into the atmosphere," Wiedinmyer says. "This can complicate efforts to understand our carbon budget and ultimately fight global warming."
Exactly what the impacts of fire emissions on climate change are unclear, as vegetation tends to grow back over the scorched area and may absorb as much carbon dioxide as was released during the blaze.
Once again, the uncertainties in modeling wildfire contributions to overall CO2 emissions are mathematically significant.
Then there are volcano eruptions that spew massive quantities of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere along with other gases like sulfur dioxide and methane. There is no way to predict the volume of CO2 emissions from a single volcanic eruption, nor is their a way to predict how many eruptions there will be in any given period.
The earth's path around the Sun is not circular and is in fact an ellipse. Small changes in the earth's orbit due to gravitational influences can have significant effects on climate. Man has no effect on the earth's orbit whatsoever.
The earth wobbles around its axis. It's called polar or axial precession. Because of the gravitational influences of the Sun and the Moon, the axis of the earth points into the stars and wobbles in a circular motion in an approximate 25,700-year cycle. Where the axis of the earth points to the heavens has a direct effect on how much land surface is exposed to the Sun receiving solar radiation. Once again, man has nothing to do with axial precession.
Water vapor and cloud cover have a significant effect on nocturnal radiation back into space. The earth's atmosphere is made up of 95% water vapor. Predicting the total amount of water vapor and cloud cover as it relates to solar heating and night cooling can yield, at best, a guess.
Then there are all the other variables that can have a profound effect on the earth's climate. Yes, there appears to be evidence of global warming, but the question is, is man's miniscule contribution to CO2 in the atmosphere the cause. Based on the uncertainties in climate science, the question appears to be up for grabs.
All of this could very well be a natural cycle driven by a variety of elements that defy computer modeling and all evidence of man-caused global warming comes from questionable computer models.
Because of the many variables of climate dynamics, definitive statements about the climate are in fact estimated guesses at best. Definitive statements describing man as the cause are wild assed guesses at worst.
And what about how the effects of a warming climate have on food production? Global warming enhances food production. It's hard to grow things at temperatures below 50 degrees. The longer the growing season the greater the yield. Our worst enemy will be global cooling.
But that's not the whole story. The rest of the story is what man is doing about a condition wherein the science is unsettled, under the pretense of the Precautionary Principle. (See "Precautionary Principle")
In an article in the Daily Signal, their concern revolves around what man is spending to solve a problem that may have human component:
Perhaps the most alarming part is the price tag associated with attempting to reduce such a small part of the atmosphere and something we really cannot control. Our analysis shows the cumulative GDP losses for 2010 to 2029 approach $7 trillion. Single-year losses exceed $600 billion in 2029, more than $5,000 per household. Job losses are expected to exceed 800,000 in some years, and exceed at least 500,000 from 2015 through 2026. It is important to note that these are net job losses, after any jobs created by compliance with the regulations–so-called green jobs–are taken into account. In total, the “climate revenue” (read: energy tax) could approach two trillion over eight years. Keep in mind, this is all for negligible environmental benefits.
The science behind global warming is anything but conclusive. Many leading climatologists conclude that climate models aren’t incredibly accurate and even have different opinions (for instance whether it is the sun or oceanic changes) as to what the dominant causes are of global warming and cooling.
Nevertheless, it’s easy to pretend the science on global warming is conclusive when environmentalist extremists suppress dissenting opinions.
Economist Walter Williams provides a few examples and draws an interesting parallel:
There’s a much more important issue that poses an even greater danger to mankind. That’s the effort by environmentalists to suppress disagreement with their view. According to a March 11 article in London’s Sunday Telegraph, Timothy Ball, a former climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg in Canada, has received five death threats since he started questioning whether man was affecting climate change. Richard Lindzen, professor of Atmospheric Science at MIT, said, “Scientists who dissent from the alarmism have seen their funds disappear, their work derided, and themselves labeled as industry stooges.” Nigel Calder, a former editor of New Scientist, said, “Governments are trying to achieve unanimity by stifling any scientist who disagrees. Einstein could not have got funding under the present system.”
Suppressing dissent is nothing new. Italian cosmologist Giordano Bruno taught that stars were at different distances from each other surrounded by limitless territory. He was imprisoned in 1592, and eight years later he was tried as a heretic and burned at the stake. Because he disagreed that the Earth was the center of the universe, Galileo was ordered to stand trial on suspicion of heresy in 1633. Under the threat of torture, he recanted and was placed under house arrest for the rest of his life.”
"That was 1592. After 400 and some odd years, one would think it’d be a little different."
The Paris Climate Accord (PCA) is a monumental joke and it was a wise decision by President Trump to drop out of the accord. American citizens would have endured the largest share of the cost. China and India, the worst polluters, would have gotten off almost scot-free. If any of the predictions from the PCA are even remotely accurate, which is in grave doubt, the total benefit, if all nations participated, would be to keep the temperature rise within 1.5o Centigrade.
Now we are not rocket scientists but we have read over 100 science books covering several different disciplines, including mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy, quantum theory, string theory and chaos theory and related subjects. We can easily solve the equation of 0.034 times, 0.0362 times, 0.02 that equals man's contribution to greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The answer is 0.000024616. We'll give you an idea of how small that number is. The Empire State Building is 1,250 feet from street level to roof. 0.0000246 of 1,250 feet is 3/8ths of an inch. The ants on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, where the Empire State building resides, are almost that high.
So those poor saps that have difficulty with simple math are supposed to believe that man's 0.0024616% contribution to the Earth's greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere are the direct cause of run-away global warming. Perhaps if we were teaching common sense, logic and critical thinking in our schools, the masses wouldn't be so quick to believe all the politically-driven environmental propaganda that is being shoved down their throats every day.
We have many ARTICLES on our website debunking the man-caused global warming myth, articles you will never see in the mainstream media, or in public schools, or on college campuses, because they are being censored by American Marxists, socialists, communists and Democrats.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"States Are No Longer States Under the Constitution”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, June 10, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
“The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government, are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State.”
James Madison, Federalist Paper No. 45
Oh what a difference 231 years can make (1787 to 2018). The U. S. Constitution was finally ratified in 1787. Ever since then the federal government, (FEDS) in its Hell bent drive to fairness, equity, "regulating commerce", "promoting the general welfare" and increasing federal power, has exceeded its 17 enumerated powers contained in Article 1, Section 8 of the U. S. Constitution as to render the Constitution almost meaningless. Federal powers are not now limited they are virtually unlimited. The states were supposed to be the fourth check on federal power, after the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the federal government. The 9th and 10th Amendments are but mirages of their original intent.
The FEDS have been so successful in buying off the people and the states with their own money, using coercion, extortion, blackmail, intimidation, threats, propaganda and lies, the people and the states have willingly abdicated their unalienable rights for money that was theirs in the first place. Every admonition by the Founding Fathers has been realized and several generations of once-free Americans have no clue as to the depths of the profound loss of their freedom and the irretrievable dilution of state power. State lines and state autonomy under the 9th and 10th Amendments are an illusion. We are the nation of federal America, not the United States of America.
Amendment 9
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Amendment 10
The [limited] powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Just to see how powerful was the financial grip on the individual states with federal contributions, we examined the states of California, New York and North Dakota to determine how much the federal government was "kicking back" to the three states for Welfare, Education and Transportation, as compared to the total state budget for those three items. The FEDS kicked back 36% to California ($75 Billion), 42% to New York ($44 Billion) and 29% ($1.4 Billion) to North Dakota. That is a lot of financial clout and leverage to get the states to do the FEDS bidding. (To see the FEDS contribution to the rest of the states, click in the following link: http://www.governing.com/topics/finance/gov-state-budgets-federal-funding-2015-2018-trump.html)
It must be remembered that the federal government has no money. It collects taxes from people and businesses to run the government. The people and businesses do not reside in America they reside in individual states. So the FEDS extort, through taxation, the money from the people and businesses that reside in the states and then blackmail the states to comply with federal programs for the money they kick back to the states. The states, eager to get their own money back, capitulate to the FEDS every whim. Poof! The states' check on federal power under the 10th Amendment evaporates.
It gets worse. The FEDS, along with their partners in crime, the media, academia, the socialists and the environmentalists, convince the states that if they don't comply with federal socialist and environmental mandates and agendas, their own money will be withheld from them. Some might call that blackmail, extortion, or even grand theft .... or all three.
Many of America's states have turned blue and are run by Democrat Socialists. The blue states are mostly dominated by big cities. Big cities, by their very nature, become dependent on government and are easily trapped in blatant, in-your-face socialism. The blue state governors and legislatures are willing partners in the federal mandates and heavily tax the state citizens to pay for them without any cost benefit analysis, valid science, or any objection or negotiations under the power of the 10th Amendment.
All three Western states, Washington, Oregon and California, have formed a compact to fight alleged man-caused global warming by taxing carbon dioxide emissions from industry, even though their efforts will have no appreciable effect on the overall planet-wide reduction of carbon dioxide and even though the whole subject and science of man-caused global warming is largely unsettled no matter what you hear from academia or the news media. (See "Climate")
Most of the Atlantic states (original 13 Colonies) are blue. Most of the Great Lake states are blue. Some Gulf States are blue and the three Pacific Coast states are blue. Many of the blue states have high concentrations of poor people, homeless and illegal aliens, which require huge subsidies of state and federal money. Those states have that concentration because the states attract poor people, the homeless and illegal aliens with free stuff, giveaways, benefits and sanctuary for illegal aliens. People will always migrate to where there is plenty of free money and free stuff. The city of Seattle throws millions of dollars at the homeless and the homeless keep coming.
California has turned so blue and so overrun with illegal aliens and the homeless, that it might just as well be its own country whose native language is Spanish. As we wrote earlier, California gets $75 Billion kicked back to them to support those homeless and illegal aliens.
But America is not all blue. If you look at a county map of America, the majority of the counties are red.
James Madison, Federalist Paper No. 45
Oh what a difference 231 years can make (1787 to 2018). The U. S. Constitution was finally ratified in 1787. Ever since then the federal government, (FEDS) in its Hell bent drive to fairness, equity, "regulating commerce", "promoting the general welfare" and increasing federal power, has exceeded its 17 enumerated powers contained in Article 1, Section 8 of the U. S. Constitution as to render the Constitution almost meaningless. Federal powers are not now limited they are virtually unlimited. The states were supposed to be the fourth check on federal power, after the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the federal government. The 9th and 10th Amendments are but mirages of their original intent.
The FEDS have been so successful in buying off the people and the states with their own money, using coercion, extortion, blackmail, intimidation, threats, propaganda and lies, the people and the states have willingly abdicated their unalienable rights for money that was theirs in the first place. Every admonition by the Founding Fathers has been realized and several generations of once-free Americans have no clue as to the depths of the profound loss of their freedom and the irretrievable dilution of state power. State lines and state autonomy under the 9th and 10th Amendments are an illusion. We are the nation of federal America, not the United States of America.
Amendment 9
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Amendment 10
The [limited] powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Just to see how powerful was the financial grip on the individual states with federal contributions, we examined the states of California, New York and North Dakota to determine how much the federal government was "kicking back" to the three states for Welfare, Education and Transportation, as compared to the total state budget for those three items. The FEDS kicked back 36% to California ($75 Billion), 42% to New York ($44 Billion) and 29% ($1.4 Billion) to North Dakota. That is a lot of financial clout and leverage to get the states to do the FEDS bidding. (To see the FEDS contribution to the rest of the states, click in the following link: http://www.governing.com/topics/finance/gov-state-budgets-federal-funding-2015-2018-trump.html)
It must be remembered that the federal government has no money. It collects taxes from people and businesses to run the government. The people and businesses do not reside in America they reside in individual states. So the FEDS extort, through taxation, the money from the people and businesses that reside in the states and then blackmail the states to comply with federal programs for the money they kick back to the states. The states, eager to get their own money back, capitulate to the FEDS every whim. Poof! The states' check on federal power under the 10th Amendment evaporates.
It gets worse. The FEDS, along with their partners in crime, the media, academia, the socialists and the environmentalists, convince the states that if they don't comply with federal socialist and environmental mandates and agendas, their own money will be withheld from them. Some might call that blackmail, extortion, or even grand theft .... or all three.
Many of America's states have turned blue and are run by Democrat Socialists. The blue states are mostly dominated by big cities. Big cities, by their very nature, become dependent on government and are easily trapped in blatant, in-your-face socialism. The blue state governors and legislatures are willing partners in the federal mandates and heavily tax the state citizens to pay for them without any cost benefit analysis, valid science, or any objection or negotiations under the power of the 10th Amendment.
All three Western states, Washington, Oregon and California, have formed a compact to fight alleged man-caused global warming by taxing carbon dioxide emissions from industry, even though their efforts will have no appreciable effect on the overall planet-wide reduction of carbon dioxide and even though the whole subject and science of man-caused global warming is largely unsettled no matter what you hear from academia or the news media. (See "Climate")
Most of the Atlantic states (original 13 Colonies) are blue. Most of the Great Lake states are blue. Some Gulf States are blue and the three Pacific Coast states are blue. Many of the blue states have high concentrations of poor people, homeless and illegal aliens, which require huge subsidies of state and federal money. Those states have that concentration because the states attract poor people, the homeless and illegal aliens with free stuff, giveaways, benefits and sanctuary for illegal aliens. People will always migrate to where there is plenty of free money and free stuff. The city of Seattle throws millions of dollars at the homeless and the homeless keep coming.
California has turned so blue and so overrun with illegal aliens and the homeless, that it might just as well be its own country whose native language is Spanish. As we wrote earlier, California gets $75 Billion kicked back to them to support those homeless and illegal aliens.
But America is not all blue. If you look at a county map of America, the majority of the counties are red.
Nevertheless, little by little, the people's freedoms have been washed away by rivers of federal money, money that the FEDS steal from the people in the form of taxes. The FEDS then bribe the people and the states with their own money to force them to comply with federal mandates. Their freedoms have been hijacked for piles of cash and the shaky promise of security. The people and the states, to their discredit, just look the other way, or are complicit in the fraud.
As we have said many times before:
"YOUR MONEY IS GOVERNMENT'S MAJOR POWER OVER YOU: The first power that government has over you is YOUR perception that YOUR money is their money. The second power that government has over you is by using the money they take from you by force of law, against you. The third power that government has over you is that you will religiously obey all of their laws."
"Only when the people realize that their tax money is being used to environmentally enslave them; only when the people realize that their tax money is being used to "feed" a growing population of other people dipping their bills in the government "pig trough" and those "takers" voting for those very same politicians that take our tax money by force to keep the "trough" full; only when the people realize that their tax money is being spent to brainwash and indoctrinate their school and college-age children in the ways of socialism, multi-culturalism, radical environmentalism, collectivism, political correctness and one-world-government; only when the people realize that their government is using their tax money to merge America into the one-world-order; only when the people realize that the only way to stop this attempted conquest of states' rights, individual freedom and national sovereignty is to resist government, en masse, in every legal way possible. Only then will we reclaim our freedom .... that is until all peaceful means are exhausted and we are left with only one remaining alternative."
America is a unique country, more unique than any other nation since civilization began. Its people are unique because generations have benefited from the concept of individual freedom and unalienable rights. Those benefits of freedom have created the most powerful, the wealthiest and the most generous nation on Earth. But all that can be taken away in a heartbeat if individual freedom and unalienable rights are not defended by the masses. If we let the 10th Amendment of the U. S. Constitution, which codifies the rights of the people and the states to stand in the way of rising federal power, America's Constitutional Republic will die a tortured, wrenching, violent death.
But then, who is listening? Most Americans are looking the other way, just like the German people did ..... twice in the Twentieth Century. From their folly and apathy close to 100,000,000 soldiers and civilians died in two world wars in a single Century. If Americans look the other way again, history will be repeated in what could become a biblical prophecy ..... Armageddon.
If American freedom, power and courage die, the world will probably descend into never-ending violent chaos and anarchy and perhaps the extinction of the civilized human race as we know it. China and Russia can't wait to fill the void we will leave behind and they care not one whit about individual freedom or unalienable rights. America is the glue and the force that holds the future of world peace in its hands on the ever-fragile foundation of liberty. If we let that foundation crumble, we do so at our own and the world's peril.
Please join with us in the preservation, protection and defense of our 18 Basic Principles For America, patterned after the U. S. Constitution? Let us know what you would like to add to or subtract from these 18 Basic Principles HERE.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
As we have said many times before:
"YOUR MONEY IS GOVERNMENT'S MAJOR POWER OVER YOU: The first power that government has over you is YOUR perception that YOUR money is their money. The second power that government has over you is by using the money they take from you by force of law, against you. The third power that government has over you is that you will religiously obey all of their laws."
"Only when the people realize that their tax money is being used to environmentally enslave them; only when the people realize that their tax money is being used to "feed" a growing population of other people dipping their bills in the government "pig trough" and those "takers" voting for those very same politicians that take our tax money by force to keep the "trough" full; only when the people realize that their tax money is being spent to brainwash and indoctrinate their school and college-age children in the ways of socialism, multi-culturalism, radical environmentalism, collectivism, political correctness and one-world-government; only when the people realize that their government is using their tax money to merge America into the one-world-order; only when the people realize that the only way to stop this attempted conquest of states' rights, individual freedom and national sovereignty is to resist government, en masse, in every legal way possible. Only then will we reclaim our freedom .... that is until all peaceful means are exhausted and we are left with only one remaining alternative."
America is a unique country, more unique than any other nation since civilization began. Its people are unique because generations have benefited from the concept of individual freedom and unalienable rights. Those benefits of freedom have created the most powerful, the wealthiest and the most generous nation on Earth. But all that can be taken away in a heartbeat if individual freedom and unalienable rights are not defended by the masses. If we let the 10th Amendment of the U. S. Constitution, which codifies the rights of the people and the states to stand in the way of rising federal power, America's Constitutional Republic will die a tortured, wrenching, violent death.
But then, who is listening? Most Americans are looking the other way, just like the German people did ..... twice in the Twentieth Century. From their folly and apathy close to 100,000,000 soldiers and civilians died in two world wars in a single Century. If Americans look the other way again, history will be repeated in what could become a biblical prophecy ..... Armageddon.
If American freedom, power and courage die, the world will probably descend into never-ending violent chaos and anarchy and perhaps the extinction of the civilized human race as we know it. China and Russia can't wait to fill the void we will leave behind and they care not one whit about individual freedom or unalienable rights. America is the glue and the force that holds the future of world peace in its hands on the ever-fragile foundation of liberty. If we let that foundation crumble, we do so at our own and the world's peril.
Please join with us in the preservation, protection and defense of our 18 Basic Principles For America, patterned after the U. S. Constitution? Let us know what you would like to add to or subtract from these 18 Basic Principles HERE.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Don't You Feel It? Anger and Frustration Are Everywhere”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, June 10, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
"Insurgencies are easy to make and hard to stop. Only a few ingredients need to combine to create an insurgency; like oxygen and fire, they're very common and mix all too often. The recipe is, simply, a legitimate grievance against a state, a state that refuses to compromise, a quorum of angry people, and access to weapons." Richard Engel, NBC Foreign Correspondent
From time to time we get a few responses to our weekly column. Some are well thought out, others not so much. Some register agreement, some disagreement and some are very emotional about an injustice. Mostly we hear of injustices inflicted on rural landowners for obvious reasons being that we are ADVOCATES for rural landowners.
In one of our articles we asked, "How free do you feel?" One landowner responded with:
"You have got to be kidding. As a small land owner who is working on a special project I am constantly looking over my shoulder, waiting for a confrontation with the county bureaucrats regardless of their lack of acknowledgment of your No Trespassing sign that I have posted on the entry gate. The real problem with my feeling for a lack of freedom is my excessive gain in anger and readiness to do battle. So, with that said, and as I think back when I was a young lad of 14—15 in 1954/55 as compared to now, my loss of freedom is insurmountable and impossible to regain with out a fight, and not a good fight at that."
This landowner is not alone. We hear similar stories from landowners from all over America on a regular basis. Reluctantly we responded with:
"Thanks for sharing your frustration. You are angry and tens of thousands of other Americans are angry. Some are even fighting mad. But the reality is if you take up arms against the government by yourself, you will be put down and become a martyr. There are simply not enough angry people in America who have the leadership, men, materials, money and the courage to take on the federal, or even the local government. Look what the FEDS did at Ruby Ridge and Waco. Look at what almost happened at the Bundy ranch in Nevada in April of 2014 when over 200 heavily armed BLM agents came up against about 400 armed civilians. It could have become a blood bath on TV for all to watch and many would have died. Faced with the abundant publicity, the government reluctantly backed down."
"Unless there is a massive uprising, especially in the West where most of the rural injustices are happening, nothing is going to change, except more people getting angry, but feeling helpless to do anything about it."
”We wish we had a peaceful answer but we don't. We've been sounding the alarm for 12 years now at significant effort, but then who is listening? Nowhere near enough! If we're lucky, we might reach up to 10,000 people from one single article. 10,000 people is a drop in the bucket against 320,000,000. Our individual efforts are so far below the noise level as to render them totally irrelevant. For 30 years Rush Limbaugh has reached 20,000,000 people per week with his conservative radio program and nothing has changed. Fox News echoes the conservative side of things, but nothing has changed. It's only gotten worse. Trump and his followers are trying but in the end the left will probably bury him and them. The socialist big cities have the vote and the rural landowner and conservatives are mostly disenfranchised from the political process. Yes, Trump was elected but it was an electoral-college anomaly. He may not be so lucky next time.”
Our last article entitled: "Urban Dwellers Won't Save America, They'll Destroy It" we chronicled why rural landowners are the key to saving America and the efforts by big city-states to repeal the Electoral College. The call for the repeal of the Electoral College is echoed by many on the left especially those in big cities.
MSNBC Host Joy Reid on November 29th 2017 said rural Americans are a threat to Democracy. Responding to a piece in the Wall Street Journal headlined, “The Varied – and Global – Threats Confronting Democracy,” Reid called for sacking the Electoral College because it gives rural voters an unfair advantage over urban voters in national elections. It cites a prediction that by 2040, 70 percent of Americans will live in the 15 largest states by population. That means 70% of the people in America will be represented by 30 members of the U.S. Senate and the other 30% will be represented by 70 senators. She then said the “abolition of the Electoral College” would help stave off a “core threat” posed by rural voters. (This is what rural folks are up against)
Ms. Reid forgets that America is a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy and those rural Americans she despises grow the food she eats.
So many are angry in America. The big city folk are angry at the rural folk and the rural folk are angry at the big city folk. Constituency groups are angry with other constituency groups. The black and Latinos are angry at the whites, or each other. Black NFL players are now angry at the NFL because under new NFL rules they can't kneel when the National Anthem is played at national football games. Rural landowners are angry at all of the rules and regulations they must follow in order to raise our protein, wheat, vegetables and fruit that we all consume. Environmentalists are angry with rural landowners because of the alleged environmental degradation they cause. Millions of Americans are angry at the nationalization of the nation's health care under Obama care. Millions more are angry at government policies that act as magnets for illegal aliens to invade our country and burden our already over-stretched welfare systems. Most of America is angry with the burgeoning national debt, but no one will lift a finger to stop it, Democrats, Republicans or Independents, whether politicians or civilians.
Just yesterday we learned that the FAA has dumbed down the test to become an air traffic controller in the interest of diversity and political correctness. It seems someone in or outside of the FAA (probably Obama) decided there were too many white people in air traffic control so they "corrected" this "tragedy" by looking for those of color, play sports, those without jobs, or those who don't like science. They weeded out the competent ones with a biological test right from the beginning. Pilots get a low grade and aren't hired. What!!! What does diversity and political correctness have to do with competent air traffic controllers? Nothing!!! So ladies and gentlemen it isn't the most competent that are guiding your airplanes in a crowded sky, it is the most diverse, or the most unemployed, or basketball players, or those of color, or those who don't like science. This isn't bad government it's insane government. If you ain't angry by now, you never will be.
In contrast to the above landowner's response to "How Free Do You Feel", we received another response from probably a big-city American stating: "I am not talking to you because you are a conservative. Conservatives think that everyone should be responsible for them selves and they want government out of their lives. Don't they realize how selfish they are being? Why should people be responsible for themselves when we have such a huge wonderful government? The government knows what's best for us and government should redistribute our wealth accordingly."
We know what you are thinking; that this was a put up job, but unfortunately it is a real response from a real person. We couldn't believe it either. The naiveté and stupidity of this ignoramus is almost indescribable and it made us really angry. Still, it is a disheartening manifestation of what has happened to this country in the last 80 to 100 years of generations of government give-away programs that reward people for doing nothing, in return for a vote to keep the government "givers" in office, a political strategy that the Founding Fathers warned us about many times. It also represents what teachers are teaching in our public schools and colleges.
Sadly, America has become a nation of way too many whiners, losers, takers, victims, addicts, mental cases, money grabbers and illegal aliens and they all seem to be angry at the producers and achievers and they all want something for nothing. Now of course, those with their heads in the sand, or addicted to violent entertainment, electronic devices, drugs and alcohol, live in a bubble where reality doesn't penetrate. They aren't angry they're stoned.
If you aren't scared for you and your country, you just don't get it.
Are Americans going to take this injustice and unconstitutional dictates from our government? Are we going to just sit there and let them steal our money so that they can buy votes from people who don't work for it? Are we going to let them sell our sovereignty to the central bankers? Are we going to let them do nothing about illegal immigration except grant the criminals amnesty so that the criminals will vote for the politicians that granted them amnesty? Are we going to let government put the least competent air traffic controllers in charge of our commercial airplanes for diversity's sake? Are we going to let government become hopelessly corrupt? Are we going to let government take over our health care? Oops! They already are and have.
Are we going to let socialist and environmental lobbyist organizations take over this country by subterfuge and corruption of our political process? Are we going to let the Federal Government set the curriculum for our public school children and indoctrinate them to become good little socialist, mindless robots? Are we going to let high-paid lobbyists with hidden and narrow agendas, control what laws get passed in this country, like we have for 100 years? Are we going to let our courts render decisions that fly in the face of our Constitution and natural law? Are we going to let the lawmakers take away our rights, one by one, and enslave us?
Rural landowners are getting fed up with this crap even if city folk aren't. Perhaps they don't need guns, or the Electoral College to have a voice in the political process. After all, they own most of the landmass of America and produce literally all of the food we eat. If rural landowners held off delivery of their product to the market for just one week, they could bring the entire country to its knees. The wheels of commerce would stop and there would be riots in the streets as grocery store shelves emptied. Maybe then, the dependent urbanites might show a little more respect to those they owe their very lives. They might just turn on the radical environmentalist that gets in the way of food production and adds to the rising costs of everything.
The land and food are the most powerful leverage of all and rural landowners corner the market. Rural landowners are usually well armed and they learn how to use weapons at an early age. Our organization (NARLO) stands with the rural landowner and understands their deep anger and frustration. It is our goal to "EMPOWER" rural landowners.
If you aren't a rural landowner, it might be a good idea to go out to the farm or ranch one day and see how real people live. Farming and ranching are back breaking work and they get paid so little. They do it because they love it.
Right now, rural landowners are very angry and for good reason. Their anger could very well turn into action ..... without ever firing a shot. Who knows? Maybe rural landowners will be the next American insurgency.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
From time to time we get a few responses to our weekly column. Some are well thought out, others not so much. Some register agreement, some disagreement and some are very emotional about an injustice. Mostly we hear of injustices inflicted on rural landowners for obvious reasons being that we are ADVOCATES for rural landowners.
In one of our articles we asked, "How free do you feel?" One landowner responded with:
"You have got to be kidding. As a small land owner who is working on a special project I am constantly looking over my shoulder, waiting for a confrontation with the county bureaucrats regardless of their lack of acknowledgment of your No Trespassing sign that I have posted on the entry gate. The real problem with my feeling for a lack of freedom is my excessive gain in anger and readiness to do battle. So, with that said, and as I think back when I was a young lad of 14—15 in 1954/55 as compared to now, my loss of freedom is insurmountable and impossible to regain with out a fight, and not a good fight at that."
This landowner is not alone. We hear similar stories from landowners from all over America on a regular basis. Reluctantly we responded with:
"Thanks for sharing your frustration. You are angry and tens of thousands of other Americans are angry. Some are even fighting mad. But the reality is if you take up arms against the government by yourself, you will be put down and become a martyr. There are simply not enough angry people in America who have the leadership, men, materials, money and the courage to take on the federal, or even the local government. Look what the FEDS did at Ruby Ridge and Waco. Look at what almost happened at the Bundy ranch in Nevada in April of 2014 when over 200 heavily armed BLM agents came up against about 400 armed civilians. It could have become a blood bath on TV for all to watch and many would have died. Faced with the abundant publicity, the government reluctantly backed down."
"Unless there is a massive uprising, especially in the West where most of the rural injustices are happening, nothing is going to change, except more people getting angry, but feeling helpless to do anything about it."
”We wish we had a peaceful answer but we don't. We've been sounding the alarm for 12 years now at significant effort, but then who is listening? Nowhere near enough! If we're lucky, we might reach up to 10,000 people from one single article. 10,000 people is a drop in the bucket against 320,000,000. Our individual efforts are so far below the noise level as to render them totally irrelevant. For 30 years Rush Limbaugh has reached 20,000,000 people per week with his conservative radio program and nothing has changed. Fox News echoes the conservative side of things, but nothing has changed. It's only gotten worse. Trump and his followers are trying but in the end the left will probably bury him and them. The socialist big cities have the vote and the rural landowner and conservatives are mostly disenfranchised from the political process. Yes, Trump was elected but it was an electoral-college anomaly. He may not be so lucky next time.”
Our last article entitled: "Urban Dwellers Won't Save America, They'll Destroy It" we chronicled why rural landowners are the key to saving America and the efforts by big city-states to repeal the Electoral College. The call for the repeal of the Electoral College is echoed by many on the left especially those in big cities.
MSNBC Host Joy Reid on November 29th 2017 said rural Americans are a threat to Democracy. Responding to a piece in the Wall Street Journal headlined, “The Varied – and Global – Threats Confronting Democracy,” Reid called for sacking the Electoral College because it gives rural voters an unfair advantage over urban voters in national elections. It cites a prediction that by 2040, 70 percent of Americans will live in the 15 largest states by population. That means 70% of the people in America will be represented by 30 members of the U.S. Senate and the other 30% will be represented by 70 senators. She then said the “abolition of the Electoral College” would help stave off a “core threat” posed by rural voters. (This is what rural folks are up against)
Ms. Reid forgets that America is a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy and those rural Americans she despises grow the food she eats.
So many are angry in America. The big city folk are angry at the rural folk and the rural folk are angry at the big city folk. Constituency groups are angry with other constituency groups. The black and Latinos are angry at the whites, or each other. Black NFL players are now angry at the NFL because under new NFL rules they can't kneel when the National Anthem is played at national football games. Rural landowners are angry at all of the rules and regulations they must follow in order to raise our protein, wheat, vegetables and fruit that we all consume. Environmentalists are angry with rural landowners because of the alleged environmental degradation they cause. Millions of Americans are angry at the nationalization of the nation's health care under Obama care. Millions more are angry at government policies that act as magnets for illegal aliens to invade our country and burden our already over-stretched welfare systems. Most of America is angry with the burgeoning national debt, but no one will lift a finger to stop it, Democrats, Republicans or Independents, whether politicians or civilians.
Just yesterday we learned that the FAA has dumbed down the test to become an air traffic controller in the interest of diversity and political correctness. It seems someone in or outside of the FAA (probably Obama) decided there were too many white people in air traffic control so they "corrected" this "tragedy" by looking for those of color, play sports, those without jobs, or those who don't like science. They weeded out the competent ones with a biological test right from the beginning. Pilots get a low grade and aren't hired. What!!! What does diversity and political correctness have to do with competent air traffic controllers? Nothing!!! So ladies and gentlemen it isn't the most competent that are guiding your airplanes in a crowded sky, it is the most diverse, or the most unemployed, or basketball players, or those of color, or those who don't like science. This isn't bad government it's insane government. If you ain't angry by now, you never will be.
In contrast to the above landowner's response to "How Free Do You Feel", we received another response from probably a big-city American stating: "I am not talking to you because you are a conservative. Conservatives think that everyone should be responsible for them selves and they want government out of their lives. Don't they realize how selfish they are being? Why should people be responsible for themselves when we have such a huge wonderful government? The government knows what's best for us and government should redistribute our wealth accordingly."
We know what you are thinking; that this was a put up job, but unfortunately it is a real response from a real person. We couldn't believe it either. The naiveté and stupidity of this ignoramus is almost indescribable and it made us really angry. Still, it is a disheartening manifestation of what has happened to this country in the last 80 to 100 years of generations of government give-away programs that reward people for doing nothing, in return for a vote to keep the government "givers" in office, a political strategy that the Founding Fathers warned us about many times. It also represents what teachers are teaching in our public schools and colleges.
Sadly, America has become a nation of way too many whiners, losers, takers, victims, addicts, mental cases, money grabbers and illegal aliens and they all seem to be angry at the producers and achievers and they all want something for nothing. Now of course, those with their heads in the sand, or addicted to violent entertainment, electronic devices, drugs and alcohol, live in a bubble where reality doesn't penetrate. They aren't angry they're stoned.
If you aren't scared for you and your country, you just don't get it.
Are Americans going to take this injustice and unconstitutional dictates from our government? Are we going to just sit there and let them steal our money so that they can buy votes from people who don't work for it? Are we going to let them sell our sovereignty to the central bankers? Are we going to let them do nothing about illegal immigration except grant the criminals amnesty so that the criminals will vote for the politicians that granted them amnesty? Are we going to let government put the least competent air traffic controllers in charge of our commercial airplanes for diversity's sake? Are we going to let government become hopelessly corrupt? Are we going to let government take over our health care? Oops! They already are and have.
Are we going to let socialist and environmental lobbyist organizations take over this country by subterfuge and corruption of our political process? Are we going to let the Federal Government set the curriculum for our public school children and indoctrinate them to become good little socialist, mindless robots? Are we going to let high-paid lobbyists with hidden and narrow agendas, control what laws get passed in this country, like we have for 100 years? Are we going to let our courts render decisions that fly in the face of our Constitution and natural law? Are we going to let the lawmakers take away our rights, one by one, and enslave us?
Rural landowners are getting fed up with this crap even if city folk aren't. Perhaps they don't need guns, or the Electoral College to have a voice in the political process. After all, they own most of the landmass of America and produce literally all of the food we eat. If rural landowners held off delivery of their product to the market for just one week, they could bring the entire country to its knees. The wheels of commerce would stop and there would be riots in the streets as grocery store shelves emptied. Maybe then, the dependent urbanites might show a little more respect to those they owe their very lives. They might just turn on the radical environmentalist that gets in the way of food production and adds to the rising costs of everything.
The land and food are the most powerful leverage of all and rural landowners corner the market. Rural landowners are usually well armed and they learn how to use weapons at an early age. Our organization (NARLO) stands with the rural landowner and understands their deep anger and frustration. It is our goal to "EMPOWER" rural landowners.
If you aren't a rural landowner, it might be a good idea to go out to the farm or ranch one day and see how real people live. Farming and ranching are back breaking work and they get paid so little. They do it because they love it.
Right now, rural landowners are very angry and for good reason. Their anger could very well turn into action ..... without ever firing a shot. Who knows? Maybe rural landowners will be the next American insurgency.
Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Urban Dwellers Won't Save America, They'll Destroy It”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, June 3, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
"The brutal reality is that only a ground swell of national rural outrage will reverse the course of socialism and environmental extremism in America and return us to a Constitutional Republic. Farmers, ranchers and rural landowners could very well be the catalyst to incite that outrage, because the land is their
power, if they will only use that power before they lose it ..... forever." Ron Ewart
Of the 3,000,000 colonial inhabitants of the 13 colonies in 1776, only about 80,000 picked up guns to fight the British, a highly trained army of around 56,000 men. Trained German soldiers, under British command, added another 30,000 men. Most of the colonial soldiers were farmers organized together in loose militias. Of the 3,000,000 colonials, over 100,000 loyalists fled to Canada, the Bahamas and England.
Only about 2.7% of the total colonial population engaged in battle against the British. Those 2.7% of the total population won freedom for the other 97.3%. Approximately 8,000 colonial fighting men gave their lives for freedom. Another 17,000 Americans died of disease during the war and around 25,000 men were wounded or maimed. The remaining 2,800,000 colonial inhabitants were set free from British rule by the extreme sacrifice of 80,000 patriots. How many patriots must sacrifice their lives to set 320,000,000 Americans free from the aristocratic, dictatorial rule of America's Establishment Class, high paid lobbyists and the big city Democrat vote? Which Americans will engage in the battle to "secure our unalienable rights, where once again, governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed?" (Provided the "governed" know what freedom is and are willing to defend it.)
Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. Many of his later quotes were prophetic in nature. Not because he could foretell the future, but because he could read the past very well. It seems that man is doomed to continuously repeat history, with pretty much the same results each time. Man is done in by his own habitual nature and the lack of sufficient long-term memory. He forgets easily. So much of what has happened to America today, was predicted very early on in its history, largely because of man's "herd" instinct. Someone whistles and the herd comes a runnin', like Lemmings over a cliff.
And so it was when the industrial revolution and assembly-line manufacturing came along. Early America was predominantly an agricultural nation, in the years leading up to the industrial revolution. An agricultural existence was subsistence on its raw edges for small farms all across the land. Thus, with the promise of steady wages in manufacturing and out of the weather, the people came off the farms in droves and swept into the ever-growing cities for a better life, or so they thought.
Manufacturers built factories in large cities because of being able to access cheap labor. In the early days of the industrial revolution, the employers egregiously exploited that labor. From that exploitation came the unions and the adversarial relationship between employer and employee was born on a grand scale. Both employers and employees became powerful. Each used the government, local, state or federal, to gain the upper hand and the upper hand shifted back and forth on the winds of politics.
Big city governments got into the act in a big way, to answer the dependency of the big-city residents. They had to keep the rising poor from rioting, so they increased welfare handouts to the poor and un-employed. Big-city budgets started to rapidly balloon in the social sector. Police, fire and other essential government duties started to take a back seat to social promises. With the social burden came government employees to administer to that burden. With higher densities came more laws and with more laws came more enforcement and with more enforcement came more government employees. Government employees organized unions and started demanding greater wages and better benefits. With higher wages and better benefits, city tax revenue was burdened even more. Taxes were raised on everyone else to pay for the social welfare, higher government wages and better benefits. Government and unions got even stronger. Now we have dependent, dumbed-down poor and chronically un-employed, fully institutionalized in our big cities and a heavy, ever-growing tax burden to fund it all.
Unfortunately, all the farmer could see when he left the farm in the hopes of a more rewarding life, was a job that lasted in perpetuity. Oh, but the jobs didn't last forever, did they? In the fluid market place, fortunes were made and lost on the whim of the consumer, or a new invention. Overnight, manufacturing plants closed down when their product or products would no longer sell, or they invested too heavily into expansion by taking on more debt and the debt forced them into bankruptcy because income from the new market didn't amortize the debt. New inventions could wipe out an existing product, virtually in a heartbeat. Thousands joined the ranks of the un-employed and thus dependent on government. Today the Internet and on-line shopping are tormenting the brick and mortar stores and jobs are shifting, or are being created and lost.
But what happened to the employee when his manufacturing plant closed down? He had to look for another job, along with the other people who were out of a job, in order to pay for his costs of living in the big city. Competition to find new jobs was fierce. And the costs to live in the big city could be relatively high, as compared to the sparse life on the farm. However, on the farm, they could grow things and at least eat. In the big city, the un-employed employee had no other choice but to turn to the government or charitable organizations for help. Thus, government welfare, slums and the infamous skid row were born. Thus trapped, the big city resident now became hopelessly dependent on government. He could no longer be self-sufficient, if there was no job to be had. To reduce his living costs he was forced to live in crowded conditions (slums) he would have never considered when living on the farm.
The story doesn't end there. In steps the government again, mostly Democrats, with more socially-driven policies that destroyed American jobs and made people more dependent on government. In order to be "fair" to the poorer nations, the Federal Government passed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) and tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs went off shore. American factories were idled and decaying. We were no longer a net producer and manufacturer of goods, we instead became a net consumer of goods. Slum living and welfare rose accordingly, into the trillions of taxpayer dollars, over several decades. Even with Johnson's War on Poverty, poverty became institutionalized because of the dependency of big-city residents. During the Obama Administration over 47 million people subsisted on food stamps. That number has been reduced under the Trump Administration.
Oh, but there is more to this story that will only make the saga of failing big cities even worse. The environmental movement raised its ugly head and has instituted a policy into government urban planning to drive more and more people into big cities in order to "protect" the rural environment. But is protection of the environment the only reason that government wants to force more people into big cities? Hardly! Anyone, with even the slightest knowledge of human behavior, will tell you that people in high-dense urban settings are much easier to control than those independent, self-reliant patriots who inhabit the rural lands.
Big cities control the enforcement of laws with an armed police force and further control the land (planning), transportation, the water and the energy. The big-city resident is totally dependent on the big-city government to provide and plan for these keepers of the peace and the absolute necessities of life. Rural residents, on the other hand, can grow their own food, provide their own water and live with or without energy. Rural folk think and act as independent, self-reliant individuals, in contrast to those that live in big cities.
Eighty Percent (80%) (256,000,000 people) of the American population live in big cities and occupy only 3% of America's landmass. Only about 60,000,000 live in rural areas and those 60,000,000 are responsible for feeding the entire American population and some of the world. Most of rural America voted for Trump.
For reasons we have just mentioned, urban voters swing predominantly towards the Democratic Party. However, rural voters are moving even farther towards the Republican Party. Urban voters mostly believe that the Constitution is a fluid document and can be manipulated to "fit" emerging or fluctuating social urban norms. Rural voters believe that the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land and is to be interpreted as the Framers intended in order to preserve the freedom that so many sacrificed their lives.
Several Democrat states are now moving to dismantle the Electoral College by a state-by-state compact in order to convert America into a true Democracy where the majority (mob) rules, thereby giving the urban areas of America an unbeatable majority. (See: Royalty, Dynasties, the Elite, the Deep State and Central Bankers")
So it is clear to this author that only those people that occupy the rural areas of America are best suited, in mind and spirit, to save America from becoming just another banana republic. Rural landowners still believe in limited government, less taxes, less regulation ..... and more freedom. They believe in creating, improvising, and innovating. They believe in independence, self-reliance and individual freedom. And rural landowners are usually well armed.
But rural landowners are under attack on multiple fronts from social and environmental laws and rules passed by the representatives of urban voters. This is causing a widening gap between rural landowners and their urban cousins. Recent skirmishes between landowners, environmentalists and government are growing. We have written about this growing divide on multiple occasions. Since rural landowners provide the food that the urban voter consumes, urban dwellers might think about treading more lightly on those that feed them.
It took only about 2.7% of the population to give birth to freedom during the Revolutionary War. There are more than enough folks in contemporary rural America (19%) to convince the urban areas that the path the urban occupants are taking is the wrong path if freedom is to be preserved. If rural occupants are to be successful in this endeavor, they are going to have to provide a powerful idea and historical context on a large, nationwide scale. To that end our organization (NARLO) has created an "Empowerment Package" that comes separately, or with each membership. Our "Empowerment Package" provides the powerful idea and the historical context needed for rural landowners to convey that message. The information is great for home schoolers and others, urban and rural alike, who grow tired of the socialist swill that public schools hand out, passing as education.
We know that there is a minority of urban dwellers that believe as most rural Americans believe. This article is directed to each of them as well.
Nevertheless, most urban dwellers will not preserve American freedom. They will only destroy it. "Only a ground swell of national rural outrage will reverse the course of socialism and environmental extremism in America and return us to a Constitutional Republic, because the land is their power, if they will only use that power before they lose it ..... forever."
Some say we are barking up a tree with no branches. What do you SAY?
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
power, if they will only use that power before they lose it ..... forever." Ron Ewart
Of the 3,000,000 colonial inhabitants of the 13 colonies in 1776, only about 80,000 picked up guns to fight the British, a highly trained army of around 56,000 men. Trained German soldiers, under British command, added another 30,000 men. Most of the colonial soldiers were farmers organized together in loose militias. Of the 3,000,000 colonials, over 100,000 loyalists fled to Canada, the Bahamas and England.
Only about 2.7% of the total colonial population engaged in battle against the British. Those 2.7% of the total population won freedom for the other 97.3%. Approximately 8,000 colonial fighting men gave their lives for freedom. Another 17,000 Americans died of disease during the war and around 25,000 men were wounded or maimed. The remaining 2,800,000 colonial inhabitants were set free from British rule by the extreme sacrifice of 80,000 patriots. How many patriots must sacrifice their lives to set 320,000,000 Americans free from the aristocratic, dictatorial rule of America's Establishment Class, high paid lobbyists and the big city Democrat vote? Which Americans will engage in the battle to "secure our unalienable rights, where once again, governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed?" (Provided the "governed" know what freedom is and are willing to defend it.)
Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. Many of his later quotes were prophetic in nature. Not because he could foretell the future, but because he could read the past very well. It seems that man is doomed to continuously repeat history, with pretty much the same results each time. Man is done in by his own habitual nature and the lack of sufficient long-term memory. He forgets easily. So much of what has happened to America today, was predicted very early on in its history, largely because of man's "herd" instinct. Someone whistles and the herd comes a runnin', like Lemmings over a cliff.
And so it was when the industrial revolution and assembly-line manufacturing came along. Early America was predominantly an agricultural nation, in the years leading up to the industrial revolution. An agricultural existence was subsistence on its raw edges for small farms all across the land. Thus, with the promise of steady wages in manufacturing and out of the weather, the people came off the farms in droves and swept into the ever-growing cities for a better life, or so they thought.
Manufacturers built factories in large cities because of being able to access cheap labor. In the early days of the industrial revolution, the employers egregiously exploited that labor. From that exploitation came the unions and the adversarial relationship between employer and employee was born on a grand scale. Both employers and employees became powerful. Each used the government, local, state or federal, to gain the upper hand and the upper hand shifted back and forth on the winds of politics.
Big city governments got into the act in a big way, to answer the dependency of the big-city residents. They had to keep the rising poor from rioting, so they increased welfare handouts to the poor and un-employed. Big-city budgets started to rapidly balloon in the social sector. Police, fire and other essential government duties started to take a back seat to social promises. With the social burden came government employees to administer to that burden. With higher densities came more laws and with more laws came more enforcement and with more enforcement came more government employees. Government employees organized unions and started demanding greater wages and better benefits. With higher wages and better benefits, city tax revenue was burdened even more. Taxes were raised on everyone else to pay for the social welfare, higher government wages and better benefits. Government and unions got even stronger. Now we have dependent, dumbed-down poor and chronically un-employed, fully institutionalized in our big cities and a heavy, ever-growing tax burden to fund it all.
Unfortunately, all the farmer could see when he left the farm in the hopes of a more rewarding life, was a job that lasted in perpetuity. Oh, but the jobs didn't last forever, did they? In the fluid market place, fortunes were made and lost on the whim of the consumer, or a new invention. Overnight, manufacturing plants closed down when their product or products would no longer sell, or they invested too heavily into expansion by taking on more debt and the debt forced them into bankruptcy because income from the new market didn't amortize the debt. New inventions could wipe out an existing product, virtually in a heartbeat. Thousands joined the ranks of the un-employed and thus dependent on government. Today the Internet and on-line shopping are tormenting the brick and mortar stores and jobs are shifting, or are being created and lost.
But what happened to the employee when his manufacturing plant closed down? He had to look for another job, along with the other people who were out of a job, in order to pay for his costs of living in the big city. Competition to find new jobs was fierce. And the costs to live in the big city could be relatively high, as compared to the sparse life on the farm. However, on the farm, they could grow things and at least eat. In the big city, the un-employed employee had no other choice but to turn to the government or charitable organizations for help. Thus, government welfare, slums and the infamous skid row were born. Thus trapped, the big city resident now became hopelessly dependent on government. He could no longer be self-sufficient, if there was no job to be had. To reduce his living costs he was forced to live in crowded conditions (slums) he would have never considered when living on the farm.
The story doesn't end there. In steps the government again, mostly Democrats, with more socially-driven policies that destroyed American jobs and made people more dependent on government. In order to be "fair" to the poorer nations, the Federal Government passed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) and tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs went off shore. American factories were idled and decaying. We were no longer a net producer and manufacturer of goods, we instead became a net consumer of goods. Slum living and welfare rose accordingly, into the trillions of taxpayer dollars, over several decades. Even with Johnson's War on Poverty, poverty became institutionalized because of the dependency of big-city residents. During the Obama Administration over 47 million people subsisted on food stamps. That number has been reduced under the Trump Administration.
Oh, but there is more to this story that will only make the saga of failing big cities even worse. The environmental movement raised its ugly head and has instituted a policy into government urban planning to drive more and more people into big cities in order to "protect" the rural environment. But is protection of the environment the only reason that government wants to force more people into big cities? Hardly! Anyone, with even the slightest knowledge of human behavior, will tell you that people in high-dense urban settings are much easier to control than those independent, self-reliant patriots who inhabit the rural lands.
Big cities control the enforcement of laws with an armed police force and further control the land (planning), transportation, the water and the energy. The big-city resident is totally dependent on the big-city government to provide and plan for these keepers of the peace and the absolute necessities of life. Rural residents, on the other hand, can grow their own food, provide their own water and live with or without energy. Rural folk think and act as independent, self-reliant individuals, in contrast to those that live in big cities.
Eighty Percent (80%) (256,000,000 people) of the American population live in big cities and occupy only 3% of America's landmass. Only about 60,000,000 live in rural areas and those 60,000,000 are responsible for feeding the entire American population and some of the world. Most of rural America voted for Trump.
For reasons we have just mentioned, urban voters swing predominantly towards the Democratic Party. However, rural voters are moving even farther towards the Republican Party. Urban voters mostly believe that the Constitution is a fluid document and can be manipulated to "fit" emerging or fluctuating social urban norms. Rural voters believe that the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land and is to be interpreted as the Framers intended in order to preserve the freedom that so many sacrificed their lives.
Several Democrat states are now moving to dismantle the Electoral College by a state-by-state compact in order to convert America into a true Democracy where the majority (mob) rules, thereby giving the urban areas of America an unbeatable majority. (See: Royalty, Dynasties, the Elite, the Deep State and Central Bankers")
So it is clear to this author that only those people that occupy the rural areas of America are best suited, in mind and spirit, to save America from becoming just another banana republic. Rural landowners still believe in limited government, less taxes, less regulation ..... and more freedom. They believe in creating, improvising, and innovating. They believe in independence, self-reliance and individual freedom. And rural landowners are usually well armed.
But rural landowners are under attack on multiple fronts from social and environmental laws and rules passed by the representatives of urban voters. This is causing a widening gap between rural landowners and their urban cousins. Recent skirmishes between landowners, environmentalists and government are growing. We have written about this growing divide on multiple occasions. Since rural landowners provide the food that the urban voter consumes, urban dwellers might think about treading more lightly on those that feed them.
It took only about 2.7% of the population to give birth to freedom during the Revolutionary War. There are more than enough folks in contemporary rural America (19%) to convince the urban areas that the path the urban occupants are taking is the wrong path if freedom is to be preserved. If rural occupants are to be successful in this endeavor, they are going to have to provide a powerful idea and historical context on a large, nationwide scale. To that end our organization (NARLO) has created an "Empowerment Package" that comes separately, or with each membership. Our "Empowerment Package" provides the powerful idea and the historical context needed for rural landowners to convey that message. The information is great for home schoolers and others, urban and rural alike, who grow tired of the socialist swill that public schools hand out, passing as education.
We know that there is a minority of urban dwellers that believe as most rural Americans believe. This article is directed to each of them as well.
Nevertheless, most urban dwellers will not preserve American freedom. They will only destroy it. "Only a ground swell of national rural outrage will reverse the course of socialism and environmental extremism in America and return us to a Constitutional Republic, because the land is their power, if they will only use that power before they lose it ..... forever."
Some say we are barking up a tree with no branches. What do you SAY?
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Royalty, Dynasties, the Elite, the Deep State and Central Bankers”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, May 27, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
"Indeed, the existence of class, of social hierarchy, is as old as man himself. It prevails in the jungle where strength determines hierarchy; among men, it has also been savagely the same; whereby rulers vested with power through personal combat; or through lineal heritage as in the case of royalty; ravage their subjects."
F. Sionil Jose, Contemporary Philippine English Author
Never have so many been so enamored by an irrational fantasy, spoon fed to us by a news media hungry to appeal to the raw emotions of their "subjects" ..... for ratings. It was TV saturation of Harry and Meghan, channel, after channel, after channel. If the world were coming to an end, we'd still be seeing Harry and Meghan on our flat screens.
By the time you read this, the pomp, circumstance and pageantry "wedding of the century", under the British Crown, will finally be over and the "little" people can go back to their daily drab lives while they dream of prince and princesses.
Hopefully, it is obvious to some that Prince Harry and American Princess Meghan Markle are flesh and blood people, as are all royals. They eat and drink, they sleep, they eliminate, they get sick, they make love, they have kids and like every other human being on this planet, they bleed and they eventually die. Their brain and their body parts are the same as yours. They are not elevated to some superior status just because of a birthright. It is a fantasy, a fiction and a contradiction of and conflict with human freedom. At the risk of offending a whole lot of people, you are being conned ..... unfortunately willingly.
What hogwash. For God's sake people, we fought a revolution to be free of Kings, Queens, royalty, the elite and the bankers. Now we glorify them?
We are WE THE PEOPLE, not subjects of the Crown, or the Democrats, or the Republicans, or the executive branch, or the legislative branch, or the judicial branch, or the deep state, or the central bankers. We're not British subjects any more and haven't been for over two centuries. We are free Americans and at great cost and sacrifice. But oh how quickly we abdicate our individual sovereignty to those who wield political power over us without so much as a whimper or a nod. We have sullied and trashed the memory of every man, woman, or child that gave their lives for freedom. In 242 years we have plundered our freedom and gave it up for a false sense of security and a free handout from government, along with millions of strangling laws, rules and regulations.
Look what has happened to the original thirteen colonies, those Confederation of states that gave birth to American freedom, the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution during and after the American Revolution? At least eleven of those colonial states have morphed into socialist strongholds where Democrat/socialists control the legislative, judicial and executive branches of government, as well as the bureaucracy.
Massachusetts is a far cry from the days of yesteryear and the battles of Concord, Lexington and Bunker Hill. Massachusetts spawned the flawed and corrupt Kennedy Dynasty and the likes of Senator Elizabeth (Pocahontas) Warren. Vermont gave birth to that socialist wonder, U. S. Senator Bernie Sanders. What is even more alarming is that millions of millennials flocked to Bernie's coattails when he ran for President in 2016.
The Royal Connecticut legislature, gun control nuts all, just passed the National Popular Vote Compact. The Compact, by Democrat controlled states, are blatantly designed to circumvent the Electoral College and return America to the popular vote. They may just succeed.
From an article in the Daily Signal they describe Connecticut's conspiratorial end run around the Constitution.
"Most Americans have never heard of the National Popular Vote compact, but it is shockingly close to causing a major political and legal firestorm. It is a clever scheme to change how we elect the president without the bother of having to pass a constitutional amendment."
"States that approve this legislation enter a simple compact with one another. Each participating state agrees to allocate its electors to the winner of the national popular vote regardless of how its own citizens voted. The compact goes into effect when states holding 270 electoral votes (enough to win the presidency) have agreed to the plan."
"With Connecticut’s vote, 11 states and the District of Columbia have now approved the measure, giving the compact a total of 172 electors. It needs only 98 more to reach the 270 mark."
And look what has happened to the Democrat-controlled States of California, Oregon and Washington. California might just as well be its own separate socialist Central American Spanish-speaking country and secede from the Union. Oregon and Washington, that is the Western parts, have succumbed to the rallying cry of not only socialism but radical environmentalism, while taxing their citizens to death by the billions for the worldwide con game of climate change, salmon habitat restoration for Indians and paying for the homeless. The more money they throw at the homeless and the Indians, the more the homeless and the Indians demand. Duh!
Meanwhile, Americans get all goo-goo eyed over a wedding of two mortals, who just happened to be the offspring of do-nothing royals in a country that can't seem to divest itself of its royal King and Queen past.
But it's not just the British royals and family dynasties we abhor. Government, the elite, the establishment, the deep state, central bankers and the Socialist Democrats are on our list as well.
Everywhere you turn, or own royal government is in our face. Laws, regulations, permits, taxes and higher costs due to government negligence, corruption and fiscal insanity, dominate your life. We might just as well live under a King or Queen.
You can't turn sideways without breaking a law. You live in a police state but you don't know it, or don't care. You tell yourself, "well that's OK, at least they haven't come into my house." And how long will it be before they start walking into your house without a warrant, or come on your property and poke around looking for violations for which they can fine you, or send you to jail? Wake up! American "royals" are already doing it, for a fair-the-well. So you say, "well that's OK, at least they haven't come into my bedroom." Think again! They are already looking into your bedroom and checking out the sex behavior of the American culture for use in designing further controlling policies. College and universities spit out these over-educated psychological "experts" like cordwood and guess where they go to work? That's right, government, public education and academia.
Government royals collect the most intimate details about each of us and all that information is stored on massive computers. Cameras are everywhere. Electronic surveillance is ever present. The FBI and DOJ have gone rogue. Government, under Obama Care, requires that all of your medical records be electronically stored in a national database. Doctor - patient privacy will be non-existent, if it isn't already.
Got a sex problem? The government will know. Not paying your bills? The government will know. Got guns in your house? The government will know. Got speeding tickets? The government will know. Had an argument with your spouse? The government will know. Spanked your kids? The government will know. Using too much electricity or water? Government will know.
Have you heard of the government Fusion Centers or the NSA? Look them up. It will make your blood boil. They have taken spying on Americans down to a veritable science and the leading edge of technology.
They even have a machine now that can drive by your house or your car and see and hear everything that is going on inside there, in lurid detail.
Then there are the local public schools that your royal government has stuck their hand in through the U. S. Department of Education. We wrote about this issue recently in our article entitled, "Well Johnny What Did You Learn At School Today?" By setting the national curriculum, they are brainwashing, that's right, we said brainwashing, your kids. You say, "well what's the brainwashing?" The brainwashing is a curriculum that is the antithesis of the American foundation of individual rights, freedom, liberty, and sovereignty. They teach psychologically washed multi-culturalism, collectivism, socialism, radical environmentalism and political correctness. They teach that America is evil, a gross polluter of the environment and a flagrant consumer of the Earth's resources. They teach that America is imperialistic and wants to dominate the world with its military power, without telling them that our military power and American blood have saved over a billion people from the brutality of dictators.
They tell impressionable kids that America must be reined in. We must conserve. We must apologize to the world. They teach the kids to challenge their parents with this garbage. They teach that the family must be broken down and separated. They teach people how to rat on their neighbors. They teach that government is all wise and all knowing and parents aren't too smart. Through this brainwashing, they (the royals of America) are dividing us, while conquering us at the same time.
And what of this ideology of radical environmentalism, coming to you from the most corrupt body on the planet, the United Nations and codified into American law without a treaty being debated and ratified? It's just another ruse for the "royals" to control you even more than you were before. These planners and other educated idiots want to force you into ever-increasing densities in large cities. Why? No, it's not only for environmental reasons. The fact is, government can control people better when they are densely packed into urban areas.
Government controls your roads, buses and rapid transit (transportation). They control your water, your sewer, your telephones, your electricity and your health care. What good is a house in the city without roads, water, sewer and electricity, everything that government controls? No good at all and government can withhold those services to force you to comply with their demands. You will willingly capitulate when the "royals" shut off your water.
Sure, they tell us that all of their actions are for our own good and our own safety. "That's the price you pay for being secure and educated", they say. But do you call this freedom?
Ladies and gentlemen, when are you going to quit bowing to a "royal" birthright or government, a government that has lost all allegiance to the principles of liberty and instead adheres to the policy that government knows best, whether the people like it or not?
There are a few courageous ones that are challenging government in isolated spots around the country, but they are paying a terrible price for their audacity and having little effect. Many lose everything in the process. Some pay huge fines. Many go broke. Some even land in jail. Some even get killed. Very few win. If there is not an avalanche of this type of resistance, America, as a free and sovereign nation, will be no more. If not enough Americans get off their dead butts and resist this onslaught of tyranny, history will record this 100-year event as the greatest conquest of mankind since the dawn of human civilization ..... without a shot being fired!
That's right! You have been bowing down to "royal" government every day of your life and if you will look in the mirror and tell yourself the truth, you know it to be a fact. That's disgusting and demeaning and not worthy of free men and women. Sadly, you are not a sovereign any more. You are just a happy slave. How can living under a King or Queen be any different?
While Americans get enraptured in the illusion of royal fairy tales from England, Rome is burning and deranged shooters, wanting to commit suicide or "get even", are shooting up innocent kids in our schools. Peasants from poor countries are pouring across our borders by the millions and getting on welfare. Healthcare costs are going through the roof. Meanwhile, our "royal" governors, legislators, the elites, the establishment, the deep state and the central bankers are winning, or doing nothing ..... and freedom is losing.
Nevertheless, we're not buying this up-side-down "royal" manure. We consider ourselves to be individually sovereign and we bow to no man, royalty ..... or government. Which are you?
But then, as a lonely, humble voice in the wilderness, what do we know?
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
F. Sionil Jose, Contemporary Philippine English Author
Never have so many been so enamored by an irrational fantasy, spoon fed to us by a news media hungry to appeal to the raw emotions of their "subjects" ..... for ratings. It was TV saturation of Harry and Meghan, channel, after channel, after channel. If the world were coming to an end, we'd still be seeing Harry and Meghan on our flat screens.
By the time you read this, the pomp, circumstance and pageantry "wedding of the century", under the British Crown, will finally be over and the "little" people can go back to their daily drab lives while they dream of prince and princesses.
Hopefully, it is obvious to some that Prince Harry and American Princess Meghan Markle are flesh and blood people, as are all royals. They eat and drink, they sleep, they eliminate, they get sick, they make love, they have kids and like every other human being on this planet, they bleed and they eventually die. Their brain and their body parts are the same as yours. They are not elevated to some superior status just because of a birthright. It is a fantasy, a fiction and a contradiction of and conflict with human freedom. At the risk of offending a whole lot of people, you are being conned ..... unfortunately willingly.
What hogwash. For God's sake people, we fought a revolution to be free of Kings, Queens, royalty, the elite and the bankers. Now we glorify them?
We are WE THE PEOPLE, not subjects of the Crown, or the Democrats, or the Republicans, or the executive branch, or the legislative branch, or the judicial branch, or the deep state, or the central bankers. We're not British subjects any more and haven't been for over two centuries. We are free Americans and at great cost and sacrifice. But oh how quickly we abdicate our individual sovereignty to those who wield political power over us without so much as a whimper or a nod. We have sullied and trashed the memory of every man, woman, or child that gave their lives for freedom. In 242 years we have plundered our freedom and gave it up for a false sense of security and a free handout from government, along with millions of strangling laws, rules and regulations.
Look what has happened to the original thirteen colonies, those Confederation of states that gave birth to American freedom, the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution during and after the American Revolution? At least eleven of those colonial states have morphed into socialist strongholds where Democrat/socialists control the legislative, judicial and executive branches of government, as well as the bureaucracy.
Massachusetts is a far cry from the days of yesteryear and the battles of Concord, Lexington and Bunker Hill. Massachusetts spawned the flawed and corrupt Kennedy Dynasty and the likes of Senator Elizabeth (Pocahontas) Warren. Vermont gave birth to that socialist wonder, U. S. Senator Bernie Sanders. What is even more alarming is that millions of millennials flocked to Bernie's coattails when he ran for President in 2016.
The Royal Connecticut legislature, gun control nuts all, just passed the National Popular Vote Compact. The Compact, by Democrat controlled states, are blatantly designed to circumvent the Electoral College and return America to the popular vote. They may just succeed.
From an article in the Daily Signal they describe Connecticut's conspiratorial end run around the Constitution.
"Most Americans have never heard of the National Popular Vote compact, but it is shockingly close to causing a major political and legal firestorm. It is a clever scheme to change how we elect the president without the bother of having to pass a constitutional amendment."
"States that approve this legislation enter a simple compact with one another. Each participating state agrees to allocate its electors to the winner of the national popular vote regardless of how its own citizens voted. The compact goes into effect when states holding 270 electoral votes (enough to win the presidency) have agreed to the plan."
"With Connecticut’s vote, 11 states and the District of Columbia have now approved the measure, giving the compact a total of 172 electors. It needs only 98 more to reach the 270 mark."
And look what has happened to the Democrat-controlled States of California, Oregon and Washington. California might just as well be its own separate socialist Central American Spanish-speaking country and secede from the Union. Oregon and Washington, that is the Western parts, have succumbed to the rallying cry of not only socialism but radical environmentalism, while taxing their citizens to death by the billions for the worldwide con game of climate change, salmon habitat restoration for Indians and paying for the homeless. The more money they throw at the homeless and the Indians, the more the homeless and the Indians demand. Duh!
Meanwhile, Americans get all goo-goo eyed over a wedding of two mortals, who just happened to be the offspring of do-nothing royals in a country that can't seem to divest itself of its royal King and Queen past.
But it's not just the British royals and family dynasties we abhor. Government, the elite, the establishment, the deep state, central bankers and the Socialist Democrats are on our list as well.
Everywhere you turn, or own royal government is in our face. Laws, regulations, permits, taxes and higher costs due to government negligence, corruption and fiscal insanity, dominate your life. We might just as well live under a King or Queen.
You can't turn sideways without breaking a law. You live in a police state but you don't know it, or don't care. You tell yourself, "well that's OK, at least they haven't come into my house." And how long will it be before they start walking into your house without a warrant, or come on your property and poke around looking for violations for which they can fine you, or send you to jail? Wake up! American "royals" are already doing it, for a fair-the-well. So you say, "well that's OK, at least they haven't come into my bedroom." Think again! They are already looking into your bedroom and checking out the sex behavior of the American culture for use in designing further controlling policies. College and universities spit out these over-educated psychological "experts" like cordwood and guess where they go to work? That's right, government, public education and academia.
Government royals collect the most intimate details about each of us and all that information is stored on massive computers. Cameras are everywhere. Electronic surveillance is ever present. The FBI and DOJ have gone rogue. Government, under Obama Care, requires that all of your medical records be electronically stored in a national database. Doctor - patient privacy will be non-existent, if it isn't already.
Got a sex problem? The government will know. Not paying your bills? The government will know. Got guns in your house? The government will know. Got speeding tickets? The government will know. Had an argument with your spouse? The government will know. Spanked your kids? The government will know. Using too much electricity or water? Government will know.
Have you heard of the government Fusion Centers or the NSA? Look them up. It will make your blood boil. They have taken spying on Americans down to a veritable science and the leading edge of technology.
They even have a machine now that can drive by your house or your car and see and hear everything that is going on inside there, in lurid detail.
Then there are the local public schools that your royal government has stuck their hand in through the U. S. Department of Education. We wrote about this issue recently in our article entitled, "Well Johnny What Did You Learn At School Today?" By setting the national curriculum, they are brainwashing, that's right, we said brainwashing, your kids. You say, "well what's the brainwashing?" The brainwashing is a curriculum that is the antithesis of the American foundation of individual rights, freedom, liberty, and sovereignty. They teach psychologically washed multi-culturalism, collectivism, socialism, radical environmentalism and political correctness. They teach that America is evil, a gross polluter of the environment and a flagrant consumer of the Earth's resources. They teach that America is imperialistic and wants to dominate the world with its military power, without telling them that our military power and American blood have saved over a billion people from the brutality of dictators.
They tell impressionable kids that America must be reined in. We must conserve. We must apologize to the world. They teach the kids to challenge their parents with this garbage. They teach that the family must be broken down and separated. They teach people how to rat on their neighbors. They teach that government is all wise and all knowing and parents aren't too smart. Through this brainwashing, they (the royals of America) are dividing us, while conquering us at the same time.
And what of this ideology of radical environmentalism, coming to you from the most corrupt body on the planet, the United Nations and codified into American law without a treaty being debated and ratified? It's just another ruse for the "royals" to control you even more than you were before. These planners and other educated idiots want to force you into ever-increasing densities in large cities. Why? No, it's not only for environmental reasons. The fact is, government can control people better when they are densely packed into urban areas.
Government controls your roads, buses and rapid transit (transportation). They control your water, your sewer, your telephones, your electricity and your health care. What good is a house in the city without roads, water, sewer and electricity, everything that government controls? No good at all and government can withhold those services to force you to comply with their demands. You will willingly capitulate when the "royals" shut off your water.
Sure, they tell us that all of their actions are for our own good and our own safety. "That's the price you pay for being secure and educated", they say. But do you call this freedom?
Ladies and gentlemen, when are you going to quit bowing to a "royal" birthright or government, a government that has lost all allegiance to the principles of liberty and instead adheres to the policy that government knows best, whether the people like it or not?
There are a few courageous ones that are challenging government in isolated spots around the country, but they are paying a terrible price for their audacity and having little effect. Many lose everything in the process. Some pay huge fines. Many go broke. Some even land in jail. Some even get killed. Very few win. If there is not an avalanche of this type of resistance, America, as a free and sovereign nation, will be no more. If not enough Americans get off their dead butts and resist this onslaught of tyranny, history will record this 100-year event as the greatest conquest of mankind since the dawn of human civilization ..... without a shot being fired!
That's right! You have been bowing down to "royal" government every day of your life and if you will look in the mirror and tell yourself the truth, you know it to be a fact. That's disgusting and demeaning and not worthy of free men and women. Sadly, you are not a sovereign any more. You are just a happy slave. How can living under a King or Queen be any different?
While Americans get enraptured in the illusion of royal fairy tales from England, Rome is burning and deranged shooters, wanting to commit suicide or "get even", are shooting up innocent kids in our schools. Peasants from poor countries are pouring across our borders by the millions and getting on welfare. Healthcare costs are going through the roof. Meanwhile, our "royal" governors, legislators, the elites, the establishment, the deep state and the central bankers are winning, or doing nothing ..... and freedom is losing.
Nevertheless, we're not buying this up-side-down "royal" manure. We consider ourselves to be individually sovereign and we bow to no man, royalty ..... or government. Which are you?
But then, as a lonely, humble voice in the wilderness, what do we know?
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"When Do Too Many Laws Equal Slavery”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, May 20, 2018 - All Rights Reserve
Let's just say that you are somewhat trapped in a fairly large hole. The sides, well over 50 feet high, are too steep to climb out but you have semi-freedom to move around and attend to your daily needs. Your skill is widget making and you are given the raw materials to make your widgets. In return for the widgets, your captor throws food and water into the hole every day, so you won't starve, or die of thirst. However, as part of the fee for living and producing widgets, your captors reduce your food and water by just a little bit, each day, for taxes. But then a strange thing starts to happen. Each day, in addition to the food and water, your captor starts dumping a muddy slurry into the hole (regulations). You slop around in the mud, but you are still free to move about, albeit messy. Widget making becomes more difficult and requires extra effort. You grow weaker as your food and water are reduced.
But as the slurry gets deeper and deeper, your ability to move gets tougher each day. You yell about injustice to your captors, but they aren't listening and the slurry slowly rises. Finally, you reach the point where you can't move at all, even to make widgets or get to your food and water and you and your semi-freedom die. You die a slow, agonizing death as freedom and sustenance are stripped from you, just a little bit at a time.
Consider now that the millions of local, state and federal laws are the slurry that is being dumped into your "hole". At first, you don't feel the impact of the laws and you can still slosh around. It's a minor inconvenience and you ignore it. The slurry (law) rises a little bit more and you bitch and moan about increasing restrictions, but still you ignore the cause of the rising mud. Your freedom of movement becomes more restricted each day as the slurry (flurry of laws) grows exponentially. The laws are designed by special interests to inflict greater restrictions on the people to implement some narrow focus agenda. The laws are passed by immoral legislators who pander to the special interests so that they can buy votes and retain their political power.
Then of course, your captor (government) extracts taxes from you by reducing your daily food and water rations. Now your condition is that you can't move as freely as you once did and the sustenance that keeps you alive is being slowly reduced. Your future is indeed bleak and you many not know it but you are dying.
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Every time we hear someone say, "they ought to pass a law", we cringe in horror, because we know who "they" is, government. That is what has gotten us to financial meltdown and the continuing loss of freedom and liberty. The question we ask, was the direction we have taken for almost 100 years, intentional? Are there cabals, conspirators, or racketeers actively engaging in the destruction of America and freedom for their own gain? Are their individuals or groups that would pass laws (a muddy slurry) for the sole purpose of entrenching the power of those individuals or groups? We can come to no other conclusion.
Congress passed the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). ACORN, a liberal activist organization, used CRA to lean on banks by legal means (lawsuits) and public pressure to make loans to inner city individuals that could not repay the loan. Fanny Mae and Freddie Mack, out-of-control government-backed financial institutions, use CRA to increase their backing of these high-risk loans that are doomed to fail, by saying they are guaranteed by the good faith and credit of the U. S. Government. Fanny and Freddie bundle the bad loans into security instruments and pass them all over Wall Street. Wall Street jumps into the act because the returns on the risky securities are higher than other investments. Wall Street then starts dumping these securities to foreign buyers who are also attracted by the high returns. And the absolutely predictable results triggered the financial meltdown of 2008 and precipitated worldwide panic selling and a whole host of other maladies that took us to the edges of financial oblivion. All this heartache and pain was the direct result of a bad law being passed (CRA) and protected by certain legislators and exploited by special interests and domestic terrorists (ACORN-OBAMA-AYERS-WRANGLE-DODD-FRANK-COX, etc.) who do not have your constitutional guarantees or American freedom in their daily playbook.
Then there are all the environmental laws that have been passed since the environmental movement smelled money in being "green", back around the mid 1960's. All these unconstitutional environmental laws have been used by national and international radical environmentalists, aided and abetted by the U. S. Government, to bring down the hammer on anyone who should have the misfortune of owning private land.
As an example, the passage of the law to designate the Polar Bear as endangered was for the sole purpose of implementing man-cause global warming CO2 limits and cap and trade policies. Environmentalists went to our corrupt courts to obtain the decisions necessary to make implementation of these limits and cap and trade policies, a matter of law, which added untold costs on urban and rural folk alike.
Rule makers (the EPA) got around Congress's in-action to pass cap and trade policies. National and international environmentalists lobbied both Congress and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to declare carbon dioxide (CO2) and several other green house gases as dangerous pollutants, triggering massive and costly regulations. They did so on December 7, 2009 based on climate change computer models that have been unable to predict even current conditions. The fact is however, CO2 is not a dangerous pollutant. Without CO2 the earth, humans, animals, birds, plants, insects and micro organisms die. Fortunately, the new EPA Administrator, Scott Pruitt, under the Trump Administration, is trying to repeal the EPA CO2 pollutant decision.
Then along came the educated idiots, using psychological mumbo jumbo human "science", to radically change American public schools and academia into institutions of government social and environmental propaganda and indoctrination. At least three generations of American children have been subjected to purposeful brainwashing. That means their parents and their parent's parents have mostly been robbed of critical thinking and free choice. They live in a government and special interest manufactured bubble, created by control freaks that abhor unalienable rights.
On top of that many of our liberal congressional legislators, with malice aforethought, have created a system, through laws and rules, that act as magnets for the poorest of the poor to invade our country, further dumbing down the population and destroying American culture.
So we the people, the stupid ones, allowed the special interests and the government to operate unchecked and they did and are doing whatever they damn well please. We the stupid ones are now paying the price for our apathy, disinterest and in-attention. We the stupid ones are in the hole and the slurry of mud is up around our waists and we can't hardly move, even to fight back. We the stupid ones are paying the price of the loss of our freedom because we stupidly trusted government and special interests to do the right thing and adhere to the principles of our constitution. Predictably, they did not, because their goal was and is power, not liberty.
Unfortunately, the real victims of government regulation are those that grow our meat, grain, fruit and vegetables in fly over country. Land use and environmental rules have made farming and ranching a laborious ordeal rather than the wholesome pursuit it used to be. Farmers and ranchers have the highest rate of suicide than any other group, including returning veterans from war. Why? Because of rules and regulations that make their business more difficult to run or force them out of business entirely. Thanks to the U. S. Supreme Court, landowners can lose up to 95% of the use of their property by regulation before government is forced to pay them "just compensation", as required by the 5th Amendment. For many of these reasons we formed the National Association of Rural Landowners 12 years ago to act as advocates for the rural landowner. We provide PRODUCTS and SERVICES that can only be found on our WEBSITE.
The other victims are those that want to build something. Housing costs have gone through the roof from environmental regulations. And people wonder why housing and rent cost so much. Two university studies found that the cost of home construction rose over $200,000 from environmental regulations and land use laws.
But we the stupid ones pay no attention to the laws of physics, economics, or human nature. Instead we listen to the educated idiots and the immoral politicians who beguile us with soft-sounding words, psychological phrases, hidden meanings, political correctness, multi-culturalism, mindless propaganda and the virtues of the one-world-order.
One of Newton's laws of physics stated that "a body in motion will continue in the direction of motion until acted upon by an external force". That law applies to people and governments as well. We the stupid ones were supposed to be that external force that acted on a government in motion, whose motion was taking us straight to Hell. Now with the slurry of laws up around our waists, our ability to act as an external force on government, is indeed problematic. We are literally choking on that slurry of laws. Some of us are going to have to break free from that slurry, set government on the right course and rescue the others who are still mired in the mud. It ain't going to be easy. The alternative is unthinkable.
America is, or was, the Beacon-of-Hope for the World. Look around you! She is dying right before your very eyes. Are you going to be a part of that external force that changes the motion of a government, hopelessly going in the wrong direction, a direction that spells slavery for its people? Or are you going to watch her die without lifting a finger?
Just three percent (3%) of the population took up arms and gave birth to freedom in the Revolutionary War. Today 3% is just under 10,000,000 Americans. How difficult can that be?
"When do too many laws equal slavery?" The question has been answered. They already have.
How FREE do you feel?
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
But as the slurry gets deeper and deeper, your ability to move gets tougher each day. You yell about injustice to your captors, but they aren't listening and the slurry slowly rises. Finally, you reach the point where you can't move at all, even to make widgets or get to your food and water and you and your semi-freedom die. You die a slow, agonizing death as freedom and sustenance are stripped from you, just a little bit at a time.
Consider now that the millions of local, state and federal laws are the slurry that is being dumped into your "hole". At first, you don't feel the impact of the laws and you can still slosh around. It's a minor inconvenience and you ignore it. The slurry (law) rises a little bit more and you bitch and moan about increasing restrictions, but still you ignore the cause of the rising mud. Your freedom of movement becomes more restricted each day as the slurry (flurry of laws) grows exponentially. The laws are designed by special interests to inflict greater restrictions on the people to implement some narrow focus agenda. The laws are passed by immoral legislators who pander to the special interests so that they can buy votes and retain their political power.
Then of course, your captor (government) extracts taxes from you by reducing your daily food and water rations. Now your condition is that you can't move as freely as you once did and the sustenance that keeps you alive is being slowly reduced. Your future is indeed bleak and you many not know it but you are dying.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Every time we hear someone say, "they ought to pass a law", we cringe in horror, because we know who "they" is, government. That is what has gotten us to financial meltdown and the continuing loss of freedom and liberty. The question we ask, was the direction we have taken for almost 100 years, intentional? Are there cabals, conspirators, or racketeers actively engaging in the destruction of America and freedom for their own gain? Are their individuals or groups that would pass laws (a muddy slurry) for the sole purpose of entrenching the power of those individuals or groups? We can come to no other conclusion.
Congress passed the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). ACORN, a liberal activist organization, used CRA to lean on banks by legal means (lawsuits) and public pressure to make loans to inner city individuals that could not repay the loan. Fanny Mae and Freddie Mack, out-of-control government-backed financial institutions, use CRA to increase their backing of these high-risk loans that are doomed to fail, by saying they are guaranteed by the good faith and credit of the U. S. Government. Fanny and Freddie bundle the bad loans into security instruments and pass them all over Wall Street. Wall Street jumps into the act because the returns on the risky securities are higher than other investments. Wall Street then starts dumping these securities to foreign buyers who are also attracted by the high returns. And the absolutely predictable results triggered the financial meltdown of 2008 and precipitated worldwide panic selling and a whole host of other maladies that took us to the edges of financial oblivion. All this heartache and pain was the direct result of a bad law being passed (CRA) and protected by certain legislators and exploited by special interests and domestic terrorists (ACORN-OBAMA-AYERS-WRANGLE-DODD-FRANK-COX, etc.) who do not have your constitutional guarantees or American freedom in their daily playbook.
Then there are all the environmental laws that have been passed since the environmental movement smelled money in being "green", back around the mid 1960's. All these unconstitutional environmental laws have been used by national and international radical environmentalists, aided and abetted by the U. S. Government, to bring down the hammer on anyone who should have the misfortune of owning private land.
As an example, the passage of the law to designate the Polar Bear as endangered was for the sole purpose of implementing man-cause global warming CO2 limits and cap and trade policies. Environmentalists went to our corrupt courts to obtain the decisions necessary to make implementation of these limits and cap and trade policies, a matter of law, which added untold costs on urban and rural folk alike.
Rule makers (the EPA) got around Congress's in-action to pass cap and trade policies. National and international environmentalists lobbied both Congress and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to declare carbon dioxide (CO2) and several other green house gases as dangerous pollutants, triggering massive and costly regulations. They did so on December 7, 2009 based on climate change computer models that have been unable to predict even current conditions. The fact is however, CO2 is not a dangerous pollutant. Without CO2 the earth, humans, animals, birds, plants, insects and micro organisms die. Fortunately, the new EPA Administrator, Scott Pruitt, under the Trump Administration, is trying to repeal the EPA CO2 pollutant decision.
Then along came the educated idiots, using psychological mumbo jumbo human "science", to radically change American public schools and academia into institutions of government social and environmental propaganda and indoctrination. At least three generations of American children have been subjected to purposeful brainwashing. That means their parents and their parent's parents have mostly been robbed of critical thinking and free choice. They live in a government and special interest manufactured bubble, created by control freaks that abhor unalienable rights.
On top of that many of our liberal congressional legislators, with malice aforethought, have created a system, through laws and rules, that act as magnets for the poorest of the poor to invade our country, further dumbing down the population and destroying American culture.
So we the people, the stupid ones, allowed the special interests and the government to operate unchecked and they did and are doing whatever they damn well please. We the stupid ones are now paying the price for our apathy, disinterest and in-attention. We the stupid ones are in the hole and the slurry of mud is up around our waists and we can't hardly move, even to fight back. We the stupid ones are paying the price of the loss of our freedom because we stupidly trusted government and special interests to do the right thing and adhere to the principles of our constitution. Predictably, they did not, because their goal was and is power, not liberty.
Unfortunately, the real victims of government regulation are those that grow our meat, grain, fruit and vegetables in fly over country. Land use and environmental rules have made farming and ranching a laborious ordeal rather than the wholesome pursuit it used to be. Farmers and ranchers have the highest rate of suicide than any other group, including returning veterans from war. Why? Because of rules and regulations that make their business more difficult to run or force them out of business entirely. Thanks to the U. S. Supreme Court, landowners can lose up to 95% of the use of their property by regulation before government is forced to pay them "just compensation", as required by the 5th Amendment. For many of these reasons we formed the National Association of Rural Landowners 12 years ago to act as advocates for the rural landowner. We provide PRODUCTS and SERVICES that can only be found on our WEBSITE.
The other victims are those that want to build something. Housing costs have gone through the roof from environmental regulations. And people wonder why housing and rent cost so much. Two university studies found that the cost of home construction rose over $200,000 from environmental regulations and land use laws.
But we the stupid ones pay no attention to the laws of physics, economics, or human nature. Instead we listen to the educated idiots and the immoral politicians who beguile us with soft-sounding words, psychological phrases, hidden meanings, political correctness, multi-culturalism, mindless propaganda and the virtues of the one-world-order.
One of Newton's laws of physics stated that "a body in motion will continue in the direction of motion until acted upon by an external force". That law applies to people and governments as well. We the stupid ones were supposed to be that external force that acted on a government in motion, whose motion was taking us straight to Hell. Now with the slurry of laws up around our waists, our ability to act as an external force on government, is indeed problematic. We are literally choking on that slurry of laws. Some of us are going to have to break free from that slurry, set government on the right course and rescue the others who are still mired in the mud. It ain't going to be easy. The alternative is unthinkable.
America is, or was, the Beacon-of-Hope for the World. Look around you! She is dying right before your very eyes. Are you going to be a part of that external force that changes the motion of a government, hopelessly going in the wrong direction, a direction that spells slavery for its people? Or are you going to watch her die without lifting a finger?
Just three percent (3%) of the population took up arms and gave birth to freedom in the Revolutionary War. Today 3% is just under 10,000,000 Americans. How difficult can that be?
"When do too many laws equal slavery?" The question has been answered. They already have.
How FREE do you feel?
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Well Johnny What Did You Learn At School Today?”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, May 6, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
"By educating the young generation along the right lines, the People's State will have to see to it that a generation of mankind is formed which will be adequate to this supreme combat that will decide the destinies of the world." Adolf Hitler
It's 3 O'clock in the afternoon when little Johnny comes barging through the front door after school, throws his back pack into a corner and heads for the refrigerator. He yanks open the refrigerator door and pulls out a carton of milk. He gets a glass from the cupboard and fills the glass full from the milk carton. He gulps down the milk and heads for his bedroom where his play station awaits his anxious fingers. But before he can leave the kitchen, his mom says, "Wait a minute Johnny, I want to hear how your day at school went." Johnny says, "Oh mom!" and returns to the kitchen.
Mom says, "tell me what happened at school today. What did you learn?" It was only the second day of Johnny's third grade school year and Johnny's mom wanted to discretely check out what her son was learning at school, if anything. She's heard stories from other moms and read articles on how the curriculum at school wasn't what it used to be where the focus was on reading, writing and arithmetic.
So she asked Johnny, "what were your different classes today?" Johnny replied with, "well, we had social studies, the benefits of multi-culturalism, the positive effects of massive immigration from poor countries, how humans are killing the planet with carbon dioxide emissions, collectivism is the only true way for people to interact and individualism is selfish, the stereotypical myths about marriage, sex and transgender people, the merging of nations into world government, how political correctness can be used in society in order not to offend people, and some more stuff I can't remember.
Johnny's mom opened her mouth in disbelief and said somewhat excitedly, "didn't you do any reading, or have any math problems, or practice penmanship and writing in cursive?" Johnny replied casually, "no, I think that is next year's stuff mom."
Johnny's mom decided to probe further. "So Johnny, what did you learn about humans causing excessive carbon dioxide emissions?" Johnny couldn't quite contain his irritation with the question and said, "Mom, it's only the second day of school. The teacher only told us that scientists have confirmed that human carbon dioxide emissions are causing the planet to heat up and if we don't stop it, we're all going to die."
Johnny's mom was aghast that the teacher would use fear to scare the kids. She had done a little reading on weather and climate change and concluded that the science was not settled yet on human caused global warming. Why didn't the teacher bring out both sides of the issue instead of focusing on only one side? Why indeed!
Now she was really curious and asked Johnny, "so what did you learn about marriage, sex and transgender people?" She could tell that Johnny was shy and reluctant about even responding to the question and he squirmed in his chair before he opened his mouth to speak. "Mom, do we really have to talk about this now? Can't we do it later, maybe when dad comes home?"
Not satisfied with Johnny's deflection of the question, sensing there was something deeper in his thinking, she pressed further and said, "what did the teacher say about marriage?" Johnny blurted out with, "well mom the teacher said anyone can get married. Marriage doesn't have to be limited to just a man and woman and then she said anyone can have sex too."
Johnny's mom was a practicing Christian and she just couldn't believe that public school children would be subjected to this kind of extremely sensitive information that younger age children could even fathom, much less process in their undeveloped minds. It could only be construed as social indoctrination as practiced by dictators and communist countries, but hardly in a free society.
Johnny's mom was beginning to get really disturbed by these revelations coming out of the mouth of her seven-year old son. She asked Johnny, "what does multi-culturalism mean?"
Johnny looked at his mom with a blank stare on his face and said, "multi-culturalism is where different kinds of people with different backgrounds, religions and cultures can live together in peace and harmony." Johnny seemed to be quoting something from memory that he had seen written on a piece of paper.
She said to Johnny, "do you believe what you were told about multi-culturalism?" Johnny, getting even more uncomfortable with these questions said, "I don't know mom, can't I go play with my play station now."
"No not yet Johnny, I have one more question. Do you know why the teacher told you that individualism was being selfish? Do you know what collectivism really means?"
Johnny looked at his mom, obviously peeved at her asking these questions and said "I have no idea mom. Can I go now?"
"Yes Johnny, you can go, but when your father comes home, we are going to have a family discussion about what you are learning in school. And tomorrow I am going to go have a long talk with the school superintendent."
Johnny rushed out of the kitchen and headed upstairs to his room where something he could understand awaited him and didn't ask him questions.
Johnny's mom was very eager to find out more of what her son was learning in school and why the curriculum was not focused more on what she thought he was supposed to be learning. A sense of foreboding came over her. What if she has no clout or capability to change the current school curriculum away from blatant government indoctrination? She decided to look very seriously into home schooling.
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The foregoing story was an overt dramatization of what is happening in public schools today. Yes, it is an exaggeration, but only to prove a point. Purposely subtle government and special interest brainwashing and indoctrination are happening at ever earlier ages. There have been many overtures, mostly by liberals, to expand public education into pre-school where socialist and environmental indoctrination can be set in stone at ages from one to five years old. Government, along with socialist and environmental special interest groups are fully aware of the power of our "Little Black Box" theory and are hell bent on filling up the "Little Black Box" in every American child with government propaganda when they are just barely out of the womb.
From our "Little Black Box" article:
"The 'Little Black Box' theory explains many facets of normal and abnormal behavior in the vast majority of humans. It explains radical Islam. It explains a Hitler, a Stalin, a Putin, a Mao, a Mussolini, a Saddam Hussein, a Gaddafi and a Bashar Al-Asad (current brutal dictator of Syria) and it even explains an Obama or a Trump. But it also explains why we are Democrats, Republicans, Baptists, Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, Mormons, communists, socialists, Marxists and a whole host of other belief systems. We are who we are because we have been "shaped" that way by genetics and by our immediate environmental influences. Unfortunately, none of this content is as a result of our own personal choices."
"One could ask, how long will it be before a future American government forms Hitler-type youth camps to fill up young children's 'Little Black Boxes', for diabolical (or political) purposes ..... to create little spies to rat on government dissenters and to control the minds and behavior of an entire country? Could it come in the form of government-operated pre-schools, like have been proposed by Progressives? If you don't believe that this is happening, read Beverly Eakman's article entitled "Obama's Early Learning Challenge and our Failed Education System" HERE, then decide!"
Or, are we there already?
Why would government want to collect data on the emotional, psychological, behavioral and academic achievements of every school child in America, as they are purportedly doing under the "Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)?
Ever since the introduction of the 1960's "New Math", (when my son was about 6 or 7 years old - he's now 54) the creation of the U. S. Department of Education, Common Core State Standards and the No Child Left Behind Act, the federal government has systematically, through the process of creeping evolution, taken control of public and college education in America. Rather than putting a priority on learning the information necessary for a young adult to function successfully in a changing technological world, they taint every subject with social and environmental hogwash.
Here are some excerpts from Common Core State Standards on math instruction from our previous article on the subject.
"Promoting and supporting equitable practices for students is a complex process and is best supported when your collaborative team examines several factors. The National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics' (2008) position statement on equity recommends that mathematics educators:"
• “Respond to equity as a meaningful process to address social justice issues of race, language, gender, and class bias." (what has this have to do with math?)
• “Embrace a mindset shift from a student deficit perspective of equity to a focus on creating opportunities for equal access to meaningful mathematics." (what in the world is "meaningful mathematics?")
• “Recognize underachievement not as a result of group membership but more likely a symptom of varying beliefs, opportunities and experiences to learn mathematics." (meaningless mumbo jumbo!)
This so-called mathematics-teaching document finished with:
"Recognizing and responding to these important facets of equity will promote the rich conversations needed in your collaborative team to promote high-quality instruction and equitable classrooms."
What has "equity" have to do with teaching mathematics? Ludicrous!
Are you getting the picture?
Educated idiots (psychologists, sociologists, and academic educationalists) in government and academia have taken tried and proven teaching methods and turned them into blatant social, environmental, collectivist, multi-cultural and one-world-order indoctrination. Only over-educated, arrogant, narcissistic, socialist bird brains could make a simple process of learning into something unnecessarily and laboriously complex.
Today, every new teacher that enters the class room and several generations of current teachers have received teaching degrees from mostly liberal colleges and are fully indoctrinated with un-American ideologies and socialist biases that influence the subject matter in every one of their class rooms. There are some exceptions of course, but the majority of teachers are Progressives ..... by design.
The die is cast. The government brainwashing education train is speeding faster and faster down the track and the goal is preordained, a nation of pre-programmed, compliant, socialist state robots that dance to the government's drummer. Hitler would be proud!
It's America's kids they are brainwashing. What are Americans going to do about it? From our perspective, probably nothing!
What would you do?
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
It's 3 O'clock in the afternoon when little Johnny comes barging through the front door after school, throws his back pack into a corner and heads for the refrigerator. He yanks open the refrigerator door and pulls out a carton of milk. He gets a glass from the cupboard and fills the glass full from the milk carton. He gulps down the milk and heads for his bedroom where his play station awaits his anxious fingers. But before he can leave the kitchen, his mom says, "Wait a minute Johnny, I want to hear how your day at school went." Johnny says, "Oh mom!" and returns to the kitchen.
Mom says, "tell me what happened at school today. What did you learn?" It was only the second day of Johnny's third grade school year and Johnny's mom wanted to discretely check out what her son was learning at school, if anything. She's heard stories from other moms and read articles on how the curriculum at school wasn't what it used to be where the focus was on reading, writing and arithmetic.
So she asked Johnny, "what were your different classes today?" Johnny replied with, "well, we had social studies, the benefits of multi-culturalism, the positive effects of massive immigration from poor countries, how humans are killing the planet with carbon dioxide emissions, collectivism is the only true way for people to interact and individualism is selfish, the stereotypical myths about marriage, sex and transgender people, the merging of nations into world government, how political correctness can be used in society in order not to offend people, and some more stuff I can't remember.
Johnny's mom opened her mouth in disbelief and said somewhat excitedly, "didn't you do any reading, or have any math problems, or practice penmanship and writing in cursive?" Johnny replied casually, "no, I think that is next year's stuff mom."
Johnny's mom decided to probe further. "So Johnny, what did you learn about humans causing excessive carbon dioxide emissions?" Johnny couldn't quite contain his irritation with the question and said, "Mom, it's only the second day of school. The teacher only told us that scientists have confirmed that human carbon dioxide emissions are causing the planet to heat up and if we don't stop it, we're all going to die."
Johnny's mom was aghast that the teacher would use fear to scare the kids. She had done a little reading on weather and climate change and concluded that the science was not settled yet on human caused global warming. Why didn't the teacher bring out both sides of the issue instead of focusing on only one side? Why indeed!
Now she was really curious and asked Johnny, "so what did you learn about marriage, sex and transgender people?" She could tell that Johnny was shy and reluctant about even responding to the question and he squirmed in his chair before he opened his mouth to speak. "Mom, do we really have to talk about this now? Can't we do it later, maybe when dad comes home?"
Not satisfied with Johnny's deflection of the question, sensing there was something deeper in his thinking, she pressed further and said, "what did the teacher say about marriage?" Johnny blurted out with, "well mom the teacher said anyone can get married. Marriage doesn't have to be limited to just a man and woman and then she said anyone can have sex too."
Johnny's mom was a practicing Christian and she just couldn't believe that public school children would be subjected to this kind of extremely sensitive information that younger age children could even fathom, much less process in their undeveloped minds. It could only be construed as social indoctrination as practiced by dictators and communist countries, but hardly in a free society.
Johnny's mom was beginning to get really disturbed by these revelations coming out of the mouth of her seven-year old son. She asked Johnny, "what does multi-culturalism mean?"
Johnny looked at his mom with a blank stare on his face and said, "multi-culturalism is where different kinds of people with different backgrounds, religions and cultures can live together in peace and harmony." Johnny seemed to be quoting something from memory that he had seen written on a piece of paper.
She said to Johnny, "do you believe what you were told about multi-culturalism?" Johnny, getting even more uncomfortable with these questions said, "I don't know mom, can't I go play with my play station now."
"No not yet Johnny, I have one more question. Do you know why the teacher told you that individualism was being selfish? Do you know what collectivism really means?"
Johnny looked at his mom, obviously peeved at her asking these questions and said "I have no idea mom. Can I go now?"
"Yes Johnny, you can go, but when your father comes home, we are going to have a family discussion about what you are learning in school. And tomorrow I am going to go have a long talk with the school superintendent."
Johnny rushed out of the kitchen and headed upstairs to his room where something he could understand awaited him and didn't ask him questions.
Johnny's mom was very eager to find out more of what her son was learning in school and why the curriculum was not focused more on what she thought he was supposed to be learning. A sense of foreboding came over her. What if she has no clout or capability to change the current school curriculum away from blatant government indoctrination? She decided to look very seriously into home schooling.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
The foregoing story was an overt dramatization of what is happening in public schools today. Yes, it is an exaggeration, but only to prove a point. Purposely subtle government and special interest brainwashing and indoctrination are happening at ever earlier ages. There have been many overtures, mostly by liberals, to expand public education into pre-school where socialist and environmental indoctrination can be set in stone at ages from one to five years old. Government, along with socialist and environmental special interest groups are fully aware of the power of our "Little Black Box" theory and are hell bent on filling up the "Little Black Box" in every American child with government propaganda when they are just barely out of the womb.
From our "Little Black Box" article:
"The 'Little Black Box' theory explains many facets of normal and abnormal behavior in the vast majority of humans. It explains radical Islam. It explains a Hitler, a Stalin, a Putin, a Mao, a Mussolini, a Saddam Hussein, a Gaddafi and a Bashar Al-Asad (current brutal dictator of Syria) and it even explains an Obama or a Trump. But it also explains why we are Democrats, Republicans, Baptists, Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, Mormons, communists, socialists, Marxists and a whole host of other belief systems. We are who we are because we have been "shaped" that way by genetics and by our immediate environmental influences. Unfortunately, none of this content is as a result of our own personal choices."
"One could ask, how long will it be before a future American government forms Hitler-type youth camps to fill up young children's 'Little Black Boxes', for diabolical (or political) purposes ..... to create little spies to rat on government dissenters and to control the minds and behavior of an entire country? Could it come in the form of government-operated pre-schools, like have been proposed by Progressives? If you don't believe that this is happening, read Beverly Eakman's article entitled "Obama's Early Learning Challenge and our Failed Education System" HERE, then decide!"
Or, are we there already?
Why would government want to collect data on the emotional, psychological, behavioral and academic achievements of every school child in America, as they are purportedly doing under the "Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)?
Ever since the introduction of the 1960's "New Math", (when my son was about 6 or 7 years old - he's now 54) the creation of the U. S. Department of Education, Common Core State Standards and the No Child Left Behind Act, the federal government has systematically, through the process of creeping evolution, taken control of public and college education in America. Rather than putting a priority on learning the information necessary for a young adult to function successfully in a changing technological world, they taint every subject with social and environmental hogwash.
Here are some excerpts from Common Core State Standards on math instruction from our previous article on the subject.
"Promoting and supporting equitable practices for students is a complex process and is best supported when your collaborative team examines several factors. The National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics' (2008) position statement on equity recommends that mathematics educators:"
• “Respond to equity as a meaningful process to address social justice issues of race, language, gender, and class bias." (what has this have to do with math?)
• “Embrace a mindset shift from a student deficit perspective of equity to a focus on creating opportunities for equal access to meaningful mathematics." (what in the world is "meaningful mathematics?")
• “Recognize underachievement not as a result of group membership but more likely a symptom of varying beliefs, opportunities and experiences to learn mathematics." (meaningless mumbo jumbo!)
This so-called mathematics-teaching document finished with:
"Recognizing and responding to these important facets of equity will promote the rich conversations needed in your collaborative team to promote high-quality instruction and equitable classrooms."
What has "equity" have to do with teaching mathematics? Ludicrous!
Are you getting the picture?
Educated idiots (psychologists, sociologists, and academic educationalists) in government and academia have taken tried and proven teaching methods and turned them into blatant social, environmental, collectivist, multi-cultural and one-world-order indoctrination. Only over-educated, arrogant, narcissistic, socialist bird brains could make a simple process of learning into something unnecessarily and laboriously complex.
Today, every new teacher that enters the class room and several generations of current teachers have received teaching degrees from mostly liberal colleges and are fully indoctrinated with un-American ideologies and socialist biases that influence the subject matter in every one of their class rooms. There are some exceptions of course, but the majority of teachers are Progressives ..... by design.
The die is cast. The government brainwashing education train is speeding faster and faster down the track and the goal is preordained, a nation of pre-programmed, compliant, socialist state robots that dance to the government's drummer. Hitler would be proud!
It's America's kids they are brainwashing. What are Americans going to do about it? From our perspective, probably nothing!
What would you do?
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"An Alien Invasion That Will Destroy America”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, April 29, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
"Illegal immigration is a crisis for our country. It is an open door for drugs, criminals, and potential terrorists to enter our country. It is straining our economy, adding costs to our judicial, health-care, and education systems." Timothy Murphy
"To Invade" Definition:
Enter a country or region so as to subjugate or occupy it:
2. Enter a place, situation, or sphere of activity in large numbers, esp. with intrusive effect.
"Invasion" Definition:
1. an act of invading; especially : incursion of an army for conquest or plunder
2. the incoming or spread of something usually hurtful.
They are knocking on our door ..... AGAIN! Every year, hordes of illegal aliens head for our southern border to gain access to America. The border patrol catches only about half of all illegal crossings. It is estimated that 170,000 immigrants eluded capture in 2015, about 210,000 the year before and about 1,700,000 in 2005. That's a lot of people who don't speak English and soak up billions in taxpayer dollars. And this daily invasion is on top of the 12 to 20 million illegal aliens already in America.
Who were the people responsible for allowing illegal aliens to cross our borders and then be released into the general population while waiting on a deportation or an asylum judicial hearing. Democrats! What made Democrats think that illegal aliens so released, would ever show up for their court case? Or, did Democrats orchestrate this whole debacle for the sole purpose of gaining future votes, knowing full well peasant immigrants from poor countries would vote Democrat?
So let's ask, has illegal immigration been intrusive to America? You bet it has! Has illegal immigration been a spread of something usually hurtful as in the above definition? There is no question! By simple logic, illegal immigration has been and continues to be an invasion of guns, drugs, humans carrying diseases, intent on taking American jobs, soaking up "free" welfare, housing, education and health care benefits and adding to America's crime rate.
Why do they come here? That's simple. They are leaving hopelessly crime-ridden, socialist countries where poverty, hunger and corruption infect their daily existence. Consequently, when they come here, their mindset is already socialist and they are looking for free handouts from government because they believe that government owes them, not unlike the "Occupy Wall Street" crowd who want government to do a better job of redistributing the wealth ..... to them.
Why aren't these illegal aliens stopped at the borders? Because the American Federal Government refuses to adequately protect our borders. Hopefully, President Trump will reverse this policy. Nevertheless, we applaud the heroics of border patrol agents that do a thankless job with way too few resources. Unfortunately, some of these brave border agents have been incarcerated for treating these illegal alien invaders as the criminals they are.
Why are violent and brutal Mexican drug cartels shipping drugs across the borders, because way to many Americans are hooked on drugs and a decadent and irresponsible life style?
What economic magnets draw these illegal alien invaders across our borders? Very generous safety net benefits; free housing; free, bi-lingual education; free health care and a Federal Government that does not adequately enforce current laws against hiring illegal aliens. Added to this gross negligence by the Federal Government, are cities, counties, states and churches that set up sanctuary policies, giving a free pass to illegal aliens, or a place to hide.
Who pays for this government-sanctioned illegal alien invasion? The legal American taxpayer!
This illegal alien invasion is comprised of human leaches that feed off the enforced generosity of legal Americans. This rag tag bunch of socialist peasants have no intention of assimilating into the American culture and adopting the English language. They boast of their rights under American law, when in fact they have no rights as illegal aliens. They spit in American faces and tell us they are going to take back "their" country. They have babies in America, which then become American citizens under the mis-interpretation of the 14th Amendment. They are reproducing at a rate that is twice the reproduction rate of non-illegal aliens. They are supported by numerous immigration groups that use American law against us, to support the non-rights of illegal aliens.
If an armed invasion came across our borders, we would instantly defend those borders with American troops and the full force and fury of the American military might. In the ensuing battle, thousands would die. Right now our southern border is a war zone by any definition. So why would the federal government not treat this illegal alien invasion at our southern border with an equal military force, with orders to shoot to warn first and shoot to kill if the illegal alien refuses to turn back? If this policy was adopted, the illegal alien invasion would stop, literally overnight.
But in fact, there is no price for an illegal alien to pay by chancing the border crossing, except maybe his life if he chooses the wrong place to cross. The desert can be very unforgiving. Yes, they might be caught by the Border Patrol and sent back to Mexico, but they will just keep trying until they cross the border successfully and find themselves a place to hide in America. Once they have been here for awhile, they will then look for a job at ridiculously low wages and make application for welfare benefits to supplement their income, or enter into a life of crime to support themselves, or their illegal drug habits they picked up south of the border.
The claim that America is a country of immigrants and was built by immigrants, as a way to rationalize this illegal alien invasion, is specious. The lion's share of the immigrants that built this country came here legally and there was no safety net benefits, free housing, free education, or free health care. They had to have a sponsor. They had to learn English and American history in order to become a naturalized citizen. They had to swear allegiance to the Constitution of the United States. They took classes and attended meetings for five years before they could take the test and recite the pledge. These people who became naturalized American citizens were and are eternally grateful for the opportunity to enter the land of the free and fully intend to assimilate into American culture as best they can.
What does this illegal alien invasion do? They hide in the shadows. They get sympathetic legal groups or churches to hide them or to defend their non-right to stay here. If they have a visa, they over-stay their visa and embed themselves in illegal alien enclaves. Many who are caught by authorities are given a free pass. Many commit crimes, end up in our courts and jails and the American taxpayer gets to fund their court costs and 3 meals a day, television, free health, dental and eye care, exercise facilities, a library and other benefits while they are in jail that most legal Americans must pay to use.
Just recently ICE used 2,000 agents to round up 3,000 illegal aliens who have committed serious crimes and deported them, from a list of over 500,000 known illegal alien criminals that are purported to be in America. 500,000 known criminals mind you! Many of those deported will be back in America within a few weeks or months because they have learned how to use our system for their own gain.
Illegal aliens end up in our schools where the school district has to hire bi-lingual teachers and tutors to attend to their special needs. They get free meals in school. If they stay in America long enough, some states (California and Texas) give them in-state tuition rates to attend college. They get driver's licenses.
The liberal politicians are forever trying to give them amnesty, or a path to amnesty, which is amnesty by any other name. Why do the liberal politicians want to grant them amnesty? For the same reason they have bought off millions of Americans with money from the public treasury .... in exchange for more liberal/socialist votes!
If an American breaks a law there is a price to pay. If an illegal alien breaks the law, in way too many cases they get a pass. Two of former President Obama's relatives now reside in America, on the American payments-to-illegal-aliens plan, at the expense of the American taxpayer. Obama is more than wealthy enough to support these two relatives but he would rather raise taxes in his never-ending quest to divide the rich and the poor in class warfare, thus relieving him of the financial burden.
The result of this massive invasion of illegal aliens will be an America that no longer resembles a Constitutional Republic, where individual rights were sacrosanct and where life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness were sacred gifts from our creator. In its place will be a country of whiners, complainers and free loaders that will riot in the streets if they don't get what they want. Taxes and regulations will increase exponentially and the entrepreneurs that built this country may just find another country to build, in a re-play of Ayn Rand's book, "Atlas Shrugged."
Someone might just as well come up with a flag that features both the American and Mexican Flag and who knows, maybe even the Canadian flag as well.
We predict that if America's Constitutional Republic dies, we'll end up just like the European Union where productive countries will be forced to bailout profligate ones, where the debt of grossly negligent countries will be forgiven (Greece) and the productive ones (Germany) forced to take up the slack in order to keep the Union together. Because of a planet-wide, failed socialist policy, negligence, corruption and bad behavior are rewarded and achievement and production are penalized, all based on the flawed principle of irrational compassion ..... for votes. This is an upside-down, Alice-in-Wonderland world that is doomed to fail with drastic consequences.
As a result, the entire world of countries will be brought down to the lowest common denominator and mediocrity, corruption and daily riots will become a way of life. This will lead to war and maybe the final war that could set a civilized planet back to the medieval, dark ages, where the twin evils of hopelessness and despair reside.
Having said all this, are there some good hearted, well-meaning people who come across the border looking for a better life, of course? But America is at a point in time that parallels the sinking of the Titanic. If every person on the iceberg-stricken ship had tried to get on the small number of lifeboats available, the lifeboats would have been swamped and every single passenger would have succumbed to the frigid waters, or drowned. There would have been no survivors at all. If the passengers in the lifeboats offered their hand to those in the water out of compassion, just like the government offers it's (our) "hand" to the illegal alien invaders, the results would have still been the same. All would have drowned, even those in the lifeboats.
So America had better get a handle on the illegal alien invasion now, or suffer the irreversible consequences. But like so many other problems that America and Americans must endure, government lets the problems go beyond the point at which they can be corrected. So we are not holding our breath that the government will do anything about the illegal alien invasion other than, in the end, grant all of them amnesty.
And the world's governments and the people go round and round in an infinite number of circles, just like the stupid dog that is trying to bite its own tail .... with the same results. The dog finally gives up, but governments never give up going in circles, in a continuous, never-ending repeat of all that is insane.
But of course this is all old news that's been going on for decades. No one is going to do anything about it anyhow and we are stuck with a rapidly rising population of illegal aliens who don't give a damn about our constitution, our language, our culture ..... or our unalienable rights. They only know about one thing, sucking off the generous teat of good 'ole American Mother Government.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"To Invade" Definition:
Enter a country or region so as to subjugate or occupy it:
2. Enter a place, situation, or sphere of activity in large numbers, esp. with intrusive effect.
"Invasion" Definition:
1. an act of invading; especially : incursion of an army for conquest or plunder
2. the incoming or spread of something usually hurtful.
They are knocking on our door ..... AGAIN! Every year, hordes of illegal aliens head for our southern border to gain access to America. The border patrol catches only about half of all illegal crossings. It is estimated that 170,000 immigrants eluded capture in 2015, about 210,000 the year before and about 1,700,000 in 2005. That's a lot of people who don't speak English and soak up billions in taxpayer dollars. And this daily invasion is on top of the 12 to 20 million illegal aliens already in America.
Who were the people responsible for allowing illegal aliens to cross our borders and then be released into the general population while waiting on a deportation or an asylum judicial hearing. Democrats! What made Democrats think that illegal aliens so released, would ever show up for their court case? Or, did Democrats orchestrate this whole debacle for the sole purpose of gaining future votes, knowing full well peasant immigrants from poor countries would vote Democrat?
So let's ask, has illegal immigration been intrusive to America? You bet it has! Has illegal immigration been a spread of something usually hurtful as in the above definition? There is no question! By simple logic, illegal immigration has been and continues to be an invasion of guns, drugs, humans carrying diseases, intent on taking American jobs, soaking up "free" welfare, housing, education and health care benefits and adding to America's crime rate.
Why do they come here? That's simple. They are leaving hopelessly crime-ridden, socialist countries where poverty, hunger and corruption infect their daily existence. Consequently, when they come here, their mindset is already socialist and they are looking for free handouts from government because they believe that government owes them, not unlike the "Occupy Wall Street" crowd who want government to do a better job of redistributing the wealth ..... to them.
Why aren't these illegal aliens stopped at the borders? Because the American Federal Government refuses to adequately protect our borders. Hopefully, President Trump will reverse this policy. Nevertheless, we applaud the heroics of border patrol agents that do a thankless job with way too few resources. Unfortunately, some of these brave border agents have been incarcerated for treating these illegal alien invaders as the criminals they are.
Why are violent and brutal Mexican drug cartels shipping drugs across the borders, because way to many Americans are hooked on drugs and a decadent and irresponsible life style?
What economic magnets draw these illegal alien invaders across our borders? Very generous safety net benefits; free housing; free, bi-lingual education; free health care and a Federal Government that does not adequately enforce current laws against hiring illegal aliens. Added to this gross negligence by the Federal Government, are cities, counties, states and churches that set up sanctuary policies, giving a free pass to illegal aliens, or a place to hide.
Who pays for this government-sanctioned illegal alien invasion? The legal American taxpayer!
This illegal alien invasion is comprised of human leaches that feed off the enforced generosity of legal Americans. This rag tag bunch of socialist peasants have no intention of assimilating into the American culture and adopting the English language. They boast of their rights under American law, when in fact they have no rights as illegal aliens. They spit in American faces and tell us they are going to take back "their" country. They have babies in America, which then become American citizens under the mis-interpretation of the 14th Amendment. They are reproducing at a rate that is twice the reproduction rate of non-illegal aliens. They are supported by numerous immigration groups that use American law against us, to support the non-rights of illegal aliens.
If an armed invasion came across our borders, we would instantly defend those borders with American troops and the full force and fury of the American military might. In the ensuing battle, thousands would die. Right now our southern border is a war zone by any definition. So why would the federal government not treat this illegal alien invasion at our southern border with an equal military force, with orders to shoot to warn first and shoot to kill if the illegal alien refuses to turn back? If this policy was adopted, the illegal alien invasion would stop, literally overnight.
But in fact, there is no price for an illegal alien to pay by chancing the border crossing, except maybe his life if he chooses the wrong place to cross. The desert can be very unforgiving. Yes, they might be caught by the Border Patrol and sent back to Mexico, but they will just keep trying until they cross the border successfully and find themselves a place to hide in America. Once they have been here for awhile, they will then look for a job at ridiculously low wages and make application for welfare benefits to supplement their income, or enter into a life of crime to support themselves, or their illegal drug habits they picked up south of the border.
The claim that America is a country of immigrants and was built by immigrants, as a way to rationalize this illegal alien invasion, is specious. The lion's share of the immigrants that built this country came here legally and there was no safety net benefits, free housing, free education, or free health care. They had to have a sponsor. They had to learn English and American history in order to become a naturalized citizen. They had to swear allegiance to the Constitution of the United States. They took classes and attended meetings for five years before they could take the test and recite the pledge. These people who became naturalized American citizens were and are eternally grateful for the opportunity to enter the land of the free and fully intend to assimilate into American culture as best they can.
What does this illegal alien invasion do? They hide in the shadows. They get sympathetic legal groups or churches to hide them or to defend their non-right to stay here. If they have a visa, they over-stay their visa and embed themselves in illegal alien enclaves. Many who are caught by authorities are given a free pass. Many commit crimes, end up in our courts and jails and the American taxpayer gets to fund their court costs and 3 meals a day, television, free health, dental and eye care, exercise facilities, a library and other benefits while they are in jail that most legal Americans must pay to use.
Just recently ICE used 2,000 agents to round up 3,000 illegal aliens who have committed serious crimes and deported them, from a list of over 500,000 known illegal alien criminals that are purported to be in America. 500,000 known criminals mind you! Many of those deported will be back in America within a few weeks or months because they have learned how to use our system for their own gain.
Illegal aliens end up in our schools where the school district has to hire bi-lingual teachers and tutors to attend to their special needs. They get free meals in school. If they stay in America long enough, some states (California and Texas) give them in-state tuition rates to attend college. They get driver's licenses.
The liberal politicians are forever trying to give them amnesty, or a path to amnesty, which is amnesty by any other name. Why do the liberal politicians want to grant them amnesty? For the same reason they have bought off millions of Americans with money from the public treasury .... in exchange for more liberal/socialist votes!
If an American breaks a law there is a price to pay. If an illegal alien breaks the law, in way too many cases they get a pass. Two of former President Obama's relatives now reside in America, on the American payments-to-illegal-aliens plan, at the expense of the American taxpayer. Obama is more than wealthy enough to support these two relatives but he would rather raise taxes in his never-ending quest to divide the rich and the poor in class warfare, thus relieving him of the financial burden.
The result of this massive invasion of illegal aliens will be an America that no longer resembles a Constitutional Republic, where individual rights were sacrosanct and where life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness were sacred gifts from our creator. In its place will be a country of whiners, complainers and free loaders that will riot in the streets if they don't get what they want. Taxes and regulations will increase exponentially and the entrepreneurs that built this country may just find another country to build, in a re-play of Ayn Rand's book, "Atlas Shrugged."
Someone might just as well come up with a flag that features both the American and Mexican Flag and who knows, maybe even the Canadian flag as well.
We predict that if America's Constitutional Republic dies, we'll end up just like the European Union where productive countries will be forced to bailout profligate ones, where the debt of grossly negligent countries will be forgiven (Greece) and the productive ones (Germany) forced to take up the slack in order to keep the Union together. Because of a planet-wide, failed socialist policy, negligence, corruption and bad behavior are rewarded and achievement and production are penalized, all based on the flawed principle of irrational compassion ..... for votes. This is an upside-down, Alice-in-Wonderland world that is doomed to fail with drastic consequences.
As a result, the entire world of countries will be brought down to the lowest common denominator and mediocrity, corruption and daily riots will become a way of life. This will lead to war and maybe the final war that could set a civilized planet back to the medieval, dark ages, where the twin evils of hopelessness and despair reside.
Having said all this, are there some good hearted, well-meaning people who come across the border looking for a better life, of course? But America is at a point in time that parallels the sinking of the Titanic. If every person on the iceberg-stricken ship had tried to get on the small number of lifeboats available, the lifeboats would have been swamped and every single passenger would have succumbed to the frigid waters, or drowned. There would have been no survivors at all. If the passengers in the lifeboats offered their hand to those in the water out of compassion, just like the government offers it's (our) "hand" to the illegal alien invaders, the results would have still been the same. All would have drowned, even those in the lifeboats.
So America had better get a handle on the illegal alien invasion now, or suffer the irreversible consequences. But like so many other problems that America and Americans must endure, government lets the problems go beyond the point at which they can be corrected. So we are not holding our breath that the government will do anything about the illegal alien invasion other than, in the end, grant all of them amnesty.
And the world's governments and the people go round and round in an infinite number of circles, just like the stupid dog that is trying to bite its own tail .... with the same results. The dog finally gives up, but governments never give up going in circles, in a continuous, never-ending repeat of all that is insane.
But of course this is all old news that's been going on for decades. No one is going to do anything about it anyhow and we are stuck with a rapidly rising population of illegal aliens who don't give a damn about our constitution, our language, our culture ..... or our unalienable rights. They only know about one thing, sucking off the generous teat of good 'ole American Mother Government.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"We're Just Doing A Routine Inspection of Your Property”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, April 25, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
"There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice." (Charles de Montesquieu - a French Judge - 1689 to 1755)
It was just after breakfast when Natalie, looking out the front window, saw a man walking through the field in front of their home. She called out to her husband Ryan to check it out. Ryan hurriedly pulled on his pants and boots and headed out to the middle of the field where an armed man was making notes in a notebook. Ryan, with a bit of anger in his voice, called out to the man as he approached yelling, "Hey, what the Hell are you doing on my land. Didn't you see our No Trespassing signs at the front gate."
The man responded, "I'm an agent from the Federal Government and I'm just doing a routine inspection. My authority is greater than that of your No Trespassing signs and I simply ignored them."
The man's flippant response really ticked Ryan off. "Did you read the sign" he quipped. "Did you read the part where it says, 'Owner(s) refuse to permit any access, search, audit, assessment, or inspection whatsoever of this property without the presentation of a warrant, prepared as prescribed by the 4th and 14th Amendments to the U. S.' ..... unless you have my written or verbal permission, which you don't." What part of that sign don't you understand?"
The government agent stopped writing in his notebook, looked up and blurted out: "What's your name?" Ryan talked right over the agent's impertinent question and said, "by what authority do you have the right to trespass on my property?"
The agent, looking annoyed, said, "my right to come on your property any time I wish is authorized by two U. S. Supreme Court decisions in Breard v. Alexander and Florida v. Jardines wherein they state that government agents and law enforcement can come on your property, walk up to your front door and "knock and talk" to you." (He's right. That's the law folks if you can believe it.)
Ryan shot back, "Well Mr. government agent, whomever you are, you didn't come up to my front door and request my permission to trespass on my property, or talk to me, nor did you give me the opportunity to refuse to talk to you under your so-called "knock and talk" authority. You just unilaterally decided to trespass on my property. Therefore, I am demanding that you leave this property and don't come back. If you don't leave I will swear out a complaint with the county sheriff and the state attorney general and charge you with criminal trespass. My complaint could make you liable for a $10,000 fine and ten years in jail. It will also start an investigation into your illegal conduct and you will have to answer to your superiors. The paper work you will have to fill out will be voluminous."
"But wait! I'm not done."
Then Ryan pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket that he had been saving for such an event and began to read:
"I know the law too Mr. government agent. My right to question your authority is embodied in the a legal precedent in Federal Crop Ins. Corp v. Merrill, as follows: 'Whatever the form in which the Government functions, anyone entering into an arrangement with the Government takes the risk of having accurately ascertained that he who purports to act for the Government stays within the bounds of his authority. The scope of this authority may be explicitly defined by Congress or be limited by delegated legislation, properly exercised through the rulemaking power. And this is so even though an agent may himself be unaware of the limitations of his authority.'"
So before you leave, I have the right, under Public Law 93-579, as Codified under 5 USC Section 552a, to obtain certain information from you:"
"As a free man of the United States of America and the state in which I reside, pursuant to said Public Law, I am authorized to gather the following information:"
"First let me enter today's date and time of trespass: (as he wrote on the back of his piece of paper)
What is your full name?
What is your government title?
What government agency do you represent?
What are your office and cell telephone numbers?
What is the physical and mailing addresses of the government building out of which you work?
What is your badge or employee number?
What is the make, model and license number of your vehicle?
Is it a government owned vehicle?
What is the specific purpose for entering my private property without my permission?
What is your Legal authority, including law or statute under which you are operating?"
The government agent reluctantly answered all of Ryan's questions.
Ryan went on. "And one more thing. Note that alleged zoning, land use, or environmental code violations, do not establish constitutional reasons for you entering my property. Your flippant remark that you are 'doing a routine inspection' doesn't hold water with me, and it tramples all over my rights. Any and all evidence you gather in your 'routine inspection' and used against me for any reason, or in any manner, will be challenged in court as having been gathered under color of law and in violation of my Constitutional rights, potentially triggering the penalties of 18 USC 242 that I listed earlier. Further, I can sue you under 42 USC 1983.
Ryan continued: "Be aware that this information will be passed on to your superiors and to the local sheriff, as well as the local prosecuting attorney and the state attorney general."
"Further, I have the right to tape, photograph, or make a video record of this trespass violation, including photographing your vehicle, you and your badge or employee ID numbers.
Ryan puts his pencil and paper in his pocket and said: "Now that I have gathered the information I am authorized to obtain under said Public Law, I ask that you immediately vacate my property and do not return unless you have secured a legal 4th Amendment criminal warrant, signed by a judge indicating probable cause, along with describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized, photographed, or recorded. Your 'routine inspection' is over."
In a huff and visibly shaken, the government agent turned and walked towards his car, got into the car and drove away. He never returned. Ryan wiped the nervous sweat off his forehead and proceeded back to the house to tell Natalie what happened. He smiled as he thought on how he just bested an arrogant government agent with the law. Sadly, most government agents, at every level, think they are the masters instead of the servant and it is up to the people to set them straight, as Ryan just did.
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SIDEBAR: In a recent article entitled, "Can A Sign Revoke Government's Implied License To Trespass", we demonstrated how landowners can revoke the "knock and talk" provisions of the two U. S. Supreme Court decisions named above. We also have a form that a property owner (urban or rural) can use for taking down information about a government intruder. You can view the form HERE. Know your rights!
Ladies and gentlemen: We have reached a point in America where government is now the MASTER of the people and they exercise their power as if they were king. They invade our property, they collect our private data, they spy on us with three powerful federal agencies, the FBI, the CIA and the NSA, and they continue to pass more laws that bring restrictions to the point of virtual slavery. We can't build anything, we can't say anything and we can't do anything without obtaining authority, or an expensive license or permit from an alphabet soup of federal, state, or local government agencies. And we're supposed to believe that is freedom?
Education Liberty Watch, (ELW) an education watchdog organization, just put out a bulletin on the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) because under the Act the federal government has the authority to collect and store personal, emotional and psychological data on our school age children. ELW is demanding that FERPA be re-written to remove this authority.
Dr. Karen Effrem, ELW President, stated: "General education and labor databases should not be collecting and storing sensitive, subjective social, emotional, psychological and behavioral data. Psychological data related to behavioral, mental health, or special education concerns should be gathered only after informed consent of the parents and treated with the same care and confidentiality as medical data, with appropriate sharing with law enforcement as needed under current statutes. If this had been done in the Parkland situation, that horrific tragedy could have been avoided."
The U. S. Census, designed by the constitution to only collect just the number of humans, their ages and physical location residing in America for congressional representation purposes, is now being used to data mine some of our most personal data. Sadly, the American people lie down and roll over when the Census taker comes calling, gushing out their most private information to a total stranger. One of our readers told us that he provided financial information to a Census taker and found that financial information on the Internet shortly thereafter. Although the Census bureau claims confidentiality, it just ain't true. You cannot trust government with your information, much less your life, property ..... or your freedom.
Social media is collecting all of your on-line data, by the minute and allegedly using it for marketing purposes. What happens when the government decides to serve a written request or a subpoena on Google, Facebook, or Twitter for all the information they have gathered on you? Will the private corporation shield your data? Don't count on it!
In the name of the "law and justice", government agents invade your privacy every single day. They trespass on your land, they collect your private information, they hound you for taxes and they bully you into compliance with threats and intimidation. Just try to challenge the IRS and you will feel the full weight and power of the federal government on your very soul. None of this is freedom. It is nothing more than evolving slavery.
But hey! Some people like being slaves and take the EASY path. It's hard work to be self-reliant and independent ..... and free.
Which are you, FREE MAN or SLAVE?
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
It was just after breakfast when Natalie, looking out the front window, saw a man walking through the field in front of their home. She called out to her husband Ryan to check it out. Ryan hurriedly pulled on his pants and boots and headed out to the middle of the field where an armed man was making notes in a notebook. Ryan, with a bit of anger in his voice, called out to the man as he approached yelling, "Hey, what the Hell are you doing on my land. Didn't you see our No Trespassing signs at the front gate."
The man responded, "I'm an agent from the Federal Government and I'm just doing a routine inspection. My authority is greater than that of your No Trespassing signs and I simply ignored them."
The man's flippant response really ticked Ryan off. "Did you read the sign" he quipped. "Did you read the part where it says, 'Owner(s) refuse to permit any access, search, audit, assessment, or inspection whatsoever of this property without the presentation of a warrant, prepared as prescribed by the 4th and 14th Amendments to the U. S.' ..... unless you have my written or verbal permission, which you don't." What part of that sign don't you understand?"
The government agent stopped writing in his notebook, looked up and blurted out: "What's your name?" Ryan talked right over the agent's impertinent question and said, "by what authority do you have the right to trespass on my property?"
The agent, looking annoyed, said, "my right to come on your property any time I wish is authorized by two U. S. Supreme Court decisions in Breard v. Alexander and Florida v. Jardines wherein they state that government agents and law enforcement can come on your property, walk up to your front door and "knock and talk" to you." (He's right. That's the law folks if you can believe it.)
Ryan shot back, "Well Mr. government agent, whomever you are, you didn't come up to my front door and request my permission to trespass on my property, or talk to me, nor did you give me the opportunity to refuse to talk to you under your so-called "knock and talk" authority. You just unilaterally decided to trespass on my property. Therefore, I am demanding that you leave this property and don't come back. If you don't leave I will swear out a complaint with the county sheriff and the state attorney general and charge you with criminal trespass. My complaint could make you liable for a $10,000 fine and ten years in jail. It will also start an investigation into your illegal conduct and you will have to answer to your superiors. The paper work you will have to fill out will be voluminous."
"But wait! I'm not done."
Then Ryan pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket that he had been saving for such an event and began to read:
"I know the law too Mr. government agent. My right to question your authority is embodied in the a legal precedent in Federal Crop Ins. Corp v. Merrill, as follows: 'Whatever the form in which the Government functions, anyone entering into an arrangement with the Government takes the risk of having accurately ascertained that he who purports to act for the Government stays within the bounds of his authority. The scope of this authority may be explicitly defined by Congress or be limited by delegated legislation, properly exercised through the rulemaking power. And this is so even though an agent may himself be unaware of the limitations of his authority.'"
So before you leave, I have the right, under Public Law 93-579, as Codified under 5 USC Section 552a, to obtain certain information from you:"
"As a free man of the United States of America and the state in which I reside, pursuant to said Public Law, I am authorized to gather the following information:"
"First let me enter today's date and time of trespass: (as he wrote on the back of his piece of paper)
What is your full name?
What is your government title?
What government agency do you represent?
What are your office and cell telephone numbers?
What is the physical and mailing addresses of the government building out of which you work?
What is your badge or employee number?
What is the make, model and license number of your vehicle?
Is it a government owned vehicle?
What is the specific purpose for entering my private property without my permission?
What is your Legal authority, including law or statute under which you are operating?"
The government agent reluctantly answered all of Ryan's questions.
Ryan went on. "And one more thing. Note that alleged zoning, land use, or environmental code violations, do not establish constitutional reasons for you entering my property. Your flippant remark that you are 'doing a routine inspection' doesn't hold water with me, and it tramples all over my rights. Any and all evidence you gather in your 'routine inspection' and used against me for any reason, or in any manner, will be challenged in court as having been gathered under color of law and in violation of my Constitutional rights, potentially triggering the penalties of 18 USC 242 that I listed earlier. Further, I can sue you under 42 USC 1983.
Ryan continued: "Be aware that this information will be passed on to your superiors and to the local sheriff, as well as the local prosecuting attorney and the state attorney general."
"Further, I have the right to tape, photograph, or make a video record of this trespass violation, including photographing your vehicle, you and your badge or employee ID numbers.
Ryan puts his pencil and paper in his pocket and said: "Now that I have gathered the information I am authorized to obtain under said Public Law, I ask that you immediately vacate my property and do not return unless you have secured a legal 4th Amendment criminal warrant, signed by a judge indicating probable cause, along with describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized, photographed, or recorded. Your 'routine inspection' is over."
In a huff and visibly shaken, the government agent turned and walked towards his car, got into the car and drove away. He never returned. Ryan wiped the nervous sweat off his forehead and proceeded back to the house to tell Natalie what happened. He smiled as he thought on how he just bested an arrogant government agent with the law. Sadly, most government agents, at every level, think they are the masters instead of the servant and it is up to the people to set them straight, as Ryan just did.
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SIDEBAR: In a recent article entitled, "Can A Sign Revoke Government's Implied License To Trespass", we demonstrated how landowners can revoke the "knock and talk" provisions of the two U. S. Supreme Court decisions named above. We also have a form that a property owner (urban or rural) can use for taking down information about a government intruder. You can view the form HERE. Know your rights!
Ladies and gentlemen: We have reached a point in America where government is now the MASTER of the people and they exercise their power as if they were king. They invade our property, they collect our private data, they spy on us with three powerful federal agencies, the FBI, the CIA and the NSA, and they continue to pass more laws that bring restrictions to the point of virtual slavery. We can't build anything, we can't say anything and we can't do anything without obtaining authority, or an expensive license or permit from an alphabet soup of federal, state, or local government agencies. And we're supposed to believe that is freedom?
Education Liberty Watch, (ELW) an education watchdog organization, just put out a bulletin on the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) because under the Act the federal government has the authority to collect and store personal, emotional and psychological data on our school age children. ELW is demanding that FERPA be re-written to remove this authority.
Dr. Karen Effrem, ELW President, stated: "General education and labor databases should not be collecting and storing sensitive, subjective social, emotional, psychological and behavioral data. Psychological data related to behavioral, mental health, or special education concerns should be gathered only after informed consent of the parents and treated with the same care and confidentiality as medical data, with appropriate sharing with law enforcement as needed under current statutes. If this had been done in the Parkland situation, that horrific tragedy could have been avoided."
The U. S. Census, designed by the constitution to only collect just the number of humans, their ages and physical location residing in America for congressional representation purposes, is now being used to data mine some of our most personal data. Sadly, the American people lie down and roll over when the Census taker comes calling, gushing out their most private information to a total stranger. One of our readers told us that he provided financial information to a Census taker and found that financial information on the Internet shortly thereafter. Although the Census bureau claims confidentiality, it just ain't true. You cannot trust government with your information, much less your life, property ..... or your freedom.
Social media is collecting all of your on-line data, by the minute and allegedly using it for marketing purposes. What happens when the government decides to serve a written request or a subpoena on Google, Facebook, or Twitter for all the information they have gathered on you? Will the private corporation shield your data? Don't count on it!
In the name of the "law and justice", government agents invade your privacy every single day. They trespass on your land, they collect your private information, they hound you for taxes and they bully you into compliance with threats and intimidation. Just try to challenge the IRS and you will feel the full weight and power of the federal government on your very soul. None of this is freedom. It is nothing more than evolving slavery.
But hey! Some people like being slaves and take the EASY path. It's hard work to be self-reliant and independent ..... and free.
Which are you, FREE MAN or SLAVE?
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Noble Individuals Will Save America. Mob Rule Will Destroy It”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, April 22, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
“Actually, in its essence, democracy is a totalitarian ideology, though not as extreme as Nazism, fascism or communism. In principle, no freedom is safe in a democracy, every aspect of the individual's life is potentially subject to government control. At the end of the day, the minority is completely at the mercy of the whims of the majority. Even if a democracy has a constitution limiting the powers of the government, this constitution can be amended by the majority. The only fundamental right you have in a democracy, besides running for office, is the right to vote for a political party. With that solitary vote you hand over your independence and your freedom to the will of the majority.” [mob rule]
By Frank Karsten, Beyond Democracy: Why democracy does not lead to solidarity, prosperity and liberty but to social conflict, runaway spending and a tyrannical government.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
The American Founding Fathers created a Constitutional Republic. In the last 120 years Progressives have turned America into an Absolute Democrat Oligarchy, where the Liberal Establishment buys off and exploits the weakest in the society for their votes with the funds in the public treasury and turns them into a voting mob, a mob that demands by force of law that the strongest and most capable among us must pay for the mob's subsistence. This is an exact definition of Karl Marx's failed socialist ideology, "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." The Progressives have in fact, over time, created a government in America, under a distorted form of Democracy that uses and manipulates the weakest among us for the sole benefit of the manipulators and their hold on political power.
What it boils down to is that the weakest among us have been given an unconstitutional ironclad contract, fully supported by the absolute power of government, to "steal" by force, under mob rule, from those who produce goods and services. This is enforced charity at the point of a gun. The "gun" is held in the hands of a Gestapo-like agency known as the Internal Revenue Service, signed into law by your so-called government representatives. Enforced charity makes a mockery out of voluntary charity.
But America was never designed to be an Absolute Democrat Oligarchy. It was designed to provide an irrevocable mandate on government to protect the natural rights of individuals. It was NOT designed to protect the un-constitutional rights of a group, an association, a corporation, a union, a mob, or American Bolsheviks.
Individuals, working either individually or collectively with other individuals, have been, are and always will be the movers and molders of a society, for good or evil. They are ultimately the decision makers and the risk takers, whether those decisions and risks be of the small variety covering our daily lives, or the ultimately large decisions and risks that set the direction of cultures, countries, or hemispheres. Such individuals can either do so for sound, common sense motives, or for totally self-serving ones.
Most positive human achievement comes as a result of efforts of and by an individual, not a society or a culture. As a matter of fact, societies, cultures, religions and groups have generally stood in the way of most human achievements. Scientific discoveries, improvement in the human condition, or positive advances of government, come about from individuals working either by themselves or with a few others. A collective or a community didn't invent the light bulb. Thomas Edison, an individual, did. It is extremely unusual for large groups to accomplish anything. One only has to look at our local, state and federal legislatures and bureaucracies to see the truth in this statement.
If we must emulate someone, let us emulate the individual achievers. If we must follow, then let us follow in the footsteps of those that pioneer and forge ahead no matter what the odds or what peril lays in front of them. Intelligent, wise men and woman of vision forged the constitution of the United States. Courageous, individual pioneers settled the West against all odds. Now today, the individual spirit of thousands of entrepreneurs commence new businesses every day, risking their relationships with each other and their personal fortunes, no matter how large or small. They put up with every conceivable obstacle thrown in their path, not only from market forces but also by government regulation and edict.
Nevertheless, individualism is the engine that keeps the wheels of a free economy turning. Sixty to seventy percent of all jobs in the United States are created by individuals running their own businesses. What a country we live in. What a tribute to its resilient peoples. We are people of guts, courage, intellect, enterprise, fortitude and compassion. We are individuals in a sea of individuals and there is no strength on Earth that can match ours, in spite of our perceived troubles. That strength and power is a direct result of individuals and individual expression, living free under a Constitutional Republic.
But individual achievement in the United States today is getting a bad rap. It is either maligned or heavily taxed. As we move towards the collective, we either have to be part of some group to get accepted and our individual beliefs, goals and motives must be subjugated to the needs of that group. Our public schools are institutions of indoctrination, infiltrated with the ideology of the collective. In short, our kids are, en masse, being brainwashed in the Progressive ideology and they and their parents are none the wiser.
The doomsayers will tell us that we are going to run out of power. We are going to run out of oil. We are going to pollute the environment and destroy the Earth with our cars and our industry. We must conserve instead of build. We must retrench instead of create.
They con us into believing that it "takes a village" to raise a child. Poppy cock! These are the words of the users, exploiters, manipulators and fear mongers. These are the words of those who wish to dominate the individual and break his spirit.
Man is driven by the one unique human trait that apparently does not exist in other creatures that share this planet with us. He is driven by that all-present, individual, "joy of wonder" and to go where no man has gone before. We are going to the stars one day and nothing anybody can do will get in our way. No amount of fear of the unknown, or nay saying about financing will stop us. The strength, power, creativity and spirit of the incomparable individual will carry us there.
We, as individuals, have a significant obligation to ourselves and to our children. We have the obligation to defend our freedom and to learn everything we can about everything we can know in our lifetime that we can document and prove beyond a reasonable doubt, and then pass as much of that information on to our offspring. We have an imperative to do no less. We have a responsibility to not abdicate this task to others. We shouldn't let our doctor, our teacher, our lawyer, our priest, or clergy, much less our government, make decisions for us. They can be a source of information or counsel, but the ultimate decision maker is us, that is, if we value our freedom as individuals.
What we need to do, more than anything else is to educate our people in all of the true knowledge we have discovered over the last 5,000 years and to foster unabashed individualism. Collectivism is a killer of freedom. Knowledge is the great equalizer among men. If all individuals possess the same knowledge, it is much more difficult, if not impossible, to "Lord" over the other, thus muting the necessity of war.
The problem in this country and every other country for that matter and every other people that exist on this earth is not poverty. It is not the disparity between poverty and wealth. It is not pestilence, or flood, famine, earthquake, or any of these things. It is the attempts by the Progressive mob to strip individuals of their freedom, liberty and property rights. It is pandemic ignorance. It is also the efforts of the Absolute Democrat Oligarchy to break the backs and spirit of the individual. The power of the individual is a dictator's worst nightmare.
What we need is a way to get more people motivated to seek that truth and their own "point of reference" and the solid basis of why their particular "point of reference" is relative to them. And we must resist with all of our might, government and special interest group's relentless perversion of the truth for their own ends.
We need to eradicate mysticism, propaganda, lies and distortion and replace them with the truth and universal, provable realities. And then we must teach our children to question even the provable realities and always leave room for a different perspective, a different view, or new information.
There are some real basics here and the hard cold truth of the matter is, we are individuals and no matter what the mechanism for getting here, we come into this world absolutely alone. No other person can live with us inside our minds. No other person can be part of our soul. We are here unequivocally, irreversibly alone. As individuals, we must face all the trials and the joys and the sickness and the sorrow and death absolutely alone. Sure, others can hold our hands and stroke our brow, but nobody will die with us and although we won't say it out loud, most of us know it instinctively. In every sense of the word, we are totally unique individuals and only we occupy our "space" and our "time". But that individuality is the true source of our strength, power and creativity.
The stark reality is that if we destroy our God-given, natural freedom that allows our unique individuality to blossom, we will descend into the Hell of the collective and it will take a bloody revolution to restore freedom and liberty so that the individual, once again, with all his strength, power, beauty, compassion, spirit and the joy of wonder, will lead man on the never-ending, exciting journey to explore our Universe. The Universe is waiting, if we don't stumble and get in our own way.
It took individuals with guns to wrest our freedom from a King some 240 years ago. It took the power of American freedom, production, raw materials and guns to conquer several megalomaniac dictators in two world wars. It will take strong, united individuals that believe in the sanctity and the absolute right of freedom to wrest control from a government that has morphed into an Absolute Democrat Oligarchy. It will take the power of liberty in individual thought, expression and action to quash the Oligarchy, the mob and the American Bolsheviks, to restore our individual, God-given, natural rights. If it can't be done peaceably, it may even take individuals with guns ..... again! If the people do not believe that they are individually sovereign, as nature intended, then neither peaceful means nor guns will restore our freedom.
Sadly, none of this will change the minds of the average urban dweller whose sole means of survival is government.
However, if you believe that you are individually sovereign, you should consider signing our "Declaration of Individual Independence and Reaffirmation of American Constitutional Sovereignty" Petition. Many others have already.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
By Frank Karsten, Beyond Democracy: Why democracy does not lead to solidarity, prosperity and liberty but to social conflict, runaway spending and a tyrannical government.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
The American Founding Fathers created a Constitutional Republic. In the last 120 years Progressives have turned America into an Absolute Democrat Oligarchy, where the Liberal Establishment buys off and exploits the weakest in the society for their votes with the funds in the public treasury and turns them into a voting mob, a mob that demands by force of law that the strongest and most capable among us must pay for the mob's subsistence. This is an exact definition of Karl Marx's failed socialist ideology, "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." The Progressives have in fact, over time, created a government in America, under a distorted form of Democracy that uses and manipulates the weakest among us for the sole benefit of the manipulators and their hold on political power.
What it boils down to is that the weakest among us have been given an unconstitutional ironclad contract, fully supported by the absolute power of government, to "steal" by force, under mob rule, from those who produce goods and services. This is enforced charity at the point of a gun. The "gun" is held in the hands of a Gestapo-like agency known as the Internal Revenue Service, signed into law by your so-called government representatives. Enforced charity makes a mockery out of voluntary charity.
But America was never designed to be an Absolute Democrat Oligarchy. It was designed to provide an irrevocable mandate on government to protect the natural rights of individuals. It was NOT designed to protect the un-constitutional rights of a group, an association, a corporation, a union, a mob, or American Bolsheviks.
Individuals, working either individually or collectively with other individuals, have been, are and always will be the movers and molders of a society, for good or evil. They are ultimately the decision makers and the risk takers, whether those decisions and risks be of the small variety covering our daily lives, or the ultimately large decisions and risks that set the direction of cultures, countries, or hemispheres. Such individuals can either do so for sound, common sense motives, or for totally self-serving ones.
Most positive human achievement comes as a result of efforts of and by an individual, not a society or a culture. As a matter of fact, societies, cultures, religions and groups have generally stood in the way of most human achievements. Scientific discoveries, improvement in the human condition, or positive advances of government, come about from individuals working either by themselves or with a few others. A collective or a community didn't invent the light bulb. Thomas Edison, an individual, did. It is extremely unusual for large groups to accomplish anything. One only has to look at our local, state and federal legislatures and bureaucracies to see the truth in this statement.
If we must emulate someone, let us emulate the individual achievers. If we must follow, then let us follow in the footsteps of those that pioneer and forge ahead no matter what the odds or what peril lays in front of them. Intelligent, wise men and woman of vision forged the constitution of the United States. Courageous, individual pioneers settled the West against all odds. Now today, the individual spirit of thousands of entrepreneurs commence new businesses every day, risking their relationships with each other and their personal fortunes, no matter how large or small. They put up with every conceivable obstacle thrown in their path, not only from market forces but also by government regulation and edict.
Nevertheless, individualism is the engine that keeps the wheels of a free economy turning. Sixty to seventy percent of all jobs in the United States are created by individuals running their own businesses. What a country we live in. What a tribute to its resilient peoples. We are people of guts, courage, intellect, enterprise, fortitude and compassion. We are individuals in a sea of individuals and there is no strength on Earth that can match ours, in spite of our perceived troubles. That strength and power is a direct result of individuals and individual expression, living free under a Constitutional Republic.
But individual achievement in the United States today is getting a bad rap. It is either maligned or heavily taxed. As we move towards the collective, we either have to be part of some group to get accepted and our individual beliefs, goals and motives must be subjugated to the needs of that group. Our public schools are institutions of indoctrination, infiltrated with the ideology of the collective. In short, our kids are, en masse, being brainwashed in the Progressive ideology and they and their parents are none the wiser.
The doomsayers will tell us that we are going to run out of power. We are going to run out of oil. We are going to pollute the environment and destroy the Earth with our cars and our industry. We must conserve instead of build. We must retrench instead of create.
They con us into believing that it "takes a village" to raise a child. Poppy cock! These are the words of the users, exploiters, manipulators and fear mongers. These are the words of those who wish to dominate the individual and break his spirit.
Man is driven by the one unique human trait that apparently does not exist in other creatures that share this planet with us. He is driven by that all-present, individual, "joy of wonder" and to go where no man has gone before. We are going to the stars one day and nothing anybody can do will get in our way. No amount of fear of the unknown, or nay saying about financing will stop us. The strength, power, creativity and spirit of the incomparable individual will carry us there.
We, as individuals, have a significant obligation to ourselves and to our children. We have the obligation to defend our freedom and to learn everything we can about everything we can know in our lifetime that we can document and prove beyond a reasonable doubt, and then pass as much of that information on to our offspring. We have an imperative to do no less. We have a responsibility to not abdicate this task to others. We shouldn't let our doctor, our teacher, our lawyer, our priest, or clergy, much less our government, make decisions for us. They can be a source of information or counsel, but the ultimate decision maker is us, that is, if we value our freedom as individuals.
What we need to do, more than anything else is to educate our people in all of the true knowledge we have discovered over the last 5,000 years and to foster unabashed individualism. Collectivism is a killer of freedom. Knowledge is the great equalizer among men. If all individuals possess the same knowledge, it is much more difficult, if not impossible, to "Lord" over the other, thus muting the necessity of war.
The problem in this country and every other country for that matter and every other people that exist on this earth is not poverty. It is not the disparity between poverty and wealth. It is not pestilence, or flood, famine, earthquake, or any of these things. It is the attempts by the Progressive mob to strip individuals of their freedom, liberty and property rights. It is pandemic ignorance. It is also the efforts of the Absolute Democrat Oligarchy to break the backs and spirit of the individual. The power of the individual is a dictator's worst nightmare.
What we need is a way to get more people motivated to seek that truth and their own "point of reference" and the solid basis of why their particular "point of reference" is relative to them. And we must resist with all of our might, government and special interest group's relentless perversion of the truth for their own ends.
We need to eradicate mysticism, propaganda, lies and distortion and replace them with the truth and universal, provable realities. And then we must teach our children to question even the provable realities and always leave room for a different perspective, a different view, or new information.
There are some real basics here and the hard cold truth of the matter is, we are individuals and no matter what the mechanism for getting here, we come into this world absolutely alone. No other person can live with us inside our minds. No other person can be part of our soul. We are here unequivocally, irreversibly alone. As individuals, we must face all the trials and the joys and the sickness and the sorrow and death absolutely alone. Sure, others can hold our hands and stroke our brow, but nobody will die with us and although we won't say it out loud, most of us know it instinctively. In every sense of the word, we are totally unique individuals and only we occupy our "space" and our "time". But that individuality is the true source of our strength, power and creativity.
The stark reality is that if we destroy our God-given, natural freedom that allows our unique individuality to blossom, we will descend into the Hell of the collective and it will take a bloody revolution to restore freedom and liberty so that the individual, once again, with all his strength, power, beauty, compassion, spirit and the joy of wonder, will lead man on the never-ending, exciting journey to explore our Universe. The Universe is waiting, if we don't stumble and get in our own way.
It took individuals with guns to wrest our freedom from a King some 240 years ago. It took the power of American freedom, production, raw materials and guns to conquer several megalomaniac dictators in two world wars. It will take strong, united individuals that believe in the sanctity and the absolute right of freedom to wrest control from a government that has morphed into an Absolute Democrat Oligarchy. It will take the power of liberty in individual thought, expression and action to quash the Oligarchy, the mob and the American Bolsheviks, to restore our individual, God-given, natural rights. If it can't be done peaceably, it may even take individuals with guns ..... again! If the people do not believe that they are individually sovereign, as nature intended, then neither peaceful means nor guns will restore our freedom.
Sadly, none of this will change the minds of the average urban dweller whose sole means of survival is government.
However, if you believe that you are individually sovereign, you should consider signing our "Declaration of Individual Independence and Reaffirmation of American Constitutional Sovereignty" Petition. Many others have already.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"The Stories That Government Is Afraid To Tell”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, April 15, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
Dateline High Point, North Carolina: _.. ---.. --... ..--- .---
In June, Kay Council of High Point, NC came home one night to find a note from her husband, Alex: "My dearest Kay - I have taken my life in order to provide capital for you. The IRS and its liens, which have been taken against our property illegally by a runaway agency of our government, have dried up all sources of credit for us. So I have made the only decision I can. It's purely a business decision... You will find my body on the lot on the north side of the house." At the end of a nine-year battle over a disallowed tax shelter, the IRS claimed that the Councils owed $300,000 in taxes, interest, and penalties. When their financial resources were exhausted, Mr. Council committed suicide to provide Mrs. Council with $250,000 insurance money to continue the battle. Ironically, Mrs. Council eventually won a court ruling that she and her husband owed the IRS nothing. Mrs. Council, 48, said, "I was cheated out of growing old with the man I love."
Dateline Columbia River, Washington State: _.. ---.. --... ..--- .---
Raven bought her land in 1999, not knowing the horror she would endure at the hands of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFW) and two non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) known as the Columbia Land Trust (CLT) and another NGO, Ducks Unlimited (DU). Armed with millions of dollars of federal grant money, USFW and the two NGO’s set about to restore the Grays River to its pre-human days, in the pursuit of salmon habitat recovery. From Raven's own words:
“CLT, in partnership with Ducks Unlimited and USFW, began immediately. A 36-inch tide gate was replaced with two 13-foot culverts. Sloughs were filled in. In 2005 CLT asked me to give them my land. I refused. More sloughs were filled in, a county road made lower in some areas and higher across my property. Trees with Eagles nests were bulldozed. The only thing left alive, were the mosquitoes. The chum salmon get swooshed onto my fields where they flop around and die. The rivers depth went from 21 feet to 9 feet due to the increased sediment and debris thrown into the river, thus destroying fish spawning areas. Much of their so-called restoration work was done in the dead of night so that it would go unnoticed by the locals.”
“On December 31st, 2005 my home, property and barns were flooded. My home and the out buildings stayed immersed in water until March 17th 2006. My utility room flooded, destroying my freezer, all the food, linen, and all supplies that were stored there. With each high tide, the water got deeper and the property itself stayed flooded until late June. Almost everything was a total loss. No automobiles ran, classic cars destroyed, a professional automotive shop and all the tools gone. My home had extensive damage. CLT requested I give them the property. Again, I refused.”
“I repaired what I could. It took me two months to get enough money to buy a used van. In the meantime I had to hitchhike to work. My minimal insurance would not cover anything because the insurance company determined my loss was from third-party error. The ‘third-party’ refused my demand for damages.”
“When my property flooded, I had three-to-four foot waves crashing on to my house. It sounded as though I was at the beach. I live 25 miles inland. The water filled my property, then headed east, flooding Altoona highway and the Scott’s Bed & Breakfast. Since USFW and the NGO’s started this salmon recovery project, my property has flooded eleven times. I am out of money and have nothing left to fight with. The government agency and the NGO’s don’t care. It appears to me, that neither does anyone else.”
Raven eventually gave up, abandoned her land and moved to Idaho to live with relatives having lost everything.
(Full Story)
Dateline Gig Harbor, Washington: _.. ---.. --... ..--- .---
John (not his real name) owned a few acres of land in Washington State, about a half hours drive from a big city. John's neighbor had a minor grievance with John over some work along a common boundary and instead of working it out man-to-man, the neighbor called the county land use authorities (CLUA) and filed a complaint. The CLUA comes out, looks at what John is doing and says they didn't see any problem. John didn't need a permit and CLUA went away. That wasn't good enough for John's neighbor and he kept bugging CLUA until they came out to the property and told John that he needed to cease and desist. But John had already ceased and desisted with the ditch cleaning. That wasn't good enough for CLUA, thanks to continued bugging by John's neighbor and CLUA finally filed misdemeanor charges against John for continuing to do allegedly illegal work that John had already stopped. Essentially John's activities consisted of cleaning out some areas around a ditch and burning the slash, for which John had gotten a burning permit.
John ignored the CLUA warnings for several months and thought the whole issue had gone away. But behind the scenes John's neighbor kept pressuring CLUA and the county prosecutor, to "get" John.
CLUA and the county prosecutor dragged John into District Court on misdemeanor charges for filling in a wetland. John elected to represent himself for what he thought was just a minor land use violation that he could make go away. No such luck. The prosecutor and the District Court Judge decided to make an environmental example out of John by thwarting every legal attempt John made to defend himself, to the point that the judge found John in contempt of court and sentenced him to 150 days in jail on a full cash bond of $20,000 each, for five separate contempt of court charges. Not having $100,000 dollars to pay the court, John was forced to sit in jail with thieves and murders for over 60 days before a third party filed a writ of Habeas Corpus in Superior Court and had to fork over $20,000 in cash to get John out of jail on appeal.
The wetland charge was made by creating the wetland AFTER John had done his clearing and burning. There was no wetland designation in the area anytime before John did his work. In other words, the prosecutor drummed up the charges by creating a wetland violation after the fact. That's how they "got" John.
While out on appeal John used every legal trick he knew to get the case dismissed but the court clerk would fail to file and record his motions. Some motions were lost, others ignored. The District Court judge literally thumbed his nose at all of John's efforts. When John filed a motion to get his case elevated to Superior Court because according to the state Constitution, the lower court has no jurisdiction in real estate cases, the District Court judge de-railed that too.
John filed motions in Superior Court to get the lower court decision rescinded. The Superior Court refused to hear the case. The transcript screamed of the District Court Judge's environmental bias against John and he was going to "get" John any way he could.
Finding no help in the two lower courts, John filed motions with the state appellate court. No help there either. John went to the State Supreme Court. They refused to hear the case.
Finally, just days before the District Court's order to send John back to jail for another 90 days and pay a fine of another $1,000, John filed for clemency with the Governor of the state. The Democrat Governor ignored John's plea. John tried to get the District Court to give him credit for time served and for good behavior while in jail for the first 63 days. The District Court judge said emphatically NO! and John went back to jail to sit with thieves and murders again, essentially for doing maintenance on his property.
John was forced back to jail for another 90 days for a charge of clearing out a wetland that didn't exist before the act of clearing. John became a sacrificial lamb in the name of radical environmentalism. (Full Story)
Dateline California: _.. ---.. --... ..--- .---
A man and his wife in California bought some rural acreage that had a home and outbuildings on it. After they bought the land, the local Land Use Agency said that one of their buildings was not in code and filed a code violation against them. But it turns out that the Land Use Agency had filed a code violation on the property 12 years ago against the previous owner for the same reason, but the code violation did not show up on the Title Report for the new purchaser. Nevertheless, the new owners were still responsible for the old code violation and had to fork over $28,000 in fees and fines to bring the property in compliance. They also discovered that there is no statute of limitations on land use code violations.
Dateline Georgia: _.. ---.. --... ..--- .---
A man and his son had all the permits necessary to fill in a portion of the waterfront property. Along came the Army Corps of Engineers and hit them with a criminal violation of filling in a wetland and took them to Federal Court. The judge would not allow the landowners to enter into evidence their permits and sentenced the man and his son to 21 months in a federal prison, with the further requirement to restore the property when they were released.
Dateline Los Angeles County California: _.. ---.. --... ..--- .---
In Antelope Valley, a very rural area of Los Angeles County, the rural landowners are being faced with fully armed SWAT teams that haul the landowner off to jail or court, if they haven't moved fast enough in clearing up a code violation. Los Angeles County calls the SWAT team a "nuisance abatement team". America has become a police state?
Dateline Ohio: _.. ---.. --... ..--- .---
A rural Ohio family, with a going family business, faced the same dilemma with the Army Corps of Engineers. They were also criminally charged with filling in a wetland. The Corps took them to Federal Court. But the hitch was, they hadn't filled in a wetland. However, that didn't stop the Army Corps from pursuing the case. The family first tried to defend themselves in court and quickly used up their savings in the process. They were then approached by the Ohio Farm Bureau who offered to help them with their case. All they had to do was to put up their land as collateral for the Farm Bureau loan. The Farm Bureau lost the case and then took the farm from the family to repay the loan, including most of their possessions on the farm. This proud Ohio family, with a going business, was left penniless for a manufactured environmental violation. (Full Story)
Dateline Idaho: _.. ---.. --... ..--- .---
An Idaho couple bought a lot in a completed subdivision with homes all around them and applied for a building permit to build their dream home. The lot was over 500 feet from the nearest body of water. That didn't stop the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) who came on their property as the couple was clearing and leveling the lot for the foundation and slapped them with a non-compliance order for, you guessed it, filling in a wetland. The EPA then told them that they would have to restore the property to its original condition, at great cost, they couldn't build on it and if they didn't comply, they would be faced with a $37,500 per day fine.
(Full Story)
_.. ---.. --... ..--- .---
Ladies and gentlemen, stories like these are going on all across the country every day but you never hear about them. If all of these thousands of stories were taken in total, made public and told all at once, the outcry could spark an uprising or even a revolution. Whether it is the IRS, FBI, BLM, DOJ, EPA, USFW, or thousands of state and local bureaucracies, this isn't just a matter of a little injustice, this is outright intimidation, domination and condemnation under law, one American at a time, by an out-of-control, narcissistic and cold-hearted government that has lost all allegiance to its solemn duty to protect our individual liberties and to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help them God!
Besides the massive abuse that the IRS inflicts on Americans, rural landowners are also getting hit hard all across America by land use and environmental dictatorial edicts. If you are a landowner, you would be wise to contact the "National Association of Rural Landowners" and check out their defenses and offenses against government abuse.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
In June, Kay Council of High Point, NC came home one night to find a note from her husband, Alex: "My dearest Kay - I have taken my life in order to provide capital for you. The IRS and its liens, which have been taken against our property illegally by a runaway agency of our government, have dried up all sources of credit for us. So I have made the only decision I can. It's purely a business decision... You will find my body on the lot on the north side of the house." At the end of a nine-year battle over a disallowed tax shelter, the IRS claimed that the Councils owed $300,000 in taxes, interest, and penalties. When their financial resources were exhausted, Mr. Council committed suicide to provide Mrs. Council with $250,000 insurance money to continue the battle. Ironically, Mrs. Council eventually won a court ruling that she and her husband owed the IRS nothing. Mrs. Council, 48, said, "I was cheated out of growing old with the man I love."
Dateline Columbia River, Washington State: _.. ---.. --... ..--- .---
Raven bought her land in 1999, not knowing the horror she would endure at the hands of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFW) and two non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) known as the Columbia Land Trust (CLT) and another NGO, Ducks Unlimited (DU). Armed with millions of dollars of federal grant money, USFW and the two NGO’s set about to restore the Grays River to its pre-human days, in the pursuit of salmon habitat recovery. From Raven's own words:
“CLT, in partnership with Ducks Unlimited and USFW, began immediately. A 36-inch tide gate was replaced with two 13-foot culverts. Sloughs were filled in. In 2005 CLT asked me to give them my land. I refused. More sloughs were filled in, a county road made lower in some areas and higher across my property. Trees with Eagles nests were bulldozed. The only thing left alive, were the mosquitoes. The chum salmon get swooshed onto my fields where they flop around and die. The rivers depth went from 21 feet to 9 feet due to the increased sediment and debris thrown into the river, thus destroying fish spawning areas. Much of their so-called restoration work was done in the dead of night so that it would go unnoticed by the locals.”
“On December 31st, 2005 my home, property and barns were flooded. My home and the out buildings stayed immersed in water until March 17th 2006. My utility room flooded, destroying my freezer, all the food, linen, and all supplies that were stored there. With each high tide, the water got deeper and the property itself stayed flooded until late June. Almost everything was a total loss. No automobiles ran, classic cars destroyed, a professional automotive shop and all the tools gone. My home had extensive damage. CLT requested I give them the property. Again, I refused.”
“I repaired what I could. It took me two months to get enough money to buy a used van. In the meantime I had to hitchhike to work. My minimal insurance would not cover anything because the insurance company determined my loss was from third-party error. The ‘third-party’ refused my demand for damages.”
“When my property flooded, I had three-to-four foot waves crashing on to my house. It sounded as though I was at the beach. I live 25 miles inland. The water filled my property, then headed east, flooding Altoona highway and the Scott’s Bed & Breakfast. Since USFW and the NGO’s started this salmon recovery project, my property has flooded eleven times. I am out of money and have nothing left to fight with. The government agency and the NGO’s don’t care. It appears to me, that neither does anyone else.”
Raven eventually gave up, abandoned her land and moved to Idaho to live with relatives having lost everything.
(Full Story)
Dateline Gig Harbor, Washington: _.. ---.. --... ..--- .---
John (not his real name) owned a few acres of land in Washington State, about a half hours drive from a big city. John's neighbor had a minor grievance with John over some work along a common boundary and instead of working it out man-to-man, the neighbor called the county land use authorities (CLUA) and filed a complaint. The CLUA comes out, looks at what John is doing and says they didn't see any problem. John didn't need a permit and CLUA went away. That wasn't good enough for John's neighbor and he kept bugging CLUA until they came out to the property and told John that he needed to cease and desist. But John had already ceased and desisted with the ditch cleaning. That wasn't good enough for CLUA, thanks to continued bugging by John's neighbor and CLUA finally filed misdemeanor charges against John for continuing to do allegedly illegal work that John had already stopped. Essentially John's activities consisted of cleaning out some areas around a ditch and burning the slash, for which John had gotten a burning permit.
John ignored the CLUA warnings for several months and thought the whole issue had gone away. But behind the scenes John's neighbor kept pressuring CLUA and the county prosecutor, to "get" John.
CLUA and the county prosecutor dragged John into District Court on misdemeanor charges for filling in a wetland. John elected to represent himself for what he thought was just a minor land use violation that he could make go away. No such luck. The prosecutor and the District Court Judge decided to make an environmental example out of John by thwarting every legal attempt John made to defend himself, to the point that the judge found John in contempt of court and sentenced him to 150 days in jail on a full cash bond of $20,000 each, for five separate contempt of court charges. Not having $100,000 dollars to pay the court, John was forced to sit in jail with thieves and murders for over 60 days before a third party filed a writ of Habeas Corpus in Superior Court and had to fork over $20,000 in cash to get John out of jail on appeal.
The wetland charge was made by creating the wetland AFTER John had done his clearing and burning. There was no wetland designation in the area anytime before John did his work. In other words, the prosecutor drummed up the charges by creating a wetland violation after the fact. That's how they "got" John.
While out on appeal John used every legal trick he knew to get the case dismissed but the court clerk would fail to file and record his motions. Some motions were lost, others ignored. The District Court judge literally thumbed his nose at all of John's efforts. When John filed a motion to get his case elevated to Superior Court because according to the state Constitution, the lower court has no jurisdiction in real estate cases, the District Court judge de-railed that too.
John filed motions in Superior Court to get the lower court decision rescinded. The Superior Court refused to hear the case. The transcript screamed of the District Court Judge's environmental bias against John and he was going to "get" John any way he could.
Finding no help in the two lower courts, John filed motions with the state appellate court. No help there either. John went to the State Supreme Court. They refused to hear the case.
Finally, just days before the District Court's order to send John back to jail for another 90 days and pay a fine of another $1,000, John filed for clemency with the Governor of the state. The Democrat Governor ignored John's plea. John tried to get the District Court to give him credit for time served and for good behavior while in jail for the first 63 days. The District Court judge said emphatically NO! and John went back to jail to sit with thieves and murders again, essentially for doing maintenance on his property.
John was forced back to jail for another 90 days for a charge of clearing out a wetland that didn't exist before the act of clearing. John became a sacrificial lamb in the name of radical environmentalism. (Full Story)
Dateline California: _.. ---.. --... ..--- .---
A man and his wife in California bought some rural acreage that had a home and outbuildings on it. After they bought the land, the local Land Use Agency said that one of their buildings was not in code and filed a code violation against them. But it turns out that the Land Use Agency had filed a code violation on the property 12 years ago against the previous owner for the same reason, but the code violation did not show up on the Title Report for the new purchaser. Nevertheless, the new owners were still responsible for the old code violation and had to fork over $28,000 in fees and fines to bring the property in compliance. They also discovered that there is no statute of limitations on land use code violations.
Dateline Georgia: _.. ---.. --... ..--- .---
A man and his son had all the permits necessary to fill in a portion of the waterfront property. Along came the Army Corps of Engineers and hit them with a criminal violation of filling in a wetland and took them to Federal Court. The judge would not allow the landowners to enter into evidence their permits and sentenced the man and his son to 21 months in a federal prison, with the further requirement to restore the property when they were released.
Dateline Los Angeles County California: _.. ---.. --... ..--- .---
In Antelope Valley, a very rural area of Los Angeles County, the rural landowners are being faced with fully armed SWAT teams that haul the landowner off to jail or court, if they haven't moved fast enough in clearing up a code violation. Los Angeles County calls the SWAT team a "nuisance abatement team". America has become a police state?
Dateline Ohio: _.. ---.. --... ..--- .---
A rural Ohio family, with a going family business, faced the same dilemma with the Army Corps of Engineers. They were also criminally charged with filling in a wetland. The Corps took them to Federal Court. But the hitch was, they hadn't filled in a wetland. However, that didn't stop the Army Corps from pursuing the case. The family first tried to defend themselves in court and quickly used up their savings in the process. They were then approached by the Ohio Farm Bureau who offered to help them with their case. All they had to do was to put up their land as collateral for the Farm Bureau loan. The Farm Bureau lost the case and then took the farm from the family to repay the loan, including most of their possessions on the farm. This proud Ohio family, with a going business, was left penniless for a manufactured environmental violation. (Full Story)
Dateline Idaho: _.. ---.. --... ..--- .---
An Idaho couple bought a lot in a completed subdivision with homes all around them and applied for a building permit to build their dream home. The lot was over 500 feet from the nearest body of water. That didn't stop the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) who came on their property as the couple was clearing and leveling the lot for the foundation and slapped them with a non-compliance order for, you guessed it, filling in a wetland. The EPA then told them that they would have to restore the property to its original condition, at great cost, they couldn't build on it and if they didn't comply, they would be faced with a $37,500 per day fine.
(Full Story)
_.. ---.. --... ..--- .---
Ladies and gentlemen, stories like these are going on all across the country every day but you never hear about them. If all of these thousands of stories were taken in total, made public and told all at once, the outcry could spark an uprising or even a revolution. Whether it is the IRS, FBI, BLM, DOJ, EPA, USFW, or thousands of state and local bureaucracies, this isn't just a matter of a little injustice, this is outright intimidation, domination and condemnation under law, one American at a time, by an out-of-control, narcissistic and cold-hearted government that has lost all allegiance to its solemn duty to protect our individual liberties and to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help them God!
Besides the massive abuse that the IRS inflicts on Americans, rural landowners are also getting hit hard all across America by land use and environmental dictatorial edicts. If you are a landowner, you would be wise to contact the "National Association of Rural Landowners" and check out their defenses and offenses against government abuse.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"And Liberals Wonder Why Americans Are Buying More Guns”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, April 8, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
"Those who are best acquainted with the last successful resistance of this country against the British arms, will be most inclined to deny the possibility of it. Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of. Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. And it is not certain, that with this aid alone they would not be able to shake off their yokes. But were the people to possess the additional advantages of local governments chosen by themselves, who could collect the national will and direct the national force, and of officers appointed out of the militia, by these governments, and attached both to them and to the militia, it may be affirmed with the greatest assurance, that the throne of every tyranny in Europe would be speedily overturned in spite of the legions which surround it. Let us not insult the free and gallant citizens of America with the suspicion, that they would be less able to defend the rights of which they would be in actual possession, than the debased subjects of arbitrary power would be to rescue theirs from the hands of their oppressors." James Madison, Excerpt from Federalist Paper No. 46
A deranged NFL football player, possibly high on drugs, alcohol, steroids, narcissism, or too many bumps on the head from football skirmishes, pumps nine bullets into the mother of his 3-month old baby and then publicly commits suicide in front of his coach with a handgun. An out-of-his-skull idiot, doing an imitation of Batman's nemesis, the Joker, dons body armor and arms himself with an AR-15 and some handguns, open fires in a theater in Aurora, Colorado and kills and wounds dozens of people. An insane nut walks up to a Congresswoman and her aides with a handgun at a Mall in Tucson, AZ and kills six, including a little girl and a judge and wounds several more. An Army Officer walks into a room at Fort Hood, Texas and opens fire with a handgun and kills a dozen and wounds more, all the while crying "Allahu Akbar", ("God is Great" in Arabic). A deranged rich guy smuggles a bunch of AR-15's, bump stocks and hundreds of rounds of ammunition into a Las Vegas Hotel and kills 58 and injures hundreds more at a music festival. A crazy 19-year old walks into a school in Parkland Florida, kills 17 students and wounds more.
In each case, left-wing pundits, sports casters and politicians, drool all over themselves, crying out in righteous indignation that we need more gun control. They salivate at the chance to blame the Republicans and conservatives for the carnage. One sports caster, during a recent game, decries the rising gun culture in America. A Black man, ten cards short of a full deck, calls the NRA the new KKK. Really!
All of the cries for more gun control totally ignore three very important, factual issues.
1. No amount of gun control will stop insane people from doing insane things, or criminals doing criminal things, and
2. The U. S. Supreme Court has been very succinct about the absolute right of the Second Amendment, and
3. There are very solid reasons why the American people are buying guns in large numbers, the rise of tyranny..
No. 1: All of the examples we cite in the opening paragraph have one over-riding thing in common. Each perpetrator, it is safe to say, was out of his mind. It wasn't the gun that did the killing, it was the insane person pulling the trigger that did the killing. Yes, you can kill more people with a gun, but you can also kill people with poison, a knife, a baseball bat, a nuclear blast, or even a car and it happens every day. You can kill a lot of people with a car (or a truck) and explosives, as another nut did in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. But left-wing zealots aren't calling for more control on cars or trucks, or even baseball bats, are they?
No. 2: In two recent U. S. Supreme Court rulings brought to the court by gun rights advocates in Washington DC and Chicago, won their cases and the Court upheld the 2nd Amendment and struck down very restrictive gun control laws in those cities. Like Roe vs. Wade, the 2nd Amendment high-court decision is not about to be overturned, probably in this Century, unless liberals get in control and poison the Supreme Court with several liberal justices. Why the left continues to flog this "horse" borders on its own insanity, or perhaps their real goal is to disarm the population and render them impotent to the dictates of an Absolute Democrat Monarchy.
No. 3: The title of this column is "And Liberals Wonder Why Americans Are Buying More Guns."
Let's put it another way. If you knew that a mob of people were coming to beat you to within an inch of your life, you would, if you could and had the time, arm yourself in the interest of self defense. If, on the other hand, you lived in a dangerous community where people are being beaten or killed every day, (like South Chicago) a prudent person would not go out without being armed ..... in the interest of not only self defense, but self preservation.
Unfortunately, some threats are not so obvious and happen very slowly. These slow threats are imperceptible to the average individual such as the slow rise of tyranny. The slow rise of tyranny in America has happened over the last century with the birth of the Progressive movement in the early part of the 20th Century. What usually transpires at the end of tyranny's slow rise, is a rapid increase in tyranny after the perpetrators have indoctrinated the population through propaganda, myth, distortions of the truth and bold faced lies. The tragedy is, the willing and the unwilling slaves of the Progressive movement get to vote and when they are in the majority, they can control the entire country with their vote.
So why the rising American gun culture? Because millions of free Americans are rightly concerned about the liberal's blatant and overt attempt to take over America by Executive Orders, bureaucratic directives, dictatorial fiat and bullying the opposition, not unlike what President Morsi has done in Egypt for the Muslim Brotherhood, wherein he declared himself dictator.
If the U. S. Congress capitulates to the Progressives, as the Roman Senate did to the Emperor of Rome about the time of Christ, the American Constitutional Republic will morph into the American Empire under a liberal "Emperor" as the 500-year Roman Republic morphed into the 400-year Roman Empire. History tells us Rome collapsed for much the same reasons that America will collapse under Progressivism.
That gun sales are increasing rapidly cannot be denied when reading excerpts from various news sources:
"Right after Obama's re-election, as the Dow Jones plummeted more than 300 points, Smith and Wesson Stock jumped 10.8% and the stock is now over double what it was at the beginning of the year." (Note that the Dow Jones Average soared when Trump was elected)
"Gun-related violent crime in Virginia has dropped steadily over the past six years as the sale of firearms has soared to a new record, according to an analysis of state crime data with state records of gun sales." (NOTE: in England and Australia, where the government took the people's guns away, the opposite is true. You can go to jail if you even own a gun.)
"Gun buyers swamped retailers nationwide prompting a record 16.4 million instant criminal background checks of potential owners."
"In October 2012 the number of background checks on people applying to buy guns, an indicator of future sales, increased by 18.4 per cent. There was a similar jump when President Obama was first elected in 2008. A total of 12.7 million background checks were carried out that year, up from 11.2 million the year before, and the number has been rising since then."
"Black Friday, Nov. 25, 2011, saw a record for the most background checks in a single day --129,166. Black Friday, Nov. 23, 2012 background checks were 154,873 up 19.9% from 2011."
"In the first 3 1/2 years of the Bush administration, the FBI conducted about 28 million background checks. During the same period of the Obama administration, the FBI conducted more than 50 million."
Gun sales are still rising today and AR-15's are going out the door like candy.
It was clear that James Madison knew how Republics turned into empires and he eloquently delineated what happens to a population that isn't armed in the Federalist Paper No. 46, an excerpt of which appears at the beginning of this column. Madison also drew attention to the power of subordinate governments that exist in the U. S. System, wherein the 50 states have the power to hold the federal government in check by legally and firmly resisting its actions.
"But were the people to possess the additional advantages of local governments chosen by themselves, who could collect the national will and direct the national force, and of officers appointed out of the militia, by these governments, and attached both to them and to the militia, it may be affirmed with the greatest assurance, that the throne of every tyranny in Europe would be speedily overturned in spite of the legions which surround it."
Ladies and gentlemen, there should be no surprise that millions of Americans are arming themselves, because the blood of patriots still surges through their veins and they have no intentions of giving up their freedom to the dictates of socialist Progressives, or any other tyrant that happens on the scene. We applaud the spine and courage of those millions for they are the willing and brave soldiers of this nation's ultimate liberty.
We predict that as liberals tighten the reins on their grip on power, if we let them, gun purchases will accelerate in preparation for the inevitable fight between the free people of America and the government, to secure not only the people's survival, but the very survival of freedom itself. Not only will gun purchases accelerate, but so too will the resistance to government actions, where conflicts between the two sides will frequently erupt into violence.
If the U. S. House of Representatives does not show some spine and hold the line against the Democrat attempts to gain absolute power, our predictions of a violent conflict between the people and the government have a much greater chance of becoming a reality.
We won our freedom against foreign tyranny ….. with guns. Will we be forced to preserve our freedom against domestic tyranny with guns again? We hope not!
Ladies and gentlemen, the long, tortured, crooked trail on the way to freedom was full of twists and turns and steep slopes going up and dangerous slopes going down. For a while, the trail widened and straightened out a bit and we basked in the dawn and then the bright light of freedom. After over a century of in-attention, we are now headed down a perilous slope fraught with narrow ledges, washouts and potential landslides, with the death of our great nation haunting us at every step.
We'd like to hear your TAKE.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
A deranged NFL football player, possibly high on drugs, alcohol, steroids, narcissism, or too many bumps on the head from football skirmishes, pumps nine bullets into the mother of his 3-month old baby and then publicly commits suicide in front of his coach with a handgun. An out-of-his-skull idiot, doing an imitation of Batman's nemesis, the Joker, dons body armor and arms himself with an AR-15 and some handguns, open fires in a theater in Aurora, Colorado and kills and wounds dozens of people. An insane nut walks up to a Congresswoman and her aides with a handgun at a Mall in Tucson, AZ and kills six, including a little girl and a judge and wounds several more. An Army Officer walks into a room at Fort Hood, Texas and opens fire with a handgun and kills a dozen and wounds more, all the while crying "Allahu Akbar", ("God is Great" in Arabic). A deranged rich guy smuggles a bunch of AR-15's, bump stocks and hundreds of rounds of ammunition into a Las Vegas Hotel and kills 58 and injures hundreds more at a music festival. A crazy 19-year old walks into a school in Parkland Florida, kills 17 students and wounds more.
In each case, left-wing pundits, sports casters and politicians, drool all over themselves, crying out in righteous indignation that we need more gun control. They salivate at the chance to blame the Republicans and conservatives for the carnage. One sports caster, during a recent game, decries the rising gun culture in America. A Black man, ten cards short of a full deck, calls the NRA the new KKK. Really!
All of the cries for more gun control totally ignore three very important, factual issues.
1. No amount of gun control will stop insane people from doing insane things, or criminals doing criminal things, and
2. The U. S. Supreme Court has been very succinct about the absolute right of the Second Amendment, and
3. There are very solid reasons why the American people are buying guns in large numbers, the rise of tyranny..
No. 1: All of the examples we cite in the opening paragraph have one over-riding thing in common. Each perpetrator, it is safe to say, was out of his mind. It wasn't the gun that did the killing, it was the insane person pulling the trigger that did the killing. Yes, you can kill more people with a gun, but you can also kill people with poison, a knife, a baseball bat, a nuclear blast, or even a car and it happens every day. You can kill a lot of people with a car (or a truck) and explosives, as another nut did in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. But left-wing zealots aren't calling for more control on cars or trucks, or even baseball bats, are they?
No. 2: In two recent U. S. Supreme Court rulings brought to the court by gun rights advocates in Washington DC and Chicago, won their cases and the Court upheld the 2nd Amendment and struck down very restrictive gun control laws in those cities. Like Roe vs. Wade, the 2nd Amendment high-court decision is not about to be overturned, probably in this Century, unless liberals get in control and poison the Supreme Court with several liberal justices. Why the left continues to flog this "horse" borders on its own insanity, or perhaps their real goal is to disarm the population and render them impotent to the dictates of an Absolute Democrat Monarchy.
No. 3: The title of this column is "And Liberals Wonder Why Americans Are Buying More Guns."
Let's put it another way. If you knew that a mob of people were coming to beat you to within an inch of your life, you would, if you could and had the time, arm yourself in the interest of self defense. If, on the other hand, you lived in a dangerous community where people are being beaten or killed every day, (like South Chicago) a prudent person would not go out without being armed ..... in the interest of not only self defense, but self preservation.
Unfortunately, some threats are not so obvious and happen very slowly. These slow threats are imperceptible to the average individual such as the slow rise of tyranny. The slow rise of tyranny in America has happened over the last century with the birth of the Progressive movement in the early part of the 20th Century. What usually transpires at the end of tyranny's slow rise, is a rapid increase in tyranny after the perpetrators have indoctrinated the population through propaganda, myth, distortions of the truth and bold faced lies. The tragedy is, the willing and the unwilling slaves of the Progressive movement get to vote and when they are in the majority, they can control the entire country with their vote.
So why the rising American gun culture? Because millions of free Americans are rightly concerned about the liberal's blatant and overt attempt to take over America by Executive Orders, bureaucratic directives, dictatorial fiat and bullying the opposition, not unlike what President Morsi has done in Egypt for the Muslim Brotherhood, wherein he declared himself dictator.
If the U. S. Congress capitulates to the Progressives, as the Roman Senate did to the Emperor of Rome about the time of Christ, the American Constitutional Republic will morph into the American Empire under a liberal "Emperor" as the 500-year Roman Republic morphed into the 400-year Roman Empire. History tells us Rome collapsed for much the same reasons that America will collapse under Progressivism.
That gun sales are increasing rapidly cannot be denied when reading excerpts from various news sources:
"Right after Obama's re-election, as the Dow Jones plummeted more than 300 points, Smith and Wesson Stock jumped 10.8% and the stock is now over double what it was at the beginning of the year." (Note that the Dow Jones Average soared when Trump was elected)
"Gun-related violent crime in Virginia has dropped steadily over the past six years as the sale of firearms has soared to a new record, according to an analysis of state crime data with state records of gun sales." (NOTE: in England and Australia, where the government took the people's guns away, the opposite is true. You can go to jail if you even own a gun.)
"Gun buyers swamped retailers nationwide prompting a record 16.4 million instant criminal background checks of potential owners."
"In October 2012 the number of background checks on people applying to buy guns, an indicator of future sales, increased by 18.4 per cent. There was a similar jump when President Obama was first elected in 2008. A total of 12.7 million background checks were carried out that year, up from 11.2 million the year before, and the number has been rising since then."
"Black Friday, Nov. 25, 2011, saw a record for the most background checks in a single day --129,166. Black Friday, Nov. 23, 2012 background checks were 154,873 up 19.9% from 2011."
"In the first 3 1/2 years of the Bush administration, the FBI conducted about 28 million background checks. During the same period of the Obama administration, the FBI conducted more than 50 million."
Gun sales are still rising today and AR-15's are going out the door like candy.
It was clear that James Madison knew how Republics turned into empires and he eloquently delineated what happens to a population that isn't armed in the Federalist Paper No. 46, an excerpt of which appears at the beginning of this column. Madison also drew attention to the power of subordinate governments that exist in the U. S. System, wherein the 50 states have the power to hold the federal government in check by legally and firmly resisting its actions.
"But were the people to possess the additional advantages of local governments chosen by themselves, who could collect the national will and direct the national force, and of officers appointed out of the militia, by these governments, and attached both to them and to the militia, it may be affirmed with the greatest assurance, that the throne of every tyranny in Europe would be speedily overturned in spite of the legions which surround it."
Ladies and gentlemen, there should be no surprise that millions of Americans are arming themselves, because the blood of patriots still surges through their veins and they have no intentions of giving up their freedom to the dictates of socialist Progressives, or any other tyrant that happens on the scene. We applaud the spine and courage of those millions for they are the willing and brave soldiers of this nation's ultimate liberty.
We predict that as liberals tighten the reins on their grip on power, if we let them, gun purchases will accelerate in preparation for the inevitable fight between the free people of America and the government, to secure not only the people's survival, but the very survival of freedom itself. Not only will gun purchases accelerate, but so too will the resistance to government actions, where conflicts between the two sides will frequently erupt into violence.
If the U. S. House of Representatives does not show some spine and hold the line against the Democrat attempts to gain absolute power, our predictions of a violent conflict between the people and the government have a much greater chance of becoming a reality.
We won our freedom against foreign tyranny ….. with guns. Will we be forced to preserve our freedom against domestic tyranny with guns again? We hope not!
Ladies and gentlemen, the long, tortured, crooked trail on the way to freedom was full of twists and turns and steep slopes going up and dangerous slopes going down. For a while, the trail widened and straightened out a bit and we basked in the dawn and then the bright light of freedom. After over a century of in-attention, we are now headed down a perilous slope fraught with narrow ledges, washouts and potential landslides, with the death of our great nation haunting us at every step.
We'd like to hear your TAKE.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"America Is Doing Great. Not To Worry"
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President
National Association of Rural Landowners (www.narlo.org)
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues for over 11 years
© Copyright Sunday, April 1, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
Life is good in America. The economy is humming along at a brisk pace. Millions of Americans have jobs, money in their pockets and in their bank accounts. People live in nice homes, drive expensive cars and take enjoyable vacations. Those other problems don't matter. Food is plentiful, gas is relatively cheap and there are thousands of ways to be entertained. Certainly, in light of the good times, there is no need to worry about those other problems.
Most of our civil rights are still intact. We have free speech, well sort of, unless you are on a college campus where liberal thought and speech reign, or you are a member of the alleged "free" press. We mostly have freedom of religion. We can assemble peaceably and seek redress from government without being arrested, even though government doesn't listen. The print and electronic news media provides ample news for us to chew on and determine for ourselves if what they are providing is factual. Media bias and those other issues don't matter.
The 2nd Amendment, giving the right of every person to own firearms, is still in force. But the Democrats are doing everything in their power to erode that right. The United Nations, to which America is a member, has issued policy statements stating that all firearms must be removed from the masses. England and Australia, both Western Democracies, complied with the UN policies and confiscated the people's firearms by force. When will America follow suit? If it weren't for the NRA the Democrats would have gotten their way long ago.
No, America's military or national guard have not taken up residence in a person's home (the 3rd Amendment) ..... yet, but heavily armed SWAT teams have invaded the wrong person's home on way too many occasions.
We are relatively free from illegal search and seizures, (4th Amendment) unless of course a person violates one of the ten "gillion" laws and bureaucratic rules the government has passed. Then there is the civil forfeiture rule that allows government to legally steal. Further, government is now getting criminal warrants for land use and environmental violations, where before these were civil violations. As we have seen, criminal warrants are very easy to obtain. Just ask the DOJ, the CIA, the DNI, the FBI, Andy McCabe, James Comey and Carter Page.
The 5th Amendment provides for just compensation if the government TAKES a person's property. But pursuant to a U. S. Supreme Court decision, the government can TAKE up to 95% of a person's property before a TAKING has occurred for which just compensation must be paid. The 5th Amendment also preserves the right of a person not to incriminate him or her self, but that doesn't apply to IRS income tax returns, where a person waives his or her right to 5th Amendment protection by signing the perjury statement on IRS Form 1040 when there is no way a taxpayer can be sure that his or her tax return is accurate, with over 70,000 pages of IRS rules.
Then of course each person has a right to a speedy trial under the 6th Amendment, except that a speedy trial now means two years or more before your case can come to trial while you rot in jail even if you are innocent. We suppose that in some minds, especially attorneys that make $300 to $600 an hour, two years could be considered a speedy trial.
Under the 7th Amendment the right of a jury trial shall be preserved but unfortunately that doesn't apply to fines and penalties levied by the Internal Revenue Service. In place of a jury trial Americans get the Kangaroo Tax Court, or just illegal seizures of money and property under "color of law."
Of course the government is limited in what fines they can impose under the 8th Amendment wherein it states that "excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor shall cruel and unusual punishments inflicted." The fact that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is authorized to fine a property owner up to $37,500 per day if the landowner does not comply with the Clean Water Act, probably isn't considered an "excessive fine" in the minds of high-paid government bureaucrats.
Now the 9th and 10th Amendments are still sitting there in the U. S. Constitution, but have little meaning any more as the federal government buys states off with their own money to get them to capitulate to federal demands.
Now all those other pesky little problems don't really matter, do they?
A majority of the American people don't think it matters or cares that the nation is over $20 Trillion in debt and rising rapidly. The Congress just passed a $1.3 Trillion spending bill with both Republicans and Democrats voting for it, without any offset in spending. Add that to the national debt for your children and grandchildren to pay.
It doesn't matter to most Americans that millions of illegal aliens have invaded America, both peaceful and criminal, and they suck up billions of dollars from productive Americans for their subsistence, while they protest in the streets for rights they don't have. It doesn't matter that some states and cities have declared themselves sanctuary cities and states and purposely ignore federal immigration law and enforcement. It doesn't matter that these same illegal alien criminals come back into America multiple times after being deported and commit heinous crimes against lawful Americans ..... you know, like Kate Steinle of San Francisco.
It doesn't matter that the Federal Government nationalized the entire American Health Care system and sent it reeling into chaos, where a political fix is now impossible, as the Republicans just found out. Your Democrat representatives gave you Obama Care. Isn't representative government just grand? Your representatives, both Democrat and Republican, are spending you into oblivion, while you do what ..........?
It doesn't matter that huge percentages of American children don't have biological fathers in their homes any more because of government subsidized welfare benefits that make a mother lose her benefits if she gets married. Over 70% of black children are born out of wedlock and grow up without fathers. That is a cultural nightmare of a huge magnitude and results in rising dysfunctional families, drugs, crime, incarcerations and billions of dollars in public expenditures. But then, so what? We're a rich country.
It doesn't really matter that environmental protections laws have all but eliminated private property rights in America. It doesn't matter that UN's Agenda 21 policies of smart growth and sustainable development includes crammed-in-together high-rise apartments with shopping and businesses in the same building on rapid transit routes. This is so people can walk or take their bicycles to work and GET OUT OF THEIR CARS. Government and environmentalists hate cars. But cars were the next order of freedom of movement after the horse that Americans crave but government and environmentalists don't want us in our cars and are doing everything in their power to limit that freedom.
It doesn't matter that we have to pay for very expensive rapid transit that only transports a fraction of the population. Meanwhile, roads and bridges are crumbling beneath the tires of our trucks and cars.
It doesn't matter that we are being forced into high-dense communities containing houses with no yards and no place for the kids to play. All this is a national and international drive to put more and more people in higher and higher densities where they can be more easily controlled by government and vote for liberals for more social programs. All rural areas are off limits. They are only for animals, plants and trees.
After all, why should it matter that our entire judicial system has been co-opted behind our backs in favor of admiralty/commercial law (Uniform Commercial Code - UCC) instead of constitutional common law. How did that happen?
It doesn't matter that our public schools and colleges have become government institutions of socialist and environmental brainwashing and indoctrination. Why do you suppose that government wants to set up government-run pre-schools? It's not to help parents. It is so they can start brainwashing American children at a very early age when they are most vulnerable, in order to make them compliant little government robots.
It doesn't matter that the IRS is totally out of control and has become a political weapon for certain Administrations that illegally use the IRS to squelch or penalize conservative speech. Hey, that's just politics.
It doesn't matter that the nuclear family is breaking down. Sadly, what that means for the entire American culture is dire indeed.
And it doesn't seem to matter that millions of Americans (mostly between the ages of 16 and 45) are compelled by some evil force to get them high on drugs or alcohol. They are over-dosing at unprecedented and increasing rates. Maybe that is nature's way of population thinning.
Yes, life is good in America. So why should anyone worry about all those other pesky little problems?
It follows that if none of these problems matter and too few care, nothing will change. If nothing will change the problems will only get worse and they are. Rush Limbaugh has talked a lot on radio for 30 years, but he hasn't made a difference. Sean Hannity (Fox News) does what he can but nothing changes. The news media is a lost cause.
After over 12 years of failing to get people involved in making a difference and taking into account that the lion's share of the votes rest in the urban liberal camp, nothing of substance will change without a natural, or man-made drastic event.
Without intervention, the fate of America is pre-ordained. The unalienable rights of the Constitution will become meaningless. Individual freedom will be replaced by the priority of the collective. America will continue to spend money it doesn't have, for votes, until America becomes a third-world broke banana republic beset with hyperinflation. The resistance against one-world-order will diminish to the point where America WILL BE merged into World Government because "them's with the gold" rule and the masses don't own the gold.
Remember? FDR took the gold away from the people in 1933, which meant that every single American dollar is not an asset with value but a debt with an obligation. Americans are on the hook for that obligation that they had no choice in approving. Nor are the masses sovereign any more as they were intended to be.
If you think what we have described here is doom and gloom without substance, you aren't reading the tealeaves and your head is planted firmly in the sand. It is very likely the Democrats will take one or both Houses of Congress in November of 2018. Not that it would make any difference since both parties are the same.
Just look at the millions of "kids" that turned out all around America for more gun control last weekend. What they really want is the repeal of the 2nd Amendment. Where are the armed freedom fighters turning out by the millions for freedom? No where!
The hard fact is, no one is going to do anything about all these other pesky little problems until such time the only solution will be a violent one and the "shot heard round the world" will ring in our ears once more in a repeat of 1775. But this time the outcome will not be a re-birth of freedom. It instead will be a forceful subjugation of the planet's masses dancing to a slave chant, written, produced and directed by "them's with the gold."
Let us know if you DISAGREE.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Most of our civil rights are still intact. We have free speech, well sort of, unless you are on a college campus where liberal thought and speech reign, or you are a member of the alleged "free" press. We mostly have freedom of religion. We can assemble peaceably and seek redress from government without being arrested, even though government doesn't listen. The print and electronic news media provides ample news for us to chew on and determine for ourselves if what they are providing is factual. Media bias and those other issues don't matter.
The 2nd Amendment, giving the right of every person to own firearms, is still in force. But the Democrats are doing everything in their power to erode that right. The United Nations, to which America is a member, has issued policy statements stating that all firearms must be removed from the masses. England and Australia, both Western Democracies, complied with the UN policies and confiscated the people's firearms by force. When will America follow suit? If it weren't for the NRA the Democrats would have gotten their way long ago.
No, America's military or national guard have not taken up residence in a person's home (the 3rd Amendment) ..... yet, but heavily armed SWAT teams have invaded the wrong person's home on way too many occasions.
We are relatively free from illegal search and seizures, (4th Amendment) unless of course a person violates one of the ten "gillion" laws and bureaucratic rules the government has passed. Then there is the civil forfeiture rule that allows government to legally steal. Further, government is now getting criminal warrants for land use and environmental violations, where before these were civil violations. As we have seen, criminal warrants are very easy to obtain. Just ask the DOJ, the CIA, the DNI, the FBI, Andy McCabe, James Comey and Carter Page.
The 5th Amendment provides for just compensation if the government TAKES a person's property. But pursuant to a U. S. Supreme Court decision, the government can TAKE up to 95% of a person's property before a TAKING has occurred for which just compensation must be paid. The 5th Amendment also preserves the right of a person not to incriminate him or her self, but that doesn't apply to IRS income tax returns, where a person waives his or her right to 5th Amendment protection by signing the perjury statement on IRS Form 1040 when there is no way a taxpayer can be sure that his or her tax return is accurate, with over 70,000 pages of IRS rules.
Then of course each person has a right to a speedy trial under the 6th Amendment, except that a speedy trial now means two years or more before your case can come to trial while you rot in jail even if you are innocent. We suppose that in some minds, especially attorneys that make $300 to $600 an hour, two years could be considered a speedy trial.
Under the 7th Amendment the right of a jury trial shall be preserved but unfortunately that doesn't apply to fines and penalties levied by the Internal Revenue Service. In place of a jury trial Americans get the Kangaroo Tax Court, or just illegal seizures of money and property under "color of law."
Of course the government is limited in what fines they can impose under the 8th Amendment wherein it states that "excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor shall cruel and unusual punishments inflicted." The fact that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is authorized to fine a property owner up to $37,500 per day if the landowner does not comply with the Clean Water Act, probably isn't considered an "excessive fine" in the minds of high-paid government bureaucrats.
Now the 9th and 10th Amendments are still sitting there in the U. S. Constitution, but have little meaning any more as the federal government buys states off with their own money to get them to capitulate to federal demands.
Now all those other pesky little problems don't really matter, do they?
A majority of the American people don't think it matters or cares that the nation is over $20 Trillion in debt and rising rapidly. The Congress just passed a $1.3 Trillion spending bill with both Republicans and Democrats voting for it, without any offset in spending. Add that to the national debt for your children and grandchildren to pay.
It doesn't matter to most Americans that millions of illegal aliens have invaded America, both peaceful and criminal, and they suck up billions of dollars from productive Americans for their subsistence, while they protest in the streets for rights they don't have. It doesn't matter that some states and cities have declared themselves sanctuary cities and states and purposely ignore federal immigration law and enforcement. It doesn't matter that these same illegal alien criminals come back into America multiple times after being deported and commit heinous crimes against lawful Americans ..... you know, like Kate Steinle of San Francisco.
It doesn't matter that the Federal Government nationalized the entire American Health Care system and sent it reeling into chaos, where a political fix is now impossible, as the Republicans just found out. Your Democrat representatives gave you Obama Care. Isn't representative government just grand? Your representatives, both Democrat and Republican, are spending you into oblivion, while you do what ..........?
It doesn't matter that huge percentages of American children don't have biological fathers in their homes any more because of government subsidized welfare benefits that make a mother lose her benefits if she gets married. Over 70% of black children are born out of wedlock and grow up without fathers. That is a cultural nightmare of a huge magnitude and results in rising dysfunctional families, drugs, crime, incarcerations and billions of dollars in public expenditures. But then, so what? We're a rich country.
It doesn't really matter that environmental protections laws have all but eliminated private property rights in America. It doesn't matter that UN's Agenda 21 policies of smart growth and sustainable development includes crammed-in-together high-rise apartments with shopping and businesses in the same building on rapid transit routes. This is so people can walk or take their bicycles to work and GET OUT OF THEIR CARS. Government and environmentalists hate cars. But cars were the next order of freedom of movement after the horse that Americans crave but government and environmentalists don't want us in our cars and are doing everything in their power to limit that freedom.
It doesn't matter that we have to pay for very expensive rapid transit that only transports a fraction of the population. Meanwhile, roads and bridges are crumbling beneath the tires of our trucks and cars.
It doesn't matter that we are being forced into high-dense communities containing houses with no yards and no place for the kids to play. All this is a national and international drive to put more and more people in higher and higher densities where they can be more easily controlled by government and vote for liberals for more social programs. All rural areas are off limits. They are only for animals, plants and trees.
After all, why should it matter that our entire judicial system has been co-opted behind our backs in favor of admiralty/commercial law (Uniform Commercial Code - UCC) instead of constitutional common law. How did that happen?
It doesn't matter that our public schools and colleges have become government institutions of socialist and environmental brainwashing and indoctrination. Why do you suppose that government wants to set up government-run pre-schools? It's not to help parents. It is so they can start brainwashing American children at a very early age when they are most vulnerable, in order to make them compliant little government robots.
It doesn't matter that the IRS is totally out of control and has become a political weapon for certain Administrations that illegally use the IRS to squelch or penalize conservative speech. Hey, that's just politics.
It doesn't matter that the nuclear family is breaking down. Sadly, what that means for the entire American culture is dire indeed.
And it doesn't seem to matter that millions of Americans (mostly between the ages of 16 and 45) are compelled by some evil force to get them high on drugs or alcohol. They are over-dosing at unprecedented and increasing rates. Maybe that is nature's way of population thinning.
Yes, life is good in America. So why should anyone worry about all those other pesky little problems?
It follows that if none of these problems matter and too few care, nothing will change. If nothing will change the problems will only get worse and they are. Rush Limbaugh has talked a lot on radio for 30 years, but he hasn't made a difference. Sean Hannity (Fox News) does what he can but nothing changes. The news media is a lost cause.
After over 12 years of failing to get people involved in making a difference and taking into account that the lion's share of the votes rest in the urban liberal camp, nothing of substance will change without a natural, or man-made drastic event.
Without intervention, the fate of America is pre-ordained. The unalienable rights of the Constitution will become meaningless. Individual freedom will be replaced by the priority of the collective. America will continue to spend money it doesn't have, for votes, until America becomes a third-world broke banana republic beset with hyperinflation. The resistance against one-world-order will diminish to the point where America WILL BE merged into World Government because "them's with the gold" rule and the masses don't own the gold.
Remember? FDR took the gold away from the people in 1933, which meant that every single American dollar is not an asset with value but a debt with an obligation. Americans are on the hook for that obligation that they had no choice in approving. Nor are the masses sovereign any more as they were intended to be.
If you think what we have described here is doom and gloom without substance, you aren't reading the tealeaves and your head is planted firmly in the sand. It is very likely the Democrats will take one or both Houses of Congress in November of 2018. Not that it would make any difference since both parties are the same.
Just look at the millions of "kids" that turned out all around America for more gun control last weekend. What they really want is the repeal of the 2nd Amendment. Where are the armed freedom fighters turning out by the millions for freedom? No where!
The hard fact is, no one is going to do anything about all these other pesky little problems until such time the only solution will be a violent one and the "shot heard round the world" will ring in our ears once more in a repeat of 1775. But this time the outcome will not be a re-birth of freedom. It instead will be a forceful subjugation of the planet's masses dancing to a slave chant, written, produced and directed by "them's with the gold."
Let us know if you DISAGREE.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Can A Sign Revoke Government's Implied License To Trespass?”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, March 18, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
For decades, government's power, at every level, has increased exponentially to the point where the people are no longer sovereign. They are but hapless "victims" of a centralized government whose constitutional limits were breached beginning as far back as the Civil War. The people of America, thanks to the 14th Amendment, are now just "citizens UNDER THE JURISDICTION THEREOF of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." It was supposed to be that the United States and the State wherein we reside were under the JURISDICTION of WE THE PEOPLE, not the other way around.
Then along came the 16th Amendment (1913), which made those "citizens under the jurisdiction thereof" human collateral for the nation's debt. Without knowing it the people were forced to pledge the taxes from their entire life's income to the government. In the 1930's FDR sealed the deal by making each individual's Social Security number the loan number for that debt. At that time, the people of America ceased being sovereign with individual and unalienable rights. Some of you may remember when Social Security was supposed to be voluntary. It is no longer. Some may remember when Social Security benefits weren't taxed. They are now. Government's growing power has increased dramatically in the intervening years, while the people sat on their hands and did nothing.
Since the 1930's under FDR and subsequent presidents, the U. S. Congress and the U. S. Supreme Court have aided and abetted the slow slide from individual sovereigns to serfs of a powerful, centralized government. The U. S. Supreme Court has handed down decisions that significantly expanded the police powers of local, state and the federal government. In the 1920's the U. S. Supreme Court, by legislating from the bench, decreed that state and local jurisdictions could pass zoning laws. The decision was just another government erosion of property rights.
In another decision the U. S. Supreme Court determined that before a government TAKING could occur in which 5th Amendment "just compensation" would have to be paid, the government could take up to 95% of an owner's property, or the right of use of an owner's property. When environmental protection laws were passed in the early 1970's it meant that the government could stop a landowner from using up to 95% of his or her property for environmental reasons before government would have to pay. Government might just as well confiscate all of a person's property, since 95% is essentially all of a person' property. Even though you lose the right of use of your property from government action, you still have to pay property taxes for the entire property. The elimination of property rights continued un-abated by Congress and the High Court in coming years.
Originally, the intent of the Founding Fathers was that property ownership was to be virtually sovereign title and government could not interfere or subvert that title. The right to own and use your property, without interference from government, was the foundation from which all other natural rights sprung. It was and is called allodial title. Again, the government came along and silently and seriously diluted allodial title by converting all title deeds to Statutory Warranty Deeds.
Here is a legal definition of property rights and property ownership, as drafted by a State Supreme Court Justice.
"Property in a thing consists not merely in its ownership and possession, but in the unrestricted right of use, enjoyment, and disposal. Anything which destroys any of the elements of property, to that extent, destroys the property itself. The substantial value of property lies in its use. If the right of use be denied, the value of the property is annihilated and ownership is rendered a barren right." (See Ackerman v. Port of Seattle, 55 Wn.2d 400, 409, 348 P.2d 664 (1960) (quoting from Spann v. City of Dallas, 111 Tex. 350, 355, 235 S.W. 513, 19 A.L.R. 1387 (1921))).
"While it is up to each state to define property for itself, the right to use one's property has been universally understood to be a fundamental attribute of real property ownership. Compare Eaton v. Boston, C. and M.R.R., 51 N.H. 504, 511-512 (1872) ("the framers of the Constitution intended to protect property rights which are worth protecting; not mere empty titles . . . among those elements is, fundamentally, the right of use . . . ") and Lord Coke wrote that: "to deprive one of the use of his land is depriving him of his land. What is the land but the profits thereof?" (See also John M. Groen and Richard M. Stephens, Takings Law, Lucas, and the Growth Management Act, 16 U. Puget Sound L. Rev. 1259, at 1266, 1295 (Spring 1993))."
Even a layman can understand that when "use" is severely restricted or taken, ownership becomes a barren right. If property ownership is a "barren" right, then private citizens have no right to own property. If a private citizen has no right to own property, then it follows that Government "owns" all property and in fact it does. Just try not paying your property taxes and the government will TAKE your property. Allodial property rights are no more.
Many in government and the environmental community actually believe that government should own all property and would like to see this to be the final outcome of private property in America today, the Constitution be damned. The United Nations believes and has stated in a policy pronouncement that the environmental value of property is too high to allow private individuals to own property and only government should own property. (We cover much about American property rights on our web page HERE.)
But one of the other basic pillars of property ownership in America is the right to exclude anyone from coming on your property and that means anyone, including government agents and law enforcement. That right to exclude was codified into law in the following precedent:
"A property owner's right to exclude extends to private individuals as well as the government". See United States v. Lyons, 992 F.2d 1029, 1031 (10th Cir. 1993) "The intruder who enters clothed in the robes of authority in broad daylight commits no less an invasion of [property] rights than if he sneaks in the night wearing a burglar's mask." Hendler v. United States, 952 F.2d 1364, 1375 (Fed. Cir. 1991).
Once again the U. S. Supreme Court decided, in its infinite wisdom, that government agents and law enforcement have an "Implied License" to come on your property at any time they feel like it and "knock on your door and talk" to you. This was called the "knock and talk" provisions of U. S. Supreme Court decisions in BREARD v. ALEXANDRIA, 341 U.S. 622 (1951) AND FLORIDA v. JARDINES, 133 S. CT. 1409 (2013). The property owner doesn't have to talk to the government agent or law enforcement officer, but nevertheless, government has a U. S. Supreme Court sanctioned right to TRESPASS on your property, whether you live in a big city, or the wild lands of flyover country. Consequently, the U. S. Supreme Court willy-nilly waived your right to EXCLUDE anyone from your property, in favor of a "Police State." This was another erosion of allodial title.
However, in 2016, a 10th Circuit Appeals Court took aim at the "knock and talk" law and provided a mechanism for landowners to REVOKE government's "Implied License" to TRESPASS on your property at any time.
For over 12 years the "National Association of Rural Landowners" has provided a very powerful, legally intimidating 18" x 24" copyrighted "No Trespassing sign" to landowners all over America. Over 7,000 of these larger signs have been installed on private property in every state. In our continuing search for stronger No Trespass language we kept looking for legal language that would revoke the government's "knock and talk" right to trespass on your land. Upon reading the not-well-known 2016 10th Circuit Court of Appeals decision, we found the legal authority to revoke government's right and incorporated that authority in a "Revocation of Implied License" and "Right to Exclude" companion 12" x 18" copyrighted No Trespass sign. Our two signs (large and small) are designed to work together, or separately, but they have more legal authority when installed together in accordance with the 10th Circuit Appeals Court decision. You won't find these two copyrighted signs available anywhere else.
NOTE: To meet the strict interpretation of the 10th Circuit Appeals Court case and to make the "Revocation of Implied License" No Trespass sign truly effective, there should be a sign at the entrance to the property and one sign on, or very near, the primary residence. Consequently, the minimum signage is two "Revocation of Implied License" No Trespass signs. We have made provisions on our web page to order one of our large 18" x 24" No Trespassing signs, together with two (2) of our "Revocation of Implied License" No Trespass signs to meet this requirement. All of our signs come with a very powerful sample Posting Notice letter that can be mailed to local authorities providing "constructive notice" of the No Trespassing sign posting. That letter includes the strong language and stiff trespass penalties from our "Revocation of Implied License" No Trespass sign.
America has evolved to the point that all government believes they have the absolute authority and right to trespass on your land at any time. Under the Constitution and precedent law they don't! Some state and local governments have tried to pass ordinances forcing the landowner to provide an easement so that government can trespass legally. We strongly advise against it or you will throw what little property rights you have left to the winds and find some nosy government agent looking in your bedroom window.
If you live in an apartment none of this has any meaning for you. However, if you are an urban or rural property owner, you owe it to yourself to investigate our two powerful No Trespassing signs to see if they are applicable to your situation. We have incorporated a link to the entire 10th Circuit Court of Appeals decision on our "Revocation of Implied License" web page so that you can see for yourself that the revocation of implied license authority granted in the decision is genuine.
If you have been the target of an unwanted visit by a government agent or law enforcement officer, you are going to want these No Trespassing signs. If you haven't had that experience, you will eventually and our powerful No Trespass signs could stop that visit.
You have a choice. Either protect your rights, or give them up all together.
If you have questions or comments, you can contact us HERE.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Then along came the 16th Amendment (1913), which made those "citizens under the jurisdiction thereof" human collateral for the nation's debt. Without knowing it the people were forced to pledge the taxes from their entire life's income to the government. In the 1930's FDR sealed the deal by making each individual's Social Security number the loan number for that debt. At that time, the people of America ceased being sovereign with individual and unalienable rights. Some of you may remember when Social Security was supposed to be voluntary. It is no longer. Some may remember when Social Security benefits weren't taxed. They are now. Government's growing power has increased dramatically in the intervening years, while the people sat on their hands and did nothing.
Since the 1930's under FDR and subsequent presidents, the U. S. Congress and the U. S. Supreme Court have aided and abetted the slow slide from individual sovereigns to serfs of a powerful, centralized government. The U. S. Supreme Court has handed down decisions that significantly expanded the police powers of local, state and the federal government. In the 1920's the U. S. Supreme Court, by legislating from the bench, decreed that state and local jurisdictions could pass zoning laws. The decision was just another government erosion of property rights.
In another decision the U. S. Supreme Court determined that before a government TAKING could occur in which 5th Amendment "just compensation" would have to be paid, the government could take up to 95% of an owner's property, or the right of use of an owner's property. When environmental protection laws were passed in the early 1970's it meant that the government could stop a landowner from using up to 95% of his or her property for environmental reasons before government would have to pay. Government might just as well confiscate all of a person's property, since 95% is essentially all of a person' property. Even though you lose the right of use of your property from government action, you still have to pay property taxes for the entire property. The elimination of property rights continued un-abated by Congress and the High Court in coming years.
Originally, the intent of the Founding Fathers was that property ownership was to be virtually sovereign title and government could not interfere or subvert that title. The right to own and use your property, without interference from government, was the foundation from which all other natural rights sprung. It was and is called allodial title. Again, the government came along and silently and seriously diluted allodial title by converting all title deeds to Statutory Warranty Deeds.
Here is a legal definition of property rights and property ownership, as drafted by a State Supreme Court Justice.
"Property in a thing consists not merely in its ownership and possession, but in the unrestricted right of use, enjoyment, and disposal. Anything which destroys any of the elements of property, to that extent, destroys the property itself. The substantial value of property lies in its use. If the right of use be denied, the value of the property is annihilated and ownership is rendered a barren right." (See Ackerman v. Port of Seattle, 55 Wn.2d 400, 409, 348 P.2d 664 (1960) (quoting from Spann v. City of Dallas, 111 Tex. 350, 355, 235 S.W. 513, 19 A.L.R. 1387 (1921))).
"While it is up to each state to define property for itself, the right to use one's property has been universally understood to be a fundamental attribute of real property ownership. Compare Eaton v. Boston, C. and M.R.R., 51 N.H. 504, 511-512 (1872) ("the framers of the Constitution intended to protect property rights which are worth protecting; not mere empty titles . . . among those elements is, fundamentally, the right of use . . . ") and Lord Coke wrote that: "to deprive one of the use of his land is depriving him of his land. What is the land but the profits thereof?" (See also John M. Groen and Richard M. Stephens, Takings Law, Lucas, and the Growth Management Act, 16 U. Puget Sound L. Rev. 1259, at 1266, 1295 (Spring 1993))."
Even a layman can understand that when "use" is severely restricted or taken, ownership becomes a barren right. If property ownership is a "barren" right, then private citizens have no right to own property. If a private citizen has no right to own property, then it follows that Government "owns" all property and in fact it does. Just try not paying your property taxes and the government will TAKE your property. Allodial property rights are no more.
Many in government and the environmental community actually believe that government should own all property and would like to see this to be the final outcome of private property in America today, the Constitution be damned. The United Nations believes and has stated in a policy pronouncement that the environmental value of property is too high to allow private individuals to own property and only government should own property. (We cover much about American property rights on our web page HERE.)
But one of the other basic pillars of property ownership in America is the right to exclude anyone from coming on your property and that means anyone, including government agents and law enforcement. That right to exclude was codified into law in the following precedent:
"A property owner's right to exclude extends to private individuals as well as the government". See United States v. Lyons, 992 F.2d 1029, 1031 (10th Cir. 1993) "The intruder who enters clothed in the robes of authority in broad daylight commits no less an invasion of [property] rights than if he sneaks in the night wearing a burglar's mask." Hendler v. United States, 952 F.2d 1364, 1375 (Fed. Cir. 1991).
Once again the U. S. Supreme Court decided, in its infinite wisdom, that government agents and law enforcement have an "Implied License" to come on your property at any time they feel like it and "knock on your door and talk" to you. This was called the "knock and talk" provisions of U. S. Supreme Court decisions in BREARD v. ALEXANDRIA, 341 U.S. 622 (1951) AND FLORIDA v. JARDINES, 133 S. CT. 1409 (2013). The property owner doesn't have to talk to the government agent or law enforcement officer, but nevertheless, government has a U. S. Supreme Court sanctioned right to TRESPASS on your property, whether you live in a big city, or the wild lands of flyover country. Consequently, the U. S. Supreme Court willy-nilly waived your right to EXCLUDE anyone from your property, in favor of a "Police State." This was another erosion of allodial title.
However, in 2016, a 10th Circuit Appeals Court took aim at the "knock and talk" law and provided a mechanism for landowners to REVOKE government's "Implied License" to TRESPASS on your property at any time.
For over 12 years the "National Association of Rural Landowners" has provided a very powerful, legally intimidating 18" x 24" copyrighted "No Trespassing sign" to landowners all over America. Over 7,000 of these larger signs have been installed on private property in every state. In our continuing search for stronger No Trespass language we kept looking for legal language that would revoke the government's "knock and talk" right to trespass on your land. Upon reading the not-well-known 2016 10th Circuit Court of Appeals decision, we found the legal authority to revoke government's right and incorporated that authority in a "Revocation of Implied License" and "Right to Exclude" companion 12" x 18" copyrighted No Trespass sign. Our two signs (large and small) are designed to work together, or separately, but they have more legal authority when installed together in accordance with the 10th Circuit Appeals Court decision. You won't find these two copyrighted signs available anywhere else.
NOTE: To meet the strict interpretation of the 10th Circuit Appeals Court case and to make the "Revocation of Implied License" No Trespass sign truly effective, there should be a sign at the entrance to the property and one sign on, or very near, the primary residence. Consequently, the minimum signage is two "Revocation of Implied License" No Trespass signs. We have made provisions on our web page to order one of our large 18" x 24" No Trespassing signs, together with two (2) of our "Revocation of Implied License" No Trespass signs to meet this requirement. All of our signs come with a very powerful sample Posting Notice letter that can be mailed to local authorities providing "constructive notice" of the No Trespassing sign posting. That letter includes the strong language and stiff trespass penalties from our "Revocation of Implied License" No Trespass sign.
America has evolved to the point that all government believes they have the absolute authority and right to trespass on your land at any time. Under the Constitution and precedent law they don't! Some state and local governments have tried to pass ordinances forcing the landowner to provide an easement so that government can trespass legally. We strongly advise against it or you will throw what little property rights you have left to the winds and find some nosy government agent looking in your bedroom window.
If you live in an apartment none of this has any meaning for you. However, if you are an urban or rural property owner, you owe it to yourself to investigate our two powerful No Trespassing signs to see if they are applicable to your situation. We have incorporated a link to the entire 10th Circuit Court of Appeals decision on our "Revocation of Implied License" web page so that you can see for yourself that the revocation of implied license authority granted in the decision is genuine.
If you have been the target of an unwanted visit by a government agent or law enforcement officer, you are going to want these No Trespassing signs. If you haven't had that experience, you will eventually and our powerful No Trespass signs could stop that visit.
You have a choice. Either protect your rights, or give them up all together.
If you have questions or comments, you can contact us HERE.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Mama, Your Child Is Going To Die”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, March 11, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
She knew the angels were near when Jessica, with a tear in her eye, looked down at little Billy. She instinctively knew there wasn't much she could do to save him. Billy's once unblemished face was now mottled with scaly lesions. His eyes were closed. His breathing was shallow and every now and then a shudder would rattle through his frail body. The doctors had given up and sent little Billy home to die.
Inside, Jessica trembled with fear. Her lovely child was near death and she felt all alone and helpless. Tom, Jessica's husband, was no help. He was angry and moped around the house shaking his fist at the wall and yelling, "how could this be happening to my son? What did we do wrong to deserve this punishment and anguish? What could we have done different to prevent little Billy from becoming sick and near death?"
Little Billy wasn't always a sickly child. He came into this world full of life, with fire in his eyes, goodness in his heart and a zest for life. His cheeks were rosy and his laugh and smile made everyone around him feel good. They would involuntarily smile when Billy smiled and laugh whenever Billy laughed. It was a happy time.
Many who saw little Billy knew there was something special about him but they couldn't quite put their finger on it. They knew he was different and unique but didn't know why. It was if Billy's new life brought light to the darkness and opened a door into a sunlit world where peace, harmony, strength and freedom could rein again on a troubled planet.
At first, Jessica and Tom beamed with joy. They couldn't wait to tell everyone the news about little Billy and how uncommonly delightful he was. The news of his birth and his uniqueness spread far and wide. People traveled many miles to see little Billy, as if he was the magnet and they were the paper clip. Jessica and Tom had brought this beautiful child into the world that seemed to be the promise of all things good, wholesome and true.
Sadly, Jessica and Tom couldn't know that serious trouble lurked menacingly in their future, where their lives would be shattered and little Billy would be brought to the brink of death.
As Jessica and Tom basked in the joy of their beautiful newborn child, things began to change. Outside forces were at work to unsettle and disrupt their happy home and their loving attention to little Billy. The couple started moving in the fast lane with lots of late-night parties. Entertainment became more important to them than caring for their precious child.
Both were well educated and had high paying professional jobs, which required much time away from home. Rotating baby sitters became a way of life, depriving little Billy of the loving care of his own parents. Billy was being biologically deprived, with tragic consequences.
Jessica and Tom had lots of money but lots of money led to massive spending. Credit cards were maxed out. Second loans on their beautiful home were taken out to pay for their growing appetite for constant entertainment and new possessions.
Heated arguments over money, possessions, drinking, debt, politics and sex became more frequent. Their marriage was coming apart at the seams and they were very near bankruptcy. The only thing that kept them afloat was more borrowing. But as everyone instinctively knows, borrowing beyond the ability to pay the debt, ends in disaster.
When Jessica and Tom argued at home, little Billy would cry uncontrollably. They had trouble settling him down. Eventually, little Billy grew irritable and cranky. He wouldn't eat and threw up regularly. He would get little fevers and colds that seemed to linger longer than they should. Sometimes blemishes would appear on his body and then would go away. But the blemishes always returned.
Jessica took little Billy to the doctor, but the doctor couldn't figure out what was physically wrong with him. None of the tests could pinpoint a specific disease or diseases and no treatments seemed to work, as little Billy grew steadily worse.
Jessica and Tom tried family counseling. The counseling would work for a while but then the arguments would start all over again as pressures and debts mounted. Their lives were tumbling out of control and little Billy was getting the brunt of it. Billy, now devoid of love and nurturing, was paying the price for his parent's anger, neglect, inattention and apathy.
As Jessica looked lovingly down at her dying son, more tears streamed down her face and deep sobs racked her whole body. She tried to remember when it all started going wrong but her life with Tom seemed locked in the grip of a foggy mirage. Bad memory after bad memory rolled over and over in her mind as if to punish her and Tom for their selfishness. How could they have been so stupid as to ignore the most precious thing in their life? How did they let money, entertainment and self-indulgent behavior rob them of their responsibility to take care of the one they loved so much? How could they have let their need for self-gratification snuff the life out of little Billy's promise of peace, harmony, strength and freedom?
Tears stained her cheeks as she shook with more sobs. She looked at little Billy again and again and then, in a burst of self-recrimination, screamed to her self, "Your child is going to die and you killed him!"
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Ladies and gentlemen, it should be obvious to the reader that this fictional story was to bring a special emphasis on America's dire condition. Metaphorically, America has visible lesions on her face. Her breathing is shallow and frequent shudders are shaking her very soul. On the surface, those in power will say that America is healthy, robust, energetic and proud and it appears to be. But the truth belies the perception. Thanks to a slight temporary shift in our political world, our economy is coming back. People are getting jobs. Companies are growing, money is more available and markets are strong. But all this alleged good news ignores what is going on behind the scenes. You are not being told that the crumbling foundation of freedom upon which we stand, has irreparable cracks in it and that foundation is now perched precariously on the shifting sands of apathy, neglect and a seriously flawed ideology.
Of course, most Americans won't believe us. Several generations, including the current crop of parents and their children, have grown up in a world totally foreign to the one designed by the Founding Fathers and consider the Constitution and the foundation of freedom as passé and out of date, thanks to this seriously flawed ideology.
We have become as puppets on a string that dance to a hidden oligarch's drummer and we are not even aware of it. We are no longer individual sovereigns. We have become compliant, robot-like, 14th Amendment "citizen subjects" of government. This isn't fake news this is reality.
The costs to fix all of America's ills have risen into the millions of dollars per second, if there even is a fix. Nevertheless, if we do nothing, America's future can only end in one of three alternatives: revolution or civil war; merged into the one-world-order; or becoming a third-world socialist dictatorship.
Because of our self-indulgence, inattention and apathy, because of our divisions and arguing amongst our selves, our American culture and our "child" and flag of freedom are dying before our eyes. There appears to be no cure because the idea of individual sovereignty and freedom is dying. Collectivism has taken its place.
Every American should be yelling, "... how could this be happening to my country? What could we have done different to prevent America from becoming sick and near death?" But they aren't. They are yelling, "we won't more from government!"
Life is good in America, isn't it? Why rock the boat? We can ignore all this other unimportant "stuff" ..... or can we?
Throughout history, as kings, dictators and oligarchs tightened the strings of power, the people have always looked the other way out of fear or apathy. Because they have looked the other way, the world has had to endure, at great cost, the likes of Alexander the Great, Attila the Hun, the Ottoman Empire, the Crusades, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, radical Islam, the Mullahs of Iran, the Kim Jong family of North Korea and for the last 100 plus years, the Democrat Progressive ideology that threatens to erase forever American freedom, liberty and sovereignty.
The list of Kings, dictators, despots and oligarchs is long and bloody, while human atrocities have mounted to staggering proportions. Man has killed himself many times more than what Mother Nature has thrown at man in the 6,000 years of human civilization. In every case, the masses looked the other way as the one man or the few men rose to absolute power. History is repeating itself once again and the masses are still looking the other way. American freedom is sick and near death and the American people are unconsciously killing it!
It boils down to a situation where everyone knows what the problems are, but no one knows how or wants to fix it, because to fix it would take a massive effort of millions of united Americans who are willing to lay it all on the line and put their money where their mouths are. No one is willing to put it all on the line even though they know that this train we are on is headed for a very sharp curve and WILL derail. It's as if we all know it is coming to a drastic end and we're just going to watch the end hoping it won't affect us ..... but it will. Sadly, we are just putting our collective heads in the sand.
As a prolific author on freedom and a powerful advocate for Rural Landowners, we have written over 500 weekly articles in 12 years on the erosion of liberty in America. In the same time period, thousands of other conservative authors have written similar articles on where we are as a country and the Hellhole we are headed for. In that time and even much longer, the needle has not moved one inch towards conservatism but instead has moved ever faster towards socialism, collectivism and a powerful central government, the greatest admonition and fear of the Founding Fathers.
No matter what we, or others have said or written in the defense of liberty, it has no meaning or effect if the words aren't backed up by the people's force of will. Instead and as we speak, millions of Americans right now are looking down at their hand that holds a cell phone. That cell phone is a direct link (puppet string) to the giant corporations, the elite, the establishment, the deep state, central bankers, the government apparatus (i.e. NSA, FBI, CIA, etc.) and the oligarchs in power. They are watching our every move and we let "them" do it to us! We are no longer SOVEREIGNS with unalienable rights. We have become unwitting government slaves and we are too enamored with technology to recognize it. In fact, they own us!
Humans say they are intelligent and at the top of the food chain. But how can that be if they are so easily duped?
But wait! Could a simple mindset shift, "Save the USA?"
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Inside, Jessica trembled with fear. Her lovely child was near death and she felt all alone and helpless. Tom, Jessica's husband, was no help. He was angry and moped around the house shaking his fist at the wall and yelling, "how could this be happening to my son? What did we do wrong to deserve this punishment and anguish? What could we have done different to prevent little Billy from becoming sick and near death?"
Little Billy wasn't always a sickly child. He came into this world full of life, with fire in his eyes, goodness in his heart and a zest for life. His cheeks were rosy and his laugh and smile made everyone around him feel good. They would involuntarily smile when Billy smiled and laugh whenever Billy laughed. It was a happy time.
Many who saw little Billy knew there was something special about him but they couldn't quite put their finger on it. They knew he was different and unique but didn't know why. It was if Billy's new life brought light to the darkness and opened a door into a sunlit world where peace, harmony, strength and freedom could rein again on a troubled planet.
At first, Jessica and Tom beamed with joy. They couldn't wait to tell everyone the news about little Billy and how uncommonly delightful he was. The news of his birth and his uniqueness spread far and wide. People traveled many miles to see little Billy, as if he was the magnet and they were the paper clip. Jessica and Tom had brought this beautiful child into the world that seemed to be the promise of all things good, wholesome and true.
Sadly, Jessica and Tom couldn't know that serious trouble lurked menacingly in their future, where their lives would be shattered and little Billy would be brought to the brink of death.
As Jessica and Tom basked in the joy of their beautiful newborn child, things began to change. Outside forces were at work to unsettle and disrupt their happy home and their loving attention to little Billy. The couple started moving in the fast lane with lots of late-night parties. Entertainment became more important to them than caring for their precious child.
Both were well educated and had high paying professional jobs, which required much time away from home. Rotating baby sitters became a way of life, depriving little Billy of the loving care of his own parents. Billy was being biologically deprived, with tragic consequences.
Jessica and Tom had lots of money but lots of money led to massive spending. Credit cards were maxed out. Second loans on their beautiful home were taken out to pay for their growing appetite for constant entertainment and new possessions.
Heated arguments over money, possessions, drinking, debt, politics and sex became more frequent. Their marriage was coming apart at the seams and they were very near bankruptcy. The only thing that kept them afloat was more borrowing. But as everyone instinctively knows, borrowing beyond the ability to pay the debt, ends in disaster.
When Jessica and Tom argued at home, little Billy would cry uncontrollably. They had trouble settling him down. Eventually, little Billy grew irritable and cranky. He wouldn't eat and threw up regularly. He would get little fevers and colds that seemed to linger longer than they should. Sometimes blemishes would appear on his body and then would go away. But the blemishes always returned.
Jessica took little Billy to the doctor, but the doctor couldn't figure out what was physically wrong with him. None of the tests could pinpoint a specific disease or diseases and no treatments seemed to work, as little Billy grew steadily worse.
Jessica and Tom tried family counseling. The counseling would work for a while but then the arguments would start all over again as pressures and debts mounted. Their lives were tumbling out of control and little Billy was getting the brunt of it. Billy, now devoid of love and nurturing, was paying the price for his parent's anger, neglect, inattention and apathy.
As Jessica looked lovingly down at her dying son, more tears streamed down her face and deep sobs racked her whole body. She tried to remember when it all started going wrong but her life with Tom seemed locked in the grip of a foggy mirage. Bad memory after bad memory rolled over and over in her mind as if to punish her and Tom for their selfishness. How could they have been so stupid as to ignore the most precious thing in their life? How did they let money, entertainment and self-indulgent behavior rob them of their responsibility to take care of the one they loved so much? How could they have let their need for self-gratification snuff the life out of little Billy's promise of peace, harmony, strength and freedom?
Tears stained her cheeks as she shook with more sobs. She looked at little Billy again and again and then, in a burst of self-recrimination, screamed to her self, "Your child is going to die and you killed him!"
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Ladies and gentlemen, it should be obvious to the reader that this fictional story was to bring a special emphasis on America's dire condition. Metaphorically, America has visible lesions on her face. Her breathing is shallow and frequent shudders are shaking her very soul. On the surface, those in power will say that America is healthy, robust, energetic and proud and it appears to be. But the truth belies the perception. Thanks to a slight temporary shift in our political world, our economy is coming back. People are getting jobs. Companies are growing, money is more available and markets are strong. But all this alleged good news ignores what is going on behind the scenes. You are not being told that the crumbling foundation of freedom upon which we stand, has irreparable cracks in it and that foundation is now perched precariously on the shifting sands of apathy, neglect and a seriously flawed ideology.
Of course, most Americans won't believe us. Several generations, including the current crop of parents and their children, have grown up in a world totally foreign to the one designed by the Founding Fathers and consider the Constitution and the foundation of freedom as passé and out of date, thanks to this seriously flawed ideology.
We have become as puppets on a string that dance to a hidden oligarch's drummer and we are not even aware of it. We are no longer individual sovereigns. We have become compliant, robot-like, 14th Amendment "citizen subjects" of government. This isn't fake news this is reality.
The costs to fix all of America's ills have risen into the millions of dollars per second, if there even is a fix. Nevertheless, if we do nothing, America's future can only end in one of three alternatives: revolution or civil war; merged into the one-world-order; or becoming a third-world socialist dictatorship.
Because of our self-indulgence, inattention and apathy, because of our divisions and arguing amongst our selves, our American culture and our "child" and flag of freedom are dying before our eyes. There appears to be no cure because the idea of individual sovereignty and freedom is dying. Collectivism has taken its place.
Every American should be yelling, "... how could this be happening to my country? What could we have done different to prevent America from becoming sick and near death?" But they aren't. They are yelling, "we won't more from government!"
Life is good in America, isn't it? Why rock the boat? We can ignore all this other unimportant "stuff" ..... or can we?
Throughout history, as kings, dictators and oligarchs tightened the strings of power, the people have always looked the other way out of fear or apathy. Because they have looked the other way, the world has had to endure, at great cost, the likes of Alexander the Great, Attila the Hun, the Ottoman Empire, the Crusades, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, radical Islam, the Mullahs of Iran, the Kim Jong family of North Korea and for the last 100 plus years, the Democrat Progressive ideology that threatens to erase forever American freedom, liberty and sovereignty.
The list of Kings, dictators, despots and oligarchs is long and bloody, while human atrocities have mounted to staggering proportions. Man has killed himself many times more than what Mother Nature has thrown at man in the 6,000 years of human civilization. In every case, the masses looked the other way as the one man or the few men rose to absolute power. History is repeating itself once again and the masses are still looking the other way. American freedom is sick and near death and the American people are unconsciously killing it!
It boils down to a situation where everyone knows what the problems are, but no one knows how or wants to fix it, because to fix it would take a massive effort of millions of united Americans who are willing to lay it all on the line and put their money where their mouths are. No one is willing to put it all on the line even though they know that this train we are on is headed for a very sharp curve and WILL derail. It's as if we all know it is coming to a drastic end and we're just going to watch the end hoping it won't affect us ..... but it will. Sadly, we are just putting our collective heads in the sand.
As a prolific author on freedom and a powerful advocate for Rural Landowners, we have written over 500 weekly articles in 12 years on the erosion of liberty in America. In the same time period, thousands of other conservative authors have written similar articles on where we are as a country and the Hellhole we are headed for. In that time and even much longer, the needle has not moved one inch towards conservatism but instead has moved ever faster towards socialism, collectivism and a powerful central government, the greatest admonition and fear of the Founding Fathers.
No matter what we, or others have said or written in the defense of liberty, it has no meaning or effect if the words aren't backed up by the people's force of will. Instead and as we speak, millions of Americans right now are looking down at their hand that holds a cell phone. That cell phone is a direct link (puppet string) to the giant corporations, the elite, the establishment, the deep state, central bankers, the government apparatus (i.e. NSA, FBI, CIA, etc.) and the oligarchs in power. They are watching our every move and we let "them" do it to us! We are no longer SOVEREIGNS with unalienable rights. We have become unwitting government slaves and we are too enamored with technology to recognize it. In fact, they own us!
Humans say they are intelligent and at the top of the food chain. But how can that be if they are so easily duped?
But wait! Could a simple mindset shift, "Save the USA?"
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"America Needs A Mindset Shift From Citizen To Sovereign”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, March 4, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
"For in reason, all government, without the consent of the governed, is the very definition of slavery." Jonathan Swift
Oh how simple it was to subjugate the American people. All it took was for Americans to think that their government was honest and trustworthy and would not break their solemn oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help them God. But the cold, hard truth is, a government not held to that oath by the people, is a government that will seek, by any means, absolute power. We have 5,000 years of human history to prove that a government, left to its own resources, will, in the end, completely subjugate all who fall under its power, unless the people hold government's power within very strict limits.
The weapon of choice for the American federal government to enslave the people has been the passing of millions [millions] of laws in open defiance of the Constitution. The mechanics of their weapon of choice was and is using our own fear, compassion and guilty against us; fear over government manufactured crises like man-caused global warming; irrational compassion that we must attend to the needs of ALL the poor, infirmed and illegal aliens even though the cost is astronomical and there is no constitutional mandate to do so; and our own guilt to get us to comply with government socialist and environmental agendas. Their means of propagating their method of subjugation was and is by propaganda, hype, deception and outright lies. We wrote about these government-manufactured problems in our last article: "A Powerful Solution to America's Frustration With Government." Tightening subjugation still goes on today with a vengeance.
All levels of the American Government are out of control and the people let them get out of control. The criminal negligence of government, at multiple levels, allowed a mentally deranged shooter to go into a school in Parkland, Florida and shoot 17 innocent children and wounding several more. And we are supposed to believe that government can protect us? They are never there when the bullets are flying.
But there was one more weapon in government's arsenal towards subjugation. They bought us off with our own money, such that just about every segment of the American society is taking a handout from government. (think taxpayer - government doesn't have any money. It seizes it by force from taxpayers.) A handout from government is virtually the same as handcuffs on a criminal, because a handout comes with strings. Further, a man or woman taking a government handout is not likely to "bite" the hand that feeds him or her and those in government know it, especially Democrats.
As we have written many times before in previous columns:
"YOUR MONEY IS GOVERNMENT'S MAJOR POWER OVER YOU: The first power that government has over you is YOUR perception that YOUR money is their money. The second power that government has over you is by using the money they take from you by force of law, against you. The third power that government has over you is that you will religiously obey all of their laws."
"Only when the people realize that their tax money is being used to environmentally enslave them; only when the people realize that their tax money is being used to 'feed' a growing population of other people dipping their bills in the government 'pig trough' and those 'takers' voting for those very same politicians that take our tax money by force to keep the 'trough' full; only when the people realize that their tax money is being spent to brainwash and indoctrinate their school and college-age children in the ways of socialism, multi-culturalism, radical environmentalism, collectivism and one-world-government; only when the people realize that their government is using their tax money to merge America into the one-world-order; only when the people realize that the only way to stop this attempted conquest of American freedom and sovereignty is to resist government, en masse, in every legal way possible. Only then will we reclaim our freedom .... that is until all peaceful means are exhausted and we are left with only one remaining alternative."
Once-free Americans have been lined up, conquered and invisibly shackled without a shot being fired, all because the people assumed that government was honorable, honest and trustworthy. Any government is only as honorable, honest and trustworthy for as long as the people hold them to being honorable, honest and trustworthy. Given the news of the day with corruption running rampant in our federal, state and local institutions, honorable, honest and trustworthy don't come to mind.
So now we stand at a crossroads, not un-similar to the crossroads presented to the people of the original thirteen Colonies in 1776. Most people are unaware that in 2018, the problems with all levels of government are far more egregious than the abuses of the British government in 1776. But the difference today is, we already have a tested blue print for freedom in place to hold government in check ..... a blue print that came at a significant cost to not only the Framers and those that fought and died to establish freedom 242 years ago, but to all those who gave their lives since then to preserve that blue print.
That blue print is the U. S. Constitution, but that blue print is only as good as the resolve of the people to mandate that their government operate within that blue print and stay within its limits. For the last 100 years or more, government has strayed far from its limits.
That blue print stated that all men are created equal and that all men are endowed with certain unalienable rights and those rights are natural rights, as a gift from our creator. In other words, the people are sovereign. (To understand what SOVEREIGN really means, click HERE.) As such, those natural rights cannot be whisked away at the whim of some tyrannical government unless the people allow it. A natural right, undefended, is a lost right.
Comes the question, be you sovereign with all natural rights afforded to you by nature, or be you just a citizen of growing tyrannical government. If you choose not to defend your natural rights, then by definition and action, you are a slave.
Although you may think that you are safe inside your home and the bubble that is your world, you are anything but safe when a government, drunk with power, is allowed to roam freely through your life. The monster is at the door. It is time to declare, be you sovereign, or be you slave. If you choose comfort and security in place of liberty, you choose enslavement. If you choose freedom, you will find the job before you to preserve freedom daunting, because the preservation of freedom always comes at a price.
Let's cut to the chase. If sovereign Americans are going to take back America and return it to a Constitutional Republic, there are only four (4) alternatives to accomplish the task. Each of the four alternatives comes with its own risks and chances for success. We will start with the hardest task first, having the greatest risk and no guarantees of a positive outcome.
Alternative 1. Take up arms in a revolutionary uprising against the U. S. Government and all state and local governments:
NOT ONLY DOES THIS ALTERNATIVE HAVE LITTLE CHANCE FOR SUCCESS, it carries with it the greatest risk. There is no way that citizens, armed only with pitchforks, pistols and rifles can have any hope of defeating civilian police forces, the national guard and the U. S. Military. The only things gained from such an action would be to totally discredit the American freedom movement and a huge, unnecessary loss of life. This would be the last of the four alternatives and could only be fruitful on a grand scale and only if the other three alternatives did not work.
Winston Churchill wrote: “If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”
But this is not 1776, or even 1941. We are not fighting swords, muskets and cannons any more. We could possibly be fighting the full force of the U. S. Military. It would be an impossible task unless, "we had no other choice but to fight when there was no hope of victory, because it would be better to perish than to live as slaves."
Alternative 2. On a broad scale, withhold all forms of taxes from being collected by every level of government, from real estate taxes, to sales taxes, to license and permit fees, to the federal income tax:
It is absolutely true that the only power that government has over you is the power you give it by paying taxes to it. Without your tax money they have no power. The American government wastes more of your tax money on a scale greater than the gross domestic product of many countries. Government programs are also rife with fraud, abuse and corruption. If every conservative in America had the courage to withhold all of their tax payments, we would bring government to its knees in a matter of weeks, if not days. But such an alternative comes with a significant risk, because if there were not a sufficient outpouring of support for this alternative, those that withheld taxes would become victims of government revenge.
Alternative 3. Overwhelming Legislative Protest by millions of conservatives on a single issue:
There are thousands of conservative groups throughout America, supported by millions of conservative individuals. Over 63,000,000 Americans voted conservative in the last election. Most of those Americans live in the Heartland of America. If the United States is shown in red and blue counties, America is mostly conservative. It is only the high-dense urban areas that are liberal, because big cities are almost wholly dependent on government in one form or another. If those 63,000,000 conservatives used their power to lobby government on one single issue at a time, they could turn America around in very short order. But alas, those 63,000,000 are hopelessly divided and getting them to act as one is an impossible task.
Alternative 4. But there is a fourth alternative that would create the least amount of disruption, upheaval and risk. This final method is a mechanism to instill a mindset shift in millions of conservative Americans based on the unimpeachable premise that all Americans are individually Sovereign, not merely citizens of a state or the United States. That would take a powerful image to symbolize the idea of being a sovereign, an intense education in the history of individual freedom and a considerable amount of time. We have fully described the image and the idea in our "Save the USA" website. If this idea went viral, it would overwhelm the political power of the left, even though conservatives are a minority. SOVEREIGNS would be unstoppable.
Nothing else has worked for decades. We might just re-ignite the spirit of 1776, that is if there is any spirit left in the American people.
FOR CONSERVATIVES ONLY: If you haven't read our "Articles of Impeachment" Petition yet, click HERE. If you want a copy of the Petition, click HERE.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Oh how simple it was to subjugate the American people. All it took was for Americans to think that their government was honest and trustworthy and would not break their solemn oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help them God. But the cold, hard truth is, a government not held to that oath by the people, is a government that will seek, by any means, absolute power. We have 5,000 years of human history to prove that a government, left to its own resources, will, in the end, completely subjugate all who fall under its power, unless the people hold government's power within very strict limits.
The weapon of choice for the American federal government to enslave the people has been the passing of millions [millions] of laws in open defiance of the Constitution. The mechanics of their weapon of choice was and is using our own fear, compassion and guilty against us; fear over government manufactured crises like man-caused global warming; irrational compassion that we must attend to the needs of ALL the poor, infirmed and illegal aliens even though the cost is astronomical and there is no constitutional mandate to do so; and our own guilt to get us to comply with government socialist and environmental agendas. Their means of propagating their method of subjugation was and is by propaganda, hype, deception and outright lies. We wrote about these government-manufactured problems in our last article: "A Powerful Solution to America's Frustration With Government." Tightening subjugation still goes on today with a vengeance.
All levels of the American Government are out of control and the people let them get out of control. The criminal negligence of government, at multiple levels, allowed a mentally deranged shooter to go into a school in Parkland, Florida and shoot 17 innocent children and wounding several more. And we are supposed to believe that government can protect us? They are never there when the bullets are flying.
But there was one more weapon in government's arsenal towards subjugation. They bought us off with our own money, such that just about every segment of the American society is taking a handout from government. (think taxpayer - government doesn't have any money. It seizes it by force from taxpayers.) A handout from government is virtually the same as handcuffs on a criminal, because a handout comes with strings. Further, a man or woman taking a government handout is not likely to "bite" the hand that feeds him or her and those in government know it, especially Democrats.
As we have written many times before in previous columns:
"YOUR MONEY IS GOVERNMENT'S MAJOR POWER OVER YOU: The first power that government has over you is YOUR perception that YOUR money is their money. The second power that government has over you is by using the money they take from you by force of law, against you. The third power that government has over you is that you will religiously obey all of their laws."
"Only when the people realize that their tax money is being used to environmentally enslave them; only when the people realize that their tax money is being used to 'feed' a growing population of other people dipping their bills in the government 'pig trough' and those 'takers' voting for those very same politicians that take our tax money by force to keep the 'trough' full; only when the people realize that their tax money is being spent to brainwash and indoctrinate their school and college-age children in the ways of socialism, multi-culturalism, radical environmentalism, collectivism and one-world-government; only when the people realize that their government is using their tax money to merge America into the one-world-order; only when the people realize that the only way to stop this attempted conquest of American freedom and sovereignty is to resist government, en masse, in every legal way possible. Only then will we reclaim our freedom .... that is until all peaceful means are exhausted and we are left with only one remaining alternative."
Once-free Americans have been lined up, conquered and invisibly shackled without a shot being fired, all because the people assumed that government was honorable, honest and trustworthy. Any government is only as honorable, honest and trustworthy for as long as the people hold them to being honorable, honest and trustworthy. Given the news of the day with corruption running rampant in our federal, state and local institutions, honorable, honest and trustworthy don't come to mind.
So now we stand at a crossroads, not un-similar to the crossroads presented to the people of the original thirteen Colonies in 1776. Most people are unaware that in 2018, the problems with all levels of government are far more egregious than the abuses of the British government in 1776. But the difference today is, we already have a tested blue print for freedom in place to hold government in check ..... a blue print that came at a significant cost to not only the Framers and those that fought and died to establish freedom 242 years ago, but to all those who gave their lives since then to preserve that blue print.
That blue print is the U. S. Constitution, but that blue print is only as good as the resolve of the people to mandate that their government operate within that blue print and stay within its limits. For the last 100 years or more, government has strayed far from its limits.
That blue print stated that all men are created equal and that all men are endowed with certain unalienable rights and those rights are natural rights, as a gift from our creator. In other words, the people are sovereign. (To understand what SOVEREIGN really means, click HERE.) As such, those natural rights cannot be whisked away at the whim of some tyrannical government unless the people allow it. A natural right, undefended, is a lost right.
Comes the question, be you sovereign with all natural rights afforded to you by nature, or be you just a citizen of growing tyrannical government. If you choose not to defend your natural rights, then by definition and action, you are a slave.
Although you may think that you are safe inside your home and the bubble that is your world, you are anything but safe when a government, drunk with power, is allowed to roam freely through your life. The monster is at the door. It is time to declare, be you sovereign, or be you slave. If you choose comfort and security in place of liberty, you choose enslavement. If you choose freedom, you will find the job before you to preserve freedom daunting, because the preservation of freedom always comes at a price.
Let's cut to the chase. If sovereign Americans are going to take back America and return it to a Constitutional Republic, there are only four (4) alternatives to accomplish the task. Each of the four alternatives comes with its own risks and chances for success. We will start with the hardest task first, having the greatest risk and no guarantees of a positive outcome.
Alternative 1. Take up arms in a revolutionary uprising against the U. S. Government and all state and local governments:
NOT ONLY DOES THIS ALTERNATIVE HAVE LITTLE CHANCE FOR SUCCESS, it carries with it the greatest risk. There is no way that citizens, armed only with pitchforks, pistols and rifles can have any hope of defeating civilian police forces, the national guard and the U. S. Military. The only things gained from such an action would be to totally discredit the American freedom movement and a huge, unnecessary loss of life. This would be the last of the four alternatives and could only be fruitful on a grand scale and only if the other three alternatives did not work.
Winston Churchill wrote: “If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”
But this is not 1776, or even 1941. We are not fighting swords, muskets and cannons any more. We could possibly be fighting the full force of the U. S. Military. It would be an impossible task unless, "we had no other choice but to fight when there was no hope of victory, because it would be better to perish than to live as slaves."
Alternative 2. On a broad scale, withhold all forms of taxes from being collected by every level of government, from real estate taxes, to sales taxes, to license and permit fees, to the federal income tax:
It is absolutely true that the only power that government has over you is the power you give it by paying taxes to it. Without your tax money they have no power. The American government wastes more of your tax money on a scale greater than the gross domestic product of many countries. Government programs are also rife with fraud, abuse and corruption. If every conservative in America had the courage to withhold all of their tax payments, we would bring government to its knees in a matter of weeks, if not days. But such an alternative comes with a significant risk, because if there were not a sufficient outpouring of support for this alternative, those that withheld taxes would become victims of government revenge.
Alternative 3. Overwhelming Legislative Protest by millions of conservatives on a single issue:
There are thousands of conservative groups throughout America, supported by millions of conservative individuals. Over 63,000,000 Americans voted conservative in the last election. Most of those Americans live in the Heartland of America. If the United States is shown in red and blue counties, America is mostly conservative. It is only the high-dense urban areas that are liberal, because big cities are almost wholly dependent on government in one form or another. If those 63,000,000 conservatives used their power to lobby government on one single issue at a time, they could turn America around in very short order. But alas, those 63,000,000 are hopelessly divided and getting them to act as one is an impossible task.
Alternative 4. But there is a fourth alternative that would create the least amount of disruption, upheaval and risk. This final method is a mechanism to instill a mindset shift in millions of conservative Americans based on the unimpeachable premise that all Americans are individually Sovereign, not merely citizens of a state or the United States. That would take a powerful image to symbolize the idea of being a sovereign, an intense education in the history of individual freedom and a considerable amount of time. We have fully described the image and the idea in our "Save the USA" website. If this idea went viral, it would overwhelm the political power of the left, even though conservatives are a minority. SOVEREIGNS would be unstoppable.
Nothing else has worked for decades. We might just re-ignite the spirit of 1776, that is if there is any spirit left in the American people.
FOR CONSERVATIVES ONLY: If you haven't read our "Articles of Impeachment" Petition yet, click HERE. If you want a copy of the Petition, click HERE.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Articles of Impeachment For Democrat Federal Political Office Holders”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, February 25, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
It is with a heavy heart that we tender these Articles of Impeachment against all living Democrat federal political office holders, the Democrat Party and the Democrat National Committee (DNC), knowing full well that millions of fine, upstanding American Democrats are honest, fair, patriotic and compassionate. Sadly, very clever charlatans have duped them, as they shall see. Democrat federal political office holders, the Democrat Party and the Democrat National Committed have acted against the best interests of a free, prosperous and sovereign America and have exploited human weakness for their own political and financial gain. For the last 100 plus years, under the seriously flawed Progressive ideology, they have undermined and subverted the Founder's literal meaning of the U. S. Constitution and have knowingly and with malice turned free American citizens of their respective states into "subjects" of the U. S. Government and have systematically, over time, robbed them of their individual freedoms. Americans are no longer a SOVEREIGN people of the individual states. Thanks to Democrats and the Progressive ideology, Americans have become indentured bondservants to a powerful, almost tyrannical, central government that has wrapped the people in chains with millions of unconstitutional laws and rules and spent them into bankruptcy. Unfortunately, most Americans are totally oblivious to their plight. The evidence is clear. The Democrat groups and entities we have named here have covertly and overtly engaged in corruption, collusion and racketeering for the sole purpose of gaining and maintaining perpetual political and financial power in the United States and must be held accountable. This in no way absolves Republican federal political office holders, the Republican Party and the Republican National Committed for committing similar acts.
"Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny." Thomas Jefferson
Articles of Impeachment
Against all living Democrats Holding Federal Political Office,
Together with and including the Democrat National Committee (DNC)
RESOLVED, That all living Democrats holding federal political office and the officers, agents and authorized representatives of the Democrat National Committee (DNC) be impeached, or tried and convicted for corruption and racketeering and removed from office for high crimes and misdemeanors, (pursuant to Article 3, Section 3, Clause 1 of the U. S. Constitution) and that the following articles of impeachment to be exhibited to the Senate:
In the conduct of their respective political office and offices, all Democrats holding federal political office and the officers, agents and authorized representatives of the Democrat National Committee, (DNC) in violation of each of their constitutional oaths to faithfully execute their legislative duties and respective offices and, to the best of their ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of their constitutional duty to take care that the laws, rules and policies they pass are constitutional, have failed in that duty for at least the last 100 years and further have prevented, obstructed, and impeded the administration of justice for political and financial gain.
For the purpose of securing political and financial gain, said named office holders used the powers of their high office, to engage personally and through their close subordinates and agents, in a course of conduct or plan designed to delay, impede, and obstruct the investigation of Democrat corruption, vice and greed; and to cover up, conceal and protect those responsible; and to conceal the existence and scope of other unlawful covert activities.
The means used to implement this course of conduct or plan included one or more of the following:
1. ... making false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States;
2. ... withholding relevant and material evidence or information from lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States;
3. ... approving, condoning, acquiescing in, and counseling witnesses with respect to the giving of false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States and false or misleading testimony in duly instituted judicial and congressional proceedings;
4. ... interfering or endeavoring to interfere with the conduct of investigations by the Department of Justice of the United States, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the office of Special Counsel, and Congressional Committees;
5. ... approving, condoning, and acquiescing in, the surreptitious payment of substantial sums of money for the purpose of obtaining the silence or influencing the testimony of witnesses, potential witnesses or individuals who participated in such unlawful entry and other illegal activities;
6. ... endeavoring to misuse and abuse the executive powers of the Secret Service, the CIA, the DOJ, the FBI and the NSA and other agencies of the United States;
7. ... disseminating information and other classified documents received from officers of the Department of Justice of the United States and Congressional Committees, to subjects of investigations conducted by lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States, for the purpose of aiding and assisting such subjects in their attempts to avoid criminal liability;
8. ... making or causing to be made false or misleading public statements for the purpose of deceiving the people of the United States into believing that a thorough and complete investigation had been conducted with respect to allegations of misconduct on the part of certain Democrat operatives and Democrat presidential candidates, or
9. ... endeavoring to cause prospective defendants, and individuals who should by now have been tried and convicted, to expect favored treatment and consideration in return for their silence or false testimony, or rewarding individuals for their silence or false testimony.
In all of this, Democrat federal political office holders and officers, agents and authorized representatives of the DNC, have acted in a manner contrary to their trust as legislators and officers and have acted subversive of constitutional government, with malice and for political and financial gain, to the great prejudice of the cause of law and justice and to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.
Wherefore Democrat federal office holders and officers, agents and authorized representatives of the Democrat National Committee (DNC), by such conduct, warrant impeachment and trial, and removal from office.
Using and abusing the powers of their respective offices, Democrat federal Office holders, including Democrat presidents, in violation of their constitutional oath faithfully to execute the laws, and their office as legislators of the United States Congress and, to the best of their ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in reckless disregard of their constitutional duty to take care that all laws they pass be constitutional and financially sound, have repeatedly engaged in conduct violating the constitutional rights of citizens, impairing the due and proper administration of justice and the conduct of lawful inquiries, or contravening, or misusing the laws governing agencies of the executive and legislative branches of government and the purpose of these agencies; namely the Secret Service, the DOJ, the FBI, the NSA, the CIA and the FISA court.
This corrupt conduct has included one or more of the following:
1. ... They have, acting personally and through their subordinates and agents and even the office of the president of the United States, used the Internal Revenue Service, (IRS) in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, to subject certain conservative groups for special scrutiny in order to deny these groups their lawful 501(c)(3) or (4) tax exemptions, prior to a presidential election. They further used confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposes not authorized by law, and to cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income tax audits or other income tax or other federal agency investigations to be initiated or conducted in a discriminatory, abusive and illegal manner.
2 ... They have misused the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA and the Secret Service, and other executive personnel, in violation or disregard of the constitutional rights of citizens, by directing or authorizing such agencies or personnel to conduct or continue electronic surveillance or other investigations for political purposes, unrelated to national security, the enforcement of laws, or any other lawful function of their offices; they did direct, authorize, or permit the use of information obtained thereby for purposes unrelated to national security, the enforcement of laws, or any other lawful function of their offices; and they did direct the concealment of certain records made by the FBI of electronic surveillance.
3. ... They have, acting in collusion and through their subordinates and agents, in violation of and negligent disregard of the constitutional rights of citizens, authorized and permitted the un-lawful, un-masking of American citizens and the creation of opposition research, financed in part with money derived from Democrat presidential campaign contributions and the DNC, which unlawfully utilized the resources of the CIA, DOJ, FBI, NSA and FISA courts, and further engaged in covert and other unlawful activities.
4. ... They have failed to take care that the laws were faithfully executed by failing to act when they knew or had reason to know that their close subordinates endeavored to impede and frustrate lawful inquiries by duly constituted executive, judicial and legislative entities concerning on-going corruption and racketeering and the cover-up thereof, and concerning other unlawful activities.
5. ... In disregard of the rule of law, they knowingly misused their executive and legislatives powers by interfering with agencies of the executive branch, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Office of Special Counsel, the Department of Justice, the Central Intelligence Agency and the FISA courts, in violation of their respective oaths to preserve, protect and defend the United States Constitution.
In all of this, said Democrat Federal Office Holders and officers, agents and authorized representatives of the DNC have acted in a manner contrary to their trust and subversive of constitutional government, to the great prejudice of the cause of law and justice and to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.
Wherefore said Democrat Federal Office Holders and officers, agents and authorized representatives of the DNC, by such conduct, warrant impeachment and trial, and removal from office .....
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Because of the extra length of the Articles of Impeachment, we have had to continue them on our website. ARTICLES 1 and 2 were general in nature. The real meat and specific details of this serious indictment of Democrats are contained in ARTICLE 3. ARTICLE 3 and the rest of these Articles of Impeachment can be read on our respective websites HERE and HERE.
We've converted the full Articles of Impeachment into a Petition. If you would like a copy of the Petition, click HERE.
No, these Articles of Impeachment will never reach the Senate for trial but they paint a disturbing picture of how Democrats have manifestly corrupted our culture and diminished, if not repealed, individual freedom and unalienable rights and replaced them with mob rule.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny." Thomas Jefferson
Articles of Impeachment
Against all living Democrats Holding Federal Political Office,
Together with and including the Democrat National Committee (DNC)
RESOLVED, That all living Democrats holding federal political office and the officers, agents and authorized representatives of the Democrat National Committee (DNC) be impeached, or tried and convicted for corruption and racketeering and removed from office for high crimes and misdemeanors, (pursuant to Article 3, Section 3, Clause 1 of the U. S. Constitution) and that the following articles of impeachment to be exhibited to the Senate:
In the conduct of their respective political office and offices, all Democrats holding federal political office and the officers, agents and authorized representatives of the Democrat National Committee, (DNC) in violation of each of their constitutional oaths to faithfully execute their legislative duties and respective offices and, to the best of their ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of their constitutional duty to take care that the laws, rules and policies they pass are constitutional, have failed in that duty for at least the last 100 years and further have prevented, obstructed, and impeded the administration of justice for political and financial gain.
For the purpose of securing political and financial gain, said named office holders used the powers of their high office, to engage personally and through their close subordinates and agents, in a course of conduct or plan designed to delay, impede, and obstruct the investigation of Democrat corruption, vice and greed; and to cover up, conceal and protect those responsible; and to conceal the existence and scope of other unlawful covert activities.
The means used to implement this course of conduct or plan included one or more of the following:
1. ... making false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States;
2. ... withholding relevant and material evidence or information from lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States;
3. ... approving, condoning, acquiescing in, and counseling witnesses with respect to the giving of false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States and false or misleading testimony in duly instituted judicial and congressional proceedings;
4. ... interfering or endeavoring to interfere with the conduct of investigations by the Department of Justice of the United States, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the office of Special Counsel, and Congressional Committees;
5. ... approving, condoning, and acquiescing in, the surreptitious payment of substantial sums of money for the purpose of obtaining the silence or influencing the testimony of witnesses, potential witnesses or individuals who participated in such unlawful entry and other illegal activities;
6. ... endeavoring to misuse and abuse the executive powers of the Secret Service, the CIA, the DOJ, the FBI and the NSA and other agencies of the United States;
7. ... disseminating information and other classified documents received from officers of the Department of Justice of the United States and Congressional Committees, to subjects of investigations conducted by lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States, for the purpose of aiding and assisting such subjects in their attempts to avoid criminal liability;
8. ... making or causing to be made false or misleading public statements for the purpose of deceiving the people of the United States into believing that a thorough and complete investigation had been conducted with respect to allegations of misconduct on the part of certain Democrat operatives and Democrat presidential candidates, or
9. ... endeavoring to cause prospective defendants, and individuals who should by now have been tried and convicted, to expect favored treatment and consideration in return for their silence or false testimony, or rewarding individuals for their silence or false testimony.
In all of this, Democrat federal political office holders and officers, agents and authorized representatives of the DNC, have acted in a manner contrary to their trust as legislators and officers and have acted subversive of constitutional government, with malice and for political and financial gain, to the great prejudice of the cause of law and justice and to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.
Wherefore Democrat federal office holders and officers, agents and authorized representatives of the Democrat National Committee (DNC), by such conduct, warrant impeachment and trial, and removal from office.
Using and abusing the powers of their respective offices, Democrat federal Office holders, including Democrat presidents, in violation of their constitutional oath faithfully to execute the laws, and their office as legislators of the United States Congress and, to the best of their ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in reckless disregard of their constitutional duty to take care that all laws they pass be constitutional and financially sound, have repeatedly engaged in conduct violating the constitutional rights of citizens, impairing the due and proper administration of justice and the conduct of lawful inquiries, or contravening, or misusing the laws governing agencies of the executive and legislative branches of government and the purpose of these agencies; namely the Secret Service, the DOJ, the FBI, the NSA, the CIA and the FISA court.
This corrupt conduct has included one or more of the following:
1. ... They have, acting personally and through their subordinates and agents and even the office of the president of the United States, used the Internal Revenue Service, (IRS) in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, to subject certain conservative groups for special scrutiny in order to deny these groups their lawful 501(c)(3) or (4) tax exemptions, prior to a presidential election. They further used confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposes not authorized by law, and to cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income tax audits or other income tax or other federal agency investigations to be initiated or conducted in a discriminatory, abusive and illegal manner.
2 ... They have misused the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA and the Secret Service, and other executive personnel, in violation or disregard of the constitutional rights of citizens, by directing or authorizing such agencies or personnel to conduct or continue electronic surveillance or other investigations for political purposes, unrelated to national security, the enforcement of laws, or any other lawful function of their offices; they did direct, authorize, or permit the use of information obtained thereby for purposes unrelated to national security, the enforcement of laws, or any other lawful function of their offices; and they did direct the concealment of certain records made by the FBI of electronic surveillance.
3. ... They have, acting in collusion and through their subordinates and agents, in violation of and negligent disregard of the constitutional rights of citizens, authorized and permitted the un-lawful, un-masking of American citizens and the creation of opposition research, financed in part with money derived from Democrat presidential campaign contributions and the DNC, which unlawfully utilized the resources of the CIA, DOJ, FBI, NSA and FISA courts, and further engaged in covert and other unlawful activities.
4. ... They have failed to take care that the laws were faithfully executed by failing to act when they knew or had reason to know that their close subordinates endeavored to impede and frustrate lawful inquiries by duly constituted executive, judicial and legislative entities concerning on-going corruption and racketeering and the cover-up thereof, and concerning other unlawful activities.
5. ... In disregard of the rule of law, they knowingly misused their executive and legislatives powers by interfering with agencies of the executive branch, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Office of Special Counsel, the Department of Justice, the Central Intelligence Agency and the FISA courts, in violation of their respective oaths to preserve, protect and defend the United States Constitution.
In all of this, said Democrat Federal Office Holders and officers, agents and authorized representatives of the DNC have acted in a manner contrary to their trust and subversive of constitutional government, to the great prejudice of the cause of law and justice and to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.
Wherefore said Democrat Federal Office Holders and officers, agents and authorized representatives of the DNC, by such conduct, warrant impeachment and trial, and removal from office .....
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Because of the extra length of the Articles of Impeachment, we have had to continue them on our website. ARTICLES 1 and 2 were general in nature. The real meat and specific details of this serious indictment of Democrats are contained in ARTICLE 3. ARTICLE 3 and the rest of these Articles of Impeachment can be read on our respective websites HERE and HERE.
We've converted the full Articles of Impeachment into a Petition. If you would like a copy of the Petition, click HERE.
No, these Articles of Impeachment will never reach the Senate for trial but they paint a disturbing picture of how Democrats have manifestly corrupted our culture and diminished, if not repealed, individual freedom and unalienable rights and replaced them with mob rule.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"A Powerful Solution To America's Frustration With Government”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, February 18, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
Boy, America is really humming along these days with Trump and the Republicans at the helm. Well sort of. Jobs and pay are increasing. The stock market has been on a steady rise since Trump won the election in November of 2016, except for a recent, significant correction. The new Tax Cut and Reform Act is putting more money back in the pockets of average Americans. Corporations are bringing manufacturing back to America and repatriating their billions of dollars held overseas because of previous high American tax rates, now lowered. The Veterans Administration is finally working towards serving veterans with the respect and dignity they deserve and VA deadwood is being fired. We've placed one more "good guy" on the U. S. Supreme Court and more conservative justices are filling up our lower courts. Trump seems to be handling our foreign policy with more determination and forcefulness than previous presidents and ISIS is said to be on the run ..... in spite of Trump's somewhat irritating shortcomings.
There is optimism in America these days, especially after the eight-year dull drums of the Obama Administration. But don't be fooled. That optimism is based on a false premise when considering that the very foundation of American financial security and liberty are teetering on the edge of a cliff, virtually tipping precariously towards a socialist and bankrupt abyss. With the national debt now standing at $20.6 Trillion, Congress has just added precipitously to it with the current budget deal ($1.2 Trillion Deficit for 2018) and entitlements have been driving the debt into the clouds for decades where most low-information voters have their heads.
And the irresolvable national debt is only one of many problems facing America and Americans today. Due to insane immigration policies, mostly championed by the left, America is suffering from an illegal alien and drug invasion. Any attempts to fix it by these irrationally compassionate ignoramus politicians, (amnesty) is to encourage more illegal aliens to cross over the border and go into hiding in the bowels of America, never to be seen again, except at the welfare office, or the DMV, or until they kill, shoot, run over, or rob a lawful American citizen and get caught.
Then of course there is health care, which Obama and the Democrats screwed up royally and made a "fix" almost impossible, politically. If the Democrats helped the Republicans in a "fix", or a repeal and replace, (which they won't) then the Democrats would have to admit that they made a huge and costly blunder that has and is costing Americans billions of dollars in premiums that don't cover anything because the deductibles are so high. Meanwhile, middle-income productive Americans, who have virtually lost their health insurance under Obama Care, are paying the taxes that are paying for the health care of lower income people who get their health care for free.
We would be derelict if we didn't mention American public education and academia that have managed to turn objective education into intense indoctrination for collectivism, multi-culturalism, political correctness, socialism, radical environmentalism, one-world-order and other un-American gibberish. Leaders in education have further managed to brainwash their student population with the Progressive ideology for decades. The force of a liberal biased majority, the press, progressive professors and outright violence, have effectively silenced conservative thoughts and ideas.
Since the 1960's American politicians, mostly Democrats, have given "butter" greater priority than national defense. 65% of the federal budget goes into Welfare, Health Care, Pensions and Education. ($2.645 Trillion - 2018) Only 22% of the budget goes into defense in what has become a very dangerous world that seems destined to launch itself into all-out war at any moment. ($886 Billion) Russia and China are testing us daily and North Korea and Iran have nukes. But there are very few votes in defense, only lobbying pressure. However, there are tens of millions of eager Democrat votes in welfare, health care, pensions and education.
National and international radical environmentalism, now taught as a religious cult in the public schools and colleges, has convinced the lion's share of the population that man-caused global warming is real and environmental protection supercedes constitutionally protected property rights. It has gotten so bad that rural landowners have become second-class citizens with no rights whatsoever.
This is only the half of it. America has generated a political system where the tail wags the dog. The "Deep State" which consists of government employees, mostly leaning left, now have the power to direct public policy from within and derail any policy (or investigation) they don't like. They have the power to make rules with the force of law that the Congress never sees. But under Article 1, Section 1 of the U. S. Constitution, only the legislative branch has the power to make law.
In one recent period the Congress passed 214 laws. In the same period the federal bureaucracies passed over 3,000 rules. Most of those rules have a socialist or an environmental agenda and most of them are unconstitutional on their face but are never challenged.
It gets worse. This same political environment has set up a system of spoils and those spoils go to "establishment" politicians where the political parties and the lobbyists are merged into one big giant racketeering enterprise. The "I'll rub your back, if you rub my back" has been taken to new heights, covertly hidden under the guise of a so-called representative government. Anyone that tries to break up this politically entrenched racket will quickly find that their assets, their reputation and their very life are in imminent danger.
Most politicians care not one whit about America or the well being of Americans, nor do they care about constitutional principles of liberty. They only care about being part of the racketeering cabal, the spoils that come with the office and getting re-elected so that they can continue to reap their ill-gotten gains, gains they purloin from American's sweat, blood and tears. There are some exceptions of course.
One of our readers wrote in response to our recent article on corruption:
"The corruption is so bad and it has been going on for so long people accept it as normal. Nobody will do anything about it as long as they can fill their bellies, drive their cars, live in a nice home and have a little free time."
"Until that is taken away I don’t see anybody doing anything about it and that is why they printed phony money for so long to keep the charade going. It’s all a dog and pony show."
"The problem is, it has led to un-payable debt amounting to $125,000,000,000,000 (including unfunded liabilities) and counting. Somebody is bound to get mad."
They may get mad but will they do anything about it?
Those that have any intellect at all know exactly what is going on, but appear to be helpless to stop it. All that is heard are moans and groans, along with a million books, essays and articles, describing what is wrong with America, but offering no solutions. Many well meaning individuals and groups across America are trying to make a difference, but separated and divided and without sufficient monetary resources, or bodies, they have no power against the "Deep State", the "establishment", or the Progressive/socialist mindset majority that has gripped the nation for a hundred years. Their very separation and division precludes them from implementing a viable solution.
The big question is, how do you peacefully dismantle this long reigning, powerful "Establishment" and "Deep State" racket and re-build a Constitutional Republic America? It is no easy task without tearing the nation apart and sending it reeling into chaos.
Much conventional wisdom says that there is no way to restore what has become a corrupt American political system, without massive unrest, a civil war, or even a revolution. We're not in that camp. America's problem is parallel to how to convert radical Islamists into peaceful Islamists, although not as extreme. In America, the problem is, how do you de-program a people that have turned into Progressive/socialists, back into free thinking, self-reliant Americans with God given unalienable rights?
No matter how you slice it, the problem and the solution are generational. However, many patriotic Americans, anxious for instant gratification, don't want to wait for a generation or two and they are itching to fire the first shot. Sadly, once the first shot is fired, the personal toll will be devastating and the outcome un-predictable.
Most people have overlooked another viable solution because it involves the difficult task of changing the hearts and minds of a large portion of the population. That is never easy and it always takes a powerful IDEA and an in-ordinate amount of time that most people are not willing to endure.
Think back. Freedom did not come easy to the colonists but freedom was born nevertheless in that fateful year of 1776. The foundation of liberty lives today because of their sacrifice and the sacrifices of millions of Americans who gave their lives so that freedom might survive, albeit somewhat diminished.
Christianity, now over 2,000 years old, went through ages of turmoil, strife and evolution, but Christianity is still fairly strong today. Most of the other world's religions have evolved into the peaceful recognition of the sanctity of life and the powerful, positive and practical virtues of honorable human behavior ..... that is all but one.
Freedom and Christianity are the personification and the manifestation of a powerful IDEA. Each has their individual symbol that provides an indelible image of that IDEA. The American Flag is the symbol of American freedom. The Cross is the symbol of Christianity.
Unfortunately, the IDEA of freedom was buried under the false flag of Progressivism that started over 100 years ago and now millions of Americans have no concept of what freedom really means. They ignore the problems America faces that we have described in this article. They have to come believe that they ARE "subjects" of the government and that is the natural way because they have no other perspective or point of reference upon which to change their belief. It would take an emotionally powerful IDEA for them to undo what they erroneously perceive as reality. Is there such an IDEA out there with that much power? Yes!
There are two choices for those who care about the preservation of individual freedom. We either accept the status quo as "subjects" of a hopelessly corrupt American government that fails to discharge its duties to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and defend individual liberty ..... OR, we unleash the power of an IDEA that was buried by Progressivism to reclaim our natural, God-given birthright to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness. Anything short of that is slowly evolving slavery. We're half way there.
What if there was a "Powerful solution to America's Frustration with Government?" If you are as frustrated as we are by the fact that there appears to be no solution to America's ills, we strongly urge you to take a few minutes and peer into our "CRYSTAL BALL" and find out what happens ..... if we do nothing. Then explore our IDEA that possesses the power and the elements to save America from a fatal, self-inflicted wound.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
There is optimism in America these days, especially after the eight-year dull drums of the Obama Administration. But don't be fooled. That optimism is based on a false premise when considering that the very foundation of American financial security and liberty are teetering on the edge of a cliff, virtually tipping precariously towards a socialist and bankrupt abyss. With the national debt now standing at $20.6 Trillion, Congress has just added precipitously to it with the current budget deal ($1.2 Trillion Deficit for 2018) and entitlements have been driving the debt into the clouds for decades where most low-information voters have their heads.
And the irresolvable national debt is only one of many problems facing America and Americans today. Due to insane immigration policies, mostly championed by the left, America is suffering from an illegal alien and drug invasion. Any attempts to fix it by these irrationally compassionate ignoramus politicians, (amnesty) is to encourage more illegal aliens to cross over the border and go into hiding in the bowels of America, never to be seen again, except at the welfare office, or the DMV, or until they kill, shoot, run over, or rob a lawful American citizen and get caught.
Then of course there is health care, which Obama and the Democrats screwed up royally and made a "fix" almost impossible, politically. If the Democrats helped the Republicans in a "fix", or a repeal and replace, (which they won't) then the Democrats would have to admit that they made a huge and costly blunder that has and is costing Americans billions of dollars in premiums that don't cover anything because the deductibles are so high. Meanwhile, middle-income productive Americans, who have virtually lost their health insurance under Obama Care, are paying the taxes that are paying for the health care of lower income people who get their health care for free.
We would be derelict if we didn't mention American public education and academia that have managed to turn objective education into intense indoctrination for collectivism, multi-culturalism, political correctness, socialism, radical environmentalism, one-world-order and other un-American gibberish. Leaders in education have further managed to brainwash their student population with the Progressive ideology for decades. The force of a liberal biased majority, the press, progressive professors and outright violence, have effectively silenced conservative thoughts and ideas.
Since the 1960's American politicians, mostly Democrats, have given "butter" greater priority than national defense. 65% of the federal budget goes into Welfare, Health Care, Pensions and Education. ($2.645 Trillion - 2018) Only 22% of the budget goes into defense in what has become a very dangerous world that seems destined to launch itself into all-out war at any moment. ($886 Billion) Russia and China are testing us daily and North Korea and Iran have nukes. But there are very few votes in defense, only lobbying pressure. However, there are tens of millions of eager Democrat votes in welfare, health care, pensions and education.
National and international radical environmentalism, now taught as a religious cult in the public schools and colleges, has convinced the lion's share of the population that man-caused global warming is real and environmental protection supercedes constitutionally protected property rights. It has gotten so bad that rural landowners have become second-class citizens with no rights whatsoever.
This is only the half of it. America has generated a political system where the tail wags the dog. The "Deep State" which consists of government employees, mostly leaning left, now have the power to direct public policy from within and derail any policy (or investigation) they don't like. They have the power to make rules with the force of law that the Congress never sees. But under Article 1, Section 1 of the U. S. Constitution, only the legislative branch has the power to make law.
In one recent period the Congress passed 214 laws. In the same period the federal bureaucracies passed over 3,000 rules. Most of those rules have a socialist or an environmental agenda and most of them are unconstitutional on their face but are never challenged.
It gets worse. This same political environment has set up a system of spoils and those spoils go to "establishment" politicians where the political parties and the lobbyists are merged into one big giant racketeering enterprise. The "I'll rub your back, if you rub my back" has been taken to new heights, covertly hidden under the guise of a so-called representative government. Anyone that tries to break up this politically entrenched racket will quickly find that their assets, their reputation and their very life are in imminent danger.
Most politicians care not one whit about America or the well being of Americans, nor do they care about constitutional principles of liberty. They only care about being part of the racketeering cabal, the spoils that come with the office and getting re-elected so that they can continue to reap their ill-gotten gains, gains they purloin from American's sweat, blood and tears. There are some exceptions of course.
One of our readers wrote in response to our recent article on corruption:
"The corruption is so bad and it has been going on for so long people accept it as normal. Nobody will do anything about it as long as they can fill their bellies, drive their cars, live in a nice home and have a little free time."
"Until that is taken away I don’t see anybody doing anything about it and that is why they printed phony money for so long to keep the charade going. It’s all a dog and pony show."
"The problem is, it has led to un-payable debt amounting to $125,000,000,000,000 (including unfunded liabilities) and counting. Somebody is bound to get mad."
They may get mad but will they do anything about it?
Those that have any intellect at all know exactly what is going on, but appear to be helpless to stop it. All that is heard are moans and groans, along with a million books, essays and articles, describing what is wrong with America, but offering no solutions. Many well meaning individuals and groups across America are trying to make a difference, but separated and divided and without sufficient monetary resources, or bodies, they have no power against the "Deep State", the "establishment", or the Progressive/socialist mindset majority that has gripped the nation for a hundred years. Their very separation and division precludes them from implementing a viable solution.
The big question is, how do you peacefully dismantle this long reigning, powerful "Establishment" and "Deep State" racket and re-build a Constitutional Republic America? It is no easy task without tearing the nation apart and sending it reeling into chaos.
Much conventional wisdom says that there is no way to restore what has become a corrupt American political system, without massive unrest, a civil war, or even a revolution. We're not in that camp. America's problem is parallel to how to convert radical Islamists into peaceful Islamists, although not as extreme. In America, the problem is, how do you de-program a people that have turned into Progressive/socialists, back into free thinking, self-reliant Americans with God given unalienable rights?
No matter how you slice it, the problem and the solution are generational. However, many patriotic Americans, anxious for instant gratification, don't want to wait for a generation or two and they are itching to fire the first shot. Sadly, once the first shot is fired, the personal toll will be devastating and the outcome un-predictable.
Most people have overlooked another viable solution because it involves the difficult task of changing the hearts and minds of a large portion of the population. That is never easy and it always takes a powerful IDEA and an in-ordinate amount of time that most people are not willing to endure.
Think back. Freedom did not come easy to the colonists but freedom was born nevertheless in that fateful year of 1776. The foundation of liberty lives today because of their sacrifice and the sacrifices of millions of Americans who gave their lives so that freedom might survive, albeit somewhat diminished.
Christianity, now over 2,000 years old, went through ages of turmoil, strife and evolution, but Christianity is still fairly strong today. Most of the other world's religions have evolved into the peaceful recognition of the sanctity of life and the powerful, positive and practical virtues of honorable human behavior ..... that is all but one.
Freedom and Christianity are the personification and the manifestation of a powerful IDEA. Each has their individual symbol that provides an indelible image of that IDEA. The American Flag is the symbol of American freedom. The Cross is the symbol of Christianity.
Unfortunately, the IDEA of freedom was buried under the false flag of Progressivism that started over 100 years ago and now millions of Americans have no concept of what freedom really means. They ignore the problems America faces that we have described in this article. They have to come believe that they ARE "subjects" of the government and that is the natural way because they have no other perspective or point of reference upon which to change their belief. It would take an emotionally powerful IDEA for them to undo what they erroneously perceive as reality. Is there such an IDEA out there with that much power? Yes!
There are two choices for those who care about the preservation of individual freedom. We either accept the status quo as "subjects" of a hopelessly corrupt American government that fails to discharge its duties to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and defend individual liberty ..... OR, we unleash the power of an IDEA that was buried by Progressivism to reclaim our natural, God-given birthright to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness. Anything short of that is slowly evolving slavery. We're half way there.
What if there was a "Powerful solution to America's Frustration with Government?" If you are as frustrated as we are by the fact that there appears to be no solution to America's ills, we strongly urge you to take a few minutes and peer into our "CRYSTAL BALL" and find out what happens ..... if we do nothing. Then explore our IDEA that possesses the power and the elements to save America from a fatal, self-inflicted wound.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Without Honor Corruption Becomes the Norm”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, February 11, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
"When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe." Thomas Jefferson
"I weep for the liberty of my country when I see at this early day of its successful experiment that corruption has been imputed to many members of the House of Representatives, and the rights of the people have been bartered for promises of office." President Andrew Jackson
Political corruption is not a new phenomenon. The current DOJ, FBI, DNC, FISA, Hillary Clinton scandal just happened to be one that has been exposed with the Nunes memo. In recent memory we have FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover keeping hit list files and spying on Americans. We have the Pentagon Papers and much more.
Corruption started when man invented politics, some 5 to 6,000 years ago. There always has been political corruption and there will always be political corruption because the propensity towards corruption is a human failing, especially for those who hold political or religious power over the masses, or control over large sums of money. The only thing that holds corruption in check is the people. If the people don't care and will not hold those that govern them accountable, political corruption grows and becomes institutionalized, just like it is now in America and has been in Europe and the rest of the world for centuries.
The inescapable truth is, freedom cannot co-exist with political corruption.
Consequently, unless it can be controlled, any attempts to preserve freedom will be fruitless. If the people are corrupt, or are without honor, or don't care, controlling corruption becomes impossible and thus freedom becomes a far-off shimmering mirage that can never be reached.
One of the other protections against corruption was the fourth estate, or a free press, imbued with strong journalistic ethics and unbiased objectivity. It follows then that if the press is corrupt or biased in its reporting, as it is today, the people will not be properly informed of political corruption and the corruption will flourish in the darkness of ignorance that no light can penetrate.
The Founding Fathers installed protections against corruption by establishing the Separations of Powers doctrine through the three branches of government. Their thought being that one branch could hold corruption in check in one or both of the other two branches. Further protection against corruption was established through the power of the states in the 9th and 10th Amendments. It was believed that the states could hold the federal government in check if it became corrupt or too powerful. What the Founding Fathers couldn't predict was the craftiness of the human mind to get around obstacles in furtherance of self-gratification or personal enrichment, especially when there are huge sums of money floating around and where accountability was (or is) either lax or non-existent, as is the current condition of the American government at all levels.
The final protection against corruption of course, was that of the people. If the people were or are apathetic, inattentive, or just plain don't care, the first and last protection against political corruption evaporates. The whole system, even with corruption inhibitors in place, will fail if the people and the government are devoid of morality and honor.
Scandals and corruption are not limited to the federal government. Corruption exists anywhere there are not mechanisms in place to detect corruption, or where the people will not, or refuse to hold politicians accountability for their actions. In a recent John Stossel TV expose', it was reported that Jefferson County, Alabama is bankrupt (by billions of dollars) because of corruption and collusion between the county commissioners and Wall Street bankers over the financing of a massive sewer system.
Take California: At least three cities in California have declared bankruptcy, probably more now. Politicians in a small California town passed ordinances to give themselves exorbitant salaries. They were caught and hopefully, some have gone to jail. They would have gotten away with it if the people hadn't found out and exposed them.
Lt. Cmdr. Walter Fitzpatrick, a distinguished naval officer, was hauled off to jail when he tried to expose corruption in a Tennessee county. It looks like Fitzpatrick is going to prevail in his efforts to expose that corruption, even though he has paid a terrible price in money, time and reputation, for so doing.
Corruption and collusion are rife in the letting of government contracts to private companies by local, state and the federal government. Government's attempt to control corruption is circumvented by creative politicians and devious contractors, lusting after the government un-accountable gravy train. Billions of American taxpayer dollars were squandered in Iraq in the process of the American military and the contractors they hired to re-build Iraq. Billions more are evaporating in Afghanistan to graft and corruption in their government and ours. Government squanders Billions more in un-detected waste, fraud, abuse and corruption.
Corruption exists in government contract negotiations with unions, which leads to massive unfunded pension liabilities when government capitulates to excessive union demands. This kind of corruption is one of the major factors that have led to municipal bankruptcies.
And corruption is even prevalent in local school boards all over the country, as they pander to the "education" snake-oil salesman that descend upon them to buy books or other products, along with their insatiable desire to build grandiose schools. In that regard, the City of Seattle (Washington State) built eight high schools in the early 1920's. All of the schools were built on the same, three-story floor plan, thus cutting construction and material costs dramatically. Most of those 100-year old schools are still being used today, even the one we attended back in the 1950's.
But you won't find that kind of fiscal conservatism today. Each new school has to have unique architecture, costing millions more to build. Because schools are funded by taxes, administration tends to be top heavy. Even so, administrative and financial controls are lax, financial accountability is substandard and waste is rampant, like any other government run program. If the schools run out of money, they go to the taxpayer for more, appealing to the parent's emotion and guilt for not properly funding the "kids". As a result, costs escalate well above inflation levels without a corresponding rise in test scores or graduations. Private schools on the other hand are run more efficiently, at less cost, with significantly better test scores.
Here is an example of the corruption that goes on in the U. S. Congress every day. That's every day! Senator Rand Paul gets up on the Floor of the Senate and describes Senate corruption in detail. See his damning testimony at the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svGDZOW-brA&feature=youtu.be. Then listen to Senator Jim DeMint at this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8xmLCGzuVI where he accuses the Senate of passing 94% of its bills in secret. 94% mind you ..... in secret! Please note that both of these Senators are Tea Party Republicans and they are accusing the other side (Democrats) of breaking their own Senate rules, not reading the bills they pass and not passing a budget for many years. Now the Republicans run the Senate and they can't seem to pass a budget either.
We can't be a country controlled by the rule of law, if the lawmakers won't follow the rules ..... much less the law, or pass laws that are so large and so complex that no one can understand or interpret them. That is hidden corruption on a grand scale and can only lead to more enslavement of the people.
"It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man who knows what the law is today can guess what it will be tomorrow." James Madison, Federalist No. 62, 1788
Corruption is not limited to politicians. Judges and bureaucrats are not immune from becoming corrupt. Many judges become consumed with their power on the bench and are susceptible to judicial corruption by either legislating from the bench, or ignoring, or flaunting the law altogether. Bureaucrats have the power to make law and are not above making law that is wholly unconstitutional, or just outright breaking the law. The legislative branch, which creates the bureaucracies, does little to oversee them, or hold them in check.
Two of the things that exacerbate corruption, are size and complexity. The greater the size (number of people), the more regulations there are, the less fiscal controls there are and the greater the complexity. The third thing that fosters corruption is the human failing of "glazing over" when faced with complexity. Laws governing the behavior of the people and the government, number in the hundreds of thousands of pages and many millions of words. (55,000 pages are added to the Federal Register every year.) Thus, attorneys are called in to interpret all the laws and regulations. (Of course, attorneys write the laws) Since most people aren't politicians, much less lawyers or accountants, their instant reaction to complexity is to glaze over and say, "let the experts handle it." But ladies and gentlemen, if the people abdicate their duty to hold government accountable, who is watching the experts?
In the end, if political corruption is allowed to grow and run rampant, eventually a society will descend into irretrievable fascism, or a dictatorship. The only escape from fascism or a dictator (or maybe even corruption) is violent revolution. Ask the people of Hungary, Romania, or the Ukraine, or almost any country in Europe, on what the human and property costs were to extricate themselves from a dictator, or a fascist, or rampant corruption?
The basic reason behind the rise of collusion and corruption is that the many people have lost the virtue of honor. A large segment of our American population have lost it by succumbing to the siren call of a "free" lunch from government, when we all know, the "lunch" isn't free. Politicians have lost honor because, in a representative government, politicians are a reflection of the people who vote them into office.
If we do not religiously value honor, integrity and honesty in ourselves, we will not value those very same qualities in our leaders. In today's world, those men and women without honor, integrity and honesty continue to be elected to public office. Therefore, by our own choice, we allow dishonor and dishonesty to perpetuate itself in ourselves and in our government and frankly, we deserve what we get. Our inaction and apathy leads to "Corruption Becoming the Norm." The corruption will continue to grow ..... IF WE DO NOTHING!
We will be using the "If We Do Nothing" theme in subsequent articles.
What are your THOUGHTS?
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"I weep for the liberty of my country when I see at this early day of its successful experiment that corruption has been imputed to many members of the House of Representatives, and the rights of the people have been bartered for promises of office." President Andrew Jackson
Political corruption is not a new phenomenon. The current DOJ, FBI, DNC, FISA, Hillary Clinton scandal just happened to be one that has been exposed with the Nunes memo. In recent memory we have FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover keeping hit list files and spying on Americans. We have the Pentagon Papers and much more.
Corruption started when man invented politics, some 5 to 6,000 years ago. There always has been political corruption and there will always be political corruption because the propensity towards corruption is a human failing, especially for those who hold political or religious power over the masses, or control over large sums of money. The only thing that holds corruption in check is the people. If the people don't care and will not hold those that govern them accountable, political corruption grows and becomes institutionalized, just like it is now in America and has been in Europe and the rest of the world for centuries.
The inescapable truth is, freedom cannot co-exist with political corruption.
Consequently, unless it can be controlled, any attempts to preserve freedom will be fruitless. If the people are corrupt, or are without honor, or don't care, controlling corruption becomes impossible and thus freedom becomes a far-off shimmering mirage that can never be reached.
One of the other protections against corruption was the fourth estate, or a free press, imbued with strong journalistic ethics and unbiased objectivity. It follows then that if the press is corrupt or biased in its reporting, as it is today, the people will not be properly informed of political corruption and the corruption will flourish in the darkness of ignorance that no light can penetrate.
The Founding Fathers installed protections against corruption by establishing the Separations of Powers doctrine through the three branches of government. Their thought being that one branch could hold corruption in check in one or both of the other two branches. Further protection against corruption was established through the power of the states in the 9th and 10th Amendments. It was believed that the states could hold the federal government in check if it became corrupt or too powerful. What the Founding Fathers couldn't predict was the craftiness of the human mind to get around obstacles in furtherance of self-gratification or personal enrichment, especially when there are huge sums of money floating around and where accountability was (or is) either lax or non-existent, as is the current condition of the American government at all levels.
The final protection against corruption of course, was that of the people. If the people were or are apathetic, inattentive, or just plain don't care, the first and last protection against political corruption evaporates. The whole system, even with corruption inhibitors in place, will fail if the people and the government are devoid of morality and honor.
Scandals and corruption are not limited to the federal government. Corruption exists anywhere there are not mechanisms in place to detect corruption, or where the people will not, or refuse to hold politicians accountability for their actions. In a recent John Stossel TV expose', it was reported that Jefferson County, Alabama is bankrupt (by billions of dollars) because of corruption and collusion between the county commissioners and Wall Street bankers over the financing of a massive sewer system.
Take California: At least three cities in California have declared bankruptcy, probably more now. Politicians in a small California town passed ordinances to give themselves exorbitant salaries. They were caught and hopefully, some have gone to jail. They would have gotten away with it if the people hadn't found out and exposed them.
Lt. Cmdr. Walter Fitzpatrick, a distinguished naval officer, was hauled off to jail when he tried to expose corruption in a Tennessee county. It looks like Fitzpatrick is going to prevail in his efforts to expose that corruption, even though he has paid a terrible price in money, time and reputation, for so doing.
Corruption and collusion are rife in the letting of government contracts to private companies by local, state and the federal government. Government's attempt to control corruption is circumvented by creative politicians and devious contractors, lusting after the government un-accountable gravy train. Billions of American taxpayer dollars were squandered in Iraq in the process of the American military and the contractors they hired to re-build Iraq. Billions more are evaporating in Afghanistan to graft and corruption in their government and ours. Government squanders Billions more in un-detected waste, fraud, abuse and corruption.
Corruption exists in government contract negotiations with unions, which leads to massive unfunded pension liabilities when government capitulates to excessive union demands. This kind of corruption is one of the major factors that have led to municipal bankruptcies.
And corruption is even prevalent in local school boards all over the country, as they pander to the "education" snake-oil salesman that descend upon them to buy books or other products, along with their insatiable desire to build grandiose schools. In that regard, the City of Seattle (Washington State) built eight high schools in the early 1920's. All of the schools were built on the same, three-story floor plan, thus cutting construction and material costs dramatically. Most of those 100-year old schools are still being used today, even the one we attended back in the 1950's.
But you won't find that kind of fiscal conservatism today. Each new school has to have unique architecture, costing millions more to build. Because schools are funded by taxes, administration tends to be top heavy. Even so, administrative and financial controls are lax, financial accountability is substandard and waste is rampant, like any other government run program. If the schools run out of money, they go to the taxpayer for more, appealing to the parent's emotion and guilt for not properly funding the "kids". As a result, costs escalate well above inflation levels without a corresponding rise in test scores or graduations. Private schools on the other hand are run more efficiently, at less cost, with significantly better test scores.
Here is an example of the corruption that goes on in the U. S. Congress every day. That's every day! Senator Rand Paul gets up on the Floor of the Senate and describes Senate corruption in detail. See his damning testimony at the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svGDZOW-brA&feature=youtu.be. Then listen to Senator Jim DeMint at this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8xmLCGzuVI where he accuses the Senate of passing 94% of its bills in secret. 94% mind you ..... in secret! Please note that both of these Senators are Tea Party Republicans and they are accusing the other side (Democrats) of breaking their own Senate rules, not reading the bills they pass and not passing a budget for many years. Now the Republicans run the Senate and they can't seem to pass a budget either.
We can't be a country controlled by the rule of law, if the lawmakers won't follow the rules ..... much less the law, or pass laws that are so large and so complex that no one can understand or interpret them. That is hidden corruption on a grand scale and can only lead to more enslavement of the people.
"It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man who knows what the law is today can guess what it will be tomorrow." James Madison, Federalist No. 62, 1788
Corruption is not limited to politicians. Judges and bureaucrats are not immune from becoming corrupt. Many judges become consumed with their power on the bench and are susceptible to judicial corruption by either legislating from the bench, or ignoring, or flaunting the law altogether. Bureaucrats have the power to make law and are not above making law that is wholly unconstitutional, or just outright breaking the law. The legislative branch, which creates the bureaucracies, does little to oversee them, or hold them in check.
Two of the things that exacerbate corruption, are size and complexity. The greater the size (number of people), the more regulations there are, the less fiscal controls there are and the greater the complexity. The third thing that fosters corruption is the human failing of "glazing over" when faced with complexity. Laws governing the behavior of the people and the government, number in the hundreds of thousands of pages and many millions of words. (55,000 pages are added to the Federal Register every year.) Thus, attorneys are called in to interpret all the laws and regulations. (Of course, attorneys write the laws) Since most people aren't politicians, much less lawyers or accountants, their instant reaction to complexity is to glaze over and say, "let the experts handle it." But ladies and gentlemen, if the people abdicate their duty to hold government accountable, who is watching the experts?
In the end, if political corruption is allowed to grow and run rampant, eventually a society will descend into irretrievable fascism, or a dictatorship. The only escape from fascism or a dictator (or maybe even corruption) is violent revolution. Ask the people of Hungary, Romania, or the Ukraine, or almost any country in Europe, on what the human and property costs were to extricate themselves from a dictator, or a fascist, or rampant corruption?
The basic reason behind the rise of collusion and corruption is that the many people have lost the virtue of honor. A large segment of our American population have lost it by succumbing to the siren call of a "free" lunch from government, when we all know, the "lunch" isn't free. Politicians have lost honor because, in a representative government, politicians are a reflection of the people who vote them into office.
If we do not religiously value honor, integrity and honesty in ourselves, we will not value those very same qualities in our leaders. In today's world, those men and women without honor, integrity and honesty continue to be elected to public office. Therefore, by our own choice, we allow dishonor and dishonesty to perpetuate itself in ourselves and in our government and frankly, we deserve what we get. Our inaction and apathy leads to "Corruption Becoming the Norm." The corruption will continue to grow ..... IF WE DO NOTHING!
We will be using the "If We Do Nothing" theme in subsequent articles.
What are your THOUGHTS?
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"The IRS - Arbitrary, Capricious, Arrogant and Corrupt!”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, February 4, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
"Life is a fight, a fight to stay alive and a fight to keep others from taking your life or your liberty from you!"
Ron Ewart
Many of our readers are aware of our difficulties with the IRS and the articles we have written describing those difficulties, along with just how corrupt the IRS has become. We will cover more on that issue, later in the article. Hopefully, President Trump's Tax Cut and Reform Act of 2017 will cut the IRS off at the knees, or at least slow it down. We'll see.
Prior to the passage of the 16th Amendment, the federal government managed to exist on revenues from "Duties, Imposts and Excises to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States." (Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the U. S. Constitution.)
But alas, the taxes collected in accordance with the Constitution were not enough and the bankers that loaned vast sums of money to the United States government, were uneasy about their investments. Congress, pressured by the bankers, capitulated to their lobby and the 16th Amendment was born in 1913 that created the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service under a progressive tax rate system, where higher earners pay a significantly higher tax rate, a direct violation of the equal protection clause of the U. S. Constitution.
We are told that the Federal Reserve was created to smooth out the peaks and valleys of our economic system, as prior to the 16th Amendment bank runs and failures were common. Perhaps there may be an element of truth to this argument. However, the real reason for the 16th Amendment was that the bankers needed a steady, determinable source of re-payment to secure their loans and what better way to do it than to tax the income of all Americans and to create an agency that puts the fear of God into those Americans to insure compliance of a so-called voluntary law, even if it violated the Constitution. This could be called, "security for a loan at the point of a gun where the government holds the gun and your head is where it is pointed." That is how the Cosa Nostra does it. Pay up, or we'll break your leg.
Since 1913, the government and the IRS have grown exponentially in both enforcement power and manpower. They have become arbitrary, capricious, arrogant and hopelessly corrupt. Americans no longer are the master but have reversed the role with government and have become the servant. To give you a rough idea of government growth, take a look at the following statistics in just the last twenty years.
In 2016, the IRS raised $3.333 Trillion in taxes, spending $11.7 Billion, using 78,000 employees. The taxes raised in that year equaled $10,288 for every man, woman and child in America. In contrast, in 1987, (just 20 years before) the taxes raised per person was $3,627, on total taxes of approximately $886.3 Billion. In just 20 years, taxes to run the government, collected by the IRS, have increased 376 percent. Taxes per capita have increased 284%. (Source: IRS) In the same period the Gross Domestic Product only increased by 100 percent. Even allowing for inflation, the questions raised by these statistics are numerous. There can be no doubt. Government is exploding and the "tax man cometh." (This massive increase in spending, in just 20 years, can be laid directly at the feet of the Democrat Party and the financially flawed Progressive ideology that uses the Public Treasury to buy votes to maintain political power.)
To collect all this "dough" from the duped American taxpayers, the IRS just had to get more aggressive. But the IRS has now gone beyond aggressive and has become arbitrary, capricious, arrogant and corrupt.
The operations of the IRS have spawned thousands of books, essays and articles on just how bad it is and has caused probably hundreds of thousand of court cases since 1913 that have landed thousands of taxpayers in jail and many more unnecessarily paying billions in fines and penalties. The IRS makes mistakes all the time. It has been estimated that the IRS sends demand notices, liens and taxes-due errors to at least 10,000,000 taxpayers every single year.
Many books have been written describing why individual Americans don't owe taxes, in a strict interpretation of the Internal Revenue Code. If you read their arguments you would tend to believe they are right. One such author, Pete Hendrickson, wrote a book called "Cracking the Code." His method, described in his book, shows how to get back all the money you paid to the IRS. Apparently, using that method, many so-called non-taxpayers (as Pete calls them) have gotten their money back. However, Pete's wife spent 18 months in jail for daring to challenge the IRS. The story is much more complicated than that, which we won't go into here, except to say in this case, the IRS used judicial brute force to throw an innocent lady in jail, probably seeking revenge against her husband.
However, many other authors who have told Americans they don't owe taxes under the code have landed in jail as well. One Irwin Schiff died in jail for daring to challenge the legality of the tax code as applied to individuals. Some get away with these legal challenges, others do not.
On the other hand, we have never taken that tack. It is too dangerous because the IRS is fickle. It will prosecute some folks, but ignore, or let others go. The IRS is all-powerful. Why take the chance? But that doesn't mean you shouldn't challenge them, especially when they are wrong and they are wrong all the time. We have challenged the IRS numerous times on their errors and have prevailed, except for the following event.
Back in 2013, the IRS started seizing 15% of our Social Security (SS) benefits for an alleged penalty from Calendar-Year 2011. We challenged the penalty three days after receiving the Notice of the penalty with an Affidavit and followed up with a Notice of Default and Dishonor 30 days later. We had been successful against the IRS using this method, at least five times before. In the past, the IRS never responded to our Affidavits, they just issued a NO TAX DUE notice.
But this time, since the C/Y 2011 penalty was significant, the IRS decided to ignore our Affidavit and began seizing the SS benefits. Before we could again challenge the seizure, we had to wait until the seizure was done. That took over two and half years. After the two and one half years past and the total penalty paid, we were required to file a Claim for Refund with the Secretary of the Treasury if we wanted our money back. We filed one Claim for Refund with the Secretary and then filed a follow-up Claim for Refund two months later. We never heard from the Secretary of the Treasury about our Claim. Nevertheless, we still had to wait another six months after filing the claim before we could file suit in U. S. District Court against the IRS to obtain a refund. These purposely imposed and excessive wait times are designed to inhibit any challenges to the IRS.
So in mid December of 2017, we filed our lawsuit with the U. S. District Court. A little over a month later we received notice from the court that they were denying the issuance of the summons and dismissed our claim because the court said; "we failed to state a claim for which relief can be granted." This is the great cop out by Courts to weed out lawsuits, especially from pro se litigants.
Our legal arguments were based on three court precedents, namely: Group v Finletter, 108 F. Supp. 327, and United States v. Kis, 658 F.2d 526, 536 (7th Cir. 1981) and Morris v National Cash Register, 44 S.W. 2d 433, a very simple one: TO-WIT: "An un-rebutted affidavit stands as truth in any court or administrative procedure."
The court either ignored or refused to look at the secondary issue in these cases and denied our argument. But we weren't going to lie down and play dead for the court in docile submission. We filed a Motion in Rebuttal to their denial and dismissal. You can read our Motion in Rebuttal HERE. You will find the Motion both educational as well as entertaining.
Now our Motion in Rebuttal probably won't get the Court to change its mind, but we had a field day in telling the court what they could do with their order. Upon learning that the specific judge and the Clerk of the Court were negligent in filing the proper paperwork to establish their authority in the past, in the Motion we questioned the judge's authority and requested, under an FOIA request, that he send us a certified copy of his Oath of Office and Appointment Affidavit, required for every judge. Sure, we are tickling the tiger's tail, but we get some perverse pleasure from it.
We might not win THIS battle, but nevertheless we have won five out of six times against the IRS with legal challenges. We have saved thousands of dollars in taxes by not giving in and questioning every IRS notice we receive. On the other hand, the IRS has spent thousands of dollars in keeping up with our challenges.
The point we would like to make here is that if people won't challenge the government, whether it be the IRS or a whole laundry list of alphabet soup federal, state, or local agencies, the people can expect to be used and abused by government. If you challenge government when they are wrong and you win, you will feel emboldened to challenge them again. You will feel like you are in control and you are not a slave or a subject of government. In fact, you may even feel like you are sovereign. If more people did this, there would be a lot less using and abusing of the people by government. Sadly, most people would rather capitulate to government than take on Goliath. There aren't too many "Davids" in the general population. But then there never were.
In contrast to the non "Davids", we are fighters. As advocates for rural landowners the National Association of Rural Landowners has been fighting government for over 12 year on behalf of American rural landowners, providing advice, tools and other services. Individually, we have been fighting the government (especially the IRS) whenever they raise their ugly heads and we have been showing others how to do it. If you don't fight, you can expect to be run over. If you like being run over by government, that is your burden to bear.
Most everyone knows that the government, especially the IRS, has become arbitrary, capricious, arrogant and corrupt. With new revelations coming out every day about FBI and DOJ agents FIXING the Hillary Clinton investigation, the corruption grows ever more apparent. It will only get worse ..... IF WE DO NOTHING.
"Without knowledge, experience and a broad point of reference you cannot know the truth, much less be aware of reality, nor will you have the skill set to defend against your enemies." Ron Ewart
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Ron Ewart
Many of our readers are aware of our difficulties with the IRS and the articles we have written describing those difficulties, along with just how corrupt the IRS has become. We will cover more on that issue, later in the article. Hopefully, President Trump's Tax Cut and Reform Act of 2017 will cut the IRS off at the knees, or at least slow it down. We'll see.
Prior to the passage of the 16th Amendment, the federal government managed to exist on revenues from "Duties, Imposts and Excises to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States." (Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the U. S. Constitution.)
But alas, the taxes collected in accordance with the Constitution were not enough and the bankers that loaned vast sums of money to the United States government, were uneasy about their investments. Congress, pressured by the bankers, capitulated to their lobby and the 16th Amendment was born in 1913 that created the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service under a progressive tax rate system, where higher earners pay a significantly higher tax rate, a direct violation of the equal protection clause of the U. S. Constitution.
We are told that the Federal Reserve was created to smooth out the peaks and valleys of our economic system, as prior to the 16th Amendment bank runs and failures were common. Perhaps there may be an element of truth to this argument. However, the real reason for the 16th Amendment was that the bankers needed a steady, determinable source of re-payment to secure their loans and what better way to do it than to tax the income of all Americans and to create an agency that puts the fear of God into those Americans to insure compliance of a so-called voluntary law, even if it violated the Constitution. This could be called, "security for a loan at the point of a gun where the government holds the gun and your head is where it is pointed." That is how the Cosa Nostra does it. Pay up, or we'll break your leg.
Since 1913, the government and the IRS have grown exponentially in both enforcement power and manpower. They have become arbitrary, capricious, arrogant and hopelessly corrupt. Americans no longer are the master but have reversed the role with government and have become the servant. To give you a rough idea of government growth, take a look at the following statistics in just the last twenty years.
In 2016, the IRS raised $3.333 Trillion in taxes, spending $11.7 Billion, using 78,000 employees. The taxes raised in that year equaled $10,288 for every man, woman and child in America. In contrast, in 1987, (just 20 years before) the taxes raised per person was $3,627, on total taxes of approximately $886.3 Billion. In just 20 years, taxes to run the government, collected by the IRS, have increased 376 percent. Taxes per capita have increased 284%. (Source: IRS) In the same period the Gross Domestic Product only increased by 100 percent. Even allowing for inflation, the questions raised by these statistics are numerous. There can be no doubt. Government is exploding and the "tax man cometh." (This massive increase in spending, in just 20 years, can be laid directly at the feet of the Democrat Party and the financially flawed Progressive ideology that uses the Public Treasury to buy votes to maintain political power.)
To collect all this "dough" from the duped American taxpayers, the IRS just had to get more aggressive. But the IRS has now gone beyond aggressive and has become arbitrary, capricious, arrogant and corrupt.
The operations of the IRS have spawned thousands of books, essays and articles on just how bad it is and has caused probably hundreds of thousand of court cases since 1913 that have landed thousands of taxpayers in jail and many more unnecessarily paying billions in fines and penalties. The IRS makes mistakes all the time. It has been estimated that the IRS sends demand notices, liens and taxes-due errors to at least 10,000,000 taxpayers every single year.
Many books have been written describing why individual Americans don't owe taxes, in a strict interpretation of the Internal Revenue Code. If you read their arguments you would tend to believe they are right. One such author, Pete Hendrickson, wrote a book called "Cracking the Code." His method, described in his book, shows how to get back all the money you paid to the IRS. Apparently, using that method, many so-called non-taxpayers (as Pete calls them) have gotten their money back. However, Pete's wife spent 18 months in jail for daring to challenge the IRS. The story is much more complicated than that, which we won't go into here, except to say in this case, the IRS used judicial brute force to throw an innocent lady in jail, probably seeking revenge against her husband.
However, many other authors who have told Americans they don't owe taxes under the code have landed in jail as well. One Irwin Schiff died in jail for daring to challenge the legality of the tax code as applied to individuals. Some get away with these legal challenges, others do not.
On the other hand, we have never taken that tack. It is too dangerous because the IRS is fickle. It will prosecute some folks, but ignore, or let others go. The IRS is all-powerful. Why take the chance? But that doesn't mean you shouldn't challenge them, especially when they are wrong and they are wrong all the time. We have challenged the IRS numerous times on their errors and have prevailed, except for the following event.
Back in 2013, the IRS started seizing 15% of our Social Security (SS) benefits for an alleged penalty from Calendar-Year 2011. We challenged the penalty three days after receiving the Notice of the penalty with an Affidavit and followed up with a Notice of Default and Dishonor 30 days later. We had been successful against the IRS using this method, at least five times before. In the past, the IRS never responded to our Affidavits, they just issued a NO TAX DUE notice.
But this time, since the C/Y 2011 penalty was significant, the IRS decided to ignore our Affidavit and began seizing the SS benefits. Before we could again challenge the seizure, we had to wait until the seizure was done. That took over two and half years. After the two and one half years past and the total penalty paid, we were required to file a Claim for Refund with the Secretary of the Treasury if we wanted our money back. We filed one Claim for Refund with the Secretary and then filed a follow-up Claim for Refund two months later. We never heard from the Secretary of the Treasury about our Claim. Nevertheless, we still had to wait another six months after filing the claim before we could file suit in U. S. District Court against the IRS to obtain a refund. These purposely imposed and excessive wait times are designed to inhibit any challenges to the IRS.
So in mid December of 2017, we filed our lawsuit with the U. S. District Court. A little over a month later we received notice from the court that they were denying the issuance of the summons and dismissed our claim because the court said; "we failed to state a claim for which relief can be granted." This is the great cop out by Courts to weed out lawsuits, especially from pro se litigants.
Our legal arguments were based on three court precedents, namely: Group v Finletter, 108 F. Supp. 327, and United States v. Kis, 658 F.2d 526, 536 (7th Cir. 1981) and Morris v National Cash Register, 44 S.W. 2d 433, a very simple one: TO-WIT: "An un-rebutted affidavit stands as truth in any court or administrative procedure."
The court either ignored or refused to look at the secondary issue in these cases and denied our argument. But we weren't going to lie down and play dead for the court in docile submission. We filed a Motion in Rebuttal to their denial and dismissal. You can read our Motion in Rebuttal HERE. You will find the Motion both educational as well as entertaining.
Now our Motion in Rebuttal probably won't get the Court to change its mind, but we had a field day in telling the court what they could do with their order. Upon learning that the specific judge and the Clerk of the Court were negligent in filing the proper paperwork to establish their authority in the past, in the Motion we questioned the judge's authority and requested, under an FOIA request, that he send us a certified copy of his Oath of Office and Appointment Affidavit, required for every judge. Sure, we are tickling the tiger's tail, but we get some perverse pleasure from it.
We might not win THIS battle, but nevertheless we have won five out of six times against the IRS with legal challenges. We have saved thousands of dollars in taxes by not giving in and questioning every IRS notice we receive. On the other hand, the IRS has spent thousands of dollars in keeping up with our challenges.
The point we would like to make here is that if people won't challenge the government, whether it be the IRS or a whole laundry list of alphabet soup federal, state, or local agencies, the people can expect to be used and abused by government. If you challenge government when they are wrong and you win, you will feel emboldened to challenge them again. You will feel like you are in control and you are not a slave or a subject of government. In fact, you may even feel like you are sovereign. If more people did this, there would be a lot less using and abusing of the people by government. Sadly, most people would rather capitulate to government than take on Goliath. There aren't too many "Davids" in the general population. But then there never were.
In contrast to the non "Davids", we are fighters. As advocates for rural landowners the National Association of Rural Landowners has been fighting government for over 12 year on behalf of American rural landowners, providing advice, tools and other services. Individually, we have been fighting the government (especially the IRS) whenever they raise their ugly heads and we have been showing others how to do it. If you don't fight, you can expect to be run over. If you like being run over by government, that is your burden to bear.
Most everyone knows that the government, especially the IRS, has become arbitrary, capricious, arrogant and corrupt. With new revelations coming out every day about FBI and DOJ agents FIXING the Hillary Clinton investigation, the corruption grows ever more apparent. It will only get worse ..... IF WE DO NOTHING.
"Without knowledge, experience and a broad point of reference you cannot know the truth, much less be aware of reality, nor will you have the skill set to defend against your enemies." Ron Ewart
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Dreamers - 800,000 New Democrat Voters”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, January 28, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
"The most logical fix for most of America's fiscal problems would be to pass a law requiring that no recipient of a government handout or benefit could vote on any issue or vote for any candidate that would or could result in an increase in those handouts or benefits, unless the recipient was paying for the handout or benefit in the form of taxes or payroll deductions." Ron Ewart
The government shut down of January 2018 had absolutely nothing to do with principle and everything to do with increasing Democrat votes, by "pushing" the Congress to the brink for amnesty for 800,000 DACA children. They need those votes for the upcoming mid-term elections. That is why they risked shutting down the government ..... and succeeded.
Anyone who actually believes that the Democrats, or Chuck Shumer for that matter, care about the "Dreamer" children (who are in fact illegal aliens), is living in an alternate reality. The Democrats care not one whit about the sick, the poor, the down trodden, the elderly, the disabled, Blacks, Latinos, women, illegal aliens, or even free loaders, or anyone else that finds it necessary to be dependent on government. The Democrats only care about the votes they can garner by promising some benefit or cold hard cash, stolen from the public treasury, and handed out to the government dependents in some large constituency group.
Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Obama Care, 80 overlapping welfare programs and all other social programs have their roots in "votes" for the Democrats and maintaining perpetual political power by exploiting a human weakness that leans toward looking for something for "free" from government.
The Democrat's push for perpetual political power started way back in the late 1800's with the rise of the Progressive movement. The movement was bolstered by the 16th Amendment (1913) that gave us the Federal Reserve and the Income tax, turning all Americans into indentured slaves for the national debt. It was then further put on steroids in the 1930's with FDR's Social Security, the New Deal and the removal of the gold standard. Then came Johnson's Great Society and finally Obama Care. None of these programs can be overturned because the recipients of government largess get to vote for their own self-interests ..... with Democrat support of course.
By the time America reached 2016, all those programs, passed under Democrat control, have shoved America into a massive debtor nation and the potential for national bankruptcy. These social programs have pitted the producers against the takers and divided the country into haves-and-have-nots, black against white, man against woman, and "illegals" against "legals." The fiscal imbalance is so bad that half of the American population, plus all the illegal aliens are LIVING OFF the producing half. There is strong evidence that it may even be worse than that. We keep wondering when the producing half will finally revolt?
As the Democrats and Chuck Shumer were wholly responsible for the January 2018 government shut down for votes from 800,000 Dreamers potentially receiving amnesty, the Democrats were and are equally responsible for dividing this country up into constituency groups that fight with each other over the spoils of America's Gross Domestic Product. The Democrat's ulterior motive for dividing Americans into competing constituency groups is and was for the sole purpose of "buying" votes to stay in power.
Dreamers are only a tiny part of a much bigger problem. The idiocy of where America is today, at the hands of the Democrats, was exquisitely described in a series of "If" statements written down by some unknown author. We slightly altered the statements to punctuate our point. We could have added several more "If" statements but decided to keep it to the posted list for brevity. These true "If" statements have been circling all over the Internet for several years and we know most of our readers have read them. But so far all the people do is laugh. They never lift a finger to correct the described idiocy.
1. If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for being in the country illegally, you live in a country run by the likes of Democrats Chuck Shumer and Nancy Pelosi.
2. If you have to get your parents’ permission to go on a field trip or take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion, you live in a country run by the likes of Democrats Chuck Shumer and Nancy Pelosi.
3. If you have to show identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor, or check out a library book, but not to vote on who runs the government, you live in a country run by the likes of Democrats Chuck Shumer and Nancy Pelosi.
4. If, in the largest city, you can buy two 16-ounce sodas, but not a 24-ounce soda because 24-ounces of a sugary drink might make you fat, you live in a country run by the likes of Democrats Chuck Shumer and Nancy Pelosi.
5. If an 80-year-old woman can be stripped searched by the TSA but a woman in a hijab is only subject to having her neck and head searched, you live in a country run by the likes of Democrats Chuck Shumer and Nancy Pelosi.
6. If your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more, you live in a country run by the likes of Democrats Chuck Shumer and Nancy Pelosi.
7. If a seven-year old boy can be thrown out of grade school for saying his teacher’s “cute,” but hosting a sexual exploration or diversity class in grade school is perfectly acceptable, you live in a country run by the likes of Democrats Chuck Shumer and Nancy Pelosi.
8. If hard work and success are met with higher taxes and more government intrusion, while not working is rewarded with EBT cards, WIC checks, Medicaid, subsidized housing and free cell phones, you live in a country run by the likes of Democrats Chuck Shumer and Nancy Pelosi.
9. If the government’s plan for getting people back to work is to make NOT working more attractive, you live in a country run by the likes of Democrats Chuck Shumer and Nancy Pelosi.
10. If being stripped of the ability to defend yourself makes you more “safe” according to the government, you live in a country run by the likes of Democrats Chuck Shumer and Nancy Pelosi.
We ask, where is the outrage?
For over 100 years, as we slipped ever deeper into the socialist abyss, more and more of these "If" statements have been added to the list, while Americans looked the other way and allowed Democrats to bastardize a free and prosperous Constitutional Republic into a heavily restricted and regulated mob rule Democracy.
We have allowed our public school and academic education institutions to pump out brainwashed graduates who then occupy positions in government bureaucracies that have now become the Democrat "Deep State." They are doing everything in their power to erase what is left of American conservatism ..... and they are winning. Over 17% of the American labor force, some 40 million people, work for or are contracted by local, state, or the federal government and essentially obtain their living from the taxpayer. Most of those 40 million people attended liberal colleges and are fundamentally, to their core, liberal. Those 40 million liberals have the power to shape and control American politics from within and even have the power to subvert, disrupt and overwhelm presidential power ..... and their own bosses.
That "Deep State" power was epitomized by recently revealed evidence of high-level government employees in the FBI and the Department of Justice working diligently to make sure that Donald Trump never became president and working diligently to undermine and derail the Donald Trump presidency after he became president. Those "Deep State" undermining efforts are going on as we speak, in every level of the federal government.
Conservative Americans can no longer restore America at the voting booth because government dependents, "Deep State" sycophants and the rest of the Democrat voting block, have the majority. Trump's election was an electoral anomaly. Hillary won 3,000,000 more votes than Donald. If the Democrats are successful in obtaining amnesty for the 800,000 or so Dreamers and maybe even their extended families, the Democrat majority increases even more. Well over 90% of all illegal aliens that would be granted amnesty and eligible to vote, would vote Democrat and the Democrats know it. That is why the Democrats don't want a wall on the southern border and that is why they are lax on other border security issues, all the while gushing out that America is a country of immigrants. That's right! Legal immigrants!
Sadly, we have allowed all government, local, state and federal, to become so powerful that to confront and override that power would take millions of Americans, acting in unison, with a powerful, wealthy organization and a foolproof plan and with sufficient men, materials and money ..... lots of money. We see no evidence that such a large organization is even on the drawing board. What we do see is a lot of moaning, groaning and gnashing of teeth about how America has become a bankrupt police state and is no longer the country they grew up in. We also see that the other side can get millions of women to march in cities all over America. At least they are organized and have money. There is always money for liberal causes.
If we can't restore America to the intent of the Founding Fathers as a Constitutional Republic at the voting booth, or in the courts, or by a massive advertising campaign, there may be only one peaceful alternative left, short of revolution. That alternative is an idea that will sweep across America like a wind driven, out-of-control, raging forest fire.
Almost 2,500 years ago Socrates, Plato and Aristotle started to wax philosophically about the relationship of the people to government and freedom. A little over 2,000 years ago an idea captured the hearts of millions of people and that idea, Christianity, changed the world forever. In 1215 the early concepts of freedom spawned the Magna Carta and put shackles on the King's power. In the late 1600's the philosopher John Locke further defined the concepts of freedom and those concepts heavily influenced the leaders of a new land on a new continent to draft the Declaration of Independence, that again, changed the world forever and defined individual freedom and unalienable rights. Sadly, those concepts of individual freedom and unalienable rights started to be smothered under a corrupt pile of rubble called Progressivism. If powerful ideas can change the world, then another powerful idea can restore America's Constitutional Republic. We will be exploring this powerful idea in subsequent articles.
Ladies and gentlemen, IF WE DO NOTHING, Democrats like Chuck Shumer, Nancy Pelosi, the very liberal "Deep State", academia, the press and people dependent on government will eventually rule what's left of America and all illegal aliens, including the 800,000 Dreamers, will receive amnesty and will vote Democrat. That is an indisputable, unavoidable fact. Game over ..... IF WE DO NOTHING!
Footnote: Inexplicably, President Trump now wants to give a path to citizenship for 1,800,000 Dreamers. We keep wondering who the enemy is. Legal Americans can go to jail for handing out plastic straws (Califonria) but illegal aliens get rewarded for breaking our laws. The world is upside down and sideways and American citizens have less rights than those that break our immigration laws. One wonders, will illegal immigration finally trigger the predictable revolution?
What is your IDEA.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"The most logical fix for most of America's fiscal problems would be to pass a law requiring that no recipient of a government handout or benefit could vote on any issue or vote for any candidate that would or could result in an increase in those handouts or benefits, unless the recipient was paying for the handout or benefit in the form of taxes or payroll deductions." Ron Ewart
The government shut down of January 2018 had absolutely nothing to do with principle and everything to do with increasing Democrat votes, by "pushing" the Congress to the brink for amnesty for 800,000 DACA children. They need those votes for the upcoming mid-term elections. That is why they risked shutting down the government ..... and succeeded.
Anyone who actually believes that the Democrats, or Chuck Shumer for that matter, care about the "Dreamer" children (who are in fact illegal aliens), is living in an alternate reality. The Democrats care not one whit about the sick, the poor, the down trodden, the elderly, the disabled, Blacks, Latinos, women, illegal aliens, or even free loaders, or anyone else that finds it necessary to be dependent on government. The Democrats only care about the votes they can garner by promising some benefit or cold hard cash, stolen from the public treasury, and handed out to the government dependents in some large constituency group.
Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Obama Care, 80 overlapping welfare programs and all other social programs have their roots in "votes" for the Democrats and maintaining perpetual political power by exploiting a human weakness that leans toward looking for something for "free" from government.
The Democrat's push for perpetual political power started way back in the late 1800's with the rise of the Progressive movement. The movement was bolstered by the 16th Amendment (1913) that gave us the Federal Reserve and the Income tax, turning all Americans into indentured slaves for the national debt. It was then further put on steroids in the 1930's with FDR's Social Security, the New Deal and the removal of the gold standard. Then came Johnson's Great Society and finally Obama Care. None of these programs can be overturned because the recipients of government largess get to vote for their own self-interests ..... with Democrat support of course.
By the time America reached 2016, all those programs, passed under Democrat control, have shoved America into a massive debtor nation and the potential for national bankruptcy. These social programs have pitted the producers against the takers and divided the country into haves-and-have-nots, black against white, man against woman, and "illegals" against "legals." The fiscal imbalance is so bad that half of the American population, plus all the illegal aliens are LIVING OFF the producing half. There is strong evidence that it may even be worse than that. We keep wondering when the producing half will finally revolt?
As the Democrats and Chuck Shumer were wholly responsible for the January 2018 government shut down for votes from 800,000 Dreamers potentially receiving amnesty, the Democrats were and are equally responsible for dividing this country up into constituency groups that fight with each other over the spoils of America's Gross Domestic Product. The Democrat's ulterior motive for dividing Americans into competing constituency groups is and was for the sole purpose of "buying" votes to stay in power.
Dreamers are only a tiny part of a much bigger problem. The idiocy of where America is today, at the hands of the Democrats, was exquisitely described in a series of "If" statements written down by some unknown author. We slightly altered the statements to punctuate our point. We could have added several more "If" statements but decided to keep it to the posted list for brevity. These true "If" statements have been circling all over the Internet for several years and we know most of our readers have read them. But so far all the people do is laugh. They never lift a finger to correct the described idiocy.
1. If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for being in the country illegally, you live in a country run by the likes of Democrats Chuck Shumer and Nancy Pelosi.
2. If you have to get your parents’ permission to go on a field trip or take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion, you live in a country run by the likes of Democrats Chuck Shumer and Nancy Pelosi.
3. If you have to show identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor, or check out a library book, but not to vote on who runs the government, you live in a country run by the likes of Democrats Chuck Shumer and Nancy Pelosi.
4. If, in the largest city, you can buy two 16-ounce sodas, but not a 24-ounce soda because 24-ounces of a sugary drink might make you fat, you live in a country run by the likes of Democrats Chuck Shumer and Nancy Pelosi.
5. If an 80-year-old woman can be stripped searched by the TSA but a woman in a hijab is only subject to having her neck and head searched, you live in a country run by the likes of Democrats Chuck Shumer and Nancy Pelosi.
6. If your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more, you live in a country run by the likes of Democrats Chuck Shumer and Nancy Pelosi.
7. If a seven-year old boy can be thrown out of grade school for saying his teacher’s “cute,” but hosting a sexual exploration or diversity class in grade school is perfectly acceptable, you live in a country run by the likes of Democrats Chuck Shumer and Nancy Pelosi.
8. If hard work and success are met with higher taxes and more government intrusion, while not working is rewarded with EBT cards, WIC checks, Medicaid, subsidized housing and free cell phones, you live in a country run by the likes of Democrats Chuck Shumer and Nancy Pelosi.
9. If the government’s plan for getting people back to work is to make NOT working more attractive, you live in a country run by the likes of Democrats Chuck Shumer and Nancy Pelosi.
10. If being stripped of the ability to defend yourself makes you more “safe” according to the government, you live in a country run by the likes of Democrats Chuck Shumer and Nancy Pelosi.
We ask, where is the outrage?
For over 100 years, as we slipped ever deeper into the socialist abyss, more and more of these "If" statements have been added to the list, while Americans looked the other way and allowed Democrats to bastardize a free and prosperous Constitutional Republic into a heavily restricted and regulated mob rule Democracy.
We have allowed our public school and academic education institutions to pump out brainwashed graduates who then occupy positions in government bureaucracies that have now become the Democrat "Deep State." They are doing everything in their power to erase what is left of American conservatism ..... and they are winning. Over 17% of the American labor force, some 40 million people, work for or are contracted by local, state, or the federal government and essentially obtain their living from the taxpayer. Most of those 40 million people attended liberal colleges and are fundamentally, to their core, liberal. Those 40 million liberals have the power to shape and control American politics from within and even have the power to subvert, disrupt and overwhelm presidential power ..... and their own bosses.
That "Deep State" power was epitomized by recently revealed evidence of high-level government employees in the FBI and the Department of Justice working diligently to make sure that Donald Trump never became president and working diligently to undermine and derail the Donald Trump presidency after he became president. Those "Deep State" undermining efforts are going on as we speak, in every level of the federal government.
Conservative Americans can no longer restore America at the voting booth because government dependents, "Deep State" sycophants and the rest of the Democrat voting block, have the majority. Trump's election was an electoral anomaly. Hillary won 3,000,000 more votes than Donald. If the Democrats are successful in obtaining amnesty for the 800,000 or so Dreamers and maybe even their extended families, the Democrat majority increases even more. Well over 90% of all illegal aliens that would be granted amnesty and eligible to vote, would vote Democrat and the Democrats know it. That is why the Democrats don't want a wall on the southern border and that is why they are lax on other border security issues, all the while gushing out that America is a country of immigrants. That's right! Legal immigrants!
Sadly, we have allowed all government, local, state and federal, to become so powerful that to confront and override that power would take millions of Americans, acting in unison, with a powerful, wealthy organization and a foolproof plan and with sufficient men, materials and money ..... lots of money. We see no evidence that such a large organization is even on the drawing board. What we do see is a lot of moaning, groaning and gnashing of teeth about how America has become a bankrupt police state and is no longer the country they grew up in. We also see that the other side can get millions of women to march in cities all over America. At least they are organized and have money. There is always money for liberal causes.
If we can't restore America to the intent of the Founding Fathers as a Constitutional Republic at the voting booth, or in the courts, or by a massive advertising campaign, there may be only one peaceful alternative left, short of revolution. That alternative is an idea that will sweep across America like a wind driven, out-of-control, raging forest fire.
Almost 2,500 years ago Socrates, Plato and Aristotle started to wax philosophically about the relationship of the people to government and freedom. A little over 2,000 years ago an idea captured the hearts of millions of people and that idea, Christianity, changed the world forever. In 1215 the early concepts of freedom spawned the Magna Carta and put shackles on the King's power. In the late 1600's the philosopher John Locke further defined the concepts of freedom and those concepts heavily influenced the leaders of a new land on a new continent to draft the Declaration of Independence, that again, changed the world forever and defined individual freedom and unalienable rights. Sadly, those concepts of individual freedom and unalienable rights started to be smothered under a corrupt pile of rubble called Progressivism. If powerful ideas can change the world, then another powerful idea can restore America's Constitutional Republic. We will be exploring this powerful idea in subsequent articles.
Ladies and gentlemen, IF WE DO NOTHING, Democrats like Chuck Shumer, Nancy Pelosi, the very liberal "Deep State", academia, the press and people dependent on government will eventually rule what's left of America and all illegal aliens, including the 800,000 Dreamers, will receive amnesty and will vote Democrat. That is an indisputable, unavoidable fact. Game over ..... IF WE DO NOTHING!
Footnote: Inexplicably, President Trump now wants to give a path to citizenship for 1,800,000 Dreamers. We keep wondering who the enemy is. Legal Americans can go to jail for handing out plastic straws (Califonria) but illegal aliens get rewarded for breaking our laws. The world is upside down and sideways and American citizens have less rights than those that break our immigration laws. One wonders, will illegal immigration finally trigger the predictable revolution?
What is your IDEA.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Just How Corrupt is the BLM?”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, January 21, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
By now many of our readers have heard that a U. S. District Court Judge in Nevada has dismissed the federal government's case against Cliven Bundy and his two sons for an April 2014 armed standoff at the Bundy Nevada ranch between a heavy contingent of armed Bureau of Land Management (BLM) agents and hundreds of private citizens (some of them armed). But most Americans are not aware of the details behind the case and why the BLM lost and why it was so important that the BLM lose this case. The case reeks of federal government overreach and abuse by the BLM, and egregious prosecutorial misconduct. The government was out to bury Cliven Bundy and his sons for daring to challenge the all-powerful federal government. They almost succeeded.
The issue resolved around rancher Cliven Bundy grazing his cattle on federal government land that surrounded the Bundy ranch. The federal government owns most of Nevada. In fact, the federal government owns 84.9% of Nevada Land. You can't spit in Nevada without it landing on federal land.
The Bundy family for several generations have been grazing their cattle on federal land since before the turn of the 20th Century. Bundy did not recognize federal land ownership in Nevada and paid his grazing fees to the state instead of the federal government. Of course, the FEDS didn't like that and took Bundy to court. Bundy lost in federal court, twice. Now the BLM was Hell bent on rounding up Bundy's cattle on federal land, which led to the armed standoff in April of 2014.
On that fateful day in April 2014, the BLM assembled a large team of armed agents to oversee the rounding up of Bundy's cattle by a private contractor and then positioned snipers (snipers mind you) and surveillance cameras on the high ground surrounding the ranch. What was the BLM afraid of?
Having gotten wind of the pending BLM occupation of the Bundy ranch, citizens from all over the West (some of them armed) descended on the ranch to confront the BLM "army." Had a shot been fired, a blood bath would have taken place on the Nevada desert that day, a blood bath that would have been unprecedented in Western history. Fortunately, because of heavy media coverage of the event, the BLM backed down.
The 2014 event eventually ended up in the occupation by Bundy's two sons, Ammon and Ryan, and other militants, of the Malheur National Wildlife Preserve in South Central Oregon in January of 2016 because of the BLM abuse of Oregon ranchers Dwight and Steve Hammond. To read the full story of what the BLM did to the Hammonds, click HERE.
The Oregon Preserve occupation ended up in the assassination of Lavoy Finicum on a remote Oregon Highway by State and Federal Officers and the capture of the occupiers. Nevertheless, a federal trial against the Preserve occupiers amazingly ended in an acquittal.
But the FEDS weren't through with Cliven Bundy, his two sons Ammon and Ryan, and others. Right after the Oregon Preserve occupation trial, federal officers arrested the Bundy's and through them in a Nevada jail to await charges for the April 2014 armed standoff. The four defendants were charged with threatening a federal officer, carrying and using a firearm, and engaging in conspiracy. The case looked like a slam-dunk to the government.
As in most federal cases against landowners, the "deck" against the Bundy's was heavily stacked, in favor of federal prosecutors, relying on damning evidence provided by the BLM. Had it not been for an expose' of the BLM by BLM special agent Larry Wooten, the Bundy's could have gone to jail for many years. The Title of Mr. Wooten's report is very revealing:
"A Disclosure and Complaint Narrative In Regard to the Bureau of Land Management Law Enforcement Supervisory Misconduct, and Associated Cover-ups, As Well As Potential Unethical Actions, Malfeasance and Misfeasance by the U. S. Attorney's Office Prosecutors from the District of Nevada (Las Vegas) In Reference to the Cliven Bundy Investigation."
For those interested in reading the report, we have uploaded it to our website HERE. It is fascinating reading and exposure of blatant BLM corruption.
Wooten, a BLM special investigator, spared no words when describing BLM behavior in the Bundy case. He accused the BLM of "a wide spread pattern of bad judgment, lack of discipline, incredible bias, un-professionalism and misconduct, as well as likely policy, ethical and legal violations among senior and supervisory staff at the BLM's office of Law Enforcement and Security." He further went on to accuse "BLM law enforcement supervisors of making a mockery of the BLM's position of special trust and confidence, portraying extreme unprofessional bias that adversely affected our agency's mission and ignoring the intent and letter of the law regarding the trial of Cliven Bundy and his alleged co-conspirators."
The unrelenting attack on BLM corrupt behavior by special investigator Wooten could not be ignored by U. S. District Court Judge Gloria Navarro who dismissed the case against Bundy and others with prejudice, meaning they could not be tried again for the April 2014 event.
"Navarro rebuked federal prosecutors — using the words “flagrant” and “reckless” to describe how they withheld evidence from the defense — before saying 'that the universal sense of justice has been violated' and dismissing the charges. Navarro didn’t buy the prosecution's assertion that it had provided all evidence to the defense and shredded the government for a 'reckless disregard for Constitutional obligations.' She said she was troubled by the prosecution's tardiness in delivering information about the government's placing of surveillance cameras and snipers outside the ranch." (a quote from a Los Angeles Times article)
It didn't used to be this way with the BLM. Before the rise of radical environmentalism and the passage of the National Environmental Policy Act in 1969, other federal environmental acts in the early 1970's and UN's Agenda 21 in 1992, the BLM had a symbiotic relationship with ranchers and farmers. The use of federal lands by ranchers for grazing and watering cattle and other livestock were handled by allotments, some of which were actually attached to a landowner's deed and ran with the land. The BLM worked well with ranchers on those allotments, that was until most BLM agents became rabid environmentalists, after graduating from our liberal colleges. They were bound and determined to drive ranchers and farmers off of those allotments and went so far as to illegally round up cattle and sell them at auction (a Nevada case - Wayne Hage), or fence off water sources (a New Mexico case - Sacramento Grazing Association). The BLM became decidedly environmentally militant, which led to the five-year incarceration of Oregon ranchers Dwight and Steve Hammond on a trumped-up charge of arson ..... and other abuses throughout the West.
A little BLM history from their website:
With historical roots dating back to the earliest days of the nation, the BLM administers the lands that remain from America's original "public domain." Created in 1946 through a government reorganization during the Truman Administration, the BLM is the successor to the General Land Office (established in 1812) and the U.S. Grazing Service (originally called the Division of Grazing and renamed in 1939).
This year (2016), the BLM is commemorating two milestone events: its 70th anniversary as an Interior Department agency, and the 40th anniversary of the principal law defining its mission: the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, commonly referred to by its acronym of FLPMA.
As the manager of more land (245 million surface acres or one-tenth of America’s land base) and more subsurface mineral estate (700 million acres) than any other government agency, the BLM carries out a dual mandate under FLPMA: that of managing public land for multiple uses (such as energy development, livestock grazing, mining, timber harvesting, and outdoor recreation) while conserving natural, historical, and cultural resources (such as wilderness areas, wild horse and wildlife habitat, artifacts, and dinosaur fossils). In the language of FLPMA, the BLM's responsibility is to administer public lands “on the basis of multiple use and sustained yield” of resources.
What this means, on a practical level, is that the BLM – except in areas specifically set aside for conservation purposes – must multitask to fulfill its duties. Nevertheless, consistent with the BLM’s goal of good stewardship of public land resources, “multiple use” does not mean every use on every acre.
This all sounds benign and friendly, except that their actions on the ground don't comport with their mission and gloss over their hidden radical environmental agenda and evil intent. If the BLM doesn't comply with strict environmental law or the FLPMA, wealthy, powerful environmental groups sue them. Who pays when environmentalists win? The taxpayer. And environmentalists win all the time.
Today, ranchers and farmers are in a constant battle almost to the death with the BLM, the Environmental Protection Agency, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Agency and the Department of the Interior. Many landowners are driven out of business. Many have committed suicide. (That's right, suicide)
The Wayne Hage family of Southeastern Nevada has been fighting the BLM and U. S. Fish and Wildlife Agency in court for 24 years. They were awarded $14,000,000 by the U. S. Court of Claims but the government keeps appealing the case and the Hage's have received not a penny after spending over $2,000,000 in legal fees, expert witnesses and court costs. The elder Hage's died during the long trials and now the son has taken up the family banner to pursue the case, that is if the family doesn't run out of money first. The government is great at stretching and delaying cases until the Plaintiff goes broke.
The federal government and all of its alphabet-soup agencies aren't the only ones going after farmers and ranchers in America. State and local governments, blinded by the religious cult of environmental protection at any cost, are piling layers upon layers of regulations and taxes on landowners and hiring armies of code enforcement officers to enforce those regulations. A landowner can't turn sidewise without bumping into a regulation or the officer enforcing the regulation. Fines and penalties mount and many landowners go broke or end up in jail on minor offenses, you know, like collecting rain water on your land ..... without a permit. In Washington State the State Supreme Court ruled that you can't drill a well on your land.
Code enforcement officers show up and trespass on your land and after trespassing, hand you a laundry list of violations and steep penalties if you don't comply. Many jurisdictions have turned what would be civil cases into criminal cases, allowing criminal warrants and searches and seizures. Los Angeles County created a fully armed nuisance abatement team to go after and arrest landowners at gunpoint that don't move swift enough to correct a code violation.
You may not be a rural landowner but what happens to them, eventually trickles down and happens to you. After all, they grow or raise the food you eat.
Ladies and gentlemen, all this is why we formed the National Association of Rural Landowners in 2005 to act as advocates for the beleaguered rural landowner. We provide products and services to the landowner to defend against government abuse and illegal trespassing. Over 7,000 of our powerful, legally intimidating 18" x 24" No Trespassing signs have been installed on rural lands all across America, blunting trespassing by government agents and law enforcement. Our unique, one-of-a-kind Rural Landowner Handbook is only available on our website. It could take you a couple of weeks to digest all of the vital information on the website and in the handbook, specifically designed for the rural landowner. It's not just the BLM that will come after you and make your life miserable, it's all the other state and local government agencies that relentlessly pursue landowners for compliance. Defend yourself and be on your guard, or become a victim.
If you are a rural landowner and have questions or concerns, contact us HERE.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
The issue resolved around rancher Cliven Bundy grazing his cattle on federal government land that surrounded the Bundy ranch. The federal government owns most of Nevada. In fact, the federal government owns 84.9% of Nevada Land. You can't spit in Nevada without it landing on federal land.
The Bundy family for several generations have been grazing their cattle on federal land since before the turn of the 20th Century. Bundy did not recognize federal land ownership in Nevada and paid his grazing fees to the state instead of the federal government. Of course, the FEDS didn't like that and took Bundy to court. Bundy lost in federal court, twice. Now the BLM was Hell bent on rounding up Bundy's cattle on federal land, which led to the armed standoff in April of 2014.
On that fateful day in April 2014, the BLM assembled a large team of armed agents to oversee the rounding up of Bundy's cattle by a private contractor and then positioned snipers (snipers mind you) and surveillance cameras on the high ground surrounding the ranch. What was the BLM afraid of?
Having gotten wind of the pending BLM occupation of the Bundy ranch, citizens from all over the West (some of them armed) descended on the ranch to confront the BLM "army." Had a shot been fired, a blood bath would have taken place on the Nevada desert that day, a blood bath that would have been unprecedented in Western history. Fortunately, because of heavy media coverage of the event, the BLM backed down.
The 2014 event eventually ended up in the occupation by Bundy's two sons, Ammon and Ryan, and other militants, of the Malheur National Wildlife Preserve in South Central Oregon in January of 2016 because of the BLM abuse of Oregon ranchers Dwight and Steve Hammond. To read the full story of what the BLM did to the Hammonds, click HERE.
The Oregon Preserve occupation ended up in the assassination of Lavoy Finicum on a remote Oregon Highway by State and Federal Officers and the capture of the occupiers. Nevertheless, a federal trial against the Preserve occupiers amazingly ended in an acquittal.
But the FEDS weren't through with Cliven Bundy, his two sons Ammon and Ryan, and others. Right after the Oregon Preserve occupation trial, federal officers arrested the Bundy's and through them in a Nevada jail to await charges for the April 2014 armed standoff. The four defendants were charged with threatening a federal officer, carrying and using a firearm, and engaging in conspiracy. The case looked like a slam-dunk to the government.
As in most federal cases against landowners, the "deck" against the Bundy's was heavily stacked, in favor of federal prosecutors, relying on damning evidence provided by the BLM. Had it not been for an expose' of the BLM by BLM special agent Larry Wooten, the Bundy's could have gone to jail for many years. The Title of Mr. Wooten's report is very revealing:
"A Disclosure and Complaint Narrative In Regard to the Bureau of Land Management Law Enforcement Supervisory Misconduct, and Associated Cover-ups, As Well As Potential Unethical Actions, Malfeasance and Misfeasance by the U. S. Attorney's Office Prosecutors from the District of Nevada (Las Vegas) In Reference to the Cliven Bundy Investigation."
For those interested in reading the report, we have uploaded it to our website HERE. It is fascinating reading and exposure of blatant BLM corruption.
Wooten, a BLM special investigator, spared no words when describing BLM behavior in the Bundy case. He accused the BLM of "a wide spread pattern of bad judgment, lack of discipline, incredible bias, un-professionalism and misconduct, as well as likely policy, ethical and legal violations among senior and supervisory staff at the BLM's office of Law Enforcement and Security." He further went on to accuse "BLM law enforcement supervisors of making a mockery of the BLM's position of special trust and confidence, portraying extreme unprofessional bias that adversely affected our agency's mission and ignoring the intent and letter of the law regarding the trial of Cliven Bundy and his alleged co-conspirators."
The unrelenting attack on BLM corrupt behavior by special investigator Wooten could not be ignored by U. S. District Court Judge Gloria Navarro who dismissed the case against Bundy and others with prejudice, meaning they could not be tried again for the April 2014 event.
"Navarro rebuked federal prosecutors — using the words “flagrant” and “reckless” to describe how they withheld evidence from the defense — before saying 'that the universal sense of justice has been violated' and dismissing the charges. Navarro didn’t buy the prosecution's assertion that it had provided all evidence to the defense and shredded the government for a 'reckless disregard for Constitutional obligations.' She said she was troubled by the prosecution's tardiness in delivering information about the government's placing of surveillance cameras and snipers outside the ranch." (a quote from a Los Angeles Times article)
It didn't used to be this way with the BLM. Before the rise of radical environmentalism and the passage of the National Environmental Policy Act in 1969, other federal environmental acts in the early 1970's and UN's Agenda 21 in 1992, the BLM had a symbiotic relationship with ranchers and farmers. The use of federal lands by ranchers for grazing and watering cattle and other livestock were handled by allotments, some of which were actually attached to a landowner's deed and ran with the land. The BLM worked well with ranchers on those allotments, that was until most BLM agents became rabid environmentalists, after graduating from our liberal colleges. They were bound and determined to drive ranchers and farmers off of those allotments and went so far as to illegally round up cattle and sell them at auction (a Nevada case - Wayne Hage), or fence off water sources (a New Mexico case - Sacramento Grazing Association). The BLM became decidedly environmentally militant, which led to the five-year incarceration of Oregon ranchers Dwight and Steve Hammond on a trumped-up charge of arson ..... and other abuses throughout the West.
A little BLM history from their website:
With historical roots dating back to the earliest days of the nation, the BLM administers the lands that remain from America's original "public domain." Created in 1946 through a government reorganization during the Truman Administration, the BLM is the successor to the General Land Office (established in 1812) and the U.S. Grazing Service (originally called the Division of Grazing and renamed in 1939).
This year (2016), the BLM is commemorating two milestone events: its 70th anniversary as an Interior Department agency, and the 40th anniversary of the principal law defining its mission: the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, commonly referred to by its acronym of FLPMA.
As the manager of more land (245 million surface acres or one-tenth of America’s land base) and more subsurface mineral estate (700 million acres) than any other government agency, the BLM carries out a dual mandate under FLPMA: that of managing public land for multiple uses (such as energy development, livestock grazing, mining, timber harvesting, and outdoor recreation) while conserving natural, historical, and cultural resources (such as wilderness areas, wild horse and wildlife habitat, artifacts, and dinosaur fossils). In the language of FLPMA, the BLM's responsibility is to administer public lands “on the basis of multiple use and sustained yield” of resources.
What this means, on a practical level, is that the BLM – except in areas specifically set aside for conservation purposes – must multitask to fulfill its duties. Nevertheless, consistent with the BLM’s goal of good stewardship of public land resources, “multiple use” does not mean every use on every acre.
This all sounds benign and friendly, except that their actions on the ground don't comport with their mission and gloss over their hidden radical environmental agenda and evil intent. If the BLM doesn't comply with strict environmental law or the FLPMA, wealthy, powerful environmental groups sue them. Who pays when environmentalists win? The taxpayer. And environmentalists win all the time.
Today, ranchers and farmers are in a constant battle almost to the death with the BLM, the Environmental Protection Agency, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Agency and the Department of the Interior. Many landowners are driven out of business. Many have committed suicide. (That's right, suicide)
The Wayne Hage family of Southeastern Nevada has been fighting the BLM and U. S. Fish and Wildlife Agency in court for 24 years. They were awarded $14,000,000 by the U. S. Court of Claims but the government keeps appealing the case and the Hage's have received not a penny after spending over $2,000,000 in legal fees, expert witnesses and court costs. The elder Hage's died during the long trials and now the son has taken up the family banner to pursue the case, that is if the family doesn't run out of money first. The government is great at stretching and delaying cases until the Plaintiff goes broke.
The federal government and all of its alphabet-soup agencies aren't the only ones going after farmers and ranchers in America. State and local governments, blinded by the religious cult of environmental protection at any cost, are piling layers upon layers of regulations and taxes on landowners and hiring armies of code enforcement officers to enforce those regulations. A landowner can't turn sidewise without bumping into a regulation or the officer enforcing the regulation. Fines and penalties mount and many landowners go broke or end up in jail on minor offenses, you know, like collecting rain water on your land ..... without a permit. In Washington State the State Supreme Court ruled that you can't drill a well on your land.
Code enforcement officers show up and trespass on your land and after trespassing, hand you a laundry list of violations and steep penalties if you don't comply. Many jurisdictions have turned what would be civil cases into criminal cases, allowing criminal warrants and searches and seizures. Los Angeles County created a fully armed nuisance abatement team to go after and arrest landowners at gunpoint that don't move swift enough to correct a code violation.
You may not be a rural landowner but what happens to them, eventually trickles down and happens to you. After all, they grow or raise the food you eat.
Ladies and gentlemen, all this is why we formed the National Association of Rural Landowners in 2005 to act as advocates for the beleaguered rural landowner. We provide products and services to the landowner to defend against government abuse and illegal trespassing. Over 7,000 of our powerful, legally intimidating 18" x 24" No Trespassing signs have been installed on rural lands all across America, blunting trespassing by government agents and law enforcement. Our unique, one-of-a-kind Rural Landowner Handbook is only available on our website. It could take you a couple of weeks to digest all of the vital information on the website and in the handbook, specifically designed for the rural landowner. It's not just the BLM that will come after you and make your life miserable, it's all the other state and local government agencies that relentlessly pursue landowners for compliance. Defend yourself and be on your guard, or become a victim.
If you are a rural landowner and have questions or concerns, contact us HERE.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"America Is On Its Way To National Self-Destruction”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, January 14, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
Many states are in a tizzy because U. S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has announced that the United States is going to finally enforce the Controlled Substance Act (21 USC P. 811), (CSA) with regard to medical and recreational marijuana use ..... well sort of. Sessions left it up to the individual U. S. Attorney's offices to prosecute, or not prosecute. That's all America needs right now is another "sort of" law. After all, Hillary Clinton was only "sort of" guilty.
The cannabis smokers (mostly millennials) are up in arms for fear they might lose their marijuana pacifier high. The money-hungry states that have legalized recreational marijuana are apoplectic over the potential loss of the marijuana tax revenue and have threatened to sue the FEDS if the Controlled Substance Act is enforced.
Washington State is pulling in well over $350,000,000 in annual tax revenues from recreational marijuana. State Republican and Democrat legislators were equally aghast at the potential loss of that much tax money if the FEDS move forward with enforcement.
California, that just legalized recreational marijuana in 2018, is set to rake in many hundreds of millions of dollars more than Washington State. They need that money to fund all those Democrat-sponsored social programs, the rising drug-infested homeless population, heroin injection stations and the millions of illegal aliens sucking up millions more taxpayer dollars, or killing legal Americans, as in Kate Steinle. Meanwhile, the state of California and its people are set to get on a permanent buzz from legal marijuana. Driving a car now becomes even more perilous. How nice!
For decades we've had to deal with tens of millions of alcoholics in America and the associated costs to the public in family breakups, lost jobs, lost production, homelessness and medical treatment. Now we can add millions more "mariholics" to the list as America proceeds towards national self-destruction. On top of this is the opioid epidemic that's taking 60,000 lives a year in overdoses.
Why the need to get "high" all the time? Are we just plain stupid? It's kind of hard to confront your enemies, keep government accountable, or pay the bills, or drive a car when your brain cells are fried from drugs, painkillers, or alcohol. No wonder America is falling apart.
We won't go into the statistics on alcoholism. They are fairly well known, as are the huge financial and emotional costs. Millions of families are seriously impacted by alcoholism every day of the year.
In this article we will just touch on those people on drugs, any kind of drug, with an emphasis on marijuana, using statistics from 2012, 2013 and 2015. These statistics don't take into account the sudden explosion in opioid abuse and overdoses.
The greatest use of illicit drugs occurs in the age group from 16 to 34. This statistic, in and of it self, is not too surprising. That just happens to be the age group of the greatest sexual activity. Drugs, alcohol and sex seem to be co-equal partners in the human process of procreation. Babies and children take some of the greatest toll with babies being born addicted to drugs or alcohol.
Ironically, most other mammals of earth, besides humans, don't seem to have that problem. They can do it without getting "chemically" high.
In the political world of power-hungry politicians, the co-equal partners are power, money, drugs and sex, not necessarily in that order. Money usually comes first and foremost.
In all substance use, not including alcohol, marijuana is by far the drug of choice to get high. In fact, compared to all other artificial intoxicants, not including hard drugs or alcohol, drug users are 70% more likely to choose marijuana. That probably accounts for the sudden rise in states legalizing marijuana. Teenagers are the hardest hit victims. Obviously, government doesn't really care how "high" you get, just so long as they can tax the crap out of the substance "taking" you to new "highs."
Nearly 21 million Americans ages 12 and older had a substance use problem in 2015, according to a new federal estimate. Among those with a substance use disorder, three out of four people (or about 15.7 million) had a substance use disorder related to alcohol. In addition, 1 in 3 people with a substance use disorder had a disorder related to drug use, and 1 in 8 people had a disorder involving both drugs and alcohol.
Alcohol is still the main driver of getting high, but the other intoxicants are growing rapidly (like marijuana, opioids and synthetic heroin) most likely due to lower costs, availability and the public's and government's growing acceptance of drug use. Sadly, parents are on drugs or alcohol and grandpa and grandma are steadily losing their influence over their grandchildren, who, parroting their parents, are also getting high.
Since any and all drug or alcohol use reduces an individual's inhibitions, the potential for jumping to another drug that produces a greater "high", looms in the fog of inebriation. This is especially true for the teenage years where adult maturity and consequences have not yet materialized. Thus, marijuana being a gateway drug is not a fabrication, but a very real and dangerous possibility. Not only that, drug use and drug addiction, grows in a society just as quickly as an infectious disease, with little natural immunity, infects the masses.
The strength of any nation is wholly dependent on the totality of the physical, mental and moral strength of its people. Physical, mental and moral strength of the individual is gained from the parent's example and direction, personal experience and is further forged in the adversity of life. If life offers no adversity where everything comes too easily, physical, mental and moral strength decline. The physical, mental and moral strength of the American people were last tested in World War 2 as an entire nation. Its people have not been so tested to that degree since, giving rise to the easy life, a chicken in every pot and a government on its way to tyranny.
After the Great War, with life so easy and money so plentiful, whether earned or not, the tendency to indulge in getting "high", sub-standard entertainment and the pleasures of the flesh, or even crime, grows. If left un-corrected by morality or adversity, it expands into a run-away condition, like a train with its throttle wide open and a sharp curve in its future.
America, as a nation and as a people, is on that doomed train. With 57% of the American people (our last article) crying out for more government, the "disaster-waiting-to-happen" train is speeding up. Sadly, not many Americans are aware of the decline the nation is in, the reasons why we are in that decline, or the ultimate demise we face. The outcome of this folly is unpredictable. But whatever happens, be it total financial collapse, revolution, a second civil war, or war with a major super power, the average American will be taken totally by surprise because they are either purposely or unintentionally oblivious to reality, or high on drugs or alcohol, on their way to personal or national self-destruction.
We wish we could be more positive about America's future, but it isn't just drug or alcohol use that is plummeting America into a steep decline. We have outlined many of the other reasons in over 500 articles that we have written in the last 12 years that can be found HERE. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the American people are as oblivious to the drug and alcohol problem as they are to all the other problems America faces. All these other problems seriously threaten our economy, our financial security, America's culture of freedom, our Constitution, our sovereignty and our very liberty.
But then hey, whose LISTENING?
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
The cannabis smokers (mostly millennials) are up in arms for fear they might lose their marijuana pacifier high. The money-hungry states that have legalized recreational marijuana are apoplectic over the potential loss of the marijuana tax revenue and have threatened to sue the FEDS if the Controlled Substance Act is enforced.
Washington State is pulling in well over $350,000,000 in annual tax revenues from recreational marijuana. State Republican and Democrat legislators were equally aghast at the potential loss of that much tax money if the FEDS move forward with enforcement.
California, that just legalized recreational marijuana in 2018, is set to rake in many hundreds of millions of dollars more than Washington State. They need that money to fund all those Democrat-sponsored social programs, the rising drug-infested homeless population, heroin injection stations and the millions of illegal aliens sucking up millions more taxpayer dollars, or killing legal Americans, as in Kate Steinle. Meanwhile, the state of California and its people are set to get on a permanent buzz from legal marijuana. Driving a car now becomes even more perilous. How nice!
For decades we've had to deal with tens of millions of alcoholics in America and the associated costs to the public in family breakups, lost jobs, lost production, homelessness and medical treatment. Now we can add millions more "mariholics" to the list as America proceeds towards national self-destruction. On top of this is the opioid epidemic that's taking 60,000 lives a year in overdoses.
Why the need to get "high" all the time? Are we just plain stupid? It's kind of hard to confront your enemies, keep government accountable, or pay the bills, or drive a car when your brain cells are fried from drugs, painkillers, or alcohol. No wonder America is falling apart.
We won't go into the statistics on alcoholism. They are fairly well known, as are the huge financial and emotional costs. Millions of families are seriously impacted by alcoholism every day of the year.
In this article we will just touch on those people on drugs, any kind of drug, with an emphasis on marijuana, using statistics from 2012, 2013 and 2015. These statistics don't take into account the sudden explosion in opioid abuse and overdoses.
The greatest use of illicit drugs occurs in the age group from 16 to 34. This statistic, in and of it self, is not too surprising. That just happens to be the age group of the greatest sexual activity. Drugs, alcohol and sex seem to be co-equal partners in the human process of procreation. Babies and children take some of the greatest toll with babies being born addicted to drugs or alcohol.
Ironically, most other mammals of earth, besides humans, don't seem to have that problem. They can do it without getting "chemically" high.
In the political world of power-hungry politicians, the co-equal partners are power, money, drugs and sex, not necessarily in that order. Money usually comes first and foremost.
In all substance use, not including alcohol, marijuana is by far the drug of choice to get high. In fact, compared to all other artificial intoxicants, not including hard drugs or alcohol, drug users are 70% more likely to choose marijuana. That probably accounts for the sudden rise in states legalizing marijuana. Teenagers are the hardest hit victims. Obviously, government doesn't really care how "high" you get, just so long as they can tax the crap out of the substance "taking" you to new "highs."
Nearly 21 million Americans ages 12 and older had a substance use problem in 2015, according to a new federal estimate. Among those with a substance use disorder, three out of four people (or about 15.7 million) had a substance use disorder related to alcohol. In addition, 1 in 3 people with a substance use disorder had a disorder related to drug use, and 1 in 8 people had a disorder involving both drugs and alcohol.
Alcohol is still the main driver of getting high, but the other intoxicants are growing rapidly (like marijuana, opioids and synthetic heroin) most likely due to lower costs, availability and the public's and government's growing acceptance of drug use. Sadly, parents are on drugs or alcohol and grandpa and grandma are steadily losing their influence over their grandchildren, who, parroting their parents, are also getting high.
Since any and all drug or alcohol use reduces an individual's inhibitions, the potential for jumping to another drug that produces a greater "high", looms in the fog of inebriation. This is especially true for the teenage years where adult maturity and consequences have not yet materialized. Thus, marijuana being a gateway drug is not a fabrication, but a very real and dangerous possibility. Not only that, drug use and drug addiction, grows in a society just as quickly as an infectious disease, with little natural immunity, infects the masses.
The strength of any nation is wholly dependent on the totality of the physical, mental and moral strength of its people. Physical, mental and moral strength of the individual is gained from the parent's example and direction, personal experience and is further forged in the adversity of life. If life offers no adversity where everything comes too easily, physical, mental and moral strength decline. The physical, mental and moral strength of the American people were last tested in World War 2 as an entire nation. Its people have not been so tested to that degree since, giving rise to the easy life, a chicken in every pot and a government on its way to tyranny.
After the Great War, with life so easy and money so plentiful, whether earned or not, the tendency to indulge in getting "high", sub-standard entertainment and the pleasures of the flesh, or even crime, grows. If left un-corrected by morality or adversity, it expands into a run-away condition, like a train with its throttle wide open and a sharp curve in its future.
America, as a nation and as a people, is on that doomed train. With 57% of the American people (our last article) crying out for more government, the "disaster-waiting-to-happen" train is speeding up. Sadly, not many Americans are aware of the decline the nation is in, the reasons why we are in that decline, or the ultimate demise we face. The outcome of this folly is unpredictable. But whatever happens, be it total financial collapse, revolution, a second civil war, or war with a major super power, the average American will be taken totally by surprise because they are either purposely or unintentionally oblivious to reality, or high on drugs or alcohol, on their way to personal or national self-destruction.
We wish we could be more positive about America's future, but it isn't just drug or alcohol use that is plummeting America into a steep decline. We have outlined many of the other reasons in over 500 articles that we have written in the last 12 years that can be found HERE. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the American people are as oblivious to the drug and alcohol problem as they are to all the other problems America faces. All these other problems seriously threaten our economy, our financial security, America's culture of freedom, our Constitution, our sovereignty and our very liberty.
But then hey, whose LISTENING?
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Why Do 57% of Americans Want More Government?”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, January 7, 2018 - All Rights Reserved
"In a 2017 poll conducted by NBC News / Wall Street Journal, a record 57% of Americans responded that they want MORE government in their lives, and that the government should be doing more to solve people’s problems. That’s the highest percentage since they started asking this question in 1995. In fact, 57% is nearly double what people responded in the mid-90s. Furthermore, the number of Americans who feel the opposite, i.e. responded that the government is doing too many things that should be left to private businesses and individuals, fell to a near record-low 39%. Bottom line: people want more government."
WARNING! If the number of Americans that want more government in their lives continues to grow, a free America as a Constitutional Republic will evolve rapidly into just another socialist third-world country, hopelessly in debt and vulnerable to being conquered by a stronger nation!
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Every day, like vultures circling a fallen prey, they descend upon the centers of political power with their hands outstretched and without a hint of compunction or embarrassment, they beg, lobby, or riot for what they consider to be their "fair" portion of the sweat, blood and tears of those who are successful, self-reliant, responsible and independent. Black, white, tan, red or yellow, these mostly urban beggars and whiners epitomize the Occupy Wall Street crowd that say they aren't getting their fair share of America's wealth and demand that those that produce and earn their way, must cough up more in taxes to pay those who won't work and want something for nothing, using the power of government to get it, in a grand scheme of wealth re-distribution. This "scheme" is socialism by any other name. If the urban beggars and whiners don't get their way, they resort to violence, property damage and mayhem. This display of "Gimee! Gimee! Gimee!" is disgusting and not worthy of a people who once called them selves free, sovereign and independent.
Over the last 50 years, America has spawned at least hall of the population (if not more) as a mindless collective of Bernie Sanders whiners and takers, egged on by corrupt politicians scrounging for votes to remain in power. The legislatures, local, state and federal, exploit human weakness and greed and can't wait to rob the public coffers to pay the bloodsuckers for what they have not earned. Government then uses the education system, the court system and law enforcement to brainwash the next generation into government-compliant robots. Then they pass never-ending social legislation to make the people and their offspring weaker and more dependent.
Unfortunately, these whiners and takers can vote and thus will always vote for the corrupt politician (and there are so many of them, "R's" and "D's") that will keep their entitlement "pig trough" full. When the whiners and takers demand more, the corrupt politicians, eager to placate and pander to the rioters and complainers, scream that the rich aren't paying their fair share.
"Fair Share?" Let's talk about fair share! 10% of the top income earners in America pay 70% of the income taxes. That's not just fair it is way more than fair, to the point of outright theft. The productive middle-class pay the other 30%. 47% of the population pay no income taxes at all and that 47% receives money FROM the government for just being poor or lazy, paid by those that pay 70% and 30% of the taxes. This unconstitutional re-distribution of wealth is class warfare run amok! In a free society, it is inexcusable. If this author had the fortune of being in the top 10% of income earners, you can bet we would do everything in our power to shield our income from the rapacious government and the bloodsuckers. By what right, or by what common sense law, or by what constitutional principle, does the poor obtain a benefit from the rich by the mere fact of being poor? You won't find that in the U. S. Constitution.
As politicians dodge along the campaign trail towards election or re-election, lies come out of their mouths like water over Niagara Falls. They purposely divide the country between ethnic and white, naive' and intelligent, socialist and patriot, un-wise and wise and the rich and the poor. Politicians will do or say anything to get elected, or re-elected. They will tell any lie, use any meaningless example, dupe any group, or exploit any opportunity or emergency, to fulfill their goal of two, four, or six more years.
But all of the politician's lying and propaganda wouldn't work if government hadn't been so successful in dividing us, such that we are so split up now we fight with each other instead of taking our anger and actions out on those who manipulate us, pull our strings and given the chance, would enslave us. We have spawned more than two to three generations that no longer value freedom, self-reliance and independence. They only value what they can get for free. They no longer value the therapeutic and monetary rewards of hard work. They have willingly sacrificed their freedom for welfare payments, guaranteed jobs, free housing, free college tuition, free health care, a so-called "living wage" and the false umbrella of security, as defined and provided by government.
At least half of these last few generations of Americans find no value in personal pride or doing the best job they can because they haven't been taught that doing a good job reflects well upon them and gives them credibility and honor. Instead, they are obsessed with alcohol and drugs, electronic and other toys, communication devices and mindless, guttural TV shows, or movies with no redeeming value or substance. They are also obsessed by the lie of "unfairness", spoon-fed to them by a government that exploits the looters, moochers and freeloaders for their votes. What is even worse, these folks that hate a free and prosperous America and would take her down if they could, are spawning more generations of dependent Americans with the same Gimee! mindset.
But bear in mind, none of this has happened by accident, because throughout history government has learned that the best and easiest way to govern is to keep the masses happy, dumb, brainwashed, distracted ..... and divided. What faces America today could not have happened if the people were honorable, honest, trustworthy, self-reliant and vigilant against government's shadowy, covert and massive expansion of its seventeen (17) constitutionally enumerated powers.
It is quite possible from the foregoing that you think that we are heartless and without compassion. Nothing could be further from the truth. On the contrary, we believe there is a limited role for government to play funding national disasters and in helping those that can't help themselves by providing incentives and enhancing the role that private charities play in providing this assistance. When a person gives to a private charity as a voluntary charitable act that is an act of free choice. There are millions of Americans who give regularly to charities every year. There are millions more that give to their churches that also provide assistance for the poor. In fact, America is the most generous nation on earth.
However, when government says you MUST pay higher taxes so that government can transfer those taxes to the poor and the un-deserving, that is an involuntary, forced act of charity through law and the gun and takes away your right of free choice. But what so many forget is, without free choice there can be no freedom. Free choice is the first casualty of a tyrannical government.
Here is what Benjamin Franklin said about the poor:
“I am for doing good to the poor, but ... I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed ... that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."
When the government gets in the act of providing for the poor, especially when their motive is to buy votes, the poor grow in number and the cost to continue their support grows as well. The cost for government to support the poor in America since President Johnson's Great Society, (click on "Great Society" link for more information about the poor from the Heritage Foundation) has been in the trillions of dollars and yet we have neither "..... led or have driven the poor out of poverty", in the words of Benjamin Franklin. We have only succeeded in growing poverty and growing exponentially, the cost to support it. As a result, we are weaker as a people, weaker financially in un-payable debt and weaker as a nation.
Of course, being poor is no picnic and not all poor people are looters, moochers, or freeloaders. But in America, where anyone who will get an education, work hard to the best of their physical and mental ability, stay on the right side of the law and be personally responsible for their actions, can rise above being poor. The history books are full of individuals that have risen out of poverty to become household names. But the poor will never rise out of poverty if they continue to surround themselves with other people who care so little about themselves. The poor will never beat the odds if they settle for a life of dependency on government and pick roll models that are the dredges of society.
The reality is, the poor in America live far better off than the poor anywhere on the planet, with subsidized housing, food credit cards, plasma TVs, free health care, free education, free school breakfasts and lunches and free cell phones, all paid for on the backs of the American taxpayer and administered by a grossly in-efficient and hopelessly corrupt government. The reason that they live so well is, they are just the pawns of government who pay them off to buy their votes. This is why the Democrats have been so successful at maintaining political power in America for the last 80 years. They pander to the poor, the un-deserving and ethnic minorities with your tax money for their votes.
Through ever-expanding entitlement programs, government has been instrumental in spawning generation after generation of people whose only reason for living is being dependent on the great mother, government. Having done so, the government has brought us to the brink of national bankruptcy and has created a large segment of the population that is weak, wholly dependent upon government and votes for those politicians that promise and deliver their continuing subsistence, in a classic example of a self-fulfilling prophecy.
We predict that the law of diminishing returns will eventually bring this scheme for buying votes through government handouts crashing down (as it has in Greece and much of the rest of Europe) and those now dependent on government for their lives and livelihoods will either have to become self-reliant and independent, or find the skirts of another "mother" to hang on, or suffer, or die needlessly.
Ladies and gentlemen, the history books tell us that it took just 3% of the colonials to give birth to freedom some 241 years ago, by making the greatest sacrifice that anyone can give, the sacrifice of life. Can 3% of Americans restore freedom again this time peacefully, or are there 3% of Americans who even care about freedom anymore?
The presidential election in November of 2016 has given us a clue as to which way the wind might be blowing but the wind can shift in an instant. If the wind is blowing in the right direction, perhaps we can "spawn" a different generation of greater, self-reliant Americans who believe in freedom so much that they will give whatever sacrifice is necessary to preserve, protect and defend that freedom for their children and grandchildren. However, given that 57% of Americans want more government in their lives, our confidence that this will ever happen is diminishing rapidly.
What say YOU?
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
WARNING! If the number of Americans that want more government in their lives continues to grow, a free America as a Constitutional Republic will evolve rapidly into just another socialist third-world country, hopelessly in debt and vulnerable to being conquered by a stronger nation!
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Every day, like vultures circling a fallen prey, they descend upon the centers of political power with their hands outstretched and without a hint of compunction or embarrassment, they beg, lobby, or riot for what they consider to be their "fair" portion of the sweat, blood and tears of those who are successful, self-reliant, responsible and independent. Black, white, tan, red or yellow, these mostly urban beggars and whiners epitomize the Occupy Wall Street crowd that say they aren't getting their fair share of America's wealth and demand that those that produce and earn their way, must cough up more in taxes to pay those who won't work and want something for nothing, using the power of government to get it, in a grand scheme of wealth re-distribution. This "scheme" is socialism by any other name. If the urban beggars and whiners don't get their way, they resort to violence, property damage and mayhem. This display of "Gimee! Gimee! Gimee!" is disgusting and not worthy of a people who once called them selves free, sovereign and independent.
Over the last 50 years, America has spawned at least hall of the population (if not more) as a mindless collective of Bernie Sanders whiners and takers, egged on by corrupt politicians scrounging for votes to remain in power. The legislatures, local, state and federal, exploit human weakness and greed and can't wait to rob the public coffers to pay the bloodsuckers for what they have not earned. Government then uses the education system, the court system and law enforcement to brainwash the next generation into government-compliant robots. Then they pass never-ending social legislation to make the people and their offspring weaker and more dependent.
Unfortunately, these whiners and takers can vote and thus will always vote for the corrupt politician (and there are so many of them, "R's" and "D's") that will keep their entitlement "pig trough" full. When the whiners and takers demand more, the corrupt politicians, eager to placate and pander to the rioters and complainers, scream that the rich aren't paying their fair share.
"Fair Share?" Let's talk about fair share! 10% of the top income earners in America pay 70% of the income taxes. That's not just fair it is way more than fair, to the point of outright theft. The productive middle-class pay the other 30%. 47% of the population pay no income taxes at all and that 47% receives money FROM the government for just being poor or lazy, paid by those that pay 70% and 30% of the taxes. This unconstitutional re-distribution of wealth is class warfare run amok! In a free society, it is inexcusable. If this author had the fortune of being in the top 10% of income earners, you can bet we would do everything in our power to shield our income from the rapacious government and the bloodsuckers. By what right, or by what common sense law, or by what constitutional principle, does the poor obtain a benefit from the rich by the mere fact of being poor? You won't find that in the U. S. Constitution.
As politicians dodge along the campaign trail towards election or re-election, lies come out of their mouths like water over Niagara Falls. They purposely divide the country between ethnic and white, naive' and intelligent, socialist and patriot, un-wise and wise and the rich and the poor. Politicians will do or say anything to get elected, or re-elected. They will tell any lie, use any meaningless example, dupe any group, or exploit any opportunity or emergency, to fulfill their goal of two, four, or six more years.
But all of the politician's lying and propaganda wouldn't work if government hadn't been so successful in dividing us, such that we are so split up now we fight with each other instead of taking our anger and actions out on those who manipulate us, pull our strings and given the chance, would enslave us. We have spawned more than two to three generations that no longer value freedom, self-reliance and independence. They only value what they can get for free. They no longer value the therapeutic and monetary rewards of hard work. They have willingly sacrificed their freedom for welfare payments, guaranteed jobs, free housing, free college tuition, free health care, a so-called "living wage" and the false umbrella of security, as defined and provided by government.
At least half of these last few generations of Americans find no value in personal pride or doing the best job they can because they haven't been taught that doing a good job reflects well upon them and gives them credibility and honor. Instead, they are obsessed with alcohol and drugs, electronic and other toys, communication devices and mindless, guttural TV shows, or movies with no redeeming value or substance. They are also obsessed by the lie of "unfairness", spoon-fed to them by a government that exploits the looters, moochers and freeloaders for their votes. What is even worse, these folks that hate a free and prosperous America and would take her down if they could, are spawning more generations of dependent Americans with the same Gimee! mindset.
But bear in mind, none of this has happened by accident, because throughout history government has learned that the best and easiest way to govern is to keep the masses happy, dumb, brainwashed, distracted ..... and divided. What faces America today could not have happened if the people were honorable, honest, trustworthy, self-reliant and vigilant against government's shadowy, covert and massive expansion of its seventeen (17) constitutionally enumerated powers.
It is quite possible from the foregoing that you think that we are heartless and without compassion. Nothing could be further from the truth. On the contrary, we believe there is a limited role for government to play funding national disasters and in helping those that can't help themselves by providing incentives and enhancing the role that private charities play in providing this assistance. When a person gives to a private charity as a voluntary charitable act that is an act of free choice. There are millions of Americans who give regularly to charities every year. There are millions more that give to their churches that also provide assistance for the poor. In fact, America is the most generous nation on earth.
However, when government says you MUST pay higher taxes so that government can transfer those taxes to the poor and the un-deserving, that is an involuntary, forced act of charity through law and the gun and takes away your right of free choice. But what so many forget is, without free choice there can be no freedom. Free choice is the first casualty of a tyrannical government.
Here is what Benjamin Franklin said about the poor:
“I am for doing good to the poor, but ... I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed ... that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."
When the government gets in the act of providing for the poor, especially when their motive is to buy votes, the poor grow in number and the cost to continue their support grows as well. The cost for government to support the poor in America since President Johnson's Great Society, (click on "Great Society" link for more information about the poor from the Heritage Foundation) has been in the trillions of dollars and yet we have neither "..... led or have driven the poor out of poverty", in the words of Benjamin Franklin. We have only succeeded in growing poverty and growing exponentially, the cost to support it. As a result, we are weaker as a people, weaker financially in un-payable debt and weaker as a nation.
Of course, being poor is no picnic and not all poor people are looters, moochers, or freeloaders. But in America, where anyone who will get an education, work hard to the best of their physical and mental ability, stay on the right side of the law and be personally responsible for their actions, can rise above being poor. The history books are full of individuals that have risen out of poverty to become household names. But the poor will never rise out of poverty if they continue to surround themselves with other people who care so little about themselves. The poor will never beat the odds if they settle for a life of dependency on government and pick roll models that are the dredges of society.
The reality is, the poor in America live far better off than the poor anywhere on the planet, with subsidized housing, food credit cards, plasma TVs, free health care, free education, free school breakfasts and lunches and free cell phones, all paid for on the backs of the American taxpayer and administered by a grossly in-efficient and hopelessly corrupt government. The reason that they live so well is, they are just the pawns of government who pay them off to buy their votes. This is why the Democrats have been so successful at maintaining political power in America for the last 80 years. They pander to the poor, the un-deserving and ethnic minorities with your tax money for their votes.
Through ever-expanding entitlement programs, government has been instrumental in spawning generation after generation of people whose only reason for living is being dependent on the great mother, government. Having done so, the government has brought us to the brink of national bankruptcy and has created a large segment of the population that is weak, wholly dependent upon government and votes for those politicians that promise and deliver their continuing subsistence, in a classic example of a self-fulfilling prophecy.
We predict that the law of diminishing returns will eventually bring this scheme for buying votes through government handouts crashing down (as it has in Greece and much of the rest of Europe) and those now dependent on government for their lives and livelihoods will either have to become self-reliant and independent, or find the skirts of another "mother" to hang on, or suffer, or die needlessly.
Ladies and gentlemen, the history books tell us that it took just 3% of the colonials to give birth to freedom some 241 years ago, by making the greatest sacrifice that anyone can give, the sacrifice of life. Can 3% of Americans restore freedom again this time peacefully, or are there 3% of Americans who even care about freedom anymore?
The presidential election in November of 2016 has given us a clue as to which way the wind might be blowing but the wind can shift in an instant. If the wind is blowing in the right direction, perhaps we can "spawn" a different generation of greater, self-reliant Americans who believe in freedom so much that they will give whatever sacrifice is necessary to preserve, protect and defend that freedom for their children and grandchildren. However, given that 57% of Americans want more government in their lives, our confidence that this will ever happen is diminishing rapidly.
What say YOU?
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"America the Blessed From Ocean to Ocean”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, December 24, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
You can't see freedom
You can only be free.
You can't touch freedom,
It's a phantom you see.
A phantom we hold
In our hearts and minds.
A fleeting memory we are told,
Should we it let slip away,
On the winds of time.
The Earth is but a tiny blue dot in an unimaginably large universe. America is, or was, a bright star on that tiny blue dot. That bright star is on the precipice of being snuffed out unless we re-ignite the energy of freedom behind that star.
Take a moment and close your eyes. Now imagine what your life would be like if you could not see. The Christmas tree, the smile of joy on your children's faces when they open their presents, or a tender look from your spouse across the room that holds a world of meaning. These would not be part of your sightless world. You could not see the sky, or the trees, or the flowers, or the snow on the mountains, close up or far away. You could not see the ocean, or a river, a lake, a waterfall, a desert, or the wind rustling leaves in a tree ..... or children playing.
You could not split wood, build a house, watch television, or drive a car, ride a bicycle, or go skiing, sailing, or snowmobiling, or so many other things we take for granted that the miracle of sight brings us. In fact, your life would come with a set of chains that would take a way a portion of your freedom, the freedom of sight.
But there is one other very real part of our lives we should cherish above any of the five senses, or an arm, or a leg. That very real part of our lives in America is the freedom of "choice". The freedom to choose to do what you want provided what you do hurts no one else. That includes the freedom of movement, the freedom of what to buy, the freedom to spend your hard earned money as you see fit, the freedom of what to wear, the freedom of where to live, the freedom of where to work and the kind of work you want to do, the freedom to be different, the freedom to live on and use your land without undue government restriction, the freedom to roam freely throughout America without having to go through check points and body searches and the freedom from excessive taxation and regulation.
Unfortunately, we cannot see, feel, touch, smell, or taste the freedom of choice, we can only experience it. But the freedom of choice is painfully fragile. It can be taken away from us extremely easily, especially if we are not paying attention.
Just imagine that the joy that a young child's innocence brings to each of us, is replaced with, well let's just say, nothing. Or imagine that innocence was taken away by force, or by a law that would be enforced by government.
Imagine a government that would have Christmas police roaming the streets looking for Christmas trees and colored lights, or a nativity scene, or a Menorah, or all the other things that the Christmas time of year means to our culture and then fine you or send you to jail for the violation. You'd have to break the law, if you wanted to celebrate Christmas. But you don't have to imagine it, because this very thing is happening in other countries.
But it isn't necessarily Christmas the police are taking away. It is the right of choice they are taking away. The right to wear what you want, within reason; the right to move about freely; the right of free speech; the right to be free of police search and seizures without a proper warrant; the right to worship as you see fit; the right to bear arms so that government won't be so anxious to reach in and remove your freedoms for fear that you might strike back if they do; the right to privacy without government peering into your lives with surveillance cameras, listening devices, data bases and the like; the right to use your land the way you want, with the full protection of the 5th Amendment that requires due process and just compensation should government choose to take some or all of it from you.
Stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from Florida to Alaska and from Maine to Hawaii, this bright star called America is unique among all countries that have ever survived on this Earth.
Its mountains and valleys, its plains and swamps, its rivers and lakes, its deserts and canyons, provide unrivaled grandeur.
But more than that, its freedom and liberty have produced a culture of people steeped in productivity, prosperity, goodness and generosity, the likes of which have never before been seen in civilization's rise out of the jungles and swamps of 40,000 years ago.
Long-dead cultures of Southern Europe and the Mediterranean toyed with freedom but could not hold on to it. The Greeks, Egyptians, Romans and Ottomans rose and then fell into chaos as human avarice, greed and arrogance replaced, or never acknowledged human rights, dignity and individual liberty.
But 241 years ago, some ordinary men, with vision and the wisdom of age and experience in a time of turmoil and confusion, gathered together on the distant shores of a new land and laid down a 'blue print' for free men and women with common purpose and resolve to live out their lives and govern their individual and collective affairs by adhering to that 'blue print'.
It is our firm belief that the group of individuals with the vision to start a government with its major precept being to identify, define, protect and defend the rights of individuals, may have been more than just a random happening. In our opinion, this formation of our unique government ranks at the top of all major positive human happenings that have appeared on this Earth since the dawn of human civilization.
This country was designed and created by its forefathers to set up an environment in which an individual man or woman, left alone by his or her government, could struggle and prosper or struggle and fail, based upon his or her own individual abilities. This country of individuals was created by people of vision, by people who were willing and free to take risks, by people who were willing to toil, by people who were willing to fend for themselves and take care of their own, by proud people and proud families. What a concept!!
The basic premise behind this freedom was that individuals were to hold the rights, not the Government, and that all political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just power from the consent of the governed. The framers, in creating the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution had in their minds a method by which all peoples could save, protect and defend the rights of the individual. They called these individual rights unalienable, as endowed by their creator. All of these rights were bestowed upon and applied directly “TO” the individual, not “FROM” the government. It was the government’s duty to defend and protect these individual rights by each officer swearing on oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
We passionately love America. We love its unique geography, sea to the mountains, to the shining sea again.
We love its small towns and rolling farmlands that are inhabited by gracious, productive and generous people.
We love its magnificent mountains and the vast grass plains.
We love its rivers and picturesque shorelines, where land meets ocean. We love its varying and diverse cultures. We love how generous we are as a nation.
But mostly what we love are the guiding principles under which America was formed.
We have a deep and abiding respect and awe for our Founding Fathers that crafted our Constitution and the Declaration of Independence under extreme circumstances. We love that these guiding principles are what stand in the way of and shield us from socialism, communism, Marxism, a dictatorship, or an oligarchy of elite powerful men.
If we are to survive as a nation, we need to teach people, through every means possible, to exercise their right to individual expression and individual thought, whether or not that expression or thought is in the main stream. Collectivism, the principle and religion of Progressives, is indentured servitude to the collective, not individual freedom.
Our true strength as a nation is in the strength of the individual. We must not, as we have for the last four millennia, amalgamate, merge and level to some bell-shaped-curve average, the behavior of all individuals.
Most human achievement came as a result of efforts of and by an individual, not a society or a culture. As a matter of fact, societies, cultures, religions and groups have stood in the way of most human achievements. Scientific discoveries, improvement in the human condition, or positive advances in government, came about from individuals working either by themselves or with a few others. Because of American freedom and liberty, individuals more easily expressed their natural creativity, ingenuity, industriousness and generosity. It is because of these individual achievers that America has spread its shining light over all other nations on Earth.
If we must emulate someone, let us emulate the achievers. If we must follow, then let us follow in the footsteps of those that pioneer and forge ahead no matter what the odds, or what peril lays in front of them. Intelligent men and woman of vision forged the Constitution of the United States. Courageous, individual pioneers settled the west against all odds. Now today, the individual spirit of tens of thousands of entrepreneurs, commence new businesses every day, risking their personal fortunes, no matter how large or small. They put up with every conceivable obstacle thrown in their path, not only from market forces, but also by government regulation and edict. Who knows why they do it. Perhaps if they knew what they were facing, they wouldn’t.
Efforts and achievement by individuals fuel the engine that keeps the wheels of our free economy turning. Individuals running their own businesses create sixty to seventy percent of all jobs in the United States. What a country we live in. What a tribute to its resilient peoples. We are still a people of guts, courage, intellect, enterprise and compassion. We are individuals in a sea of individuals and there is no strength on Earth that can match ours, in spite of our perceived troubles.
America is a one-of-a-kind, precious jewel. Defend and protect her as you would a precious jewel. Because if this jewel becomes lost or broken, who will find her? Who will restore her? And if we cannot find and restore her, how do we replace her, since she is one of a kind? This jewel called America prays that we will rise up in her defense, because if America and her freedom are lost, to where will those who seek freedom run?
So during this Holiday Season and every other day, when you look up and see the American flag flying proudly in the wind as a gracious symbol of our freedom and liberty and our Judeo-Christian heritage, remember with reverence the price so many have paid to keep that flag flying high. As an American you have every right to feel deep pride, honor and respect for a country that not only gave you life but gave birth to your freedom. Let not any American take her for granted.
On this, our last article of 2017, allow us to wish each of you a very special, joyous and peaceful Christmas or Hanukkah celebration during this time of caring, giving and sharing.
You can only be free.
You can't touch freedom,
It's a phantom you see.
A phantom we hold
In our hearts and minds.
A fleeting memory we are told,
Should we it let slip away,
On the winds of time.
The Earth is but a tiny blue dot in an unimaginably large universe. America is, or was, a bright star on that tiny blue dot. That bright star is on the precipice of being snuffed out unless we re-ignite the energy of freedom behind that star.
Take a moment and close your eyes. Now imagine what your life would be like if you could not see. The Christmas tree, the smile of joy on your children's faces when they open their presents, or a tender look from your spouse across the room that holds a world of meaning. These would not be part of your sightless world. You could not see the sky, or the trees, or the flowers, or the snow on the mountains, close up or far away. You could not see the ocean, or a river, a lake, a waterfall, a desert, or the wind rustling leaves in a tree ..... or children playing.
You could not split wood, build a house, watch television, or drive a car, ride a bicycle, or go skiing, sailing, or snowmobiling, or so many other things we take for granted that the miracle of sight brings us. In fact, your life would come with a set of chains that would take a way a portion of your freedom, the freedom of sight.
But there is one other very real part of our lives we should cherish above any of the five senses, or an arm, or a leg. That very real part of our lives in America is the freedom of "choice". The freedom to choose to do what you want provided what you do hurts no one else. That includes the freedom of movement, the freedom of what to buy, the freedom to spend your hard earned money as you see fit, the freedom of what to wear, the freedom of where to live, the freedom of where to work and the kind of work you want to do, the freedom to be different, the freedom to live on and use your land without undue government restriction, the freedom to roam freely throughout America without having to go through check points and body searches and the freedom from excessive taxation and regulation.
Unfortunately, we cannot see, feel, touch, smell, or taste the freedom of choice, we can only experience it. But the freedom of choice is painfully fragile. It can be taken away from us extremely easily, especially if we are not paying attention.
Just imagine that the joy that a young child's innocence brings to each of us, is replaced with, well let's just say, nothing. Or imagine that innocence was taken away by force, or by a law that would be enforced by government.
Imagine a government that would have Christmas police roaming the streets looking for Christmas trees and colored lights, or a nativity scene, or a Menorah, or all the other things that the Christmas time of year means to our culture and then fine you or send you to jail for the violation. You'd have to break the law, if you wanted to celebrate Christmas. But you don't have to imagine it, because this very thing is happening in other countries.
But it isn't necessarily Christmas the police are taking away. It is the right of choice they are taking away. The right to wear what you want, within reason; the right to move about freely; the right of free speech; the right to be free of police search and seizures without a proper warrant; the right to worship as you see fit; the right to bear arms so that government won't be so anxious to reach in and remove your freedoms for fear that you might strike back if they do; the right to privacy without government peering into your lives with surveillance cameras, listening devices, data bases and the like; the right to use your land the way you want, with the full protection of the 5th Amendment that requires due process and just compensation should government choose to take some or all of it from you.
Stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from Florida to Alaska and from Maine to Hawaii, this bright star called America is unique among all countries that have ever survived on this Earth.
Its mountains and valleys, its plains and swamps, its rivers and lakes, its deserts and canyons, provide unrivaled grandeur.
But more than that, its freedom and liberty have produced a culture of people steeped in productivity, prosperity, goodness and generosity, the likes of which have never before been seen in civilization's rise out of the jungles and swamps of 40,000 years ago.
Long-dead cultures of Southern Europe and the Mediterranean toyed with freedom but could not hold on to it. The Greeks, Egyptians, Romans and Ottomans rose and then fell into chaos as human avarice, greed and arrogance replaced, or never acknowledged human rights, dignity and individual liberty.
But 241 years ago, some ordinary men, with vision and the wisdom of age and experience in a time of turmoil and confusion, gathered together on the distant shores of a new land and laid down a 'blue print' for free men and women with common purpose and resolve to live out their lives and govern their individual and collective affairs by adhering to that 'blue print'.
It is our firm belief that the group of individuals with the vision to start a government with its major precept being to identify, define, protect and defend the rights of individuals, may have been more than just a random happening. In our opinion, this formation of our unique government ranks at the top of all major positive human happenings that have appeared on this Earth since the dawn of human civilization.
This country was designed and created by its forefathers to set up an environment in which an individual man or woman, left alone by his or her government, could struggle and prosper or struggle and fail, based upon his or her own individual abilities. This country of individuals was created by people of vision, by people who were willing and free to take risks, by people who were willing to toil, by people who were willing to fend for themselves and take care of their own, by proud people and proud families. What a concept!!
The basic premise behind this freedom was that individuals were to hold the rights, not the Government, and that all political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just power from the consent of the governed. The framers, in creating the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution had in their minds a method by which all peoples could save, protect and defend the rights of the individual. They called these individual rights unalienable, as endowed by their creator. All of these rights were bestowed upon and applied directly “TO” the individual, not “FROM” the government. It was the government’s duty to defend and protect these individual rights by each officer swearing on oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
We passionately love America. We love its unique geography, sea to the mountains, to the shining sea again.
We love its small towns and rolling farmlands that are inhabited by gracious, productive and generous people.
We love its magnificent mountains and the vast grass plains.
We love its rivers and picturesque shorelines, where land meets ocean. We love its varying and diverse cultures. We love how generous we are as a nation.
But mostly what we love are the guiding principles under which America was formed.
We have a deep and abiding respect and awe for our Founding Fathers that crafted our Constitution and the Declaration of Independence under extreme circumstances. We love that these guiding principles are what stand in the way of and shield us from socialism, communism, Marxism, a dictatorship, or an oligarchy of elite powerful men.
If we are to survive as a nation, we need to teach people, through every means possible, to exercise their right to individual expression and individual thought, whether or not that expression or thought is in the main stream. Collectivism, the principle and religion of Progressives, is indentured servitude to the collective, not individual freedom.
Our true strength as a nation is in the strength of the individual. We must not, as we have for the last four millennia, amalgamate, merge and level to some bell-shaped-curve average, the behavior of all individuals.
Most human achievement came as a result of efforts of and by an individual, not a society or a culture. As a matter of fact, societies, cultures, religions and groups have stood in the way of most human achievements. Scientific discoveries, improvement in the human condition, or positive advances in government, came about from individuals working either by themselves or with a few others. Because of American freedom and liberty, individuals more easily expressed their natural creativity, ingenuity, industriousness and generosity. It is because of these individual achievers that America has spread its shining light over all other nations on Earth.
If we must emulate someone, let us emulate the achievers. If we must follow, then let us follow in the footsteps of those that pioneer and forge ahead no matter what the odds, or what peril lays in front of them. Intelligent men and woman of vision forged the Constitution of the United States. Courageous, individual pioneers settled the west against all odds. Now today, the individual spirit of tens of thousands of entrepreneurs, commence new businesses every day, risking their personal fortunes, no matter how large or small. They put up with every conceivable obstacle thrown in their path, not only from market forces, but also by government regulation and edict. Who knows why they do it. Perhaps if they knew what they were facing, they wouldn’t.
Efforts and achievement by individuals fuel the engine that keeps the wheels of our free economy turning. Individuals running their own businesses create sixty to seventy percent of all jobs in the United States. What a country we live in. What a tribute to its resilient peoples. We are still a people of guts, courage, intellect, enterprise and compassion. We are individuals in a sea of individuals and there is no strength on Earth that can match ours, in spite of our perceived troubles.
America is a one-of-a-kind, precious jewel. Defend and protect her as you would a precious jewel. Because if this jewel becomes lost or broken, who will find her? Who will restore her? And if we cannot find and restore her, how do we replace her, since she is one of a kind? This jewel called America prays that we will rise up in her defense, because if America and her freedom are lost, to where will those who seek freedom run?
So during this Holiday Season and every other day, when you look up and see the American flag flying proudly in the wind as a gracious symbol of our freedom and liberty and our Judeo-Christian heritage, remember with reverence the price so many have paid to keep that flag flying high. As an American you have every right to feel deep pride, honor and respect for a country that not only gave you life but gave birth to your freedom. Let not any American take her for granted.
On this, our last article of 2017, allow us to wish each of you a very special, joyous and peaceful Christmas or Hanukkah celebration during this time of caring, giving and sharing.
"Lots of Investigations But No Prosecutions or Incarcerations”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, December 17, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
Congressional and special counsel investigations of government officials are a categorical joke and an insult to the American people. In four separate investigations of then President Bill Clinton, including Ken Starr's special counsel investigation into the Clinton Whitewater land deal and the firing of the employees in the travel office, the government spent almost $80,000,000. What did the American people get for $80,000,000? The net result of those investigations was an indictment of Bill Clinton for lying under oath over a sex act in the oval office. And people think Donald Trump is depraved.
The U. S. House of Representatives drafted Articles of Impeachment against Clinton. That resulted in Clinton being tried in the Senate. But because the Democrats controlled the Senate at the time, Bill Clinton skated impeachment and removal from office. Yes, Bill lost his law license and had to pay $850,000 to Paula Jones and her lawyers to shut them up. Nevertheless, questions still remain about the Whitewater land deal, the travel office firing, Hillary's fabulous investment in cattle futures and the dead bodies that seem to appear on the path of Bill and Hillary's climb to political office, including the presidency. So much for special counsels.
Then there are the great and wonderful Congressional investigations into government wrongdoing. Let's see! The Congress investigated the Fast and Furious gun running deal that ended in the death of border patrol agent Brian Terry in 2010 by Mexican cartel thugs using a gun supplied by the U.S. government. Congress came up empty handed, (again) even after filing a Contempt of Congress citation against U. S. Attorney General Eric Holder. In collusion between President Obama and AG Holder, Obama claimed presidential privilege and information naming the perpetrators at ATF who supplied the guns was shielded. What did we learn? Nothing! Who went to jail? No one!
Congress held hearings on the IRS targeting conservative groups for "special" treatment just before the 2012 presidential election. Lois Lerner, at the head of the targeting scam, claimed her 5th Amendment rights and went deaf and dumb. IRS Commissioner John Koskinen and his predecessors provided false testimony to Congress and conveniently lost Lois Lerner's e-mails that were requested by Congress. Commissioner Koskinen held his post as IRS Commissioner all the way up to October of 2017 because Trump somehow overlooked his firing. He should have gone to jail. President Obama, in an interview with Bill O'Reilly stated that there was "not even a smidgeon of corruption" at the IRS. He lied and he knew he was lying. Now Lois Lerner wants her testimony sealed in the civil case against the IRS so she won't be subjected to threats from angry taxpayers.
In just another worthless Congressional investigation, no one was indicted. No one was prosecuted in a court of law. No one was found guilty and went to jail. Who lost? The taxpayers. The taxpayers had to pay out millions of dollars in settlements to the over 300 conservative organizations that suffered needlessly at the hands of the IRS targeting for a liberal political agenda. Another very powerful federal agency was politicized and sent the rule of law and the constitution into exile.
On September 11, 2012 four brave men died needlessly in a terror attack on the Consulate in Benghazi, including our U. S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens. Obama and his political cronies said the attack was caused by a negative Islamic video and promptly threw the video maker in jail. The Ambassador had made hundreds of requests to the State Department (Secretary of State Hillary Clinton) for more security but the requests were denied or ignored. It is said that Africa-Command stood down during the attack and didn't launch a military rescue. Who gave the stand-down order? We don't know. But someone ordered an un-armed drone to survey the situation while the men were dying. Well at least we have pictures of the attack.
The whole terrible tragedy cried out for a Congressional investigation. Congress cried foul and held hearings in multiple committees to try to get to the bottom of it and pin the blame on someone. There had to be a responsible person or persons that should have or could have prevented the attack. In her testimony before one of the committees, in usual Hillary cover-up fashion, yelled out loud, "what difference does it make." In Hillary's tortured mind, it must be a right-wing conspiracy. She lied to the families of the men when they were flown home in caskets from Libya and told the families the attack was caused by the stupid video.
So what did we learn after all the time and money spent in Congressional committee hearings and witness testimony on the Benghazi attack? Nothing! Who was responsible? Who was tried and went to jail? Or who was demoted? No one!
Once again, Americans find themselves in another corruption scandal by the female half of the Clinton racketeering enterprise that ran for president a second time and lost. (Boy that must have really stung for someone who is used to winning by any means, criminal or otherwise, especially losing to that loose-mouthed Trump.)
When Secretary of State, this very astute political animal ran a private server in her home to transact State Department business with hundreds, if not thousands, of classified material running through her un-secured server. Her state department cronies were also receiving classified material that ran through Hillary's server. Why did she do this? To shield any of her e-mails from FOIA requests, or to be able to delete e-mails that might be incriminating, which she did. Some of that classified material ended up on sex pervert Anthony Weiner's laptop, sent there by Hillary confidant, Huma Abadein, Weiner's wife. Over 30,000 Hillary e-mails suddenly disappeared and laptops and Iphones destroyed. Hillary lied under oath before the U. S. Congress but was never charged. She probably lied to the FBI but was never charged.
And then there is the "pay for play" Uranium One deal where somehow $145,000,000 ended up in the Clinton Foundation right after Russia took control of Uranium One and 20% of the entire American raw uranium resources and Bill Clinton raked in a cool $500,000 for a speech in Russia. Coincidence? You've got to be kidding! Criminal? You bet!
So the FBI started an investigation into Hillary's un-secured server. What happened? Will tell you what happened, it was a blatant cover-up by corrupt FBI agents. On top of that, FBI director Comey, in violation of Department of Justice protocol and without legal authority, exonerated Hillary Clinton in a speech on July 5, 2016, three months before the November 2016 election, bypassing the Department of Justice and Attorney General Loretta Lynch. This happened but a few weeks after former President Bill Clinton met with AG Loretta Lynch on the Phoenix Airport tarmac, which the FBI tried to cover up. The result! Hillary skates! Bill Clinton skates ..... again! Comey skates! Loretta Lynch skates! Obama skates and the two corrupt FBI agents skate, that is up until just recently where both were demoted and stripped of rank when it was learned they had poisoned the Hillary investigation.
So where is the big Congressional or FBI investigations into the Clinton's Uranium One and the "pay for play" Clinton Foundation deals. Are they being investigated? We don't know! Will it be a fair and partial investigation? After seeing what we have seen in the last week or so, we have grave doubts.
A few days ago newly appointed FBI Director Christopher Wray gave testimony before a Congressional Committee on the two FBI agents that were caught red handed trying to influence the Hillary Clinton investigation, in Hillary's favor of course. Director Wray copped out and said the issue was being "investigated" by the "independent" FBI Inspector General and he couldn't comment. Now if you think that Inspector Generals are "independent", fair and impartial, let us take you back to the IRS Inspector General who did essentially nothing regarding the IRS's targeting of conservative groups. Lerner skated! IRS Commissioner Koskinen skated! Obama and God knows who else skated!
Then there is the Mueller so-called "independent" special counsel investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and the possibility of now President Donald Trump or his campaign advisors being implicated in collusion with the Russians. In five months, Mueller has spent almost $7,000,000 and has indicted a couple of campaign advisors for crimes that had nothing to do with the 2016 election, or Russian interference or collusion. Mueller is a close friend of former FBI Director James Comey. His attorney staff is made up of Obama groupies who have donated thousands to Obama and other Democrat candidates. "Independent, fair and impartial?" It defies credulity!
Sure, those who have been paying attention know all that we have written here, but what are they going to do about it? Nothing, just like the U. S. Congress investigations do nothing! And just like special counsels spend millions of your tax dollars on witch-hunts that only uncover low-level perpetrators for low-level crimes. The "big fish" always get away, or are let go to swim again and commit more political crimes, ala the Clintons.
So what's the point of all this? It's the establishment and deep state conducting business as usual in a corrupt government that cannot be reined in because the only thing that can rein government in is "We The People." Sadly, the people are disengaged, apathetic, disinterested, asleep and for the most part, don't care.
As an example, in last week's article ("If You Ain't Mad Yet, You'd Better Get Mad") we encouraged our readers to boycott San Francisco over their sanctuary city policy, the Kate Steinle murder and the acquittal verdict of the killer. We set up a web page with a sample letter and the San Francisco contact information including phone, fax numbers and e-mail addresses. We said that if our effort didn't go viral, it would be a token effort and token efforts always fail. Not only did our suggestion to contact the San Francisco mayor and Board of Supervisors not go viral, only one person relayed to us that they had sent our sample letter. As further evidence of the lack of interest, only a few people, out of all of the people that read our articles, were curious enough to at least look at our sample letter on the website page. Most just brushed it off.
So here is the question. If those that care about America's future are privy to all of the injustices going on around them and won't lift a finger to right any of the injustices, they are, forever, stuck with those injustices. Acquiescence is approval! That goes for the deep state, the establishment, corrupt politicians and bureaucrats, government cover-ups, out-of-control illegal immigration, our broken health care system, environmental overreach, regulation and propaganda, high taxes and high debt, the hopelessly corrupt Veteran's Administration, socialist brainwashing of our next generation, college academic lunacy, failing infrastructure and the attempt to annihilate American sovereignty to be replaced by one-world-order.
We predict this is what will eventually happen. The large preponderance of the American population will go on about their business of not caring what government does and acquiesce to the injustices, the growing waste, fraud, abuse and corruption, further loss of freedoms and exploding government spending. All the do-nothing Congressional investigations and special counsels to hold government accountable will not fix any of the real problems while the American people look the other way.
But there will be a significant segment of the population that will one day finally get fed up with acquiescence to the injustices and revolt ..... violently. This segment is heavily armed. Thus, will the third American Revolution be born. What will trigger that revolution is anyone's guess, but the trigger could be something small and innocuous, like the fluttering of a butterfly's wings on a sunny April 15th morning, tax day USA.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
The U. S. House of Representatives drafted Articles of Impeachment against Clinton. That resulted in Clinton being tried in the Senate. But because the Democrats controlled the Senate at the time, Bill Clinton skated impeachment and removal from office. Yes, Bill lost his law license and had to pay $850,000 to Paula Jones and her lawyers to shut them up. Nevertheless, questions still remain about the Whitewater land deal, the travel office firing, Hillary's fabulous investment in cattle futures and the dead bodies that seem to appear on the path of Bill and Hillary's climb to political office, including the presidency. So much for special counsels.
Then there are the great and wonderful Congressional investigations into government wrongdoing. Let's see! The Congress investigated the Fast and Furious gun running deal that ended in the death of border patrol agent Brian Terry in 2010 by Mexican cartel thugs using a gun supplied by the U.S. government. Congress came up empty handed, (again) even after filing a Contempt of Congress citation against U. S. Attorney General Eric Holder. In collusion between President Obama and AG Holder, Obama claimed presidential privilege and information naming the perpetrators at ATF who supplied the guns was shielded. What did we learn? Nothing! Who went to jail? No one!
Congress held hearings on the IRS targeting conservative groups for "special" treatment just before the 2012 presidential election. Lois Lerner, at the head of the targeting scam, claimed her 5th Amendment rights and went deaf and dumb. IRS Commissioner John Koskinen and his predecessors provided false testimony to Congress and conveniently lost Lois Lerner's e-mails that were requested by Congress. Commissioner Koskinen held his post as IRS Commissioner all the way up to October of 2017 because Trump somehow overlooked his firing. He should have gone to jail. President Obama, in an interview with Bill O'Reilly stated that there was "not even a smidgeon of corruption" at the IRS. He lied and he knew he was lying. Now Lois Lerner wants her testimony sealed in the civil case against the IRS so she won't be subjected to threats from angry taxpayers.
In just another worthless Congressional investigation, no one was indicted. No one was prosecuted in a court of law. No one was found guilty and went to jail. Who lost? The taxpayers. The taxpayers had to pay out millions of dollars in settlements to the over 300 conservative organizations that suffered needlessly at the hands of the IRS targeting for a liberal political agenda. Another very powerful federal agency was politicized and sent the rule of law and the constitution into exile.
On September 11, 2012 four brave men died needlessly in a terror attack on the Consulate in Benghazi, including our U. S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens. Obama and his political cronies said the attack was caused by a negative Islamic video and promptly threw the video maker in jail. The Ambassador had made hundreds of requests to the State Department (Secretary of State Hillary Clinton) for more security but the requests were denied or ignored. It is said that Africa-Command stood down during the attack and didn't launch a military rescue. Who gave the stand-down order? We don't know. But someone ordered an un-armed drone to survey the situation while the men were dying. Well at least we have pictures of the attack.
The whole terrible tragedy cried out for a Congressional investigation. Congress cried foul and held hearings in multiple committees to try to get to the bottom of it and pin the blame on someone. There had to be a responsible person or persons that should have or could have prevented the attack. In her testimony before one of the committees, in usual Hillary cover-up fashion, yelled out loud, "what difference does it make." In Hillary's tortured mind, it must be a right-wing conspiracy. She lied to the families of the men when they were flown home in caskets from Libya and told the families the attack was caused by the stupid video.
So what did we learn after all the time and money spent in Congressional committee hearings and witness testimony on the Benghazi attack? Nothing! Who was responsible? Who was tried and went to jail? Or who was demoted? No one!
Once again, Americans find themselves in another corruption scandal by the female half of the Clinton racketeering enterprise that ran for president a second time and lost. (Boy that must have really stung for someone who is used to winning by any means, criminal or otherwise, especially losing to that loose-mouthed Trump.)
When Secretary of State, this very astute political animal ran a private server in her home to transact State Department business with hundreds, if not thousands, of classified material running through her un-secured server. Her state department cronies were also receiving classified material that ran through Hillary's server. Why did she do this? To shield any of her e-mails from FOIA requests, or to be able to delete e-mails that might be incriminating, which she did. Some of that classified material ended up on sex pervert Anthony Weiner's laptop, sent there by Hillary confidant, Huma Abadein, Weiner's wife. Over 30,000 Hillary e-mails suddenly disappeared and laptops and Iphones destroyed. Hillary lied under oath before the U. S. Congress but was never charged. She probably lied to the FBI but was never charged.
And then there is the "pay for play" Uranium One deal where somehow $145,000,000 ended up in the Clinton Foundation right after Russia took control of Uranium One and 20% of the entire American raw uranium resources and Bill Clinton raked in a cool $500,000 for a speech in Russia. Coincidence? You've got to be kidding! Criminal? You bet!
So the FBI started an investigation into Hillary's un-secured server. What happened? Will tell you what happened, it was a blatant cover-up by corrupt FBI agents. On top of that, FBI director Comey, in violation of Department of Justice protocol and without legal authority, exonerated Hillary Clinton in a speech on July 5, 2016, three months before the November 2016 election, bypassing the Department of Justice and Attorney General Loretta Lynch. This happened but a few weeks after former President Bill Clinton met with AG Loretta Lynch on the Phoenix Airport tarmac, which the FBI tried to cover up. The result! Hillary skates! Bill Clinton skates ..... again! Comey skates! Loretta Lynch skates! Obama skates and the two corrupt FBI agents skate, that is up until just recently where both were demoted and stripped of rank when it was learned they had poisoned the Hillary investigation.
So where is the big Congressional or FBI investigations into the Clinton's Uranium One and the "pay for play" Clinton Foundation deals. Are they being investigated? We don't know! Will it be a fair and partial investigation? After seeing what we have seen in the last week or so, we have grave doubts.
A few days ago newly appointed FBI Director Christopher Wray gave testimony before a Congressional Committee on the two FBI agents that were caught red handed trying to influence the Hillary Clinton investigation, in Hillary's favor of course. Director Wray copped out and said the issue was being "investigated" by the "independent" FBI Inspector General and he couldn't comment. Now if you think that Inspector Generals are "independent", fair and impartial, let us take you back to the IRS Inspector General who did essentially nothing regarding the IRS's targeting of conservative groups. Lerner skated! IRS Commissioner Koskinen skated! Obama and God knows who else skated!
Then there is the Mueller so-called "independent" special counsel investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and the possibility of now President Donald Trump or his campaign advisors being implicated in collusion with the Russians. In five months, Mueller has spent almost $7,000,000 and has indicted a couple of campaign advisors for crimes that had nothing to do with the 2016 election, or Russian interference or collusion. Mueller is a close friend of former FBI Director James Comey. His attorney staff is made up of Obama groupies who have donated thousands to Obama and other Democrat candidates. "Independent, fair and impartial?" It defies credulity!
Sure, those who have been paying attention know all that we have written here, but what are they going to do about it? Nothing, just like the U. S. Congress investigations do nothing! And just like special counsels spend millions of your tax dollars on witch-hunts that only uncover low-level perpetrators for low-level crimes. The "big fish" always get away, or are let go to swim again and commit more political crimes, ala the Clintons.
So what's the point of all this? It's the establishment and deep state conducting business as usual in a corrupt government that cannot be reined in because the only thing that can rein government in is "We The People." Sadly, the people are disengaged, apathetic, disinterested, asleep and for the most part, don't care.
As an example, in last week's article ("If You Ain't Mad Yet, You'd Better Get Mad") we encouraged our readers to boycott San Francisco over their sanctuary city policy, the Kate Steinle murder and the acquittal verdict of the killer. We set up a web page with a sample letter and the San Francisco contact information including phone, fax numbers and e-mail addresses. We said that if our effort didn't go viral, it would be a token effort and token efforts always fail. Not only did our suggestion to contact the San Francisco mayor and Board of Supervisors not go viral, only one person relayed to us that they had sent our sample letter. As further evidence of the lack of interest, only a few people, out of all of the people that read our articles, were curious enough to at least look at our sample letter on the website page. Most just brushed it off.
So here is the question. If those that care about America's future are privy to all of the injustices going on around them and won't lift a finger to right any of the injustices, they are, forever, stuck with those injustices. Acquiescence is approval! That goes for the deep state, the establishment, corrupt politicians and bureaucrats, government cover-ups, out-of-control illegal immigration, our broken health care system, environmental overreach, regulation and propaganda, high taxes and high debt, the hopelessly corrupt Veteran's Administration, socialist brainwashing of our next generation, college academic lunacy, failing infrastructure and the attempt to annihilate American sovereignty to be replaced by one-world-order.
We predict this is what will eventually happen. The large preponderance of the American population will go on about their business of not caring what government does and acquiesce to the injustices, the growing waste, fraud, abuse and corruption, further loss of freedoms and exploding government spending. All the do-nothing Congressional investigations and special counsels to hold government accountable will not fix any of the real problems while the American people look the other way.
But there will be a significant segment of the population that will one day finally get fed up with acquiescence to the injustices and revolt ..... violently. This segment is heavily armed. Thus, will the third American Revolution be born. What will trigger that revolution is anyone's guess, but the trigger could be something small and innocuous, like the fluttering of a butterfly's wings on a sunny April 15th morning, tax day USA.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"If You Ain't Mad Yet, You'd Better Get Mad”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, December 3, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
It is difficult to describe how we felt when we learned that Kate Steinle's killer would only be charged with a "felon in possession of a firearm," a low level beef at best, considering the severity of the crime he committed in snuffing out Kate's life on a San Francisco pier, at the dawn of her adulthood. We suddenly grew red faced with the raw emotions of anger, incredulity and disbelief. In short, we were mad as Hell!
If a man steals a car and then runs over a person (even accidentally) and kills that person, he will be tried, convicted and sentenced under an involuntary manslaughter charge, plus car theft. Kate's killer was a felon in possession of a firearm, which resulted in the death of an innocent bystander. That by definition is involuntary manslaughter. There was no question that the bullet came from the gun that the killer fired that killed Kate Steinle, whether accidental or not. It made no difference that the bullet ricocheted off the concrete. The killer's illegal action led to the death of another person. He should have been punished with many years in prison, if not executed.
But he wasn't. Shockingly, a San Francisco jury acquitted him. The jury was not allowed to see his many drug convictions or his five deportations, even though that was material evidence that led to his character and being in the country illegally. The fact that the killer was given sanctuary in San Francisco under their Sanctuary City policy was also not admitted into evidence. The fact that he was roaming around free as a bird because of that Sanctuary policy was never exposed to the jury during the trial.
The jury was composed of six men and six women. Three of those jurors were immigrants. It is not known whether the immigrants were legal or illegal but that contingent of immigrants may very well have played a role in a "not guilty" verdict. The killer pulled the trigger but the sanctuary city mindset was tattooed on the bullet.
The trial was a sham and an egregious miscarriage of justice. As it stands right now, no one has atoned for Kate Steinle's death.
Fortunately, a federal arrest warrant has been issued for the killer on other federal charges, so it is likely he will do a few more years in prison ..... before they deport him. But if the FEDS deport him, he will just come back across the border and head straight for a sanctuary city, like San Francisco.
A porous southern border, lax illegal immigration enforcement and Sanctuary City policies killed Kate Steinle. The hue and cry against this injustice should be heard loud and long across the land. If people are as angry as we are, there are two specific actions they can take so that Kate Steinle's death will not be in vain.
1. Americans must unite around a no-tolerance illegal alien policy. All illegal aliens should be deported, even if it costs billions of dollars. That would send a message that coming to America can only be accomplished by legal means. Make them all go through the front door. Any other policy spits on the rule of law and insults lawful Americans by making them pay to support law breaking illegal aliens and suffer the indignities, lost jobs and lower wages due to a rampant illegal alien invasion.
2. Americans and businesses must unite around a boycott of San Francisco and the State of California to punish them for their sanctuary policies. Quit visiting the city by the bay and take your vacation and business dollars elsewhere.
NOTE: We have prepared a sample letter to the Mayor of San Francisco and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, telling them Americans and businesses are going to boycott their city because of the city's Sanctuary City Policy. To see the sample letter and San Francisco and Governor Jerry Brown's contact information, including telephone and fax numbers and individual e-mail addresses, click HERE. Overload their phones and e-mail addresses with your anger and disgust. Phone 'em. Fax 'em. E-mail 'em, or call 'em. If the federal government can't control sanctuary cities, maybe the people can. The city of San Francisco needs to pay for the death of Kate Steinle!
Who said Americans won't do the jobs performed by illegal aliens? Many of those in our age group (60's, 70's and 80's) cut their teeth on picking berries, apples, pears and peaches in their teenage years. Some of us picked cotton. Our first job was picking Logan berries at the age of 12. We were excited about earning a little extra money so that we didn't have to beg our parents for an allowance.
Good Lord, when are Americans going to get mad enough to do something to right the injustices that happen to us every day. Illegal immigration is a festering sore on our bodies, our emotions, our laws, our financial wellbeing and our economy. If this sore goes untreated, it will kill us and it will eventually kill American freedom and sovereignty, if it hasn't already.
Here are some other actions Americans could take, or lobby government to change the laws.
1) Close and protect our borders from infiltration by illegal aliens, drugs and terrorists, by whatever means, including physical force. If there were severe penalties for crossing our borders, there would be less of it.
2) Build the wall ..... NOW!
3) Enforce current law already on the books.
4) Track all foreigners who over stay their visas and deport them.
5) Immediately deport all illegal aliens that are caught without documentation. There should be no hearings or other administrative procedures. Illegal aliens should not be entitled to due process because illegal aliens should have no rights. They should not be entitled to driver's licenses or other government services.
6) Severely punish employers who hire illegal aliens and make them responsible for proving citizenship of their employees. As an employer we took validating citizenship very seriously. If there was any question, we investigated. Fine the employer $10,000 for every alien they illegally employ.
7) As some states are doing now, stop all social benefits, education, bilingual services, emergency services and social services to any individual or family that is not a legal citizen of the United States unless here on a valid visa or green card.
8) Loosen the child labor law regulations so that teenagers can learn about work, salaries and responsibilities by working on the farms and picking America's crops.
9) Pass Kate's Law giving mandatory 5 year sentences to illegal aliens that come back across the border after being deported.
In a previous article on illegal immigration we wrote:
As reported by the Texas Department of Public Safety: "According to DHS status indicators, over 217,000 criminal aliens have been booked into local Texas jails between June 1, 2011 and March 31, 2017. During their criminal careers, these criminal aliens were charged with more than 579,000 criminal offenses. Those arrests include 1,179 homicide charges; 68,900 assault charges; 16,854 burglary charges; 68,999 drug charges; 699 kidnapping charges; 40,818 theft charges; 45,104 obstructing police charges; 3,813 robbery charges; 6,190 sexual assault charges; and 8,693 weapons charges. Of the total criminal aliens arrested in that timeframe, over 144,000 or 66% were identified by DHS status as being in the US illegally at the time of their last arrest."
"According to DPS criminal history records, those criminal charges have thus far resulted in over 260,000 convictions including 485 homicide convictions; 25,882 assault convictions; 8,239 burglary convictions; 34,077 drug convictions; 238 kidnapping convictions; 18,543 theft convictions; 22,179 obstructing police convictions; 1,939 robbery convictions; 2,812 sexual assault convictions; and 3,625 weapons convictions. Of the convictions associated with criminal alien arrests, over 173,000 or 66% are associated with aliens who were identified by DHS status as being in the US illegally at the time of their last arrest."
In each one of these crimes in Texas there is a Texas victim or victims that you never hear about, whose lives have been altered forever by the criminal actions of an illegal alien. There may even be a Kate Steinle in there somewhere. Many of the convicted criminal illegal aliens are now in our jails and the American taxpayer gets to pay for their incarceration as well. And this is just one state. Are you beginning to get the picture? Are you angry yet? If not, why not?
* * * * * * * * * * *
Ladies and gentlemen, Americans cannot and should not look the other way when a national injustice is staring them in the face. How bad does it have to get before people of courage and conviction rise up and right that injustice? Sadly, most of the suggestions we have made in this article will never be implemented because the Congress is impotent and the people are lazy or plain don't care.
However, our readers and other Americans have a chance to make a difference today. Check out our "Boycott San Francisco" web page. Copy and paste our sample letter into your word processor and mail it, or e-mail it to the San Francisco Mayor and the Board of Supervisors. Or call or fax them. We have also provided their phone and fax numbers on the web page. If you don't like our wording, change it. We've done the hard work and made it easy for you. Make San Francisco pay for Kate Steinle's death by letting them know you are going to boycott them. The killer didn't pay, but justice demands that someone must pay. Make that someone the City of San Francisco.
If this doesn't go viral, it will be a token effort. Token efforts always fail.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
If a man steals a car and then runs over a person (even accidentally) and kills that person, he will be tried, convicted and sentenced under an involuntary manslaughter charge, plus car theft. Kate's killer was a felon in possession of a firearm, which resulted in the death of an innocent bystander. That by definition is involuntary manslaughter. There was no question that the bullet came from the gun that the killer fired that killed Kate Steinle, whether accidental or not. It made no difference that the bullet ricocheted off the concrete. The killer's illegal action led to the death of another person. He should have been punished with many years in prison, if not executed.
But he wasn't. Shockingly, a San Francisco jury acquitted him. The jury was not allowed to see his many drug convictions or his five deportations, even though that was material evidence that led to his character and being in the country illegally. The fact that the killer was given sanctuary in San Francisco under their Sanctuary City policy was also not admitted into evidence. The fact that he was roaming around free as a bird because of that Sanctuary policy was never exposed to the jury during the trial.
The jury was composed of six men and six women. Three of those jurors were immigrants. It is not known whether the immigrants were legal or illegal but that contingent of immigrants may very well have played a role in a "not guilty" verdict. The killer pulled the trigger but the sanctuary city mindset was tattooed on the bullet.
The trial was a sham and an egregious miscarriage of justice. As it stands right now, no one has atoned for Kate Steinle's death.
Fortunately, a federal arrest warrant has been issued for the killer on other federal charges, so it is likely he will do a few more years in prison ..... before they deport him. But if the FEDS deport him, he will just come back across the border and head straight for a sanctuary city, like San Francisco.
A porous southern border, lax illegal immigration enforcement and Sanctuary City policies killed Kate Steinle. The hue and cry against this injustice should be heard loud and long across the land. If people are as angry as we are, there are two specific actions they can take so that Kate Steinle's death will not be in vain.
1. Americans must unite around a no-tolerance illegal alien policy. All illegal aliens should be deported, even if it costs billions of dollars. That would send a message that coming to America can only be accomplished by legal means. Make them all go through the front door. Any other policy spits on the rule of law and insults lawful Americans by making them pay to support law breaking illegal aliens and suffer the indignities, lost jobs and lower wages due to a rampant illegal alien invasion.
2. Americans and businesses must unite around a boycott of San Francisco and the State of California to punish them for their sanctuary policies. Quit visiting the city by the bay and take your vacation and business dollars elsewhere.
NOTE: We have prepared a sample letter to the Mayor of San Francisco and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, telling them Americans and businesses are going to boycott their city because of the city's Sanctuary City Policy. To see the sample letter and San Francisco and Governor Jerry Brown's contact information, including telephone and fax numbers and individual e-mail addresses, click HERE. Overload their phones and e-mail addresses with your anger and disgust. Phone 'em. Fax 'em. E-mail 'em, or call 'em. If the federal government can't control sanctuary cities, maybe the people can. The city of San Francisco needs to pay for the death of Kate Steinle!
Who said Americans won't do the jobs performed by illegal aliens? Many of those in our age group (60's, 70's and 80's) cut their teeth on picking berries, apples, pears and peaches in their teenage years. Some of us picked cotton. Our first job was picking Logan berries at the age of 12. We were excited about earning a little extra money so that we didn't have to beg our parents for an allowance.
Good Lord, when are Americans going to get mad enough to do something to right the injustices that happen to us every day. Illegal immigration is a festering sore on our bodies, our emotions, our laws, our financial wellbeing and our economy. If this sore goes untreated, it will kill us and it will eventually kill American freedom and sovereignty, if it hasn't already.
Here are some other actions Americans could take, or lobby government to change the laws.
1) Close and protect our borders from infiltration by illegal aliens, drugs and terrorists, by whatever means, including physical force. If there were severe penalties for crossing our borders, there would be less of it.
2) Build the wall ..... NOW!
3) Enforce current law already on the books.
4) Track all foreigners who over stay their visas and deport them.
5) Immediately deport all illegal aliens that are caught without documentation. There should be no hearings or other administrative procedures. Illegal aliens should not be entitled to due process because illegal aliens should have no rights. They should not be entitled to driver's licenses or other government services.
6) Severely punish employers who hire illegal aliens and make them responsible for proving citizenship of their employees. As an employer we took validating citizenship very seriously. If there was any question, we investigated. Fine the employer $10,000 for every alien they illegally employ.
7) As some states are doing now, stop all social benefits, education, bilingual services, emergency services and social services to any individual or family that is not a legal citizen of the United States unless here on a valid visa or green card.
8) Loosen the child labor law regulations so that teenagers can learn about work, salaries and responsibilities by working on the farms and picking America's crops.
9) Pass Kate's Law giving mandatory 5 year sentences to illegal aliens that come back across the border after being deported.
In a previous article on illegal immigration we wrote:
As reported by the Texas Department of Public Safety: "According to DHS status indicators, over 217,000 criminal aliens have been booked into local Texas jails between June 1, 2011 and March 31, 2017. During their criminal careers, these criminal aliens were charged with more than 579,000 criminal offenses. Those arrests include 1,179 homicide charges; 68,900 assault charges; 16,854 burglary charges; 68,999 drug charges; 699 kidnapping charges; 40,818 theft charges; 45,104 obstructing police charges; 3,813 robbery charges; 6,190 sexual assault charges; and 8,693 weapons charges. Of the total criminal aliens arrested in that timeframe, over 144,000 or 66% were identified by DHS status as being in the US illegally at the time of their last arrest."
"According to DPS criminal history records, those criminal charges have thus far resulted in over 260,000 convictions including 485 homicide convictions; 25,882 assault convictions; 8,239 burglary convictions; 34,077 drug convictions; 238 kidnapping convictions; 18,543 theft convictions; 22,179 obstructing police convictions; 1,939 robbery convictions; 2,812 sexual assault convictions; and 3,625 weapons convictions. Of the convictions associated with criminal alien arrests, over 173,000 or 66% are associated with aliens who were identified by DHS status as being in the US illegally at the time of their last arrest."
In each one of these crimes in Texas there is a Texas victim or victims that you never hear about, whose lives have been altered forever by the criminal actions of an illegal alien. There may even be a Kate Steinle in there somewhere. Many of the convicted criminal illegal aliens are now in our jails and the American taxpayer gets to pay for their incarceration as well. And this is just one state. Are you beginning to get the picture? Are you angry yet? If not, why not?
* * * * * * * * * * *
Ladies and gentlemen, Americans cannot and should not look the other way when a national injustice is staring them in the face. How bad does it have to get before people of courage and conviction rise up and right that injustice? Sadly, most of the suggestions we have made in this article will never be implemented because the Congress is impotent and the people are lazy or plain don't care.
However, our readers and other Americans have a chance to make a difference today. Check out our "Boycott San Francisco" web page. Copy and paste our sample letter into your word processor and mail it, or e-mail it to the San Francisco Mayor and the Board of Supervisors. Or call or fax them. We have also provided their phone and fax numbers on the web page. If you don't like our wording, change it. We've done the hard work and made it easy for you. Make San Francisco pay for Kate Steinle's death by letting them know you are going to boycott them. The killer didn't pay, but justice demands that someone must pay. Make that someone the City of San Francisco.
If this doesn't go viral, it will be a token effort. Token efforts always fail.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"When Older Americans Die Who Will Speak For Freedom?”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, December 3, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
After writing a weekly conservative column for 12 years, one thing has become crystal clear. Only older Americans are reading and responding to what we write. When we say older Americans, we mean those over 70 years of age, with many of our responses coming from individuals well over 80.
The results of the 2016 presidential election tell the story from the exit polls. 18 to 29 year-olds went 55% for Clinton. 30 to 44 year-olds went 50% for Clinton. 45 to 65 year-olds went 53% for Trump and 65 year-olds and older also went 53% for Trump. The male-female vote was essentially split. 54% of females voted for Clinton and 53% of males voted for Trump.
But in the 2016 Primaries, what is even more telling, millennials (18 to 29) voted for Bernie Sanders 25% greater than Trump and Clinton combined. Bernie Sanders is so far left of the center of the Democrat Party that he is in fact a pure socialist.
So why are millennials going for socialism? One only needs to look at our public schools and liberal colleges to figure that one out. At least three generations of teachers, parents and young adults have been indoctrinated in collectivism, multi-culturalism, political correctness, socialism, radical environmentalism and the one-world-order mantra. Academia has gone so far left that it does everything in its power to silence any other point of view, including using violence, harassment and intimidation. Check out the riots on college campuses these days against conservative ideas.
Like all large countries, America has been moving virtually unstoppable towards socialism. With few exceptions, every single nation on the planet is run by a socialist or communist government, or brutally governed by a dictator. America was the last bastion of freedom ..... until now.
At last count, out of the 196 nations that belong to the United Nations, at least 49 countries are ruled by dictators. Some of those dictators threaten the stability and security of the entire planet, such as North Korea and Iran. Socialist-run countries include, but are not limited to, China, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Canada, (yes, Canada, or neighbor to the north) Sweden, Norway and Ireland. Russia, Australia and England should be on this list as well. (Notice the socialist European countries. Europe is socialism personified.)
The United Nations is, without a doubt, a socialist organization. All of its policies are based on a socialist platform. When will America be added to the list of socialist countries, or are we already a member of the socialist club of nations? We are so close that it is only a matter of inches, not miles.
With this massive planet-wide rush to socialism, who will speak for freedom in America? Right now, only those who know what freedom was, speak for freedom. With three generations of socialist brainwashing, the only generation left that may remember what freedom was, is the generation closest to the end of their lives. Sadly, their energy, drive and ambitions are significantly diminished and they don't have the stamina or the will to fight anymore. But they do have a broad point of reference that gives them a better view than those that are younger. When they die off, who then will speak for freedom?
Sure, there are several million younger folk between 45 and 70 that have their guns oiled and their survival gear at the ready. But when push comes to shove, will they put their lives on the line when there is no other choice but violence to restore freedom? They will be a small minority in a nation of tens of millions of big-city socialists.
Not all older Americans have retained the vision or memory of freedom's past. Millions of older Americans have been bought off with Social Security and Medicare, socialist government programs, but paid for with payroll taxes. A large percentage of these government program beneficiaries are not apt to bite the hand that "feeds" them. (See "With Everyone Bought Off Nothing Can Change.")
So what is the older generation saying about freedom? The following responses to our articles represent some of what conservative Americans think and feel about the future of freedom. To our point, most of these responders are in their late 70's or 80's.
No. 1
"Arguably, and sadly, one of your best columns. A liberal friend and I decades ago were discussing the future of the country and how long it could last. He said he didn't know how long, but that it wouldn't be war that took us down, it would be the bureaucracy, which answers to no one and grows exponentially with time. So true. I'm damned near 80 and hear more and more people of my vintage say they are, one, glad they're old and, two, they have little hope for their children and grandchildren. Most of them don't have a clue as to what is really going on, but they sense and know things are in really bad shape. What's to say? We're toast and you've got to be damned near eighty to see it?"
No. 2
"As usual a great article to the heart of the matter. Everything you say is unfortunately true. The divide and conquer approach has been promoted for years in this country unobstructed by the general public. Alinsky and Marx are well and just chugging down the road. This scenario is a no win game because the answer to the problem is the problem itself—the people, which make up the individual groups. They will not change and you and I both know that to be the problem. I have not seen, heard, nor do I know of anyone who has put forth a realistic detailed plan to deal with this issue."
No. 3
"Again you have written a clear and concise view of where we are as a country. As you stated, because of the enormity of the beast, along with conflicting and over burdensome laws, this beast will collapse and there will be a revolution. My view is that the people have gone from self-reliance, discipline, thrift, hard work and a strong moral base to an entitlement mentality, moral debauchery and greed. I know I am not telling you anything new. So many people were fooled into thinking there was a "free lunch" and they took the easy way out. I am remembering a Russian friend. She helped the current Russian immigrants in her community -- this was around the early 1990's. She told me that she always got flyers from the government telling her about all the free services that she could sign up for. She thought that was wonderful that our country was so rich that they could reach out and be so helpful. I told her that our country was bankrupt and the people were maxed out on their credit cards. She just couldn't believe it."
No. 4
"Hi. I just want to let you know that while I do not generally respond to your articles, I read each and every one of them in full and I save them all for future reference. Even if people are not responding to your articles, please don't ever assume that you're yelling into a void. A lot of us don't really know what we can do about the state of things in our country, but your articles are giving us information and hope because you show us that there are other people out there who care about the same issues that we care about. Thank you for what you do."
No. 5
"As usual Ron, a great, to the point factual article. Everything you have said is patently obvious to everyone but the general public with a progressive liberal mindset. Since roughly 50% of our population has a liberal mindset, the chances of Americas survival are slim at best. Even in the face of irrefutable evidence to the contrary, liberals continue to cling to their destructive belief system. I am afraid that only a cataclysmic event effecting there belief system would alter there thinking—and maybe not."
No. 6
"Not to be beaten down by ignorant responders, Ron, any dissenter from what has been soundly established as the "new normal" in that paradigm reflects the extent of success deep state control has accomplished over closed minded followers of the agenda to weaken America's Constitutional system. We are well into the third, and possibly fourth generation of public school graduates who have no depth of history, consider America a tyrannical nation (since founding) and believe all our problems are the fault of capitalism. These followers of Socialism mirror the outcome of their K12 and college training. Our social, cultural and moral systems have all decayed to shocking levels."
In contrast, here is a response from a big-city Democrat (New York) who takes issue with our conservative viewpoint from time to time. This response is representative of what well over 50% of Americans believe. This is the mindset we are up against. It didn't happen by accident ladies and gentlemen and has been pre-planned by Progressives for over 100 years.
"Hey Ron, you really need to see psychiatrist. You have been so thoroughly brainwashed by right-wing propaganda you are now crazy! I pity you. You are totally paranoid. "My kind" have "destroyed America? That's rich! If anyone has destroyed America it's the most dangerous terrorist organization in America - the Republican party, which has ruined the US economy with its disastrous "trickle down economics" imposed on us by the 3rd worst US president Reagan, after Trump the worst and GW Bush the second worse. They have destroyed the middle class in America allowed the cost of living to increase steadily while keeping wages from rising, destroyed millions of jobs by outsourcing and created ever increasing unemployment, poverty and hopelessness in this country. Yet clueless morons like you blame the Democrats for all our problems. And the Constitution is whatever right-wingers like you say it is, not what it really is. You use it as an excuse to justify your stupid and destructive right-wing agenda for America. If you disapprove of something, it's automatically "unconstitutional". "Unalienable rights?" What the heck are those? Whatever YOU say they are. Please calm down and see a psychiatrist! You need help."
We'll close this article with a response from a younger American who has a perspective that is shared by way too few of his peers.
"I am 50. Although this country has made some pretty bad and even shameful decisions throughout history, it has brought forth generations of good loving people who have forged great communities across this land. Our land even through wars and conflicts always had an innocence that you could feel inside and from the friends and family around you. All the shows I watched as a young boy on TV were wonderful because they truly portrayed the reality and quality life that we had back then. Were we perfect? No. But we had a true and humbling sense of pride of who we were and of those who mapped out the way to freedom and independence. Now it is a daily nightmare where freedom has been replaced by greed and corruption. Independence is now dependence. More and more I feel like an outsider in my own country. Worst of all is that I feel isolated and fear that America is going to be lost forever if we don't do something about it now. Where is John Wayne and Davie Crockett when we need them?"
Many older Americans feel exactly the same way this younger man has described.
Tell us how you FEEL about the direction of America, no matter what your age, ethnic background, or gender. We'd like to hear from you.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
The results of the 2016 presidential election tell the story from the exit polls. 18 to 29 year-olds went 55% for Clinton. 30 to 44 year-olds went 50% for Clinton. 45 to 65 year-olds went 53% for Trump and 65 year-olds and older also went 53% for Trump. The male-female vote was essentially split. 54% of females voted for Clinton and 53% of males voted for Trump.
But in the 2016 Primaries, what is even more telling, millennials (18 to 29) voted for Bernie Sanders 25% greater than Trump and Clinton combined. Bernie Sanders is so far left of the center of the Democrat Party that he is in fact a pure socialist.
So why are millennials going for socialism? One only needs to look at our public schools and liberal colleges to figure that one out. At least three generations of teachers, parents and young adults have been indoctrinated in collectivism, multi-culturalism, political correctness, socialism, radical environmentalism and the one-world-order mantra. Academia has gone so far left that it does everything in its power to silence any other point of view, including using violence, harassment and intimidation. Check out the riots on college campuses these days against conservative ideas.
Like all large countries, America has been moving virtually unstoppable towards socialism. With few exceptions, every single nation on the planet is run by a socialist or communist government, or brutally governed by a dictator. America was the last bastion of freedom ..... until now.
At last count, out of the 196 nations that belong to the United Nations, at least 49 countries are ruled by dictators. Some of those dictators threaten the stability and security of the entire planet, such as North Korea and Iran. Socialist-run countries include, but are not limited to, China, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Canada, (yes, Canada, or neighbor to the north) Sweden, Norway and Ireland. Russia, Australia and England should be on this list as well. (Notice the socialist European countries. Europe is socialism personified.)
The United Nations is, without a doubt, a socialist organization. All of its policies are based on a socialist platform. When will America be added to the list of socialist countries, or are we already a member of the socialist club of nations? We are so close that it is only a matter of inches, not miles.
With this massive planet-wide rush to socialism, who will speak for freedom in America? Right now, only those who know what freedom was, speak for freedom. With three generations of socialist brainwashing, the only generation left that may remember what freedom was, is the generation closest to the end of their lives. Sadly, their energy, drive and ambitions are significantly diminished and they don't have the stamina or the will to fight anymore. But they do have a broad point of reference that gives them a better view than those that are younger. When they die off, who then will speak for freedom?
Sure, there are several million younger folk between 45 and 70 that have their guns oiled and their survival gear at the ready. But when push comes to shove, will they put their lives on the line when there is no other choice but violence to restore freedom? They will be a small minority in a nation of tens of millions of big-city socialists.
Not all older Americans have retained the vision or memory of freedom's past. Millions of older Americans have been bought off with Social Security and Medicare, socialist government programs, but paid for with payroll taxes. A large percentage of these government program beneficiaries are not apt to bite the hand that "feeds" them. (See "With Everyone Bought Off Nothing Can Change.")
So what is the older generation saying about freedom? The following responses to our articles represent some of what conservative Americans think and feel about the future of freedom. To our point, most of these responders are in their late 70's or 80's.
No. 1
"Arguably, and sadly, one of your best columns. A liberal friend and I decades ago were discussing the future of the country and how long it could last. He said he didn't know how long, but that it wouldn't be war that took us down, it would be the bureaucracy, which answers to no one and grows exponentially with time. So true. I'm damned near 80 and hear more and more people of my vintage say they are, one, glad they're old and, two, they have little hope for their children and grandchildren. Most of them don't have a clue as to what is really going on, but they sense and know things are in really bad shape. What's to say? We're toast and you've got to be damned near eighty to see it?"
No. 2
"As usual a great article to the heart of the matter. Everything you say is unfortunately true. The divide and conquer approach has been promoted for years in this country unobstructed by the general public. Alinsky and Marx are well and just chugging down the road. This scenario is a no win game because the answer to the problem is the problem itself—the people, which make up the individual groups. They will not change and you and I both know that to be the problem. I have not seen, heard, nor do I know of anyone who has put forth a realistic detailed plan to deal with this issue."
No. 3
"Again you have written a clear and concise view of where we are as a country. As you stated, because of the enormity of the beast, along with conflicting and over burdensome laws, this beast will collapse and there will be a revolution. My view is that the people have gone from self-reliance, discipline, thrift, hard work and a strong moral base to an entitlement mentality, moral debauchery and greed. I know I am not telling you anything new. So many people were fooled into thinking there was a "free lunch" and they took the easy way out. I am remembering a Russian friend. She helped the current Russian immigrants in her community -- this was around the early 1990's. She told me that she always got flyers from the government telling her about all the free services that she could sign up for. She thought that was wonderful that our country was so rich that they could reach out and be so helpful. I told her that our country was bankrupt and the people were maxed out on their credit cards. She just couldn't believe it."
No. 4
"Hi. I just want to let you know that while I do not generally respond to your articles, I read each and every one of them in full and I save them all for future reference. Even if people are not responding to your articles, please don't ever assume that you're yelling into a void. A lot of us don't really know what we can do about the state of things in our country, but your articles are giving us information and hope because you show us that there are other people out there who care about the same issues that we care about. Thank you for what you do."
No. 5
"As usual Ron, a great, to the point factual article. Everything you have said is patently obvious to everyone but the general public with a progressive liberal mindset. Since roughly 50% of our population has a liberal mindset, the chances of Americas survival are slim at best. Even in the face of irrefutable evidence to the contrary, liberals continue to cling to their destructive belief system. I am afraid that only a cataclysmic event effecting there belief system would alter there thinking—and maybe not."
No. 6
"Not to be beaten down by ignorant responders, Ron, any dissenter from what has been soundly established as the "new normal" in that paradigm reflects the extent of success deep state control has accomplished over closed minded followers of the agenda to weaken America's Constitutional system. We are well into the third, and possibly fourth generation of public school graduates who have no depth of history, consider America a tyrannical nation (since founding) and believe all our problems are the fault of capitalism. These followers of Socialism mirror the outcome of their K12 and college training. Our social, cultural and moral systems have all decayed to shocking levels."
In contrast, here is a response from a big-city Democrat (New York) who takes issue with our conservative viewpoint from time to time. This response is representative of what well over 50% of Americans believe. This is the mindset we are up against. It didn't happen by accident ladies and gentlemen and has been pre-planned by Progressives for over 100 years.
"Hey Ron, you really need to see psychiatrist. You have been so thoroughly brainwashed by right-wing propaganda you are now crazy! I pity you. You are totally paranoid. "My kind" have "destroyed America? That's rich! If anyone has destroyed America it's the most dangerous terrorist organization in America - the Republican party, which has ruined the US economy with its disastrous "trickle down economics" imposed on us by the 3rd worst US president Reagan, after Trump the worst and GW Bush the second worse. They have destroyed the middle class in America allowed the cost of living to increase steadily while keeping wages from rising, destroyed millions of jobs by outsourcing and created ever increasing unemployment, poverty and hopelessness in this country. Yet clueless morons like you blame the Democrats for all our problems. And the Constitution is whatever right-wingers like you say it is, not what it really is. You use it as an excuse to justify your stupid and destructive right-wing agenda for America. If you disapprove of something, it's automatically "unconstitutional". "Unalienable rights?" What the heck are those? Whatever YOU say they are. Please calm down and see a psychiatrist! You need help."
We'll close this article with a response from a younger American who has a perspective that is shared by way too few of his peers.
"I am 50. Although this country has made some pretty bad and even shameful decisions throughout history, it has brought forth generations of good loving people who have forged great communities across this land. Our land even through wars and conflicts always had an innocence that you could feel inside and from the friends and family around you. All the shows I watched as a young boy on TV were wonderful because they truly portrayed the reality and quality life that we had back then. Were we perfect? No. But we had a true and humbling sense of pride of who we were and of those who mapped out the way to freedom and independence. Now it is a daily nightmare where freedom has been replaced by greed and corruption. Independence is now dependence. More and more I feel like an outsider in my own country. Worst of all is that I feel isolated and fear that America is going to be lost forever if we don't do something about it now. Where is John Wayne and Davie Crockett when we need them?"
Many older Americans feel exactly the same way this younger man has described.
Tell us how you FEEL about the direction of America, no matter what your age, ethnic background, or gender. We'd like to hear from you.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"With Everyone Bought Off Nothing Can Change”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, November 26, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
Is it any wonder that big legislation is almost impossible to pass when so many constituency groups have been bought off? The only reason Obama Care past is because the Democrats were doing it and because government was increasing benefits, not taking them away. Any proposed legislation or law that takes away a benefit from some constituency group, like repealing Obama Care, or a Tax Cut, the hue and cry can be heard on the moon. You can't repeal Obama Care because over 20,000,000 low-income people piled onto Medicaid with subsidized health care and they might lose those benefits. The high taxed states like New York, New Jersey and California won't budge because the new Tax Cut bill removes the state tax deduction. Some seniors might lose their itemized deductions for health care costs, so they don't like the proposed Tax Cut bill.
You can't take away the right of over 700,000 Dreamers (DACA - illegal aliens) to stay in America because Obama gave the right to stay here by an illegal Executive Order. They will probably end up being given amnesty. We can't deport illegal aliens because they are being shielded (illegally harbored) by sanctuary states and cities.
We can't change the curriculum in our public schools because of protests from the teacher's unions and the textbooks that have been written in socialist, collectivism, multi-cultural, politically correct and one-world-order jargon.
We can't control our borders, or legal, or illegal immigration because some bleeding-heart liberals take every effort by this Administration to control the borders to their favorite liberal judge who then blocks the effort in federal court, forcing the Administration to go to the U. S. Supreme Court to get their immigration law passed. It's nuts!
The laws in America have become so complex, twisted, complicated and corrupted it has become impossible to change any of them without upsetting some group that is benefiting by some law, or a handout. It's a catch 22 with no solution because of a hopelessly tangled web of laws and politically powerful constituency groups. We are sinking in a bottomless quicksand of complexity.
Years ago we had a small company that did business with the military, wherein we installed electronic equipment on military bases. We would get the bid specifications, submit our bid and then if accepted, wait for the contract that would seal the deal. The contract would come, consisting of a hundred pages or more and we would read it over as best we could without really knowing its full content and what would happen if there was a breach by either party, or what would happen if we violated one or more of the contingencies that were buried in those pages. Nevertheless, we signed the contract and proceeded on faith with the work. We couldn't afford the lawyers that would be necessary to review the contract to make sure that OUR financial behinds were covered. We knew that there was no modifying the contract with the military. It was their way, or we simply didn't get the work.
One of the great tricks with the lawyers (and law makers) that write these contracts is to bury references to other statutes, or laws, or agreements in the wording. We could read the contract, but would have no way of obtaining the documents that were referenced in it, without much more work than our little company could afford. We were not alone in the hidden pitfalls of doing business, either with the government, or very large companies. Many a business has failed because they violated a provision in a contract of which they were not aware due to the complexity of the contract.
For 241 years politicians and lawyers have been piling law, upon law, upon law to the 17 pages contained in the Supreme Law of the Land, our Constitution. In the process they were unconstitutionally buying off more and more constituency groups with taxpayer dollars.
On top of the legislation are the millions of court decisions adding to or modifying existing law, including the U. S. Supreme Court case that somehow managed to find Obama Care constitutional. (Thank you Chief Justice Roberts) On top of the federal law and court cases are all the laws that are passed by state and local legislatures. On top of federal, state and local law, comes the "rules" that are promulgated by the ever-growing fourth branch of government, the bureaucracies. It isn't negligence or ineptness, it is just plain insane.
Essentially, each new law requires new administration, new employees, increased enforcement and millions more taxpayer dollars. Government employment continuously grows, exponentially. By just sheer numbers, the more laws that are written, the less likely the entire population will even know about the laws, or understand them, or know of their consequences or penalties for violation, much less be in compliance with them. The consequence of too many laws is that huge segments of the public are totally unaware of the laws' existence. And yet, under the law, ignorance of the law is not a defense.
Many laws are written at the insistence of lobbying or special interest groups with very narrow and purposely hidden agendas. In most cases they want more taxpayer money, or a special government benefit that no other group is getting and they will fight like Hell to maintain that benefit, as they are doing now. The general public never has an opportunity for real input and society as a whole is not benefited. We have become slaves to the 545 people controlling Washington DC and the special- interest lobbyists that lobby them. (Total lobbying expenditures in the U. S. in 2016 were $3.5 Billion. The amount has doubled since the year 2000. Both political sides lobby.)
Partisan politics often compromises a new law into meaningless, often conflicting legislation, leaving loopholes over which lawyers can argue over for decades. The House version of the Obama Care bill was well over 2,000 pages containing thousands of references to other laws. The "rules" to implement Obama Care were over 20,000 pages. God knows how many pages are in the new Tax Cut bill, or how many pages it will take to implement the new Tax bill.
Each new bill out of the U. S. Congress, all state legislatures and all local governments are so complex that conflict in either the new law or other existing laws, is virtually assured. Why are they complex? Because lawyers write them and lawyers get paid very well for interpreting the laws they write and paid even more to "fix" the conflicts. Further, the laws are purposely complex to keep a naive' public from knowing what's in them, much less taking the time to read them. The people don't care just as long as those monthly government checks keep rolling in.
America's salvation as a free country rests, not in complexity, but in simplicity and fewer laws. Yes, a complex society needs laws to maintain "reasonable" societal order. But as laws increase, after a certain point, order begins to breakdown under its own weight of the people trying to comply with often conflicting and confusing codes, ordinances, regulations and acts. As the IRS code has increased over the years because Congress plays "social" games with it, general compliance of the code has decreased. As a result there is a growing shadow commerce from which no revenue to the government is realized. Some people are so frustrated they just never file a return, risking huge fines and jail time.
And worse, the more laws there are, the more opportunities for emotionally and financially draining lawsuits between aggrieved parties, egged on by lawyers who make their living off of human weaknesses and interpreting laws that no one else can understand.
Special interest groups use the law to sue the government when they allege the government is not in compliance with the law. If the government loses, and they lose often, they have to pay the special interest group damages, court costs and attorneys fees. Environmental groups have mastered the art of suing the government and are getting rich off of taxpayer money.
But what is worse, government has no money of its own. It must pay the special interest group with taxpayer money. Billions of our tax dollars are wasted in this manner. Billions more are squandered in waste, fraud, abuse and corruption. We just learned recently that over $15,000,000 of federal taxpayer money has been paid out to settle sexual harassment charges, perpetrated by Congressional politicians or staff.
In the final analysis, extending legislating and law creation to its absurdity, one arrives at a point where there are so many laws that no one is in compliance and we end up losing our ability to fully enforce any of them. We become in fact, lawless by the very chaos that lawmakers have created. From lawlessness comes enslavement due to increased enforcement. If there is a general uprising against the law, government can instantly invoke martial law. Eventually, from enslavement, comes revolution.
It has now become impossible to create laws that benefit the whole of society because to do so would take away a benefit from some "screaming" constituency group that has been bought off with taxpayer dollars. That's is why Repeal and Replace Obama Care went down to defeat. And that may very well cause the Tax Cut bill to never get out of Congress.
Without exception, every nation who has either ruled by brute force, or ruled by the ever-rising complexity and corruption in their laws, ends in revolution. There is no reason that history will not repeat itself in America, as we travel down the road towards irrational complexity and dueling constituency and ethnic groups. Only the combined "will of the people" can stop it. But with deep divisions in the general population and each constituency group holding onto their turf for dear life, there just is no "will of the people" to change. Current government, unconstitutional, give-away policies have and are a sure way to CORRUPT A NATION and send it head long into socialism. We're there!
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
You can't take away the right of over 700,000 Dreamers (DACA - illegal aliens) to stay in America because Obama gave the right to stay here by an illegal Executive Order. They will probably end up being given amnesty. We can't deport illegal aliens because they are being shielded (illegally harbored) by sanctuary states and cities.
We can't change the curriculum in our public schools because of protests from the teacher's unions and the textbooks that have been written in socialist, collectivism, multi-cultural, politically correct and one-world-order jargon.
We can't control our borders, or legal, or illegal immigration because some bleeding-heart liberals take every effort by this Administration to control the borders to their favorite liberal judge who then blocks the effort in federal court, forcing the Administration to go to the U. S. Supreme Court to get their immigration law passed. It's nuts!
The laws in America have become so complex, twisted, complicated and corrupted it has become impossible to change any of them without upsetting some group that is benefiting by some law, or a handout. It's a catch 22 with no solution because of a hopelessly tangled web of laws and politically powerful constituency groups. We are sinking in a bottomless quicksand of complexity.
Years ago we had a small company that did business with the military, wherein we installed electronic equipment on military bases. We would get the bid specifications, submit our bid and then if accepted, wait for the contract that would seal the deal. The contract would come, consisting of a hundred pages or more and we would read it over as best we could without really knowing its full content and what would happen if there was a breach by either party, or what would happen if we violated one or more of the contingencies that were buried in those pages. Nevertheless, we signed the contract and proceeded on faith with the work. We couldn't afford the lawyers that would be necessary to review the contract to make sure that OUR financial behinds were covered. We knew that there was no modifying the contract with the military. It was their way, or we simply didn't get the work.
One of the great tricks with the lawyers (and law makers) that write these contracts is to bury references to other statutes, or laws, or agreements in the wording. We could read the contract, but would have no way of obtaining the documents that were referenced in it, without much more work than our little company could afford. We were not alone in the hidden pitfalls of doing business, either with the government, or very large companies. Many a business has failed because they violated a provision in a contract of which they were not aware due to the complexity of the contract.
For 241 years politicians and lawyers have been piling law, upon law, upon law to the 17 pages contained in the Supreme Law of the Land, our Constitution. In the process they were unconstitutionally buying off more and more constituency groups with taxpayer dollars.
On top of the legislation are the millions of court decisions adding to or modifying existing law, including the U. S. Supreme Court case that somehow managed to find Obama Care constitutional. (Thank you Chief Justice Roberts) On top of the federal law and court cases are all the laws that are passed by state and local legislatures. On top of federal, state and local law, comes the "rules" that are promulgated by the ever-growing fourth branch of government, the bureaucracies. It isn't negligence or ineptness, it is just plain insane.
Essentially, each new law requires new administration, new employees, increased enforcement and millions more taxpayer dollars. Government employment continuously grows, exponentially. By just sheer numbers, the more laws that are written, the less likely the entire population will even know about the laws, or understand them, or know of their consequences or penalties for violation, much less be in compliance with them. The consequence of too many laws is that huge segments of the public are totally unaware of the laws' existence. And yet, under the law, ignorance of the law is not a defense.
Many laws are written at the insistence of lobbying or special interest groups with very narrow and purposely hidden agendas. In most cases they want more taxpayer money, or a special government benefit that no other group is getting and they will fight like Hell to maintain that benefit, as they are doing now. The general public never has an opportunity for real input and society as a whole is not benefited. We have become slaves to the 545 people controlling Washington DC and the special- interest lobbyists that lobby them. (Total lobbying expenditures in the U. S. in 2016 were $3.5 Billion. The amount has doubled since the year 2000. Both political sides lobby.)
Partisan politics often compromises a new law into meaningless, often conflicting legislation, leaving loopholes over which lawyers can argue over for decades. The House version of the Obama Care bill was well over 2,000 pages containing thousands of references to other laws. The "rules" to implement Obama Care were over 20,000 pages. God knows how many pages are in the new Tax Cut bill, or how many pages it will take to implement the new Tax bill.
Each new bill out of the U. S. Congress, all state legislatures and all local governments are so complex that conflict in either the new law or other existing laws, is virtually assured. Why are they complex? Because lawyers write them and lawyers get paid very well for interpreting the laws they write and paid even more to "fix" the conflicts. Further, the laws are purposely complex to keep a naive' public from knowing what's in them, much less taking the time to read them. The people don't care just as long as those monthly government checks keep rolling in.
America's salvation as a free country rests, not in complexity, but in simplicity and fewer laws. Yes, a complex society needs laws to maintain "reasonable" societal order. But as laws increase, after a certain point, order begins to breakdown under its own weight of the people trying to comply with often conflicting and confusing codes, ordinances, regulations and acts. As the IRS code has increased over the years because Congress plays "social" games with it, general compliance of the code has decreased. As a result there is a growing shadow commerce from which no revenue to the government is realized. Some people are so frustrated they just never file a return, risking huge fines and jail time.
And worse, the more laws there are, the more opportunities for emotionally and financially draining lawsuits between aggrieved parties, egged on by lawyers who make their living off of human weaknesses and interpreting laws that no one else can understand.
Special interest groups use the law to sue the government when they allege the government is not in compliance with the law. If the government loses, and they lose often, they have to pay the special interest group damages, court costs and attorneys fees. Environmental groups have mastered the art of suing the government and are getting rich off of taxpayer money.
But what is worse, government has no money of its own. It must pay the special interest group with taxpayer money. Billions of our tax dollars are wasted in this manner. Billions more are squandered in waste, fraud, abuse and corruption. We just learned recently that over $15,000,000 of federal taxpayer money has been paid out to settle sexual harassment charges, perpetrated by Congressional politicians or staff.
In the final analysis, extending legislating and law creation to its absurdity, one arrives at a point where there are so many laws that no one is in compliance and we end up losing our ability to fully enforce any of them. We become in fact, lawless by the very chaos that lawmakers have created. From lawlessness comes enslavement due to increased enforcement. If there is a general uprising against the law, government can instantly invoke martial law. Eventually, from enslavement, comes revolution.
It has now become impossible to create laws that benefit the whole of society because to do so would take away a benefit from some "screaming" constituency group that has been bought off with taxpayer dollars. That's is why Repeal and Replace Obama Care went down to defeat. And that may very well cause the Tax Cut bill to never get out of Congress.
Without exception, every nation who has either ruled by brute force, or ruled by the ever-rising complexity and corruption in their laws, ends in revolution. There is no reason that history will not repeat itself in America, as we travel down the road towards irrational complexity and dueling constituency and ethnic groups. Only the combined "will of the people" can stop it. But with deep divisions in the general population and each constituency group holding onto their turf for dear life, there just is no "will of the people" to change. Current government, unconstitutional, give-away policies have and are a sure way to CORRUPT A NATION and send it head long into socialism. We're there!
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Big City Liberals Are Forcing Rural Counties To Secede”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, November 19, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
History has shown us that people don't behave well when crammed together in big cities. Big cities have given us the "Blue" states. Big cities are hot beds of socialism and government control. Big cities, with their voting majorities, control the legislative process and give us big-city legislators that support socialism, more laws, higher taxes and environmental extremism, while leaving rural landowners disenfranchised and unrepresented in the political process. Big cities cram down the throats of rural landowners whatever big cities want, including very costly social and radical environmental policies.
The people who inhabit big cities are more apt to believe whatever the government tells them, whether factual or not. Their big-city schools pump out social and environmental propaganda into the next crop of big-city occupants. The current propaganda and mass hysteria of man-caused global warming is a prime example. Yes, big cities are large markets of consumers and bring us commerce that helps to fund the country and pay for big-city problems. But it comes at a steep price and the price is the loss of liberty for rural landowners.
There is now a determined national and international social justice and environmental protection agenda (Agenda 21) by world leaders and American policy makers to cram more people into large cities and restrict activities in rural areas. Over-educated, government-paid planners spend all of their time in drafting acts, laws, rules, restrictions, regulations, ordinances and building and zoning codes to direct the movement of populations ever tighter into big cities, pushing mass transit over roads and cars. The rural areas are to be protected at all costs for the benefit of the environment, without regard to constitutional protections, or the rights of rural landowners. The American Dream of owning your own home on a large lot or small acreage at a reasonable price has died in the religious cult of radical environmentalism.
But the behavior of individuals living tightly in big cities produces its own share of problems. High crime rates and noise, air and water pollution are just a few of the consequences. Big cities require large police forces to enforce laws and civility. Big cities dump their concentrated pollution on the environment and then expect everyone else to comply with environmental protection, except the inhabitants of big cities. Big cities are very expensive and a massive drain on the national economy.
The study of rats versus density proved what happens to the rats as density of the rat population is increased. The study showed that the greater the density, the worse the behavior and the bad behavior manifested itself in the form of population instability, passivity of dominant males, increase in aggressive females, increase in homosexuality, murder of other rats, infanticide and suicide. (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_B._Calhoun)
There are also studies showing that homosexuality is growing in the U. S., especially in millennials, a direct effect of big-city density and big-city social policies. No, people are not rats but just look at the problems of big cities and there are some alarming parallels.
But the other consequence of high-dense living is the steady lowering of the bar of civility, respect, trust and security. Just watch the local news every night in any big city where they report daily and nightly shootings, murders, stabbings and other crimes. These criminal events do not happen in rural areas with such alarming frequency.
Human behavior changes under the conditions of living closer together. It does so because of a basic human fact. No matter what the government, socialists, psychologists, or the environmentalists will tell you, people like and need "their" space and the space does not come in a 1,000 sq. ft. apartment in a 25-story building, surrounded by concrete walls on all sides, in a big city. Suburbs became a partial answer to the human need for space. But then the suburbs began to increase in density as governments got into the act of "planning" where people live and work. Now, big-city single-family lot sizes have shrunk to the point that there are no yards for the kids to play in any more.
The Sierra Club, a radical environmental group, came out with a study stating that the optimum density for big cities should be around 50,000 people per square mile. The only way to achieve that density are through high-rise apartment buildings. Very few cities around the world come anywhere near that kind of density. At 50,000 people per square mile, each man, woman and child could only occupy a space of approximately 600 sq. ft. without roads, parks, or open space. Environmentalists will do or say anything to get people out of the rural areas while severely limiting rural activities.
While big cities writhe, twist and turn in the cesspool of people being crammed close together, their social problems and socialist and radical environmental policies spill over into the rural areas. (The Red Counties) Unfortunately, the last remaining bastion of freedom in America resides in the people who live in rural areas and they are in imminent danger of being overrun by big-city socialism, radical environmentalism and the social problems stemming from high-dense urban populations.
Is it any wonder that rural landowners are heavily armed? Is it any wonder that rural landowners want to "cut ties with their big city liberals" by seceding from the big cities of Blue states?
All up and down the West Coast of America are the "Blue" wall states of Washington, Oregon and California. The rural areas of each state lie East of the major cities of Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and Los Angeles, but the heavy populations of those four cities, several smaller big cities and state capitols, totally control what goes on each state. Those areas lying East of the Cascade and Sierra Mountain ranges live under the dictatorial thumb of socialist big cities and there isn't one damn thing the rural areas can do about it, except one. Secede!
One such movement is now taking place in Washington State, as depicted in the image that accompanies this article. Another is underway in the Eastern portions of California and Oregon under the "State of Jefferson." If any one of those three states is successful in splitting their state into an East rural state and a West urban state, it might set a trend for many Red States to act in kind and "cut ties with their big city liberals."
Now splitting off a separate state from their big city cousins is no easy task. Although there are provisions for such a split in the U. S. Constitution, the process is not without significant hurdles. Article IV of the U. S. Constitution states:
Section. 3.
Clause 1: New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.
Getting approval for secession from a state legislature, much less the U. S. Congress, is fraught with the same difficulties as getting an Amendment ratified to the Constitution. Nevertheless, the momentum to create a new state is growing, at least in Washington State. Their goal is to create the 51st State, to be named the State of Liberty. (Their website is still under construction.) Their new state name has a certain appeal to those who still think in terms of individual freedom and unalienable rights. The California-Oregon (Jefferson State) effort is a little farther along than the Washington State effort (Liberty State) being already in court with a lawsuit.
The Washington State legislature, like so many Blue state legislatures, is heavily loaded with Democrats. The Republicans might gain a few-seat majority in one of the Houses for one or two election cycles, but it never lasts long because of the heavy Democrat voting base in the large cities around Puget Sound. In a special election this month to fill the seat of a State Republican Senator that died, a Democrat State Senator was elected and the Republicans lost their slim majority in the State Senate. Now both state Houses and the Governor's office are owned by Democrats and will for the foreseeable future. This is also true for Oregon and California.
Environmentalists are heavy contributors and lobbyists to the Democrat Party. Democrat legislators, no matter which state, are champions of the environment and they continue to pass environmental regulation after regulation that mostly affect rural landowners in sparsely populated counties, like Eastern Washington, Eastern Oregon, Eastern California, Southern Illinois, or Western Colorado. But sparsely populated counties have very little (if any) representation in the political process and have no clout to stop the onslaught of environmental regulations. Much of those regulations are based on flawed science and the nefarious "Precautionary Principle", but come with a huge cost to rural landowners. As we wrote in a recent article, "Rural Landowners Are Prisoners On Their Own Land."
Democrats also support very expensive legislative efforts to slow down alleged man-caused global warming (M-C/GW) even though the science of M-C/GW is unsettled. Besides heavily taxing industry for this unsettled science, some Democrats would like to charge a tax on live stock flatulent because live stock give off methane gas, which is a greenhouse gas that allegedly causes the climate to get warmer. So far no such tax has been passed, but give them time and the Democrats in big cities will prevail. The Democrat's laundry basket of new environmental laws is overflowing and with total control of the political process, they will pass most of them, to the detriment of the taxpayer, but especially to the beleaguered rural landowner.
Big-city, liberal environmentalists are crippling agriculture and live stock production in America. The Washington State Supreme Court just decreed that rural landowners could not drill a well on their own land. But worse than that, the Democrats and the courts are stealing the constitutional property rights of rural landowners.
Once again, is it any wonder that rural counties want to "cut ties with their big city liberals" (Democrats) by seceding from the big cities of Blue states? Our organization (NARLO) fully supports and endorses the efforts of the Eastern Washington State counties to secede from their urban liberal cousins of Seattle and create their own state, even though we know they face an uphill battle.
However, if the rural areas of the Red States are not successful in their efforts to secede from big-city liberals, they still have the advocacy and support of the "National Association of Rural Landowners." We provide powerful tools for rural landowners to impede, slow down, or stop big-city liberals from stealing their property rights and keeping those liberal government agents off of their land.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
The people who inhabit big cities are more apt to believe whatever the government tells them, whether factual or not. Their big-city schools pump out social and environmental propaganda into the next crop of big-city occupants. The current propaganda and mass hysteria of man-caused global warming is a prime example. Yes, big cities are large markets of consumers and bring us commerce that helps to fund the country and pay for big-city problems. But it comes at a steep price and the price is the loss of liberty for rural landowners.
There is now a determined national and international social justice and environmental protection agenda (Agenda 21) by world leaders and American policy makers to cram more people into large cities and restrict activities in rural areas. Over-educated, government-paid planners spend all of their time in drafting acts, laws, rules, restrictions, regulations, ordinances and building and zoning codes to direct the movement of populations ever tighter into big cities, pushing mass transit over roads and cars. The rural areas are to be protected at all costs for the benefit of the environment, without regard to constitutional protections, or the rights of rural landowners. The American Dream of owning your own home on a large lot or small acreage at a reasonable price has died in the religious cult of radical environmentalism.
But the behavior of individuals living tightly in big cities produces its own share of problems. High crime rates and noise, air and water pollution are just a few of the consequences. Big cities require large police forces to enforce laws and civility. Big cities dump their concentrated pollution on the environment and then expect everyone else to comply with environmental protection, except the inhabitants of big cities. Big cities are very expensive and a massive drain on the national economy.
The study of rats versus density proved what happens to the rats as density of the rat population is increased. The study showed that the greater the density, the worse the behavior and the bad behavior manifested itself in the form of population instability, passivity of dominant males, increase in aggressive females, increase in homosexuality, murder of other rats, infanticide and suicide. (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_B._Calhoun)
There are also studies showing that homosexuality is growing in the U. S., especially in millennials, a direct effect of big-city density and big-city social policies. No, people are not rats but just look at the problems of big cities and there are some alarming parallels.
But the other consequence of high-dense living is the steady lowering of the bar of civility, respect, trust and security. Just watch the local news every night in any big city where they report daily and nightly shootings, murders, stabbings and other crimes. These criminal events do not happen in rural areas with such alarming frequency.
Human behavior changes under the conditions of living closer together. It does so because of a basic human fact. No matter what the government, socialists, psychologists, or the environmentalists will tell you, people like and need "their" space and the space does not come in a 1,000 sq. ft. apartment in a 25-story building, surrounded by concrete walls on all sides, in a big city. Suburbs became a partial answer to the human need for space. But then the suburbs began to increase in density as governments got into the act of "planning" where people live and work. Now, big-city single-family lot sizes have shrunk to the point that there are no yards for the kids to play in any more.
The Sierra Club, a radical environmental group, came out with a study stating that the optimum density for big cities should be around 50,000 people per square mile. The only way to achieve that density are through high-rise apartment buildings. Very few cities around the world come anywhere near that kind of density. At 50,000 people per square mile, each man, woman and child could only occupy a space of approximately 600 sq. ft. without roads, parks, or open space. Environmentalists will do or say anything to get people out of the rural areas while severely limiting rural activities.
While big cities writhe, twist and turn in the cesspool of people being crammed close together, their social problems and socialist and radical environmental policies spill over into the rural areas. (The Red Counties) Unfortunately, the last remaining bastion of freedom in America resides in the people who live in rural areas and they are in imminent danger of being overrun by big-city socialism, radical environmentalism and the social problems stemming from high-dense urban populations.
Is it any wonder that rural landowners are heavily armed? Is it any wonder that rural landowners want to "cut ties with their big city liberals" by seceding from the big cities of Blue states?
All up and down the West Coast of America are the "Blue" wall states of Washington, Oregon and California. The rural areas of each state lie East of the major cities of Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and Los Angeles, but the heavy populations of those four cities, several smaller big cities and state capitols, totally control what goes on each state. Those areas lying East of the Cascade and Sierra Mountain ranges live under the dictatorial thumb of socialist big cities and there isn't one damn thing the rural areas can do about it, except one. Secede!
One such movement is now taking place in Washington State, as depicted in the image that accompanies this article. Another is underway in the Eastern portions of California and Oregon under the "State of Jefferson." If any one of those three states is successful in splitting their state into an East rural state and a West urban state, it might set a trend for many Red States to act in kind and "cut ties with their big city liberals."
Now splitting off a separate state from their big city cousins is no easy task. Although there are provisions for such a split in the U. S. Constitution, the process is not without significant hurdles. Article IV of the U. S. Constitution states:
Section. 3.
Clause 1: New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.
Getting approval for secession from a state legislature, much less the U. S. Congress, is fraught with the same difficulties as getting an Amendment ratified to the Constitution. Nevertheless, the momentum to create a new state is growing, at least in Washington State. Their goal is to create the 51st State, to be named the State of Liberty. (Their website is still under construction.) Their new state name has a certain appeal to those who still think in terms of individual freedom and unalienable rights. The California-Oregon (Jefferson State) effort is a little farther along than the Washington State effort (Liberty State) being already in court with a lawsuit.
The Washington State legislature, like so many Blue state legislatures, is heavily loaded with Democrats. The Republicans might gain a few-seat majority in one of the Houses for one or two election cycles, but it never lasts long because of the heavy Democrat voting base in the large cities around Puget Sound. In a special election this month to fill the seat of a State Republican Senator that died, a Democrat State Senator was elected and the Republicans lost their slim majority in the State Senate. Now both state Houses and the Governor's office are owned by Democrats and will for the foreseeable future. This is also true for Oregon and California.
Environmentalists are heavy contributors and lobbyists to the Democrat Party. Democrat legislators, no matter which state, are champions of the environment and they continue to pass environmental regulation after regulation that mostly affect rural landowners in sparsely populated counties, like Eastern Washington, Eastern Oregon, Eastern California, Southern Illinois, or Western Colorado. But sparsely populated counties have very little (if any) representation in the political process and have no clout to stop the onslaught of environmental regulations. Much of those regulations are based on flawed science and the nefarious "Precautionary Principle", but come with a huge cost to rural landowners. As we wrote in a recent article, "Rural Landowners Are Prisoners On Their Own Land."
Democrats also support very expensive legislative efforts to slow down alleged man-caused global warming (M-C/GW) even though the science of M-C/GW is unsettled. Besides heavily taxing industry for this unsettled science, some Democrats would like to charge a tax on live stock flatulent because live stock give off methane gas, which is a greenhouse gas that allegedly causes the climate to get warmer. So far no such tax has been passed, but give them time and the Democrats in big cities will prevail. The Democrat's laundry basket of new environmental laws is overflowing and with total control of the political process, they will pass most of them, to the detriment of the taxpayer, but especially to the beleaguered rural landowner.
Big-city, liberal environmentalists are crippling agriculture and live stock production in America. The Washington State Supreme Court just decreed that rural landowners could not drill a well on their own land. But worse than that, the Democrats and the courts are stealing the constitutional property rights of rural landowners.
Once again, is it any wonder that rural counties want to "cut ties with their big city liberals" (Democrats) by seceding from the big cities of Blue states? Our organization (NARLO) fully supports and endorses the efforts of the Eastern Washington State counties to secede from their urban liberal cousins of Seattle and create their own state, even though we know they face an uphill battle.
However, if the rural areas of the Red States are not successful in their efforts to secede from big-city liberals, they still have the advocacy and support of the "National Association of Rural Landowners." We provide powerful tools for rural landowners to impede, slow down, or stop big-city liberals from stealing their property rights and keeping those liberal government agents off of their land.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Inertia Is Why We Can't Stop America's Socialist Train”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, November 12, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
Anything that is moving has inertia in accordance with Newton's first law of motion. That applies to avalanches, trains, ships, cars, animals, humans, cultures, societies, nations, falling trees and even the Earth orbiting the Sun. There is no known human power strong enough to stop an avalanche. To stop a speeding train takes an immense amount of braking energy. It takes over a mile to stop a fully loaded super tanker with the engines in full reverse.
Like all objects with mass, the Earth and the other planets have a tendency to resist changes to their direction and speed of movement. This tendency to resist change is called inertia, and its interaction with the gravitational attraction of the Sun is what keeps the planets of the solar system, including Earth, in stable orbits. The inertial power of the Earth orbiting the Sun is estimated at 1,975,800,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 foot-pounds of energy (1.9758 x 1033). To change the Earth's speed and path around the Sun would take a very powerful force ..... because of the overwhelming power of inertia.
Humans, cultures, societies and nations are also affected by inertia. Once they start moving in a certain direction for an extended period of time, their inertia keeps them moving in that direction and it takes a powerful force to stop the direction or change its path. America has been guided in a certain direction for over 100 years, heavily influenced by a human-created ideology that is the antithesis of the foundation of the nation's creators. To have any effect in changing the direction of the American culture will take a dismantling of this human-created ideology. Since it took at least four generations of inertia to hold America in the direction she is going, it could easily take as many generations to turn her back to the original path, if there was sufficient energy to change that direction.
How did we get here? We changed our original direction based on individual liberty, towards a collective society, heavily influenced by a human-created ideology solely based on seeking political power by exploiting the weaknesses of mankind and offering "free" gifts (money) in exchange for votes. This flawed ideology has infected all of our institutions and the culture itself and has sent our sovereign nation careening towards a very high, vertical cliff with the final result being national, culture and sovereign annihilation. The people of America know no other way because they have no memory of the way it was, purposely removed from memory by this human-created flawed ideology that tells them that dependency on government is their only secure and safe reality.
What are the manifestations of this human-created ideology that has kept us fixed on a path to destruction?
1. A flawed ideology that has engaged in senseless, irrational compassion, severely weakening the fabric of our society and bankrupting the nation, and all for the sole purpose of buying votes to maintain perpetual political power.
2. A flawed ideology that actively promotes and sanctions unchecked illegal and legal immigration that has infected the American culture with low-skilled, mostly uneducated illegal aliens. The aliens bring in diseases that were once eradicated by science and medicine. They depress wages and they cost the taxpayer billions of dollars to support, adding to America's insolvency. The immigration policies of this flawed ideology have given us sanctuary cities and opened the door to societies, cultures and religions that are diabolically opposed to American freedom and our religious beliefs and are Hell bent on destroying America by overwhelming its institutions and by terrorism and other hidden means. The evil purpose of this ideology is to flood America with non-English-speaking peasants that will eventually vote for the politicians and party of this flawed ideology.
3. A flawed ideology whose foreign policy emphasizes appeasement over national strength, making our friends nervous and our enemies emboldened. That is how we got a nuclear North Korea and Iran and Russia and China working towards world domination ..... and terrorist groups like ISIS.
4. A flawed ideology that has built up a public and advanced education system that denigrates individual freedom and promotes socialism, collectivism, multi-culturalism, political correctness, the one-world order and inhibits the free exchange of alternative ideas.
5. A flawed ideology that purposely promotes multi-culturalism that attempts to merge people with very divergent, non-assimilating beliefs, divides them by race, religion and culture and then turns them against each other and away from the foundations of liberty.
6. A flawed ideology that uses worldwide propaganda, hype, distortions and lies to indoctrinate the entire population, including impressionable children, with radical environmental philosophy and policies, like man-caused global warming and Agenda 21, that defy reason, intellect, logic, commons sense and turns science into a political blood sport.
7. A flawed ideology that sanctions the destruction of human life in the womb.
8. A flawed ideology that penalizes and heavily taxes achievement and immortalizes and rewards sloth, laziness and mediocrity ..... for votes, an ideology that props up losers and vilifies winners.
9. A flawed ideology that uses personal insults to demean, denigrate and tries to silence those with opposing views when they have no rational arguments to counter those opposing views.
10. A flawed ideology that shoots down state voter ID laws so that Jose, Juan, Josephine, Mohammed, or Abdul can vote in America's elections, even though they are illegal aliens, or unregistered voters ..... or terrorists. You can't drive a car or get on an airplane without proper identification, but any illegal alien or unregistered voter can vote in our elections without ID. Ludicrous!
11. A flawed ideology that allows a hopelessly corrupt and insanely ambitious man and woman, (the Clintons) to take control of that ideology and its political machine and pervert it into their own private force for political and financial gain, in their lust for power by any means, including racketeering, collusion, bribery, law breaking and possibly even murder.
Besides liberal politicians and bureaucrats, there are just too many other Americans giving "inertia" to America's socialist train. This is the "inertia" that has set America on the path to national, cultural, economic, financial and sovereign suicide. This flawed ideolgoy is so embedded in our institutions and in the hearts and minds of millions of Americans it may be impossible to stop or change its direction, or save the "train" from derailing at the next sharp curve.
In fact to change the direction of America in less time than a generation or two, it could take a powerful, charismatic leader, millions of people willing to join him or her, and a well-funded organization (in the hundreds of millions of dollars). It would take a veritable "mind shift" in the general population, away from the current human-created flawed ideology, to have any affect. That means the curriculum in our public schools and colleges will have to change back to the foundations of individual liberty.
The discourse between individuals will have to be less argumentative and more aligned with reason, intellect and logic, in keeping with the principles of freedom. Those conversations and discourse must be less punctuated by bigotry, racial tensions, mindless fixations and raw emotion. To increase the speed of change in direction, a massive and continuous national TV, radio, magazine and newspaper saturation advertising campaign would be needed. With enough money, we could change America's direction in one election cycle.
But most of all, it would take a return to personal honor, honor in our politicians and honor in the general population. Without honor, societies, cultures and free nations collapse. This human-created ideology we have described herein is devoid of honor and has set the "inertia" for America for most of the 20th Century and the early part of the 21st Century, up to the present day. There are signs (the Trump win) that this flawed ideology is showing cracks in its armor, as more and more of its policies fail and more and more of its followers become disillusioned. It remains to be seen whether there is enough energy in the rest of the population who cherish freedom, to dismantle the deep state and entrenched establishment in order to change the flawed path upon which America now travels. Because it is America's current "inertia", sustained by this flawed ideology, that will make it very difficult ..... to slow down, stop, or change the direction of America's socialist train.
Which TRAIN are you on?
We also take this opportunity to salute and honor all veterans, past, present and future, for their dedication, courage and sacrifice.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Like all objects with mass, the Earth and the other planets have a tendency to resist changes to their direction and speed of movement. This tendency to resist change is called inertia, and its interaction with the gravitational attraction of the Sun is what keeps the planets of the solar system, including Earth, in stable orbits. The inertial power of the Earth orbiting the Sun is estimated at 1,975,800,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 foot-pounds of energy (1.9758 x 1033). To change the Earth's speed and path around the Sun would take a very powerful force ..... because of the overwhelming power of inertia.
Humans, cultures, societies and nations are also affected by inertia. Once they start moving in a certain direction for an extended period of time, their inertia keeps them moving in that direction and it takes a powerful force to stop the direction or change its path. America has been guided in a certain direction for over 100 years, heavily influenced by a human-created ideology that is the antithesis of the foundation of the nation's creators. To have any effect in changing the direction of the American culture will take a dismantling of this human-created ideology. Since it took at least four generations of inertia to hold America in the direction she is going, it could easily take as many generations to turn her back to the original path, if there was sufficient energy to change that direction.
How did we get here? We changed our original direction based on individual liberty, towards a collective society, heavily influenced by a human-created ideology solely based on seeking political power by exploiting the weaknesses of mankind and offering "free" gifts (money) in exchange for votes. This flawed ideology has infected all of our institutions and the culture itself and has sent our sovereign nation careening towards a very high, vertical cliff with the final result being national, culture and sovereign annihilation. The people of America know no other way because they have no memory of the way it was, purposely removed from memory by this human-created flawed ideology that tells them that dependency on government is their only secure and safe reality.
What are the manifestations of this human-created ideology that has kept us fixed on a path to destruction?
1. A flawed ideology that has engaged in senseless, irrational compassion, severely weakening the fabric of our society and bankrupting the nation, and all for the sole purpose of buying votes to maintain perpetual political power.
2. A flawed ideology that actively promotes and sanctions unchecked illegal and legal immigration that has infected the American culture with low-skilled, mostly uneducated illegal aliens. The aliens bring in diseases that were once eradicated by science and medicine. They depress wages and they cost the taxpayer billions of dollars to support, adding to America's insolvency. The immigration policies of this flawed ideology have given us sanctuary cities and opened the door to societies, cultures and religions that are diabolically opposed to American freedom and our religious beliefs and are Hell bent on destroying America by overwhelming its institutions and by terrorism and other hidden means. The evil purpose of this ideology is to flood America with non-English-speaking peasants that will eventually vote for the politicians and party of this flawed ideology.
3. A flawed ideology whose foreign policy emphasizes appeasement over national strength, making our friends nervous and our enemies emboldened. That is how we got a nuclear North Korea and Iran and Russia and China working towards world domination ..... and terrorist groups like ISIS.
4. A flawed ideology that has built up a public and advanced education system that denigrates individual freedom and promotes socialism, collectivism, multi-culturalism, political correctness, the one-world order and inhibits the free exchange of alternative ideas.
5. A flawed ideology that purposely promotes multi-culturalism that attempts to merge people with very divergent, non-assimilating beliefs, divides them by race, religion and culture and then turns them against each other and away from the foundations of liberty.
6. A flawed ideology that uses worldwide propaganda, hype, distortions and lies to indoctrinate the entire population, including impressionable children, with radical environmental philosophy and policies, like man-caused global warming and Agenda 21, that defy reason, intellect, logic, commons sense and turns science into a political blood sport.
7. A flawed ideology that sanctions the destruction of human life in the womb.
8. A flawed ideology that penalizes and heavily taxes achievement and immortalizes and rewards sloth, laziness and mediocrity ..... for votes, an ideology that props up losers and vilifies winners.
9. A flawed ideology that uses personal insults to demean, denigrate and tries to silence those with opposing views when they have no rational arguments to counter those opposing views.
10. A flawed ideology that shoots down state voter ID laws so that Jose, Juan, Josephine, Mohammed, or Abdul can vote in America's elections, even though they are illegal aliens, or unregistered voters ..... or terrorists. You can't drive a car or get on an airplane without proper identification, but any illegal alien or unregistered voter can vote in our elections without ID. Ludicrous!
11. A flawed ideology that allows a hopelessly corrupt and insanely ambitious man and woman, (the Clintons) to take control of that ideology and its political machine and pervert it into their own private force for political and financial gain, in their lust for power by any means, including racketeering, collusion, bribery, law breaking and possibly even murder.
Besides liberal politicians and bureaucrats, there are just too many other Americans giving "inertia" to America's socialist train. This is the "inertia" that has set America on the path to national, cultural, economic, financial and sovereign suicide. This flawed ideolgoy is so embedded in our institutions and in the hearts and minds of millions of Americans it may be impossible to stop or change its direction, or save the "train" from derailing at the next sharp curve.
In fact to change the direction of America in less time than a generation or two, it could take a powerful, charismatic leader, millions of people willing to join him or her, and a well-funded organization (in the hundreds of millions of dollars). It would take a veritable "mind shift" in the general population, away from the current human-created flawed ideology, to have any affect. That means the curriculum in our public schools and colleges will have to change back to the foundations of individual liberty.
The discourse between individuals will have to be less argumentative and more aligned with reason, intellect and logic, in keeping with the principles of freedom. Those conversations and discourse must be less punctuated by bigotry, racial tensions, mindless fixations and raw emotion. To increase the speed of change in direction, a massive and continuous national TV, radio, magazine and newspaper saturation advertising campaign would be needed. With enough money, we could change America's direction in one election cycle.
But most of all, it would take a return to personal honor, honor in our politicians and honor in the general population. Without honor, societies, cultures and free nations collapse. This human-created ideology we have described herein is devoid of honor and has set the "inertia" for America for most of the 20th Century and the early part of the 21st Century, up to the present day. There are signs (the Trump win) that this flawed ideology is showing cracks in its armor, as more and more of its policies fail and more and more of its followers become disillusioned. It remains to be seen whether there is enough energy in the rest of the population who cherish freedom, to dismantle the deep state and entrenched establishment in order to change the flawed path upon which America now travels. Because it is America's current "inertia", sustained by this flawed ideology, that will make it very difficult ..... to slow down, stop, or change the direction of America's socialist train.
Which TRAIN are you on?
We also take this opportunity to salute and honor all veterans, past, present and future, for their dedication, courage and sacrifice.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Rural Landowners Are Prisoners On Their Own Land”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, November 5, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
Property Rights: "Property in a thing consists not merely in its ownership and possession, but in the unrestricted right of use, enjoyment, and disposal. Anything which destroys any of the elements of property, to that extent, destroys the property itself. The substantial value of property lies in its use. If the right of use be denied, the value of the property is annihilated and ownership is rendered a barren right." Washington State Supreme Court Justice Richard B. Sanders
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Almost 81% of Americans live in cities, usually in a home on a relatively small lot. Millions upon millions of Americans live in apartments in those cities. (they don't build apartments in the country) The restrictions placed upon people living in homes on small city lots, or in apartments, are relatively few, except for the imposition of property taxes and utility expenses. Other people that choose to live in gated communities have more restrictions but that is by choice. Not so the rural landowner.
Without the land, there would be no farming, ranching, mining, timber harvesting, recreation, or even us. However, our land is under a vicious assault by government and environmentalists. The greatest threat facing rural landowners today is the encroaching, egregious and unconstitutional environmental regulations that are sweeping every corner of rural America. In most cases, these regulations violate the 5th Amendment to the Constitution where it states:
"No person …………… shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without DUE PROCESS of law; nor shall private property be taken for PUBLIC USE without COMPENSATION."
Environmental protection is, without a doubt and unequivocally for public use and should be compensated by government, like it would be for any other 5th Amendment taking.
Many landowners have no clue as to what is being asked of them, nor are they aware that they have to shoulder almost the entire burden of environmental protection, while city dwellers get off scot-free. And cities are where most of the votes lie, leaving the rural landowner without representation. Neither are rural landowners aware that most of these environmental regulations were given birth at three United Nation conferences held in Sweden, Brazil and South Africa. The Rio de Janeiro (1992) conference produced a policy paper (Agenda 21) designed to eliminate social inequities throughout the world, using the hidden agenda of trumped up environmental crises as the framework for such elimination. Agenda 21 was never fully debated nor ratified by the U. S. Congress as required by the Constitution, but instead was instituted into American law by Presidential Executive Order and bureaucratic rule making.
But Congress is just as complicit in expanding environmental law. Some examples:
The Endangered Species Act (ESA), The Salmon Recovery Act, The Clean Water Act, the National Environmental Policy Act, the Coastal Zone Management Act, The Fisheries Management and Conservation Act, the Winters Doctrine, the Public Trust Doctrine, UN Biospheres and the Wildlands Project, the Boldt Decision, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Federal Marine Fisheries Division and on and on.
No matter the alleged virtues of such legislation, or the need for environmental bureaucracies, most of these laws, acts and rules directly affect the American rural landowner, not the city folk. This doesn't even begin to cover millions more state, county and city environmentally driven land use laws that beset rural landowners. Multiple federal agencies (BLM, EPA, Army Corps, USFW, etc) attack rural landowners relentlessly. A landowner can't move sideways without breaking a law or rule and it will cost him or her thousands of dollars to comply with any of them, or huge fines and penalties if they get caught in a violation.
We have chronicled several landowner horror stories in previous articles and created a video entitled: "Rural America in the Crosshairs."
Government and the environmentalists have effectively annihilated American property rights that we defined at the beginning of this article, by severely restricting the right of use, or eliminating the use altogether. They have wrapped up rural landowners in a regulation spider web so tight they might just as well be in prison. The American rural landowner has become a feudal pawn to government and the environmentalists. The fact is, the city folk have the majority of the votes, leaving the rural landowner politically powerless and subject to the whim of people who don't know that milk comes from a cow.
Environmentalists have become so wealthy, successful and politically powerful they have infiltrated every level of government, including our public schools, all the while pushing ever-more radical agendas. In a few short years, government and the environmentalists wiped out almost the entire logging industry in the Pacific Northwest based on the erroneous decision that the Northern Spotted Owl was endangered. Over 40,000 wood workers lost their jobs because of it. But it turns out the owl was endangered for natural reasons that had absolutely nothing to do with logging or loss of habitat.
Environmentalists, and even those people that live in urban areas, have been so brainwashed by the government and the environmentalists through indoctrination and outright propaganda, that they actually believe that it is OK for government to heavily regulate rural lands with draconian environmental protection ordinances, without regard to the fact that those rural lands are owned by real people and are supposed to be protected by the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution. But any protection provided to rural landowners from the U. S. Constitution has been so watered down and perverted by U. S. Supreme Court and lower court decisions, as to render the 5th Amendment virtually null and void. And worse, many jurisdictions have turned normally civil land use code violations into criminal violations, allowing a judge to issue criminal warrants.
International and national environmentalism trumps the Constitution in America, by tens of thousands of local, state and federal unconstitutional laws, rules, regulations and ordinances.
But this doesn't begin to tell the story. The real stories are the tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of farmers and ranchers, all across America, who find themselves in the iron grip of an intransigent local, state or federal agency for some infraction of the "code" that the landowner knew nothing about, or had no logical application in rural areas. Every week we receive a couple of phone calls or e-mails from landowners who are having to pay thousands of dollars that they don't have, to rectify some irrational, senseless code violation. These violations, fines and penalties are even occurring in the most remote parts of the U. S.
A gentleman in rural Colorado couldn't get a permit to build his cabin because the "code" says he MUST hook up to the power grid and he can't have an outhouse. The power grid is miles and miles away from his rural property and would cost him tens of thousands of dollars to bring power to his property. Is it any wonder that some folks just ignore the law and hope they don't get caught? Unfortunately, many do get caught and pay a terrible price.
A landowner in Washington State went to jail for over 150 days and fined thousands of dollars for cleaning out a ditch on his property in a wetland, a wetland that was declared a wetland after the fact. In other words, the government manufactured a crime where there was none, to send home a message to all other landowners, that the environment had a greater priority over their land than they did and they better comply ..... or else. The landowner made the mistake of trying to defend him self and act as his own attorney, in a blatantly corrupt and environmentally friendly district court.
The Washington State Supreme Court recently issued a decree making it virtually impossible to drill a well on a person's property, taking away its use and rendering that property of little or no value.
In Antelope Valley, a very rural area of Los Angeles County, rural landowners are being faced with fully armed SWAT teams that haul the landowner off to jail or court at gunpoint, if they haven't moved fast enough in clearing up a code violation. Los Angeles County calls the SWAT team a "nuisance abatement team". A SWAT team for nuisance abatement? You've got to be kidding! Is America now a police state?
A man and his wife in California bought some rural acreage that had a home and outbuildings on it. After they bought the land, the local Land Use Agency said that one of their buildings was not in code and filed a code violation against them. But it turns out that the Land Use Agency had filed a code violation on the property 12 years ago against the previous owner for the same reason, but the code violation was never fixed and did not show up on the Title Report for the new purchaser. Nevertheless, the new owners were still responsible for the old code violation and had to fork over $28,000 in fees and fines to bring the property in compliance. They also discovered that there is no statute of limitations on land use code violations.
A man and his son had all the permits necessary to fill in a portion of the waterfront property in an East Coast state. Along came the Army Corps of Engineers and hit them with a criminal violation of filling in a wetland and took them to Federal Court. The judge would not allow the landowners to enter into evidence their permits and sentenced the man and his son to 21 months in a federal prison, with the further requirement to restore the property when they were released.
It gets even worse. An Idaho couple bought a lot in a completed subdivision with homes all around them and applied for a building permit to build their dream home. The lot was over 500 feet from the nearest body of water. That didn't stop the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) who came on their property as the couple was clearing and leveling the lot for the foundation and slapped them with a non-compliance order for, you guessed it, filling in a wetland. The EPA then told them that they would have to restore the property to its original condition. They couldn't build on the lot and if they didn't comply, they would be faced with a $37,500 per day fine. They eventually beat the EPA but had to go to the U. S. Supreme Court to win, at great cost.
These few stories we have chronicled here are a drop in the ocean. We have many more we could tell. The American rural landowner is forced to endure this government assault quietly and without complaint ..... or else! The response from the government, the environmentalist, or the city folk is, in the French vernacular, "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche". The English translation is, "..... let 'em eat cake!" After all, if you live in a big city, why should you care what happens to the rural landowner? Because they grow the food that keeps you alive! Over regulate them, fine them, or take land out of production and your food prices go up.
There are many writers who lament the rural dilemma but there are very few national advocates for the unrepresented and disenfranchised rural landowner. Back in 2005, after learning of the American landowners' plight and their lack of representation, we established the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO), now known throughout America. For twelve years we have acted as advocates for the rural landowner, providing massive amounts of information on our website and further providing tools that the landowner can use to fight the growing erosion of their constitutional property rights. Our weekly column and monthly newsletter illuminate some of what landowners face each day. From NARLO's powerful, legally intimidating No Trespassing signs, to NARLO's informative Rural Landowner Handbook, to Land Patent information, to landowner consulting, we provide services for the rural landowner not found anywhere else. The NARLO Team is essentially, a one-of-a-kind, one-stop shop advocate for the American Rural Landowner, to help free landowners from being "Prisoners on Their Own Land."
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Almost 81% of Americans live in cities, usually in a home on a relatively small lot. Millions upon millions of Americans live in apartments in those cities. (they don't build apartments in the country) The restrictions placed upon people living in homes on small city lots, or in apartments, are relatively few, except for the imposition of property taxes and utility expenses. Other people that choose to live in gated communities have more restrictions but that is by choice. Not so the rural landowner.
Without the land, there would be no farming, ranching, mining, timber harvesting, recreation, or even us. However, our land is under a vicious assault by government and environmentalists. The greatest threat facing rural landowners today is the encroaching, egregious and unconstitutional environmental regulations that are sweeping every corner of rural America. In most cases, these regulations violate the 5th Amendment to the Constitution where it states:
"No person …………… shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without DUE PROCESS of law; nor shall private property be taken for PUBLIC USE without COMPENSATION."
Environmental protection is, without a doubt and unequivocally for public use and should be compensated by government, like it would be for any other 5th Amendment taking.
Many landowners have no clue as to what is being asked of them, nor are they aware that they have to shoulder almost the entire burden of environmental protection, while city dwellers get off scot-free. And cities are where most of the votes lie, leaving the rural landowner without representation. Neither are rural landowners aware that most of these environmental regulations were given birth at three United Nation conferences held in Sweden, Brazil and South Africa. The Rio de Janeiro (1992) conference produced a policy paper (Agenda 21) designed to eliminate social inequities throughout the world, using the hidden agenda of trumped up environmental crises as the framework for such elimination. Agenda 21 was never fully debated nor ratified by the U. S. Congress as required by the Constitution, but instead was instituted into American law by Presidential Executive Order and bureaucratic rule making.
But Congress is just as complicit in expanding environmental law. Some examples:
The Endangered Species Act (ESA), The Salmon Recovery Act, The Clean Water Act, the National Environmental Policy Act, the Coastal Zone Management Act, The Fisheries Management and Conservation Act, the Winters Doctrine, the Public Trust Doctrine, UN Biospheres and the Wildlands Project, the Boldt Decision, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Federal Marine Fisheries Division and on and on.
No matter the alleged virtues of such legislation, or the need for environmental bureaucracies, most of these laws, acts and rules directly affect the American rural landowner, not the city folk. This doesn't even begin to cover millions more state, county and city environmentally driven land use laws that beset rural landowners. Multiple federal agencies (BLM, EPA, Army Corps, USFW, etc) attack rural landowners relentlessly. A landowner can't move sideways without breaking a law or rule and it will cost him or her thousands of dollars to comply with any of them, or huge fines and penalties if they get caught in a violation.
We have chronicled several landowner horror stories in previous articles and created a video entitled: "Rural America in the Crosshairs."
Government and the environmentalists have effectively annihilated American property rights that we defined at the beginning of this article, by severely restricting the right of use, or eliminating the use altogether. They have wrapped up rural landowners in a regulation spider web so tight they might just as well be in prison. The American rural landowner has become a feudal pawn to government and the environmentalists. The fact is, the city folk have the majority of the votes, leaving the rural landowner politically powerless and subject to the whim of people who don't know that milk comes from a cow.
Environmentalists have become so wealthy, successful and politically powerful they have infiltrated every level of government, including our public schools, all the while pushing ever-more radical agendas. In a few short years, government and the environmentalists wiped out almost the entire logging industry in the Pacific Northwest based on the erroneous decision that the Northern Spotted Owl was endangered. Over 40,000 wood workers lost their jobs because of it. But it turns out the owl was endangered for natural reasons that had absolutely nothing to do with logging or loss of habitat.
Environmentalists, and even those people that live in urban areas, have been so brainwashed by the government and the environmentalists through indoctrination and outright propaganda, that they actually believe that it is OK for government to heavily regulate rural lands with draconian environmental protection ordinances, without regard to the fact that those rural lands are owned by real people and are supposed to be protected by the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution. But any protection provided to rural landowners from the U. S. Constitution has been so watered down and perverted by U. S. Supreme Court and lower court decisions, as to render the 5th Amendment virtually null and void. And worse, many jurisdictions have turned normally civil land use code violations into criminal violations, allowing a judge to issue criminal warrants.
International and national environmentalism trumps the Constitution in America, by tens of thousands of local, state and federal unconstitutional laws, rules, regulations and ordinances.
But this doesn't begin to tell the story. The real stories are the tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of farmers and ranchers, all across America, who find themselves in the iron grip of an intransigent local, state or federal agency for some infraction of the "code" that the landowner knew nothing about, or had no logical application in rural areas. Every week we receive a couple of phone calls or e-mails from landowners who are having to pay thousands of dollars that they don't have, to rectify some irrational, senseless code violation. These violations, fines and penalties are even occurring in the most remote parts of the U. S.
A gentleman in rural Colorado couldn't get a permit to build his cabin because the "code" says he MUST hook up to the power grid and he can't have an outhouse. The power grid is miles and miles away from his rural property and would cost him tens of thousands of dollars to bring power to his property. Is it any wonder that some folks just ignore the law and hope they don't get caught? Unfortunately, many do get caught and pay a terrible price.
A landowner in Washington State went to jail for over 150 days and fined thousands of dollars for cleaning out a ditch on his property in a wetland, a wetland that was declared a wetland after the fact. In other words, the government manufactured a crime where there was none, to send home a message to all other landowners, that the environment had a greater priority over their land than they did and they better comply ..... or else. The landowner made the mistake of trying to defend him self and act as his own attorney, in a blatantly corrupt and environmentally friendly district court.
The Washington State Supreme Court recently issued a decree making it virtually impossible to drill a well on a person's property, taking away its use and rendering that property of little or no value.
In Antelope Valley, a very rural area of Los Angeles County, rural landowners are being faced with fully armed SWAT teams that haul the landowner off to jail or court at gunpoint, if they haven't moved fast enough in clearing up a code violation. Los Angeles County calls the SWAT team a "nuisance abatement team". A SWAT team for nuisance abatement? You've got to be kidding! Is America now a police state?
A man and his wife in California bought some rural acreage that had a home and outbuildings on it. After they bought the land, the local Land Use Agency said that one of their buildings was not in code and filed a code violation against them. But it turns out that the Land Use Agency had filed a code violation on the property 12 years ago against the previous owner for the same reason, but the code violation was never fixed and did not show up on the Title Report for the new purchaser. Nevertheless, the new owners were still responsible for the old code violation and had to fork over $28,000 in fees and fines to bring the property in compliance. They also discovered that there is no statute of limitations on land use code violations.
A man and his son had all the permits necessary to fill in a portion of the waterfront property in an East Coast state. Along came the Army Corps of Engineers and hit them with a criminal violation of filling in a wetland and took them to Federal Court. The judge would not allow the landowners to enter into evidence their permits and sentenced the man and his son to 21 months in a federal prison, with the further requirement to restore the property when they were released.
It gets even worse. An Idaho couple bought a lot in a completed subdivision with homes all around them and applied for a building permit to build their dream home. The lot was over 500 feet from the nearest body of water. That didn't stop the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) who came on their property as the couple was clearing and leveling the lot for the foundation and slapped them with a non-compliance order for, you guessed it, filling in a wetland. The EPA then told them that they would have to restore the property to its original condition. They couldn't build on the lot and if they didn't comply, they would be faced with a $37,500 per day fine. They eventually beat the EPA but had to go to the U. S. Supreme Court to win, at great cost.
These few stories we have chronicled here are a drop in the ocean. We have many more we could tell. The American rural landowner is forced to endure this government assault quietly and without complaint ..... or else! The response from the government, the environmentalist, or the city folk is, in the French vernacular, "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche". The English translation is, "..... let 'em eat cake!" After all, if you live in a big city, why should you care what happens to the rural landowner? Because they grow the food that keeps you alive! Over regulate them, fine them, or take land out of production and your food prices go up.
There are many writers who lament the rural dilemma but there are very few national advocates for the unrepresented and disenfranchised rural landowner. Back in 2005, after learning of the American landowners' plight and their lack of representation, we established the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO), now known throughout America. For twelve years we have acted as advocates for the rural landowner, providing massive amounts of information on our website and further providing tools that the landowner can use to fight the growing erosion of their constitutional property rights. Our weekly column and monthly newsletter illuminate some of what landowners face each day. From NARLO's powerful, legally intimidating No Trespassing signs, to NARLO's informative Rural Landowner Handbook, to Land Patent information, to landowner consulting, we provide services for the rural landowner not found anywhere else. The NARLO Team is essentially, a one-of-a-kind, one-stop shop advocate for the American Rural Landowner, to help free landowners from being "Prisoners on Their Own Land."
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"The Problem Is Big, Centralized Government"
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President
National Association of Rural Landowners (www.narlo.org)
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues for over 10 years
© Copyright Sunday, October 29, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
No, man certainly cannot control the Heavens and he can't alter the laws of the Universe. But you would think he would be able to control his own behavior and activities, given how smart he claims to be. It would appear that, throughout history, the opposite has been and continues to be true. An obvious character flaw in the species, manifested in political arguments that have more to do with getting votes than seeking the truth, fixing problems, or passing sound, common sense legislation.
In our frequent articles we have made a concerted effort to bring simplicity to all of the issues we face as American citizens and landowners. There are root causes for everything and if we understand the root causes, we might just be able to fix "it", when things go wrong. The difficulty comes in first determining all of the outside influences (government controls, special interests, market forces, education, egos, money, power brokers, etc.) that we face on a daily basis and the priorities we set to fix those issues, one at a time. The other malady the people face is their own apathy. After all, why should we get involved? However, for our own survival in the pursuit of happiness and the perpetuation of liberty, the arguments for getting involved are crystal clear. But before getting involved, understanding the root causes of what ails us, is paramount.
As countries grow and population increases, as diversion of interests propagate, as divisions in agendas spread wider apart, as governments, corporations, businesses, unions and special interest groups get larger and larger, a point is reached where the foundations of our culture and the ability to control our own individual lives under that foundation, begins to breakdown. We are well past that point now and we are truly out of control, where politics takes precedence over reason and common sense, where our "fixes" don't work, where rules are meant to be broken, where more rules become necessary and enforcement of all the rules becomes much more difficult.
Remember September 12, 2001, when we all came together with a common purpose, to strike back at the enemy that would perpetrate this violent and dastardly act against innocents in New York and Washington DC? We wrote songs and poems and built momuments to the dead. We gave speeches, we got angry and for a while, we were “one” with purpose. How long did it take before we settled back into our own little factions of self-interest? Not long. Now we have anti-war protestors, antifa, white supremacists and black lives matter roaming the streets in protest against something. We have political parties at odds with each other, scurrilously and shamelessly pandering to one faction or another, using the public treasury as the lever and unconstitutional law as the fulcrum.
How did we get here? Bigness got us here. Big government, big business, big banks, big money, big unions and big special interest groups, all colluding with each other. Bigness gives us concentration of power and degrades individual rights and human dignity. But bigness also gives us a condition of being out of control and the very real frustration of not being able to get in control. Large entities, by their very size, lose control of serving the public, processes, personnel and finances, no matter how much they tell you that they are in control. Accounting errors and financial mismanagement emerge and management of personnel becomes diluted and many times ineffective, or just plain corrupt.
Take a look around at big cities today. They are anything but in control and in fact are a huge drain on the entire financial structure of the nation because of that lack of control. One of the reasons they are out of control is due in large part to their bigness and to the intolerable density of humans in close proximity to each other, requiring more rules and regulations directly related to that density. Unfortunately, this unbalanced, out-of-control environment produces the votes necessary to keep the inmates in the big city political insane asylum in power, promising "free" stuff.
So what do we do if we are big? We write rules and policies until there is a rule and policy for every single potential action or inaction. Pretty soon we write rules to strengthen the rules we have already written. We write rules to comply with other rules from other “big” entities. Then if we don’t get enough compliance for the rules, we write more rules and increase penalties and enforcement. Eventually, as time goes by and as the rules increase, we turn more and more law abiding citizens into law breakers.
How many of our readers have had frustrating troubles with big business? Here is one man's experience, in his own words.
"I bought a stove from Home Depot. They sent me a different looking stove than what appeared on both of their websites. There is a customer service at both Home Depot and GE. They sent the same model again after I complained. I proved it with actual photos of the stove received and the one pictured on their websites."
"I will tell you at GE the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. Repeated phone calls, e-mails, blame all around. My case was written up finally with an official case number, along with official titles of Customer reps. I sent them documents and photos. In the end they rejected my claims and told me tersely Home Depot has to deal with it. That’s it!"
"Yep, customer service departments battling with each other but nothing is actually done for the customer. So, why care? I actually told the customer rep at GE, just ask the manager where the stove is manufactured. If they've changed the design, take a picture at the production line. If she would do that, she would get an answer! Nope, she said, I can’t do that."
"Yep, bureaucracy needs to be paid first. No shortcut allowed. No simple solutions. Bureaucracy is the only thing that matters."
"I later checked both GE websites. Still the same stove being advertised. Same picture, but if you order it, you’ll get a different looking one even though they both have the EXACT same model number. So nothing's changed despite service departments, offices, overhead, budgets, official titles, that were set up specifically for the customer - that actually does nothing for you. I'm stuck with a stove that does not look like what I ordered."
"No wonder the countries going broke. Someone told me, it's like that all over!"
Sadly, the man is right. Try talking to real person at your cable company, the phone company, the retailer ..... or God forbid, the government.
So here we are. We have big business acting just like big government, big bureaucracies, big banks, big unions and big special interest groups, thumbing their collect noses at the customers that pay their salaries. Bigness, concentration of power and out-of-control entities have buried WE THE PEOPLE in frustration, confusion and the feeling of utter helplessness.
Our Founding Fathers were very concerned about who had control and went to great lengths to see that control could not be concentrated in too few hands, or in only one branch of government. From the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson wrote: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the 'consent' of the governed.'”
But as government got “bigger”, Jefferson’s “consent of the governed” became essentially meaningless, as our representatives and senators assumed more power and as government got ever bigger and bigger. In response to government bigness and power, business and labor had to get bigger and more powerful in order to have influence with big government.
Then big government started handing off some of their power and authority to bureaucracies, who then got bigger and assumed more power and authority than was ever dreamed of by the Founding Fathers.
Since the “consent of the governed” was powerless, due mostly to their own fragmentation and division, special interest groups began getting bigger and more powerful in order to have more influence on big government, as well. Then came the lobbyists with big money, as we described in our last article, "You Ain't Never Going To Drain the American Swamp."
As government, bureaucracies, banks, businesses, unions and special interest groups got larger and more powerful, they began to get out-of-control with their customer service, processes, personnel and finances. They are so out of control now that we have constant nightmares of ineptness, waste, fraud, abuse and corruption in almost every one of our institutions, that no one person or group seems to be able to bring under control.
We have state and local governments getting more powerful and larger and more out of control. State legislatures write laws, regulations, restrictions and ordinances constantly. Bureaucracies of state governments write their own laws, regulations, rules, restrictions and ordinances without end and without legislative oversight. All these "rules" filter down to local governments who then write laws, regulations, rules, restrictions and ordinances to comply with state and federal laws, regulations, rules, restrictions and ordinances, in a never-ending vicious circle. In the end, the PEOPLE become impotent, disenfranchised and disinterested in the political process.
One of our greatest strengths as a country and as individual jurisdictions within that country, was keeping political power in the hands of the people in local subdivisions of government; i.e. boroughs, hamlets, cities, parishes, counties and even states. At a meeting in Skagit County, Washington where we gave a speech on land use and eminent domain issues, a county commissioner in attendance, lamented that his county had been sued 162 times by special interest groups and a state bureaucracy for not being in compliance with a state land use law. The county commissioners, in desperation and going broke fast with legal fees supporting their position, threw their hands in the air and asked the special interest groups and the state how they wanted the law written and the county would write it that way. So much for local control.
The point that we would like to make here, is that no matter how big governments, businesses, banks, unions and special interest groups get, the ultimate power and control is still inherent in WE THE PEOPLE, if the PEOPLE are of one mind and that one mind is based on a solid foundation of the fundamental principles of freedom and liberty. But we are so fragmented and so diverse, becoming of one mind is virtually impossible. Until we are of one mind, bigness, concentration of power and out-of-control business and government institutions will continue unabated and our frustration and anger will grow with each passing day.
One might say ..... "well how does 'bigness' affect my daily life?" In just about every way possible. Government is not the problem. Big, out-of-control, inept, criminally negligent and corrupt institutions, including government, are the problem!
True, but who is going to "fix" it? From our perspective and extended observations it isn't likely to be We the People. Consequently, the problems are not going to be fixed until "We the People" unite and decide they've had enough. But over half the people want "something" from government and are getting it, while the other less than half just want to be left alone by government. So far the over half wanting "something" from government have the majority of the votes and are winning, in spite of what President Trump is attempting to do.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
In our frequent articles we have made a concerted effort to bring simplicity to all of the issues we face as American citizens and landowners. There are root causes for everything and if we understand the root causes, we might just be able to fix "it", when things go wrong. The difficulty comes in first determining all of the outside influences (government controls, special interests, market forces, education, egos, money, power brokers, etc.) that we face on a daily basis and the priorities we set to fix those issues, one at a time. The other malady the people face is their own apathy. After all, why should we get involved? However, for our own survival in the pursuit of happiness and the perpetuation of liberty, the arguments for getting involved are crystal clear. But before getting involved, understanding the root causes of what ails us, is paramount.
As countries grow and population increases, as diversion of interests propagate, as divisions in agendas spread wider apart, as governments, corporations, businesses, unions and special interest groups get larger and larger, a point is reached where the foundations of our culture and the ability to control our own individual lives under that foundation, begins to breakdown. We are well past that point now and we are truly out of control, where politics takes precedence over reason and common sense, where our "fixes" don't work, where rules are meant to be broken, where more rules become necessary and enforcement of all the rules becomes much more difficult.
Remember September 12, 2001, when we all came together with a common purpose, to strike back at the enemy that would perpetrate this violent and dastardly act against innocents in New York and Washington DC? We wrote songs and poems and built momuments to the dead. We gave speeches, we got angry and for a while, we were “one” with purpose. How long did it take before we settled back into our own little factions of self-interest? Not long. Now we have anti-war protestors, antifa, white supremacists and black lives matter roaming the streets in protest against something. We have political parties at odds with each other, scurrilously and shamelessly pandering to one faction or another, using the public treasury as the lever and unconstitutional law as the fulcrum.
How did we get here? Bigness got us here. Big government, big business, big banks, big money, big unions and big special interest groups, all colluding with each other. Bigness gives us concentration of power and degrades individual rights and human dignity. But bigness also gives us a condition of being out of control and the very real frustration of not being able to get in control. Large entities, by their very size, lose control of serving the public, processes, personnel and finances, no matter how much they tell you that they are in control. Accounting errors and financial mismanagement emerge and management of personnel becomes diluted and many times ineffective, or just plain corrupt.
Take a look around at big cities today. They are anything but in control and in fact are a huge drain on the entire financial structure of the nation because of that lack of control. One of the reasons they are out of control is due in large part to their bigness and to the intolerable density of humans in close proximity to each other, requiring more rules and regulations directly related to that density. Unfortunately, this unbalanced, out-of-control environment produces the votes necessary to keep the inmates in the big city political insane asylum in power, promising "free" stuff.
So what do we do if we are big? We write rules and policies until there is a rule and policy for every single potential action or inaction. Pretty soon we write rules to strengthen the rules we have already written. We write rules to comply with other rules from other “big” entities. Then if we don’t get enough compliance for the rules, we write more rules and increase penalties and enforcement. Eventually, as time goes by and as the rules increase, we turn more and more law abiding citizens into law breakers.
How many of our readers have had frustrating troubles with big business? Here is one man's experience, in his own words.
"I bought a stove from Home Depot. They sent me a different looking stove than what appeared on both of their websites. There is a customer service at both Home Depot and GE. They sent the same model again after I complained. I proved it with actual photos of the stove received and the one pictured on their websites."
"I will tell you at GE the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. Repeated phone calls, e-mails, blame all around. My case was written up finally with an official case number, along with official titles of Customer reps. I sent them documents and photos. In the end they rejected my claims and told me tersely Home Depot has to deal with it. That’s it!"
"Yep, customer service departments battling with each other but nothing is actually done for the customer. So, why care? I actually told the customer rep at GE, just ask the manager where the stove is manufactured. If they've changed the design, take a picture at the production line. If she would do that, she would get an answer! Nope, she said, I can’t do that."
"Yep, bureaucracy needs to be paid first. No shortcut allowed. No simple solutions. Bureaucracy is the only thing that matters."
"I later checked both GE websites. Still the same stove being advertised. Same picture, but if you order it, you’ll get a different looking one even though they both have the EXACT same model number. So nothing's changed despite service departments, offices, overhead, budgets, official titles, that were set up specifically for the customer - that actually does nothing for you. I'm stuck with a stove that does not look like what I ordered."
"No wonder the countries going broke. Someone told me, it's like that all over!"
Sadly, the man is right. Try talking to real person at your cable company, the phone company, the retailer ..... or God forbid, the government.
So here we are. We have big business acting just like big government, big bureaucracies, big banks, big unions and big special interest groups, thumbing their collect noses at the customers that pay their salaries. Bigness, concentration of power and out-of-control entities have buried WE THE PEOPLE in frustration, confusion and the feeling of utter helplessness.
Our Founding Fathers were very concerned about who had control and went to great lengths to see that control could not be concentrated in too few hands, or in only one branch of government. From the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson wrote: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the 'consent' of the governed.'”
But as government got “bigger”, Jefferson’s “consent of the governed” became essentially meaningless, as our representatives and senators assumed more power and as government got ever bigger and bigger. In response to government bigness and power, business and labor had to get bigger and more powerful in order to have influence with big government.
Then big government started handing off some of their power and authority to bureaucracies, who then got bigger and assumed more power and authority than was ever dreamed of by the Founding Fathers.
Since the “consent of the governed” was powerless, due mostly to their own fragmentation and division, special interest groups began getting bigger and more powerful in order to have more influence on big government, as well. Then came the lobbyists with big money, as we described in our last article, "You Ain't Never Going To Drain the American Swamp."
As government, bureaucracies, banks, businesses, unions and special interest groups got larger and more powerful, they began to get out-of-control with their customer service, processes, personnel and finances. They are so out of control now that we have constant nightmares of ineptness, waste, fraud, abuse and corruption in almost every one of our institutions, that no one person or group seems to be able to bring under control.
We have state and local governments getting more powerful and larger and more out of control. State legislatures write laws, regulations, restrictions and ordinances constantly. Bureaucracies of state governments write their own laws, regulations, rules, restrictions and ordinances without end and without legislative oversight. All these "rules" filter down to local governments who then write laws, regulations, rules, restrictions and ordinances to comply with state and federal laws, regulations, rules, restrictions and ordinances, in a never-ending vicious circle. In the end, the PEOPLE become impotent, disenfranchised and disinterested in the political process.
One of our greatest strengths as a country and as individual jurisdictions within that country, was keeping political power in the hands of the people in local subdivisions of government; i.e. boroughs, hamlets, cities, parishes, counties and even states. At a meeting in Skagit County, Washington where we gave a speech on land use and eminent domain issues, a county commissioner in attendance, lamented that his county had been sued 162 times by special interest groups and a state bureaucracy for not being in compliance with a state land use law. The county commissioners, in desperation and going broke fast with legal fees supporting their position, threw their hands in the air and asked the special interest groups and the state how they wanted the law written and the county would write it that way. So much for local control.
The point that we would like to make here, is that no matter how big governments, businesses, banks, unions and special interest groups get, the ultimate power and control is still inherent in WE THE PEOPLE, if the PEOPLE are of one mind and that one mind is based on a solid foundation of the fundamental principles of freedom and liberty. But we are so fragmented and so diverse, becoming of one mind is virtually impossible. Until we are of one mind, bigness, concentration of power and out-of-control business and government institutions will continue unabated and our frustration and anger will grow with each passing day.
One might say ..... "well how does 'bigness' affect my daily life?" In just about every way possible. Government is not the problem. Big, out-of-control, inept, criminally negligent and corrupt institutions, including government, are the problem!
True, but who is going to "fix" it? From our perspective and extended observations it isn't likely to be We the People. Consequently, the problems are not going to be fixed until "We the People" unite and decide they've had enough. But over half the people want "something" from government and are getting it, while the other less than half just want to be left alone by government. So far the over half wanting "something" from government have the majority of the votes and are winning, in spite of what President Trump is attempting to do.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"You Ain't Never Going To Drain the American Swamp!”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, October 22, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
"If you fired 50% of the employees of the American government bureaucracy, federal, state, or local, you would still have a Progressive - Liberal infested, fetid, smelly swamp of Progressive brainwashed workers who graduated from one or more of the liberal American colleges and have no concept of individual freedom or unalienable rights." Ron Ewart
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Millions of people watched last Sunday's 60 Minute double segment expose' of the opioid epidemic and the efforts by U. S. Drug Enforcement (DEA) to stem the tide of illicit opioid prescriptions flooding the market from three major drug distributors and sending thousands upon thousands of opioid addicts to their deaths. But Drug Enforcement efforts were thwarted by Pharmaceutical lobbyists who managed to get a bill passed that severely limited DEA efforts to put the bad guys away.
What became immediately apparent from the story is that the big business - big government collusion, racketeering swamp was well oiled and working like it always does when awash in big money. Many of the DEA attorneys responsible for investigating and prosecuting illegal opioid distribution were spirited away with the offer of big salaries by the major drug distributors, who then lobbied for the drug distributors to obtain favorable legislation in Congress. Since most members of Congress have no honor, on either side of the aisle, the offer of big money for their next campaign (or money in their pockets) is too tempting to pass up. One of the sponsors of the bill that severely limited DEA opioid drug enforcement was appointed by the President to become the next Drug Czar.
And IRS Commissioner John Koskinen who lied to Congress in the IRS targeting scandal is still the IRS Commissioner. So much for draining the swamp.
So you see ladies and gentlemen, the "SWAMP" is still operating at full tilt and as it stands right now, nothing is going to stop it. Trump can't or won't stop it and Congress doesn't want to stop it, being part of the SWAMP's big-business, big-money collusion racket.
Government, at least in what is left of the Constitutional Republic of America, is (or was) about preserving, protecting and defending the individual, God-given rights of the people. Government is (or was) also about service, service to the people for functions that only government can accomplish. In America, the people established the government and the government was and is supposed to be the servant for the people. But alas, it is a fact, the servant has become the master without a shot being fired and the SWAMP is in full control..
Government (the SWAMP) has sent hither swarms of officers and bureaucrats to pass millions of unconstitutional laws and eat out our substance. The ironic part is, these bureaucrats that harass the people were the creation of past and current Congresses and presidents, in direct violation of their solemn oaths to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and the rights of the people.
The duty of those Congresses and presidents was to provide oversight to the bureaucracies, but as anyone can see from observing just the current scandals with the Veterans Administration, the Justice Department, the NSA, the INS, the FBI, the USDA, the DOE, the DHS, the IRS, the BLM, the EPA, etc., oversight is a mirage and out-of-control bureaucracies with dictatorial powers (the SWAMP) are the reality. In fact, it has gotten so bad, that bureaucracies have become an irreversible power unto themselves and the Congress, much less the president, appear to be powerless or unwilling to rein them in, or stop them. What exists today is a culture of criminally wasteful and corrupt bureaucratic employee entitlement, funded at great expense by the hapless and virtually helpless American taxpayer.
If Congress won't pass legislation that the bureaucrats want, the president just writes an executive order, or the bureaucrats just promulgate a rule, thereby effectively repealing Article 1, Section 1 of the U. S. Constitution. What constitution? Maybe the dog ate it.
THE VA: The most volatile scandal today involving a bureaucracy is the Veterans Administration (VA). The VA has been a scandal for decades and everyone in and out of government has known it but has done nothing. It is a prime example of the inefficiency of big government (the SWAMP) that prides itself in protecting its turf, wasting billions of tax dollars and rewarding its perpetrators with bonuses. If the VA is any example of administering a single-payer health care system for veterans as a government-run bureaucracy, the people must be loving how government is running Obama Care. In 2009 we wrote 18 Basic Principles for America. Principle number 17 states the following:
"17. The entire Veterans Administration office should be overhauled and new policies put in place with the funds to match. These new policies would create an absolute priority for treating our veterans and their families with respect, honor, dignity and the admiration that they deserve. These people gave their lives, mind and limbs in the service of our country, defending our cherished freedoms. The current VA programs are an egregious affront to these individuals and an abysmal travesty."
But then who will implement this reasonable and justifiable solution? The Congress? Not likely. The VA has too many friends in high places because it is just another out-of-control federal bureaucracy (the SWAMP) living high off of our money.
MEDICARE: (the SWAMP) A recent Office of Inspector General (OIG) report on the multi-billion dollar waste, fraud and abuse in the Medicare program, determined that it was more effective financially to do nothing, rather than trying to fix the problem. If the government is so careless about spending the people's tax dollars, why then should the people care about paying those tax dollars? Why indeed!
THE EPA: (the SWAMP) Another out-of-control government bureaucracy is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It is proposing two new rules that will have a significant negative impact on the economy and a disastrous effect on local land use control and property rights, especially for rural landowners.
Comes now the EPA, at the direction of radical environmentalists, to promulgate rules for CO2 emissions from gas and coal-fired power plants based on flawed climate computer models. (See " "Global Mass Hysteria From Notoriously Inaccurate Climate Modeling") The overly strict new rules, without a doubt, would stifle economic growth by raising energy prices and killing much needed jobs if the Trump Administration had not reached in to stop it.
THE BLM: (The SWAMP) Many of us witnessed the abuse of power by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) at the Bundy cattle ranch in Nevada, Senator Harry Reid's royal desert stronghold. It was all over the news for a couple of weeks. When the heavily armed BLM SWAT team was faced with a bunch of angry landowners, cowboys and militia, the BLM stood down, thankfully.
But this is just one area in which the out-of-control bureaucracy known as the BLM is exercising dictatorial power over other disputed lands in the West, to the point that an armed cadre of open carry landowners and militia were confronting the BLM along the Red River in Texas. A similar event was occurring in New Mexico at the time.
Once again, the BLM, the EPA, the Department of U. S. Fish and Wildlife, the Forest Service, the National Park Service and the Department of Agriculture (the SWAMP) are all dancing to the radical environmentalist's agenda. This agenda emanates from the United Nations under the Agenda 21 accord, which the American government, by presidential executive order, codified into American law without a treaty being debated and ratified by the U. S. Congress.
THE DHS: (The SWAMP) The Department of Homeland Security was formed not long after the airborne terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 on the Twin Towers in New York and the Pentagon in Washington DC. This new cabinet level agency, under the president, combined 22 other government agencies into one giant bureaucracy, employing over 200,000 people with an operating budget of almost $100 Billion. It covers all Immigration and Border Patrol functions, U. S. Customs Service, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services, etc. Its original function was to:
"The mission of the Office will be to develop and coordinate the implementation of a comprehensive national strategy to secure the United States from terrorist threats or attacks. The Office will coordinate the executive branch's efforts to detect, prepare for, prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from terrorist attacks within the United States."
So why did DHS purchase 1.5 billion rounds of hollow point bullets and over 7,500 fully automatic assault rifles and is providing armored vehicles and SWAT equipment to major urban police departments around the country and other federal agencies, like the BLM? Was this to fend off a significant terrorist attack, or was this massive weapons build-up to be used against the citizens of the United States who have had enough of the SWAMP?
THE IRS: (The SWAMP) The Internal Revenue Service, another aggressive, out-of-control government agency, viciously collects our money in the form of taxes so that it can feed all these out-of-control dictatorial bureaucracies that pass unconstitutional rules (laws) and feed millions of illegal aliens with child tax credits.
What these American bureaucracies are doing is exactly what King George III did to the people of the 13 colonies that led to the American Revolution and the birth of freedom. Today, the IRS knows no law but its own and seems to be impervious to independent investigation or congressional oversight. It is a dictatorial power unto itself that Congress and the president allow to exist. It uses that power against the people in violation of due process and other constitutional protections. The income tax law may even be illegal.
We have barely touched the surface of the federal bureaucracies without hardly mentioning the hundreds of local and state bureaucracies. The President's cabinet consists of 15 major bureaucracies and each secretary of each cabinet answers directly to the president. But no matter who is president, the U. S. Supreme Court has given all of the federal bureaucracies the power to operate as they see fit and their decisions could not be challenged, until just recently. In the last 100 plus years, through unconstitutional legislation from Congress and the President and U. S. Supreme Court decisions, America has been silently converted from a Constitutional Republic into a SWAMP BUREAUCRACY and most of the American people are clueless. From all appearances, it appears to be virtually impossible to peacefully drain the American SWAMP.
Let us know if you have a suggestion on how to DRAIN THE SWAMP.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
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Millions of people watched last Sunday's 60 Minute double segment expose' of the opioid epidemic and the efforts by U. S. Drug Enforcement (DEA) to stem the tide of illicit opioid prescriptions flooding the market from three major drug distributors and sending thousands upon thousands of opioid addicts to their deaths. But Drug Enforcement efforts were thwarted by Pharmaceutical lobbyists who managed to get a bill passed that severely limited DEA efforts to put the bad guys away.
What became immediately apparent from the story is that the big business - big government collusion, racketeering swamp was well oiled and working like it always does when awash in big money. Many of the DEA attorneys responsible for investigating and prosecuting illegal opioid distribution were spirited away with the offer of big salaries by the major drug distributors, who then lobbied for the drug distributors to obtain favorable legislation in Congress. Since most members of Congress have no honor, on either side of the aisle, the offer of big money for their next campaign (or money in their pockets) is too tempting to pass up. One of the sponsors of the bill that severely limited DEA opioid drug enforcement was appointed by the President to become the next Drug Czar.
And IRS Commissioner John Koskinen who lied to Congress in the IRS targeting scandal is still the IRS Commissioner. So much for draining the swamp.
So you see ladies and gentlemen, the "SWAMP" is still operating at full tilt and as it stands right now, nothing is going to stop it. Trump can't or won't stop it and Congress doesn't want to stop it, being part of the SWAMP's big-business, big-money collusion racket.
Government, at least in what is left of the Constitutional Republic of America, is (or was) about preserving, protecting and defending the individual, God-given rights of the people. Government is (or was) also about service, service to the people for functions that only government can accomplish. In America, the people established the government and the government was and is supposed to be the servant for the people. But alas, it is a fact, the servant has become the master without a shot being fired and the SWAMP is in full control..
Government (the SWAMP) has sent hither swarms of officers and bureaucrats to pass millions of unconstitutional laws and eat out our substance. The ironic part is, these bureaucrats that harass the people were the creation of past and current Congresses and presidents, in direct violation of their solemn oaths to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and the rights of the people.
The duty of those Congresses and presidents was to provide oversight to the bureaucracies, but as anyone can see from observing just the current scandals with the Veterans Administration, the Justice Department, the NSA, the INS, the FBI, the USDA, the DOE, the DHS, the IRS, the BLM, the EPA, etc., oversight is a mirage and out-of-control bureaucracies with dictatorial powers (the SWAMP) are the reality. In fact, it has gotten so bad, that bureaucracies have become an irreversible power unto themselves and the Congress, much less the president, appear to be powerless or unwilling to rein them in, or stop them. What exists today is a culture of criminally wasteful and corrupt bureaucratic employee entitlement, funded at great expense by the hapless and virtually helpless American taxpayer.
If Congress won't pass legislation that the bureaucrats want, the president just writes an executive order, or the bureaucrats just promulgate a rule, thereby effectively repealing Article 1, Section 1 of the U. S. Constitution. What constitution? Maybe the dog ate it.
THE VA: The most volatile scandal today involving a bureaucracy is the Veterans Administration (VA). The VA has been a scandal for decades and everyone in and out of government has known it but has done nothing. It is a prime example of the inefficiency of big government (the SWAMP) that prides itself in protecting its turf, wasting billions of tax dollars and rewarding its perpetrators with bonuses. If the VA is any example of administering a single-payer health care system for veterans as a government-run bureaucracy, the people must be loving how government is running Obama Care. In 2009 we wrote 18 Basic Principles for America. Principle number 17 states the following:
"17. The entire Veterans Administration office should be overhauled and new policies put in place with the funds to match. These new policies would create an absolute priority for treating our veterans and their families with respect, honor, dignity and the admiration that they deserve. These people gave their lives, mind and limbs in the service of our country, defending our cherished freedoms. The current VA programs are an egregious affront to these individuals and an abysmal travesty."
But then who will implement this reasonable and justifiable solution? The Congress? Not likely. The VA has too many friends in high places because it is just another out-of-control federal bureaucracy (the SWAMP) living high off of our money.
MEDICARE: (the SWAMP) A recent Office of Inspector General (OIG) report on the multi-billion dollar waste, fraud and abuse in the Medicare program, determined that it was more effective financially to do nothing, rather than trying to fix the problem. If the government is so careless about spending the people's tax dollars, why then should the people care about paying those tax dollars? Why indeed!
THE EPA: (the SWAMP) Another out-of-control government bureaucracy is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It is proposing two new rules that will have a significant negative impact on the economy and a disastrous effect on local land use control and property rights, especially for rural landowners.
Comes now the EPA, at the direction of radical environmentalists, to promulgate rules for CO2 emissions from gas and coal-fired power plants based on flawed climate computer models. (See " "Global Mass Hysteria From Notoriously Inaccurate Climate Modeling") The overly strict new rules, without a doubt, would stifle economic growth by raising energy prices and killing much needed jobs if the Trump Administration had not reached in to stop it.
THE BLM: (The SWAMP) Many of us witnessed the abuse of power by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) at the Bundy cattle ranch in Nevada, Senator Harry Reid's royal desert stronghold. It was all over the news for a couple of weeks. When the heavily armed BLM SWAT team was faced with a bunch of angry landowners, cowboys and militia, the BLM stood down, thankfully.
But this is just one area in which the out-of-control bureaucracy known as the BLM is exercising dictatorial power over other disputed lands in the West, to the point that an armed cadre of open carry landowners and militia were confronting the BLM along the Red River in Texas. A similar event was occurring in New Mexico at the time.
Once again, the BLM, the EPA, the Department of U. S. Fish and Wildlife, the Forest Service, the National Park Service and the Department of Agriculture (the SWAMP) are all dancing to the radical environmentalist's agenda. This agenda emanates from the United Nations under the Agenda 21 accord, which the American government, by presidential executive order, codified into American law without a treaty being debated and ratified by the U. S. Congress.
THE DHS: (The SWAMP) The Department of Homeland Security was formed not long after the airborne terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 on the Twin Towers in New York and the Pentagon in Washington DC. This new cabinet level agency, under the president, combined 22 other government agencies into one giant bureaucracy, employing over 200,000 people with an operating budget of almost $100 Billion. It covers all Immigration and Border Patrol functions, U. S. Customs Service, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services, etc. Its original function was to:
"The mission of the Office will be to develop and coordinate the implementation of a comprehensive national strategy to secure the United States from terrorist threats or attacks. The Office will coordinate the executive branch's efforts to detect, prepare for, prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from terrorist attacks within the United States."
So why did DHS purchase 1.5 billion rounds of hollow point bullets and over 7,500 fully automatic assault rifles and is providing armored vehicles and SWAT equipment to major urban police departments around the country and other federal agencies, like the BLM? Was this to fend off a significant terrorist attack, or was this massive weapons build-up to be used against the citizens of the United States who have had enough of the SWAMP?
THE IRS: (The SWAMP) The Internal Revenue Service, another aggressive, out-of-control government agency, viciously collects our money in the form of taxes so that it can feed all these out-of-control dictatorial bureaucracies that pass unconstitutional rules (laws) and feed millions of illegal aliens with child tax credits.
What these American bureaucracies are doing is exactly what King George III did to the people of the 13 colonies that led to the American Revolution and the birth of freedom. Today, the IRS knows no law but its own and seems to be impervious to independent investigation or congressional oversight. It is a dictatorial power unto itself that Congress and the president allow to exist. It uses that power against the people in violation of due process and other constitutional protections. The income tax law may even be illegal.
We have barely touched the surface of the federal bureaucracies without hardly mentioning the hundreds of local and state bureaucracies. The President's cabinet consists of 15 major bureaucracies and each secretary of each cabinet answers directly to the president. But no matter who is president, the U. S. Supreme Court has given all of the federal bureaucracies the power to operate as they see fit and their decisions could not be challenged, until just recently. In the last 100 plus years, through unconstitutional legislation from Congress and the President and U. S. Supreme Court decisions, America has been silently converted from a Constitutional Republic into a SWAMP BUREAUCRACY and most of the American people are clueless. From all appearances, it appears to be virtually impossible to peacefully drain the American SWAMP.
Let us know if you have a suggestion on how to DRAIN THE SWAMP.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Global Mass Hysteria From Notoriously Inaccurate Climate Modeling”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, October 8, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
"Never have so many been so duped by so few and paid such a huge price for failing to use logic and their innate intellect and common sense, to poke holes in a radical, monumental, environmental climate swindle and con game." Ron Ewart
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Climate change, alias man-caused global warming, is everywhere. It's under rocks, behind trees, in the classroom, in textbooks, on TV and radio and in every newspaper. It's on the lips of U. S. presidents and other world leaders. It's in Europe and the United Nations. It is in Central and South America. It's in Africa, Australia, New Zealand and even Canada. The Russians, Chinese and even the people of India believe in it. It's up in the sky and down in the ground and lurks deep in the oceans. Monster-CO2-footprint Al Gore is obsessed by it.
For all we know the Polar Bears in the Arctic and the Penguins in Antarctica believe in it. It may even be in outer space if you believe the climate alarmists. It's in our public schools and colleges and fully embedded in government. It's buried deep in the psyche of little children who have been brainwashed by their brainwashed parents and K-12 teachers. Mothers believe it. Fathers believe it. Teenagers believe it and millennials believe it. Little children go to bed at night fearing it.
According to the purveyors of climate change, the science is settled and anyone who disagrees with the alleged "science" should be prosecuted for providing false information to the public. If a person can be prosecuted for denying climate change, then every politician who ever engaged in a political campaign should be in jail for lying.
The dirty little secret is that climate computer models have gained the power to create planet-wide mass hysteria resulting from endless planet-wide propaganda based on agenda-driven, flawed science. Why? Because these notoriously inaccurate computer models tell us that "climate change" is man's greatest threat to his survival and we are all going to die if we don't PAY UP, especially Americans! Drivel! Poppy Cock! Balderdash!
What is even worse is that the Environmental Protection Agency with the power to make rules and policy, believes in it so deeply that it issued a "Declaration Of Climate Endangerment." On December 7, 2009, the then Administrator signed two distinct findings regarding greenhouse gases under section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act:
The EPA's findings are based solely on notoriously inaccurate computer models and computer models are based on such a wide array of variables as to render most of them worth less than every-day toilet paper. (In fact, toilet paper may be much more useful.)
NOTE: Fortunately, the Trump Administration and Scott Pruitt, EPA Administrator, have called for a more thorough review and analysis of the EPA's 2009 Endangerment Finding and are challenging its assertions.
Any scientist worth the paper upon which his advanced degree is printed, knows that trying to model a non-linear dynamic system with computers (like weather) is fraught with such a wide menu of variables where even a miniscule change in any one variable can have a massive influence on the final prediction.
Case in point. Scientists Edward N. Lorenz Lorenz (1917 to 2008) built a mathematical model of the way air moves around in the atmosphere. As Lorenz studied weather patterns he began to realize that the weather patterns did not always behave as predicted. (Hmmm! Imagine that!) Minute variations in the initial values of variables in his twelve-variable computer weather model would result in grossly divergent weather predictions. His fairly accurate and massive data set had numbers out to six (6) places to the right of the decimal, as in "21.352467." He ran the computer models with the data set he had, using all six decimal places but then decided to drop the last three decimal places and ran his computer model again. The outcome with the last three (3) decimal places missing was vastly changed from the outcome using six (6) decimal places. What he discovered was that sensitive dependence on initial conditions (the "Butterfly Effect") meant that weather predictions more than a week out (or even less) are generally inaccurate. (Anyone watching the daily weather reports knows that)
Not wanting to rely on just one scientist for our climate model error analysis, we found another source on climate model errors at the accredited Hoover Institute in an article entitled: "Flawed Climate Models" at this link: https://www.hoover.org/research/flawed-climate-models The article opens with:
"The atmosphere is about 0.8˚ Celsius warmer than it was in 1850. Given that the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide has risen 40 percent since 1750 and that CO2 is a greenhouse gas, a reasonable hypothesis is that the increase in CO2 has caused, and is causing, global warming."
"But a hypothesis is just that. We have virtually no ability to run controlled experiments, such as raising and lowering CO2 levels in the atmosphere and measuring the resulting change in temperatures. What else can we do? We can build elaborate computer models that use physics to calculate how energy flows into, through, and out of our planet’s land, water, and atmosphere. Indeed, such models have been created and are frequently used today to make dire predictions about the fate of our Earth."
"The problem is that these models have serious limitations that drastically limit their value in making predictions and in guiding policy. Specifically, three major problems exist. Each one alone is enough to make one doubt the predictions. All three errors together deal a devastating blow to the forecasts of the current models."
The article goes on to describe the three major climate-modeling elements where errors occur; measurement errors, Sun errors and cloud errors. This doesn't take into account volcano eruption errors, ocean current and temperature errors, cosmic ray errors and jet stream, wind and tide errors. The article concludes with:
"If someone with a hand-held stopwatch tells you that a runner cut his time by 0.00005 seconds, you should be skeptical. If someone with a climate model tells you that a 0.036 W/m–2 CO2 signal can be detected within an environment of 150 W/m–2 error, you should be just as skeptical." (read it again!)
Note: "W/m-2" = "Watts per square meter" and is a parameter used in climate modeling.
"As Willie Soon and his co-authors found, 'Our current lack of understanding of the Earth’s climate system does not allow us to determine reliably the magnitude of climate change that will be caused by anthropogenic (human) CO2 emissions, let alone whether this change will be for better or for worse.'"
Have you seen this article anywhere in the mainstream media? No!
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Mass Hysteria: " (also known as collective obsessive behavior) is a phenomenon that transmits collective illusions of threats, whether real or imaginary, through a population in society as a result of rumors and fear."
In April of 1954, in Seattle, Washington, before the liberal socio-virus had infected the entire city and now most of the state, Washington State experienced a phenomenon known as the pitted windshield mystery. It seems, upon close inspection, everyone's car windshield had tiny pits in them, or so everyone thought. It started up north in the state and rapidly spread to the big city of Seattle within a week. The print and radio news media (not much television then) picked it up and suddenly, out of nowhere there was a full-blown mass hysteria on what was causing the pits. From cosmic radiation, to sand fleas, to extra terrestrial microscopic invasions, to the Navy's new million-watt transmitter, to micro-organisms that ate glass, to a shift in the Earth's magnetic field, there were no end of answers to this bizarre mystery. The event was a textbook case of mass hysteria, or collective delusion, aided and abetted by a willing news media. What people were seeing was the normal wear and tear on a car's windshield. They imagined the rest.
The fact is, all it takes is a few extraneous pieces of information or a wild hair of an idea to connect unrelated dots, for whatever reason. Then throw in a large measure of irrational emotion and a conspiracy theory is born, especially if it is allegedly supported by so-called "irrefutable" science. With the Internet, a conspiracy theory, fully documented with doctored science, hits cyberspace and the race is on to expand the conspiracy beyond any semblance of common sense. Of course, in all conspiracy theories, there must be a villain to be vilified or feared and a victim to be pitied. The range of villains and victims is only limited by the imagination and designs of the perpetrators, aided and abetted by the unbridled hysteria of the population at large. Like an avalanche, the conspiracy must run its course until it expends its energy, or finally becomes unbelievable, as the truth outs.
But some mass hysteria is purposely induced in the population with malice aforethought, by an individual, or a group of individuals with a hidden agenda and something to gain, whether it be control, territory, money, power, or all of the above.
We are not prone to accepting any conspiracy theories at face value without a full vetting. Most of them are suspect at best and outright lies at worst. But some have a kernel of truth that surrounds them. Such is this mass hysteria by an entire world population over the fraud that is man-caused global warming, a radical environmentalist's construct. It has been propagandized by world government bodies and supposedly credible authorities and has been parroted by the print and electronic news media and federal, state and local governments here in America and abroad. It is further re-enforced by international accords, like Kyoto and the Paris Climate Change Agreement. The basic tool for promoting climate change by the environmentalists and government, are unproven science, rumors and FEAR.
Our own Federal government has taken over the curriculum of the entire public school system and now indoctrinates (brainwashes) our public school and college-age children with fear and intimidation over a non-crisis, that has been wholly manufactured by international government bodies and co-conspirators in science, either with a political axe to grind (world domination and/or a massive transfer of wealth), or an eye on the next grant money coming out of the public treasury for further climate research.
Even as the science mounts against man-caused global warming, this valid, credible science is totally ignored by environmentalists, the government and the full range of the worldwide news media. Articles supporting the fraud appear frequently in newspapers and on radio and TV reports, but hardly a peep is heard about the science debunking it.
This never-ending propaganda stream of made-as-instructed climate science has been spoon fed to a gullible, naive, non-thinking population who couldn't tell a non-truth if it bit them on the behind. The perpetrators and purveyors of this fraud have done so on a planet-wide scale of unprecedented proportions, fully exploiting the self-induced prevailing insanity of our times, into a feeding frenzy of global mass hysteria for the sole purpose of population subjugation and wealth redistribution, using computer climate models as the weapon. - - - END - - -
We have posted many more credible articles challenging IPCC Climate Change computer models on our website HERE.
If you are a rural landowner, don't forget to check out our powerful, legally intimidating No Trespassing signs HERE.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
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Climate change, alias man-caused global warming, is everywhere. It's under rocks, behind trees, in the classroom, in textbooks, on TV and radio and in every newspaper. It's on the lips of U. S. presidents and other world leaders. It's in Europe and the United Nations. It is in Central and South America. It's in Africa, Australia, New Zealand and even Canada. The Russians, Chinese and even the people of India believe in it. It's up in the sky and down in the ground and lurks deep in the oceans. Monster-CO2-footprint Al Gore is obsessed by it.
For all we know the Polar Bears in the Arctic and the Penguins in Antarctica believe in it. It may even be in outer space if you believe the climate alarmists. It's in our public schools and colleges and fully embedded in government. It's buried deep in the psyche of little children who have been brainwashed by their brainwashed parents and K-12 teachers. Mothers believe it. Fathers believe it. Teenagers believe it and millennials believe it. Little children go to bed at night fearing it.
According to the purveyors of climate change, the science is settled and anyone who disagrees with the alleged "science" should be prosecuted for providing false information to the public. If a person can be prosecuted for denying climate change, then every politician who ever engaged in a political campaign should be in jail for lying.
The dirty little secret is that climate computer models have gained the power to create planet-wide mass hysteria resulting from endless planet-wide propaganda based on agenda-driven, flawed science. Why? Because these notoriously inaccurate computer models tell us that "climate change" is man's greatest threat to his survival and we are all going to die if we don't PAY UP, especially Americans! Drivel! Poppy Cock! Balderdash!
What is even worse is that the Environmental Protection Agency with the power to make rules and policy, believes in it so deeply that it issued a "Declaration Of Climate Endangerment." On December 7, 2009, the then Administrator signed two distinct findings regarding greenhouse gases under section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act:
- Endangerment Finding: The Administrator finds that the current and projected concentrations of the six key well-mixed greenhouse gases—carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluoro-carbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)—in the atmosphere threaten the public health and welfare of current and future generations.
- Cause or Contribute Finding: The Administrator finds that the combined emissions of these well-mixed greenhouse gases from new motor vehicles and new motor vehicle engines contribute to the greenhouse gas pollution, which threatens public health and welfare.
The EPA's findings are based solely on notoriously inaccurate computer models and computer models are based on such a wide array of variables as to render most of them worth less than every-day toilet paper. (In fact, toilet paper may be much more useful.)
NOTE: Fortunately, the Trump Administration and Scott Pruitt, EPA Administrator, have called for a more thorough review and analysis of the EPA's 2009 Endangerment Finding and are challenging its assertions.
Any scientist worth the paper upon which his advanced degree is printed, knows that trying to model a non-linear dynamic system with computers (like weather) is fraught with such a wide menu of variables where even a miniscule change in any one variable can have a massive influence on the final prediction.
Case in point. Scientists Edward N. Lorenz Lorenz (1917 to 2008) built a mathematical model of the way air moves around in the atmosphere. As Lorenz studied weather patterns he began to realize that the weather patterns did not always behave as predicted. (Hmmm! Imagine that!) Minute variations in the initial values of variables in his twelve-variable computer weather model would result in grossly divergent weather predictions. His fairly accurate and massive data set had numbers out to six (6) places to the right of the decimal, as in "21.352467." He ran the computer models with the data set he had, using all six decimal places but then decided to drop the last three decimal places and ran his computer model again. The outcome with the last three (3) decimal places missing was vastly changed from the outcome using six (6) decimal places. What he discovered was that sensitive dependence on initial conditions (the "Butterfly Effect") meant that weather predictions more than a week out (or even less) are generally inaccurate. (Anyone watching the daily weather reports knows that)
Not wanting to rely on just one scientist for our climate model error analysis, we found another source on climate model errors at the accredited Hoover Institute in an article entitled: "Flawed Climate Models" at this link: https://www.hoover.org/research/flawed-climate-models The article opens with:
"The atmosphere is about 0.8˚ Celsius warmer than it was in 1850. Given that the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide has risen 40 percent since 1750 and that CO2 is a greenhouse gas, a reasonable hypothesis is that the increase in CO2 has caused, and is causing, global warming."
"But a hypothesis is just that. We have virtually no ability to run controlled experiments, such as raising and lowering CO2 levels in the atmosphere and measuring the resulting change in temperatures. What else can we do? We can build elaborate computer models that use physics to calculate how energy flows into, through, and out of our planet’s land, water, and atmosphere. Indeed, such models have been created and are frequently used today to make dire predictions about the fate of our Earth."
"The problem is that these models have serious limitations that drastically limit their value in making predictions and in guiding policy. Specifically, three major problems exist. Each one alone is enough to make one doubt the predictions. All three errors together deal a devastating blow to the forecasts of the current models."
The article goes on to describe the three major climate-modeling elements where errors occur; measurement errors, Sun errors and cloud errors. This doesn't take into account volcano eruption errors, ocean current and temperature errors, cosmic ray errors and jet stream, wind and tide errors. The article concludes with:
"If someone with a hand-held stopwatch tells you that a runner cut his time by 0.00005 seconds, you should be skeptical. If someone with a climate model tells you that a 0.036 W/m–2 CO2 signal can be detected within an environment of 150 W/m–2 error, you should be just as skeptical." (read it again!)
Note: "W/m-2" = "Watts per square meter" and is a parameter used in climate modeling.
"As Willie Soon and his co-authors found, 'Our current lack of understanding of the Earth’s climate system does not allow us to determine reliably the magnitude of climate change that will be caused by anthropogenic (human) CO2 emissions, let alone whether this change will be for better or for worse.'"
Have you seen this article anywhere in the mainstream media? No!
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Mass Hysteria: " (also known as collective obsessive behavior) is a phenomenon that transmits collective illusions of threats, whether real or imaginary, through a population in society as a result of rumors and fear."
In April of 1954, in Seattle, Washington, before the liberal socio-virus had infected the entire city and now most of the state, Washington State experienced a phenomenon known as the pitted windshield mystery. It seems, upon close inspection, everyone's car windshield had tiny pits in them, or so everyone thought. It started up north in the state and rapidly spread to the big city of Seattle within a week. The print and radio news media (not much television then) picked it up and suddenly, out of nowhere there was a full-blown mass hysteria on what was causing the pits. From cosmic radiation, to sand fleas, to extra terrestrial microscopic invasions, to the Navy's new million-watt transmitter, to micro-organisms that ate glass, to a shift in the Earth's magnetic field, there were no end of answers to this bizarre mystery. The event was a textbook case of mass hysteria, or collective delusion, aided and abetted by a willing news media. What people were seeing was the normal wear and tear on a car's windshield. They imagined the rest.
The fact is, all it takes is a few extraneous pieces of information or a wild hair of an idea to connect unrelated dots, for whatever reason. Then throw in a large measure of irrational emotion and a conspiracy theory is born, especially if it is allegedly supported by so-called "irrefutable" science. With the Internet, a conspiracy theory, fully documented with doctored science, hits cyberspace and the race is on to expand the conspiracy beyond any semblance of common sense. Of course, in all conspiracy theories, there must be a villain to be vilified or feared and a victim to be pitied. The range of villains and victims is only limited by the imagination and designs of the perpetrators, aided and abetted by the unbridled hysteria of the population at large. Like an avalanche, the conspiracy must run its course until it expends its energy, or finally becomes unbelievable, as the truth outs.
But some mass hysteria is purposely induced in the population with malice aforethought, by an individual, or a group of individuals with a hidden agenda and something to gain, whether it be control, territory, money, power, or all of the above.
We are not prone to accepting any conspiracy theories at face value without a full vetting. Most of them are suspect at best and outright lies at worst. But some have a kernel of truth that surrounds them. Such is this mass hysteria by an entire world population over the fraud that is man-caused global warming, a radical environmentalist's construct. It has been propagandized by world government bodies and supposedly credible authorities and has been parroted by the print and electronic news media and federal, state and local governments here in America and abroad. It is further re-enforced by international accords, like Kyoto and the Paris Climate Change Agreement. The basic tool for promoting climate change by the environmentalists and government, are unproven science, rumors and FEAR.
Our own Federal government has taken over the curriculum of the entire public school system and now indoctrinates (brainwashes) our public school and college-age children with fear and intimidation over a non-crisis, that has been wholly manufactured by international government bodies and co-conspirators in science, either with a political axe to grind (world domination and/or a massive transfer of wealth), or an eye on the next grant money coming out of the public treasury for further climate research.
Even as the science mounts against man-caused global warming, this valid, credible science is totally ignored by environmentalists, the government and the full range of the worldwide news media. Articles supporting the fraud appear frequently in newspapers and on radio and TV reports, but hardly a peep is heard about the science debunking it.
This never-ending propaganda stream of made-as-instructed climate science has been spoon fed to a gullible, naive, non-thinking population who couldn't tell a non-truth if it bit them on the behind. The perpetrators and purveyors of this fraud have done so on a planet-wide scale of unprecedented proportions, fully exploiting the self-induced prevailing insanity of our times, into a feeding frenzy of global mass hysteria for the sole purpose of population subjugation and wealth redistribution, using computer climate models as the weapon. - - - END - - -
We have posted many more credible articles challenging IPCC Climate Change computer models on our website HERE.
If you are a rural landowner, don't forget to check out our powerful, legally intimidating No Trespassing signs HERE.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Those That Can Fix It Just Keep Kicking the Can”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
ÓCopyright Sunday, October 1, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
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On November 8, 2016 the American people assessed the damage inflicted on the nation by years of collectivist mis-government and delivered a thundering verdict at the polls. The election of Donald Trump signaled the culmination of one process in our politics and the beginning of another. What culminated was the growing disenchantment of the American public with shopworn practices generally called "liberal" but which in their devotion to big government and hostility to individual freedom are in fact illiberal and reactionary.
What began was a painstaking effort to restore America to the path of greatness from which it had been derailed by more than a generation of excessive government. By creating an opportunity for such restoration, the election of Donald Trump was a marvelous beginning. But it is crucial to stress that it WAS a beginning and that years of work and struggle remain before our liberties are once again secure.
The federal government of the modern era spends far more money and exercises far more power over our daily lives than our founding fathers could possibly have envisioned and far more than the average citizen of the present hour can possibly imagine. And driven by the dynamics of the welfare state psychology, that spending and the accompanying power have been expanding at a giddy rate that is equally hard to fathom.
Most observers are now willing to admit, the end result of all this spending and government regulation has been a cataclysmic failure. We have created such enormous and costly burden of government spending, taxes and regulation on the home front that we have crushed the productive vigor of the economy while feeding the fires of inflation and excessive increases in the money supply.
Simultaneously, we have seen a drastic weakening of our national posture oversees. Despite the constant outcries that we hear about the military-industrial complex, the truth is that we have actually financed our recent binge of domestic handouts by siphoning money from essential military needs.
In all these respects, the task confronting the Trump Administration and the country can be summed up under a single heading: "To reclaim control of the political system, the economy and the freedom of the average citizen from the elitists who have created all this enormous power and who, because so much of it is insulated from popular authority, still exercise tremendous influence on national policy."
A major part of the problem is the sheer size of the federal government. The central government has grown to such monstrous proportions that it has sucked the lifeblood from our states and local communities, profoundly changing the nature of our federal system. But at the same time, it has become so huge that it is often beyond the control of federal officials - at least the elected ones. To a degree that the average American only dimly comprehends, it runs according to its own momentum.
It is this enormous, rudderless federal government that is the basic source of our economic problems, i. e. run-away spending, confiscatory taxation and oppressive regulation, which together have crushed the life out of our economy.
Until President Trump is able to push his budget and tax rate cuts through Congress, the projected outcome will be a continually declining standard of living, the continued loss of jobs, more government intervention, higher inflation and the ultimate prospect of financial panic and collapse.
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At first blush the reader of our column will be inclined to believe that this author wrote the previous passages, but they would be wrong. We took these passages right out of a booklet by William E. Simon, Treasury Secretary under President Ronald Reagan. The passages were written in 1980 over 37 years ago, in a short book entitled "A Time For Action." The only changes we made were to the date where we substituted November 8, 2016 in place of November 4, 1980 and substituted President Trump for President Reagan. It's an excellent short book and we encourage everyone to read it.
In 37 years nothing has changed except that the problems have grown worse ..... much, much worse. For much longer than that, the Progressives and the fully embedded "Deep State" have thwarted any hopes of changing course. So entrenched in their beliefs that they are "right" and their in-exhaustible lust for power, they are doing everything to impede or outright stop Trump from implementing his goals of America first, plentiful jobs, a healthy economy and peace through unbeatable military strength. Their hidden goal is to destroy or discredit Trump by any means to the point that he will be politically impotent, if not forced to resign. They have academia, the news media and a majority of the American people and now the entire sports community behind them to complete that goal.
This cabal of Progressives, academia and the news media attempted to do the same thing to President Reagan but were essentially unsuccessful, that is until the following four Presidents, at which time they became even more entrenched in America's political system. Under President Obama their entrenchment only strengthened. The "System" they have created may actually be impenetrable.
The inescapable slide of America in the direction of all past countries, societies and cultures cannot be denied. What usually precipitates the destruction comes on the heels of three specific growing conditions. The first condition is societal apathy, the second moral decay and the third, solidification of inflexible "Systems", leading to rapidly increasing regulations, higher taxes and rising central government power.
Laws and special interests drive the "System" and as laws increase, the "System" becomes more inflexible, unsustainably expensive and grossly inefficient. Eventually, these metastasizing maladies of inflexibility, rising costs, inefficiency and resistance to change, drive the "System" into corruption. The "System" becomes so powerful that it becomes virtually impossible to change without an extraordinary effort. Sometimes violence is the only way to change the "System". It is certain that one President in even two terms will not change the "System." The fix, if there is a peaceful fix, could take several generations.
People react to the seemingly impenetrable "System" by becoming more apathetic and resigned to the inevitability of the "System", without considering the possibility that the "System" can be changed. They feel helpless and impotent. Or, maybe they are just plain lazy and the fight has gone out of them. But the reality is, it will take a great deal more effort to defeat the "System" than sitting on the couch watching "Dancing with the Stars" or Sunday Night football, hoping that someone else will do the job.
The "System" is an intertwined entanglement of interlocking national and international interests of commerce, finance and trade, accompanied by government enablers of the "System" in the executive, judicial and legislative branches. The tentacles of one interest are inextricably interwoven into the tentacles of all the other interests. Finding out what drives one, leads to a complex maze of closed doors, backrooms and secret meetings. All the sources are purposely hidden and camouflaged. Traces to find the truth go down dead end paths, or are blocked by impenetrable obstacles. Sources of the "System's" power are elusive and they are anything but constitutional. The "System" exists because of citizen apathy and survives, thrives and grows on the people's money and special interest agendas.
Examples of the "System" are almost endless. Unions, socialists, environmentalists and the broad category of government, at every level, drive America's public education (or should we say indoctrination) "System". Attorneys, judges, court clerks and tens of thousands of state and federal rules, drive the judicial "System", such that if justice ever finds a court, it will have become a worldwide miracle.
Special interests, including internationalists, corporations, unions, socialists and environmentalists, drive federal, state and local governments and each is part of the "System." Corrupt politicians whose only priority is to get elected or re-elected, drive the legislative branch of government and are part of the "System." Even the good politicians, if that is not a contradiction of terms, will eventually be sucked into the "System" if they want to get re-elected.
The "System" gave us the 16th Amendment, the Federal Reserve, the Internal Revenue Service, the New Deal, Social Security, the Great Society, expanded welfare, free cell phones, Medicaid, Medicare and Obama Care with each one just another name for socialism.
The "System" brought Americans the suspension of the Gold Standard. The "System" gave us worthless money that is an instrument of debt, backed by nothing. American currency is valueless, supported by a government-created mirage.
The "System" gave us a news media that is devoid of objectivity and now personifies a wholly liberal "System" bias.
The "System" gave us liberal colleges that now only espouse one liberal viewpoint and silences any other, sometimes violently.
The "System" gave us radical environmentalism that tells man he is a virus on the earth and must be heavily regulated and his basic freedoms must be denied. The "System" gave us the international fraud of man-caused global warming.
The "System" gave us social justice, a liberal ideology that promotes and supports only the collective, never the individual or individual rights. Under this ideology the U. S. Constitution has become virtually meaningless.
So you see ladies and gentlemen, this "Old Wreck" of a country is in dire straits. Those sent to fix "her" are drunk with power and corrupt. The essential parts necessary to fix the "Old Wreck" are no longer being manufactured and are out of memory.
If Trump is not successful and the cabal of Progressives, academia, the news media and over half of the American population (the "System") take him down and regain partial political power in 2018 and full power in 2020, the "Old Wreck" of America will be impossible to repair. As long as those that today have the power to "fix it", keep delaying or kicking the can down the road, a future Reagan or Trump will never be elected because Americans keep allowing history to repeat itself over, and over, and over again in furtherance of their own demise. As long as Senator's Collins, Murkowski, Paul, Portman and McCain keep the Republican Party from completing any meaningful legislation, the Republican Party is impotent, if not dead and will be replaced by the other party at the next election.
Many of our readers lament that we describe the problems but never the solutions. "What are the solutions?" There are no peaceful solutions as long as the Progressives, academia, the news media and over half the American population are in the majority and control the political process. That's reality. Is there another solution? Sure there is, but it's very messy and violent and the outcome may not yield the desired result.
Do you "AGREE" with our assessment?
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
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On November 8, 2016 the American people assessed the damage inflicted on the nation by years of collectivist mis-government and delivered a thundering verdict at the polls. The election of Donald Trump signaled the culmination of one process in our politics and the beginning of another. What culminated was the growing disenchantment of the American public with shopworn practices generally called "liberal" but which in their devotion to big government and hostility to individual freedom are in fact illiberal and reactionary.
What began was a painstaking effort to restore America to the path of greatness from which it had been derailed by more than a generation of excessive government. By creating an opportunity for such restoration, the election of Donald Trump was a marvelous beginning. But it is crucial to stress that it WAS a beginning and that years of work and struggle remain before our liberties are once again secure.
The federal government of the modern era spends far more money and exercises far more power over our daily lives than our founding fathers could possibly have envisioned and far more than the average citizen of the present hour can possibly imagine. And driven by the dynamics of the welfare state psychology, that spending and the accompanying power have been expanding at a giddy rate that is equally hard to fathom.
Most observers are now willing to admit, the end result of all this spending and government regulation has been a cataclysmic failure. We have created such enormous and costly burden of government spending, taxes and regulation on the home front that we have crushed the productive vigor of the economy while feeding the fires of inflation and excessive increases in the money supply.
Simultaneously, we have seen a drastic weakening of our national posture oversees. Despite the constant outcries that we hear about the military-industrial complex, the truth is that we have actually financed our recent binge of domestic handouts by siphoning money from essential military needs.
In all these respects, the task confronting the Trump Administration and the country can be summed up under a single heading: "To reclaim control of the political system, the economy and the freedom of the average citizen from the elitists who have created all this enormous power and who, because so much of it is insulated from popular authority, still exercise tremendous influence on national policy."
A major part of the problem is the sheer size of the federal government. The central government has grown to such monstrous proportions that it has sucked the lifeblood from our states and local communities, profoundly changing the nature of our federal system. But at the same time, it has become so huge that it is often beyond the control of federal officials - at least the elected ones. To a degree that the average American only dimly comprehends, it runs according to its own momentum.
It is this enormous, rudderless federal government that is the basic source of our economic problems, i. e. run-away spending, confiscatory taxation and oppressive regulation, which together have crushed the life out of our economy.
Until President Trump is able to push his budget and tax rate cuts through Congress, the projected outcome will be a continually declining standard of living, the continued loss of jobs, more government intervention, higher inflation and the ultimate prospect of financial panic and collapse.
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At first blush the reader of our column will be inclined to believe that this author wrote the previous passages, but they would be wrong. We took these passages right out of a booklet by William E. Simon, Treasury Secretary under President Ronald Reagan. The passages were written in 1980 over 37 years ago, in a short book entitled "A Time For Action." The only changes we made were to the date where we substituted November 8, 2016 in place of November 4, 1980 and substituted President Trump for President Reagan. It's an excellent short book and we encourage everyone to read it.
In 37 years nothing has changed except that the problems have grown worse ..... much, much worse. For much longer than that, the Progressives and the fully embedded "Deep State" have thwarted any hopes of changing course. So entrenched in their beliefs that they are "right" and their in-exhaustible lust for power, they are doing everything to impede or outright stop Trump from implementing his goals of America first, plentiful jobs, a healthy economy and peace through unbeatable military strength. Their hidden goal is to destroy or discredit Trump by any means to the point that he will be politically impotent, if not forced to resign. They have academia, the news media and a majority of the American people and now the entire sports community behind them to complete that goal.
This cabal of Progressives, academia and the news media attempted to do the same thing to President Reagan but were essentially unsuccessful, that is until the following four Presidents, at which time they became even more entrenched in America's political system. Under President Obama their entrenchment only strengthened. The "System" they have created may actually be impenetrable.
The inescapable slide of America in the direction of all past countries, societies and cultures cannot be denied. What usually precipitates the destruction comes on the heels of three specific growing conditions. The first condition is societal apathy, the second moral decay and the third, solidification of inflexible "Systems", leading to rapidly increasing regulations, higher taxes and rising central government power.
Laws and special interests drive the "System" and as laws increase, the "System" becomes more inflexible, unsustainably expensive and grossly inefficient. Eventually, these metastasizing maladies of inflexibility, rising costs, inefficiency and resistance to change, drive the "System" into corruption. The "System" becomes so powerful that it becomes virtually impossible to change without an extraordinary effort. Sometimes violence is the only way to change the "System". It is certain that one President in even two terms will not change the "System." The fix, if there is a peaceful fix, could take several generations.
People react to the seemingly impenetrable "System" by becoming more apathetic and resigned to the inevitability of the "System", without considering the possibility that the "System" can be changed. They feel helpless and impotent. Or, maybe they are just plain lazy and the fight has gone out of them. But the reality is, it will take a great deal more effort to defeat the "System" than sitting on the couch watching "Dancing with the Stars" or Sunday Night football, hoping that someone else will do the job.
The "System" is an intertwined entanglement of interlocking national and international interests of commerce, finance and trade, accompanied by government enablers of the "System" in the executive, judicial and legislative branches. The tentacles of one interest are inextricably interwoven into the tentacles of all the other interests. Finding out what drives one, leads to a complex maze of closed doors, backrooms and secret meetings. All the sources are purposely hidden and camouflaged. Traces to find the truth go down dead end paths, or are blocked by impenetrable obstacles. Sources of the "System's" power are elusive and they are anything but constitutional. The "System" exists because of citizen apathy and survives, thrives and grows on the people's money and special interest agendas.
Examples of the "System" are almost endless. Unions, socialists, environmentalists and the broad category of government, at every level, drive America's public education (or should we say indoctrination) "System". Attorneys, judges, court clerks and tens of thousands of state and federal rules, drive the judicial "System", such that if justice ever finds a court, it will have become a worldwide miracle.
Special interests, including internationalists, corporations, unions, socialists and environmentalists, drive federal, state and local governments and each is part of the "System." Corrupt politicians whose only priority is to get elected or re-elected, drive the legislative branch of government and are part of the "System." Even the good politicians, if that is not a contradiction of terms, will eventually be sucked into the "System" if they want to get re-elected.
The "System" gave us the 16th Amendment, the Federal Reserve, the Internal Revenue Service, the New Deal, Social Security, the Great Society, expanded welfare, free cell phones, Medicaid, Medicare and Obama Care with each one just another name for socialism.
The "System" brought Americans the suspension of the Gold Standard. The "System" gave us worthless money that is an instrument of debt, backed by nothing. American currency is valueless, supported by a government-created mirage.
The "System" gave us a news media that is devoid of objectivity and now personifies a wholly liberal "System" bias.
The "System" gave us liberal colleges that now only espouse one liberal viewpoint and silences any other, sometimes violently.
The "System" gave us radical environmentalism that tells man he is a virus on the earth and must be heavily regulated and his basic freedoms must be denied. The "System" gave us the international fraud of man-caused global warming.
The "System" gave us social justice, a liberal ideology that promotes and supports only the collective, never the individual or individual rights. Under this ideology the U. S. Constitution has become virtually meaningless.
So you see ladies and gentlemen, this "Old Wreck" of a country is in dire straits. Those sent to fix "her" are drunk with power and corrupt. The essential parts necessary to fix the "Old Wreck" are no longer being manufactured and are out of memory.
If Trump is not successful and the cabal of Progressives, academia, the news media and over half of the American population (the "System") take him down and regain partial political power in 2018 and full power in 2020, the "Old Wreck" of America will be impossible to repair. As long as those that today have the power to "fix it", keep delaying or kicking the can down the road, a future Reagan or Trump will never be elected because Americans keep allowing history to repeat itself over, and over, and over again in furtherance of their own demise. As long as Senator's Collins, Murkowski, Paul, Portman and McCain keep the Republican Party from completing any meaningful legislation, the Republican Party is impotent, if not dead and will be replaced by the other party at the next election.
Many of our readers lament that we describe the problems but never the solutions. "What are the solutions?" There are no peaceful solutions as long as the Progressives, academia, the news media and over half the American population are in the majority and control the political process. That's reality. Is there another solution? Sure there is, but it's very messy and violent and the outcome may not yield the desired result.
Do you "AGREE" with our assessment?
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Social Security - The Second Government Socialist Trap”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, September 24, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
"The only reason that Democrats care for the poor, the downtrodden, the sick, the infirmed, the disabled, the Blacks, the Latinos, the LGBT crowd and other minority groups is for the votes they hope to garner by pandering to them, because political power is their only objective. The only reason they lobby for and pass unconstitutional socialist legislation is to buy these groups off for their votes. In their politically driven hearts they care not one whit for these groups. Sadly, they cannot help themselves because after five generations of liberal indoctrination, this Progressive genetic disease is firmly embedded in their gene pool." Ron Ewart
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A few days ago, a columnist in the Washington Post wrote this:
"When Bernie Sanders launched his bid for the Democratic nomination, he was often asked whether he, a democratic socialist, would actually become a Democrat. Now, more than a year after he ignited a movement with his unsuccessful bid, that question is moot. The Democrats have become socialists."
"This became official, more or less, Wednesday afternoon, when Sanders rolled out his socialized health-care plan, Medicare for All, and he was supported by 16 of his Senate Democratic colleagues who signed on as co-sponsors, including the party’s rising stars and potential presidential candidates in 2020: Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris and Kirsten Gillibrand."
The Democrats have now finally come out of the closet and admitted that they are avowed socialists. For those of us with any intellect at all, who have been watching the Democrats for the last 60 years, have known for at least that time that Democrats were and are socialists.
With a close look at FDR's New Deal and Social Security and his "Americans-have-many-more-rights-than-the-first-10-Amendments" speech in 1944, FDR was a socialist. After FDR came Norman Thomas, five-times presidential candidate for the Socialist Party, made it official when he was purported to have said:
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of “liberalism,” they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened. I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democratic Party has adopted our platform.”
It is no coincidence that the meteoric rise of Progressivism came almost simultaneously with the 16th Amendment, the Federal Reserve, the Internal Revenue Service and the Income Tax. The 16th Amendment was the first government socialist trap turning American citizens into indentured servants to the almighty private Federal Reserve for the nation's debt, which now exceeds $20,000,000,000,000 in direct debt and over $100,000,000,000,000 in indirect unfunded liabilities. (That's Trillions)
We may take some hits for writing this since millions of Americans depend almost entirely on Social Security benefits, but Social Security was the second Government socialist trap. It is also very likely that Federal Reserve actions led to the Great Depression, which then led to FDR, the New Deal and Social Security.
In 1950 16.5 workers paid into the system that supported 2.93 million people receiving SS retirement benefits. Today, that number has reduced to three (3) workers paying for 55 million SS retired recipients. The hard fact is, the funding mechanism for Social Security and its affiliated programs are unsustainable and will be broke by 2036, if not sooner. There is no SS lock box. The lock box is filled with government IOU's which the government will have to borrow in order to pay SS retirees, increasing the nation's debt.
Social Security (SS) is not a constitutional right even though you are forced to pay money into it. SS is entirely a social program invented by government that the government can take away any time it feels like it.
Your SS number was originally to be a totally private number but now it is essentially your debtor number for the nation's debt. It is also your national identification number that is used to identify you by government and private enterprise. It can easily be hacked or created out of thin air by knowing how the number is designed. It can be used to steal your identity and trash your credit. The credit-reporting agency Equifax just reported that 143,000,000 American's SS numbers and other private information have been stolen (hacked) by bad actors and now half the adult American population is exposed to identify theft. That's criminal negligence and should be prosecuted.
Your SS number is everywhere! Not only does the government have your SS number but your doctor, your dentist, your insurance agent, the telephone company, your health insurer, your Internet provider and any one of many of your debtors, including your mortgage holder, has it in their files as well and on their computers subject to hacking. Every time you want information from the government or one of these private agencies they ask you for your SS number. But did you know that it is a federal crime for someone in private enterprise to "compel" you to disclose your SS number?
Title 42 of the United States Code, Section 408, paragraph (a)(8) states:
..... any person that discloses, uses, or compels the disclosure of the social security number of any person in violation of the laws of the United States; shall be guilty of a felony and upon conviction thereof shall be fined under title 18 or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both, except that in the case of a person who receives a fee or other income for services performed in connection with any determination with respect to benefits under this subchapter (including a claimant representative, translator, or current or former employee of the Social Security Administration), or who is a physician or other health care provider who submits, or causes the submission of, medical or other evidence in connection with any such determination, such person shall be guilty of a felony and upon conviction thereof shall be fined under title 18, or imprisoned for not more than ten years, or both.
So your doctor or other health care provider can compel you to disclose your SS number because of Medicare and Medicaid but no other private entity can and if they do they are guilty of a felony.
The Social Security System and your SS number have been battered, tweaked, changed, modified and bastardized by Congress and SS Administration rule making since it was signed into law by FDR in 1935. Here are some highlights for SS Number disclosure requirements.
EO 9397 requires all federal agencies to use SSNs whenever the head of the agency finds it advisable to establish a new system of permanent account numbers for individuals.
The Civil Service Commission adopts the SSN to identify federal employees.
IRS begins using the SSN for federal tax reporting.
Medicare enrollment requires enumerating those aged 65 or older with their SSN.
The Veterans Administration begins to use SSNs to keep hospital admissions and patient records, and U.S. Indian programs begin using SSNs.
Legislation requires banks, savings and loan associations, credit unions, and securities dealers to obtain the SSNs of all customers.
Legislation authorizes SSA to assign SSNs to all legally admitted non-citizens at entry and to anyone receiving or applying for a federal benefit. (Non-citizens!!!!!)
Legislation requires an individual to have an SSN as a condition of eligibility for federal benefits.
Legislation authorizes states to require an SSN for taxes, eligibility for state programs, driver's licenses, and motor vehicle registrations.
Legislation requires disclosure of SSNs for members of Food Stamp households.
Legislation requires disclosure of SSNs of all adult members of a household that includes children applying for the school lunch program.
Legislation requires an SSN for all interest-bearing accounts.
Legislation authorizes states to require SSNs for beneficiaries of certain state-administered programs, requires persons engaged in a trade or business to file a report including an SSN to the IRS for cash transactions over $10,000, and requires an alimony payer to furnish the IRS with the SSN of the ex-spouse receiving the payments.
Legislation requires an SSN for all dependents older than age 5 reported on a tax return, for commercial motor vehicle operator's licenses, and for student loan applicants.
Legislation requires an SSN for eligibility under Housing and Urban Development programs, for the parents of newborn children when a state issues a birth certificate, for dependents aged 2 or older of tax filers, for blood donors, and for all Title II (Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance) beneficiaries.
Legislation requires that the National Student Loan Data system include SSNs of borrowers and that the SSNs of the parents of school lunch program applicants be provided.
Legislation requires an SSN for eligibility for Department of Veterans Affairs benefits, for each dependent aged 1 or older claimed by a tax filer, and for officers of stores that redeem Food Stamps.
Welfare reform legislation requires the SSN to be recorded on numerous official documents, including professional licenses, driver's licenses, death certificates, birth records, divorce decrees, marriage licenses, support orders, and paternity determinations. (In 1999, Congress would repeal the requirement for SSNs to be displayed on some of these documents, such as driver's licenses and birth records).
Legislation authorizes the Attorney General to require non-citizens to provide an SSN for any records maintained by the Attorney General or the INS. It also mandates that an SSN appear on driver's licenses (repealed in 1999). Additional legislation requires an SSN applicant under age 18 to provide his or her parents' names and SSNs.
SSA is required to verify the last four digits of the SSN, name, and date of birth for voter registration in federal elections only when an individual cannot provide a driver's license, except where a waiver applies.
EO 13478 rescinds the 1943 EO 9397 requiring federal agencies to use the SSN when establishing a system of permanent account numbers and makes such use optional.
You might just as well have your SS number tattooed on your arm. It is abundantly obvious that your Social Security number being private is gone forever. Everyone has it, including the bad guys.
The advance of socialism in America starting with the 16th Amendment and then Social Security, has been fast and relentless, driven by Progressives buying votes. In the early 60's came President Johnson's Great Society, which increased welfare costs almost exponentially. Did the number of welfare recipient's decrease? Hardly! It just drew more "pigs" to the government "pig trough." It has weakened the human fabric of America, increased urban poverty and broke up the nuclear family, especially in the black precincts, with a financial sledgehammer.
But that wasn't enough socialism for the Democrats. Along came more welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, Medicare and now Obama's Obama Care that is sending health premiums skyrocketing and medical services into disarray.
Each one of these social programs is rife with waste, fraud, abuse and corruption and multiple government programs for bad actors to take advantage on the backs of the taxpayer.
How much do Medicaid and Medicare cost the American taxpayer? Medicare spending grew 4.5% to $646.2 billion in 2015. Medicaid spending grew 9.7% to $545.1 billion in 2015, probably due to Obama Care Medicaid expansion. 20% waste, fraud and abuse amounts to $24 billion down the drain because government can't run any program efficiently.
Now along comes former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and his socialist acolytes (Democrats all) and wants universal, single-payer Medicare for every person in America, without regard to the cost.
Add it all up ladies and gentlemen and America is broke and going deeper in debt. It has been broke for decades, all at the hands of Democrats and Progressives. Somewhere down the line someone is going to have to pay the lender and it could very well cause chaos and revolution in America. If no one GETS IT and is willing to fix it, then chaos and revolution are virtually assured and another experiment with freedom will have failed ..... miserably and violently!
How many of you GET IT?
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
A few days ago, a columnist in the Washington Post wrote this:
"When Bernie Sanders launched his bid for the Democratic nomination, he was often asked whether he, a democratic socialist, would actually become a Democrat. Now, more than a year after he ignited a movement with his unsuccessful bid, that question is moot. The Democrats have become socialists."
"This became official, more or less, Wednesday afternoon, when Sanders rolled out his socialized health-care plan, Medicare for All, and he was supported by 16 of his Senate Democratic colleagues who signed on as co-sponsors, including the party’s rising stars and potential presidential candidates in 2020: Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris and Kirsten Gillibrand."
The Democrats have now finally come out of the closet and admitted that they are avowed socialists. For those of us with any intellect at all, who have been watching the Democrats for the last 60 years, have known for at least that time that Democrats were and are socialists.
With a close look at FDR's New Deal and Social Security and his "Americans-have-many-more-rights-than-the-first-10-Amendments" speech in 1944, FDR was a socialist. After FDR came Norman Thomas, five-times presidential candidate for the Socialist Party, made it official when he was purported to have said:
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of “liberalism,” they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened. I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democratic Party has adopted our platform.”
It is no coincidence that the meteoric rise of Progressivism came almost simultaneously with the 16th Amendment, the Federal Reserve, the Internal Revenue Service and the Income Tax. The 16th Amendment was the first government socialist trap turning American citizens into indentured servants to the almighty private Federal Reserve for the nation's debt, which now exceeds $20,000,000,000,000 in direct debt and over $100,000,000,000,000 in indirect unfunded liabilities. (That's Trillions)
We may take some hits for writing this since millions of Americans depend almost entirely on Social Security benefits, but Social Security was the second Government socialist trap. It is also very likely that Federal Reserve actions led to the Great Depression, which then led to FDR, the New Deal and Social Security.
In 1950 16.5 workers paid into the system that supported 2.93 million people receiving SS retirement benefits. Today, that number has reduced to three (3) workers paying for 55 million SS retired recipients. The hard fact is, the funding mechanism for Social Security and its affiliated programs are unsustainable and will be broke by 2036, if not sooner. There is no SS lock box. The lock box is filled with government IOU's which the government will have to borrow in order to pay SS retirees, increasing the nation's debt.
Social Security (SS) is not a constitutional right even though you are forced to pay money into it. SS is entirely a social program invented by government that the government can take away any time it feels like it.
Your SS number was originally to be a totally private number but now it is essentially your debtor number for the nation's debt. It is also your national identification number that is used to identify you by government and private enterprise. It can easily be hacked or created out of thin air by knowing how the number is designed. It can be used to steal your identity and trash your credit. The credit-reporting agency Equifax just reported that 143,000,000 American's SS numbers and other private information have been stolen (hacked) by bad actors and now half the adult American population is exposed to identify theft. That's criminal negligence and should be prosecuted.
Your SS number is everywhere! Not only does the government have your SS number but your doctor, your dentist, your insurance agent, the telephone company, your health insurer, your Internet provider and any one of many of your debtors, including your mortgage holder, has it in their files as well and on their computers subject to hacking. Every time you want information from the government or one of these private agencies they ask you for your SS number. But did you know that it is a federal crime for someone in private enterprise to "compel" you to disclose your SS number?
Title 42 of the United States Code, Section 408, paragraph (a)(8) states:
..... any person that discloses, uses, or compels the disclosure of the social security number of any person in violation of the laws of the United States; shall be guilty of a felony and upon conviction thereof shall be fined under title 18 or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both, except that in the case of a person who receives a fee or other income for services performed in connection with any determination with respect to benefits under this subchapter (including a claimant representative, translator, or current or former employee of the Social Security Administration), or who is a physician or other health care provider who submits, or causes the submission of, medical or other evidence in connection with any such determination, such person shall be guilty of a felony and upon conviction thereof shall be fined under title 18, or imprisoned for not more than ten years, or both.
So your doctor or other health care provider can compel you to disclose your SS number because of Medicare and Medicaid but no other private entity can and if they do they are guilty of a felony.
The Social Security System and your SS number have been battered, tweaked, changed, modified and bastardized by Congress and SS Administration rule making since it was signed into law by FDR in 1935. Here are some highlights for SS Number disclosure requirements.
EO 9397 requires all federal agencies to use SSNs whenever the head of the agency finds it advisable to establish a new system of permanent account numbers for individuals.
The Civil Service Commission adopts the SSN to identify federal employees.
IRS begins using the SSN for federal tax reporting.
Medicare enrollment requires enumerating those aged 65 or older with their SSN.
The Veterans Administration begins to use SSNs to keep hospital admissions and patient records, and U.S. Indian programs begin using SSNs.
Legislation requires banks, savings and loan associations, credit unions, and securities dealers to obtain the SSNs of all customers.
Legislation authorizes SSA to assign SSNs to all legally admitted non-citizens at entry and to anyone receiving or applying for a federal benefit. (Non-citizens!!!!!)
Legislation requires an individual to have an SSN as a condition of eligibility for federal benefits.
Legislation authorizes states to require an SSN for taxes, eligibility for state programs, driver's licenses, and motor vehicle registrations.
Legislation requires disclosure of SSNs for members of Food Stamp households.
Legislation requires disclosure of SSNs of all adult members of a household that includes children applying for the school lunch program.
Legislation requires an SSN for all interest-bearing accounts.
Legislation authorizes states to require SSNs for beneficiaries of certain state-administered programs, requires persons engaged in a trade or business to file a report including an SSN to the IRS for cash transactions over $10,000, and requires an alimony payer to furnish the IRS with the SSN of the ex-spouse receiving the payments.
Legislation requires an SSN for all dependents older than age 5 reported on a tax return, for commercial motor vehicle operator's licenses, and for student loan applicants.
Legislation requires an SSN for eligibility under Housing and Urban Development programs, for the parents of newborn children when a state issues a birth certificate, for dependents aged 2 or older of tax filers, for blood donors, and for all Title II (Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance) beneficiaries.
Legislation requires that the National Student Loan Data system include SSNs of borrowers and that the SSNs of the parents of school lunch program applicants be provided.
Legislation requires an SSN for eligibility for Department of Veterans Affairs benefits, for each dependent aged 1 or older claimed by a tax filer, and for officers of stores that redeem Food Stamps.
Welfare reform legislation requires the SSN to be recorded on numerous official documents, including professional licenses, driver's licenses, death certificates, birth records, divorce decrees, marriage licenses, support orders, and paternity determinations. (In 1999, Congress would repeal the requirement for SSNs to be displayed on some of these documents, such as driver's licenses and birth records).
Legislation authorizes the Attorney General to require non-citizens to provide an SSN for any records maintained by the Attorney General or the INS. It also mandates that an SSN appear on driver's licenses (repealed in 1999). Additional legislation requires an SSN applicant under age 18 to provide his or her parents' names and SSNs.
SSA is required to verify the last four digits of the SSN, name, and date of birth for voter registration in federal elections only when an individual cannot provide a driver's license, except where a waiver applies.
EO 13478 rescinds the 1943 EO 9397 requiring federal agencies to use the SSN when establishing a system of permanent account numbers and makes such use optional.
You might just as well have your SS number tattooed on your arm. It is abundantly obvious that your Social Security number being private is gone forever. Everyone has it, including the bad guys.
The advance of socialism in America starting with the 16th Amendment and then Social Security, has been fast and relentless, driven by Progressives buying votes. In the early 60's came President Johnson's Great Society, which increased welfare costs almost exponentially. Did the number of welfare recipient's decrease? Hardly! It just drew more "pigs" to the government "pig trough." It has weakened the human fabric of America, increased urban poverty and broke up the nuclear family, especially in the black precincts, with a financial sledgehammer.
But that wasn't enough socialism for the Democrats. Along came more welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, Medicare and now Obama's Obama Care that is sending health premiums skyrocketing and medical services into disarray.
Each one of these social programs is rife with waste, fraud, abuse and corruption and multiple government programs for bad actors to take advantage on the backs of the taxpayer.
How much do Medicaid and Medicare cost the American taxpayer? Medicare spending grew 4.5% to $646.2 billion in 2015. Medicaid spending grew 9.7% to $545.1 billion in 2015, probably due to Obama Care Medicaid expansion. 20% waste, fraud and abuse amounts to $24 billion down the drain because government can't run any program efficiently.
Now along comes former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and his socialist acolytes (Democrats all) and wants universal, single-payer Medicare for every person in America, without regard to the cost.
Add it all up ladies and gentlemen and America is broke and going deeper in debt. It has been broke for decades, all at the hands of Democrats and Progressives. Somewhere down the line someone is going to have to pay the lender and it could very well cause chaos and revolution in America. If no one GETS IT and is willing to fix it, then chaos and revolution are virtually assured and another experiment with freedom will have failed ..... miserably and violently!
How many of you GET IT?
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"The UN is Determined to Swallow America and its Wealth”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, September 10, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
Ever since President Wilson's failed League of Nations, to the United Nations (UN) created in 1945 after World War 2, an international movement has been underway to merge all nations into one-world-government under the umbrella of the United Nations and the iron fist of the world's central bankers. Although the original intent of a United Nations organization was to promote international cooperation, maintain world order and prevent war, the UN has assumed powers and has instituted international policies that virtually strip the sovereignty of member states, including the United States, but has not stopped wars.
Most of the policies the UN promotes and attempts to implement internationally, are based on socialist and Karl Marx principles. Its alleged objectives are to promote human rights, foster social and economic development, protect the environment and provide humanitarian aid in cases of famine, natural disasters, or armed conflict. The UN, for all intent and purposes, has become an international body that tries to enforce those socialist policies on all member states across the globe. America capitulates to the policies of the UN, while the rest of the countries, like Russia and China, thumb their noses at them. We "pay," while the two other super powers get off scot-free and then get in our way when we try to use the UN to perform its stated objectives.
It must be remembered that most of the member states to the UN are either the poorest of the poor, or run by dictators and despots, Russia and China included. The small ones beg at the door of the UN for money (our money) and aid (or special favors) and the UN gives it to them at our expense. The two other super powers manipulate and exploit UN weaknesses for their own self-interests. Climate change is just another way of the UN re-distributing the western world's wealth to the rest of the member states.
The total annual budget of the UN is well in excess of $5 billion. Twenty-four (24) member states, out of a total of 193, provide 87% of the funding for the UN, with the United States providing 22% of that 87%. America's share is well over $1 billion.
What does the United States get for that hefty contribution to the UN?
The UN gave us Agenda 21 wherein Agenda 21's policies can be summarized thusly:
"Agenda 21 is a non-binding, voluntarily implemented action plan of the United Nations with regard to sustainable development. It is a product of the Earth Summit (UN Conference on Environment and Development) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. It is an action agenda for the UN, other multilateral organizations, and individual governments around the world that can be executed at local, national, and global levels."
Sidebar: Several years ago we asked seven environmental groups the meaning of sustainable development and got seven different answers.
Voluntary! Non-binding! Hardly? The United States has implemented most of Agenda 21 wholesale and the American people had no say in the decision. But the above definition belies the underlying intent of Agenda 21 and that is government owning and controlling all land. This "intent" has been publicly promoted in the following UN statement:
"Land, because of its unique nature and the crucial role it plays in human settlements, cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. Social justice, urban renewal and development, the provision of decent dwellings-and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interests of society as a whole."
Contrast this with Thomas Jefferson's statement on American land ownership:
"The right to procure property and to use it for one's own enjoyment is essential to the freedom of every person, and our other rights would mean little without these rights of property ownership."
It doesn't stop with UN's control of the land. The UN wants to control all money, trade, fresh water, food, health care, the environment, the climate, the sea and establish an international army on a global scale. In effect, the UN wants to become the world government to which all other governments must bow down.
The UN's Agenda 21 policy is a direct threat to American sovereignty. Nevertheless past presidents and all American planning agencies have implemented those policies without a treaty being debated and ratified by Congress as required by the Constitution. Agenda 21 has been instituted in America in violation of the law and by stealth and the slight of hand, all at the direction of national and international environmentalists and socialists in bed with the UN.
What else has the UN imposed on the United States?
1. An overt and covert socialist influence on our public schools.
2. Massive UN and member state corruption
3. Attacks on free enterprise and capitalism
4. Interference in our elections (and you thought that just the Russians interfered in our elections)
5. Propping up brutal dictators
6. Promotes spending trillions of dollars to battle alleged climate change with no appreciable benefit (billions of American dollars)
Then there are UN Security Council Resolutions in their attempts to maintain world order and prevent war. The UN has passed worthless resolutions sanctioning Saddam Hussein's Iraq, Iran, Syria and North Korea. In every case, the sanctioned nations have ignored the resolutions and have proceeded down the path of nuclear proliferation or continued to gas or kill their own people.
Where are we now with UN sanctions? Saddam Hussein continued to gas and kill his own people in violation of numerous UN resolutions and thousands of Americans died stopping him. Dictator Basar Al Assad of Syria has gassed his people on multiple occasions. Iran and North Korea are still expanding their nuclear super weapons and missile technology while telling the UN where to get off. Obama's Iran agreement is not worth the paper it is printed on.
War with North Korea becomes increasingly likely as Kim Jong Un continues to explode nuclear bombs and launch what could eventually be nuclear tipped Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles that could reach any part of America. He does it in the face of UN resolutions and sanctions. China has been no help and in fact has been a hindrance.
Russia, under X-KGB agent Vladimir Putin, has invaded sovereign territory in Ukraine and actually annexed parts of Georgia and all of Ukraine's Crimea. His troops are still in Eastern Ukraine. Neither America (Obama) or NATO didn't challenge him when he invaded Crimea and the UN stood by and did nothing.
China is claiming islands in international waters in the North China sea, setting up military air bases and ports in violation of international law. What has the UN or America done to stop the invasion? Absolutely nothing!
The UN's attempt to maintain world order and prevent war is a miserable failure at the cost of over $5 Billion a year and over $1 Billion of American taxpayer dollars.
Both China and Russia sit on the UN five-member Security Council and can veto any UN resolution or action and yet China and Russia are open and notorious violators of international law and treaties. America has to immediately reduce its carbon emissions under the Paris Climate Accord but China, a larger polluter than America, doesn't have to start until 2030. That's fair, isn't it?
What good is an international body, like the United Nations, that purports to maintain order and stop wars when member states can blatantly ignore policies of that international body and small wars, that America is forced to fight, continue unabated? What has the UN done about Islamic terrorism? Nothing!
What American interests are served by being a member state of that body? What benefit does the American taxpayer get by paying over $1 Billion a year to an organization that does everything in its power to tear down American capitalism, free markets, sovereignty and freedom and instead implements policies that are contrary to American values? Why would anyone pay someone else to destroy their culture of freedom and put them in chains? Why indeed!
The United Nations has proven to be a toothless organization that sucks up billions of American dollars to pay a bunch of bureaucrats and diplomats to sit around twiddling their thumbs while "Rome Burns." If America continues its membership in the UN, it will swallow America in socialist swill and consume its wealth, its sovereignty and its freedom.
It is way past time for the United States of America to terminate its membership status in the UN and cease paying bribe money to an organization that would sooner see America as a third world country under the socialist thumb of an elite, international oligarchy, much like the European Union. The UN and the rest of the 192 other member states want American money and they want it re-distributed all around the world. After all, America has no right to be so rich.
To that end Congressman Mike Rogers of Alabama has introduced H. R. 193, the "American Sovereignty Restoration Act." This bill calls for withdrawing the United States from the United Nations and ceasing payments thereto. If the bill can make it to committee, it has a chance to expose the United Nations for the hopelessly corrupt organization it is and contrast UN socialist policies to American unalienable rights and individual freedom.
If enough Americans get behind this bill it might have a chance to make it to a floor vote, even though Democrats have shot down similar attempts at UN withdrawal.
A veteran freedom fighter, Tom DeWeese, has put together a Citizens Appeal for Legislative Action to support H. R. 193 and it is available on the American Policy Center website at the following link:
We urge our readers to take a look at Tom's "Citizens Appeal" and support his efforts. Tom and I gave back-to-back speeches at a freedom convention in Arizona several years ago. He has been a guest on many of the same talk shows we have been a guest. Tom has been a tireless fighter against Agenda 21 and UN actions and policies, while defending property rights and American sovereignty. His efforts are well known all across America. If there were many more Tom Deweeses, America wouldn't be in the dire straights it now finds itself.
Tell us if you will SUPPORT Tom's Citizens Appeal for Legislative Action.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Most of the policies the UN promotes and attempts to implement internationally, are based on socialist and Karl Marx principles. Its alleged objectives are to promote human rights, foster social and economic development, protect the environment and provide humanitarian aid in cases of famine, natural disasters, or armed conflict. The UN, for all intent and purposes, has become an international body that tries to enforce those socialist policies on all member states across the globe. America capitulates to the policies of the UN, while the rest of the countries, like Russia and China, thumb their noses at them. We "pay," while the two other super powers get off scot-free and then get in our way when we try to use the UN to perform its stated objectives.
It must be remembered that most of the member states to the UN are either the poorest of the poor, or run by dictators and despots, Russia and China included. The small ones beg at the door of the UN for money (our money) and aid (or special favors) and the UN gives it to them at our expense. The two other super powers manipulate and exploit UN weaknesses for their own self-interests. Climate change is just another way of the UN re-distributing the western world's wealth to the rest of the member states.
The total annual budget of the UN is well in excess of $5 billion. Twenty-four (24) member states, out of a total of 193, provide 87% of the funding for the UN, with the United States providing 22% of that 87%. America's share is well over $1 billion.
What does the United States get for that hefty contribution to the UN?
The UN gave us Agenda 21 wherein Agenda 21's policies can be summarized thusly:
"Agenda 21 is a non-binding, voluntarily implemented action plan of the United Nations with regard to sustainable development. It is a product of the Earth Summit (UN Conference on Environment and Development) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. It is an action agenda for the UN, other multilateral organizations, and individual governments around the world that can be executed at local, national, and global levels."
Sidebar: Several years ago we asked seven environmental groups the meaning of sustainable development and got seven different answers.
Voluntary! Non-binding! Hardly? The United States has implemented most of Agenda 21 wholesale and the American people had no say in the decision. But the above definition belies the underlying intent of Agenda 21 and that is government owning and controlling all land. This "intent" has been publicly promoted in the following UN statement:
"Land, because of its unique nature and the crucial role it plays in human settlements, cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. Social justice, urban renewal and development, the provision of decent dwellings-and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interests of society as a whole."
Contrast this with Thomas Jefferson's statement on American land ownership:
"The right to procure property and to use it for one's own enjoyment is essential to the freedom of every person, and our other rights would mean little without these rights of property ownership."
It doesn't stop with UN's control of the land. The UN wants to control all money, trade, fresh water, food, health care, the environment, the climate, the sea and establish an international army on a global scale. In effect, the UN wants to become the world government to which all other governments must bow down.
The UN's Agenda 21 policy is a direct threat to American sovereignty. Nevertheless past presidents and all American planning agencies have implemented those policies without a treaty being debated and ratified by Congress as required by the Constitution. Agenda 21 has been instituted in America in violation of the law and by stealth and the slight of hand, all at the direction of national and international environmentalists and socialists in bed with the UN.
What else has the UN imposed on the United States?
1. An overt and covert socialist influence on our public schools.
2. Massive UN and member state corruption
3. Attacks on free enterprise and capitalism
4. Interference in our elections (and you thought that just the Russians interfered in our elections)
5. Propping up brutal dictators
6. Promotes spending trillions of dollars to battle alleged climate change with no appreciable benefit (billions of American dollars)
Then there are UN Security Council Resolutions in their attempts to maintain world order and prevent war. The UN has passed worthless resolutions sanctioning Saddam Hussein's Iraq, Iran, Syria and North Korea. In every case, the sanctioned nations have ignored the resolutions and have proceeded down the path of nuclear proliferation or continued to gas or kill their own people.
Where are we now with UN sanctions? Saddam Hussein continued to gas and kill his own people in violation of numerous UN resolutions and thousands of Americans died stopping him. Dictator Basar Al Assad of Syria has gassed his people on multiple occasions. Iran and North Korea are still expanding their nuclear super weapons and missile technology while telling the UN where to get off. Obama's Iran agreement is not worth the paper it is printed on.
War with North Korea becomes increasingly likely as Kim Jong Un continues to explode nuclear bombs and launch what could eventually be nuclear tipped Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles that could reach any part of America. He does it in the face of UN resolutions and sanctions. China has been no help and in fact has been a hindrance.
Russia, under X-KGB agent Vladimir Putin, has invaded sovereign territory in Ukraine and actually annexed parts of Georgia and all of Ukraine's Crimea. His troops are still in Eastern Ukraine. Neither America (Obama) or NATO didn't challenge him when he invaded Crimea and the UN stood by and did nothing.
China is claiming islands in international waters in the North China sea, setting up military air bases and ports in violation of international law. What has the UN or America done to stop the invasion? Absolutely nothing!
The UN's attempt to maintain world order and prevent war is a miserable failure at the cost of over $5 Billion a year and over $1 Billion of American taxpayer dollars.
Both China and Russia sit on the UN five-member Security Council and can veto any UN resolution or action and yet China and Russia are open and notorious violators of international law and treaties. America has to immediately reduce its carbon emissions under the Paris Climate Accord but China, a larger polluter than America, doesn't have to start until 2030. That's fair, isn't it?
What good is an international body, like the United Nations, that purports to maintain order and stop wars when member states can blatantly ignore policies of that international body and small wars, that America is forced to fight, continue unabated? What has the UN done about Islamic terrorism? Nothing!
What American interests are served by being a member state of that body? What benefit does the American taxpayer get by paying over $1 Billion a year to an organization that does everything in its power to tear down American capitalism, free markets, sovereignty and freedom and instead implements policies that are contrary to American values? Why would anyone pay someone else to destroy their culture of freedom and put them in chains? Why indeed!
The United Nations has proven to be a toothless organization that sucks up billions of American dollars to pay a bunch of bureaucrats and diplomats to sit around twiddling their thumbs while "Rome Burns." If America continues its membership in the UN, it will swallow America in socialist swill and consume its wealth, its sovereignty and its freedom.
It is way past time for the United States of America to terminate its membership status in the UN and cease paying bribe money to an organization that would sooner see America as a third world country under the socialist thumb of an elite, international oligarchy, much like the European Union. The UN and the rest of the 192 other member states want American money and they want it re-distributed all around the world. After all, America has no right to be so rich.
To that end Congressman Mike Rogers of Alabama has introduced H. R. 193, the "American Sovereignty Restoration Act." This bill calls for withdrawing the United States from the United Nations and ceasing payments thereto. If the bill can make it to committee, it has a chance to expose the United Nations for the hopelessly corrupt organization it is and contrast UN socialist policies to American unalienable rights and individual freedom.
If enough Americans get behind this bill it might have a chance to make it to a floor vote, even though Democrats have shot down similar attempts at UN withdrawal.
A veteran freedom fighter, Tom DeWeese, has put together a Citizens Appeal for Legislative Action to support H. R. 193 and it is available on the American Policy Center website at the following link:
We urge our readers to take a look at Tom's "Citizens Appeal" and support his efforts. Tom and I gave back-to-back speeches at a freedom convention in Arizona several years ago. He has been a guest on many of the same talk shows we have been a guest. Tom has been a tireless fighter against Agenda 21 and UN actions and policies, while defending property rights and American sovereignty. His efforts are well known all across America. If there were many more Tom Deweeses, America wouldn't be in the dire straights it now finds itself.
Tell us if you will SUPPORT Tom's Citizens Appeal for Legislative Action.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Good Lord, Why Do Americans Put Up With It?”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, September 10, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
"Your individual, natural, God-given rights, are only as good as the depth of your willingness and courage to defend them." Ron Ewart
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Last week in our article entitled "The Distorted Window Through Which Americans Perceive Reality" we talked about the great goodness in the American people. The American people ARE good and generous, as donations of food, clothing, money and volunteers to the Hurricane Harvey victims attest. The outpouring of neighbor helping neighbor during this national calamity is inspiring. And yes, local, state and the federal government are stepping up to the plate as well with leadership, equipment and money. Nevertheless, we wonder why Americans cannot see how tyrannical government has become and how many freedoms we have lost since we drifted away from self-reliance, individual responsibility and constitutional liberties.
We allow hordes of illegal aliens to invade our country every day and say we can't do anything about it because we must be compassionate, without acknowledging the dire consequences that that irrational compassion will inflict upon us. Obama, with his executive orders, has made matters far worse.
We allow our government to slap chains on our wrists and ankles with millions of laws, rules and regulations, without so much as a whimper.
We allow national and international socialism and radical environmentalism to tear down the very foundation of our sovereignty and freedom while we look the other way.
We allow our children to be indoctrinated and brainwashed with the new international, one-world social order and environmental and religious extremism and say we don't have the time to get involved.
We have allowed special-interest groups to replace the consent of the governed, even though our in-action leads to our own enslavement.
We have allowed a fourth branch of government to grow and metastasize throughout our institutions, a fourth branch that answers to no one, in the rising stench of out-of-control bureaucracies, like the EPA, the BLM, the USFW, the Department of Education and most definitely the IRS.
We allow waste, fraud, abuse, corruption, negligence and incompetence to thrive in our government institutions and don't demand that the perpetrators be summarily fired, fined, or jailed. We stand back and do nothing while they get promoted and ask for more money to do their job "right". We allow government unions to blackmail the taxpayer and put roadblocks in the way to fire incompetent people.
We allow government contracts for mega projects and military hardware to escalate into cost overruns that exceed original estimates by several factors. Millions grow to billions and then trillions and not even a ho-hum is uttered.
We have allowed entitlements to grow and grow to the point where one day the piper will have to be paid and government will take our savings, or our very souls to retire the debt. Or some foreign country that holds the debt will confiscate our major assets because we can't pay. Some say our unfunded liability now stands in excess of $100 Trillion dollars and yet government is offering more of the same that will only make matters worse and increase our debt beyond any capability of ever paying it. We will, for all intent and purposes, go broke, if we stay on the same path.
We shrink in fear and horror when we must send our brave men and women into harms way to protect our national interests. We place a greater value on capitulation and appeasement rather than on strength and victory, in spite of the lessons that history has taught us. However, we will admit that with the Trump presidency, capitulation and appeasement have been significantly diminished.
We allow our government to cut deals with other countries that violate our very sovereignty and economic security and we do nothing. (i.e. NAFTA, CAFTA, Law of the Sea Treaty)
We allow the government to force us to tag every one of our feed stock and domestic animals with a micro chip and notify the government of any movements of those animals, as well as letting them know where we live by GPS coordinates, under the U. S. Agriculture Department's National Animal Index System (NAIS). How soon will it be before every American is required by government to have a microchip inserted under their skin, or in their earlobe? And both parties will sanction the policy in the name of national security. Some corporations are even floating the idea. How is this any different than the numbers that were tattooed on the arms of Jews in World War II, in the Nazi death camps?
We allow presidents to codify UN social and environmental policies into law by executive order, without ratification by the U. S. Congress, in violation of our Constitution.
We allow our courts to subvert the meaning of the words in our Constitution and fabricate out of thin air, government rights and powers that don't exist. (i.e. Obama Care) We have become so soft that we have allowed the government to convince us that our security is more necessary than our liberty.
But even worse, we have allowed the entertainment industry to redefine our standards of decency. It has become acceptable to call women, bitches and ho's. We spit on the rule of law in rap and hip-hop, as well as in film. Swear words, once banned, are now common on TV and radio. The "F" word in movies has become so rampant as to render any story line meaningless.
It is now Ok to demean personal achievement as being, "trying to be better than anyone else." Or we tax the Hell out of it.
We have allowed common courtesy to go out the window. Because of a negative 24-hour news cycle, our children are exposed daily to the worst within us, instead of the best.
While with science, we have eradicated many diseases that were fatal to us, we have allowed honesty, integrity and honor to be diminished from our culture. We have allowed depravity and bad behavior to define our values, instead of demanding good behavior from each other and those around us. In other words, almost anything goes today and we find it acceptable! In the end, lowering the bar of decency could very well be our undoing as a free society. It has happened before.
This was America, the land of the free, before we decided to become too civil, too compassionate, too cowardly, too weak, too politically correct and too depraved. The result of our folly is to have lost our will to confront the enemies of freedom while we seek earthly pleasures.
Everyone cries out for solutions but that solution will never come until we act as one in the defense of the document that secures our individual rights and freedom, our Constitution, no matter what the price or the consequences. We will not be free so long as we allow the worst in us to define who we are. Our Founding Fathers pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to give birth to this great Nation and our freedom. How on Earth can we dishonor their sacrifice by standing by and letting what they built descend into the sewer of abject socialism?
If you do not believe in your heart that all creatures cry out for freedom, you do not understand nature. If you are not aware that your government is doing everything within its power to strip you of your freedom, your eyes are not open, or you choose not to see. If you do see and do nothing, some may call you a coward. If you do not know that freedom has a price that you must pay, you are naïve and lack wisdom. If you stand by and watch while others take up the "sword" of freedom, your soul shall find no peace and your children and grand children shall bear the scars of your inaction.
The government's only hold on you is that they assume you will be law-abiding citizens. But what if the laws are too many, contradictory, wrong, or unconstitutional? What then is your duty to obey the law?
Be there not man among you who will rise up against government tyranny that is coming at us from all directions? Let us show the rest of the world that we are still free people and are willing to do whatever it takes to defend that freedom. Let us show the politicians and the bureaucrats that we have a spine and that we are "mad as Hell and we aren't going to take it any more." If we do nothing, government will not hear us and do exactly as it pleases. And it is. The question is, "WHY DO WE PUT UP WITH IT?" Yes, Americans are good people but that isn't enough to preserve liberty.
Has America lost her will to be free? Some of us haven't, but it would appear that way too many of us have. The question is, will it take a revolution to restore the greatest experiment with freedom that ever existed on planet Earth? Or, will we restore freedom by peaceful means, before revolution becomes the only solution?
In spite of the negatives we outline here, we are still a great people and there remains a core of courage and wisdom in us to act. Join with us in this fight for freedom, it being the noblest of all causes. We are individual Americans and we cannot be defeated, unless we decide that security and mindless compassion, at any price, trumps liberty. Let the goodness within us replace the evil that has overtaken us and let that goodness direct us to the great heights that American can still attain, but only under freedom.
We are taking action to preserve freedom for a specific segment of America. For over 11 years we have been helping rural landowners through our organization the "National Association of Rural Landowners" (NARLO). We provide the tools (powerful no trespassing signs, a rural handbook, consulting) for rural landowners to fend off attacks by local, state and the federal government and the tens of thousands of rules, regulations, restriction and ordinances landowners must face every day. We offer DISTRIBUTORSHIPS for our powerful No Trespassing signs so the landowner can make a little extra money. We can act as advocates on the individual landowner's behalf in response to alleged land use or environmental regulation violations. We can even help if the landowner is having trouble with the IRS. In short, we are a one-stop-shop for the American rural landowner. In the spirit of freedom, please consider JOINING our worthwhile and necessary efforts.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Last week in our article entitled "The Distorted Window Through Which Americans Perceive Reality" we talked about the great goodness in the American people. The American people ARE good and generous, as donations of food, clothing, money and volunteers to the Hurricane Harvey victims attest. The outpouring of neighbor helping neighbor during this national calamity is inspiring. And yes, local, state and the federal government are stepping up to the plate as well with leadership, equipment and money. Nevertheless, we wonder why Americans cannot see how tyrannical government has become and how many freedoms we have lost since we drifted away from self-reliance, individual responsibility and constitutional liberties.
We allow hordes of illegal aliens to invade our country every day and say we can't do anything about it because we must be compassionate, without acknowledging the dire consequences that that irrational compassion will inflict upon us. Obama, with his executive orders, has made matters far worse.
We allow our government to slap chains on our wrists and ankles with millions of laws, rules and regulations, without so much as a whimper.
We allow national and international socialism and radical environmentalism to tear down the very foundation of our sovereignty and freedom while we look the other way.
We allow our children to be indoctrinated and brainwashed with the new international, one-world social order and environmental and religious extremism and say we don't have the time to get involved.
We have allowed special-interest groups to replace the consent of the governed, even though our in-action leads to our own enslavement.
We have allowed a fourth branch of government to grow and metastasize throughout our institutions, a fourth branch that answers to no one, in the rising stench of out-of-control bureaucracies, like the EPA, the BLM, the USFW, the Department of Education and most definitely the IRS.
We allow waste, fraud, abuse, corruption, negligence and incompetence to thrive in our government institutions and don't demand that the perpetrators be summarily fired, fined, or jailed. We stand back and do nothing while they get promoted and ask for more money to do their job "right". We allow government unions to blackmail the taxpayer and put roadblocks in the way to fire incompetent people.
We allow government contracts for mega projects and military hardware to escalate into cost overruns that exceed original estimates by several factors. Millions grow to billions and then trillions and not even a ho-hum is uttered.
We have allowed entitlements to grow and grow to the point where one day the piper will have to be paid and government will take our savings, or our very souls to retire the debt. Or some foreign country that holds the debt will confiscate our major assets because we can't pay. Some say our unfunded liability now stands in excess of $100 Trillion dollars and yet government is offering more of the same that will only make matters worse and increase our debt beyond any capability of ever paying it. We will, for all intent and purposes, go broke, if we stay on the same path.
We shrink in fear and horror when we must send our brave men and women into harms way to protect our national interests. We place a greater value on capitulation and appeasement rather than on strength and victory, in spite of the lessons that history has taught us. However, we will admit that with the Trump presidency, capitulation and appeasement have been significantly diminished.
We allow our government to cut deals with other countries that violate our very sovereignty and economic security and we do nothing. (i.e. NAFTA, CAFTA, Law of the Sea Treaty)
We allow the government to force us to tag every one of our feed stock and domestic animals with a micro chip and notify the government of any movements of those animals, as well as letting them know where we live by GPS coordinates, under the U. S. Agriculture Department's National Animal Index System (NAIS). How soon will it be before every American is required by government to have a microchip inserted under their skin, or in their earlobe? And both parties will sanction the policy in the name of national security. Some corporations are even floating the idea. How is this any different than the numbers that were tattooed on the arms of Jews in World War II, in the Nazi death camps?
We allow presidents to codify UN social and environmental policies into law by executive order, without ratification by the U. S. Congress, in violation of our Constitution.
We allow our courts to subvert the meaning of the words in our Constitution and fabricate out of thin air, government rights and powers that don't exist. (i.e. Obama Care) We have become so soft that we have allowed the government to convince us that our security is more necessary than our liberty.
But even worse, we have allowed the entertainment industry to redefine our standards of decency. It has become acceptable to call women, bitches and ho's. We spit on the rule of law in rap and hip-hop, as well as in film. Swear words, once banned, are now common on TV and radio. The "F" word in movies has become so rampant as to render any story line meaningless.
It is now Ok to demean personal achievement as being, "trying to be better than anyone else." Or we tax the Hell out of it.
We have allowed common courtesy to go out the window. Because of a negative 24-hour news cycle, our children are exposed daily to the worst within us, instead of the best.
While with science, we have eradicated many diseases that were fatal to us, we have allowed honesty, integrity and honor to be diminished from our culture. We have allowed depravity and bad behavior to define our values, instead of demanding good behavior from each other and those around us. In other words, almost anything goes today and we find it acceptable! In the end, lowering the bar of decency could very well be our undoing as a free society. It has happened before.
This was America, the land of the free, before we decided to become too civil, too compassionate, too cowardly, too weak, too politically correct and too depraved. The result of our folly is to have lost our will to confront the enemies of freedom while we seek earthly pleasures.
Everyone cries out for solutions but that solution will never come until we act as one in the defense of the document that secures our individual rights and freedom, our Constitution, no matter what the price or the consequences. We will not be free so long as we allow the worst in us to define who we are. Our Founding Fathers pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to give birth to this great Nation and our freedom. How on Earth can we dishonor their sacrifice by standing by and letting what they built descend into the sewer of abject socialism?
If you do not believe in your heart that all creatures cry out for freedom, you do not understand nature. If you are not aware that your government is doing everything within its power to strip you of your freedom, your eyes are not open, or you choose not to see. If you do see and do nothing, some may call you a coward. If you do not know that freedom has a price that you must pay, you are naïve and lack wisdom. If you stand by and watch while others take up the "sword" of freedom, your soul shall find no peace and your children and grand children shall bear the scars of your inaction.
The government's only hold on you is that they assume you will be law-abiding citizens. But what if the laws are too many, contradictory, wrong, or unconstitutional? What then is your duty to obey the law?
Be there not man among you who will rise up against government tyranny that is coming at us from all directions? Let us show the rest of the world that we are still free people and are willing to do whatever it takes to defend that freedom. Let us show the politicians and the bureaucrats that we have a spine and that we are "mad as Hell and we aren't going to take it any more." If we do nothing, government will not hear us and do exactly as it pleases. And it is. The question is, "WHY DO WE PUT UP WITH IT?" Yes, Americans are good people but that isn't enough to preserve liberty.
Has America lost her will to be free? Some of us haven't, but it would appear that way too many of us have. The question is, will it take a revolution to restore the greatest experiment with freedom that ever existed on planet Earth? Or, will we restore freedom by peaceful means, before revolution becomes the only solution?
In spite of the negatives we outline here, we are still a great people and there remains a core of courage and wisdom in us to act. Join with us in this fight for freedom, it being the noblest of all causes. We are individual Americans and we cannot be defeated, unless we decide that security and mindless compassion, at any price, trumps liberty. Let the goodness within us replace the evil that has overtaken us and let that goodness direct us to the great heights that American can still attain, but only under freedom.
We are taking action to preserve freedom for a specific segment of America. For over 11 years we have been helping rural landowners through our organization the "National Association of Rural Landowners" (NARLO). We provide the tools (powerful no trespassing signs, a rural handbook, consulting) for rural landowners to fend off attacks by local, state and the federal government and the tens of thousands of rules, regulations, restriction and ordinances landowners must face every day. We offer DISTRIBUTORSHIPS for our powerful No Trespassing signs so the landowner can make a little extra money. We can act as advocates on the individual landowner's behalf in response to alleged land use or environmental regulation violations. We can even help if the landowner is having trouble with the IRS. In short, we are a one-stop-shop for the American rural landowner. In the spirit of freedom, please consider JOINING our worthwhile and necessary efforts.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"The Distorted Window Through Which Americans Perceive Reality”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, September 3, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
In a book we wrote a number of years ago entitled "Our Cosmic Connection", we opened one of the chapters with the following observation: "In spite of all of our individual and collective faults, there is a 'great good' that exists in a very large number of us. That good is personified in a wide range of human traits and behavior including private and public achievements, bravery, courage, sacrifice, industry, creativity, empathy, generosity, spontaneous volunteerism and spirit, either as individuals, or as a society. Unfortunately, due to the 'distorted window' through which we view our information, that 'great good' in us seems to be eclipsed by an over-zealous emphasis on that which appears to be 'bad' within us."
One of the print and electronic news media's flawed policies is personified in one statement: "..... if it bleeds, it leads". Instantly, our news is distorted by the negativity, bias and general acceptance of almost any kind of violence. Transportation and vehicle accidents, war, pestilence, riots, famine, genocide, floods, hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, tsunamis and the like, dominate the front pages of our newspapers and are the lead stories for evening Television news. On the other side of the negative picture we get political and individual corruption, fraud, adultery, betrayal, treason, murder, robbery and unbridled greed, added to our daily diet of information. Every little sordid detail is trotted out for those who gorge on the grief of others, or thrive on doom and gloom, in soap-opera fashion.
From Boston to Berkley, from Ferguson to Baltimore, from Seattle to Miami, we are forced to witness the bad behavior of a minute fraction of the American population, leading us to believe that everything is going to Hell and society is collapsing before our eyes. In fact, the news media is the carrier of the diseases of violence, dissention, division and racism. Their reporting on violence only spawns more violence, division and racism, all for the sole purpose of increasing their ratings. The recent riots and violence in Charlottesville, VA were a glaring example. The news media alone is responsible for this insane rush to tear down historical statues, as Democrats engage in self-flagellation. It was in fact Southern Democrats of the 1860's that wished to preserve slavery.
In spite of this distorted picture of America, we have a totally distinct identity that is only marginally represented by the worst in us. What we see and hear every day is not the real America and does not represent the true and beautiful character of her people ..... a people steeped in responsibility, self-reliance, industriousness, goodness, charity and compassion, under that great symbol of freedom, our American flag. If the rest of the world watches American news every day, through the distorted window of the print and electronic media, it is no wonder the people of many countries think we are decadent, self-absorbed and inherently evil. The truth is, such a view of our America could not be farther from the truth.
For over 12 generations, since some brave and courageous men mapped out a blue print of liberty to govern this great nation from sea to shining sea. The American people, in spite of their faults, have done what the people of no other country on earth have done. They have become the beacon of light for the rest of the world, founded on the principles of individual liberty and the God-given goodness that comes from being free. Their sacrifice has freed over a billion people who were locked in slavery or war. Their productivity feeds a hungry world. Their voluntary generosity has lifted millions out of abject poverty or those ravaged by natural disasters.
Americans are farmers and factory workers, nurses, doctors, engineers, draftsman, pilots, truck drivers and fast food employees. We are rich, middle class and poor. We are religious and non-religious. We are adventurous on one hand, while being cautious on the other. We believe in fair play.
We are mothers and fathers, wives and husbands, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews, cousins and children of every stripe, size and color, who live by some very basic, overriding principles of honesty, integrity, honor and family. Most of us have a deep sense of goodness about us and constantly try to overcome the ever-present evil that resides within us.
We have worked hard for what we have obtained and what our Nation has achieved. We should be proud of what we have accomplished and not hang our heads in shame because others are jealous of our success. Our inventiveness, creativity and industriousness have made us the richest nation on earth and have enriched every other nation in one way or another. Our compassion and generosity exceeds that of any other country or culture on this planet.
But that's not all. Just think of the wide range of scientific American research going on right now in the areas of power and electricity. Think of the research in genetics to unravel the mysteries of inherited diseases and other conditions and what part that research will have in finding the root causes of these conditions and their respective cures.
Think of the research in food types and production to increase our food supplies. Consider the research in and use of fiber optics, or the research in rubber and plastics and new materials and fabrics. This research is fueled by the fires of commercial enterprise and in some cases, from the moneys that are collected by our government, as in the NASA space program.
Look at the progress we have made in the world of medicine, even with all of its problems. Look what we take for granted for medical care in this country. Look at the machinery that has been developed for the world of medicine. Magnetic Imaging Machines, breathing machines, heart-lung machines, blood monitoring machines, CAT scanners, X-rays. We don't know all of them because were not in the world of medicine. All we know is that if something goes wrong you have a place to go where people care for the most part to see that your problem is resolved the best way they can, complete with flaws. We provide medical services in the United States that can only be provided here.
Let's take a little closer look at technology over the last 15 years and what the computer has done in providing a continuous flow of information so that people can learn more and do things quicker. Watch how fascinated a child is as he makes keystrokes on a keyboard of a computer and sees the response on the computer screen. They absorb it like a giant sponge and love every minute of it. Sure there are side effects but we will overcome them.
Look at the excitement that was generated by the recent solar eclipse. Millions of families traveled hundreds of miles and braved endless traffic jams to witness the Sun disappearing behind the moon, an event that only lasted for two minutes. Those millions of people weren't thinking about violence, riots, politics, or corruption. They were awed by a natural event that only occurs on rare occasions.
The doomsayers will tell us that we are going to run out of power. We are going to run out of oil. We are going to pollute the environment with our cars and our industry. Our automobiles are going to quit running and our airplanes will quit flying and our ships will no longer ply the open seas. Sorry folks, it will never happen.
Some day in the not to distant future, we are going to develop power sources that will literally boggle the mind. Our vision is that each home, each office, each business or building will have its own centralized power unit. And in that power unit will have the source of power to purify our drinking water, destroy our raw sewage and gray water, heat and cool our homes and offices and provide the electrical power for our lights and appliances.
Think of it. Those in your twenties watch how our planet will shrink in your lifetime. In ten to twenty years there will be airplanes that will leave the United States, sail up to the stratosphere or higher, glide at two to five times the speed of sound and land in Russia in a couple of hours. At 3,000 MPH we can go halfway around the world in 4 hours.
Personalized transportation will change dramatically. There will be air corridors for small, personal air units whether they use the principals of helicopters and small aircraft or some new strange power yet to be discovered. Maybe we will find a way to offset or neutralize gravity.
Folks. We are going to the stars and nothing anybody does will stop that. No amount of fear of the unknown. No amount of nay saying about financing. We will find the money. Ever since man first burned himself with fire and realized he could use it to his advantage or transported some object by rolling a log and converted that idea to the wheel, he has been forever driven towards more knowledge, more understanding and a wider, larger, broader world in which he can explore.
But all that excitement, creativity, generosity and goodness is being eclipsed by the picture that is being painted about us in our Newspapers and magazines and on our radios and TV's and even the Internet, every single day. The information we receive is not representative of who we are. The propaganda, lies and distortions from our government and special interest groups that we absorb from these venues, warps the vision of who we are and what our true reality is.
There is no crisis here. There are just problems to solve and challenges to meet. Challenges are met by enterprising individuals working together collectively with a common purpose and goal.
If we allow our government, special interest groups, the news media, or the money changers and power brokers who cloud our vision, to divide us and destroy our American sovereignty and our God-given, natural freedom and goodness, that allows our unique individuality to blossom, we will descend into the Hell of the collective and it will take a bloody revolution to restore freedom and liberty. If left alone by government, American individuals will once again, with all our strength, power, beauty, compassion, spirit and the joy of wonder, will lead man on into the coming centuries for the good of all mankind, just as Americans have led the world for the last two and a third centuries, under our cherished flag of freedom. Hell no we are not perfect, but then who is?
Tell us what you THINK.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Disturbing Socialist Echoes From America's Past”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, August 27, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
"You struggle, kick and scream, but alas, it is no use, you are trapped in the web of an evil monster. In the distance across the web, a black shape with multiple legs is headed straight for you but you cannot break free from the strands that bind you. Within seconds the monster, 4 times your size, pierces you with its sharp fangs and injects a poison into your blood stream. You can feel the poison work on your muscles and nerves almost immediately and try as you might, the strength is ebbing rapidly from your body."
"You think back and wonder how you got here. You briefly remember while you were flying free, a voice in the distance said: "come into my home and I will take care of you." You had many troubles and the thought that someone else would sooth your savage breast and stroke your fevered brow was so enticing you thought it foolhardy not to enter their house ..... especially since the help would be free."
"But like so many before you, you succumbed to the siren call of a false utopia, when it was the spider's web that was waiting for you. You believed the propaganda, hype, distortion and lies of the disguised Monster, whose evil agenda was craftily hidden from you. But now it is too late. You are stuck and your freedom and your life are slipping away."
"You gave up your freedom for a mirage that you could never reach. You fell into the clever trap of a hidden enemy. You gave up your individual, God-given rights to fly free, in the hopes of finding an easier life ....."
Every American that has been drawn into the "Spider's" web is no longer a free, sovereign individual with unalienable rights, having been poisoned by the "Spider's" sting. Every American that has resisted the "Spider's" web will be eventually drawn into the web by the sheer inertia of those already in the web ..... by virtue of their vote. It will take something drastic to reverse what is more than likely the inevitable.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Some may think that Obama invented socialist/Marxist policies in America. Hardly! Eighty-four years ago, another socialist/Marxist and yes, dictator (FDR) took control of the reins of political power in the United States, as the alleged savior of the people who were being torn asunder by one of the many emergencies (the Great Depression) Americans have had to face since they declared their freedom from an arrogant British King. Sadly, this particular emergency was in large part, created by government itself. Instead of letting a free country save itself by the actions of free people using free choice, ingenuity, creativity, productivity, low taxes and regulation and a government limited by our constitution, those in Government saw a quick way to make the American people dependent on government and thereby getting them to vote for those who "saved" them. Or put another way, "buying their vote" with money from the public treasury, money that the government has a fiduciary responsibility to religiously protect and spend wisely, in strict compliance with the its very limited authority contained in the Supreme Law of the Land.
Describing what FDR did TO America would take volumes and many volumes have already been written covering those events. FDR almost single handedly took America from a free, wealthy, hard-working and prosperous nation and converted it into a welfare state during his three plus terms as President. After starting his unprecedented fourth term, he said this on a cold January day in 1944, after his re-election:
"This Republic had its beginning, and grew to its present strength, under the protection of certain unalienable political rights—among them the right of free speech, free press, free worship, trial by jury, freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures. They were our rights to life and liberty. As our Nation has grown in size and stature, however—as our industrial economy expanded—these political rights proved inadequate to assure us equality in the pursuit of happiness. We have come to a clear realization of the fact that true individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. “Necessitous men are not free men.” People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made. (He should know) In our day these economic truths have become accepted as self-evident. We have accepted, so to speak, a second Bill of Rights under which a new basis of security and prosperity can be established for all… Among these new rights are “The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries, or shops or farms or mines of the Nation; The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation; The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living; The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad; The right of every family to a decent home; The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health; The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment; The right to a good education.”
It is unbelievable that any President who swears on solemn oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States would utter such words. FDR's oath, nor his power as President, gave him the authority to re-write the Constitution, as he was apparently attempting to do with this speech.
We would like to address one event that took place in 1937. As part and parcel of FDR's continuing New Deal programs in the 1930's, the U. S. Housing Act, passed in 1937, provided housing assistance for low-income families and individuals. It was codified into the United States Code as Title 42, Chapter 8, Section 1437f. It became known as Section 8 Housing Assistance and is currently administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The program is now known as the "Housing Choice Voucher Program".
Today, the Federal Government is now spending over $50 Billion per year on Section 8 housing alone (2014), assisting over 4,800,000 households, or almost 14,000,000 people ..... people who no doubt will vote for those providing the assistance.
From an article published in the Policy Archives on-line magazine as far back as August of 2005, the following statements were made about Section 8 Housing: "Over the past several years, the program has come under fire for its rising cost. (surprise! surprise!) From 2001 to 2005, the cost of the program has increased by over 34%, although the number of people served has remained roughly the same. These cost increases can be attributed to a number of factors, not the least of which is the structure of the benefit. The value of a voucher is calculated as roughly the difference between rents in a community and 30% of participating households' incomes. In recent years, rents have been rising faster than incomes, which, along with federal policy changes designed to expand household choice and de-concentrate poverty, has driven up the cost of a voucher and therefore the cost of the program. In FY2005, the overall Section 8 program, at more than $20 billion, accounted for over half of the entire budget of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The voucher component alone constituted more than a third of HUD's budget. In order to provide that funding level while remaining within discretionary budget caps, congressional appropriators enacted funding cuts to almost all other HUD housing programs." (notice the huge increase by 2014)
On further investigation we found that 50% of the recipients of Section 8 Housing were single, 44% were single with children. Married couples with children hardly registered on the graph. Could it be that government housing subsistence replaced fathers?
But what illustrates the true nature of Section 8 housing occurred recently in a story about one Sharon Jasper. Purportedly, Sharon has spent 57 of her 58 years living in Section 8 housing. Apparently, it was a legacy passed down from her parents who moved into Section 8 housing in 1949 when Sharon was just six months old. Sharon has even passed the legacy down to her children (where is the father?) but fears they may have to get jobs to pay for the utilities and deposits. God forbid! She laments about that one year she spent out of public housing. "I tried it for a year", Sharon said, "you know, working and all. It's not anything I would want to go through again, or wish on anyone in my family, but I am damn proud of that year." Damn proud? Really!
Section 8 housing is Sharon's "free" gift from the working people of America. No doubt Sharon is receiving food stamps as well. She believes she deserves every bit of it and that it is her right, thanks to FDR and the Democrats. The big question still remains, under a Constitutional Republic is free housing to the less fortunate a right, when the cost of the free housing must be extracted from others by the force of law (taxes), rather than through voluntary charity?
Millions of people like Sharon are the victims of generational dependency on federal, state and local government handouts, all paid for by the producing members of a wealthy America. Subsistence for housing, food, college, SSI, health care, transportation, etc. are paid out or handed out to low income families and individuals by the millions, including illegal aliens. More than 40% of those receiving Section 8 housing are Black. (only 13.3% of the total population) But instead of it being a helping hand up to a productive life, much of this largess has become a degrading life unto itself.
Although it is a deep injustice that so much of our tax money has been spent (or is it wasted) in this manner, the deeper tragedy is the outright destruction of human lives who have found it easier to live off the sweat and hard work of others (that's you and me) rather than being proud of their independence, responsibility and self-reliance. Had they taken the truly American path of hard work and receiving a pay check for the work they do, they would have felt the elation that comes from achieving a worthwhile goal they have sought, or receiving an honest reward for a job well done.
Now, our current government, instead of letting a free country save itself by the actions of free people using free choice, ingenuity, creativity, productivity, low taxes, less regulation and a government limited by our constitution, those in Government are using the same quick way employed in the 1930's to make the American people even more dependent on government, thereby getting them to vote for those who "saved" them. Trump might help, but don't count on it.
Unfortunately, 2017 is a far cry from 1937 in terms of the exponentially exploding costs of socialist promises made by government in the last 80 years since Section 8 housing was passed. With unfunded liabilities of well over $100 Trillion dollars (that's Trillion with a CAPITAL "T"), adding more socialist programs onto the rising annual deficit ($440 Billion - 2017) and national debt (approaching $20 Trillion) is not only unconscionable and insane, it is treason by any other name. A knowledgeable person should question whether Congress ever had the Constitutional authority to do what they did then and what they are doing now.
And Section 8 Housing is only one of over 80 overlapping social entitlement programs that government inefficiently administers, each being rife with waste, fraud, abuse and corruption.
As the number of Sharon's of this nation grow as a result of grossly negligent government premeditated socialist policies for the sole purpose to buy votes, those who must pay for the Sharon's of America will have to dig deeper and deeper into their pockets. Such policies will drive the national debt to $36 Trillion by 2026, according to the Congressional Budget Office. One wonders at what point will those who must pay, cry out "enough is enough" and either hide what they earn, cheat, or join Sharon and the millions of other Sharon's, in a life of generational dependency, paid for by those shrinking hard-working Americans who obviously haven't seen the "light" yet?
If they don't see the light pretty soon, the SPIDER (government, world elite and special interests) will have won, or perhaps the SPIDER has already won.
Tell us if you LIKED this article.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Is America In The Throes of a Nasty Divorce?”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, August 20, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
What begins with the trappings of good will, respect and love, can often disintegrate into petty differences, resentment and rising anger. What starts out as mutual common ground in the building of a marriage, or the foundation for a country, can unravel if the common ground or the foundation is disturbed, distorted, or loses its meaning and significance. When the spirit of love, or the spirit of freedom, that binds two people or a nation together, is fractured by forces that tear it asunder, marriages and nations begin to crumble. And so it is, as the divide between Americans grows wider, as the principles of our freedom are eroded by the actions of those who seek more power over the masses and those who seek to live off the sweat of others, America is beginning to come apart at the seams, as the resentment towards opposing views becomes even more acrimonious.
Resentment turns to heated discussions. Discussions turn to arguments and arguments turn to shouting and shouting can lead to violence. This is the path that many a man and woman take as their union, once blessed by God, is shattered by their differences over culture, money, religion, politics, abnormal behavior, cheating, abandonment and sex. This is the path our nation is taking, as cracks open wider in the foundation of our liberty.
Sometimes, marriages can be saved with counseling, but that only occurs when there exists the utmost good faith of the parties who seek reconciliation. If there is no good faith, the union dies. And thus, the union of states, our cherished America, is about to die, if good faith is absent and if there is no attempt to return it to the principles of freedom, upon which it was founded.
We have descended into a nation immersed in an arena of squabbles, some petty, some major. We squabble over who gets their piece of the Treasury first and how much. We fight like Hell to maintain "our share" and fight even harder to get more. We fight with each other over race, religion and culture. We squabble over going to war, even though foreign enemies camp outside our doors and send spies into our midst to kill us and severely damage our infrastructure and our economy, as happened on 9/11 and may happen with North Korea. It will happen again, make no mistake. It's just a matter of time. How prepared are we to defend against those attacks if we are divided as a people and as a nation?
For almost 100 years, we have let our government manipulate us while we looked the other way. We have bought into the propaganda, hype, distortion and lies about the degree of compassion we owe to those less fortunate, with the degree decided by government and special interests. We have bought into the fraud that is man-caused global warming. We've almost succumbed to single-payer health care under Obama Care that shows no signs that it can be fixed, repealed, or replaced. Way too many of us scramble to get "our share" of Nationalized Health Care, for free, that our government has shoved down the throats of the taxpayer, in spite of massive opposition and in spite of absolutely no constitutional governing authority to do so. In allowing government to "buy" us off for a few pieces of silver, the chains that come with those few pieces subject us to self-inflicted slavery.
Any credible scientist knows that if you violate the laws of physics or chemistry, the violation often leads to unintended consequences, many times violent consequences. But violating the foundation of our liberty, leads to enslavement and could have violent consequences.
A divided America now stands at the threshold of self-destruction from irreconcilable differences. Primarily, those differences are in opposing ideologies and the apparent differences in what it means to be free. Has America morphed into a Socialist Democracy and mob rule, or are we still the Constitutional Republic that was the design of our Founding Fathers? That question is up for grabs.
As the opposing forces rise in amplitude and passion, the debates have turned to heated discussions, the discussions have turned to arguments, the arguments have turned to shouting and if something or someone doesn't intervene between the opposing points of view, shouting will turn to violence, as it just did in Charlottesville, VA with the White Supremacists. The voices on both sides are getting louder and louder. Outrage and hate are replacing cool heads, logic, respect and objectivity.
But who will be the counselor that helps us back to reconciliation and the survival of the Union of States? Who has the right words that will bring the two, very different sides together?
America has a very difficult choice right now. It can either succumb to the siren call of the party of socialism, or it can reclaim its freedom via the party of liberty. In the realm of opposing views, one side is usually more right and one is usually more wrong, depending on the perspective one has on whether freedom is the right way, or the common-good and the rights of the "collective" are the right way. Are individual, unalienable rights, as granted to us by our creator and codified into the law of man under our Constitution, the path we should take, or should we repeal the Constitution and give more sway to the rights of the many as in a socialist society. Millions of Americans, who have their hand out to government and most of those in government, believe the way of the collective is the right way? If freedom is to be preserved, their way is the wrong way.
If amicable reconciliation is to occur, one side is going to have to back up more than the other side. If those who seek freedom cannot convince those who seek the nanny state that they are wrong, our divorce is imminent. If there are more people in the cart than there are those pulling the cart, the outcome is pre-ordained. Those pulling the cart will either quit or jump on the cart until the cart is just too heavy to pull.
Divorces are painful, ugly and expensive. If both sides are intractable, history has shown that violence can be the only outcome. If violence is to occur, the final outcome of a free America is totally unpredictable and left to the vagaries of random probabilities. Every means must be brought to bear to assure that violence does not happen, because another American revolution may not be guided by providence, as the first one may have been.
America is in the throws of a very painful divorce, due to irreconcilable differences. Only time will tell whether we can heal our differences, or pay the horrendous price in outright civil war, as we were forced to do over 150 years ago.
If George Soros and his multiple socialist organizations prevail, if the news media continues to spout the socialist mantra and defends the Democrat Party, if Trump is brought down and the Republican Party disintegrates into bitter divisions, America has no chance. If Trump, as flawed as he is, is impeached or rendered impotent by the Democrats re-claiming one or both Houses of Congress in 2018, you can kiss any hope of returning America to its roots as a Constitutional Republic for at least the next Century, if ever. The next year may be America's last chance for a course correction, away from socialism and towards unalienable rights and individual freedom.
A free and sovereign America rests in the hands of those who will defend liberty, at any cost. A socialist America is all but assured, if those who desire freedom, sit on their hands and do nothing.
The question is, who will lead the charge? Who has the message that will resonate with the masses and rally the troops? But more importantly, how do we convince the other side that the path they travel always fails and leads to ruin, insolvency and slavery? That is a tall order after over 100 years of the masses being indoctrinated in the Progressive ideology and now brainwashed into the cult of irrational, global environmentalism.
Let us know if you AGREE with our observations.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Resentment turns to heated discussions. Discussions turn to arguments and arguments turn to shouting and shouting can lead to violence. This is the path that many a man and woman take as their union, once blessed by God, is shattered by their differences over culture, money, religion, politics, abnormal behavior, cheating, abandonment and sex. This is the path our nation is taking, as cracks open wider in the foundation of our liberty.
Sometimes, marriages can be saved with counseling, but that only occurs when there exists the utmost good faith of the parties who seek reconciliation. If there is no good faith, the union dies. And thus, the union of states, our cherished America, is about to die, if good faith is absent and if there is no attempt to return it to the principles of freedom, upon which it was founded.
We have descended into a nation immersed in an arena of squabbles, some petty, some major. We squabble over who gets their piece of the Treasury first and how much. We fight like Hell to maintain "our share" and fight even harder to get more. We fight with each other over race, religion and culture. We squabble over going to war, even though foreign enemies camp outside our doors and send spies into our midst to kill us and severely damage our infrastructure and our economy, as happened on 9/11 and may happen with North Korea. It will happen again, make no mistake. It's just a matter of time. How prepared are we to defend against those attacks if we are divided as a people and as a nation?
For almost 100 years, we have let our government manipulate us while we looked the other way. We have bought into the propaganda, hype, distortion and lies about the degree of compassion we owe to those less fortunate, with the degree decided by government and special interests. We have bought into the fraud that is man-caused global warming. We've almost succumbed to single-payer health care under Obama Care that shows no signs that it can be fixed, repealed, or replaced. Way too many of us scramble to get "our share" of Nationalized Health Care, for free, that our government has shoved down the throats of the taxpayer, in spite of massive opposition and in spite of absolutely no constitutional governing authority to do so. In allowing government to "buy" us off for a few pieces of silver, the chains that come with those few pieces subject us to self-inflicted slavery.
Any credible scientist knows that if you violate the laws of physics or chemistry, the violation often leads to unintended consequences, many times violent consequences. But violating the foundation of our liberty, leads to enslavement and could have violent consequences.
A divided America now stands at the threshold of self-destruction from irreconcilable differences. Primarily, those differences are in opposing ideologies and the apparent differences in what it means to be free. Has America morphed into a Socialist Democracy and mob rule, or are we still the Constitutional Republic that was the design of our Founding Fathers? That question is up for grabs.
As the opposing forces rise in amplitude and passion, the debates have turned to heated discussions, the discussions have turned to arguments, the arguments have turned to shouting and if something or someone doesn't intervene between the opposing points of view, shouting will turn to violence, as it just did in Charlottesville, VA with the White Supremacists. The voices on both sides are getting louder and louder. Outrage and hate are replacing cool heads, logic, respect and objectivity.
But who will be the counselor that helps us back to reconciliation and the survival of the Union of States? Who has the right words that will bring the two, very different sides together?
America has a very difficult choice right now. It can either succumb to the siren call of the party of socialism, or it can reclaim its freedom via the party of liberty. In the realm of opposing views, one side is usually more right and one is usually more wrong, depending on the perspective one has on whether freedom is the right way, or the common-good and the rights of the "collective" are the right way. Are individual, unalienable rights, as granted to us by our creator and codified into the law of man under our Constitution, the path we should take, or should we repeal the Constitution and give more sway to the rights of the many as in a socialist society. Millions of Americans, who have their hand out to government and most of those in government, believe the way of the collective is the right way? If freedom is to be preserved, their way is the wrong way.
If amicable reconciliation is to occur, one side is going to have to back up more than the other side. If those who seek freedom cannot convince those who seek the nanny state that they are wrong, our divorce is imminent. If there are more people in the cart than there are those pulling the cart, the outcome is pre-ordained. Those pulling the cart will either quit or jump on the cart until the cart is just too heavy to pull.
Divorces are painful, ugly and expensive. If both sides are intractable, history has shown that violence can be the only outcome. If violence is to occur, the final outcome of a free America is totally unpredictable and left to the vagaries of random probabilities. Every means must be brought to bear to assure that violence does not happen, because another American revolution may not be guided by providence, as the first one may have been.
America is in the throws of a very painful divorce, due to irreconcilable differences. Only time will tell whether we can heal our differences, or pay the horrendous price in outright civil war, as we were forced to do over 150 years ago.
If George Soros and his multiple socialist organizations prevail, if the news media continues to spout the socialist mantra and defends the Democrat Party, if Trump is brought down and the Republican Party disintegrates into bitter divisions, America has no chance. If Trump, as flawed as he is, is impeached or rendered impotent by the Democrats re-claiming one or both Houses of Congress in 2018, you can kiss any hope of returning America to its roots as a Constitutional Republic for at least the next Century, if ever. The next year may be America's last chance for a course correction, away from socialism and towards unalienable rights and individual freedom.
A free and sovereign America rests in the hands of those who will defend liberty, at any cost. A socialist America is all but assured, if those who desire freedom, sit on their hands and do nothing.
The question is, who will lead the charge? Who has the message that will resonate with the masses and rally the troops? But more importantly, how do we convince the other side that the path they travel always fails and leads to ruin, insolvency and slavery? That is a tall order after over 100 years of the masses being indoctrinated in the Progressive ideology and now brainwashed into the cult of irrational, global environmentalism.
Let us know if you AGREE with our observations.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"They're Gaining On Me. I Must Keep Running”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, August 13, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
I keep running, but the dogs are gaining. I've been running for two days now and I'm hungry, tired and exhausted. I hear the hounds behind me but I must find the strength to stay ahead, always ahead. If they catch me, I might as well be dead.
It all started one Sunday when I was working one of my fields with a tractor, preparing the field for the next round of hay for the season. The exhaust pipe of the tractor was belching black smoke, as it usually did. The old diesel engine kept on chugging in a low staccato, as it always did, old reliable as it was.
I looked up and saw three official-looking black SUV's in the distance down in the draw, coming up the gravel road that led into my isolated ranch. I knew by their speed and the dust streaming behind the trucks, that something was a foot. What I didn't know at the time, was that I, working my land with my tractor, was that "something".
For you see the county council got together in one of its weekly meetings and decided that in order to curb CO2 emissions from all vehicles, due to the alleged threat of global warming, they passed an ordinance declaring that Sunday was to be a day in which all citizens of the county were prohibited from running their trucks and their tractors and that only cars could be used for the sole purpose of going to and from church. No other form of vehicle transportation was allowed on that day. To violate this new law was a criminal act. If you were caught you were guilty. No due process, no trial, and no facing your accusers. You were just guilty. It didn't matter that the law as unconstitutional.
The county council had directed that the new ordinance be posted on their website and that a small public notice be published in the local newspaper. I don't own a computer, I don't read the local newspaper and I had no idea that the new law even existed. I doubt that many rural landowners in the county knew as well. Nor did I know that the penalty for violating the law was criminal and included a huge fine and six months in jail. But one of my neighbors did, as you shall soon see.
Down by my ranch house the SUVs roared in and screeched to a stop in a cloud of dust. I could see from my tractor that four hound dogs on leashes were being let out of one of the trucks. The handler looked up in my direction. Five sheriffs in uniform, the dog handler and the four dogs opened the gate and started walking across the field towards me. I had no idea what they were doing here, but I thought I would stay on my tractor, still running and wait for them to tell me.
When they finally reached where I had stopped, one of the sheriffs that was out in front, with his hand waving circles in the air, motioned for me to shut down the tractor. I ignored him. He then handed me a piece of paper. I opened it up and on the paper was a description of my violation and the penalties for it. It seems one of my neighbors had seen the smoke from my tractor and called the sheriff. The call was anonymous of course. I looked at the sheriff, who had his hand on his gun, and said, "I was not aware of any such law". The sheriff said that ignorance of the law was no excuse and that I should get down off the tractor and accompany him to the sheriff's office. I had but a spilt second to make a decision, go with them or run. Six months in jail and a heavy fine would break me. I would lose my ranch. In an instant, I chose to run.
I slammed the tractor into high gear, the front wheels jerked off the ground and I took off towards the far fence. On the other side of the fence were deep woods that wound into the mountains behind my ranch. I heard the multiple "cracks" of a pistol and a few bullets ricocheted off the tractor. The dogs started barking furiously. But since the officers were on foot, I knew that if I could beat them to the fence, I would have time to disappear into the woods. I knew every inch of that forest and that would give me an edge, an edge I needed badly. I didn't even stop the tractor as it neared the fence. I jumped off while it was still running, jumped the fence and ran in the direction of the mountain pass. I was sure I could lose them there.
I've been running for two days now and I'm cold, hungry, tired, scratched and bleeding. I can always hear the dogs in the distance, but so far I have stayed ahead of them. I know that if I don't make it to the pass, they will have me. Just on the other side of the pass was a mine entrance and I knew that if I could reach the mine, one of the shafts would lead me to a place way down the other side of the mountain from which they could never find me. I breathed a sigh of relief as I crossed over the pass and saw the mine entrance up ahead. Finally, I would be free of the dogs. I entered the mine, hurried towards the shaft in the darkness, feeling my way and stumbled down its full length until I reached the lower entrance. I walked out into the sun, a free man, at least for now.
As I wandered along the path, I wondered how it is that a peace-loving, law-abiding rancher like myself could be in this situation, running from the law? How had our government become so out of control that they would pass laws that made no sense? What was it that we did or didn't do that made government think that they could treat Americans in this manner? Did we not have a Constitution that granted us certain unalienable rights? Were not those rights a gift from our creator? Did not those rights shield us from government abuse and tyranny? How could government ignore the supreme law of the land with such reckless abandon? How is it that we have reached the point where neighbor would rat on neighbor? I thought of Nazi Germany. As I pondered these thoughts, I ran down the path to the river that would lead me out of the county. I vowed to find out what happened to our government and get others to help me right a situation that had gone terribly wrong. I vowed to regain my freedom and the freedom of all Americans, no matter what it took, or where the path would lead.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: If you don't think that this kind of thing can happen, you are living in a dream world? Ask the Sackets of Idaho that got hit with a $35,000 per day fine by the EPA for trying to build a new home on their single-family lot in a subdivision of built-out homes. They had to go to the U. S. Supreme Court to get justice, but all they really got was the right to sue the EPA.
Ask the Wyoming rancher that had all the permits he needed to construct three water ponds on this own land. The EPA charged the rancher with over $16,000,000 in accumulating fines. The rancher finally won but at a terrible cost?
Ask the wheat farmer in California who has been fined $2,800,000 on a "filling-in-a-wetland" charge by the Army Corps of Engineers for daring to plow his own field, in full compliance with the law. His trial comes up this month.
Ask the hundreds of farmers in the rich California San Joaquin Valley that have been denied irrigation water because of a little two-inch fish, putting 40,000 farm workers out of work.
Ask the people that live along the Klamath River in Oregon and California. They are going to lose four dams that have provided irrigation, flood control and electricity for a hundred years because the environmentalists and the Indians again, want to protect a two-inch fish and allow salmon to run up the river free from any obstructions. How nice! Thank you judge Boldt.
Ask the ranchers living along the Red River in Northern Texas where the BLM came along and tried to confiscate their land because the river moved.
Ask the lady that owned land along the Grays River that flowed into the Columbia River when two Non-Governmental Agencies (NGO's) and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife, armed with millions of taxpayer dollars for habitat restoration, came along and took out the tide gates that protected her land from river floods and rising tides. She eventually had to abandon her flooded house and land and lost everything.
Ask the man that was digging a ditch on his own land when along came a disgruntled neighbor and the local authorities that charged him with digging in a wetland that the authorities declared a wetland after the man had dug the ditch. The authorities literally created a crime out of a non-violation in order to send an environmental message to other landowners. His alleged "crime" cost him 150 days in jail and a $20,000 cash fine. It broke him.
Ask all the rural landowners of Washington State who now won't be able to drill a well on their land due to a State Supreme Court decision brought by environmentalists. Their land is now worthless.
Ask the widow of Lavoy Finicum. Finicum who was shot down without provocation by state and federal officers on a remote Oregon highway.
Every day lawmakers, at every level of government, are making laws just as insane as the one in our story. Every day, most people just ignore what goes on in the halls of local, state and federal governments. Every day that is, until one of these insane laws catches up with them and they have to choose between being caught in the enforcement of the insane law, or to run. Many stay and fight the injustice because by God they are Americans and they have the righteous right to defend themselves under our Constitution. But in the end they get run over by the law and the legal system, because government supports and defends government (and the environmentalists and the Indians), instead of government supporting and defending the unalienable rights of the people, as it should be.
You city folks may say, "what do you care if government, the environmentalists and the Indians push around a few rural landowners?" Better think again for two reasons! First, rural landowners grow and raise the food you eat. Second, just because you live in a big city will not protect you from government abuse and tyranny. It's been happening for years. You just don't know it yet.
But we're not sitting on our hands. Our organization (NARLO) has reached out to rural landowners all across America for over eleven years to tell them we have their backs. We show them how to fight and provide several tools to help them with their battle against an ever-encroaching and abusive government. From powerful, constitutional "No Trespassing" signs HERE and HERE, to a "HOW-TO" rural handbook, we have the rural landowner covered. We even provide help for the beleaguered IRS taxpayer HERE.
We encourage everyone, not just rural landowners, to not become victims of government, but to fight this unconstitutional abuse. Resist! Resist! Resist! Otherwise, it will continue and get worse and government will just get stronger ..... and in case you haven't notice it, they are.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
It all started one Sunday when I was working one of my fields with a tractor, preparing the field for the next round of hay for the season. The exhaust pipe of the tractor was belching black smoke, as it usually did. The old diesel engine kept on chugging in a low staccato, as it always did, old reliable as it was.
I looked up and saw three official-looking black SUV's in the distance down in the draw, coming up the gravel road that led into my isolated ranch. I knew by their speed and the dust streaming behind the trucks, that something was a foot. What I didn't know at the time, was that I, working my land with my tractor, was that "something".
For you see the county council got together in one of its weekly meetings and decided that in order to curb CO2 emissions from all vehicles, due to the alleged threat of global warming, they passed an ordinance declaring that Sunday was to be a day in which all citizens of the county were prohibited from running their trucks and their tractors and that only cars could be used for the sole purpose of going to and from church. No other form of vehicle transportation was allowed on that day. To violate this new law was a criminal act. If you were caught you were guilty. No due process, no trial, and no facing your accusers. You were just guilty. It didn't matter that the law as unconstitutional.
The county council had directed that the new ordinance be posted on their website and that a small public notice be published in the local newspaper. I don't own a computer, I don't read the local newspaper and I had no idea that the new law even existed. I doubt that many rural landowners in the county knew as well. Nor did I know that the penalty for violating the law was criminal and included a huge fine and six months in jail. But one of my neighbors did, as you shall soon see.
Down by my ranch house the SUVs roared in and screeched to a stop in a cloud of dust. I could see from my tractor that four hound dogs on leashes were being let out of one of the trucks. The handler looked up in my direction. Five sheriffs in uniform, the dog handler and the four dogs opened the gate and started walking across the field towards me. I had no idea what they were doing here, but I thought I would stay on my tractor, still running and wait for them to tell me.
When they finally reached where I had stopped, one of the sheriffs that was out in front, with his hand waving circles in the air, motioned for me to shut down the tractor. I ignored him. He then handed me a piece of paper. I opened it up and on the paper was a description of my violation and the penalties for it. It seems one of my neighbors had seen the smoke from my tractor and called the sheriff. The call was anonymous of course. I looked at the sheriff, who had his hand on his gun, and said, "I was not aware of any such law". The sheriff said that ignorance of the law was no excuse and that I should get down off the tractor and accompany him to the sheriff's office. I had but a spilt second to make a decision, go with them or run. Six months in jail and a heavy fine would break me. I would lose my ranch. In an instant, I chose to run.
I slammed the tractor into high gear, the front wheels jerked off the ground and I took off towards the far fence. On the other side of the fence were deep woods that wound into the mountains behind my ranch. I heard the multiple "cracks" of a pistol and a few bullets ricocheted off the tractor. The dogs started barking furiously. But since the officers were on foot, I knew that if I could beat them to the fence, I would have time to disappear into the woods. I knew every inch of that forest and that would give me an edge, an edge I needed badly. I didn't even stop the tractor as it neared the fence. I jumped off while it was still running, jumped the fence and ran in the direction of the mountain pass. I was sure I could lose them there.
I've been running for two days now and I'm cold, hungry, tired, scratched and bleeding. I can always hear the dogs in the distance, but so far I have stayed ahead of them. I know that if I don't make it to the pass, they will have me. Just on the other side of the pass was a mine entrance and I knew that if I could reach the mine, one of the shafts would lead me to a place way down the other side of the mountain from which they could never find me. I breathed a sigh of relief as I crossed over the pass and saw the mine entrance up ahead. Finally, I would be free of the dogs. I entered the mine, hurried towards the shaft in the darkness, feeling my way and stumbled down its full length until I reached the lower entrance. I walked out into the sun, a free man, at least for now.
As I wandered along the path, I wondered how it is that a peace-loving, law-abiding rancher like myself could be in this situation, running from the law? How had our government become so out of control that they would pass laws that made no sense? What was it that we did or didn't do that made government think that they could treat Americans in this manner? Did we not have a Constitution that granted us certain unalienable rights? Were not those rights a gift from our creator? Did not those rights shield us from government abuse and tyranny? How could government ignore the supreme law of the land with such reckless abandon? How is it that we have reached the point where neighbor would rat on neighbor? I thought of Nazi Germany. As I pondered these thoughts, I ran down the path to the river that would lead me out of the county. I vowed to find out what happened to our government and get others to help me right a situation that had gone terribly wrong. I vowed to regain my freedom and the freedom of all Americans, no matter what it took, or where the path would lead.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: If you don't think that this kind of thing can happen, you are living in a dream world? Ask the Sackets of Idaho that got hit with a $35,000 per day fine by the EPA for trying to build a new home on their single-family lot in a subdivision of built-out homes. They had to go to the U. S. Supreme Court to get justice, but all they really got was the right to sue the EPA.
Ask the Wyoming rancher that had all the permits he needed to construct three water ponds on this own land. The EPA charged the rancher with over $16,000,000 in accumulating fines. The rancher finally won but at a terrible cost?
Ask the wheat farmer in California who has been fined $2,800,000 on a "filling-in-a-wetland" charge by the Army Corps of Engineers for daring to plow his own field, in full compliance with the law. His trial comes up this month.
Ask the hundreds of farmers in the rich California San Joaquin Valley that have been denied irrigation water because of a little two-inch fish, putting 40,000 farm workers out of work.
Ask the people that live along the Klamath River in Oregon and California. They are going to lose four dams that have provided irrigation, flood control and electricity for a hundred years because the environmentalists and the Indians again, want to protect a two-inch fish and allow salmon to run up the river free from any obstructions. How nice! Thank you judge Boldt.
Ask the ranchers living along the Red River in Northern Texas where the BLM came along and tried to confiscate their land because the river moved.
Ask the lady that owned land along the Grays River that flowed into the Columbia River when two Non-Governmental Agencies (NGO's) and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife, armed with millions of taxpayer dollars for habitat restoration, came along and took out the tide gates that protected her land from river floods and rising tides. She eventually had to abandon her flooded house and land and lost everything.
Ask the man that was digging a ditch on his own land when along came a disgruntled neighbor and the local authorities that charged him with digging in a wetland that the authorities declared a wetland after the man had dug the ditch. The authorities literally created a crime out of a non-violation in order to send an environmental message to other landowners. His alleged "crime" cost him 150 days in jail and a $20,000 cash fine. It broke him.
Ask all the rural landowners of Washington State who now won't be able to drill a well on their land due to a State Supreme Court decision brought by environmentalists. Their land is now worthless.
Ask the widow of Lavoy Finicum. Finicum who was shot down without provocation by state and federal officers on a remote Oregon highway.
Every day lawmakers, at every level of government, are making laws just as insane as the one in our story. Every day, most people just ignore what goes on in the halls of local, state and federal governments. Every day that is, until one of these insane laws catches up with them and they have to choose between being caught in the enforcement of the insane law, or to run. Many stay and fight the injustice because by God they are Americans and they have the righteous right to defend themselves under our Constitution. But in the end they get run over by the law and the legal system, because government supports and defends government (and the environmentalists and the Indians), instead of government supporting and defending the unalienable rights of the people, as it should be.
You city folks may say, "what do you care if government, the environmentalists and the Indians push around a few rural landowners?" Better think again for two reasons! First, rural landowners grow and raise the food you eat. Second, just because you live in a big city will not protect you from government abuse and tyranny. It's been happening for years. You just don't know it yet.
But we're not sitting on our hands. Our organization (NARLO) has reached out to rural landowners all across America for over eleven years to tell them we have their backs. We show them how to fight and provide several tools to help them with their battle against an ever-encroaching and abusive government. From powerful, constitutional "No Trespassing" signs HERE and HERE, to a "HOW-TO" rural handbook, we have the rural landowner covered. We even provide help for the beleaguered IRS taxpayer HERE.
We encourage everyone, not just rural landowners, to not become victims of government, but to fight this unconstitutional abuse. Resist! Resist! Resist! Otherwise, it will continue and get worse and government will just get stronger ..... and in case you haven't notice it, they are.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Government Has Americans Conned Six Ways From Sunday”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, August 6, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
The environmental obsession to wean the planet off of fossil fuels has blown up into an insanity all its own. Next to man-caused global warming (climate change) the deadly game that governments have played to convince people to disconnect themselves from the wonders of efficient crude oil using the force of government, is the biggest ruse every perpetrated on the masses since the dawn of civilization.
From climate change, to ethanol made out of corn, to wind and solar energy and now to electric cars, these con games have escalated into a full-blown racketeering enterprise where the rich and politicians get richer and the people get poorer .... from a bald-faced lie. Americans especially have been played for suckers because most of these "games" that government and the environmentalists are playing have a second purpose ..... wealth re-distribution to the rest of the world. That was and is what the Paris Climate Accord was all about. Why do you suppose Europe was all for it and moaned and groaned when Trump pulled the plug on the Accord? Europe and the other 192 UN countries want American dollars ..... for free. Trump's action is probably one of the most sane things an American president has done in decades.
However, before we delve into wind and solar energy, let's first dump all over the electric car. A known source describes it quite openly, albeit with some over statements.
"Ever since the advent of electric cars, the REAL cost per mile of those things has never been discussed. All you ever heard was the MPG in terms of gasoline, with nary a mention of the cost of electricity to run it."
"At a neighborhood BBQ I was talking to a neighbor, a BC Hydro executive, I asked him how that renewable thing was doing. He laughed, then got serious. If you really intend to adopt electric vehicles, he pointed out, you have to face certain realities. For example, a home charging system for a Tesla requires a 75-amp service. The average house is equipped with 100-amp service. On our small street (approximately 25 homes), the electrical infrastructure would be unable to carry more than 3 houses with a single Tesla, each. For even half the homes to have electric vehicles, the system would be wildly over-loaded."
"This is the elephant in the room with electric vehicles. Our residential infrastructure cannot bear the load. So as our genius elected officials promote this nonsense, not only are we being urged to buy these things and replace our reliable, cheap generating systems with expensive, new windmills and solar cells, but we will also have to renovate our entire transportation delivery system! This latter "investment" will not be revealed until we're so far down this dead-end road that it will be presented with an 'OOPS!' and a shrug."
"If you want to argue with a green person over cars that are eco-friendly, just read the following. If you ARE a green person, read it anyway. It’s enlightening."
"Eric test drove the Chevy Volt at the invitation of General Motors, and he writes, 'For four days in a row, the fully charged battery lasted only 25 miles before the Volt switched to the reserve gasoline engine.' Eric calculated the car got 30 mpg including the 25 miles it ran on the battery. So, the range including the 9-gallon gas tank and the 16 kwh battery is approximately 270 miles."
"It will take you 4-1/2 hours to drive 270 miles at 60 mph. Then add 10 hours to charge the battery and you have a total trip time of 14.5 hours. In a typical road trip your average speed (including charging time) would be 20 mph."
"According to General Motors, the Volt battery holds 16 kwh of electricity. It takes a full 10 hours to charge a drained battery. The cost for the electricity to charge the Volt is never mentioned so I looked up what I pay for electricity. I pay approximately (it varies with amount used and the seasons) $1.16 per kwh. 16 kwh x $1.16 per kwh = $18.56 to charge the battery. $18.56 per charge divided by 25 miles = $0.74 per mile to operate the Volt using the battery. Compare this to a similar size car with a gasoline engine that gets only 32 mpg. $3.19 per gallon divided by 32 mpg = $0.10 per mile."
(Note: This is where the over statements come in. Other sources show much less in costs per KWH than does this person and battery charge times appear to average around 4 hours, as compared to a five-minute fill up at your local gas station. Nevertheless, if you are driving across country do you have time to wait four hours for each charge? Ludicrous!)
"The gasoline-powered car costs anywhere from $25,000 to $40,000. The Chevy Volt cost is in the high range of those numbers. Nevertheless, the American Government wants loyal Americans not to do the math, but buy an electric car that costs considerably more to run, and takes three times longer to drive across the country. And let's not forget the $7,500 subsidy of your tax money that subsidizes every purchaser of an electric car. As of December 2016, 542,000 electric cars have been purchased in America. At $7,500 per car, that amounts to over $4 Billion of your money being spent to subsidize electric cars because they can't stand on their own and very few customers will buy the expensive electric cars without the subsidy. Calculate the $4 Billion subsidy into the cost to run an electric car. It comes to around 50 cents per mile."
"Then there is enormously expensive deep-cycle battery. It may last three years! The lithium electric car batteries can cost anywhere from $500 to $650 each. Total replacement of a battery pack can run well over $3,000."
The more electric cars on the road the greater the energy demand on current generating capacity (that includes fossil fuel generation) and increased loads on the grid, even though most urban charging would be at night in residential settings. That's great for single-family homeowners, but what does the apartment dweller use to charge his electric car.
With electric cars, all the environmentalists and the government are doing is to exchange one form of efficient energy (gasoline) for another form of energy, electricity. Both forms of energy create CO2.
Environmentalists have stopped all hydroelectric generation and have slowed nuclear and coal-fired power plants to a trickle. Wind and solar are grossly inefficient as compared to other energy sources and require government subsidies and storage capacity for low or no wind and sun energy. Many power plants must stay on line to cover the energy loss when wind and solar drop off the grid. It takes time to fire up a power plant from a cold start.
We won't go into ethanol from corn. It mostly keeps the State of Iowa in the chips and sucks up millions of bushels of corn (a food source) and agricultural land every year, not to mention the cost in fossil fuels to refine corn into ethanol. This is just another environmental boondoggle that costs more money than the benefits derived from it.
Here are the major energy sources and percent shares of U.S. electricity generation at utility-scale facilities in 2016.
Natural gas = 33.8%
Coal = 30.4%
Nuclear = 19.7%
Renewables (total) = 14.9%
Hydropower = 6.5%
Wind = 5.6%
Biomass = 1.5%
Solar = 0.9%
Geothermal = 0.4%
Other = 1.2%
Wind power is only 5.6% of the total and solar is under 1%. Just how are you going to replace fossil fuels, like natural gas and coal, with wind and solar energy? You can't! Then, if you wipe out coal, (30.4%) as the environmentalists and government want to do, we suddenly find 330 million Americans living with constant brown outs and rationed energy like they do in North Korea.
We would be derelict if we did not mention one of the greatest national and international cons of all time, man-caused global warming, the name changed by the climate alarmists to "climate change" to dupe the naive' public. Of course the climate changes!
Fortunately, this international conspiracy climate nonsense is going to be challenged by a "red team" being assembled by the Trump Administration and Scott Pruitt, Secretary of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), along with a team from the Heartland Institute. The Heartland Institute continues to publish reports challenging the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other climate scientists, which it began eight years ago. The group has produced four volumes of "Climate Change Reconsidered," with a fifth coming out later this year. We have also assembled many credible articles challenging the IPCC climate model predictions on the NARLO website.
What we have described here is just a drop in the bucket to the other con games being perpetrated on the American people by government. There is the Constitution con. There is the representative government con. There is the debt and deficit con. There is the Federal Reserve con. There is the IRS con. There is the health care con. There is the public education con. There is the illegal immigration con. There is the social experiments con. There is the political correctness con. There is the multi-culturalism con and the cons go on and on and on.
So you see ladies and gentlemen, you are being led around by the nose and herded into neat little corrals like cattle, by Democrats and Progressives and their loyal associates, national and international radical environmentalists, socialists, central bankers and the one-world-order crowd. And if you were hoping that Trump and the Republicans would clear up this hopelessly corrupt mess, you are living inside a bubble that is about to burst. YOU THE PEOPLE aren't YOU THE PEOPLE any more and maybe you never have been.
Sure Americans can change it, if there were enough of them that cared and were willing to risk it all to throw a monkey wrench into the current, heavily entrenched political "System" (some call it the Deep State) that would shut it down so that we could start over. (See " "The 'System' - Impenetrable, Inflexible and Un-Yielding!") But to be successful, it would take a powerful, charismatic leader with a "give me liberty or give me death" agenda and millions of loyal Americans willing to join him (or her), along with a large bank full of $100 bills.
Remember! Government fears the people, only when there are millions of them and they act in unison for a common purpose. Right now, there is no charismatic leader, there are no millions of dedicated and united Americans to join him, there is no liberty agenda and there isn't enough money to fund more than a token effort, which would be put down post haste by government forces. Trump will try but he will be thwarted every step of the way by the powerful forces of the "System." To beat all the "cons" that are being foisted on a naive' public by government (the "System") you have to attack it from the outside because those on the inside have no incentive whatsoever to change it.
The "idea" of liberty that arose in 1776 only resonated with the colonials because of the heavy hand of a tyrannical British government that did not want part of its empire to secede and was willing to punctuate its authority with brute force. The colonials challenged that brute force and surprisingly won, against all odds.
But today, what most people don't realize is that the tyranny of the British Empire in 1776 is a fraction of the tyranny of the current American government. Instead of punctuating the American government's authority by brute force, it does it by the explosion and complication of the "rule of law" and the police enforcement thereof. It also does it by propaganda, cons, myths, distortions and outright lies. Remember Obama Care? "You can keep your doctor and your insurance." The fact is, government, at all levels, has lost all credibility and cannot be trusted and should therefore be resisted by all means possible. Sadly, most Americans have such a fear of government resistance is the farthest thing from their minds.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
From climate change, to ethanol made out of corn, to wind and solar energy and now to electric cars, these con games have escalated into a full-blown racketeering enterprise where the rich and politicians get richer and the people get poorer .... from a bald-faced lie. Americans especially have been played for suckers because most of these "games" that government and the environmentalists are playing have a second purpose ..... wealth re-distribution to the rest of the world. That was and is what the Paris Climate Accord was all about. Why do you suppose Europe was all for it and moaned and groaned when Trump pulled the plug on the Accord? Europe and the other 192 UN countries want American dollars ..... for free. Trump's action is probably one of the most sane things an American president has done in decades.
However, before we delve into wind and solar energy, let's first dump all over the electric car. A known source describes it quite openly, albeit with some over statements.
"Ever since the advent of electric cars, the REAL cost per mile of those things has never been discussed. All you ever heard was the MPG in terms of gasoline, with nary a mention of the cost of electricity to run it."
"At a neighborhood BBQ I was talking to a neighbor, a BC Hydro executive, I asked him how that renewable thing was doing. He laughed, then got serious. If you really intend to adopt electric vehicles, he pointed out, you have to face certain realities. For example, a home charging system for a Tesla requires a 75-amp service. The average house is equipped with 100-amp service. On our small street (approximately 25 homes), the electrical infrastructure would be unable to carry more than 3 houses with a single Tesla, each. For even half the homes to have electric vehicles, the system would be wildly over-loaded."
"This is the elephant in the room with electric vehicles. Our residential infrastructure cannot bear the load. So as our genius elected officials promote this nonsense, not only are we being urged to buy these things and replace our reliable, cheap generating systems with expensive, new windmills and solar cells, but we will also have to renovate our entire transportation delivery system! This latter "investment" will not be revealed until we're so far down this dead-end road that it will be presented with an 'OOPS!' and a shrug."
"If you want to argue with a green person over cars that are eco-friendly, just read the following. If you ARE a green person, read it anyway. It’s enlightening."
"Eric test drove the Chevy Volt at the invitation of General Motors, and he writes, 'For four days in a row, the fully charged battery lasted only 25 miles before the Volt switched to the reserve gasoline engine.' Eric calculated the car got 30 mpg including the 25 miles it ran on the battery. So, the range including the 9-gallon gas tank and the 16 kwh battery is approximately 270 miles."
"It will take you 4-1/2 hours to drive 270 miles at 60 mph. Then add 10 hours to charge the battery and you have a total trip time of 14.5 hours. In a typical road trip your average speed (including charging time) would be 20 mph."
"According to General Motors, the Volt battery holds 16 kwh of electricity. It takes a full 10 hours to charge a drained battery. The cost for the electricity to charge the Volt is never mentioned so I looked up what I pay for electricity. I pay approximately (it varies with amount used and the seasons) $1.16 per kwh. 16 kwh x $1.16 per kwh = $18.56 to charge the battery. $18.56 per charge divided by 25 miles = $0.74 per mile to operate the Volt using the battery. Compare this to a similar size car with a gasoline engine that gets only 32 mpg. $3.19 per gallon divided by 32 mpg = $0.10 per mile."
(Note: This is where the over statements come in. Other sources show much less in costs per KWH than does this person and battery charge times appear to average around 4 hours, as compared to a five-minute fill up at your local gas station. Nevertheless, if you are driving across country do you have time to wait four hours for each charge? Ludicrous!)
"The gasoline-powered car costs anywhere from $25,000 to $40,000. The Chevy Volt cost is in the high range of those numbers. Nevertheless, the American Government wants loyal Americans not to do the math, but buy an electric car that costs considerably more to run, and takes three times longer to drive across the country. And let's not forget the $7,500 subsidy of your tax money that subsidizes every purchaser of an electric car. As of December 2016, 542,000 electric cars have been purchased in America. At $7,500 per car, that amounts to over $4 Billion of your money being spent to subsidize electric cars because they can't stand on their own and very few customers will buy the expensive electric cars without the subsidy. Calculate the $4 Billion subsidy into the cost to run an electric car. It comes to around 50 cents per mile."
"Then there is enormously expensive deep-cycle battery. It may last three years! The lithium electric car batteries can cost anywhere from $500 to $650 each. Total replacement of a battery pack can run well over $3,000."
The more electric cars on the road the greater the energy demand on current generating capacity (that includes fossil fuel generation) and increased loads on the grid, even though most urban charging would be at night in residential settings. That's great for single-family homeowners, but what does the apartment dweller use to charge his electric car.
With electric cars, all the environmentalists and the government are doing is to exchange one form of efficient energy (gasoline) for another form of energy, electricity. Both forms of energy create CO2.
Environmentalists have stopped all hydroelectric generation and have slowed nuclear and coal-fired power plants to a trickle. Wind and solar are grossly inefficient as compared to other energy sources and require government subsidies and storage capacity for low or no wind and sun energy. Many power plants must stay on line to cover the energy loss when wind and solar drop off the grid. It takes time to fire up a power plant from a cold start.
We won't go into ethanol from corn. It mostly keeps the State of Iowa in the chips and sucks up millions of bushels of corn (a food source) and agricultural land every year, not to mention the cost in fossil fuels to refine corn into ethanol. This is just another environmental boondoggle that costs more money than the benefits derived from it.
Here are the major energy sources and percent shares of U.S. electricity generation at utility-scale facilities in 2016.
Natural gas = 33.8%
Coal = 30.4%
Nuclear = 19.7%
Renewables (total) = 14.9%
Hydropower = 6.5%
Wind = 5.6%
Biomass = 1.5%
Solar = 0.9%
Geothermal = 0.4%
Other = 1.2%
Wind power is only 5.6% of the total and solar is under 1%. Just how are you going to replace fossil fuels, like natural gas and coal, with wind and solar energy? You can't! Then, if you wipe out coal, (30.4%) as the environmentalists and government want to do, we suddenly find 330 million Americans living with constant brown outs and rationed energy like they do in North Korea.
We would be derelict if we did not mention one of the greatest national and international cons of all time, man-caused global warming, the name changed by the climate alarmists to "climate change" to dupe the naive' public. Of course the climate changes!
Fortunately, this international conspiracy climate nonsense is going to be challenged by a "red team" being assembled by the Trump Administration and Scott Pruitt, Secretary of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), along with a team from the Heartland Institute. The Heartland Institute continues to publish reports challenging the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other climate scientists, which it began eight years ago. The group has produced four volumes of "Climate Change Reconsidered," with a fifth coming out later this year. We have also assembled many credible articles challenging the IPCC climate model predictions on the NARLO website.
What we have described here is just a drop in the bucket to the other con games being perpetrated on the American people by government. There is the Constitution con. There is the representative government con. There is the debt and deficit con. There is the Federal Reserve con. There is the IRS con. There is the health care con. There is the public education con. There is the illegal immigration con. There is the social experiments con. There is the political correctness con. There is the multi-culturalism con and the cons go on and on and on.
So you see ladies and gentlemen, you are being led around by the nose and herded into neat little corrals like cattle, by Democrats and Progressives and their loyal associates, national and international radical environmentalists, socialists, central bankers and the one-world-order crowd. And if you were hoping that Trump and the Republicans would clear up this hopelessly corrupt mess, you are living inside a bubble that is about to burst. YOU THE PEOPLE aren't YOU THE PEOPLE any more and maybe you never have been.
Sure Americans can change it, if there were enough of them that cared and were willing to risk it all to throw a monkey wrench into the current, heavily entrenched political "System" (some call it the Deep State) that would shut it down so that we could start over. (See " "The 'System' - Impenetrable, Inflexible and Un-Yielding!") But to be successful, it would take a powerful, charismatic leader with a "give me liberty or give me death" agenda and millions of loyal Americans willing to join him (or her), along with a large bank full of $100 bills.
Remember! Government fears the people, only when there are millions of them and they act in unison for a common purpose. Right now, there is no charismatic leader, there are no millions of dedicated and united Americans to join him, there is no liberty agenda and there isn't enough money to fund more than a token effort, which would be put down post haste by government forces. Trump will try but he will be thwarted every step of the way by the powerful forces of the "System." To beat all the "cons" that are being foisted on a naive' public by government (the "System") you have to attack it from the outside because those on the inside have no incentive whatsoever to change it.
The "idea" of liberty that arose in 1776 only resonated with the colonials because of the heavy hand of a tyrannical British government that did not want part of its empire to secede and was willing to punctuate its authority with brute force. The colonials challenged that brute force and surprisingly won, against all odds.
But today, what most people don't realize is that the tyranny of the British Empire in 1776 is a fraction of the tyranny of the current American government. Instead of punctuating the American government's authority by brute force, it does it by the explosion and complication of the "rule of law" and the police enforcement thereof. It also does it by propaganda, cons, myths, distortions and outright lies. Remember Obama Care? "You can keep your doctor and your insurance." The fact is, government, at all levels, has lost all credibility and cannot be trusted and should therefore be resisted by all means possible. Sadly, most Americans have such a fear of government resistance is the farthest thing from their minds.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Americans Oblivious To The Approaching Storm”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, July 30, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
A while back we attended an evening meeting of over 30 rural landowners, in which a couple of auditors of a land use department were there to collect stories of government abuse, for the purposes of an audit. They got an un-expected ear full. As the two auditors were leaving the meeting, one of them was overheard to say, "I had no idea it was this bad." One might ask how they could be so blind when the rural landowners of this county had been yelling from the rooftops for years, about the egregious injustices that are being foisted on them by an over-bloated, CITY-RUN, county council.
In the spirit of surprising civilized behavior, one by one, the landowner's stories came pouring out, sometimes punctuated with a few expletives, sometimes with passion bordering on wanting to do physical harm to the perpetrators of their extended grief. Words like Gestapo, brown shirts, Nazism, communism and socialism were frequently on the lips of the landowners, as they related their individual experiences with land use code enforcement officers.
But what was entirely overlooked by those attending the meeting and by the auditors themselves, was that this was just a symptom of a much greater evil, an evil that is being perpetrated on an American minority, with little or no representation in the government process. An evil that is foisted on this minority by the tyranny of a majority (city folk) who have bought into the "green" lie that the environment must be protected, no matter how much it costs, or how many individual and property rights that the minority has to give up to implement what can be generously called, a draconian, environmental government policy. This evil has all the characteristics of mass or religious hysteria. It is an evil that totally ignores the rights protected by the 5th Amendment to our cherished Constitution, the absolute requirement by government to provide "due process" and "just compensation" when "TAKING" private property. It is also an evil that violates another section of our Constitution, the "equal protection clause". The rural minority is being asked to bear almost the entire burden of environmental protection, for the benefit of the constitutionally ignorant and naive urban dwellers, who have been duped into thinking they have the right to usurp the property rights of their rural brethren with their votes.
But all this grief being dumped on rural landowners is coming from the top down. It comes out of a spineless U. S. Congress that daily violates their oath of office to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. It comes from wealthy environmental groups. It comes from Europe and the United Nations with their fully expressed goal to take the land away from private citizens in America. It is formal UN policy that: "Private land ownership is a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice.... Public ownership of land and public control of land use is therefore indispensable." Think Agenda 21.
America is a member of the United Nations and has ratified many of their social and environmental goals by executive order and Congressional legislation. Even one of the U. S. Supreme Court justices (Ginsberg) outrageously believes that we must look at European laws and statutes, when adjudicating American law or legislation.
These national and international injustices are further extended into state and then local governments, as it filters down from the UN, the President (Executive Orders) and the Congress that pass "green" legislation that fully violates the Constitution, if not putting at risk our very liberty. Trump has reversed many of these trickle-down laws and rules, but there are so many of them. He can only put a small dent in this tangled web of government tyranny by rule of law.
But let's be frank here. Let's say what many think, but don't have the courage to say. Had federal, state or local governments done what they are now doing to the rural minority 100 years ago, the guns would have come out and some government officials would be either shot, hung, or tarred and feathered. As a matter of fact, such things did happen over 100 years ago, when rural landowners wouldn't bow down to anyone, but especially they wouldn't bow down to government officials, politicians and bureaucrats alike, who would trespass on their rights, or their land.
In spite of this past history, we still abhor violence and do not condone it, knowing full well that it just leads to more violence. We can win without violence, but we will only win when enough Americans decide that freedom is more important than their pleasure, or their assets. With government holding all the political power, all the money (our money that they use against us) and an enforcement arm (police) that will take on the people with guns, but shield the politicians and the bureaucrats from the people, our task is formidable. That is why you see armed and uniformed police officers at almost every public meeting these days, in every small and large corner of America, to protect the politicians from the anger of the people. They fear us, but they don't fear us enough.
Unfortunately, today, the fight has gone out of the people. They want to be civilized, they want to be nice and avoid a fight. Sadly, being nice just enables government to do more against us. After all, if the people fought they might endanger some of their creature comforts. So the job is left to the few of us who have the courage to stick our heads up above the noise level and call tyranny what it is, tyranny.
The hard truth is, that if those of us who are fighting are left to our own resources to take on the almighty government, we will eventually be crushed. (i.e. Bundy, Hammond, Nettleton, Hage, etc.) If they could crush us now, they would, but so far we still have the right of free speech and we can still call out government injustices and rising tyranny.
But if government can take away one right, which they have, they certainly have the power to take away our other rights whether urban or rural. If left alone, where the people do not hold government to its constitutional limits, the rest of our constitutional rights are headed for the garbage dump.
But then hey, it's your freedom to preserve, protect and defend, or not. What you do, or don't do, will have lasting affect on your children and grandchildren. We can certainly understand your desire to be civilized and be nice, so as not to put at risk your hard-won creature comforts but it won't save liberty. Just so long as you have your car, your boat, your home, your job and your vacations, it would be foolish on your part to make waves. Right? After all, let the other guy take the heat, why should you? That's exactly what the German people did during the rise of Hitler.
Sure we could use your HELP, but after eleven years in the heat of this battle we know that we, like so many of us who really care about America, are mostly left to fight Goliath on our own. That is especially true of the rural landowner who is besieged by a constant barrage of new land use and environmental laws about which the landowner knows nothing until he gets a notice of violation in the mail, or some drunk-with-power code enforcement officer knocks on his door.
Please consider this information as a public service notice regarding powerful new information about the rights of rural landowners to exclude anyone from their property, including government agents and law enforcement. Our organization receives many complaints from landowners, all across America, saying that government and law enforcement believe they have the right to come on your property any time they feel like it under federal, state, or local law and unfortunately they do. But you can revoke that law. Allow us to explain.
The right to legally trespass on property by law enforcement and government agents is supported by the "knock and talk" implied license, as set forth in precedent law by U. S. Supreme Court cases, Breard v. Alexander 341 U. S. 622 (1951) and Florida v. Jardines 133 S. CT 1409 (2013). However, under a 10th Circuit case C:13-CR-00006-RAW-2 (2016) legal authority was granted to the property owner the right to REVOKE that implied license by proper signage.
In our stated goal of acting as advocates for rural landowners, NARLO has developed a copyrighted, powerful "REVOCATION OF IMPLIED LICENSE" No Trespass sign that provides notice to government and law enforcement that the "Implied License" under the U. S. Supreme Court cases cited above, has been revoked by the landowner. Please note that federal law has priority over state and local law.
Our new sign is a powerful companion to NARLO's large 18" x 24" No Trespassing sign and is purposely designed to be mounted above the large sign, or the new sign can stand alone on its own. There is no other sign this powerful in keeping government agents and law enforcement off your property, anywhere on the market, backed up by the law.
Take a look at our copyrighted No Trespass sign HERE.
Landowners must organize: If landowners really want to fight back when government comes calling with an unconstitutional land use fine or notice of violation, they must form a group of rural landowners and start a NARLO County Chapter in their state, like the landowners in Garfield County, Utah did.
Be sure and share this information with your rural friends. They need to know.
Remember! It's the rural landowner that provides the food you eat. If government can take away the rights of rural landowners, they can just as easily take away the rights of those who live in cities. Government has and is, but the city dweller is unaware of what is going on behind their backs. If city dwellers buy into radical environmentalism (climate change, etc.) and the social justice propaganda being fed to the American people every day from government and in our schools, our colleges and in the news media, they will literally be committing American liberty and sovereignty suicide. Unfortunately, tens of millions of city dwellers have been drinking the government Kool-Aid and have been converted to hopelessly naive' socialists.
The city vote has virtually destroyed any semblance of constitutional law in America and city dwellers are totally unaware of the approaching storm they've created. America is bankrupt. Congress is impotent. The courts are a stacked deck. The borders are more than porous. Civic violence and crime are increasing. Terrorists will continue to attack us. Our schools and colleges are indoctrination centers and the people are losing their honor, integrity and morality in exchange for drugs, pleasure and entertainment.
To peacefully restore our Constitutional Republic, if it can even be restored, will take the combined, dedicated and coordinated efforts of millions of Americans who still cherish freedom. In the end, it may take guns.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
In the spirit of surprising civilized behavior, one by one, the landowner's stories came pouring out, sometimes punctuated with a few expletives, sometimes with passion bordering on wanting to do physical harm to the perpetrators of their extended grief. Words like Gestapo, brown shirts, Nazism, communism and socialism were frequently on the lips of the landowners, as they related their individual experiences with land use code enforcement officers.
But what was entirely overlooked by those attending the meeting and by the auditors themselves, was that this was just a symptom of a much greater evil, an evil that is being perpetrated on an American minority, with little or no representation in the government process. An evil that is foisted on this minority by the tyranny of a majority (city folk) who have bought into the "green" lie that the environment must be protected, no matter how much it costs, or how many individual and property rights that the minority has to give up to implement what can be generously called, a draconian, environmental government policy. This evil has all the characteristics of mass or religious hysteria. It is an evil that totally ignores the rights protected by the 5th Amendment to our cherished Constitution, the absolute requirement by government to provide "due process" and "just compensation" when "TAKING" private property. It is also an evil that violates another section of our Constitution, the "equal protection clause". The rural minority is being asked to bear almost the entire burden of environmental protection, for the benefit of the constitutionally ignorant and naive urban dwellers, who have been duped into thinking they have the right to usurp the property rights of their rural brethren with their votes.
But all this grief being dumped on rural landowners is coming from the top down. It comes out of a spineless U. S. Congress that daily violates their oath of office to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. It comes from wealthy environmental groups. It comes from Europe and the United Nations with their fully expressed goal to take the land away from private citizens in America. It is formal UN policy that: "Private land ownership is a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice.... Public ownership of land and public control of land use is therefore indispensable." Think Agenda 21.
America is a member of the United Nations and has ratified many of their social and environmental goals by executive order and Congressional legislation. Even one of the U. S. Supreme Court justices (Ginsberg) outrageously believes that we must look at European laws and statutes, when adjudicating American law or legislation.
These national and international injustices are further extended into state and then local governments, as it filters down from the UN, the President (Executive Orders) and the Congress that pass "green" legislation that fully violates the Constitution, if not putting at risk our very liberty. Trump has reversed many of these trickle-down laws and rules, but there are so many of them. He can only put a small dent in this tangled web of government tyranny by rule of law.
But let's be frank here. Let's say what many think, but don't have the courage to say. Had federal, state or local governments done what they are now doing to the rural minority 100 years ago, the guns would have come out and some government officials would be either shot, hung, or tarred and feathered. As a matter of fact, such things did happen over 100 years ago, when rural landowners wouldn't bow down to anyone, but especially they wouldn't bow down to government officials, politicians and bureaucrats alike, who would trespass on their rights, or their land.
In spite of this past history, we still abhor violence and do not condone it, knowing full well that it just leads to more violence. We can win without violence, but we will only win when enough Americans decide that freedom is more important than their pleasure, or their assets. With government holding all the political power, all the money (our money that they use against us) and an enforcement arm (police) that will take on the people with guns, but shield the politicians and the bureaucrats from the people, our task is formidable. That is why you see armed and uniformed police officers at almost every public meeting these days, in every small and large corner of America, to protect the politicians from the anger of the people. They fear us, but they don't fear us enough.
Unfortunately, today, the fight has gone out of the people. They want to be civilized, they want to be nice and avoid a fight. Sadly, being nice just enables government to do more against us. After all, if the people fought they might endanger some of their creature comforts. So the job is left to the few of us who have the courage to stick our heads up above the noise level and call tyranny what it is, tyranny.
The hard truth is, that if those of us who are fighting are left to our own resources to take on the almighty government, we will eventually be crushed. (i.e. Bundy, Hammond, Nettleton, Hage, etc.) If they could crush us now, they would, but so far we still have the right of free speech and we can still call out government injustices and rising tyranny.
But if government can take away one right, which they have, they certainly have the power to take away our other rights whether urban or rural. If left alone, where the people do not hold government to its constitutional limits, the rest of our constitutional rights are headed for the garbage dump.
But then hey, it's your freedom to preserve, protect and defend, or not. What you do, or don't do, will have lasting affect on your children and grandchildren. We can certainly understand your desire to be civilized and be nice, so as not to put at risk your hard-won creature comforts but it won't save liberty. Just so long as you have your car, your boat, your home, your job and your vacations, it would be foolish on your part to make waves. Right? After all, let the other guy take the heat, why should you? That's exactly what the German people did during the rise of Hitler.
Sure we could use your HELP, but after eleven years in the heat of this battle we know that we, like so many of us who really care about America, are mostly left to fight Goliath on our own. That is especially true of the rural landowner who is besieged by a constant barrage of new land use and environmental laws about which the landowner knows nothing until he gets a notice of violation in the mail, or some drunk-with-power code enforcement officer knocks on his door.
Please consider this information as a public service notice regarding powerful new information about the rights of rural landowners to exclude anyone from their property, including government agents and law enforcement. Our organization receives many complaints from landowners, all across America, saying that government and law enforcement believe they have the right to come on your property any time they feel like it under federal, state, or local law and unfortunately they do. But you can revoke that law. Allow us to explain.
The right to legally trespass on property by law enforcement and government agents is supported by the "knock and talk" implied license, as set forth in precedent law by U. S. Supreme Court cases, Breard v. Alexander 341 U. S. 622 (1951) and Florida v. Jardines 133 S. CT 1409 (2013). However, under a 10th Circuit case C:13-CR-00006-RAW-2 (2016) legal authority was granted to the property owner the right to REVOKE that implied license by proper signage.
In our stated goal of acting as advocates for rural landowners, NARLO has developed a copyrighted, powerful "REVOCATION OF IMPLIED LICENSE" No Trespass sign that provides notice to government and law enforcement that the "Implied License" under the U. S. Supreme Court cases cited above, has been revoked by the landowner. Please note that federal law has priority over state and local law.
Our new sign is a powerful companion to NARLO's large 18" x 24" No Trespassing sign and is purposely designed to be mounted above the large sign, or the new sign can stand alone on its own. There is no other sign this powerful in keeping government agents and law enforcement off your property, anywhere on the market, backed up by the law.
Take a look at our copyrighted No Trespass sign HERE.
Landowners must organize: If landowners really want to fight back when government comes calling with an unconstitutional land use fine or notice of violation, they must form a group of rural landowners and start a NARLO County Chapter in their state, like the landowners in Garfield County, Utah did.
Be sure and share this information with your rural friends. They need to know.
Remember! It's the rural landowner that provides the food you eat. If government can take away the rights of rural landowners, they can just as easily take away the rights of those who live in cities. Government has and is, but the city dweller is unaware of what is going on behind their backs. If city dwellers buy into radical environmentalism (climate change, etc.) and the social justice propaganda being fed to the American people every day from government and in our schools, our colleges and in the news media, they will literally be committing American liberty and sovereignty suicide. Unfortunately, tens of millions of city dwellers have been drinking the government Kool-Aid and have been converted to hopelessly naive' socialists.
The city vote has virtually destroyed any semblance of constitutional law in America and city dwellers are totally unaware of the approaching storm they've created. America is bankrupt. Congress is impotent. The courts are a stacked deck. The borders are more than porous. Civic violence and crime are increasing. Terrorists will continue to attack us. Our schools and colleges are indoctrination centers and the people are losing their honor, integrity and morality in exchange for drugs, pleasure and entertainment.
To peacefully restore our Constitutional Republic, if it can even be restored, will take the combined, dedicated and coordinated efforts of millions of Americans who still cherish freedom. In the end, it may take guns.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Equity and Social Justice - Democrat's Tool for Perpetual Power”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, July 16, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
“I am for doing good to the poor, but...I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.” Benjamin Franklin
Our guilty conscience is working overtime these days. It seems, according to many politicians and pundits, that we and the rest of productive humanity, are somehow responsible for the inequities and social injustices being perpetrated on the poor, who are trapped in "poor-dom", by those of us who are a little better well off. The pundits and politicians want to rectify this tragic injustice (and have) by doing what the socialist Karl Marx advanced, and that is to "take from those with the greatest capability (those of us who are a little better well off) and turn our sweat, blood, tears, effort and money over to those with the greatest need", you know, those poor folks who are forever trapped in "poor-dom." Who gets the job of turning our tax money over to those hapless victims, the government of course, the great champion of the poor, the aged and the downtrodden, or the Blacks, Latinos and the LGBT crowd ..... in exchange for votes.
But of course there is no cost to the managers of the government welfare, only to the people. The government essentially uses the power to tax, by force of the gun, (just try not paying your taxes) and sets up social programs, staffed with thousands of government employees, to administer to these victims who have allegedly been discriminated against by the rest of us because they live in "poor-dom", or whatever.
But the government welfare programs siphon off huge chunks of our taxes for these high-paid, over-educated, "irrationally compassionate" administrators, and only a limited percentage ever gets to the poor. In 2011 over $60,000 was spent by the government on each household existing below the poverty line covering almost 17,000,000 people. But $60,000 per household is almost three times the amount the average household lives on per year. So where is the rest of your tax money going? It's going to pay the salaries of hundreds of thousands of state and federal employees administering the welfare programs. In fact six years ago, the states were charging over $5 billion back to the federal government every year for welfare management costs and its been rising dramatically every year since Obama Care was passed with the massive expansion of Medicaid. That doesn't include what the federal government spends on welfare management. (More on WELFARE SPENDING from the Heritage Foundation)
But here is the other side of the alleged inequity and social injustice issue, about which the politicians and pundits won't speak. It is a fact. Every segment of society is discriminated against, some more than others. If you are too fat, too thin, too tall, too smart, too dumb, too young, too old, too ugly, too inexperienced, infirmed, disabled or mentally challenged, you are discriminated against, because humans, by their very nature, are discriminatory. If you think Americans are discriminatory, try going to Asian countries where the only hair color is straight black, not blond, not brown and not curly.
But discrimination is in fact the challenge of life and a challenge that most folks win over, eventually, unless the individual has bought into the myth that he or she is a victim, because government has convinced them they are. The government is a master at making those living in "poor-dom", or ethnic races, or other variations of human behavior into thinking they are victims and it is the fault of the rich that they must suffer these indignities. In contrast, there are millions of examples of individuals who have overcome man's discriminatory nature and moved forward with their lives, no matter their station in life. The real truth is, that everyone seems to ignore, is that achievement transcends race, color, creed, natural origin, or any of the other previously mentioned, discriminated-against characteristics.
The masses are always calling for more taxes on the rich and will even violate constitutional law to do so, most recently Seattle, WA. But what the poor fail to realize, and the government won't tell them, is that those earning $100,000 or more per year (16% of all wage earners) pay 79.4% of all income taxes. In contrast, those earning under $100,000 per year (84% of all wage earners) only pay 25% of all income taxes. 47% of the adult population pay no income taxes at all and are a huge drain on the Public Treasury. When 16% of wage earners are paying 79.4% of all income taxes, that is REAL social injustice and hardly equal treatment under the law. Just how much more should the rich pay?
If you or others have convinced you that you are a victim, if your roll models are the dredges of society, if you refuse to take responsibility for your life, if mediocrity is the best you have to offer, then you will look down into the depths of depravity and despair and bleed all over everyone else of how bad you have it. However, if you are convinced that you are just as good as anyone else, no matter what your individual characteristics, then you will look out, forward and up in search of opportunity. Government can't give you courage and ambition, only you can, but you have to want it with all of your being. Most would rather be victims at the expense of the rest of society because it is easier to be lazy than it is to be industrious. But, as we have said before, what happens to a nation when there are more people in the cart, than those pulling the cart?
This life in a free America promises you nothing but opportunity. Some see the opportunity and run with it. Others declare victim status and wait for the government, or someone else, to stroke their fevered brow and aid and abet their victim hood. And the government is all-to-willing to steal our money to help them, no matter how much it costs. After all, those victims might just vote for the politician that does just that.
In a fireside chat to the American people in January 1944 just before his death, FDR outlined his idea of an expanded Bill of Rights: "The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries, or shops or farms or mines of the Nation; The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation; The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living; The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad; The right of every family to a decent home; The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health; The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment; The right to a good education.”
Indeed! FDR enumerated the platform of the Socialist's mantra. FDR's attempt to illegally expand the Bill of Rights was an outright and blatant perversion of the U. S. Constitution. Our government has spent trillions of our money on poverty and on FDR's expanded Bill of Rights and yet poverty still exists at the same or higher level as it did at the start of the Great Society.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
As we stated in a recent article: This gnashing of teeth over health care (or Russia) overshadows a much bigger problem, an unsustainable national debt that is expected to explode to $30,000,000,000,000 (that's trillion) by the year 2026, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). "In CBO’s baseline projections (which incorporate the assumption that current laws will generally remain the same), growth in spending—particularly for Social Security, health care, and interest payments on federal debt—outpaces growth in revenues over the coming 10 years. The budget deficit increases modestly through 2018 but then starts to rise more sharply, reaching $1.4 trillion in 2026. As a percentage of GDP, the deficit remains at roughly 2.9 percent through 2018, starts to rise, and reaches 4.9 percent by the end of the 10-year projection period. The projected cumulative deficit between 2017 and 2026 is $9.4 trillion." And this is just an estimate that is very likely to be much worse.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
For those readers who think we are heartless and without compassion should re-examine their belief system and their knowledge of simple economics. Yes, there are people in society that need society's reasonable help. Sadly, America has provided that help in such a grandiose manner, the nation is at the point of breaking the bank and rendering it insolvent. The 2011 chart above graphically indicates a dramatic explosion in welfare spending since President Johnson's Great Society. This explosion has resulted from adding those who shouldn't be receiving any help at all, in exchange for their votes, to those in society who truly need help, with deadly economic and fiscal consequences.
None of this takes into account the huge drain on capital by a giant welfare state. That huge drain inhibits corporate and business formation and expansion, resulting in less jobs, less per capita income and less wealth creation that pays for all those people trapped in "poor-dom.".
However, what eclipses everything we have said here is that a nation is only as strong as the strength and character of its citizens. The nation dies if the people are weak and without honor. If the percentage of the population grows weaker every year, as it has been for several decades, then Benjamin Franklin's prophecy comes true. "The more public provisions are made for the poor, the less they provide for themselves, and became poorer (and weaker)." The nation is dying ladies and gentlemen and it appears that nothing can stop it ..... except the people themselves. Meanwhile, the poor are growing ever more poorer and the nation is going ever more deeper in unsustainable debt.
The hard truth is, the terms "equity and social justice" were not created by Democrats for altruistic or compassionate reasons, they were created to re-distribute wealth and to buy votes from government-created victims, dead beats and free loaders for the sole and premeditated purpose to gain perpetual political power in America under the banner of Progressivism. They have been hugely successful, to the detriment of America and freedom.
What's your TAKE?
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Our guilty conscience is working overtime these days. It seems, according to many politicians and pundits, that we and the rest of productive humanity, are somehow responsible for the inequities and social injustices being perpetrated on the poor, who are trapped in "poor-dom", by those of us who are a little better well off. The pundits and politicians want to rectify this tragic injustice (and have) by doing what the socialist Karl Marx advanced, and that is to "take from those with the greatest capability (those of us who are a little better well off) and turn our sweat, blood, tears, effort and money over to those with the greatest need", you know, those poor folks who are forever trapped in "poor-dom." Who gets the job of turning our tax money over to those hapless victims, the government of course, the great champion of the poor, the aged and the downtrodden, or the Blacks, Latinos and the LGBT crowd ..... in exchange for votes.
But of course there is no cost to the managers of the government welfare, only to the people. The government essentially uses the power to tax, by force of the gun, (just try not paying your taxes) and sets up social programs, staffed with thousands of government employees, to administer to these victims who have allegedly been discriminated against by the rest of us because they live in "poor-dom", or whatever.
But the government welfare programs siphon off huge chunks of our taxes for these high-paid, over-educated, "irrationally compassionate" administrators, and only a limited percentage ever gets to the poor. In 2011 over $60,000 was spent by the government on each household existing below the poverty line covering almost 17,000,000 people. But $60,000 per household is almost three times the amount the average household lives on per year. So where is the rest of your tax money going? It's going to pay the salaries of hundreds of thousands of state and federal employees administering the welfare programs. In fact six years ago, the states were charging over $5 billion back to the federal government every year for welfare management costs and its been rising dramatically every year since Obama Care was passed with the massive expansion of Medicaid. That doesn't include what the federal government spends on welfare management. (More on WELFARE SPENDING from the Heritage Foundation)
But here is the other side of the alleged inequity and social injustice issue, about which the politicians and pundits won't speak. It is a fact. Every segment of society is discriminated against, some more than others. If you are too fat, too thin, too tall, too smart, too dumb, too young, too old, too ugly, too inexperienced, infirmed, disabled or mentally challenged, you are discriminated against, because humans, by their very nature, are discriminatory. If you think Americans are discriminatory, try going to Asian countries where the only hair color is straight black, not blond, not brown and not curly.
But discrimination is in fact the challenge of life and a challenge that most folks win over, eventually, unless the individual has bought into the myth that he or she is a victim, because government has convinced them they are. The government is a master at making those living in "poor-dom", or ethnic races, or other variations of human behavior into thinking they are victims and it is the fault of the rich that they must suffer these indignities. In contrast, there are millions of examples of individuals who have overcome man's discriminatory nature and moved forward with their lives, no matter their station in life. The real truth is, that everyone seems to ignore, is that achievement transcends race, color, creed, natural origin, or any of the other previously mentioned, discriminated-against characteristics.
The masses are always calling for more taxes on the rich and will even violate constitutional law to do so, most recently Seattle, WA. But what the poor fail to realize, and the government won't tell them, is that those earning $100,000 or more per year (16% of all wage earners) pay 79.4% of all income taxes. In contrast, those earning under $100,000 per year (84% of all wage earners) only pay 25% of all income taxes. 47% of the adult population pay no income taxes at all and are a huge drain on the Public Treasury. When 16% of wage earners are paying 79.4% of all income taxes, that is REAL social injustice and hardly equal treatment under the law. Just how much more should the rich pay?
If you or others have convinced you that you are a victim, if your roll models are the dredges of society, if you refuse to take responsibility for your life, if mediocrity is the best you have to offer, then you will look down into the depths of depravity and despair and bleed all over everyone else of how bad you have it. However, if you are convinced that you are just as good as anyone else, no matter what your individual characteristics, then you will look out, forward and up in search of opportunity. Government can't give you courage and ambition, only you can, but you have to want it with all of your being. Most would rather be victims at the expense of the rest of society because it is easier to be lazy than it is to be industrious. But, as we have said before, what happens to a nation when there are more people in the cart, than those pulling the cart?
This life in a free America promises you nothing but opportunity. Some see the opportunity and run with it. Others declare victim status and wait for the government, or someone else, to stroke their fevered brow and aid and abet their victim hood. And the government is all-to-willing to steal our money to help them, no matter how much it costs. After all, those victims might just vote for the politician that does just that.
In a fireside chat to the American people in January 1944 just before his death, FDR outlined his idea of an expanded Bill of Rights: "The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries, or shops or farms or mines of the Nation; The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation; The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living; The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad; The right of every family to a decent home; The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health; The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment; The right to a good education.”
Indeed! FDR enumerated the platform of the Socialist's mantra. FDR's attempt to illegally expand the Bill of Rights was an outright and blatant perversion of the U. S. Constitution. Our government has spent trillions of our money on poverty and on FDR's expanded Bill of Rights and yet poverty still exists at the same or higher level as it did at the start of the Great Society.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
As we stated in a recent article: This gnashing of teeth over health care (or Russia) overshadows a much bigger problem, an unsustainable national debt that is expected to explode to $30,000,000,000,000 (that's trillion) by the year 2026, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). "In CBO’s baseline projections (which incorporate the assumption that current laws will generally remain the same), growth in spending—particularly for Social Security, health care, and interest payments on federal debt—outpaces growth in revenues over the coming 10 years. The budget deficit increases modestly through 2018 but then starts to rise more sharply, reaching $1.4 trillion in 2026. As a percentage of GDP, the deficit remains at roughly 2.9 percent through 2018, starts to rise, and reaches 4.9 percent by the end of the 10-year projection period. The projected cumulative deficit between 2017 and 2026 is $9.4 trillion." And this is just an estimate that is very likely to be much worse.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
For those readers who think we are heartless and without compassion should re-examine their belief system and their knowledge of simple economics. Yes, there are people in society that need society's reasonable help. Sadly, America has provided that help in such a grandiose manner, the nation is at the point of breaking the bank and rendering it insolvent. The 2011 chart above graphically indicates a dramatic explosion in welfare spending since President Johnson's Great Society. This explosion has resulted from adding those who shouldn't be receiving any help at all, in exchange for their votes, to those in society who truly need help, with deadly economic and fiscal consequences.
None of this takes into account the huge drain on capital by a giant welfare state. That huge drain inhibits corporate and business formation and expansion, resulting in less jobs, less per capita income and less wealth creation that pays for all those people trapped in "poor-dom.".
However, what eclipses everything we have said here is that a nation is only as strong as the strength and character of its citizens. The nation dies if the people are weak and without honor. If the percentage of the population grows weaker every year, as it has been for several decades, then Benjamin Franklin's prophecy comes true. "The more public provisions are made for the poor, the less they provide for themselves, and became poorer (and weaker)." The nation is dying ladies and gentlemen and it appears that nothing can stop it ..... except the people themselves. Meanwhile, the poor are growing ever more poorer and the nation is going ever more deeper in unsustainable debt.
The hard truth is, the terms "equity and social justice" were not created by Democrats for altruistic or compassionate reasons, they were created to re-distribute wealth and to buy votes from government-created victims, dead beats and free loaders for the sole and premeditated purpose to gain perpetual political power in America under the banner of Progressivism. They have been hugely successful, to the detriment of America and freedom.
What's your TAKE?
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Hey Folks, Are You Beginning To See A Pattern?”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, July 16, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
In the car the other evening, while waiting for a grandson to exit the local grocery store, we stumbled upon Mark Levin's radio show where he was going down the list on how government corrupted the elements of liberty that were spelled out in the U. S. Constitution. He focused on government's perversion of the "Commerce" and "Necessary and Proper" clauses, as delineated in Article 1, Section 8. Of course, these weren't the only perversions of liberty perpetrated by a government that had been given its head to do just about anything it wanted to do because WE THE PEOPLE turned away from our duty to hold government accountable. Sadly, if the people won't hold government accountable, they get what they deserve and what they get is slowly evolving slavery.
We will describe a few details on what the people have gotten, at the hands of a rogue, out-of-control and Hell bent on domination of the masses, government. These events taken one at a time in and of themselves do not necessarily cause any alarm. However, taken in their totality should raise the hackles and the fear of even the most naive American. Some of these events are well known. A few however, have received a bored ho hum from the media.
Fishermen found five-year old Elian Gonzales clinging to an inner tube, three miles off the Florida Coast. His mother and several others drowned in the boat crossing from Cuba. Only Elian survived. The fishermen took him to land where he was admitted to a hospital for observation. After release from the hospital he was sent to live with his maternal relatives in Florida who then petitioned for custody and asylum for the little boy. But Elian's Cuban father wanted him back and made an international plea to get him back. The State Department washed their hands of the issue and said it belonged in state court. But when the relatives went to state court, U. S. Attorney General Janet Reno said that any filings should be in federal court. The relatives filed in federal court where the government demanded the case be dismissed. The federal court judge did the government's bidding. After an 11th Circuit Court, Appeals Court and U. S. Supreme Court ruled against Elian's relatives, on April 22, 2000 AG Reno sent in the storm troopers to abduct Elian and unite him with his father. Over 130 Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) were involved in the pre-dawn swat-team like raid that took Elian by force. No matter how the reader may lean on the issue, the government exercised, excessive, overwhelming force to take custody of a little five-year old boy and sent him back to a communist regime.
Many times we have written that any conflict between American citizens and the federal government will not be a fair fight. Citizens have side arms and long guns. The government has highly trained troops, tanks, armored personnel carriers, rocket launchers, Apache helicopters and various other weapons designed to remove life from flesh, blood and bones. Consequently, civil wars and revolutions are doomed to failure from the start. But that disparity does not stop citizens from trying when they believe they have been aggrieved by government actions.
And so it was when federal agents from Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) attempted to serve a search warrant on the Branch Davidian compound near Waco, Texas for alleged firearms violations. Branch Davidian inhabitants resisted the search warrant attempt with small arms fire. There is still a question on which side fired the first shot. Nevertheless, several were killed on either side.
That resistance resulted in a 51-day standoff between the Branch Davidian and heavily armed federal agents until a tear gas assault was launched by federal agents on April 19th, 1993 using almost 100 troops, a tank, helicopters and other methods to gain access to the compound. A fire ensued from the assault and over 70 Branch Davidians died in the blaze. We are not here to defend what the Branch Davidian folks did. We only point out that once again the federal government resorted to overwhelming military style force to subdue American citizens trying to go about their business without interference from government. It was U. S. Attorney General Janet Reno that ordered the final assault.
A little less than a year prior to the Branch Davidian assault, federal agents of ATF moved in on Randy Weaver's cabin in the remote panhandle of Idaho. In the end of the assault, a federal agent was killed, Randy Weaver's dog, son and wife were dead and his friend, Kevin Harris was wounded from FBI sniper fire. The federal agents in the assault lied about the event in a cover up, which resulted in a $3.1 million monetary award to Randy Weaver and Kevin Harris. The money won't bring back Randy's wife, son, or his dog.
Since the mid 1960’s national and international (UN) radical environmental policies and Indian demands have come in direct conflict with American constitutional principles and property rights. So far environmental policies and the Indians have won. The EPA, BLM and the US Fish and Wildlife are owned and operated, lock, stock and barrel, by environmental zealots. Environmentally brainwashed educated idiots that have graduated from liberal colleges, staff local, state and the federal government.
Government raided the Gibson guitar company with a fully armed swat team from the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Agency and forced them to pay up for an alleged environmental violation they say they didn’t commit. But paying up was cheaper than fighting the government in court. Nevertheless, paying up amounted to a $250,000 settlement, a $50,000 payoff to environmental groups, (what!!??) over $2,000,000 in legal fees, plus the cost of the factory shut down from the raid. Oh, did we forget to mention that Gibson is not a union shop but their competitors are? Did we also fail to mention that the owner of Gibson guitar has donated heavily to Republicans? Who was president at the time of the raid, Barack Obama, a Democrat? Who was U. S. Attorney General at the time, Eric Holder, a Democrat? Was the raid a coincidence ..... hardly?
Gibson isn’t the first company that this pair of Democrats has targeted, using a federal agency, you know, like the IRS. Gibson had the money to pay off the government ransom because Gibson is a profitable company. Do you have the money to pay a government ransom, or will you end up in the poor house, or in jail?
Over the last several decades, small, local skirmishes, sometimes violent, started erupting in different parts of the West, in response to the government and environmental land grab, which led to the Sagebrush Rebellion in the 1970’s. The skirmishes started to grow in size which culminated in the Bundy Ranch standoff in 2014 between 200 heavily-armed BLM agents and a couple of hundred private citizens carrying guns. A shooting war where private citizens would start dying in the desert for all to see at the hands of federal agents, wouldn’t play well with public opinion. The event was widely covered by the news media and the government had no choice but to stand down.
The Nevada Bundy standoff in 2014 led to the Oregon occupation of the Oregon Malheur Nature Preserve in 2016 where trigger-happy Oregon State Patrol and FBI agents couldn’t wait to shoot one of the landowners at a traffic stop. Eyewitness Victoria Sharps, who was in the white SUV, stated that "red laser lights everywhere, shined on all of the occupants of the rancher’s car, and a hail of bullets from the FBI agents fired into our car where Ryan Bundy was wounded. It’s a wonder we weren’t all killed."
The apparent summary execution of Lavoy Finicum on January 26, 2016 at the traffic stop on a remote Oregon highway was murder according to Ms. Sharps. She stated that rancher Finicum 54, a Mormon and father of 11 children and 19 grandchildren, had his hands up when the FBI and Oregon state patrol agents opened fire. We have recently learned that once again an FBI agent was caught in a lie about who fired the shots that assassinated Finicum and will likely face criminal charges. As in the Randy Weaver case, there may still be at least monetary justice for Lavoy Finicum.
What we have described here is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg and a very dangerous pattern of a growing police state. The alphabet soup of federal agencies are armed to the teeth and itching to demonstrate their overwhelming force when government thinks that citizens have stepped out of line. The IRS is one of the worst federal agencies in exerting its authority over the beleaguered taxpayer. We have chronicled our own difficulties with the IRS in multiple articles. Our troubles mirror the troubles of millions of other Americans who have fallen afoul of the IRS in responding to IRS mistakes resulting in harassment, intimidation, threats and heavy fines for violations that didn't happen. The IRS doesn't need guns. All they need is the threat of fines and jail time.
In our on-going battles with the IRS and other government agencies, from a lifetime of being confronted by them in business and personally, we have developed defenses and offenses against them. American rural landowners are aware of our powerful, legally intimidating No Trespassing signs HERE and our new sign HERE. Hundreds of landowners have obtained our RURAL LANDOWNER Handbook. Some non-rural Americans are aware of our DEFENSES and OFFENSES against the IRS. Some have made use of our DEFENSES against local and state governments.
This pattern of a growing police state leaves those that are ill prepared the ability to defend themselves. If you do not have the knowledge to confront government legally, you are at government's mercy. If you respond to government with any form of violence, even if you believe you are right, it is quite likely you will be wounded or killed in a hail of hollow-point or steel-jacketed bullets, purchased by the Department of Homeland Security in the billions, with your tax dollars.
But if you're scared all the time and haven't the courage to challenge government when they are wrong, you will have become a victim instead of a self-reliant, stand-up, free sovereign American and you will have emboldened government to get even more powerful. If you are ignorant or naive about the foundation of liberty then you won't know whether government is right or wrong and whether you should challenge them or not.
Thomas Jefferson was dead on when he stated that, "an educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people." Jefferson wasn't talking about our current form of education; "public school and college government brainwashing and indoctrination."
How many of you AGREE with our assessment of the pattern of a growing police state?
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
We will describe a few details on what the people have gotten, at the hands of a rogue, out-of-control and Hell bent on domination of the masses, government. These events taken one at a time in and of themselves do not necessarily cause any alarm. However, taken in their totality should raise the hackles and the fear of even the most naive American. Some of these events are well known. A few however, have received a bored ho hum from the media.
Fishermen found five-year old Elian Gonzales clinging to an inner tube, three miles off the Florida Coast. His mother and several others drowned in the boat crossing from Cuba. Only Elian survived. The fishermen took him to land where he was admitted to a hospital for observation. After release from the hospital he was sent to live with his maternal relatives in Florida who then petitioned for custody and asylum for the little boy. But Elian's Cuban father wanted him back and made an international plea to get him back. The State Department washed their hands of the issue and said it belonged in state court. But when the relatives went to state court, U. S. Attorney General Janet Reno said that any filings should be in federal court. The relatives filed in federal court where the government demanded the case be dismissed. The federal court judge did the government's bidding. After an 11th Circuit Court, Appeals Court and U. S. Supreme Court ruled against Elian's relatives, on April 22, 2000 AG Reno sent in the storm troopers to abduct Elian and unite him with his father. Over 130 Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) were involved in the pre-dawn swat-team like raid that took Elian by force. No matter how the reader may lean on the issue, the government exercised, excessive, overwhelming force to take custody of a little five-year old boy and sent him back to a communist regime.
Many times we have written that any conflict between American citizens and the federal government will not be a fair fight. Citizens have side arms and long guns. The government has highly trained troops, tanks, armored personnel carriers, rocket launchers, Apache helicopters and various other weapons designed to remove life from flesh, blood and bones. Consequently, civil wars and revolutions are doomed to failure from the start. But that disparity does not stop citizens from trying when they believe they have been aggrieved by government actions.
And so it was when federal agents from Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) attempted to serve a search warrant on the Branch Davidian compound near Waco, Texas for alleged firearms violations. Branch Davidian inhabitants resisted the search warrant attempt with small arms fire. There is still a question on which side fired the first shot. Nevertheless, several were killed on either side.
That resistance resulted in a 51-day standoff between the Branch Davidian and heavily armed federal agents until a tear gas assault was launched by federal agents on April 19th, 1993 using almost 100 troops, a tank, helicopters and other methods to gain access to the compound. A fire ensued from the assault and over 70 Branch Davidians died in the blaze. We are not here to defend what the Branch Davidian folks did. We only point out that once again the federal government resorted to overwhelming military style force to subdue American citizens trying to go about their business without interference from government. It was U. S. Attorney General Janet Reno that ordered the final assault.
A little less than a year prior to the Branch Davidian assault, federal agents of ATF moved in on Randy Weaver's cabin in the remote panhandle of Idaho. In the end of the assault, a federal agent was killed, Randy Weaver's dog, son and wife were dead and his friend, Kevin Harris was wounded from FBI sniper fire. The federal agents in the assault lied about the event in a cover up, which resulted in a $3.1 million monetary award to Randy Weaver and Kevin Harris. The money won't bring back Randy's wife, son, or his dog.
Since the mid 1960’s national and international (UN) radical environmental policies and Indian demands have come in direct conflict with American constitutional principles and property rights. So far environmental policies and the Indians have won. The EPA, BLM and the US Fish and Wildlife are owned and operated, lock, stock and barrel, by environmental zealots. Environmentally brainwashed educated idiots that have graduated from liberal colleges, staff local, state and the federal government.
Government raided the Gibson guitar company with a fully armed swat team from the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Agency and forced them to pay up for an alleged environmental violation they say they didn’t commit. But paying up was cheaper than fighting the government in court. Nevertheless, paying up amounted to a $250,000 settlement, a $50,000 payoff to environmental groups, (what!!??) over $2,000,000 in legal fees, plus the cost of the factory shut down from the raid. Oh, did we forget to mention that Gibson is not a union shop but their competitors are? Did we also fail to mention that the owner of Gibson guitar has donated heavily to Republicans? Who was president at the time of the raid, Barack Obama, a Democrat? Who was U. S. Attorney General at the time, Eric Holder, a Democrat? Was the raid a coincidence ..... hardly?
Gibson isn’t the first company that this pair of Democrats has targeted, using a federal agency, you know, like the IRS. Gibson had the money to pay off the government ransom because Gibson is a profitable company. Do you have the money to pay a government ransom, or will you end up in the poor house, or in jail?
Over the last several decades, small, local skirmishes, sometimes violent, started erupting in different parts of the West, in response to the government and environmental land grab, which led to the Sagebrush Rebellion in the 1970’s. The skirmishes started to grow in size which culminated in the Bundy Ranch standoff in 2014 between 200 heavily-armed BLM agents and a couple of hundred private citizens carrying guns. A shooting war where private citizens would start dying in the desert for all to see at the hands of federal agents, wouldn’t play well with public opinion. The event was widely covered by the news media and the government had no choice but to stand down.
The Nevada Bundy standoff in 2014 led to the Oregon occupation of the Oregon Malheur Nature Preserve in 2016 where trigger-happy Oregon State Patrol and FBI agents couldn’t wait to shoot one of the landowners at a traffic stop. Eyewitness Victoria Sharps, who was in the white SUV, stated that "red laser lights everywhere, shined on all of the occupants of the rancher’s car, and a hail of bullets from the FBI agents fired into our car where Ryan Bundy was wounded. It’s a wonder we weren’t all killed."
The apparent summary execution of Lavoy Finicum on January 26, 2016 at the traffic stop on a remote Oregon highway was murder according to Ms. Sharps. She stated that rancher Finicum 54, a Mormon and father of 11 children and 19 grandchildren, had his hands up when the FBI and Oregon state patrol agents opened fire. We have recently learned that once again an FBI agent was caught in a lie about who fired the shots that assassinated Finicum and will likely face criminal charges. As in the Randy Weaver case, there may still be at least monetary justice for Lavoy Finicum.
What we have described here is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg and a very dangerous pattern of a growing police state. The alphabet soup of federal agencies are armed to the teeth and itching to demonstrate their overwhelming force when government thinks that citizens have stepped out of line. The IRS is one of the worst federal agencies in exerting its authority over the beleaguered taxpayer. We have chronicled our own difficulties with the IRS in multiple articles. Our troubles mirror the troubles of millions of other Americans who have fallen afoul of the IRS in responding to IRS mistakes resulting in harassment, intimidation, threats and heavy fines for violations that didn't happen. The IRS doesn't need guns. All they need is the threat of fines and jail time.
In our on-going battles with the IRS and other government agencies, from a lifetime of being confronted by them in business and personally, we have developed defenses and offenses against them. American rural landowners are aware of our powerful, legally intimidating No Trespassing signs HERE and our new sign HERE. Hundreds of landowners have obtained our RURAL LANDOWNER Handbook. Some non-rural Americans are aware of our DEFENSES and OFFENSES against the IRS. Some have made use of our DEFENSES against local and state governments.
This pattern of a growing police state leaves those that are ill prepared the ability to defend themselves. If you do not have the knowledge to confront government legally, you are at government's mercy. If you respond to government with any form of violence, even if you believe you are right, it is quite likely you will be wounded or killed in a hail of hollow-point or steel-jacketed bullets, purchased by the Department of Homeland Security in the billions, with your tax dollars.
But if you're scared all the time and haven't the courage to challenge government when they are wrong, you will have become a victim instead of a self-reliant, stand-up, free sovereign American and you will have emboldened government to get even more powerful. If you are ignorant or naive about the foundation of liberty then you won't know whether government is right or wrong and whether you should challenge them or not.
Thomas Jefferson was dead on when he stated that, "an educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people." Jefferson wasn't talking about our current form of education; "public school and college government brainwashing and indoctrination."
How many of you AGREE with our assessment of the pattern of a growing police state?
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Has the 4th of July Become An Oxymoron?”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, July 9, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
During the negotiations over the Declaration of Independence, John Adams wrote to his wife and said:
"The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more."
And so it has been. John was off by a couple of days but he was right about the celebration of "Independence Day" by ALL succeeding generations.
Even though the 4th of July has been celebrated every year since 1776 and became a legal holiday in 1941, what was in the minds of the Americans about freedom in 1776 is far removed from what is in the minds of the Americans in 2017. The freedom envisioned by the Founding Fathers in the late 1700's is hardly the freedom that exists in present day America.
Nevertheless, pay no attention to the apologists. Pay no attention to the appeasers of our enemies. Pay no attention to those who utter dooms-day prophecies. Pay no attention to the fear mongers who would fill us with dread from manufactured crises, designed for evil purposes. Pay no attention to those who say we are weak and decadent. Pay no attention to the naysayers. Pay no attention to those who would run down America. Pay no attention to the socialists who would willingly tear down the fabric of our freedom and give away our sovereignty to a faceless one-world order.
They, each and every one of them, are wrong. They are wrong because in the hearts and minds of most free Americans, no matter how many generations have been brainwashed by the collectivist's philosophy, no matter how many have been bought off by the offer of government largess and handouts, no matter how all-powerful the federal government has become in its incessant march to total control, lies a subconscious belief that America is unique, different and one-of-a-kind and that uniqueness, that difference and that generous one-of-a-kind character is the insurance to the long-term survival of America and American liberty.
It has never happened before to any other people on Earth, in any other country, in any other time. Something happened on the fateful, historic April day in 1775 when a shot rang out ..... a shot that was heard around the world. As the first shot's sound faded into the pages of history and the following fusillade of muskets and pistols shattered the intervening silence that sent individual American and British lives to their final reward, an idea was born, an idea so powerful that it has not been replaced by any other idea in 241 years. American freedom was based on a heretofore radical idea that "all men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,"
This idea of freedom had been hatching for a very long time, even all the way back to the early Greeks in and after the fifth century, BC, during the age of the Athenian Empire, Aristotle, Plato and Pericles. Plato's Republic lasted for a little over 180 years, but the seeds of freedom planted during those years, influenced the rest of history.
Throughout the last 2 and half millennium, several cultures toyed with freedom, but in the end were doomed by their failure to follow its principles. Those in power succumbed to the evils of ego, lust and greed as we are doing today. Those who would be free (the governed) abrogated their responsibility to defend that freedom and left it in the hands of those in power, with predictable results.
Starting even before the Magna Carta of 1215, thoughts were moving towards the rights of individuals and the lessening of rights of the state. Some English Kings, acquiesced to the ideas of individual rights and justice, but still held on to virtually dictatorial power. As the second millennium progressed, more ideas on freedom surfaced through the writings of Voltaire and Locke, each having a profound affect on the evolution of common law and then eventually on the Articles of Confederation, ending in the most profound of all historical documents, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States.
But what was born on that day of the "shot heard round the world", germinated a seed in the minds of men that is alive and well, in spite of what your eyes and your ears tell you. That seed of freedom has been nourished, cultivated, dug up and re-buried by over 240 years of wars, tumult, pestilence, poverty, pain and plenty. It is that seed that is the power, the energy, the drive, the ambition, the courage and even the unprecedented and unfettered generosity that has set Americans apart from every other culture on Earth. It is that same seed of freedom that will lift this great nation up once again and turn on the power to its bright beacon of hope and promise, not only to all Americans, but to all humans who call this planet home.
America must be the leader and the shining light to the World, not try to compete with the different forms of government and merge our "ways" with their "ways". We are the most powerful country on Earth because we are free. America is and has been a beacon to the world and will continue to be that beacon unless we let others try to dim that light with failed policies, dependency, negativism, despondency, the trashing of our Constitution and embarrassment for our achievements, instead of being proud of them. We are great as a country and great as a people because of those achievements. Have we made some mistakes along the way ..... of course? Have we tried to correct those mistakes ..... without a doubt?
If you are discouraged, don't be. Look around you. The Minutemen of old and the Vanguards of Freedom are ever vigilant and will not be silenced. They are ringing the bell in the Old North Church. They are sounding the alarm throughout the land. They are hoisting that great symbol of freedom, our American Flag, wherever they go. The Tea Party of today is not an accident. Join them in their quest, applaud their courage and stand behind and with them as they confront those who would strip us of our liberty and render us as serfs to the "King", the "one", or the false Messiah.
Do not despair. The signs of a rebirth of American freedom are everywhere, albeit about a century late. The election of Donald Trump was also not an accident. It is those Americans containing that seed of freedom that will save America from itself, not the government. It is WE THE PEOPLE, made up of free individuals with certain unalienable rights, that hold the power of liberty in our hard-working, self-reliant, industrious, courageous and generous hands, not the government. The government, at any level, cannot be trusted. The swamp must be drained.
We are Americans for God's sake. The blood of heroes and patriots courses through our arteries and veins. Each of us are the descendants of those whose spine was stiffened by courage when their country called, or evil raised its ugly head. You are the direct lineage of the men and women whose intellect and fortitude carried them to new heights and made America the greatest, proudest, industrious, creative, wealthiest, productive and most generous nation on Earth. You are the sons, daughters, grandsons and grand daughters of those who stood up to tyranny, no matter what the cost. The genes of creators, inventors, hard workers, the educated, the warriors and those in service to others, are an integral part of your DNA.
True Americans are not whiners or losers. They are doers and winners. When an obstacle is in front of them they go around it, or under it, or over it, as the situation warrants. They build things they don't tear them down. They invent things to make our lives a little easier, or increase our health and life span, or so that we can get a job done quicker, or yes, even go faster. Americans are the givers and preservers of life, not the takers. Americans believe that life is precious and a gift from God and its preservation is a prime imperative.
Proud and brave Americans have been the victors in two world wars and the sacrifice of those men and women have lifted over a billion people out of bondage and shown them that freedom is the natural order, not slavery, not servitude. Unfortunately, we have engaged in wars of late where victory was not the goal and Americans have paid a high price for our government's dereliction of duty to those who must pay for and fight our wars. That dereliction was abundantly evident in our previous Commander-in-Chief, who labored over endless detail and political expediency, while brave Americans were dying on the front lines of our enemies, bound by irrational limits on the rules of engagement.
Americans are the light to the rest of the world, not because we are better than anyone else, but because we live under the bright light of liberty that frees us to climb the highest mountains, or jump off this once giant planet into the vastness of space, where only the brave dare tread, in search of the secrets of our island Universe.
Today before us lies an obstacle and the obstacle is not a foreign enemy but a false domestic ideology. An ideology that is born of the collective where the individual is subordinate to that collective, in direct conflict with each American's unalienable rights. This ideology is hidden in deceit and is the antithesis of freedom and liberty. It is an ideology that requires obedient compliance ..... compliance to the demands of a corrupt elite who seek absolute power over the masses.
This ideology is one of retreat and appeasement. It is one of "hold back" and "slow down", instead of moving forward with boldness. It is an ideology that seeks to weaken America, not strengthen it. But worse, it is an ideology that strips individuals of their own innate strength and makes them dependent on the collective and the corrupt elite, instead of being proud, responsible and self-reliant.
Ladies and gentlemen, it was the "shot heard 'round the world" that triggered the first battle for freedom in America, even though the battle had been brewing for sometime. It wasn't planned, it just happened and that is the way the second battle for freedom will start. The groundwork for the battle has already been laid. Our NARLO website is loaded with the sounds of freedom for all Americans, not just rural Americans.
Still, we must remember this isn't 1776 it is 2017. In 1776 both sides had the same weapons. One side (the British) was well trained. Even so the well-trained side was still beat by the cry of freedom and perhaps the hand of providence. Today, one side has pistols and rifles and the other side has giant aircraft carriers, F-22's and M1 tanks. It would hardly be a fair fight.
We have no choice but to find a way to right the situation peacefully, or we are in for a very long, retracted and bloody civil war, where the outcome is totally unpredictable and freedom may not be what we win in the end. Let us not, once again, fall into the trap where we find that war, carnage, brutality and violence are the only way to regain freedom.
No! The 4th of July has not become an oxymoron! It is the memory of a time when brave Americans stood up against tyranny with their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. Are present day Americans to do no less? We call on all true Americans on a grand scale to openly reject Progressivism. Reject political correctness. Reject collectivism. Reject multi-culturalism. Reject radical environmentalism. Reject the one-world government and reject these things with all your heart and soul, or watch America succumb to the fatal disease of world socialism and planet-wide slavery.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more."
And so it has been. John was off by a couple of days but he was right about the celebration of "Independence Day" by ALL succeeding generations.
Even though the 4th of July has been celebrated every year since 1776 and became a legal holiday in 1941, what was in the minds of the Americans about freedom in 1776 is far removed from what is in the minds of the Americans in 2017. The freedom envisioned by the Founding Fathers in the late 1700's is hardly the freedom that exists in present day America.
Nevertheless, pay no attention to the apologists. Pay no attention to the appeasers of our enemies. Pay no attention to those who utter dooms-day prophecies. Pay no attention to the fear mongers who would fill us with dread from manufactured crises, designed for evil purposes. Pay no attention to those who say we are weak and decadent. Pay no attention to the naysayers. Pay no attention to those who would run down America. Pay no attention to the socialists who would willingly tear down the fabric of our freedom and give away our sovereignty to a faceless one-world order.
They, each and every one of them, are wrong. They are wrong because in the hearts and minds of most free Americans, no matter how many generations have been brainwashed by the collectivist's philosophy, no matter how many have been bought off by the offer of government largess and handouts, no matter how all-powerful the federal government has become in its incessant march to total control, lies a subconscious belief that America is unique, different and one-of-a-kind and that uniqueness, that difference and that generous one-of-a-kind character is the insurance to the long-term survival of America and American liberty.
It has never happened before to any other people on Earth, in any other country, in any other time. Something happened on the fateful, historic April day in 1775 when a shot rang out ..... a shot that was heard around the world. As the first shot's sound faded into the pages of history and the following fusillade of muskets and pistols shattered the intervening silence that sent individual American and British lives to their final reward, an idea was born, an idea so powerful that it has not been replaced by any other idea in 241 years. American freedom was based on a heretofore radical idea that "all men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,"
This idea of freedom had been hatching for a very long time, even all the way back to the early Greeks in and after the fifth century, BC, during the age of the Athenian Empire, Aristotle, Plato and Pericles. Plato's Republic lasted for a little over 180 years, but the seeds of freedom planted during those years, influenced the rest of history.
Throughout the last 2 and half millennium, several cultures toyed with freedom, but in the end were doomed by their failure to follow its principles. Those in power succumbed to the evils of ego, lust and greed as we are doing today. Those who would be free (the governed) abrogated their responsibility to defend that freedom and left it in the hands of those in power, with predictable results.
Starting even before the Magna Carta of 1215, thoughts were moving towards the rights of individuals and the lessening of rights of the state. Some English Kings, acquiesced to the ideas of individual rights and justice, but still held on to virtually dictatorial power. As the second millennium progressed, more ideas on freedom surfaced through the writings of Voltaire and Locke, each having a profound affect on the evolution of common law and then eventually on the Articles of Confederation, ending in the most profound of all historical documents, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States.
But what was born on that day of the "shot heard round the world", germinated a seed in the minds of men that is alive and well, in spite of what your eyes and your ears tell you. That seed of freedom has been nourished, cultivated, dug up and re-buried by over 240 years of wars, tumult, pestilence, poverty, pain and plenty. It is that seed that is the power, the energy, the drive, the ambition, the courage and even the unprecedented and unfettered generosity that has set Americans apart from every other culture on Earth. It is that same seed of freedom that will lift this great nation up once again and turn on the power to its bright beacon of hope and promise, not only to all Americans, but to all humans who call this planet home.
America must be the leader and the shining light to the World, not try to compete with the different forms of government and merge our "ways" with their "ways". We are the most powerful country on Earth because we are free. America is and has been a beacon to the world and will continue to be that beacon unless we let others try to dim that light with failed policies, dependency, negativism, despondency, the trashing of our Constitution and embarrassment for our achievements, instead of being proud of them. We are great as a country and great as a people because of those achievements. Have we made some mistakes along the way ..... of course? Have we tried to correct those mistakes ..... without a doubt?
If you are discouraged, don't be. Look around you. The Minutemen of old and the Vanguards of Freedom are ever vigilant and will not be silenced. They are ringing the bell in the Old North Church. They are sounding the alarm throughout the land. They are hoisting that great symbol of freedom, our American Flag, wherever they go. The Tea Party of today is not an accident. Join them in their quest, applaud their courage and stand behind and with them as they confront those who would strip us of our liberty and render us as serfs to the "King", the "one", or the false Messiah.
Do not despair. The signs of a rebirth of American freedom are everywhere, albeit about a century late. The election of Donald Trump was also not an accident. It is those Americans containing that seed of freedom that will save America from itself, not the government. It is WE THE PEOPLE, made up of free individuals with certain unalienable rights, that hold the power of liberty in our hard-working, self-reliant, industrious, courageous and generous hands, not the government. The government, at any level, cannot be trusted. The swamp must be drained.
We are Americans for God's sake. The blood of heroes and patriots courses through our arteries and veins. Each of us are the descendants of those whose spine was stiffened by courage when their country called, or evil raised its ugly head. You are the direct lineage of the men and women whose intellect and fortitude carried them to new heights and made America the greatest, proudest, industrious, creative, wealthiest, productive and most generous nation on Earth. You are the sons, daughters, grandsons and grand daughters of those who stood up to tyranny, no matter what the cost. The genes of creators, inventors, hard workers, the educated, the warriors and those in service to others, are an integral part of your DNA.
True Americans are not whiners or losers. They are doers and winners. When an obstacle is in front of them they go around it, or under it, or over it, as the situation warrants. They build things they don't tear them down. They invent things to make our lives a little easier, or increase our health and life span, or so that we can get a job done quicker, or yes, even go faster. Americans are the givers and preservers of life, not the takers. Americans believe that life is precious and a gift from God and its preservation is a prime imperative.
Proud and brave Americans have been the victors in two world wars and the sacrifice of those men and women have lifted over a billion people out of bondage and shown them that freedom is the natural order, not slavery, not servitude. Unfortunately, we have engaged in wars of late where victory was not the goal and Americans have paid a high price for our government's dereliction of duty to those who must pay for and fight our wars. That dereliction was abundantly evident in our previous Commander-in-Chief, who labored over endless detail and political expediency, while brave Americans were dying on the front lines of our enemies, bound by irrational limits on the rules of engagement.
Americans are the light to the rest of the world, not because we are better than anyone else, but because we live under the bright light of liberty that frees us to climb the highest mountains, or jump off this once giant planet into the vastness of space, where only the brave dare tread, in search of the secrets of our island Universe.
Today before us lies an obstacle and the obstacle is not a foreign enemy but a false domestic ideology. An ideology that is born of the collective where the individual is subordinate to that collective, in direct conflict with each American's unalienable rights. This ideology is hidden in deceit and is the antithesis of freedom and liberty. It is an ideology that requires obedient compliance ..... compliance to the demands of a corrupt elite who seek absolute power over the masses.
This ideology is one of retreat and appeasement. It is one of "hold back" and "slow down", instead of moving forward with boldness. It is an ideology that seeks to weaken America, not strengthen it. But worse, it is an ideology that strips individuals of their own innate strength and makes them dependent on the collective and the corrupt elite, instead of being proud, responsible and self-reliant.
Ladies and gentlemen, it was the "shot heard 'round the world" that triggered the first battle for freedom in America, even though the battle had been brewing for sometime. It wasn't planned, it just happened and that is the way the second battle for freedom will start. The groundwork for the battle has already been laid. Our NARLO website is loaded with the sounds of freedom for all Americans, not just rural Americans.
Still, we must remember this isn't 1776 it is 2017. In 1776 both sides had the same weapons. One side (the British) was well trained. Even so the well-trained side was still beat by the cry of freedom and perhaps the hand of providence. Today, one side has pistols and rifles and the other side has giant aircraft carriers, F-22's and M1 tanks. It would hardly be a fair fight.
We have no choice but to find a way to right the situation peacefully, or we are in for a very long, retracted and bloody civil war, where the outcome is totally unpredictable and freedom may not be what we win in the end. Let us not, once again, fall into the trap where we find that war, carnage, brutality and violence are the only way to regain freedom.
No! The 4th of July has not become an oxymoron! It is the memory of a time when brave Americans stood up against tyranny with their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. Are present day Americans to do no less? We call on all true Americans on a grand scale to openly reject Progressivism. Reject political correctness. Reject collectivism. Reject multi-culturalism. Reject radical environmentalism. Reject the one-world government and reject these things with all your heart and soul, or watch America succumb to the fatal disease of world socialism and planet-wide slavery.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Republicans Would Be Democrats Without the Conservative Wing”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, June 25, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
It's taken just about 150 years for the Party of Lincoln to become a mirror image of the Democrat Party. It's taken about 150 years for that same Party to forsake its basic principles of liberty as the Founding Fathers had envisioned liberty in the Declaration of Independence and codified into law in the U. S. Constitution. Conversely, it has taken about 150 years for the Democrat Party to become the mirror image of a so-called socialist utopia as envisioned by Karl Marx.
One might ask how did this come about? It happened quite simply actually, without anyone being aware of it. First, America went from an agrarian culture to an industrial culture in the middle to late 1800's. Small cities began to grow into big cities to feed industrialization. Chicago literally blew up almost overnight when the trains came and because of its centralized location to the grain and livestock resources of the mid West. Being situated on Lake Michigan also allowed ship and barge travel to and from the Eastern big cities.
However, big cities, by their very nature, create government-dependent societies and government-dependent societies become socialist societies that are easily manipulated, managed and controlled by government ..... for their votes. Those that live in big cities are eager to give up their freedoms in exchange for government handouts because they have no other way to support themselves when the going gets rough, as opposed to those who live on the land and can grow their own food.
The Democrat Party, eager to gain perpetual political power, seized on that dependency and pandered to the dependent big-city population with promises of government assistance, benefits and cash payments ..... for their votes. It started with the President Wilson Presidency and then exploded under FDR with the New Deal and Social Security. It's been growing ever since to the point that six-time Socialist Party presidential candidate Norman Thomas in the early 1940's was allegedly to have said that he didn't have to run for president any more because the Democrat Party had adopted the socialist platform, or words to that effect. Every Democrat President since Lynden Johnson has increased socialism in America.
Today, over 80% of the population lives in dependent big cities. In contrast, most of the independent rural American population still hold onto the vision of the Founding Fathers and are frustrated by their declining numbers and lack of influence on government policy. Just today, we talked to one of those rural landowners in the mid West on the phone that vowed to never buckle under government tyranny and they had over 60 guns in their house to back up their determination. They promised to purchase our powerful, legally intimidating No Trespassing signs to punctuate their defiance.
Sadly, the only reason Trump was able to narrowly win the election in 2016 is because he appealed to the city-dependent population in the upper mid West on one issue, jobs. That urban dependent population that voted for Trump this time will just as easily swing back to the Democrats if the jobs don't materialize.
Which brings us to the rise of conservative Republican movement right after Barack Obama was elected to the Presidency in 2009. The movement has been christened with name, Tea Party. The Tea Party almost appeared out of nowhere immediately after CNBC Reporter Rick Santelli, standing on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, called for a "Tea Party", reminiscent of the Boston Tea Party, circa 1773. His call was answered by the million-man march on Washington DC in 2009 in opposition to Obama's socialist agenda. Our organization (NARLO) was one of the national co-sponsors of that march and we received a lot of national attention that included Rachel Maddow vilifying us on MSNBC for five minutes for having the word "gun" on our website and a one-half hour hostile guest appearance on the Alan Colmes radio show. Nevertheless, the negative attention exploded our website hits to over 70,000 in one day and put us on the national map.
Many conservative organizations were created during the same time period, which then led to conservative House and Senate candidates in Washington DC and in state houses erupting all across America. Obama's popularity in conservative precincts was so bad that any politician with conservative credentials looked like a good bet. This led to over 1,000 conservative legislators being elected in state houses. Democrats were losing their hold on governors and state legislators because their policies were failing, including Obama Care.
But there was one draw back to the conservative, Tea Party movement. It wanted immediate gratification and an instant response to its demands. It proceeded to pressure the Republicans to swing back to conservative principles overnight and balked at any legislation that didn't accomplish their goals. But it took a hundred years for the Republican Party to get where it is today and morph into an inflexible establishment that constantly drifts in and out of the liberal ideology. It wasn't going to be influenced or bullied by a bunch of upstart conservatives. This has led to a major schism in the Republican Party that exists today. The schism has made it difficult, if not impossible, for Trump's agenda to pass through Congress.
Although we have significant sentiment for the conservative movement, its goals are unrealistic. It takes over a mile to stop a loaded supertanker because of its immense inertia. It will probably take a generation to swing the Republican establishment that tends to lean left, back to the founding principles of this nation, if ever.
So why does the Republican Party tend to lean left all of the time? It had no choice. As the nation moved towards an urban culture, dependency on government grew correspondingly. Millions more Americans became hopelessly dependent on some form of government assistance and were easy targets for Democrats pandering for votes. As the political climate moved left with government dependency, the Republican Party had no choice but to move left with it, if they wanted to remain a viable party. They may say they stand for all those conservative principles but in reality they are forced to abandon them if they wanted to get elected and re-elected.
When Obama Care was passed in 2010, millions of poor Americans, living in big cities, became "hooked" on free health care under Medicaid. Healthy young people said to Hell with it and paid the IRS fine. However, too many older and sicker people signed up for Obama care, which completely destroyed the necessary balance of actuarially based insurance. Failure was pre-ordained and those with any intellect at all knew it well before Obama Care was passed.
Unfortunately, Obama Care is now institutionalized in America's health care system and any attempts to undo it will be met with overwhelming resistance. The Democrats will have a field day with Republicans "pushing granny over the cliff", "children dying", "23 million Americans losing their health care" and crying, "tax breaks for the wealthy." We've seen this movie before. It seems Democrats don't care that Obama Care will collapse and all those poor people they champion for will be left in the dust with no insurance at all.
Moderate Republicans, fearful of not being re-elected because they are in heavily dominated Medicaid districts, don't like the proposed Senate Republican Health Care Bill. Conservative Republicans don't like the proposed bill because it really doesn't repeal Obama Care. As it stands right now, the Republican proposed Health Care Bill is DOA in DC. If it does pass, it won't be in its present form.
However, all of this gnashing of teeth over health care (or Russia) overshadows a much bigger problem, an unsustainable national debt that is expected to explode to $30,000,000,000,000 (that's trillion) by the year 2026, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). "In CBO’s baseline projections (which incorporate the assumption that current laws will generally remain the same), growth in spending—particularly for Social Security, health care, and interest payments on federal debt—outpaces growth in revenues over the coming 10 years. The budget deficit increases modestly through 2018 but then starts to rise more sharply, reaching $1.4 trillion in 2026. As a percentage of GDP, the deficit remains at roughly 2.9 percent through 2018, starts to rise, and reaches 4.9 percent by the end of the 10-year projection period. The projected cumulative deficit between 2017 and 2026 is $9.4 trillion." And this is just an estimate that is very likely to be much worse.
With this kind of debt weighing down the capital markets, GDP will slow dramatically and America won't be able to pay for health care, much less a strong military to protect us from ISIS, Russia, Iran, or North Korea. All federal social programs will go broke, if they aren't already and America could enter a financial death spiral where riots, chaos and anarchy could erupt in the big cities. Social and economic instability and high inflation would become the new normal. (See: "Back to the Future - The Obama Legacy")
So unless the Democrats and the conservative and moderate Republicans come together, it won't matter who has health care, who is dying in hospitals or in the streets, who is being killed as armed roving gangs hunt for food in riot-ridden cities, who is being blown up by terrorists, or even who has a job. It won't matter that Russia and China could use the financial meltdown to take over America once and for all, economically or by force. A free America will have died because Democrat and Republican politicians, who couldn't agree with each other for petty ideological reasons, ignored a clear and present danger and kicked the financial can down the road for the umpteenth time.
So you see ladies and gentlemen, all this political squabbling about health care, a border wall, illegal immigration, sanctuary cities, homelessness, the opioid epidemic, free trade, election meddling by Russia, or leaking of classified information, is meaningless and pointless. The real danger is a country teetering on the brink of insolvency and run-away inflation because politicians, driven by the lust for political power at any cost, promised too much to dependent people living in large urban cities.
Politicians, blind to the pending demise of their nation, ignored the inescapable economic principle that every family must face, you can't spend more than you take in without going broke. Since there is no nation on earth that can or will bail out America if she goes bankrupt, America will needlessly die as a free nation, never to rise again. Don't ever be lulled into thinking that a nation can't be brought down by the folly and stupidity of its leaders ..... or the apathy of its people who let it happen. Even the Greeks and the Romans couldn't hold onto their Republics.
Let us add one more thing. We do not advocate or condone violence, but if the likes of Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, Obama, Chuck Schumer and CNN and MSNBC pundits don't tone down the rhetoric against Republicans over the health care bill that Democrats screwed up in the first place, it may very well be a radical Republican nut case shooting Democrat Congressmen and women, instead of the other way around.
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Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
One might ask how did this come about? It happened quite simply actually, without anyone being aware of it. First, America went from an agrarian culture to an industrial culture in the middle to late 1800's. Small cities began to grow into big cities to feed industrialization. Chicago literally blew up almost overnight when the trains came and because of its centralized location to the grain and livestock resources of the mid West. Being situated on Lake Michigan also allowed ship and barge travel to and from the Eastern big cities.
However, big cities, by their very nature, create government-dependent societies and government-dependent societies become socialist societies that are easily manipulated, managed and controlled by government ..... for their votes. Those that live in big cities are eager to give up their freedoms in exchange for government handouts because they have no other way to support themselves when the going gets rough, as opposed to those who live on the land and can grow their own food.
The Democrat Party, eager to gain perpetual political power, seized on that dependency and pandered to the dependent big-city population with promises of government assistance, benefits and cash payments ..... for their votes. It started with the President Wilson Presidency and then exploded under FDR with the New Deal and Social Security. It's been growing ever since to the point that six-time Socialist Party presidential candidate Norman Thomas in the early 1940's was allegedly to have said that he didn't have to run for president any more because the Democrat Party had adopted the socialist platform, or words to that effect. Every Democrat President since Lynden Johnson has increased socialism in America.
Today, over 80% of the population lives in dependent big cities. In contrast, most of the independent rural American population still hold onto the vision of the Founding Fathers and are frustrated by their declining numbers and lack of influence on government policy. Just today, we talked to one of those rural landowners in the mid West on the phone that vowed to never buckle under government tyranny and they had over 60 guns in their house to back up their determination. They promised to purchase our powerful, legally intimidating No Trespassing signs to punctuate their defiance.
Sadly, the only reason Trump was able to narrowly win the election in 2016 is because he appealed to the city-dependent population in the upper mid West on one issue, jobs. That urban dependent population that voted for Trump this time will just as easily swing back to the Democrats if the jobs don't materialize.
Which brings us to the rise of conservative Republican movement right after Barack Obama was elected to the Presidency in 2009. The movement has been christened with name, Tea Party. The Tea Party almost appeared out of nowhere immediately after CNBC Reporter Rick Santelli, standing on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, called for a "Tea Party", reminiscent of the Boston Tea Party, circa 1773. His call was answered by the million-man march on Washington DC in 2009 in opposition to Obama's socialist agenda. Our organization (NARLO) was one of the national co-sponsors of that march and we received a lot of national attention that included Rachel Maddow vilifying us on MSNBC for five minutes for having the word "gun" on our website and a one-half hour hostile guest appearance on the Alan Colmes radio show. Nevertheless, the negative attention exploded our website hits to over 70,000 in one day and put us on the national map.
Many conservative organizations were created during the same time period, which then led to conservative House and Senate candidates in Washington DC and in state houses erupting all across America. Obama's popularity in conservative precincts was so bad that any politician with conservative credentials looked like a good bet. This led to over 1,000 conservative legislators being elected in state houses. Democrats were losing their hold on governors and state legislators because their policies were failing, including Obama Care.
But there was one draw back to the conservative, Tea Party movement. It wanted immediate gratification and an instant response to its demands. It proceeded to pressure the Republicans to swing back to conservative principles overnight and balked at any legislation that didn't accomplish their goals. But it took a hundred years for the Republican Party to get where it is today and morph into an inflexible establishment that constantly drifts in and out of the liberal ideology. It wasn't going to be influenced or bullied by a bunch of upstart conservatives. This has led to a major schism in the Republican Party that exists today. The schism has made it difficult, if not impossible, for Trump's agenda to pass through Congress.
Although we have significant sentiment for the conservative movement, its goals are unrealistic. It takes over a mile to stop a loaded supertanker because of its immense inertia. It will probably take a generation to swing the Republican establishment that tends to lean left, back to the founding principles of this nation, if ever.
So why does the Republican Party tend to lean left all of the time? It had no choice. As the nation moved towards an urban culture, dependency on government grew correspondingly. Millions more Americans became hopelessly dependent on some form of government assistance and were easy targets for Democrats pandering for votes. As the political climate moved left with government dependency, the Republican Party had no choice but to move left with it, if they wanted to remain a viable party. They may say they stand for all those conservative principles but in reality they are forced to abandon them if they wanted to get elected and re-elected.
When Obama Care was passed in 2010, millions of poor Americans, living in big cities, became "hooked" on free health care under Medicaid. Healthy young people said to Hell with it and paid the IRS fine. However, too many older and sicker people signed up for Obama care, which completely destroyed the necessary balance of actuarially based insurance. Failure was pre-ordained and those with any intellect at all knew it well before Obama Care was passed.
Unfortunately, Obama Care is now institutionalized in America's health care system and any attempts to undo it will be met with overwhelming resistance. The Democrats will have a field day with Republicans "pushing granny over the cliff", "children dying", "23 million Americans losing their health care" and crying, "tax breaks for the wealthy." We've seen this movie before. It seems Democrats don't care that Obama Care will collapse and all those poor people they champion for will be left in the dust with no insurance at all.
Moderate Republicans, fearful of not being re-elected because they are in heavily dominated Medicaid districts, don't like the proposed Senate Republican Health Care Bill. Conservative Republicans don't like the proposed bill because it really doesn't repeal Obama Care. As it stands right now, the Republican proposed Health Care Bill is DOA in DC. If it does pass, it won't be in its present form.
However, all of this gnashing of teeth over health care (or Russia) overshadows a much bigger problem, an unsustainable national debt that is expected to explode to $30,000,000,000,000 (that's trillion) by the year 2026, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). "In CBO’s baseline projections (which incorporate the assumption that current laws will generally remain the same), growth in spending—particularly for Social Security, health care, and interest payments on federal debt—outpaces growth in revenues over the coming 10 years. The budget deficit increases modestly through 2018 but then starts to rise more sharply, reaching $1.4 trillion in 2026. As a percentage of GDP, the deficit remains at roughly 2.9 percent through 2018, starts to rise, and reaches 4.9 percent by the end of the 10-year projection period. The projected cumulative deficit between 2017 and 2026 is $9.4 trillion." And this is just an estimate that is very likely to be much worse.
With this kind of debt weighing down the capital markets, GDP will slow dramatically and America won't be able to pay for health care, much less a strong military to protect us from ISIS, Russia, Iran, or North Korea. All federal social programs will go broke, if they aren't already and America could enter a financial death spiral where riots, chaos and anarchy could erupt in the big cities. Social and economic instability and high inflation would become the new normal. (See: "Back to the Future - The Obama Legacy")
So unless the Democrats and the conservative and moderate Republicans come together, it won't matter who has health care, who is dying in hospitals or in the streets, who is being killed as armed roving gangs hunt for food in riot-ridden cities, who is being blown up by terrorists, or even who has a job. It won't matter that Russia and China could use the financial meltdown to take over America once and for all, economically or by force. A free America will have died because Democrat and Republican politicians, who couldn't agree with each other for petty ideological reasons, ignored a clear and present danger and kicked the financial can down the road for the umpteenth time.
So you see ladies and gentlemen, all this political squabbling about health care, a border wall, illegal immigration, sanctuary cities, homelessness, the opioid epidemic, free trade, election meddling by Russia, or leaking of classified information, is meaningless and pointless. The real danger is a country teetering on the brink of insolvency and run-away inflation because politicians, driven by the lust for political power at any cost, promised too much to dependent people living in large urban cities.
Politicians, blind to the pending demise of their nation, ignored the inescapable economic principle that every family must face, you can't spend more than you take in without going broke. Since there is no nation on earth that can or will bail out America if she goes bankrupt, America will needlessly die as a free nation, never to rise again. Don't ever be lulled into thinking that a nation can't be brought down by the folly and stupidity of its leaders ..... or the apathy of its people who let it happen. Even the Greeks and the Romans couldn't hold onto their Republics.
Let us add one more thing. We do not advocate or condone violence, but if the likes of Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, Obama, Chuck Schumer and CNN and MSNBC pundits don't tone down the rhetoric against Republicans over the health care bill that Democrats screwed up in the first place, it may very well be a radical Republican nut case shooting Democrat Congressmen and women, instead of the other way around.
Tell us if you LIKED this article.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"An Open Letter To Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, June 25, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
NOTE: The reader may wonder why we continue to focus on the IRS. The following open letter to Treasury Secretary Mnuchin provides a detailed explanation. Due to a total and frustrating lack of interest, we have abandoned our attempts to work towards abolishing the IRS. We have decided instead to help people fight the IRS with powerful tools that we have successfully used to defeat them. (See the last paragraph.)
* * * * * * * * * * * *
June 19, 2017
Mr. Steven Mnuchin, Secretary
Department of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20220
Dear Secretary Mnuchin:
We are in receipt of a recent letter from the IRS regarding our taxes for Calendar-Year 2017, wherein your IRS agent, one Rodney D. Lewis of the Kansas City, MO IRS office, says we owe just shy of $1,000 for 2017. We find that quite interesting in that the taxes for Calendar-Year 2017 would not be due to be reported and paid until April 15, 2018, eleven months from now. We responded in writing to IRS Agent Lewis, stating that there was no way we could owe taxes for said uncompleted calendar year and admonished him for his gross negligence and stupidity and accused him of intentional harassment. We also asked for a sincere apology. We doubt seriously if we will ever hear from Agent Lewis again, since the IRS hardly ever responds to our lawful communications.
We further stated to Agent Lewis that: The IRS is grossly incompetent and frankly, we grow weary and irritated by the constant barrage of 45-day, 60-day and 90-day letters from the IRS, from multiple IRS Offices, that are never answered and letters stating that taxes are due when they are not due. As a testament to that incompetence, a few months ago we received an IRS Demand Notice for over $12,000 that the IRS says we owe for Calendar-Year 2015, except that the Demand Notice was addressed to a person in California, not us. Nevertheless, the IRS letter said we owed it. It is a criminal act for the IRS to send us a Notice for another taxpayer, containing their name, address and social security number. If we were dishonest we could use that information for unlawful purposes. In fact, the IRS Agent that sent that Demand Notice to us, violated 26 USC Section 6103 for releasing confidential taxpayer information to an unauthorized third party. Such a violation of Section 6103 is a felony and is punishable by a fine up to $5,000 and imprisonment of not more than five (5) years, or both. (26 USC Section 7213) Will this IRS Agent be punished for her crime ..... probably not? But if we did it, we could end up in jail.
Yesterday, we received a letter from IRS Austin, TX. They stated that they received our letter of March 29, 2017 and had forwarded it to IRS Ogden for disposition. (We have never written to IRS Austin. How they received our March 29th correspondence is a mystery.) One day later we received another letter from IRS Austin where they said they had received our letter of March 29th but needed another 60 days to do research before they responded. The subject matter of both letters was the same, but the responses were diametrically opposed to each other. That's nuts!
We have also received a demand for payment from the IRS for an amount that had already been collected. That's fraud!
In addition to the IRS harassment we have described above, we have a claim filed with the Secretary of the Treasury for over $10,000 that was illegally seized from us by the IRS. Our legal arguments for such illegal seizure are unimpeachable. Being that the IRS never gives up any money it has seized illegally, we'll probably never see a dime of it, or the IRS will force us to go to court to collect it.
And these are just a few examples of the BS, we and millions of other Americans are forced to endure at the hands of the IRS. This is insane Secretary Mnuchin. Lawful Americans shouldn't have to put up with this crap.
Yes, we have defeated the IRS at least five times but at great time and expense on our part. Unfortunately, that any American would receive letters from the IRS requesting taxes for a year that has not even ended yet, or for another person, or for an IRS mistake, is not news. It happens every day by the tens of thousands of events. The tax amounts demanded can be significant, but the millions of mistakes represent just how inept and corrupt the IRS has become. That such intimidating mistaken letters are sent to free, sovereign American citizens in the first place is a testament to the collapse of Constitutional liberties.
The American tax code of over 73,000 of pages and tens of thousands of rules and regulations is an abomination and only a tyrannical government could come up with such a system. It is not only designed to intimidate, harass and entrap the taxpayer, it is designed to enslave the taxpayer as well.
Intimidation and entrapment come in the form of the complicated, complex and often-conflicting tax regulations and forms that the IRS changes every year, while expecting the average American taxpayer to accurately comply. Harassment comes in the form of a barrage of letters demanding something, or accusing the taxpayer of some nebulous violation of the tax code and threatening seizure of private assets when no violations occurred. Enslavement comes in the form of forcing the taxpayer to consult high-paid tax experts to fill out the damn forms, or face penalties, fines and even imprisonment if they don’t get it right. And what is even worse, if you ask three IRS agents a tax question, you will get three different answers and it is quite possible that all three IRS answers will be wrong.
You, or any other IRS agent, tax preparer, accountant, CPA, or tax attorney, much less the IRS Commissioner, cannot provide the answer to one simple question:
Provide proof on how the taxpayer can file an income tax return and by some stroke of blind luck not commit perjury when the taxpayer does not understand all the tens of thousands of tax laws and has no way to know if the taxpayer’s tax return is true or correct, even if a tax professional prepared it for the taxpayer. Therefore, the taxpayer would be committing perjury to sign the tax return perjury statement when the taxpayer does not understand all of the constantly changing tax laws contained in the IRS Tax Code, nor could the taxpayer ever understand them in the taxpayer’s lifetime.
The tax code is a shameless, unconstitutional, racketeering tax scheme perpetrated on the American people by the U. S. Government, to manipulate the masses for social and environmental engineering and to re-distribute the wealth of this country. It represents government's insidious, never-ending, unconstitutional attempts to buy votes from the less fortunate among us, or protected classes, on the backs of the producers and achievers in America. It has nothing to do with fairness or equity. The taxing system is all about POWER, CONTROL and the BUYING OF VOTES to remain in perpetual power, as the Democrats have done for the last 100 years! 2016 and Trump are an anomaly and will be undone by the Democrats and the Deep State. It was the Democrats that gave us the 16th Amendment, the Federal Reserve and the IRS and they cheated to get it ratified.
We are not so naïve as to believe that you care one whit about what we have to say, nor do we expect you to do anything about the tax code, or what it costs tens of millions of taxpayers in time, money, anger and frustration. Nor do we expect you to intervene with the IRS on our behalf.
You have the American people exactly where you want them; scared, compliant, obedient and shivering and trembling like little puppies. We can attest to this by the fact that the response to our attempts to abolish the IRS with a new website fell on deaf ears, in a nation where the average citizen lives in abject fear of the IRS.
But please understand, you can only squeeze a tomato so hard, before it suddenly squishes out between your fingers. This admonition is not to be construed as a threat to you personally, or the government in general. It is only a prediction of things to come in America if the government continues on the path it now treads. Millions of Americans still actually believe in freedom and liberty and the pursuit of happiness, without government interference and we reject enslavement of any kind, even tax code enslavement.
It is very unlikely that you care? But then why should you? The previous Secretary of the Treasury, Jack Lew, manipulated the tax law so that he would owe no taxes after receiving huge salaries and bonuses. Former Senator Tom Daschle didn't pay his taxes and get caught when he was nominated for HUD secretary and had to withdraw his name. It has been reported that tens of thousands of federal employees, including IRS employees, owe as much as $3.5 Billion in back taxes to the IRS and are given a pass, while the IRS's foot is on the throats of lawful Americans demanding absolute compliance ..... or else! The IRS loses billions to fraud every year that it never catches. That's our money you are wasting Treasury Secretary Mnuchin and the buck stops on your desk. Why haven't you stopped it?
Good God, where's the outrage? One hundred years ago this tyrannical overreach by government would have caused a revolution.
The government and the IRS are hopelessly out of control and you and your predecessors are co-conspirators. The IRS tax code, which you oversee, is just another chain around the necks of once-free Americans who now must capitulate to the ever-tightening noose of dictatorial control by a corrupt government with an insatiable appetite for our money.
But then I doubt seriously if you will ever see this letter. You must have more important things to do than responding to a disgruntled taxpayer, you know, like writing more tax code, or bailing out your friends at Goldman Sachs, or the Federal Reserve, or covering up for your corrupt friends in the government.
What a poor excuse for a free nation America has become. We might just as well be another banana republic, run by an anachronism of an elite, rich-old-men, oligarchy. You are but an integral, willing partner in that oligarchy. It means nothing that you are a Republican.
Not so respectfully,
Ron Ewart, President
A lawful citizen of Washington State with a Republican Form of Government
Well it used to have a Republican Form of Government,
that is until the Democrats took it over,
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Is the reader of this article having trouble with the IRS, similar to what we have described in this letter to Secretary Mnuchin? Perhaps you should see how we have defeated the IRS on numerous occasions with effective documents we created HERE.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
June 19, 2017
Mr. Steven Mnuchin, Secretary
Department of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20220
Dear Secretary Mnuchin:
We are in receipt of a recent letter from the IRS regarding our taxes for Calendar-Year 2017, wherein your IRS agent, one Rodney D. Lewis of the Kansas City, MO IRS office, says we owe just shy of $1,000 for 2017. We find that quite interesting in that the taxes for Calendar-Year 2017 would not be due to be reported and paid until April 15, 2018, eleven months from now. We responded in writing to IRS Agent Lewis, stating that there was no way we could owe taxes for said uncompleted calendar year and admonished him for his gross negligence and stupidity and accused him of intentional harassment. We also asked for a sincere apology. We doubt seriously if we will ever hear from Agent Lewis again, since the IRS hardly ever responds to our lawful communications.
We further stated to Agent Lewis that: The IRS is grossly incompetent and frankly, we grow weary and irritated by the constant barrage of 45-day, 60-day and 90-day letters from the IRS, from multiple IRS Offices, that are never answered and letters stating that taxes are due when they are not due. As a testament to that incompetence, a few months ago we received an IRS Demand Notice for over $12,000 that the IRS says we owe for Calendar-Year 2015, except that the Demand Notice was addressed to a person in California, not us. Nevertheless, the IRS letter said we owed it. It is a criminal act for the IRS to send us a Notice for another taxpayer, containing their name, address and social security number. If we were dishonest we could use that information for unlawful purposes. In fact, the IRS Agent that sent that Demand Notice to us, violated 26 USC Section 6103 for releasing confidential taxpayer information to an unauthorized third party. Such a violation of Section 6103 is a felony and is punishable by a fine up to $5,000 and imprisonment of not more than five (5) years, or both. (26 USC Section 7213) Will this IRS Agent be punished for her crime ..... probably not? But if we did it, we could end up in jail.
Yesterday, we received a letter from IRS Austin, TX. They stated that they received our letter of March 29, 2017 and had forwarded it to IRS Ogden for disposition. (We have never written to IRS Austin. How they received our March 29th correspondence is a mystery.) One day later we received another letter from IRS Austin where they said they had received our letter of March 29th but needed another 60 days to do research before they responded. The subject matter of both letters was the same, but the responses were diametrically opposed to each other. That's nuts!
We have also received a demand for payment from the IRS for an amount that had already been collected. That's fraud!
In addition to the IRS harassment we have described above, we have a claim filed with the Secretary of the Treasury for over $10,000 that was illegally seized from us by the IRS. Our legal arguments for such illegal seizure are unimpeachable. Being that the IRS never gives up any money it has seized illegally, we'll probably never see a dime of it, or the IRS will force us to go to court to collect it.
And these are just a few examples of the BS, we and millions of other Americans are forced to endure at the hands of the IRS. This is insane Secretary Mnuchin. Lawful Americans shouldn't have to put up with this crap.
Yes, we have defeated the IRS at least five times but at great time and expense on our part. Unfortunately, that any American would receive letters from the IRS requesting taxes for a year that has not even ended yet, or for another person, or for an IRS mistake, is not news. It happens every day by the tens of thousands of events. The tax amounts demanded can be significant, but the millions of mistakes represent just how inept and corrupt the IRS has become. That such intimidating mistaken letters are sent to free, sovereign American citizens in the first place is a testament to the collapse of Constitutional liberties.
The American tax code of over 73,000 of pages and tens of thousands of rules and regulations is an abomination and only a tyrannical government could come up with such a system. It is not only designed to intimidate, harass and entrap the taxpayer, it is designed to enslave the taxpayer as well.
Intimidation and entrapment come in the form of the complicated, complex and often-conflicting tax regulations and forms that the IRS changes every year, while expecting the average American taxpayer to accurately comply. Harassment comes in the form of a barrage of letters demanding something, or accusing the taxpayer of some nebulous violation of the tax code and threatening seizure of private assets when no violations occurred. Enslavement comes in the form of forcing the taxpayer to consult high-paid tax experts to fill out the damn forms, or face penalties, fines and even imprisonment if they don’t get it right. And what is even worse, if you ask three IRS agents a tax question, you will get three different answers and it is quite possible that all three IRS answers will be wrong.
You, or any other IRS agent, tax preparer, accountant, CPA, or tax attorney, much less the IRS Commissioner, cannot provide the answer to one simple question:
Provide proof on how the taxpayer can file an income tax return and by some stroke of blind luck not commit perjury when the taxpayer does not understand all the tens of thousands of tax laws and has no way to know if the taxpayer’s tax return is true or correct, even if a tax professional prepared it for the taxpayer. Therefore, the taxpayer would be committing perjury to sign the tax return perjury statement when the taxpayer does not understand all of the constantly changing tax laws contained in the IRS Tax Code, nor could the taxpayer ever understand them in the taxpayer’s lifetime.
The tax code is a shameless, unconstitutional, racketeering tax scheme perpetrated on the American people by the U. S. Government, to manipulate the masses for social and environmental engineering and to re-distribute the wealth of this country. It represents government's insidious, never-ending, unconstitutional attempts to buy votes from the less fortunate among us, or protected classes, on the backs of the producers and achievers in America. It has nothing to do with fairness or equity. The taxing system is all about POWER, CONTROL and the BUYING OF VOTES to remain in perpetual power, as the Democrats have done for the last 100 years! 2016 and Trump are an anomaly and will be undone by the Democrats and the Deep State. It was the Democrats that gave us the 16th Amendment, the Federal Reserve and the IRS and they cheated to get it ratified.
We are not so naïve as to believe that you care one whit about what we have to say, nor do we expect you to do anything about the tax code, or what it costs tens of millions of taxpayers in time, money, anger and frustration. Nor do we expect you to intervene with the IRS on our behalf.
You have the American people exactly where you want them; scared, compliant, obedient and shivering and trembling like little puppies. We can attest to this by the fact that the response to our attempts to abolish the IRS with a new website fell on deaf ears, in a nation where the average citizen lives in abject fear of the IRS.
But please understand, you can only squeeze a tomato so hard, before it suddenly squishes out between your fingers. This admonition is not to be construed as a threat to you personally, or the government in general. It is only a prediction of things to come in America if the government continues on the path it now treads. Millions of Americans still actually believe in freedom and liberty and the pursuit of happiness, without government interference and we reject enslavement of any kind, even tax code enslavement.
It is very unlikely that you care? But then why should you? The previous Secretary of the Treasury, Jack Lew, manipulated the tax law so that he would owe no taxes after receiving huge salaries and bonuses. Former Senator Tom Daschle didn't pay his taxes and get caught when he was nominated for HUD secretary and had to withdraw his name. It has been reported that tens of thousands of federal employees, including IRS employees, owe as much as $3.5 Billion in back taxes to the IRS and are given a pass, while the IRS's foot is on the throats of lawful Americans demanding absolute compliance ..... or else! The IRS loses billions to fraud every year that it never catches. That's our money you are wasting Treasury Secretary Mnuchin and the buck stops on your desk. Why haven't you stopped it?
Good God, where's the outrage? One hundred years ago this tyrannical overreach by government would have caused a revolution.
The government and the IRS are hopelessly out of control and you and your predecessors are co-conspirators. The IRS tax code, which you oversee, is just another chain around the necks of once-free Americans who now must capitulate to the ever-tightening noose of dictatorial control by a corrupt government with an insatiable appetite for our money.
But then I doubt seriously if you will ever see this letter. You must have more important things to do than responding to a disgruntled taxpayer, you know, like writing more tax code, or bailing out your friends at Goldman Sachs, or the Federal Reserve, or covering up for your corrupt friends in the government.
What a poor excuse for a free nation America has become. We might just as well be another banana republic, run by an anachronism of an elite, rich-old-men, oligarchy. You are but an integral, willing partner in that oligarchy. It means nothing that you are a Republican.
Not so respectfully,
Ron Ewart, President
A lawful citizen of Washington State with a Republican Form of Government
Well it used to have a Republican Form of Government,
that is until the Democrats took it over,
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Is the reader of this article having trouble with the IRS, similar to what we have described in this letter to Secretary Mnuchin? Perhaps you should see how we have defeated the IRS on numerous occasions with effective documents we created HERE.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"The Underhanded Skullduggery to Pass the 14th Amendment”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, June 18, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
Every now and then we pick up bits and pieces of reliable information from individuals that respond to our articles. Such was the case when one of our readers gave us an "education" on how the 14th Amendment was passed, as described in a Utah State Supreme Court Case filed in March 1968, almost exactly 100 years after the passage of the Amendment. At this point, we must stipulate that we believe the description contained in this case is accurate and true to the best of the Supreme Court judge's knowledge of history. Nevertheless, it cannot be ignored that, in war, "to the victor goes the spoils."
Understand that we are not making or taking a moral position in what transpired. Nor are we taking sides in the conflict. We are only describing the events that led up to the passage of the 14th Amendment, to demonstrate to what lengths government will go to get what they want.
The animosity between the inhabitants of the north and south did not soften after the civil war ended. In fact, they still simmer to this day, especially with the current push to remove southern civil war icons, statues and monuments. But the undercurrent of animosity that exists today was nothing compared to the anger that existed during the passage of the 14th Amendment in April of 1868 and the negative impact the Amendment had on state's rights and later, illegal immigration. The battlefield went silent, but not in the hearts and minds of the now disarmed combatants. Yes, amnesty was granted to both sides and the 11 southern states assumed their lawful position in the now un-dissolvable United States. But there was a catch that we will describe shortly.
President Lincoln had implemented the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 during the war, as an executive order to free the slaves. After the war it was necessary to codify the Executive Order into legislation, which resulted in the 13th Amendment. It took 27 of the 36 existing states to ratify the Amendment. 10 of the Southern states agreed to ratification.
From the Utah Supreme Court Case in a dirty trick and act of duress number one:
"When the 39th Congress assembled on December 5, 1865, the senators and representatives from the 25 northern states voted to deny seats in both houses of Congress to anyone elected from the 11 southern states. The full complement of senators from the 36 states of the Union was 72, and the full membership in the House was 240. Since it requires only a majority vote (Article I, Section 5, Constitution of the United States) to refuse a seat in Congress, only the 50 senators and 182 congressmen from the North were seated. All of the 22 senators and 58 representatives from the southern states were denied seats."
The 13th Amendment was ratified by political trickery, but then along came the 14th Amendment on the heels of the 13th Amendment, to better clarify the citizenship of the now freed black slaves. Even more than that, the 14th Amendment was purposely designed to deny any Southern government official, either elected or appointed, from being able to hold public office in the re-united government if they have or had "engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Northern Government, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof." Of course, any existing public official from the 11 Southern States at the time, elected or appointed, obviously engaged in insurrection or rebellion during the war, from the perspective of the North and thus disqualified them from holding public office in the new government.
So the Northern states jockeyed the numbers to get the required two thirds vote to ratify the 14th Amendment. But the Northern States did more than that to get the Southern States to capitulate to ratification.
From the Utah Supreme Court Case in a dirty trick and act of duress number two:
"Despite the fact that the southern states had been functioning peacefully for two years and had been counted to secure ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment, Congress passed the Reconstruction Act, which provided for the military occupation of 10 of the 11 southern states. It excluded Tennessee from military occupation, and one must suspect it was because Tennessee had ratified the Fourteenth Amendment on July 7, 1866. The Act further disfranchised practically all white voters and provided that no senator or congressman from the occupied states could be seated in Congress until a new constitution was adopted by each state which would be approved by Congress, and further provided that each of the 10 states must ratify the proposed Fourteenth Amendment, and the Fourteenth Amendment must become a part of the Constitution of the United States before the military occupancy would cease and the states be allowed seats in Congress."
"By the time the Reconstruction Act had been declared to be the law, three more states had ratified the proposed Fourteenth Amendment, and two – Louisiana and Delaware – had rejected it. Then Maryland withdrew its prior ratification and rejected the proposed Fourteenth Amendment. Ohio followed suit and withdrew its prior ratification, as also did New Jersey. California, which earlier had voted not to pass upon the proposal, now voted to reject the amendment. Thus 16 of the 37 states had rejected the proposed amendment."
"By spurious, non representative governments, seven of the southern states, which had theretofore rejected the proposed amendment under the duress of military occupation and of being denied representation in Congress, did attempt to ratify the proposed Fourteenth Amendment. The Secretary of State on July 20, 1868, issued his proclamation wherein he stated that it was his duty under the law to cause amendments to be published and certified as a part of the Constitution when he received official notice that they had been adopted pursuant to the Constitution."
Obviously, to the more attentive reader, it was clear that the 14th Amendment was ratified under intense duress by the Northern States. In effect, the 14th Amendment was ratified by political skullduggery and at the point of a gun, which is not unheard of in politics ..... or war.
In contract law, any contract signed under duress, especially under the threat of force or violence, can be declared null and void. So the question is, is a treaty, constitutional amendment, or a contract, entered into under the threat of force or violence, enforceable?
Which leads us to the ratification of the 16th Amendment, codifying into law the Federal Reserve and the federal income tax.
Even though the U. S. Supreme Court twice adjudicated the issue of whether the 16th Amendment was legally ratified, the debate on that ratification rages on in some circles with alleged evidence to back up their arguments.
There were 48 states at the time, thus requiring 36 states to ratify any constitutional amendment. When reviewing the ratification of the 16th Amendment, state by state, certain irregularities appear. Tennessee, Kentucky and Oklahoma were three states where the irregularities were readily apparent.
In the Tennessee ratification procedure, the state law required that the vote for ratification could not take place until the next election of state legislators, giving sufficient time to debate the amendment. Tennessee voted for ratification in violation of that state law.
In Oklahoma, the legislature changed the wording of the Amendment such that the meaning was the opposite of what Congress intended.
In Kentucky, the words of the amendment, which the legislators were to vote upon, omitted the words from the Congressional Amendment "on income."
If all three states were omitted from the states that ratified the Amendment, the 16th Amendment would have failed ratification.
The Central Bankers and many wealthy industrialists wanted the 16th Amendment to pass because an income tax provided security for all of the loans they would make to government by indenturing every American citizen to the debt. The law forced all present and future Americans to pledge the taxes of their lifetime earnings to secure that debt. Finally, in the 1930's each American's social security number became their loan number for all central bank loans to government.
Was there duress, intimidation and or favors, in one form or another, placed upon the legislators of the individual states to ratify the Amendment? Was that duress illegal? It cannot be construed otherwise.
Consequently, by skullduggery, duress and the threat of force and violence, Americans were forced to accept as law, the 14th and 16th Amendments to the U. S. Constitution, wherein the benefits of the Amendments favored a special few, while creating a form of indentured servitude and slavery on the rest of us.
Remember! The 14th Amendment led to "anchor babies" which created a giant magnet for illegal aliens to invade the United States, due to an unconscionable perversion of the Amendment by the U. S. Supreme Court. The invasion and the cost of that invasion, continues to grow and magnify, especially with sanctuary jurisdictions defying federal immigration laws and adding to the magnets. Each producing American is paying for that invasion in the billions of dollars. But the 14th Amendment also seriously diluted state's rights under the Constitution, which the Utah Supreme Court Justices railed against.
Remember! The 16th Amendment has led to an income tax code of almost 75,000 pages of laws and regulations that no one, not even the IRS or your favorite tax preparer, CPA, or tax attorney, can interpret the same way, leading normal, reasonable and prudent American citizens to perjure themselves each time they sign Form 1040, or any other income tax form.
Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld sends a letter to the IRS each year stating, and we paraphrase: "I have absolutely no idea whether my tax returns and my payments are accurate, even though I am a college graduate. The tax code is so complex and the forms are so complicated that I don't know whether or not my tax returns are accurate and I am sure most Americans feel the same way. I have spent way too much money on tax firms to prepare my return."
Sadly, the American people go on about their daily lives oblivious to the fact that they are quite likely being governed by laws and constitutional amendments that were passed in violation of that constitution. No! Not "quite likely." Absolutely!
We have not taken on the 14th Amendment even though we strongly believe the "anchor baby" provision of the Amendment should be repealed. Instead, we are showing Americans how to fight the IRS at our "SAVE THE USA" website. In addition to the website, we have created two, 3-to-4 minute Youtube videos. One is entitled, "The IRS Blows My Mind" and the second is entitled "The IRS Took My Car Away." These videos are poetic takeoffs on IRS injustices, set to very familiar music. The videos are entertaining, emotionally appealing and convey the frustration of millions of Americans with the IRS. You may even see yourself in one or both of the videos.
Congress is not going to fix or abolish the IRS in the short or long term because it would take away the power of the Congress to control every aspect of our lives. Since Americans have no intention of getting involved to abolish the IRS, we have to learn how to live with them. If we have to live with them, we might as well know how to fight them.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Understand that we are not making or taking a moral position in what transpired. Nor are we taking sides in the conflict. We are only describing the events that led up to the passage of the 14th Amendment, to demonstrate to what lengths government will go to get what they want.
The animosity between the inhabitants of the north and south did not soften after the civil war ended. In fact, they still simmer to this day, especially with the current push to remove southern civil war icons, statues and monuments. But the undercurrent of animosity that exists today was nothing compared to the anger that existed during the passage of the 14th Amendment in April of 1868 and the negative impact the Amendment had on state's rights and later, illegal immigration. The battlefield went silent, but not in the hearts and minds of the now disarmed combatants. Yes, amnesty was granted to both sides and the 11 southern states assumed their lawful position in the now un-dissolvable United States. But there was a catch that we will describe shortly.
President Lincoln had implemented the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 during the war, as an executive order to free the slaves. After the war it was necessary to codify the Executive Order into legislation, which resulted in the 13th Amendment. It took 27 of the 36 existing states to ratify the Amendment. 10 of the Southern states agreed to ratification.
From the Utah Supreme Court Case in a dirty trick and act of duress number one:
"When the 39th Congress assembled on December 5, 1865, the senators and representatives from the 25 northern states voted to deny seats in both houses of Congress to anyone elected from the 11 southern states. The full complement of senators from the 36 states of the Union was 72, and the full membership in the House was 240. Since it requires only a majority vote (Article I, Section 5, Constitution of the United States) to refuse a seat in Congress, only the 50 senators and 182 congressmen from the North were seated. All of the 22 senators and 58 representatives from the southern states were denied seats."
The 13th Amendment was ratified by political trickery, but then along came the 14th Amendment on the heels of the 13th Amendment, to better clarify the citizenship of the now freed black slaves. Even more than that, the 14th Amendment was purposely designed to deny any Southern government official, either elected or appointed, from being able to hold public office in the re-united government if they have or had "engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Northern Government, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof." Of course, any existing public official from the 11 Southern States at the time, elected or appointed, obviously engaged in insurrection or rebellion during the war, from the perspective of the North and thus disqualified them from holding public office in the new government.
So the Northern states jockeyed the numbers to get the required two thirds vote to ratify the 14th Amendment. But the Northern States did more than that to get the Southern States to capitulate to ratification.
From the Utah Supreme Court Case in a dirty trick and act of duress number two:
"Despite the fact that the southern states had been functioning peacefully for two years and had been counted to secure ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment, Congress passed the Reconstruction Act, which provided for the military occupation of 10 of the 11 southern states. It excluded Tennessee from military occupation, and one must suspect it was because Tennessee had ratified the Fourteenth Amendment on July 7, 1866. The Act further disfranchised practically all white voters and provided that no senator or congressman from the occupied states could be seated in Congress until a new constitution was adopted by each state which would be approved by Congress, and further provided that each of the 10 states must ratify the proposed Fourteenth Amendment, and the Fourteenth Amendment must become a part of the Constitution of the United States before the military occupancy would cease and the states be allowed seats in Congress."
"By the time the Reconstruction Act had been declared to be the law, three more states had ratified the proposed Fourteenth Amendment, and two – Louisiana and Delaware – had rejected it. Then Maryland withdrew its prior ratification and rejected the proposed Fourteenth Amendment. Ohio followed suit and withdrew its prior ratification, as also did New Jersey. California, which earlier had voted not to pass upon the proposal, now voted to reject the amendment. Thus 16 of the 37 states had rejected the proposed amendment."
"By spurious, non representative governments, seven of the southern states, which had theretofore rejected the proposed amendment under the duress of military occupation and of being denied representation in Congress, did attempt to ratify the proposed Fourteenth Amendment. The Secretary of State on July 20, 1868, issued his proclamation wherein he stated that it was his duty under the law to cause amendments to be published and certified as a part of the Constitution when he received official notice that they had been adopted pursuant to the Constitution."
Obviously, to the more attentive reader, it was clear that the 14th Amendment was ratified under intense duress by the Northern States. In effect, the 14th Amendment was ratified by political skullduggery and at the point of a gun, which is not unheard of in politics ..... or war.
In contract law, any contract signed under duress, especially under the threat of force or violence, can be declared null and void. So the question is, is a treaty, constitutional amendment, or a contract, entered into under the threat of force or violence, enforceable?
Which leads us to the ratification of the 16th Amendment, codifying into law the Federal Reserve and the federal income tax.
Even though the U. S. Supreme Court twice adjudicated the issue of whether the 16th Amendment was legally ratified, the debate on that ratification rages on in some circles with alleged evidence to back up their arguments.
There were 48 states at the time, thus requiring 36 states to ratify any constitutional amendment. When reviewing the ratification of the 16th Amendment, state by state, certain irregularities appear. Tennessee, Kentucky and Oklahoma were three states where the irregularities were readily apparent.
In the Tennessee ratification procedure, the state law required that the vote for ratification could not take place until the next election of state legislators, giving sufficient time to debate the amendment. Tennessee voted for ratification in violation of that state law.
In Oklahoma, the legislature changed the wording of the Amendment such that the meaning was the opposite of what Congress intended.
In Kentucky, the words of the amendment, which the legislators were to vote upon, omitted the words from the Congressional Amendment "on income."
If all three states were omitted from the states that ratified the Amendment, the 16th Amendment would have failed ratification.
The Central Bankers and many wealthy industrialists wanted the 16th Amendment to pass because an income tax provided security for all of the loans they would make to government by indenturing every American citizen to the debt. The law forced all present and future Americans to pledge the taxes of their lifetime earnings to secure that debt. Finally, in the 1930's each American's social security number became their loan number for all central bank loans to government.
Was there duress, intimidation and or favors, in one form or another, placed upon the legislators of the individual states to ratify the Amendment? Was that duress illegal? It cannot be construed otherwise.
Consequently, by skullduggery, duress and the threat of force and violence, Americans were forced to accept as law, the 14th and 16th Amendments to the U. S. Constitution, wherein the benefits of the Amendments favored a special few, while creating a form of indentured servitude and slavery on the rest of us.
Remember! The 14th Amendment led to "anchor babies" which created a giant magnet for illegal aliens to invade the United States, due to an unconscionable perversion of the Amendment by the U. S. Supreme Court. The invasion and the cost of that invasion, continues to grow and magnify, especially with sanctuary jurisdictions defying federal immigration laws and adding to the magnets. Each producing American is paying for that invasion in the billions of dollars. But the 14th Amendment also seriously diluted state's rights under the Constitution, which the Utah Supreme Court Justices railed against.
Remember! The 16th Amendment has led to an income tax code of almost 75,000 pages of laws and regulations that no one, not even the IRS or your favorite tax preparer, CPA, or tax attorney, can interpret the same way, leading normal, reasonable and prudent American citizens to perjure themselves each time they sign Form 1040, or any other income tax form.
Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld sends a letter to the IRS each year stating, and we paraphrase: "I have absolutely no idea whether my tax returns and my payments are accurate, even though I am a college graduate. The tax code is so complex and the forms are so complicated that I don't know whether or not my tax returns are accurate and I am sure most Americans feel the same way. I have spent way too much money on tax firms to prepare my return."
Sadly, the American people go on about their daily lives oblivious to the fact that they are quite likely being governed by laws and constitutional amendments that were passed in violation of that constitution. No! Not "quite likely." Absolutely!
We have not taken on the 14th Amendment even though we strongly believe the "anchor baby" provision of the Amendment should be repealed. Instead, we are showing Americans how to fight the IRS at our "SAVE THE USA" website. In addition to the website, we have created two, 3-to-4 minute Youtube videos. One is entitled, "The IRS Blows My Mind" and the second is entitled "The IRS Took My Car Away." These videos are poetic takeoffs on IRS injustices, set to very familiar music. The videos are entertaining, emotionally appealing and convey the frustration of millions of Americans with the IRS. You may even see yourself in one or both of the videos.
Congress is not going to fix or abolish the IRS in the short or long term because it would take away the power of the Congress to control every aspect of our lives. Since Americans have no intention of getting involved to abolish the IRS, we have to learn how to live with them. If we have to live with them, we might as well know how to fight them.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"My Name is Viktor Maelvikoff”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, May 28, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
Several weeks ago there was a knock at the front door just after dinnertime. We weren't expecting anyone and I cautiously opened the door to see what appeared to be a homeless man standing on our porch. Our doorbell camera caught his image.
I asked him what he wanted and he replied in perfect English with, "are you the author that writes about the IRS." I nodded in affirmation and then he said, "I need to talk to you." I asked him, "why?" He said, "I have a story to tell that you won't believe that has left me in this condition, homeless and on the street, at the hands of the IRS."
What came out of his mouth belied his appearance. He was well spoken, articulate and his voice had an element of authority in it. He was obviously well educated but he seemed over dressed for the weather. I didn't know whether the way he looked was a purposeful disguise, or a result of unfortunate circumstances. I suspected the former.
I first asked him how he found me and he replied, "it wasn't easy." I then asked him why did he want to talk to me personally. He spoke slowly and in measured terms and said, "after reading several of your articles it appears you are not afraid of the IRS and I need someone who doesn't fear them to tell my story." He followed with "I can pay you" and pulled out a thick wad of $100 bills and offered one of them to me.
I told him I didn't need his money. There was nothing in his demeanor that seemed threatening and suggested he come in.
I then asked him his name. He said with confidence and pride, "my name is Viktor Maelvikoff." To my wife, who had just entered from the kitchen, "honey, meet Viktor Maelvikoff." She shook his hand with a look of trepidation in her eyes as if to say, "who is this strange looking man in my home?"
I motioned for him to come into the kitchen and sit at the table and asked if he was hungry or thirsty. He said that it had been awhile since he had eaten and could use a bite. My wife opened the refrigerator, pulled out some leftovers and put them on the stove to heat. She then delivered water and milk to the table.
As he poured a glass of water I asked him, "would you like something stronger?" He said, "would you happen to have some Vodka? I haven't had a drink of Vodka in three years." I said of course and proceeded to pour him a glass. He took the first sip as if it was his final wish come true. The thanks for this momentary pleasure were evident in his eyes.
After he had savored a few sips from the Vodka, I asked him why his story was so important to him that he would seek out an author? It was at this point, as if I had triggered something in him, that his story began to gush out of him like an artesian well.
"I immigrated to America with my parents over 35 years ago," he started. "I was 13 at time. We settled in a small town in Texas where my father set up a shop to work his trade. He was an expert machinist and made small custom parts for individuals and car and airplane restorers."
"I learned a great deal from my father and when I reached my late twenties, with my father's help, I started my own small company making machine parts and quickly landed a job for a large airplane manufacturer. After that we obtained several fairly lucrative contracts for other manufacturers. That very same year I became an American citizen."
"My business grew rapidly until our annual revenues were in the 10's of millions of dollars and we had over 100 employees in two plants."
"Three years ago, I found that my accountant was embezzling small amounts of money from our accounts and I fired him. To retaliate, he called the IRS and told them my company was laundering money in several offshore accounts. Of course it was a bold faced lie, but within a couple of months we received an audit notice from the IRS, giving us just two weeks to prepare for the audit."
My wife laid a plate of food in front of Viktor and he began eating while he talked.
"Totally confident that we had not done anything wrong, we began to accumulate all of the documents that were requested in the audit notice."
"On the day of the audit, we opened up the conference room and put all of the documents on the conference table in open compliance with the listed audit requirements. Two IRS auditors arrived on the scene about 10:30 that morning and began to sift through the information we provided. The auditors were there every weekday for three weeks, making the conference room unusable for corporate business. Upon completion of the audit, they got up and one of them said, you will be hearing from us shortly."
"A month went by without hearing a thing from the IRS. I began to get concerned. When another month went by my concern grew to restless anxiety. What were they waiting for?"
"Finally, after two and one half months, a certified letter came in the mail from the IRS with a notice stating that the results of the audit indicated that my company owed the IRS $293,335, including penalties and interest. They said that if I didn't agree with the amount I had 90 days in which to appeal to the Tax Court."
"I was aghast at the sum. The company had some cash resources but it wouldn't come to anywhere near what they said I owed unless we started liquidating assets. I had no choice but to dispute the claim, not only the amount but the reasoning behind why they said we owed so much. I thought I could handle the issue by myself instead of filing a claim with the Tax Court."
"So I sent a Certified-Registered letter to the agent's name on the notice, vehemently disputing the amount, along with an FOIA request for all of the records used in making their determination."
"About 30 days later I get a letter from them that they had received my certified letter and needed another 45 days in which to respond." (This is a common delay tactic of the IRS to drive up interest and penalty charges.)
"Then I got a letter after three more months stating that my FOIA Request would have to be sent to the 'Disclosure Scanning Operations' with an Atlanta, GA address. So I re-copied my FOIA Request and mailed it to the required address. As it turned out, I never got a response to my FOIA Request."
"But then it got really strange. I started receiving 45-day letters from IRS offices in Ogden, Cincinnati, Holtsville, Memphis, Kansas City, Fresno and Philadelphia. I had never communicated with any of these offices."
"Roughly six months after the audit, I received a Notice of Lien stating that if the company didn't pay up, the government would seize bank accounts and other assets because my time to file an appeal with the Tax Court had run out. Additional penalties and interest had been added to the original amount. However, there was nothing attached to the Notice of Lien indicating that they had acknowledged my dispute of the charges, or recognized my FOIA request. I was devastated. The IRS could literally put us out of business. I had to act immediately, but I didn't know what I should do next. It is what I did next that started a parade of events over which I had no control."
I could tell he was getting tired and agitated and suggested that he stay overnight, if he didn't have a place to go, and to continue his story the next day. He said that he was exhausted from traveling and could use a shower. I pointed him to our spare bedroom and guest bathroom. He settled down for the night and it wasn't until the next morning that we learned the full scope of his story and what he and his company had to endure at the hands of the IRS and how he came to be homeless with a huge wad of $100 bills in his pocket.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
I asked him what he wanted and he replied in perfect English with, "are you the author that writes about the IRS." I nodded in affirmation and then he said, "I need to talk to you." I asked him, "why?" He said, "I have a story to tell that you won't believe that has left me in this condition, homeless and on the street, at the hands of the IRS."
What came out of his mouth belied his appearance. He was well spoken, articulate and his voice had an element of authority in it. He was obviously well educated but he seemed over dressed for the weather. I didn't know whether the way he looked was a purposeful disguise, or a result of unfortunate circumstances. I suspected the former.
I first asked him how he found me and he replied, "it wasn't easy." I then asked him why did he want to talk to me personally. He spoke slowly and in measured terms and said, "after reading several of your articles it appears you are not afraid of the IRS and I need someone who doesn't fear them to tell my story." He followed with "I can pay you" and pulled out a thick wad of $100 bills and offered one of them to me.
I told him I didn't need his money. There was nothing in his demeanor that seemed threatening and suggested he come in.
I then asked him his name. He said with confidence and pride, "my name is Viktor Maelvikoff." To my wife, who had just entered from the kitchen, "honey, meet Viktor Maelvikoff." She shook his hand with a look of trepidation in her eyes as if to say, "who is this strange looking man in my home?"
I motioned for him to come into the kitchen and sit at the table and asked if he was hungry or thirsty. He said that it had been awhile since he had eaten and could use a bite. My wife opened the refrigerator, pulled out some leftovers and put them on the stove to heat. She then delivered water and milk to the table.
As he poured a glass of water I asked him, "would you like something stronger?" He said, "would you happen to have some Vodka? I haven't had a drink of Vodka in three years." I said of course and proceeded to pour him a glass. He took the first sip as if it was his final wish come true. The thanks for this momentary pleasure were evident in his eyes.
After he had savored a few sips from the Vodka, I asked him why his story was so important to him that he would seek out an author? It was at this point, as if I had triggered something in him, that his story began to gush out of him like an artesian well.
"I immigrated to America with my parents over 35 years ago," he started. "I was 13 at time. We settled in a small town in Texas where my father set up a shop to work his trade. He was an expert machinist and made small custom parts for individuals and car and airplane restorers."
"I learned a great deal from my father and when I reached my late twenties, with my father's help, I started my own small company making machine parts and quickly landed a job for a large airplane manufacturer. After that we obtained several fairly lucrative contracts for other manufacturers. That very same year I became an American citizen."
"My business grew rapidly until our annual revenues were in the 10's of millions of dollars and we had over 100 employees in two plants."
"Three years ago, I found that my accountant was embezzling small amounts of money from our accounts and I fired him. To retaliate, he called the IRS and told them my company was laundering money in several offshore accounts. Of course it was a bold faced lie, but within a couple of months we received an audit notice from the IRS, giving us just two weeks to prepare for the audit."
My wife laid a plate of food in front of Viktor and he began eating while he talked.
"Totally confident that we had not done anything wrong, we began to accumulate all of the documents that were requested in the audit notice."
"On the day of the audit, we opened up the conference room and put all of the documents on the conference table in open compliance with the listed audit requirements. Two IRS auditors arrived on the scene about 10:30 that morning and began to sift through the information we provided. The auditors were there every weekday for three weeks, making the conference room unusable for corporate business. Upon completion of the audit, they got up and one of them said, you will be hearing from us shortly."
"A month went by without hearing a thing from the IRS. I began to get concerned. When another month went by my concern grew to restless anxiety. What were they waiting for?"
"Finally, after two and one half months, a certified letter came in the mail from the IRS with a notice stating that the results of the audit indicated that my company owed the IRS $293,335, including penalties and interest. They said that if I didn't agree with the amount I had 90 days in which to appeal to the Tax Court."
"I was aghast at the sum. The company had some cash resources but it wouldn't come to anywhere near what they said I owed unless we started liquidating assets. I had no choice but to dispute the claim, not only the amount but the reasoning behind why they said we owed so much. I thought I could handle the issue by myself instead of filing a claim with the Tax Court."
"So I sent a Certified-Registered letter to the agent's name on the notice, vehemently disputing the amount, along with an FOIA request for all of the records used in making their determination."
"About 30 days later I get a letter from them that they had received my certified letter and needed another 45 days in which to respond." (This is a common delay tactic of the IRS to drive up interest and penalty charges.)
"Then I got a letter after three more months stating that my FOIA Request would have to be sent to the 'Disclosure Scanning Operations' with an Atlanta, GA address. So I re-copied my FOIA Request and mailed it to the required address. As it turned out, I never got a response to my FOIA Request."
"But then it got really strange. I started receiving 45-day letters from IRS offices in Ogden, Cincinnati, Holtsville, Memphis, Kansas City, Fresno and Philadelphia. I had never communicated with any of these offices."
"Roughly six months after the audit, I received a Notice of Lien stating that if the company didn't pay up, the government would seize bank accounts and other assets because my time to file an appeal with the Tax Court had run out. Additional penalties and interest had been added to the original amount. However, there was nothing attached to the Notice of Lien indicating that they had acknowledged my dispute of the charges, or recognized my FOIA request. I was devastated. The IRS could literally put us out of business. I had to act immediately, but I didn't know what I should do next. It is what I did next that started a parade of events over which I had no control."
I could tell he was getting tired and agitated and suggested that he stay overnight, if he didn't have a place to go, and to continue his story the next day. He said that he was exhausted from traveling and could use a shower. I pointed him to our spare bedroom and guest bathroom. He settled down for the night and it wasn't until the next morning that we learned the full scope of his story and what he and his company had to endure at the hands of the IRS and how he came to be homeless with a huge wad of $100 bills in his pocket.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"My Name is Viktor Maelvikoff (Part 2)”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, June 11, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
Last week we wrote about an encounter with a homeless man, one Viktor Maelvikoff, that showed up on our doorstep a couple of weeks ago to tell us his IRS story. He sought us out because he had read several of our articles about the IRS and new we did not fear them and in fact had successfully beat them on at least five occasions. You can access Part 1 of his story HERE. We ended Part 1, before he retired for the night, with his last words repeated below.
"Roughly six months after the audit, I received a Notice of Lien stating that if the company didn't pay up, the government would seize bank accounts and other assets because my time to file an appeal with the Tax Court had run out. Additional penalties and interest had been added to the original amount. However, there was nothing attached to the Notice of Lien indicating that they had acknowledged my dispute of the charges, or recognized my FOIA request. I was devastated. The IRS could literally put us out of business. I had to act immediately, but I didn't know what I should do next. It is what I did next that started a parade of events over which I had no control."
I went to bed that night thinking that "what he did next" somehow led to his becoming homeless and my mind imagined all sorts of possible scenarios, all of which turned out to be wrong. I begin Part 2 of his story the next morning, as he descended the stairs from the upstairs bedroom, looking much fresher than he did the night before, even though still sporting a full beard and wearing his somewhat disheveled clothing. Perhaps it was the positive look in his eyes that made me think he was somewhat rested.
"Good morning Viktor, I said, as he came down the stairs, "hopefully you slept well."
Viktor replied with, "I haven't had that good of a night's sleep in several months, having spent most of my nights in homeless shelters from Texas to Washington State, on my way to Canada. I've been traveling from shelter to shelter for two and a half years in order to avoid the IRS. Believe me, that is no existence for a once-moderate wealthy and educated man who isn't plagued with mental health or drug issues. I was forced to feign such conditions in order not to be attacked by the occupants of the shelter. I also laid pretty low when the occasional police officer would show up."
I asked Viktor if he would like some breakfast and he nodded his head in agreement. Once again, I invited Viktor to sit at our kitchen table.
My wife was already in the kitchen fixing some eggs, bacon and toast and put a large plate on the table for the three of us. Viktor didn't seem ready to talk yet and set about finishing his breakfast and drinking his coffee. He almost seemed at home in what should have been a strange setting for him, given what he has had to endure over the last several months living as he was.
Finally, he put down his coffee cup and began to speak as if eager to finish his story.
He started with, "Let's see, where did I leave off last night? Oh that's rights, I think I said that what I did next led to my being in this condition."
"As it turns out, it wasn't only what I did next that started an IRS avalanche I couldn't stop, it was what the IRS did."
"Out of fear of exhausting the company of its cash resources and ending up broke, I started funneling cash out of the company. Fearing what the IRS might do to us and in anticipation of the possible outcome, I mailed some of that cash to people I knew around the West, providing a lame excuse on why I was doing it. What is in my pocket right now came from one of those stashes. None of the people I mailed cash to, knew each other."
"What I did was bad enough, but what the IRS did to me and my company was far worse."
"Since I had no knowledge of how the IRS came up with the tax due amount, as there still was no answer to my FOIA request, I had no tools to fight back. How could I argue against what I didn't know?"
"I was totally unaware of what was going on behind the scenes at the IRS and only partially became aware of it when the company received a court summons from the IRS with documents charging us with money laundering and other crimes. The charging documents were short on details. I suddenly realized as the responsible corporate officer, that I could go to jail and I hadn't the slightest idea of what legal lines I had crossed to end up on what could very well be the working end of an IRS witch hunt ..... or not."
"I called our corporate attorney about the IRS summons and he said he handles only civil matters and recommended I contact an attorney that practices criminal law. Criminal law!!! You mean now I'm a criminal? This isn't happening, but it was."
"As I was dialing the 'phone to reach an attorney that practices criminal law, the IRS had drained our corporate bank account and filed liens on other corporate assets. My company was now in grave peril and we could not meet contractual obligations that could trigger significant penalty clauses. But worse than that, we could not meet payroll and payroll taxes, or pay suppliers. Material deliveries would soon be cut off. Before my eyes I was literally watching the overnight disintegration of my company that I had put my heart and soul into for well over a decade, with the prospects of being incarcerated for a crime I was alleged to have committed, about which I knew nothing."
"I finally retained an attorney to present my case in court but it would be several months before the case would go to trial. I had to sell my car to obtain the $10,000 retainer for the attorney. Fortunately, my car missed the probing eyes of the IRS. The attorney told me to sit back and wait until he had a chance to research the case and request and then review documents from the IRS."
"As instructed I waited while my company was in a death spiral and Chapter 7 bankruptcy loomed on the near horizon. Bills mounted dramatically and our manufacturing contracts were being canceled one by one. My credit was shot and the only thing that sustained me was the cash I had salted away."
"In the interim there were some pre-trial motions, a motion to delay and a request for a jury trial filed by my attorney, but the motion to delay and jury trial motion were denied by the judge. It seems that when you are dealing with the IRS, you are not entitled to a jury trial. The trial was set for 60 days after the pre-trial proceedings."
"On the day of the trial, I got an education in how the IRS vigorously prosecutes its cases against taxpayers. As the Department of Justice prosecutor read the charges and presented evidence from the audit, I began to realize that I was never going to come out of that courtroom unscathed. The serious charges against me personally and the company, could easily lead to a 10-year prison sentence. Part of the problem arose because I had sent some significant wire transfers to a Russian bank on behalf of my aging grandparents who were still alive. The IRS determined those deposits to be illegal international transfers, raising the charge of money laundering. The money transfers raised red flags at the IRS and they proceeded to 'invent' irregularities in the audit. Although my attorney attempted to refute all the charges with powerful evidence, the judge denied the admission of most of that evidence. I was going down and there was nothing I could do to stop it."
"Determined not to got to jail, I bolted. In the early morning hours of the following day, I boarded a bus for a small town in New Mexico and headed straight for the nearest homeless encampment. I burrowed into the homeless shelter with the sole purpose of melting into the background. I had enough cash to last me for awhile until I could reach my next stash."
"I let my beard grow and allowed my clothes to become warned and tattered. I moved from homeless shelter to homeless shelter as I headed west and north. Occasionally, I would drop into a local library and search the net for possible fugitive notices about me. That is where I ran into your articles about the IRS and I was determined to reach you to tell my story in the hopes you would publish it for all Americans to see what the IRS has become and how they destroy law abiding citizens. I have been on the run for two and a half years now with my goal to pass undetected into Canada and hopefully freedom. I'm only a little over 100 miles away from reaching that goal."
"I sincerely want to thank you for listening to my story and welcoming me into your home. Once again, I would be more than happy to pay for your hospitality but my guess is you wouldn't accept it. Nevertheless, I cannot not stay in one place for any length of time for fear of being apprehended. For that reason I must move on."
Viktor suddenly got up from the table and headed for the door like a man on a mission. My wife and I followed him. We asked if we could drive him somewhere but he said no. He opened the door and moved quickly onto the porch and down the walkway, but turned around once to wave at us. We waved back and wished him well. He walked down the street and turned at the corner, still under the cover of his homeless man disguise. We can only hope he passed quietly into Canada where he could find peace and freedom from a rogue, out-of-control, grossly negligent, inept and corrupt American federal bureaucracy whose collection policies seem to be patterned after the Nazi Gestapo.
It is our firm wish that the reader will begin to understand why we have taken a very dangerous stand against the IRS and why we are calling for it to be abolished. This is not just because of Viktor's story. There are thousands of Viktor stories all over America, which no one ever hears, like this story we received in response to Part 1.
"I read your account with interest as my adventure with the IRS has some similarities. I didn't lose my business, home, or entire fortune, but ended up with tax liens and a six-figure tax bill (including a $10k penalty for frivolously wasting the court's time) after losing in tax court, with the judge colluding with the IRS commissioner's attorney to conceal the identity of a material witness in order to prevent me from questioning him/her about the facts of the case. However, at that point the writing on the wall was clear: I was dealing with a criminal syndicate, not a system based on law, and so would never be allowed to win. Although I've paid off the entire amount and the liens have been removed, I'm still trying to clear my credit rating."
But it is also because of our fight with the IRS and what we have come to learn about this agency that has no master.
It is for these reasons we have taken on the IRS. For those readers who still care about America and where it is headed and aren't paralyzed by fear, we ask that you explore our efforts at our "SAVE THE USA" website. Learn about our six ways with which we intend to challenge the IRS. One of those ways is a powerful petition which is available on the website. One of the other ways is providing effective tools on how to fight the IRS and win, based on actual experiences.
We'd also like to encourage you to view our new 3-minute video, "The IRS Blows My Mind." You'll get a kick out of it. You might also enjoy our second video entitled, "The IRS Took My Car Away."
America is free falling into the abyss of socialism, totalitarianism and one-world government, unless we act by the millions, united against government tyranny and globalism. If people don't support our efforts in significant numbers, we could very easily become another ..... Viktor Maelvikoff! We wonder if anyone would care?
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Roughly six months after the audit, I received a Notice of Lien stating that if the company didn't pay up, the government would seize bank accounts and other assets because my time to file an appeal with the Tax Court had run out. Additional penalties and interest had been added to the original amount. However, there was nothing attached to the Notice of Lien indicating that they had acknowledged my dispute of the charges, or recognized my FOIA request. I was devastated. The IRS could literally put us out of business. I had to act immediately, but I didn't know what I should do next. It is what I did next that started a parade of events over which I had no control."
I went to bed that night thinking that "what he did next" somehow led to his becoming homeless and my mind imagined all sorts of possible scenarios, all of which turned out to be wrong. I begin Part 2 of his story the next morning, as he descended the stairs from the upstairs bedroom, looking much fresher than he did the night before, even though still sporting a full beard and wearing his somewhat disheveled clothing. Perhaps it was the positive look in his eyes that made me think he was somewhat rested.
"Good morning Viktor, I said, as he came down the stairs, "hopefully you slept well."
Viktor replied with, "I haven't had that good of a night's sleep in several months, having spent most of my nights in homeless shelters from Texas to Washington State, on my way to Canada. I've been traveling from shelter to shelter for two and a half years in order to avoid the IRS. Believe me, that is no existence for a once-moderate wealthy and educated man who isn't plagued with mental health or drug issues. I was forced to feign such conditions in order not to be attacked by the occupants of the shelter. I also laid pretty low when the occasional police officer would show up."
I asked Viktor if he would like some breakfast and he nodded his head in agreement. Once again, I invited Viktor to sit at our kitchen table.
My wife was already in the kitchen fixing some eggs, bacon and toast and put a large plate on the table for the three of us. Viktor didn't seem ready to talk yet and set about finishing his breakfast and drinking his coffee. He almost seemed at home in what should have been a strange setting for him, given what he has had to endure over the last several months living as he was.
Finally, he put down his coffee cup and began to speak as if eager to finish his story.
He started with, "Let's see, where did I leave off last night? Oh that's rights, I think I said that what I did next led to my being in this condition."
"As it turns out, it wasn't only what I did next that started an IRS avalanche I couldn't stop, it was what the IRS did."
"Out of fear of exhausting the company of its cash resources and ending up broke, I started funneling cash out of the company. Fearing what the IRS might do to us and in anticipation of the possible outcome, I mailed some of that cash to people I knew around the West, providing a lame excuse on why I was doing it. What is in my pocket right now came from one of those stashes. None of the people I mailed cash to, knew each other."
"What I did was bad enough, but what the IRS did to me and my company was far worse."
"Since I had no knowledge of how the IRS came up with the tax due amount, as there still was no answer to my FOIA request, I had no tools to fight back. How could I argue against what I didn't know?"
"I was totally unaware of what was going on behind the scenes at the IRS and only partially became aware of it when the company received a court summons from the IRS with documents charging us with money laundering and other crimes. The charging documents were short on details. I suddenly realized as the responsible corporate officer, that I could go to jail and I hadn't the slightest idea of what legal lines I had crossed to end up on what could very well be the working end of an IRS witch hunt ..... or not."
"I called our corporate attorney about the IRS summons and he said he handles only civil matters and recommended I contact an attorney that practices criminal law. Criminal law!!! You mean now I'm a criminal? This isn't happening, but it was."
"As I was dialing the 'phone to reach an attorney that practices criminal law, the IRS had drained our corporate bank account and filed liens on other corporate assets. My company was now in grave peril and we could not meet contractual obligations that could trigger significant penalty clauses. But worse than that, we could not meet payroll and payroll taxes, or pay suppliers. Material deliveries would soon be cut off. Before my eyes I was literally watching the overnight disintegration of my company that I had put my heart and soul into for well over a decade, with the prospects of being incarcerated for a crime I was alleged to have committed, about which I knew nothing."
"I finally retained an attorney to present my case in court but it would be several months before the case would go to trial. I had to sell my car to obtain the $10,000 retainer for the attorney. Fortunately, my car missed the probing eyes of the IRS. The attorney told me to sit back and wait until he had a chance to research the case and request and then review documents from the IRS."
"As instructed I waited while my company was in a death spiral and Chapter 7 bankruptcy loomed on the near horizon. Bills mounted dramatically and our manufacturing contracts were being canceled one by one. My credit was shot and the only thing that sustained me was the cash I had salted away."
"In the interim there were some pre-trial motions, a motion to delay and a request for a jury trial filed by my attorney, but the motion to delay and jury trial motion were denied by the judge. It seems that when you are dealing with the IRS, you are not entitled to a jury trial. The trial was set for 60 days after the pre-trial proceedings."
"On the day of the trial, I got an education in how the IRS vigorously prosecutes its cases against taxpayers. As the Department of Justice prosecutor read the charges and presented evidence from the audit, I began to realize that I was never going to come out of that courtroom unscathed. The serious charges against me personally and the company, could easily lead to a 10-year prison sentence. Part of the problem arose because I had sent some significant wire transfers to a Russian bank on behalf of my aging grandparents who were still alive. The IRS determined those deposits to be illegal international transfers, raising the charge of money laundering. The money transfers raised red flags at the IRS and they proceeded to 'invent' irregularities in the audit. Although my attorney attempted to refute all the charges with powerful evidence, the judge denied the admission of most of that evidence. I was going down and there was nothing I could do to stop it."
"Determined not to got to jail, I bolted. In the early morning hours of the following day, I boarded a bus for a small town in New Mexico and headed straight for the nearest homeless encampment. I burrowed into the homeless shelter with the sole purpose of melting into the background. I had enough cash to last me for awhile until I could reach my next stash."
"I let my beard grow and allowed my clothes to become warned and tattered. I moved from homeless shelter to homeless shelter as I headed west and north. Occasionally, I would drop into a local library and search the net for possible fugitive notices about me. That is where I ran into your articles about the IRS and I was determined to reach you to tell my story in the hopes you would publish it for all Americans to see what the IRS has become and how they destroy law abiding citizens. I have been on the run for two and a half years now with my goal to pass undetected into Canada and hopefully freedom. I'm only a little over 100 miles away from reaching that goal."
"I sincerely want to thank you for listening to my story and welcoming me into your home. Once again, I would be more than happy to pay for your hospitality but my guess is you wouldn't accept it. Nevertheless, I cannot not stay in one place for any length of time for fear of being apprehended. For that reason I must move on."
Viktor suddenly got up from the table and headed for the door like a man on a mission. My wife and I followed him. We asked if we could drive him somewhere but he said no. He opened the door and moved quickly onto the porch and down the walkway, but turned around once to wave at us. We waved back and wished him well. He walked down the street and turned at the corner, still under the cover of his homeless man disguise. We can only hope he passed quietly into Canada where he could find peace and freedom from a rogue, out-of-control, grossly negligent, inept and corrupt American federal bureaucracy whose collection policies seem to be patterned after the Nazi Gestapo.
It is our firm wish that the reader will begin to understand why we have taken a very dangerous stand against the IRS and why we are calling for it to be abolished. This is not just because of Viktor's story. There are thousands of Viktor stories all over America, which no one ever hears, like this story we received in response to Part 1.
"I read your account with interest as my adventure with the IRS has some similarities. I didn't lose my business, home, or entire fortune, but ended up with tax liens and a six-figure tax bill (including a $10k penalty for frivolously wasting the court's time) after losing in tax court, with the judge colluding with the IRS commissioner's attorney to conceal the identity of a material witness in order to prevent me from questioning him/her about the facts of the case. However, at that point the writing on the wall was clear: I was dealing with a criminal syndicate, not a system based on law, and so would never be allowed to win. Although I've paid off the entire amount and the liens have been removed, I'm still trying to clear my credit rating."
But it is also because of our fight with the IRS and what we have come to learn about this agency that has no master.
It is for these reasons we have taken on the IRS. For those readers who still care about America and where it is headed and aren't paralyzed by fear, we ask that you explore our efforts at our "SAVE THE USA" website. Learn about our six ways with which we intend to challenge the IRS. One of those ways is a powerful petition which is available on the website. One of the other ways is providing effective tools on how to fight the IRS and win, based on actual experiences.
We'd also like to encourage you to view our new 3-minute video, "The IRS Blows My Mind." You'll get a kick out of it. You might also enjoy our second video entitled, "The IRS Took My Car Away."
America is free falling into the abyss of socialism, totalitarianism and one-world government, unless we act by the millions, united against government tyranny and globalism. If people don't support our efforts in significant numbers, we could very easily become another ..... Viktor Maelvikoff! We wonder if anyone would care?
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"They're Coming For Thee and They're Coming For Me”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, May 28, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
At great risk to our own personal safety, our last two articles had to do with the heavy hand of the IRS and our efforts to ABOLISH THE IRS. It's too soon to tell whether we will pay a price for our audacity to challenge Goliath. Nevertheless, to further our efforts we created special lyrics to a Youtube video entitled "The IRS Blows My Mind" to the song, "The Windmills of Your Mind." You'll get a kick out of it.
But this week we delve into the heavy hand of government on private citizens and in this case a Virginia farmer. His story should send shivers up and down the back of every American but only a very few will see the whole picture and what it foretells.
Not long ago, we received a telephone call from a life-long Virginia farmer. Not a farmer from one of the 17 Western states that have seen the lion's share of environmental takings, but Virginia, one of the original Thirteen Colonies. This farmer was beside himself. It seems that State Fish and Wildlife decided they wanted to see what this farmer was doing, so without notice and without a warrant of any kind and even though the farmer had numerous No Trespassing signs posted around his property, State Fish and Wildlife installed video cameras around his land. When the farmer found out about the cameras, he decided to legally challenge them, but a state court decreed that what Fish and Wildlife was doing, was lawful. (We are not aware whether the farmer took his case to an appellate court or not.)
The farmer couldn't believe what he was hearing. He talked to others and they couldn't believe it either. But we can believe it, because that is where America is today. It has gone way beyond George Orwell's 1984. It is moving backwards towards the 1930's Nazi state. The environmental police have invaded every level of government, politician and bureaucrat alike and the law and the courts uphold these environmental takings and attacks on constitutional property rights.
In any event, the farmer found out about our organization from a referral and visited the NARLO website. He called us on our 1 800 line and we talked for about a half hour. We told him about some of his options and some of the people he could contact for help. We talked about how the city folk and the powerful environmental organizations were using government to drive this unconstitutional environmental insanity down our throats and how rural landowners were a disenfranchised, unrepresented minority with almost no chance of redress against government, unless we get together to fight this gross injustice en masse.
He was very grateful to know that there was a national organization out there that was concerned about the plight of the rural landowner. He couldn't wait to join our efforts and purchase our powerful, legally intimidating, constitutional No Trespassing signs.
To add to this story, we uncovered a draconian Bill in a state legislature that almost became law this year. It pitted neighbor against neighbor. Essentially, the law would not only authorize but encourage neighbors to sue their neighbor in any state court over a perceived environmental code violation. It also authorized monetary damages and attorneys fees for the plaintiff. We have no doubt that these liberal legislators will push the Bill until it does become law, to pander to the environmental lobby, to which they owe so much. It will also be done to send a message to all who would dare violate the cult of environmentalism. Comply or suffer dire consequences.
This kind of draconian environmental insanity is going on in every local law-making body, every state legislature and the U. S. Congress, every single day. It will continue to GO ON until rural landowners and urbanites wake up to the vicious attack being perpetrated on them by a government that has lost all allegiance to the U. S. and state constitutions. If we do not hold this government to its constitutional limits, there will be NO limits on government power, whatsoever.
SWAT teams have been raiding farms and businesses all over America. They are raiding milk farms that set up raw milk coops. They raided Gibson Guitar because Gibson was allegedly using some environmentally protected wood from Madagascar, or something. They weren't using the protected wood but that didn't matter to the raiders. The owners of Gibson were heavy contributors to the Republican Party and the raid cost the company well over $2,000,000. Unfortunately, capitulation to government was still cheaper than fighting them, in spite of what they had spent. The other guitar company, heavy contributors to the Democrat Party, was not raided.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) used hundreds of heavily armed agents to oversee the removal of cattle from government land, which almost resulted in all-out shooting war between government and civilians in a lonely stretch of Nevada at the Bundy Ranch in April of 2014.
And this battle with government is not limited to property rights, milk, cattle, or protected wood products. All of the major issues facing Americans today have their foundation in mostly unconstitutional law, or purposely ignoring existing law.
Illegal immigration festers in the minds and bank accounts of millions of Americans because government won't comply with its own law. Now, illegal aliens are a protected class of people who have rights that are superior to legal Americans and to which sanctuary is given by many jurisdictions. (See "Illegal Aliens Have More Rights Than IRS Taxpayers.") It appears that Trump is changing these egregious violations of law significantly.
Health care, after Obama Care, has become a massive boondoggle perpetrated on all Americans by your government that now appears politically unfixable. The final result will be a one-size-fits-all, government-run, health care system. If you are rich, or a working stiff, you will get to pay for all those irresponsible free loaders that don't know the meaning of personal responsibility.
Racism is rising dramatically all across America, thanks to a government and one political party that find benefit in pitting Americans against each other on racial issues. If Americans are fighting each other, they won't be fighting the government.
More people than ever before are on food stamps and other government assistance programs. Homelessness is on the rise in one of the richest nations on earth because government, mostly Democrats, decided to mess with the capitalistic system by tweaking it to the point where it doesn't work anymore, in the grand pursuit of votes.
Government continues to push the fraud of man-caused global warming down our throats and forcing us to limit our lifestyle and pay huge climate change taxes to allegedly save the planet from the scourge of mankind. But the real goal is control of the masses on a planet-wide scale.
With the help from environmentalists and a sympathetic U. S. government, the Indians are using environmental law and perverting the language in ancient treaties to expand their reservations and take over water rights on a regional and sometimes on a statewide scale.
Our public schools and colleges have been so corrupted and brainwashed by political correctness, multi-culturalism, collectivism and one ideology, Progressivism, that the free exercise of thought has been essentially eliminated.
The United Nations, a totally socialistic organization of over 190 nations, most of which are dictatorships, has inserted itself into American sovereignty and law such that the Constitution has become irrelevant.
Christianity is under a wholesale attack in America in order to placate and pander to Islam, radical Islam and hopelessly corrupt Muslim nations.
If the Democrats, the "Deep State Bureaucracy" and the news media are successful in bringing down Trump, it will probably spell the end of the conservative movement for a hundred years, if not forever.
And the IRS is a ROGUE, out-of-control, inept, politicized bureaucracy that has no master.
This is truly a national battle because all of what we see at the state and local levels is filtering down from Europe, the United Nations, the U. S. Congress and filthy rich social and environmental special interests. We can fight locally, but we are only fighting a symptom, not the root cause. It is like taking an aspirin for a brain tumor. We either beat this evil at a national level, or lose everything at the state and local level. We must coalesce on a grand scale at a national level, or we have no hope of arresting this head long, downhill slide into the abyss of socialism, radical environmentalism and ultimately a police state, if we aren't there already.
If you are looking the other way and most of you are, hoping that it will not reach out one day and "touch" you, you are living in a virtual dream world that has no basis in reality. But that is exactly what the German people did in the early 1930's. And don't think that just because you live in a city that you are immune to what is now being visited upon the rural landowner or the business owner.
Perhaps you have forgotten about government eminent domain abuse, health care and the fraud that is man-caused global warming regulations, levied upon you by your benevolent, they-know-what-is-good-for-you, all-wise government. Or maybe you have forgotten that government lies to you all the time and government can't manage anything without screwing it up, or spending four times what the job is worth. Or you continue to look the other way while your taxes on everything keep going higher and higher, unless of course you are homeless, or on food stamps or other government assistance, or some illegal alien living the good life on your sweat, blood and tears.
That's right! If you will just keep your head down below the weeds none of this will catch up to you, but you see ladies and gentlemen, it has already caught up to you. You just don't know it yet. (Need we mention the IRS again?) But we can tell you that the farmers and ranchers of America know it because they are constantly in the gun sights of an ever-more tyrannical government, driven by international, socialism and radical environmentalism. Just ask the Virginia farmer we chronicled in this article.
But then you are free to believe whatever you want to believe because after all, it's a free country, that is until a SWAT team comes marching up your front and back porch with a warrant for your arrest because you accidentally violated some law you never heard of before.
You ask, why do we always dwell on the negative? That is because negative issues overwhelm the positive issues and nowhere near enough Americans will raise their heads above the noise level to fix or eliminate all the negative things in America that should be fixed or eliminated, so that the positive things can shine through.
You may not LIKE what we say here, but that is our reality whether Americans choose to acknowledge it or not.
To all those that have fallen in the name of freedom, we honor and salute you on this Memorial Day 2017.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
But this week we delve into the heavy hand of government on private citizens and in this case a Virginia farmer. His story should send shivers up and down the back of every American but only a very few will see the whole picture and what it foretells.
Not long ago, we received a telephone call from a life-long Virginia farmer. Not a farmer from one of the 17 Western states that have seen the lion's share of environmental takings, but Virginia, one of the original Thirteen Colonies. This farmer was beside himself. It seems that State Fish and Wildlife decided they wanted to see what this farmer was doing, so without notice and without a warrant of any kind and even though the farmer had numerous No Trespassing signs posted around his property, State Fish and Wildlife installed video cameras around his land. When the farmer found out about the cameras, he decided to legally challenge them, but a state court decreed that what Fish and Wildlife was doing, was lawful. (We are not aware whether the farmer took his case to an appellate court or not.)
The farmer couldn't believe what he was hearing. He talked to others and they couldn't believe it either. But we can believe it, because that is where America is today. It has gone way beyond George Orwell's 1984. It is moving backwards towards the 1930's Nazi state. The environmental police have invaded every level of government, politician and bureaucrat alike and the law and the courts uphold these environmental takings and attacks on constitutional property rights.
In any event, the farmer found out about our organization from a referral and visited the NARLO website. He called us on our 1 800 line and we talked for about a half hour. We told him about some of his options and some of the people he could contact for help. We talked about how the city folk and the powerful environmental organizations were using government to drive this unconstitutional environmental insanity down our throats and how rural landowners were a disenfranchised, unrepresented minority with almost no chance of redress against government, unless we get together to fight this gross injustice en masse.
He was very grateful to know that there was a national organization out there that was concerned about the plight of the rural landowner. He couldn't wait to join our efforts and purchase our powerful, legally intimidating, constitutional No Trespassing signs.
To add to this story, we uncovered a draconian Bill in a state legislature that almost became law this year. It pitted neighbor against neighbor. Essentially, the law would not only authorize but encourage neighbors to sue their neighbor in any state court over a perceived environmental code violation. It also authorized monetary damages and attorneys fees for the plaintiff. We have no doubt that these liberal legislators will push the Bill until it does become law, to pander to the environmental lobby, to which they owe so much. It will also be done to send a message to all who would dare violate the cult of environmentalism. Comply or suffer dire consequences.
This kind of draconian environmental insanity is going on in every local law-making body, every state legislature and the U. S. Congress, every single day. It will continue to GO ON until rural landowners and urbanites wake up to the vicious attack being perpetrated on them by a government that has lost all allegiance to the U. S. and state constitutions. If we do not hold this government to its constitutional limits, there will be NO limits on government power, whatsoever.
SWAT teams have been raiding farms and businesses all over America. They are raiding milk farms that set up raw milk coops. They raided Gibson Guitar because Gibson was allegedly using some environmentally protected wood from Madagascar, or something. They weren't using the protected wood but that didn't matter to the raiders. The owners of Gibson were heavy contributors to the Republican Party and the raid cost the company well over $2,000,000. Unfortunately, capitulation to government was still cheaper than fighting them, in spite of what they had spent. The other guitar company, heavy contributors to the Democrat Party, was not raided.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) used hundreds of heavily armed agents to oversee the removal of cattle from government land, which almost resulted in all-out shooting war between government and civilians in a lonely stretch of Nevada at the Bundy Ranch in April of 2014.
And this battle with government is not limited to property rights, milk, cattle, or protected wood products. All of the major issues facing Americans today have their foundation in mostly unconstitutional law, or purposely ignoring existing law.
Illegal immigration festers in the minds and bank accounts of millions of Americans because government won't comply with its own law. Now, illegal aliens are a protected class of people who have rights that are superior to legal Americans and to which sanctuary is given by many jurisdictions. (See "Illegal Aliens Have More Rights Than IRS Taxpayers.") It appears that Trump is changing these egregious violations of law significantly.
Health care, after Obama Care, has become a massive boondoggle perpetrated on all Americans by your government that now appears politically unfixable. The final result will be a one-size-fits-all, government-run, health care system. If you are rich, or a working stiff, you will get to pay for all those irresponsible free loaders that don't know the meaning of personal responsibility.
Racism is rising dramatically all across America, thanks to a government and one political party that find benefit in pitting Americans against each other on racial issues. If Americans are fighting each other, they won't be fighting the government.
More people than ever before are on food stamps and other government assistance programs. Homelessness is on the rise in one of the richest nations on earth because government, mostly Democrats, decided to mess with the capitalistic system by tweaking it to the point where it doesn't work anymore, in the grand pursuit of votes.
Government continues to push the fraud of man-caused global warming down our throats and forcing us to limit our lifestyle and pay huge climate change taxes to allegedly save the planet from the scourge of mankind. But the real goal is control of the masses on a planet-wide scale.
With the help from environmentalists and a sympathetic U. S. government, the Indians are using environmental law and perverting the language in ancient treaties to expand their reservations and take over water rights on a regional and sometimes on a statewide scale.
Our public schools and colleges have been so corrupted and brainwashed by political correctness, multi-culturalism, collectivism and one ideology, Progressivism, that the free exercise of thought has been essentially eliminated.
The United Nations, a totally socialistic organization of over 190 nations, most of which are dictatorships, has inserted itself into American sovereignty and law such that the Constitution has become irrelevant.
Christianity is under a wholesale attack in America in order to placate and pander to Islam, radical Islam and hopelessly corrupt Muslim nations.
If the Democrats, the "Deep State Bureaucracy" and the news media are successful in bringing down Trump, it will probably spell the end of the conservative movement for a hundred years, if not forever.
And the IRS is a ROGUE, out-of-control, inept, politicized bureaucracy that has no master.
This is truly a national battle because all of what we see at the state and local levels is filtering down from Europe, the United Nations, the U. S. Congress and filthy rich social and environmental special interests. We can fight locally, but we are only fighting a symptom, not the root cause. It is like taking an aspirin for a brain tumor. We either beat this evil at a national level, or lose everything at the state and local level. We must coalesce on a grand scale at a national level, or we have no hope of arresting this head long, downhill slide into the abyss of socialism, radical environmentalism and ultimately a police state, if we aren't there already.
If you are looking the other way and most of you are, hoping that it will not reach out one day and "touch" you, you are living in a virtual dream world that has no basis in reality. But that is exactly what the German people did in the early 1930's. And don't think that just because you live in a city that you are immune to what is now being visited upon the rural landowner or the business owner.
Perhaps you have forgotten about government eminent domain abuse, health care and the fraud that is man-caused global warming regulations, levied upon you by your benevolent, they-know-what-is-good-for-you, all-wise government. Or maybe you have forgotten that government lies to you all the time and government can't manage anything without screwing it up, or spending four times what the job is worth. Or you continue to look the other way while your taxes on everything keep going higher and higher, unless of course you are homeless, or on food stamps or other government assistance, or some illegal alien living the good life on your sweat, blood and tears.
That's right! If you will just keep your head down below the weeds none of this will catch up to you, but you see ladies and gentlemen, it has already caught up to you. You just don't know it yet. (Need we mention the IRS again?) But we can tell you that the farmers and ranchers of America know it because they are constantly in the gun sights of an ever-more tyrannical government, driven by international, socialism and radical environmentalism. Just ask the Virginia farmer we chronicled in this article.
But then you are free to believe whatever you want to believe because after all, it's a free country, that is until a SWAT team comes marching up your front and back porch with a warrant for your arrest because you accidentally violated some law you never heard of before.
You ask, why do we always dwell on the negative? That is because negative issues overwhelm the positive issues and nowhere near enough Americans will raise their heads above the noise level to fix or eliminate all the negative things in America that should be fixed or eliminated, so that the positive things can shine through.
You may not LIKE what we say here, but that is our reality whether Americans choose to acknowledge it or not.
To all those that have fallen in the name of freedom, we honor and salute you on this Memorial Day 2017.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"When Are Americans Going to Bury the IRS?”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, May 21, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
Last week in our article entitled "Save the USA - Abolish the IRS", we gave compelling arguments on why the IRS should be abolished. At the same time we launched our new website with the same name. On the website we announced six different ways in which we would accomplish that task. Item number 5 in that list of six different ways stated the following:
"5. As part of the confusion of the Income Tax Code (Title 26 USC), the question arises on who is "liable" to pay income taxes. Upon a strict interpretation of the Code, the answer seems to be that the average American citizen is NOT "liable" to pay federal income taxes and yet millions of Americans overlook this conflict and pay their taxes in compliance with what appears to be not required under the Code.
This question has been floating around for a number of years and many credible sources have produced incontrovertible evidence that when the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) is strictly interpreted, the average American citizen does not owe income taxes under that interpretation. On our new website we produced a portion of the IRC relative to who is "liable" to pay income taxes and we have repeated that information below:
Sec. 4401. Imposition of tax
(c) Persons liable for tax
Each person who is engaged in the business of accepting wagers shall be liable for and shall pay the tax under this subchapter on all wagers placed with him. Each person who conducts any wagering pool or lottery shall be liable for and shall pay the tax under this subchapter on all wagers placed in such pool or lottery. [etc.]
Sec. 5005. Persons liable for tax
(a) General - The distiller or importer of distilled spirits shall be liable for the taxes imposed thereon by section 5001(a)(1)
(b)(1) Liability of persons interested in distilling - Every proprietor or possessor of, and every person in any manner interested in the use of, any still, distilling apparatus, or distillery, shall be jointly and severally liable for the taxes imposed by law on the distilled spirits produced therefrom.
Sec 5043. Collection of taxes on wines
(a) Persons liable for payment
(1) Bonded wine cellars
(2) Foreign wine
(3) Other wines
Sec. 5418. Beer imported in bulk
The proprietor of a brewery to which such beer is transferred shall become liable for the tax on the beer withdrawn [etc.]
Sec. 5703. Liability for tax and method of payment
(a) Liability for tax
(1) Original liability - The manufacturer or importer of tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes shall be liable for the taxes imposed thereon by section 5701 [etc,]
Sec. 5751. Purchase, receipt, possession, or sale of tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes, after removal
(b) Liability to tax
Any person who possesses tobacco products or cigarette papers or tubes in violation of subsection (a)(1) or (a)(2) shall be liable for a tax equal to the tax on such articles.
Now if you can find yourself in this list of those persons "liable" to pay income taxes, well then of course, you would owe income taxes. But if you don't find yourself in this list, then under the IRC, how can you be "liable" to pay such taxes? Yes, this is an over simplification but a more detailed description would only send the reader to the refrigerator for a refreshment.
NEVERTHELESS, we do not advocate anyone acting on the above information. You could very likely find yourself in jail. Still, it is a question that has not been legally answered.
The next issue has been battered about since the passage of the 16th Amendment (1913) in the Pollock and Brushaber U. S. Supreme Court cases regarding whether the income tax authorized by the 16th Amendment, violates the U. S. Constitution requiring that all taxes must be apportioned, "according to the census or enumeration." But a new twist has been added to the controversy in a back door interpretation of a U. S. 5th Circuit Court Case (Parker v. Comm'r, 724 F.2d 469 - circa 1984) where by acquiescence, the court agreed with the assertion that “the IRS and the government in general, including the judiciary, mistakenly interpret the sixteenth amendment as allowing a direct tax on property (wages, salaries, commissions, etc.) without apportionment." The circuit court panel found itself unable to dispute Parker’s allegation, and ultimately admitted to its accuracy, an astounding and earth-shaking admission.
But these two perplexing and over complicated issues beg the question of why free citizens of a sovereign nation should be exposed to the confusion and conflict running through the 16th Amendment, enabling legislation, Internal Revenue statutes and U. S. Supreme Court decisions with multiple and often opposing interpretations?
Once again ladies and gentlemen, we say that America is no longer a nation of laws but a nation of compliant robots that are enslaved by law, resulting in wholesale slavery through the use of fear, harassment and intimidation from a rogue, out-of-control bureaucratic agency (IRS), within a centralized government that has assumed almost virtual absolute power over every aspect of the lives of every American citizen. The tool of much of that enslavement is the almost un-decipherable 75,000 pages of the Internal Revenue Service Code. The second tool was Obama Care. The government (mostly Democrats) has thrown you in a cage of law and has thrown away the key and then has made you pay for the privilege by having to hire some "expert" to fill out your income tax forms because there is no way you could ever understand the Code.
Of course a nation needs taxes to operate, but the tax collection system must be fair, equitable and easily understandable by the average citizen, without having to hire "experts" to decipher the Code. And government should go to great efforts to NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY!
What is unfathomable to this author is why a supposed nation of free men and women are so docile when it comes to being run around by the nose by an agency and a government who treats each American as a serf and collateral for the debt they run up to buy votes (Democrats), rather than individuals with individual rights, as we once were.
How can we convince people that only you own your life, your property, your thoughts and your labor and all is sovereign to that which is you. You are not a pawn that can be battered about at someone else's will, or a whim, or for entertainment, or for the pure exercise of absolute power. You are not a slave to the collective, or the elite and you owe nothing to humanity other than which you choose to give, as a free spirit, endowed with free choice. Your only responsibility is to take care of yourself and those in your charge and to treat others with the same respect and dignity, as you desire to be treated.
It is clear from America's history that the individual rights guaranteed by our Constitution can be and have been compromised or ignored by our government. A federal judge decreed that as citizens, we must fight for those individual rights if we hope to have any standing against an all-powerful government, as true sovereigns in a free land. In United States v. Johnson, 76 F. Supp. 538, 539 (D. Pa. 1947), Federal Judge James Alger Fee ruled that...
"The privilege against self-incrimination is neither accorded to the passive resistant, nor to the person who is ignorant of his rights, nor to one indifferent thereto. It is a FIGHTING clause. Its benefits can be retained only by sustained COMBAT. It cannot be claimed by attorney or solicitor. It is valid only when insisted upon by a BELLIGERENT claimant in person." McAlister vs. Henkel, 201 U.S. 90, 26 S.Ct. 385, 50 L. Ed. 671; Commonwealth vs. Shaw, 4 Cush. 594, 50 Am.Dec. 813; Orum vs. State, 38 Ohio App. 171, 175 N.E. 876.
Pursuant to the Judges decree, as a Belligerent Claimant, we are committed to preserving our rights through FIGHTING and COMBAT if necessary, by resisting every effort by government to subjugate us by law, or by force of arms. In addition, part of that resistance is setting up a website to work towards ABOLISHING THE IRS. If you feel that you must be a Belligerent Claimant in order to preserve, protect and defend your individual rights as the judge has decreed, OR, if you wish to no longer comply until government restores the trust in the people and reduces its power to those limits placed upon it by the U. S. Constitution, please join those of us who are doing more than just talking. We're acting!
If you see no reason to resist government, one day you will find yourself in handcuffs being led away to jail and you will be wondering why. Or, your kids will be taken away from you. Or, you will be forced to have an identity RFID chip implanted under your skin, or in your ear lobe, or a number tattooed on your arm. OR, one day you will wake up to find that you are being forced to buy health insurance by government.
The path to freedom has been and always will be, resistance. If we lose the will and the courage to question and resist government, then we lose our ability to preserve and maintain freedom.
Where are the fighters who don't put up with any guff from anyone, including the IRS? Have we become a nation of sheep being led to the slaughter? It would appear so.
When ARE Americans going to bury the IRS? The politicians won't do it because they created it to manipulate and control every American. So it is left up to the people. We have developed an action plan containing six different elements to that end. It has to start somewhere. Let it start HERE. If the people could win just this one war, there would be no stopping them from then on and we would return to the government fearing the people instead of the other way around.
Take the time to explore our efforts and see if you don't fit into one of those actions to ABOLISH THE IRS ..... unless of course you are led by fear instead of the preservation of individual liberty.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"5. As part of the confusion of the Income Tax Code (Title 26 USC), the question arises on who is "liable" to pay income taxes. Upon a strict interpretation of the Code, the answer seems to be that the average American citizen is NOT "liable" to pay federal income taxes and yet millions of Americans overlook this conflict and pay their taxes in compliance with what appears to be not required under the Code.
This question has been floating around for a number of years and many credible sources have produced incontrovertible evidence that when the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) is strictly interpreted, the average American citizen does not owe income taxes under that interpretation. On our new website we produced a portion of the IRC relative to who is "liable" to pay income taxes and we have repeated that information below:
Sec. 4401. Imposition of tax
(c) Persons liable for tax
Each person who is engaged in the business of accepting wagers shall be liable for and shall pay the tax under this subchapter on all wagers placed with him. Each person who conducts any wagering pool or lottery shall be liable for and shall pay the tax under this subchapter on all wagers placed in such pool or lottery. [etc.]
Sec. 5005. Persons liable for tax
(a) General - The distiller or importer of distilled spirits shall be liable for the taxes imposed thereon by section 5001(a)(1)
(b)(1) Liability of persons interested in distilling - Every proprietor or possessor of, and every person in any manner interested in the use of, any still, distilling apparatus, or distillery, shall be jointly and severally liable for the taxes imposed by law on the distilled spirits produced therefrom.
Sec 5043. Collection of taxes on wines
(a) Persons liable for payment
(1) Bonded wine cellars
(2) Foreign wine
(3) Other wines
Sec. 5418. Beer imported in bulk
The proprietor of a brewery to which such beer is transferred shall become liable for the tax on the beer withdrawn [etc.]
Sec. 5703. Liability for tax and method of payment
(a) Liability for tax
(1) Original liability - The manufacturer or importer of tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes shall be liable for the taxes imposed thereon by section 5701 [etc,]
Sec. 5751. Purchase, receipt, possession, or sale of tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes, after removal
(b) Liability to tax
Any person who possesses tobacco products or cigarette papers or tubes in violation of subsection (a)(1) or (a)(2) shall be liable for a tax equal to the tax on such articles.
Now if you can find yourself in this list of those persons "liable" to pay income taxes, well then of course, you would owe income taxes. But if you don't find yourself in this list, then under the IRC, how can you be "liable" to pay such taxes? Yes, this is an over simplification but a more detailed description would only send the reader to the refrigerator for a refreshment.
NEVERTHELESS, we do not advocate anyone acting on the above information. You could very likely find yourself in jail. Still, it is a question that has not been legally answered.
The next issue has been battered about since the passage of the 16th Amendment (1913) in the Pollock and Brushaber U. S. Supreme Court cases regarding whether the income tax authorized by the 16th Amendment, violates the U. S. Constitution requiring that all taxes must be apportioned, "according to the census or enumeration." But a new twist has been added to the controversy in a back door interpretation of a U. S. 5th Circuit Court Case (Parker v. Comm'r, 724 F.2d 469 - circa 1984) where by acquiescence, the court agreed with the assertion that “the IRS and the government in general, including the judiciary, mistakenly interpret the sixteenth amendment as allowing a direct tax on property (wages, salaries, commissions, etc.) without apportionment." The circuit court panel found itself unable to dispute Parker’s allegation, and ultimately admitted to its accuracy, an astounding and earth-shaking admission.
But these two perplexing and over complicated issues beg the question of why free citizens of a sovereign nation should be exposed to the confusion and conflict running through the 16th Amendment, enabling legislation, Internal Revenue statutes and U. S. Supreme Court decisions with multiple and often opposing interpretations?
Once again ladies and gentlemen, we say that America is no longer a nation of laws but a nation of compliant robots that are enslaved by law, resulting in wholesale slavery through the use of fear, harassment and intimidation from a rogue, out-of-control bureaucratic agency (IRS), within a centralized government that has assumed almost virtual absolute power over every aspect of the lives of every American citizen. The tool of much of that enslavement is the almost un-decipherable 75,000 pages of the Internal Revenue Service Code. The second tool was Obama Care. The government (mostly Democrats) has thrown you in a cage of law and has thrown away the key and then has made you pay for the privilege by having to hire some "expert" to fill out your income tax forms because there is no way you could ever understand the Code.
Of course a nation needs taxes to operate, but the tax collection system must be fair, equitable and easily understandable by the average citizen, without having to hire "experts" to decipher the Code. And government should go to great efforts to NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY!
What is unfathomable to this author is why a supposed nation of free men and women are so docile when it comes to being run around by the nose by an agency and a government who treats each American as a serf and collateral for the debt they run up to buy votes (Democrats), rather than individuals with individual rights, as we once were.
How can we convince people that only you own your life, your property, your thoughts and your labor and all is sovereign to that which is you. You are not a pawn that can be battered about at someone else's will, or a whim, or for entertainment, or for the pure exercise of absolute power. You are not a slave to the collective, or the elite and you owe nothing to humanity other than which you choose to give, as a free spirit, endowed with free choice. Your only responsibility is to take care of yourself and those in your charge and to treat others with the same respect and dignity, as you desire to be treated.
It is clear from America's history that the individual rights guaranteed by our Constitution can be and have been compromised or ignored by our government. A federal judge decreed that as citizens, we must fight for those individual rights if we hope to have any standing against an all-powerful government, as true sovereigns in a free land. In United States v. Johnson, 76 F. Supp. 538, 539 (D. Pa. 1947), Federal Judge James Alger Fee ruled that...
"The privilege against self-incrimination is neither accorded to the passive resistant, nor to the person who is ignorant of his rights, nor to one indifferent thereto. It is a FIGHTING clause. Its benefits can be retained only by sustained COMBAT. It cannot be claimed by attorney or solicitor. It is valid only when insisted upon by a BELLIGERENT claimant in person." McAlister vs. Henkel, 201 U.S. 90, 26 S.Ct. 385, 50 L. Ed. 671; Commonwealth vs. Shaw, 4 Cush. 594, 50 Am.Dec. 813; Orum vs. State, 38 Ohio App. 171, 175 N.E. 876.
Pursuant to the Judges decree, as a Belligerent Claimant, we are committed to preserving our rights through FIGHTING and COMBAT if necessary, by resisting every effort by government to subjugate us by law, or by force of arms. In addition, part of that resistance is setting up a website to work towards ABOLISHING THE IRS. If you feel that you must be a Belligerent Claimant in order to preserve, protect and defend your individual rights as the judge has decreed, OR, if you wish to no longer comply until government restores the trust in the people and reduces its power to those limits placed upon it by the U. S. Constitution, please join those of us who are doing more than just talking. We're acting!
If you see no reason to resist government, one day you will find yourself in handcuffs being led away to jail and you will be wondering why. Or, your kids will be taken away from you. Or, you will be forced to have an identity RFID chip implanted under your skin, or in your ear lobe, or a number tattooed on your arm. OR, one day you will wake up to find that you are being forced to buy health insurance by government.
The path to freedom has been and always will be, resistance. If we lose the will and the courage to question and resist government, then we lose our ability to preserve and maintain freedom.
Where are the fighters who don't put up with any guff from anyone, including the IRS? Have we become a nation of sheep being led to the slaughter? It would appear so.
When ARE Americans going to bury the IRS? The politicians won't do it because they created it to manipulate and control every American. So it is left up to the people. We have developed an action plan containing six different elements to that end. It has to start somewhere. Let it start HERE. If the people could win just this one war, there would be no stopping them from then on and we would return to the government fearing the people instead of the other way around.
Take the time to explore our efforts and see if you don't fit into one of those actions to ABOLISH THE IRS ..... unless of course you are led by fear instead of the preservation of individual liberty.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Save the USA - Abolish the IRS”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, May 14, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
"The Internal Revenue Service is more ruthless than the Gestapo. Abolish the IRS. Stamp out organized crime." Evel Knievel
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Many of our readers are aware of our continuing battle with the IRS and the many articles we have written taking them to task. But we're just one IRS story. Millions, and we do mean millions, of Americans have fallen victim to this rogue, inept, out-of-control, bureaucratic agency that is relentless in its pursuit of your tax dollars to the point of abuse, harassment, blackmail, coercion, bungling mismanagement, law-creating, law breaking, corruption and blatant criminality. If you think you are protected from the IRS by the 4th, 5th and 14th Amendments against illegal search and seizures, violations of due process or constitutional rights, or protected against self-incrimination, think again. Every time you sign the "Jurat" statement at the bottom of Form 1040 under penalty of perjury, you have abrogated your 4th and 5th Amendment rights and opened yourself up to being penalized or charged with a crime because the Internal Revenue Code is basically unconstitutional, complex and is rife with errors, omissions and conflicts.
Just how is it that the people can "be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures" (4th Amendment) and how can the people not "be compelled to be a witness against himself" (5th Amendment) if the IRS can force each of us into disclosing all of our financial information ("papers") without a warrant being issued by a judge "upon probable cause", as required by the 4th Amendment? The IRS has effectively repealed the 4th and 5th Amendments.
The U. S. Congress and the special interest lobbyists are wholly responsible and complicit for what the IRS has become. The IRS is a tool of those special interests to herd you, the taxpayer, into the socialist cattle pens they want you to go. The IRS accomplishes this with thousands of incentives, fines, penalties, or threats of incarceration, in tens of thousands of pages of pure un-intelligible "gobbledy gook."
Since its creation out of the 16th Amendment in 1913, the IRS Act was reconstituted every two years by Congressional legislation. Then in 1939, the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) was codified into statute under Title 26 United States Code (USC). Several machinations and revisions to the Code took place in the 50's, then again in the 80's and once more in the 90's. Congress has toyed with it, manipulated it, revised it and bastardized it at almost every Congressional session with new laws to placate some special interest group, advance some social or environmental goal, or enhance some banking, business or union interest. Obama Care added countless more pages of regulations, fines and penalties and increased IRS employment by an estimated 16,000 new employees.
The Congress tried to rein in the IRS by making them comply with the "Fair Debt Collection Practices Act" (1977) and later with the "1998 Restructuring and Reform Act." Under the 1998 Act, it was up to the IRS to prove errors, mistakes, or wrong doing by the taxpayer. In effect, the taxpayer was innocent until proven guilty by the IRS. We can tell you from our own experiences, the IRS makes little effort to comply with these acts, as we pointed out to them in our affidavits.
This will give you an idea of the run-around we get from the IRS. We send a letter to IRS Ogden, UT on an issue and we get a letter back from IRS Kansas City, MO. We send a letter to Holtsville, NY and we get a letter back from Cincinnati, OH. We send a letter to Memphis, TN and we get a letter back from Austin, TX. We get letters from the IRS saying they will respond to our letters in 45-day, 60-day and 90-days, then we never hear back in the 45, 60, or 90 days. We have no idea which office is handling our case. Why isn't it being handled by one IRS office? Could it be intentional harassment? Of course it is.
At a rally in front of the Washington DC IRS Headquarters on April 18, 2017, members of the Tax Revolution Institute ((TRI) started to read out loud the tax code, word by word and line by line, to demonstrate the ridiculousness and sheer volume of the code. Calculating 1,000 words per page and 2.7 words per second to read out loud, it would take a person the better part of 53 years to read the entire code, reading 24 hours per day, without breaks of any kind. In fact, in 10 hours the TRI members were only able to read well less than one percent of the code.
Dan Johnson, director of TRI, said this at the rally: “Anyone who thinks that we’re going to fix the tax code instantly, or fix the tax code without basically setting it on fire, clearing it out, and starting from the beginning, they’re lying to themselves and they’re lying to you.”
The Code's almost 75,000 pages of rules, regulations, limits and restrictions sets a hidden trap for every taxpayer that has no chance of ever understanding those rules, regulations, limits and restrictions. Further, there is no guarantee that a tax preparer is any more qualified than you are to prepare your return. Even if you asked ten different IRS agents a question about the Code, you are very likely to get ten different answers. That's not freedom ladies and gentlemen, that is government-instituted slavery.
For just these reasons, the Internal Revenue Service should be abolished. But there is more.
In one of our affidavits that we sent to the IRS to challenge a tax due for two tax years, we included a set of 14 conditions in that affidavit to which, if the IRS responded to those conditions under penalty of perjury, we would agree to pay the tax. In other words, we did not default on their demand, (a presentment). We made our response (a presentment) conditional on their response, thereby complying with the provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), to which the IRS is legally bound.
In two separate tax years, rather than respond to the conditions in our affidavit, they sent us a NO TAX DUE letter. The last four of those conditions in the affidavit are included below:
Condition 11 - Provide proof, under penalty of perjury, that the Internal Revenue Code (IRC)and the IRS booklet known as “1040 Forms and Instructions” as provided by the IRS to the taxpayer and upon which the taxpayer relies, (the “BOOKLET”) DO NOT contain any conflicts, contradictions, in-accurate or vague information that would or could lead a normal, reasonable and prudent person to improperly prepare their tax return, either by omission in the IRC or said BOOKLET, or by the IRC or the BOOKLET containing false, conflicting, or vague information.
Condition 12 - Provide proof, under penalty of perjury, that any and/or all IRS tax forms DO NOT contain any conflicts, contradictions, in-accurate or vague information that would or could lead a normal, reasonable and prudent person to improperly prepare their tax return, either by an omission or omissions in said forms, or by said forms containing false, conflicting, or vague information.
Condition 13 - Provide proof, under penalty of perjury, on how the AFFIANT can file an income tax return and by some stroke of blind luck not commit perjury when the AFFIANT does not understand all the tens of thousands of tax laws and has no way to know if the AFFIANT’s tax return is true or correct, even if a tax professional prepared it for the AFFIANT, therefore, the AFFIANT would be committing perjury to sign the tax return perjury statement when the AFFIANT does not understand all of the constantly changing tax laws contained in the IRS Tax Code, nor could the AFFIANT ever understand them in the AFFIANT’s lifetime.
Condition 14 - Provide proof, under penalty of perjury, that by the AFFIANT signing the tax return “perjury statement”, such signing would not violate AFFIANT’s 5th Amendment rights against self-incrimination, should said return turn out to be in-accurate because the AFFIANT did or does not understand all of the tens of thousands of constantly changing tax laws contained in the IRS Tax Code.
In fact, there is no way the IRS could respond to these questions with specificity, or without exposing the conflicts and confusion in the almost 75,000 pages of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) or the BOOKLET, or exposing the IRS's negligence and incompetence.
This begs the question of why any allegedly free American citizen should be subjected to conflicts, confusions, contradictions, in-accurate or vague information contained in the tax code, or any law for that matter? How is it possible for a normal, reasonable and prudent person to prepare their tax return if the information they are relying upon is rife with conflicts, errors and omissions? How is it possible for that same normal, reasonable and prudent person to ever understand what is in the tax code when even the IRS will give conflicting and often opposing answers on a question submitted by a taxpayer?
America isn't a nation of laws as politicians are so fond of saying. It is a nation of slaves to law that is constantly changing, or subject to a thousand interpretations. This is not freedom. This is pure subjugation by government-perpetrated purposeful confusion on behalf of social, radical environmental, central bankers, corporate and union special interests. Each American is just a number (social security number) whose lifetime earnings are pledged to pay America's rising debt. Your life is the collateral for that debt. If you aren't earning income, you are worthless to them, except for Democrat votes in exchange for government "goodies."
For over 100 years, Americans have been led around by rings in their noses to feed a radical Progressive agenda that makes indentured servants of us all, using the ever-changing IRS tax code.
For these reasons and more, the Internal Revenue Service of the United States of America should be immediately abolished. But since the Congress won't do it, the job is left to the American people.
To that end and based on our intense but illuminating experiences with the IRS, we have decided to take them on with six different and specific actions, in a full court press to ABOLISH THE IRS. If you are tired of being a slave to this gone-rogue, out-of-control, inept, bureaucratic agency known as the IRS that has no master, you would be wise to check out our efforts and add to them ..... that is if you don't live in fear of the IRS.
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Many of our readers are aware of our continuing battle with the IRS and the many articles we have written taking them to task. But we're just one IRS story. Millions, and we do mean millions, of Americans have fallen victim to this rogue, inept, out-of-control, bureaucratic agency that is relentless in its pursuit of your tax dollars to the point of abuse, harassment, blackmail, coercion, bungling mismanagement, law-creating, law breaking, corruption and blatant criminality. If you think you are protected from the IRS by the 4th, 5th and 14th Amendments against illegal search and seizures, violations of due process or constitutional rights, or protected against self-incrimination, think again. Every time you sign the "Jurat" statement at the bottom of Form 1040 under penalty of perjury, you have abrogated your 4th and 5th Amendment rights and opened yourself up to being penalized or charged with a crime because the Internal Revenue Code is basically unconstitutional, complex and is rife with errors, omissions and conflicts.
Just how is it that the people can "be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures" (4th Amendment) and how can the people not "be compelled to be a witness against himself" (5th Amendment) if the IRS can force each of us into disclosing all of our financial information ("papers") without a warrant being issued by a judge "upon probable cause", as required by the 4th Amendment? The IRS has effectively repealed the 4th and 5th Amendments.
The U. S. Congress and the special interest lobbyists are wholly responsible and complicit for what the IRS has become. The IRS is a tool of those special interests to herd you, the taxpayer, into the socialist cattle pens they want you to go. The IRS accomplishes this with thousands of incentives, fines, penalties, or threats of incarceration, in tens of thousands of pages of pure un-intelligible "gobbledy gook."
Since its creation out of the 16th Amendment in 1913, the IRS Act was reconstituted every two years by Congressional legislation. Then in 1939, the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) was codified into statute under Title 26 United States Code (USC). Several machinations and revisions to the Code took place in the 50's, then again in the 80's and once more in the 90's. Congress has toyed with it, manipulated it, revised it and bastardized it at almost every Congressional session with new laws to placate some special interest group, advance some social or environmental goal, or enhance some banking, business or union interest. Obama Care added countless more pages of regulations, fines and penalties and increased IRS employment by an estimated 16,000 new employees.
The Congress tried to rein in the IRS by making them comply with the "Fair Debt Collection Practices Act" (1977) and later with the "1998 Restructuring and Reform Act." Under the 1998 Act, it was up to the IRS to prove errors, mistakes, or wrong doing by the taxpayer. In effect, the taxpayer was innocent until proven guilty by the IRS. We can tell you from our own experiences, the IRS makes little effort to comply with these acts, as we pointed out to them in our affidavits.
This will give you an idea of the run-around we get from the IRS. We send a letter to IRS Ogden, UT on an issue and we get a letter back from IRS Kansas City, MO. We send a letter to Holtsville, NY and we get a letter back from Cincinnati, OH. We send a letter to Memphis, TN and we get a letter back from Austin, TX. We get letters from the IRS saying they will respond to our letters in 45-day, 60-day and 90-days, then we never hear back in the 45, 60, or 90 days. We have no idea which office is handling our case. Why isn't it being handled by one IRS office? Could it be intentional harassment? Of course it is.
At a rally in front of the Washington DC IRS Headquarters on April 18, 2017, members of the Tax Revolution Institute ((TRI) started to read out loud the tax code, word by word and line by line, to demonstrate the ridiculousness and sheer volume of the code. Calculating 1,000 words per page and 2.7 words per second to read out loud, it would take a person the better part of 53 years to read the entire code, reading 24 hours per day, without breaks of any kind. In fact, in 10 hours the TRI members were only able to read well less than one percent of the code.
Dan Johnson, director of TRI, said this at the rally: “Anyone who thinks that we’re going to fix the tax code instantly, or fix the tax code without basically setting it on fire, clearing it out, and starting from the beginning, they’re lying to themselves and they’re lying to you.”
The Code's almost 75,000 pages of rules, regulations, limits and restrictions sets a hidden trap for every taxpayer that has no chance of ever understanding those rules, regulations, limits and restrictions. Further, there is no guarantee that a tax preparer is any more qualified than you are to prepare your return. Even if you asked ten different IRS agents a question about the Code, you are very likely to get ten different answers. That's not freedom ladies and gentlemen, that is government-instituted slavery.
For just these reasons, the Internal Revenue Service should be abolished. But there is more.
In one of our affidavits that we sent to the IRS to challenge a tax due for two tax years, we included a set of 14 conditions in that affidavit to which, if the IRS responded to those conditions under penalty of perjury, we would agree to pay the tax. In other words, we did not default on their demand, (a presentment). We made our response (a presentment) conditional on their response, thereby complying with the provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), to which the IRS is legally bound.
In two separate tax years, rather than respond to the conditions in our affidavit, they sent us a NO TAX DUE letter. The last four of those conditions in the affidavit are included below:
Condition 11 - Provide proof, under penalty of perjury, that the Internal Revenue Code (IRC)and the IRS booklet known as “1040 Forms and Instructions” as provided by the IRS to the taxpayer and upon which the taxpayer relies, (the “BOOKLET”) DO NOT contain any conflicts, contradictions, in-accurate or vague information that would or could lead a normal, reasonable and prudent person to improperly prepare their tax return, either by omission in the IRC or said BOOKLET, or by the IRC or the BOOKLET containing false, conflicting, or vague information.
Condition 12 - Provide proof, under penalty of perjury, that any and/or all IRS tax forms DO NOT contain any conflicts, contradictions, in-accurate or vague information that would or could lead a normal, reasonable and prudent person to improperly prepare their tax return, either by an omission or omissions in said forms, or by said forms containing false, conflicting, or vague information.
Condition 13 - Provide proof, under penalty of perjury, on how the AFFIANT can file an income tax return and by some stroke of blind luck not commit perjury when the AFFIANT does not understand all the tens of thousands of tax laws and has no way to know if the AFFIANT’s tax return is true or correct, even if a tax professional prepared it for the AFFIANT, therefore, the AFFIANT would be committing perjury to sign the tax return perjury statement when the AFFIANT does not understand all of the constantly changing tax laws contained in the IRS Tax Code, nor could the AFFIANT ever understand them in the AFFIANT’s lifetime.
Condition 14 - Provide proof, under penalty of perjury, that by the AFFIANT signing the tax return “perjury statement”, such signing would not violate AFFIANT’s 5th Amendment rights against self-incrimination, should said return turn out to be in-accurate because the AFFIANT did or does not understand all of the tens of thousands of constantly changing tax laws contained in the IRS Tax Code.
In fact, there is no way the IRS could respond to these questions with specificity, or without exposing the conflicts and confusion in the almost 75,000 pages of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) or the BOOKLET, or exposing the IRS's negligence and incompetence.
This begs the question of why any allegedly free American citizen should be subjected to conflicts, confusions, contradictions, in-accurate or vague information contained in the tax code, or any law for that matter? How is it possible for a normal, reasonable and prudent person to prepare their tax return if the information they are relying upon is rife with conflicts, errors and omissions? How is it possible for that same normal, reasonable and prudent person to ever understand what is in the tax code when even the IRS will give conflicting and often opposing answers on a question submitted by a taxpayer?
America isn't a nation of laws as politicians are so fond of saying. It is a nation of slaves to law that is constantly changing, or subject to a thousand interpretations. This is not freedom. This is pure subjugation by government-perpetrated purposeful confusion on behalf of social, radical environmental, central bankers, corporate and union special interests. Each American is just a number (social security number) whose lifetime earnings are pledged to pay America's rising debt. Your life is the collateral for that debt. If you aren't earning income, you are worthless to them, except for Democrat votes in exchange for government "goodies."
For over 100 years, Americans have been led around by rings in their noses to feed a radical Progressive agenda that makes indentured servants of us all, using the ever-changing IRS tax code.
For these reasons and more, the Internal Revenue Service of the United States of America should be immediately abolished. But since the Congress won't do it, the job is left to the American people.
To that end and based on our intense but illuminating experiences with the IRS, we have decided to take them on with six different and specific actions, in a full court press to ABOLISH THE IRS. If you are tired of being a slave to this gone-rogue, out-of-control, inept, bureaucratic agency known as the IRS that has no master, you would be wise to check out our efforts and add to them ..... that is if you don't live in fear of the IRS.
Until we get rid of the IRS, all Americans will continue to be slaves to the IRS Master, in an ever-tightening noose around our necks. Who among you will demand liberty over slavery?
Wouldn't you LIKE to abolish the IRS?
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Wouldn't you LIKE to abolish the IRS?
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Why Hasn't IRS Commissioner Koskinen Been Fired or Impeached?”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, April 30, 2017 - All Rights Reserved

It has been two years and 10 months since the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee released its 70-page report on the investigation into the IRS illegal targeting of conservative groups. The investigation started in February 2012 and lasted until June of 2014. During the investigation there were three IRS Commissioners, ending with Commissioner John Koskinen, who is still in office as we write this article, even though he was found to have provided false testimony to the Committee, along with cover up and obstruction of justice. From the Committee's report:
"The Oversight Committee conducted dozens of transcribed interviews with Treasury and IRS staff and determined that the former Director of Tax-Exempt Organizations (EO) at the IRS, Lois Lerner, was the at the center of these efforts to target political groups. Lerner asserted her Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination before the Oversight Committee, declining to answer questions while simultaneously asserting her innocence."
"Despite the continued obstruction from the IRS and Treasury, the Committee determined that targeting occurred amid increased political pressure from President Obama and Democrats to take action toward 501(c)(4) groups in the wake of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission in 2010. An interim update on the Committee’s investigation documented how the IRS was affected by the heightened political pressure to act."
"The Committee also found, along with an investigation by TIGTA, (The Inspector General for Tax Administration) clear evidence and testimony that Tea Party and other conservative organizations were targeted for enhanced scrutiny because their organization’s names reflected their conservative beliefs. Neither TIGTA nor any other investigation has found evidence that a liberal or progressive group was targeted for enhanced scrutiny because its name reflected liberal or progressive beliefs. The Committee’s investigation has also raised significant questions about the seriousness of the Department of Justice’s efforts to impartially examine the IRS’ wrongdoing."
Much of the obstruction to the committee's efforts came directly from the current IRS Commissioner, John Koskinen, an Obama appointee. No one at the IRS, the Department of Justice, or the Department of the Treasury, or the White House have been held accountable for the IRS targeting, even though records were purged, files were deleted, emails were mysteriously lost and computer servers disappeared, in the face of congressional subpoenas to preserve and supply the records. Lois Lerner retired from the IRS with a generous pension. She was never indicted or prosecuted for her involvement in the scandal.
The fact is, the IRS is and was guilty of applying additional rigorous scrutiny and unjustifiable, interminable delays to conservative group applications for tax-exempt status, resulting in our own government betraying the fundamental principles of liberty, free speech and democracy for partisan political reasons and they got away with it. As a result of there being no punishment for this wrong doing, the IRS is still targeting conservative groups in broad daylight daring anyone to challenge them.
And it is not just conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status that are being harassed, bullied and abused by the IRS. Millions of individual Americans, who have the misfortune of appearing in the sights of this rogue government agency, have been and are being terrorized by an inept, negligent and out-of-control bureaucracy that has no master. We were and are one of those misfortunate Americans.
In the last 14 years the IRS has seized, or attempted to seize, our personal assets for taxes and penalties that were and are erroneous. It started in 2002 when the IRS came after us for over $7,000.00. That amount was 100% wrong and we prevailed against the IRS. Then we were charged with an erroneous tax due for Calendar-Year 2009, and then again for C/Y 2010 and then again for C/Y 2011. We were then forced to challenge an erroneous tax due for C/Y 2013. Each time we prevailed, except for Calendar-Year 2011, which we are now fighting. Then, once more the IRS assessed a penalty against our small corporation for a C/Y 2015 violation that didn't happen. It was the IRS's error. Once again we prevailed. Just recently the IRS tried to get us to pay a tax due for a tax that had already been collected.
In our last article we told you about receiving a demand notice from the IRS for over $12,000 in taxes due for Calendar-Year 2015 but the tax due was for a lady in California. The disclosure of taxpayer's information to an unauthorized third party is a violation of the IRS Code and punishable by a fine of up to $5,000 and five years in prison. At the IRS, this was just an unfortunate mistake.
You don't suppose that this harassment and abuse could be because we have been strident conservative critics of the IRS?
Institutional liberalism has been embedded in the IRS and most other government agencies for at least the last six decades. As a result, the bureaucratic agencies have become an ideologically driven power unto themselves without any oversight, or other higher authority to rein them in. Some have called this shadow power the "deep state" and it appears to have more power than all executive, legislative and judicial branches of government put together. But the IRS is the worst of all these agencies because of the power it yields to tax, seize assets, incarcerate alleged violators and intimidate and instill fear in the population.
As a testament to this fact, it is clear that the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, or the House Ways and Means Committee, or the Inspector General, or the Department of Justice, or the Department of the Treasury did nothing to stop the IRS from targeting conservative groups, or punishing the perpetrators. John Koskinen is still the IRS Commissioner and if Trump doesn't fire him, or the Congress doesn't impeach him, he will still be the IRS Commissioner.
Ladies and gentlemen, if the IRS cannot be stopped by the normal processes of government then nothing can stop them but the people. Unfortunately, the people are cowed in a corner like a bunch of baby chicks in a chicken house and will not take a stand against this all-powerful bureaucracy. Millions of Americans just spent billions of hours calculating what they owe the IRS for Calendar-Year 2016 and filing out endless forms, that even the IRS doesn't understand, to "justify" their calculations. And we call ourselves free men and women! Sheep comes to mind.
Congress created this mess but Congress won't fix it. Congress can't rein in any part of government. What came out of the Fast and Furious investigation? Nothing and Attorney General Eric Holder and President Barack Obama escaped into the dark cloud of executive privilege. No one in the government was held accountable for Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry's death by our government running guns into Mexico. Sure, they caught the shooters, but who provided the guns to the shooters ..... our government? Eric Holder was found in Contempt of Congress but nothing came of that either.
Congress also investigated the deaths of ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other brave Americans in Benghazi. A special Congressional committee was formed to investigate deeper, under the critical eye of Congressman and previous prosecutor Trey Gowdy. What happened? Was anyone fired? Has anyone gone to jail? No! Was the investigation thwarted by the State Department and other agencies that knew the facts? You bet! Government (the "Deep State") covers its butt and it is very adept at doing so. It is not above the law to break the law in the cover up, as happened with the IRS.
And why is former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton still walking around free as a bird when she was caught with a private server in her home that was open to hacking by foreign actors? She was investigated by the FBI and was found to be negligent but not criminally liable in having classified material on that private server, even though it was a clear violation of federal law. Which private citizen would be given a free pass if they exposed classified material to unauthorized third parties? Just ask General Petreaus whose stellar military career was dashed over exposing a few bits and pieces of classified material to his mistress.
But if you are Bill or Hillary Clinton, you are above the law. Remember the clandestine meeting of former President Bill Clinton and U. S. Attorney Loretta Lynch on the Phoenix airport tarmac just days before the FBI released its report of the Hillary Clinton investigation? That meeting would have been covered up if it hadn't been for some curious eyes of the news media.
Congress isn't the only entity charged with overseeing government. Each federal agency has an Inspector General to investigate improper or illegal activity within their agency. When was the last time you heard of a news report where a specific inspector general exposed bad or illegal behavior in their agency?
And what about the news media that is supposed to be the objective watch dog of government for the people. Dubbed the Fourth Estate, most of the news media has become a co-conspirator and racketeering partner with government. Most of the news media parroted President Obama's words when he said, "there wasn't a smidgeon of evidence of wronging doing at the IRS." In other words, Obama lied through his teeth, as did Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over Benghazi and U. S. Attorney General Eric Holder did in the Fast and Furious investigation, as did IRS Commissioner Koskinen when he gave testimony in front of the Congressional oversight committees on the IRS targeting scandal. What good is government oversight when the overseers have no power, or are incompetent, or are complicit in, or are in bed with the government criminal perpetrators?
Guess who are the winners in this political chess game of government racketeering and criminal skull duggery, the Democrats? They own the news media. They own academia. They own the bureaucracy (the "Deep State") and they own the plurality of the electorate. Even though President Trump won the 2016 presidential election, it was a narrow victory and could easily be upset at the next mid-term election. Democrats won't be staying home in the 2018 mid terms this time, as they did in 2016 because of having a lousy presidential candidate in Hillary Clinton.
Democrats have and will pull out all the stops to thwart a successful Trump presidency. They don't care about what is good for America. They only care about arriving at perpetual political power by using your money to buy off as many women, moochers, Blacks, Latinos, illegal aliens, Muslim immigrants and LGBT's as they can for their votes, you know, all those Democrat protected classes of people. White men are not a Democrat protected class, in a land that allegedly demands equal treatment and protection under the law.
All of what we have described in this article is why "IRS Commissioner Koskinen Hasn't Been Fired or Impeached." It is also why Congress will never abolish the IRS, as we detailed in our article entitled: "Why Congress Will Never Repeal the IRS."
But we're not sitting still. We know government won't do it, so we are embarking on a bold plan to abolish the IRS. Stay tuned. However, if you are having current issues with the IRS, click HERE.
If you LIKED the article, let us know.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"The Oversight Committee conducted dozens of transcribed interviews with Treasury and IRS staff and determined that the former Director of Tax-Exempt Organizations (EO) at the IRS, Lois Lerner, was the at the center of these efforts to target political groups. Lerner asserted her Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination before the Oversight Committee, declining to answer questions while simultaneously asserting her innocence."
"Despite the continued obstruction from the IRS and Treasury, the Committee determined that targeting occurred amid increased political pressure from President Obama and Democrats to take action toward 501(c)(4) groups in the wake of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission in 2010. An interim update on the Committee’s investigation documented how the IRS was affected by the heightened political pressure to act."
"The Committee also found, along with an investigation by TIGTA, (The Inspector General for Tax Administration) clear evidence and testimony that Tea Party and other conservative organizations were targeted for enhanced scrutiny because their organization’s names reflected their conservative beliefs. Neither TIGTA nor any other investigation has found evidence that a liberal or progressive group was targeted for enhanced scrutiny because its name reflected liberal or progressive beliefs. The Committee’s investigation has also raised significant questions about the seriousness of the Department of Justice’s efforts to impartially examine the IRS’ wrongdoing."
Much of the obstruction to the committee's efforts came directly from the current IRS Commissioner, John Koskinen, an Obama appointee. No one at the IRS, the Department of Justice, or the Department of the Treasury, or the White House have been held accountable for the IRS targeting, even though records were purged, files were deleted, emails were mysteriously lost and computer servers disappeared, in the face of congressional subpoenas to preserve and supply the records. Lois Lerner retired from the IRS with a generous pension. She was never indicted or prosecuted for her involvement in the scandal.
The fact is, the IRS is and was guilty of applying additional rigorous scrutiny and unjustifiable, interminable delays to conservative group applications for tax-exempt status, resulting in our own government betraying the fundamental principles of liberty, free speech and democracy for partisan political reasons and they got away with it. As a result of there being no punishment for this wrong doing, the IRS is still targeting conservative groups in broad daylight daring anyone to challenge them.
And it is not just conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status that are being harassed, bullied and abused by the IRS. Millions of individual Americans, who have the misfortune of appearing in the sights of this rogue government agency, have been and are being terrorized by an inept, negligent and out-of-control bureaucracy that has no master. We were and are one of those misfortunate Americans.
In the last 14 years the IRS has seized, or attempted to seize, our personal assets for taxes and penalties that were and are erroneous. It started in 2002 when the IRS came after us for over $7,000.00. That amount was 100% wrong and we prevailed against the IRS. Then we were charged with an erroneous tax due for Calendar-Year 2009, and then again for C/Y 2010 and then again for C/Y 2011. We were then forced to challenge an erroneous tax due for C/Y 2013. Each time we prevailed, except for Calendar-Year 2011, which we are now fighting. Then, once more the IRS assessed a penalty against our small corporation for a C/Y 2015 violation that didn't happen. It was the IRS's error. Once again we prevailed. Just recently the IRS tried to get us to pay a tax due for a tax that had already been collected.
In our last article we told you about receiving a demand notice from the IRS for over $12,000 in taxes due for Calendar-Year 2015 but the tax due was for a lady in California. The disclosure of taxpayer's information to an unauthorized third party is a violation of the IRS Code and punishable by a fine of up to $5,000 and five years in prison. At the IRS, this was just an unfortunate mistake.
You don't suppose that this harassment and abuse could be because we have been strident conservative critics of the IRS?
Institutional liberalism has been embedded in the IRS and most other government agencies for at least the last six decades. As a result, the bureaucratic agencies have become an ideologically driven power unto themselves without any oversight, or other higher authority to rein them in. Some have called this shadow power the "deep state" and it appears to have more power than all executive, legislative and judicial branches of government put together. But the IRS is the worst of all these agencies because of the power it yields to tax, seize assets, incarcerate alleged violators and intimidate and instill fear in the population.
As a testament to this fact, it is clear that the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, or the House Ways and Means Committee, or the Inspector General, or the Department of Justice, or the Department of the Treasury did nothing to stop the IRS from targeting conservative groups, or punishing the perpetrators. John Koskinen is still the IRS Commissioner and if Trump doesn't fire him, or the Congress doesn't impeach him, he will still be the IRS Commissioner.
Ladies and gentlemen, if the IRS cannot be stopped by the normal processes of government then nothing can stop them but the people. Unfortunately, the people are cowed in a corner like a bunch of baby chicks in a chicken house and will not take a stand against this all-powerful bureaucracy. Millions of Americans just spent billions of hours calculating what they owe the IRS for Calendar-Year 2016 and filing out endless forms, that even the IRS doesn't understand, to "justify" their calculations. And we call ourselves free men and women! Sheep comes to mind.
Congress created this mess but Congress won't fix it. Congress can't rein in any part of government. What came out of the Fast and Furious investigation? Nothing and Attorney General Eric Holder and President Barack Obama escaped into the dark cloud of executive privilege. No one in the government was held accountable for Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry's death by our government running guns into Mexico. Sure, they caught the shooters, but who provided the guns to the shooters ..... our government? Eric Holder was found in Contempt of Congress but nothing came of that either.
Congress also investigated the deaths of ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other brave Americans in Benghazi. A special Congressional committee was formed to investigate deeper, under the critical eye of Congressman and previous prosecutor Trey Gowdy. What happened? Was anyone fired? Has anyone gone to jail? No! Was the investigation thwarted by the State Department and other agencies that knew the facts? You bet! Government (the "Deep State") covers its butt and it is very adept at doing so. It is not above the law to break the law in the cover up, as happened with the IRS.
And why is former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton still walking around free as a bird when she was caught with a private server in her home that was open to hacking by foreign actors? She was investigated by the FBI and was found to be negligent but not criminally liable in having classified material on that private server, even though it was a clear violation of federal law. Which private citizen would be given a free pass if they exposed classified material to unauthorized third parties? Just ask General Petreaus whose stellar military career was dashed over exposing a few bits and pieces of classified material to his mistress.
But if you are Bill or Hillary Clinton, you are above the law. Remember the clandestine meeting of former President Bill Clinton and U. S. Attorney Loretta Lynch on the Phoenix airport tarmac just days before the FBI released its report of the Hillary Clinton investigation? That meeting would have been covered up if it hadn't been for some curious eyes of the news media.
Congress isn't the only entity charged with overseeing government. Each federal agency has an Inspector General to investigate improper or illegal activity within their agency. When was the last time you heard of a news report where a specific inspector general exposed bad or illegal behavior in their agency?
And what about the news media that is supposed to be the objective watch dog of government for the people. Dubbed the Fourth Estate, most of the news media has become a co-conspirator and racketeering partner with government. Most of the news media parroted President Obama's words when he said, "there wasn't a smidgeon of evidence of wronging doing at the IRS." In other words, Obama lied through his teeth, as did Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over Benghazi and U. S. Attorney General Eric Holder did in the Fast and Furious investigation, as did IRS Commissioner Koskinen when he gave testimony in front of the Congressional oversight committees on the IRS targeting scandal. What good is government oversight when the overseers have no power, or are incompetent, or are complicit in, or are in bed with the government criminal perpetrators?
Guess who are the winners in this political chess game of government racketeering and criminal skull duggery, the Democrats? They own the news media. They own academia. They own the bureaucracy (the "Deep State") and they own the plurality of the electorate. Even though President Trump won the 2016 presidential election, it was a narrow victory and could easily be upset at the next mid-term election. Democrats won't be staying home in the 2018 mid terms this time, as they did in 2016 because of having a lousy presidential candidate in Hillary Clinton.
Democrats have and will pull out all the stops to thwart a successful Trump presidency. They don't care about what is good for America. They only care about arriving at perpetual political power by using your money to buy off as many women, moochers, Blacks, Latinos, illegal aliens, Muslim immigrants and LGBT's as they can for their votes, you know, all those Democrat protected classes of people. White men are not a Democrat protected class, in a land that allegedly demands equal treatment and protection under the law.
All of what we have described in this article is why "IRS Commissioner Koskinen Hasn't Been Fired or Impeached." It is also why Congress will never abolish the IRS, as we detailed in our article entitled: "Why Congress Will Never Repeal the IRS."
But we're not sitting still. We know government won't do it, so we are embarking on a bold plan to abolish the IRS. Stay tuned. However, if you are having current issues with the IRS, click HERE.
If you LIKED the article, let us know.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Illegal Aliens Have More Rights Than IRS Taxpayers”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, April 16, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
"If illegal aliens can break our laws and get rewarded for it, if illegal aliens have more rights than the taxpayers that pay the billions of dollars to support illegal immigration, then there is no law and we become a de facto lawless nation without borders and without sovereignty." Ron Ewart
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For over eleven years we have been writing a weekly column pointing out the injustices inflicted upon Americans and the American taxpayer by government and special interests. But no injustice is more egregious than allowing foreign nationals to invade our country by the millions where they get to profit from the invasion, rather than being put in jail or deported as they would be in any other country. No other sovereign nation on earth allows illegal immigration to exist on such an enormous scale, as does the United States of America. What is even more unfathomable is why this injustice doesn't fester in the hearts and minds of the American people to the point where they put an immediate halt to it, or fire those in government who are responsible. What does it take for the American people to rise up against this injustice in full force and fury, as they should?
Some might say we just did fire those responsible in the 2016 election by electing Donald Trump president, but most of the electorate is oblivious to the fact that their are forces in the "dark state" that are doing everything in their power to encourage illegal immigration, at the expense of the lawful American taxpayer. That is proven by the fact that none of the magnets drawing illegal aliens to come to America in the first place, have been eliminated. Besides employers employing illegal aliens by the hundreds of thousands and the 14th Amendment that makes every foreign national baby born in the U. S. an immediate American citizen, you have attorneys popping up all over the place to defend illegal alien "rights", which in fact do not exist under the Constitution. On top of that you have a sympathetic court system that falls all over themselves to molly coddle to the immigrant lobby and the illegal alien. And guess who pays for the immigrant attorneys and the courts? You do!
And don't fall for that 11-million illegal alien figure government keeps tossing around. It's probably closer to 20-Million or even 30-Million. The government can only count those that get caught at the border and are released into the general population. According to an article in the Chicago Tribune on October 7th, 2016 "barely half of the people who entered the U.S. illegally from Mexico last year were caught, according to a report commissioned by the Department of Homeland Security that also shows a sharp decline in illegal entries." (That sharp decline is probably due to Donald Trump being elected President.)
How could government possibly know how many illegal aliens are in America when so many are not apprehended at the border and live in the shadows? How do you count a shadow? The government can't even properly manage or keep track of the hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals that overstay their visas.
Then there is the crime perpetrated by illegal aliens. Just about everyone knows of San Francisco's Kate Stienle who was gunned down by an illegal alien criminal. That criminal illegal alien had been deported five times and returned to San Francisco, a sanctuary city. The Stienle event has been reported on every major news outlet, leading to proposed legislation called Kate's Law, which the Democrats blocked.
But very few Americans know the scope of crime committed by illegal aliens. In the State of Texas alone, as reported in the Texas Department of Public Safety: "According to DHS status indicators, over 217,000 criminal aliens have been booked into local Texas jails between June 1, 2011 and March 31, 2017. During their criminal careers, these criminal aliens were charged with more than 579,000 criminal offenses. Those arrests include 1,179 homicide charges; 68,900 assault charges; 16,854 burglary charges; 68,999 drug charges; 699 kidnapping charges; 40,818 theft charges; 45,104 obstructing police charges; 3,813 robbery charges; 6,190 sexual assault charges; and 8,693 weapons charges. Of the total criminal aliens arrested in that timeframe, over 144,000 or 66% were identified by DHS status as being in the US illegally at the time of their last arrest."
"According to DPS criminal history records, those criminal charges have thus far resulted in over 260,000 convictions including 485 homicide convictions; 25,882 assault convictions; 8,239 burglary convictions; 34,077 drug convictions; 238 kidnapping convictions; 18,543 theft convictions; 22,179 obstructing police convictions; 1,939 robbery convictions; 2,812 sexual assault convictions; and 3,625 weapons convictions. Of the convictions associated with criminal alien arrests, over 173,000 or 66% are associated with aliens who were identified by DHS status as being in the US illegally at the time of their last arrest."
In each one of these crimes in Texas there is a Texas victim or victims that you never hear about, whose lives have been altered forever by the criminal actions of an illegal alien. Many of the convicted criminal illegal aliens are now in our jails and the American taxpayer gets to pay for their incarceration as well. And this is just one state. Good Lord, are you beginning to get the picture? Are you angry yet? If not, why not?
If all this wasn't bad enough, over three hundred cities, towns, counties and states provide sanctuary to illegal aliens, including criminals, while thumbing their collective noses at federal immigration law. Illegal aliens get a free pass while those that foot the bill are hounded into bankruptcy or jail by a Gestapo-clone federal agency known as the IRS that gives no quarter to the American taxpayer, even when the IRS is wrong and the IRS is wrong a good portion of the time.
We can attest to the IRS being wrong most of the time in our case. In the six separate battles we have had with the IRS over the last 14 years, we have prevailed five of those times because the IRS was wrong. The IRS is also wrong on the battle we have yet to win, but in the end we will still win because the IRS stole over $10,000 from us, acting under the color of law and we have sound legal arguments to back up our case. Unfortunately, it could take two or more years before the IRS ever responds to our claim for a refund.
But IRS incompetence against us gets worse. A few weeks ago we received a demand from the IRS that we owed over $12,000 for Calendar-Year 2015. At first we were angry but upon further inspection the demand notice was for a person who lives in California, not us. The notice contained the name, address and social security number of the person in California. If we were dishonest we could have used that information for unlawful purposes.
This IRS Agent violated 26 USC Section 6103 for releasing confidential taxpayer information to an unauthorized third party. Such a violation of Section 6103 is a felony and is punishable by a fine up to $5,000 and imprisonment of not more than five (5) years, or both. (26 USC Section 7213) We so informed the agent and her superior in a curt letter. What do you think will happen to the agent? Nothing! If you did it, you'd be in jail.
But all these battles have cost us a great deal of time and money to fight and have wrought their own emotional toll that comes from David having to fight Goliath. Which Pro Bono or government-paid attorney came to our rescue with the IRS, as they have come to the rescue for illegal aliens? Which court took up our cause as the courts take up the illegal alien cause? Not one. We were forced to fight alone, at our cost, as most taxpayers are forced to do.
So the American taxpayer gets to pay for the illegal alien's rent, education, medical care, the crimes they commit and their time in jail, but the taxpayer also gets to pay for the attorney's fees and court costs to defend the rights of illegal aliens who should have no rights at all if common sense and the law prevailed. Why the Hell aren't Americans mad as Hell? Has cowardice infected the gene pool?
If you refuse to fight these injustices by government, you will never win and will become an indentured servant, or slave, to whatever government demands of you. Unfortunately, most Americans just roll over to the power and authority of the IRS, thus giving into an out-of-control, rogue government agency that has no compunction against terrorizing the American taxpayer, while illegal aliens are shown the red carpet. Most Americans just put their head in the sand when it comes to illegal aliens and just roll their eyes when we mention the horrendous cost. What does it take to get Americans mad enough to jump into action and fight these injustices?
Because of our personal experience in fighting the IRS and our many years of experience fighting other government agencies in general, we created our "GETTING EVEN WITH GOVERNMENT" package. This vital information is designed to defend your rights, or hold government at bay, or confuse the Hell out of them, or delay their proceedings, or stop them in their tracts, all without hiring an attorney whose allegiance and loyalty are to the very people you are fighting against, government and the courts. Would you hire a fox to guard your hen house, of course not? But that is what Americans do when they hire an attorney to defend them against the IRS in Tax Court, U. S. District Court, or the U. S. Court of Claims.
Fighting government in court or otherwise can be very expensive. In an audit of one of our businesses several years ago, the IRS said we owed $15,000. We wanted to dispute the tax because of some procedural and tax code issues. However, upon calling an attorney to take on the IRS in court, we were informed by the attorney that it could take way more than $15,000 to fight them and we could lose. So we paid the $15,000 to the IRS under protest, for all the good that did.
What all this boils down to is, that uneducated peasants, criminals and terrorists from Mexico, Central America, South America, the Middle East and wherever that come here illegally, or overstay their visas "Have More Rights Than the American Taxpayer.” You might wonder how this upside down situation was allowed to happen in America, the land of the free ..... handout! But the answer is crystal clear. We the people allowed it to happen because we listened to and elected Democrat Socialists to lead us! Perhaps President Trump can fix it but it may already be too late.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
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For over eleven years we have been writing a weekly column pointing out the injustices inflicted upon Americans and the American taxpayer by government and special interests. But no injustice is more egregious than allowing foreign nationals to invade our country by the millions where they get to profit from the invasion, rather than being put in jail or deported as they would be in any other country. No other sovereign nation on earth allows illegal immigration to exist on such an enormous scale, as does the United States of America. What is even more unfathomable is why this injustice doesn't fester in the hearts and minds of the American people to the point where they put an immediate halt to it, or fire those in government who are responsible. What does it take for the American people to rise up against this injustice in full force and fury, as they should?
Some might say we just did fire those responsible in the 2016 election by electing Donald Trump president, but most of the electorate is oblivious to the fact that their are forces in the "dark state" that are doing everything in their power to encourage illegal immigration, at the expense of the lawful American taxpayer. That is proven by the fact that none of the magnets drawing illegal aliens to come to America in the first place, have been eliminated. Besides employers employing illegal aliens by the hundreds of thousands and the 14th Amendment that makes every foreign national baby born in the U. S. an immediate American citizen, you have attorneys popping up all over the place to defend illegal alien "rights", which in fact do not exist under the Constitution. On top of that you have a sympathetic court system that falls all over themselves to molly coddle to the immigrant lobby and the illegal alien. And guess who pays for the immigrant attorneys and the courts? You do!
And don't fall for that 11-million illegal alien figure government keeps tossing around. It's probably closer to 20-Million or even 30-Million. The government can only count those that get caught at the border and are released into the general population. According to an article in the Chicago Tribune on October 7th, 2016 "barely half of the people who entered the U.S. illegally from Mexico last year were caught, according to a report commissioned by the Department of Homeland Security that also shows a sharp decline in illegal entries." (That sharp decline is probably due to Donald Trump being elected President.)
How could government possibly know how many illegal aliens are in America when so many are not apprehended at the border and live in the shadows? How do you count a shadow? The government can't even properly manage or keep track of the hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals that overstay their visas.
Then there is the crime perpetrated by illegal aliens. Just about everyone knows of San Francisco's Kate Stienle who was gunned down by an illegal alien criminal. That criminal illegal alien had been deported five times and returned to San Francisco, a sanctuary city. The Stienle event has been reported on every major news outlet, leading to proposed legislation called Kate's Law, which the Democrats blocked.
But very few Americans know the scope of crime committed by illegal aliens. In the State of Texas alone, as reported in the Texas Department of Public Safety: "According to DHS status indicators, over 217,000 criminal aliens have been booked into local Texas jails between June 1, 2011 and March 31, 2017. During their criminal careers, these criminal aliens were charged with more than 579,000 criminal offenses. Those arrests include 1,179 homicide charges; 68,900 assault charges; 16,854 burglary charges; 68,999 drug charges; 699 kidnapping charges; 40,818 theft charges; 45,104 obstructing police charges; 3,813 robbery charges; 6,190 sexual assault charges; and 8,693 weapons charges. Of the total criminal aliens arrested in that timeframe, over 144,000 or 66% were identified by DHS status as being in the US illegally at the time of their last arrest."
"According to DPS criminal history records, those criminal charges have thus far resulted in over 260,000 convictions including 485 homicide convictions; 25,882 assault convictions; 8,239 burglary convictions; 34,077 drug convictions; 238 kidnapping convictions; 18,543 theft convictions; 22,179 obstructing police convictions; 1,939 robbery convictions; 2,812 sexual assault convictions; and 3,625 weapons convictions. Of the convictions associated with criminal alien arrests, over 173,000 or 66% are associated with aliens who were identified by DHS status as being in the US illegally at the time of their last arrest."
In each one of these crimes in Texas there is a Texas victim or victims that you never hear about, whose lives have been altered forever by the criminal actions of an illegal alien. Many of the convicted criminal illegal aliens are now in our jails and the American taxpayer gets to pay for their incarceration as well. And this is just one state. Good Lord, are you beginning to get the picture? Are you angry yet? If not, why not?
If all this wasn't bad enough, over three hundred cities, towns, counties and states provide sanctuary to illegal aliens, including criminals, while thumbing their collective noses at federal immigration law. Illegal aliens get a free pass while those that foot the bill are hounded into bankruptcy or jail by a Gestapo-clone federal agency known as the IRS that gives no quarter to the American taxpayer, even when the IRS is wrong and the IRS is wrong a good portion of the time.
We can attest to the IRS being wrong most of the time in our case. In the six separate battles we have had with the IRS over the last 14 years, we have prevailed five of those times because the IRS was wrong. The IRS is also wrong on the battle we have yet to win, but in the end we will still win because the IRS stole over $10,000 from us, acting under the color of law and we have sound legal arguments to back up our case. Unfortunately, it could take two or more years before the IRS ever responds to our claim for a refund.
But IRS incompetence against us gets worse. A few weeks ago we received a demand from the IRS that we owed over $12,000 for Calendar-Year 2015. At first we were angry but upon further inspection the demand notice was for a person who lives in California, not us. The notice contained the name, address and social security number of the person in California. If we were dishonest we could have used that information for unlawful purposes.
This IRS Agent violated 26 USC Section 6103 for releasing confidential taxpayer information to an unauthorized third party. Such a violation of Section 6103 is a felony and is punishable by a fine up to $5,000 and imprisonment of not more than five (5) years, or both. (26 USC Section 7213) We so informed the agent and her superior in a curt letter. What do you think will happen to the agent? Nothing! If you did it, you'd be in jail.
But all these battles have cost us a great deal of time and money to fight and have wrought their own emotional toll that comes from David having to fight Goliath. Which Pro Bono or government-paid attorney came to our rescue with the IRS, as they have come to the rescue for illegal aliens? Which court took up our cause as the courts take up the illegal alien cause? Not one. We were forced to fight alone, at our cost, as most taxpayers are forced to do.
So the American taxpayer gets to pay for the illegal alien's rent, education, medical care, the crimes they commit and their time in jail, but the taxpayer also gets to pay for the attorney's fees and court costs to defend the rights of illegal aliens who should have no rights at all if common sense and the law prevailed. Why the Hell aren't Americans mad as Hell? Has cowardice infected the gene pool?
If you refuse to fight these injustices by government, you will never win and will become an indentured servant, or slave, to whatever government demands of you. Unfortunately, most Americans just roll over to the power and authority of the IRS, thus giving into an out-of-control, rogue government agency that has no compunction against terrorizing the American taxpayer, while illegal aliens are shown the red carpet. Most Americans just put their head in the sand when it comes to illegal aliens and just roll their eyes when we mention the horrendous cost. What does it take to get Americans mad enough to jump into action and fight these injustices?
Because of our personal experience in fighting the IRS and our many years of experience fighting other government agencies in general, we created our "GETTING EVEN WITH GOVERNMENT" package. This vital information is designed to defend your rights, or hold government at bay, or confuse the Hell out of them, or delay their proceedings, or stop them in their tracts, all without hiring an attorney whose allegiance and loyalty are to the very people you are fighting against, government and the courts. Would you hire a fox to guard your hen house, of course not? But that is what Americans do when they hire an attorney to defend them against the IRS in Tax Court, U. S. District Court, or the U. S. Court of Claims.
Fighting government in court or otherwise can be very expensive. In an audit of one of our businesses several years ago, the IRS said we owed $15,000. We wanted to dispute the tax because of some procedural and tax code issues. However, upon calling an attorney to take on the IRS in court, we were informed by the attorney that it could take way more than $15,000 to fight them and we could lose. So we paid the $15,000 to the IRS under protest, for all the good that did.
What all this boils down to is, that uneducated peasants, criminals and terrorists from Mexico, Central America, South America, the Middle East and wherever that come here illegally, or overstay their visas "Have More Rights Than the American Taxpayer.” You might wonder how this upside down situation was allowed to happen in America, the land of the free ..... handout! But the answer is crystal clear. We the people allowed it to happen because we listened to and elected Democrat Socialists to lead us! Perhaps President Trump can fix it but it may already be too late.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"When Democrats Move Hard Left You Don't Compromise”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, April 16, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
"Tragedy in life normally comes with betrayal and compromise, and trading on your integrity. That's really where failure comes." Tom Cochrane
"There is no compromise when it comes to corruption. You have to fight it." A. K. Antony
"All compromise is based on give and take, but there can be no give and take on fundamentals. Any compromise on mere fundamentals is a surrender, for it is all give and no take." Mahatma Gandhi
"The 'morality of compromise' sounds contradictory. Compromise is usually a sign of weakness, or an admission of defeat. Strong men don't compromise, it is said, and principles should never be compromised." Andrew Carnegie
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For the last 100 plus years, Republicans have been compromising with Democrats and what has it got them, or the American people? When one side wins all the debates, compromise becomes meaningless. In the eternal struggle of conservative vs. liberal, compromising by conservatives has come to mean capitulation!
During the Obama Administration, Republican Senators joined with Democrats to confirm two of the most liberal U. S. Supreme Court justices that Obama could find in Kagan and Sotomayor. Republicans even voted for Bill Clinton's nomination of Ruth Bader Ginsberg in a 96 to 3 vote. Justice Ginsberg is so liberal she believes that the high court should consider other international law in deciding Supreme Court cases, in addition to the U. S. Constitution. Why didn't the Republicans filibuster Ginsberg's nomination?
But now the Democrats have voted to filibuster President Trump's nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch, forcing Senate Majority Leader McConnell to employ the "nuclear" option that only requires a simple majority vote, to allow Judge Gorsuch to be confirmed. The Democrats will rue the day they forced the Republicans to invoke the nuclear option if any more Supreme Court justices die, or retire during Trump's presidency.
The Democrats seldom compromise with the Republicans, but then deride the Republicans when they won't compromise. Because the Democrat Party holds the mainstream media in the palm of their hands, they use the media to further vilify the Republicans when they won't compromise. The Democrats have been so successful in dividing the country into constituency groups by buying them off with tax dollars such that now, those groups have the majority of the votes. Republicans are damned if they do and damned if they don't. Evidently, the Republican establishment has decided to just go along with the Democrats instead of opposing them for fear of offending the very Democrat constituency groups that wouldn't vote for Republicans anyway.
The Republican Party now consists of moderates and the Freedom Caucus. The Freedom Caucus, since the rise of the Tea Party, has been trying to get the Republican Party to move back to conservative principles, unfortunately with little effect. The go-along with Democrats "Republican establishment" is still in full control of the Republican Party. Unfortunately, the Republican Party has been complicit in allowing the Democrat Party to become more powerful by the very act of compromise.
One conservative patriot recently wrote: "The Conservative establishment is nothing more than Dem-Lite! No wonder the Republican Party has been such a bunch of pansies for the past several elections. They filled their ranks with scores of Benedict Arnolds who betray our God-given values and desecrate our conservative heritage!
So we ask the Republicans in the U. S. House and Senate, how has compromising and being nice to Democrats worked out for you?
Yes, we are civilized and we have been trained to be nice, polite and civil. But how is that working out for the American people? Has it stopped the onslaught of local, state and federal laws that continue to “eat” away at our freedom, our liberty and our property rights? Have Washington DC Democrats, or your liberal-controlled state houses, or your Democrat-controlled city or county councils, changed course because those on the other side are being civil? Has being nice changed one liberal-progressive-socialist mind? All you have to do is to look at the number of sanctuary cities to answer that question.
Conservatives have an opponent (Progressives) that is not only intransigent and inflexible, but they have been successful in winning the hearts and minds of a large percentage of the people, academia and the news media, for two reasons. One, the Progressives have “bought off” the people with “give aways” out of the public treasury (our money) and have created a “pig trough” from which the “people” can feed. Pigs don’t bite the hand that feeds them.
Two, they have adroitly used irrational “compassion” and the people’s collective “guilty conscience”, to sell the people, academia and the news media, that the “compassionate-collectivism" way is the only right way. To liberals, individual freedom and unalienable rights are passe', as is the U. S. Constitution. But the truth is, mandatory compassion, (taxes) is not compassion at all. It is enforced charity by any other name. Enforced charity is servitude, if not slavery. And collectivism is the arch enemy of individual freedom and liberty.
With strong support from the bought-off people, Progressives have been able to fundamentally change America to their ways over the last 100 years, in spite of conservative's somewhat limp opposition to that change. It is readily apparent that Conservatives do not have academia and they certainly don’t have the news media in their pockets. What they might have is enough people to oppose the liberal-progressive agenda, if America is truly a center-right country, as so many have claimed. However, if those "enough people" cannot come together on their values and principles and vigorously defend them, the liberal-progressive agenda will have won.
The depth of anyone's commitment to change is directly related to their conviction that what they stand for, is right. The more intransigent is your opponent, the more force you will have to bring to defeat that opponent. As you increase your force, being nice becomes less and less effective, as history has taught us. Neville Chamberlain did not stop the Nazis by being nice to Hitler and Obama didn't stop Iran, North Korea or Syrian Dictator Assad by being nice, either. Finally, a President with a strong commitment to American security and American lives acted decisively when Dictator Assad gassed his own people ..... again!
Unless conservative Americans increase their force against the opposition and cease being nice, the other side will not get the message. Unless conservative Americans realize that they are not going to win by donating pennies to those who are fighting for their freedom on their behalf, the force that freedom groups are able to apply to the problem, can only be “limp” at best. It takes the three "M's" to win a war .... Men, Materials and Money, lots of money. Right now, there is not enough of either to win anything. Because not only does the opposition have a large segment of the people, academia and the news media in their pockets, they have billions of our tax dollars to push us back at the executive level, at the legislative level and at the judicial level, be it local, state or the federal government. But worse, the government "System" built up around the bureaucracy and crony capitalism, supports special interest groups in a big way, again with our tax money, to fight against conservatives, no matter who is President.
In a war and we are in a war of ideas, ideology and philosophy, when the other side holds most of the “aces”, and they do, the opposing side had better resort to the winning tactics of generals who are out numbered, out gunned and out spent. Compromising and being nice are not part of those tactics.
General Washington changed the field of battle by employing guerilla warfare. The British moaned and groaned that he wasn’t fighting fair. Tough! As he was out numbered, he turned to the messages of passion and patriotism to motivate his men. When he was out spent, he enlisted the help of the enemy of his enemies, France. Conservative Americans are not in a shooting war ….. yet, but if conservatives don't start resorting to the strategy of winning and cease being nice, they will most certainly lose and so will freedom and liberty. When will they get it? Compromising on principles is not compromise ..... it is capitulation! When Democrats are moving hard left, as they always do, compromise by Republicans is a fools errend and akin to political suicide. Democrats have won because Republicans have compromised their principles for far too long.
As government tyranny and enforcement of unconstitutional law rises, as Republicans continue to capitulate to the Progressive ideology, as politicians and bureaucrats, at every level of government, continue to squeeze Americans with new and more draconian laws, violence will be the final arbiter, unless WE THE PEOPLE rise up en masse and peaceably take control of our government and bring it back to the principles of constitutional law that the Founding Fathers created for us, at great cost. What we have now is a government run amok by special interests, out of control bureaucracies and politicians only too eager to pander to special interests for the money and political influence they will need to win the next election. On the other side we have an electorate that is oblivious to the corruption that goes on at every level of government and doesn't seem to care.
Because of the American people's gross ignorance of the fundamental principles of liberty and the unwillingness to fight for those principles, America has been and is proceeding down a path to insolvency and national suicide.
In the end, the people get what they deserve by the actions they take, even if what they get is bankruptcy, anarchy, chaos ..... or slavery.
When the principles of liberty have been betrayed, compromise just aids and abets the betrayal.
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At NARLO (National Association of Rural Landowners) we don't compromise on principle and we certainly don't capitulate. We fight. We have many tools with which the rural landowner can fight a tyrannical government that continues to encroach upon and repeal constitutional property rights. We offer NARLO's very informative website, powerful, legally intimidating, constitutional No Trespassing signs, a unique and effective Rural Landowner Handbook and a "Getting Even With Government" package containing effective documents to fight government, at all levels, including the IRS, even if you aren't a rural landowner.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"There is no compromise when it comes to corruption. You have to fight it." A. K. Antony
"All compromise is based on give and take, but there can be no give and take on fundamentals. Any compromise on mere fundamentals is a surrender, for it is all give and no take." Mahatma Gandhi
"The 'morality of compromise' sounds contradictory. Compromise is usually a sign of weakness, or an admission of defeat. Strong men don't compromise, it is said, and principles should never be compromised." Andrew Carnegie
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For the last 100 plus years, Republicans have been compromising with Democrats and what has it got them, or the American people? When one side wins all the debates, compromise becomes meaningless. In the eternal struggle of conservative vs. liberal, compromising by conservatives has come to mean capitulation!
During the Obama Administration, Republican Senators joined with Democrats to confirm two of the most liberal U. S. Supreme Court justices that Obama could find in Kagan and Sotomayor. Republicans even voted for Bill Clinton's nomination of Ruth Bader Ginsberg in a 96 to 3 vote. Justice Ginsberg is so liberal she believes that the high court should consider other international law in deciding Supreme Court cases, in addition to the U. S. Constitution. Why didn't the Republicans filibuster Ginsberg's nomination?
But now the Democrats have voted to filibuster President Trump's nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch, forcing Senate Majority Leader McConnell to employ the "nuclear" option that only requires a simple majority vote, to allow Judge Gorsuch to be confirmed. The Democrats will rue the day they forced the Republicans to invoke the nuclear option if any more Supreme Court justices die, or retire during Trump's presidency.
The Democrats seldom compromise with the Republicans, but then deride the Republicans when they won't compromise. Because the Democrat Party holds the mainstream media in the palm of their hands, they use the media to further vilify the Republicans when they won't compromise. The Democrats have been so successful in dividing the country into constituency groups by buying them off with tax dollars such that now, those groups have the majority of the votes. Republicans are damned if they do and damned if they don't. Evidently, the Republican establishment has decided to just go along with the Democrats instead of opposing them for fear of offending the very Democrat constituency groups that wouldn't vote for Republicans anyway.
The Republican Party now consists of moderates and the Freedom Caucus. The Freedom Caucus, since the rise of the Tea Party, has been trying to get the Republican Party to move back to conservative principles, unfortunately with little effect. The go-along with Democrats "Republican establishment" is still in full control of the Republican Party. Unfortunately, the Republican Party has been complicit in allowing the Democrat Party to become more powerful by the very act of compromise.
One conservative patriot recently wrote: "The Conservative establishment is nothing more than Dem-Lite! No wonder the Republican Party has been such a bunch of pansies for the past several elections. They filled their ranks with scores of Benedict Arnolds who betray our God-given values and desecrate our conservative heritage!
So we ask the Republicans in the U. S. House and Senate, how has compromising and being nice to Democrats worked out for you?
Yes, we are civilized and we have been trained to be nice, polite and civil. But how is that working out for the American people? Has it stopped the onslaught of local, state and federal laws that continue to “eat” away at our freedom, our liberty and our property rights? Have Washington DC Democrats, or your liberal-controlled state houses, or your Democrat-controlled city or county councils, changed course because those on the other side are being civil? Has being nice changed one liberal-progressive-socialist mind? All you have to do is to look at the number of sanctuary cities to answer that question.
Conservatives have an opponent (Progressives) that is not only intransigent and inflexible, but they have been successful in winning the hearts and minds of a large percentage of the people, academia and the news media, for two reasons. One, the Progressives have “bought off” the people with “give aways” out of the public treasury (our money) and have created a “pig trough” from which the “people” can feed. Pigs don’t bite the hand that feeds them.
Two, they have adroitly used irrational “compassion” and the people’s collective “guilty conscience”, to sell the people, academia and the news media, that the “compassionate-collectivism" way is the only right way. To liberals, individual freedom and unalienable rights are passe', as is the U. S. Constitution. But the truth is, mandatory compassion, (taxes) is not compassion at all. It is enforced charity by any other name. Enforced charity is servitude, if not slavery. And collectivism is the arch enemy of individual freedom and liberty.
With strong support from the bought-off people, Progressives have been able to fundamentally change America to their ways over the last 100 years, in spite of conservative's somewhat limp opposition to that change. It is readily apparent that Conservatives do not have academia and they certainly don’t have the news media in their pockets. What they might have is enough people to oppose the liberal-progressive agenda, if America is truly a center-right country, as so many have claimed. However, if those "enough people" cannot come together on their values and principles and vigorously defend them, the liberal-progressive agenda will have won.
The depth of anyone's commitment to change is directly related to their conviction that what they stand for, is right. The more intransigent is your opponent, the more force you will have to bring to defeat that opponent. As you increase your force, being nice becomes less and less effective, as history has taught us. Neville Chamberlain did not stop the Nazis by being nice to Hitler and Obama didn't stop Iran, North Korea or Syrian Dictator Assad by being nice, either. Finally, a President with a strong commitment to American security and American lives acted decisively when Dictator Assad gassed his own people ..... again!
Unless conservative Americans increase their force against the opposition and cease being nice, the other side will not get the message. Unless conservative Americans realize that they are not going to win by donating pennies to those who are fighting for their freedom on their behalf, the force that freedom groups are able to apply to the problem, can only be “limp” at best. It takes the three "M's" to win a war .... Men, Materials and Money, lots of money. Right now, there is not enough of either to win anything. Because not only does the opposition have a large segment of the people, academia and the news media in their pockets, they have billions of our tax dollars to push us back at the executive level, at the legislative level and at the judicial level, be it local, state or the federal government. But worse, the government "System" built up around the bureaucracy and crony capitalism, supports special interest groups in a big way, again with our tax money, to fight against conservatives, no matter who is President.
In a war and we are in a war of ideas, ideology and philosophy, when the other side holds most of the “aces”, and they do, the opposing side had better resort to the winning tactics of generals who are out numbered, out gunned and out spent. Compromising and being nice are not part of those tactics.
General Washington changed the field of battle by employing guerilla warfare. The British moaned and groaned that he wasn’t fighting fair. Tough! As he was out numbered, he turned to the messages of passion and patriotism to motivate his men. When he was out spent, he enlisted the help of the enemy of his enemies, France. Conservative Americans are not in a shooting war ….. yet, but if conservatives don't start resorting to the strategy of winning and cease being nice, they will most certainly lose and so will freedom and liberty. When will they get it? Compromising on principles is not compromise ..... it is capitulation! When Democrats are moving hard left, as they always do, compromise by Republicans is a fools errend and akin to political suicide. Democrats have won because Republicans have compromised their principles for far too long.
As government tyranny and enforcement of unconstitutional law rises, as Republicans continue to capitulate to the Progressive ideology, as politicians and bureaucrats, at every level of government, continue to squeeze Americans with new and more draconian laws, violence will be the final arbiter, unless WE THE PEOPLE rise up en masse and peaceably take control of our government and bring it back to the principles of constitutional law that the Founding Fathers created for us, at great cost. What we have now is a government run amok by special interests, out of control bureaucracies and politicians only too eager to pander to special interests for the money and political influence they will need to win the next election. On the other side we have an electorate that is oblivious to the corruption that goes on at every level of government and doesn't seem to care.
Because of the American people's gross ignorance of the fundamental principles of liberty and the unwillingness to fight for those principles, America has been and is proceeding down a path to insolvency and national suicide.
In the end, the people get what they deserve by the actions they take, even if what they get is bankruptcy, anarchy, chaos ..... or slavery.
When the principles of liberty have been betrayed, compromise just aids and abets the betrayal.
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At NARLO (National Association of Rural Landowners) we don't compromise on principle and we certainly don't capitulate. We fight. We have many tools with which the rural landowner can fight a tyrannical government that continues to encroach upon and repeal constitutional property rights. We offer NARLO's very informative website, powerful, legally intimidating, constitutional No Trespassing signs, a unique and effective Rural Landowner Handbook and a "Getting Even With Government" package containing effective documents to fight government, at all levels, including the IRS, even if you aren't a rural landowner.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Why America Is So Hard To Fix”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, April 9, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
"American bureaucracies are a blood-sucking enterprise that eats at the very heart of freedom, liberty and the property rights of all Americans, digs deep into the American economy and burns up countless billions of taxpayer dollars in unneeded and unwanted government services, that only serve to turn free Americans into subjects of an out-of-control, arrogant and abusive government, run by un-elected bureaucrats." Ron Ewart
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Article 1, Section 1 of the U. S. Constitution reads:
"All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives."
In America, legislative powers are described as the duty and responsibility of the legislature, consisting of a House (435 members) and a Senate (100 members), to pass proposed legislation, called "bills", into law. Notice that Article 1, Section 1 precedes the phrase "legislative powers" with the word "All."
So if "all legislative powers" reside in the legislature, what "law", passed by the legislature, gave the federal bureaucracies the power to also pass laws? Is it because they call them "rules" instead of "laws?"
There are only 535 members of the United States legislature in the House and the Senate whose sole job is to pass laws. Under the Constitution, no other government body has that power and yet there are hundreds of federal bureaucracies passing "rules" all the time. Those "rules" have the same effect, as do the "laws" passed by the legislature. In 2016 the Obama Administration bureaucracies passed 81,640 pages of new rules. The entire King James Bible has only around 1200 pages.
As of 2009, the federal government employed around 2,900,000 people, in 456 federal agencies. Many of those agencies have "rule making" authority, in direct violation of Article 1, Section 1 of the U. S. Constitution. All of the people in those federal agencies making rules are not elected by the people of the United States and therefore do not represent the people, in what is supposed to be a representative form of government, better described as a Constitutional Republic.
But it gets even messier than what we have described. Those 2,900,000 federal employees in 456 federal agencies, fall under the Federal Civil Service as "civil servants" (an oxymoron) established in 1871 (5 U.S.C. § 2101) as modified by the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978. Those 2,900,000" civil servants" are further being represented by a plethora of very powerful unions.
In 2009 nineteen percent (19%) of those federal employees (551,000) earned salaries of $100,000 or more. The average federal worker's pay was $71,208 compared with $40,331 in the private sector. In 2010, there were 82,034 workers, 3.9% of the federal workforce, making more than $150,000 annually, compared to 7,240 in 2005, an 1100% increase in five years. When did the people vote on that? Where is the outrage?
Nevertheless, it is not the size of the federal workforce, or their salaries that is the problem. It's the political power they wield with government, a power that flies in the face of representative government.
Most employees in the federal workforce (estimated to be over 90%) are graduates of our liberal colleges, or they are a constituency, or minority group that aligns with the Democrat Party. Even though the Hatch Act prohibits federal employees from engaging in political activism, it has not stopped them. Recent events are a testament to that reality. Employees and some officers and maybe some very senior officers, engaged in a plot to prevent hundreds of conservative groups from obtaining tax exempt status under IRS codes 502(c)3 and 4, during the Obama Administration, prior to the 2012 election. Recent illegal releases of classified information to derail President Trump, or embarrass him, by employees of the intelligence community is another example.
Under Civil Service rules, it is almost impossible to fire a federal employee. If a private sector worker is caught watching porn or intimidating another employee, the chances are very high that worker will be fired, and rightly so. However, if the worker is a federal employee, the chances of him or her being fired for similar infractions are about 1 in 500. As an example, at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), red tape is preventing the removal of a top level employee accused of viewing porn two to six hours a day while at work, since 2010. Even though investigators found 7,000 pornographic files on his computer and even caught him watching porn, he remains employed and on the payroll.
The embattled Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) said it will take no less than 275 days to take disciplinary action against a nurse charged with operating on a veteran while drunk, due to the complex and time-consuming hoops administrators have to jump through. Is there any question why the VA is such a corrupt and inept bureaucracy that allows veterans to die while waiting for care?
The sad fact is, it is easier and probably less costly to keep the employee on the federal payroll than to go through the lengthy administrative Civil Service process necessary to reprimand or terminate the employee.
Then there are the federal employee unions. There are over 80 recognized federal unions. Three of the largest are the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) with 600,000 members, the National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) with 100,000 members, and the National Treasury Employee Union (NTEU) with 150,000 members. Here is a little history on the subject:
The growing power of these and other unions in the federal government led President Theodore Roosevelt to issue Executive order 163 on January 31, 1902, banning federal workers from "individually or through associations, [soliciting] an increase of pay, or to influence or to attempt to influence in their own interest any legislation whatever, either before Congress or its Committees, or in any way save through the heads of the Departments in or under which they serve, on penalty of dismissal from the government service." This Executive Order was expanded by Roosevelt on January 26, 1906, to include the independent agencies as well. On November 26, 1908, Roosevelt dramatically widened the extent of the Executive Order to include military personnel, expanded the kind of information which could not be communicated, and banned other actions by employees.
Under Congressional pressure, President William H. Taft made the Executive Order less onerous. On April 8, 1912, Taft amended the order to permit federal workers to communicate with Congress, but required them to do so through their supervisors and department heads.
Congress passed the Lloyd-La Follette Act (§6, 37 Stat. 555, 5 U.S.C. § 7511) on August 24, 1912, declaring that "the right of persons employed in the civil service of the United States, either individually or collectively, to petition Congress or any member thereof or to furnish information to either House of Congress or to any committee thereof, shall not be denied or interfered with."
The Lloyd-La Follette Act provided a significant impetus to the formation federal employees' unions. In 1916, the American Federation of Labor (AFL) acted to bring the various local unions together to form a single national union. The National Federation of Federal Employees was founded in Washington, D.C., on September 17, 1917. In 1918, it became the first labor union to win the legal right to represent federal workers. (source: wikipedia)
These federal unions and the federal employees they represent are more powerful today than they have ever been in the past. They are very wealthy and exert tremendous influence over the Congress to pass laws favoring federal employees, or passing laws favoring Progressive ideology and policies.
These 2,900,000 federal employees and the unions that represent them are part of an ever-widening global "System" that cares not one whit about constitutional principles or individual freedom. But they care everything about manipulating and exploiting the political system to favor them. In our article entitled, "The System - Impenetrable, Inflexible and Un-Yielding" we wrote:
Much of the anger that is flaring up all over America today, is the frustration over the 'System.' We elect the people who say they are going to change the 'System', but nothing changes. It only gets worse. It seems we can't find a leader that has intellect, honor, passion and courage to challenge the 'System', as well as challenging international interests with the full force, faith and credit of the United States of America. Some think Trump can do it, but beware of putting your faith in just one man. The real challenge is the 'System' itself and it will not be broken up without massive resistance from millions of Americans."
"Even when glaring events occur that should arouse the public to outrage and demand change, like the debate over Planned Parenthood selling baby parts, something comes along to save the 'System' (like the Democrats) and stop any attempts to make the situation right."
"Everyone knows that the IRS is totally corrupt, dysfunctional and in many cases, unlawful and yet it lives on. Why hasn't Congress fixed it? Because millions of jobs in accounting and the legal arena would go away if the IRS were dismantled. Those jobs have a powerful lobby in Washington DC (the 'System') and will never let Congress do away with those jobs. We explained this situation in an article we wrote in January of 2014 entitled, "Why Congress Will Never Repeal the IRS." (see: http://www.narlo.org/idarchives/011214.html)"
"As we previously said, the 'System' is supported primarily by special interests. (Federal employees are a very powerful special interest) The special interests can be money, socialism, environmentalism, welfare, land use, racism, immigration, health care, climate change, corporations, unions and even animal rights groups. In America there are special interests for every occasion and they all have their lobbyists in Washington DC and in every state legislature, to pound on the table and demand that their cause be funded by your money. Our alleged representatives give in almost every time."
Under this "System" the American citizen has very little influence over the laws passed by the legislature and the bureaucracy, at the federal, state, or even the local level. Special interests have most of the power. When a bureaucracy holds a public hearing, only the special interests show up in numbers. The only real power the people have is their vote, but the "System" couldn't care less about your vote and mostly ignores it.
Before the American people can fix America, they are going to have to dismantle the "System" and as it stands right now, the task seems almost insurmountable. The "System" has a greater power to perpetuate itself and grow stronger than the people have to take it apart, no matter how hard the Trump Administration or a Republican Congress may try. Federal employees and the left-leaning unions that represent them are an integral part of that "System." That is "Why It Is So Hard to Fix America."
How would you FIX America?
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
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Article 1, Section 1 of the U. S. Constitution reads:
"All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives."
In America, legislative powers are described as the duty and responsibility of the legislature, consisting of a House (435 members) and a Senate (100 members), to pass proposed legislation, called "bills", into law. Notice that Article 1, Section 1 precedes the phrase "legislative powers" with the word "All."
So if "all legislative powers" reside in the legislature, what "law", passed by the legislature, gave the federal bureaucracies the power to also pass laws? Is it because they call them "rules" instead of "laws?"
There are only 535 members of the United States legislature in the House and the Senate whose sole job is to pass laws. Under the Constitution, no other government body has that power and yet there are hundreds of federal bureaucracies passing "rules" all the time. Those "rules" have the same effect, as do the "laws" passed by the legislature. In 2016 the Obama Administration bureaucracies passed 81,640 pages of new rules. The entire King James Bible has only around 1200 pages.
As of 2009, the federal government employed around 2,900,000 people, in 456 federal agencies. Many of those agencies have "rule making" authority, in direct violation of Article 1, Section 1 of the U. S. Constitution. All of the people in those federal agencies making rules are not elected by the people of the United States and therefore do not represent the people, in what is supposed to be a representative form of government, better described as a Constitutional Republic.
But it gets even messier than what we have described. Those 2,900,000 federal employees in 456 federal agencies, fall under the Federal Civil Service as "civil servants" (an oxymoron) established in 1871 (5 U.S.C. § 2101) as modified by the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978. Those 2,900,000" civil servants" are further being represented by a plethora of very powerful unions.
In 2009 nineteen percent (19%) of those federal employees (551,000) earned salaries of $100,000 or more. The average federal worker's pay was $71,208 compared with $40,331 in the private sector. In 2010, there were 82,034 workers, 3.9% of the federal workforce, making more than $150,000 annually, compared to 7,240 in 2005, an 1100% increase in five years. When did the people vote on that? Where is the outrage?
Nevertheless, it is not the size of the federal workforce, or their salaries that is the problem. It's the political power they wield with government, a power that flies in the face of representative government.
Most employees in the federal workforce (estimated to be over 90%) are graduates of our liberal colleges, or they are a constituency, or minority group that aligns with the Democrat Party. Even though the Hatch Act prohibits federal employees from engaging in political activism, it has not stopped them. Recent events are a testament to that reality. Employees and some officers and maybe some very senior officers, engaged in a plot to prevent hundreds of conservative groups from obtaining tax exempt status under IRS codes 502(c)3 and 4, during the Obama Administration, prior to the 2012 election. Recent illegal releases of classified information to derail President Trump, or embarrass him, by employees of the intelligence community is another example.
Under Civil Service rules, it is almost impossible to fire a federal employee. If a private sector worker is caught watching porn or intimidating another employee, the chances are very high that worker will be fired, and rightly so. However, if the worker is a federal employee, the chances of him or her being fired for similar infractions are about 1 in 500. As an example, at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), red tape is preventing the removal of a top level employee accused of viewing porn two to six hours a day while at work, since 2010. Even though investigators found 7,000 pornographic files on his computer and even caught him watching porn, he remains employed and on the payroll.
The embattled Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) said it will take no less than 275 days to take disciplinary action against a nurse charged with operating on a veteran while drunk, due to the complex and time-consuming hoops administrators have to jump through. Is there any question why the VA is such a corrupt and inept bureaucracy that allows veterans to die while waiting for care?
The sad fact is, it is easier and probably less costly to keep the employee on the federal payroll than to go through the lengthy administrative Civil Service process necessary to reprimand or terminate the employee.
Then there are the federal employee unions. There are over 80 recognized federal unions. Three of the largest are the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) with 600,000 members, the National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) with 100,000 members, and the National Treasury Employee Union (NTEU) with 150,000 members. Here is a little history on the subject:
The growing power of these and other unions in the federal government led President Theodore Roosevelt to issue Executive order 163 on January 31, 1902, banning federal workers from "individually or through associations, [soliciting] an increase of pay, or to influence or to attempt to influence in their own interest any legislation whatever, either before Congress or its Committees, or in any way save through the heads of the Departments in or under which they serve, on penalty of dismissal from the government service." This Executive Order was expanded by Roosevelt on January 26, 1906, to include the independent agencies as well. On November 26, 1908, Roosevelt dramatically widened the extent of the Executive Order to include military personnel, expanded the kind of information which could not be communicated, and banned other actions by employees.
Under Congressional pressure, President William H. Taft made the Executive Order less onerous. On April 8, 1912, Taft amended the order to permit federal workers to communicate with Congress, but required them to do so through their supervisors and department heads.
Congress passed the Lloyd-La Follette Act (§6, 37 Stat. 555, 5 U.S.C. § 7511) on August 24, 1912, declaring that "the right of persons employed in the civil service of the United States, either individually or collectively, to petition Congress or any member thereof or to furnish information to either House of Congress or to any committee thereof, shall not be denied or interfered with."
The Lloyd-La Follette Act provided a significant impetus to the formation federal employees' unions. In 1916, the American Federation of Labor (AFL) acted to bring the various local unions together to form a single national union. The National Federation of Federal Employees was founded in Washington, D.C., on September 17, 1917. In 1918, it became the first labor union to win the legal right to represent federal workers. (source: wikipedia)
These federal unions and the federal employees they represent are more powerful today than they have ever been in the past. They are very wealthy and exert tremendous influence over the Congress to pass laws favoring federal employees, or passing laws favoring Progressive ideology and policies.
These 2,900,000 federal employees and the unions that represent them are part of an ever-widening global "System" that cares not one whit about constitutional principles or individual freedom. But they care everything about manipulating and exploiting the political system to favor them. In our article entitled, "The System - Impenetrable, Inflexible and Un-Yielding" we wrote:
Much of the anger that is flaring up all over America today, is the frustration over the 'System.' We elect the people who say they are going to change the 'System', but nothing changes. It only gets worse. It seems we can't find a leader that has intellect, honor, passion and courage to challenge the 'System', as well as challenging international interests with the full force, faith and credit of the United States of America. Some think Trump can do it, but beware of putting your faith in just one man. The real challenge is the 'System' itself and it will not be broken up without massive resistance from millions of Americans."
"Even when glaring events occur that should arouse the public to outrage and demand change, like the debate over Planned Parenthood selling baby parts, something comes along to save the 'System' (like the Democrats) and stop any attempts to make the situation right."
"Everyone knows that the IRS is totally corrupt, dysfunctional and in many cases, unlawful and yet it lives on. Why hasn't Congress fixed it? Because millions of jobs in accounting and the legal arena would go away if the IRS were dismantled. Those jobs have a powerful lobby in Washington DC (the 'System') and will never let Congress do away with those jobs. We explained this situation in an article we wrote in January of 2014 entitled, "Why Congress Will Never Repeal the IRS." (see: http://www.narlo.org/idarchives/011214.html)"
"As we previously said, the 'System' is supported primarily by special interests. (Federal employees are a very powerful special interest) The special interests can be money, socialism, environmentalism, welfare, land use, racism, immigration, health care, climate change, corporations, unions and even animal rights groups. In America there are special interests for every occasion and they all have their lobbyists in Washington DC and in every state legislature, to pound on the table and demand that their cause be funded by your money. Our alleged representatives give in almost every time."
Under this "System" the American citizen has very little influence over the laws passed by the legislature and the bureaucracy, at the federal, state, or even the local level. Special interests have most of the power. When a bureaucracy holds a public hearing, only the special interests show up in numbers. The only real power the people have is their vote, but the "System" couldn't care less about your vote and mostly ignores it.
Before the American people can fix America, they are going to have to dismantle the "System" and as it stands right now, the task seems almost insurmountable. The "System" has a greater power to perpetuate itself and grow stronger than the people have to take it apart, no matter how hard the Trump Administration or a Republican Congress may try. Federal employees and the left-leaning unions that represent them are an integral part of that "System." That is "Why It Is So Hard to Fix America."
How would you FIX America?
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Are You A Subject of Government, Or A Sovereign?”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, April 2, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
NOTE: This article has nothing immediately to do with our contemporary problems as a nation and as a people. And then again, it may have EVERYTHING to do with our current problems as a people and as a nation because it deals with the principles of individual freedom and sovereignty and who HAS the real power, but only if they have the courage to exercise that power. We write these kinds of articles from time to time to bring a much-needed focus to the issues.
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The U. S. Constitution and the Constitution of the several states do not start out with "We the Government", or "We the Group", or "We the Collective", or "We the King." They all start out with "We The People" and for good reason. The whole concept of "We the People" was and still is based on the fundamental law that each person is endowed with personal sovereignty over their lives and their property. America's total foundation was built upon sovereignty resting in the people, not the government. Government was limited to seventeen (17) enumerated powers. All other rights were reserved unto the states and the people. Each individual person is equal to all other persons, as joint tenants in a government created by them, with the right to throw off that government or "..... to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
Individual freedom and individual sovereignty define America as a Republic, not a Democracy. In a Republic the sovereignty resides in the individual. In a Democracy, sovereignty resides in a group or the collective, where the individual is relegated to an inferior status. This gave rise to the term "mob rule."
For over 100 years, one political party in America has been doing everything within its power to convert America into a Democracy ("mob rule") by buying off the people for their votes and dividing them into constituency groups that fight with each other for the spoils of government. Sadly, that political party has been hugely successful.
But this political party and those that adhere to it are and have been egregiously wrong, if individual freedom is the sacrosanct pillar of liberty. In a Republic, no other person, or operation of government, can take your property, your labor, your thoughts, or your life from you without your permission, for that is theft, or murder and it is a crime on your person and on humanity as well. That crime, now accepted as "normal" by the people, is deserved of severe punishment, but punishment has yet to come. By accepting that crime as "normal", the people have abdicated their individual sovereignty to the group, the collective, the mob, to government. The natural fact is, you are an individual, endowed with certain unalienable rights, a gift from your creator. Not because someone wrote it down in a book, or a Declaration, or a Constitution, or shouted it from the rooftops. It is true because it is the law of nature. It is an absolute law with no contravening or superior law to supersede it. It is the law of all laws and cannot be repealed by man or God.
Only you own your life, your property, your thoughts and your labor and all are sovereign to that which is you. You are not a pawn that can be battered about at someone else's will, or a whim, or for entertainment, or for the pure exercise of absolute power. You are not a slave to the collective, or the elite and you owe nothing to humanity other than what you choose to give of your own volition, as a free spirit, endowed with free choice. Your only responsibility is to take care of yourself and those in your charge and to treat others with the same respect and dignity, as you desire to be treated. Your only duty to country is to defend it when it is under attack.
You did not create you. In the beginning you had no control over the mechanisms that formed the shape of your body, the characteristics of your personality or your mind, or the capabilities that were granted to your body and mind by virtue of genetics and life with or without your parents. But no matter what anyone tells you, you were not created to serve others, unless it is your choice to do so. In fact, you were created to express who you are, as a flower expresses its beauty to the world. You were created to serve your life and those you love, in the endless pursuit of happiness.
You are unique, one of a kind, a sovereign and no other can be like you. It is your individual uniqueness that is your value. It is what you express or achieve as a person, that is your mark, your legacy, your reason for being here. No other person, group of persons, or a government, has the right to take that from you. You are not a pawn, for you are sovereign under the supreme law of nature. You are free to choose good or evil, but if you choose evil, there will be a price to pay.
A sovereign can be defined as an individual that believes in self-ownership; a strong commitment to individual rights; a distrust of a political democracy; an unwavering belief in the right to financial and personal privacy; a willingness to think and act outside the square. It is individual sovereigns in action that have given America its unique and exceptional character, its power, its creativity, its productivity and even its generosity. It is each individual sovereign pursuing his or her life, liberty and happiness that set each of us a part from all other humans on earth. It is our strength. It is our foundation. It is the bedrock upon which we stand. It is unequivocal, sacrosanct and unassailable.
Individual sovereignty is the exercise of free will. It is similar to national sovereignty, where a country exercises the free will of a nation, without any influence from other nations. National sovereignty is characterized by geographical boundaries and a set of principles under which sovereignty is exercised within those boundaries. However, individual sovereignty is a state of mind and its boundaries are limited by the proximity of another individual, also exercising free will. The Biblical "golden rule" is a version of the limits of free will.
The Founding Fathers recognized individual free will, or individual sovereignty as it were, as the right of every human being to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness. However, even though the Founding Fathers codified individual sovereignty into the U. S. Constitution, as enumerated in the Declaration of Independence and the first 10 Amendments in the Constitution, if an individual does not have the courage to exercise his or her free will, he or she, will be an easy mark for control by a government, or a group, a mob, or a bully. They will be vulnerable to propaganda, hype, distortion and lies in that they abdicate their right of free will to someone else, or a group, or a government ..... or a mob. Because you see, freedom is courage in the exercise of free will, which entails the taking of risks. Unfortunately, there are millions of Americans that exist in America today, who do not have the courage to exercise free will and they are the ones that continually elect politicians who will make decisions for them and give them handouts from the government.
Freedom is hard. It demands sacrifice and a never-ending defense against those that would take it from you. Although it encourages success, it also predicts failure. But the experience of failure accelerates attaining success, because failure is learning. If government takes away the right to fail, as the American government has been doing for some 100 years under a flawed Progressive ideology, individuals cease exercising their free will. If individuals cease exercising their free will, governments, groups, or other individuals, or the mob, will fill the gap and take away individual sovereignty from everyone, as they have been and are doing.
It is the exercise of free will, or individual sovereignty that has poll vaulted a 240-year-old country, conceived in freedom and liberty, into the wealthiest, the most productive, the most creative, the most industrious and the most generous nation on Earth.
But if a bully, or a mob, or a tyrannical government descends upon a sovereign, it is up to that sovereign to defend against the bully and to rally other sovereigns in his defense, as we must do today. For the bully is knocking on our door and he has evil intent on his mind. He intends to claim our property, our thoughts, our labor and our life as his own and take away our individual sovereignty over our own lives, in favor of the group, the collective, the mob. He intends to control our money, our land, our water, our food, our health and our energy. He is well on his way to achieving his goal. In the end, he intends to take away our free choice and thus, our liberty. He is the enemy of freedom, but he will succeed, only if we let him.
If you believe in all your heart that your property, your thoughts, your labor and your life are only yours to give and that your life is sovereign, then you have no choice but to defend it against the bully and if necessary, defend it with your life. For if you choose not to defend it by whatever means, you will lose it and your children will lose it and your children's children will lose it. It will then be left to another braver generation to reclaim freedom and reclaim it they will, but at a great cost. When freedom is finally reclaimed once more, the future victors will look back at our generation and label them cowards.
It is now time to decide ..... are you a government subject, or are you a sovereign? Are you a coward, or are you courageous? Are you timid, or are you fearless? Liberty awaits your answer and liberty grows anxious because liberty's life and future is on the line ..... and it always is.
But then these are just words. Without action, the words are meaningless.
You are encouraged to ADD your thoughts.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
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The U. S. Constitution and the Constitution of the several states do not start out with "We the Government", or "We the Group", or "We the Collective", or "We the King." They all start out with "We The People" and for good reason. The whole concept of "We the People" was and still is based on the fundamental law that each person is endowed with personal sovereignty over their lives and their property. America's total foundation was built upon sovereignty resting in the people, not the government. Government was limited to seventeen (17) enumerated powers. All other rights were reserved unto the states and the people. Each individual person is equal to all other persons, as joint tenants in a government created by them, with the right to throw off that government or "..... to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
Individual freedom and individual sovereignty define America as a Republic, not a Democracy. In a Republic the sovereignty resides in the individual. In a Democracy, sovereignty resides in a group or the collective, where the individual is relegated to an inferior status. This gave rise to the term "mob rule."
For over 100 years, one political party in America has been doing everything within its power to convert America into a Democracy ("mob rule") by buying off the people for their votes and dividing them into constituency groups that fight with each other for the spoils of government. Sadly, that political party has been hugely successful.
But this political party and those that adhere to it are and have been egregiously wrong, if individual freedom is the sacrosanct pillar of liberty. In a Republic, no other person, or operation of government, can take your property, your labor, your thoughts, or your life from you without your permission, for that is theft, or murder and it is a crime on your person and on humanity as well. That crime, now accepted as "normal" by the people, is deserved of severe punishment, but punishment has yet to come. By accepting that crime as "normal", the people have abdicated their individual sovereignty to the group, the collective, the mob, to government. The natural fact is, you are an individual, endowed with certain unalienable rights, a gift from your creator. Not because someone wrote it down in a book, or a Declaration, or a Constitution, or shouted it from the rooftops. It is true because it is the law of nature. It is an absolute law with no contravening or superior law to supersede it. It is the law of all laws and cannot be repealed by man or God.
Only you own your life, your property, your thoughts and your labor and all are sovereign to that which is you. You are not a pawn that can be battered about at someone else's will, or a whim, or for entertainment, or for the pure exercise of absolute power. You are not a slave to the collective, or the elite and you owe nothing to humanity other than what you choose to give of your own volition, as a free spirit, endowed with free choice. Your only responsibility is to take care of yourself and those in your charge and to treat others with the same respect and dignity, as you desire to be treated. Your only duty to country is to defend it when it is under attack.
You did not create you. In the beginning you had no control over the mechanisms that formed the shape of your body, the characteristics of your personality or your mind, or the capabilities that were granted to your body and mind by virtue of genetics and life with or without your parents. But no matter what anyone tells you, you were not created to serve others, unless it is your choice to do so. In fact, you were created to express who you are, as a flower expresses its beauty to the world. You were created to serve your life and those you love, in the endless pursuit of happiness.
You are unique, one of a kind, a sovereign and no other can be like you. It is your individual uniqueness that is your value. It is what you express or achieve as a person, that is your mark, your legacy, your reason for being here. No other person, group of persons, or a government, has the right to take that from you. You are not a pawn, for you are sovereign under the supreme law of nature. You are free to choose good or evil, but if you choose evil, there will be a price to pay.
A sovereign can be defined as an individual that believes in self-ownership; a strong commitment to individual rights; a distrust of a political democracy; an unwavering belief in the right to financial and personal privacy; a willingness to think and act outside the square. It is individual sovereigns in action that have given America its unique and exceptional character, its power, its creativity, its productivity and even its generosity. It is each individual sovereign pursuing his or her life, liberty and happiness that set each of us a part from all other humans on earth. It is our strength. It is our foundation. It is the bedrock upon which we stand. It is unequivocal, sacrosanct and unassailable.
Individual sovereignty is the exercise of free will. It is similar to national sovereignty, where a country exercises the free will of a nation, without any influence from other nations. National sovereignty is characterized by geographical boundaries and a set of principles under which sovereignty is exercised within those boundaries. However, individual sovereignty is a state of mind and its boundaries are limited by the proximity of another individual, also exercising free will. The Biblical "golden rule" is a version of the limits of free will.
The Founding Fathers recognized individual free will, or individual sovereignty as it were, as the right of every human being to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness. However, even though the Founding Fathers codified individual sovereignty into the U. S. Constitution, as enumerated in the Declaration of Independence and the first 10 Amendments in the Constitution, if an individual does not have the courage to exercise his or her free will, he or she, will be an easy mark for control by a government, or a group, a mob, or a bully. They will be vulnerable to propaganda, hype, distortion and lies in that they abdicate their right of free will to someone else, or a group, or a government ..... or a mob. Because you see, freedom is courage in the exercise of free will, which entails the taking of risks. Unfortunately, there are millions of Americans that exist in America today, who do not have the courage to exercise free will and they are the ones that continually elect politicians who will make decisions for them and give them handouts from the government.
Freedom is hard. It demands sacrifice and a never-ending defense against those that would take it from you. Although it encourages success, it also predicts failure. But the experience of failure accelerates attaining success, because failure is learning. If government takes away the right to fail, as the American government has been doing for some 100 years under a flawed Progressive ideology, individuals cease exercising their free will. If individuals cease exercising their free will, governments, groups, or other individuals, or the mob, will fill the gap and take away individual sovereignty from everyone, as they have been and are doing.
It is the exercise of free will, or individual sovereignty that has poll vaulted a 240-year-old country, conceived in freedom and liberty, into the wealthiest, the most productive, the most creative, the most industrious and the most generous nation on Earth.
But if a bully, or a mob, or a tyrannical government descends upon a sovereign, it is up to that sovereign to defend against the bully and to rally other sovereigns in his defense, as we must do today. For the bully is knocking on our door and he has evil intent on his mind. He intends to claim our property, our thoughts, our labor and our life as his own and take away our individual sovereignty over our own lives, in favor of the group, the collective, the mob. He intends to control our money, our land, our water, our food, our health and our energy. He is well on his way to achieving his goal. In the end, he intends to take away our free choice and thus, our liberty. He is the enemy of freedom, but he will succeed, only if we let him.
If you believe in all your heart that your property, your thoughts, your labor and your life are only yours to give and that your life is sovereign, then you have no choice but to defend it against the bully and if necessary, defend it with your life. For if you choose not to defend it by whatever means, you will lose it and your children will lose it and your children's children will lose it. It will then be left to another braver generation to reclaim freedom and reclaim it they will, but at a great cost. When freedom is finally reclaimed once more, the future victors will look back at our generation and label them cowards.
It is now time to decide ..... are you a government subject, or are you a sovereign? Are you a coward, or are you courageous? Are you timid, or are you fearless? Liberty awaits your answer and liberty grows anxious because liberty's life and future is on the line ..... and it always is.
But then these are just words. Without action, the words are meaningless.
You are encouraged to ADD your thoughts.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"What Happened to the Simple Solutions?”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, March 26, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
Each week we share lunch with a highly experienced, wise, knowledgeable businessman in his seventies and we talk about the issues that many informed Americans talk about. He reads our articles every week and we discuss the articles as they relate to what is going on in our local, national and global world. He often mentions that we write about what is wrong with America, but we never write about the solutions. To that end this current article addresses his concern.
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How did we manage to let life and the solutions to our individual and collective problems become so complicated? How is it that only politicians can take the laws of physics, economics and the principles of freedom and liberty and screw them up so badly? Do we have a national or sovereignty death wish? Do we value freedom so little that we will cast it aside for security, political expediency, a socialist agenda, very costly radical environmental policies that erase our liberties, or a one-world-order that bears no relation to the individual rights under our Constitution? Have we become so naive, ignorant, self-absorbed and apathetic that we would succumb to the propaganda from government, where a handout from them, or a new law, carries with it the handcuffs of slavery?
Name a problem and there is, believe it or not, a fairly simple solution, no matter what psychologists, educators, socialists, radical environmentalists, or government tells you. But as we said in our last article, America is so divided, the simple solutions become less likely.
Take illegal immigration for example. The solution is first to vigorously enforce current law and severely punish employers that employ illegal aliens. The second solution is to build a wall. The third solution is to reverse the insane 14th Amendment Supreme Court decision that allows any foreign national, born on American soil, to become a U. S. citizen. The fourth solution is to put the U. S. Army (or national guard) on the border to protect it, completely, with the threat of physical force for violators. The fifth solution is cut off social, educational and medical benefits to illegal aliens across the board. There should be no benefit for breaking our laws, much less amnesty. This removes the magnets that attract them here in the first place. Then maybe we wouldn't need a wall. None of these solutions are complicated and we didn't have to write new laws. Would we give a known burglar the keys to our home, along with everything in the refrigerator and our checkbooks, because we have compassion for him? Hardly! Irrational compassion, thrust down our throats by Progressive do-gooders, will be America's downfall.
Then there's energy. There is a simple solution. We have more than enough oil in the Northern Hemisphere that is within our economic and environmentally sensitive grasp to meet our daily needs and be free of foreign oil. Drill for it. Build more refineries to process that oil, if needed. Cut gasoline grades down to about three, no more. Build nuclear and natural gas fired power plants. Build more hydroelectric dams for power, irrigation and flood control. Stop subsidies for ethanol and other uneconomic idiotic solutions and let them die a rapid death before these boondoggles drive our taxes up dramatically and drive our food prices out of reach of the average family, just to please a radical environmentalist. And stop this crazy idea of conserving energy. We don't need to conserve, we have all the energy we need, if we will just go get it. We need to expand our opportunities and horizons, not limit them. Limits are for losers and whiners. America wasn't built on limits to creativity and innovation, only limits on government power. Of course we need to continue working on economic energy solutions to replace crude oil. New economic technology will come along if we just let the power of our industry and capitalism operate efficiently and without impediments and constant second-guessing from an out-of-control, heavy-handed, stupid government that screws up everything it touches.
The science is unsettled whether man is causing global warming from CO2 emissions, or the burning of fossil fuels. All the emissions from our gasoline-powered cars, or industry, is most likely not killing the planet, as government and the environmentalists would have us believe. Nevertheless, should we work to diminish pollution, of course? But we should only do so if there is a quantifiable scientifically proven benefit to the cost? Unfortunately, government never thinks in quantifiable benefits.
How about welfare? Remove the subsidies for everyone, except those who demonstrate that they can't take care of themselves. Any person with two arms, two legs and a functioning brain, in good health, does not need a government subsidy. Once and for all, let's wean those folks off the government teat and let them learn to stand on their own two feet. Sure it can be tough but we will grow stronger as a nation and stronger as individuals if we do. Phase out Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security over the next 10 to 20 years and get people to plan for their medical care and retirement using private markets. If they don't plan why should the rest of us have to carry them? The greatest incentive in a free country to responsibility, self-reliance and self-sufficiency is an empty wallet, or a hungry belly. This country is headed for the sheer cliff of bankruptcy if we don't. If America goes bankrupt, you can kiss freedom and liberty goodbye. In the ensuing chaos, your allegedly benevolent government will just declare martial law and suspend the Constitution. But then, they already suspended the Constitution, haven't they?
Our educational system has become a monumental, propaganda-driven cesspool. Our kids are being indoctrinated by a curriculum that was designed by psychologists, government socialists, educators, radical environmentalists and the one-world-order crowd. We must return our public schools to LOCAL control immediately and get the state and the Feds out of it before it is too late. Teach facts, not political correctness. Teach real truth, not propaganda. Teach our kids how to think, not how to memorize. And above all, teach them unabashed individualism. Teach them about individual rights and our Constitutional Republic form of government and why freedom is the best environment in which to solve our problems. Socialism, communism, radical environmentalism, the one world order, multi-culturalism and collectivism will, in the end, destroy us. We are free individuals, not robots unless we let these educated idiots take over every aspect of our lives. All these "isms" will just rob us of our individual, creative power.
As we speak, a serious effort is underway by the Trump Administration to repeal and replace Obama Care. One of our readers said that it should just be repealed, not replaced? His argument is, what business does the federal government have being involved in health care in the first place? He's right of course, unless Americans want to live in a socialist nation and repeal the Constitution. If the states want or need to take care of their less well off citizens, then it is up to the individual states to institute that care, paid for by state taxpayers, not federal taxpayers. States have to balance their budgets, which forces them to limit their spending. The federal government has no budgetary limits and because of that it can run up trillions in debt, which it has. Further, the federal government builds up huge money-sucking bureaucracies, like Medicare and Obama Care that take a minimum of 20% of taxpayer funds in waste, fraud, abuse and corruption before it ever is granted back to the states.
It's not complicated. Americans have to ask themselves. Do they want to live in a free society that includes individual freedom and individual choices, or do we abdicate our freedom to a government who will make all of our choices for us?
Now let's take a look at terrorism. The solution is really quite easy. Simply tell every country that harbors terrorists that end up attacking the United States from their country by one or more of their citizens, will face swift and violent military action to eliminate the threat. Period. They either police their own terrorist or suffer the consequences. That is what we did before to protect Americans and American interests. One of our wiser presidents said; "Talk softly, but carry a big stick" It's about time his policy was put back into practice.
Finally, one of the simple solutions to limit political corruption is to start holding government officials, in the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government, accountable by punitive actions that include recalls, impeachment, huge fines and incarceration. If they violate the Constitution, and they do all the time, there must be a price to pay, or there is no deterrent from them continuing to do so. As part of that solution, we need to look for and encourage men and women of principle to run for office and support them with our words, deeds and dollars.
There will always be problems that emanate from natural or man-made events. But honorable, intelligent, innovative, creative people, operating under the banner of constitutional freedom, will always find a solution (and usually a fairly simple one) to those problems, if they are free to seek out those solutions. But if we continue to allow special interest groups and government, at any level, to get in our way, then solutions to problems will always be complicated and always carry with them a huge, totally unnecessary price tag.
In a recent article we said this: "The only answer is not in complexity, but in simplicity and fewer laws. Yes, society needs laws to maintain "reasonable" societal order. But as laws increase, after a certain point, order begins to breakdown under its own weight, as people try to comply with often conflicting and confusing laws, codes, ordinances, regulations and rules. And worse, the more laws there are, the more opportunities for emotionally and financially draining lawsuits between aggrieved parties, egged on by lawyers who make their living off of human weakness and interpreting laws that no one else can understand."
"There is an inviolate law in nature. Complexity in organisms can lead to the emergence of order. Biological evolution and diversity on Earth is a result of that law. However, it has also been shown that too much complexity in these organisms, in almost all cases, leads to chaos and finally extinction."
"Ultimately, if we continue on the path we tread, we will become as a rogue spider, spinning a web from which we shall be forever entangled. Could that be our final destination? Are we to choke on and become entrapped by our own obsessive/compulsive drive to complexity, or can we learn from the laws of nature?"
If we choose not to employ economic solutions and vigorously defend our freedom, liberty and property rights, our individual freedom will become extinct. There are always reasonable, viable and economic solutions to our problems, if we don't let politics and special interests get in the way.
For some simple solutions, check out our "18 Principles for America" that are patterned after the U. S. Constitution. They represent a simple blue print to solve our individual and collective problems. We open these 18 Principles with the following statement:
"Government today and probably throughout history, due to human failings, has been, is and always will be about "power", but very seldom about "principle". However, if we choose to avoid principle, we do so at our own peril. This great land of ours could easily share the same fate unless we return to these principles, for which millions of brave men and women have sacrificed their lives, their limbs and their minds to defend."
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
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How did we manage to let life and the solutions to our individual and collective problems become so complicated? How is it that only politicians can take the laws of physics, economics and the principles of freedom and liberty and screw them up so badly? Do we have a national or sovereignty death wish? Do we value freedom so little that we will cast it aside for security, political expediency, a socialist agenda, very costly radical environmental policies that erase our liberties, or a one-world-order that bears no relation to the individual rights under our Constitution? Have we become so naive, ignorant, self-absorbed and apathetic that we would succumb to the propaganda from government, where a handout from them, or a new law, carries with it the handcuffs of slavery?
Name a problem and there is, believe it or not, a fairly simple solution, no matter what psychologists, educators, socialists, radical environmentalists, or government tells you. But as we said in our last article, America is so divided, the simple solutions become less likely.
Take illegal immigration for example. The solution is first to vigorously enforce current law and severely punish employers that employ illegal aliens. The second solution is to build a wall. The third solution is to reverse the insane 14th Amendment Supreme Court decision that allows any foreign national, born on American soil, to become a U. S. citizen. The fourth solution is to put the U. S. Army (or national guard) on the border to protect it, completely, with the threat of physical force for violators. The fifth solution is cut off social, educational and medical benefits to illegal aliens across the board. There should be no benefit for breaking our laws, much less amnesty. This removes the magnets that attract them here in the first place. Then maybe we wouldn't need a wall. None of these solutions are complicated and we didn't have to write new laws. Would we give a known burglar the keys to our home, along with everything in the refrigerator and our checkbooks, because we have compassion for him? Hardly! Irrational compassion, thrust down our throats by Progressive do-gooders, will be America's downfall.
Then there's energy. There is a simple solution. We have more than enough oil in the Northern Hemisphere that is within our economic and environmentally sensitive grasp to meet our daily needs and be free of foreign oil. Drill for it. Build more refineries to process that oil, if needed. Cut gasoline grades down to about three, no more. Build nuclear and natural gas fired power plants. Build more hydroelectric dams for power, irrigation and flood control. Stop subsidies for ethanol and other uneconomic idiotic solutions and let them die a rapid death before these boondoggles drive our taxes up dramatically and drive our food prices out of reach of the average family, just to please a radical environmentalist. And stop this crazy idea of conserving energy. We don't need to conserve, we have all the energy we need, if we will just go get it. We need to expand our opportunities and horizons, not limit them. Limits are for losers and whiners. America wasn't built on limits to creativity and innovation, only limits on government power. Of course we need to continue working on economic energy solutions to replace crude oil. New economic technology will come along if we just let the power of our industry and capitalism operate efficiently and without impediments and constant second-guessing from an out-of-control, heavy-handed, stupid government that screws up everything it touches.
The science is unsettled whether man is causing global warming from CO2 emissions, or the burning of fossil fuels. All the emissions from our gasoline-powered cars, or industry, is most likely not killing the planet, as government and the environmentalists would have us believe. Nevertheless, should we work to diminish pollution, of course? But we should only do so if there is a quantifiable scientifically proven benefit to the cost? Unfortunately, government never thinks in quantifiable benefits.
How about welfare? Remove the subsidies for everyone, except those who demonstrate that they can't take care of themselves. Any person with two arms, two legs and a functioning brain, in good health, does not need a government subsidy. Once and for all, let's wean those folks off the government teat and let them learn to stand on their own two feet. Sure it can be tough but we will grow stronger as a nation and stronger as individuals if we do. Phase out Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security over the next 10 to 20 years and get people to plan for their medical care and retirement using private markets. If they don't plan why should the rest of us have to carry them? The greatest incentive in a free country to responsibility, self-reliance and self-sufficiency is an empty wallet, or a hungry belly. This country is headed for the sheer cliff of bankruptcy if we don't. If America goes bankrupt, you can kiss freedom and liberty goodbye. In the ensuing chaos, your allegedly benevolent government will just declare martial law and suspend the Constitution. But then, they already suspended the Constitution, haven't they?
Our educational system has become a monumental, propaganda-driven cesspool. Our kids are being indoctrinated by a curriculum that was designed by psychologists, government socialists, educators, radical environmentalists and the one-world-order crowd. We must return our public schools to LOCAL control immediately and get the state and the Feds out of it before it is too late. Teach facts, not political correctness. Teach real truth, not propaganda. Teach our kids how to think, not how to memorize. And above all, teach them unabashed individualism. Teach them about individual rights and our Constitutional Republic form of government and why freedom is the best environment in which to solve our problems. Socialism, communism, radical environmentalism, the one world order, multi-culturalism and collectivism will, in the end, destroy us. We are free individuals, not robots unless we let these educated idiots take over every aspect of our lives. All these "isms" will just rob us of our individual, creative power.
As we speak, a serious effort is underway by the Trump Administration to repeal and replace Obama Care. One of our readers said that it should just be repealed, not replaced? His argument is, what business does the federal government have being involved in health care in the first place? He's right of course, unless Americans want to live in a socialist nation and repeal the Constitution. If the states want or need to take care of their less well off citizens, then it is up to the individual states to institute that care, paid for by state taxpayers, not federal taxpayers. States have to balance their budgets, which forces them to limit their spending. The federal government has no budgetary limits and because of that it can run up trillions in debt, which it has. Further, the federal government builds up huge money-sucking bureaucracies, like Medicare and Obama Care that take a minimum of 20% of taxpayer funds in waste, fraud, abuse and corruption before it ever is granted back to the states.
It's not complicated. Americans have to ask themselves. Do they want to live in a free society that includes individual freedom and individual choices, or do we abdicate our freedom to a government who will make all of our choices for us?
Now let's take a look at terrorism. The solution is really quite easy. Simply tell every country that harbors terrorists that end up attacking the United States from their country by one or more of their citizens, will face swift and violent military action to eliminate the threat. Period. They either police their own terrorist or suffer the consequences. That is what we did before to protect Americans and American interests. One of our wiser presidents said; "Talk softly, but carry a big stick" It's about time his policy was put back into practice.
Finally, one of the simple solutions to limit political corruption is to start holding government officials, in the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government, accountable by punitive actions that include recalls, impeachment, huge fines and incarceration. If they violate the Constitution, and they do all the time, there must be a price to pay, or there is no deterrent from them continuing to do so. As part of that solution, we need to look for and encourage men and women of principle to run for office and support them with our words, deeds and dollars.
There will always be problems that emanate from natural or man-made events. But honorable, intelligent, innovative, creative people, operating under the banner of constitutional freedom, will always find a solution (and usually a fairly simple one) to those problems, if they are free to seek out those solutions. But if we continue to allow special interest groups and government, at any level, to get in our way, then solutions to problems will always be complicated and always carry with them a huge, totally unnecessary price tag.
In a recent article we said this: "The only answer is not in complexity, but in simplicity and fewer laws. Yes, society needs laws to maintain "reasonable" societal order. But as laws increase, after a certain point, order begins to breakdown under its own weight, as people try to comply with often conflicting and confusing laws, codes, ordinances, regulations and rules. And worse, the more laws there are, the more opportunities for emotionally and financially draining lawsuits between aggrieved parties, egged on by lawyers who make their living off of human weakness and interpreting laws that no one else can understand."
"There is an inviolate law in nature. Complexity in organisms can lead to the emergence of order. Biological evolution and diversity on Earth is a result of that law. However, it has also been shown that too much complexity in these organisms, in almost all cases, leads to chaos and finally extinction."
"Ultimately, if we continue on the path we tread, we will become as a rogue spider, spinning a web from which we shall be forever entangled. Could that be our final destination? Are we to choke on and become entrapped by our own obsessive/compulsive drive to complexity, or can we learn from the laws of nature?"
If we choose not to employ economic solutions and vigorously defend our freedom, liberty and property rights, our individual freedom will become extinct. There are always reasonable, viable and economic solutions to our problems, if we don't let politics and special interests get in the way.
For some simple solutions, check out our "18 Principles for America" that are patterned after the U. S. Constitution. They represent a simple blue print to solve our individual and collective problems. We open these 18 Principles with the following statement:
"Government today and probably throughout history, due to human failings, has been, is and always will be about "power", but very seldom about "principle". However, if we choose to avoid principle, we do so at our own peril. This great land of ours could easily share the same fate unless we return to these principles, for which millions of brave men and women have sacrificed their lives, their limbs and their minds to defend."
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"The News Media, Progressive Co-Conspirators and Racketeers”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, March 12, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
What is the purpose of news? Any reasonable person would say that it is to find out what is happening of importance locally in their city, county, or state, what is happening nationally in their own country and what is happening globally. That information, if presented objectively, would give a person a well-rounded overview of the total world in which he or she lives. But that's not what they get.
What is the purpose of the news media? Once again, any reasonable person would say that the news media should report the "news" accurately and with as little bias as possible, except for one little nagging characteristic, humans are, by their very nature, biased. The reporter who reports the news, the journalist who investigates and reports the news, the historian that writes history books about the news and the reader that reads the news and the history books are inherently biased and they are biased because of what is inside their "Little Black Box." Oh no! Not that "Little Black Box" again!
Then you have to ask, "what is the news?" The "news" is whatever a flawed and biased human being in the news media, who has the responsibility of reporting the "news", decides what should be reported. Since the reader, listener, or watcher of the "news" has no interaction with the news media on what is to be reported, he or she is a hapless victim of the inherent bias in the "news" that is reported and he or she must filter out the bias as best as each can, even though the reader is also biased. Sadly, each reader, listener and watcher of the news, sees the news through a heavily distorted lens.
What is the purpose of the news media? Once again, any reasonable person would say that the news media should report the "news" accurately and with as little bias as possible, except for one little nagging characteristic, humans are, by their very nature, biased. The reporter who reports the news, the journalist who investigates and reports the news, the historian that writes history books about the news and the reader that reads the news and the history books are inherently biased and they are biased because of what is inside their "Little Black Box." Oh no! Not that "Little Black Box" again!
Then you have to ask, "what is the news?" The "news" is whatever a flawed and biased human being in the news media, who has the responsibility of reporting the "news", decides what should be reported. Since the reader, listener, or watcher of the "news" has no interaction with the news media on what is to be reported, he or she is a hapless victim of the inherent bias in the "news" that is reported and he or she must filter out the bias as best as each can, even though the reader is also biased. Sadly, each reader, listener and watcher of the news, sees the news through a heavily distorted lens.
The news is a perception, not reality.
Does the news media have a societal duty to hold government accountable? As the Founders debated the establishment of the Republic and the rules under which it would be governed, the role of a free press was paramount in their thinking. They recognized that a free press could be a deterrent to a government going rogue but they were also concerned that a free press could deceive their readers rather than enlighten them, or be influenced by the powerful and the wealthy. Their concerns were well founded because at that time there was an explosion of printing presses throughout the land and newspapers and pamphlets were sprouting up all over the place. Objective reporting was not necessarily a prevailing theme at the time. The term "fake news" did not originate because of a Trump presidency.
Journalists and pamphleteers were vital to the spreading of American ideals and gave rise to authors like Thomas Paine and Samuel Adams. Each had a significant impact on the Revolution and the weeks and months after the Revolution. The eighty-five Federalists Papers, which explored the ideas of a Constitutional Republic, were printed anonymously in New York newspapers in 1787 and 1788.
Can the news media be bought? To the concerns that the Founding Fathers had about the news media being hijacked by the powerful and the wealthy, Forbes Magazine reported in June of 2016 that 15 billionaires own most of the American news outlets, from the major networks ABC, NBC and CBS, to the cable networks like FOX, MSNBC and CNN. Michael Bloomberg, Rupert Murdock and George Soros are just three of those 15 billionaires. Bloomberg LP has over 2,000 correspondents around the world collecting the "news". Who controls the final editing of all the news that is being reported by those 2,000 correspondents when Michael Bloomberg has a huge financial interest in the success or failure of the outlets he owns? What is the bias of the correspondents and the editors and how does that bias influence what is being reported? How is the reader supposed to filter out that bias?
Besides the financial interests of the billionaires in reporting the news, a fatal disease has infected journalism throughout the entire industry. Rush Limbaugh, on his daily talk show program, interviewed a journalist student caller from college. Rush asked the budding journalist why he wanted to become a journalist? The answer should have stunned the entire listening audience. The student stated that, "he wanted to become a journalist so he could change the world." Unfortunately, too many journalists have been infected with this same disease.
Besides the inherent bias, now predominantly liberal, the success or failure of the news media is driven by five factors: advertising revenues, paid subscriptions, ratings, the 24-hour news cycle and the impact of the internet and social media. No business model allows success without sufficient revenues to support all of the activities of the news outlet. Print media is suffering from lower advertising and subscription revenues and many have folded, or are on the brink of bankruptcy because of TV, the Internet and social media. Radio, which offers a combination of music and talk, appears to be healthy but only from a local perspective. National radio is not doing well unless merged with TV. The TV media requires a little more detail.
National television has become talk radio, only in video form, with endless debate and analysis, camouflaged as news. No TV platform is immune from this malady. Turn on any TV news program and instead of the all-around broad news we were expecting, we get endless opinions and analysis by so-called experts, reporters and correspondents, better suited for the newspaper opinion page. If you are looking for national and international news reported accurately, you will be hard pressed to find it. And the analysis and opinions are heavily slanted towards the left side of the political aisle with just a pointless token segment from the other side, except maybe for FOX News.
Case in point was Trump's speech before Congress. The analysis and opinion went on and on and on for several days. Now the news cycle is obsessed with the Republican-Russian-Putin conspiracy, driven by the blatant Progressive co-conspirators and racketeers in most of the news media.
To add insult to Trump's injury, the other day he tweeted that Obama bugged his Trump Tower offices. Is it true? We haven't a clue, but it will be the butt of the news cycle for many more days or even weeks to come. Was Trump wise in saying it without presenting evidence, probably not?
In contrast, when was the last time you heard news from Central or South America, or Canada, or Australia? Why isn't the news media doing in depth reporting on Russia and their national motives and goals and how those motives and goals influence our foreign policy and the rest of the world? How about reflecting on life in China and the objectives of their communist-run regime?
The sad truth is, the news has now boiled down to the never-ending Trump hour and what he is allegedly doing, according to the Progressives, to ruin the lives of those poor dependent Americans, those "hard working" and honest illegal aliens and those "peaceful" refugees coming in from Muslim countries. The news is also riddled with social justice and environmental extremism, both liberal causes.
The duped reader, watcher and listener of the news can't filter out the liberal bias in the news because the liberal bias overshadows the news.
In Seattle there were two newspapers, the Seattle Times and the Post Intelligencer (PI). The PI was the liberal paper and the Times was the conservative paper. Not so any more. The PI went out of business and now the Seattle Times has taken up the mantle of Progressivism. You can't find balanced reporting any where in the Seattle Times. Every article on climate change is slanted towards the government and environmental position. There are no articles showing science from the opposite side. Most of the columnists are New York Times columnists and everyone knows that the New York Times is a liberal newspaper. But then the Seattle Times just reflects the political position of most of Seattle's and Western Washington State residents.
As we have said in many of our articles, Progressivism has been embedded in all of our institutions, from education, to politics, to foreign policy, to health care, to the environment, to commerce, to finance and to the news media. But worse, it has infected the mindset of the American people for several generations. Progressivism has been set in stone in the body politic and it will take a jack hammer to break it up.
Each infected institution has become a co-conspirator and racketeer in pushing the radical Progressive agenda throughout the United States and they have been hugely successful. But what most people don't realize is, that Progressive agenda is the antithesis and enemy of a free America. If you are poor, lazy, black, Latino, disabled, mentally challenged, refugee, or an illegal alien you are a protected class and rewarded by government, at taxpayer expense. If you are successful you are a taxed class and frowned upon and ridiculed for being successful. But it's not altruism that drives the rewarding of the protected classes, it's the lust for power. Those welfare-style rewards you end up paying for, are solely for Democrat votes.
When the fourth estate carries the banner of one political ideology and weaves that ideology into every aspect of its reporting, it becomes an agenda-driven conspirator. At that point the constitutional foundation of individual freedom is forever diminished, or silenced and is the Founding Father's worst nightmare come true. In such event, totalitarian government cannot be far behind.
But then with all that power, political influence and money supporting the news media, how are the people going to change it? One way would be to start a drive to get millions of Americans to stop watching, reading, or listening to the NATIONAL news for one week. We're going to call this drive NARLO's National NEWS BOYCOTT week, commencing on the first week in April and then again in the first weeks of July and October. Check out the details on our web page HERE. Done on a massive scale, the news outlets would have to listen and change their ways, especially if the boycott started eating into their revenues.
Only the people can make a difference on major issues, that is if the people even care about preserving and maintaining a free America.
Tell us if you LIKE this "Boycott" idea.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Does the news media have a societal duty to hold government accountable? As the Founders debated the establishment of the Republic and the rules under which it would be governed, the role of a free press was paramount in their thinking. They recognized that a free press could be a deterrent to a government going rogue but they were also concerned that a free press could deceive their readers rather than enlighten them, or be influenced by the powerful and the wealthy. Their concerns were well founded because at that time there was an explosion of printing presses throughout the land and newspapers and pamphlets were sprouting up all over the place. Objective reporting was not necessarily a prevailing theme at the time. The term "fake news" did not originate because of a Trump presidency.
Journalists and pamphleteers were vital to the spreading of American ideals and gave rise to authors like Thomas Paine and Samuel Adams. Each had a significant impact on the Revolution and the weeks and months after the Revolution. The eighty-five Federalists Papers, which explored the ideas of a Constitutional Republic, were printed anonymously in New York newspapers in 1787 and 1788.
Can the news media be bought? To the concerns that the Founding Fathers had about the news media being hijacked by the powerful and the wealthy, Forbes Magazine reported in June of 2016 that 15 billionaires own most of the American news outlets, from the major networks ABC, NBC and CBS, to the cable networks like FOX, MSNBC and CNN. Michael Bloomberg, Rupert Murdock and George Soros are just three of those 15 billionaires. Bloomberg LP has over 2,000 correspondents around the world collecting the "news". Who controls the final editing of all the news that is being reported by those 2,000 correspondents when Michael Bloomberg has a huge financial interest in the success or failure of the outlets he owns? What is the bias of the correspondents and the editors and how does that bias influence what is being reported? How is the reader supposed to filter out that bias?
Besides the financial interests of the billionaires in reporting the news, a fatal disease has infected journalism throughout the entire industry. Rush Limbaugh, on his daily talk show program, interviewed a journalist student caller from college. Rush asked the budding journalist why he wanted to become a journalist? The answer should have stunned the entire listening audience. The student stated that, "he wanted to become a journalist so he could change the world." Unfortunately, too many journalists have been infected with this same disease.
Besides the inherent bias, now predominantly liberal, the success or failure of the news media is driven by five factors: advertising revenues, paid subscriptions, ratings, the 24-hour news cycle and the impact of the internet and social media. No business model allows success without sufficient revenues to support all of the activities of the news outlet. Print media is suffering from lower advertising and subscription revenues and many have folded, or are on the brink of bankruptcy because of TV, the Internet and social media. Radio, which offers a combination of music and talk, appears to be healthy but only from a local perspective. National radio is not doing well unless merged with TV. The TV media requires a little more detail.
National television has become talk radio, only in video form, with endless debate and analysis, camouflaged as news. No TV platform is immune from this malady. Turn on any TV news program and instead of the all-around broad news we were expecting, we get endless opinions and analysis by so-called experts, reporters and correspondents, better suited for the newspaper opinion page. If you are looking for national and international news reported accurately, you will be hard pressed to find it. And the analysis and opinions are heavily slanted towards the left side of the political aisle with just a pointless token segment from the other side, except maybe for FOX News.
Case in point was Trump's speech before Congress. The analysis and opinion went on and on and on for several days. Now the news cycle is obsessed with the Republican-Russian-Putin conspiracy, driven by the blatant Progressive co-conspirators and racketeers in most of the news media.
To add insult to Trump's injury, the other day he tweeted that Obama bugged his Trump Tower offices. Is it true? We haven't a clue, but it will be the butt of the news cycle for many more days or even weeks to come. Was Trump wise in saying it without presenting evidence, probably not?
In contrast, when was the last time you heard news from Central or South America, or Canada, or Australia? Why isn't the news media doing in depth reporting on Russia and their national motives and goals and how those motives and goals influence our foreign policy and the rest of the world? How about reflecting on life in China and the objectives of their communist-run regime?
The sad truth is, the news has now boiled down to the never-ending Trump hour and what he is allegedly doing, according to the Progressives, to ruin the lives of those poor dependent Americans, those "hard working" and honest illegal aliens and those "peaceful" refugees coming in from Muslim countries. The news is also riddled with social justice and environmental extremism, both liberal causes.
The duped reader, watcher and listener of the news can't filter out the liberal bias in the news because the liberal bias overshadows the news.
In Seattle there were two newspapers, the Seattle Times and the Post Intelligencer (PI). The PI was the liberal paper and the Times was the conservative paper. Not so any more. The PI went out of business and now the Seattle Times has taken up the mantle of Progressivism. You can't find balanced reporting any where in the Seattle Times. Every article on climate change is slanted towards the government and environmental position. There are no articles showing science from the opposite side. Most of the columnists are New York Times columnists and everyone knows that the New York Times is a liberal newspaper. But then the Seattle Times just reflects the political position of most of Seattle's and Western Washington State residents.
As we have said in many of our articles, Progressivism has been embedded in all of our institutions, from education, to politics, to foreign policy, to health care, to the environment, to commerce, to finance and to the news media. But worse, it has infected the mindset of the American people for several generations. Progressivism has been set in stone in the body politic and it will take a jack hammer to break it up.
Each infected institution has become a co-conspirator and racketeer in pushing the radical Progressive agenda throughout the United States and they have been hugely successful. But what most people don't realize is, that Progressive agenda is the antithesis and enemy of a free America. If you are poor, lazy, black, Latino, disabled, mentally challenged, refugee, or an illegal alien you are a protected class and rewarded by government, at taxpayer expense. If you are successful you are a taxed class and frowned upon and ridiculed for being successful. But it's not altruism that drives the rewarding of the protected classes, it's the lust for power. Those welfare-style rewards you end up paying for, are solely for Democrat votes.
When the fourth estate carries the banner of one political ideology and weaves that ideology into every aspect of its reporting, it becomes an agenda-driven conspirator. At that point the constitutional foundation of individual freedom is forever diminished, or silenced and is the Founding Father's worst nightmare come true. In such event, totalitarian government cannot be far behind.
But then with all that power, political influence and money supporting the news media, how are the people going to change it? One way would be to start a drive to get millions of Americans to stop watching, reading, or listening to the NATIONAL news for one week. We're going to call this drive NARLO's National NEWS BOYCOTT week, commencing on the first week in April and then again in the first weeks of July and October. Check out the details on our web page HERE. Done on a massive scale, the news outlets would have to listen and change their ways, especially if the boycott started eating into their revenues.
Only the people can make a difference on major issues, that is if the people even care about preserving and maintaining a free America.
Tell us if you LIKE this "Boycott" idea.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Only Fools Trust Government, Academia and the News Media”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, February 26, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
The crack of FBI sharpshooter Lon Horiuchi's sniper rifle echoed across the forest as it tore through Kevin Harris and then passed through Vicki Weaver's head, as Kevin dove through the door of the Idaho cabin in August of 1992. The FBI sniper had already wounded Randy Weaver. Vicki was cradling her infant daughter in one hand and holding the door in the other. Her older daughter was standing next to Vicki and as the bullet ripped through Vicki's brain, pieces of her hair, scalp, skull, skin and blood splattered the older daughter standing next to her.
Because of an earlier event where a U. S. Marshal was killed by Randy Weaver's 14-year old son, and the son was killed by the other U. S. Marshals, an FBI "kill order" went out to all FBI agents that had descended on the scene. The Weavers were to be killed on sight. The wholly preventable tragic episode lasted 11 days. Retired Lieutenant Colonel Bo Gritz was successful in negotiating an end to the standoff. The event stemmed from Randy Weaver trying to sell two sawed off shotguns to an ATF informant and then not showing up for his court hearing, leading to U. S. Marshals showing up at the cabin.
Rumors that the FBI had engaged in a cover-up regarding the Ruby Ridge operation were verified when E. Michael Kahoe, former chief of the FBI’s violent crimes section, pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice in 1996. Kahoe, who had destroyed an official bureau critique of the standoff, was sentenced to 18 months in prison. Weaver and Harris won a $3.1 Million dollar settlement from the government.
The well-known government siege that occurred at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas between February 28th and April 19th in 1993 was a similar event of out-of-control government power. It resulted in the death of 76 people, including young children living in the compound, burned to death by the ensuing fire. The memory of that event is burned into the minds of conservatives all over America.
Also burned into the memory of millions of Americans, especially Japanese Americans, was FDR's February 19, 1942 Executive Order 9066, which interned (jailed) upwards of 120,000 Americans of Japanese ancestry in military camps on the West Coast. The government used the military to round up these Americans and don't think for one minute the government wouldn't do it again. Now do you still trust government?
Never forget that government is force and it is power. Thomas Jefferson warned us that: Has the U. S. Government become tyrannical? You decide.
But this government over-reach and abuse of power doesn't stop there. In a much more recent case, FBI agents and Oregon County Sheriffs and State Patrol Troopers staged an ambush on a desolate, snowy stretch of Oregon highway to apprehend Ammon Bundy and the others that occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge to protest the incarceration of ranchers Dwight and Steven Hammond. The ambush led to the assassination by the officers of Lavoy Finicum, one of the occupiers of the wildlife refuge. A jury would later acquit the surviving occupiers, to the dismay and disappointment of the government prosecutors.
We wrote about the event in a recent article: "Over the last several decades, small, local skirmishes, sometimes violent, started erupting in different parts of the West, in response to the government and environmental land grab, which led to the Sagebrush Rebellion in the 1970’s. The skirmishes started to grow in size, which culminated in the Bundy Ranch standoff in 2014 at Bunkerville, NV between 200 heavily armed BLM agents and several hundred private citizens carrying guns. A shooting war where private citizens would start dying in the desert for all to see at the hands of federal agents, wouldn’t play well with public opinion. The event was widely covered by the news media and the government wisely stood down."
As Americans push back against rising government abuse, harassment, interference and growing regulations, government responds with overwhelming force, totally out of proportion to the event, in an overt act of tyranny, as they did in Ruby Ridge, Idaho; Waco, Texas; Bunkerville, Nevada and Burns, Oregon.
But it's not just government that Americans can't trust. The lack of trust also extends to the news media and even academia. Both lie extensively, distort events to fit their agenda and infuse events and even science with a rabid Progressive mindset, man-caused global warming being a glaring example.
A few days ago the Associated Press reported a bogus story that the President was going to use the National Guard to round up illegal aliens and deport them, whether criminals or not. The story was an outright fabrication, in other words, fake news.
In a recent article by Thomas Friedman in the New York Times, he wrote: “Ladies and gentlemen, we were attacked on Dec. 7, 1941, we were attacked on Sept. 11, 2001, and we were attacked on Nov. 8, 2016. That most recent attack didn't involve a horrible loss of lives, but it was devastating in its own way.”
Devastating Mr. Friedman? How? Devastating to Progressives maybe. Friedman purposely fails to recognize and attacks the 63,000,000 Americans in the 30 states that voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. They voted for a candidate that was going to shake up the status quo and rattle the timbers of the establishment elite. They voted for Trump because they had grown tired and angry over decades of failed Progressive policies. Trump, as flawed as he may be, was and is the flag bearer of that shake up and Friedman, the New York Times, academia and the rest of the national Progressive crowd are crying like a hungry baby with a dirty diaper because they didn't get their way.
How can you trust columnists, reporters and news outlets that purposely distort the news, make up the news ..... or lie?
But let's not forget those liberal colleges that pretend to teach your college-age children. These liberal professors are so brainwashed into thinking that liberalism and Progressivism are sacrosanct, they do everything in their power to silence any other avenue of thought. No, not every college professor is a rabid liberal carrier of the Progressive disease, but unfortunately, most of them are. We've selected a few quotes from college professors that illustrate the institutionalized liberal and often radical bias that exists in almost every college in America.
"Simply put: Thanksgiving is the day when the dominant white culture (and, sadly, most of the rest of the non-white but non-indigenous population) celebrates the beginning of a genocide that was, in fact, blessed by the men we hold up as our heroic founding fathers. …How does a country deal with the fact that some of its most revered historical figures had certain moral values and political views virtually identical to Nazis?" — Robert Jensen, University of Texas at Austin
"On September 11, 2001, nineteen Arab hijackers too demonstrated their willingness to die — and to kill — for their dream. They died so that their people might live, free and in dignity." — Shahid Alam, Northeastern University
"I live to harass white folks." — Derrick Bell, Harvard
"The blood is on the hands of the NRA. Next time, let it be YOUR sons and daughters. Shame on you. May God d*mn you." — David Guth, University of Kansas
"Real freedom will come when [U.S.] soldiers in Iraq turn their guns on their superiors." — John Daly, Warren County Community College
"The only true heroes are those who find ways that help defeat the U.S. military…I personally would like to see a million Mogadishus." — Nicholas De Genova, Columbia University
"Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, Kill your parents." — Bill Ayers, University of Illinois at Chicago
"As to those in the World Trade Center…Let’s get a grip here, shall we? True enough, they were civilians of a sort. But innocent? Gimme a break. …If there was a better, more effective, or in fact any other way of visiting some penalty befitting their participation upon the little Eichmanns inhabiting the sterile sanctuary of the twin towers, I’d really be interested in hearing about it." — Ward Churchill, University of Colorado at Boulder
The foregoing is just a sample of what liberal professors actually think. We found many more comments just as egregious.
But our educational institutions don't begin and end with liberal indoctrination in America's colleges. It goes all the way back to Kindergarten and through 12th grade public education that has now been infected with Common Core State Standards (CCSS). We described CCSS in our August 7, 2013 article entitled: "Common Core Standards - Suspicions Confirmed." Common Core State Standards are riddled with United Nations internationally defined social justice and radical environmentalism. One of the standards includes this all-illuminating phrase: "CCSS must respond to equity as a meaningful process to address the social justice issues of race, language, gender and class bias." This statement was in a math class directive. A math class!?
The other words and phrases that caught our eye in CCSS were "social interactionist theories", "social and cultural theories", "social contexts" and "equity." The words "social" and "equity" are recurrent themes in everything we read about Common Core State Standards. These words come right out of United Nations socialist policies, parroted by liberals and you won't find them in the U. S. Constitution.
Social justice and social equity have now become more important and have greater priority in the public school curriculum than Reading, 'Riting and 'Rithmetic.
The point of all this discussion is, how can you trust the utterances of academia, or even teachers in K-12, when a huge majority of the professors and teachers are steeped in only one ideological, philosophical and political point of view that vehemently rejects any other point of view?
How can you trust government when it abuses its power so readily, so often and with deadly force against its own citizens? How can you trust the news media when it creates false news and outright lies to their viewing, reading and listening audiences?
If the people cannot trust their government, or the news media, or academia, or public education, then these entities have become the enemy of the people and must be resisted by any and all means.
Finally, there is a president who will bring that resistance to the front doors of these entities in open and notorious defiance. If he succeeds, that could be the turning point that conservatives have been waiting and praying for, ever since the days of President Woodrow Wilson and the 16th Amendment.
Sadly, ladies and gentlemen, after over 100 years, Progressivism is so embedded in our institutions and the mindset of the people, it may be that only a revolution will break the strangle hold it has on our culture, our economics and our freedom. At this time, there simply is no organized and well-financed resistance to unravel Progressivism and like all Republics before us, the people will wait until it is too late to mount an effective challenge. All the words and utterances in all the conservative venues won't change anything. In contrast, "The Other Side" is well organized and well funded. Hopefully, some day, the people will come to realize that Progressivism is as much a danger to freedom as the atomic bomb is a danger to the entire human race. See our new video entitled: "Progressivism, An Existential Threat to Freedom."
Let us know if you LIKED this article.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Because of an earlier event where a U. S. Marshal was killed by Randy Weaver's 14-year old son, and the son was killed by the other U. S. Marshals, an FBI "kill order" went out to all FBI agents that had descended on the scene. The Weavers were to be killed on sight. The wholly preventable tragic episode lasted 11 days. Retired Lieutenant Colonel Bo Gritz was successful in negotiating an end to the standoff. The event stemmed from Randy Weaver trying to sell two sawed off shotguns to an ATF informant and then not showing up for his court hearing, leading to U. S. Marshals showing up at the cabin.
Rumors that the FBI had engaged in a cover-up regarding the Ruby Ridge operation were verified when E. Michael Kahoe, former chief of the FBI’s violent crimes section, pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice in 1996. Kahoe, who had destroyed an official bureau critique of the standoff, was sentenced to 18 months in prison. Weaver and Harris won a $3.1 Million dollar settlement from the government.
The well-known government siege that occurred at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas between February 28th and April 19th in 1993 was a similar event of out-of-control government power. It resulted in the death of 76 people, including young children living in the compound, burned to death by the ensuing fire. The memory of that event is burned into the minds of conservatives all over America.
Also burned into the memory of millions of Americans, especially Japanese Americans, was FDR's February 19, 1942 Executive Order 9066, which interned (jailed) upwards of 120,000 Americans of Japanese ancestry in military camps on the West Coast. The government used the military to round up these Americans and don't think for one minute the government wouldn't do it again. Now do you still trust government?
Never forget that government is force and it is power. Thomas Jefferson warned us that: Has the U. S. Government become tyrannical? You decide.
But this government over-reach and abuse of power doesn't stop there. In a much more recent case, FBI agents and Oregon County Sheriffs and State Patrol Troopers staged an ambush on a desolate, snowy stretch of Oregon highway to apprehend Ammon Bundy and the others that occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge to protest the incarceration of ranchers Dwight and Steven Hammond. The ambush led to the assassination by the officers of Lavoy Finicum, one of the occupiers of the wildlife refuge. A jury would later acquit the surviving occupiers, to the dismay and disappointment of the government prosecutors.
We wrote about the event in a recent article: "Over the last several decades, small, local skirmishes, sometimes violent, started erupting in different parts of the West, in response to the government and environmental land grab, which led to the Sagebrush Rebellion in the 1970’s. The skirmishes started to grow in size, which culminated in the Bundy Ranch standoff in 2014 at Bunkerville, NV between 200 heavily armed BLM agents and several hundred private citizens carrying guns. A shooting war where private citizens would start dying in the desert for all to see at the hands of federal agents, wouldn’t play well with public opinion. The event was widely covered by the news media and the government wisely stood down."
As Americans push back against rising government abuse, harassment, interference and growing regulations, government responds with overwhelming force, totally out of proportion to the event, in an overt act of tyranny, as they did in Ruby Ridge, Idaho; Waco, Texas; Bunkerville, Nevada and Burns, Oregon.
But it's not just government that Americans can't trust. The lack of trust also extends to the news media and even academia. Both lie extensively, distort events to fit their agenda and infuse events and even science with a rabid Progressive mindset, man-caused global warming being a glaring example.
A few days ago the Associated Press reported a bogus story that the President was going to use the National Guard to round up illegal aliens and deport them, whether criminals or not. The story was an outright fabrication, in other words, fake news.
In a recent article by Thomas Friedman in the New York Times, he wrote: “Ladies and gentlemen, we were attacked on Dec. 7, 1941, we were attacked on Sept. 11, 2001, and we were attacked on Nov. 8, 2016. That most recent attack didn't involve a horrible loss of lives, but it was devastating in its own way.”
Devastating Mr. Friedman? How? Devastating to Progressives maybe. Friedman purposely fails to recognize and attacks the 63,000,000 Americans in the 30 states that voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. They voted for a candidate that was going to shake up the status quo and rattle the timbers of the establishment elite. They voted for Trump because they had grown tired and angry over decades of failed Progressive policies. Trump, as flawed as he may be, was and is the flag bearer of that shake up and Friedman, the New York Times, academia and the rest of the national Progressive crowd are crying like a hungry baby with a dirty diaper because they didn't get their way.
How can you trust columnists, reporters and news outlets that purposely distort the news, make up the news ..... or lie?
But let's not forget those liberal colleges that pretend to teach your college-age children. These liberal professors are so brainwashed into thinking that liberalism and Progressivism are sacrosanct, they do everything in their power to silence any other avenue of thought. No, not every college professor is a rabid liberal carrier of the Progressive disease, but unfortunately, most of them are. We've selected a few quotes from college professors that illustrate the institutionalized liberal and often radical bias that exists in almost every college in America.
"Simply put: Thanksgiving is the day when the dominant white culture (and, sadly, most of the rest of the non-white but non-indigenous population) celebrates the beginning of a genocide that was, in fact, blessed by the men we hold up as our heroic founding fathers. …How does a country deal with the fact that some of its most revered historical figures had certain moral values and political views virtually identical to Nazis?" — Robert Jensen, University of Texas at Austin
"On September 11, 2001, nineteen Arab hijackers too demonstrated their willingness to die — and to kill — for their dream. They died so that their people might live, free and in dignity." — Shahid Alam, Northeastern University
"I live to harass white folks." — Derrick Bell, Harvard
"The blood is on the hands of the NRA. Next time, let it be YOUR sons and daughters. Shame on you. May God d*mn you." — David Guth, University of Kansas
"Real freedom will come when [U.S.] soldiers in Iraq turn their guns on their superiors." — John Daly, Warren County Community College
"The only true heroes are those who find ways that help defeat the U.S. military…I personally would like to see a million Mogadishus." — Nicholas De Genova, Columbia University
"Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, Kill your parents." — Bill Ayers, University of Illinois at Chicago
"As to those in the World Trade Center…Let’s get a grip here, shall we? True enough, they were civilians of a sort. But innocent? Gimme a break. …If there was a better, more effective, or in fact any other way of visiting some penalty befitting their participation upon the little Eichmanns inhabiting the sterile sanctuary of the twin towers, I’d really be interested in hearing about it." — Ward Churchill, University of Colorado at Boulder
The foregoing is just a sample of what liberal professors actually think. We found many more comments just as egregious.
But our educational institutions don't begin and end with liberal indoctrination in America's colleges. It goes all the way back to Kindergarten and through 12th grade public education that has now been infected with Common Core State Standards (CCSS). We described CCSS in our August 7, 2013 article entitled: "Common Core Standards - Suspicions Confirmed." Common Core State Standards are riddled with United Nations internationally defined social justice and radical environmentalism. One of the standards includes this all-illuminating phrase: "CCSS must respond to equity as a meaningful process to address the social justice issues of race, language, gender and class bias." This statement was in a math class directive. A math class!?
The other words and phrases that caught our eye in CCSS were "social interactionist theories", "social and cultural theories", "social contexts" and "equity." The words "social" and "equity" are recurrent themes in everything we read about Common Core State Standards. These words come right out of United Nations socialist policies, parroted by liberals and you won't find them in the U. S. Constitution.
Social justice and social equity have now become more important and have greater priority in the public school curriculum than Reading, 'Riting and 'Rithmetic.
The point of all this discussion is, how can you trust the utterances of academia, or even teachers in K-12, when a huge majority of the professors and teachers are steeped in only one ideological, philosophical and political point of view that vehemently rejects any other point of view?
How can you trust government when it abuses its power so readily, so often and with deadly force against its own citizens? How can you trust the news media when it creates false news and outright lies to their viewing, reading and listening audiences?
If the people cannot trust their government, or the news media, or academia, or public education, then these entities have become the enemy of the people and must be resisted by any and all means.
Finally, there is a president who will bring that resistance to the front doors of these entities in open and notorious defiance. If he succeeds, that could be the turning point that conservatives have been waiting and praying for, ever since the days of President Woodrow Wilson and the 16th Amendment.
Sadly, ladies and gentlemen, after over 100 years, Progressivism is so embedded in our institutions and the mindset of the people, it may be that only a revolution will break the strangle hold it has on our culture, our economics and our freedom. At this time, there simply is no organized and well-financed resistance to unravel Progressivism and like all Republics before us, the people will wait until it is too late to mount an effective challenge. All the words and utterances in all the conservative venues won't change anything. In contrast, "The Other Side" is well organized and well funded. Hopefully, some day, the people will come to realize that Progressivism is as much a danger to freedom as the atomic bomb is a danger to the entire human race. See our new video entitled: "Progressivism, An Existential Threat to Freedom."
Let us know if you LIKED this article.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"America's 'Poor Me' Generation, Awash in Self-pity!”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, February 19, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
"Life is a fight, a fight to stay alive and a fight to keep others and government from taking your life or your liberty from you. Acknowledge that fact and you might just survive as a free man. Those awash in self-pity and think of themselves as victims will never be free and they will be a heavy burden on the rest of society." Ron Ewart
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In the year 1620 and beyond, they crossed the Atlantic in sailing ships to get to America and freedom. The journey could take anywhere from six to 12 weeks to make the crossing, depending on the winds. Life aboard ship was primitive at best. Firsthand accounts speak of illness, cramped quarters, food and water rations. They had to endure scurvy, diphtheria, dysentery and seasickness. They were at the mercy of the captain, ship owners ..... and the sea. Many of them died during the passage. Because the journey was so long, when passengers died, their bodies were thrown overboard because there was no way to store them on the ship. The bones of thousands of Pilgrims are held forever in the bosom of the Atlantic Ocean, on their failed journey to freedom.
There was no government to protect the Pilgrims, pay their fare to the new land, or provide a handout if they got sick or destitute. Those who could not pay were required to remain on board the ship until they were sold into indentured servitude and forced to work to pay for their voyage.
When the surviving Pilgrims landed on the shores of America, they were faced with life in the wilderness and attacks by local Indian tribes. Health care and doctors were almost non-existent. You either survived because of your wits and plain dumb luck, or died from the elements, starvation, disease, or an Indian arrow.
They crossed the plains in covered wagons to reach some dream they had of owning land in the territories, or striking it rich in the gold fields. They built up little towns and roads, bridges, businesses and schools. Then the trains came and they could expand their travel and markets exponentially. The only thing the government did was to provide the land for the railroad companies and land grants to eager settlers, under the Homestead Act of 1862. If the settler worked and improved his land for five years, it was his land to keep for free and he will have earned it many times over.
But other than that, there was no government farming subsidies. There were no food stamps, rent assistance, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, welfare, much less free college tuition. These hardy people built a nation and they did it with little help from government and even less government interference. They persevered by main strength and awkwardness. Many times they lost, but got up again and pressed forward. Their strength was built on adversity. They didn't "cry", "moan", "groan", or "complain" to government when the going got tough. They just worked harder or found a way to "fix" whatever they faced at the time. They didn't win all the time but nevertheless, most never gave up. That beginning environment of adversity forged the strength of a nation and was the foundation of a strong, prosperous and exceptional America.
When the wave of European immigrants passed through Ellis Island (1892 to 1954) eager to come to the land of the free and the home of the brave, government provided little to no assistance. In fact, the government went to great lengths to see that the arriving immigrants could support themselves and had enough money to get started in their new land. The government even initiated a "head tax" for arriving immigrants. They were screened for disease and other maladies. Up to 20% of the arriving immigrants were returned to their native country for one reason or another.
Not so today. Illegal immigrants that evade the Border Patrol receive no screening for disease or the ability to sustain themselves. There is little effort to round them up and deport them for breaking our immigration laws, once "lost" in the general population. Instead, they are molly coddled, pampered, paid and protected by sanctuary jurisdictions and immigration advocates.
Legal and illegal immigrants and refugees arriving in America receive all kinds of government assistance, a monumental burden on the American taxpayer, a huge drag on the economy and a giant magnet to attract more of them. It is no wonder that America is broke and deep in debt.
But let's get back to the "Poor Me" whiners, crybabies, protestors and self-ascribed victims in America that inhabit our colleges, ghettos and immigrant enclaves. Millions of Americans and legal and illegal immigrants have become the "poor me" generation, most of them subscribing to the left side of politics. Their forbearers of colonial and pioneer days are rolling in their graves to see how their descendants turned out. More than half of them wouldn't survive under the conditions our forefathers and mothers had to endure. If they suddenly found themselves in the wilderness, most of them wouldn't have the slightest idea on how to survive, because they haven't been taught.
They haven't been taught about self-reliance, personal responsibility and individual freedom. They haven't been trained to survive when the going gets tough. Adversity builds strength and character. The easy life, where there is no discipline and where everything is provided for them, leads to personal weakness, low self-esteem and the desire to indulge in pleasures of the flesh. Instead of looking to them selves to solve their own problems, they have been taught to look to government and government is only too eager to "help" them, but with a string attached. The string comes at the voting booth where those receiving the government "help" are obliged to vote for those providing the "help."
We all know which Party is offering the "help", with money from the Public Treasury to which none in the Party own any piece thereof. Under law, they call this robbing-the-till for personal gain what it is, grand theft, punishable by fines and imprisonment. Unfortunately, the "help" this Party offered to its "Poor Me" groupies turned out to be a very expensive, slowly evaporating mirage on a distant horizon. That "help" just converted otherwise potentially strong individuals, into crybabies and bowls of quivering yellow jelly and made them helpless cripples.
What we do know is that those reading this column are probably not members of the "Poor Me" generation.
Ever since the government-triggered Great Depression and the rapid rise of socialism under FDR, America has been headed downhill, away from individual freedom, self-reliance and personal responsibility and towards collectivism, dependency and government control of everything. The passage of the 16th Amendment in 1913, which created the Federal Reserve and the IRS, was no coincidence. It was no coincidence that the government, in the late 1920's, retained the University of Illinois and Harvard University to study how to control people through their subconscious minds. It was no coincidence that the U. S. economy suddenly collapsed in 1929. It was no coincidence that socialism rose rapidly under FDR during the 1930's and beyond. It was no coincidence that the gold standard was abolished in 1933. America was bankrupt, threatened by Communism and headed for Hell. Socialism and top-down control of the masses was government's and the central bankers' answer.
We just received a response to one of our recent articles where the person described, in one paragraph, what happened to America since the 1930's. He wrote:
"The 'Master Plan' for the USA has always been to reduce the USA to a third world feudal state by diluting the gene and intelligence pool, degrading education, attacking tradition and culture, abolishing the nuclear family, promoting sexual perversion and abnormality and hybrid relationships, debasing the currency, eliminating the middle class, dissolving Christianity, ignoring the Constitution, weakening and removing personal liberty and base freedoms, and importing as many impoverished and uneducated persons from around the globe to economically and socially drain as much life from the US as possible ..... Marxism masquerading as immigration. The US has been in the crosshairs for decades because to take down the 'Crown Jewel' of the Western world is to send a message to all other countries that they can also be co-opted. 'Front end' rationale for any action taken by this government is not ever the reason for the action. Ponder no longer on the matter. The destruction of western civilization is the goal."
When you throw back the curtain and expose the politicians, central bankers and industrialist "Wizards" calling the shots, this gentleman cannot be too far off the mark. The whiners, crybabies, protestors and self-ascribed victims in America are the result of actions of the "Wizards" pulling the strings of international money, commerce, trade, wars and politics. The "Wizards" have bought off the people with a few pieces of silver and filled their "Little Black Boxes" with hogwash, mush and propaganda.
These same "Wizards" (mostly Progressives) have convinced the "Poor Me" generation that because they are poor, sick, out of work, an illegal immigrant, refugee, Black, Latino, gay, transgender, or just plain lazy, they have an irrevocable claim to everyone else's money and sweat labor, or special treatment from government. To pay for their alleged irrevocable claim, or special treatment, the government collects that money in an act of forced charity ..... at the point of a gun. Charity should have never become the purview of government and was never authorized by the Constitution. Charity, to be true charity, must be voluntary, not mandatory. Mandatory charity is slavery by any other name.
Sadly, the weakest among us have sold their souls and given away their freedom for so little because their parents did not teach them critical thinking, personal responsibility, to question everything, how to recognize a fraud and to never trust government.
Everything you think you know is probably a government, media, or academia created illusion with the sole intent of controlling the masses. The international environmental movement and social justice were designed to that end and to re-distribute the wealth of western nations. Economy destroying, expensive legislative actions to limit alleged man-caused global warming, are just one of the elements of the international environmental plan of control.
Americans have been hoodwinked by "100+ Years of Progressive Rule" that champion a collectivist culture, social justice, radical environmentalism, appeasement of our enemies, a massive welfare state, illegal immigrants, sanctuary cities, open borders and mindless compliant citizens. Progressives have created multiples of a "Poor Me" generation, awash in self-pity, low self-esteem and rabid self-indulgence, requiring that their only salvation is being dependent on Mother government when things go wrong in their lives and things are always going wrong in their lives.
With over half of the American people steeped in this "dependent" culture, planted there by decades of constant Progressive indoctrination and brainwashing, the fate of America is pre-ordained unless President Trump and those that support him can trigger a massive flashback to the time of self-reliance, independence, personal responsibility and individual freedom. As we stated in our last article: "A successful Trump presidency may very well prevent the revolution that was coming to America, if Progressivism were to prevail."
But like the fighter pilot says after consuming over half of his fuel, "we have passed the point of no return ..... without midair refueling." We had better hope that midair refueling happens soon ..... very soon, or Progressivism, collectivism and socialism will have won and individual freedom will have been thrown on the trash heap of forgotten Republics.
If you LIKED this article, let us know. Constructive comments welcome.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
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In the year 1620 and beyond, they crossed the Atlantic in sailing ships to get to America and freedom. The journey could take anywhere from six to 12 weeks to make the crossing, depending on the winds. Life aboard ship was primitive at best. Firsthand accounts speak of illness, cramped quarters, food and water rations. They had to endure scurvy, diphtheria, dysentery and seasickness. They were at the mercy of the captain, ship owners ..... and the sea. Many of them died during the passage. Because the journey was so long, when passengers died, their bodies were thrown overboard because there was no way to store them on the ship. The bones of thousands of Pilgrims are held forever in the bosom of the Atlantic Ocean, on their failed journey to freedom.
There was no government to protect the Pilgrims, pay their fare to the new land, or provide a handout if they got sick or destitute. Those who could not pay were required to remain on board the ship until they were sold into indentured servitude and forced to work to pay for their voyage.
When the surviving Pilgrims landed on the shores of America, they were faced with life in the wilderness and attacks by local Indian tribes. Health care and doctors were almost non-existent. You either survived because of your wits and plain dumb luck, or died from the elements, starvation, disease, or an Indian arrow.
They crossed the plains in covered wagons to reach some dream they had of owning land in the territories, or striking it rich in the gold fields. They built up little towns and roads, bridges, businesses and schools. Then the trains came and they could expand their travel and markets exponentially. The only thing the government did was to provide the land for the railroad companies and land grants to eager settlers, under the Homestead Act of 1862. If the settler worked and improved his land for five years, it was his land to keep for free and he will have earned it many times over.
But other than that, there was no government farming subsidies. There were no food stamps, rent assistance, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, welfare, much less free college tuition. These hardy people built a nation and they did it with little help from government and even less government interference. They persevered by main strength and awkwardness. Many times they lost, but got up again and pressed forward. Their strength was built on adversity. They didn't "cry", "moan", "groan", or "complain" to government when the going got tough. They just worked harder or found a way to "fix" whatever they faced at the time. They didn't win all the time but nevertheless, most never gave up. That beginning environment of adversity forged the strength of a nation and was the foundation of a strong, prosperous and exceptional America.
When the wave of European immigrants passed through Ellis Island (1892 to 1954) eager to come to the land of the free and the home of the brave, government provided little to no assistance. In fact, the government went to great lengths to see that the arriving immigrants could support themselves and had enough money to get started in their new land. The government even initiated a "head tax" for arriving immigrants. They were screened for disease and other maladies. Up to 20% of the arriving immigrants were returned to their native country for one reason or another.
Not so today. Illegal immigrants that evade the Border Patrol receive no screening for disease or the ability to sustain themselves. There is little effort to round them up and deport them for breaking our immigration laws, once "lost" in the general population. Instead, they are molly coddled, pampered, paid and protected by sanctuary jurisdictions and immigration advocates.
Legal and illegal immigrants and refugees arriving in America receive all kinds of government assistance, a monumental burden on the American taxpayer, a huge drag on the economy and a giant magnet to attract more of them. It is no wonder that America is broke and deep in debt.
But let's get back to the "Poor Me" whiners, crybabies, protestors and self-ascribed victims in America that inhabit our colleges, ghettos and immigrant enclaves. Millions of Americans and legal and illegal immigrants have become the "poor me" generation, most of them subscribing to the left side of politics. Their forbearers of colonial and pioneer days are rolling in their graves to see how their descendants turned out. More than half of them wouldn't survive under the conditions our forefathers and mothers had to endure. If they suddenly found themselves in the wilderness, most of them wouldn't have the slightest idea on how to survive, because they haven't been taught.
They haven't been taught about self-reliance, personal responsibility and individual freedom. They haven't been trained to survive when the going gets tough. Adversity builds strength and character. The easy life, where there is no discipline and where everything is provided for them, leads to personal weakness, low self-esteem and the desire to indulge in pleasures of the flesh. Instead of looking to them selves to solve their own problems, they have been taught to look to government and government is only too eager to "help" them, but with a string attached. The string comes at the voting booth where those receiving the government "help" are obliged to vote for those providing the "help."
We all know which Party is offering the "help", with money from the Public Treasury to which none in the Party own any piece thereof. Under law, they call this robbing-the-till for personal gain what it is, grand theft, punishable by fines and imprisonment. Unfortunately, the "help" this Party offered to its "Poor Me" groupies turned out to be a very expensive, slowly evaporating mirage on a distant horizon. That "help" just converted otherwise potentially strong individuals, into crybabies and bowls of quivering yellow jelly and made them helpless cripples.
What we do know is that those reading this column are probably not members of the "Poor Me" generation.
Ever since the government-triggered Great Depression and the rapid rise of socialism under FDR, America has been headed downhill, away from individual freedom, self-reliance and personal responsibility and towards collectivism, dependency and government control of everything. The passage of the 16th Amendment in 1913, which created the Federal Reserve and the IRS, was no coincidence. It was no coincidence that the government, in the late 1920's, retained the University of Illinois and Harvard University to study how to control people through their subconscious minds. It was no coincidence that the U. S. economy suddenly collapsed in 1929. It was no coincidence that socialism rose rapidly under FDR during the 1930's and beyond. It was no coincidence that the gold standard was abolished in 1933. America was bankrupt, threatened by Communism and headed for Hell. Socialism and top-down control of the masses was government's and the central bankers' answer.
We just received a response to one of our recent articles where the person described, in one paragraph, what happened to America since the 1930's. He wrote:
"The 'Master Plan' for the USA has always been to reduce the USA to a third world feudal state by diluting the gene and intelligence pool, degrading education, attacking tradition and culture, abolishing the nuclear family, promoting sexual perversion and abnormality and hybrid relationships, debasing the currency, eliminating the middle class, dissolving Christianity, ignoring the Constitution, weakening and removing personal liberty and base freedoms, and importing as many impoverished and uneducated persons from around the globe to economically and socially drain as much life from the US as possible ..... Marxism masquerading as immigration. The US has been in the crosshairs for decades because to take down the 'Crown Jewel' of the Western world is to send a message to all other countries that they can also be co-opted. 'Front end' rationale for any action taken by this government is not ever the reason for the action. Ponder no longer on the matter. The destruction of western civilization is the goal."
When you throw back the curtain and expose the politicians, central bankers and industrialist "Wizards" calling the shots, this gentleman cannot be too far off the mark. The whiners, crybabies, protestors and self-ascribed victims in America are the result of actions of the "Wizards" pulling the strings of international money, commerce, trade, wars and politics. The "Wizards" have bought off the people with a few pieces of silver and filled their "Little Black Boxes" with hogwash, mush and propaganda.
These same "Wizards" (mostly Progressives) have convinced the "Poor Me" generation that because they are poor, sick, out of work, an illegal immigrant, refugee, Black, Latino, gay, transgender, or just plain lazy, they have an irrevocable claim to everyone else's money and sweat labor, or special treatment from government. To pay for their alleged irrevocable claim, or special treatment, the government collects that money in an act of forced charity ..... at the point of a gun. Charity should have never become the purview of government and was never authorized by the Constitution. Charity, to be true charity, must be voluntary, not mandatory. Mandatory charity is slavery by any other name.
Sadly, the weakest among us have sold their souls and given away their freedom for so little because their parents did not teach them critical thinking, personal responsibility, to question everything, how to recognize a fraud and to never trust government.
Everything you think you know is probably a government, media, or academia created illusion with the sole intent of controlling the masses. The international environmental movement and social justice were designed to that end and to re-distribute the wealth of western nations. Economy destroying, expensive legislative actions to limit alleged man-caused global warming, are just one of the elements of the international environmental plan of control.
Americans have been hoodwinked by "100+ Years of Progressive Rule" that champion a collectivist culture, social justice, radical environmentalism, appeasement of our enemies, a massive welfare state, illegal immigrants, sanctuary cities, open borders and mindless compliant citizens. Progressives have created multiples of a "Poor Me" generation, awash in self-pity, low self-esteem and rabid self-indulgence, requiring that their only salvation is being dependent on Mother government when things go wrong in their lives and things are always going wrong in their lives.
With over half of the American people steeped in this "dependent" culture, planted there by decades of constant Progressive indoctrination and brainwashing, the fate of America is pre-ordained unless President Trump and those that support him can trigger a massive flashback to the time of self-reliance, independence, personal responsibility and individual freedom. As we stated in our last article: "A successful Trump presidency may very well prevent the revolution that was coming to America, if Progressivism were to prevail."
But like the fighter pilot says after consuming over half of his fuel, "we have passed the point of no return ..... without midair refueling." We had better hope that midair refueling happens soon ..... very soon, or Progressivism, collectivism and socialism will have won and individual freedom will have been thrown on the trash heap of forgotten Republics.
If you LIKED this article, let us know. Constructive comments welcome.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"How Many Illegals, Refugees and Addicts Can We Afford?”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, February 12, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
According to the Federal Highway Administration, more than 68,000 American bridges are structurally deficient. They estimate the cost to repair and maintain those bridges at $71 Billion. The Transportation.gov website has determined that most of America's roads are in poor condition, ranging from 19% in Georgia to 73% in Illinois.
Any good engineer will tell you that "deferred maintenance" (putting off repairs and maintenance) leads to higher costs ..... much higher costs. "Deferred maintenance" is what America has done to her roads, bridges, train tracks, tunnels, airports, water and sewer lines, natural gas and oil pipelines and electrical generation and power distribution facilities.
Most maintenance and repairs for infrastructure are put off because of the lack of money. But how can such a rich country allow its infrastructure to decay so badly. It puts American lives at risk and raises the cost of property damage, auto and truck repairs and insurance, astronomically? How can a country that boasts the highest standard of living on the planet be out of money and so deep in debt? The answer lies directly at the foot of "100+ Years of Progressive Rule."
Like many pundits often say, "follow the money".
The most reliable estimates state that illegal immigrants cost the American taxpayer around $113 Billion per year, $84 Billion of which is shouldered by the states. These estimates are over and above any contributions made to the economy by illegal immigrants.
Obviously, these estimates do not include the huge costs of the Border Patrol ($12 Billion in 2013, currently over 20,000 agents), Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) ($5.8 Billion in FY 2011- 20,000 employees), or the cost of detainment. As an example, the federal government paid GEO Group $32,000,000 to build a containment center at the border, or $52,632 per bed. The government pays GEO Group $15,000,000 a year to operate the facility.
But the illegal immigrants detained at this one facility stay for an average of only 12 hours before most of them are released into the general population with a bond to make a court appearance. In 2010 it was reported that 715,000 of these illegal immigrants released on bond, failed to appear at the court hearings and are now living in the shadows and costing taxpayers billions of dollars every year. That number has probably doubled since 2010. Apparently, the Trump administration has stopped Obama's "catch and release" policy and illegal immigrants will be ushered back across the border to whence they came, that is if some Democrat State Attorney general doesn't convince some federal judge to overturn Trump's order.
The hard truth is, Border Patrol and ICE spend the lion's share of their time controlling border security and enforcing immigration law because of illegal immigrants. On top of that, the Border Patrol and ICE are up against open defiance from hundreds of "Sanctuary Cities." Thus, the real cost of illegal immigration is in the billions of dollars above the $113 Billion estimate.
We are told that the compassionate thing to do is to absorb as many legal and illegal immigrants that we can. Just how many illegal immigrants, that are now costing the American taxpayer $113 Billion per year or more, can America afford? It only takes $71 Billion to fix America's bridges.
But one of the other nagging questions is, how many non-assimilating illegal immigrants does it take to irreversibly alter the culture of a nation in the name of compassion? It is a fact! Too much multi-culturalism, with irreconcilable differences, destroys a free nation. It is destroying ours.
Very seldom do you see press reports on the cost to the American taxpayer for refugee resettlement programs. Since 1983 when the Office of Refugee Resettlements (ORR) was established pursuant to "The Refugee Act of 1980 (Section 413(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act", well over 2,500,000 refugees, from many parts of the globe, have been admitted to the U. S. The five-year cost for each refugee has been calculated at $64,370, or over $257,000 per household. The total annual cost is well over $3 Billion but increases every year as more refugees get on the program ..... and never get off. This does not include State Department, Health and Human Services, or Department of Homeland Security costs involved in the refugee program. Further, welfare use is staggering among refugees. Officials never count refugee welfare usage as part of the cost of the program. Yet, when it is included, some estimates put the total cost of the refugee program to as much as $20 billion a year. But worse, most refugees seldom assimilate into American culture, especially Muslim refugees.
According to the "2009 HUD Report to Congress on Refugee Resettlement", only 57.7% of refugees become self-sufficient after 5 years. Obviously then, 42.3% remain on resettlement programs, or welfare, or both. However, the definition of “self-sufficiency” has been steadily defined downward. A refugee can be considered “self-sufficient” while using all of the welfare programs available to legal Americans.
Until Trump's recent Executive Order, the program gradually shifted towards the resettlement of refugees from Muslim countries. Yes, there are some Christians or other minorities, but most are Muslims. In the early 90’s the percentage of Muslim refugees was near zero. By 2000 the program was 44% Muslim. The Muslim component decreased after 911, but today is back up to about 40% and is likely to rise. Strangely, membership in a U.S.-registered Islamic terrorist group is not a bar to entry on the program as long as the refugee was not a “direct participant” in “terrorist” activity.
More often than not, the United Nations dictates the refugees that America must take. Even worse, thanks to Obama, America is now being forced to absorb 1,250 Muslim refugees that Australia refused entry.
To many, the refugee resettlement program is a self-perpetuating global enterprise. Staff and management of the hundreds of taxpayer supported U.S. contractors are largely refugees or immigrants themselves that want to add their extended families or friends to the refugee program. Like so many government programs, the refugee resettlement program has become an ever-expanding cash cow for charitable organizations. There is so much federal money available to charitable organizations for refugee resettlement, private capital has been driven out.
Here again, we are told that the compassionate thing to do is to absorb as many refugees as we can. But how many refugees at some $20 Billion per year, can America afford? It doesn't seem like much in the general scheme of things, but the costs never go down. They just keep rising, year, after year, after year.
Once again, how many non-assimilating refugees does it take to permanently alter the culture of a nation in the name of compassion? Even compatible people can't get along very well. In-compatible people start fights and wars. Too much multi-culturalism, with irreconcilable differences, destroys a free nation. It is destroying ours as it is destroying Europe.
In this category we are talking about REAL money. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the total annual cost for Tobacco abuse is $295 Billion with $130 Billion going to health care. The total cost of Alcohol abuse is $224 Billion with $25 Billion going to health care. The total cost of illicit drug abuse is $193 Billion with $11 Billion going to health care. This comes to a staggering $712 Billion per year and doesn't include the cost that addiction inflicts on human lives.
"A study funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) found that 77.4 percent of treatment in 2003 was paid for by Medicaid, Medicare, and other federal, state and local sources, up from 50.4 percent in 1986. Meanwhile, the private sector's share of the treatment cost burden slipped from 49.6 percent in 1986 to 22.6 percent in 2003."
If these numbers are even remotely correct and if the taxpayer is really picking up 77.4% of the cost of addiction and substance abuse, the taxpayer is footing $551 Billion of the total annual cost. You can repair a lot of roads and fix a lot of bridges for $551 Billion. America is indeed a sick, decadent and weak nation because of rampant substance abuse. Our drug addiction also feeds the brutal drug cartels and makes them powerful billionaires that kill for sport.
According to the Heritage Foundation, "The American welfare system is very complex. It involves six major federal departments that include Health and Human Services, Department of Agriculture, Housing and Urban Development, the Labor Department, Department of Treasury and Department of Education. The total estimated annual cost for state and federal welfare is $927 Billion from 79 welfare, interrelated, overlapping agencies and programs that distribute means-tested welfare. It is not unusual for a poor family to receive benefits from four different departments through as many as six or seven overlapping programs."
The opportunities to abuse all of these programs are immense. The "Federal Safety Net" website has published statistics for welfare fraud. For fiscal year 2015, $711.4 Billion was spent on 14 welfare categories. Of that $711.4 Billion, $71.5 Billion (10.1%) was due to fraud.
How much of that $711.4 Billion goes to welfare cheats and freeloaders is almost impossible to quantify. But if all of the fraud were assigned to welfare cheats and freeloaders, that amount would repair and maintain all of America's bridges.
The Center for Immigration Studies calculated that illegal immigrant households cost an average of $5,692 per year, using at least one or more welfare programs. At 11,000,000 estimated illegal immigrants in America, (it is probably much higher than that) the cost to the American taxpayer for illegal immigrants using welfare programs comes to over $1.57 Billion per year.
Yes, America is a rich and prosperous nation with a deep culture of compassion for those less fortunate. But when compassion for refugees, illegal immigrants, addicts, the disabled and the poor becomes irrational, without regard to the resources necessary to sustain that compassion; when compassion starts eating into the very resources necessary to defend the nation and maintain its standard of living; when compassion becomes government-enforced charity at the point of a gun and destroys our cherished individual liberties; when compassion starts irrevocably altering the long-accepted culture of a nation; when compassion becomes a threat to our national security; when compassion is used as a tool by one party to buy votes to gain perpetual power as the Progressives have done for over 100 years; when compassion creates a debt that can never be repaid, then compassion becomes a mindless obsession for its own sake and is, in fact, the very definition of insanity. We will have become a poisonous spider stinging itself to death.
Everyone wants to come to America and share the freedoms we observe and millions don't mind breaking our laws to get here, or overstaying their visas. Millions of Americans and non-Americans want to "partake" in America's generosity, even if they have no right to "partake." Many want to come here to kill us.
Seven billion people live on this planet and at least 80% of that seven Billion are living in war or poverty, or under brutal dictators. America can only absorb a tiny fraction of that 80% without drowning. If we don't control our compassion for refugees and illegal immigrants, we will significantly reduce or eliminate our freedoms, change our culture to a point that it will be unrecognizable, get so far in debt there is no recovery and put our national security in grave peril.
Our roads, bridges, tunnels, train tracks, airports and utilities will never be repaired or properly maintained. This insane, Progressive-driven, "let 'em all in" mentality on the guise of compassion, or votes, will SWAMP our own lifeboat.
We predict that by the year 2040, nothing will remain of the Founder's dream of liberty for all men under a Constitutional Republic, if America continues on its current path of irrational compassion.
Give us your TAKE on the issue.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
Any good engineer will tell you that "deferred maintenance" (putting off repairs and maintenance) leads to higher costs ..... much higher costs. "Deferred maintenance" is what America has done to her roads, bridges, train tracks, tunnels, airports, water and sewer lines, natural gas and oil pipelines and electrical generation and power distribution facilities.
Most maintenance and repairs for infrastructure are put off because of the lack of money. But how can such a rich country allow its infrastructure to decay so badly. It puts American lives at risk and raises the cost of property damage, auto and truck repairs and insurance, astronomically? How can a country that boasts the highest standard of living on the planet be out of money and so deep in debt? The answer lies directly at the foot of "100+ Years of Progressive Rule."
Like many pundits often say, "follow the money".
The most reliable estimates state that illegal immigrants cost the American taxpayer around $113 Billion per year, $84 Billion of which is shouldered by the states. These estimates are over and above any contributions made to the economy by illegal immigrants.
Obviously, these estimates do not include the huge costs of the Border Patrol ($12 Billion in 2013, currently over 20,000 agents), Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) ($5.8 Billion in FY 2011- 20,000 employees), or the cost of detainment. As an example, the federal government paid GEO Group $32,000,000 to build a containment center at the border, or $52,632 per bed. The government pays GEO Group $15,000,000 a year to operate the facility.
But the illegal immigrants detained at this one facility stay for an average of only 12 hours before most of them are released into the general population with a bond to make a court appearance. In 2010 it was reported that 715,000 of these illegal immigrants released on bond, failed to appear at the court hearings and are now living in the shadows and costing taxpayers billions of dollars every year. That number has probably doubled since 2010. Apparently, the Trump administration has stopped Obama's "catch and release" policy and illegal immigrants will be ushered back across the border to whence they came, that is if some Democrat State Attorney general doesn't convince some federal judge to overturn Trump's order.
The hard truth is, Border Patrol and ICE spend the lion's share of their time controlling border security and enforcing immigration law because of illegal immigrants. On top of that, the Border Patrol and ICE are up against open defiance from hundreds of "Sanctuary Cities." Thus, the real cost of illegal immigration is in the billions of dollars above the $113 Billion estimate.
We are told that the compassionate thing to do is to absorb as many legal and illegal immigrants that we can. Just how many illegal immigrants, that are now costing the American taxpayer $113 Billion per year or more, can America afford? It only takes $71 Billion to fix America's bridges.
But one of the other nagging questions is, how many non-assimilating illegal immigrants does it take to irreversibly alter the culture of a nation in the name of compassion? It is a fact! Too much multi-culturalism, with irreconcilable differences, destroys a free nation. It is destroying ours.
Very seldom do you see press reports on the cost to the American taxpayer for refugee resettlement programs. Since 1983 when the Office of Refugee Resettlements (ORR) was established pursuant to "The Refugee Act of 1980 (Section 413(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act", well over 2,500,000 refugees, from many parts of the globe, have been admitted to the U. S. The five-year cost for each refugee has been calculated at $64,370, or over $257,000 per household. The total annual cost is well over $3 Billion but increases every year as more refugees get on the program ..... and never get off. This does not include State Department, Health and Human Services, or Department of Homeland Security costs involved in the refugee program. Further, welfare use is staggering among refugees. Officials never count refugee welfare usage as part of the cost of the program. Yet, when it is included, some estimates put the total cost of the refugee program to as much as $20 billion a year. But worse, most refugees seldom assimilate into American culture, especially Muslim refugees.
According to the "2009 HUD Report to Congress on Refugee Resettlement", only 57.7% of refugees become self-sufficient after 5 years. Obviously then, 42.3% remain on resettlement programs, or welfare, or both. However, the definition of “self-sufficiency” has been steadily defined downward. A refugee can be considered “self-sufficient” while using all of the welfare programs available to legal Americans.
Until Trump's recent Executive Order, the program gradually shifted towards the resettlement of refugees from Muslim countries. Yes, there are some Christians or other minorities, but most are Muslims. In the early 90’s the percentage of Muslim refugees was near zero. By 2000 the program was 44% Muslim. The Muslim component decreased after 911, but today is back up to about 40% and is likely to rise. Strangely, membership in a U.S.-registered Islamic terrorist group is not a bar to entry on the program as long as the refugee was not a “direct participant” in “terrorist” activity.
More often than not, the United Nations dictates the refugees that America must take. Even worse, thanks to Obama, America is now being forced to absorb 1,250 Muslim refugees that Australia refused entry.
To many, the refugee resettlement program is a self-perpetuating global enterprise. Staff and management of the hundreds of taxpayer supported U.S. contractors are largely refugees or immigrants themselves that want to add their extended families or friends to the refugee program. Like so many government programs, the refugee resettlement program has become an ever-expanding cash cow for charitable organizations. There is so much federal money available to charitable organizations for refugee resettlement, private capital has been driven out.
Here again, we are told that the compassionate thing to do is to absorb as many refugees as we can. But how many refugees at some $20 Billion per year, can America afford? It doesn't seem like much in the general scheme of things, but the costs never go down. They just keep rising, year, after year, after year.
Once again, how many non-assimilating refugees does it take to permanently alter the culture of a nation in the name of compassion? Even compatible people can't get along very well. In-compatible people start fights and wars. Too much multi-culturalism, with irreconcilable differences, destroys a free nation. It is destroying ours as it is destroying Europe.
In this category we are talking about REAL money. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the total annual cost for Tobacco abuse is $295 Billion with $130 Billion going to health care. The total cost of Alcohol abuse is $224 Billion with $25 Billion going to health care. The total cost of illicit drug abuse is $193 Billion with $11 Billion going to health care. This comes to a staggering $712 Billion per year and doesn't include the cost that addiction inflicts on human lives.
"A study funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) found that 77.4 percent of treatment in 2003 was paid for by Medicaid, Medicare, and other federal, state and local sources, up from 50.4 percent in 1986. Meanwhile, the private sector's share of the treatment cost burden slipped from 49.6 percent in 1986 to 22.6 percent in 2003."
If these numbers are even remotely correct and if the taxpayer is really picking up 77.4% of the cost of addiction and substance abuse, the taxpayer is footing $551 Billion of the total annual cost. You can repair a lot of roads and fix a lot of bridges for $551 Billion. America is indeed a sick, decadent and weak nation because of rampant substance abuse. Our drug addiction also feeds the brutal drug cartels and makes them powerful billionaires that kill for sport.
According to the Heritage Foundation, "The American welfare system is very complex. It involves six major federal departments that include Health and Human Services, Department of Agriculture, Housing and Urban Development, the Labor Department, Department of Treasury and Department of Education. The total estimated annual cost for state and federal welfare is $927 Billion from 79 welfare, interrelated, overlapping agencies and programs that distribute means-tested welfare. It is not unusual for a poor family to receive benefits from four different departments through as many as six or seven overlapping programs."
The opportunities to abuse all of these programs are immense. The "Federal Safety Net" website has published statistics for welfare fraud. For fiscal year 2015, $711.4 Billion was spent on 14 welfare categories. Of that $711.4 Billion, $71.5 Billion (10.1%) was due to fraud.
How much of that $711.4 Billion goes to welfare cheats and freeloaders is almost impossible to quantify. But if all of the fraud were assigned to welfare cheats and freeloaders, that amount would repair and maintain all of America's bridges.
The Center for Immigration Studies calculated that illegal immigrant households cost an average of $5,692 per year, using at least one or more welfare programs. At 11,000,000 estimated illegal immigrants in America, (it is probably much higher than that) the cost to the American taxpayer for illegal immigrants using welfare programs comes to over $1.57 Billion per year.
Yes, America is a rich and prosperous nation with a deep culture of compassion for those less fortunate. But when compassion for refugees, illegal immigrants, addicts, the disabled and the poor becomes irrational, without regard to the resources necessary to sustain that compassion; when compassion starts eating into the very resources necessary to defend the nation and maintain its standard of living; when compassion becomes government-enforced charity at the point of a gun and destroys our cherished individual liberties; when compassion starts irrevocably altering the long-accepted culture of a nation; when compassion becomes a threat to our national security; when compassion is used as a tool by one party to buy votes to gain perpetual power as the Progressives have done for over 100 years; when compassion creates a debt that can never be repaid, then compassion becomes a mindless obsession for its own sake and is, in fact, the very definition of insanity. We will have become a poisonous spider stinging itself to death.
Everyone wants to come to America and share the freedoms we observe and millions don't mind breaking our laws to get here, or overstaying their visas. Millions of Americans and non-Americans want to "partake" in America's generosity, even if they have no right to "partake." Many want to come here to kill us.
Seven billion people live on this planet and at least 80% of that seven Billion are living in war or poverty, or under brutal dictators. America can only absorb a tiny fraction of that 80% without drowning. If we don't control our compassion for refugees and illegal immigrants, we will significantly reduce or eliminate our freedoms, change our culture to a point that it will be unrecognizable, get so far in debt there is no recovery and put our national security in grave peril.
Our roads, bridges, tunnels, train tracks, airports and utilities will never be repaired or properly maintained. This insane, Progressive-driven, "let 'em all in" mentality on the guise of compassion, or votes, will SWAMP our own lifeboat.
We predict that by the year 2040, nothing will remain of the Founder's dream of liberty for all men under a Constitutional Republic, if America continues on its current path of irrational compassion.
Give us your TAKE on the issue.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"100+ Years of Progressive Rule Unraveling”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, February 5, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
The Democrats are shocked, dumbstruck, blinded-sided and apoplectic! How could a brash, untamed, crude billionaire businessman appear on the political scene and shake the very timbers of 100 plus years of Progressive rule? How dare this champion slayer of the establishment, challenge the Progressive Way that has been silently and with premeditation, infiltrated the fabric of America and lies embedded in every American institution, as well as being buried in the "Little Black Box" of at least four generations of millions of duped Americans. (See "Little Black Box Theory")
From President Wilson's Sixteenth Amendment, to FDR's unconscionable perversion of the U. S. Constitution and his giant leap into socialism, to President Johnson's Great Society failed welfare experiment and to President Obama's delusion of hope, change and foreign policy through appeasement, America, on the flawed ideology of Progressivism, has slid so far from its roots of individual liberty and international influence and power, as to be unrecognizable. America is flat broke, deep in debt and has embarrassed itself to the rest of the world.
But for decades and to this day, much of America was and is in silent foment over Progressive rule. Taxes mounted to the point of wealth confiscation to pay for Progressive vote-buying policies. Regulations at the federal, state and local levels were growing exponentially. By the late 1960's radical environmentalism had taken control over every human activity and added strangling regulations and huge costs to everything Americans buy, including their homes, energy and food.
From 1950 to 2016 the national debt, driven by Progressive policies, grew 20 fold from less than $1 Trillion in 1950 to almost $20 Trillion in 2016. During Obama's 8-year term in office, the national debt doubled from $10 Trillion to almost $20 Trillion. (20,000,000,000,000 one-dollar bills laid end to end would reach almost 2 billion miles into deep space, or 247,000,000 miles past the orbit of the Planet Uranus.)
According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), by 2026 the national debt is estimated to increase to $33 Trillion because of unfunded Progressive legislation. The cost burden to taxpayers for regulations, welfare, benefits to illegal aliens and government give-away programs keep increasing. (See: "The Masses Need A Course in Economics, Capital and Freedom")
Government intrusion into our private lives has risen to the point from which revolutions are born.
Federal agencies like the Bureau of Land Management and U. S. Fish and Wildlife were and are attacking ranchers and farmers across the American West like never before, in the name of radical environmentalism. Those unwarranted attacks on private land ownership have led to seething anger and armed standoffs between ranchers and armed bureaucrats. (If you are a rural landowner, you need the information, products and services offered by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF RURAL LANDOWNERS (NARLO) to defend against these attacks.)
Businesses were and still are being overwhelmed with regulations, taxes, time-consuming paperwork and many businesses have had to endure unwarranted raids by drunk-with-power federal agencies, on trumped up charges. To escape the taxes and regulations, large businesses that could, were taking their manufacturing operations offshore. Cities, run mostly by Democrats, were being decimated and headed for bankruptcy and ruin as the manufacturing jobs dried up and the cost of welfare for the victims rose. As a result, these dying cities have become a greater drain on the federal budget.
Our foreign policy based on Obama's weakness and appeasement, encouraged the rise of radical Islamic terrorism and Americans were dying in significant numbers, as America joined the rest of the world in frequent terror attacks.
Russia and China have taken advantage of America's weakness and are engaging in armed incursions into other sovereign nations, or claiming possession of whole oceans and international shipping lanes.
Illegal immigration into our country from central and South America and enemy nations has become a mass illegal invasion of America from cultures that are not compatible with a free society. They have brought with them drugs, sex slaves, disease, crime, terrorism, a socialist mindset and in some cases a religion that is diametrically opposed to America's Judeo-Christian heritage. These illegal aliens protest in the streets of "Sanctuary Cities" for "their" rights, while waving the Mexican, or some other non-American flag. The cost to taxpaying Americans is in the multi-billions of dollars every year. The federal government's criminal mismanagement of this human invasion, borders on treason.
(See: "Sanctuary Cities Slap Every Lawful American in the Face")
The seeds of dissent and discontent were and are boiling in undercurrents across the land. Utterances of resistance were silent no more. Talk of armed revolution danced more frequently in the minds of some reactionaries. The size of militia groups has grown larger. Open violations of law by normally law-abiding citizens were becoming more frequent. Rising regulations were making more Americans lawbreakers. America, as a free nation, appeared to be doomed.
But then a strange thing happened on the way to the 2016 presidential election. A very imperfect, un-conventional, almost guttural, outspoken, married-three-times, non-politician, billionaire businessman decided to throw his hat into the presidential ring. His chances at the start of the campaign to win the Republican nomination were slim to none. The pundits predicted his demise was just a matter of a few days, weeks, or months away at best. They were wrong.
Throughout the year and a half campaign Trump continued to throw indelicate arrows at everyone who dared to challenge his candidacy, including the press and his Republican challengers. When it wasn't going his way, he placed the blame on the polls, or cheating by other Republican candidates. It didn't matter. He called his Republican opponents all kinds of names. It didn't matter. One by one his challengers dropped out, not being able to excite those people that rallied around Trump, that Hillary Clinton called a "basket of deplorables".
Trump promised things to his followers that could only be accomplished if he was King, but the followers hung on and they grew in numbers every day. In spite of every negative torpedo the press, Democrats and establishment Republicans could throw at him, including being called a racist and sexual predator, to just about everyone's surprise, Donald J. Trump won the Republican nomination. Meanwhile, all the soothsayers were betting on the candidacy of "Crooked Hillary", as Trump loved to call her. They were betting on her all the way up to 11:00 PM Eastern Time on the day of the election.
During the three months from the Republican Convention, leading up to the November 6th election, Trump continued his barrage of tweets and indiscrete utterances. He would say outlandish things that couldn't be supported by the facts. It didn't matter. His loyalists remained steadfast. Instead of allowing minor irritants to pass, he would tweet a response that would set the media on fire and prolong the irritant. It didn't matter.
He defied all the nay-sayers, odds-makers and prognosticators and by 11:00 PM Eastern time on the day of the election, one by one the swing states had fallen to Trump and the Electoral College was his. Trump was now President-Elect and the Democrats were dumb-founded, in disarray ..... and mad as Hell. How could this have happened when Hillary was pre-anointed by the Progressive establishment and the press for her to become the next President? The skids were greased and over a billion dollars in donations were spent, but she lost anyway. It was unfathomable, unthinkable!
Nevertheless, from the day of the election to Trump's Inauguration on January 20th, 2017, the dissenters and detractors never gave up. The Democrats were shocked and bewildered and the press couldn't figure out how they got it so wrong, not realizing that the 2016 election was a referendum on Progressivism. Negative press against Trump flowed like water over a falls and continues to this day and will continue for the length of his presidency.
The day after the Inauguration, millions of women marched in cities across America and across the globe, in open defiance of Trump and the anti-Progressive policies he promised to in-act. Trump was and is to these women and all other liberals, the archenemy of Progressivism.
Now we know that anyone that has been paying attention knows all of this, but how many know just how bad Progressivism has been for America. Progressivism has weakened the very fabric of America's strength, her people and made millions of them weak, docile, compliant and hopeless dependent on government. Progressives have divided America up into constituency groups of race, age and gender (Democrat voting blocks) that constantly berate constitutional principles for and on behalf of the Democrats, while beating the political drums for a free hand out, or a special benefit, without regard to the cost.
Progressivism is a philosophy of government that has broken the back and bankrupted this once great land and stolen her individual freedom by using vote-buying, indoctrination, brainwashing, propaganda, hype, distortions and outright lies. Progressivism is why America is flat broke and deep in debt.
In sharp contrast, tens of millions of Trump supporters found him to be a needed breath of fresh air. He was the change-maker to save America from the scourge of Progressivism, collectivism and globalism. He was the slayer of all things Progressive and the drainer of the alligator and mosquito infested establishment swamp. With bravado rarely seen in a politician, he promised he would rise up America into the promise of her Founding Fathers. He would bring back the jobs and raise the poor and downtrodden out of poverty. He would re-build our roads, train tracks, tunnels and bridges. He would strengthen our military and restore America to the super power she was destined to be. He would tell our enemies their days are numbered. Many conservatives have waited decades to hear these words and promises of immediate action.
Trump even nominated powerful people to his cabinet that would get the "job" done.
With any luck, he, President Donald J. Trump, will bring back the pride of being an American and return America's exceptionalism, economically, financially, culturally, spiritually and militarily.
Hopefully, Trump can also stop this man-caused global warming insanity being foisted upon the American people by environmentally crazed Progressives. (Three years of alleged warming is nothing compared to geologic time. The planet has warmed about every 100,000 years to today's temperatures and higher in the last 500,000 years, prior to the industrial revolution.)
(See: "Please, Please, Democrats, Sue to Defend Climate Change")
It's no wonder that Democrats, liberals and Progressives are scared and shaking in their boots. Good Lord, Roe vs. Wade might be overturned. Women might lose their free contraceptives, free loaders might lose their government checks and illegal aliens could be deported. It's no wonder they are marching in the streets in large numbers. Their world of collectivism, multi-culturalism, irrational compassion, sanctuary cities, political correctness, "free-stuff", amnesty for illegal aliens and the one-world-order could be collapsing around them.
If Trump is even partially successful and we expect him to be in spite of his frequent gaffs, the fallacy of Progressivism will be exposed once and for all. The socialist poison they have fed to the American people for the last 100 plus years will come up against the Trump anti-dote of individual liberty, free trade, economic prosperity and national strength. Progressivism will be on trial all across America and with a little help from providence, the rule of law, freedom, liberty, the American people and the free world will be the winners. A successful Trump presidency may very well prevent the revolution that was coming to America, if Progressivism were to prevail.
Throughout history, all Republics eventually evolve into socialism and oppression. After years of socialist oppression the people finally resort to the last alternative to preserve freedom ..... revolution. But we don't have to repeat history if the American people will always maintain the mindset that freedom isn't free and acknowledge that, "we are only one generation away from slavery."
Under Trump, "Progressive rule may be up for grabs for now," but it has a nasty habit of re-appearing as a lesion on the skin of humanity, if the people don't take the difficult task of "cutting out" that lesion every now and then ..... by any means necessary.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
From President Wilson's Sixteenth Amendment, to FDR's unconscionable perversion of the U. S. Constitution and his giant leap into socialism, to President Johnson's Great Society failed welfare experiment and to President Obama's delusion of hope, change and foreign policy through appeasement, America, on the flawed ideology of Progressivism, has slid so far from its roots of individual liberty and international influence and power, as to be unrecognizable. America is flat broke, deep in debt and has embarrassed itself to the rest of the world.
But for decades and to this day, much of America was and is in silent foment over Progressive rule. Taxes mounted to the point of wealth confiscation to pay for Progressive vote-buying policies. Regulations at the federal, state and local levels were growing exponentially. By the late 1960's radical environmentalism had taken control over every human activity and added strangling regulations and huge costs to everything Americans buy, including their homes, energy and food.
From 1950 to 2016 the national debt, driven by Progressive policies, grew 20 fold from less than $1 Trillion in 1950 to almost $20 Trillion in 2016. During Obama's 8-year term in office, the national debt doubled from $10 Trillion to almost $20 Trillion. (20,000,000,000,000 one-dollar bills laid end to end would reach almost 2 billion miles into deep space, or 247,000,000 miles past the orbit of the Planet Uranus.)
According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), by 2026 the national debt is estimated to increase to $33 Trillion because of unfunded Progressive legislation. The cost burden to taxpayers for regulations, welfare, benefits to illegal aliens and government give-away programs keep increasing. (See: "The Masses Need A Course in Economics, Capital and Freedom")
Government intrusion into our private lives has risen to the point from which revolutions are born.
Federal agencies like the Bureau of Land Management and U. S. Fish and Wildlife were and are attacking ranchers and farmers across the American West like never before, in the name of radical environmentalism. Those unwarranted attacks on private land ownership have led to seething anger and armed standoffs between ranchers and armed bureaucrats. (If you are a rural landowner, you need the information, products and services offered by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF RURAL LANDOWNERS (NARLO) to defend against these attacks.)
Businesses were and still are being overwhelmed with regulations, taxes, time-consuming paperwork and many businesses have had to endure unwarranted raids by drunk-with-power federal agencies, on trumped up charges. To escape the taxes and regulations, large businesses that could, were taking their manufacturing operations offshore. Cities, run mostly by Democrats, were being decimated and headed for bankruptcy and ruin as the manufacturing jobs dried up and the cost of welfare for the victims rose. As a result, these dying cities have become a greater drain on the federal budget.
Our foreign policy based on Obama's weakness and appeasement, encouraged the rise of radical Islamic terrorism and Americans were dying in significant numbers, as America joined the rest of the world in frequent terror attacks.
Russia and China have taken advantage of America's weakness and are engaging in armed incursions into other sovereign nations, or claiming possession of whole oceans and international shipping lanes.
Illegal immigration into our country from central and South America and enemy nations has become a mass illegal invasion of America from cultures that are not compatible with a free society. They have brought with them drugs, sex slaves, disease, crime, terrorism, a socialist mindset and in some cases a religion that is diametrically opposed to America's Judeo-Christian heritage. These illegal aliens protest in the streets of "Sanctuary Cities" for "their" rights, while waving the Mexican, or some other non-American flag. The cost to taxpaying Americans is in the multi-billions of dollars every year. The federal government's criminal mismanagement of this human invasion, borders on treason.
(See: "Sanctuary Cities Slap Every Lawful American in the Face")
The seeds of dissent and discontent were and are boiling in undercurrents across the land. Utterances of resistance were silent no more. Talk of armed revolution danced more frequently in the minds of some reactionaries. The size of militia groups has grown larger. Open violations of law by normally law-abiding citizens were becoming more frequent. Rising regulations were making more Americans lawbreakers. America, as a free nation, appeared to be doomed.
But then a strange thing happened on the way to the 2016 presidential election. A very imperfect, un-conventional, almost guttural, outspoken, married-three-times, non-politician, billionaire businessman decided to throw his hat into the presidential ring. His chances at the start of the campaign to win the Republican nomination were slim to none. The pundits predicted his demise was just a matter of a few days, weeks, or months away at best. They were wrong.
Throughout the year and a half campaign Trump continued to throw indelicate arrows at everyone who dared to challenge his candidacy, including the press and his Republican challengers. When it wasn't going his way, he placed the blame on the polls, or cheating by other Republican candidates. It didn't matter. He called his Republican opponents all kinds of names. It didn't matter. One by one his challengers dropped out, not being able to excite those people that rallied around Trump, that Hillary Clinton called a "basket of deplorables".
Trump promised things to his followers that could only be accomplished if he was King, but the followers hung on and they grew in numbers every day. In spite of every negative torpedo the press, Democrats and establishment Republicans could throw at him, including being called a racist and sexual predator, to just about everyone's surprise, Donald J. Trump won the Republican nomination. Meanwhile, all the soothsayers were betting on the candidacy of "Crooked Hillary", as Trump loved to call her. They were betting on her all the way up to 11:00 PM Eastern Time on the day of the election.
During the three months from the Republican Convention, leading up to the November 6th election, Trump continued his barrage of tweets and indiscrete utterances. He would say outlandish things that couldn't be supported by the facts. It didn't matter. His loyalists remained steadfast. Instead of allowing minor irritants to pass, he would tweet a response that would set the media on fire and prolong the irritant. It didn't matter.
He defied all the nay-sayers, odds-makers and prognosticators and by 11:00 PM Eastern time on the day of the election, one by one the swing states had fallen to Trump and the Electoral College was his. Trump was now President-Elect and the Democrats were dumb-founded, in disarray ..... and mad as Hell. How could this have happened when Hillary was pre-anointed by the Progressive establishment and the press for her to become the next President? The skids were greased and over a billion dollars in donations were spent, but she lost anyway. It was unfathomable, unthinkable!
Nevertheless, from the day of the election to Trump's Inauguration on January 20th, 2017, the dissenters and detractors never gave up. The Democrats were shocked and bewildered and the press couldn't figure out how they got it so wrong, not realizing that the 2016 election was a referendum on Progressivism. Negative press against Trump flowed like water over a falls and continues to this day and will continue for the length of his presidency.
The day after the Inauguration, millions of women marched in cities across America and across the globe, in open defiance of Trump and the anti-Progressive policies he promised to in-act. Trump was and is to these women and all other liberals, the archenemy of Progressivism.
Now we know that anyone that has been paying attention knows all of this, but how many know just how bad Progressivism has been for America. Progressivism has weakened the very fabric of America's strength, her people and made millions of them weak, docile, compliant and hopeless dependent on government. Progressives have divided America up into constituency groups of race, age and gender (Democrat voting blocks) that constantly berate constitutional principles for and on behalf of the Democrats, while beating the political drums for a free hand out, or a special benefit, without regard to the cost.
Progressivism is a philosophy of government that has broken the back and bankrupted this once great land and stolen her individual freedom by using vote-buying, indoctrination, brainwashing, propaganda, hype, distortions and outright lies. Progressivism is why America is flat broke and deep in debt.
In sharp contrast, tens of millions of Trump supporters found him to be a needed breath of fresh air. He was the change-maker to save America from the scourge of Progressivism, collectivism and globalism. He was the slayer of all things Progressive and the drainer of the alligator and mosquito infested establishment swamp. With bravado rarely seen in a politician, he promised he would rise up America into the promise of her Founding Fathers. He would bring back the jobs and raise the poor and downtrodden out of poverty. He would re-build our roads, train tracks, tunnels and bridges. He would strengthen our military and restore America to the super power she was destined to be. He would tell our enemies their days are numbered. Many conservatives have waited decades to hear these words and promises of immediate action.
Trump even nominated powerful people to his cabinet that would get the "job" done.
With any luck, he, President Donald J. Trump, will bring back the pride of being an American and return America's exceptionalism, economically, financially, culturally, spiritually and militarily.
Hopefully, Trump can also stop this man-caused global warming insanity being foisted upon the American people by environmentally crazed Progressives. (Three years of alleged warming is nothing compared to geologic time. The planet has warmed about every 100,000 years to today's temperatures and higher in the last 500,000 years, prior to the industrial revolution.)
(See: "Please, Please, Democrats, Sue to Defend Climate Change")
It's no wonder that Democrats, liberals and Progressives are scared and shaking in their boots. Good Lord, Roe vs. Wade might be overturned. Women might lose their free contraceptives, free loaders might lose their government checks and illegal aliens could be deported. It's no wonder they are marching in the streets in large numbers. Their world of collectivism, multi-culturalism, irrational compassion, sanctuary cities, political correctness, "free-stuff", amnesty for illegal aliens and the one-world-order could be collapsing around them.
If Trump is even partially successful and we expect him to be in spite of his frequent gaffs, the fallacy of Progressivism will be exposed once and for all. The socialist poison they have fed to the American people for the last 100 plus years will come up against the Trump anti-dote of individual liberty, free trade, economic prosperity and national strength. Progressivism will be on trial all across America and with a little help from providence, the rule of law, freedom, liberty, the American people and the free world will be the winners. A successful Trump presidency may very well prevent the revolution that was coming to America, if Progressivism were to prevail.
Throughout history, all Republics eventually evolve into socialism and oppression. After years of socialist oppression the people finally resort to the last alternative to preserve freedom ..... revolution. But we don't have to repeat history if the American people will always maintain the mindset that freedom isn't free and acknowledge that, "we are only one generation away from slavery."
Under Trump, "Progressive rule may be up for grabs for now," but it has a nasty habit of re-appearing as a lesion on the skin of humanity, if the people don't take the difficult task of "cutting out" that lesion every now and then ..... by any means necessary.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Overrun and Overwhelmed by Illegal Aliens and Sanctuary Cities”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, January 22, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
Last week we described how "Sanctuary Cities Slap Every Lawful American in the Face." But sanctuary cities are just a symptom of a much larger problem. That larger problem lies in the grossly negligent, if not criminal mismanagement of the existing immigration system and immigration law, by the federal government. It is also embodied in the unconstitutional, irrational compassion displayed by liberal Americans and politicians over the plight of the nation's poor, minorities, or illegal immigrants, millions of whom want to live off billions of American taxpayer dollars through government-enforced charity.
In reality, most, if not all of the problems of America can be solved with fairly simple solutions, if it wasn't for the fact that those problems were obfuscated and clouded by a special interest agenda, or a bunch of politicians looking to pander to some group for votes, money, or an easy path to re-election. Never mind common sense or constitutional principles, or what a normal, reasonable and prudent person knows what is right.
Only government can make things complicated, ambiguous and essentially impossible to implement, much less understand. Only government can take a simple solution and convert it into 2,000 pages of double speak, political correctness and legal mumbo-gumbo, that would take a gaggle of outrageously high-paid lawyers to unravel, or find fertile grounds for never-ending lawsuits. Only government can manufacture a complex solution when there is already a simple solution available to us by just enforcing current laws.
Such is the case with illiterate, non-English speaking, illegal aliens that are pouring into this country by the millions, taking jobs, importing drugs, sexual slaves and other crimes, bringing in diseases America has eradicated years ago, over-whelming every social service offered by government and adversely "coloring" the political landscape.
Prior to Trump becoming President, we had an exchange with a gentleman who took issue with our stand on illegal immigration. This exchange illustrates the wide divide between opposing positions and perhaps why the problem hasn't been resolved. To set the stage, this gentleman is a farmer and a recent legal immigrant from Europe and probably a liberal. Perhaps these characteristics are a window to his position and bias. The following message outlines the basis for his arguments. Our response follows his message.
"I do not have to remind you that the 6 million Jews were exterminated through rounding them up through the help of employers, regulated by the government. Visit the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam, if you will, but if you deny 12 million people (or more) to make a living, they will resort to begging and stealing!!"
"So here is the simple solution: All of the illegal immigrants have to get a sponsor who will take care of them so that they are not a burden to society. (Employers will find a way to organize that) They can get citizenship (under some formula) if they do the following: pay their taxes, learn English, integrate in someway in US society, pay their debts and stay out of trouble (legally). So what is wrong with 12 million people who are working hard, which we need, because we do not want the jobs they do and which become citizens in due time?"
"The 'illegal immigrants' have become legal because of us not acting earlier."
"Anyway, quit whining about it, but come up with the solution."
We responded to this gentleman with the following:
"You have two biases that "color" your position. First, you are a farmer and second, you are a legal immigrant. But the American farmer is used to getting all kinds of government handouts for about 8 decades now from the American taxpayer, thanks to FDR. Maybe not you personally, but way too many farmers are receiving subsidies from our government that we get to pay for, when most farmers are profitable and do not need a subsidy. And even if they weren't profitable, there is nothing in our Constitution that grants farmers the right to taxpayer-funded subsidies.
Now, the farmers get an additional handout from our government by a failed immigration policy that tolerates illegal immigration because illegal aliens will supposedly take jobs (in the agricultural industry) that Americans don't want. That, of course, is pure bunk as they are also taking jobs in all kinds of other industries that Americans would definitely take ..... construction for one. Why? Cheap labor!
Long before illegal aliens came here to pick crops, as kids, we picked strawberries, loganberries and apples to earn pocket money. There are still a lot of American kids out there who would do the jobs at low wages, if those jobs weren't being sucked up by illegal aliens, or regulated out of existence."
"And to equate the situation with illegal aliens with what Hitler did in rounding up the Jews, is absolutely insulting, uncalled for and without merit."
"The hard truth is that millions of Americans are tired of paying billions of their tax dollars every year to subsidize a group of people who seem to find it perfectly OK to thumb their collective noses at our laws and come here, uneducated and jump on America's social services because they get paid so little by the agriculture industry, while educated immigrants who come here legally must wait years for citizenship. Further, illegal aliens come here with a socialist mindset and in large numbers are sure to turn this country socialistic if it wasn't for the fact we are there already. How dare they come to this country illegally, trample on our laws and then protest in the streets by the hundreds of thousands for civil rights, amnesty and government services, all the while waving a Mexican Flag."
"Do you have any idea what happens to a citizen of another country entering Mexico, protesting in the streets for government handouts? The Mexican government wouldn't tolerate for one second what our Government tolerates daily, the cost of which is charged to the American taxpayer. It's ludicrous, if not patently unjust! Americans cannot bear the entire burden of the third-world poor on their paychecks."
"And your last comment about 'quit whining' is also insulting. Many of us have offered solutions to the problem because it isn't rocket science. All we have to do is enforce our current laws. However, we have five solutions that will provide almost immediate relief to this problem."
1) Close and protect our borders from infiltration by illegal aliens, drugs and terrorists, by whatever means, including physical force. If there were severe penalties for crossing our borders, there would be less of it.
2) Enforce current law.
3) Immediately deport all illegal aliens that are caught without documentation, no hearings, no nothing. They are not entitled to due process and no right exists that entitles them to driver's licenses and government services.
4) Punish employers who hire illegal aliens and make them responsible for proving citizenship of their employees. As an employer, we took validating citizenship very seriously. If there was any question, we investigated.
5) As some states are doing now, stop all social benefits, education, bilingual services, emergency services and social services to any individual or family that is not a legal citizen of the United States unless here on a valid visa or green card and watch how fast they will self-deport.
"It is a tough stance but in the end we have learned that tough love is the best love and produces the best results, especially for an addiction by illegal aliens to American taxpayer-funded generosity. If these five things were vigorously implemented, the magnet for the illegal aliens coming here would mostly go away and so would the problem. A few states have already demonstrated that these solutions work. But then, when did our federal government do anything that was in the best interests of the American taxpayer, except pass laws to extract more taxes from them?"
"Your solution to get an American sponsor for 12 to 20 million illegal aliens is pie in the sky. It isn't going to happen. In short, as we stated in our LAST ARTICLE, any benefits derived from illegal aliens are far outweighed by the negatives they cause and it has to stop or we will be overrun, if we haven't been already."
"We are not about to turn over America to people who break our laws and think they now deserve amnesty because they are allegedly hard working and industrious. If illegal aliens are allowed to break our laws, while legal Americans are forced to obey them (and pay through the nose for those who break the law) then the law becomes meaningless. When the law becomes meaningless chaos reigns. With chaos comes a police state."
"And just because our government has tolerated the law breakers for all these years, does not justify continued law breaking and it does not eradicate the crime for those who committed them."
Now some of you may agree with the good farmer, but the questions he raises are based on false premises and irrational compassion and the solutions he offers will lead to chaos and the eventual destruction of freedom and American sovereignty. Anyone who can't see this is living in a virtual reality. We are not anti-immigrant, we are anti-breaking-the-law and rewarding lawbreakers with amnesty and unlimited social services that they don't deserve and that legal Americans have to fund. When do you get it folks? Government has made you an indentured slave, at the point of a gun, to every illegal immigrant that crosses our borders and sucks up your tax dollars. If this continues, then Americans are nothing but chumps and puppets of an out-of-control, tyrannical government.
Illegal immigration has been festering in America since the ink was dry on the Constitution. Racial bias and ethnic purity, along with financial, economic and security fears have driven immigration policy right, left, up, down and inside out for well over 150 years, every time a wave of immigration hits American shores.
Government always reacts to immigration woes. It is never proactive. Government policies can inhibit or enhance legal and illegal immigration. Since President Johnson's 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, government's policies have essentially created several magnets to illegal immigration. President Reagan's granting amnesty to over 3,000,000 illegal aliens without the enforcement of and severely penalizing illegal employment, just added to the magnets. President Obama's immigration executive orders have just accelerated illegal immigration.
But the worst magnet was the bastardization of the 14th Amendment that created what is now known as "Anchor Babies" where any child born in America, from anywhere on the planet, automatically becomes a citizen of the United States, allowing extended families to legally join the "baby."
Why do they come here? That's simple. They are leaving hopelessly crime-ridden, socialist countries where war, poverty, hunger and corruption impact their daily existence. Consequently, when they come here, their mindset is already socialist and they are looking for free handouts from government because they believe that government owes them. Democrats are all too willing to use "our" money to oblige them, ever since FDR re-invented the Constitution in his own socialist image.
Like most liberals, those hundreds of thousands of women and others marching last Sunday against a Trump presidency, say they want "justice." But their idea of justice is "free stuff" for free loaders and illegal aliens, on the back of the American taxpayer. Irrational compassion, at any cost, or for votes, will be the downfall of the American Republic.
Why aren't these illegal aliens stopped at the borders? Because the federal government, especially under the Obama Administration, refused to adequately protect our borders and enforce our laws. Hopefully, Trump will reverse this long, expensive, tragic injustice perpetrated on lawful, tax-paying Americans. We wish him well and we sincerely hope he can break up an over 100-year old, fully entrenched, liberal "System" ..... before it's too late.
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Rural landowners: Don't forget to protect your property line from government agents, law enforcement and other intruders with the most powerful, legally intimidating NO TRESPASSING sign on the planet.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
In reality, most, if not all of the problems of America can be solved with fairly simple solutions, if it wasn't for the fact that those problems were obfuscated and clouded by a special interest agenda, or a bunch of politicians looking to pander to some group for votes, money, or an easy path to re-election. Never mind common sense or constitutional principles, or what a normal, reasonable and prudent person knows what is right.
Only government can make things complicated, ambiguous and essentially impossible to implement, much less understand. Only government can take a simple solution and convert it into 2,000 pages of double speak, political correctness and legal mumbo-gumbo, that would take a gaggle of outrageously high-paid lawyers to unravel, or find fertile grounds for never-ending lawsuits. Only government can manufacture a complex solution when there is already a simple solution available to us by just enforcing current laws.
Such is the case with illiterate, non-English speaking, illegal aliens that are pouring into this country by the millions, taking jobs, importing drugs, sexual slaves and other crimes, bringing in diseases America has eradicated years ago, over-whelming every social service offered by government and adversely "coloring" the political landscape.
Prior to Trump becoming President, we had an exchange with a gentleman who took issue with our stand on illegal immigration. This exchange illustrates the wide divide between opposing positions and perhaps why the problem hasn't been resolved. To set the stage, this gentleman is a farmer and a recent legal immigrant from Europe and probably a liberal. Perhaps these characteristics are a window to his position and bias. The following message outlines the basis for his arguments. Our response follows his message.
"I do not have to remind you that the 6 million Jews were exterminated through rounding them up through the help of employers, regulated by the government. Visit the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam, if you will, but if you deny 12 million people (or more) to make a living, they will resort to begging and stealing!!"
"So here is the simple solution: All of the illegal immigrants have to get a sponsor who will take care of them so that they are not a burden to society. (Employers will find a way to organize that) They can get citizenship (under some formula) if they do the following: pay their taxes, learn English, integrate in someway in US society, pay their debts and stay out of trouble (legally). So what is wrong with 12 million people who are working hard, which we need, because we do not want the jobs they do and which become citizens in due time?"
"The 'illegal immigrants' have become legal because of us not acting earlier."
"Anyway, quit whining about it, but come up with the solution."
We responded to this gentleman with the following:
"You have two biases that "color" your position. First, you are a farmer and second, you are a legal immigrant. But the American farmer is used to getting all kinds of government handouts for about 8 decades now from the American taxpayer, thanks to FDR. Maybe not you personally, but way too many farmers are receiving subsidies from our government that we get to pay for, when most farmers are profitable and do not need a subsidy. And even if they weren't profitable, there is nothing in our Constitution that grants farmers the right to taxpayer-funded subsidies.
Now, the farmers get an additional handout from our government by a failed immigration policy that tolerates illegal immigration because illegal aliens will supposedly take jobs (in the agricultural industry) that Americans don't want. That, of course, is pure bunk as they are also taking jobs in all kinds of other industries that Americans would definitely take ..... construction for one. Why? Cheap labor!
Long before illegal aliens came here to pick crops, as kids, we picked strawberries, loganberries and apples to earn pocket money. There are still a lot of American kids out there who would do the jobs at low wages, if those jobs weren't being sucked up by illegal aliens, or regulated out of existence."
"And to equate the situation with illegal aliens with what Hitler did in rounding up the Jews, is absolutely insulting, uncalled for and without merit."
"The hard truth is that millions of Americans are tired of paying billions of their tax dollars every year to subsidize a group of people who seem to find it perfectly OK to thumb their collective noses at our laws and come here, uneducated and jump on America's social services because they get paid so little by the agriculture industry, while educated immigrants who come here legally must wait years for citizenship. Further, illegal aliens come here with a socialist mindset and in large numbers are sure to turn this country socialistic if it wasn't for the fact we are there already. How dare they come to this country illegally, trample on our laws and then protest in the streets by the hundreds of thousands for civil rights, amnesty and government services, all the while waving a Mexican Flag."
"Do you have any idea what happens to a citizen of another country entering Mexico, protesting in the streets for government handouts? The Mexican government wouldn't tolerate for one second what our Government tolerates daily, the cost of which is charged to the American taxpayer. It's ludicrous, if not patently unjust! Americans cannot bear the entire burden of the third-world poor on their paychecks."
"And your last comment about 'quit whining' is also insulting. Many of us have offered solutions to the problem because it isn't rocket science. All we have to do is enforce our current laws. However, we have five solutions that will provide almost immediate relief to this problem."
1) Close and protect our borders from infiltration by illegal aliens, drugs and terrorists, by whatever means, including physical force. If there were severe penalties for crossing our borders, there would be less of it.
2) Enforce current law.
3) Immediately deport all illegal aliens that are caught without documentation, no hearings, no nothing. They are not entitled to due process and no right exists that entitles them to driver's licenses and government services.
4) Punish employers who hire illegal aliens and make them responsible for proving citizenship of their employees. As an employer, we took validating citizenship very seriously. If there was any question, we investigated.
5) As some states are doing now, stop all social benefits, education, bilingual services, emergency services and social services to any individual or family that is not a legal citizen of the United States unless here on a valid visa or green card and watch how fast they will self-deport.
"It is a tough stance but in the end we have learned that tough love is the best love and produces the best results, especially for an addiction by illegal aliens to American taxpayer-funded generosity. If these five things were vigorously implemented, the magnet for the illegal aliens coming here would mostly go away and so would the problem. A few states have already demonstrated that these solutions work. But then, when did our federal government do anything that was in the best interests of the American taxpayer, except pass laws to extract more taxes from them?"
"Your solution to get an American sponsor for 12 to 20 million illegal aliens is pie in the sky. It isn't going to happen. In short, as we stated in our LAST ARTICLE, any benefits derived from illegal aliens are far outweighed by the negatives they cause and it has to stop or we will be overrun, if we haven't been already."
"We are not about to turn over America to people who break our laws and think they now deserve amnesty because they are allegedly hard working and industrious. If illegal aliens are allowed to break our laws, while legal Americans are forced to obey them (and pay through the nose for those who break the law) then the law becomes meaningless. When the law becomes meaningless chaos reigns. With chaos comes a police state."
"And just because our government has tolerated the law breakers for all these years, does not justify continued law breaking and it does not eradicate the crime for those who committed them."
Now some of you may agree with the good farmer, but the questions he raises are based on false premises and irrational compassion and the solutions he offers will lead to chaos and the eventual destruction of freedom and American sovereignty. Anyone who can't see this is living in a virtual reality. We are not anti-immigrant, we are anti-breaking-the-law and rewarding lawbreakers with amnesty and unlimited social services that they don't deserve and that legal Americans have to fund. When do you get it folks? Government has made you an indentured slave, at the point of a gun, to every illegal immigrant that crosses our borders and sucks up your tax dollars. If this continues, then Americans are nothing but chumps and puppets of an out-of-control, tyrannical government.
Illegal immigration has been festering in America since the ink was dry on the Constitution. Racial bias and ethnic purity, along with financial, economic and security fears have driven immigration policy right, left, up, down and inside out for well over 150 years, every time a wave of immigration hits American shores.
Government always reacts to immigration woes. It is never proactive. Government policies can inhibit or enhance legal and illegal immigration. Since President Johnson's 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, government's policies have essentially created several magnets to illegal immigration. President Reagan's granting amnesty to over 3,000,000 illegal aliens without the enforcement of and severely penalizing illegal employment, just added to the magnets. President Obama's immigration executive orders have just accelerated illegal immigration.
But the worst magnet was the bastardization of the 14th Amendment that created what is now known as "Anchor Babies" where any child born in America, from anywhere on the planet, automatically becomes a citizen of the United States, allowing extended families to legally join the "baby."
Why do they come here? That's simple. They are leaving hopelessly crime-ridden, socialist countries where war, poverty, hunger and corruption impact their daily existence. Consequently, when they come here, their mindset is already socialist and they are looking for free handouts from government because they believe that government owes them. Democrats are all too willing to use "our" money to oblige them, ever since FDR re-invented the Constitution in his own socialist image.
Like most liberals, those hundreds of thousands of women and others marching last Sunday against a Trump presidency, say they want "justice." But their idea of justice is "free stuff" for free loaders and illegal aliens, on the back of the American taxpayer. Irrational compassion, at any cost, or for votes, will be the downfall of the American Republic.
Why aren't these illegal aliens stopped at the borders? Because the federal government, especially under the Obama Administration, refused to adequately protect our borders and enforce our laws. Hopefully, Trump will reverse this long, expensive, tragic injustice perpetrated on lawful, tax-paying Americans. We wish him well and we sincerely hope he can break up an over 100-year old, fully entrenched, liberal "System" ..... before it's too late.
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Rural landowners: Don't forget to protect your property line from government agents, law enforcement and other intruders with the most powerful, legally intimidating NO TRESPASSING sign on the planet.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Sanctuary Cities Slap Every Lawful American in the Face”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, January 15, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
It's not just cities that are providing a safe haven for illegal alien lawbreakers that include aliens who have been deported, murderers, robbers, thieves, rapists, pimps, con artists, drug smugglers, human trafficking perpetrators, terrorists and others of a deplorable nature, and yes, some non-criminal individuals and families. There are several states, as well as multiple counties in almost every state that defy Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) with their sanctuary policies. About 300 jurisdictions in America have been identified by ICE as having a policy, or are non-cooperative when it comes to immigration enforcement. Many cities, like Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and New York are in open defiance of federal immigration law, with their respective mayors publicly thumbing their collective noses at immigration authorities.
From sources we learned that from January 1, 2014 to September 30, 2015 these sanctuary jurisdictions rejected more than 17,000 detainers for illegal immigrants, 11,800 of which had a prior criminal history. A detainer is issued by ICE to gain custody of specific criminal aliens for deportation, being held in another law enforcement jurisdiction. These illegal alien criminals are free to commit their crimes with impunity, thanks to illegal sanctuary policies. Who are their victims ..... lawful American citizens?
The illegal immigration problem is massive. One in four inmates in American prisons are illegal immigrants. In 2014, 36.7% of all felony convictions were illegal immigrants. Regarding the cost to taxpayers, the Heritage Foundation reports that: "in 2010, the average unlawful immigrant household received around $24,721 in government benefits and services while paying some $10,334 in taxes. This generated an average annual fiscal deficit (benefits received minus taxes paid) of around $14,387 per household. This cost was borne by U.S. taxpayers. Amnesty would provide unlawful households with access to over 80 means-tested welfare programs, Obamacare, Social Security, and Medicare. The fiscal deficit for each household would soar."
Most illegal immigrants have less than a 10-year education and are among the lowest wage earners, thereby contributing the least amount to taxes, compared to the benefits they consume.
Sanctuary states, counties and cities exacerbate these statistics by protecting criminals, undesirables and those illegal immigrants that have violated our laws by coming here illegally, raising the total cost to taxpayers for illegal immigration by billions of dollars.
In open defiance of their mandated duties and swearing to uphold the law of the land, an official of the Department of Justice of the Obama Administration confirmed in 2010 that the agency would not take any action against cities, or other sanctuary jurisdictions, that defy the "Illegal Immigration and Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act of 1996." (Pub. Law 104-208) True to their word, they haven't taken any action.
There is an unwritten policy on the Democrat side of the federal government who purposely look the other way on illegal immigration and are not concerned that our borders are as porous as Swiss cheese. The rationale is that these illegal immigrants will eventually receive legal status and will vote Democrat because most of them come from socialist countries, thereby securing perpetual Democrat control of power in America. The Democrats compassion rationale is hollow and only results in more illegal immigration.
Federal Law (8 USC ¶ 1227) describes in detail who is a deportable person and the list is lengthy.
But one of the provisions in the law "(2)(A)(i)(I)(II) "General Crimes" states that:
(i) Crimes of moral turpitude
Any alien who — (I) is convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude committed within five years (or 10 years in the case of an alien provided lawful permanent resident status under section 1255(j) of this title) after the date of admission, and (II) is convicted of a crime for which a sentence of one year or longer may be imposed, is deportable.
Moral Turpitude is a very broad term but has been defined in greater detail by court decisions and “refers generally to conduct that shocks the public conscience as being inherently base, vile, or depraved, contrary to the rules of morality and the duties owed between man and man, either one's fellow man, or society in general" and includes murder, voluntary manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter, rape, spousal abuse, child abuse, incest, kidnapping, robbery, aggravated assault, mayhem, animal fighting, theft, fraud, and conspiracy, or attempting to, or acting as an accessory to a crime.
In every sanctuary city, county and state in America there resides thousands of illegal immigrants who are guilty of moral turpitude under federal immigration law, as defined, and as such are deportable. In a flagrant, criminally negligent act, ICE released 86,288 illegal immigrant criminals into the general population from 2013 to 2015, according to ICE Director Sarah Saldana in written testimony to Congress. Those persons in our government, who made the decision to release known criminals, violent or otherwise, should be in jail themselves.
When illegal immigrant criminals are released into the general population, or come here illegally, where do you think they go? They migrate to sanctuary cities, counties and states of course, where the criminals will be shielded from federal prosecution by the governor of the state, or mayor, the city or county council, prosecuting attorneys, judges and law enforcement, by specific written or verbal sanctuary policies. Kate Steinle was a victim of and killed by one of those illegal alien criminals who had been deported 5 times and ended up in San Francisco, a sanctuary city.
ICE issues what are called detainers for illegal immigrants that are subject to deportation. Most if not all illegal immigrants are subject to deportation under 8 USC ¶ 1227, whether criminal or not. Under this statute, deportable persons are defined as:
"Any alien who is present in the United States in violation of this chapter or any other law of the United States, or whose nonimmigrant visa (or other documentation authorizing admission into the United States as a nonimmigrant) has been revoked under section 1201(i) of this title, is deportable."
One can safely conclude that anyone who has entered the U. S. illegally is deportable, unless they are seeking asylum for reasons covered under the law, subject to judicial review.
What seems to have gone unnoticed here is that the leaders of these sanctuary states, counties and cities are guilty of harboring fugitives from justice and potential terrorists by their policies, written or verbal and are "principals" under 18 USC Section 2, making them personally liable for their actions. Federal law 18 USC ¶ 1071 covers this harboring of fugitives by sanctuary cities wherein it states:
"Whoever harbors or conceals any person for whose arrest a warrant or process has been issued under the provisions of any law of the United States, so as to prevent his discovery and arrest, after notice or knowledge of the fact that a warrant or process has been issued for the apprehension of such person, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; except that if the warrant or process issued on a charge of felony, or after conviction of such person of any offense, the punishment shall be a fine under this title, or imprisonment for not more than five years, or both."
Under the "harboring" statute, 18 USC ¶ 1071, a "process" would be construed as an ICE detainer. It is logical to assume that sanctuary city leaders, or local law enforcement, have been issued those detainers, or had knowledge of them and flagrantly ignored them. In fact an ICE "detainer" was issued to the Sheriff of San Francisco County for Kate Steinle's killer, which said Sheriff promptly released the illegal immigrant criminal, purposely ignoring the ICE detainer. Therefore, the Sheriff directly violated 18 USC ¶ 1071. The San Francisco city and county leaders indirectly violated the statute by establishing the policy. Each of them should be tried for criminally violating federal law and held personally liable for their complicity in Kate Steinle's death. San Francisco's sanctuary city policy was a direct contributing factor in her death.
The Kate Steinle murder by an illegal immigrant criminal is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. A website was established to memorialize those Americans who were killed by illegal aliens HERE. It is not a complete list and it doesn't include those tens of thousands of Americans that were or will be severely injured or killed by other illegal aliens. The list is long and grows by the day because the federal government has allowed millions of illegal aliens to enter America, criminal and otherwise, with little or no penalty, thereby creating a magnate for further illegal immigration. As a result of government's negligence to properly manage our immigration system and our borders, there are somewhere between 11,000,000 to 30,000,000 illegal aliens residing in America (no one knows for sure). Hundreds of thousands of those illegal aliens are dangerous criminals and potential terrorists, preying on lawful Americans. Any sanctuary policy that shields illegal aliens, is a direct threat to national security.
It is possible that a Trump Department of Justice (DOJ) under Senator Jeff Sessions, the incoming U. S. Attorney General, will reverse the Obama Administration policy of coddling illegal aliens and start a vigorous enforcement of immigration law inside America and on her borders. Part of this vigorous enforcement should be a full frontal attack on sanctuary states, counties and cities by cutting off federal funding and bringing to trial those state, county and city leaders that harbor illegal criminals in violation of 18 USC ¶ 1071.
But we aren't waiting for the Department of Justice, or the Congress, to take on sanctuary states, counties and cities. We will be filing a formal Complaint and Request For Investigation with the U. S. Attorney in multiple districts, against these state, county and city leaders, under 18 USC ¶ 1071, with a copy forwarded to the incoming U. S. Attorney General, Jeff Sessions. This could take us several days to reach all of the relevant U. S. Attorneys. We have posted a sample of our Complaint on our website HERE. Our single Complaint, by itself, may not trigger an investigation, much less indictments. However, if hundreds of our readers used our sample Complaint and Request for Investigation and filed their own Complaint with specific U. S. Attorneys and the U. S. Attorney General, it is more likely that an investigation would commence into this open, festering, illegal alien wound that slaps every law abiding American in the face.
Each American citizen is required to obey the law or face penalties, fines and even imprisonment for violation of the law, depending on the severity of the violation. If you screw up your income taxes, or make a mistake, or don't pay what they think you owe them, or don't file, the IRS will be all over you and it could take years to get them off your back. Why isn't ICE just as relentless on illegal immigrants as the IRS is on taxpayers?
In fact, why are sanctuary jurisdictions thumbing their noses at federal immigration law while the rest of us must obey the law? Why do not their sanctuary actions fly in the face of justice, fairness, equity and the law? Why are illegal aliens, especially criminal ones, above the law and are entitled to sanctuary, or a status superior to lawful Americans? Why is it OK for lawful Americans, hapless victims of criminal and non-criminal illegal aliens due to government negligence, be forced to pay for those same illegal aliens that are sucking up government benefits and committing the crimes? Why indeed!
In a nation of laws, if laws aren't enforced equally across the board, then there is no law, only injustice and eventually anarchy and chaos.
When are the people of America going to rise up against sanctuary jurisdictions? When will they revolt against government-instituted injustices and crimes committed by illegal immigrants? If you are as incensed as we are against sanctuary states, counties and cities in America and you truly want to make a difference, please join with us in filing your own Complaint and Request for Investigation with multiple U. S. Attorney's offices and the U. S. Attorney General, as we are doing. All it will cost you are a few stamps, some paper, some envelopes and some of your time. Everything you need is on our "SANCTUARY" website page, including interactive maps and the U. S. Attorneys list. Or, view our new "Sanctuary City Video."
If you would like to receive a Microsoft WORD copy of our Complaint and Request for Investigation by e-mail, please click HERE. Be sure to include your name, county and state you live in. We will not e-mail the Complaint to blind mail addresses.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
From sources we learned that from January 1, 2014 to September 30, 2015 these sanctuary jurisdictions rejected more than 17,000 detainers for illegal immigrants, 11,800 of which had a prior criminal history. A detainer is issued by ICE to gain custody of specific criminal aliens for deportation, being held in another law enforcement jurisdiction. These illegal alien criminals are free to commit their crimes with impunity, thanks to illegal sanctuary policies. Who are their victims ..... lawful American citizens?
The illegal immigration problem is massive. One in four inmates in American prisons are illegal immigrants. In 2014, 36.7% of all felony convictions were illegal immigrants. Regarding the cost to taxpayers, the Heritage Foundation reports that: "in 2010, the average unlawful immigrant household received around $24,721 in government benefits and services while paying some $10,334 in taxes. This generated an average annual fiscal deficit (benefits received minus taxes paid) of around $14,387 per household. This cost was borne by U.S. taxpayers. Amnesty would provide unlawful households with access to over 80 means-tested welfare programs, Obamacare, Social Security, and Medicare. The fiscal deficit for each household would soar."
Most illegal immigrants have less than a 10-year education and are among the lowest wage earners, thereby contributing the least amount to taxes, compared to the benefits they consume.
Sanctuary states, counties and cities exacerbate these statistics by protecting criminals, undesirables and those illegal immigrants that have violated our laws by coming here illegally, raising the total cost to taxpayers for illegal immigration by billions of dollars.
In open defiance of their mandated duties and swearing to uphold the law of the land, an official of the Department of Justice of the Obama Administration confirmed in 2010 that the agency would not take any action against cities, or other sanctuary jurisdictions, that defy the "Illegal Immigration and Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act of 1996." (Pub. Law 104-208) True to their word, they haven't taken any action.
There is an unwritten policy on the Democrat side of the federal government who purposely look the other way on illegal immigration and are not concerned that our borders are as porous as Swiss cheese. The rationale is that these illegal immigrants will eventually receive legal status and will vote Democrat because most of them come from socialist countries, thereby securing perpetual Democrat control of power in America. The Democrats compassion rationale is hollow and only results in more illegal immigration.
Federal Law (8 USC ¶ 1227) describes in detail who is a deportable person and the list is lengthy.
But one of the provisions in the law "(2)(A)(i)(I)(II) "General Crimes" states that:
(i) Crimes of moral turpitude
Any alien who — (I) is convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude committed within five years (or 10 years in the case of an alien provided lawful permanent resident status under section 1255(j) of this title) after the date of admission, and (II) is convicted of a crime for which a sentence of one year or longer may be imposed, is deportable.
Moral Turpitude is a very broad term but has been defined in greater detail by court decisions and “refers generally to conduct that shocks the public conscience as being inherently base, vile, or depraved, contrary to the rules of morality and the duties owed between man and man, either one's fellow man, or society in general" and includes murder, voluntary manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter, rape, spousal abuse, child abuse, incest, kidnapping, robbery, aggravated assault, mayhem, animal fighting, theft, fraud, and conspiracy, or attempting to, or acting as an accessory to a crime.
In every sanctuary city, county and state in America there resides thousands of illegal immigrants who are guilty of moral turpitude under federal immigration law, as defined, and as such are deportable. In a flagrant, criminally negligent act, ICE released 86,288 illegal immigrant criminals into the general population from 2013 to 2015, according to ICE Director Sarah Saldana in written testimony to Congress. Those persons in our government, who made the decision to release known criminals, violent or otherwise, should be in jail themselves.
When illegal immigrant criminals are released into the general population, or come here illegally, where do you think they go? They migrate to sanctuary cities, counties and states of course, where the criminals will be shielded from federal prosecution by the governor of the state, or mayor, the city or county council, prosecuting attorneys, judges and law enforcement, by specific written or verbal sanctuary policies. Kate Steinle was a victim of and killed by one of those illegal alien criminals who had been deported 5 times and ended up in San Francisco, a sanctuary city.
ICE issues what are called detainers for illegal immigrants that are subject to deportation. Most if not all illegal immigrants are subject to deportation under 8 USC ¶ 1227, whether criminal or not. Under this statute, deportable persons are defined as:
"Any alien who is present in the United States in violation of this chapter or any other law of the United States, or whose nonimmigrant visa (or other documentation authorizing admission into the United States as a nonimmigrant) has been revoked under section 1201(i) of this title, is deportable."
One can safely conclude that anyone who has entered the U. S. illegally is deportable, unless they are seeking asylum for reasons covered under the law, subject to judicial review.
What seems to have gone unnoticed here is that the leaders of these sanctuary states, counties and cities are guilty of harboring fugitives from justice and potential terrorists by their policies, written or verbal and are "principals" under 18 USC Section 2, making them personally liable for their actions. Federal law 18 USC ¶ 1071 covers this harboring of fugitives by sanctuary cities wherein it states:
"Whoever harbors or conceals any person for whose arrest a warrant or process has been issued under the provisions of any law of the United States, so as to prevent his discovery and arrest, after notice or knowledge of the fact that a warrant or process has been issued for the apprehension of such person, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; except that if the warrant or process issued on a charge of felony, or after conviction of such person of any offense, the punishment shall be a fine under this title, or imprisonment for not more than five years, or both."
Under the "harboring" statute, 18 USC ¶ 1071, a "process" would be construed as an ICE detainer. It is logical to assume that sanctuary city leaders, or local law enforcement, have been issued those detainers, or had knowledge of them and flagrantly ignored them. In fact an ICE "detainer" was issued to the Sheriff of San Francisco County for Kate Steinle's killer, which said Sheriff promptly released the illegal immigrant criminal, purposely ignoring the ICE detainer. Therefore, the Sheriff directly violated 18 USC ¶ 1071. The San Francisco city and county leaders indirectly violated the statute by establishing the policy. Each of them should be tried for criminally violating federal law and held personally liable for their complicity in Kate Steinle's death. San Francisco's sanctuary city policy was a direct contributing factor in her death.
The Kate Steinle murder by an illegal immigrant criminal is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. A website was established to memorialize those Americans who were killed by illegal aliens HERE. It is not a complete list and it doesn't include those tens of thousands of Americans that were or will be severely injured or killed by other illegal aliens. The list is long and grows by the day because the federal government has allowed millions of illegal aliens to enter America, criminal and otherwise, with little or no penalty, thereby creating a magnate for further illegal immigration. As a result of government's negligence to properly manage our immigration system and our borders, there are somewhere between 11,000,000 to 30,000,000 illegal aliens residing in America (no one knows for sure). Hundreds of thousands of those illegal aliens are dangerous criminals and potential terrorists, preying on lawful Americans. Any sanctuary policy that shields illegal aliens, is a direct threat to national security.
It is possible that a Trump Department of Justice (DOJ) under Senator Jeff Sessions, the incoming U. S. Attorney General, will reverse the Obama Administration policy of coddling illegal aliens and start a vigorous enforcement of immigration law inside America and on her borders. Part of this vigorous enforcement should be a full frontal attack on sanctuary states, counties and cities by cutting off federal funding and bringing to trial those state, county and city leaders that harbor illegal criminals in violation of 18 USC ¶ 1071.
But we aren't waiting for the Department of Justice, or the Congress, to take on sanctuary states, counties and cities. We will be filing a formal Complaint and Request For Investigation with the U. S. Attorney in multiple districts, against these state, county and city leaders, under 18 USC ¶ 1071, with a copy forwarded to the incoming U. S. Attorney General, Jeff Sessions. This could take us several days to reach all of the relevant U. S. Attorneys. We have posted a sample of our Complaint on our website HERE. Our single Complaint, by itself, may not trigger an investigation, much less indictments. However, if hundreds of our readers used our sample Complaint and Request for Investigation and filed their own Complaint with specific U. S. Attorneys and the U. S. Attorney General, it is more likely that an investigation would commence into this open, festering, illegal alien wound that slaps every law abiding American in the face.
Each American citizen is required to obey the law or face penalties, fines and even imprisonment for violation of the law, depending on the severity of the violation. If you screw up your income taxes, or make a mistake, or don't pay what they think you owe them, or don't file, the IRS will be all over you and it could take years to get them off your back. Why isn't ICE just as relentless on illegal immigrants as the IRS is on taxpayers?
In fact, why are sanctuary jurisdictions thumbing their noses at federal immigration law while the rest of us must obey the law? Why do not their sanctuary actions fly in the face of justice, fairness, equity and the law? Why are illegal aliens, especially criminal ones, above the law and are entitled to sanctuary, or a status superior to lawful Americans? Why is it OK for lawful Americans, hapless victims of criminal and non-criminal illegal aliens due to government negligence, be forced to pay for those same illegal aliens that are sucking up government benefits and committing the crimes? Why indeed!
In a nation of laws, if laws aren't enforced equally across the board, then there is no law, only injustice and eventually anarchy and chaos.
When are the people of America going to rise up against sanctuary jurisdictions? When will they revolt against government-instituted injustices and crimes committed by illegal immigrants? If you are as incensed as we are against sanctuary states, counties and cities in America and you truly want to make a difference, please join with us in filing your own Complaint and Request for Investigation with multiple U. S. Attorney's offices and the U. S. Attorney General, as we are doing. All it will cost you are a few stamps, some paper, some envelopes and some of your time. Everything you need is on our "SANCTUARY" website page, including interactive maps and the U. S. Attorneys list. Or, view our new "Sanctuary City Video."
If you would like to receive a Microsoft WORD copy of our Complaint and Request for Investigation by e-mail, please click HERE. Be sure to include your name, county and state you live in. We will not e-mail the Complaint to blind mail addresses.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Now We Get It. Putin Good, America Bad!”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, January 15, 2017 - All Rights Reserved

Now before you turn all red faced and apoplectic from the title, we'll explain. Our last week's article was entitled "Putin Needs to be Injected With a Large Dose of Estrogen". In the 11 years we have been writing a weekly column, we have never received so many vitriolic, vile and openly hostile responses to one of our articles. The "hate America" crew and 911 Conspiracy Theorists came out of the woodwork to attack the entire premise of the article, which was Putin just isn't a good guy and is in fact an existential threat to American sovereignty and security.
A couple of the "crew" were from Canada, but most of the arguments of the dissenters were focused on the idea that Putin had every right to invade and claim Crimea for Russia because George Soros, with American involvement, put $5 Billion into destabilizing Ukraine. And correspondingly, Putin had every right to invade Ukrainian territory because the people in the eastern part of Ukraine were of Russian descent.
Many of the critics to the article used language fit for a teenage boy's locker room. Many of them were rude and impugned our character and intelligence. Some said they would never read our articles again. A woman critic named Nancy claimed she had an advanced degree "in something" (didn't say) but her use of the English language was guttural, if not sewer like, at best, belying her claim of being well educated. One critic stated that the "neocons want war with Russia so that it can join the New World Order." Most of this "hate America" crew are devotees' of the discredited Conspiracy Theorist Paul Craig Roberts who believes the Tsarnaev brothers didn't set off the pressure cooker bombs in Boston.
But the argument that it is OK to invade another country because the inhabitants of that country share common ancestry with the aggressor, doesn't wash. If that were the case, then Mexico could invade southwestern America, or vice versa, because many of the inhabitants of Southwestern America share a heritage with native Mexicans. Without national boundaries there is no sovereignty. An invasion of another country, for whatever reason, is an act of war by any definition.
Now we don't claim to be a world expert on geopolitical issues. However, there is enough information to know that the major superpowers are playing a geopolitical push and pull chess game with smaller countries and not just in Eastern Europe. Europe and the U. S. were trying to pull Ukraine away from Russia and into NATO. Russia didn't like that as Ukraine was part of the old Soviet Union.
None of the criticisms justify Vladimir Putin to march into sovereign territory and claim it by force of arms. In a predictable response to Putin's military overtures in Eastern Europe, opposite military pressures are mounting against Putin. As we speak, NATO battle groups are being sent to the Baltic's and Poland that include U. S. Special Forces. Do they want a war? NO! They want to deter a war.
But let's get back to George Soros. George Soros's involvement in the Ukraine was to benefit George Soros by manipulating the political process, the currency and taking over or buying outright, strategic companies like the Ukrainian State Gas Company, Naftogaz. George Soros is a currency manipulator extraordinaire and could care less where the chips fall, just so long as "the chips" benefit George Soros and his radical socialist ideologies, as implemented by his Open Society Foundations and his billions of dollars. He buys off everyone and anyone to that end, including American puppets. George Soros has engineered the downfall of whole countries. George Soros profited big time when England joined the EU and the Pound fell like a rock. George Soros is doing everything in his power to manipulate America into a socialist nation, including massive meddling in the political process. But this article and our last were not about George Soros. They were and are about Putin's Russia and Obama's America.
During the Russian-Separatist aggression in Ukraine, an attempt was made by the countries of Ukraine, France, Germany and Russia to stop the fighting in Eastern Ukraine under the Minsk Protocol Agreement signed in September of 2014. The Russian-backed separatists, fully armed with Russian heavy hardware, immediately started violating the Agreement. So again in February of 2015 the countries got together to hammer out the provisions of a Minsk 2 Protocol. Minsk 2 was repeatedly violated over the next year. Separatists' violations only began to decrease after Russia entered the Syrian conflict.
Putin will continue to agitate the situation in Eastern Ukraine and the fighting will not stop until Ukraine prevails or Russia claims Eastern or all of Ukraine for Russia. Let's not be fooled here. Russia, under Putin, is the continuing provocateur in all cases of the conflict, as he expands Russian boundaries to the edges of the old Soviet Union.
As we stated in last week's article: "Putin openly lamented the breakup of the Soviet Union and from his actions it appears he has designs on restoring Soviet power as a dominant force in all of Asia and parts of Eastern Europe. Russia's invasion into the Georgia provinces of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, are a peek behind the Putin curtain of his vision of Soviet dominance. The annexation of Ukrainian Crimea and invasions into Eastern Ukraine in 2014 added to Russian boundaries, in Putin's desire to restore the power, influence and grandeur of the Soviet Union. Putin has his eyes set on the Baltic nations of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as well, which were once part of the USSR."
On January 5th 2017, members of the Intelligence Community testified before Congress that they were 100% certain that Russia was behind the hacking of the DNC and John Podesta's e-mails, with the motivation of affecting the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. Further, they stated that the Russian hacking was known by or instituted by the highest levels of the Russian Government, meaning Putin. Are they lying? We don't know, but why would they ALL lie? Here is the link to the report. You decide:
Senator John McCain called Russia's interference into America's election process an act of espionage and was therefore an Act of War. We fully agree with Senator McCain even though that Act of War may have saved America's freedom, sovereignty and prosperity from the clutches of a perpetual Progressive - Socialist ideology under Hillary Clinton.
But the push-pull chess game by superpowers is not a new phenomenon. It's been going on for millennia. When England was the major superpower and it claimed territory around the world for England, it was playing a geopolitical chess game for territory, natural resources, finance and control of merchant shipping, in an overt act of open imperialism. The boundary lines of many nations that exist today were shaped and re-shaped by English rule, under the threat of the powerful British Navy. The boundaries of India, Pakistan, Israel, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq resulted from British partition. Wars are still being fought over these British-engineered boundaries.
For years, other countries, including the United Nations, have been playing a push and pull chess game with Israel and Palestine, with most countries, including the United Nations and now Obama's America, vehemently opposed to Israel, a Democracy and supposed American ally.
Today, China is expanding its powers throughout its region of influence, including taking over portions of the South China Sea by building military bases on manufactured islands in international waters. It continues to threaten to re-claim an independent and sovereign Taiwan. Once again, China, a superpower, sensing weakness in American resolve, is pushing the limits of its boundaries and claiming land and sea it does not rightfully own under international law, while Obama does nothing. China engages in cyber attacks against American business interests and our government, with no counter actions by the Obama Administration. In other words, there is no price to pay for any other country engaging in acts of cyber war against America. That ladies and gentlemen is national weakness and an invitation to national suicide.
Meanwhile, Commander-in-Chief Obama has ordered every carrier task force back in port. There is no carrier task force at present, prowling international waters to respond to acts of aggression by other nations, leaving America in a perilous military readiness condition. Was this by accident, or by Obama's premeditated design to weaken America around the world just prior to leaving office?
Russia and China, both superpowers, are pushing the limits of their sovereignty as far as they can go without starting World War 3, because America, under Obama, has failed to project its power to stop them or make them pay a price. As we stated in our previous article: "Either subdue the bully or the bully will own you, or enslave you, or kill you." Had President Kennedy not militarily challenged the Soviet Union under Khrushchev, there would still be Soviet missiles in Cuba aimed at America. If Trump does not stop or hold-in-check these bully superpowers, the future of a free, sovereign and prosperous America is in grave doubt, along with world peace.
We'll admit that America's foreign policy leaves a lot to be desired, especially under Obama, but at least we aren't invading sovereign territory with military force, with the exception of those flagless, radical Islamic barbarians that attack us, hiding in other countries.
Ukraine did not attack Russia. It was the other way around. However, the "hate America" critics to our last article seemed to put a halo over Putin's head. Their distorted logic is, Putin's OK, because America has done the same thing and is just as bad, or worse.
Nevertheless, the facts in our last article were indisputable. Putin did invade Crimea and claimed it for Russia by force, in violation of international law. Putin did invade Ukraine and now occupies territory in a sovereign nation, again in violation of international law. (One critic stated unequivocally that there was no such thing as international law.)
Putin did join with Bashar al Assad of Syria, another brutal bully and despot, to crush the Syrian opposition. Putin's Russia is also an ally of the largest exporter of world terror on the planet, Iran and openly defies American interests. Putin, the alpha male, easily ran circles around Obama, the omega male. Putin is a bully, a thug, a narcissist, a killer, a murderer, an assassin, a brute and a despot. He is, without any doubt, an existential threat to world peace and to American sovereignty and security. America ignored Hitler and his defeat came at great cost. How long will America wait before it openly challenges the bully Putin?
It would appear that our recent article on Putin has brought out a number of people who reside on the extreme edges of the "Bell Shaped Curve", some of whom resorted, unprofessionally, to expletives undeleted. This apparent "hate America" crew, appear to elevate all foreign leaders and their national interests above American interests, while demeaning American interests. Is America perfect, of course not?
The main point of our last article, in our opinion, is that Putin is no "clean cut Russian boy." In fact he is very dangerous. It seems strange that some people are having such a hard time understanding that. Still, the criticisms to our last article continue to drift in. Hopefully, THIS article will inhibit any further criticisms, but we aren't holding our breath.
Regardless of the vitriolic criticism of and attempts to emasculate our last article on Putin, we stand by it ..... without apology. This will be our last word on the subject and we will move on to other subjects in subsequent columns. In the words of one French philosopher: "let ... que mes critiques manger le gateau."
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Even though we write about national and international issues, our organization's major focus is being advocates for America's rural landowners. If you are a rural landowner, you owe it to yourself to check out the NARLO website HERE. The information and services we provide to rural landowners is without equal.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
A couple of the "crew" were from Canada, but most of the arguments of the dissenters were focused on the idea that Putin had every right to invade and claim Crimea for Russia because George Soros, with American involvement, put $5 Billion into destabilizing Ukraine. And correspondingly, Putin had every right to invade Ukrainian territory because the people in the eastern part of Ukraine were of Russian descent.
Many of the critics to the article used language fit for a teenage boy's locker room. Many of them were rude and impugned our character and intelligence. Some said they would never read our articles again. A woman critic named Nancy claimed she had an advanced degree "in something" (didn't say) but her use of the English language was guttural, if not sewer like, at best, belying her claim of being well educated. One critic stated that the "neocons want war with Russia so that it can join the New World Order." Most of this "hate America" crew are devotees' of the discredited Conspiracy Theorist Paul Craig Roberts who believes the Tsarnaev brothers didn't set off the pressure cooker bombs in Boston.
But the argument that it is OK to invade another country because the inhabitants of that country share common ancestry with the aggressor, doesn't wash. If that were the case, then Mexico could invade southwestern America, or vice versa, because many of the inhabitants of Southwestern America share a heritage with native Mexicans. Without national boundaries there is no sovereignty. An invasion of another country, for whatever reason, is an act of war by any definition.
Now we don't claim to be a world expert on geopolitical issues. However, there is enough information to know that the major superpowers are playing a geopolitical push and pull chess game with smaller countries and not just in Eastern Europe. Europe and the U. S. were trying to pull Ukraine away from Russia and into NATO. Russia didn't like that as Ukraine was part of the old Soviet Union.
None of the criticisms justify Vladimir Putin to march into sovereign territory and claim it by force of arms. In a predictable response to Putin's military overtures in Eastern Europe, opposite military pressures are mounting against Putin. As we speak, NATO battle groups are being sent to the Baltic's and Poland that include U. S. Special Forces. Do they want a war? NO! They want to deter a war.
But let's get back to George Soros. George Soros's involvement in the Ukraine was to benefit George Soros by manipulating the political process, the currency and taking over or buying outright, strategic companies like the Ukrainian State Gas Company, Naftogaz. George Soros is a currency manipulator extraordinaire and could care less where the chips fall, just so long as "the chips" benefit George Soros and his radical socialist ideologies, as implemented by his Open Society Foundations and his billions of dollars. He buys off everyone and anyone to that end, including American puppets. George Soros has engineered the downfall of whole countries. George Soros profited big time when England joined the EU and the Pound fell like a rock. George Soros is doing everything in his power to manipulate America into a socialist nation, including massive meddling in the political process. But this article and our last were not about George Soros. They were and are about Putin's Russia and Obama's America.
During the Russian-Separatist aggression in Ukraine, an attempt was made by the countries of Ukraine, France, Germany and Russia to stop the fighting in Eastern Ukraine under the Minsk Protocol Agreement signed in September of 2014. The Russian-backed separatists, fully armed with Russian heavy hardware, immediately started violating the Agreement. So again in February of 2015 the countries got together to hammer out the provisions of a Minsk 2 Protocol. Minsk 2 was repeatedly violated over the next year. Separatists' violations only began to decrease after Russia entered the Syrian conflict.
Putin will continue to agitate the situation in Eastern Ukraine and the fighting will not stop until Ukraine prevails or Russia claims Eastern or all of Ukraine for Russia. Let's not be fooled here. Russia, under Putin, is the continuing provocateur in all cases of the conflict, as he expands Russian boundaries to the edges of the old Soviet Union.
As we stated in last week's article: "Putin openly lamented the breakup of the Soviet Union and from his actions it appears he has designs on restoring Soviet power as a dominant force in all of Asia and parts of Eastern Europe. Russia's invasion into the Georgia provinces of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, are a peek behind the Putin curtain of his vision of Soviet dominance. The annexation of Ukrainian Crimea and invasions into Eastern Ukraine in 2014 added to Russian boundaries, in Putin's desire to restore the power, influence and grandeur of the Soviet Union. Putin has his eyes set on the Baltic nations of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as well, which were once part of the USSR."
On January 5th 2017, members of the Intelligence Community testified before Congress that they were 100% certain that Russia was behind the hacking of the DNC and John Podesta's e-mails, with the motivation of affecting the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. Further, they stated that the Russian hacking was known by or instituted by the highest levels of the Russian Government, meaning Putin. Are they lying? We don't know, but why would they ALL lie? Here is the link to the report. You decide:
Senator John McCain called Russia's interference into America's election process an act of espionage and was therefore an Act of War. We fully agree with Senator McCain even though that Act of War may have saved America's freedom, sovereignty and prosperity from the clutches of a perpetual Progressive - Socialist ideology under Hillary Clinton.
But the push-pull chess game by superpowers is not a new phenomenon. It's been going on for millennia. When England was the major superpower and it claimed territory around the world for England, it was playing a geopolitical chess game for territory, natural resources, finance and control of merchant shipping, in an overt act of open imperialism. The boundary lines of many nations that exist today were shaped and re-shaped by English rule, under the threat of the powerful British Navy. The boundaries of India, Pakistan, Israel, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq resulted from British partition. Wars are still being fought over these British-engineered boundaries.
For years, other countries, including the United Nations, have been playing a push and pull chess game with Israel and Palestine, with most countries, including the United Nations and now Obama's America, vehemently opposed to Israel, a Democracy and supposed American ally.
Today, China is expanding its powers throughout its region of influence, including taking over portions of the South China Sea by building military bases on manufactured islands in international waters. It continues to threaten to re-claim an independent and sovereign Taiwan. Once again, China, a superpower, sensing weakness in American resolve, is pushing the limits of its boundaries and claiming land and sea it does not rightfully own under international law, while Obama does nothing. China engages in cyber attacks against American business interests and our government, with no counter actions by the Obama Administration. In other words, there is no price to pay for any other country engaging in acts of cyber war against America. That ladies and gentlemen is national weakness and an invitation to national suicide.
Meanwhile, Commander-in-Chief Obama has ordered every carrier task force back in port. There is no carrier task force at present, prowling international waters to respond to acts of aggression by other nations, leaving America in a perilous military readiness condition. Was this by accident, or by Obama's premeditated design to weaken America around the world just prior to leaving office?
Russia and China, both superpowers, are pushing the limits of their sovereignty as far as they can go without starting World War 3, because America, under Obama, has failed to project its power to stop them or make them pay a price. As we stated in our previous article: "Either subdue the bully or the bully will own you, or enslave you, or kill you." Had President Kennedy not militarily challenged the Soviet Union under Khrushchev, there would still be Soviet missiles in Cuba aimed at America. If Trump does not stop or hold-in-check these bully superpowers, the future of a free, sovereign and prosperous America is in grave doubt, along with world peace.
We'll admit that America's foreign policy leaves a lot to be desired, especially under Obama, but at least we aren't invading sovereign territory with military force, with the exception of those flagless, radical Islamic barbarians that attack us, hiding in other countries.
Ukraine did not attack Russia. It was the other way around. However, the "hate America" critics to our last article seemed to put a halo over Putin's head. Their distorted logic is, Putin's OK, because America has done the same thing and is just as bad, or worse.
Nevertheless, the facts in our last article were indisputable. Putin did invade Crimea and claimed it for Russia by force, in violation of international law. Putin did invade Ukraine and now occupies territory in a sovereign nation, again in violation of international law. (One critic stated unequivocally that there was no such thing as international law.)
Putin did join with Bashar al Assad of Syria, another brutal bully and despot, to crush the Syrian opposition. Putin's Russia is also an ally of the largest exporter of world terror on the planet, Iran and openly defies American interests. Putin, the alpha male, easily ran circles around Obama, the omega male. Putin is a bully, a thug, a narcissist, a killer, a murderer, an assassin, a brute and a despot. He is, without any doubt, an existential threat to world peace and to American sovereignty and security. America ignored Hitler and his defeat came at great cost. How long will America wait before it openly challenges the bully Putin?
It would appear that our recent article on Putin has brought out a number of people who reside on the extreme edges of the "Bell Shaped Curve", some of whom resorted, unprofessionally, to expletives undeleted. This apparent "hate America" crew, appear to elevate all foreign leaders and their national interests above American interests, while demeaning American interests. Is America perfect, of course not?
The main point of our last article, in our opinion, is that Putin is no "clean cut Russian boy." In fact he is very dangerous. It seems strange that some people are having such a hard time understanding that. Still, the criticisms to our last article continue to drift in. Hopefully, THIS article will inhibit any further criticisms, but we aren't holding our breath.
Regardless of the vitriolic criticism of and attempts to emasculate our last article on Putin, we stand by it ..... without apology. This will be our last word on the subject and we will move on to other subjects in subsequent columns. In the words of one French philosopher: "let ... que mes critiques manger le gateau."
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Even though we write about national and international issues, our organization's major focus is being advocates for America's rural landowners. If you are a rural landowner, you owe it to yourself to check out the NARLO website HERE. The information and services we provide to rural landowners is without equal.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"Putin Needs To Be Injected With A Large Dose of Estrogen”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, January 8, 2017 - All Rights Reserved
"Either subdue the bully or the bully will own you, or enslave you, or kill you." Ron Ewart
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NOTE: We have taken a lot of "blowback" (criticism) for this article when it was first published last week. We answer those criticisms in our next column.
Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, or dictator if you will, is the ultimate alpha male, loaded with testosterone, insane as a bull elephant in musk and crazy like a fox. He is the mirror image of most despots in the persona of a Hitler, a Lenin, a Stalin, or even Mao of China. He's obsessed with himself and obsessed with power, as are all despots.
Born in St. Petersburg in 1952, the youngest of three children, he began his early career as a foreign intelligence officer in the KGB in 1975. In his sixteen years with the KGB, Russia's spy agency, he rose to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He moved to Moscow in 1996 and joined then President Boris Yeltsin's administration. Rising quickly through the ranks, he became acting president when Yeltsin resigned. During his first presidency, Putin's popularity rose with the rise in oil prices as the Russian economy grew for eight straight years. But that was not to last.
Putin's rise to power would appear to be a carbon copy of most despots and dictators. Raw, or irrational ambition drives them to high positions of power. As evidence of this ambition, at age 12, Putin began to practice sambo and judo because he wanted to emulate the intelligence officers portrayed in Soviet movies.
Putin studied law at Saint Petersburg State University and graduated in 1975. His thesis was on "The Most Favored Nation Trading Principle in International Law." It is easy to construe that Putin was thinking internationally at an early age. While at the University, he was required to join the Communist Party. Like Hitler, he later rejected Communism.
He studied German in high school and speaks German fluently. This served him well when he was assigned to East Germany in 1985 as an intelligence officer, under cover as a translator.
But it is what despots and dictators do after they become powerful that defines their character and eventually their legacy. Putin openly lamented the breakup of the Soviet Union and from his actions it appears he has designs on restoring Soviet power as a dominant force in all of Asia and parts of Eastern Europe. Russia's invasion into the Georgia provinces of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, are a peek behind the Putin curtain of his vision of Soviet dominance. The annexation of Ukrainian Crimea and invasions into Eastern Ukraine in 2014 added to Russian boundaries, in Putin's desire to restore the power, influence and grandeur of the Soviet Union. Putin has his eyes set on the Baltic nations of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as well, which were once part of the USSR.
Sensing weakness in American President Barack Obama, (Obama being the very definition of an omega male as opposed to an alpha male) Putin joined forces with Iran and Syria's President Bashar al Assad to wipe out the militants and insurgents backed by the United States. After Obama did nothing to respond to his so-called redline in the sand when Assad used chemical weapons against his own people, Putin brokered a deal that embarrassed America and rubbed Obama's nose in it. Putin's Russia was one of the countries supporting the Iran Nuclear Agreement, which benefited both Russia and Iran, but not America.
Every step of the way, Putin has used American weakness, as projected by Obama, to further his own territorial and power ambitions. Putin has exploited Obama's refusal to protect American interests abroad. It began early in Obama's presidency when he halted the missile defense shield in Poland.
(Source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/sep/17/missile-defence-shield-barack-obama)
Putin has played Obama like a neophyte in a poker game. When Putin went into Crimea, Obama should have sent a Carrier task force into the Black Sea to militarily counter Putin's annexation plans, but he didn't. Crimea became Russian territory by force of arms in violation of international law. When Putin sent his troops into Eastern Ukraine, Obama should have immediately sent heavy arms and aircraft to Ukraine. He didn't. Putin's troops are still in Eastern Ukraine waiting for summer to push deeper into Ukrainian territory.
Putin is also making advances in Turkey, a member of NATO and a key ally of the United States in its battle with ISIS. Russian intelligence is already operating in Turkey. How long will it be before Turkey's President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, tells America to get out of Turkey in favor of a Russian alliance?
Putin is no dummy but he is a bully, a thug, a narcissist, a killer, a murderer, an assassin, a brute and a despot and he is way more dangerous to world peace, stability and security than the manufactured crisis of man-caused global warming, or even ISIS, Al-Qeada, or the Islamic Caliphate. He has no compunction against silencing his critics.
His ambition to restore the old Soviet Union threatens the free world just as much as Hitler's ambition for world domination that cost the lives of over 50,000,000 to 80,000,000 soldiers and innocents before and during World War II. With our allies, America can crush ISIS, Al-Qaeda and the Islamic Caliphate. But attempting to tame the bully Putin could easily ignite World War 3 and possibly bring an end to civilization, as we know it, if not handled deftly.
There is no love lost between China and the United States. Our alliances are purely based on trade and economic interests. In fact, most of Asia despises the U. S. with the exception of Japan and South Korea. If America challenged Russia militarily, a Russian-Chinese military alliance is a distinct possibility. A military conflict between these three superpowers could result in a biblical Armageddon.
But what are the consequences of not confronting the bully Putin? The consequences will be Russia becoming the primary world power, with America capitulating to every Russian wish, request, or demand because we fear a military confrontation.
Putin is grabbing up resources wherever he can. He has claimed vast regions of the artic for oil. Putin cares not one whit about climate change. Although Russia is economically weak, Putin knows that to become a superpower, he must become an economic power. But Putin has a hard road to follow to improve the Russian economy, TO-WIT:
"Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the first decade of transition from a centrally-planned economy to market economy was disastrous for Russia: nominal gross domestic product (GDP) fell from USD 516 billion in 1990 to USD 196 billion in 1999, which represented a plunge of over 60%. In an attempt to address the economic turmoil and follow the recommendations from the IMF, the Soviet government began to privatize many Russian industries during the 1990s. Important exceptions were, however the energy and defense sectors. The Russian economy experienced two major shocks in 2014, narrowly avoiding recession with moderate growth of 0.6%. The first shock was the sharp decline in oil prices during the third and fourth quarter of 2014, exposing Russia’s extreme dependence on global commodity cycles".
"Tentative signs that Russia could soon exit its recession continued in the final quarter of 2016 after the economy contracted at the slowest pace in the third quarter since the slump began nearly two years ago, according to preliminary GDP data. Following sluggishness in domestic demand in the first three quarters, business survey data and industrial production in October signaled a strengthening of economic activity towards the end of the year. Lack of policy support is nevertheless still constraining Russia’s path towards recovery. The Central Bank has decided to keep interest rates on hold, at least until the first quarter of 2017, and the government’s 2017 draft budget set ambitious consolidation targets for the next three years. The government expects to drastically reduce the fiscal deficit by 1% of GDP each year on the back of spending cuts and increased revenues. The latter will be achieved through higher taxes on the extraction of minerals and oil, dividend payouts from state-owned companies and higher excise taxes."
(Source: http://www.focus-economics.com/countries/russia)
Mitt Romney was right when he said in the presidential debate of 2012, that Russia poses an existential threat to American security and sovereignty. If Putin is successful in converting Russia to a true super power, it could very well be the real and disastrous legacy of Obama's eight-year failed presidency ..... unless Trump re-asserts American power, economically, diplomatically and militarily around the world. Hopefully, Trump will be able to outsmart Putin or negotiate him into an inescapable corner. Having said that, we have serious concerns about Trump's unwillingness to label Putin a thug, a bully and a despot.
Short of assassinating Putin (yes, we know, America doesn't assassinate the leaders of its enemies any more) and with all due respect to the fairer sex, we could send in a covert operative to inject Putin with a large dose of estrogen, or hire a Russian cook to put estrogen in his food every day. Something must be done to counter the vast amounts of testosterone surging through his alpha male veins, or America will be stuck with this bully until he dies from natural or man-made causes, or catapults the planet into World War 3 in just another quest by one more megalomaniac to dominate the world. Climate change and ISIS are pinpricks compared to Putin. He has the power to set the planet on fire, if America lets him. For some reason man seems destined to repeat history time after time, even with potentially irreversible threats, in open view, starring him in the face. Our leaders always let a megalomaniac go too far before they stop him.
This festering international problem now rests in the hands of the Trump Administration. If Trump doesn't stop this bully now, there may be no stopping him and America could be reduced to third-world status, or the world plunged into the final war of humanity that only ends with the extinction of the human race. Yes, it is that dire! This isn't 1941, it's 2017 with a proliferation of nuclear weapons all over the planet with the power to erase the human race for several millennia ..... if not forever!
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
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NOTE: We have taken a lot of "blowback" (criticism) for this article when it was first published last week. We answer those criticisms in our next column.
Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, or dictator if you will, is the ultimate alpha male, loaded with testosterone, insane as a bull elephant in musk and crazy like a fox. He is the mirror image of most despots in the persona of a Hitler, a Lenin, a Stalin, or even Mao of China. He's obsessed with himself and obsessed with power, as are all despots.
Born in St. Petersburg in 1952, the youngest of three children, he began his early career as a foreign intelligence officer in the KGB in 1975. In his sixteen years with the KGB, Russia's spy agency, he rose to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He moved to Moscow in 1996 and joined then President Boris Yeltsin's administration. Rising quickly through the ranks, he became acting president when Yeltsin resigned. During his first presidency, Putin's popularity rose with the rise in oil prices as the Russian economy grew for eight straight years. But that was not to last.
Putin's rise to power would appear to be a carbon copy of most despots and dictators. Raw, or irrational ambition drives them to high positions of power. As evidence of this ambition, at age 12, Putin began to practice sambo and judo because he wanted to emulate the intelligence officers portrayed in Soviet movies.
Putin studied law at Saint Petersburg State University and graduated in 1975. His thesis was on "The Most Favored Nation Trading Principle in International Law." It is easy to construe that Putin was thinking internationally at an early age. While at the University, he was required to join the Communist Party. Like Hitler, he later rejected Communism.
He studied German in high school and speaks German fluently. This served him well when he was assigned to East Germany in 1985 as an intelligence officer, under cover as a translator.
But it is what despots and dictators do after they become powerful that defines their character and eventually their legacy. Putin openly lamented the breakup of the Soviet Union and from his actions it appears he has designs on restoring Soviet power as a dominant force in all of Asia and parts of Eastern Europe. Russia's invasion into the Georgia provinces of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, are a peek behind the Putin curtain of his vision of Soviet dominance. The annexation of Ukrainian Crimea and invasions into Eastern Ukraine in 2014 added to Russian boundaries, in Putin's desire to restore the power, influence and grandeur of the Soviet Union. Putin has his eyes set on the Baltic nations of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as well, which were once part of the USSR.
Sensing weakness in American President Barack Obama, (Obama being the very definition of an omega male as opposed to an alpha male) Putin joined forces with Iran and Syria's President Bashar al Assad to wipe out the militants and insurgents backed by the United States. After Obama did nothing to respond to his so-called redline in the sand when Assad used chemical weapons against his own people, Putin brokered a deal that embarrassed America and rubbed Obama's nose in it. Putin's Russia was one of the countries supporting the Iran Nuclear Agreement, which benefited both Russia and Iran, but not America.
Every step of the way, Putin has used American weakness, as projected by Obama, to further his own territorial and power ambitions. Putin has exploited Obama's refusal to protect American interests abroad. It began early in Obama's presidency when he halted the missile defense shield in Poland.
(Source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/sep/17/missile-defence-shield-barack-obama)
Putin has played Obama like a neophyte in a poker game. When Putin went into Crimea, Obama should have sent a Carrier task force into the Black Sea to militarily counter Putin's annexation plans, but he didn't. Crimea became Russian territory by force of arms in violation of international law. When Putin sent his troops into Eastern Ukraine, Obama should have immediately sent heavy arms and aircraft to Ukraine. He didn't. Putin's troops are still in Eastern Ukraine waiting for summer to push deeper into Ukrainian territory.
Putin is also making advances in Turkey, a member of NATO and a key ally of the United States in its battle with ISIS. Russian intelligence is already operating in Turkey. How long will it be before Turkey's President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, tells America to get out of Turkey in favor of a Russian alliance?
Putin is no dummy but he is a bully, a thug, a narcissist, a killer, a murderer, an assassin, a brute and a despot and he is way more dangerous to world peace, stability and security than the manufactured crisis of man-caused global warming, or even ISIS, Al-Qeada, or the Islamic Caliphate. He has no compunction against silencing his critics.
His ambition to restore the old Soviet Union threatens the free world just as much as Hitler's ambition for world domination that cost the lives of over 50,000,000 to 80,000,000 soldiers and innocents before and during World War II. With our allies, America can crush ISIS, Al-Qaeda and the Islamic Caliphate. But attempting to tame the bully Putin could easily ignite World War 3 and possibly bring an end to civilization, as we know it, if not handled deftly.
There is no love lost between China and the United States. Our alliances are purely based on trade and economic interests. In fact, most of Asia despises the U. S. with the exception of Japan and South Korea. If America challenged Russia militarily, a Russian-Chinese military alliance is a distinct possibility. A military conflict between these three superpowers could result in a biblical Armageddon.
But what are the consequences of not confronting the bully Putin? The consequences will be Russia becoming the primary world power, with America capitulating to every Russian wish, request, or demand because we fear a military confrontation.
Putin is grabbing up resources wherever he can. He has claimed vast regions of the artic for oil. Putin cares not one whit about climate change. Although Russia is economically weak, Putin knows that to become a superpower, he must become an economic power. But Putin has a hard road to follow to improve the Russian economy, TO-WIT:
"Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the first decade of transition from a centrally-planned economy to market economy was disastrous for Russia: nominal gross domestic product (GDP) fell from USD 516 billion in 1990 to USD 196 billion in 1999, which represented a plunge of over 60%. In an attempt to address the economic turmoil and follow the recommendations from the IMF, the Soviet government began to privatize many Russian industries during the 1990s. Important exceptions were, however the energy and defense sectors. The Russian economy experienced two major shocks in 2014, narrowly avoiding recession with moderate growth of 0.6%. The first shock was the sharp decline in oil prices during the third and fourth quarter of 2014, exposing Russia’s extreme dependence on global commodity cycles".
"Tentative signs that Russia could soon exit its recession continued in the final quarter of 2016 after the economy contracted at the slowest pace in the third quarter since the slump began nearly two years ago, according to preliminary GDP data. Following sluggishness in domestic demand in the first three quarters, business survey data and industrial production in October signaled a strengthening of economic activity towards the end of the year. Lack of policy support is nevertheless still constraining Russia’s path towards recovery. The Central Bank has decided to keep interest rates on hold, at least until the first quarter of 2017, and the government’s 2017 draft budget set ambitious consolidation targets for the next three years. The government expects to drastically reduce the fiscal deficit by 1% of GDP each year on the back of spending cuts and increased revenues. The latter will be achieved through higher taxes on the extraction of minerals and oil, dividend payouts from state-owned companies and higher excise taxes."
(Source: http://www.focus-economics.com/countries/russia)
Mitt Romney was right when he said in the presidential debate of 2012, that Russia poses an existential threat to American security and sovereignty. If Putin is successful in converting Russia to a true super power, it could very well be the real and disastrous legacy of Obama's eight-year failed presidency ..... unless Trump re-asserts American power, economically, diplomatically and militarily around the world. Hopefully, Trump will be able to outsmart Putin or negotiate him into an inescapable corner. Having said that, we have serious concerns about Trump's unwillingness to label Putin a thug, a bully and a despot.
Short of assassinating Putin (yes, we know, America doesn't assassinate the leaders of its enemies any more) and with all due respect to the fairer sex, we could send in a covert operative to inject Putin with a large dose of estrogen, or hire a Russian cook to put estrogen in his food every day. Something must be done to counter the vast amounts of testosterone surging through his alpha male veins, or America will be stuck with this bully until he dies from natural or man-made causes, or catapults the planet into World War 3 in just another quest by one more megalomaniac to dominate the world. Climate change and ISIS are pinpricks compared to Putin. He has the power to set the planet on fire, if America lets him. For some reason man seems destined to repeat history time after time, even with potentially irreversible threats, in open view, starring him in the face. Our leaders always let a megalomaniac go too far before they stop him.
This festering international problem now rests in the hands of the Trump Administration. If Trump doesn't stop this bully now, there may be no stopping him and America could be reduced to third-world status, or the world plunged into the final war of humanity that only ends with the extinction of the human race. Yes, it is that dire! This isn't 1941, it's 2017 with a proliferation of nuclear weapons all over the planet with the power to erase the human race for several millennia ..... if not forever!
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"A Christmas Wish"
from Ron Ewart, President of the
To our Publishers and the readers of our weekly column:
We had an article ready but decided not to publish it.
So we will take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you and your families a joy-filled, pleasant, politically-free Christmas and one of the best coming years we have seen in a very long time.
Until next year then .....
We had an article ready but decided not to publish it.
So we will take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you and your families a joy-filled, pleasant, politically-free Christmas and one of the best coming years we have seen in a very long time.
Until next year then .....
Take care,
Ron Ewart, President
P. O. Box 1031, Issaquah, WA 98027
425 837-5365 or 1 800 682-7848
Website: http://www.narlo.org
E-mail: r.ewart@comcast.net
Ron Ewart, President
P. O. Box 1031, Issaquah, WA 98027
425 837-5365 or 1 800 682-7848
Website: http://www.narlo.org
E-mail: r.ewart@comcast.net
"Who Occupies the Swamp That Needs to Be Drained?”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, December 4, 2016 - All Rights Reserved
In our article entitled: "The 'System' - Impenetrable, Inflexible and Un-Yielding!" we wrote:
"The 'system' is an intertwined entanglement of interlocking national and international interests of commerce, finance and trade, accompanied by government enablers of the 'system' in the executive, judicial and legislative branches of government. The tentacles of one interest are inextricably interwoven into the tentacles of all the other interests. Finding out what drives one, leads to a complex maze of closed doors, backrooms and secret meetings. All the sources are purposely hidden and camouflaged. Traces to find the truth go down dead end paths, or are blocked by impenetrable obstacles. Sources of the 'system's' power are elusive and they are anything but constitutional. The 'system' exists because of citizen apathy and survives, thrives and grows on the people's money and special interests."
"Law drives the 'system' and as laws increase, the 'system' becomes more inflexible, expensive and grossly inefficient. Eventually, these metastasizing maladies of inflexibility, rising costs, inefficiency and resistance to change, drive the "system" into corruption. The "system" becomes so powerful that it becomes virtually impossible to change without an extraordinary effort. Sometimes violence is the only way to change the 'system'."
But a strange thing happened in the presidential election of 2016. The "System" met a brash challenger, a challenger that channeled a growing, collective anger against the "System", a challenger that promised to "Drain the System Swamp."
The term "Drain the Swamp" in a political sense allegedly goes back to 1903 when Winfield E. Gaylor, State Organizer of the Social Democrat Party, said, "socialists are not satisfied with killing a few mosquitoes which come from the capitalist swamp, they want to drain the swamp."
In more recent times, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has used the term to demean those pesky Republicans. Ronald Reagan used the term as well but more directed at the bureaucracy.
In the more pragmatic sense, "Drain the Swamp" meant to get rid of the environment in which allows mosquitoes carrying the Malaria virus to grow.
But who are those fierce alligators and blood-sucking mosquitoes in the political swamp that certain politicians and the people want to eliminate, since "Draining the Swamp" takes away the eco-system that allows the alligators and mosquitoes to thrive and survive. Obviously, it depends on your point of view.
Now if you are a freedom loving, second amendment, God-fearing American, you want to eliminate those politicians and bureaucrats in the "Swamp" that don't subscribe to, or support the Constitution of the United States, as designed by the Founding Fathers. In their minds "Draining the Swamp" means to get rid of all the politicians and bureaucrats that overtax, overspend and pass laws and regulations that interfere with their perception of freedom. Since most politicians overtax, overspend and over regulate, getting rid of a large percentage of those politicians or bureaucrats would be the ultimate goal.
But if you're an on-the-dole freeloader, or a Democrat voter, you want to eliminate those politicians and bureaucrats (and those Republican voters) that interfere with the timely arrival of your government check or benefit. If you are a Democrat politician or bureaucrat, you want to make sure that those government checks and benefits arrive safely in the freeloaders (or an illegal alien's) mailbox so as to assure your election or re-election. (See "A 1, 2, 3 Punch That Doomed America's Constitutional Republic")
Which brings us to President-Elect Donald Trump and his efforts to build a cabinet and fill other government posts, prior to taking office in January of 2017. Much criticism has been levied against Trump for choosing cabinet candidates and other posts that would seem to be the same carnivorous alligators and blood-sucking mosquitoes in the very swamp Trump says he wants to drain.
A few notables come to mind, one being the Ex-Governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney, a second being former Goldman Sachs executive Steven Mnuchin for Treasury Secretary and a third being Elaine L. Chao for Transportation Secretary. Although Mitt Romney has yet to be appointed to any cabinet position at this writing, he is, without a doubt, an establishment Republican and a fierce critic of Trump. Steven Mnuchin is a financial insider with a history at Goldman Sachs and making movies and Elaine Chao was the previous Labor Secretary under George W. Bush, but is also the wife of Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, a clear conflict of interest. There is a lot of inter breeding, incest and nepotism in the "DC Swamp".
Romney is a fraud, apparently an ambitious one and devoid of honor. If Romney hated Trump so bad that he would work diligently to see that Trump didn't get the Republican nomination and then work against Trump in the general election, why then he would he take a position in the Trump cabinet? But more importantly, why would Trump even consider Romney for a cabinet post? Mnuchin and Chao are just more "denizens of the swamp."
Having said that, in spite of all these ferocious alligators and blood-sucking mosquitoes in the political swamp, to which group of people does Trump go, to build a presidential cabinet?
In a recent article we wrote:
"It must be abundantly obvious to anyone with half an intellect that the huddled masses and the poor don’t build or run anything. So if it wasn’t for powerful, wealthy, ambitious men, steel wouldn’t have been made, skyscrapers, bridges, locomotives and ships would have not been built, oil would not have been extracted from the earth and refined into gasoline, fuel oil, paints, resins and nylon stockings, and a largely untamed land would have not been tamed. And if it weren’t for the bold financiers who took the huge risks to fund those ventures, none of it would have been possible."
The same applies to running a huge government with many bureaucracies and departments. There are only so many people in America that have the experience to run a huge government bureaucracy, much less a United States Congress. You don't just pull someone off the street and ask him or her to be Secretary of State. The American people, bright, dumb, or dull, elect their representatives and whom they elect is a reflection in a big, giant, political mirror. But presidents appoint their cabinet posts, subject to the advice and consent of the U. S. Senate and they must draw upon the available "talent."
Sadly, the available "talent" can become obsessed and addicted in a rich environment of power where billions of dollars change hands in an hour, an environment that creates the "swamp" of political corruption. So, once again, who are those people that occupy the political swamp that everyone wants to drain, but for different reasons? The ferocious alligators and the blood-sucking mosquitoes in the political swamp are the very politicians that the people keep electing and directly reflect what over 50% of the masses want.
Ladies and gentlemen, we cannot expect our politicians to be free of corruption if the American people themselves are corrupt, hopelessly apathetic, or just plain stupid. If the American people are without honor or intellect, it is quite likely that those they elect to public office will also be without honor and subject to the endless temptations of power, money and sex, not necessarily in that order. It is folly to expect our representatives to be more perfect than those that put them in office.
But a nation still needs powerful, wealthy and ambitious men and women to create, finance, invest, invent, market and build things and yes, to run government offices, local, state and federal. The trick is to keep their power, their wealth and their ambition in check. Laws can’t do that alone. Only the American people who are honorable and care about their freedom can do that. After over two centuries of trying, we are rapidly failing. As a result, our identity as a free nation and a people and our very sovereignty are slipping away.
Maybe Trump can change all that, but it is still up to the people to reflect the principles of a free nation and project those principles to their leaders and representatives, if the people even understand the meaning of freedom. If our parents and our teachers don't teach those principles to America's offspring, then new generations won't project those principles to their leaders and representatives.
In the final analysis, the American people get what they want from government and they get what they ultimately deserve by their own choices. If the people want "free" things, paid for by someone else, then the people will inherit individual and national weakness, massive debt and the "denizens of the political and corrupt swamp." If however, the people grow tired of weakness, debt and corruption and want honor, honesty, integrity, individual strength and freedom instead, they will get an honorable, honest, financially sound and a strong, free nation. It's that simple.
Maybe November 8, 2016 was a turning point, but we aren't holding our breath in anticipation. There are just too many Americans who want the "free" things, paid for by someone else and they can vote for the alligators and blood-sucking mosquitoes in the political swamp to preserve those "free" things.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"The 'system' is an intertwined entanglement of interlocking national and international interests of commerce, finance and trade, accompanied by government enablers of the 'system' in the executive, judicial and legislative branches of government. The tentacles of one interest are inextricably interwoven into the tentacles of all the other interests. Finding out what drives one, leads to a complex maze of closed doors, backrooms and secret meetings. All the sources are purposely hidden and camouflaged. Traces to find the truth go down dead end paths, or are blocked by impenetrable obstacles. Sources of the 'system's' power are elusive and they are anything but constitutional. The 'system' exists because of citizen apathy and survives, thrives and grows on the people's money and special interests."
"Law drives the 'system' and as laws increase, the 'system' becomes more inflexible, expensive and grossly inefficient. Eventually, these metastasizing maladies of inflexibility, rising costs, inefficiency and resistance to change, drive the "system" into corruption. The "system" becomes so powerful that it becomes virtually impossible to change without an extraordinary effort. Sometimes violence is the only way to change the 'system'."
But a strange thing happened in the presidential election of 2016. The "System" met a brash challenger, a challenger that channeled a growing, collective anger against the "System", a challenger that promised to "Drain the System Swamp."
The term "Drain the Swamp" in a political sense allegedly goes back to 1903 when Winfield E. Gaylor, State Organizer of the Social Democrat Party, said, "socialists are not satisfied with killing a few mosquitoes which come from the capitalist swamp, they want to drain the swamp."
In more recent times, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has used the term to demean those pesky Republicans. Ronald Reagan used the term as well but more directed at the bureaucracy.
In the more pragmatic sense, "Drain the Swamp" meant to get rid of the environment in which allows mosquitoes carrying the Malaria virus to grow.
But who are those fierce alligators and blood-sucking mosquitoes in the political swamp that certain politicians and the people want to eliminate, since "Draining the Swamp" takes away the eco-system that allows the alligators and mosquitoes to thrive and survive. Obviously, it depends on your point of view.
Now if you are a freedom loving, second amendment, God-fearing American, you want to eliminate those politicians and bureaucrats in the "Swamp" that don't subscribe to, or support the Constitution of the United States, as designed by the Founding Fathers. In their minds "Draining the Swamp" means to get rid of all the politicians and bureaucrats that overtax, overspend and pass laws and regulations that interfere with their perception of freedom. Since most politicians overtax, overspend and over regulate, getting rid of a large percentage of those politicians or bureaucrats would be the ultimate goal.
But if you're an on-the-dole freeloader, or a Democrat voter, you want to eliminate those politicians and bureaucrats (and those Republican voters) that interfere with the timely arrival of your government check or benefit. If you are a Democrat politician or bureaucrat, you want to make sure that those government checks and benefits arrive safely in the freeloaders (or an illegal alien's) mailbox so as to assure your election or re-election. (See "A 1, 2, 3 Punch That Doomed America's Constitutional Republic")
Which brings us to President-Elect Donald Trump and his efforts to build a cabinet and fill other government posts, prior to taking office in January of 2017. Much criticism has been levied against Trump for choosing cabinet candidates and other posts that would seem to be the same carnivorous alligators and blood-sucking mosquitoes in the very swamp Trump says he wants to drain.
A few notables come to mind, one being the Ex-Governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney, a second being former Goldman Sachs executive Steven Mnuchin for Treasury Secretary and a third being Elaine L. Chao for Transportation Secretary. Although Mitt Romney has yet to be appointed to any cabinet position at this writing, he is, without a doubt, an establishment Republican and a fierce critic of Trump. Steven Mnuchin is a financial insider with a history at Goldman Sachs and making movies and Elaine Chao was the previous Labor Secretary under George W. Bush, but is also the wife of Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, a clear conflict of interest. There is a lot of inter breeding, incest and nepotism in the "DC Swamp".
Romney is a fraud, apparently an ambitious one and devoid of honor. If Romney hated Trump so bad that he would work diligently to see that Trump didn't get the Republican nomination and then work against Trump in the general election, why then he would he take a position in the Trump cabinet? But more importantly, why would Trump even consider Romney for a cabinet post? Mnuchin and Chao are just more "denizens of the swamp."
Having said that, in spite of all these ferocious alligators and blood-sucking mosquitoes in the political swamp, to which group of people does Trump go, to build a presidential cabinet?
In a recent article we wrote:
"It must be abundantly obvious to anyone with half an intellect that the huddled masses and the poor don’t build or run anything. So if it wasn’t for powerful, wealthy, ambitious men, steel wouldn’t have been made, skyscrapers, bridges, locomotives and ships would have not been built, oil would not have been extracted from the earth and refined into gasoline, fuel oil, paints, resins and nylon stockings, and a largely untamed land would have not been tamed. And if it weren’t for the bold financiers who took the huge risks to fund those ventures, none of it would have been possible."
The same applies to running a huge government with many bureaucracies and departments. There are only so many people in America that have the experience to run a huge government bureaucracy, much less a United States Congress. You don't just pull someone off the street and ask him or her to be Secretary of State. The American people, bright, dumb, or dull, elect their representatives and whom they elect is a reflection in a big, giant, political mirror. But presidents appoint their cabinet posts, subject to the advice and consent of the U. S. Senate and they must draw upon the available "talent."
Sadly, the available "talent" can become obsessed and addicted in a rich environment of power where billions of dollars change hands in an hour, an environment that creates the "swamp" of political corruption. So, once again, who are those people that occupy the political swamp that everyone wants to drain, but for different reasons? The ferocious alligators and the blood-sucking mosquitoes in the political swamp are the very politicians that the people keep electing and directly reflect what over 50% of the masses want.
Ladies and gentlemen, we cannot expect our politicians to be free of corruption if the American people themselves are corrupt, hopelessly apathetic, or just plain stupid. If the American people are without honor or intellect, it is quite likely that those they elect to public office will also be without honor and subject to the endless temptations of power, money and sex, not necessarily in that order. It is folly to expect our representatives to be more perfect than those that put them in office.
But a nation still needs powerful, wealthy and ambitious men and women to create, finance, invest, invent, market and build things and yes, to run government offices, local, state and federal. The trick is to keep their power, their wealth and their ambition in check. Laws can’t do that alone. Only the American people who are honorable and care about their freedom can do that. After over two centuries of trying, we are rapidly failing. As a result, our identity as a free nation and a people and our very sovereignty are slipping away.
Maybe Trump can change all that, but it is still up to the people to reflect the principles of a free nation and project those principles to their leaders and representatives, if the people even understand the meaning of freedom. If our parents and our teachers don't teach those principles to America's offspring, then new generations won't project those principles to their leaders and representatives.
In the final analysis, the American people get what they want from government and they get what they ultimately deserve by their own choices. If the people want "free" things, paid for by someone else, then the people will inherit individual and national weakness, massive debt and the "denizens of the political and corrupt swamp." If however, the people grow tired of weakness, debt and corruption and want honor, honesty, integrity, individual strength and freedom instead, they will get an honorable, honest, financially sound and a strong, free nation. It's that simple.
Maybe November 8, 2016 was a turning point, but we aren't holding our breath in anticipation. There are just too many Americans who want the "free" things, paid for by someone else and they can vote for the alligators and blood-sucking mosquitoes in the political swamp to preserve those "free" things.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"A 1, 2, 3 Punch That Doomed America's Constitutional Republic”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, December 4, 2016 - All Rights Reserve
"Progressivism started out as a social movement in response to the injustices of the industrial revolution and government corruption. Like many such movements, Progressivism began as a worthy cause. But the Democrats saw a political opportunity and adopted Progressivism as their party platform. It then evolved into a means to an end ..... perpetual political power. It further evolved into European-style socialism, which it is today. Ignorant, weak Americans bought Progressive-style government dependency hook, line and sinker and they liked it. All that 'free' stuff only cost them a vote for the providers-in-thief ..... and their liberty." Ron Ewart
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There were two polar-opposite happenings created out of the industrial revolution. First, capital was created at an unprecedented rate and the using of that capital for political purposes became commonplace, leading to massive corruption. Some have said that there was so much capital in the hands of an elite few, they could buy the presidency ..... or have one assassinated. Second and far worse, workers were being treated inhumanly, as if they were beasts of burden.
Throughout history, injustices have always created movements acting against those injustices. That a movement would rise against industrial revolution abuses was a foregone conclusion and about circa 1890 that movement became known as Progressivism. The movement's goals were to eliminate waste and corruption in government and bring efficiency to government practices. Its parallel goals were to support worker's compensation, child labor laws, minimum wage legislation, daily and weekly labor limits, a graduated income tax and allowing women to vote. With one exception, it is hard to argue that most of what the movement wanted were positive social goals, depending on your perspective. The exception was the graduated income tax, which we will go into later. It is also hard to argue that the movement was directly responsible for the centralization and increase in federal power to achieve those goals.
According to historian William Leuchtenburg: "The Progressives believed in the Hamiltonian concept of positive government, of a national government directing the destinies of the nation at home and abroad. They had contempt for the strict construction of the Constitution by conservative judges, who would restrict the power of the national government to act against social evils and to extend the blessings of democracy to less favored lands. The [Progressive's] real enemy was 'particularism', state rights and limited government."
After over 100 years of Progressivism, they still have contempt for the strict construction of the Constitution and they hate conservative judges. Most of the movement's goals have been realized, with the exception of eliminating waste, fraud, abuse and corruption in government and greater government efficiency. Thanks to Progressivism, we now have a very powerful, centralized, in-efficient, hopelessly in debt, corrupt federal government who directs every aspect of our lives on the guise of social and now environmental justice.
But like most movements, the original goals, once realized, were never enough. Progressives have built up enormous political power through the electorate and like all people with power, they want more. The way to get more power is to "buy off" more voters with social promises without regard to the financial consequences and demean and demonize those who oppose them.
Those that hold the Progressive mindset have been hugely successful and have brought a majority of the people, most of government, academia, public education and the news media into the fold. Unfortunately, a free and prosperous people have paid an enormous price in the open and notorious assault on their liberties and the exponential rise in federal debt.
However, a surprising reversal took place in the presidential election of 2016, but that reversal may have a short life span because the Progressive side of the political spectrum has the majority votes, thanks to 100 plus years of institutionalized Progressivism.
But one of the questions of the Progressive movement was how to pay for all the federal social programs that had been and would be passed into law, or by bureaucratic rule making. The old constitutional ways of taxation would not produce enough revenue to pay for a growing federal entitlement budget.
Prior to the 16th Amendment, excise taxes and duties were the primary sources of revenue to pay for federal government operations, in compliance with constitutional mandates. But government has been trying for 204 years to get around those constitutional limits and even proposed an income tax to fund the war of 1812. Fortunately, the tax was never implemented.
During the Civil War, Congress passed an income tax provision to fund that war. The tax started out at 3% on $800 of income and then was quickly raised to 5% on income over $600 in the following year. Surprisingly, the Congress let the Civil War Tax expire in 1872.
But after the expiration of the Civil War tax, the call for a graduated income tax became the rallying cry of the Greenback movement, the Labor Reform Party, the Populist Party and the Democrat Party. In 1887, the Socialist Labor Party jumped on board as well. The Democrat Party succeeded in passing the income tax law of 1894 and proposed an income tax amendment in their 1908 party platform. With Democrats in control of Congress and with the help of some very prominent industrialists and bankers, a graduated income tax Amendment to the Constitution was passed in 1909 and later ratified in 1913 by Congress and the states. The 16th Amendment authorized the creation of the Federal Reserve and Internal Revenue Service, in spite of constitutional prohibitions. (Government never has enough money to fund all the "great" things it wants to do and never misses an opportunity to raise taxes.)
Private bankers staff the Federal Reserve. They owe no concrete allegiance to the federal government, with the exception that the President gets to appoint the seven members of the Board of Governors for 14 years. The Board of Governors, unilaterally, determines Federal Reserve Policy without Congressional oversight, or audit. They can print money and then loan it to the federal government at interest. To make sure that those massive loans were collateralized, the 16th Amendment indentured the people of America, whose lifetime incomes became that collateral through the graduated income tax, enforced by the Gestapo-like Internal Revenue Service and its code of 74,000 pages of regulations. Once again, liberty was diminished by the Progressives.
Hopefully, it has not gone unnoticed that the Democrats, Progressives, socialists and labor parties have all been primary advocates for a graduated income tax to pay for all the social programs they have invented ..... to buy votes. The creation of the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service has essentially turned American taxpayers into indentured debt servants for an ever more powerful, growing federal government. The fact is ladies and gentlemen, "You Are An Involuntary Servant to Almighty Government" but 90% of the American people don't realize it, or don't care, especially if they are receiving the lush benefits from our government who is over generous with "our" money. In the land of the free and home of the brave, being "an involuntary servant to almighty government" is a contradiction of every principle of unalienable rights and individual freedom.
Which takes us to the Number 3 Punch, the Great Depression. What really caused a nation to plunge into economic chaos? From the "Foundation for Economic Education" we learned that:
"The Great Depression created a widespread misconception that market economies are inherently unstable and must be managed by the government to avoid large macro-economic fluctuations, that is, business cycles. This view persists to this day despite the more than 40 years since Milton Friedman and Anna Jacobson Schwartz showed convincingly that the Federal Reserve’s monetary policies were largely to blame for the severity of the Great Depression. In 2002 Ben Bernanke made this startling admission in a speech given in honor of Friedman’s 90th birthday: 'I would like to say to Milton and Anna: Regarding the Great Depression, you’re right. We did it. We’re very sorry.'"
Ben Bernanke is sorry?!!! Well good for him! When will the people learn that when government starts "tweaking", the people should be freaking ..... out. To the detriment of every American's freedom and pocket book, government is "tweaking" all the time.
The Great Depression, a Federal Reserve caused event, plunged America not only into economic chaos and over 20% unemployment, bread lines, the loss of the gold standard and virtually national bankruptcy, it plunged Americans ever deeper into the socialism that the Progressives have been preaching and longing for since 1890. One could easily conclude that the Great Depression was created on purpose to further enslave the people to government.
Besides the many programs of FDR's New Deal that included government subsidies for just about everyone, including the farmers, Democrat Progressives, under the 12-year reign of FDR, first or second dictator of America, (Wilson may have been the first) gave us going-broke Social Security and made Americans ever more dependent on government, a Progressive's and Keynesian economic professor's dream come true. (Later, Democrats would add the Great Society, Medicare, Medicaid and Obama Care to the Progressive mix, making Americans even more dependent and more in debt.)
In contrast and long overdue, the presidential election of November 8th, 2016 was a repudiation of Obama, Clinton and everything else Progressive. The failures and corruption of a Progressive government were on the ballot that day and they lost to a breath of fresh air called freedom, in the embodiment of a brash billionaire, a ferocious, plain speaking, irredeemable government outsider, with a mandate to "drain the swamp."
Nanny government was soundly defeated that day, at least from an Electoral College perspective. It remains to be seen whether that breath of fresh air will last, or will be overwhelmed again by the putrid, anti-American smell of Progressivism, or worse, maybe even fascism.
Through Progressivism, America has evolved into a mob Democracy, without any regard to constitutional limits, a mostly ignorant, greedy mob that has neither the mental capacity nor the interest to discern whether government is their enemy, or their friend. Almost every person over 70 knows instinctively that government is always a dreaded enemy if allowed to go unchecked. The Constitution was supposed to be that check on power but only if the people held the government to the mandates of that Constitution.
But now the fate of America is left in the hands of the people under 70, who for a least three generations, have been steeped in a noxious brew of never-ending Progressivism.
It remains to be seen whether the "One, Two, Three Punch" we have described in this article, has "Doomed America's Constitutional Republic" forever, or whether there is a chance to reverse course. That chance would have been lost forever if Hillary Clinton had been elected president. Progressivism would have been irreversibly entrenched in government and the entire body politic, until a violent revolution dismantled it, a revolution that always occurs when government sets its sights on "absolute power", as have the Progressives for the last 126 years.
If you LIKED this article, let us know. Constructive comments are welcome.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America", is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. He can be reached for comment at mailto:info@narlo.org.
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There were two polar-opposite happenings created out of the industrial revolution. First, capital was created at an unprecedented rate and the using of that capital for political purposes became commonplace, leading to massive corruption. Some have said that there was so much capital in the hands of an elite few, they could buy the presidency ..... or have one assassinated. Second and far worse, workers were being treated inhumanly, as if they were beasts of burden.
Throughout history, injustices have always created movements acting against those injustices. That a movement would rise against industrial revolution abuses was a foregone conclusion and about circa 1890 that movement became known as Progressivism. The movement's goals were to eliminate waste and corruption in government and bring efficiency to government practices. Its parallel goals were to support worker's compensation, child labor laws, minimum wage legislation, daily and weekly labor limits, a graduated income tax and allowing women to vote. With one exception, it is hard to argue that most of what the movement wanted were positive social goals, depending on your perspective. The exception was the graduated income tax, which we will go into later. It is also hard to argue that the movement was directly responsible for the centralization and increase in federal power to achieve those goals.
According to historian William Leuchtenburg: "The Progressives believed in the Hamiltonian concept of positive government, of a national government directing the destinies of the nation at home and abroad. They had contempt for the strict construction of the Constitution by conservative judges, who would restrict the power of the national government to act against social evils and to extend the blessings of democracy to less favored lands. The [Progressive's] real enemy was 'particularism', state rights and limited government."
After over 100 years of Progressivism, they still have contempt for the strict construction of the Constitution and they hate conservative judges. Most of the movement's goals have been realized, with the exception of eliminating waste, fraud, abuse and corruption in government and greater government efficiency. Thanks to Progressivism, we now have a very powerful, centralized, in-efficient, hopelessly in debt, corrupt federal government who directs every aspect of our lives on the guise of social and now environmental justice.
But like most movements, the original goals, once realized, were never enough. Progressives have built up enormous political power through the electorate and like all people with power, they want more. The way to get more power is to "buy off" more voters with social promises without regard to the financial consequences and demean and demonize those who oppose them.
Those that hold the Progressive mindset have been hugely successful and have brought a majority of the people, most of government, academia, public education and the news media into the fold. Unfortunately, a free and prosperous people have paid an enormous price in the open and notorious assault on their liberties and the exponential rise in federal debt.
However, a surprising reversal took place in the presidential election of 2016, but that reversal may have a short life span because the Progressive side of the political spectrum has the majority votes, thanks to 100 plus years of institutionalized Progressivism.
But one of the questions of the Progressive movement was how to pay for all the federal social programs that had been and would be passed into law, or by bureaucratic rule making. The old constitutional ways of taxation would not produce enough revenue to pay for a growing federal entitlement budget.
Prior to the 16th Amendment, excise taxes and duties were the primary sources of revenue to pay for federal government operations, in compliance with constitutional mandates. But government has been trying for 204 years to get around those constitutional limits and even proposed an income tax to fund the war of 1812. Fortunately, the tax was never implemented.
During the Civil War, Congress passed an income tax provision to fund that war. The tax started out at 3% on $800 of income and then was quickly raised to 5% on income over $600 in the following year. Surprisingly, the Congress let the Civil War Tax expire in 1872.
But after the expiration of the Civil War tax, the call for a graduated income tax became the rallying cry of the Greenback movement, the Labor Reform Party, the Populist Party and the Democrat Party. In 1887, the Socialist Labor Party jumped on board as well. The Democrat Party succeeded in passing the income tax law of 1894 and proposed an income tax amendment in their 1908 party platform. With Democrats in control of Congress and with the help of some very prominent industrialists and bankers, a graduated income tax Amendment to the Constitution was passed in 1909 and later ratified in 1913 by Congress and the states. The 16th Amendment authorized the creation of the Federal Reserve and Internal Revenue Service, in spite of constitutional prohibitions. (Government never has enough money to fund all the "great" things it wants to do and never misses an opportunity to raise taxes.)
Private bankers staff the Federal Reserve. They owe no concrete allegiance to the federal government, with the exception that the President gets to appoint the seven members of the Board of Governors for 14 years. The Board of Governors, unilaterally, determines Federal Reserve Policy without Congressional oversight, or audit. They can print money and then loan it to the federal government at interest. To make sure that those massive loans were collateralized, the 16th Amendment indentured the people of America, whose lifetime incomes became that collateral through the graduated income tax, enforced by the Gestapo-like Internal Revenue Service and its code of 74,000 pages of regulations. Once again, liberty was diminished by the Progressives.
Hopefully, it has not gone unnoticed that the Democrats, Progressives, socialists and labor parties have all been primary advocates for a graduated income tax to pay for all the social programs they have invented ..... to buy votes. The creation of the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service has essentially turned American taxpayers into indentured debt servants for an ever more powerful, growing federal government. The fact is ladies and gentlemen, "You Are An Involuntary Servant to Almighty Government" but 90% of the American people don't realize it, or don't care, especially if they are receiving the lush benefits from our government who is over generous with "our" money. In the land of the free and home of the brave, being "an involuntary servant to almighty government" is a contradiction of every principle of unalienable rights and individual freedom.
Which takes us to the Number 3 Punch, the Great Depression. What really caused a nation to plunge into economic chaos? From the "Foundation for Economic Education" we learned that:
"The Great Depression created a widespread misconception that market economies are inherently unstable and must be managed by the government to avoid large macro-economic fluctuations, that is, business cycles. This view persists to this day despite the more than 40 years since Milton Friedman and Anna Jacobson Schwartz showed convincingly that the Federal Reserve’s monetary policies were largely to blame for the severity of the Great Depression. In 2002 Ben Bernanke made this startling admission in a speech given in honor of Friedman’s 90th birthday: 'I would like to say to Milton and Anna: Regarding the Great Depression, you’re right. We did it. We’re very sorry.'"
Ben Bernanke is sorry?!!! Well good for him! When will the people learn that when government starts "tweaking", the people should be freaking ..... out. To the detriment of every American's freedom and pocket book, government is "tweaking" all the time.
The Great Depression, a Federal Reserve caused event, plunged America not only into economic chaos and over 20% unemployment, bread lines, the loss of the gold standard and virtually national bankruptcy, it plunged Americans ever deeper into the socialism that the Progressives have been preaching and longing for since 1890. One could easily conclude that the Great Depression was created on purpose to further enslave the people to government.
Besides the many programs of FDR's New Deal that included government subsidies for just about everyone, including the farmers, Democrat Progressives, under the 12-year reign of FDR, first or second dictator of America, (Wilson may have been the first) gave us going-broke Social Security and made Americans ever more dependent on government, a Progressive's and Keynesian economic professor's dream come true. (Later, Democrats would add the Great Society, Medicare, Medicaid and Obama Care to the Progressive mix, making Americans even more dependent and more in debt.)
In contrast and long overdue, the presidential election of November 8th, 2016 was a repudiation of Obama, Clinton and everything else Progressive. The failures and corruption of a Progressive government were on the ballot that day and they lost to a breath of fresh air called freedom, in the embodiment of a brash billionaire, a ferocious, plain speaking, irredeemable government outsider, with a mandate to "drain the swamp."
Nanny government was soundly defeated that day, at least from an Electoral College perspective. It remains to be seen whether that breath of fresh air will last, or will be overwhelmed again by the putrid, anti-American smell of Progressivism, or worse, maybe even fascism.
Through Progressivism, America has evolved into a mob Democracy, without any regard to constitutional limits, a mostly ignorant, greedy mob that has neither the mental capacity nor the interest to discern whether government is their enemy, or their friend. Almost every person over 70 knows instinctively that government is always a dreaded enemy if allowed to go unchecked. The Constitution was supposed to be that check on power but only if the people held the government to the mandates of that Constitution.
But now the fate of America is left in the hands of the people under 70, who for a least three generations, have been steeped in a noxious brew of never-ending Progressivism.
It remains to be seen whether the "One, Two, Three Punch" we have described in this article, has "Doomed America's Constitutional Republic" forever, or whether there is a chance to reverse course. That chance would have been lost forever if Hillary Clinton had been elected president. Progressivism would have been irreversibly entrenched in government and the entire body politic, until a violent revolution dismantled it, a revolution that always occurs when government sets its sights on "absolute power", as have the Progressives for the last 126 years.
If you LIKED this article, let us know. Constructive comments are welcome.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America", is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. He can be reached for comment at mailto:info@narlo.org.
"In Wyoming, They Despise Politicians at the Circle P”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, November 20, 2016 - All Rights Reserved
Dawn was breaking over the Circle P in Western Wyoming. The Sun had just barely broken above the East horizon and the growing light cast an eerie pinkish glow on the Grand Tetons. A few puffy clouds lingered at the top of the peaks but would soon disappear from the Sun's rising heat. The sky was not yet blue. The deciduous trees on the hillside had already turned to several shades of yellow and orange but appeared in dark tones because of the early morning light. Winter was just around the corner.
The valley below the ranch house was still shrouded in a low ground fog. A horse's rump and head without any legs and a hundred fence-post tops in a row appeared above the fog, like a pastel picture only half painted.
John Pantrell stretched his arms into the air as he drank in the morning scene from the picture window of their ranch house. As he slowly lowered his arms, Jenny, John's wife, still in her robe, snuggled under one of his arms in a sideways hug and shared the beauty of the new day that was just now presenting itself to the Pantrell's of Wyoming. John and Jenny could but linger for a short while in the rapture of the moment. There was much work to be done before the Sun would set again on the Circle P. Jenny broke away from their hug to wake up their two children and then headed for the kitchen. John started towards the bathroom to shave and get dressed.
John was a fifth generation Wyoming rancher. He had inherited their eleven hundred-acre cattle ranch from a long-line of independent, self-reliant, tough pioneer stock Pantrells, born and bred from the days of the old West. John and Jenny met in high school and a loving bond between them was forged almost instantly. Jenny was the daughter of another long-time Wyoming rancher. Both were the product of the American free spirit, who daily stared adversity in the face and pressed forward, no matter what was in their way.
White smoke was already billowing from the stack on the bunkhouse. The cowboys of the Circle P were getting ready for a long day in the saddle. A good portion of the herd was in the upper pastures and had to be brought down to the lower valley. The upper pastures would soon be covered in several feet of snow and they could lose part of the herd should they delay the drive much longer. And there were still some calves that needed branding.
Not one person on the Circle P was giving any thought to what was going on in the Capitol of Wyoming, much less Washington DC. There was a job to be done, a nation to be fed and no one in either Capitol would or could help John and Jenny with that job. If anything, the people in those capitols, with their "finger" on the legislative and regulation trigger, could only make John and Jenny's job that much harder because of the draconian laws and regulations they have or would pass, laws that only affected rural landowners and the food producers of America. Each law and regulation these arrogant "suits" passed, only drove the cost of food higher and made it more difficult for the independent farmers and ranchers to stay in business.
If the truth was known, most of the farmers and ranchers of America despise politicians and government. They don't want or need government help. They just want to be left alone, like millions of other Americans.
John and Jenny have to rely on their skill, accumulated experience, knowledge and inherited wisdom and they can only hope that will be enough to save them from the ravages of what Mother Nature can throw at them, without warning, at any time. Hot dry spells, gully washers, wind storms, long snowy winters, pest infections and low crop yields were and are, an annual reality ..... anyone of which could wipe out the meager profits they hoped to achieve each year ..... anyone of which could make it difficult to pay the bank loans they take out between crop and herd payoffs.
The characteristics bred into the John's and Jenny's of Wyoming, living free, along with all the other men and women in all the states who feed this nation, are the backbone of her soul. They are the front line against the raw fury of the weather and the land that try to thwart these brave Americans from completing the vital work they do. When they lose, they endure. When they win, they share.
These people don't have to be plucked off of rooftops after a blizzard, a windstorm, or a tornado by government. If in trouble they help each other. If one is down, the others come to their rescue. When times are good, they celebrate. When times are bad, they get to work. That stark contrast between good times and bad times forges a kind of American that is strong, resilient, self-reliant and fiercely independent, like the Americans of yesteryear.
All other Americans, along with millions of men, women and children around the world, owe their very lives to the inherited strength and perseverance of American men and women, like John and Jenny, who choose to challenge nature and extract from it the sustenance, without which none of us could live.
True Americans live in all of the Western States, not just Wyoming. But it is the hard, tough, independent countenance of those who choose to live out their lives on the high plateau or valleys of a wild land that put food on our tables. They carry the scars of battle with nature and proudly wear the badge of liberty at any cost. This stalwart character is the backbone of those brave Americans who choose to challenge the land, the weather and the government to grow the food and the livestock that feed us all. This being Thanksgiving week, each of us owes a debt of gratitude and thanks to the farmers and ranchers of America for the plentiful bounty on our tables.
Like many Americans who make their living from the land, the Pantells thought they could live their lives without interference from their government as the Constitution promises, but they were wrong. John and Jenny and every landowner in America must face that intractable enemy government, "who erect a multitude of new offices and send hither swarms of officers to harass us and eat out our substance." (See "I Must Keep Running")
Unfortunately, the government and the environmentalists will not leave them alone. But then, could a bunch of educated idiots, dressed in dark suits, in a far off city, inhabited by a crowd of dependent free loaders, be any tougher to tackle than what Mother Nature has been throwing at them for their entire lives?
Should American ranchers and farmers collectively turn their attention away from the weather and the land for awhile, and towards the government that now haunts them, the government would be wise to put their ears to the ground and listen for the hoof beats of an angry four horsemen. (See "Session or War - American West Against the East")
Like most of the seventeen Western States, strong individuals inhabit the state of Wyoming, individuals that are imbued with an indomitable spirit, a spirit forged from adversity. Over 70% of the people in all but one county in Wyoming, voted for Trump. Only 22% voted for Hillary Clinton and those 22% came from the government workers that manage Yellowstone National Park in Teton County.
In fact, most of the Western States, all the way up to the Pacific coast mountain range, voted for Trump. There are exceptions of course in those states with a large illegal alien and Latino population in the big cities of New Mexico and Colorado, or those who smoke pot.
But cross over that mountain range to the coastal cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland and Seattle and you will find a cesspool of government dependency and an ingrained Progressive-Liberal-Democrat mentality. They are the ones that want legalized marijuana, government handouts, $15.00 minimum wages, free health care, free college tuition and sanctuary cities. They don't care who has to pay for those handouts or the illegal aliens and in their minds they believe the handouts are their "unalienable" right. These big-city coastal inhabitants in the West are the ones who voted for socialists Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. (See: "Big Cities Spawn Corrupt Socialists Like Hillary Clinton")
The valley below the ranch house was still shrouded in a low ground fog. A horse's rump and head without any legs and a hundred fence-post tops in a row appeared above the fog, like a pastel picture only half painted.
John Pantrell stretched his arms into the air as he drank in the morning scene from the picture window of their ranch house. As he slowly lowered his arms, Jenny, John's wife, still in her robe, snuggled under one of his arms in a sideways hug and shared the beauty of the new day that was just now presenting itself to the Pantrell's of Wyoming. John and Jenny could but linger for a short while in the rapture of the moment. There was much work to be done before the Sun would set again on the Circle P. Jenny broke away from their hug to wake up their two children and then headed for the kitchen. John started towards the bathroom to shave and get dressed.
John was a fifth generation Wyoming rancher. He had inherited their eleven hundred-acre cattle ranch from a long-line of independent, self-reliant, tough pioneer stock Pantrells, born and bred from the days of the old West. John and Jenny met in high school and a loving bond between them was forged almost instantly. Jenny was the daughter of another long-time Wyoming rancher. Both were the product of the American free spirit, who daily stared adversity in the face and pressed forward, no matter what was in their way.
White smoke was already billowing from the stack on the bunkhouse. The cowboys of the Circle P were getting ready for a long day in the saddle. A good portion of the herd was in the upper pastures and had to be brought down to the lower valley. The upper pastures would soon be covered in several feet of snow and they could lose part of the herd should they delay the drive much longer. And there were still some calves that needed branding.
Not one person on the Circle P was giving any thought to what was going on in the Capitol of Wyoming, much less Washington DC. There was a job to be done, a nation to be fed and no one in either Capitol would or could help John and Jenny with that job. If anything, the people in those capitols, with their "finger" on the legislative and regulation trigger, could only make John and Jenny's job that much harder because of the draconian laws and regulations they have or would pass, laws that only affected rural landowners and the food producers of America. Each law and regulation these arrogant "suits" passed, only drove the cost of food higher and made it more difficult for the independent farmers and ranchers to stay in business.
If the truth was known, most of the farmers and ranchers of America despise politicians and government. They don't want or need government help. They just want to be left alone, like millions of other Americans.
John and Jenny have to rely on their skill, accumulated experience, knowledge and inherited wisdom and they can only hope that will be enough to save them from the ravages of what Mother Nature can throw at them, without warning, at any time. Hot dry spells, gully washers, wind storms, long snowy winters, pest infections and low crop yields were and are, an annual reality ..... anyone of which could wipe out the meager profits they hoped to achieve each year ..... anyone of which could make it difficult to pay the bank loans they take out between crop and herd payoffs.
The characteristics bred into the John's and Jenny's of Wyoming, living free, along with all the other men and women in all the states who feed this nation, are the backbone of her soul. They are the front line against the raw fury of the weather and the land that try to thwart these brave Americans from completing the vital work they do. When they lose, they endure. When they win, they share.
These people don't have to be plucked off of rooftops after a blizzard, a windstorm, or a tornado by government. If in trouble they help each other. If one is down, the others come to their rescue. When times are good, they celebrate. When times are bad, they get to work. That stark contrast between good times and bad times forges a kind of American that is strong, resilient, self-reliant and fiercely independent, like the Americans of yesteryear.
All other Americans, along with millions of men, women and children around the world, owe their very lives to the inherited strength and perseverance of American men and women, like John and Jenny, who choose to challenge nature and extract from it the sustenance, without which none of us could live.
True Americans live in all of the Western States, not just Wyoming. But it is the hard, tough, independent countenance of those who choose to live out their lives on the high plateau or valleys of a wild land that put food on our tables. They carry the scars of battle with nature and proudly wear the badge of liberty at any cost. This stalwart character is the backbone of those brave Americans who choose to challenge the land, the weather and the government to grow the food and the livestock that feed us all. This being Thanksgiving week, each of us owes a debt of gratitude and thanks to the farmers and ranchers of America for the plentiful bounty on our tables.
Like many Americans who make their living from the land, the Pantells thought they could live their lives without interference from their government as the Constitution promises, but they were wrong. John and Jenny and every landowner in America must face that intractable enemy government, "who erect a multitude of new offices and send hither swarms of officers to harass us and eat out our substance." (See "I Must Keep Running")
Unfortunately, the government and the environmentalists will not leave them alone. But then, could a bunch of educated idiots, dressed in dark suits, in a far off city, inhabited by a crowd of dependent free loaders, be any tougher to tackle than what Mother Nature has been throwing at them for their entire lives?
Should American ranchers and farmers collectively turn their attention away from the weather and the land for awhile, and towards the government that now haunts them, the government would be wise to put their ears to the ground and listen for the hoof beats of an angry four horsemen. (See "Session or War - American West Against the East")
Like most of the seventeen Western States, strong individuals inhabit the state of Wyoming, individuals that are imbued with an indomitable spirit, a spirit forged from adversity. Over 70% of the people in all but one county in Wyoming, voted for Trump. Only 22% voted for Hillary Clinton and those 22% came from the government workers that manage Yellowstone National Park in Teton County.
In fact, most of the Western States, all the way up to the Pacific coast mountain range, voted for Trump. There are exceptions of course in those states with a large illegal alien and Latino population in the big cities of New Mexico and Colorado, or those who smoke pot.
But cross over that mountain range to the coastal cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland and Seattle and you will find a cesspool of government dependency and an ingrained Progressive-Liberal-Democrat mentality. They are the ones that want legalized marijuana, government handouts, $15.00 minimum wages, free health care, free college tuition and sanctuary cities. They don't care who has to pay for those handouts or the illegal aliens and in their minds they believe the handouts are their "unalienable" right. These big-city coastal inhabitants in the West are the ones who voted for socialists Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. (See: "Big Cities Spawn Corrupt Socialists Like Hillary Clinton")
Sadly, there are more people who live in dependent big cities than those that live on the land. If they all voted, and one day they will, American will become a third-world socialist nation and there isn't one thing that rural America can do to stop it ..... except stop producing the food the big cities consume. Farmers and ranchers literally hold the power of life and death in their callused hands. One day they may have to use that power. If collectively, the agricultural and livestock producers of America withheld production for just one week, they could bring America to its knees.
America's "fly-over country" gives this warning to all politicians and bureaucrats who mistakenly believe that they are the aristocrats that have the divine, royal right and full legal authority to rule us. Whether it be the ranchers and farmers of the Western states, or the patriots who live urban or rural, millions of people, like the Wyoming Pantells, came for you on the night of November 8, 2016 to explain to you that you ARE NOT the law, nor are you ABOVE the law and your temporary authority comes from the states and the people. We told you that your corruption, double-dealing and backroom shenanigans would not stand. We told you that we would not accept a hopelessly corrupt, pathological liar to become president of the United States, even if she is a woman. We told you that a sovereign America comes first. We told you that we will seal America's borders and deport the illegal alien law breakers among us. We told you that this business-as-usual in a Progressive-socialist, one-world-order you have been trying to create can be broken up and sent to the scrap heap. And further, we told you that you are obligated to abide by the Constitution to which you swear on solemn oath to preserve, protect and defend, so help you God. We intend to hold you to that oath.
While we still are a free nation (sort of) American farmers and ranchers are in for a rough ride from local, state and federal bureaucracies and environmentalists. A President Trump may try to bring some relief but he can't fix all of what ails landowners overnight, or even in a four-year term. Nevertheless, it isn't time to throw in the towel yet. There are tools landowners can use to make that ride a little smoother. They can hold government at bay, confuse them, or stop them in their tracks with the right tools. As advocates for all American rural landowners for over 10 years, from Florida to Alaska, we have developed some of those effective tools. They can be found on our two websites. For rural landowners click HERE and for rural and urban dwellers click HERE. If you are a rural landowner, or even an urban dweller, you owe to it to yourself to check out these websites and gain the knowledge that can slow government down, hold them at bay, confuse them, or even stop them in their tracks, when they come calling. We know. We and other Americans have used these legal tools and have thwarted government actions with targeted resistance and without a high-paid lawyer.
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Our story about the Pantells of Wyoming is fictional, however the strong message of self-reliance, independence and freedom it delivers, is not.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
America's "fly-over country" gives this warning to all politicians and bureaucrats who mistakenly believe that they are the aristocrats that have the divine, royal right and full legal authority to rule us. Whether it be the ranchers and farmers of the Western states, or the patriots who live urban or rural, millions of people, like the Wyoming Pantells, came for you on the night of November 8, 2016 to explain to you that you ARE NOT the law, nor are you ABOVE the law and your temporary authority comes from the states and the people. We told you that your corruption, double-dealing and backroom shenanigans would not stand. We told you that we would not accept a hopelessly corrupt, pathological liar to become president of the United States, even if she is a woman. We told you that a sovereign America comes first. We told you that we will seal America's borders and deport the illegal alien law breakers among us. We told you that this business-as-usual in a Progressive-socialist, one-world-order you have been trying to create can be broken up and sent to the scrap heap. And further, we told you that you are obligated to abide by the Constitution to which you swear on solemn oath to preserve, protect and defend, so help you God. We intend to hold you to that oath.
While we still are a free nation (sort of) American farmers and ranchers are in for a rough ride from local, state and federal bureaucracies and environmentalists. A President Trump may try to bring some relief but he can't fix all of what ails landowners overnight, or even in a four-year term. Nevertheless, it isn't time to throw in the towel yet. There are tools landowners can use to make that ride a little smoother. They can hold government at bay, confuse them, or stop them in their tracks with the right tools. As advocates for all American rural landowners for over 10 years, from Florida to Alaska, we have developed some of those effective tools. They can be found on our two websites. For rural landowners click HERE and for rural and urban dwellers click HERE. If you are a rural landowner, or even an urban dweller, you owe to it to yourself to check out these websites and gain the knowledge that can slow government down, hold them at bay, confuse them, or even stop them in their tracks, when they come calling. We know. We and other Americans have used these legal tools and have thwarted government actions with targeted resistance and without a high-paid lawyer.
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Our story about the Pantells of Wyoming is fictional, however the strong message of self-reliance, independence and freedom it delivers, is not.
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America". Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/). Ron can be reached for comment HERE.
"The NARLO Chronicles"
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President
National Association of Rural Landowners (www.narlo.org)
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues for over 10 years
© Copyright Sunday, June 7, 2015, 2015 - All Rights Reserved
By Ron Ewart, President
National Association of Rural Landowners (www.narlo.org)
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues for over 10 years
© Copyright Sunday, June 7, 2015, 2015 - All Rights Reserved

For 10 years now, we have been writing a weekly column covering the thorny issues that Americans are facing every day. We have included valuable information, opinion, a little inspiration and have even made attempts to get people to act against growing government abuses to our individual, unalienable rights. Our focus has been on what is wrong in America and the dire problems she faces. We have added our voice to the tens of thousands of other purveyors of the conservative message. The problems we and other authors write about, are worthy of constant attention since it is only through repetition that our messages will finally sink into the general public where the power for true change lies.
However, after 10 years of focusing on the negative and trying to get people to respond to the negative with concrete action, it has become abundantly apparent that our singular efforts are having little effect. Consequently, we have decided to use our writing talents to focus on the positive where our readers can see that some individual or a small group has beaten our hopelessly corrupt and purposely complex systems and forced the government to turn tail and run.
Just about every movie we see focuses on a single individual that beats the odds and prevails against overwhelming forces. People love stories of Mountain men, trail blazers, wagon train masters, honest sheriffs that tame the town; pilots who defeat the enemy in the air with great flying skills; the hero that turns the tide of battle by heroic efforts; the citizen acting alone and at great personal risk exposes corruption; the mother who protects her young with strengths she never knew she had; or a David that vanquishes Goliath. We yearn to hear about the winner because wining is rare and life is so full of those that lose.
When we are up against an intractable and seemingly unbeatable enemy, we long to hear stories where the enemy has lost and the people have won. Sadly, the American government, at all levels, has become that enemy. These stories of victory give us hope and provide the motivation to continue on with our fight. Constantly focusing on the negative without solutions only makes us frustrated and robs us of our motivation and the will to fight. We need to know that someone has won. We need to know that someone went over the wall, or under the wall, or around the wall, or through the wall, using their main strength and awkwardness, or some specific tool that he or she discovered while working to right a wrong, or expose corruption, or to reverse an injustice.
All across this great land we know there are men and women who have challenged government abuses and unconstitutional law and came out the winner. Yes, these events are far fewer than the stories of those who lost their battle with government. Since government is now into every aspect of our lives, these challenges grow by the day and people seem to be losing every day to this onslaught. Nevertheless, a few are winning. The people and the government have become mortal enemies and it was never supposed to happen this way in a free and sovereign land. Government was supposed to be the servant, not the master. Government has become the master and the "servants" are growing restless ….. very restless! Some of the restless go after government and win.
In order to give these positive stories a voice, we have renamed our column "The NARLO Chronicles." It is to those stories of victory over tyranny we devote this column. The column will contain true stories of unsung heroes on the battlefield against government, their sacrifices, their losses and their victories, as immortalized in "The NARLO Chronicles." It is our full intent to inspire our readers rather than fill them with dread from all that has gone wrong in America.
If you have a story where you prevailed over government, or if you know of someone who took government on and won, we want to use our influence as a seasoned author to share these stories with our national audience. If you triumphed over the IRS, or the EPA, or the BLM, or a local or state government agency, please contact us. We want to bring your story to life.
To that end, we have created a "CHRONCILES" web page on the NARLO website that provides the details of how you, or someone you know, can share their victory with every day people throughout America, using our column. We intend that these stories not only provide a human-interest slant, but also share what tools or methods the individual used to win. We are currently working on a story where an individual poked his finger in the eye of the IRS and pulled out a stunning victory. He studied the law and used it against them.
America needs these stories at this pivotal time in its history. Help us bring these great stories of heroism and victory to a wide national audience and start injecting real hope into the people of America, instead of a daily barrage of negativity, doom and gloom. Please join with us in breathing life into "The NARLO Chronicles." Forward this article to your list, or put the word out on Facebook and Twitter. Let's get some positive energy flowing through America again. The American people aren't losers they are winners and it is way past time to start winning again.
Finally, we are pulling back on our weekly column and publishing two articles per month, one covering the usual subjects we have been hitting for the last 10 years and the second article will be taken from the annals of "The NARLO Chronicles." An archives web page has been created on the NARLO website HERE and each NARLO Chronicle article will be uploaded to that page, referenced by title and date. An archive of previous articles we have written under the "In Defense of Rural America" banner is still available HERE.
None of this will detour us from continuing to be an advocate for the American rural landowner, as delineated in our highly informational website, the "National Association of Rural Landowners," (NARLO)
Life is a fight, ladies and gentlemen, a fight to stay alive and a fight to keep others from taking your life, your possessions, or your liberty from you. The fight is eternal and gets even harder when we let apathy, indifference and ignorance replace awareness, knowledge and wisdom in our lives. We can win this battle, but like all battles, it "ain't" easy. We may even have to call upon the:
"Life Force Within Us"
"In all living things a life force resides.
The will to survive is paramount.
Living is a battle and you have to take sides,
For to do otherwise, the soul that is you will not count."
Read the full poem "The Life Force Within Me"
By Ron Ewart
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, representatives, employees, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America", is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (http://www.narlo.org) an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners and a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State. He can be reached for comment at: info@narlo.org.
However, after 10 years of focusing on the negative and trying to get people to respond to the negative with concrete action, it has become abundantly apparent that our singular efforts are having little effect. Consequently, we have decided to use our writing talents to focus on the positive where our readers can see that some individual or a small group has beaten our hopelessly corrupt and purposely complex systems and forced the government to turn tail and run.
Just about every movie we see focuses on a single individual that beats the odds and prevails against overwhelming forces. People love stories of Mountain men, trail blazers, wagon train masters, honest sheriffs that tame the town; pilots who defeat the enemy in the air with great flying skills; the hero that turns the tide of battle by heroic efforts; the citizen acting alone and at great personal risk exposes corruption; the mother who protects her young with strengths she never knew she had; or a David that vanquishes Goliath. We yearn to hear about the winner because wining is rare and life is so full of those that lose.
When we are up against an intractable and seemingly unbeatable enemy, we long to hear stories where the enemy has lost and the people have won. Sadly, the American government, at all levels, has become that enemy. These stories of victory give us hope and provide the motivation to continue on with our fight. Constantly focusing on the negative without solutions only makes us frustrated and robs us of our motivation and the will to fight. We need to know that someone has won. We need to know that someone went over the wall, or under the wall, or around the wall, or through the wall, using their main strength and awkwardness, or some specific tool that he or she discovered while working to right a wrong, or expose corruption, or to reverse an injustice.
All across this great land we know there are men and women who have challenged government abuses and unconstitutional law and came out the winner. Yes, these events are far fewer than the stories of those who lost their battle with government. Since government is now into every aspect of our lives, these challenges grow by the day and people seem to be losing every day to this onslaught. Nevertheless, a few are winning. The people and the government have become mortal enemies and it was never supposed to happen this way in a free and sovereign land. Government was supposed to be the servant, not the master. Government has become the master and the "servants" are growing restless ….. very restless! Some of the restless go after government and win.
In order to give these positive stories a voice, we have renamed our column "The NARLO Chronicles." It is to those stories of victory over tyranny we devote this column. The column will contain true stories of unsung heroes on the battlefield against government, their sacrifices, their losses and their victories, as immortalized in "The NARLO Chronicles." It is our full intent to inspire our readers rather than fill them with dread from all that has gone wrong in America.
If you have a story where you prevailed over government, or if you know of someone who took government on and won, we want to use our influence as a seasoned author to share these stories with our national audience. If you triumphed over the IRS, or the EPA, or the BLM, or a local or state government agency, please contact us. We want to bring your story to life.
To that end, we have created a "CHRONCILES" web page on the NARLO website that provides the details of how you, or someone you know, can share their victory with every day people throughout America, using our column. We intend that these stories not only provide a human-interest slant, but also share what tools or methods the individual used to win. We are currently working on a story where an individual poked his finger in the eye of the IRS and pulled out a stunning victory. He studied the law and used it against them.
America needs these stories at this pivotal time in its history. Help us bring these great stories of heroism and victory to a wide national audience and start injecting real hope into the people of America, instead of a daily barrage of negativity, doom and gloom. Please join with us in breathing life into "The NARLO Chronicles." Forward this article to your list, or put the word out on Facebook and Twitter. Let's get some positive energy flowing through America again. The American people aren't losers they are winners and it is way past time to start winning again.
Finally, we are pulling back on our weekly column and publishing two articles per month, one covering the usual subjects we have been hitting for the last 10 years and the second article will be taken from the annals of "The NARLO Chronicles." An archives web page has been created on the NARLO website HERE and each NARLO Chronicle article will be uploaded to that page, referenced by title and date. An archive of previous articles we have written under the "In Defense of Rural America" banner is still available HERE.
None of this will detour us from continuing to be an advocate for the American rural landowner, as delineated in our highly informational website, the "National Association of Rural Landowners," (NARLO)
Life is a fight, ladies and gentlemen, a fight to stay alive and a fight to keep others from taking your life, your possessions, or your liberty from you. The fight is eternal and gets even harder when we let apathy, indifference and ignorance replace awareness, knowledge and wisdom in our lives. We can win this battle, but like all battles, it "ain't" easy. We may even have to call upon the:
"Life Force Within Us"
"In all living things a life force resides.
The will to survive is paramount.
Living is a battle and you have to take sides,
For to do otherwise, the soul that is you will not count."
Read the full poem "The Life Force Within Me"
By Ron Ewart
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NOTE: The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, representatives, employees, or agents of the publisher.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America", is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (http://www.narlo.org) an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners and a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State. He can be reached for comment at: info@narlo.org.